#hey look an actual ficlet this time omg
miasmaghoul · 1 year
MIASMA i am having thoughts right now. thoughts about dew cutting his finger open three songs in, and aeon gettin all predatory bc he smells blood, and cornering dew backstage so he can get those fingers in his mouth and lick at the wound until it opens back up again, getting all his sweaty fingers in his mouth and licking them clean
He's amazed he can smell it over the stink of the crowd.
Quintessence ghouls are extra sensitive to scent, and the peppermint oil Mountain had given him for the inside of his balaclava wore off halfway through Kaisarion. Too many bodies in too little space, the stench of humanity - sweat and tears and the heady aroma of adoration - filling his nostrils.
But here they are, barely through the intro to Faith, and all Aeon can smell is smoke-tinged copper.
It's all he can focus on, fingers moving on autopilot while he tracks Dew across the stage. The tick of his earpiece makes his eye twitch, but he doesn't blink. Can't, not when he catches that flash of red on the other ghoul's right pinky.
It's barely a nick, but it's enough. Enough to have Aeon's mouth watering, fangs shimmering through his glamour as he imagines lapping up the few drops of crimson decorating Dew's finger. So lost in it that he misses his next cue, fumbles a handful of notes and earns a hoot from his side of the stage.
It doesn't matter. Nether does the curious look he gets from Rain, nor the chuckle from Swiss. Nothing matters but the little ghoul on the other side of the stage, fingering his way through a flawless solo. Aeon growls to himself when he finishes, watching Dew move to wipe his messy hand on his pants.
He pauses at the last second, though. Turns his head, stage lights glinting in his lenses. Aeon's growl ratchets up a notch when Dew stares over at him, fingers twitching against his fretboard. He can just make out the burning orange of the other ghoul's eyes.
He gives Aeon a finger wave with his stained pinky, and Aeon swears Dew smiles behind his balaclava.
The rest of the show barely registers, a mindless drone of guitars and drums and the shrieks of their congregation. He watches Dew through it all, playing on memory alone while a very specific hunger gnaws at his stomach. He's drooling down his chin by the end of Square Hammer, chest rumbling in a growl that is utterly beyond his control.
Aeon slithers his way through the lineup when it comes time for bows, and there is nothing kind about the way he grips Dew's sweaty hand.
He smells even better up close. Like burnt cinnamon, bitter salt and heat-warped metal. He doesn't let go after they bow, and the little ghoul doesn't fight when Aeon drags him backstage before he's even fully upright.
It's nothing to pull him though the halls, past crew and venue staff. Dew bitches when he stumbles, trips over his boots, but Aeon pays it no mind. He's too busy shoving his way into the green room. Too busy flinging Dew against the wall. Too busy bullying him into the corner as he rips his mask off, snarling behind his face covering while the little ghoul stares through his lenses.
Dew definitely smiles this time. His tongue pokes though his balaclava as he licks his lips, and Aeon's eyes dart after it.
"Did you need something?" Dew tries to taunt, but it's just breathless enough to raise the hairs on the back of Aeon's neck.
"Give it to me," he orders, low and demanding, and the little ghoul's head thuds back against the wall. Dew can't hide the way his chest heaves or the way his shoulders slump.
"Why don't you make me?"
Oh, Aeon is going to bite.
He grips Dew's wrist with a snarl, long fingers digging into the soaked fabric of his compression shirt when he yanks it up. Dew gasps at the force, but Aeon pays him no mind. Too focused on the tiny red line just below the first knuckle of Dew's little finger.
"It's not bleeding," he complains, dragging his nose along the outside of Dew's hand. His tongue follows it, and Aeon's mouth is flooded with salt and the metallic tang of guitar strings. Dew shivers.
"It was just a scratch," he says with a shrug, trying for casual and landing on shaky. "Guess you missed out."
Aeon smiles.
"I can fix that."
In a flash his fangs appear, and before Dew can so much as blink Aeon's dragging one along that cut. Deeper than his string had sliced. Deep enough to make the little ghoul hiss.
Deep enough to pour ruby red ecstacy into Aeon's waiting mouth.
Dew swears under his breath when Aeon laves a hungry tongue over the wound. Sweat and blood mingle on his tastebuds, a singular, intoxicating combination that has his stomach aching and his cock filling out against his zipper. It tastes so much sweeter than he'd imagined, and it's impossible not to take all of Dew's finger in his mouth and suck.
Dew groans, grabbing a fistful of Aeon's vest. Aeon stares him down while he indulges, violet boring into molten orange. Dew's eyes are so wide behind his mask, but he winces when Aeon licks at the cut he caused. It's the smallest reaction, blink and you'd miss it, but Aeon catches every moment.
All too soon the bloodflow stops, and Aeon pulls Dew's finger from his mouth with a wet pop. A string of red-tinged saliva connects it to his tongue, and he can see the way Dew hones on it.
"Tasty," Aeon coos, kissing the tip of Dew's pinky. He trails warm lips down the little ghoul's quivering hand, nipping at pronounced veins along the way. He licks at the inside of Dew's wrist, teases thin skin with sharp fangs. "Think I could drink you dry, firecracker."
Dew can't hide the way his hips twitch.
"Then maybe you should try."
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
omg hi-- can you do 89 for the writing prompts thingy? it made me almost laugh out loud at work & i think twould be very funny so !!<3
(also you are doing so good & i am loving what you're writing !!!!)
HI! This one is hilarious and I am so amused by the versions I've already read: 89. "YOU SENT ME PICTURES OF YOU NAKED WHILE I WAS IN A WORK MEETING!"
Rated M | tags: mention of nude pictures, language, allusions to sex, this is borderline a crack ficlet because it's funny and absurd, modern au, rockstar eddie, corroded coffin guys
Steve hadn't moved from bed all morning, couldn't even try at this point.
He was a little sore from Eddie's homecoming last night, but that was to be expected when he'd been gone for a month.
But he could accomplish a lot in bed, even if Eddie had to go to some stupid meeting this morning with the band.
The photographic evidence of all the things he could accomplish were sent and Steve was just waiting for the hilarious emoji response that was sure to come.
But minutes went by and he got nothing.
Eddie had definitely seen the pictures, the little 'Read 10:06am' popup under the set of four images showing he'd seen them immediately.
By 10:15, Steve was sitting up in bed, biting his nails, a nervous habit he'd picked up during his senior year of college and hadn't been able to kick.
His phone started buzzing, Eddie's contact photo filling the screen.
"No, I sent you four pictures of me naked while you were in a work meeting," Steve replied, smirking to himself.
"And you didn't think that maybe that wasn't the best idea? That maybe someone sitting next to me, or two someones sitting next to me, might see these pictures? That thought didn't occur to you?" Eddie sounded mad.
Which was something Steve wasn't used to.
No matter what, Eddie was never mad at him. He'd never raised his voice, never ignored him on purpose, never done anything to show anger.
Except now.
Steve bit his lip, pulling the covers over himself and curling into a ball.
Eddie sighed.
Steve could picture him running a hand over his face, tugging on his hair, closing his eyes, all the things he did when he was stressed.
"You look beautiful, Stevie, okay? I'm just, I'm stressed and the meeting was really important and our producer saw them. He's such a creep, and then Jeff accidentally saw them when he heard my phone vibrate, and he won't even look at me now, and it's just not good timing."
Steve nodded to himself. He probably should have thought about that, but honestly, he was so high on having Eddie back, he didn't consider much of anything beyond showing off how his morning was going.
"I'm sorry, Eds."
Steve wasn't crying, it was clear that Eddie wasn't actually mad at him, but his voice still came out a bit broken, a bit sad.
"Sweetheart, I promise I'm not mad about it. I'm gonna be home soon and I'll show you just how much I loved the pictures, okay?"
"Okay." Steve smiled to himself. "Maybe we could take some new ones together?"
"What, and send them to Jeff? He might leave the band," Eddie joked.
Joking was good, it was their baseline. Steve could handle joking.
"As if he hasn't been sneaking looks at my ass for years."
"Hey!" Jeff's voice yelled in the background. "It happened, like, twice!"
Steve giggled.
"It's okay, bud, it's very distracting," Eddie said to Jeff. "Let me just grab some coffee with the guys and then I'll be home to take care of you."
Steve let out a moan, tried to hide it in his pillow.
Eddie wasn't mad, but Steve heard the tone of his voice, knew exactly how he'd be taken care of when Eddie got home.
"I was gonna get dressed and go to the store," Steve lied.
"You won't. You'll stay right there." A door closed as Eddie spoke and Steve knew he'd just found a room to talk to him privately. "You won't put any clothes on, and you'll stay in bed with your fingers keeping you ready for me just like in that third picture you sent me."
Steve was gonna scream.
"But I was gonna run errands..."
"You aren't going anywhere until I've made up for the last month. We'll have food delivered. Got it?"
"Got it."
"Good." The door opened. "Do you want me to bring you any coffee?"
Steve snorted. "Nope, I think you'll keep me awake just fine."
"Why do you even have him on speaker right now?" Gareth's voice said, faked annoyance in his tone.
"Because I have my hands full!"
"We know!" everyone yelled.
"Not like that!" Eddie yelled back. Then, "Okay, a little like that."
"See you soon, baby," Steve smiled into the phone. "Sorry about the pictures."
"You can say you're sorry when I get home," Eddie replied. "Love you."
"Love you too."
When Steve ended the call, he was sent a steady stream of texts:
Jeff: i swear i don't look at your ass. it's a nice one tho
Gareth: literally i don't wanna look at eddie anymore please make him come home now
Gareth: seriously please he doesn't need coffee he's already annoying
Grant: that's a good angle
Eds: be home soon 😉
An image came through a few seconds later, one that was clearly taken while he was talking to Steve, probably when he hid in a room.
It was just a dark shot of Eddie's crotch, pants unbuttoned and unzipped, showing absolutely nothing.
Steve shook his head and replied: you're not very good at this. love you though.
He would just have to show Eddie how to get a good angle for his next attempt at sending something suggestive.
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kinnbig · 1 year
75 standing on your tippy toes, frustrated you can't reach your lover's lips
with Ken and Pol? Sorry, the thought of this made me giggle. :')
and only if you want to of course! <3
fjckdkajfjsj omg I can’t lie, this one took some wrangling - but it was so much fun, thank you!
“Maybe if you weren’t so freakishly tall,” Ken laughs, as Pol manages to hit his head for what might be the fifth time on the archway into the little alcove they’re all huddled in, “then this shit wouldn’t keep happening to you.”
Pol smiles good-naturedly and takes a sip of his beer. “I’m not that tall.”
“No, he’s right,” Arm says, “you are a bit freakishly tall.”
It seems to offend Pol more, coming from Arm.
“Maybe you guys are just freakishly short!”
Ken snorts. “What, all of us?”
“Yeah!” Pol says defiantly—and then, gesturing with his bottle between Arm, Big, and Ken—“well, some of you. Who’s actually the shortest?”
Ken says, “We’re all about the same height,” at the same time as both Arm and Big say,
Ken glares. “Fuck you guys.”
“You’re not that short, though,” Arm says. “You’re probably the same height as Pol’s ex was. Pol had to bend right down to kiss him, or he had to stand on his tip-toes.”
Pol laughs. “Oh yeah! I’d forgotten - was he really only Ken’s height? I remember him as taller.”
“Oi,” Ken grumbles, “I’m not that short. I wouldn’t have to stand on my tip-toes to kiss Pol!”
Big huffs a laugh. “I bet you would.”
“Fuck off, no I wouldn’t.”
Arm grins, leaning forward in his chair. “Well, there’s only one way to find out.”
Ken downs the rest of his beer in one and stands up jerkily.
“Fine,” he says, sauntering up to Pol with as much cockiness as he can muster, “I’ll prove it.”
Pol grins. “Come on then.” He tilts his face, offering Ken his cheek.
“I’m not kissing your cheek,” Ken snipes. “I’m not a fucking prude.”
He looks up at Pol.
Pol looks down at him.
Ken tries to lean in.
“Fuck,” he mumbles, “why are you so tall?”
He surges up, shifting his weight onto the balls of his feet and trying (and failing) to reach Pol’s grinning mouth.
“Hey,” Big interjects, “you’re definitely on your tip-toes right now.”
“I’m not!” Ken insists, even though he is.
Pol laughs. “Aw,” he says, giving Ken’s head a brief, patronising pat. Ken lunges at him and he darts back, giggling.
Ken flips him off. “I’d still win in a fight.”
“Sure, nong. If you say so.”
send me a kiss prompt number and a pairing and I’ll write a tiny ficlet! 💕
more kiss prompt ficlets
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raayllum · 1 year
yeah my bad, honestly forgot that he was half asian (I have not interacted w the show or fandom in a while, so thats on me tbh), but I definitely agree with your input. I know that Callum is the main character, so he’s going to get more love and attention, same as Rayla, especially since Rayllum is the main couple (not dissing on them or the ship ofc) but it really upsets me when I look for art/fics of Ezran he’s either A) with Callum or B) in the background of something Rayllum related and in fics i rarely ever see solo fics of just him, he’s either in the background of rayllum or being their therapist or something like that
TDP has done a good job when it comes to portraying their characters of color, and its nice to see POC in positions of power for once (Harrow, Ez, Janai, Anaya, Kasef, etc), I just wish that the fandom as a whole would do the same thing yknow?
I’ll get out of your askbox for now, but this was definitely something that was weighing on me for a while lol
Omg you're all good! That's actually why I've run two Ezran Appreciation Weeks (although I still need to finish my fics for the second one, but life got unexpectedly super busy) and why I use the tag Ezran centric for fics that well, focus primarily on him and his relationships, rather than him being in a supportive or background role. I still wanna write a fic about him and Janai (maybe I can work it into a speculative S5 piece, since it seems like maybe we'll get to see them on screen together, and they had a Lot of parallels in S4).
But yeah there are definitely people in the fandom who aren't open to critique in how they treat Ezran. I once pointed out that hey, most of the time when his character is incorrectly tagged in a post, it's almost always in relation to his brother. Did not go over well, but I don't really care. It was still worth saying (and hopefully people will think a bit more thoughtfully about it too).
