#i dont love this but im tired so have it anyway
hey uhm you dont know me or maybe you do. but im the kid that left those stupid tags on one of your posts.
your response was "should we tell everyone. should we throw a party. should we invite Bella Hadid." (just to refresh your memory)
When I added those tags, I thought it was fine. It was more or less banter with a moot in the tags. I didn't think you'd see it or even care. I was tone deaf. and im sorry.
and like, it has been months since i added that in the tags and then you screenshotted and added to the post but i think about it a lot. and i think about what the people in the notes said a lot.
i never meant to be insensitive or anything, i was trying to be light hearted. idk i just needed to get this off my chest.
oh hey what's up lmao
I want to be so clear that I was never angry at you as an individual, it's mostly just like... it's very frustrating as a woman who's moderately gender nonconforming to talk about my frustrations with being expected to shave, wear makeup, etc, and so often be met with people derailing the conversation to talk about how much they love those things.
I want to be so clear: I have absolutely no beef with any woman or any other person doing whatever the fuck they want with their body. shave whatever you want, put on as much or as little makeup as you like, wear whatever clothing makes you happy. I don't feel any animosity towards people who enjoy things that I don't, it's just endlessly tiring to ALWAYS have someone feeling the need to chime in to talk about how much the love stuff that feels totally disconnected from my life specifically when I am trying to talk about that disconnect. and it is genuinely kind of inevitable, I don't think I've ever been able to express that feeling without someone chiming in to talk about how they can't relate at all and feel completely the opposite. which is a fine way to feel, but maybe read the room!
anyway. I know it was a cunty response and I am sorry if that hurt to see. I genuinely do not have any grudge with you, and if anyone has been shitty to you about those tags I am deeply sorry, because that's never something I would have wanted. I appreciate hearing from you 💜
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
MIASMA i am having thoughts right now. thoughts about dew cutting his finger open three songs in, and aeon gettin all predatory bc he smells blood, and cornering dew backstage so he can get those fingers in his mouth and lick at the wound until it opens back up again, getting all his sweaty fingers in his mouth and licking them clean
He's amazed he can smell it over the stink of the crowd.
Quintessence ghouls are extra sensitive to scent, and the peppermint oil Mountain had given him for the inside of his balaclava wore off halfway through Kaisarion. Too many bodies in too little space, the stench of humanity - sweat and tears and the heady aroma of adoration - filling his nostrils.
But here they are, barely through the intro to Faith, and all Aeon can smell is smoke-tinged copper.
It's all he can focus on, fingers moving on autopilot while he tracks Dew across the stage. The tick of his earpiece makes his eye twitch, but he doesn't blink. Can't, not when he catches that flash of red on the other ghoul's right pinky.
It's barely a nick, but it's enough. Enough to have Aeon's mouth watering, fangs shimmering through his glamour as he imagines lapping up the few drops of crimson decorating Dew's finger. So lost in it that he misses his next cue, fumbles a handful of notes and earns a hoot from his side of the stage.
It doesn't matter. Nether does the curious look he gets from Rain, nor the chuckle from Swiss. Nothing matters but the little ghoul on the other side of the stage, fingering his way through a flawless solo. Aeon growls to himself when he finishes, watching Dew move to wipe his messy hand on his pants.
He pauses at the last second, though. Turns his head, stage lights glinting in his lenses. Aeon's growl ratchets up a notch when Dew stares over at him, fingers twitching against his fretboard. He can just make out the burning orange of the other ghoul's eyes.
He gives Aeon a finger wave with his stained pinky, and Aeon swears Dew smiles behind his balaclava.
The rest of the show barely registers, a mindless drone of guitars and drums and the shrieks of their congregation. He watches Dew through it all, playing on memory alone while a very specific hunger gnaws at his stomach. He's drooling down his chin by the end of Square Hammer, chest rumbling in a growl that is utterly beyond his control.
Aeon slithers his way through the lineup when it comes time for bows, and there is nothing kind about the way he grips Dew's sweaty hand.
