#hi hello I woke up at 1 am and might have a fever so it's time for history discourse I guess
smalldeerofmine · 1 year
You've heard about "Historians would call them friends", now get ready for "Modern sources refer to them as gay"
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onward--upward · 2 months
several sentence sunday!!
hello friends!! thanks roop @firenati0n for the tag MWAH!
i know i said i was gonna write some rwrb next but ALAS!! my adhd brain has focused on roswell new mexico again instead, so. here i am. this is something i like to call "time travel swap", AKA: help i woke up in the future! (i know only like 1% of my followers watch this show however this is part of my long con to get you all to watch the silly alien show)
enjoy!! x
“I’m sorry,” Alex says, because the look on Michael’s face is kind of heartbreaking – the mixture of concern and expectation that Alex can’t fulfill. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know how I got here, I went to bed at home.”  “Home,” Guerin repeats. “Alex. This is home.”  Alex shakes his head, hair flopping into his eyes a little. “I don’t know where I am,” he says, voice breaking.  “Okay,” Guerin says. “Okay, we can fix this. Let me, uh – I’ll call Liz. I’ll call Isobel. We’ll figure this out.” While he’s talking, he throws the blankets off, sliding out of bed and into a pair of sweatpants so smoothly that Alex doesn’t even have a chance to dwell on the fact that he was just sleeping naked. With Alex. In what is apparently their bed.  Alex pinches himself surreptitiously underneath the covers. Perhaps he’s in, like, a coma. Maybe this is a fever dream, an invention of his own depraved mind. It seems like something that he might come up with – waking up with a hot guy who calls him ‘honey’ is the kind of insane, unattainable domestic dream that he’s had before.
open tag because it is late and i havent been on this silly website all day so idk who has done this already <3 MWAH
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Sorry this is so late, but Happy New Years here’s part 12! I hope you hate it as much as I do! Want to find out what’s happening? Start here in part 1.
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner ***slash for 2024!
Warnings and tags: 18+ only!!!, slash ofc, sexual situations including oral (m receiving), slight masturbation, messy love triangles, lots of angst, third person POV Sam, Danny, and Jake, restaurant AU
Word count: 6k
Come on Danny pick up. Jake tried his number again when the first call eventually went to voicemail.
“Hello?” Danny answered with a slightly confused, slightly concerned tone in his voice.
“Hey, I’m sorry for calling like this”. Jake sounded a bit frantic on the other end, though whatever the matter was he still had the mind to apologize for calling out of the blue.
“No umm, it’s alright” Danny replied, looking over at Sam who was laid out on his bed, stark naked, hair still dripping wet, with an unamused look on his face. His brows were perched on the verge of an eye roll, mouthing ‘seriously’ to which Danny just shrugged. Sure it was bad timing to answer a phone call right now, but Jake never just called for nothing. “What’s up?”
“Kim is sick, she woke up this morning not feeling well. Thought she might get over it but now she’s running a high fever. We’re on our way to the hospital”.
“Oh no, Is she okay?” Surely she was fine, he’d seen her just last night. Although looking back on it she did seem a little lethargic and short fused, he hadn’t looked into it. He wished now he would have stopped and at least asked if she was alright.
Sam lost his attitude when he heard Danny’s voice turn more serious, wondering who it was he was asking about.
“She will be fine, just want to get her looked at. I’m sorry to ask, but do you think you could go in tonight to cover for her?”
Danny’s shoulders fell as he looked over at Sam again, waiting for him to give him any more clues about what was going on. “Yeah. I can do that, give me about fifteen minutes to get dressed and I’ll head over there”.
“Thanks, I owe you one”.
Danny hung up the phone and let out the long sigh he’d been holding in, then moved over to his closet to start getting ready.
“Where are you going?” Sam questioned, standing up off the bed and wrapping his arms around Danny’s waist in a feeble attempt to convince him to stay.
“Kim is sick, I’m going in to work to cover for her” he replied, pulling one of his black button ups out and tossing it onto his desk.
“Can’t anyone else go?” His arms tightened around him, pressing his now neglected erection into Danny’s hip with a purposeful whiny whimper. “What am I supposed to do about this?”
Danny’s lips pulled into a Cheshire grin. They were no longer going to get the night he envisioned, but he was not about to leave his lover high and dry.
