#your man is so extra I want to beat him up (affectionate)
strawhatboy · 2 years
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The Strongest | happy birthday @gojosattoru ✨️❤️
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hazbinwhoree · 3 months
drunk adam. what kind of drunk is he, how would reader handle it? would they comfort him crying, hold him in a hug so he can't do dumb shit. i imagine it would be something like Adam walking off to yell at a street light. how is he calmed down? *points down* Adam look, boobs. *shook adam face* boobs! lute totally makes fun of him later
Drunk Adam Headcanons
Adam is an emotional drunk
He’ll do anything from crying about Lilith to trying to fight Lucifer
So you have to keep him on a tight leash when he drinks
He always starts off happy and lovey-dovey and it always ends in tears
But he’s a simple man, it’s easy to pull him out of it
Just flash him your titties
“I’m gonna *hic* gonna fight Luuciferr. Beat him u-up.”
“Adam, look.”
“Booobs,” he slurs, all angst forgotten
Wants to have sex but is usually way too drunk to manage
You hold him while he cries about Lilith and Eve’s betrayal, reminding him he has you now and you’d never do anything like that
Making him drink water is such a pain in the ass
Once you lied to him and told him it was vodka to get him to drink it
Blacks out but never throws up
Loves to cuddle
Gets extra physically affectionate when he’s drunk
You know that vine of the dude going “I’m not drunk!” And his mom says “Tell the time.” And he turns to the clock and says “I’m not drunk!”
You have had an interaction like that with Adam
Lute thinks drunk Adam is just the funniest thing ever (he really is)
She insists on being witness to it every time he gets drunk and always makes fun of him the next day
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ovaryacted · 3 months
I know you have a lot of asks so you don’t need to write anything for this but I wanna give Leon some good aftercare.
Like?? Imagine giving this man the best orgasm he’s ever had. He’s overstimulated, cum too many times and his brain is just not working afterward. He’s fizzled out and so vulnerable
Imagine taking him to a nice warm bath where you wash his skin and hair. He’s out of it, still feeling the aftershocks of ecstasy. Maybe he looks at you with half open eyes feeling nothing but goodness and love for once in his life.
You make him feel so wanted when you give him aftercare. Like? Touch his face, kiss his skin and tell him you love him.
He practically MELTS under your care.
I’m willing to bet he even gets somewhat emotional about it. After he’s bathed and dried off, if you let him lay his head on your chest, he might cry a little bit.
I mean, you are doing this because you love him. You’re not just taking something from him and leaving. You’re staying right there to make sure he’s ok. That he knows he’s loved.
It’s just a pretty picture, you know?
-angsty anon
Ah yes, the classic Leon Kennedy x overstimulation combination, one of my favorites. I always love the aftercare aspect of things, just being able to take care of him and make him feel loved and safe. I love that shit because it is what he deserves. For the record, I imagined RE4R Leon while writing this, don't ask me why, but that boy deserves a nice hug okay.
Leon's body is limp on the bed, completely drained both literally and figuratively. His mind had turned to static, damn near wheezing against the mattress as his heart still felt like it was beating out of his chest. You gave him a run for his money, fucking him until he couldn't fuck back and his soft cock twitched against his pelvis.
You hovered over him and caressed his cheek gently, offering him a soft smile as he caught his breath.
"You okay?", you whispered to him, hearing him hum and making you chuckle. You tried your best to read him when he was like this, so deep in the haziness of his mind that he needed a little help coming back to reality.
"Do you want me to run you a bath?", you asked him, getting a shake of his head in response. "What about staying here for a while? Would that work?", and that got you a nod, so you gave him what he wanted.
You didn't hesitate when his tired arms wrapped around your waist, bringing his face to nuzzle into your chest. As he brought himself as close as he could to your body, you ran your fingers through his blonde hair, pushing it back and scratching his scalp. Sometimes he needs the extra time to cool down before anything else, and you'd happily grant it to him.
His breathing evened out after a couple of minutes, your nails gently scratching his neck and shoulders, running lines up his spine and making him hum in delight. He'll open his eyes after a while, placing a soft kiss on your neck and you took that as a signal that he was a bit more coherent.
"You doing alright baby?", your voice was just as soft as your touches, Leon sighing against you and slowly blinking like a cat.
"Mhm. Can we take that bath now?", he asked, so gently one would think he was a child, but the tone of his voice only made you smile.
"Yeah, come on", as carefully as you could, you'd bring him in towards the bathroom, filling up the tub as Leon stood closely nearby. He doesn't take his hands off you and doesn't venture off too far, affectionately grazing your hips and thighs like a needy puppy.
It's not long before you both sink into the bath together, calming lavender and chamomile filling his senses and wrapping him up in comforting warmth. You sat on top of his lap, rinsing his body off and running some water over his head, caressing his face as if he were a porcelain doll.
Leon's mind is empty, just your presence alone doing wonders to soothe his hyperactive nervous system. You leave soft kisses over his face, on his forehead and eyelids, followed by his cheeks before going to the tip of his nose and his lips. He lets you do it, his eyes closed as he enjoys the much needed attention.
You're so gentle with him, treating him with a certain kindness he hasn't experienced in a long time, probably ever until he met you. For some reason his breath hitches and gets caught in his throat, his chest starting to tighten and before he realizes it he's crying. One would think he was upset or hurt, but what he really feels is gratitude, thankful that another human being wasn't treating him like an object meant to be used and discarded.
You don't flinch away. You don't leave. You simply wipe away his tears and remind him of the truth.
You're safe now.
It's okay. I'm right here.
I love you. So much...
It's things like this that make Leon wonder how he managed to find someone willing to ease his burdens, to remind him of the humanity he thought he had lost years ago. He doesn't say anything until he's back in bed with you, his skin moisturized from when you rubbed your lotion and body oil all over him and dressed him in some baggy clothes.
You find yourselves back in your previous positions, legs entangled in the sheets and his head resting against your chest. He's already half asleep after everything, and as he answers the call to slumber, you catch the mumble that slips out between his lips as his eyes close.
"I love you too"
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veala2 · 7 months
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fluff prompt: “I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
SYNOPSIS - The love cook is diagnosed with a heavy heart and irritable face- redness syndrome. Safe to say: the boy’s in love. Now he just needs to confess to be cured! If only it was that simple…
CW - Cheesy, corny fluff that’s good for the soul, gn!reader, Sanji having chronic nose bleeds, Zoro shows up and spoils the show, and Chopper shows up to save the day!
A/N - Ahhhh I’m so glad I managed to finish this tonight. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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Increased heart rate for periods of time.
Blood heavily rushed to the face for long periods of time.
Blood heavily rushing from nostrils for extreme periods of time.
When Chopper caught Sanji (once again) earning his title as “Mr. Nosebleed'' so affectionately given by Zoro, he first diagnosed him with the classic ‘No more pervertedness!’ and expected it to work. But in a week's time, Sanji was once again lying on Chopper's bed with his face in his hands and ears tipping off his hidden cherry face.
“We need to try something new, Sanji. It seems like Nami and Robin aren’t the causes of this. Tell me what you were doing when the nosebleeds started.”
The chef sighs, thinking carefully about the past few days.
“Well, I was making Lunch one time. Luffy walked in with Y/N, and when I asked them what they wanted to drink, I couldn’t get it out and felt the blood rushing to my face.”
Chopper quickly scribbles this down, scratching his chin at the evidence given.
“Can you give me another example?” He asked.
“Uhm… I was out giving drinks to Nami, Robin and Y/N when I just couldn’t help but feel the blood spill down my nose.”
It was then that Chopper could vaguely put the pieces together. In the stories, Y/N seemed to be a constant in both. Appearing when Sanji’s strange emotions rose. An idea formed in his head.
“Sanji, all of these instances have Y/N in common. Do you have feelings for them?”
The chef's eyes swiftly widened at the thought of his crewmate, making him stutter like a mad man.
“What? No! I don’t- I can’t say… okay, maybe I do. It won’t stop no matter how many times I try. At first I just assumed it was all of Nami, Robin and Y/N. But when it was just the two of us… I understood.”
Chopper almost felt pity for his chef. His defeated slump, his hands covering his face and his undoubtedly- but deniable- feelings for Y/N.
“Don’t worry, Sanji!” Chopper chirped, patting his blonde hair with his hooved paw, “I know your cure! You just have to tell them your feelings and you’ll start feeling better. It’ll get rid of the heavy feeling in your chest and you might stop bleeding!… as much.”
Sanji almost wanted to cry.
“No buts! You're taking up my medicine making time by pining too much. You must do this, Sanji! For the good of humanity and your nose!”
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When the morning sky falls and night comes into view, Sanji expertly makes a fantastical feast. Anything to keep him off the task that Chopper assigned for him. He knew what he needed to do.
The day that he discovered he was crushing hard on you was some random afternoon. He was experimenting with some recipes and decided to ask for your opinion.
The bright smile you had while munching on his food, cheeks a slight red and overall joy made his heart skip a beat. It’s a moment he’s not going to forget any time soon. Like a photographer, he snapped a mental picture of your face and just refuses to let it slide.
So, when Sanji once again asked for your opinion on new recipes, he tried to compose himself through deep breaths and drinking herbal tea.
“Hey, Sanji! I practically drifted in from that smell. Lemme guess: banana chocolate cake with… espresso?” You smiled, leaning on the edge of the kitchen counter with him on the other side. Making him red from the closeness.
“Uh- yeah! y-yeah, I added some in for some extra flavour. Surprised you picked up on it.” He stammered, looking away to keep his composure.
You grabbed a plate of the cake, grabbing a fork and taking a bite. Sanji closes and opens his eyes, spinning towards you and looking determined. Making you look confused.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something!” He starts. You raise an eyebrow.
“What’s up?” You asked, giving him a gentle smile.
“Look, th-there’s been something I’ve been wanting off my chest.. for a while. And it’s not the easiest thing in the world. You see, I-“
Before Sanji could confess, his least favourite man in the entire world bursted through the door, causing the kitchen to shake as a result. That said man places a hand on his three swords, an angered expression on his face.