We could definitely all do more; I do my best to put dents in it when I can, but with varying degrees of success I'm sure
List of Ezran focused fics for anyone who wants em! (to the dashboard, i know i've missed some, so please feel free to add 'em)
Ezran appreciation week day 1: animals
3 shot collection on AO3
Ezran dealing with possessed Callum (post s4)
Opeli & Ezran drabble 1
Ezran & Rayla oneshot
Opeli & Ezran oneshot + future oneshots
Chessmaster Ezran oneshot
i hope i wake up young again: Soren is the “best crownguard,” ten years in the making. Ezran&Soren, 3.7k
if i am the king: then you have to let me go.“ Ezran and Corvus make their way back to Katolis, times three. 3.2k
ezran contemplates viren’s death
ezran and ethari’s first meeting (pre s4)
will not be denied: Per the monarchs of old, King Ezran is visited by Lady Justice in a dream. 1.5k, Ezran centric
can my eyes rest: otherwise known as how many autistic Ezran headcanons can I fit into one ficlet
Other relevant tags perhaps: autistic!Ezran, let Ezran be messy, chessmaster ezran, ezran's council, ezris (for ezran/ellis) and ezran x aanya, ezranedit
Upcoming Ezran projects:
Canon divergent Ezran & Kasef focused oneshot
why is it a monster: Ezran finds Aaravos' mirror first.
Ezran oneshots/drabbles about missing Rayla during the timeskip; feelings about his mother's death; bonding with Ibis in 3x09; etc.
Aforementioned Janai&Ezran parallels piece
great responsibility: Modern AU. Ezran gets bit by a radioactive spider. feat. Rayla as his boxing trainer and Callum as an overprotective big brother while he becomes the superhero he's destined to be
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kakyoingdom · 3 years
hey i found out how yo ask:D now my request is praise kink,daddy kink and orgasm denial +3+ madara and hashirama
The Lucky Ficlet, 08
this is the last one! and, anon, i hope you like it from the bottom of my heart! i wrote that with a fucking smile and it made me soooooooooo happy! i mixed Hashi and Madara into the same scene and yeah, threesome. sorry if you don't like to read it tho :(
but thank you for asking it, all of you that helped my with my first event! mwah <3 <3
it seems i don't like following my own rules omg but
your surprise ficlet match is: madara and hashirama + daddy kink and praise kink + 3: bedroom floor | 4,416 words
warnings: nsfw. unprotected sex, praise kink, belly bulge, daddy kink, "babygirl" used, oral (both f and m receiving), creampie, madara is a respectful man to hashi's wifey, face sitting, doggy style, that one position i can't remember the name that feels so good but hurts so bad.
“Are you sure both of you are not going to think of me like a whore after it?”
“You trust me, don’t you?”, Hashirama murmurs, his chin resting on the top of your head, holding you tight against his chest. He is so tall over you, protective and lovely. His hands caressing your high back and nape, you feel small and a little bit relieved. “I know he seems to be mean, but he’d never disrespect my darling. Neither would I, I was the one who came up with that idea and I’d never ask you if I wasn’t sure of you well-being”.
“Hmm”, you nod, still concerned about sharing your room and bed and body and— with Uchiha Madara.
It all started the day Hashirama, by your side on your bed, late night, looked at you with hesitant eyes. He held your soft hands, kissing your face and neck like every night, but he was too silent. Maybe something was wrong with the Leaf Village, or with his Hokage tasks, so you didn’t press him to speak. At his time, he’d tell what he wanted to. It worked like this for a couple of years and was good enough for you.
But Hashirama said his day was great. His job is quite tiring, but he loves to see his dream becoming true. Nothing seemed to be wrong or different from the other days besides that strange silence from him. He asked your questions and, after making sure you were good and had a nice day too, stopped talking. You could only hear his breathe, his nose on your neck, like he loved to do before falling asleep.
“My love?”, he called when you were already with closed eyes, wondering about nothing important. “I know you are very open-minded and everything but, oh”, you could bet his cheeks were rosy against your skin. His fingers traced incoherent draws on your collarbone, a shiver going down your spine. “Would you consider letting Madara join us one day?”
Your hands started to shake. You wanted to say a casual yes — how could you deny? You did have an open-mind, never getting too astonished about sexual things that Hashirama (or even you) wanted to try every once in a while. Yet you hesitated. Was this a kind of test? Why this suddenly? You couldn’t even imagine Hashirama ever thought about sharing you with his friend, so you got a little confused.
“Don’t need to answer me now”, your husband said when you opened your mouth to say you didn’t know and needed to think about it. To be honest, you never thought about it, Hashirama being the only one for you was more than enough. Madara was nice and everything, but you didn’t know if you could handle the fact of those scary eyes watching your naked body, you didn’t know if you would be attracted to that man. Your eyes were Hashirama’s only, nothing more.
You did hope to try a threesome one day — for experience? — though you didn’t want to mess everything up and be the third wheel between the other two. The more you thought, the more confused you got. Hashirama could feel your tension about it and was on his way to tell you to forget about it when you finally said you’d give it a chance. Just a nod and a casual “okay, let’s try it”. Nothing more. He got amazed by the lightness of your words, the tiny small making him trust you even more. You looked so brave and carefree that when the day finally came, your nervous eyes really made him wave and ask if you really wanted to continue.
And you did. It was nothing, right? Just taking clothes off in front of your husband, but he’d share you for a few moments. It was so dirty, but this only made you more excited, yet your concerns kept in your mind, ghosting all your thoughts. It would be good, Hashirama promised you and you trust him with your soul.
“Hm, right, what do we do now?”, you look up to face his gentle eyes, pretty mouth in a casual smirk. You touch his chest under his robe, the firm muscles making you way more vibrant about having him. You are not thinking about Madara anymore, letting things just happen. Hashirama doesn’t answer you, kissing your parted lips after pulling your body next to him. He kisses you deep, his tongue exploring your mouth as his fingers squeezes your waist and pulls you in his direction, and you’re now on tiptoe. He presses his thigh between your legs and you rub yourself on his flesh covered by the light fabric, letting a whimper out of your mouth.
“You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”, he mumbles, moving his leg between yours. You nod with a pout, needy eyes that he loves to see and can’t just ignore. Hashi knows you need his fingers, his tongue, his cock, and he is eager for giving all you want. But you knew you’d have to do what he wanted to, obedient and submissive. He gives you another small kiss. “Behave when Madara comes, can you do it for me?”
You make a face at his words, but nod again. You body tenses a little when you hear steps coming from the door of your and Hashirama’s room. Hashirama caresses your inner thighs over the fabric of your blue nightdress, your skin burning wherever he touches. You left a muffled mewl, putting your forehead on his chest, not wanting to look back and see Madara. But soon you feel an extra pair of hands on your waist. Madara doesn’t walk forward, you notice. Was he waiting for a sign from his friend? You look up and Hashirama is moving his lips, “come on, she’s a good girl, she’s not going to push you away”. You feel tempted to chuckle with the thought of Uchiha Madara actually hesitant to something he wanted.
Then he seems to agree with Hashirama, because his hands reach your boobs, pressing them together. You exhale in surprise, your orbs looking for Senju’s at the same time. He kisses the top of your head and gives you a comforting smile, his thigh close to your panties rubbing your skin softly. You know Madara is approaching, his firm body against your spine causing to tense even more. He sighs loudly, taking his hand to your collarbone and lower neck, surrounding it in a very daunting way. You gulp and hold both of Hashirama’s shoulders, almost uncomfortable. You never got any man touching you besides your husband and it was weird as hell, though his rough strokes were making you a bit interested on what he could do to you.
“I thought you had her open to our ideas, Hashirama. I can only see a scared girl. Didn’t you train her well?”, he says, playfully.
The thought of relaxing soon left your mind, his words sounding so mean you had to look back and stare at Madara with stoic eyes. “Fuck you”, you say back, your voice firm and neutral. “I’m not scared. Haven’t you learned that you can’t just hold my neck like I’m your whore?”
Hashirama presses you tighter against his body, his leg no more touching your inner thighs. You feel like complaining about it, but keep in silence as he stares at you with those joking eyes, but his mouth is in a serious line. You roll your eyes discreetly as you man answers Madara, almost happy with your words.
“Go easy on my baby”, he puts his hands on your neck as well, both of them stroking the sensitive skin. “I did train her to behave, but she’s used to being only my whore”, he completes, talking as if you weren’t there. You get wetter with his words — you aren’t that into degradation, but sure he knows how to use bad words and yet make you feel like a queen. You enjoy his other hand petting your head, waiting for a kiss that never comes.
Instead, Madara laughs and takes your nightdress off effortlessly, Hashirama lifting your arms so he could throw it away. You instantly feel the cold wind of the night, the window open helping it and cross your arms in front of your body.
“So, Hashirama, control that tongue of her”, he pinches your nipples over the thin fabric of your bra. He was absolutely pleased to see you from behind, though he couldn’t wait to watch your boobs wiggling while your cunt is fucked deep by him. Your ass looked so good, the skin ready for having his palm print. “Or I’ll do it myself”, you whine when he presses his hard cock between your booty cheeks and pushes your nipples with no mercy, as you stare at Hashirama, waiting for him to do more than just help you to keep on your feet.
“Do you want something, baby?”, he puts one of his fingers on your lips and you get it with your tongue, sucking slowly. He knows those eyes of yours, so pitiful and needy. You shake your head, ready to speak, but he puts another finger into your mouth. “Tell me, then”, his words are so, so mean. When did he become so bad? You knew that if you stop to suck his fingers he’d make you beg for it once more, but he was telling you to answer! What are you supposed to do?
Madara squeezes you tits harder as his mouth finds its way to your neck, licking your skin. You moan against Hashi’s fingers and begin to mumble “I want you touching me, daddy, not him”, your breathy voice making your sentence way rude. His nails reach your throat and you almost choke, a few tears filling up your eyes.
“Repeat it for me?”, the Senju says. You don’t do it, so he takes his touch off you and walk backwards, a playful smile ghosting his lips. His lips, you want them so much, why is he acting so mean with you? You feel a little bit sad when he says he’s disappointed. “Didn’t you say you were going to behave? I’m not seeing it”. You pout, but accept what he is saying with a sad look.
“What can I do to—”, you begin, but Madara decides it is a good time to make you kneel. You sit on your legs to counteract what he wants you to do. Hashirama sighs and tells you to kneel and stay quiet. Madara chuckles devilishly. “So she just obey daddy?” You nod, but he is not looking at you. His friend, you husband, is agreeing and adding mean, mean words. You can’t help but complain about it in your mind, since a loud complain would leave you with lots of trouble.
“Call him daddy too and obey him, right, sweet girl? If you do it as he tells, he is going to be gentle”, he lowers his voice. “If you want to stop you know the sign”.
You frown and don’t answer. Madara walks and stop in front of you, his tall silhouette making you lean backwards. He pulls your hair gently — you feel genuinely surprised with his slow moves — until your face is almost touching his bulge under his pants. His thumb caresses your red cheeks and you enjoy it, before his palm softly hit your face. You inhale. Why are you feeling aroused by him? Fuck, the only man you’d ever let slap your face is Hashirama, but why your clit pulsed and your wetness grew?
Madara freed released his cock from his pants and underwear and you bit your lip, kind of nervous. You did want to have your tongue controlled but Hashi should do it! Not him, not his cock. You cried a little when you saw his dick, but the arousal grew up once more. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You didn’t want to think about how good it must be to have him inside you. Or call him daddy too.
No. No way will you do it.
It takes less than a minute to make you change your mind. Madara doesn’t seem to care about your stoic ass face or your mouth closed. He knew and could bet you are dripping to feel his length inside your mouth, to take him and let his tip reach your throat.
“Suck it, little one”, he uses the petname with a smirk you can hear. You try to deny, but you want it as bad as he does, so you think twice. You block guilty thoughts when Hashirama, his voice making you melt and stop acting like a brat, tells you to do your best. “I promise you’ll get your reward before finishing it”.
Reward is a good thing, always. Pretending it is the reason you’re giving in, you let his cock enter your mouth slowly, licking every inch of it like a good girl. Like his good girl, you think and close your eyes. No. You’re doing it because Hashirama said so. You trace his veins skillfully, easy to get to a point you can’t get more, his red tip deep into you. Madara groans as his hands guides you softly, in and out of your mouth.
It doesn’t last, though. He is too aroused to keep it easy, besides all Hashirama’s warnings. He wants to make you cry with his cock, rough and unstoppable. Madara would never let this opportunity run through his fingers — he didn’t think neither Hashirama nor you would accept it so easily. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, seeing that face of yours struggling to take his flesh. Madara could see anger in your eyes, but lust as well. His finger strokes your eye, getting a tear that was threatening to fall.
“Now I see why Hashirama is so proud of his girl”, you hear him praising, his hips violently making his cock go in and out of your mouth. Your legs shake a little more when you have to stop and breathe deep so you don’t choke for real. “Her mouth is a small piece of paradise. Bet her cunt is way better, uh?”
You don’t usually like it. Having him speaking as if you are somewhere else, not right there, sucking him off, should have made your ego hurt and your heart break. You don’t like to be ignored. However, listening to it made your cunt pulse and stretch against nothing. It is driving you crazy, Hashirama and his friend gladly praising and using you.
You don’t know when he got there, but you felt known lips against your full cheek, still receiving Madara’s length. Hands perfectly squeezing and pressing and printing its mark on your ass, on your thighs, on your tits, everywhere. You couldn’t help but moan loudly when Hashi’s fingers unkindly reach your panties and, pushing the fabric aside, one finger enters your cunt.
“Keep sucking him off, you’re doing great, baby”, Hashi whispers on your ear. You like the way it sounds like a secret of both of you. Happy, you put your hands on Madara’s strong thighs and lick all his flesh, kissing and making it wetter with your saliva. The Uchiha sighs loudly and groan when you whine against his dick. He can hear Hashirama’s digits going in and out of you, lewdly noises coming off it and his own cock being worshiped by your precious mouth. Fuck, he is going to feel jealous to the rest of his life — you have a pretty face, gorgeous body, a fucking nice mouth that fits him so well. You’re just fucking perfect.
Hashirama knows it. It’s so exciting for him to see Madara almost angry because he knows you can’t be his. You are being shared with him, but the man that gets your velvet tongue every day is the Senju leader. Hashirama’s fingertips abuse your sensitive spots inside you, his curled fingers driving you mad. It is too much, you think when it becomes too difficult to keep giving attention to Madara’s cock with all the pleasure you were feeling.
You don’t when it happens. You feel dizzy and fall back to Hashi’s lap, your fingers pressing Madara’s skin as he seems to look satisfied? And you look up to see your husband’s face, his fingers slowly fucking you, your clit being stimulated by your inside walls. Too sensitive, too painful, too good. You had that especially dumb ability of not knowing if you had come or not, so he had to show you his fingers — white, wet and going to Madara’s mouth. You mumble incoherent words when you see his fingers being sucked by the other man. He is… Tasting you. “Tasty cunny, girl”, Madara says. It felt illegal to watch, so you close your eyes just to open them again as another pair of fingers invade your cunt.
You whine immediately. Those fingers are thicker than Hashirama’s, calloused and rough. A finger — you know it’s Hashi’s now — rubs your clit as fast as he was doing when you were sucking off Madara. The floor is not comfortable, but you can’t ask them to stop. You don’t want to — it is feeling so good, your body falling down until your legs are around Madara’s body.
