#hi ana happy birthday!!
strawhatboy · 2 years
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The Strongest | happy birthday @gojosattoru ✨️❤️
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
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A Library with a deadly enchantment. A fae lord who wants in. A human woman willing to risk it all for a taste of power. In a land ruled by ruthless Fae, twenty-one-year-old Lore Alemeyu's village is trapped in a forested prison. Lore knows that any escape attempt is futile–her scars are a testament to her past failures. But when her village is threatened, Lore makes a desperate deal with a fae lord. She convinces him that she will risk her life for wealth, but really she’s after the one thing the Fae covet above all: magic of her own. As Lore navigates the hostile world outside, she’s forced to rely on two fae males to survive. When undeniable chemistry ignites, she’s not just in danger of losing her life, but her heart to the very creatures she can never trust.
Happy book birthday to Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana!
Ana's not on Tumblr, so I'm doing the celebration for her 💖🥳
If you like:
-🍄 cottage core -✨ fairy core -📚 light/dark academia vibes -🌈 a diverse cast of all Black LGBTQIA+ characters -💘 romance -🧝🏾‍♀️ the idea of being kidnapped by a fairy prince to tidy up his cursed/enchanted library and coming into your own magical powers as a result, then Lore of the Wilds might just be for you!
Full disclosure: I worked on this book as a proofreader before it got picked up by Harper Collins, and I loved every minute of it. I kept forgetting I was supposed to be working and reading ahead. I scheduled a week to finish reading it and did it in 3 days, and the only reason it took so long was that I had to actually pause and work on it 😅
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Lore of the Wilds is available now in ebook, audio, paperback, and hardback from most book retailers. Check out the Harper Collins links to find a retailer close to you!
Please consider checking out Lore. It's a stunning world with an amazing cast, and Ana deserves every bit of success after she fought so hard to get her all Black fairytale past the hurdles of mainstream publishing.
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offside-the-lines · 2 months
Right Where We Left Off | Nico Hischier
Summary: It’s September in NYC and Ana finds herself unexpectedly face-to-face with her ex-boyfriend, Nico. They finally have the conversation they should’ve had seven years ago. But, where does that lead them and what does this mean for her future— their future? After all, who are they to question fate?
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This fic is dedicated to @fallinallincurls for her birthday bingo. Happy birthday, Bre! I am always so grateful for the incredible comments you leave on fics. Pairing: Nico Hischier x F!OC Word count: 2.5 k No warnings (as far as I know). Bingo card tropes: Second chance romance, invisible string theory, they’re both idiots; it's always been you. Masterlist
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Ana’s exhausted. After ten days of straight work and travel, she just wants to sleep and hide in her expensive hotel room. It’s a gorgeous day in New York City, not sweltering and muggy as it often feels in the summer, and she doesn’t want to waste the opportunity to actually explore the city she has visited many times but never enjoyed.
She turns her face up to the sun and closes her eyes. The sounds of the city carry on around her, and it’s strangely calming— it probably should be unnerving. Besides, she has to make a decision soon about whether she is going to move here, the offer letter taunting her from her email inbox. 
Her mind wanders across the Hudson for a brief second before she catches herself, eyes flying open. She takes a sip of her mocha, savoring the drink that she hopes will bring her some energy. 
It isn’t often that she has a chance to take a day off. Well, no, that’s a lie. She could take any day off if she wanted to. After all, she works for herself. But she usually never lets herself, always working through weekends in an effort to get ahead— of what, she’s not quite sure. 
She has always been a workaholic: working two jobs in college, graduating a year early, and starting and selling her own company before the age of 25. She tells herself that her hard work has given her the happiness she has now. She now has the freedom she always wanted— independence.
Ana’s mother always points out that she’s rushing through life because she doesn’t have an anchor. She always goes on about how the stress and inability to relax is going to take her to an early grave. Ana always sees it for what it is: an unwelcome probe into her dating life. 
She’s doing quite fine on her own, thank you very much— that’s what she always retorted anyway. She can't tell her that the only stress relief she needs is the occasional hookups from the fancy bars she goes to— a series of tall men with brown hair, warm eyes, and a good smile.
Before her mind even has a chance to ruminate on that again, a little boy bumps into her leg— causing her to spill her coffee a little— and runs to hide behind the chair opposite from her.
“You won’t tell him where I am, right?” he whispers. He startles her, and it takes her a few seconds to realize he’s probably playing hide-and-seek. It takes her even longer to realize this child is speaking in her native tongue. He peers up at her with pleading eyes. 
“Of course, sweetie,” she replies, pushing past her confusion. He has big brown eyes and the cutest dimples— it makes her heart ache. She presumes the little boy is hiding from his father and scans the cafe for him. Having not seen anyone looking for a child, she turns back to her coffee and continues to drink it, observing the little boy. “I’m Ana. What’s your name?”
“I’m Jan. I can’t talk right now because I’m hiding, see?” he whispers.
Ana can’t help but let out a chuckle at the earnestness in the kid’s eyes. “Okay then.”
She’s just about to take another sip of her coffee when she hears a gentle voice behind her. “Jan, where did you go?” There’s a pause, “Oh! There you are!” The boy giggles and moves to hide under the table.
Her smile freezes— her whole body freezes. The hairs on the back of her neck prickle, and she feels her cheeks grow warm. It might’ve been seven years, but she’d recognize that voice anywhere— Nico. She doesn’t turn around, praying Jan will just run to his daddy and leave.
She is not that lucky. Footsteps approach her chair, his voice getting closer and closer to her as he says, “Oh my god. Come on, Jan. Get out of there!” 
She closes her eyes and holds her breath.
“I’m so sorry if Jan’s been bothering you, ma’am. I—” His gentle, accented English stops abruptly, and a silence hangs in the air as she slowly opens her eyes. When their eyes meet, Nico lets out a barely audible “Oh.”
“Um,” her gaze darts around, trying to avoid the warm brown eyes that still haunt her dreams, “Hi?”
“My god, is that you?” he mumbles, barely audible. He stares at her, the color draining from his face. 
Jan finally emerges from beneath the table, his curiosity piqued by this stilted exchange. Beaming at her, he reaches up for Nico’s hand— his father’s hand? It had to be, right? The resemblance— she cuts her thoughts off.
“Um... yes?” she manages to say.
“I feel like I’m hallucinating. You’re really here? It’s been so long.”
“Well, yes, Nico, it’s been about seven years.”
“That’s a really long time.” There’s silence as they just stare at each other, neither knowing what to do, neither moving.
“Yes. It is,” she says cautiously.
He rests a hand on Jan’s shoulder, holding him close. “Why did you never call me?” he asks, looking down at his feet.
“Why would I have called you Nico?”
“You left for London without telling me. You told everyone else. I had to find out from Nina.”
“I had no reason to tell you, Nico. We weren’t together anymore,” she scoffs, “You moved too. And besides, you found someone to ‘replace’ me, clearly.” 
She looks at Jan, bile rising in the back of her throat. Nico responds with a puzzled expression before deciding to return to his original line of questioning.
“Why did you leave?”
“I had to go to university, start my career… I have dreams too, remember? Ones that are just as important as yours?” She shudders at the memory of their fight, the fight that broke everything. Her heart races; she can hear the blood rushing in her ears.
“I was young, stupid and immature. But, I swear to God, I loved you so fucking much. You should’ve told me you were moving to London… I would’ve—”
“You would’ve what, Nico? You broke up with me. What was I supposed to do? Stay at home? Or should I have followed you to New Jersey like a sick puppy? Continued wasting my time like I clearly did when you were in Halifax? Watching any and every opportunity— watching my future—  fly by me as I waited for and supported someone who was no longer mine?” 
“I said that we should take a break to figure things out. Figure out what to do long-term. I never meant to suggest that we break up forever. You just assumed— You left. You didn’t even give me a chance to—”
“Look at you, Nico.” She was struggling to keep her voice under control as it wavered and threatened to break. “It’s always someone else’s fault. Nothing’s changed, huh?”
He looks at her, his face shutters with an unreadable expression, before pulling out the chair opposite her. He sits and lifts Jan onto his lap. The little boy looks between them in confusion, ultimately deciding that playing with the wooden block table number is more interesting.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean for it to sound so— I was heartbroken that you weren’t there anymore when I came back after the draft.”
“What about me? What about how I felt when you asked me to just drop my plans for my future like it was no big deal? Or when you suggested we take a break? When you never called me after that summer?” She studies his face, seeing his genuine sadness, and sighs. “We were so young, Neeks. What were the chances it would have even worked out anyway? Even if you had cared to fight for us.”
“I thought that you took the space and realized— I thought that maybe you didn’t want me anymore. I thought that maybe you hated me. I thought that maybe you realized that you were just too good for me. So, I thought that maybe I should let you go, live your life, and find your career like you said you wanted to,” he says, voice thin and reedy before he clears his throat and laughs humorlessly. “I guess I was right, huh? I mean, just look at you now. You’re pretty incredible. Forbes 30 under 30.”
He smiles at her, a small fragile thing. It’s only because she has known him her entire life that she is able to spot the pride that shines through the pain and regret. Her thoughts are crashing inside her mind.
He knows and has clearly been following her career.
In the delicate silence that stretches between them, the storm inside her head is able to bring something else to the surface: the loneliness of her success— the gnawing feeling that something is always missing.
“What about how I felt when I kept hearing our friends talk about every new girlfriend you had?” she whispers, staring into her coffee cup. She has no control over the way her throat tightens over something she’d finished crying over a long time ago.
“I never loved any of them,” he answers without missing a beat; his voice is firm and sure.
“It’s been seven years, Nico. How could you say you never loved any of them?”
“I mean, I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t date some great people because I did. But they were always just— I cared for them, sure, but I was never in love with any of them.” He looks down at the boy sitting in his lap.
“Not even the mother of your child?” she blurts out, outraged.
“The who?” His eyebrows are scrunched low on his face as he studies her.