“Not the kitchen, dining room, library or your locker! Dumb cook, where did you hide all the booze!?”
His abruptive-ness makes you giggle, only adding to Sanji’s frustration.
“Beat it, moss head! I’m busy here!”
Zoro looks over towards you and Sanji, the gears in his head turning as he realises what’s happening between the both of you. Thanks to his closeness with the little doctor, he knew about this exchange. If he did, it would be a safe bet to assume a part of the ship would be wrecked.
“Oh, did you finally grow the balls to confess to Y/N? I’ll head out then.” He bails, pushing through the double doors and effectively sealing Sanji’s fate.
You sharply turn your head towards the love- sick cook. Eyebrows furrowing together and light pink dusting your face. An obviously embarrassed face. He feels like he’s going to explode from how embarrassed he was.
You… had a theory of his feelings for you. But it was never confirmed until now.
Well, watching a man gain a nosebleed by simply handing you a drink did make you wonder. How he would only ask you to try his new recipes, how he always turned a little pink while looking at you, how you could almost see smiles he would try to hide whenever you laughed or did anything. Cute, dumb, smart, it didn’t matter.
“Sanji… you like me? Is this why you’ve been so weird around me for weeks?” You asked, keenly focusing on his sweating form.
“Uh, yes! I like you! No, sorry, I-I love you! Dammit!”
The cook sighed, hiding his face in his hands, running his back against the cold kitchen wall and sliding down. After fumbling his confession, he couldn’t bring himself to bring himself up.
Crouching down, you sigh with a small smile and move his hands away. He tried to move his face away, but moved back towards you with your gentle hands on his face.
He wanted to scream and run away. Grumble and wallow in his own self pity. Wanting to turn back time to when he could be confident and charming, swooping you off your feet like a true prince. But instead he hides and wants to crawl into the ground.
“Hey… look at me…” You whisper, so softly and so kindly he thought it would hurt if he denied you. So he turned, eyes sad.
“I… I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering… but that failed, so…”
Your heartstrings tug a little at his tiny voice. Not to mention his sad face is cute as hell.
“Sanji, it’s ok,” You start, standing him up on his own two feet and looking into his eyes.
“I thought it was perfect, no failures at all. And - for the record- I kind of knew you had feelings for me... And it’s reciprocated.”
It was almost like a light shone down from the heavens with that statement. His once glossy eyes now turn to pure joy. He smiled, an honest ear- to- ear smile.
“Really really.”
In a love- stricken haze, he leans against the wall. Almost floating in the air with how light he feels. No more heavy blushing or profuse bleeding, no. Just pure euphoria with how his confession was received. After a couple seconds, he shoots back up, holding out his arms to hold both of your shoulders. A thought rushing through his mind while you give him a bewildered look.
“Wait, that means you’ll date me! Does that mean I’m your boyfriend now? Oo! Does that mean you’re my girlfriend?”
Oh man, were you gonna have fun messing around with him and loving him.
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Would you be willing to write how the brothers (any you decide but at least leviathan mammon and belphie) as well as any side characters (Raphael and barbatos perhaps?) would react to us/the reader telling them "you always were my favourite." ? Thank you even if you don't do my request I love how you characterize them. You write Raphael really well also [: - ⛓️
telling them they're your favorite
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includes: older brothers, belphie, barbatos, raphael x/& gn!reader, luke & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list
a/n: ught this was so fun to write and tysm!! i hope you enjoy! my inbox is open to chat, req, and leave feedback so come say hi <3
reblogs plz =)
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➳ lucifer flicks a glance over at you. “is that so?” he asks, brow raising. “i thought you didn’t have favorites.” “well, i would never admit it to the rest of them, but you just get me so well. and cause me the least number of headaches,” you reply, and he lets out a half-chuckle. “i wonder why you’re admitting it to me now,” lucifer ponders aloud. “it probably has nothing to do with the fact that i know you’re hungry and know i keep snacks hidden in my desk.”
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➳ mammon loses his composure quickly, sputtering. you don’t think you’ve ever seen his cheeks get that red that fast. he recovers after a long moment, chest puffing out. “i always knew it,” he insists, pride heavy in his tone. “i mean, i am your first man an’ all. it’s only natural that you’d like me best, especially since i am the coolest and best-looking of all of us.” you laugh, and he goes on. “but ya should tell me. why exactly am i your favorite and what do you like about me best?”
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➳ levi shakes his head. “no, you’re just saying that to cheer me up. there’s no way a gross, lonely, yucky otaku like me is your favorite!” “you shouldn’t say those things about yourself,” you insist, laying on the puppy-dog eyes for n extra guilt factor. “it makes me sad. and i hate seeing my favorite–or should i say my bias?–sad.” levi gives you a little half-smile, convincing clearly working, and you decide to go in for the kill, prey upon his envy. “but i suppose if you don’t want to be my favorite i can pick someone else…” wow, did that turn his mind around!
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➳ belphie huffs out a laugh. “please, i know you wouldn’t actually ever admit it, even though it’s true. what is it you want?” even if you insist, you know he won’t believe you, or at least believe you’re actually admitting it like he said, so you just come clean. “well, i need a ride and mammon’s the only other one home but he always makes me give him gas money.” “i knew you wanted something,” belhie grumbles good-naturedly as he pulls himself out of bed. “fine, but only if i get payment of my own. don’t you think a kiss should be enough?” his eyes slant devilishly. “at least to start.”
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➳ barbatos smirks. “i didn’t know my food was that good.” “are you kidding me?” you reply, grabbing another mini-cupcake. “these are so freaking good. barbatos, if you promised to bake for me every day i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” this gets a rare true smile out of him, one complete with crinkles at the corners of his eyes. “don’t let anyone else hear you saying that,” he warns, “or else you’re going to have a bunch of wannabe-bakers messing up the kitchen at the house of lamentation, and is that something you really want to deal with?”
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➳ luke pumps his fist, vibrating with excitement. “i knew it! i knew it, i knew it, i knew it! of course you like me the most, especially compared to those mean demons!” wrapping his arms around your waist, he gives you a tight hug, looking up at you affectionately. “you’re my favorite too, mc! besides simeon of course, but no one will ever beat him.” you laugh, ruffling his hair, and even though it’s mean of you to think you’re sure if he were a puppy his tail would be wagging a million times a minute. “well, it is simeon so i suppose that’s fine.”
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➳ raphael blinks uncomprehendingly. “me? i’m your favorite? but, we haven’t even known one another for that long and you seem so close with the brothers!” before he can fully spiral, you smile, knocking against his shoulder. “and? i really like you. you’re kind, smart, genuine, and a good mediator. why wouldn’t you be my favorite?” you leave then, but for the rest of the day note the small, bashful smile he wears, and the way he can’t make eye-contact for more than a few seconds at a time without looking away, ears turning the slightest bit red.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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chelseypprimrose · 1 year
I Dare You / Negan X Reader / pre apocalypse
Summary: A game of drunken truth or dare turns into the best sex of your life.
Warnings ⚠️: daddy kink, unprotected sex/rough sex, choking, oral, spitting, slight voyerism, slight dumbification and use of degrading terms (slut ect) bfd!negan, age gap
As always, all respective parties are over age of consent ect. 🤍 *Not proof read yet*
A/N: whelp here we are again, i started rewatching the walking dead from season 7 and tell me why I had totally forgot that Negan cleans out Alexandria’s houses just to burn their mattresses right down the road from them, the more I watch the more I remember how evil he really was and it makes me giggle and kick my feet i can’t lie lol. Enjoy this little depraved story, I’m just loving writing stories where the reader is very fully aware of someone watching/walking in bc it’s just so dirty I can’t freaking cope 😂love ya’s and my requests are open as always 🤍🎀🧟‍♂️
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Straightening out your dress, you walked through the wooden gate at the side of your friends house, the loud thumping beats of music and chatter blaring through your eardrums. You held a bottle of Smirnoff in your other hand, remembering the teaching from your mother about never showing up to a party empty handed, that was considered rude and insulting.
You’d left the party girl lifestyle behind, having your fun in your early twenties but mellowing out in the last year or so, finding more enjoyment in a cup of tea and a good book. Not to the extent of being anti-social, just cutting off bad habits and rethinking where you wanted to take your life. Coming fresh out college filled you with a sense of doubt and confusion, you studied heavy, dedicating your time to educating yourself but hadn’t yet found what you wanted to be in the world. No matter how much you were freaking out about your next step, you couldn’t miss your friend’s birthday party, so you’d decided to have some fun and let loose, deal with reality tomorrow instead.
Pushing those dreaded thoughts underneath the surface, plastering a smile on your face as you entered the already crowded back garden of your best friend, Natalie. You’d known Natalie for years now, exact number you couldn’t remember but through high school and many ups and downs, you’d always stayed close, spending nearly every weekend at her house. That was with her mother though, she’d recently moved in with her dad, due to domestic arguments with her mother getting too toxic. You’d only ever seen her dad twice in your life, normally when he’d pick her up after the various extra curricular activities you two enrolled in together. Negan.
Such a unique name, you’d thought when you first laid your eyes on him. How anyone could give him up would be a mystery to you, from your limited interactions he’d always been sweet to you. Offering to drop you home as well but always denying, not wanting him to drive out of his route just for you. Those polished, pearly teeth gleaming at you when he asked, practically making you melt right there on the spot. You’d cursed yourself for manifesting a little crush on the man, who was your best friends dad, the forbidden attraction. The way he’d sit lazily in the driver side, his large hands gripping the steering wheel, your mind wandering to thoughts of what they would be like gripped around your dainty neck. The black bikers jacket he’d always wear even in scorching temperatures, fitting his frame just right.
“Hey hey girl, how are you?” She wrapped you into a affectionate hug, her candy sweet scent hitting your nostrils, her birthday tiara shining in the sun’s beam. You reciprocated, giving a small squeeze as you released her, holding the bottle out to her. “Happy birthday, Nat. It’s been too long!” You replied as she took the bottle out of your hands, thanking you for the gift. “Come on let me get you a drink and we can catch up!” She lead you through the crowd of people, a mixed bag, some young and some old. You recognised some familiar faces from growing up, giving a small nod at those who recognised you, commenting small hellos.