“Daddy”, you whisper, hoping Hashirama answers you. “Let me suck your cock too… I miss it fucking my mouth, daddy”
Your voice tone makes both Madara and Hashi stop suddenly. You cry, but soon Madara holds your body carefully bringing you to your bed. However when you are about to cry another phrase, your ass is up to the air, your tits pressed against the mattress. You couldn’t help — being all on fours is the way Hashirama loves to see you when you’re crying over his cock.
“Good girl”, is Madara that praises you, yet his voice is tough. “Sit on my face, now. I want to hear you calling my name while I taste you”, he puts his head under you and pulls your hips down. You try to keep your eyes open as you watch Hashirama takes off his clothes. It is the most damn beautiful thing in the world, his skin exposed, his strong chest and abs, his arms, his thighs, everything. Is there a way you can love him more?
You roll your hips against Madara’s mouth, conscious of his tongue licking your juices shamelessly, but he grabs your body and makes it hard to move. “Be quiet for daddy”, his voice is breathy, raspy and implies a punishment if you don’t obey him.
And you don’t try to move again, whimpering lowly, even when his touch leaves your hips and goes to your ass, grabbing hard. At the same time, you look down to Hashirama’s cock — hard for you only, his hand slowly stroking himself as you stare at it with pleady eyes. Hashirama grabs a fist full of your hair and forces your head down. You tease him a little, sucking the tip as your hand jerk off the length that isn’t in your mouth. He pushes your head up and gives you a smile that make you shake and moan loud. Madara is also craving for your attention, uh?
“Do it properly, babygirl. Daddy really wants to fuck your pretty mouth, but you gotta help me”, he doesn’t wait for you to reply, and you put the maximum you can of his dick inside your mouth. You curl your tongue against his hard flesh, appreciating in a different way you were with Madara. There’s passion on sucking him, letting him control all of your moves and thrusting his cock with no mercy.
You feel the most loved woman in the world.
At the same time, Madara keeps sucking your clit, forgetting about your dripping cunt. He is really focused on making you moan loud with Hashirama’s cock inside you, stimulating you until your limits. You let your head moves being commanded by Hashi’s hands, feeling weak. You notice you can’t fucking feel your legs, the touch of the Uchiha man being the only thing that makes your body firm enough so you don’t fall on his face. Not that he’d complain about it.
You finally give in — moaning loud, this time you know you’re having an orgasm. Numb head, messy moves, your teeth even hits the cock in your mouth by accident. Madara enjoys the sound of your struggled cries, heavy breathe and his name. Madara-sama, he could swear it was what you said. His hard cock felt a little bit harder, painfully eager for being inside you.
If it wasn’t dangerous territory, Madara would have taken you that moment.
“Stop now, babygirl”, Hashirama tells you. You obey him and look at him with dizzy eyes, not knowing where to focus on. “Madara, fuck her cunt the way you prefer. But wait for her to beg for it. Wait her words, and then she’s your doll”
Madara raises an eyebrow, devilish smile on his lips. Hashirama smirks too and you see both of them in a secret conversation. Madara gives in with a sigh.
“She’s my wife, Madara. What would happen if she gets pregnant and the baby born an Uchiha?”, he justifies and you make an ‘o’ face. So he wanted to cum inside you? Your cheeks become hot with the thought and Hashirama sees it. His hands are soft on your cheeks. “Though I think she’d love it. Don’t worry, right? Daddy is going to fill you up until the last drop”.
“Shut up, Hashirama. How do you think I can tease that lovely whore?”, you feel his tip threatening to enter you, but the moment never comes. You know what you have to do. Call his name, beg for his cock, lets him use you as he pleases. However words don’t come. You can’t think properly, just look at him with big doe eyes.
“Put just a few centimeters inside and let her beg for more”, Hashi suggests, so mean. You pout. “It never fails”.
It is true. Whenever he wants to punish you a little, or even just listen to your shaky voice crying for his full length, he does it. Madara’s tip enters you with much effort of his, fighting against the reflex of going deep and fucking you dumb. You close your eyes and bite a lip so you don’t speak anything. Hashirama is not happy about it, so he continues.
“Rub her clit.”
You feel it right after his sentence. You exhale and look at Hashirama.
“Daddy, please, stop teasing me”, you whine. His finger points to Madara. “I’m not able to change it”.
“Hm. Madara-sama, please, stop teasing me”, you say, but your voice is not convincing. You roll your hips.
“Oh, I think she doesn’t want me, Hashirama. I’m offended”, Madara pushes him inside you a little more. You moan and cry his name once more. “Please, please, please, fuck me until I can’t remember my name, I just need it so bad”, you cry, low voice. You feel a smack on your face, gently, as another, rough, goes on your ass.
“Louder”, Madara says as his cock goes deep into your wet cunt. His hands go to your waist and pull you. You moan loudly, but seeing Hashi, you call for his name. You receive another slap from the two men, and you smirk. Good, good, so good. You could cum just with that lustful glance deep in your eyes. You are feeling hotter than never, having the most powerful men fucking you in different ways. His pace, after you calling the Senju’s name, is fast and hard. Roughly he takes his cock out of you and pulls it back into with a delicious moan.
As he uses you, you lay your head on your husband’s lap, his cock by your side. You continue to suck him off but with all your body trembling and shivering, you can’t do much more than passing your tongue against his flesh. You love the feeling of being stretched by Madara’s cock, yet thinking and remembering about Hashirama.
That’s why your walls squeezes Madara’s cock so strongly. He moans loud as he buries himself into you. “You have a delicious whore here, Hashirama”, he whispers, taking strength of nowhere to stop fucking you. You cry a little when he gets out of your needy cunt, too weak to form a decent phrase.
“Calm down, babygirl. This time is daddy that is gonna fuck you. Ready?”, Hashirama says, pulling your body and being on top of you. He puts your legs on your shoulder and enters your cunt rapidly. He has no time for teasing or joking, but he looks to Madara by his side. “Learn how to end with this girl”.
It hurts when he goes that deep into you, though is good as hell. His tip abuses your g spot then go further as he kisses you messily. Your nails on his back almost hurt him, yet he sees as a way to make his hips moves faster. Your muffled moans against his mouth are making Hashirama goes deep inside you, with all the strength of the shinobi god. Fuck, fuck, fuck, all you can think of is the feeling of your walls burning, probably his cock evidenced on your belly. And he knows it too, pressing it just to test something, he thinks.
And you’re done after less than five minutes. Hashirama feels his dick firmly squeezed by your cunt, as if you wanted him to stay like this forever. And you do want this. “Daddy”, you mumble, happily. “I love you. Thank you”, you look at Madara and thank him too, Hashi’s cock still into you. Madara uses one of his hands to enjoy and press your tits, the other one rubbing your clit just the way he did before.
You are going to die, aren’t you? Why does it feel so painfully good? Orgasm after orgasm you feel your voice giving up, raspy moans being the only thing you can do to make sure they understand you’re having a good time.
When Hashirama finally comes, his seed into you, and Madara jerks himself off on your tits, you have no strength to look at the men in front of you. Just a tired smile and you fell asleep. You’d thank Hashirama for it later.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Hey, so, I'm looking for a discduo post. Basically, I'm pretty sure it was an ask about madduo being brothers, and the reply was discduo exile/post-Tommy revival writing where they're talking about Wilbur being "great/awesome but not good". Not sure but maybe you posted it?? Idk. Anyway, don't have to answer if you don't know! Thanks anyway!
Also, really love your writing and especially hornets nest!
(this is the second time I've asked on Tumblr so, social-anxiety who? don't know her haha.)
HI omg you actually jogged my memory of this au — i forgot all about this ficlet and i’m actually a big fan of it :D here it is here!! i wrote this AGES ago so you have a good memory haha
(unless this isn’t what you’re looking for whoops)
c!diskduo exile fic but c!MADduo are brothers
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midasinc · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any hc's on how Les Mis characters would dress in modern times?
hi ! i absolutely do, my mental images of les amis are very particular lol
a lot of them i imagine living in sweats. they’re college kids for the most part, can you blame them?
courfeyrac wears a lot of comfy pants and crewnecks or hoodies. he has the ability to be stylish but at the moment he Doesn’t Care because school sucks so hard. when he actually WANTS to try, he has really good style. he has a lot of platform shoes and chunky sneakers bc i hc courf to be like 5’4 on a good day and he regularly tries to pass as 5’6. he also doesn’t mind feminine clothing, courfeyrac has this way of being confident no matter what he wears that’s really attractive to a lot of people. he also has pierced ears and at the moment is thinking about piercing his tongue !
combeferre has good style… but only when it’s cold. in the summer he wears like the same 4 tshirts and these awkward cargo shorts that go down to his knees and it’s… interesting. in the fall and winter, though? he has a lot of nice trousers and chunky sweaters and he looks SO good. ferre wears a lot of neutral colours, most of his sweaters and crewnecks are white, beige, brown, and so on.
enjolras is like a cartoon character in the sense that he wears nearly the same thing every day. he isnt literally wearing the same clothes, but his sense of style is very particular and he doesn’t dress outside the box. every day is his nice trousers, a button-up, a sweater thrown on top, and his puffer coat. he’d be easy to animate since he essentially is never seen jn public wearing anything else. at home he lounges around in sweats all day and likes to Stay Comf, but only a select few have ever witnessed enjolras in his Chill State. he also wears glasses! they’re huge, clear, square frames and they are pretty damn thick. he has some shitty ass eyes but he also loses his glasses at least once a week
feuilly dresses kinda like jesse pinkman on his off days. otherwise he’s in his work clothes bc to me in modern times he works construction and is usually very dusty and dirty and in orange. but on his own he wears very big and baggy clothes. he doesnt care about having a style he’s just a Dude
jehan is. hm. jehan dresses… okay. do you remember like 2017-2018? the hypebeast supreme era of style? that’s jehan. jehan is a hypebeast in the most derogatory sense. he wears a lot of gucci and supreme, because he can afford it but also because he’s delusional enough to believe that it’s actually high fashion. he has like the fanny pack, the sweats, the shoes, everything. jehan loves brands and he cant put them together well at all
grantaire is a fucking mess this dude only wears sweatpants that he refuses to wash and the same 3 hoodies. to me, modern grantaire is an animator and he does not have enough time in his day to think about clothing and looking presentable. he’s looked presentable maybe three times in his life: at his sister’s wedding, at the interview for a job at his current animation company, and at a fundraiser gala les amis held that… he was outrageously drunk at and genuinely ruined (im writing a ficlet about this so hey!). but yeah. you can take his ratty sweats out of his cold dead hands
bossuet is stylish. bossuet is SO STYLISH omg. bossuet loves actually fashion (full shade to jehan) and loves to dress both masculinely and femininely. he loves accessories and has a nose ring and wears lots of bracelets and dresses in vvv bright colours all the time. he likes skirts and he likes dressed and he likes trousers and corsets and platform boots and normal sneakers and man. if you ever need any article of clothing, bossuet probably has it. but he also liked to bum around and wear sweats on comfy days too. im tellin yall, these guys just love their sweats
joly dresses like every ftm trans youtuber in 2017. lots of button ups and flannels and such. courfeyrac made that joke one day and bossuet laughed until he cried
bahorel is a character. he comes from a bg of loving punk rock and during high school-uni, he was full blown 2007 emo. the weird vests, the button ups, the skinny black jeans, everything. now, he’s pretty comfy with what he wears. he still loves spiked bracelets and such and he has an ���emo’s not dead” hoodie he wears religiously. he dresses mildly like a butch lesbian, according to éponine
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koumine · 2 years
24 & 63
(omg this took me forever (this ask was not from today lol))
From the Tropes Mashup game – 24: Soulmates, 63: Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple
I wrote a Kai x Din AU ficlet :3. My OC Kai first appeared in An Invitation, read it on AO3!
Notes: queerplatonic Din Djarin x Kai Darso (Devaronian OFC). aromantic allosexual Kai; alloromantic demisexual Din. Soulmate AU where some species have soulmates/soulmarks, some don’t (humans do, Devaronians don’t). Bonus AU where they're in the Resistance circa Star Wars Episode 7, because I felt like it. Also in this one Kai is a Mandalorian from a clan that has no problem with removing your helmet. mirshmure'cya = Keldabe kiss, aka The Forehead Touch™
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[ID in alt text.]
[rated T below] [masterlist ->]
Not long after Kai finally convinces Din to let her bed him, things get weird on base. Things between her and him are just the same, of course – well, better, actually, now that she can finally put her hands on him properly whenever they manage to steal a moment in private, can sling her arm over his shoulders and know that it's welcome even in public, can pull him in and tap a quick mirshmure'cya against his helmeted forehead anytime she sees him, whether she's wearing her own helmet or not. It's the people around them that start being weird.
Mainly the humans, Kai notices, in the part of her mind that's always restlessly cataloging details and recognizing patterns, but she doesn't understand the significance of that fact until later.
"Congrats by the way," one of the intel analysts says when Kai brings them the latest chip of stolen First Order data.
"Um, thanks," Kai replies with a winning smile, too distracted by thoughts of hitting the mess for a proper meal to think too much on their words or their flinch when she forgets to keep from showing too many sharp teeth.
"Congratulations," General Leia fucking Organa herself says sincerely, as Kai passes her in the hall afterwards.
"Uh, what for?" Kai asks.
"You and Djarin," General Organa says, raising an eyebrow as though perplexed at Kai's lack of understanding.
"Oh, of course," Kai bluffs. "Thanks." Non-Mandalorian humans are so weird, she thinks as she walks away.
"Hey, Tall One," Jessika Pava says, sliding into the seat across from Kai at her usual mess table. "Short One," she adds cheekily, nodding to Din who is, as usual, cleaning a blaster at the table instead of eating with everyone else. "You two couldn't have waited one more week before finally hitching up? I just lost so many creds in the pool, and Dameron is going to be insufferable about winning for weeks," she complains.
Kai pauses between one bite of bantha brisket and the next. "You bunch of sleemos had a betting pool on when I'd finally get Djarin to sleep with me?" she says mildly, ignoring the irritation that tries to flare up along with a renewed bout of confusion.
"No, not that," Jessika says, starting to frown as though Kai is the one who's being weird. "Not that most of the pilots wouldn't bet on your sex life, but no – I'm talking about the soul bond, obviously!"
She waves her hands at Kai and Din as if in explanation. Kai puts down her knife at the same time that Din puts down the barrel of his blaster pistol; she slowly turns to look at him, as he goes still.
"Djarin," Kai says evenly, as Jessika looks on with slowly widening eyes. "Why the fuck have people been congratulating me all day?"