Ana rolls her eyes and gestures at Jan. “His mother?”
“His— Oh! No, he’s not—” he exclaims before laughing. 
“He looks just like you,” she says, confused.
“Aww,” he coos, tightly clutching the little boy to his chest, “Jan’s my nephew— He’s Luca’s.”
Something about her expression sets him off again, throwing his head back as he laughs. Against her will, the sound nestles deep in her chest, filling her with warmth.
“I’m babysitting him today so Luca and his wife can explore the city a bit. I won’t be able to do much once training camp starts next week. And I want to get as much time with this munchkin as possible,” he explains, tickling Jan’s belly to his delight.
Ana feels her chest constrict as she watches them interact. It’s a glimpse into the future she could’ve had, and it hurts in a place so deep in her chest she’s not sure she’s ever going to be able to unearth it. After their first moment of comfortable silence, Nico looks up at her with a soft smile.
“You know, I got you a ring.”
“Y-you w-what?” she says unsteadily as she feels the world stop around her.
“Yeah.” He looks back down at Jan and fidgets with his shirt. “I bought it with my signing bonus. I was going to ask you to marry me when I came back if we had worked things out, which— I know, it was so stupid. We were, what, 18? Like, what was I thinking, right? It wouldn’t have solved anything. But I just wanted— needed you to know how much I loved you and… ” 
His voice gets tighter as he speaks, and he lets the sentence trail off. His eyes flash to hers, holding them so briefly before looking away again. He clears his throat, “I guess we never made it there.”
Ana’s silent for a moment that feels like it stretches a lifetime— or at least, it feels like time has warped and dumped her back into her 18-year-old self, seven years ago. Her heart was pounding so hard that it made her feel faint.
“I would have said yes,” she realizes with a start, the words tumbling out before she has even fully formed the thought in her mind.
“What?” His eyes snap up, finally looking at her again.
“If you had asked me, I would have said yes.”
It was his turn to stare. “Really?” he whispers.
“Yes. Despite our fight, I still loved you. I was waiting for months for you to call me, to tell me that we would work it out, that we were going to be okay long distance for however long it took. I would have— If you begged — Hell if you had just asked...”
Nico just stares, flabbergasted. Neither of them even hear the tapping of Jan’s block on the table. “I still love you,” he says.
“What I mean is, can we try again? It may have been seven years, but I still love you.”
“Are you insane?”
“I don’t think so. It has always been you; it will always be you. I have known that for a long time now. There has to be some fate or God or something to bring us back together, right? I feel like it’s a good sign, anyway. I’m sorry for being the idiot I was back then, but I promise I’m ready now. I’m ready to be whatever you need me to be. It won’t be the exact same, but it will finally be us again.”
Ana is stunned, speechless, as she blinks at Nico.
“Nicki?” Jan interrupts their silence, snapping them out of their bubble.
“Yeah, Jan, what’s wrong?”
“Can I have a cookie, please?”
“Sure, bud.” Nico sets him on the floor and stands up. He smiles at her cheekily, “Don’t you dare leave before I get back. I will chase you this time. I’m fast, you know.”
“I’ll be here, I promise.” She feels a bubble of tension burst as she laughs, shaking her head as she watches him walk to the counter holding Jan’s hand.
The seven years apart has worn down her willpower. She gave up on love years ago when she realized that she was probably going to dream about Nico every night for the rest of her life. She’s always known that she would cave if asked; she just never thought this day would come.
She looks at him now. She sees the boy she grew up with and the teenager she fell in love with. But there’s also a sadness behind his eyes that she doesn’t remember being there. The corners of his eyes are worn and weathered in a way that’s unusual for a man in his mid-twenties.
There’s a voice in her head— it sounds eerily like her mother— that points out that she’s always known the truth: Nico was why she was always working, pushing away everyone and everything. It was some twisted self-punishment; if she lost Nico, she had to make the sacrifice worth it.
But maybe— Maybe, she can have both. Ana thinks about the job offer from the company that acquired her start-up— a job based in NYC. She thinks about all the hundreds of coffee shops they could’ve gone to. Maybe there was some fate at play. And who was she to question fate.
Nico sits back down, a tentative smile on his face that makes Ana’s heart flutter for the first time in seven years, and says, “So, Ana, will you pick up where we left off?”
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Requests (open) | Masterlist
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albaricomics · 8 days
raah im obsessed w how u draw angus... do u have any hc for him? i love reading ur hc for everyone eep 💕💕💕💕💕💕 (also yeah happy pride month)
Angus omg, he's THE character:
Italian mafia boss, that's an obvious one
Wanted on 42 countries for multiple crimes such as scamming, robbery, torture and the list goes on.
He does most of his meetings and deals on a local bar near the building.
One night he saw a lonely, sad and miserable man about to pass out at the bar, though it was weird he had barely touched his drink. He thought this would be a great chance to scam another poor man and take whatever he had on his pockets, but as he started chatting and noticing they live in the same place, he ended up befriending him, and that's how he met Francis.
Nacha absolutely despises him, she does not trust him for anything, and when she sees Francis hanging out with him she keeps her distance. Also when it's Francis' turn to take care of Ana, she makes it very clear to keep Angus away for those days. Spoiler, he shows up anyway and likes to show his cheating secrets to her, and he's also teaching her how to drive (like a maniac, this man never uses the brakes).
Is always prepared to fight against doppels, just when they plant a foot inside his apartment he's already there, sitting so confortable and smiling at them, already pointing and not even taking him 3 seconds to shoot.
No one in the building besides Francis and Margarette (just bc the sweet naive person she is) likes him, always trying to sell crap to everyone or get money from them in any way possible.
Despite being someone so hungry for money, the only person he doesn't take money from and even pays everything for is Francis (is not like he can't afford it, but he's just so tired from working he never has the energy to go for groceries).
BONUS: He pranks Francis on his birthday, either getting a good scare out of him or dropping things on him (last time he was entering his apartment and a bucket of scarlet milk dropped all over him, that lead poor Francis to buy a new uniform).
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hiiii i would love to please request carlos introducing you to his friends/family.
pairing: carlos sainz x reader
a/n: im so SOOOOFT for these things :( and also thank you for requesting a drabble with carlos hehehe i just love him sm. i hope you like this anon! :)
Your relationship with Carlos was along the lines of private but not secret, which can probably attribute to why things have been going steady with him for the past six months.
Everything was great, he was truly the guy you’ve always yearned for. You knew it was coming sooner or later, but you weren’t ready when he proposed for you to meet his family and friends.
“Now, Mr. Sainz,” You teased as you set down your glass of wine, “What’s the special occasion as to why you wanted to cook for me?”
Carlos laughed and shook his head, “Nothing, mi amor. It’s just a regular day and I want to cook for my girl.”
“The c in Carlos stands for cheesy,” You rolled your eyes playfully as you twirled the pasta with your fork, “Thank you for dinner, baby.”
“Of course,” He smiled and reached out for your hand across the table, “I have one thing to ask though.”
“Hm, what is it, Carlos?”
“I think it’s time for you to meet my family and friends during my birthday dinner this weekend.”
If it wasn’t obvious enough to Carlos, you’ve been staring at yourself in the mirror for the past five minutes. Were you dressed up okay? Was it too much? What if they don’t like you?
“Amor, it’s ti- are you okay?” Carlos frowned as he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder, “You know you’ve been standing for a few minutes.”
“Do you think my outfit is okay?” You mumbled as you played with his fingers, “I feel like I’m underdressed.”
He sighed as he leaned up to kiss your cheek, “Underdressed? You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“Ah, there it is,” Carlos smiled softly as he turned you around and held your face in his hands, “Y/N, I talk to my mother about you every time I get the chance to. My sisters? They’re glad I’ve finally found a partner like you. Don’t get me started with the guys, they tease me when I uncontrollably smile when you text me before and after races.”
You pouted and hugged him tightly, mumbling against his chest, “I hate you. Why are you so perfect and I’m me?”
“I could throw back the question to you,” Carlos chuckled as he kissed the top of your head, “C’mon now, they’re waiting downstairs.”
Taking a deep breath, you put on a smile and held Carlos’ hand as the two of you exited the room and made your way downstairs.
“There he is! My birthday boy,” Carlos’ mother exclaimed and walked over towards the two of you, engulfing him in a hug, “Feliz cumpleaños, mi hijo.” Happy birthday, my son.
“Gracias, mamá,” Carlos smiled and kissed his mother’s cheek, “Mamá, I want you to meet Y/N. Ella es el amor de mi vida.” Mama, I want you to meet Y/N. She’s the love of my life.
Before you could smile and respond, Carlos’ mother gave you a big hug and kiss on the cheek, “Oh, tan hermosa, Carlos! Nice to meet you, Y/N. Carlos has told me such wonderful things about you.”
“O-Oh, thank you, Mrs. Sainz!” You blushed as you smiled softly, “It’s really nice to finally meet you too.”
“Nonsense, mi hija,” She gently patted your shoulder and smiled, “You can call me mamá, too.”
“Mamá, donde estan Blanca y Ana?” Carlos asked his mother, looking around for his sisters, “Ellas estan atrasadas?” Mama, where is Blanca and Ana? Are they late?
Carlos’ mother snickered and nodded, “Sí, estarán aquí pronto. Blanca recogerá a Ana.” Yes, they’ll be here soon. Blanca will pick up Ana.
“Ay, ¿por qué son tan lentas?” Carlos laughed as he shook his head, “Mamá, voy a presentarla a los otros conductores, ¿de acuerdo? Estaremos de vuelta.” Ay, why are they so slow? Mama, I’ll just introduce her to the other drivers, okay? We’ll be back.
She nodded, giving Carlos a quick hug before she turned to you and smiled as she leaned in to whisper in your ear, “Thank you for taking care of my son’s heart.”
“He means the world to me,” You smiled, “Thank you for being so kind to me, mamá.”