He smells even better up close. Like burnt cinnamon, bitter salt and heat-warped metal. He doesn't let go after they bow, and the little ghoul doesn't fight when Aeon drags him backstage before he's even fully upright.
It's nothing to pull him though the halls, past crew and venue staff. Dew bitches when he stumbles, trips over his boots, but Aeon pays it no mind. He's too busy shoving his way into the green room. Too busy flinging Dew against the wall. Too busy bullying him into the corner as he rips his mask off, snarling behind his face covering while the little ghoul stares through his lenses.
Dew definitely smiles this time. His tongue pokes though his balaclava as he licks his lips, and Aeon's eyes dart after it.
"Did you need something?" Dew tries to taunt, but it's just breathless enough to raise the hairs on the back of Aeon's neck.
"Give it to me," he orders, low and demanding, and the little ghoul's head thuds back against the wall. Dew can't hide the way his chest heaves or the way his shoulders slump.
"Why don't you make me?"
Oh, Aeon is going to bite.
He grips Dew's wrist with a snarl, long fingers digging into the soaked fabric of his compression shirt when he yanks it up. Dew gasps at the force, but Aeon pays him no mind. Too focused on the tiny red line just below the first knuckle of Dew's little finger.
"It's not bleeding," he complains, dragging his nose along the outside of Dew's hand. His tongue follows it, and Aeon's mouth is flooded with salt and the metallic tang of guitar strings. Dew shivers.
"It was just a scratch," he says with a shrug, trying for casual and landing on shaky. "Guess you missed out."
Aeon smiles.
"I can fix that."
In a flash his fangs appear, and before Dew can so much as blink Aeon's dragging one along that cut. Deeper than his string had sliced. Deep enough to make the little ghoul hiss.
Deep enough to pour ruby red ecstacy into Aeon's waiting mouth.
Dew swears under his breath when Aeon laves a hungry tongue over the wound. Sweat and blood mingle on his tastebuds, a singular, intoxicating combination that has his stomach aching and his cock filling out against his zipper. It tastes so much sweeter than he'd imagined, and it's impossible not to take all of Dew's finger in his mouth and suck.
Dew groans, grabbing a fistful of Aeon's vest. Aeon stares him down while he indulges, violet boring into molten orange. Dew's eyes are so wide behind his mask, but he winces when Aeon licks at the cut he caused. It's the smallest reaction, blink and you'd miss it, but Aeon catches every moment.
All too soon the bloodflow stops, and Aeon pulls Dew's finger from his mouth with a wet pop. A string of red-tinged saliva connects it to his tongue, and he can see the way Dew hones on it.
"Tasty," Aeon coos, kissing the tip of Dew's pinky. He trails warm lips down the little ghoul's quivering hand, nipping at pronounced veins along the way. He licks at the inside of Dew's wrist, teases thin skin with sharp fangs. "Think I could drink you dry, firecracker."
Dew can't hide the way his hips twitch.
"Then maybe you should try."
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mossy-aro · 18 days
ultimately i think my insistence on aro positivity honestly is as much a political stance as a personal one.
when i say aro positivity is crucial and that i dislike doomer-ist posts that express sentiments like 'I hate being aro so much I wish I was dead instead’ it's not because I don’t think there can and should be a space for negativity and acknowledging self-hate, or the many ways being aromantic can really suck sometimes. i find that to be very important!
that being said. there is smth here about how self-hate posts are sometimes just arophobia that we inflict on ourselves. and when we put that out into the ether it (intentionally or not) can become arophobia that we inflict on other members of the community. i think there absolutely needs to be a place for negativity and the expression of anger and frustration and self loathing even - these are all good things to talk about because these are things that we experience. that being said, it can also be genuinely upsetting and triggering to people to have what is essentially arophobia shown to them and then have that be validated by other aspec people. your personal thoughts can affect your wider community on a level you may not anticipate. and i understand it i truly do! it took me so long to be able to recover from accepting being aroace - it threw my entire world off kilter and made me question everything about my place in the world.
