#idk if this is an autism thing to care too much about silly things like this
milkywaypixies · 5 months
posting this at stupid o'clock cuz I will be already sleeping at that point and won't be thinking how stupid I am, anyways idk why I care so much about this it's nothing serious but eh...
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ron456 · 1 month
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He doesn't "act naturally" or "normal" because HE'S AUTISTIC-
Will Roland portrays him as AUTISTIC so he's gonna act AUTISTIC-
AND ANOTHER THING- Jeremy is supposed to be a "loser"-
he gets bullied and is misunderstood by his peers because he is, well, NOT CHILL-
He gets bullied because he cares about things too much, he's anxious, he's loud-
And in regards to the "can't hold a note for too long"- have you heard Loser, Geek, Whatever? Or More Than Survive? Or Two Player Game??? Song where he holds notes for quite a long time- ALSO- to say that Will Roland can't reach the same notes as Will Connolly is just... not true.
And one of the reasons I think some people think Will Roland is "a worse singer" is because, sometimes, stylistically, Will Roland will use a sort of falsetto/head voice (which I LOVE BTW AND IM SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING OTHER PEOPLE BAD SINGERS BECAUSE THEY USE HEAD VOICE- IT'S BEAUTIFUL, IMPRESSIVE, AND REQUIRES GOOD BREATH CONTROL TO MAKE IT NOT SOUND CRAPPY AND WILL ROLAND DOES IT AMAZINGLY) like when he says "hero" and "Rob Dinero" (idk if that's how you spell it 😭) in More Than Survive.
It's not that he's a bad singer, he is taking the brunt of his voice during those parts and also, given that it's this little solo/soliloquy moment for Jeremy, I think that Will Roland's choice to use a light head voice there is perfectly well-placed. It feels kinda personal, I guess. And I love it <3
Not to say that Will Connolly's way of singing it isn't also great. It's awesome! But like, guys, we can't keep getting pissed when a new actor in a show doesn't have the exact same singing voice as the original 😭 That's just silly, guys. 😭
Anywaysss- back to Will Roland's voice- he is very much capable of hitting the notes that Will Conolly hits- if not higher (IT'S NOT A COMPETION THO, GUYS- PLS DONT COME FOR ME). For example, the acoustic version of Loser, Geek, Whatever on Spotify which, I believe, is a key higher than usual!! This man can belt some high notes when the situation calls for it! And also, (these are not really bmc related but whatever) during the harmony or whatever at the end of "Sincerely, Me", that is none other than WiLL RoLaND (!!!) hitting that high E (I'm pretty sure it's an E. I hope it's an E. But regardless, it's still a SUPER HIGH NOTE) at the end! And in "Amphibian" on Joe Iconis' album titled, well, "Album", Will Roland hits some insanely high notes!!! ( EVEN IF THEY ARE HEAD VOICE. I REPEAT, HEAD VOICE DOES NOT MEAN BAD SINGER!!)
Also, as a little additional statement to my "Jeremy is autistic/ autistic-coded so Will Roland played him as autistic"; this is not to say that Will Conolly didn't add some "autistic flare", if you will, to Jeremy. I mean, just yesterday I was freaking out with my friend about a gif of Will Conolly's Jeremy doing the autistic flappy hands :))). And I think that he was a good baseline for other Jeremy's to build off of!
Also, I feel like the people that are saying that Will Roland's portrayal of autism/neurodiversity is "ableist" or "incorrect" or "too dramatic" are sorta failing to understand/acknowledge that autism/neurodiversity is a spectrum. Not every person with autism or another kind of Neurodiversity is gonna act the same. And I think that's something really beautiful that we should all cherish. It is GREAT that we are all different but also, in many ways, the same!
And to see myself and my uncontrolled speaking voice and weird noises and such represented by Will Roland on stage is such a beautiful thing that I think 'ought to be cherished.
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karmathehalflander · 24 days
Why both Eddie and Venom are autistic and how the movies are actually a metaphor for neurodivergence
Includes some of my personal headcanons and concepts that I’ve been thinking about and need to share.
BE WARNED!!! This post is a bit long (and also a cringy, rambling, nonsensical mess) full thing under cut.
Some quick notes before we begin: when I have one of their names at the beginning of a section it means anything in that section only applies to one of them. (Idk, I couldn’t figure out how to organize this, you’ll see what I mean)
I don’t know much comic lore, all of this is based off of the movies. Though the movies are a different universe so I don’t think it will matter too much.
Also I use He/They/It pronouns for Venom.
In the end, Im just one guy with a hyper fixation please take everything I say with a grain of salt and feel free to add on or correct me about stuff. Especially if I say anything stereotypical or offensive about nurodivergance/autism a lot of this is based on some personal experience and I absolutely make mistakes and generalizations.
Alright enough of my yapping let’s get to it.
Overall big picture stuff
Applies to Both of them
the whole concept of them being “losers” together is kind of autistic coded. Autistic people are often viewed as incompetent or childish or useless. And I like to think they are connecting over that shared experience.
Noise sensitivity!!! Both of them have noise sensitivity! I probably don’t need to elaborate that much but that one scene in their apartment was some of the best overstimulation representation I’ve ever seen overstimulation guitar scene
Venom comes across as unfeeling because they don’t emote in a “normal” way.
They’re very blunt and literal.
Venom sometimes has a slightly higher-pitched voice when excited or angry. Which I’m going to attribute to him masking. He wants to appear tougher and scarier. This is important to its species and Venom, who is already perceived as weak by their peers, intentionally deepens his voice a bit to blend in. (This is definitely a headcanon but I love this concept so I don’t care that the real reason is that the voice modifier they use does silly things)
This is also why I think it’s so concerned about Eddie and him “looking bad” Looking weak was dangerous and they trained themself to hide “weakness”
It’s always “How does Venom affect people” and never “What does Venom need and how do other people’s actions affect them”
Venom prefers to express its thoughts and feelings through mental connection with its host and then have that person relay the information to whomever they are “speaking” to. Nonverbal communication!
Venom not understanding humans (social interaction, conventions, etc.) is kind of autistic coded.
Edie kind of disregards a lot of social conventions. Still hangs out with his ex-fiancé AND her boyfriend. He also doesn’t seem to mind talking to Venom out loud.
Eddies is just kind of anxious in general.
Eddie struggles to find full time employment.
On that vein, he also struggles to maintain relationships.
Eddie's sense of justice. Eddie has a strong sense of justice and morals that often don’t align with generally accepted values and he follows this view of justice and morality to an absurd degree and it often gets him in trouble. Aka, the entire plot of the first movie is because Eddie has autism.
He wears the same clothes all the time.
Specific moments that I think about
Venom chewing on the tire swing (they both have oral stims btw)
Sand between his toes. Idk I just thought it was cute and chose to believe they like the sensation.
Say it with me. Tater tots are a safe food!!!
Venom rocks back and forth a lot.
This is a stretch but when Venom is like “look at all these weirdos, my kind of people” it’s a metaphor for him being queer but I’d argue it also kind of fits with neurodivergence. Neurodivergent people often connect with “weirdos” (other neurodivergent people)
Likes organization “Pile of bodies, pile of heads”
I’ve been told Eddie chews on his necklace at the beginning of the movie but I can’t find the clip and can’t do a rewatch right now so take that with a grain of salt… (I chose to believe this happened though. Also his bracelets are stim heaven)
When he says “Oh, I have a parasite” to Mrs. Chen he had no clue what to say here. He just said the first thing that came to mind and panicked instead of explaining.