His shoulders twitch upwards the tiniest bit, his version of a wince. "We're not soul bonded," he says, which assuages that worry at least, but not all the other worries and conclusions that her mind is rapidly constructing.
"Oooooh," Jessika says, eyes wide. "But haven't you two been courting this whole time?"
Kai gapes at her for a moment, discomfort at that thought crawling up her spine. "No!"
At her side, Din is already reassembling his half-cleaned blaster with quick, efficient movements. By the time he finishes, Kai has gathered up her drink and her tray to take it back to Din's room for the talk the two of them clearly need to have.
The two of them stand to leave at exactly the same time without a word about it from either of them, which makes Jessika raise her eyebrows pointedly. But that's not because they're soulmates, Kai thinks as they leave the mess together, that's because they know each other, know each other's minds and movements with the easy certainty of warriors who have fought together, bled together, even found their way into bed together…
Kai doesn't have a soulmark, anyway, because Devaronians never do.
Kai's never fully undressed him before, always more interested in getting her hands down his pants than being patient enough to somehow get the upper half of his flightsuit off while working around the complication of his helmet, and Din was hardly complaining about the enthusiasm.
Now, seated across from Kai at the rickety little table in his private quarters, he removes his left vambrace and rolls up the sleeve of his flightsuit, before laying his arm on the table.
The soulmark is an abstract tangle of black lines on the inside of his forearm, slightly raised against his skin, the lines curving and flowing together in a sort of controlled chaos. Din has always found it beautiful, almost mazelike, though he's never been able to follow the lines to any sort of terminus before his eyes get confused. Others have only ever complained that it made their eyes hurt to even look at it.
"We're not soulmates," Kai says immediately, staring at the mark. “Devaronians don’t do soulmates – we never have marks.”
"Human-nonhuman soulmate pairs are rare, but possible," Din says, as though he thinks she's really protesting the possibility of it, as though denying the reality of her rejection for a few seconds longer will keep the queasy hurt from taking hold in his stomach. “Even when the nonhuman partner has no mark.”
Kai grimaces, her shoulders creeping up into an expressive shudder. “Oh, fuck no,” she says. “We’re not doing any of that soul bond shit. Makes my skin crawl.”
She just keep looking at it, at his soulmark, and she's grimacing in clear disgust, and suddenly being looked at with the singular intensity of her focus no longer feels like finding soothing warmth just beyond the scorching heart of a forge – suddenly it feels like being pinned, his bare arm and his soulmark on display like some outlandish, appalling bug. He yanks the sleeve of his flightsuit down and starts putting the vambrace back on – Kai blinks as the mark is covered, and glances at him, and stands up to leave.
Din stands with her, sliding his vambrace back into place. "It doesn't have to mean anything," he says, wrestling his voice into near tonelessness by virtue of practice and sheer will. The thing is, he means it, even if his heart isn't willing to accept it as soon as his head. The Mandalorians that raised him – mostly humans or other species with soulmarks – always held that soulmarks meant only potential; what mattered in the end was your choices, not the arbitrary marks of fate.
Still, Kai's reaction stings, more than he'd like her to see. It’s fortunate, then, that she grabs her tray with a hasty clatter, unusually ungraceful, and leaves without another word.
A few days later, Kai has had enough time and space to herself while Din goes on one of the louder sorts of missions to process through the instinctive revulsion at the idea of being soul bonded, even to someone she likes as much as Din Djarin. Enough time and space to realize, with great chagrin, that her little meltdown over the soulmarks thing had resulted in her being a real fucking prick.
As soon as she hears that Din’s back on base, she goes to his quarters and bangs on the door.
"I'm sorry I freaked out," she says as soon as Din's door slides open. "Soul bonds scare the kriff out of me and all the other humans I've known have been very romantically inclined and also very insistent about their soulmarks and soul bonds being ‘gifts from destiny’ or some shit. I shouldn't have assumed that of you."
Din just stands there in the doorway for a long moment, holding very still in that way that means he's either processing her words or having a very subtle meltdown of his own; she very much hopes it's the former rather than the latter.
"...Oh," he says.
"...Oh?" Kai echoes cautiously.
He shifts his weight a little, his chin dipping the tiniest bit to the side in that way that means embarrassment. "...I forgot you were aro," he admits. "Sorry. I should've led with 'destiny is banthashit' and gone from there."
Kai stares at him, mind whirring blankly, for long enough that he shifts again, body language still embarrassed, though never becoming defensive. “You forgot?” she says blankly. “How could you forget?”
"In my defense," he says dryly, a bit ruefully, "when you mentioned it, I was a little too busy holding off a platoon of 'troopers to pay full attention to your mid-slicing banter."
"Simultaneously the best and worst extraction from a covert mission I've ever had," Kai says automatically, grinning brightly, as she always does when anyone brings up that glorious clusterfuck of a mission.
"Absolutely the worst extraction I've ever had to run," Din returns dryly, as he always does, in that nearly flat tone of voice that tends to convince people who don't know him that he really is as humorless as a walking suit of armor.
He was right, Kai thinks, letting her grin soften slowly into a smile. His soulmark doesn't have to mean anything, and nothing has to change. As always, what's between them is their choice.
She puts her hand up on the doorframe and props herself against it, insouciant, taking up his whole doorway and leaning into his space.
He shifts his weight some more, until he's basically leaned all of his weight onto one leg the same way she's leaning, nearly mirroring her. He crosses his arms and lifts his chin in a way that's somehow both challenging and inviting.
She hooks her fingers into his bandolier and tugs him forward half a step until she can tip her head down and bump her forehead against his helmet fondly.
He tilts his head up, returning that fond gesture with the forehead of his helmet for a moment. Then he takes her hand and steps back, pulling her into his room.
Later, Kai asks to see the mark again, and Din explains that he knows the mark is for her because it heats up and tingles whenever she gets close.
"That's spooky and weird," Kai says without heat, poking at the mark. With her body curled around his, mostly skin to skin, the mark’s heat almost burns. Impossible to ignore, just as she is.
"Mm," Din says noncommittally. It's normal to him, but he grew up with the idea of it.
Kai keeps poking at it, pressing her fingertips to his skin to feel the heat of the mark, then holding her palm above the mark to feel how the heat doesn't radiate out to the air above it.
"...You're thinking of tactical applications, aren't you," Din says flatly.
She turns a sly, sharp-toothed grin on him. "Could be useful."
Din sighs at her, as though he hasn't already thought of half a dozen creative uses for soulmarks himself. As though his mouth isn't curling into a smile brimming with fondness, hidden under his helmet.
She knows, anyway.
[read more? -> check out my AO3!]
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leapyearkisses · 4 years
And OMG, They Were Rollmates (m/m) - Oneshot
A D&D-inspired ficlet about an elf wizard and a human ranger sharing a bedroll, and also they fuck. And there are some feelings because I’m incapable of writing porn without them.
NSFW, MESS, sneezing on people
Ingvar poked a stick between the smoldering logs he'd stacked in the firepit, but stabbing the coals did nothing to make the fire any bigger or warmer. The wood was just too wet, even this deep into the forest. The thick canopy couldn't protect against the north's seasonal storms. It was just poor luck that he and Aravel had to travel this way at this time of year. It was going to be another cold night. He sneaked a look at his travelling companion, who was setting up their tent.  Aravel blended uncannily into the scenery here. Maybe it wasn't surprising, him being a wood elf. His skin was the fine, rich red-brown of cherry wood. His hair was a greeny bronze that mimicked the hanging moss of his home forest. Even his eyes were camouflage, golden and catlike. In the dark, they reflected the firelight like those of a mountain lion, and Ingvar had been spooked more than once. Combine all that with Aravel's leaf-like, layered robes, and it was hard to pick him out at twenty paces. Ingvar had been trained as a ranger since he could walk, and he was jealous of Aravel's natural, inborn ease among all things wooded. "Almost ready?" Ingvar asked after another minute. Their tent was small, only big enough for two people and a dog. They'd unfortunately lost Ingvar's hunting hound in a landslide a few days ago, along with Aravel's pack, so it was going to be colder than he liked inside. "We only have the one bedroll," Aravel said, stepping back from his work. He was still limping, but there wasn't much they could do about that. 
Ingvar rubbed his own aching elbow. "Well, we'll just have to make do. Come over and let's eat." He produced some wolf jerky from his pouch and shared it out when Aravel came to sit beside him. "How are you feeling?" It wasn't just the landslide that prompted the question. For the last few hours, he'd noticed Aravel slowing down, stumbling occasionally, even sneezing once or twice. Really, it was just their luck. The elf shrugged. "I'm falling ill," he replied wearily. "We should have made camp in Boarstead." He rubbed his slim hands together and held them over the sad excuse for a fire. "We didn't know it was going to be so difficult to cross the pass," Ingvar pointed out. "And you didn't know you would take sick. Did you?" "No," Aravel was quick to say. "No, I would have told you." Hiding such things on the road could lead to mistakes, sometimes fatal ones. "Then it was all inevitable," said Ingvar. He started to rub Aravel's back. "We can share the bedroll. I don't want you to get any worse." "I think hih- that's inevitable as well," Aravel mumbled, leaning into the touch. He tucked his face into his elbow. "Hpptsch! Hh- hh- hh- hh-- haptschiu!" Ingvar chuckled. "Didn't think you'd get that one out, there." "Be silent," said Aravel, primly, before sneezing again. It wasn't quite dark yet when they turned in, but night fell extremely quickly in the forest and it was best to be tucked in and completely settled before losing the light. They washed up as best they could with a few handfuls of water, packed the remaining bag tightly and hung it from a tree, and tried to stoke the fire as much as possible. Ingvar pissed in a circle around their camp to keep away curious animals, a practice he was not able to get Aravel to join in on. Then they entered the tent. The bedroll was narrow but also a necessity. "You first," said Aravel. "You're bigger. I can fit in afterward." So Ingvar climbed inside. He was tall but leanly muscled. He didn't think this whole endeavor would work if he was packing slabs like the warriors they often passed in town, huge beefy fellows who hired themselves out to defend homesteads or hunt bandits. They all seemed to have the same hairstyle, too, a tail at the neck. Seemed to Ingvar like a good place for an opponent to grab you and slit your throat. He wore his own black hair short when he was on the road. Just more practical. 
Once he was settled, he held open the fabric for Aravel. "We'll go back to back," said the elf, and attempted such, but they soon found that the bedroll wasn't wide enough for their knees to point in opposite directions. Normally, Ingvar would have offered to spoon his smaller companion - had done so many times when travelling with various folk - but Aravel actually kept his own mossy hair quite long, and after about three minutes of blowing hair out of his mouth, Ingvar nixed that plan. Aravel had to get out again, then back in, carefully sliding in behind Ingvar, and that seemed to do the trick. It was so tight that Ingvar could feel Aravel's lips on the back of his neck, and the elf had had to tuck his arms around Ingvar's torso. At least the exertion of struggling in and out would keep them warm for now. Ingvar didn't think they would be moving again until daybreak. "Comfortable?" he asked, pointlessly. Aravel's breath was warm on his skin. "More or less," Aravel murmured back. "Good enough, anyway..." And then his breath fluttered uncertainly. "Ingvar..." "Yes? Hey, you can't-" Aravel had started wriggling against him, trying to extract an arm that was wound under Ingvar's own. It made his elbow hurt again and he gritted his teeth. "What is it?? We don't really have a lot of room, here!" "I know, I'm sorry, but I hh have to sneeze! Hah-" Aravel kept tugging, but he'd only managed to jostle them; his arm was still stuck down inside the bedroll when he was overcome. "Haptschiu!" His nose bumped against Ingvar's neck, which was suddenly moist from the spray. Ingvar shivered a little from the sensation, partially from discomfort. "...Bless you." Aravel's skin heated. "I'm so sorry," he said. "Honestly. I'll try not to sneeze." He extricated his arm carefully, finally, so he could rub his nose and dry Ingvar's neck with his sleeve. When he was done, though, there was nowhere for him to put it but back into the bedroll. It hurt Ingvar's back if Aravel tucked his arm anywhere but where it had been before, settled on his hip and chest. It quickly became clear to them both that Aravel struggling to cover every time he felt a tickle was just impractical. It was tiring, painfully jostling, and most of the time not even fast enough to make a difference. Finally, Ingvar just folded his hand over Aravel's. "It's okay," he said. "It's okay. Try to get some sleep. I'll wash up in the morning and we'll forget about it." Aravel's hand was soft and trembling lightly. Ingvar gave it a squeeze. "....If you say so." The elf was clearly reluctant, but he already sounded half asleep. "Sorry." "Shh." Ingvar settled, closing his eyes. He was tired after a long day of travel, and whether their arrangement was for better or worse, he was warm. It was quiet outside. The trees were full of the sounds of night, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He could rest. Or, well. He did want to. But even mostly asleep, Aravel was still unfortunately stricken with illness, and his breathing fluttered with every small itch. He made soft, irritated sounds. He hitched, sometimes for quite some time, before subsiding. Or before working himself up to sneeze again. "Ah... hih... ih- hih-" Ingvar rubbed his thumb over Aravel's knuckles. "Hah-- Haptsch! Apttschih!" Aravel trembled and moaned softly. He pressed his nose to Ingvar's neck, seeking some sleeping aid for the torturous irritation. Maybe every few minutes, then maybe longer, Ingvar felt a gentle, wet burst against the back of his neck. It was an experience unlike any he'd had before in his life, and he had trouble categorizing it into "good" or "bad." Finally, it seemed as though exhaustion won out, and Aravel subsided into a deeper sleep, sniffling but blissfully still. Ingvar tried to match him, and soon enough he also fell asleep. In the predawn, maybe close to 4 AM, Ingvar woke. Some sound had woken him, triggering his honed ranger instincts. A soft sound, quivering in the darkness. Aravel, he realized after a moment. He could feel the elf's chest rising against his back. Aravel was awake, he thought, and it was confirmed when he felt the elf curl his fingers tightly in the fabric of Ingvar's jerkin. "No," Aravel whispered, obviously self-directed. He groaned lightly and Ingvar heard his breath catch sharply in the dark. "Huah-- Aa" He was clearly going to sneeze again - maybe this is what had woken him to begin with - and it sounded itchy and urgent. "Aa- AA- Apptschh! Happtschuh!" Aravel's body was tense behind his, and his nose and lips were crushed to Ingvar's skin when he sneezed. He felt the rush of air, light spray, and a sudden hot wetness against his neck. Aravel coughed lightly and sniffed hard, the sound thick. Aa. Well, he probably wasn't feeling much better then. Ingvar wondered if he should move, say something... but Aravel had started up again. "Hah- hhah- hahktschiu! Ohh... Aa- Haksh! Hh-Hngksch! Ahkttschxgh!"  