Natalie motioned for you to take a seat at the rattan sofa lounger, near the side of the backyard porch, a small fire pit in the middle, keeping you toasty as your dress was a little shorter than you were used to. Negan entered through the same gate you’d come through minutes ago, returning with a crate of beer from the garage. He fought his way through the crowd, handing out the liquor to those he’d promised it too. Small ‘thank you’s in acceptance, placing the remaining bottles into a cooler with ice. Wiping his hands off with a small towel, fingers slightly numb from handling the ice, his eyes moved around the yard, silently cursing his daughter for inviting so many people to this place. His annoyance came to a halt when his eyes locked onto you, recognising your face in the sea of people. Watching you laugh with Natalie over old pictures she was showcasing to you, he’d know your laugh from a mile away.
He couldn’t help the heat that ran through his body, his jeans getting tighter as he watched your chest rising, your arms placed in front of you, making your breasts press together firmly, slight cleavage coming into show for him to memorise. You’d definitely grown up since the last time he’d seen you, taking a beer out for himself, he started sauntering over to you, discreetly adjusting himself on the way.
“Well if that isn’t who I think it is? It’s been ages doll!” He exclaimed, your head whipping around to meet his gaze. He looked similar to how he did when you’d last seen him, the only major difference being his beard being thicker and slight whiteness now peaking out of it. “Hey! Mr Smith, it’s nice to see you after all this time!” You almost purred, he loved the way that name sounded rolling off your pretty lips, that familiar heat rising to his cheeks slightly. While it sounded completely innocent to everyone around, he could tell the difference. “Oh why so formal? Call me Negan, we’re all friends here.” He grinned, those familiar pearly whites coming into view as he swiped his tongue along his lower lip lightly. “Are you ladies okay for drinks?” Natalie waved her dad off, claiming they were fine, he took his leave but not before taking one last gaze over your body, your curves almost putting him under some witchcraft spell.
It was later in the evening, the sun setting over the horizon, you’d been roped into playing a game of ‘Truth or Dare’ under the suggestion of Natalie, it being the game you played at all those sleepovers you’d had with her back in the day. You were sat with a few other girls, ones you’d recognised from high school. You weren’t best friends with any of them, not knowing them well like you did Natalie, just more so the fact they were the only girls left at the party.
You’d played it safe up to this point, only choosing truth, you decided to throw caution to the wind when your next turn came, proclaiming dare to the group.
Natalie’s eyes found yours, you could practically see the cogs turning inside her head, it got you wondering what her depraved mind was going to come up with. “I dare you to… seduce my dad.” You almost spat your drink out, eyes widening at the request, palms hot with embarrassment. “What? You actually want me to do that? Are you insane?!” You asked, a confused look sat on your face. “Not to be rude but… you aren’t his type at all, so it’s a guaranteed point for me! I’m just being strategic!” She claimed, her eyes meeting yours, goading you to back down. Your heart sank at the confession, you couldn’t understand why it stung so much, it was just a little silly crush but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t admit this new information made you feel a bit low. Your hurt feeling started slowly turning to slight rage, still watching Natalie as she challenged you with her eyes.
“Okay, how about we make this interesting though? $100 suit you?” You smirked, pulling a hundred dollar bill out of your purse, waving it in her face, mocking her. She returned your smirk, that goddamn egotistical smirk she got from her father, her manicured hand coming out in front of her to offer a handshake to seal the deal. “You are on, sister. You have to bring something back to the table that’s his, it’s the only way I’ll believe you.” You raised from the couch, slamming your empty cup down on the small table, taking your hair clip out, hair falling to the top of your back in loose, bouncy pin up curls. The girls watched you walk through the patio doors, sliding it to let you in before continuing on with the game.
You got into the kitchen, a few people standing around in conversations, you politely asked one of them if they had seen the man you were seeking out, answering that he’d gone up to his bedroom to change shirts, alcohol being split on him about five minutes ago. Making your way to the top floor of the house, you started trying doors, having absolutely no clue which one was his as you’d never been in the house before. You came to the last one at the end of the landing, being met with the very man you wanted to see.
There he was, shirtless in front of you, his room rather large. A four poster bed in the centre of it, black and red silk sheets with matching puffy pillows, a small door which lead into a en-suite, two bookshelves at the sides of the bed, small circle led lights above the headboard. He threw the wet t-shirt he’d taken off into the wicker laundry basket, not yet noticing that you’d entered the room. “Mr Smith? Sorry for not knocking, I need to speak to you about something.” You mumbled, the anxiety of what you were about to ask him gaining on you. He slightly jumped, a flirty grin on his face when he realised it was you who was there. You took a seat in the leather loveseat, matching the bed sheets, red and black were obviously his favourites. Your hands nervously played with the hem of your dress, his eyes wandering to your delicate fingers. “I’m all ears doll, ask away!” He says, turning his back to you as he found another t-shirt to change into, you opened your mouth to talk, nervousness managing to stop you in your tracks.
He turned back around, his face contorting into a confused look, wondering what you be needing to ask that would get you so worked up like this. “So Natalie dared me to… seduce you in our game of truth or dare. I had every intention to give it my best shot but she told me I’m not your type. W-which is fine, but I kind of bet $100 on it. Is there any chance you could give me something out of this room that I can take down to prove I did it, without actually doing it?” You awkwardly explained, your eyes not being able to meet his, if they had you would have seen the shimmer in his eyes as you cutely fumbled over your words out of embarrassment. He let out a large laugh, your face squirming, if his daughters confession made you feel bad, this was ten times worse. You felt a small tear gathering at the bottom of your eye, wanting the earth to swallow you in this moment.
It was the touch on your knee that made you look up, meeting his gaze as he knelt down to come to face level with you, Negan hadn’t bothered to put another shirt on, the low light of the room landing on his body just right, your core feeling slightly slick as his muscles tensed deep. You thought he was about to make fun of you for such a childish request, when he grabbed your chin firmly, making your head stay in position it was, looking into his eyes, not having the nerve to look away.
“Now doll, please tell me why you’d ever listen to such a fucking stupid thing like that?” He questioned, his thumb tracing your jawline slightly, still holding your chin in place. Your ears perked up, the total opposite of what you thought he was going to say coming out. “Uh, I’m not sure?” You replied, your voice not coming out as confident as you would have liked, that smirk still on his face. He was enjoying watching you squirm underneath him, his hand let go of your chin, hooking either hand around the underside of your thighs, pulling you slightly forward so your ass was half on the chair and half off. “How about I do you one better? Why don’t we actually complete the dare, huh doll? I don’t know why she’d say some crazy shit like that, probably hasn’t been paying attention to how I haven’t taken my goddamn eyes off you all night. You’ve really grown into a fine ass woman, you know that right?” You let out a slight moan, the feeling of his large hands keeping your legs spread open for him to see making your whole body electric. A vision of white panties peaking out under your dress, your new position on the seat making it rise up to your waist. “Thanks for the compliment Negan, but if… if you don’t touch me right now, I’m going to lose my mind.” You managed to make out, in broken breaths, your chest rising heavily up and down as you did, eyes wandering to his abdomen.
“Your wish is my command, pretty girl. Just relax and let daddy take care of you.” He whispered lustfully as his fingertips moved your panties to the side, showing your ever wetting slick pussy to him. He had to take a sharp breath in, nothing he’d seen was a prettier sight that this, hadn’t even imagined you looking this good, exceeding his wet dreams. He gathered saliva in his mouth, a powerful spit right on the centre of you, you whimpering in response at the degrading and dirty action. “Well, look at that! Someone likes a bit of domination doesn’t she?” He proclaimed to you, he couldn’t believe his fucking luck. You gasped as he finally took your clit into his mouth, sucking on it softly, teasing you with his devilish tongue.
He moves back to your pussy where he runs his tongue over your wet lips. You let out a deep guttural groan, as you grab large pieces of his slicked back hair, tugging him slightly, guiding him to all the places, you needed attention on. Negan continued to lick long strips down from your sensitive bud to your opening, listening to your moans and whimpers as he did. “Fu-fuck Negan! Yes, your making me feel so good.” He took his tongue of you, whining at the loss of contact. A darker look shifted on his face, more pressure as his hand dug further into your thighs. “Listen here, dollface. Tonight I’m not Negan, tonight I am daddy, you get that? Or has my tongue already made that pretty little head of yours blank?” He growled out, his tone completely like nothing you’d ever heard him sound like before, you’d truly woken the beast inside this man and you couldn’t wait for the journey. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry daddy, please put your tongue back on me, it makes me feel so fucking good!” He sinisterly grinned at you, parting your folds again and letting your juices flow down onto his tongue. He finds himself vigorously tongue fucking you as you begin gyrating on the chair, trying to push your hips into his face more, nothing mattering to you more than the pleasure he was providing, while pulling his hair with your fingers.
As he begins sucking your clit, he works a couple of fingers deep into your pussy, finding how tight you clamped around him, trying to intensify your pleasure. Negan begins to alternate between licking and sucking your clit, as you became more and more impassioned. It isn't long before you thrusted your pussy hard against his face, his beard scratching against you as your first climax washed over you, your hips bucking even more, back arched, your arms that were holding you up shaking.
“Fuck, daddy, I need you inside me now, please!” You whined, Negan hoisting you up off the now wet chair, the slick shining sun in the light of the room. He slammed your body on the bed, your head hanging off the edge of the bed, the blood rushing to your ears. “Goddamn doll, this pretty little pussy is going to be the death of me, pull that top down, I want to see those tits bounce as I fuck you dumb.” You obeyed, pulling your breasts out of your dress, the style of dress restricting you from wearing a bra, cupping them and rubbing your nipples as well. He could have bust right there and then, the image of you below him, looking like something out of a damn Playboy magazine.
He trails kisses up your body, tasting the thin layer of sweat on your skin until he reaches your mouth where he kisses your lips deeply, snaking his tongue into your mouth as he lined up at your entrance, rubbing his dick up and down your folds, setting your whole body on fire, nerves standing on edge. He releases your mouth, moving to your neck, nipping and biting at it as he finally stretched you out, filling you up nicely.