Also the way he says things funny. Ex: “✨It’s a treeeee✨” supa, supa, fhasstt” “Heee…. has. one. up. hi’s. Ass toooooo” “ET. Phone home. Aliens? 😃” I chose to believe they are vocal stims (I also attempted to find a compilation but I couldn’t find any. Maybe I’ll make one sometime)
Eddie also makes sound effects a lot.
Eddie writes notes on pen and paper instead of digitally.
He apologizes an excessive amount. Like he says “I’m sorry” to people actively trying to kill him. Which is so real.
“I just bit that guys head off” “I, uhhh, yea I’ve been there it’s not fun” 😕
Eddie also rocks back and forth. Which can be seen in this scene
Quick segment into why I think Venom was rejected by other Klyntar (it’s because he has autism)
Venom doesn’t adapt as quickly or as efficiently as other Klyntar. It doesn’t handle change well.
All of the normal Klyntar weaknesses are turned up to 1000 with them. Instead of just certain frequencies, the range that hurts him is larger and is also affected by loud noises. As shown by: “Venom” car alarm scene
instead of just fire, heat also bothers it. Also doesn’t adapt to light well. (Just a headcanon)
Can’t create weapons out of their body like other Klyntar. struggles with “simple” skills.
Much more emotional than other Klyntar and develop attachments (also purely a headcanon)
Just overall didn’t fit well into their society.
Just headcanons
Venom and Eddie are so compatible because their brains work the same way.
“I wish I could just mentally project my thoughts and feelings directly into your brain. Oh wait, we can do that!”
Venom also has temperature sensitivities. He gets hot.
Venom likes to stim to low key music, mainly jazz and lo-fi. Does the one song on repeat for three hours to wring all the happy chemicals out of it like a dish rag thing.
Venom also absolutely loves cheesy pop music (unrelated to anything here but I’m right and I needed to include it)
Venom functions as a weighted blanket for Eddie when he’s anxious. Maybe even hides under his shirt and stuff and becomes an extra weight.
Eddie stims with his jewelry.
Venom likes to sit in the freezer. Sometimes they visit Mrs. Chen's walk in just to chill (lol)
Purely my opinion but I think Venom also has some light sensitivity for a bit because it’s not used to being in such a bright environment. He gets used to it eventually but every once in awhile he finds the city lights overstimulating.
They are both very tactile. Touching things. Love a good texture.
Venom is super particular about food for someone who eats out the garbage but certain textures and flavors drive them crazy.
Venom hates vegetables. (Except for celery because it likes the crunchy and stringyness of it)
How all of this makes for a great metaphor!
Feeling like an alien in the world is probably the most relatable thing for a lot of nurodivergent people. Like there’s a manual for being human you don’t have. And just the concept of a literal alien showing up and struggling to navigate in a world not made for it is so relatable!
The way they both immediately connect to each other because they have the same weird brain stuff and weren’t accepted by their respective societies is so adorable and wholesome.
“We’re not so different, you and I” This line lives rent-free in my mind at all times. It’s my favorite quote. I think it perfectly encapsulates their relationship and why it’s special. They have autism and are bonding because the other is the first person who truly understands them! (Cries, screams, throws up)
In conclusion
They are in love and have autism. And they cling to each other because they are the first people to truly understand each other. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Also I listened to UFO by Smith and Thell on loop while writing this. It’s very autistic symbrock coded so give it a listen if you’re a fan of inde-pop.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Random (and somewhat silly) Leon Kennedy headcannons
* Leon is a sleepwalker. I have no justification for it other than I think it’d be funny
* Ironically he’s also a VERY light sleeper
* And to add insult to injury, he snores like a freight train.
* Leon is Transgender. Trust me guys he told me himself
* Also got that ADHD Autism combo. Again just trust me you guys he said so himself-
* Bisexual disaster. Probably leans towards men but every gender gives him Gay Panic
* Luis and Ada were his Bi Awakening.
* ((And probably Wesker too. I mean C’mon just look at the guy))
* And just like every Bisexual he CANNOT sit in chairs normally to save his life. If he even bothers to sit on one at all ((Kinda going off the second headcannon; he also sleeps in the WEIRDEST positions humanly possible))
* Leon has permanent Bad Posture. Both from when he used to wear a binder (Transmasc Tingz !!) and from old age
* He hams up his “”old age”” a LOT just to annoy Chris and Claire
* “Ooooooughhh you guys I can feel my bones turning to dust-“ “Shut UP LEON I’m NOT CARRYING YOU”
* Leon also wore a binder for FAR too long. Like he was fighting zombies and doing backflips all while his ribs were screaming in pain
* “Leon when did you last take off your binder” “why do YOU wanna know huh Chris 🤨” “TAKE IT OFF”
* ((Dw guys he practiced safe binding and got Top Surgery. Eventually))
* Leon dyes his hair blonde. You know I’m right
* It’s also like,, surprisingly soft??? He probably takes very good care of it and uses expensive products (probably the only expensive thing he owns)
* He also purposefully cuts it that way. In fact I recon he cuts it himself
* Much more competent people (Jill, Claire, Rebecca) have offered to cut it for him but he’s always refused
* Its one of the few things that reminds him of when he was still a Rookie cop that isn’t also a traumatic memory
* He’s got some PTSD just don’t worry about it ok
* Leon is N O T good at opening up. Like at all. But when somebody DOES manage to crack him he cries s o easily and he will cry for literal hours
* Chris and Claire are the only two people who’ve ever actually managed to successfully get him to open up to that point though
* He also probably sleeps better when he’s with somebody. But he’d never admit that
* Leon’s love language is probably a mix of Words Of Affirmation and Acts Of Service. He’d love it if for once he could come home to somebody having done the little chores for him
* He’s also probably a M A S S I V E sucker for any kind of physical touch. Again, won’t admit it, but he’s a big cuddler.
* Somebody please please please play with this man’s hair he will fall asleep in your lap in seconds
* Now this may be my own Autism special interest shining through but I LOVE the idea of Leon being a massive Pokémon fan
* His favourite games are Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Idk man he SEEMS like a Hoenn boy y’know
* His first starter was Torchic and Blaiziken remains as his all-time favourite Pokémon (he’s absolutely correct Torchic is the best Hoenn starter Fight Me)
* Probably still has his Gameboy from when he was a kid
* Leon’s also into retro anime. He likes to get Chris, Jill, Claire and Rebecca over just to show them his old childhood favourite shows like Astroboy or Sailor moon
* Will pause the DVD every 5 seconds to point something out or ramble on about something for 10 minutes
* Oh yeah he also absolutely keeps a DVD player in his home
* He’s a big sucker for old movies, especially old Queer movies but he’s also into classics like Back To The Future, Star Wars etc
*Probably was a big Star Wars kid
*((His favourite movie of all time is Legally Blonde but he will NEVER say that out loud))
* Leon’s always out of the country on some government mission so his house is probably pretty barren. He probably just stays with Chris or Claire after missions anyways
* Leon also still probably keeps in touch with Sherry and Ashley. He definitely went to their respective Graduations to support them at least
* He likes to collect little trinkets from his missions. Rocks, lighters, photos etc
* Other people have put this on their Headcannon lists too but I also agree that Leon is a MASSIVE Foodie
* The way to his heart is through a really good breakfast
* He’s also got a massive Sweet Tooth. Again, courtesy of other Headcannon lists
* He’s got low blood sugar so it probably evens out
* ALWAYS coming home from missions exhausted. In fact he’s exhausted on the plane. On the car ride there. DURING the mission. He’s an eepy little guy
* His T-Shots also make him Very Hungry All The Time. He thought it’d even out after a year of being on Testosterone but over a decade later and he still eats like a teenage boy
* ((It’s ok though cuz Chris always has his fridge stocked full. It might just be for Leon who knows))
* Leon’s not really either a Cat or a Dog guy. He likes both equally and would definitely have one of the other if it weren’t for his work
* He also prefers warm weather :))
* He likes to go swimming with his friends whenever he gets the opportunity
* Everyone makes fun of Chris for his Hawaiian shirts but Leon ABSOLUTELY has way too many as well
* Wears socks and jandals. I’m from Aotearoa NZ I’m allowed to say that ok
*BIG Mitski & Lana Del Rey fan
*I also imagine he probably likes older music like Madonna or Bowie or Blondie
* He’s not very good at it but he likes to paint his nails
* Or he just lets Rebecca or Claire do it for him
* If he goes a long time without cutting his hair either he’ll also put it up in a lil ponytail :)
* He’s got a big ol toothy, lop-sides grin.