“It will only take me five minutes to get dressed” he informed him, turning around in his arms and walking him backwards back to the bed. “Lay back down, you’ve got ten minutes to make this count”.
Sam wasn’t happy Danny had to go into work. Danny wasn’t exactly thrilled about it either, but he was at least pleased that he was trusted enough to be called in as Kim’s replacement.
Being Kim for the night proved to be a little more challenging than he’d expected though. It gave him more appreciation for her management style and how she was able to juggle helping with tables, answering a dozen and a half random questions at the drop of a hat, organizing the team and delegating tasks, all while being extra bright and friendly to the guests and staff alike.
Being the stand in dining room manager also meant he had to work side by side with the bar manager on duty tonight. Which of course was Savanna.
He didn’t expect much more than the bare minimum from her when he asked a couple of times for help, but when he got the cold shoulder the second time he decided at least having to figure it out by himself would be a learning experience.
Savanna ignoring him he understood, even felt like he deserved a little bit, but in the previous days this week Jake couldn’t seem to look him straight in the eye either. Let alone talk to him for more than a few short words here and there.
Danny wasn’t exactly sure what was getting to Jake, but he figured it must be something to do with the conversation they’d had in the garage back at his parents house. Jake was probably putting some distance between them which made sense, he only wished it didn’t feel like it had to be this way. That their friendship had to be kept within tight boundaries now otherwise toes might get stepped on.
Though all the extra time he spent with Sam was rewarding in more ways than one, he did miss hanging out with Jake. He was a cool guy, easy to be around, and he did always cook really good food when Danny came over.
Kim was the only one Danny still regularly met up with, though he figured their usual friend date this weekend would probably be canceled on account of her illness. Even then, she seemed a bit more reserved than usual during their brunches. By this point everyone in their circle knew of him and Sam dating, but still no one seemed to talk much about it very much. That made it feel even more like a dirty secret than it ever did before.
The one thing Danny wasn’t sure of was how much Jake had told Kim. Had he said anything to her about the two of them? They never really discussed what they were and were not comfortable talking about after everything all went down. Danny did prefer that only their very close friends know, if necessary at all, though he wouldn’t deny Jake his freedom to tell who he wanted his own history.
The more he thought about it, the more he considered Kim knowing everything would actually be a relief. He couldn’t exactly talk to Sam about these pent up feelings for missing Jake. No, Sam wouldn’t take that lightly. For some reason, telling Jake he missed him sounded a little too far out of line as well. Being able to talk to Kim about the mess in his head might actually help clear some things up for him.
They closed later than usual, having gotten behind during the chaos that was their dinner rush. Danny still felt good about all he did manage to accomplish tonight though, considering it was his first time closing solo without Jake or Kim guiding him.
He checked his phone for the first time in hours after climbing tiredly into his driver's seat. A few texts from Sam asking him how it was going, then about an hour later a text that said ‘guess you’re busy, goodnight’.
His heart clenched a little bit. He probably could have taken a quick break and slipped into the manager's office to text him back. If he had done that though, he might have said something in the moment about Savanna out of frustration.
Sam and her seemed to still be getting along well while at work. Danny tried not to let it bother him. He trusted Sam. Though he didn’t exactly believe she was just going to back down quietly after trying to get him back once already.
Just before he was about to start the car and head home another text came through, a text from Jake.
Thanks again for covering for Kim tonight. We got back from the hospital about a couple of hours ago. She has a really bad case of the flu but she’s medicated now and has been sleeping it off
He stared at the dim screen for a few minutes, debating on how to reply, before just hitting the contact and giving him a call. It rang only a couple of times before Jake answered quietly.
“Hello? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine, just closed up. Wanted to call and check on you”.
Danny squeezed his eyes shut and let his head fall to the window with a muffled thump of his hair against the glass. Check on you? Jesus, could he be any more obvious? Kim was the one who was sick, he should be more concerned with how she’s doing.
“Oh, yeah I’m alright. Kim tried to fight me about going to the hospital at first so I tried my best to take care of her all day. Finally got to the point where I had to put my foot down and nearly carry her to the car”. He chuckled a little bit on the other end of the phone and Danny felt immediately relieved.
Jake really cared about Kim which made him extremely grateful that two of the most important people in his life right now were finding comfort and solace in each other. Everything should've been perfect by this point, what with him and Sam and Jake and Kim being together, but Danny couldn’t deny that something still felt off.