“That’s it doll, fuck. You feel goddamn heavenly, such a good slut for my dick right?” He grunts out, leaning away from your neck to hover over you as he put his hands around your throat, his pace getting more erratic, unable to control himself from his hard thrusts as your skin slapped together. Your head was starting to go dizzy, between being upside down and your oxygen being slowly cut by Negan’s large hand, it intensified your impending orgasm. Negan pulled out quickly, turning you over from your back to your stomach, forcing your back to arch as much as you could, slipping back into you. The new angle sent you nearly cock drunk, Negan too mesmerised watching his dick going in and out of you, not noticing the door slowly opening slightly.
You looked over to see Natalie looking on at you and her father, like time had stopped in place. You couldn’t see her whole face, just her eyes. Frozen, she made no move to say anything or close the door. You smirked at her, your eyes not breaking eye contact. “Oh daddy! You fuck me so good, my pussy belongs to you!” You moaned, a narcissistic grin sitting happily on your mouth. “Shit yeah doll, this pussy is all fucking mine you dumb whore.” His hand coming down in your hair, his other placed around your neck again. Hips snapping repeatedly against you at a now familiar pace, a moan leaving you every time he snapped. You raised yourself up on your elbows, repeatedly rubbing your thumb over the tips of your index finger and middle finger, the universal sign for Pay Me. Her eyes squinted in anger, closing the door again, not wanting to see anything else and now pissed she owed you money.
You quietly laughed to yourself as quietly as you could, feeling your walls clamp on Negan’s dick as you were ready to orgasm. “Fuck daddy, I’m going to cum again!” You whimpered, gripping the silk sheets below you both, Negan shallowly grunting above you. “Shit doll, me too. Let go for me baby, milk daddy’s dick doll.” You squeezed the bed sheet again, your whole body shaking as you closed your eyes, breathing irregular as you flopped forward on the bed, panting heavy. Negan pulled out at just the right moment, hot spurts of his cum hitting your lower back, cooling off after a couple seconds sat there. He carefully placed himself next to you, pulling you towards him so you rested in his arm. “I’ve been waiting for that for years, you know?” You told him, your fingers slowly drawing small circles on his forearm. “Could have told me sooner doll, that was fucking sen-sat-ional! You are perfect.” You laughed, kissing the side of his face, leaving a small nip at his ear lobe.
Two orgasms and $100 richer, it was worth leaving the house after all.
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weebsinstash · 19 days
Really like the idea of a yandere Vox who is so ride or die for his overconsumerist capitalist Musk-esque lifestyle UNTIL he sees it negatively affecting his darling and does a complete 180
like take that poly red string soulmate Vox x Reader x Alastor concept and, you've got Alastor KINDA warming up to technology and willing to watch TV and do other things with you but he's still not a fan of you being on your phone constantly and some of the video games and movies you consume. He's on the couch reading a paper and (affectionately) rolling his eyes as you and Vox take turns headshotting each other in a video game and hollering "hell yeah, suck my fucking dick!!"
Meanwhile Vox is just 200% chronically online and loving it until one day he asks you why you wear baggy clothes all the time and you're ever so casually replying "because my body is fucking icky, duh" and Vox has absolutely no idea what you're talking about until you break down on a tangent about it
I was watching a clip the other day where someone was pointing out that Marilyn Monroe was considered the 50s icon of beauty and there are plenty of photos with her with thick thighs or a visible belly pooch and, imagine Vox sitting there, the disbelieving 'are you joking?' smile falling off of his face as you just, go OFF, "why would I wear anything other than sweatpants? I have fucking CELLULITE VOX, I'll NEVER have leggings legs no matter how thin I am, and look at my hip dips, they're so fucking GROSS, and my butt isn't shaped right, I have banana rolls, and, do I have siren eyes or doe eyes?! Am I bunny cute or am I frog cute?! And look at how bad my facial balancing is! Ugh, where's my gua sha?! I'm so tired of being UGLY!!"
Later that week Alastor is looking up from his paper to see Vox just, slowly entering the room, sloooooowly shutting the door behind him, looking to his old friend, "so hey! Funny idea, stop me if you've heard this one before but, I was thinking we could uh, maybe take their phone away annnnnnnnnnd... not give it back?" and here's Alastor, "oh, funny story! So earlier today they asked me if I 'wouldn't like them anymore' if they got COSMETIC SURGERY, yeah, ON THEIR FACE BELIEVE IT OR NOT, so, naturally, I'm already one step ahead of you :)" as he just casually gestures to the smashed wifi router in the garbage can in the corner of the room
You just get home from work one day and Vox has his CRT head back on and you're told 'if you want to look something up online, you can use the desktop in the computer room, and only 3 hours of screen time' and it all but blasts you 15 years into the past 💀 no more nights where you're gaming for 5+ hours straight and ruining your sleep. No more skipping meals because you're hyperfocused and binge-watching an anime while also playing an idle game on your phone. No more Alastor and Vox finding out you're just smoking bowls for hours literally nonstop because you need some sort of extra stimulation while you doomscroll and watch 3 hour long roast reviews for shows you've never watched
Alastor catches you swiping through an app and you get a divisive video thrown in your face from some alpha dude bro podcast, "yeah, a real man knows how to protect his lady! She should be at home cooking and keeping the house clean, not running around like a tramp and doing dumb chick stuff! All women need to focus on is marriage and being good wives, you know, a TRADITIONAL relationship!" and Alastor is just, swiping that shit out of your hand, "he DOES have a bit of a point, repulsive as he is! I suppose I'll have to start looking at potential dwellings that can fit you, me, and, I SUPPOSE Vox too 🙄" and little do you know he's already got a cute little home in the 'burbs set up already. He's just... you know! Waiting for the right moment to let you and the annoying TV bastard know that you'll be moving! Maybe he'll just... wait until the day of! Nothing beats a fun surprise, right? ^^ he doesn't want either of you... trying to run away or anything after all haha!
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 4 months
hey so how do you think the 2003 tmnt boys would deal with having dated their s/o for two years now, is anniversary, and the brothers, or April or Casey asks, “so 2 years, do you two think you’ll last longer?” And s/o is just like “I’d marry this one if I could”?
This ask 🥺🥺 I feel my mind already racing with headcanons that I need to get out GAH!!
The topic of marriage?!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 1054
CW: Gender-neutral reader, they/them is used but you can replace them with your pronouns! Topics of marriage are brought up! Mushy turtles, pure fluff ahead!
You and your partner have been together in probably the best relationship you’ve ever been in. It’s always had its ups and downs, but you two have always pushed through! And now your second anniversary is arriving soon and neither of you can’t wait to proceed with your future together!
Well, during a conversation between you, the guys, April and Casey, the question of, “So, two years… Do you guys think you’ll last longer?” Causing April to shoot Casey a small glare when he asked this, (let’s be honest he didn’t mean it in an insensitive way he’s just asking because it’s a genuine question).
Without missing a beat, you were quick to answer, “I’d marry him if I could.” A smile playing on your lips, not really noticing the subtle squeeze on your hand from your partner.
💙 Leo is over THE MOON! You would want to marry him?! Really?! Any insecurity of you possibly thinking about ever wanting somebody else is gone in an instance. You want him, and only him, and this man couldn’t be any happier.
💙 He’s thinking about it the whole time and is noticeably more spaced out because of it. He is on cloud nine and is absolutely fantasizing about the wedding you guys could have…
💙 Later that night you and him lay in his bed snuggled up together, the candles flickering softly as you read and he rested on you, his head in your lap. Finally, you ask him, “Hey, Leo? You okay? You’ve been out of it a lot tonight.”
💙 Leo could only smile up at you, “Oh, it’s nothing, just thinking about what you said earlier.” And once it hit you, you couldn’t help but blush a bit and smile with him.
💙 He was extra cuddly and affectionate towards you for the following months (along with being more protective too), he just could not get that memory out of his head. I wouldn’t be surprised if he popped the question leading up those months. <3
❤️ Raph’s ego grew more along with the swelling in his chest. This giant turtle had some insecurities, I mean, as a mutant turtle growing up with the possibility of never being able to live a normal life like any average Joe?
❤️ He’s thrilled at the thought that you’d want to marry him because he’s definitely thought about it too. Getting some slice of normalcy. You know how I mentioned how he’s daydreamed about your first date? Well after the first year, he daydreamed about your future together too.
❤️ Get married, settle down, maybe even start a family, whether it be through somehow making a kid, adopting an actual child or just having fur-babies to be your kids.
❤️ Either way, he’s stoked, and he’s CONFIDENT TOO, oh man you just gave him ammo to tease you with, (don’t worry he’ll stop if you ask him to). He will definitely say things like, “I don’t blame you for wanting to marry me, I mean, look at me!” While flexing, making you laugh as he softly smirked.
❤️ Actually grows more overprotective over you too! Like… It’s surprising. He was already overprotective of you, but now he’s just more overprotective. He wants his future spouse to be safe after all! And ain’t nothin’ gonna touch you when Raph’s around and ready to brawl with any criminal who tries to hurt you.
💜 Donnie froze a moment as he heard this, and his whole brain paused before quietly glancing over at you in a shy manner. Marriage? Oh man, he didn’t predict this as a result of tonight’s get-together!
💜 Don’t worry, he’s actually really mushy inside. He feels like a schoolgirl getting all squirmy and bashful because her crush confessed to her! He ends up getting more fidgety with your hands and stutters a bit.
💜 It’ll be on his mind for a good while, but as of now, he’s too shy to bring it up to you. Not until it slips up during your actual anniversary anyways. He was ranting as always about something, and well, that ended up slipping out. It honestly surprised you that he was thinking about that, it was really endearing.
💜 And trust me, it’ll always be running through his mind for a long time, he just hopes your opinion will stay the same throughout the years. But until then, Donnie decided to make the both of you promise rings! He presented it to you one day, feeling warm when you seemed so excited about it. “I want to marry you, but I’m also not 100% ready for marriage either. But when the day comes, I’ll propose with the prettiest of rings.”