but my insistence on aro joy and positivity is because ultimately i do believe that building is at the core essence of it all. that ultimately discussions and the purpose of community should be about construction, not destruction. and this is both a personal and a political stance. talking about how much you hate yourself and cultivating online discussions/spaces where negativity about aspec identity is the main and only theme is destructive - if that’s where we let the conversation end. these thoughts can and should be used as a vehicle to look for a path forward!
joy and positivity create a space where the focus can become on forging a path forward, on construction, on community building instead of tearing ourselves and others down with negative thoughts. it’s not productive or healthy when it stops at a place of negativity - it becomes actively destructive to the essence of community.
and i do think that this is especially poignant considering the fact that being any kind of queer, but especially aromantic (and/or asexual) means forging a path for yourself and making your own happiness where there is no obvious way forward. our communities exist mostly online (right now, anyway), there is little recognition of our existence in the real world, the effects of amatonormativity are both pervasive and actively dehumanising, and there are legal, economic and social structures in place actively making our lives more difficult. yes that all sucks! it’s good to acknowledge that. we need to in order to change it. but more importantly, that’s not the end. we are still here and our happiness, our future is for us to determine. even if we can’t change the laws or society, loving yourself and understanding aromanticism as a political identity (as well as personal), as a radical worldview, and as a protest against amatonormativity is essential for both community and personal well being. the personal is political.
tldr. i guess my point is that as a community, we should focus on building, improving, and nurturing ourselves and each other (construction) as opposed to destruction. we should recognise aromanticism and asexuality as political identities as well as personal ones and rely on community and self-love in the absence of anything else as a form of protest and political power. destruction (the recognition of everything that is wrong) is essential as a starting point - but where do we go from there? we rebuild.
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rendevok · 2 years
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The sensation of waking up next to you ❤️💙
+bonus doodle:
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…and they mimir’d happily ever after the end. ❤️
(ID under cut!)
Miles is roused from sleep by sunlight shining on his face. Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light, until finally, his scope of awareness broadens to a body he had been sleeping on.
Page 2
Miles looks up to the figure that holds him, and upon seeing, his eyes widen in recognition.
Miles looks up to the figure that holds him, and upon seeing, his eyes widen in recognition.
The bottom panel of the page shows minimal details of a window shedding light onto the bed and blankets as seen from a higher view in the room.
Page 3
On the other side of the bed, Phoenix rests, his head propped by the headboard. His hair is messy from sleep, and his expression is thoughtful. The light of the morning highlights his features.
The sun shines through the blinds of the window.
Phoenix finally notices his observer, and turns to look at him.
Page 4
Phoenix takes Miles’ hand in his, and lifts it to gently kiss the ring on Miles’ finger. They both move to share a kiss, and their hands shift to hold one another. Miles’ ring sparkles in the sunlight.
Page 5
They link their fingers as they kiss, and the morning creates a quiet atmosphere around them.
They part, but remain close, their fingers fully interlocked. Phoenix greets “Good morning,” with a tender, loving expression as he looks at Miles. Miles’ own expression is soft, unguarded, and fixed on Phoenix.
Page 6
Phoenix and Miles settle back into their shared bed; the morning sun illuminates them. They both smile softly, seeming happy and at peace. Miles rests his head under Phoenix’s neck, and his hand on Phoenix’s chest. One of Phoenix’s hands rests over Miles’ own on his chest, while his other hand holds Miles closer, revealing a matching ring of his own. Both rings shine softly in the sunlight.
Bonus image
A small simple drawing of Phoenix and Miles having fallen asleep again while holding each other as in the final page of the comic.
End ID.]