A silence fell between them while Danny attempted to collect himself. He was tired, drained both physically and mentally, and the jumbled twist of emotions within him were finally starting to take their toll. Digging their roots deep into the seams of his skull until he could feel them starting to crack the bone apart.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Danny questioned with his temple and shoulder still slumped against the door. Jake replied with a simple hum of his own raspy tired voice. “Do you ever wish that you loved me?”
The words came rolling out before he could stop and think about rephrasing them, or maybe even keeping them locked away like many of the other trifling thoughts he’d had.
Jake didn’t seem caught up by the question though, bursting out into a cute little fit of laughter that he tried to stifle quickly. He was probably still nearby Kim and didn’t want to wake her. “What? I do love you Danny”.
Danny’s blood ran warm. Like it did when he’d had one too many drinks, or when the right pull off a joint finally hit him.
“And Josh loves you, and Kim loves you, and Sammy loves you, we all do”.
Of course Jake wouldn’t think of answering that question any other way. Danny wasn’t even sure why he’d asked it in the first place. Perhaps other than his own selfish desire to please everyone to the point that he’d started to lose exactly who he was without the constant reassurance that he was loved by others.
He forced a chuckle to attempt to match Jake’s tone, like that’s exactly what he’d meant by that question. “You’re right, thanks for reminding me”.
“Thanks for checking in. I’ll talk to you later okay?”
“Of course, goodnight Jake”.
“Goodnight Dan”.
Jake let out a shaky breath when he heard the line go silent. Danny’s question rattled him.
What was he supposed to say? No? Jake knew all too well the sting of that simple word.
What if he were to tell the truth though? He never could. Not for Sam’s sake, he was already on thin ice with his brother in regards to Danny. And certainly not for Danny’s sake.
What good would it do anyone to dredge up feelings that had been washed away. Carried out to sea like tiny grains of sand from a beach somewhere far away.
He peaked back through the crack of his bedroom door, from the hallway where he’d hurried off to answer Danny’s phone call. Kim slept soundly, no doubt in a steroid induced slumber from all the meds they’d pumped her full of at the hospital. She was dehydrated, despite all the fluids he’d tried to persuade her with before he made the decision to take her.
Despite the day he’d had Jake wasn’t quite ready to go to bed just yet, but he didn’t want to bother Kim so he left the door cracked open and went downstairs.
After boiling some water, he poured it over a random tea bag from a stash he’d found Josh had left high up in the pantry. He took a sip of the hot herbal liquid and exhaled, it was pretty good, Josh always had excellent taste.
Jake sat down on his couch and picked up the remote as he continued to sip on his tea, flipping through the list of movies on the TV until he stopped at one that looked familiar though he couldn’t remember exactly what it was about. He selected the movie and saw that he had already watched it at some point. He hit play from beginning and sat back into the couch, watching intently as the flashing images started to make sense. He had watched this movie before, well at least started it before Danny came over and they… yeah he didn’t really watch the movie.
Deciding to give it a shot this time he watched until he finished his drink, getting up to place the mug in the sink before returning to lay on the couch.
Jake stared at the TV, but his head was filled with anything but the movie. One of his arms raised up to the back of the couch and he gripped the frame, feeling and remembering the way he’d gripped so tightly onto it that evening. Before he could think about what he was doing, his other hand came to rest high on his thigh and his breath started to pick up.
He didn’t remember what had happened in the movie, but his body remembered how it had felt with Danny’s hands all over him. His throat started to feel raw again, remembering the way he’d groaned and cried ‘more, harder’. His head fell back and he closed his eyes as the hand on his thigh crept across and he started palming himself over his pants.
There was hardly any friction, and he was too exhausted to worry about actually getting himself off, but his body relaxed as his hips started to roll forward in sync with the rubbing of his hand. It felt good, not just because he was lazily touching himself, but because of the rushing memories pumping through him.
Seeing Danny while being with someone else, drunk or not, was certainly not okay and he’d been trying to rectify that ever since by distancing himself a little more than he wanted to. Letting himself remember though, there was no harm in that right? He was alone down here and he just wanted to let go. So let go he did, until the memories faded away and his body went limp as sleep took over.