💜 You made his century when he saw you wear that ring everyday. To him it meant that you were willing to wait until he was ready too, and he was thankful for that patience you gifted him with, and he was looking forward to what came in your future together.
🧡 Mikey would just as casually say with a laugh, “Oh yeah! Me too! … WAIT REALLY?!” And he jumped up and grabbed your hands excitedly. You had only see this kind of excitement when Donnie had built the Shell Raiser all those years ago.
🧡 Bro is so excited, “Why not now?!” And now you were in a bit of shock, and Raph was quick to but-in, “You need to propose with a ring, knucklehead!” Now Mikey is pouting. You end up hugging him and comforting him.
🧡 But in no-means is he deterred by Raph’s comment, he is now determined, and he’s been talking with April about what he should do, and that’s when suggested, “Why not make your own ring?” He stared a moment before he was quick to go, “April, you’re a genius!”
🧡 With Mikey though, he’s easy to get side-tracked and distracted often, and when it came to things that took a lot of time, he got frustrated easily. But he wasn’t gonna give up!
🧡 When he finally finished, (with Donnie’s help after he begged the poor man), he was basically vibrating with excitement! He was stoked and wanted to propose right away, but with April and his brother’s advice, he figured he’d find a more romantic way of doing it… He might put that ring in your slice of pizza, let’s be honest.
GAAH, gonna be honest, I was a little stumped with Mikey last night and had to sleep on it, change some things, all that fun jazz. Once again spoiling Mikey’s moment, but maybe at some point I’ll make proposal headcanons! Also, if you want, I’m thinking of making a taglist, if you want to be tagged, let me know!
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : gojo satoru, geto suguru, itadori yuuji, nanami kento + fushiguro megumi
ღ warnings — some slight making out, sleepy boys <3
ღ note — i’ve had these in my drafts for so long so i’m finally putting them out into the world >.<
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satoru’s arms tighten around you each time you jab at his chest until he almost jolts awake when you huff and slap at the toned muscle instead. he blinks down at you before he’s groaning and nuzzling into your figure, voice low and raspy as he pulls you close against his chest. “huh? tryna deliberately disturb my beauty sleep, pretty? how else will i keep being your good lookin’ boyfriend.” satoru breathes, his words still teasing despite how drowsy he sounds, “‘toru, just want a kiss.” you reply and it’s almost immediate when you feel one of his hands rest against your cheek, his legs tangling with yours when he lies back against his pillow, as if he’s checking to make sure you’re serious before shooting you a lazy, handsome smirk, followed by an almost smug hum. “oh? can’t wait ‘til morning? am i that irresistible, sweetheart?” satoru laughs, before he moves to lean over you slightly, leaning on his forearm as he finally captures your lips with his, and you feel him sigh into the kiss as his lips move softly alongside your own. his tongue swipes along yours for a moment before he’s pulling away again, falling onto his back and pulling you against his chest, peppering your face with a few more extra kisses. “hm, i don’t think i can sleep after that, pretty girl—” he muses and you reply quickly, “go to sleep, ‘toru.” but he laughs before squeezing you affectionately, “i don’t think so, you’ve woken me up now, angel — you gotta deal with me.”
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suguru lay against your chest as you grinned down at the way his cheek was smooshed against you, his dark hair messy from your hands as he breathes softly. “pssst, sugu?” you whisper and he you watch him shuffle on top of you, his arms circling your waist as he squeezes you tighter, mumbling something unintelligible under his breath before he gets comfortable again, melting into your figure once more. “sugu?” your words followed by a nudge this time as he peeks open one eye, frowning up at you “huh? you okay, pretty?” suguru grumbles, a drowsy pout on his lips but his fingers still smooth soothingly along your waist. “can i get a kiss?” you ask and there’s a beat of silence before he answers with a blink, then a soft “huh?” as he lets his still sleepy brain process the question. it only takes a few extra seconds of silence until you hear a groan from suguru, feeling him place a gentle kiss onto your stomach through the fabric of your shirt before he’s shuffling up your figure and his lips are suddenly on yours, softly moving against your own before he’s flopping back down, his face hiding in your neck with another grumble “was that it?” he smiles, “you know i can’t say no to you, sweetheart.”
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you nudge at itadori’s arm where it lies across your waist as he sleeps next to you, half of his body already over your side as he begins to blink awake, immediately reaching to bring you closer with a few sleepy mumbles while his cheek rests against your forehead. “yuu?” you hum and yuuji’s arms around you squeeze affectionately “aw man, is it time to get up already? don’ wanna leave yet.” he grumbles, his voice is deep but you still notice the whine at the end as his hold on you tightens even more “can i get a kiss?” you ask and you hear him gasp quietly before his head quickly turns, placing a few kisses to your forehead before his lips travel down your skin, leaving a few gentle ones on your cheeks before finally his lips are on yours and he’s pulling you in for a lazy kiss. yuuji’s movement are slow and a little messy, feeling him melt into your touch before he pulls away, his eyes still closed when he falls back against the pillow while his hands grab for you with a dreamier whimper. “baby, your kisses are so good. does that mean we don’t have to get up yet?”
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your back is pressed against nanami’s chest as you turn in his hold, smiling at how pretty he looks when he’s asleep, features a little softer than normal. “ken?” you hum and it doesn’t take long for him to wake, just a few shuffles in his hold until his toned biceps tighten around your waist, pulling you against his chest once more. nanami grunts, his voice still laced with sleep when he speaks “hm? is something wrong, sweetheart?” the blonde male huffs slightly with his words and you pull away from him, watching his brows pull into a frown, more out of concern, as he blinks down at you, trying to hide the fact he’s a little grumpy he’s awake. “can i get a kiss?” you ask and his head falls down against his pillow again with a deep sigh, before his eyes closing again for a few moments “i’m sorry i—“ you sigh but your words are cut off when you feel nanami’s finger rest under your chin, lifting it just enough so that his lips can meet your own, kissing you slowly as his tongue slides against yours until he pulls away, tugging lightly at your bottom lip before bringing you into him again once again. “you know i’d never say no to you, love. but can you sleep now?”
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it didn’t take much to wake megumi, just a little nudge on his arm before his eyes are fluttering open, his body turning onto his side as he blinks down at you—gaze still a little disorientated and cloudy with sleep, but his hands still rest on your waist, drawing comforting circles, assuming you’ve woken him up because you’re upset. “are you okay?” megumi hums and you nod as you push back his messy bangs slightly “mhm, just want a kiss gumi.” you drawl and his ministrations on your skin stop as he gazes down at you, a smile teasing the corners of his lips while his hands move to cup your cheeks. he pulls you close enough for him to place a gentle kiss to your forehead, leaning down to leave another chaste one against your lips with a low hum, and you swear you see him smile to himself like he’s proud. “now go back to sleep, it’s too early.” megumi breathes—his voice is soft despite how grumpy he’s trying to sound, and one of his hands rest over your own under the covers when he lies back in his previous position, thumb smoothing over your fingers before you fall asleep with them loosely intertwined.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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j-nope-not-today · 1 year
Hi, I am the one who ask for a, TMNT boys react to their s/o being cat called, on your other tumblr page. I understand. Please take your time. I hope you have a lovely day.💖
TMNT reaction to s/o being cat called
A/n: Hello! I'm in fact not dead! Sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy. Thanks for requesting!
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Now you think he would be the most rational out of his brothers
But you would be wrong. I firmly believe he would be off the rails about the whole situation
He has to keep his cool all the time, but seeing you being threatened, cat called, or hurt in any sort of way? It's over.
All rationality and reasoning flies out of the window.
If you get cat called. He's going to make sure your safe and then he's going to beat said cat caller up.
He will not hesitate. He'll look at the cat caller. Look at you. Back at the cat caller and then bam! he's on the move.
The only way to stop him from rearranging your cat caller's face is by keeping a hold on him. If your hand is placed on him or your holding his arm. He'll stay put and keep on his merry way
But otherwise it's so over for that cat caller.
And afterwards Leo will take you for ice cream or to some sort of food place that you love
He'll be extra cute and loving towards you as if he didn't just beat tf out of someone.
If you question it or bring it up he'll just sigh and say
"the things you do for the people you love"
Just know he does it bc he loves you. Your safety it means everything to him and he wouldn't let anyone harm you, physically or mentally.
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I firmly believe Raphael will turn to said cat caller and ask them if they have a death wish
Man is straight to the point
Immediately he has a thousand different problems
He's probably not gonna beat them up bc Lord knows he would have zero restraint
But he'll give a speech most likely layered with threats
"you see her/him? Their valuable. Their priceless. An absolute treasure to me and you..you have the entire day to be an idiot and you choose now to be one?"
He's Mr.i'm not insulting you, I'm describing you.
He'll insult him until you laugh. His goal is solely to make you laugh so you can feel better and then you'll go on with your day.
If you don't laugh he'll ask you if you want him to beat him up bc once he gets the green light from you
It's game over for that cat caller.
When all is said and done he's going to be snuggled close to you like he a giant teddy bear.
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He's going to try to be as calm as possible
And he's going to think he's handling the situation calmly
But he's going to have either a glare that could kill you or a resting bitch face during the whole altercation
He'll tell your cat caller to get lost and he'll make sure you get to where your going safely
And the moment Donnie is alone he's going to hack everything that cat caller owns
I'm talking bank information, email, all their personal accounts on everything
He's going to inconvenience tf out of your cat caller simply bc he inconvenienced you and made you uncomfortable and he's not gonna let that slide.
Ofc after all is said and done he will proudly show you what he did
In the hopes it will make you feel better.
Be prepared he's going to be extra affectionate to ensure you feel better, but mainly it's to make him feel better. He doesn't like seeing you in any sort of distress.
It bothers him so please give him hugs
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I firmly believe Mikey will turn into a feral street cat
Your not gonna know what his response is going to be
He might just beat the cat caller up
Maybe he'll threaten him
But guarantee that the cat caller will be scarred for life
He will ensure that the call caller learns their lesson
But his number one priority will be you
If he knows he can't do anything bc your scared or freaked out or it's unsafe to Mikey than he won't do anything
But he will remember the cat caller's face and he will come back to finish the job
But he won't tell you that
He'll make sure you get home and he'll reassure you and kiss your face and joke around
He'll cheer you up and make you feel as right as rain
And if you ever find out he did in fact go back to finish the job. he will deny it until the day he dies. He will never admit to it.