There was another rush of mess, pooling at his neck. Ingvar supposed he should have been revolted or something, but his brain was currently fixated on a different feeling entirely. Aravel was pressed all along his back, tightly, and he could feel the hard line of the elf's cock against his backside. Now, this was an inevitability, and something he'd experienced with other companions as well, part of the drill. But he'd rarely traveled with anyone whose sleeping interest spurred him to offer reciprocation. Aravel was sick, but that didn't really hamper Ingvar's steady interest, which had been growing since they started travelling together three months ago. And he didn't enjoy the frustrated noises Aravel was making as he wrestled with his wet nose. Ingvar squeezed Aravel's hand. "Hey," he said softly. "I'm sorry," mumbled the elf. His fingers twitched in Ingvar's grasp. "I know. It's okay. Let's come out of the bedroll for a minute." Aravel agreed, and the two of them managed to wriggle out. It was somewhat more difficult with limbs heavy from sleep, but soon both were seated in the very small tent. The air outside of the bedroll was starkly cold, and without thinking about it, Ingvar wrapped his arms around Aravel and pulled the smaller man to straddle his lap. "Wh-" "How do you feel? Can I do this?" Ingvar put one arm around Aravel's lower back to keep him steady. He rested his other hand on the elf's hip. "You tell me to stop if you want to stop." Aravel looked tired and somewhat uncertain in the dark. His upper lip and chin were shiny with mess before he abruptly buried his face in his elbow. "It's hahh fine. I... I'm fine with it." Maybe he would have been blushing, but he ducked further into his sleeve. "Huahh-- Hapkstcxh!!" His whole body rocked with it, and he was still hard. Ingvar could feel the press of Aravel's member against his own. "Bless you," he said, and kissed the elf's hair. "Are you warm enough?" "Hnngh... I'm not cold." "Is it okay if I touch?" "It's- hh hh hih- Hhokay. Aptschiu!!" Again, Aravel rocked.  Ingvar kissed him again and then moved his hand from Aravel's hip to between them. He slipped his hand under the elf's robes, finding velvety bare skin awaiting him. Aravel's cock fit in his palm and he closed his fingers around it gently, skin slipping on the beginning of wetness there. "Okay?" Aravel nodded. His cat eyes had gone half-lidded and he was biting his lip. "I might sneeze on you," he said, breathless. Ingvar laughed. "Tell me something I don't know." He rested his forehead against Aravel's. "You're paying for me to have a niiiice, long bath at the next inn we get to." That earned a wry smile. "I'd love to... but my wallet went over the cliff with my bag, remember?" Ingvar squeezed Aravel's cock, earning him a pleased moan. "That's right, isn't it. Then you can make it up to me in a different way." He nuzzled Aravel's hairline. "Can I kiss you?" "Yes, kiss me." Aravel sighed into his mouth, thighs trembling as Ingvar started to stroke him up and down. The elf tasted sweet and salty. Ingvar wondered for a moment if that's what his cock would taste like as well, but there would be time to find out later. Right now, he wanted to bring them both to pleasure before they got too cold to want it. Aravel curled against him as he worked, tucking his face into his sleeve still, catching and guarding against his frequent sniffles and sneezes. Ingvar ran a thumb over Aravel's tip and was rewarded with the sweetest moan. He teased again. "M' going to bite you," gasped Aravel, taking Ingvar's shoulders in both hands. "Please, please." "Easy, sweet one." Ingvar tightened his grip. "Ready?" He knew the elf was close, could feel it in the way he kept tensing his thighs against Ingvar's own. "Yes," Aravel half-sighed, nails just this side of painful in Ingvar's back. "Now, please." They kissed again, and Ingvar worked his hand over Aravel until the smaller man could do nothing but cling and gasp, shaking, as he came explosively over Ingvar's hand and lap. Ingvar followed soon after, although his release was trapped by his breeches. Not ideal, but he could hardly think of that with Aravel still pressed to him, chest heaving, warm and pliant. And sneezy still. "Happtsch! Akptsch! hah- HAH- HUAH-KTSCGH!!" Ingvar laughed and started to rub Aravel's back again, holding him close. "Bless you." Now the front of his neck was messy, too, but the aftershocks of his orgasm relaxed him and he found he didn't care at the moment. "How do you feel?" Aravel sniffled thickly, not moving from where he was leaning against Ingvar. "Tired. Good, but... mnn." "Let's go back to sleep. Hopefully your nose won't bother you too much now. Sounds like you must have got it out, whatever was bothering you." "I don't think that's how it works with a cold," Aravel replied, voice already muzzy.  Ingvar settled him again against his back in the bedroll. "I'll wake you in the morning to strike camp," he said, taking Aravel's hand again in his. "Sleep well." And at least the rest of the night went well. Aravel did sleep soundly until day broke and they had to move on. His sneezing failed to abate in the daytime, however, and when he began to stumble with fever, Ingvar picked him up to carry on his back, strapping their pack to his front. He'd not been expecting to have to deal with it again, but rather than distaste, Aravel's continued sneezing on his neck now made him feel something quite different. He hurried on through the forest to get them both out of the chill and into a nice, warm bed.
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petri808 · 4 years
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@thenaluarchive movie night. Just a quicky ficlet 🙃
Being stuck in her apartment for Christmas had to be the worst part of this whole year, and Lucy couldn’t help but log onto Zoom with a sense of longing. For the last 3 years, they’d spent the evening in a Friendsmas Eve together with good food, drinks, and a movie to celebrate the holidays. Thanks to the pandemic, it was agreed they should hold off till things were safer. So that’s when her best friend Levy suggested a zoom party where they’d all log in and could still stream a movie together.
“Lucy!!” Levy screamed. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Yeah, me too!” Lucy smiled back at all the familiar faces already logged on. “Hey everyone!” Ten others were already joined in, and most of them were friends from their college days. But there were a couple of faces she didn’t recognize. So she texts Levy on the side asking who they were.
‘Oh sorry lol. I’ll introduce you.’ Levy texted back.
Back on the video now, Levy spoke up, calling on the two unknown people to listen up. “Guys, I wanna introduce you to my bestie Lucy.”
“Lucy, so the guy with pink hair is Natsu, he’s Gajeels cousin. And the other one is Gray, he’s Natsus roommate and works with Gajeel at the shop. Say hi guys!”
“Nice to meet you Lucy!” They both respond.
“Nice to meet you as well!”
As the director or the nights event, Levy put a link in the chat for a survey of movies for the group to choose from and the top two choices would be streamed. The friends talk amongst each other and catch up. Some were drinking or eating, others played a holiday trivia game. It was difficult at times to keep up or figure out who was saying what, but despite the trepidation Lucy had in the beginning, it was nice to see this forum wasn’t keeping anyone down on Christmas Eve.
Lucy enjoyed seeing her friends again, especially since she hadn’t seen any of them in the flesh since March. But it was the newer addition that had her interests most peaked. She never knew Gajeel had a cousin, and why hadn’t Levy introduced them sooner?! She texts the woman to keep their messages private.
‘Omg Gajeels cousin is so cute!’
‘Really? 😂 I guess I never looked at him that way.’
‘Is he single?! 😶’
‘😶 yes. You should talk to him.’
‘But idk nothin bout him.’
‘Lemme help u with that 😛’
Suddenly, Lucy sees that Levy had stuck her into a break away room on Zoom.
“Hello? How’d I get in here?” Natsu questioned.
‘😳 LEVY!’
“Hi, Natsu,” Lucy answered, “um Levy thought we might like a chance to talk... y-you know without being interrupted.”
‘😙 enjoy your chat!’ Levy teased. ‘Dw he also said he’s gonna kill me later 🙃😘 y’all will thank me someday.’
“Oh,” Natsu laughed nervously. “How nice of her.”
She could see the slight blush on his cheeks and that instantly alighted one on hers. Oh, boy! Awkward! “I um,” Lucy tucked her hair behind her ears, the movement caught immediately by Natsu’s eyes from what she noticed. “So, you’re Gajeel’s cousin?”
“Yeah. When I moved to this town, I stayed with them a couple months till Gray and I found an apartment.”
“What brought you to Crocus?”
“A job offer. What about you? Are you from here Lucy?”
“Actually no, I came here for college. That’s how I met Levy. Then I stayed for a job.”
“What kind of job?”
“I work for the magazine Sorcerer Weekly.”
“That’s pretty cool!”
“Your turn Natsu, what do you do for a living?”
“Firefighter. But I’m taking EMT classes too, cause that’ll give me a higher certification rating...”
The longer they talked, the easier it was for Lucy to relax. It seemed once those first-time jitters wore away, Natsu’s true personality shone through. He was quite talkative, she mused, but sweet and very passionate about his job. The man also had a silly side that was endearing. Course, the bonus from all she could see through this video, Natsu was a total hunk!
Twenty minutes into the conversation, Lucy received another message from Levy letting her know they’ll be starting the movie. But before she could reply—
“Levy said they’re starting the movie.”
“Oh, yeah, I just got the message too, I’m—.”
Natsu looked sheepishly away from the screen, “I kinda rather keep talking to you instead.”
Lucy’s cheeks flushed again. “Me too. You’re really easy to talk to.”
“Would it be too forward to say... you’re really pretty Lucy.”
“No,” her voice softened with a hint of embarrassment, and you’re not so bad yourself Natsu.”
‘Maybe we’ll catch the second one,’ Lucy replied to Levy. To which she received a wink emote in reply.
The conversation continued where it had left off before Levy’s interruption with a game of 20 Questions. They learned simple stuff about each other’s likes and dislikes, siblings or none, to bucket list dreams. It also turned out that Natsu and Grays apartment was less than three blocks away from hers.
“Being stuck on a video chat kind of sucks,” Lucy blurts out. “It would be so much nicer if this was face to face.”
“Well...” Natsu leaned in. “I could just come over. I mean, you live close by so it would only take me about 10 minutes.”
“You’d... do that?”
Natsu tapped his chin and grinned, “lemme think. Be stuck with my roommate or a cute girl on Christmas Eve? It’s a really tough choice to make.”
“Pfft,” Lucy laughed. “You’re such a weirdo.”
“Well? Do you want me to come over or not?”
“Hmm, lemme think,” she mocked and tapped her chin, “be alone or stuck with a cute guy on Christmas Eve? That’s a really tough choice to make.”
“Now who’s the weirdo?!” Natsu laughed too. “Will you just give me your address?!”
Once she gave him the information, she logged out of the break out room, and he completely out of the party. When she joined the rest of the group, they asked what happened to Natsu. “You’ll see,” Lucy smiled and turned the video off until he arrived. They could still hear her and she could still hear them.
But Gray cut in and ruined the surprise, “that dork is heading to her place.”
“What?!” Everyone immediately ignored the movie and bogged out the audio to flood Lucy with questions. But she wasn’t responding.
“Come on guys!” Levy cut them off. “Give the woman time to breathe!”
A few minutes later, Natsu arrived at her apartment with a gift of wine.
“Aww, thanks, but you didn’t have to bring anything.”
“It would be rude not to,” he smiled back.
Lucy’s heart skipped a beat. The man was even cuter in person! And such manners! Oh, yeah, she was done for. “They um,” she gestured to the living room where her laptop was still sitting, “they’re waiting for us. Gray spilled the beans.”
“Don’t worry I’ll get him back,” Natsu grinned and winked.
They sit on the couch and turn the video back on, instantly gaining a roar of whoa’s and light teasing from mostly the guys.
“Smooth move man,” Gray teased his roommate. “Couldn’t even wait till morning.”
“No need to hate on me.” Natsu quipped back and put his arm around Lucy’s shoulders. “You’re just jealous cause your girl is out of town.”
That set off laughter from all around the virtual room. Even Lucy giggled despite her body heating up from the close contact. “Omg you’re so bad,” she whispered.
“Don’t worry, we do this all the time to each other.”
Things settle back down in the group once this Christmas twist had run its course. Everyone in the group was simply elated to see two of their friends happy on this Covid Christmas Eve. After the first movie, Levy streamed the second one. It was the classic Scrooged. You simply couldn’t have a Christmas without watching it at least once.
But by the time the movie was ending, Lucy had started to doze off on Natsu’s shoulder.
“If you’re tired, I can head home.”
“Stay,” she mumbled, “nice and warm.”
Natsu blushed. “Okay, I’ll stay.”
They bid their friends goodnight and merry Christmas before shutting off Zoom and closing the laptop. Natsu turned back to Lucy, but she’d fallen asleep again. He hadn’t planned on staying the night, but she seemed so content to stay cuddled up against him, that he just didn’t have the heart to leave. So, he turned off the lamp and shifted their bodies to both fit on the couch, tucking her close, and kissing her forehead before settling in too.
Lucy breathed out a soft sigh as her face burrowed against his chest. She was only pretending to be asleep to see how Natsu would react, but his response told her everything she needed to know. Covid really made their lives miserable this year, but at least it hadn’t ruined her Christmas after all.
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Cursed Blessings
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x reader
Warnings: MAJOR MENTIONS/BRIEF SCENE OF RAPE! Language, angst, alcohol, suggestive material, and this is just really sad. 
Chpt. 2
Okay, PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS! I don’t think the scene is graphic, however it’s there. If you feel that I should put a stronger warning, please don’t be afraid to dm me. 
So, my first ficlet, where do I begin? This story was supposed to be a cute little scene with Thomas and an ex lover but omg, I went so off track but I hope yall like it. I did lots of scheming with this fic and @tinywhim I cannot thank you enough for all the help! Brainstorming with you gives me so much more motivation to actually finish writing stories ngl. But yeah, please be wary. Next part will be much lighter I promise. Let me know if you want to be tagged, I’m tagging my original tjeff taglist. Feedback is always appreciated! And....hope you guys continue this story with me! Enjoy!
Y/N didn’t believe in soulmates, even if she was surrounded by so many people who seemed to be destined to each other. Her parents were married for 27 years, never once betrayed each other, they even died together. Even though her mother would call them soulmates, she didn’t believe it, she just thought they were two people who found an undeniable love. 
It was this phrase that was tossed around so much that it was starting to seem like a far off fantasy. 
That changed when she met Thomas. 
He was brilliant, charming, he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. He had little quirks about him that she knew was just for her to see. Y/N liked when he would tell a story and he would get this fond look in his eye, and start scrunching up his nose the faster he talked. To her it was adorable, to him it was stupid. 
Thomas made her feel safe, she’s never felt like that before. 
They met at an art exhibit, and the two spent the whole night talking about different pieces and ended up going to a small diner, looking ridiculously overdressed. She could see her mother gush about how romantic it was, how she could picture the wedding now. 
Y/N still didn’t believe in soulmates, but she did start to imagine a future with the man. 
Two years in, they were finally thinking about moving in together. Thomas found a nice place in Charlottesville, not too far from his family’s estate. It felt like a perfect dream. They were going to close on it at the end of summer. 