* I recon he also involuntarily bites his tongue when he’s genuinely smiling too
* I said before he keeps trinkets and stuff from his missions but he absolutely keeps more personal mementos too. For example;
* He bought himself an old Spanish version of Don Quixote for Luis
* He keeps his old cop uniform in his closet
* He stole Chris’ shades and never returned them
* Still has one of Adas missing rings, etc etc etc
* Similarly to physical objects, Leon also picks up on the habits of people he’s met from his missions
* He always double-checks the barrel of his gun after he’s seen Chris do it so many times
* Holds his knife in his left hand after Krauser
* Very rarely smokes on occasion to remember Luis
* Picked up more Advanced First-Aid after Rebecca ((she also insisted it would be helpful))
* I could go on forever
* Leon can’t imagine ever actually being able to settle down and retire because of his work, but if he could, he would love to be a Father :))
* One last silly one cuz this list has gotten surprisingly serious; Leon unironically references Vines All The Time. It will drive everyone around him insane
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w98pops · 1 year
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i knew i said i would take a little break, but ive been mentally declining a lot and drawing my silly guys is my way of coping. I never actually properly drew Wendy from 2301, so im filling in the blanks.
I'd like to think of her as a person who never actually... grows up. She just kinda gets taller and more sad over time. Wendy was always very vulnerable but cheerful, and House kinda groomed her into a serious and politically aware person, still unbelievably vulnerable but a viable subject nonetheless. I always had this problem with writing her relationship with another canon character, no one realistically would give a fuck about her and her opinions. Sure, maybe Arcade will pity Wendy because she's "stupid" from a neurotypical point of view, but other than that, she doesn't have any weight in any political conversation that's going on in the Mojave. So I made her really fucking stubborn. Annoyingly so. Wendy just... gets the job done. She's resourceful, efficient and very easy to manipulate. A perfect fit for a House's courier, I think. She doesn't question his orders, she does not care for consequences as long as she has House as her cover (a trait she inherited from her step-father) and she's sometimes sociopathic and numb to voices of empathy. Not in a "edgelord murder killer girl" way but more like. She doesn't see people who hurt her as humans. A coping mechanism that would probably be the end of her, sometime in the future. I mean, she did confront Benny and got really physical. There was no way she could've win a fight against a grown ass man, and Benny did beat the shit out of her, but in the end he was the one with a cracked open skull. I just like to think that her pure madness and helplessness was enough to fuel her mind and overpower something she had no chance against in the first place. SPEAKING OF CHANCE. That's why I think she would totally get along with Chance, the Khan from the comic. I don't really put a thought about how he would've survived or joined her, but they're pretty much soulmates. They have very different backgrounds, personalities, literally anything, but Chance recognises her rage. Her inability to do what's right and the constant fight against unfightable (?) circumstances she's facing every day. I'd like to think he's autistic too. As a treat.
So yeah, she's super uncertain about anything in her life, and that makes her a very useful tool in the hands of a right man. Mr. House mastefully manipulated her personality in a conventional way, taught her the secret and mysterious knowledge of "masking" and sat her down for a few years to teach her ways of the capital and created this really sad but smart and charismatic politician with no real political voice whatsoever. She's also very cute and sweet looking so yeah. He made himself a Tandi. 😭😭 Also he scanned her brains, which would totally not be a big plot point for the future.
Almost perfect, but Sharky is here too, for some reason. He's the biggest pain in the House's ass since Benny. He has a certain emotional intellect, not easy to bribe or manipulate in mental or physical way, he really fucking cares for his sister, and is very aware of the things The Big Guy does to her. See, Sharky wasn't raised by his sister, she was a child herself at that time, and his mother didn't play much role either, too busy bickering with Aletus and then later too busy drinking and fucking in Gomorrah. Sharky was raised by the Strip and the rules of Wasteland. He might not be the smartest guy alive, but emotionally he's mature beyond belief. He's very observant, empathetic and cunning person. Even tho he was mute most of his childhood because of child neglect and untreated autism, he has incredible social skills and a Yes-man in his basement he found while renovating the Tops. He has a plan. Not a good one, but a plan nonetheless.
I have so much OC material I'm ought to write a fanfic. Or a comic, idk. In my dreams, sure, but it's still refreshing to talk about my ocs and draw them, and recieving feedback and praise for my storytelling skills 😭😭😭 it means a lot. Thank you all for reading this far!!!
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slapshotsandscones · 1 year
I've always headcannoned Jack as autistic, but like, diagnosed later in life??
Because I can just imagine him getting diagnosed in his twenties in the off season and having some Big Feelings and Realizations. Like, realizing how he'd partially used alcohol to put a damper on overstimulation at parties when he was younger, and understanding why he had always had so much trouble figuring our how to interact with people (and therefore why he'd had so few friends growing up), so on and so forth.
And he'd tell a few trusted people, probably Bitty and Lardo and Shitty and Tater, because he understands himself better now, and he wants the people he loves to understand him better too. And they all start reading up on autism and accommodations, and Bitty talks to Jack about having ADHD and they grow even closer through their shared experiences with neurodivergency. In the end, though, it's Tater who goes above and beyond.
He's very careful not to out Jack to the team before Jack's ready, but Tater devises a plan. He convinced Georgia that the Falconers should do some outreach with a local Autistic Children Support Group, raising money and inviting the kids to practice. And then he not so subtly suggests to the rest of the team that they should get educated on Autism as well.
And the thing about accommodations is that they benefit everyone, so while the Falconers are researching they find accommodations to implement at the rink, to both help any potential autistic people on the staff or team, but also because they just generally sound nice. So they get permission from management, and they add light dimmers in the locker rooms so its not glaringly bright. They designate an unused office as a quiet room, filling it with pillows, blankets, and sensory toys to help with anxiety before games and cool down afterwards. Thirdy reads about info-dumping, and he thinks the idea of sharing information you love is super cool, so he sets up some optional team bonding power-point nights (some for serious power-points, some for silly ones).
And Jack comes back for training and hears Snowy talking about how they need to make sure that the merch they give the autistic kids in the upcoming event is sensory-sensitivity friendly. And he sees all the accommodations that have been built into the rink over the summer. And he feels so goddamn seen, even if the Falconers don't know that he's autistic as well. (He tells most of them pretty quickly after that. He knows he doesn't half to, but seeing how accepting they are makes him feel safe enough.)