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Michael Gavey - In a relationship - SFW/NSFW
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warning : fluff, Michael being well Michael, drinking wine, degradation, oral (f reciving), lingerie, teasing
Info : Yeah what can I say besided Michael is the cute, clingy slightly obsessive sweet Nerd and I love it. Have fun reading ;)
°Affectionate, emotional and arrogant
°Michael loves you no question he loves you from the moment you brought him an extra sugar free candy bar when you bumped into each other alone one night. ,,Here, you never know when you're hungry...not like you can calculate it with a formula" you told him - a simple joke, no more, no less. But for him, for the involuntary genius, it was the beginning of something he thought he would never experience.
°The relationship with a woman
°But it was exactly that evening that he saw your kindness, friendliness and outstanding taste in men. It was bound to happen at some point that a girl like you recognized him after his "friend" Oliver left him and betrayed him. He had to have everything you wanted in a man, at least someone like him.
°Even in the first few days, even if he tries not to make it look like it, he clings to you, won't leave you and couldn't hide that big grin at lunch and during the break when his arm was around your side. He may have been the loser but with you he was above everyone.
°Every day he brought you a Crunchy and you brought him all of yours. He loved it when you gave him a math problem, he knew he was helping you with your homework when you took out your pencil and your smile made him giggle. ,,I deserve a kiss, don't I darling?" he loved to ask knowing she couldn't refuse her cute kahki pants and shirt wearing boyfriend.
°Who needs student parties, lonely beer times or anything else when they have you? You lead him into a well, slightly different world. Gone are the alone times in front of the computer, books and early bedtimes. He had you. You, on the other hand, took him to the drive-in movie theater where his hand kept running over yours while he had a crunchy bar in another one. He can't help but tell you fun facts about the movie and you roll your eyes in amusement as his mood suddenly changes when some of the moviegoers criticize the film. You can hear his screaming and he only calms down again with a surprised expression when your lips touch his. ,,My emotional mathematician tiger," you told him and saw his lips curl into a grin and a blush rise on his cheeks.
°You went out together in the evening and he insisted on going to a restaurant with you. He, the classic romantic, is of course always with a Crunchy bar with him. The two of you after the dinner date on which he had perhaps drunk a little too much wine he was nervous it was always a little true around you and it led to a relaxed sweet side of the blond. ,,You-you...youuuuu are soooo beautiful...soo prettyyyy," he slurred as he nestled his head lightly on your chest and began to count your heartbeat. It at least calmed him down and helped him come down from the alcohol.
°You maneuvered you too onto the bed, you couldn't get him off you but he loved it and you liked the way he mumbled praise the more tired he got. ,,You're so pretty...your heart beats in a symmetrical beat my darling" he murmured and his hand stroked through your hair as you smiled and took off his glasses and kissed him goodnight.
°However, he cannot separate himself from his darling even at night. No matter how much you twist and turn he stays snuggled up to you and you find out that he talks about math formulas in his sleep. Too cute. But he's a real blanket stealer and holds onto them with a strength you didn't expect from the math nerd.
°The morning starts with a hug, tea and pancakes. Pancakes he made himself while listening to a science lecture and telling you the latest gossip. The gossip he thinks is important and has picked up that he knows you'd like to have a laugh about in the morning.
°,,Does my lady have a math problem for me? A fact or...a crunchy bar?" he asked as he sat down next to you with a smile, sipping his tea and hugging his turquoise shirt to his body while his nightcap was still on his head. ,,I even have a kiss for you, my lord," she smiled and gave the already calculating man another kiss. From now on, every morning would be like this for the two of them.
°Something you didn't know he had in him like his attachment would be his devotion to degradation. ,,My good girl will get full marks next time… isn't that right?" he asked his favorite as his long, shapely fingers snuck under his school skirt.
°He seemed to be a changed man when it came to revealing his inner self for every tease, look or misbehavior he takes out on you in one way or another. Not like the jocks who hit their girlfriends or the rich guys who played with everyone. No he was more sophisticated he played with her like a genius he enjoyed it.
°Which always starts with a simple hand on the thigh a hint. ,,You know what you have to do," he reminded her, leaning over as he saw that she was doing her homework all wrong. It was just homework and something like a game of cat and mouse developed between the two of them. For every wrong homework assignment, he pushed his fingers on her body, pulled her in his room and made her read the Math books while he fucked her into the mattress.
°For every math tiger attack from a boyfriend who was always watching her behind his sweet innocent gaze, the hug that lasted too long, him sucking in her scent, his lips whispering lewd words to her and leaving her with hot cheeks. she hit him back in her own way.
°She knew he adored her in every possible way, he was a pathetic desparet nerd after all.
°He was always watching her, his eyes were always on her. But above all, she always saw him licking his lips, adjusting his glasses and dropping his pencil when he saw her lingerie. Whether it was black, white, pink or purple, he loved to see his imagination run wild and before you got together he jerked off to every picture of you in that pretty lingerie. Tried to secretly take pictures to keep and not ruin them completely with his lust.
°But now it seemed like a callback to the time before you knew exactly how needy he was getting, forgetting to study and eating right out of your hand. An off-the-shoulder sweater with the straps of your bra showing, a short skirt that practically begged you to bend over and look underneath? There were scenarios for him to take advantage of all of them until it came to "studying" in the library. ,,Michael sweetie, tell me, what do you think of these?" he heard her quiet but sweet voice and looked up from his notebook in amazement.
°He saw how she had pulled up her skirt slightly and he had a perfect view of the dark red pantei, the tip of which nestled against her skin and she saw how he swallowed and looked around. But no one was there but them. ,,You want Mommy to do well on her exam, don't you?" she murmured, her hand sneaking onto his cheek, slowly taking his glasses off his nose, seeing him blink, but the pink on his cheeks let her know that the cute butterfly had been caught by the spider. ,,Yeah-anything for you, of course," he mumbled, his fantasy of having her for himself and giving her everything she wanted from him coming true thanks to his girlfriend.
°No sooner had he spoken than a pen suddenly fell to the floor and Michael disappeared under the large table and obediently, excitedly and aroused, went between her legs, kissing every inch of her. His fingers stroked the warm soft skin, kissing the birthmarks on the way to her center. He almost made a whimpering sound as her one hand placed itself on his head, playing a little with the strands of his hair while her shoe went down on his center. He was desperate just to please her, to give her everything so that she would continue to treat him like this, he didn't want to lose her, so he almost like a starving man didn't let go of her and took everything he got while his darling leaned back in the chair and praised him while he slowly began grinding against her leg like a lapdog. ,,Such a good boy-fuck for mommy".
°It didn't stop at just one time for each back and forth between the two of them, the other one made a point of making it stronger. Michael to fuck her harder, to moan the right answers straight to him. While she in return can just practically force him on his knees and use him like a toy and he would do anything for her just to get her sweet attention.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
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content: very soft, suggestive tones
dilf!onyankopon is a loving father to his kids and a beautifully affectionate husband to you. hes such a family oriented man and genuinely finds pleasure in working hard to provide for his family. 
dilf!onyankopon whos sometimes away for long times because of his work as a pilot, but he’s always making an effort to make up for his time away. 
dilf!onyankopon who loves setting up anything from pools to trampolines to swings to slides for the kids. he doesnt consider himself a handy man but give him a set of instructions or a youtube video and he works it out just fine. he will also not think twice about joining in with them when they ask him to.
“daddy, come play with us!” 
the loud giggles of children have been ringing within the backyard all day but its now that his oldest daughter calls out to him that he’s suddenly alerted by the call. 
“want me to come and beat you guys again, huh?” he grins widely. not that he cared about participating much, but its you he turns and gives a look to. 
can I? his eyes silently ask and you can only roll your eyes before nodding your head in their direction with a thick smile. 
“just make sure nobody come to me crying bout a pulled back or bumped head.”
dilf!onyankopon who absolutely will not mind throwing down onto the bbq. will take every opportunity to call the boys and their families round for a grill up as soon as there’s even a GLIMPSE OF SUN. uses the “Ive got everything but ____” trick on his friends so that he can get away with them all bringing the extra items and him just supplying the meat 💀💀💀
dilf!onyankopon likes letting you have moderate reign over his money. he isnt too fussed about what you spend it on but best believe he demands to see specific things that you buy. not so he can keep tabs, but so he can see how good things look on you.  
Onyankopon (ICE): Show me. 
You: show you what?
Onyankopon (ICE): Don’t try play with me. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Whatever you got at the lingerie store. I want to see. 
You: HOW????
You: you cctv’ing me now?! 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Onyankopon (ICE): Bank notifications. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Now show me. I’m getting impatient. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Attachment 3
You: shiiiit???
Onyankopon (ICE): Exactly. So don’t keep me waiting. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Please. 
dilf!onyankopon whos a massive lover about the food you cook him. will never fail to compliment you on what you cook for him and is greatly appreciative of when you do. goes out his way to promote the kids to do the same
dilf!onyankopon who is absolutely infatuated with you regardless of your state — or his state, for that matter.
“how did i ever get so lucky with you?” 
the man continues to pepper kisses over your face. his main target is your lips but he seems to miss that spot occasionally. however, you’re careful not to push him away or act in opposition to his affection. drunk dilf!onyankopon a sappy man once upset. 
“baby, please go to sleep.” you whine once his mouth is off yours. 
“but i love you!” he says through a pout. “do you not love me too?”
“onyankopon, i love you too much to comprehend, but right now you’re wine drunk and need to go to sleep. you have work in the morning.” 
you place a hand lightly on his head and try lower him back down onto his own pillow but dilf!onyankopon makes a sound of resistance before springing upwards. 
“but im not tired! i have so much energy! with you by my side, i could conquer the world!”