Carlos put his arm around your waist as he led you to the patio, where the other drivers were, “See, amor? Nothing to be nervous about. Mamá adores you.”
“Is that the birthday boy coming?” Daniel exclaims, clapping his hands and cheering, “Finally letting us meet his girl.”
The drivers greeted Carlos one by one, smiling and hugging him quickly.
“Guys, this is Y/N,” Carlos smiled as he put his arm around your shoulder, kissing your temple, “She’s my girlfriend.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Charles grinned as he looked over at Carlos, “You know he always turns as red as a Ferrari when you text him.”
“Shut up, mate.”
Everyone was welcoming, either shaking your hand or bringing you in for a hug. It was nice meeting your Carlos’ friends– especially the ones he was with so often.
As everyone mingled and enjoyed the night, you stayed beside Carlos as he blew out the candles on his cake, wrapping you in a hug.
“So, what’d you wish for, birthday boy?��� You smiled as you brushed his hair back, “Think it’ll be granted?”
Carlos looked at you lovingly as he nodded. Anyone in the room could tell that you were his wish, a different sparkle in his eyes since you came in his life, “It already was, mi amor.”
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hippolotamus · 3 months
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Happy (incredibly belated) Birthday to mi amor, @disasterbuckdiaz 💙 thank you for your patience
honey, when you call my name | 12.6k | E (Buddie)
“I was at the bar, Buck.” Eddie’s voice is quieter now, dripping with uncertainty. “I walked in- and I saw the team. Then I saw you. At the pool table. Kissing someone.” Eddie inhales sharply and it feels like the air is being ripped directly from Buck. “And when I saw that I- I had to leave.”
The words play back in Buck’s mind in slow motion as he tries to piece them together. None of it makes any kind of rational sense. Eddie was there? He saw Buck and then had to–
“Did you have sex with her?” Eddie blurts out. 
That is not at all what Buck was expecting. Ever since Shannon died there’s been an unspoken rule between them. A silent pact to never inquire about or interfere with the other’s romantic life. And sure, Buck broke that with Ana, but only because Eddie was having panic attacks. What else was he supposed to do? This is completely different in every way. Because his best friend, man he’s hopelessly in love with, and star of every filthy fantasy, wants to know if anything more happened with a stranger at a bar.
The implication clicks, allowing something bright and hopeful to flicker to life in his chest. A wish Buck never dared let himself believe would be fulfilled. “Would it matter if I did?” 
Buck doesn’t miss the way Eddie’s nostrils flare slightly before he attempts to cover it with a mask of indifference. How he seems to be struggling not to look away again. 
“It’s not like it’s really my business anyway.” Eddie shrugs and begins picking at the label on his drink with his thumbnail. 
The flickering ember of hope draws from Eddie’s reaction, daring to glow the tiniest bit brighter. “I didn’t, you know. Do anything with her, I mean.”
Eddie pauses his fidgeting, just long enough for Buck to notice before starting again. The casual silence that had been there before is anything but now. It feels weightier, the ease replaced with tension and doubt, and Buck starts to wonder if he’s completely misinterpreted the situation.
“Did you want to?”
“No!” If this is going where Buck hopes it’s going he wants to be as clear as he can. He quickly adds, “Not with her.”  
Eddie jerks his head up, staring at Buck with equal parts curiosity and disbelief. It pins him in place, leaving him helpless to do anything but stare back. He doesn’t risk moving, his breathing rapid and shallow, too afraid of severing this potential new thread weaving its way into their well established connection. Another anchor point in their root system, twining them together.
“And if it had been someone else?” Eddie asks.
Not that Buck is the most effective communicator, but he kinda wishes Eddie would just say what he means already. However, he supposes, two can play at that game. “I guess it would depend on who’s asking.”
Eddie hums, shifting to set his bottle down on the counter. It lands with a semi-hollow clink and a gentle slosh as he maintains his hold, tapping one finger on the neck. As if he’s contemplating, trying to sort out a complicated equation. He briefly squeezes his eyelids shut tight, pinching his lips together, something warring within him. With a loud exhale through his nose, his body finally relaxes again and releases his grip, letting both hands rest at his sides. 
There’s something else, too, when Eddie faces forward again. A new aura of confidence rolling off of him in waves. It’s vaguely reminiscent of a different night in this kitchen when their roles were reversed and Eddie stood down, unyielding to whatever the fuck Buck thought he was doing. 
Not now though. 
Now he looks intently at Buck. He sees him. He sees him in a way that makes Buck feel stripped down and exposed. A raw vulnerability that intensifies as Eddie steps towards him, his boots echoing with each heel strike. Another and another until he’s standing in Buck’s space, effectively caging him in. 
Eddie takes the beer from his hand, placing it off to the side. It seems like a hallucination, some sort of wild fever dream. But then Eddie’s fingers are tucked under Buck’s chin, his thumb sweeping across Buck’s bottom lip and making him shiver. Christ it feels so fucking real. Please let it be.  
This close, Buck can make out flecks of green interspersed with warm golden browns. He can smell the oud and lavender cologne Sophia gave him two Christmases ago. Eddie swears up and down it’s not really his style, but Buck knows better. He only had to be tortured by it every time Eddie came home from a date. Maybe it can be his now. A scent from his person. A type of claim letting everyone know he belongs to Eddie. Even if it’s just this one time. 
“And what if I’m asking?” Eddie inquires, low and husky in a way Buck’s never heard from his best friend before.
“Are you?” Buck responds, barely above a whisper.
read the whole thing here
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idsb · 6 months
Oh you weren’t online so you didn’t see that she posted the “I will die on this hill” (marriage/ceremony), then 20 minutes later posted speculation that YLM = Taylor had a miscarriage and it led to them breaking up for a while, 51 minutes after the first post is when Tree tweeted with a screenshot. Then about an hour later Melissa (deuxmoi) posted an “apology” throwing Ana’s death in Taylor’s face by saying “also, to reference something that happened years ago to “pain & trauma” after what just happened seems like a poor choice of words”, then she deleted the miscarriage speculation (some think she was told to delete), then her apology was removed, then doubled down and posted a “swiftie” asking why Taylor was all of a sudden throwing Joe under the bus especially if she’s so happy and moved on with Travis (hi Calvin?), and she’s been trying to spread these TnT engagement rumors for weeks now claiming he’s planned to propose on her birthday/christmas and so then she started saying a lot of people are realizing they’re trying to change the narrative of Joe to lay the groundwork for the upcoming engagement news, then another questioning why Taylor and Tree would want these marriage/ceremony rumors shit down if they’re not doing anything bad it’s just speculation there’s nothing wrong with it. The cherry on top was after saying she doesn’t get paid for this she posted her subscribers only live reminder (that’s the last I kept up so idk if there’s more)
And that’s what you missed on SWIFTIELAND!
to the tune of glee! of course
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factual-fantasy · 16 days
17 asks!! Thank you!! :}} 🦙
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XD Their names are Midori and Anastasia! :DD I originally had Midori holding Anastasia in this post because everyone else was significantly taller than her but I still wanted her to be included in the comic XDD
That interaction though turned into them having a close bond in my stories. Anastasia is always around Midori, usually being carried by him. There could be a lot of reasons why..
Anastasia IS a shiny. So I can imagine people have tried to capture her on sight in the past. I mean.. that's exactly what I did! XDD
Since Meowscarada has the highest speed stat out of the whole team.. I can imagine that he carries Anastasia around to protect her. If someone or something shows up and tries to harm or capture her? Midori will be able to flee from the attacker faster than anyone.
With that in mind, there's a lot more reasons why Midori carrying her would be beneficial. Ana has a hard time keeping up with the group cuz she's so little! Trying to walk with them would also tire her out too-
As for their separate personalities.. I pictured Midori being rather introverted and quiet. Polite, a bit shy.. but a very good friend. He's a skilled fighter though he would rather not resort to violence if he can help it-
I thought of Ana having a playful personality. Theatric, loves to joke, loves to sing. She can be sarcastic and grumpy at times but its rare. She's usually happy and chatting away with one of het teammates :}}
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(Link in ask) (In response to this post)
Aww.. what a beautiful song.. 🥺🥺 I added it to my favorites and I gotta check out other songs by her 😭
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@dubb0-g0ldfe11 (In relation to this post)
XDD That's not nearly as embarrassing as BINGUS XDDD
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Thank you! And don't you worry, I've been trying to try my best to take care of myself <:} 👍
And oof, I'm sorry to hear about your carpel tunnel :(( I hope you feel better soon! <:(((
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(Image from this post)
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I drew pixelated Grimace and Sylvester in this post at least! XDD
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@tallchest13-blog (Referencing this post)
That makes 3 of us! XDD
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XDDD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like them!! :}}}
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Welcome back and happy late birthday! :DD
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Dang, what a lucky guy XDD
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Hey, in my defense he looks 10x more friendly with white eyes! XDD
And dannggg, G money got the drip frfr-
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD And aww!! What a cute Umbreon!! :}}}
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That's a good question.. I believe I've answered this question before but I cant remember what the answer was.. <:0
I at least have this height chart of everyone as glamrocks..? <:DD
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Hello! :DDD
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I don't wanna <:(((( He's scary looking-
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Its his own fault for coming to my door at 3AM lookin like that!! >:0
59 notes · View notes
birthday love
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summary: just little birthday love for the birthday boy word count: 1.2k requested: no! warnings: google translate spanish. otherwise, this is tooth-rotting fluff. note: obviously i had to write something for carlos's bday. hope u like this little fic. love you all.
taglist: @sluts-inc @sidcrosbyspuck @coffeehurricanes @miniminescapist @amsofftrack @melancholyy-scorpio @strawberrypaul
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Your fingers gently wrap around Carlos’s wrists, lifting his arm off of you so that you can roll out of bed. He doesn’t stir at your movements, still sleeping peacefully in his childhood bed. His hair is splayed over the grey pillow cases, the moonlight dancing over his soft skin. You admire him for a second longer before grabbing your backpack and slowly slipping out of his room. The Sainz house is quiet at four thirty in the morning, and you do your best to keep the noise down to a minimum. You begin to unload the cheesy birthday decor out of your bag, laying them out on the counter as you look around the kitchen. 