Idk, just. Radically inclusive Falconers crushing hockey stereotypes one at a time. That is all :D
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kiwiwinjindouche · 5 months
Just a "quick word" (it isn't) to thank you all.
I really am so thankful to have you because everyone is so chill with all my cringeness - I don't "care about numbers", I'm not a "big account" either, but I've never attempted to be one anyway. When I started posting things here, I didn't know how nor where to start, where this'll lead me, and I never thought so many people would be interested by my silly ideas and the such. I never lied about my favorite dude, and I know he's definitely not a lot appreciated, but that's Tumblr for you, I suppose! (I never thought I'd stumble upon a few other people who ship my rarepair either and everyday I'm so glad for all this). (I remember comments two years ago or so on Instagram where people were like "lmao wtf delete this" and I never really cared about it, because I know this is a controversial ship - and even if sometimes i feel really cringe/like i'm going too far, overall i don't want to stop because it makes me happy and I'm not hurting anyone)
I'm still a bit insecure from time to time, because I'm only 24 and full of stupid and good vibes, there's literally no way for me to be able to truly write the mindset of a 40ish mad inventor, and i tend to make people softer than they are sometimes, so if i do anything wrong with him, that's definitely not on purpose. I'm only delulu about his fate, but you can't come to me like "what about the atrocities! he's not nice!" and well, fork found in kitchen? It doesn't stop me to want him to be more than just that 'evil dude' and I like to see and explore what could have brought him to this (his past probably left some trauma on him and that doesn't help) (not to forgive anything or idk but imagine being hated by everyone around you, as a child that's fucked up)
You're making this 'fandom experience' fantastic and I met amazing people and I'd love to talk more with everyone but I'm so bad at social and PM on Tumblr GJDSJGFKLGDSKGJ I'm really sorry about my lack of social skills and how much i don't see passing time (anxiety? adhd? autism? could explain things, i can easily get overwhelmed by life and i'm very slow, a little french snail) (tbh, I don't have a lot of 'fandom experience', my first one was with Pokemon and I've met some of my dearest friends thanks to it, and a bit of Baldur's Gate 3 but it has to be one of the worst fandom ever lmao, and I followed it on Twitter, so yeah that was a strange experience)
Thank you all once again for existing, best wishes and much love <3
(I was feeling like getting emotional on main, but I've wanted to do this for a week or so. And even if we don't talk a lot, I appreciate every one of you and I support you)
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miusato · 5 months
I was wondering, do you have a ranking for Kotone ships? I assume Shinjiham is number 1, but I'm curious since you mentioned you liked them all
HMMMM maybe? I mean like I pretty much like all kotone ships since I'm biased and I like her althoughhh honestly some ships I just see more on platonic side but I salute anyone that ships her with a rare pair (provided its just not something entirely weird or borderline illegal lol)
Anyway, here's pretty much my ranking and thoughts for each ships lol:
1) Shinjiham - First of all, god Atlus doesnt FUCK AROUND with his SL route and it's so out of their fucking mind for Atlus to not let the girlies write for the romances in other persona ever again cuz WHAT THE FUCK???? They really fucking cook with his and Ryoji's SL its fucking sweet yet so tragic I just cant fucking take it anymoreeee 😭😭😭 and it fucking hurts me that even when you ended up not dating him, you can clearly see just how in love he is with Kotone like fuck man it hurtss
I am just such a sucker for the broody bf x cheery gf trope but they had me in my tits when they laced it with angst it had me bawling by the end of it. I really appreciate how in femc's route we finally get to see his true character like god before P3R we really only know him as that mean looking guy with a tragic broody past and he tries to make things right before its too late but we dont also see him trying to be better other than tiny mentions of it so when he is gone we dont feel bad other but P3P hooo boyyy shits fucked me up I miss him I miss my wife and even when I get to save him, even when he finally gains the reason to survive and have meaning to live, when the person that gives him that reasoning is gone, it fucking hits me like a truck man and that truck decides to reverse and run me over again. Absolutely spectacular shipping 11/10 dont fucking do that ever again Atlus I have inherited hypertension from my dad
2) Akiham - This is actually my initial otp before I blasted and fried my brain with foolmoon content. I was actually surprised to see this side of Aki where instead of him looking like he gets thing under control and cool all the time, he is just so clueless socially and every rank of him had me go "Holy shit he's autistic he's just like me frrrrr" like I didnt expect him to have awful social cues like me hskskssksk I also love how really cute the entire rank is like this boy is 18 and never dated anyone yet he is so sweet and thoughtful I almost forgot he probably learned this from the seventeen magazine in his room lmfaoo I love them they're the most tamed yet cute pair but also bittersweet and sad thinking that he lost everyone that he loves even after he proclaimed he will protect her ugh im in painnn
3) Theoham - I love how silly the entire route is! Its fun and relaxed and oh god what is up with everyone with white hair has autism in this game??? His lines are fucking bonkers it had me in tears and I cant even believe this man also manage to make me feel things about exposing one's hand after seeing it gloved for so long. Again Atlus please let the girlies cook again for the new persona i am begging you
4) Hamugis - idk if it was Atlus intention or not to make her pan but god I love this so much! Her entire route is her adjusting to being human and gaining human emotion gradually and I just really think its so beautiful when she said she doesnt even care if Kotone's a girl or a man she will still love her (Im sure she really meant it to be platonic and she pretty much mixed romantic and platonic but also that confession at the roof doesnt help at all I genuinely think she's in love with femc) and towards the end when she cried I can hear how human she is briefly like oh god I cant believe Atlus invented yuri
5) Yukaham - they're besties and she mentioned she wants a bf before okay whatever BUT I just refuse to believe she's into men honestly and she probably just wants a bf because thats what she believes girls should be (like obsessing over boys and such) and shes a girly girl so she should like boys, right?
Im not forcing anyone my HC at all so just ignore this if you want. Im writing this because the worm in my brain tells me to do it and i am also projecting myself here but like I just like the idea of Yukari feels conflicted about her sexuality because she's a girly girl and her liking girls doesnt fit the status as a girly girl but when she meets Kotone and she is feminine and likes girls stuff too but also a tomboy and doesnt really care much about the identity of being a girly girl and finds herself enamored towards her, she admits to her one day that she's having conflicted feelings about her and the other girls she finds oddly attracted to and Kotone's probably like "You should try to kiss me and see if you feel anything about it" and AKXHEIQPAUSQPAJQL oh god the thought of Yukari not knowing she's a lesbian and struggling to accept her identity as a lesbian is just so AAAAAAA i need more Yukaham content maybe I should draw them together
6) Mitsuham - I totally understand people's vision with Mitsuham. Actually at this point, you guys can see how Kotone brings impact to everyone in the team and towards the end of the game, everyone either finds a meaning to live or finally able to open up to each other but anyway shhh lets ignore the overall grim lore of this game and just focus on Mitsuru as a person instead. I really love the idea that Kotone introduce a lot of new things to Mitsuru since despite how rich and influential she can be, due to the responsibility and burden she has to hold at a very young age, she didnt get to experience what life is as a normal teenage girl so I just love the thought of Kotone teaches her what it feels to be a normal teenage girl like and gives her a glimpse of what it feels if she wasn't a Kirijo in the first place. Again, just a HC but like I think it would be so fun of Kotone and Mitsuru just sneaks out at night after she convinces her to forget her responsibility for a moment and loiters around town until it's the dark hour and Mitsu just freaks out because she was too distracted by having fun and being distracted by her duty and she was like I cant afford being normal, not in this world and not when she bears the name of Kirijo and oh god did I accidentally turn this into angst???? ANYWAYS yes I understand Mitsuham
7) Ryoham - Okay I have to admit, as much as bittersweet and tragic their whole relationship is (like the fuck as going on in Atlus' HQ when they wrote "Please touch me. Make sure I exist." Like ????) I'm just not into Ryoji much because of a personal reason but also like I love it when people draw them in an alternate universe where they meet again like I really believe in another life, they really do would fall for each other again ;w;
8) Juntone - Honestly I just see them as platonic but I saw this one Juntone shipper on twt before and I cant stop thinking of them whenever I have to think of this pair. Like okay shh imagine if Kotone isnt dead in the end but both of them still lost Chidori and Shinji, I know they both understands the pain but like if lets say they find confort in each other and down the line they do fall in love, I just think its really beautiful. Maybe not immediately but when years later theyre reunited and open up about their grief and still having a hard time to move on, I know they would clung on to each other just to feel absolutely alright because nobody can understand the circumstances they fall into.