It was all perfect timing. The Jefferson's always threw a big charity event in July, the house would be filled with hundreds of snobby, rich attendees. Trying to fill in a conversation with any of them bored her to death, but Y/N couldn’t complain because while they had no genuine personality, they did have money. The event usually does really well each year, and this year was no different. 
Y/N spent that whole weekend at the Jefferson's estate, helping set up decorations and enjoying her time with him and his father. Ever since Thomas’s mother passed, Peter hasn’t been as social with outsiders. 
And even though she had heard some stories from the past that gave her dreaded chills, the man seemed to mean well. Thomas had told her that it was all in the past, and that he still cares for his father, so she shouldn’t hold it against him if Thomas wasn’t. 
The night after the fundraiser she learned more about Peter Jefferson. He liked to golf, he enjoyed telling awful jokes, and he liked to drink. 
He drank a lot that night. 
Y/N was in the study, reading the final chapter of her book on the couch. Thomas had gone out with James for the night, seeing that he would be leaving to go up to New York till the end of summer. It was peaceful; she was wrapped in a large blanket, feet on the table with a mug of coffee and a good book. 
The characters were clashing, it was something she hadn’t expected. She leaned forward and focused more on the words, not noticing the door open and shut quietly behind her. She only lifted her head when she felt cold fingertips run up her backside. 
Y/N turned around quickly, noticing Peter barely standing on his own. 
“Peter, are you alright? You don’t look too good.” His eyes were foggy, there was a stain across his shirt and he hiccupped to himself as he laughed. 
“Well, I think...you do, darling.”
“Do what?”
“You look..good, very-very good if I might add.” He staggered into the seat next to her and immediately put his hand on her thigh. 
“What are you doing?!” She pushed his hand off and he chuckled again. 
“You know, Thomas...my son he sure did pick out...a beautiful lady. And, heh, at least he did something right, he did something good in his life. But that boy, he still doesn't have the mindset yet...he doesn’t see that-” Peter drifted off as he looked like he was about to vomit all over himself. 
It was an opportunity, it was the perfect time to leave. 
“He’s so blinded by your wit that he doesn’t see that you’re taking as you please, and maybe not even to him alone, right huh?” He grabbed Y/N’s calf as he tucked himself into her neck. 
“He doesn’t see the way you dress, the way you look, how you’re just asking for it! Is he not giving you enough attention, darling?”
His hands felt slimy and unfamiliar, and they were certainly unwanted. 
But what was Y/N to do? She could’ve easily ran out the room. The man was drunk, she could’ve easily shoved him, hit him hard enough, and he would probably stumble and she could get out. She could call Thomas-
Thomas kept her safe, Thomas promised her that she was his and nobody else’s. Thomas left the house, Thomas brought her into an abuser’s house. 
Thomas was going to be so upset. 
And she could avoid this, Y/N could put an end to this hand running up her shorts. 
But she was numb, she was lost. All she could see was Thomas, all she could think was Thomas. But that certainly wasn’t Thomas’s hands, not his soothing touch, not his caring praise. It was Peter’s, and it was disgusting. But if she ended this, what would he say to Thomas? 
By the time she could feel her feet, it was already over. 
Y/N sat up to her pants on the floor along with a spilled coffee and puke smears on the rug. Her bones were cold, but that blanket had a white stain that made her uncomfortable. She looked and found the door closed. 
As if he never even came in. 
Maybe it was seconds, maybe it was hours, but when she finally sat up her whole body weight caved in on her. 
She had to clean up the mess, she needed to get rid of the evidence. 
She had to clean herself, she felt like this wasn’t her body. She was violated, she was abused, she was used. 
Y/N took the longest shower of her life, whether it be from her crying or trying to disinfect the feeling of hands crossing her torso. 
She went to bed alone, and surprisingly, sleep caught her quick. When she woke up, she was still alone. No Thomas, no Peter. 
Her emotions ran over her again and she sobbed gently into her pillow. She was too afraid to leave the bed, too afraid to go downstairs and see what broke her, is breaking her. It was too much. 
When her tears finally ran dry, there was a knock on the door. Immediately, she pulled her knees up to her chest and felt her heart jump. She stopped breathing until she heard her boyfriend’s voice. 
As he walked in, he had bloodshot eyes, wearing the same clothes as the night before. 
“Sorry I didn’t come back home. I drank a little too much, crashed at James’s place.” 
I drank a little too much. 
“It’s okay,” Her voice cracked and she hoped he didn’t notice it. Y/N couldn’t bear with his overwhelming care right now, she wasn’t ready for questions. 
“Hey, so, turns out I do have to go in tomorrow, and early at that. So, what do you say getting a head start on the drive back?” Raising a brow, Thomas had a soft look on his face. He looked so different all of a sudden. 
“I would like that.” Y/N put on her best smile. 
But she couldn’t hold it forever, she would eventually give herself away, and of course after being together for a couple of years, Thomas would know a difference. The lack of hugs, the uncharacteristic quiet, working, what she claimed, “overtime.”
They were signs. 
The next few weeks, he made an effort to do better, try harder. Thomas booked reservations at the most expensive restaurants, he surprised her at work on Wednesday’s, he made sure to leave the office on time so he could cook dinner for Y/N, always asking how her day was. 
He said those three words at every chance he got because he needed her to know, he needed her to understand that whatever was happening, whoever she was seeing, they wouldn’t love her like him. 
It wasn’t enough. 
“Is there someone else?”  
Y/N turned to look at him, luggage in hand. She’s never seen him so broken, so lost. He had stopped crying, clinging to himself as if to hold him close to the ground. Those eyes, those deep brown eyes that she fell in love with...they were too similar. 
It was like she was back on that couch, seeing those drunken orbs that ruined her forever. 
Apparently, her silence was his answer. Thomas nodded his head sadly and walked back towards the bedroom, leaving Y/N stuck to the doorstep. 
“It could turn out to be a blessing.”
Her jaw was shut tight, hand over her mouth, restricting even the tiniest sob from letting loose. 
“No matter what happens, we’ll help you out….” 
This town wouldn’t let her live peacefully if she dared approach one of those buildings. 
“Have you at least called the father?”
Peter gave her a check and a note two days ago. 
“Why don’t you just come up here? We can figure this out together.”
Her phone dinged, and there was a ticket to New York staring at her. 
“Whatever you need, whatever you decide, we’ll support you, Y/N.”
She was gonna need it. 
Jefferson Taglist: @notebookgirl30 @dontblinkumightmiss @checkurwindow @einfachniemand @astralaffairs @daveeddiggsit @ramp-it-up @ohsoverykeri-blog @i-know-i-can
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lilolilyr · 3 years
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Way over 300! Tho it feels like it's been at 300sth so long by now, it'll be weird to look at once it hits 400 :D
Btw, funny how this tag meme asks for so much stuff that can be looked up by just... looking at my Ao3... without asking for any commentary by me? Lol
Anyhow, rest under the readmore bc this is 20 questions and Long!
Personal post - do not reblog
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
995596 - just a few more ficlets or 1 longer fic, and I've got a Million! Hey, maybe I should try to write one with... 4404? (I'd need to ask a calculator xD) words exactly... not rly a hardship with how many drabble exercises (exact wordcounts, 100 is the most used, I also do 200, 500, longest was 10000 exactly lol) I've already done... we'll see!
Over 400k for this year alone, and over half of that is my actual writing (not translations etc), I'm so proud! Last year I only barely hit 200k and that included a lot of translating work
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  
Again, one could look this up in my works filtered - sorted by kudos? But all three of my incubus!jaskier witcher series are in it, part 2 of the series is highest with 1091 kudos, then a Venom halloween oneshot, and 'Belonging', a fluffy snake-crowley piece from my ineffable spouses series (yes, sth with under 1k words - 666 to be exact - is in the top 5... my poor longfics lol)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
...I try to? But atm I have 202 unanswered (and I always click 'mark read' on replies so these are all comments on my own fic) even tho I told myself I'd not let it get past 200, and now I'm doing a tag meme instead of replying to anything so ummmm
Edit: 203 unread now
But I do love love love all the comments I get! And while atm it's still semi-manageable, if it ever gets to the point where I really can't manage to reply to everyone cause it's too much, i'd rly take that as a compliment lol :D I'd still try to reply to the longer and/or more thought through comments tho :)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*thinks* I have an MCD fic? But not only is that very much a case of ~posting a draft version that's barely in complete sentences insgead of taking the time to turn it into a real longfic~, I also just killed off the mlm couple I only semi care about and left the wlw couple with a happy/hopeful (rly don't remember) ending, so... hm idk whether that counts for angsty ending
Apart from that... I dunno, I just prefer my babies to be happy and fluffy? *.* i remember a mirror milippa in the mirrorverse one where in the end Michael is worried about lying to Philippa about her identity... there are some angsty TOG and Gomens ones but I think they end happy-ish (my memory is. Bad. but looking through my 'angst' tag I just saw a lot of h/c and 'angst with a happy ending')
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They're all happy???!?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Check this out
I need you to know that all the works in that collection take part in the same universe (or rather, multiverse), and are alltogether just scratching the surface of my gigantic headcanon multiverse that I've been building in my mind since I was like 10
Actual crossovers other than that I don't remember writing
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeh but I only remember clicking 'delete comment', as it should be
Recently I've just gotten a bunch of 'you Need to continue this' and 'omg why isn't there more' or 'this shouldn't end' type comments, not hate, probably not meant maliciously, but So Annoying (maybe espesh bc I don't want to just hit delete on these, but I also don't want to pretend it's fine, but I also don't have the energy for a fight, and trying to explain why that behaviour is entitled and annoying and that I write what I want to write and nice comments should praise what I actually have written, and hoping that they understand and don't get mad is... hard.)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Check out my rated E and rated M in my works
Mostly femslash lately, but I did also write other smut in the past
Most is a bit dominant/submissive play, but I do also like good fluffy smut with feelings! Best in combo, really :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the sense of pretending someone else wrote it (that i know of), but posted to other sites without my permission - writing 'don't repost to other sites' etc did Not help, they even copied those tags lol, so I just let it be, choosing my battles wisely etcetc, I'd prefer for my fic not to be cross-posted by others bc then I can't edit or otherwise influence the fic anymore and don't see everyone's reactions to it, but as long as it's not someone pretending they wrote it, I only semi care, not enough to fight it tbh
PSA: I Only post fics to Ao3 (and WIPs/prompt fills to tumblr&discord at times), if you see them somewhere else that's Not Me and you'd do me a favour by checking them out on ao3 and kudosing&commenting there instead :)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup, one to Russian a while back, a floreleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) one to Korean just today actually, and I translated a bunch to German myself
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I made a TOG fic together with @cinnamonplums, well mostly I wrote and she made the art :D
Trying to remember whether I ever actually co-wrote anything... don't think so?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose!!!
Atm Milippa is OTP bc I'm busy writing them for @discoveryfemslashfortnight (this is not a post to reblog for the fortnight), but I'm also still rly into Floreleine, Bering&Wells and Andromaquynh and Andronilynh, and I read a lot of Mirandy lately
All-time favs I'm not rly active in atm but will always be dear to me are the ineffable spouses, clintcoulson, heistwives, gosh so many more I'll stop here tho xD
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Heistwives Kinda Job immediately comes to mind
I also rly want to finish at least one cohesive original-ish storyline for the lverse that I already linked for the crossover question above, but I just have so much backstory (it's been over 10 years!!!) and it's... hard...
And everything else that's still WIP and untouched for more than a few months will probably have the same fate lol
Also have a few that haven't even seen the light of day at all, most recent a Mirandy ~what if Andy had been pregnant when Miranda hired her and how would it change the entire storyline~ bit - I wrote it in bulletpoints in one go as quickly as I could, I know I had the finished product in my mind, I don't remember anything now and don't feel like going through the bulletpoints painstakenly filling in the blanks
15. What are your writing strengths?
Writing one-shots quickly in one go
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Forgetting everything about a fic if I leave it in a draft for a second too long
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There are many ways to go about it, and I think they all work (depending on the fic and the length and relevance of the dialogue)
I tend to leave single sentences as is, and for longer and important sequences use cursive and 'they said in xylanguage'.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Hobbit apparently? I remember thinking that fic was so long lol, it's 3k
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Kat/Ana from Reef Break, they have Such Shippable Chemistry, and it would totally fit Kat's player personality to bang both siblings (she's canonically friends with benefits with Ana's half-brother)... but the ship has one (1!) fic on Ao3 *cries*
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
TOG Andromaquynh longfic In Your Stead has had the title since last year and probably for a while to come! I loved the story idea so much I really worked with several drafts and only! worked on that fic until it was finished so I wouldn't get distracted & forget about it, and the result was wonderful.
Tagging, if you want to do it, @sarah-fiers @purlturtle @cookie-sheet-toboggan @ussjellyfish @onaperduamedee @startrekgeorgiouery @rosalie-starfall @lonely-night @banashee @xvnot15 and everyone else who sees this
Questions to copy:
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? 8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? 10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 13. What’s your all time favorite ship? 14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 15. What are your writing strengths? 16. What are your writing weaknesses? 17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? 19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? 20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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cartooness · 4 years
Mystery March Day 10: Mistake (Her Name?)
Alright my dudes: I know. Tis I, Cartooness, posting a ficlet of sorts. Which I never do lmao.
Warning this portrays Mystery in a negative light so if that’s not ya jam, go ahead and skip.
SO @nemesis-is-my-middle-name and I were chatting and this is what came out of it XD
In my AU (that’s where my Lavender Grey character comes from lol), since I first made it I thought “omg what if Mystery was like. ‘Afraid’ or just weary of her because of how powerful she is” but now that The Future is out, I’m all “holy fucking shit what if Mystery is almost *jealous* of her because the gang doesn’t want him around her”. They say it’s for her sake (but it’s also for their sake) because they don’t want her to be scared.
He’s both [weary and jealous of Lavender], he’s all “okay. This girl comes LITERALLY out of nowhere and I’m glad they’re giving her a place to stay, she is a child. But this is a very powerful child, one that overwhelmingly outranks me in that field. Why aren’t they afraid of her? Why is it ME that they’re keeping her away from?” 
I guess he knows what he’s done in the past was shitty, but he doesn’t know why this random ass kid owns their heart now when he’s the one who was there first. Ya know, like an asshole.
I wanna say that he makes her cry because he just lets all the negativity loose and he’s caught mid rant by ARTHUR.
So. Mystery has basically been fending for himself for a little while, no big deal. Except he can't stop thinking about that damned girl. What has she done for them? How has she won them all over so easily? Only Lewis was the type to be soft for children, but Arthur? VIVI? Being parental figures? The world has gone mad.