“What are you doing?" Ana's asks from behind you. You jump at the sound of her voice, cheeks tinging red from embarrassment.
“Ahhh… It’s his birthday so I wanted to do something nice for him… something cheesy if you will.” You suddenly felt insecure about your choice, but Ana’s smile eases your anxieties.
“Can I help?”
And that’s how you ended up on the kitchen counter as Carlos’s sister hands you strips of tape. You stand on your tippy toes, taping up a colorful happy birthday sign against his cabinets. You and Ana talk quietly, as she pokes and prods at you to learn more about you. She asks about your career, about your favorite thing, and more importantly how you feel about Carlos. 
“He really likes you,” Ana says, “He always manages to bring you up in a conversation. We were all honestly so excited to meet you.”
“Ditto,” You nod, stepping down from the counter. “I was nervous, but excited. It means a lot that Carlos wants to bring me around you guys… I know how important family is to him.” 
She nods, “He’s really lucky to have you.” She grins widely and looks at the decorated room. From the happy birthday sign, the streamers hanging from the ceiling, and the party hats sitting on the kitchen island. “So what next?”
“Woah,” A voice says behind you, “Que pasó aquí?” What happened here?
“Es para Carlito,” Ana replies, “Y/n’s idea.” 
You turn around, gaze meeting Blanca and Reyes looking around the room. Carlos’s mom grins excitedly, mumbling something in Spanish about cooking breakfast. You’re frozen in time, looking around the room as the three women in Carlos’s life begin to move around you, quietly trying to help you prepare a surprise for your boyfriend. You felt at home, felt a part of Carlos’s world. Reyes smiles over at you, walking over and giving your shoulders a squeeze. 
“Estás bien?” Reyes asks, “Go rest, we can handle it from here.”
You shake your head, “No no, estoy bien. How can I help?” 
Reyes allows you to cook eggs, while she handles the rest. You enjoy your morning along side his mother and sisters. The kitchen was slowly coming together, the food being put out dish by dish, the coffee pot brewing. It smelled divine, and you gushed over how good everything looked with Blanca. In the time you spent cooking and getting everything together, Blanca managed to put out photos of Carlos and spread them around the room. Photos from childhood up to his moment on the top step of the podium are framed and set in various places.  
“We did good, no?” She asks, grabbing a piece of bacon to snack on. 
“We did. Thank you all so much for helping.” You look at the three women, who smile and nod. 
“His father should be up soon,” Reyes mentions, “Go upstairs, get him up before the food gets cold.” 
You nod, thanking them once again before making your way back up to his room. When you enter, Carlos is still snoring softly with his back towards the door. Shutting it softly, you slowly tiptoe back into bed, shimmying under the covers and throwing your arm over him. You press soft kisses against the skin of his back, nuzzling your cheek against him. Carlos stirs in your hold, the rumbling of his soft groans vibrating against you. His hands meet yours, fingers intertwining with your as he brings it up to his lips. 
“Morning hermosa.” He greets, voice thick with sleep.
“Morning bebé.” You hum, kissing along his shoulder before he turns around and pulls you against him. 
His fingers find their place beneath your chin to tilt your head up and press a kiss on your lips. The kiss is soft and sweet, his other hand resting lazily on the small of your back to hold you close. 
“Happy birthday mi amor.” You mumble against his lips. 
“Gracias.” You can feel his smile in the kiss and the way his fingers leave your chin to tangle themselves in your hair. 
You spend a couple more minutes in bed, tangled in the other before you finally coax him out of bed. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you place your hands over his eyes and your boyfriend whines in disapproval.
“Mi amor, por qué?” His hands pull yours off but you’re quick to replace them. 
“Stop being a baby and trust me.” You click your tongue, and nudge him forward. 
Unbeknownst to Carlos, his whole family was standing in the kitchen. A single candle sits on top of a stack of pancakes, everyone in their party hats and ready to sing. You stop him just a couple of feet in front of the kitchen island, pressing another kiss against his shoulder before releasing him. 
“Feliz cumpleaños, mi amor.” You say softly
You step out beside him, looking up at the grin on his face as his family sings him happy birthday. There’s a soft blush on his cheeks, strands of hair either flopping over his forehead or standing up, his grin stretching from ear to ear. There is a twinkle in his eyes as he looks at his family in front of him, and you feel yourself falling for him even more.
“Gracias, gracias.” Carlos slings his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into his side. 
“Todo era plan de Y/n,” Blanca nods towards you. 
Carlos looks down at you, quirking his brow. “Really?”
“Anything for the birthday boy,” You grin. He leans down to press a kiss to your temple.
“Okay okay, vamos. Comamos.” Reyes says, waving you both over.
You all gather around the kitchen island, eating down on the food served. The morning is filled with laughter and love. You enjoy the moments playing out before you, the way Carlos interacts with his sisters. The playful shoves and teasing words, but the love in every gesture. His parents stand back, watching their children with such adoration. You take another bite of your breakfast, enjoying the moment even if you aren’t completely submerged in it. 
“You okay hermosa?” Carlos asks, leaning on the counter next to you. 
“Mhm. You?” Your fingers push the dark locks off his forehead, combing it backwards. 
“I’m more than okay. Thank you so much for this, for everything.” He leans in and gives you a quick peck. “Soy tan suertudo de tenerte. Te amo.” I’m so lucky to have you. I love you.”
“Yo también te quiero, bebé.” 
❃゜·。. ·°゜✼ ゜°· . 。·゜❃
send me an ask if you want to be part of my f1 taglist!
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tomhollandisabae · 2 years
glimpse of us - lewis hamilton x reader
fandom; formula one
summary; after your reconnection with your ex lover many things are being revealed and many other things are being said
warnings; angst like... a lot of it, mature language, brief mention of blood, pregnancy, smut (unprotected sex, fingering, foul language, daddy kink, p in v) [18+ MINORS D.N.I.]
words; 4.8k
a/n; so the song only love can hurt like this started playing while i had already begun writing this so... yeah... things are getting really heated :)
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'Lewis Hamilton spotted with supermodel Bella Hadid acting cosy. '
It was the third headline you had seen that day about him and his new girl. You and Lewis had been dating for almost three years, but broke up right after his 37th birthday, due to the fact that as he claimed ‘the pressure from his working environment and you were too much’. 
He had broken your heart, yet you tried to move on and find happiness somewhere else, but how could that happen since you were seeing him literally everywhere and the fact that he was pictured with other women was making the situation for you even worse. 
It had been almost 10 months since January the 7th, yet here you were on your bathroom floor bawling your eyes out about your ex-lover. You had thought many times about texting him or calling him, but you knew better than that. If he was willing to throw away your entire relationship for his career, then you had no reason to speak to him again.  
He was now back to his old self, fooling around with supermodels and had no intention of seeing you again. Your trail of thoughts was broken by the hearing of a baby’s cry. You immediately stand up from the ground and wiped your eyes as you made your way back in your bedroom. Then, you approached the precious human being in the little crib and picked her up in your arms trying to calm her down. 
Looking down at your beautiful little new-born daughter in your arms, you couldn’t believe that you really were holding her after what you went through. To clear things out, one month ago you went into gave birth, alone as a matter of fact that you had no one to support you – not even your very religious parents that went feral in the hearing of you being pregnant out of marriage- and the result of it was a 6-hour long labour and the most painful thing you had ever experienced that almost costed you your life due to the extreme blood loss that you suffered. 
Of course, you never said anything to Lewis as a result that every time you tried to contact him in the first two months, he would shut you down or pick up the phone and without letting you speak telling you that he couldn’t waste his time trying to sort things out in his personal life since he had to focus on the new car launch. 
So, after many tries you decided that it was better that way and because you were too pissed at him, you ended up not telling him at all. And here you were now holding your tiny daughter in your arms as she had finally stopped crying and had rested her small head on your breasts. You loved her more than anything in the world and you would do anything in your power to protect her and raise her with kindness and fairness, not like your parents raised you. 
Anastasia Cinthya Hamilton would be raised in a healthy environment, away from all the drama and sadness.  
Yes, you had given her her father’s last name as you still were feeling guilty about keeping her away from him. She was part of him too, so you thought it would be fair enough to do that. Deep down you knew that Lewis loved children and that he would be the greatest father, yet the fact that he treated you like that made you cut off any contact you had with him. 
As you finally put Ana back in her crib, you heard your phone ringing. 
“Yes?” you asked curious as no one ever called you. 
“Hey y/n, I'm calling to ask about little cute baby Ana and you, how have you been?” you heard y/f/n saying from the other side of the phone. 
Y/f/n was one of the nurses that were looking after you while you were at the hospital and in those couple of days you managed to form a great friendship. 
“Oh hi, yeah we’re great, what about you?” you asked. 
“I'm fine too. So I was thinking that if I was to find you a well trusted baby sister, would you come with me at a party?” she suggested. 
Truth was that it had been ages since the last time you had been at a party, but your daughter wasn’t even a month old so you couldn’t leave her just like that. 
“I really appreciate that y/f/n, but I can’t leave Ana yet. I'm sorry.” you apologised. 
“it’s okay, I understand. We have plenty of time ahead of us.” she replied. 
“Yeah sure, look I gotta go, but please feel free to ring me if you need anything.” you said. 
“Will do, take care.” she answered and with that you hung up the phone. 
Now it had been five hours after your friend had called you and suddenly you heard your door bell ringing. Terrified was a poor word to even describe how you were feeling at that moment, so after you made sure that your daughter was safe, you made you way to open the door.  
“Who is it?” you asked loudly behind the door. 
“Hey y/n” you heard your heavily drunk friend saying from the other side. 