“oh really?” you say with a raised eyebrow. “well, since you’ve got enough energy to conquer the world, you could start at home by mowing the lawn.”
as soon as you say those words, dilf!onyankopon suddenly plops his head onto the pillow, his cheek squished against it. 
“awe man, i feel so sleepy…” he fake yawns. 
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wjehfshs · 10 months
Keegan and Logan relationship HCs both fluffy and smutty bc I’m on a kick for them rn (seperate)
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This is gonna contain NSFW, also don’t ask me why I put hello kitty as the GIF I just felt like it
I think everyone can agree this man’s cuddly
I saw someone hc (I can’t remember who) that he bites affectionately
Like will just bite your shoulder or smth
Also he rides a motorcycle (he’s better at driving it than a car, thankfully), and he loves to take you on rides at night for a date
First getting with him you probably had to confess, look he’s not insecure or anxious it’s just that he didn’t pick up on you liking him as well
Kinda just stood there after you asked him out like “😦”
“Kid stop messin’ with me it’s not funny”
“I’m not messing with you Keegan”
“Oh… Oh!” Got all excited internally but tried to keep that stoic demeanour
First time cuddling with him (which was probably right after you confessed) he lay on top of you, putting his full weight on you (if safe to do so ofc), and basically just melted, almost fell asleep if you didn’t have to get up to use the bathroom
Anytime before he has to go on a mission he’s extra cuddly, basically glued to you
And if you work day or night he’s devastated
Part of him wants to convince you to quit your job so he can have you all to himself when he’s home and he also makes very good money, but if you genuinely like your job/career. He’s supporting you 110% and won’t say anything
Will have you on his lap as he plays games or watches TV with you
If you also play games even better, sometimes he lets you win just to see you happy
But if you naturally beat him at a game where we didn’t let you win he’s all pouty and shit
Still can’t help but let his heart skip a beat when he sees you all excited, even if you’re rubbing your win in his face
If you have a cat, the cat and him are standoffish at first, kinda fighting for your attention but now they can’t be separated
Spends like a good 2 hours saying good bye to the cat before he is deployed
Falls asleep with it on his chest
If you have a dog he’s all over it immediately, treats it like it’s his childhood dog or smth
You catch him cuddling with the dog while watching TV, sometimes even falls asleep while watching and the dog just sits there with a smile on its face
Probably prefers big dogs but doesn’t mind either way
After he gets home from a mission no matter how long he was away, he’s hugging you, kissing you, and lifting you up in his arms in the middle of the airport like you haven’t seen each other in 5 years, doesn’t care if people are staring at all
If you get embarrassed he may tone it down a bit but he just can’t help himself
If you two get married/have a traditional wedding, he’s so impatient, just wants to kiss you
When he’s told he can he just wraps you in a bear hug and kisses you, he’s just so happy that he gets to be with you
If you don’t want to get married/don’t want a traditional wedding he’s also totally fine with that
Doesn’t care if you’re married or not, doesn’t care if the wedding is traditional or not he’s just so happy to be with you
You two don’t make out for very long when you do because he’s also impatient in that area, can’t control himself sometimes he gets so worked up
He’s into some very kinky stuff (only with consent and very long talks from you two)
He also likes biting in the bedroom, if you aren’t ok with it he won’t draw blood or hurt you two bad but if you give him the ok, or even better want it, he’s having a field day
When he’s away he lives for phone sex with you
When domming he’s rough (unless you ask him not too or you’re more vanilla), but if either of you are having a bad day or smth he’s soft and very vanilla
When he’s having a bad day tho he prefers to sub, I think he’s pretty quiet when subbing, not for any particular reason, just is
Covers his mouth when subbing because even when being dommed he loves to hear you moan
Not above being pegged/anal
I’ve mentioned this in a couple of past posts but I fully believe that Keegan is a tit man
Doesn’t matter if they’re big, small, uneven, different sizes, covered in stretch marks, have hair, fake, or on a man HE. LOVES. TITS.
Will bury his head in them when cuddling and Will also occasionally cover them in hickeys
Also loves cumming all over them
If you don’t say otherwise, he’s all over them. You cannot detach this man from your boobs
If you’re insecure about them his mouth is not leaving them until you feel better
He would never admit this but he loves when you make him cum all over his clothes/in his pants
If you’re ok with it, he’ll do stuff like choking, spitting, specifically in your mouth/on your tongue, and the occasional ass slap (but remember consent is key guys)
He LOVES to eat you out, female genitalia or male genitalia he doesn’t care
Eye contact>>>
A bit of a dirty secret of his but he loves when you look away so he can hold your face and force you to look at him
Dirty talk dirty talk dirty talkkkkk
Oral fixation
He’s a bit of an anxious lover
Also less experienced than Keegan
He’s not clueless but you may have to guide him on some stuff
Very protective of you
Unlike Keegan, he can actually be trusted behind the wheel of a car
He prefers to show his love through acts of service
That’s not to say he doesn’t love any kind of affection giving or receiving
But there’s just something about being able to cook you breakfast while you’re asleep, taking care of you while you’re sick, and helping you pick out an outfit
Although I do have to admit he does also enjoy being taken care of
But he prefers to take care of you than be taken care of
Please cuddle this man likes he’s the most precious thing ever made, he needs it
He’s too embarrassed to admit it but he loved when you whisper and coo at him
And if you cuddle him while playing with his hair, this man is out COLD
But equally he loves when you fall asleep on top of him
I believe since he’s the youngest of the Walker family, he probably feels insecure about his strength so if you fall asleep wrapped in his arms it’ll make him feel big and strong
Cold days where you can cuddle with him>>>
His kisses are soft and calm
He was the one to confess, well kinda
Hesh did it for him
Hesh just kinda strolled up to you casually one day with Logan silently standing behind him
“Hey [name]! How are you? Cool cool. Anyways just letting you know Logan’s in love with you… bye!” And then he walks off leaving you and Logan alone
And it just went from there
Hesh wasn’t stupid, he knew you both liked each other but Logan wasn’t convinced
The only reason he let Hesh confess to you for him was because Hesh promised to treat him to a “sorry dinner” if he was wrong and you didn’t feel the same
Luckily Hesh was right
While Keegan is a biter, Logan is more of a licker
He won’t just randomly lick you like Keegan but he’ll probably kiss you somewhere and leave a little lick for shits and giggles
I do believe he’s selectively mute
So most of the time he doesn’t talk at all but I’m rare occasions he’ll whisper something to you and only you
Probably something like “baby I’m tired… can we go home?”
Or “I love you so so much”
It’s like a special treat just for you
He tries to take as many photos of you and the both of you together, prints it out, and takes the little photo with him on missions
Prefers to soft dom
But either way he will absolutely destroy your insides as he kisses all up and down your torso
If he’s subbing, please crush this man’s head in between your thighs
Doesn’t matter if they’re thick, thin, fatty, muscly, whatever please just crush him
He wants to suffocate between them
He would happily die in between your legs
Also gets whiny when subbing
Jerk this man off while he whines and begs, bucking his hips up into your hands
Not really as kinky as Keegan but loves being rough or you being rough on him
Doesn’t matter if you have a dick yourself or use a strap on, he wants to deep throat it
Will bend you in half when fucking you
Especially when he’s close
If he’s feeling mean one day he will manhandle you
Flipping you from position to position on the bed, basically throwing you around like a rag doll
Sometimes he’ll wear his mask while you two will do it
Aftercare with him is top tier tho, kisses, maybe a bath or shower, food if you’re hungry, water, maybe even a hot chocolate
As I said earlier he loves to take care of you
Prefers things clean but does like cumming on your face
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ddymarie · 1 year
My personal view of BNHA
° Katsuki bakugo
Bakugo gives me that mafia husband vibe.
Idk he's seems so dominate.
Harsh lover.
This doesn't make him soft... Tho
Especially during sex. I can never write it down but loves to slap you, your face, your cunt, your ass.
This man will definitely make you suck his fingers.
Very much enemies to lovers
Hate sex, slow sex
° izuku midoryia
Awww deku,
He's soft, but definitely not a beat around the bush kinda guy.you want something tell em
All about teasing and pleasing.
Hes affectionate always has his hands on you. Your in public. Arms around your waist. Chilling in the kitchen. Chopping vegetables next to ya. On the couch your on his lap. Having sex your on his face.
Reads you like a magazineeee.
Friends to lovers
He knows everyone
° Keigo takami
Yalll this mannnn.
I see him to be a spitter. A fuckboy.
Definitely would be your summer fling
But then there's innocent keigo
He's all about giving you your personal space. " I don't wanna invade " .
Always taking you on dates.
Sex every night is a NEED.
I feel like he would be into videoing it. Private collection in his phone of you and you👀 . Yk that vibe. Private relationship
Always been around you but never interacted with you so
Definitely strangers to lovers
° shinsou hitoshi
Always brings you gifts.
Tie you up. Cuff you.
Degrading you.
Always whispers in your ear. EVEN DURING A NORMAL CONVO
He's an ass guy. Hands always on your body
Hair puller
Fuck buddies to lovers
° Eijiro Kirishima
Never wears a shirt
Very "whatever you want, princess" and just spoils you cause it's a manly thing to do
Friends to lovers trope.
Always touching on his muscles.
He's always had you messaging him.
Loves to finger you.
Not the freakkyyy type. But definitely surprised when you say "blindfold me ".and does it
i feel like he would role play to set the mood then having you scream his name and dropping the act.
He never locks the door. Anyone just walks in. Morning sex addict.
" great way to start the day you know " he says
Always holding your hand, or has you holding his elbow. Sitting you on his lap
This man would hang off the door frame
Shirt sliding up a little. While he's all sweaty from being in the gym.
Always uses you as a extra weight to lift 🏋
The end ✨
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lotus-n-l0ve · 10 months
— Yandere!Eren Yeager x Female Reader
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*⁠.⁠✧ SYNOPSIS : Your boyfriend Eren is no longer the sweet and caring man you once knew.
*⁠.⁠✧ WARNINGS & TAGS : Au, dark!eren, possesive!eren, yandere!eren, non-con, sexual assault, kidnapping, abuse, physical abuse, beating, yandere theme,1.8k words.