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most of you will not understand the agony of this outfit. but hey here's fantasy au Howdy!
yes. i know. he looks like a gunslinger. but I think it'd be funny if Howdy shows up and he minorly tweaks the genre simply by Existing! plus, he has to make himself useful beyond being a traveling salesman - he doesn't have a scrap of magic in him! so! alchemist gunslinger!
due to much of this "final" outfit design being Miguel's (@indigopoptart <3 thanks for your help homeslice <3) influence, i have less to say than usual! i'll talk about the things i Kept from the first terrible, terrible draft!
i wanted him to have full-coverage gloves because One, gloves fuck, & Two, shooting gloves! plus, he regularly works with dangerous materials! gotta keep his hands as safe as possible! speaking of his guns, they were a Ton of fun to draw. i wanted to make them ornate... Howdy seems like he'd enjoy nice things? fancy stuff perhaps? anyway the guns have his tavern "logo" on them!
the "second safety" mentioned triggers a magic-oriented mechanism that allows him to piece the guns together! they "unfold" into a big ol clusterfuck of a powerhouse weapon! unfortunately, using this immediately breaks the guns and they have to be repaired, so it's a "break glass in case of emergency" ace up the Neighborhood's sleeve!
i like to imagine that his bandolier, while cool, stresses everyone out a little bit. each bullet is full of pressurized weaponized magic. If they break while on the bandolier, well! Howdy would probably be very much Royally Fucked! i also drew the bullets too large here, so imagine that there's a lot more than shown and they're a lot smaller. I didn't realize this mistake until right now! oopsies!
i want to keep elements of the canon outfits in these fantasy ones. hence why his vest is striped and blue, he's still got the reddish brown pants, and! why his cloak clasp is shaped like a tie! and why the inside of his cloak resembles his apron!
i like to think that Howdy got his magic pack by swindling some poor soul out of it! when the buckles are undone, it unfolds into a vendor stand that looks Much different than the tiny scribble provided! said scribble is there to ah... what's the word. Demonstrate? get the point across? it's actually quite a nice stall! he has space to sell, and a workbench to tinker on! the pockets on the bag actually do function as pockets, though.
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
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Dead Tired Honey Swamp
Shout out to @deuces-stone-cold-style for the nightgown inspo!
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my atla au fanfic pet peeve is people making katara angry or reluctant at zuko joining the group. katara was the FIRST one to trust and forgive zuko. he spent >5min telling her he had a tragic backstory and she was ready to use up her one and only vial of superultramagical healing on a cosmetic problem because it would make him happy.
katara is thee Most forgiving, trusting, and generous of the lot. thats Why she could be betrayed at all. Because she trusted so easily! the fact she holds a grudge at a betrayal that got her best friend killed severely injured does not mean she is anything less than the most trusting and willing to take a chance on others of the group!
if in an alternate universe zuko wound up joining the group earlier or the betrayal never happened she would be the first to accept him, she would welcome him with open arms and fight on his behalf with the groups true skeptic ie sokka
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sherbetyy · 1 year
I’M HOSTING A DHMIS REANIMATION COLLAB FOR THE JOBS SONG!!! (for the late anniversary.. yuay!!)
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each animator will be assigned to a job of their choice to animate!! (unless you’d like to work 2 jobs..)
HERE ARE THE JOBS!! (‘HELP WANTED’ means the part is available and ‘POSITION FILLED’ means it’s taken. if there’s a name beside it it means it’s finished)
1: school (POSITION FILLED) astronomalyy
2: office job (POSITION FILLED)
3: football (HELP WANTED)
4: judge (POSITION FILLED) pizza-feverdream
5: doctor (POSITION FILLED) billypeacockart
6: lumberjack (POSITION FILLED)
7: crypto bro.. (POSITION FILLED) solchle
8: sitting on a chair! (POSITION FILLED)
9: army (POSITION FILLED) transredguy
10: ice cream truck (POSITION FILLED) sn33zy
11: barber (POSITION FILLED) dhmis-autsim
12: fishing (POSITION FILLED) yippeepy
13: astronaut (POSITION FILLED) fluffybirdcentral
14: petersons (POSITION FILLED) totally average kid
15: mailman (POSITION FILLED) retrocandyfloss
16: artist (POSITION FILLED)red-string-and-patches
17: toolmaker (POSITION FILLED)
18: therapist (POSITION FILLED) cosmicxd
(if you’d like to quit your job please dm me!)
here is a video so you know where your part stops and ends!!
and here’s the discord for you guys to discuss it!! i will not be there unfortunately, but the co-director mtsodie will :o]
-keep it SFW obvs..
