ganondoodle · 10 days
"to even give people the mere chance of starting to understand how you feel about this character and this story you made up around them you have to actually draw that comic, you are at chapter 2, even just the rough draft for it took you a year despite your best efforts on being faster"
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turtlecleric · 7 months
do you ever think about how strong Leo's hands are? how nimble? how thick? given their size and shape; the bone structure under those finer muscles. those fingers of his would be calloused at the base of each digit, inside the creases that cut across his palms, all from wielding those swords of his.
do you ever think about what it would be like coming home from a long workday and seeing your boyfriend, leonardo, greet you with a warm smile, an even warmer embrace, making sweet lines over your back with those firm hands of his as you melt into his plastron. the way he would press firm lines over the aching muscles down the backs of your ribs as he holds you.
he guides you by the hand towards the couch, prompting you to lie face down on your belly so as to grant himself easy access to work over the shape of your body with his hands. lithe fingers grace across the back of your t-shirt, pressing lines along your nervous system like he's mapping out each and every stem. drawing firm circles, he kneads through the tension gathered around each tightly wound muscle.
you relax. going pliant under his touch.
slowly, he encourages you to move as he strip's you of your clothes. displacing garment after garment, he undresses you as if you were a carefully wrapped present, until all that's left between his hands and your body is the heat radiating off your skin and the unspoken promise left by the weight of his hands; the grooves of his scales. you shudder at the touch of them now as they find naked skin, only relaxing once more— moments later—when you feel them making those same shapes up and down your back.
you almost drift into a sleep from how good his hands feel, and that's when he finally finally ends this little charade.
moving to his knees, he kneals on the floor beside the couch, leaning down to press a chaste kiss against the soft curve of your cheek, whispering words of adoration, "mi hermosa... mi preciosa..." then, in the same gesture, you feel those lithe and tactile fingers of his, dip down under the waistband of your panties, running along the curve of your ass, and pushing between your slickening folds. probing in and out, in and out, slow as he coils into the wetness. it's frustrating; how he can't attend to your clit from this angle, but insists on moving his finger in and out, in and out. the dissatisfaction pulls you back from sleep just as quickly as those firm hands of his had pushed you into it.
eyeing him, and just a little pouty from it, you roll to your back, granting him access to dip his hands into the fabric from the front.
"that's my good girl," he churrs, "so honest. so needy." his fingers work you over so much better from this position, dragging wet circles over your clit with the slick taken from you soaking cunt. his mouth finds yours in a heated kiss, and like an obedient little thing, the sounds from your lips spill, honest and needy, ringing true to the way he'd pronounced.
"that's it," he pants into your mouth, "let it out. let me know how good it feels. how much you want it." his fingers dip down to press into your aching cunt, pushing, curling, fucking; his fingers pumping into you, nice and firm, as his thumb draws circles against your clit, and the words of praise fall from his mouth like sunlight through a canopy, easing away the negativity thoughts that had began to cloud your every though. "fuck, you sound so good. smell amazing. my pretty girl. can't get enough of my fingers..."
his name is a shameless cry on your lips, and it isn't long before you're coming from his hand, clenching around his thick and calloused fingers as his palm presses firm against the nerves in your clit. with heavy breaths, you watch when he eventually goes to remove his hand, and see his tongue come out, hungry and red to lick the slick juices from his fingers one by one, before he smiles and tells you he wants to taste more.
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diegogtratty · 4 months
i should sleep
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tao-lay · 1 year
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maybe it's just my brain but i hear "oh you gonna have a relationship with it?" instead of "oh you can have a relationship with it?" when this scene comes along
so.. new headcanon unlocked: Link Neal jealous of a cleaning robot
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okay, Neal
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terra-toma · 2 years
The only thought in my brain at work on this day has been that one part of the Tim Stoker Wiki song that goes I miss him so muuuuch oh my goddddddd
But for everyone. I want to greet them all like old friends. I want to pull whatever the fuck is left of them into a hug. I want to have a moment of seeing my beloveds before it’s ripped away because it’s not focusing on them or they’re husks of themselves or something else. To be clear I hope they’re not okay. But I want to ask after them anyway
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reity · 1 year
i actually am like lowkey hurt but also <3 communication is a 2 way street and i haven't texted her in a very long time. it is kindof my fault </////3
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star-ocean-peahen · 1 year
Okay so anecdote time:
Today I sat in on a class by my old Sunday School teacher who taught me for all of middle school and high school. He was trying to do a sort of "Biblical mothers" thing for Mother's Day and he got to Sarah, and—well I don't even know HOW he got onto the topic, but he said something about how pregnancy isn't painful and birth is very painful. I honestly don't even know what point he was trying to make or what he was trying to convince us of other than that we were wrong. But anyway he said that and me and my row of girls all immediately started shouting at him that UH NAH PREGNANCY CAN REALLY FUCKING HURT and he just. Said no it doesn't. He just kept saying that birth was more painful than everything we brought up and like, yeah, but you're really not effectively arguing against us?? We were laughing in disbelief by now because you've got to be fucking kidding, why is he still trying to convince us we're wrong?? He even pulled out the whole "getting kicked in the nuts is worse" thing, but I'm not even sure if he was trying to say it was worse than labor or being pregnant?? Like I don't even know what his goal was if not just to win the argument against the girls he never gave a shit about otherwise, it's not like he was encouraging us to have more respect for our mothers.