“y/f/n?” you finally opened the door, but what you saw made your blood run cold in your veins. “What... what happened?” you asked with wide eyes while you were already feeling on the verge of crying. 
Without waiting any longer, you proceeded to help her inside as you led her towards the sofa where sooner or later, she passed out. 
“y/n...” you heard him saying your name from behind you. 
“What the hell is going on?” you looked sternly at him as you turned around. 
“I'm sorry, I didn’t know you were leaving here. She was pretty drunk and I offered to take her at her house, but she told me to bring her here.” he tried to explain. 
“Yeah, clearly you wanted to take her at her house...” you exclaimed in a whisper, but he heard you. 
“What do you mean?” he raised an eyebrow. 
“Okay Lewis, you brought her here, she’ll be fine. Now you can get out of my house.” you rolled your eyes and pointed at your front door. 
“y/n please, can we talk?” he pleaded. 
“Talk? Talk about what Lewis? You made it pretty clear all those months ago that you didn’t want to talk to me anymore? So, for the last time, please, get out of my house.” 
Before he could respond a baby’s cry was heard throughout the house that made you freeze at your feet, while Lewis looked at you in question. 
“what’s that?” he asked curious. 
“it’s none of your business, now get out!” you instructed but he didn’t listen. 
“y/n a baby’s is crying upstairs.” he said. 
“Yeah, I'm babysitting a friend's baby, so what?” you lied as you hurriedly made your way in your bedroom, hoping that he would leave, yet you were wrong as a matter of fact that he followed you. 
When you entered your room, Anastasia was crying in her crib so you rushed to her side and immediately picked her up. You walked to your bed and sat on the edge as you lowered your shirt to feed her as it was time for that. After she placed her small lips around your nipple and started feeding, you lifted your head and realised that Lewis had seen everything as he was standing right in front of you, mouth opened wide. 
“Lewis...” you tried to say something, but failed. 
“What... I... how? I don’t understand...” he was out of words. 
“Just let me finish feeding her and I'll explain everything, okay?” you sighed and he nodded, yet didn’t make the effort to exit your room. 
“Will you please go downstairs. You're stressing me out and she can feel it too, please.” you told him. 
“Yeah, okay...sorry” and with that he left. 
After a while, you made your way downstairs too where you found Lewis sat on one of the chairs in your kitchen with his head in his hands. 
“Lewis...” you called out his name lowly and he lifted his head to face you. 
“Did I really meant that little to you?” he asked with a sad expression. 
“What?” you exclaimed shocked and he stood up. 
“For the past 10 months I've been trying to get over you, I've been literally sleeping around with every woman I find so I can forget about you, but always fail, yet here you are having already moved on with someone else and not only that, but you also have that bastard's baby too.” he yelled at you and you couldn’t help, but just stare at him as if he had grown another head. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” you threw your hands in the air. 
“You know what I'm talking about y/n... did you even really loved me?” this was the final straw as you lifted your hand and slapped him across his face. 
“don’t ever fucking say that again” you pointed your finger at him “you were the one that broke up with me because apparently your career was far more important than I was. I tried to contact you for months, but you always found a way to shut me down. I called you, texted you, went to your house, your parents' house, your friends’ and they all looked at me like I was someone to pity over and back then... maybe I was, because I was desperate, I didn’t know what to do and all of them were telling me that as much as they appreciated me you needed your space. I had no one Lewis, no one! My parents kicked me out of their house as soon as they found out I was pregnant and not only that, but I also lost my job too and thank God I had my own savings because me and my daughter had no one to rely on and as a pregnant woman no one hired me anymore. So don’t you dare ask me if I ever really loved you, when I obviously did. I was alone, pregnant, with no one to comfort me and tell me that everything will be alright, yet I still fucking loved you.” by the time you stopped talking you were already crying while Lewis was just looking at you, trying to find the right words to speak. 
“Say something...” you said in a whisper. 
“I... I don’t understand... how... it doesn’t make sense.” he simply said. 
“What doesn't make sense Lewis, what exactly? Tell me!” you exhaled. 
“she’s so... small... when...” he looked at you desperate.  
“After everything I told you, you still really think that she is some else’s baby?” you exclaimed crying as his words had really hurt you. 
“she’s...” his eyes welled up with tears. 
“she’s yours Lewis... she’s your daughter.” you finally told him and you saw a tear rolling down on his cheek. 
You wanted to hug him, not bearing the image of him crying, but after what he had done to you, you couldn’t bring yourself to comfort him anymore. The wound was deeper than you thought it was and it was hurting like hell. 
“Mine...” he whispered as he sat down on the chair “you tried to tell me...” he looked up at you searching for an answer and as you nodded, he continued “and I avoided you every single time...” he let out a sob as he buried his face in the palms of his hands. 
“I have a daughter” he sniffled “I have everything I've ever wanted in this world and more. I have the most beautiful daughter in the world with the woman of my dreams and I was such a fool to let all go” he sobbed even harder this time. 
You couldn’t help it anymore and kneeled down in front of him as you placed your hands on his knees in a way to calm him down. 
“Lewis... please don’t cry. I understand if you don’t want this, but I had to tell you, I already was feeling so guilty for not doing so all those months bu--” he cut you off. 
“y/n are you crazy?” he looked at you “this is all I've ever wanted and you think I'm going to throw it away. I should be apologizing; I should be on my knees for all I caused to you. I made you go through the toughest stage of your life in such way, you went through so much, all by yourself, while I was all over the place getting drunk and being photographed with every single woman that was crossing my path... I'm so fucking disgusted with myself.”  
“you’re right” you finally responded and he looked at you with a hurt expression “but I'm willing to forgive and forget for Ana’s shake. I want her to grow up with both her parents by her side. I put aside my ego and everything for her, she deserves to have both of us in her life. She's half me and you after all.” you explained. 
“I want y--” you cut him off. 
“No! I will only accept you in my life as the father of my daughter and nothing else. You threw away your chance about us being a normal family the day you broke my heart” 
“What if I try and become better?” he asked in despair. 
“No Lewis, I can’t go through this again. I'm not trying to risk my sanity anymore. Have you ever imagined what I felt when I was seeing you being photographed going out with all those supermodels that had managed to have what I had for three years, and trust when I'm telling you that they were the best years of my entire life. My heart breaks even more  when I'm reading articles about you being with someone else and I've been trying so hard to get over you and by the eighth month of my pregnancy I had partly succeed that, but then when Ana was born and I looked at her in my arms, I realised that she has your eyes and I couldn’t be more happy about it, because after all I still have a piece of you that no one can ever take away from me” you finally stood up and he followed you too. 
“I'm sorry... I always was thinking about you and that was the issue. I thought that if I was with some other woman, I would apparently get over you and forget about you, but every single time I was looking at the other person in front of me a glimpse of us was making its way in my mind and the past was hurting me so much. Later I realised that I was trying to found you in them, but I never succeeded, because no one will ever replace you in my heart.” he confessed making go speechless for a while. 
“Yeah... umm" you wiped your tears “it’s okay. Now we... we have to work out our relationship... as parents and only as that... for Ana’s shake.” you bit your bottom lip. 
“Yeah of course... I can do that and I promise you y/n that I will show you how sorry I am for treating you like that.” he took a deep breath. 
“it’s okay Lewis. I'm sure that if you knew, things would be different.” you shrugged. 
“Yes, they would be, but I was too foolish to not listen to you y/n, you were so desperate to get in touch with me and I--” you interrupted him. 
“Ana is my top priority right now Lewis, I'm willing to forget everything for her sake.” you said quietly. 
“Do you still leave...?” you tried to ask. 
“At our old house?” he said and you nodded “no, I couldn’t stay there anymore. Your perfume was all over the place and I couldn’t let go of you like that.” he replied. 
“Makes sense... I came by and no one ever answered.” you shook your head “you can stay over tonight at the guest bedroom so you can see Ana tomorrow because I put her to sleep now.” you suggested. 
“I don’t want to be a burde--” 
“You will never be a burned Lewis... please stay.” you looked at him with pleading eyes.  
“Okay...” he said in a whisper. 
After you helped him settle down in the guest bedroom and you took care of your friend that was sleeping on your couch, you finally laid down on your bed and tried to sleep. 
However, two hours had went by and still you were far from asleep. You couldn’t believe that Lewis, the man that you loved for all these years was sleeping in your house. You couldn’t believe that after almost ten months he was at your house a few feet away from you. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a door opening and closing as you heard someone walking downstairs. You knew it was him and as a matter of fact that you couldn't sleep you decided to follow him. 
“hi” you said quietly as you made your way to the kitchen where you found him drinking water. 
“hey” he said as he turned to look at you while he placed the glass down “can’t sleep either?” he asked. 
“Something like that...” you said and he nodded. 
You just stood in front of him, only then realising that you had no reason to follow him downstairs. Lewis was looking at you very carefully trying to understand what you really wanted. 
“I should go back to bed--” as you were about to leave, he grabbed your wrist softly and turned you back around. 
“y/n... please don’t go.” he got closer to you and placed both his hands on either side of your face. 
“Lewis please...” you tried to get out of his grip, not putting too much effort though, as you had really missed his touch. 
“I know that I let you down y/n, but please let me make it up to you, let me be there for you from now on. Please, let me make up for the time I was away, let me make up for what I did to you, because I promise you y/n, I will be there for you and Ana for the rest of my life. You are the most important people in the world for me and I know that because the season is not over yet, I will not be able to be with you as much as I really want, so please those days in between race weekends let us be a family, let us at least try to become a real family. Please...” he lowered his head making your foreheads touch. 
“Lewis I told you... you can be in Ana’s life as much as you want, we can even move in together for the first months, but nothing else can happen. It's over between us Lewis.” you tried to explain. 
“Please, I can’t go on like that; knowing now what I have and what I could have...” he begged. 
“Lewis...” you breathed out against his lips. 
“Please...” his lips slightly touching yours. 