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Eren Yeager, Your boyfriend was not the same sweet and caring man you had met years ago. You met Eren through a mutual friend, Armin Alert, at a party. While he was the captain of Tokyo High's football team, you were an average student with only two close friends.
Though both your lives were polar opposite of each other, you two instantly it. By the end of the night you were parting away with each other's phone number and an already fixed date.
On your first date he brought you to a beautiful cafe on the outskirts. He told you occasionally visited the place. It was like a dream. He was the boyfriend every girl asks for. He would take you out on dates, buy flowers and gifts for you.
Always noticed every little thing about you. He knew things about you that even you didn't. He was always so affectionate to you. At first you were flattered that he was giving your relationship so much attention and love. But soon things turned really creepy.
He started to get more possesive over time. Someone stared at you too long. You stayed out too long outside. You should not be out that long. Why did a stranger ask you for directions? Why does your classmate sit so close to you?
In the beginning he would doubt others' intentions. He would say they have ulterior motives to harm you, harm your relationship. But soon he started doubting you too. The distance from your college to home is 19 minutes but why did you take 24 minutes? What did you do in that extra time?
Those doubts created cracks in your once beautiful relationship. Fighting became more frequent. From him saying shit about others to questioning your characters. Until everything went too far.
"Eren, Toru was just a classmate asking for notes." You shouted at the man standing in front of you.
"A classmate or the guy you keep on cheating on me with?" Eren glared back at you, qually angry.
"You know what? I'm done with your bullshit. Always accusing me of cheating. I'm leaving. Bye."
As those words left your mouth, the temperature of the room dropped. In a blink of an eye Eren was in front of you, breathing down your face. His hand clutching your jaw. He had never been much scarier.
"What did you just say?" He gritted out, "Leave me? You will leave me?"
"Eren let me go. You are hurting me." You tried to push him off of you but he ignored your pleas, "When did you get so bold huh? Is it that guy you are cheating on me with is giving you all this courage? I need to put you in your place before you decide to do something stupid and try to leave me."
He mumbled the last part before he threw you on the floor. You yelled when your head hit the marbled ground. Before you know it Eren was holding the standing lamp over his head and bringing it down on your left ankle with his full strength. He did that repeatedly ignoring when cry and scream in pain and beg him to stop, only mumbling —
"You need to know your place."
"How will you leave me when you won't even be able to walk?"
"That classmate of yours is trying to break us apart baby."
"I won't let him do that."
"I'm doing this for us."
"If you can't walk, you won't leave me. You can't leave me. I won't let you."
He hit you till your ankle broke. The pain was so immense that you wanted to faint and you did just that. The last thing you remember is Eren taking you in his arms and whispering how much he loves you.
The next time you woke up to the sound of various chirping of birds. Weird. Because the part of the city you live in doesn't have many of them because of all the pollution. You blinked your eyes open. A wooden ceiling coming in your view. But your bedroom's ceilings are white and definitely not made of wood.
Confused, you sat up on the bed when you felt agonising pain in your left leg. It was bandaged up in a cast. You sat up straight as the horrendous memory of Eren beating you like a beast came back.
What happened after you passed out? Where was Eren? And most importantly where were you?
Quickly you got down from the bed and limped to the window. You gasp as you push the blinds away. In front of you, you could only see trees in your view. Your heart filled up with worry and you felt nauseous.
Your body stiffened when the bedroom door opened and someone walked in, "Oh! You are up, love?"
He sounded surprised and just like the man when you had started dating years ago. You turned to face him.
"What the fuck is this? And where am I?" You snapped.
"Calm down love. Why are you getting all angry?" He talked as if nothing had happened, "Come sit on the bed. Your ankle is injured and needs rest."
He walked up to you and tried to hold your hand but you jerked his hand off of you, "Stop playing Eren."
"Listen love—" He tried to calm you down but you cut off his words, "Don't listen love me. You are accused me of cheating, you always fight with me and now you broke my fucking leg, Eren. I want to go back home. I don't want to be with you. I want to fucking leave."
"Why the fuck are you always talking about leaving me?" Eren sneered as he fisted your hair, making you yelp, "It's all because of him right? Don't worry. By the time I'm done, the only thing you would think about is me."
He pushed you back on the bed and hovered over you. That day for the first time you hated the feeling of his hand on you. The room echoed with your begging to be released and cry for help. But Eren didn't stop. He ripped off your clothes and laid you bare on the bed. Marked your body with red, purple bruises and the bites of his teeth.
He violated you, torn you apart, from inside and outside. After what felt like painful days but were really hours he stop. By that time you were numb, exhausted and unconscious.
Since then your days in hell started. You could not move for almost a week. That time he was all affectionate and caring towards you but you couldn't wouldn't trust him anymore. Not after what he had done to you. When you finally gained the energy to move you tried to escape.
Eren was out that day like you have observed the last few days and would not return till evening. You had plenty of time to get out of there. You somehow pulled yourself up and sat on the bed. Throwing off the blanket off you stumbled up, your left leg hanging in there air.
You lumped around the bed and opened the door. Looking both sides of the hallway, when you were sure there was no one, you decided to go to the right. The hallway was long and dimmed. At the end of the hallway you found stairs going down. The stairs led you to the living room. You could see the front door.
On checking you found the door unlocked so without any wait you ran out of the house and into the woods. All this while unaware of a certain pair of green eyes following your every movement through the many CCTV cameras installed in the house and as well as throughout the forest.
Eren snickered seeing your tiny figure running through the forest, trying to find your way out. He knew you would try to run away but poor you, you didn't know that you were so deep into the forest that there was not a single human being in 90 kilometres of radiation.
"I'm not that heartless. I will let you enjoy your freedom. For now." Eren muttered before averting his eyes to the bloodied whimpering figure tied to the chair, "Now, where were we, Toru?"
You ran and ran with your broken ankle as much as you could but you felt trapped. Wherever you see, there were only tall similar looking trees. You don't know how long it was before you stopped under a tree to rest. You leaned back on the tree, chest heaving up and down. The sun was already setting. Soon it was night and you didn't know what kind of wild animals were roaming around here.
Fear creeped in your heart. Was running away without any plan a bad idea? You wondered. But you could not stay there either. No with him. You didn't know what he would do. The sudden sound of leaves rustling startled you, followed by the sound of footsteps.
"Y/N." He dragged you name, making you still, "Where are you?"
You slapped your palm over your mouth and stopped breathing to not make any noise.
"I know you are here."
"Come on. Come out already." He whined.
"Oh! I understand. We are playing hide and seek." He giggled as he stopped walking, "But you forgot something, love. You always get caught."
Your eyes widened and your heart stopped. He................He was standing behind you. You hasitentaly turned your head back. Your body was shaking as you lifted your eyes to meet his lunatic ones. His eyes were shaking, unfocused while his lips were curled up in a maniac smile.
You screamed as you got up and started running away with tears rolling down your eyes.
Eren's eyes followed as he snorted. You never understand do you?
"By the end of the night you truly will forget the word runaway."
Your vision was blurry but you didn't care. You had to get away from there. Away from him as soon as possible. His mad face flashed in your mind making you quiver. You could not recognise him anymore. He was not your Eren. Your Eren never scared you but-but you were scared of him.
Fast stomps followed you whichever turn you took. It was catching up on you. Suddenly your broken leg stepped on a branch and you fell on your face. Your head hit the solid ground. The lack of oxygen was making you dizzy as you slipped in and out of consciousness.
Eren walked up to you and crouched down beside you before picking you up in his arms. He started walking back to the wooden house with you in his arm—
Don't worry Y/N. I'll never let you go. You were mine, are mine and will be mine. That classmate who tried to separate us is already dead.
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© 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒-𝐍-𝐋𝟎𝐕𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to LOTUS-N-L0VE. do not plagiarise any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
All the rights and credits of the characters, gifs, songs and pictures used here belongs to their rightful owners.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 4 months
What if the Monkey King's have an Female Y/N who often if she gets reallyyy attached, her eyes turn into heart shaped ones like a loop of different colors, which that showns them wanting to showoff towards the Monkey King's and be extra clingy and affectionate when they are like that.
Clingy Monkey Clingy Wife
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(Lmk Wukong) He has Has heart eyes himself when it comes to you. You're always Singing love songs to him or Having passionate Make out sessions with each other. You your self purr whenever you end up in his arms And you've Begin to kiss them all over again. You tend to get pouty and jealous when he is far away from you. And sometimes you have to accept that he's got responsibilities and all that Bulls*it. But I just know when he's all done and over. With that hill run right back to you with hearts his eyes.
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(NR Wukong) Man he is basking in your attention. The fact that you would do anything to keep his eyes on you and he'll do the same too. You always loves to kiss 💋 him You would get a blast flirting with him and loving on him. His favorite thing. The value is when you give them head scratches and chin scratches as well. He turns into a big purring baby and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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(HIB Wukong) He might as well have a permanent Blush on his face because you can never keep your paws to yourself. You always purring into his neck and showering him with praise and compliments. You always tell him your favorite part of him is his face Because you get a touch it rubber kiss on it. There was instance where even liked his face once. He almost passed out with a blush when you did that. But I don't think he doesn't love the affection you're always giving him and He's quite happy that you care about him so much
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(MK Reborn Wukong) He look like a god damn cherry. Man there is never a time when you're not hugging and kissing him. There is never a time where you don't stop by to make lunch for him. There is never a time where you're not fighting beside him or running ahead to the enemies to beat the come up. You stick to him like glow. And he can be embarrassed all he wants. But if you dare to stop, he'll be coming back demanding you give him attention. So don't take him seriously at all
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(Netflix Wukong) Man , you be damned if you allow this monkey boy to question your love for him. With how you literally spend 24 hours a day with him. Hugging and kissing and complimenting him. protecting and pampering and spoiling him how you even fought beside him and crushed a bunch of demons for interrupting your date. If this boy dares to say you don't love him. Everybody's gonna be like he must be f*cking delusional. I mean, you can't blame him for having a bunch of questions but if there is a monkey girl who would die if he is five feet away from her, Then other people will be raising questions
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