- don’t make your animation just one frame/a still image.
-don’t directly trace anything
-please don’t ask for a job if you aren’t actually going to participate !!
-AS A NOTE.. the slide transition at the end of your animation to the next will be up to you to animate! :o]
-please don’t use stuff like gacha club/life for your part
-make sure your animation is as long as your clip!!
ONCE YOU’VE FINISHED YOUR ANIMATION EMAIL IT TO [email protected] !! (please ignore the name of my old weird ass email ..) i’m not very good at this sort of thing, so i’d appreciate as much support and reblogs as i can get for this!!
and by all means …. GET CREATIVE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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vibeechecker · 26 days
Me watching mha/bnha like “ew whos this old man on my screen, someone make him shut up and go back to tomura.” I’m so tired of this old wrinkly ass man and his “im so smart” bland villain ass. The story concept of tomura being taken over by AFO is so annoying to me, give me back my fav and stfu you egg head. It’s like william afton and vanny from fnaf all over again. You got your course. Now go. “I always come back.” No. Mf. Fucking stay dead already. You and AFO. LITERALLY NO ONE ASKED. EVERYONES TIRED OF UR BS AND “I WAS ACTUALLY THE VILLAIN ALL ALONG.” LEAVE.
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plulp · 11 months
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shoutout to my friend who found this account because they recognized my artstyle and i was on their for you page
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Ok I know I'm heavily biased here but like I kinda love that Astarion's romance is one of the few in this type of video game where you basically end up canonically unmarried and childfree in his "good" ending? Just travelling the world??
Like it's honestly the millennial dream lmfaoo cannot believe i chose what would undoubtedly be my favorite option, first try
#also love that he's basically atheist like ok thanks you made the man exactly coded to be my type#and the humor and beautiful curly hair is very much something my IRL partner has too so like... how can i resist#anyways not sure a lot of people relate cause i think a lot of people want that fairytale romance#even tho wyll is right there yall#but i love me an unconventional or nontraditional one!!#i'm TIRED of being married with children as the endgame pls let's not do it#also a lot of people seem into him being a dad and im like... how? why? where in canon did he ever lmfao#more power to ya if you dig it but i just dont see it being in character#like in DAI i loved cullen and my inquisitor getting married and having a dog#and they seem the type to wants kids one day. but Tav & Astarion? lol no#i just think it's neat#is this a hot take? i have no idea but i don't see it mentioned a lot as a new fan tbh#pls do not come at me you can enjoy whatever you like#i haven't seen the ascended stuff so idk if being his 'consort' is like being his bride#but i feel like overall it's not and the vibe isn't all that different in this sense#except that you're hosting evil parties instead of travelling :/#Astarion#bg3 spoilers#baldur's gate 3#baldur's gate 3 spoilers#bg3#also YEA he's nice to Arabella but you can tolerate certain kids without wanting one or being 'good parent' material#case in point: me lmfao#OKAY update i saw the AA stuff and yeah you're kind of implied vamp married and he does mention spawn as children 😫#but he also says in banter he won't make any other spawn??? so what is it dude#anyway that's also clearly the “bad” route and he doesn't seem as happy as unascended#who feels “truly free”#and if you're durge I'm pretty sure its even worse to consider having kids?? lol#but i digress#pk plays bg3
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deoidesign · 9 days
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Thinks about my next series again... I drew the icon for it!
I'm planning to have it launched within a year! I'm hoping for summer 2025. I want to make a prelaunch page before Time and Time Again ends so people can subscribe if they're interested, but I'm worried the series return would be too early...