Anyway, that's pretty much my ranking. I really do love and understand why people would love her with other pairing like I am all game but the ones I am pretty much very obsessed with is Shinjiham and Akiham while the others are more of an afterthought to me.
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chipsonthemenu · 1 year
tell me about your headcanons!!
okay so basic list stuff:
chip: he/him transmasc greyaroace bi and has. some sort of back problems. also his pinkie that i keep forgetting about! also adhd too bro has 0 attention span /pos
jay: she/they transfem bisexual and BBBAD KNEE....thought she had this in canon but i might be mixing them up with mari omori.....occasional mobility aids that ollie helped her decorate :3
gil: any pronouns agender aroace but is very down for qprs. autism as hell <3 also probably other stuff i cant think of rn OH GLASSES GIL FR
drey: they/them nb unlebelled nblm. gots their arms yk 👍 also kinda strikes me at nd in some way fight me on this
gryffon: okay. hear me out. they/he/she nb panromantic asexual. please. do you see my vision. also their arm and autism. gryffon is autism do you hear me.
finn: he/she genderfluid pansexual bro is a whore. also love the idea of fully mute finn and she is autism as FUCK DO YOU HEAR MEEEE
earl: nobody escapes from my queerness beam not even earl. he/him cismasc bisexual. bad back bad knees uses a cane. old man shit but also he hits people with the cane and uses it when making juice sometimes. ollie put fruit stickers all over it once and he actually kinda likes it but will never say that
lizzie: she/her transfem lesbian. shit vision not jusy due to her eye but just in general. refuses to wear glasses
caspian: they/he libramasc achillean demisexual :) sssooooo many jrwi characters strike me as mobility aid users despite me not being one and caspian is no exceptionnnnnnn to this
niklaus: throwing in motherfucker too because i do have stuff. she/they/lun/he transfem genderfluid bisexual. thats it
i thibk thats everyone i wanted to yell about lmk OH FUCK ALPHONSE
alphonse: dont care. doing the silly. it/they/he agender aroace i do not care if they are the boat now it deserved better and he gets my headcanons
okay thats everyone i think thank you for letting me scream <3
jaz: JASMINE DRAAAAKE <3 he/they transmasc gay with autism and why do i see him having a prosthetic arm. no idea why okay i think thats ACTUALLY everyone now
edyn: she/e cisfem sapphic HOW DID I ALMOST FORGET HERRRRR
ensa: omg her. they/she transfem nb lesbain asexual. got her prosthetic leg and probably adhd
okay. goodbye fr this time i promise
wait no i wanna do the apoth crew too as an apotheosis enjoyer
peter: they/he transmasc demiboy with so much autism that likes men. also probably post-campaign cane user the shit they went through can fuck someone up
rumi: any pronouns genderfluid pansexual. there is some sort of thing i think they have (i dont think its imposter syndrome) but its something about never actually seeing herself because changeling shit yk idk
thanatos: it/they unlabelled :) doesnt need labels doesnt want em :)
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faffreux · 9 months
hi you are not my therapist or advice giver so you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but i look up to you a lot because of your dedication to fawful!
i have autism (i prefer person-first language sorry ik it's not the universal usage :() too and an incredibly niche/random character has been my special interest for quite a few years now, i dont own merch of her or anything since it's so random and i feel embarrassed about it. i eat up the same few pieces of art every single time,, a 2010 deviantart post where she's in the background? EATING. IT. UP. 😭 how did you let those feelings of shame go (if you ever had them)? idk i don't think it's cringe when other people do it but i just think if any of my friends found out they'd be like wth... i don't really know what i'm trying to say but i guess i wonder if you have any tips on how to make the most of your special interest :) fawful is a cool villain (sorry not insinuating he's evil/bad, just his role in the game) so your interest makes way more sense than mine but you are super dedicated so i think you have some cool guru knowledge about this sorta thing :')
Well, first things first... thank you so much for the kind words!! It's really heartwarming to hear that anyone views me in this manner qwq - I appreciate you telling me bc it really means a lot to me!
But I guess I'd like to say the first piece of advice I have for you is to not see your interest as any lesser than mine or anyone else's just because the character only shows up for a little bit or barely at all. Focus on the joy YOU get from your guy/gal and don't worry about how silly or ridiculous it may appear in the eyes of others.
Another thing I'd say would be to take criticism and people's lack of understanding in stride. I hesitate to say "expect criticism/hate" but at the same time I do think it's a good idea to prepare yourself for it. I think if the idea of receiving negativity from others makes you lose all motivation and confidence in yourself and this character you have feelings for, then it may not be the wisest thing to put it in a public place (like the internet) for the time being.
Having a public presence with this sort of thing isn't for everyone and I think it's perfectly okay and valid when it's not. It doesn't make you or your feelings and less real for it.
PS. regarding the merch: please remember that I caused 99% of the stuff in my room to come into being myself! Fawful doesn't have any official merch outside of a few promotional items with his official render on it from 2009. My entire room is stuff I wanted to have and to see and so I went out there with some dollars in my pocket (and super talented friends, heyooo) & made it happen. (Point being: YOU HAVE THE POWER.) I only haven't added more to it in a while bc I'm broke lmao
Take care, dude. I know I have no idea who you are but feel free to send another anon or DM me privately if I can help you with anything else or if this didn't answer the question enough!