You tried to speak, but without even realising it, his lips were attached to yours in a mtter pf seconds. You found yourself lost in the kiss as you had missed the feeling of him against you. His calloused hands gripping gently your face, his firm chest pressing against yours and his heart beating only for you. You felt complete, you felt whole again.  
His hands made their way to your waist pulling you even closer as your own were wrapped around his neck. He bit your lower lip asking for entrance, which you foolish granted knowing now that there was no turning back. You were about to be his for one more time. You were about to submit to him again and become one with him. 
In matter of seconds both your clothes were thrown to the floor and Lewis’ lips were attached to your swollen nipple, thing which made your eyes roll in the back of your head as you were far too sensitive. 
“Please Lewis...” you moaned. 
“What do you want baby? Tell me.” he asked as he started kissing up your chest to your neck. 
“I want you...” you cried out. 
“You can do better than that.” he said as he continued on sucking on your sweet spot. 
“Fuck... please Lewis, I want your cock inside of me, I want to remember what it felt like. I've missed you...” 
“you’ve missed me?” he suddenly lifted his head from your neck and looked you in the eye. 
“Yes, I did.” you whispered and he kissed you once again, before placing his hands firmly on your ass cheeks making you jump and wrap your legs around him middle as he made his way towards the bedroom he was staying at. 
Once you reached your destination, he placed you on the bed and got on top of you. He supported himself on his left hand as his right one made its way towards your sex and started circling your clit with his fingers. 
“Fuck Lewis...” you arched your back as he placed for one more time his lips on yours. 
You squirmed under him, resulting in him entering two fingers inside of you making you gasp. 
“Go easy, I'm still sore...” you interrupted him. 
“Okay baby, I got you, don’t worry” he reassured you and pecked your lips as he started moving his fingers in and out of you. 
After a little while, he had found a steady but fast pace and without hurting you, he was making you see stars as he was trying himself to remember what your tight walls were feeling like. 
“Come on y/n, cum for me... I need to be inside of you.” he cried out and you felt the tip of his fingers hitting against that sweet spot inside of you which made you grab on the sheets even tighter as you finally came on his fingers. 
He kept on pumping his fingers inside of you as you were riding your high, but sooner or later you felt too sensitive so you grabbed his wrist and tried to stop him. 
“I can’t...” you breathed out. 
“it’s okay baby, it’s okay.” he kissed your cheek softly as he pulled his hand out of you and proceeded to lick his fingers. 
“Fuck...” he moaned “you still taste as good as before” he said as he buried his head against your neck. 
“Please Lewis... I need you” you cried out as you wrapped your hands around his shoulders. 
“Do you have a condom?” he asked. 
“fuck” you threw your head back in frustration “you can pull out” you suggested in despair. 
“Are you sure about this? I mean we all know that the pull-out game doesn’t always work and you just gave birth” he said. 
“Lewis I don’t fucking care just put your fucking cock inside of me and shut the fuck up” you looked at him with anger as you really wanted to feel him once again. 
“Okay...okay” he nodded and grabbed his dick in his hand making you arch your back as he run his tip over your lips teasing you, before finally pushing inside of you slowly. 
“fuck” you chocked in a moan as you felt him entering you. 
“Shit y/n” his mouth opened wide as he pushed even more inside you and when he bottomed out, he let out a loud moan as he started nibbling at your neck waiting for you to adjust. 
“Please Lew, move” his heart was about to burst from happiness as he heard you calling him by his nickname. 
However, as much as he wanted to tease you more, he knew better than to push your limits, so he started moving slowly in you. 
“Shit y/n, how the fuck are still so tight?” he moaned. 
“Fuck Lew... faster” he didn’t need to hear anything else as he picked up his pace. 
He placed one of his hands on your hip for leverage as he pumped himself in and out of you even harder.  
“I can’t believe how tight you are baby... fuck you’ll be the death of me”  
“mhhmm fuck yess” you yelled out loud as you felt his tip against your g spot. 
You were sure that your screams could be heard from outside as Lewis kept on assaulting that special spot inside you, before placing his thump on your clit and starting drawing figure eights against you. 
“Oh shit... fuck Lew... you feel so fucking good” you said as you buried your nails deep into his back dragging them downwards. 
“Shit baby” he gasped as you clenched around him “I'm not gonna last” he mumbled in your ear. 
“Fuck, me too... I'm cumming” you placed on of your hands on his ass pushing him down on you as you felt a knot forming in your lower stomach. 
“Cum for me y/n... cum for me baby, milk my fucking cock” he instructed. 
“Fuck daddyy I'm coming...” you screamed and came as you made him lost it too and quickly pulled out of you spilling his seed on your stomach. 
“Fuck y/n...” he tried to catch his breath “did you really have to say the last part?” he said and you giggled. 
Lewis couldn’t feel happier. He had actually heard you giggling and not only that, but he was also the reason for your happiness.
"are you okay?" he asked after a while. 
“mhhm... probably won’t be able to get up from bed tomorrow, but yes, I'm fine” you smiled at him. 
“Then I did my job right” he smirked and pecked your lips. 
“Are you forgetting that we have a baby now?” you hit his shoulder playfully. 
“Nope, but that’s why I'm here for. I'll take care of both of you.” he smiled sweetly at you and finally got up, making his way to the bathroom to clean himself up, leaving you alone surrounded by many thoughts. 
You had no idea what to do now. You had just had sex with him, breaking the only thing that you promised yourself never to do, not even that long after you saw him again. What did that mean for your relationship now? You really wanted him back, but you also couldn’t forget that easily what he had done to you. However, you had said that you were willing to do so for your daughter. 
Was the connection you had with Lewis that strong, so not even a day after you reconnected with him, you were willing to take him back with open arms? Well, you had already opened your legs for him... 
Maybe. You really loved him still and you knew that back then he was really stressed, your relationship was very complicated and you knew that you wouldn’t last. Probably this was what you needed, a little time away from each other for your relationship to be as strong as it was before everything went downhill. 
“What are you thinking about?” you heard him asking as he was cleaning you up, without you even noticing. 
“Nothing serious. Can you please grab our clothes from downstairs?” you asked him. 
“of course” he replied and after he pecked your lips he went to do so. 
A few moments later he came back and gave you your clothes. You watched him as he started getting dressed. 
“Lew...” you said when he had only put on his boxers and his head snapped towards your direction, not expecting you to call like that again. 
“yes” he replied, but you didn’t say anything. 
You only lifted your head singling for him to pick you up. Confused he did so and you placed you head in his neck. 
“Take me to the bedroom.” you said “and take your shirt with you too.”  
“Okay...” he answered still in confusion. 
Once you reached your bedroom, he placed you on the bed and you rolled on your side to grab a new pair of panties from the bed side drawer before putting them on. 
“Gimme your shirt” you told him and he did so. 
As you were putting his shirt on, he couldn’t help but look over to the crib on the other side of the room. 
“don’t wake her up, please. It will be a hell to make her go back to sleep again.” you whispered. 
“I won’t don’t worry.” he reassured you and you smiled as you patted the space besides you. 
When he laid there, you cuddled up against him as you both wrapped your arms around each other. 
“I promise you can officially meet her tomorrow.” you kissed his shoulder. 
“mmh... good night y/n” he pecked your forehead. 
“Goodnight lew”  
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oh-austin · 2 years
yn and austin being all lovey and gushy about each other for an ig edit🥺 face claim nailea devora !!🫶🏾🫶🏾
had two requests for this fc, I promise I’m getting to them all! if you’ve requested something it is coming 🫶🏼
pa!reader / nailea devora fc !
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liked by austinbutler, pollyannabennett and 23,198 others
yourinstagram personal assistant doing personal assistant things #elvisfilm #cannes
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austinfan3 no one is doing it like y/n
austinbutler get back to work please
↳ yourinstagram you dont pay me enough
↳ austinfan6 drag him y/n!
yourfriend please bring chris evans home for me x
↳ yourinstagram im not above it
↳ austinbutler you are when youre on the clock
↳ yourinstagram ana de arias is in the bathroom, be patient with me- im trying to get the courage to leave the room without passing out
austinfan7 personal assistant turned royalty
austinfan8 literally the best looking pa out there
↳ austinbutler dont flatter her please, her ego is already so big
↳ yourinstagram shut up
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liked by pollyannabennett, austinbutler and 45,288 others
yourinstagram aus had to go be a movie star (selfish) and I had to take my own photo :(
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austinbutler mine looks nicer
↳ yourinstagram yeah I know, that’s why mine is the second slide, you ass
austinfan11 austin is always first on her posts, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had her post notifications on 🧐
austinfan12 they would be so good together, did someone say high school sweethearts ?
↳ austinfan15 they didn’t actually meet in hs, y/n was friends with chase from zoey101 and met austin there!
austinfan18 she looks so good?
austinfan19 I love them 💗💗
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liked by austinfan21 and 5388 others
austinupdates y/n on austins story today! (via instagram stories)
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austinfan24 austin getting y/n in prada? sounds like a boyfriend to me
austinfan27 pretty sure that’s austins top
↳ austinfan31 idk if it’s the same one, but they look very similar!
austinfan34 what’s the bet that austin bought her the flowers 😭😭
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liked by yourinstagram, austinfan35 and 987,289 others
austinbutler y/n doing what she gets paid to do (a rare occurrence)
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yourinstagram I DO MY JOB EVERYONE
↳ austinbutler yeah.. sure
austinfan38 they have to be dating
austinfan42 he loves her
pollyannabennett the best personal assistant ever! love you both so much!!