He saw them time to time in that mansion of Lewis's, and they all looked so happy without him. Vivi hadn't seemed to be going on missions anymore, which was beyond shocking. Why not, that child is so powerful any threats would back off if they had a single brain cell.
Not to mention Shiromori was now on the girl's side; he spotted her occasionally checking up on her and putting small blooms in her hair, typically while she slept. It made the child look more innocent than she actually was in his eyes. He remembered when he was the one getting flower gifts and such when Shiromori was on his side. And with a protector like her, the child was practically untouchable.
Mystery flirted with the idea of that girl getting hurt and them coming back to him for help. But he didn't let himself ponder too long, that would be cruel. But he couldn't help but think about it.
What *would* happen if harm came her way?
Would they mourn her if such a fate could happen?
Would they come crying back to him?
Or would they blame him for a tragedy he didn't cause. They just *loved* to blame him.
He couldn't stop himself anymore. He trotted his way to that stupid little happy home and sniffed out what room belonged to the girl, the unmistakable scent of raw power and flowers filling the air. He peered into her window, in his dog form, and lo and behold she was there. He yanked the window open and sat on her bed, not caring about getting that sickeningly "cute" comforter dirty with his mud covered paws.
"Oh! It's you, Mystery. Can... I help you?" She was a bit puzzled as to what he needed her for, she thought he was fine being on his own.
Actually my dear, you can.
Get out of their lives. You don't deserve anything they've given you.
Her pupils shrunk, taken aback from his remark. "Did I do something wrong? I don't-"
Don't play stupid with me, girl. You are the reason I'm not allowed to be with them anymore, that I've been scorned to never return. You just barged your way into their lives, into MY life and took everything I've worked so hard for away. They're so worried about their 'little princess' that they don’t realize how damn DANGEROUS you are!
Don't they feel that power you possess? Aren't they afraid of you? 
She looked like he ripped her gut out, her eyes welling with tears, irises ever so slightly tinting blue with sadness.
Don't you DARE cry, he growled, you won't get a drop of pity out of me.
"Mystery”, she started, sniffling as she tried to speak, “please tell me-" 
She was sobbing now, eyes visibly baby blue and tears running down her face.
"Mystery if you don't leave right now I SWEAR I will chop every God forsaken tail of yours off."
A-Arthur I-
"Why the fuck are you here? What made you think you were welcome?" His fatherly instinct had kicked in as soon he heard noise from his child’s room and ran over in an instant.
"Lav, baby, go to the bathroom” he started with a kiss to her nose, “so you can go wash your face. I have some business to finish", directing his gaze towards the intruder.
I'm here to open your eyes, Arthur. What has she accomplished while I was gone? What’s been going on with you... five? It seems her army grows every day.
"That is PATHETIC, Mystery."
What is? I'm just stating-
"I don't give a shit about your opinion, you broke into a child's room and you're YELLING AT HER because what, you're fucking....”
He pondered why Mystery was here spreading grief. They did tell him to piss off so that Lav wouldn’t be in danger, and honestly they didn’t need to be so stressed with him in the house all the time either. It’s not a good idea to welcome back a recently possessed kitsune into their home when they were all recovering from the trauma he inflicted. Old and new...
New... is he... 
“Are you,,, jealous of her?" he asked, tone on the verge of shock.
Good lord, this boy.
Arthur, I am here because I care and I worry about you, Lewis, and Vivi. And it concerns me that you've thrown all my help away for some MUTT that doesn't belong-
"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Arthur shouted, trembling and trying not to scream so he wouldn’t scare Lav a few doors down. 
I will NOT, I'm not done yet-
The look of pain and anger was so clear on his face, and Mystery shut his mouth instantly.
His voice was cracking, he wasn’t the type to do all... this. Just how much had this girl influenced them?
Arthur, please-
As if on cue, Lavender returned from the bathroom. "Mr. Arthur, am I in trouble?” She asked, big brown eyes looking up at him. “Mystery kept telling me that I did something wrong by being here and it didn't make sense to me."
"What exactly did he tell you, love?" he asked, eyebrows slightly softening just for her.
She looked almost scared to answer; she was aware the kitsune could be merciless, and didn’t want to be attacked in the mansion Lewis had worked so hard on. Mystery was so angry at her and she didn’t understand why. 
"Well... he told me that I ruined his life because I guess I took his place or something. He said I'm dangerous because I'm more powerful than him, and.. he said mean things about me in general.”
Arthur’s metal hand flew up, ready to attack. 
“Mr. Arthur! W-what are you doing?-"
And Arthur hit Mystery as hard as he could.
There was an excruciating scream of pain, one that caused Lewis and Vivi to abandon the groceries they were bringing in to see all the commotion.
Lewis rushed over, trying to calm his boyfriend down. "Arthur, mi amor, what- MYSTERY?! How did HE get here?!”
S h i t.
Vivi felt her heart drop to her feet at the mention of her ‘dog’s’ name. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? I THOUGHT WE KICKED HIM OUT!" she exclaimed, her stomach filling with dread.
Lewis, Vivi, if you just let me EXPLAIN-
Arthur almost made a hole in the wall with the pound of his fist. "So this little FUCKER broke into Lav's room to yell at her because she lives with us and he wasn't invited. I come over to see who's in her room yelling at her, and she's crying uncontrollably while he keeps going at her, spewing a bunch of BULLSHIT, and he thinks he can explain himself and why he's in the right."
"....what?" said Lewis and Vivi, shocked by Mystery's audacity.
Lav started to cry again, thinking she would be punished for this, and Lewis quickly pulled her into his embrace. "Mi florecita preciosa, you did nothing wrong-"
REALLY LEWIS? Mystery growled, feeling patronized, especially as Lewis tightened his grip. SHE'S NOT A BABY-
"Shut your snout right now", snapped Vivi. "Get the fuck out of our house and you BETTER not come back. You have ONE chance to apologize to her and that's it."
Can I come back if I do?
"YOU DON'T DESERVE TO COME BACK" growled Arthur, his flesh hand placed gently on Lav's head and his metal one pointing at Mystery, Lewis glaring so hard it could kill.
Nobody was on his side, and the look on the girl’s face almost made him feel bad. 
Very well then. I'll be on my way and hope that your ignorance won’t become your downfall.
"Hey Mystery, one more thing", Lewis started. "If you ever come back with bad intentions, we will kill you ourselves. I swear on anything and everything that you will not come here with a DROP of malice towards her. Do I make myself clear? And don’t you dare try and act smart, we are giving you a LOT of mercy when you don't deserve it."
...then I bid farewell. What is her name?
"My name is Lavender Grey."
Thank you. Goodbye, Miss Lavender Grey.
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lurking-latinist · 3 years
ok so I haven’t been doing this very long, but in the time I have been writing fic I’ve noticed that the popularity of each of my fics has almost nothing to do with how happy I was with it or how much the people that liked it liked it (i.e. what the mood in the comments was, from people who chose to leave comments, on a scale of “hey this is kind of fun!” to “omg omg OP you BLEW MY MIND how are you SO BRILLIANT”), both of which could be metrics for how good it is.
Instead, based on my small sample on ao3, popularity is almost precisely a function of two things, and I’m curious how they’ve played out for others:
1. length. Longer fics get more attention (and especially comments--which makes sense; there’s just more to say); exact drabbles also tend to get slightly more attention than ficlets that are on the same scale but are not a round number of words. On the other hand, someone who writes ten drabbles and someone who writes a 1000-word short story have done comparable amounts of work, but the drabble writer is likely to get more separate audience interactions because their work is spread out and broken up.
2. popularity of the fandom/sub-fandom. I’ve only written for Doctor Who, but that’s a fandom with a lot of sub-fandoms within it. For example, a Three & Jo ficlet that I dashed off purely as the vehicle for a joke has gotten more kudos than a Six & Mel story that I put quite a bit of work into, and this makes perfect sense because there are more people out there who are going to be looking for Third Doctor stories in the first place. (I bet the 7 kudos on the Six & Mel fic represents a pretty significant fraction of the Six & Mel fandom, though.) Meanwhile, I’ve noticed that people writing for contemporary Who consistently get kudos on a scale that only the most monumental of Classic Who fics ever reach (and I mean literally orders of magnitude). And that’s because that’s what people are searching for right now.
I’m not saying this to moan about people neglecting my genius, but actually to make kind of the opposite point, in the hopes that it might be encouraging to someone. In the world of fanfic, you’re writing for a really specifically circumscribed audience--sometimes literally just two or three people, who (a) are familiar with the fandom or fandoms you’re writing for, (b) like the tropes/genres/topics you’re using, and (c) are currently active in online fandom and reading fic. That really, really does narrow your audience.
And that means that--while it can feel kind of disappointing to work hard on something and then get only a few kudos and one or maybe two encouraging comments (from people you know...)--those numbers don’t reflect the standard of your work in any clear way. It’s helpful instead to focus on the quality, not the quantity, of audience reactions. Treasure those excited comments! (And, yes, that does mean that leaving comments is really, really helpful for your favorite authors, especially in small fandoms, rare pairings, platonic stories for characters that are usually shipped or vice versa, etc.).
It’s a little depressing if I picture myself shouting my fic in a huge auditorium and getting applause from three friends in the audience. But that’s not really a good metaphor for fanfic, is it? (Especially in small or non-current fandoms.) It’s more like holding a select literary salon at which you read to the few connoisseurs who are qualified to appreciate your brilliance.
I don’t know what a salon of 80s Who fans would look like, although I’m sure it would be over-lit.
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banshee1013 · 4 years
Suptober Day 10 - Sweet Rides
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I finally managed to keep myself to a pencil drawing only, still took me 4 hours but I’m pretty pleased with it.
Then I stayed up until 1:30am finishing the fic - which was supposed to be a FICLET - 2k later! Oops.
Anyway, here’s Day Ten! Now to figure out what to do for tomorr... uh, later today, haha.
Overall Title: The Road Less Traveled
Overall Rating: Mature (may change to Explicit, we’ll see how it goes)
Tags: Castiel/Dean, mention of Sam/Eileen, Post-Season 15, ExAngel!Cas, MostlyRetiredHunter!Dean, Road Trip
(Note: all ficlets are unbeta’d. At the end of the month, I’ll wrap up whatever I manage to get written, clean it up, get it beta’d, and post to AO3. So please pardon any mistakes!)
Words: 2026
Dean’s fingers drum a one-handed beat on the steering wheel, keeping time with John Bonham coming over the speakers. His other hand, resting on the bench seat next to him, is loosely entwined with Cas’. 
After their rainy weekend interlude at Rufus’ cabin, Cas has been extra hands-on; never out of contact with Dean in one way or another for very long - and Dean has zero complaints with this development.
Giving a quick squeeze, he disengages his hand from Cas’ and flips the turn signal, sliding over to the lane for I-5 North. 
Cas up to this point has been focused on the passing scenery with half-lidded eyes and soft smile, quiet and seemingly lost in thought. Dean had squeezed his hand a few times during the eight hour drive from the cabin, checking to see if he’d dropped off, but every time Cas had turned to him, returning the squeeze; the look in his eyes full of love and warmth, and Dean will do anything to keep Cas looking at him like that. 
This time, Cas turns to him, but his eyes are now full of curiosity. 
“I-5 North? I thought you wished to go south after we reached the west coast?”
“Thought we’d make a pit stop first.” Dean smirked to himself, recalling the conversation with Sam yesterday when he’d called to check in and found out they were headed to Seattle. 
“Seattle, huh? Helluva drive just to get some Starbucks!” Sam snorted, his voice echoing slightly with the speakerphone on so he can sign the conversation to Eileen.
“Haha, Sammy. No way am I getting Starbucks in Seattle - that’s like going to Italy and getting McDonalds.” Dean paused, glancing over his shoulder toward the bedroom, the Cas-shaped blanket-covered lump in the bed still unmoving, and silently cursed himself for not setting his phone on silent. 
He desperately wanted to be back in there with him.
“So, everything alright? I gotta go, things to do.” More like someONE to do…
Sam did not sound convinced but didn’t push the issue. “Nah, all good here. Eileen and I are back at the bunker and just wanted to make sure you didn’t end up in a ditch somewhere.” Sam chuckles at his own joke, then continues, “Hey, I know where you should go… y’know, when you get to Seattle.” 
Dean sighs - now that he knows nothing is wrong, he’s tempted feign a bad connection and hang up - but he’s genuinely curious to find out what Sam is going to suggest. “Yeah? Do tell.”
“You should get some Dick’s.”
“Hahaha very funny, “ Dean growls, and moves to hang up when Sam yells, “Wait, WAIT!”
“WHAT?” Dean grimaces at the volume of his voice and glances over at his shoulder again. Cas stirs and rolls over but doesn’t wake. “What?” he says again, quieter.
“I mean, you should go eat a Dick’s.” Sam giggles, and Dean hears Eileen's soft laugh in the background.
“Okay, that’s it. I’m outta here.” Dean pulls the phone back from his ear once again and starts to hang up when he hears Eileen’s voice - “Dean, wait!” 
With a mighty sigh, he puts the phone back to his ear and hears a smack in the background; an open palm against muscle and cloth, followed by Eileen’s voice:  “Stop BEING a dick and tell him.” 
“Okay, okay. You guys are no fun.” Sam speaks into the phone again. “It’s a fast food place out there. ‘Best burgers in America’ according to Esquire Magazine.”
Cas’ brow pinches in confusion and it’s still the most adorable thing ever. “Pit stop? Why are we stopping for pits?” His eyes narrow. “Are they peach pits? Do you need to distill cyanide from them?”
Dean can’t help himself - he outright guffaws. “No, no cyanide, why would I… I mean, we’re making a detour, stopping somewhere here in Seattle before heading south.” 
“Ah, very well then.” Cas tilts his head. “Is it for coffee? I hear Starbucks is headquartered here, I suppose acquiring some from the original source might be interesting.” 
“NO Starbucks… seriously, why does everyone…,” Dean pauses, then carefully schools his face into a serious expression, “We’re going for Dick’s.” 
“BURGERS!” Dean manages to gasp out as he gets the laughter under control. “It’s a burger place Sam told me about. ‘The most life-changing burger joint in America’ or so Esquire Magazine would have you believe.” Turning to Cas, he arches an eyebrow. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
                                                ~~~ *** ~~~
“What the… Cas, I think I’m gonna be sick.” 
No, it wasn’t from the burgers - Dean hadn’t even gotten to those yet. He’s not even sure if they can. 
As they pulled into the parking area for Dick’s Drive-In, he had slammed on the brakes, Baby coming to a sudden stop with a squeal of rubber on pavement at the sight before him.
The parking lot was full - of Impalas.
Black 1967 Impalas to be exact. DOZENS of them, all in a row.
Some had their trunks open, the inside of the lids decorated with devil traps and wards. Others had green coolers nearby, identical to the one in his backseat. 