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v-anrouge · 5 months
it really makes me sad whenever you apologize for expressing your own thoughts or feelings about topics. they’re things i really like seeing you post because you just think and feel so deeply about characters that i could only fathom to be able to put into words about my own favs. your analyses of characters just show how much care you have for them and it’s amazing to witness
granted it’s your blog so your comfort comes first :) i just wanted to show my support
idk im just I guess a bit scared some ppl will see it as me thinking im above everyone and that i know everything? its really not my intention but i really like to analyse things and sometimes autism makes it hard to accept other views on it, especially if a part of it doesn't fit the canon, even though everything is really up to everyone to interpret sjzjs alsp idk im convinced that im just wrong about things so i ahm yeah idk ur really sweet anon and im pretty sure you're the same person that's been sending me comforting asks and thanks for that man, ur a silly
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wrecking · 7 months
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ok i know i say this every month now bc i'm old but like HOW is february already over. it just like got super warm and ended instantly like great month. anyways uh this one is defs gonna be one i look back on and cackle at. like what is this list. open for a little bit of commentary on each one bc ya
lady gaga - artpop (highlight this month - mary jane holland) : kind of an odd pick but tbh it's just kinda been in my head this month? messy and maximalist but very fun
kylie minogue - disco extended mixes (last chance) : this thing is just so good. super fun sleek listen and last chance is my fav of them all
boygenius - the record (cool about it) : shockingly to absolutely no one, women are still beating me with hammers, which will continue until i die
men i trust - untourable album (organon) : really good album that i spend random amounts of time with, but always lingers around in my head regardless of whether i listen to it or not tbh
yeule - softscars (4ui12) : 2023 didn't have many albums of note but the ones that were of note were Really Of Note cuz like holy shit this thing is so good. please just put the wav files playable on my tombstone
frost children - speed run (hi 5) : random choice but i've been watching the hi 5 video too much on youtube to not include this here
kesha - gag order (all i need is you) : really went under everyone's radars but wow what an album. perfect for the messy healing process and boy am i in that right now
aldous harding - warm chris (she'll be coming round the mountain) : probably not as good as i originally made it out to be, but damn the highs are high, and by the highs i mean the entire b side of this thing. all 5 of them
dorian electra - freak mode frost children remix : this is your free cringe comp pick for this month, enjoy the lack of taylor this time. anyways the base album is alright but not quite my thing, but this remix just fucks ok it's just fun and silly and funny. frost children sweep
cafune - love songs for the end (unchained memory) : i'll be waiting for a time where perspective doesn't stop me in my tracks every time i hear the opening guitar
deltarune - my castle town : yep i'm coping again
yeule - glitch princess (don't be so hard on your own beauty) : presented without comment
lizzy mcalpine - five seconds flat (reckless driving) : idk this has just snuck up on me, fun pleasant listen and i like her vibe a lot
ethel cain - preacher's daughter (hard times) : presented without comment
troye sivan - something to give each other (one of your girls) : this album has some bores on it but the bops are so good. troye please make a no-ballads album or something, for me
aly & aj - with love from (6 months of staring into the sun) : wrote this album off at its release but it's been growing on me, defs more subdued and a less immediate listen than a touch of the beat(...) but it's so good when it hits right
caroline polachek - desire i want to turn into you everasking edition (spring is coming with a strawberry in the mouth) : i still think this album probably doesn't hold a candle to pang, but i have to admit the deluxe version let me recontextualize it. not sure what was wrong with the original release but i kinda just ended up :/ abt it after like 2 weeks and now i'm like ok wait this is bops
paramore - this is why (the news) : when will this not be on here. it's so good they can do no wrong seriously
patricia taxxon - bicycle (big wheel) : finally starting to listen to her and damn what an intro. good sounds amazing sounds the autism won
mitski - the land is inhospitable and so are we (the frost) : this thing never leaves me alone like it's evergreen. all her other albums have the occasional song i care less about but this thing is perfect
lucy dacus - home video (thumbs) : presented without comment
willow - copingmechanism (hover like a godess) : so good, finally revisiting it after fixating on it in the middle of last year. holds up incredibly well
pinkpantheress - heaven knows (ophelia) : speaking of holding up well, this thing just gets better the more that i listen to it. she made me a stan i gotta say
hayley williams - flowers for vases (hyd) : this is such a depression spiral album. love it so much
allie x - girl with no face (black eye) : god this fucking album. i really don't have words like it's messy it's silly it's batshit it's brilliant. i don't think it's better than cape god per se, but god is it a strong contender for the title of her best work
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activated-pen · 1 year
hi i’m gonna post rambles about a book series nobody knows maybe. i came across it while reading an anthology called fell beasts and fair. idk if anyone will read this and i don’t care but i need to get out something in my brain. i have a degree in fiction writing or something idk
i don’t think anything’s really inspired me to sit down and think about stuff like this in a while but i read a book of queer essays before the anthology (queer reflections on horror) and i guess ive been in “alternate analysis” mode
but anyways when it comes to fae there’s always something to be said about neurodivergancy 
i think, as a nonbinary autistic person, there’s something distinctly fascinating about the city between series and pet. i'd initially gone "omg this must be some it/its nonbinary child" (the anthology short story is narrated by a leprechaun who doesn’t know pet’s gender and constantly thinks of “it” though there’s actually a typo that calls pet “she” in narration once that i noticed because i was laser focused)  bc there was only one use of pronouns and it seemed to be corrected back to it/its. like, i thought pet was an it/its human that happened to be correctly gendered bc the leprechaun didn’t apply a gender to her
and then i still didn't quite get it until a good way into the first book that pet was probably a she/her because athelas called her she mistakenly. as far as i recall, pet never calls herself a girl. 
even tho ive only read one short story and the first book so far (gonna read more once i’m paid for freelance stuff,) i’ve felt like there’s a strong lack of an Image of pet. like yeah she’s narrating but also she carries the story and her weight based on her personality, voice, and narration, it feels a lot like you’re looking into the world through this narrator. she doesn’t really seem to react much to being called it besides mild annoyance at the confusion rhe first time, mostly it's annoying that they keep trying to pretend they don't like her
but like (within the context of the first book n stuff) pet is talked about so little and has existed by her/itself for so long, unnoticed and hidden, that it feels like she/it truly lacks a personhood and has for a Long Time. like it’s already noted that nobody knew she existed. she may well not exist, but of course she does, she’s got such a hyperactive and involved personality and is brave and kind.
and only the people who seem to recognize that about her actually seem to talk to her as a Person. even though she’s ostensibly dehumanized by fae that are detached from the concept of humanity, they also award her more humanity and recognize her individuality and personality more than anyone has in SO long, bc she’s been hiding and not really interacting with people outside of work. 
there’s some trans metaphor i can see in there, that’s all i’m saying, but also something about adhd + autism and masking
i feel like she/it isn’t too bothered by going by pet because she hasn’t really gone by a name besides “you” for so long and just no longer has interest in pretty much anything human of that sort. she also takes quickly (and in a somewhat silly way) to this “role” because she’s not really been given a role in so long. i don’t think pet knows how to be a person or human, and doesn’t CARE to understand a right or wrong way of doing anything, she just is and only begins to exist around the freak squad. (i keep thinking of her as it/they)
i feel like i could write a whole thing about the comparisons between neurodivergant (ESPECIALLY autistic) people and fae, and the idea of autistic people forcing themselves to mask and pretend. and then also how trans people often have to hide who we are and only be ourselves in private, or how sometimes there’s a uniquely isolating experience about being trans and nonbinary and feeling disconnected from other people, even other trans people sometimes, because it’s hard to be Seen when you’re nonbinary
anyways pet is autistic and nonbinary (she/it/they/maybe just doesn’t care) and i’d hazard a guess at bi and/or ace if i wanna keep pushing the disconnect from others angle. 