↳ yourinstagram polly appreciates me, you should too
austinfan46 date each other pls and thanks
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liked by austinbutler, bazlurhman and 38,827 others
yourinstagram someone please help me, my boss won’t let me out of my room (I’m posting this from my ds)
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austinfan48 austin let her GO
austinfan52 austin this is so not ✌🏼 of you
austinbutler y/n stop it
↳ yourinstagram stop telling people I don’t do my job and I won’t reveal your sadistic tendencies
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liked by yourinstagram, ashleytisdale and 1,271,297 others
austinbutler happy birthday to everyone’s favourite pa! as you can see in the last photo y/n does her job sometimes, thank you for keeping me in check 🤍
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↳ austinfan62 they HAVE to be dating, I refuse to believe otherwise
bazlurhman happy birthday y/n!
yourinstagram 🥲🥲 I love you aus
↳ austinbutler forever
↳ austinfan68 they’re such LIARS
ashleytisdale you guys are not fooling anyone 😌 happy birthday y/n
504 notes · View notes
nicolesainz · 1 year
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Lover (CS 55)
Carlos Sainz x reader
Warnings: can’t get fluffier than this
Note: Carlos and reader here are 17 and 18
Summary: being the birthday girl doesn’t necessarily mean being surrounded by happiness and laughs. although a friend is all one may need to have the comfort they seek
I look at my phone, it’s still 6:30 in the morning. I attempt to go back to sleep when I finally notice a dim light sparking with someone moving it lightly around.
I rub my eyes and wear my glasses only to witness a happy Carlos, holding a small cupcake with the number 17 on it. My heart fills with appreciation towards him.
“Feliz cumpleaños cariño!” He softly whispers as he lands a kiss on my cheek.
“Go, make a wish. But don’t tell. It won’t come true” he winked at me playfully, waiting for me.
I instantly blow the candles with my eyes shut, mumbling the wish underneath my breath.
I don't really have fond memories from my past birthdays, although I treasure every little sweet gesture of Carlos's like it's the last one ever. He is the reason I find this day slightly more enjoyable.
"Did you wish for something good?" his eyes stop sparkling, but his smile is as wide as always.
"I did. Thank you for this Carlos. You shouldn't have! It is too much" he places down the cake, before I let him jump on my bed to give him a big hug.
His embrace has forever been my safe place. Somewhere I know I will never be hurt. Somewhere that I will always feel loved.
"You deserve it corazón. In fact, Ana and Blanca helped me with a cake. Another indication that it's in fact 'not too much'."
"You disturbed your sleep Carlos and you have a race in a few hours. Please rest." I said worryingly, knowing it’s his first time racing in Formula 1 at his home Grand Prix
“Don’t worry about me! Practice and Quali went alright, so if something is to happen, it will”
“You will thrive! I have no doubts. At points you were even faster than the Ferrari’s! That indicates something!”
“That someday I’ll end up a Ferrari driver?”
“Who knows what the future may hold? I believe that this is very possible. Carlos Sainz, Grand Prix winner, Ferrari driver”
“The day this happens, I will owe you my life. And a kiss too.”
“Alright champion. For now, go to sleep. And thank you for the surprise. You surely found a beautiful way to start my day”
“Una mujer hermosa merece tener un día hermoso” (A beautiful woman deserves to have a beautiful day)
Carlos’s arms were wrapped around my torso, hugging me firmly. Part of his face was buried on my neck, with his hot breath hitting me, causing butterflies to flutter on my stomach.
“No sé qué haría sin ti, Carlos” (I don’t know what I would do without you) I mumbled underneath his soft snores, which were echoing in my ear. It was a big day for him as well. I didn’t want to ruin it for him.
Two hours later, I woke up alone again, with the small cake sat next to me and a basket of gifts alongside.
The basket had a birthday card, my paddock pass, two candles with the number 17, five daisies and lots of candies.
Carlos wasn’t a man who expressed his feelings like this or was used to such gestures but for some reason, those started becoming even more common as time went by.
He’d take me on car rides whenever I was feeling blue or make up stories to help me fall asleep, even sacrificing his own resting time.
As I went down the stairs, I saw an empty, silent house, with only the birds sounding from outside an open window.
Suddenly, my mother burst through the front door, with her hands full of groceries. I reach out to her and help her, only to be greeted with continuous yelling.
“Buenos días mamá” is all I manage to say before she breakdown starts.
“Te dije que limpiaras la cocina, pero al parecer eres demasiado perezoso para eso también.” (I told you to clean the kitchen but apparently you’re too lazy for that as well)
Not even a ‘happy birthday first’ or ‘sweet 17’.
“Acabo de despertarme, lo haré ahora mismo.” (I just woke up, I will do it right now) I bluntly replied to her.
“Esperas que lo haga todo aquí. ¡No soy tu esclava!” (You expect me to do everything around here. I’m not your slave). The woman was clearly going insane at 8 am in the morning and I wasn’t having it on my special day.
“Mamá, nadie te llamó esclava. Te ayudaré. Por favor, cálmate.” (Mom, no one called you a slave. I will help you. Please calm down). I motioned with my hands but apparently that didn’t work either. Okay, she doesn’t need pampering.
“Cuanto más viejo te haces, más inútil te vuelves para mí. Haz otra cosa, no me importa.” (The older you get, the more useless you become to me. Do something else, I don’t care.)
Surely no one enjoys being called useless by their own mother on their birthday. But mine did it. And I hoped that no other person had to listen to this ever in their life. It was truly heartbreaking.
I went upstairs, got dressed, grabbed my paddock pass and was soon out of the house, without my mother noticing anything. She didn’t even question my absence, as I got no calls or texts from her.
All I wanted, was to spend my birthday around the only person that could appreciate me truly. And that was only Carlos. I put the fakest but best smile I have in front of his sisters and family, so I wouldn’t ruin the happy and exciting atmosphere.
Being with the Sainz's was one of the few times I felt welcomed in a family. They were extremely vibrant and happy people. I loved them all dearly, although their son, was the one who had captured my heart.
I always say Carlos with a different perspective. He always took care of me and wanted to spend time together, even though he could have hung out with his school or karting friends. I may knew very few things about formula one, but I would let him talk for endless hours, saying how much he loves this sport and how it would be a dream of his to race alongside his hero, Fernando Alonso.
Now, he gets to finally do that. Fulfil his biggest dream. And the road ahead of his is quite long. He is determined to succeed. Confident in him, I know he will achieve that as well.
As we were watching the race unfolding from the Toro Rosso garage, an unknown blonde woman, close to my age, sat next to me. She looked very cute and sweet. She certainly wasn't English or Spanish, as her accent was quite unfamiliar to my ears.
"Hi, I am Victoria, Max's sister. You must be Y/N, right?" she asked me politely, offering me a handshake.
"Yes indeed. Very nice to meet you Victoria! Although, how do you know my name?" I give her a soft smile and raise playfully my eyebrows.
"Well, you don't look nothing like him, first of all, unlike his sisters, and secondly, he was so happy about you attending today that couldn't stop talking about it" I receive a playful wink from Victoria and my cheeks instantly turn into a light maroon shade of red.
"He did huh? Well, we have been friends since forever and it's the first race of his that I attend. It's really exciting."
"I find it hard to believe that you are only friends. I bet he likes you. Max says that Carlos mentions you even more regularly than his sisters. He does seem to be smitten with you"
Does Carlos like me? Is this real? Seems very unrealistic to me. We are very close but not to the point that we become something more. Victoria must have gotten something wrong here.
"Well, we are only friends. We are neighbours and go to the same school but no, simply friends. No romance between us"
"In the future, he will surely confess his feelings. I have never met a boy speaking so fondly and lovingly of a girl who is considered as an 'only friend'"
"It's up to fate. But even though we love each other very much, it's pure friendship. We've been raised like siblings to one another. We are this close."
"Well, mark my words, because I tend to be right, no matter what Max says, he is always wrong. Between us, I am the better Verstappen sibling."
We laugh along at her words and continue to have a fruitful conversation, whilst watching the race. In the end, we were both proud of the result, because it ended with Max winning his first ever race and Carlos scoring points for the team.
It didn’t matter that he didn’t get a podium position or a win. He still was the new Spanish hero and successor of Fernando Alonso. People knew that he’d become a big thing in the following years.
My happiness couldn’t be contained when I straight up jumped into his arms, whilst he was still kinda sweaty and full blown red faced. He joyfully accepted my hug and embraced me even tighter.
“Nos has hecho sentir muy orgullosos. Una carrera increíble, Carlos. Su conducción es muy impresionante” (You made us all so proud. Amazing race. Your driving is extremely impressive) I say as my eyes are sparkling at the sight of him.
“Esto significa mucho, viniendo de ti, cariño. Espero que lo hayas disfrutado.” (This means a lot, coming from you darling. I hope you enjoyed it.) his smile wouldn’t leave his face. I wish we could stay in this position forever. It was where I felt the safest.
Before another word managed to leave my mouth, I felt his soft lips on mine, tangling beautifully, gifting me the best possible feeling, which was love. In that moment, I realized I love Carlos. And I always would.
My breathing had gotten heavier, whilst Carlos deepened the kiss and my heart beating faster than ever. My first kiss was with a man who truly loved me, cared for me and knew me better than anyone else.
“Te amaré hasta que el tiempo se detenga, cariño, este es mi regalo por tu cumpleaños. Espero que podamos celebrar más de ellos juntos, para poder hacerte regalos aún más”
(I’ll love you until time stops, darling, this is my gift for your birthday. Hope we can celebrate more of those together, so I can gift you with even greater presents.)
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imnotavamp1r3 · 3 months
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♡ Some sims I made! ♡
Basically I thought it'd be fun to make some emo and scene inspired sims in The Sims 4 and these were the ones I came up with. I ended up naming them Helena, Ana, and Andy and I'm really happy with how they came out!
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🎀 Helena:
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Helena's style is supposed to be very emo. I mainly based her outfits based on things that I would wear. For her casual outfit, I put her in a The Birthday Massacre shirt, and, although they're not exactly emo, I thought the shirt would suit the outfit really well. I also love her pyjamas because it looks like a Skelanimals onesie!
🎀 Ana:
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Ana is obviously a scene girl and I think she's my favourite out of the three. I went for a very pink look because I just love pink. Her casual outfit's definitely my favourite and her fitness outfit ended up looking surprisingly good. Also, in the game I named her Ana Acid because I thought it was a very scene queen name. She's so cute and I love how she turned out.