The squeal of tires had drawn the attention of the people gathered around, and one in particular waves and makes his way over to them.
“Oh shit, no no no…” Dean mutters, then quickly plasters on a wan smile as the guy approaches his window and leans on the sill. 
“Hey there, I”m Davis, President of the Seattle chapter of the Supernatural Haunted Impalas club.” Dean glanced down at the man’s outstretched hand, briefly considers peeling rubber out of the parking lot and reluctantly decides against it - the last thing they need is a APB out on them for decapitating a guy in full view of witnesses - and takes the guy’s hand. 
“hi, uh… De.. Daniel. I”m Daniel… uh, Dan, and this is… “ Releasing the guy’s… Davis’... hand, he turns to Cas, eyes wide and imploring. 
Thankfully, Cas gets it. “Calvin,” Cas says, taking Davis’ hand and giving it a solemn shake - up and down, twice, and a quick release - “You can call me Cal.” 
Davis blinks, then gives them a broad smile. “Nice to meet you boys. We’re all just parked over there, find a spot and come say hi!” He leans back, his smile widening. “Nice cosplay, by the way - Dean, I presume, and you must be Endverse Cas, am I right?” He throws fingerguns and a wink before turning to head back to the group.
“We should leave… yeah, we should definitely get the HELL OUTTA HERE…” Dean looks over his shoulder, trying to figure out the quickest way to bail on the situation; but just then, a loud rumble erupts from Cas’ stomach. 
“Dean…” Cas sighs. “I’m very hungry, and you promised me a life-changing burger.” He gestures at the group, many of whom are now actively watching them. “And they’ve already noticed us. We might as well go and order the burgers, and then make an excuse to leave.” He drops puppy-dog eyes to rival Sam’s, and Dean knows he has no recourse but to go through with the charade - at least long enough to get a burger.
“FINE. We’ll order the burgers, make nice with locals while they’re cookin’, and then get the hell outta Dodge.” 
Dean pulls into a spot at the end of the long line of Baby Wanna-Be’s. No sooner had they climbed out and closed the doors, a bubbly brunette bounces over to them. 
“Hey guys, you look great! And wow, your Baby is GORGEOUS! What’s her name?” She claps a hand over her mouth in dismay. “Oh, of course, I shouldn’t assume gender. What’s your Baby’s name?” 
Dean’s lips part but nothing comes out, at a loss for words - then, “Baby.” 
The bouncy brunette blinks, then nods, the smile returning. “Uh, great! Awesome!” She extends her hand. “I’m Brittany, and this is my girl, Gertrude,” indicating the Impala parked next to them. 
Dean has to admit - Gertrude is in great shape. “Hi, Brittany, I”m De… Dan.” He passes an admiring gaze over the car. “She’s beautiful.” 
Brittany blushes fiercely. “Thank you so much! She’s my pride and joy.” 
Dean can’t help but grin - he gets it. “I know how you feel.” He starts toward the car, his interest piqued now.
Cas grabs his elbow. “Dean… uh, DAN,” he stammers. “We should order our food first.” 
“Oh, right! Of course.” He turns back to Brittany. “Give us a moment? We’re starving.” 
Brittany nods like her head is on a swivel. “OH of course! We’re not going anyway, go feed your boyfriend!” She turns back to Gertrude and strikes up a conversation with another couple. 
They make their way to the order counter with no further distractions and order their food, both choosing the “Dick’s Deluxe” with fries and milkshakes, then wander over to the group of Impala owners. 
By the time their food is ready, Dean is genuinely surprised at how much fun he’s actually having - the Impala owners are friendly and really know their cars, the pride of ownership evident - and Dean can’t help but respect that. However, they of course are also just as fanatical about Chuck’s books, which Dean struggles to hide his discomfort with. 
As they head back to the counter to pick up their food, Dean turns to Cas. “I dunno about all this, Cas - they’re really into Chuck’s books and they have no idea what a tool he was.” His head drops with a sigh. “Should we tell them?” 
“No, Dean.” Cas looks back over his shoulder at the group, their laughter and happy voices carrying across the parking lot. “They’re happy; the books have brought them together, given them friendship - a family, even.”  He shakes his head. ‘Chuck used those words to manipulate you, but they have no power over you - over US - anymore. This way, they serve a good purpose.” 
Dean blinks - he hadn’t thought of it that way. Of course Cas is right. 
“Yeah... and look at all the sweet rides that came from them!” 
                                                ~~~ *** ~~~
They gather their food order and head back to say their goodbyes, but the group appear to be packing up anyway - trunks being closed and coolers returned to their backseats. 
Davis approaches them. “Hey guys… we’re about to head out, but we’re only going over to Golden Gardens Park to watch the sunset and hang out around the fire pits. You’re welcome to join.” He nudges Dean with his elbow. “The group’s really taken a shine to you,” he says with a bright grin, “and your Baby, of course.” 
Dean turns to Cas, throwing an arm over his shoulder. “Whadda ya say, sweetheart? Our first sunset…” he shakes the bag of food in his other hand, “and dinner on the West Coast?” 
“I would love to, Dean.” Cas’ eyes are bright, his smile soft and warm and Dean really wants to kiss him right now, but… company.
“Adorable,” Davis says, hands clasped in delight. “I love how you two stay so in character.” 
                                                  ~~~ *** ~~~
The last rays of the sun slip behind the Olympic Mountains, but Dean is watching Cas watch the sunset. 
He’ll never get tired of the look of wonder on Cas’ face when he experiences new things. 
Or for that matter, the sounds he makes, either. Listening to him moan through that admittedly fantastic burger was downright pornographic. 
He places a hand on Cas’ fire-warmed cheek and turns him away from the dimming horizon.
Damn the company. He’s gonna kiss his boyfriend.
He tastes the salt from the fries, the sharp vinegar of the pickles, the rich savory flavor of the burger, the lingering sweetness of the milkshake. 
He tastes the unique flavor of Cas and relishes it. 
Cas threads his fingers into the hair at the back of Dean’s neck and tilts his head just so and oh, it’s so, so good. 
He hears a few giggles and more than a couple “awws” and pays them no mind. 
He’s way too busy thinking about a completely different type of sweet ride.
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supercalvin · 4 years
breaking the rules but 5WR for the prompt thing? i was just thinking they went well together and you’d be able to do something crazy awesome with it :)
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5. High School AU + W. Pretend Relationship + R. In Vino Veritas
There are no rules here, friend. You can do whatever you want, and I certainly love this combination of tropes+AU. Have I ever mentioned that High School AUs are a guilty pleasure of mine? Which is probably why this turned out so long. Omg why can’t I write 500 word ficlets anymore???
Prompts  (or any prompt)  + Ficlets
Lance had invited Merlin to this party, which was the only reason he was here.  It wasn’t that hed didn’t normally go to parties. He did. It’s just he usually hung around a different crowd. Will’s parties were smaller, usually no more than ten kids sitting around his living room, staying up too late, playing video games, and maybe baking some of Freya’s weed into badly made brownies.
Lance, on the other hand, was the type of person to get along with a lot of different people. So not only was he close friends with Merlin, but he also happened to be friends with people in the drama club, the student council, and the football team. To be fair, it was hard not to like Lance.
So Merlin didn’t usually go to crazy house parties filled with football and rugby players. He was beginning to wish he had made Will come with him, even though he knew Will would just complain the whole time. Merlin was chatting with Elyan, a bloke he knew from maths class, trying his best to not seem out of place. He sipped on his beer, and prayed Lance would come save him at some point.
“Hey, it’s Merlin!”
To say that Merlin was surprised when Arthur Pendragon flung an arm around his shoulder and smiled at him would be an understatement. To say that Merlin was surprised Arthur Pendragon knew his name and apparently was happy to see him, was an astronomical understatement.
“Hey,” Merlin smiled, trying his best to seem nonchalant. Arthur smelled strongly of cologne, and Merlin had to mentally remind his tipsy-brain that saying ‘you smell good’ would be supremely awkward.
“Lance said he invited you,” Arthur said, still smiling at him. “I’m glad you made it.”
Merlin shrugged, “Why not, I guess?”
“Arthur!” Someone from across the kitchen yelled, “Where are the towels?”
Arthur groaned, “Bunch of children. I’ll be back,” Arthur tussled Merlin’s hair, playfully.
“That was weird,” Merlin said.
“Was it?” Elyan asked, “Arthur’s just like that when he gets more than one beer in him.”
“Really? I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with him. I didn’t know he knew who I was.”
Elyan tilted his head to the side. “Didn’t you have history with us last year? You know, with Mr. Garrah?”
Merlin thought back. Maybe he had. But he hadn’t spent much time with Arthur. To say the least, Arthur Pendragon was the Golden Boy oftheir school. He was certainly one of the most popular kids. He was a star footballer. Alright enough in his classes, from what Merlin could tell. Definitely was fit. God forbid if Merlin forgot how fit Arthur was. Merlin was bisexual and was very aware of the fact that in a few hours it would hit him that ArthurPendragon had just been pressed up against him.
But, Merlin reminded himself, he was the only out-and-proud kid at school. And no matter how much Merlin drooled over him; Arthur Pendragon was in a serious relationship with Gwen Smith. Merlin had known Gwen since his first year in Camelot. They had kissed during a Truth-or-Dare game at Will’s back in Year 9. He hadn’t spent much time with her lately, since their schedules didn’t line up, but he assumed if Gwen liked Arthur, then he must bealright.
The party continued for another hour or so, everyone loosening up as more beer was drunk. Merlin mingled with people he had never talked to before and if he was being honest he was having a great time. Merlin wasn’t drunk, per se, but he certainly wasn’t sober by the time Arthur crossed hispath again.
Merlin was sitting on a couch, and Arthur plopped himself down right next to Merlin.
“Hey, you like Triple Goddess, right?”
“Yeah, how’d you know that?” Merlin asked, not sure how Arthur would know his favorite band.
“You wear their concert shirts a lot.”
Merlin wasn’t sure how often he wore Triple Goddess shirts, but he wondered if it was too much if Arthur noticed them.
“I looked them up after I saw your shirt. They’re really nice to listen to while I study. They’re really low-key,” Arthur said.
“Yeah, I listen to them while I code,” Merlin said, wondering too late if it was too nerdy to mention that he liked to write his own computer programs. He tried to cover it quickly, “I haven’t listened to their new album yet. Haven’t the time.”
“I have it upstairs, if you want. Come on,” Arthur stood up and offered his hand. Merlin took it without much thought.
Upstairs was less crowded. Most of the doors were closed andwhen Arthur pulled out a key to open his bedroom door, Merlin figured that was how Arthur managed to keep things from getting out of hand. It didn’t click that Merlin would be alone with Arthur until the door closed behind him.
Arthur pulled out his laptop and popped open the album. The noise from the party was much more subdued in Arthur’s room, and the low sounds of piano and violin came through clearly. Merlin looked around the room as themusic played, unsurprised to see a football banner along with an action movie poster. The desk was scattered with books and the bed was a rumpled unmade mess. Arthur obviously hadn’t expected anyone here tonight. Merlin wondered if Gwen was at this party. He hadn’t seen her. Probably not, if Arthur was here with Merlin of all people.
“Isn’t the lead singer of Triple Goddess gay?”
Merlin chewed on his nail nervously wondering if this was a trick question. He tried to remember that Gwen was a cool person, and she wouldn’t date a homophobe. Hopefully.
“Yeah, she is…” Merlin said, “And the drummer is trans, actually.”
Arthur hummed. He was leaning against his desk, flipping around one of his books. He looked nervous, which was strange to Merlin.
The song changed and the beat was mellower.
“Is that, uh, why you got into the band?”
Merlin rubbed the back of his neck, “Actually, yeah, that’s how I found out about them. They have a music video with two guys, uh, you know, together.” Merlin shrugged. He hadn’t talked much about his sexuality with anyone besides Will or his mum. He wasn’t sure why Arthur was asking. Maybe he was just trying to make conversation with what little he knew about Merlin.
“Yeah, I saw that one.”
Merlin rocked back on his heels.
“So…” Merlin struggled to think of anything he knew about Arthur. But before Merlin could ask about football, and absolutely stick his foot in his mouth, Arthur beat him to it.
“I’m glad you came. To the party. I told Lance to inviteyou.”
“What? Why?”
“I, uh,” Arthur looked up, like there was going to be an answer on the ceiling. “Shit, Gwen said this was going to be easy.” He set down his book and stepped up close to Merlin. He cleared his throat.  “I think you’re fit. And smart. And I know we don’t really know each other, but I’ve never had a good reason to talk to you before.”
Merlin blinked at him.
He took several seconds to process all that.
“Sorry, what was the first one?”
Arthur smiled, “I think you’re fit.”
“B-but what about Gwen!” Merlin stuttered.
“Oh, right.” Arthur said, as if he had forgotten about his girlfriend. “I’m her beard. Or we are each other’s beards? Doesn’t matter. She’s dating my step-sister Morgana. We told our Dad that she’s dating me, so that when she stays over, she sleeps in Morgana’s room. It’s a nice set up.”
Merlin blinked a couple times.
“Uh. Merlin?”
“I think I’m going to need a moment,” Merlin held up a hand. “You’re gay?”
“Yeah,” Arthur shrugged and gestured to himself, as if that cleared that up.
“Holy shit, thank you Jesus,” Merlin said, before slapping a hand over his mouth.
Arthur laughed hard and Merlin smacked his shoulder when he wouldn’t stop.
“Fuck off, you know you’re fit! Don’t torture me.”
“You think I’m fit?” Arthur asked, seeming to be truly interested in the answer.
“Uh, yeah,” Merlin said, trying to suppress a nervous giggle.
Arthur smiled, and Merlin noticed that his teeth weren’t completely straight. There was something charming about him that had butterflies flutteringin Merlin’s stomach.
“So, uh, I’m not out to my Dad. But uh, would you like to, Idon’t know…We could see a film. Or you could come over and we could play some video games? Or something.”
Merlin smiled, “Yeah, I could do that.” Merlin stepped up closer to Arthur, suddenly feeling very brave. “How do you feel about snogging for a bit before going back down to the party?”
Arthur’s eyes widened, “Really?”
Merlin raised a brow.
“That wasn’t a ‘no.’” Arthur said quickly, “I’m just, uh… I’ve never kissed a boy.”
Merlin smiled, “Want to?”
Arthur nodded, “Yeah,” His eyes trailed down to Merlin’s lips. It didn’t take much movement to tilt his head to the side and pull Arthur into a kiss.
When they made it back down to the party, no one seemed to notice that their lips were red and chapped. Merlin had a bit of a bruise on his neck, but he would just cover it up with a scarf tomorrow.
Prompts (or any prompt)  + Ficlets
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