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wulvert · 2 years
SHE'S SO ELEGANT,,,PICTURE PERFECT GRACE. THROWING UP GARLIC BREAD LIKE A CAT HACKING UP A HAIRBALL. she looked so comfy in that one panel being held (🏳️‍🌈) i think thats her peak. i wana be as sleepy as her,,,snnnnzzzz
scarlet's t-rex hands at the end mean so much 2 me!! thnak u,,,i have seen them in ur comics before nd they r so important as someone who does them 24/7. this may also sound weird but i like the extra detail u put into the legs. i do NOT mean this in a strange way oh god. um. u get it i hope.
awesoke page in general im gnna eat it.!!!
literally so sleepy and is held. sure she passed out from fear but thats irrelevant now bc shes unconscious I want to be that cozybut i dont think i ever will be
yeah! uptick of ppl who think shes a man this page- Ig it got featured on a banner again the other day so a few new ppl probs skim read past the part where shes outright referred to as a woman idk. I think the reason it bothers me a bit is bc avery is a character im rly overly attached to bc shes pretty pathetic like me and shes the same flavour of girl as me, which i dont rly relate 2 a lot of fictional women as someone whos kind of a struggle, so its like nice to make them for myself i guess? idk having her makes me feel better. is that a comfort character. i dont know. i care her.- so i feel like ive failed a little when ppl just look at her and go oh, this character is clearly intended by the author to be a man.
I cant rly b mad at ppl who honestly just dont realise though, I'll admit i commit the crime of mistaking cartoon men for cartoon women sometimes- I am a little mad at ppl who say things like its hard to believe shes a girl when they find out .like. shes a vampire. you can suspend ur disbelief far enough to believe shes a vampire. but not enough to believe shes a girl... interesting ...hm ....funny how that works anonymous webtoon commenter.......................
TL;DR: Averys my bbg and im too attached to her.
& no of course! i like giving characters raptor hands, I am for serious when i said i injected the autism myself. & ITSNOT WEIRD DW i like drawing legs even if i make them far too long.
&thank you!!
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charleecat-bat · 2 years
Big! Or Storm! Or Big! Or Storm!
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BIG FIRST!! First Impression: (me at around tween years) Why do you exist??? What is the point of your character?? are you some kinda bad joke?
Favourite moment: Honestly I just tend to love the little moments where he's just vibing and being adorable. Although I do love the occasional moments of him just showing how powerful he really can be if he wanted to. Like when he stopped uh... Silver Sonic? One of those metal sonics with his bare hands!
Idea for a story: Well, he is included in a few of my AU's but there is ONE story for him alone that I'm trying to work on... trying. Basically combines him and Werehog lmao Mostly exploring how he'd handle a similar condition and exploring his perspective and his own mindset.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think Big is as dumb as he lets on! Sure that might seem a bit silly, but honestly, I don't believe hes' totally dumb, sure he doesn't seem too bright, and his carefree and relaxed attitude adds to it. But I like to think he just... thinks about things in a different manner.
Favourite Relationship: Im' assuming this means canon relationships cause i dont' wanna go down the ship lane for this but I honestly love seeing his relationship with Amy and Cream. He's like a Big Brother figure to them and it's ADORABLE!!
Favourite Headcanon: That he's neuro-divergent and on the autism spectrum. <3 And fish are his special interest that he can ramble on to a shocking degree. Struggles to talk a lot in conversation but if you talk to him or ask him a fish-related question. Que in really thorough rambling.
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NOW STORM (i don't really keep up with the idw comics but LOOK AT THAT FACE) First impression: Um... just a big dumb guy... i guess. Okay... not much I can think to do with you so just //shoves into corner
Impression now: Underrated and has so much potential. HE'S A HIMBO AND H'ES TRYING HIS BEST. love to play around with him in my AU's and making him more interesting.
Favourite moment: I love his silly clumys little moments like BARGING into Jet's office or pulling the silliest goofiest faces in the comics from what I've seen. He just makes me giggle. One moment that's always made me laugh was the face he made when he was about to punch that Elder Zeti thgthgfh
Story idea: Tbh i've actually love to explore how he would be y'know. On his own. I know the closest I've gotten to a story idea was a backstory for him. I imagine he's older than Jet and Wave and serves as a big brother figure to them (Even if it doesn't seem like it) but it just makes me wonder... what if they were in a scenario where he was older and had to take care of them while they were still young and had to do what he could to get by and support them.
Unpopular opinion: Similarly to Big. I believe there's more to him than being a dumb musclehead. I like to believe he has more than he lets on (intentionally or not). And I actually think that out of all of the Rogues, he'd be the first to give up the thieving lifestyle if given the option.
Favourite Relationship: Honestly since we see him mostly only interact with the other Rogues I get interested seeing how he interacts with anyone outside of the Rogues. I know his interactions with Amy in one of the Riders game was interesting but I don't remember a lot of it.
Favourite Headcanon: That he's actually really into food and out of all the Rogues is the best at cooking and his one of his hidden talents although he doens' think he's THAT great. The kitchen is his safe space and he refuses to let Wave and Jet cause chaos in there. "YOU GO TO YOUR OFFICE AND YOU GO TO YOUR WORKSHOP THIS IS MY SPACE!"
Bonus favourite headcanon is that Storm is the older cousin of Wave and Jet, or are siblings (half, step or adopted idk you get the idea)
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arolegos · 10 months
who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (romantic, platonic) talk about them?
i think it's honestly pretty obvious, but:
1. Luck :3
(cw for child abuse here)
ARGGHH theres just something about him i relate to and idk if its the autism or if its bc Im Not right in the Head !!!!!! HES SO AWESOME AND SILLY AND I LOVE INSANE CHARACTERS SECOND TO THE PATHETIC ONES . the way hes written is literally so Real . that fear of feeling so out of place that youre afraid of losing your friends for the smallest things IS SO REAL AHH how could i NOT like him .AND IDKKK he doesnt exactly fit my criteria of who usually ends up being my fav character in a show/movie/game (i.e. pathetic wet cat traumaful geezer (lloyd, hunter, keith) or jokester loser boy (leo, sonic)) BUT. I LIKE INSANE CHARACTERS TOO . i LIKE that hes a battlefreak . I LIKE that hes a maniac. I LIKE THAG HES A WEIRDO!!!! his love language is literally physical attack . he is So Me. i also Cannot stop myself from punching my friends constantly and Annoying them with pokes and stuff likr that .AND ILL ALWAYS APPRECIATE IT WHEN THEY PUNCH BACK OR SOMETJING LIKE THAG IT JUST MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME . I GET IT I LOVE BANTER TOO
man i just cant get over how well they did with luck his whole personal dilema with his mom and eventually coming around to realise he had /other/ people he could fight for is just so sweet
its just ??? everything about that guy? its so fucking nice. its the way theyre able to implement the effects of a traumatising upbringing in a realistic way while acknowledging that it takes time to properly recover and the fact that they show that abuse really does have lasting effects because, despite being treated that way, he still idolised his mother bc what other choice did he have? she was the only one who cared about him in /some/ way even if she was abusive. the other kids in his school were mean as hell for no reason and so he turned to his only source of comfort who only saw him for his powers that proved his strength. and the only praise he got from her was how strong he was, and how he needed to win all his fights, so when she dies, he does everything he can to achieve that goal like a promise that he just cant break bc. again, what other choice does he have? in his head, his mother is all he ever had, even if she wasnt really there for him. but he continues fighting even though he acknowledges all that his mother did to him and its just so. so aughghgh. and he fights and fights and fights and at first its only for his mother, but then he starts looking around him and gets hit by the realisation that things have passed. his mom isn't there anymore, and he had people who genuinely cared about him. he had magna, vanessa, the black bulls, everyone and its just so?? its so important to me u dont understand. he tries to run to her when the choice arises but who does he ultimately go to? his friends, his family bc he had other people to fight for now. it's no longer 'fighting for my mom', now it's just 'fighting for my friends', and MOST IMPORTANTLY 'FIGHTING FOR ME' ahhsuhafhhff its just so fucking important to me his recovery is kept so close to my heart no body gets it holy hel . and he still fights and i LOVE thta about him so fucking much. instead of dropping everythin he had, he claimed it all for himself. instead of pointihg a finger at his mom, he establishes it as his own. and its just so
.maybe im reading too much into it. I'm just silly :P
2. Vanessa
re: mother issues . she is Also so me . IDK I LOVE HER CHARACTER A LOTTTTTT . the way shes written and developed is INSANEEEEEEE AND I LOVE HER FOR WHO SHE IS SHE COULD STRANGLE ME WITH HER THREADS AND ID SUPPORT HER.!!!! she is the coolest and realest character in all of black clover . she cares SO MUCH for the team even if thats not obvious on first glance but she would literally DIE for them (as opposed to luck's "would kill for them (or for no reason at all)" which btw makes them bounce off eachother so well) . also her powers are cool as fuck . Ive always liked the whole concept of threads of fate (greek mythology Your time is numbered) SO OFCC I WENT BALLISTIC WHEN I SAW HER . i was jumping up and down like a FREAK . her design is so cunty too.... who is she serving this much for...