🎀 Andy
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Vincent is the one guy I made and he's very much inspired by people like Johnnie Guilbert and Max Green. And yes, his formal outfit was inspired by Revenge era Gerard. I don't have as much male cc so he turned out a little more basic than the girls, but I still think he looks pretty good.
CC links:
🎀 CAS background
🎀 The Birthday Massacre shirt
🎀 Hair
🎀 Striped arm warmers/socks
🎀 Eyeshadow
🎀 Formal hair
🎀 Cobweb dress
🎀 Hair
🎀 Raccoon extensions
🎀 Bow
🎀 Corset
🎀 Kandi
🎀 Collide With The Sky shirt
🎀 Ribcage shirt
I don't think I used any packs, so everything else is either base game or a duplicate.
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That's it, byeeee! ˚。⋆୨୧˚♡
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pablitogavii · 1 year
I'm sorry..
Summary: It's your birthday and you ex boyfriend (Pablo Gavi) crashes the party desperate to get you back.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: slight angst/ slight smut/ fluffy ending I promise <3
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It was your eighteenth birthday and all of your friends came to celebrate at your house making a big pool party with music and the whole light show. They really tried hard to make everything perfect in order to show you that you are never alone.
You haven't been the best recently, especially with your latest break up with your boyfriend of three years. Things got intense, he started losing games and all that pent up frustration was causing your relationship to break...caused him to break it.
"I can't do this right now! We are losing very game and I keep having to deal with this relationship! I can't!" Pablo was yelling after a terrible loss at El Clásico and you just stood there taking it despite knowing you didn't deserve any of it.
"You're acting like.." he interrupted you while growling angrily
"Acting like what?" he challenged
"Maybe you just want me to be as unhappy as you are..." you sigh feeling his hand taking yours and hold it tightly.
"I would never wish that on you..I want you to be happy but I don't know how to make you happy. Recently, I can't do anything right!" Pablo said letting go while Pedri observed the whole thing knowing that his friend will be absolutely miserable without you.
"It's over, isn't it?" you say as tears fall down your cheeks and Pablo kept a cold exterior although his heart was shattering into millions of small pieces.
"It's over.." he said and you left walking past Pedri as he sat down where you were some moments ago seeing his friend drying his own tears.
"Pablo, why did you just do that?" Pedri asked
"Because I love her..and I can't make her happy" Pablo said through gritted teeth as his friend hugged him tightly letting him cry into his shoulder.
You were dating the new guy after five months of daily grief but even now you go to sleep thinking about Pablo's arms wrapping around you. You knew it's not fair to your boyfriend but you couldn't help it..nobody will ever be what Pablo was to you.
"You look breathtaking Y/n.." Luca said and you smiled kissing his lips feeling immediate guilt only seconds later..this was the first birthday without Pablo by your side..it felt wrong..everything felt wrong since he left.
"He's here..just wait and we will ask him to leave" Ana, your best friend, said and you felt your breathing stop as your eyes filled with tears. Luca wanted to go with her but you stopped them both saying that you needed to see him, be the one to ask him to leave.
You walked down the stairs while Pablo was being held by Pedri looking up with big red eyes taking in every detail from your tight red dress, to your curls cascading perfectly down your shoulders and perl necklace around your neck..you looked heavenly..he couldn't breathe.
"What are you doing here? I need you to leave Pablo.." you said after finally standing across from him seeing his eyes filled with tears which broke something in you but you had to keep a strong exterior..your heart was pounding hard against your chest.
"It's your birthday princesa...it's my princesa's birthday" his voice broke and you could tell that he was drunk holding onto the wall as your head became heavy at the sound of that nickname.
"I'm not yours anymore.." you said and that exact moment Luca walked down pulling you to his side making sure you are feeling alright since you were really pale.
"Get off her! Hijo de puta! Don't touch her! She is mine! She..she is mine!" Pablo was trying to rush towards Luca while you were crying and Pedri pulled him back trying to sober him up.
"We should leave hermano..let's not ruin her birthday..you want her to be happy, don't you? I know you do..come on..let's go..lo siento amiga" Pedri was pulling Pablo's helpless body but just as they arrived at the door he pulled back now absolutely enraged.
"Ask her! Ask her if she loves you!? Do you!? Do you love him? I know you don't! And you know you don't! You're still shaking when I get close ...when I touch you...you're still mine in here!" Pablo said touching your heart and Luca was looking down at you expecting you to say something..to say anything but you were silently crying before Pablo turned around and left with Pedri.
"Is he telling the truth? Y/n!" Luca was yelling at you now and instead of this being one of the happiest days, it quickly became a nightmare. You were so overwhelmed and hurt that you don't even remember the words leaving your mouth.
"Yes! I love him! I can't stop! I..I'm sorry.." you cried rushing upstairs to take off your dress and get underneath the cowers while your friend told everyone the party was over and they left the house.
"I cleaned everything up..I'm sorry baby" Ana said kissing your head before heading home herself leaving you alone to think on everything that happened.
Your birthday was almost over, it was ten minutes till midnight, and all you could think about was the way Pablo looked at you as you walked down the stairs..those eyes showing you more emotion than Luca's words ever could...Pablo loved you despite all the complications that cluttered your relationship...he loved you.
A knock on the door brought you back from your thoughts and you walked down seeing him standing in the hallway with the largest bouquet of red roses in his hands. Your heart was beating fast and you felt your tears fall down your cheeks again.
"What are you doing here again? I don't have the energy to rehash tonight's hysterics..you won..Luca left..and I'm alone..I think you should leave" you said coldly still feeling anger than he selfishly ruined your birthday.
"I'm not here to apologize for what happened tonight.." he said giving you the flowers and you still took them waiting to what he had to say.
"Then...what are you here to apologize for?" you say smelling the roses smiling weakly before looking back into his sparkling eyes.
"Everything else...I'm sorry for losing my temper the night after losing El Clásico..I'm sorry for not calling you for months...I'm sorry for treating you like property..I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you when I knew I did..most of all, I'm sorry that I gave up on us when you never did.." he said and by that time you were already crying surely looking like a crazy racon with smeared mascara.
You sighed in relied giving him a small smile while holding roses tightly like your life depended on it.
"Thank you..' you said in a quiet voice putting flowers on the table as he slowly walked towards you almost like he was checking if you would walk back..but when you didn't his hands found your hips and he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"All I needed all these months is to be in your arms again...to feel safe" you whispered while you were till standing there hugging one another feeling Pablo's hands rub your back soothingly just like he knew you loved.
"Please come back to me princesa...I can't function without you..I don't want to learn how to live without you" he said and you moved back looking up at his tearful eyes before your gaze focused on his lips instead.
He leaned down crashing his lips on your and you kissed him back snaking your arms around his neck and pulling him closer as the clock hit midnight in just the right moment.
"My birthday is over.." you said as you pulled away from one another resting your foreheads together for the next few moments.
"I think I still need to give you my gift.." he said and you opened your eyes to look at him giggling a little when he swopped you from your feet and carried you upstairs bridal style back into your room giving you something you both craved since the night you separated...
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
Tagged for wip Wednesday by @thewolvesof1998 @devirnis @rewritetheending and @alyxmastershipper! Was also tagged by a bunch of people for a bunch of things yesterday but was to busy to post anything, sorry i love you all mwah mwah mwah. Anyway (ringing a bell) Eddie’s miserable, come and get it (a little nsfw this time)
In February he breaks things off with Ana, gracelessly. She deserved better than his mumbling non-explanations over the kitchen sink, but he thinks she probably deserved better from the moment they went on their first date, so there's no use in splitting hairs now. In April he comes out to his sisters, who promise to have his back if he ever tells mom and dad. He privately and guiltily thinks about waiting for his parents to die so he can enjoy his life, but he thinks, overall, that it was a pretty positive experience, that he felt pretty good about it, so he comes out to Christopher a week later. Chris doesn't understand what that means for Shannon, and Eddie also doesn’t understand what that means for Shannon, has been wracked with guilt over what this means for Shannon, who died at 26 and wasted so much time with him when he’s not sure he ever loved her right. And so maybe he falls apart a little bit and maybe he yells a little bit, and maybe Chris yells too, and then they spend three horrible days barely talking, the longest they’ve ever fought. Truce is called in front of a picture of the three of them, together and happy, photo sitting pride of place in the center of the mantle.
“She was my best friend,” Eddie says, telling the absolute truth. “I’ll miss her all my life.”
Chris nods, and sighs, and leans against him, and says if he’s going to get a boyfriend he should find one who’s better at video games, and Eddie takes the olive branch gratefully, and loses at Mario Kart eight times in a row.
In May he gets drunk at Pat's birthday party and begins a series of regrettable hookups with Dylan the x-ray tech. There is not much grace to be found here, either. Half the nursing staff have had a series of regrettable hookups with Dylan the x-ray tech, a fact that makes him feel embarrassed, mostly, but also sort of delighted in some strange and shivery way. A feeling of solidarity, he would explain if anyone somehow had the insight to ask, a feeling of belonging brought about by commiseration over shared bad ideas. Harder to explain but perhaps more true: he liked the feeling of being wanted for his body and wanting another body, he liked the feeling of being used, he liked learning to suck dick with his knees aching on the cold floor of an out of the way janitor's closet.
In June there is a fire that takes out the metro dispatch center.
@shortsighted-owl @burins @buckactuallys @eowon @rogerzsteven @butchdiaz it’s Wednesday my (gn) dudes
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bicayaya · 4 months
happy birthday ieyasu ♡
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happy birthday to my first ikemen love 🧡
ana’s notes: this is way simpler than i imagined, but i really wanted to do something for his bday. i’ve been away from tumblr for a few days bc i’m not in my best right now, so i don’t really know if i’ll start actually posting again or if i’ll stay away for a little longer.
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