So the whole thing sucked a lot but honestly having my friends on my side and getting to at least TELL the guy that he was wrong was very cathartic, considering he caused me years of emotional, mental, and physical torment.
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milkywaypixies · 5 months
posting this at stupid o'clock cuz I will be already sleeping at that point and won't be thinking how stupid I am, anyways idk why I care so much about this it's nothing serious but eh...
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ayakashibackstreet · 1 year
Maybe committing a day entirely to work, with only a few breaks (during which I was thinking about work anyways) wasn't as great of an idea as I thought
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nelbii · 2 years
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i’m 😭🥺
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
*long hissing sound of a kettle*
Team not feeling alive and not being engaged in life and not functioning because I have not been working for 4 days in a row
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morphogenetic · 2 years
not a student calling me "mr." when a) i don't use titles at all bc it feels weird and they all feel bad b) i am literally out as nonbinary to my students bc i fucking say my pronouns on the HOME PAGE OF THE CLASS. AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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strangedisciple · 10 days
trying to imagine the two people im writing to see if the way they're both stood will work in the context its in. except i have aphantasia so i can't fucking do it
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bonefall · 6 months
heyyyy bonefallll!!! So uhm. Wind released. And if you read it, what do you think of it?
I started ASC off with a lot of excitement. I had known to not get my hopes up, but for the first time in a long time, I felt like they actually had something meaningful to say about the problems in Clan society. For once, it felt fresh.
A conflict based on a murder mystery and a power struggle, political radicalization within another Clan with anti-Clanswapper bigotry turning violent, and the reluctant heir of a legacy sprawling several generations. Like a dark echo of TPB, implying the root issues had never been truly addressed by Darkest Hour. The Clans still have a terrible ruling system. The culture is still bigoted. Firestar failed to destroy the obsession with legacy-- he just founded a new bloodline.
And even if it wasn't THAT deep, it was at least a grounded plot that was based in the characters more than faith in StarClan. If Nightheart's arc about legacy fell apart, I'd still enjoy watching him struggle, lose people, grow, and find his purpose. Or seeing Splashtail juggle the power he'd managed to snatch and was just not smart enough to hold onto. Or the cool fights that would surely result from an invasion of RiverClan.
Wind tossed it. It was already having a downturn in the previous book, but this is a book that seems so afraid of having interesting conflict that it spends 75% of its time debating if something interesting should happen, and 25% of its time barking, "EVIL HEATHENS WHO HATE GOD WILL DESTROY OUR SOCIETY!!"
I can't get over how awful Splashtail's "descent" is. He's having a dumbass atheist stoner debate with Podlight when they go to the Moonpool, musing that maybe you have to eat 9 mice to get 9 lives, and then 2 appearances later he's foaming at the mouth with a dictator speech and kills harelight no miss.
They even seem to have tried to replicate Stonefur's execution but badly. It's jarring. Splashtail had a big dictator speech, killed the beloved deputy suddenly, and the whole camp looks Super Scared and Upset so that you know it's the Evil Leader and not a systemic problem.
His "TALENT FOR MANIPULATION" is saying he heard Curlfeather murmur evil plans in her sleep and (apropos of nothing) accusing her teenage daughter of "getting the wrong idea" about his adult romantic interest in her. I keep coming back to this because the ENTIRE book's plot is based on this successfully smearing Frostpaw's reputation.
you may be tired of hearing it, but I'm definitely more tired than you because I had to read and analyze an ENTIRE BOOK founded on it.
The plot is endlessly arguing over if they can trust Frostpaw or not, gathering "evidence" to this end, while Sunbeam and Nightheart's POVs uselessly languish in ThunderClan doing mentoring stuff.
Im SO sick of being forced to sit in thunderclan while more interesting things happen offscreen. stop adding MORE cats to ThunderClan, you already have Stormcloud and you do NOTHING with him why are they also getting WAFFLEPAW
Everyone's praising the fact that the book can remember previous entries, but actually, I'm going to drop a hot take; It's actually bad if they CAN obviously reference old material, and then it doesn't influence the actions the characters take. They namedrop Nightstar several times and then come up with excuses for why they still need to sit around and do nothing!!
SCALDING TAKE, I'd RATHER see the cats have the memories of goldfish if the alternative is "We remember Nightstar! We're simply going to purposefully disregard Nightstar, because the plot needs to happen"
They also muse that maybe Splashtail's evilness is making all the RiverClan cats act evil, and they'll go back to normal once he's removed. This has been implied before, but never so blatantly stated.
But most of all, I can't stop going back to "Godless Heathen Bloodlust." What a fucking joke. For a shining minute it looked like we were going to have interesting villains, but no, they really are just coming out and saying that lacking faith is an indicator of a moral failing. What makes Splashtail so uniquely bad and scary is that he "disrespects the ancestors" (hey podlight. what if eating 9 magic mice gives you 9 lives? woah dude look at this. the bugle chips look like claws. lol haha) and hates love and peace and won't even let Jesus guide him.
The scenes with Frostpaw and her allies are the only parts of this book worth reading. Shadowsight, tigerHeartstar. Clinging to Whistlepaw like she's a life preserver. save me windclan
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yawnderu · 7 months
I'm literally God's favorite
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seaofgoldensand · 3 months
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