3. Magna
yes theyre my fav trio. i Hope that is obvious. HES SO SILLY AND REAL . I LOVE HIS CHARACTER I LOVE HIS DESIGB AND I LOVE HOW. HOW REAL HE IS . his fear of falling behind is REAL AS FUCKKK. his fear of not being strong enough for his friends is SO ACTUALLY REAL . i love his envy and i love his humanity and i love how that makes him a better character bc he'll always Be the Better version of himself and its never for the wrong reasons . hes literally who i imagine most of us would feel like in the black clover universe dawg .
4. Dorothy
no reason for this tbh i just like her design and personality and powers . She is so sill y.
5. Leopold!!!!
AHHH HES SO SILLY WHAT THE FREAKKKK . hes so FUNNN . i love whenever hes on the screen and i love to imagine how he is with his siblings. hes such a cutie pie!!! I LOVE CHARACTERS LIKE HIM A QHOLE BUNCH . he js my Son
6. Mereleona :3
Design. CHARACTER. WOMAN . GODDD DAMNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! girl i would KILL MYSELF in front of your worst enemy if that mf looked at you wrong . In fact.i would Kill them myself I think .Bc ur so gorgeous and amazing.and bc I LOVE YOU. dawggg shes so awesome and cool and meowmeow and I want her so bad ohmygod whosaid that?!??!
nah though im being fr i love her character sm. i love her independence. i love her loud and brash personality. i love her interactions with other characters. i love her attitude and would love for her to hit me with those arms
7. Noelle
i love her chafacter so insanely i cant even lie to u she might be one of the best written chars in black clover of all time . HER PERSONALITYS SO SILLY TOO AND I LOVE HER DESIGN plus water powers r FIRE
8. Rill
real (Haha) . So solly....how can i not love him...... I'm being fr though he's like ink sans if he slayed better
9. Finral
girlloser i hope he gets set on fire /pos
transfem allegory
10. Fana/Nero
i CANNOT choose. DOnt make me choose pleasr . TEHYRE BOTH SO CUTE AND SILLY AND I LOVE THEIR DESIGNS AND BACKSTORIES AND !!!!!!!!!! they make me go Insne
as for ships and dynamics errrm
1. whatever the fuck this trio is called
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im naming them loser3 Til i find ojt their actual trio name . BUT I LOVE THEM OFC I DO THEYRE MY TOP 3 AND I LKVE HOW THEIR PERSONALITIES BOUNCE OFF EACHOTHER . their banter is literally how i talk with my friends . vanessa is the realest older sister and rhe way she teases them (Magna especially) is so so real shes so me . theyre so silly to me..... im so sad they dont have more tgt in canon ....
2. magluck...
ugh i hate Them.ihope they get hit with the doomed Yaoi ray . KIDIDNH . THEYRE SILLY. idc if u see them as friends or as lovers, it doesnt rly matter to me bc theyre literallg perfect pairs regardless of if u see them as platonic or romantic . they HELP EACGOTHER IMPROVE. luck just never giving up on magna even though he feels like he'll never catch up and then magna never letting up on luck bc he knows that fighting is his means of love and how he'll always be his friend even if he can be a jerk and veen though he was possesed by an elf its just so !!!!AND THE SPADE ARC? LUCK SENSING HIS MANA? AND THEN BEING SO EXCITED TO FINALLY SEE HIM AGAIN AFTER MONTHS APART??? AND HIS FIRST THOUGHT ISNT "hes probably weaker than me now" NO ITS "i cant wait to fight him again" GAWDDDDD
they cannot exist without each other but they excel the best when theyre far apart .BUT THE ONLY REASON THAT LATTER PART HAPPENS is bc they WANT to be stronger FOR the other .they dont fight for nothing . i am So Normal about them
3. idk if this counts but the black bulls
i mean no shit i like them . i Like ninjago .
i love it when a group of misfits band together into a found family that nobody was particularly aware they were joining . that is so Real . You have No Choice but to be a part of this family Yami built (not on purpose).If you try to escape, no You wont.You will come back. Thatis a promise and a Threat (looking at zora and nacht).
neurodivergence spectrum looking ass team
4. finral & vanessa :3
do they have a name too . idk. but they're so t4t lesbian. oh my god . love them they're so silly I love cunty girlfailures they're one of my most favourite genders ever fr....
and also THEYRE SO CUTEEE I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP !!!!! their personalities bounce off each other so well and so easily . you could tell me tabata-sensei wrote them as a package deal and Id believe it
5. astelle (i think its what theyreCalled)
used to not be the biggest fan of this ship. until I Saw the Vision. and I waslike Huh.theyre so silly together.
theyre a lot similar to magluck in the way they both seem to help each other improve! and I love their dynamic. i love their personalities. they're meant to be and I fr don't think anyone can convince me otherwise. platonic or romantic, I still believe they're soulmates . they care for each other so much it makes me want to claw my hair out
6. asta n yuno!! :)
the fuck you brothers
theyre the main duo how could they not be well written. their personalities are so GREAT together. their juxtaposition of literally every part of their lives is INSANITY. asta was born with no magic; yuno was born with too much for a peasant. asta was accepted into the 'worst' squad; yuno had joined the best. asta is shouldered by a demon; yuno is aided by a spirit. they are polar opposites, yet they are the same. they are nothing alike but they are brothers.!!!! they mean the world to me and idk how to properly word my thoughts on them
YES YES im a sucker for relationships where the chars support each other so much that they help them improve both indirectly and directly. its cute. its meaningful. i hope my friends feel this way about our friendships.
7. vanessa and luck :3
mother issues core . i love them and I hope they DIE in canon ./pos
8. zora and magna !!!!
dont ever leave them in a room together or trust you'll have to walk on the walls to get across .Magna really is the little brother zora never asked for 💝
9. asta and klaus
you HAVE to see my vision. do you UNDERSTAND HOW FUNNY IT IS that klaus had beef with this shrimp half his size. AND THEN HE ENDS UP RESPECTING HIMLIKE GUYS . THEYRE SO FUNNY .THEYRE SO GOOFY. i love their dynamic sm. they're so goddamn silly. I'm going to throw them into a blender.
10. secre/nero and asta :p
hes the little brother that she secretly wished for for her 10th Christmas as a child and here he is 500 years later!!!
IM NOT SURE WHAT IT IS. THEYRE JUST REALLY FUNNY OTGETHER. their personalities are so contrasting its insane how well they get along.
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