#SORRY HAHAHA REPOSTING IMMEDIATELY#i. it. IM SORRY okay the.#i had 'im not interested in the comic' as an option but it immediately made me feel bad#DONT FEEL BAD IF YOU PICKED IT i put it there#i just realized its not really a helpful metric to me at all!#im making the comic either way!#so i just want to gague interest. disinterest doesnt do much for me. you can come and go as you please!#just wanting to retain readers as much as possible but without losing them due to taking too long#ahhhh the balance of marketing. a beautiful beast she is.#anyways yeah hoping to launch like about as tta is ending#or like at LEAST a prelaunch page by then#im also not intending for the prelaunch page to be like. announced...#moreso just a link i append on art for the series!#just so when a drawing of zagan gets 500 notes#people who are interested in what hes from can. see that...#anyways. sorry i haven't been posting work is wild im going 70+ hours a week again i am so tired#not much time to draw non work stuff#im hanging on by a thread of having multiple projects i can bounce between again#and sometimes thats this one! so heres the results of some mental health work variety#we were legion#polls#sorry for the instant repost. in my defense. i am exhausted.#i can not wait until im making a different comic that i can do a fucking. normal ass schedule with#where im not every week gasping for breath in some kind of bad at swimming metaphor.#anyways if youre not interested dont tell me. it doesnt matter to me. no offense but i just dont wanna hear it.#i want to make the comic and my audience as much as i love you all is not going to have any control over what i do with my art#im gonna make this comic if i only get it done on weekends after getting home from the fuckin movie theater#i am not working for webtoon again wnd im not forcing myself into the dirt for comics again#but im also never gonna stop making them. just need to build a healthier relationship!#FUCK I MADE IT A ONE DAY POLL.
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forecast0ctopus · 6 months
idk if you still draw merlin art that much BUT ,
i always headcanon arthur with long hair for historical accuracy . what do u think of it? what long hair would you give hin?
i’m bad at focusing on multiple things at once which is why i tend to only post art of one thing for a few months straight but trust me i think about merlin and all my other interests All The Time…. i am always up to talk about them!!!
anyways i know this probably isn’t the answer anyone wants but. historical accuracy be damned i like his hair short…… if i Had to have it longer id want it like that scruffy haircut they almost gave him in s4ish? if i remember? i love a disheveled looking man <3 im sure thats not at all what you meant by long hair though haha
consolation arthur sketch for me not being a long hair person:
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ef-1 · 8 days
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#when i got hashtag sick i was in hospital and i was doing my regularly scheduled call with my dad#and i really had no plans of telling him bc ive done that before and its not like he can scare the MS away or anything#i dont know what happened. maybe because it was such a fucking bad episode. maybe because i was so tired. maybe it was a secret 3rd thing#but one minute was like fine then i just burst into tears and i was crying so hard which is MEGA EW BC IM NOT A CRIER LIKE THAT#and my dad freaked out and he was like whats wrong and i didnt wanna tell him but I also sounded insane bc i spontaneously started sobbing#and he was getting more alarmed and i was upset that id upset him and so i just spat it out i was like 'listen king'#'its no biggie but my body is trying to kill me again and im just a little sad atm' and he replied 'baba why wouldnt you tell me?'#and this man who has a very big serious job literally dropped everything and took a 20 hr flight over#and he genuinely just grabbed one of his work suitcase because he showed up with nothing but dress shirts and his laptop#and i think maybe it healed me a little. i mean it def also made me sad too but mostly healed me#and he'd been here for a couple of weeks and he left today and i feel shit about being sad about it#again because he has a very big and very serious job and i genuinely dont understand how he even just showed up like that#so I felt guilty throughout#anyway i dont think he drinks anymore but i was like king have a sip of wine with me and he did and it was lovely#and I hope I become my fathers daughter and not my mother's child. praying to both our gods#heres to healing ❤️‍🩹
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gothoffspring · 2 years
You dont need to make renders to have your posts be appreciated! If all you do is post your screenshots, no editing at all, you're still extremely valid. If you don't feel like painting individual hair strands, adding custom lighting/shadows, learning how to meticulously edit things, I still want to see what you have to post. Some of the edits and talent I've seen on simblr is out of this world. But I feel like it's also important to have some validation for people who don't like editing, and still want to share their sims with us. Obviously renders and highly edited posts are the norm and whats most popular, but it doesent make anyone else's posts less worthy of being liked/reblogged. 💗
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scrombit · 20 days
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the eternal yapper is back at it
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