When Danny got home, his room was dark and empty as he changed into something warm and comfy to sleep in. He made his way down the hallway to go to the restroom once more before bed, but stopped by Sam’s door on his way back. He’d left it open, unusual for the times when he slept in his own room.
A light was still on as well, so he peaked inside and found Sam slumped over on his desk. A textbook was open in front of him, and his cell phone was on the charger but near his hand like it had fallen out of his grip when he fell asleep.
Danny sighed, Sam really could sleep anywhere, but he couldn’t leave him like that.
“Sam, come on let’s get you in bed”. He shook his shoulder, hardly waking him up as he helped Sam stand up. When he successfully got him vertical he was able to take in the state of him, and smiled at what he saw.
Sam had gone through his closet when he left and pulled out one of Danny’s old shirts from his highschool golf team. He hadn’t seen that shirt in at least over a year, so Sam must have really dug to the back of the closet to find it. Danny wondered if he had just been bored, or if Sam had gone looking for that shirt in particular.
“Mmm, I was having a good dream” Sam mumbled as he stumbled over to his bed, swinging around out of Danny’s grasp to plop down onto the edge.
“About what?” Danny indulged him by stepping forward, though he only intended to ensure Sam successfully got into bed and under the covers.
Sam’s mischievous smirk was illuminated by the soft glow of the lamp left on at his desk. Once Danny was within close enough range he reached up and grabbed his shirt collar then fell back onto the bed sending Danny tumbling forward on top of him. Danny barely caught himself with one hand on the bed and one on Sam’s shoulder, but Sam tugged him again and connected their lips.
“Shall we pick up where we left off?” He tried to seductively suggest by wrapping his legs around Danny’s waist as he continued to attack his lips with his own.
Danny let Sam kiss him, though he didn’t return the same energy. Not only was he physically not up for the task now, but mentally he wasn’t in the right place anymore.
“You’re insatiable” he chuckled lowly when he was able to pull back, trying to mask the true turmoil he was fighting within. Sam stared up at Danny with an uneasy questioning in his eyes, his legs falling limply to either side of Danny as he gently caressed the hair at the top of Sam’s head.
Earlier Danny was sultry and demanding in his words and actions. Sam had liked it, the way he controlled the moment and all Sam had to do was play along. Now Danny was light in his touches, easy with him like Sam was some porcelain doll he could break if he pressed too hard.
“What’s the matter?”
Danny sighed, but continued his petting. He leaned down to attempt to kiss his worries away, at least for tonight, but Sam turned away letting Danny’s kiss fall on his jaw instead. He looked again, his brows furrowing and his eyes repeating his question.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve really enjoyed this week together,” Danny hesitantly began, hoping that Sam wouldn’t take this the wrong way, “but I think we should slow down a bit again”.
He waited for Sam to reply, to ask more questions, anything, but all Sam did was forcibly push Danny off of him and roll over to crawl up to the head of the bed.
“Get out” Sam cut him off, curling his legs towards his chest and pulling at the blanket underneath him.
“Sam, please don’t be mad at me” Danny begged, wishing now that he hadn’t said anything at all. He should have given Sam some other excuse and let this wait until morning.
“I don’t understand you Danny” Sam groaned, rubbing the leftover sleep from his eyes and face. “First you want to wait, then you don’t, and now you want to wait again? What’s changed? Is it because I said I wanted to fuck you? Did you think I was just always going to let you have it any way you wanted?”
“What? No!” Danny was stunned, did Sam really think that was a problem for him? He didn’t care about the logistics of who did what. He just wanted to make sure his mind was in the right place before they continued to get carried away with the physical side of their relationship.
Sam had said it himself at Christmas, he wished Danny would have talked to him first before they had sex. That’s what he was trying to do this time, talk to Sam about what was bothering him before trying to mask it, only he was failing horribly. What even was he trying to say? He didn’t know, but he knew he had to figure it out before he hurt anyone again.
“Didn’t you and Jake do it all the time? What’s the problem with me then?” Sam’s voice sounded his hurt which only made Danny quiver with grief.
Danny wasn’t surprised to hear Jake’s name come into question. Sam was smart, sometimes a little too smart for his own good, and he had an intuition that was incomparable to anyone else he’d ever met.
“No Sammy, there’s nothing wrong with you” he reached out to try and put a comforting hand on his knee, but Sam pulled his legs tighter to his chest. “There’s never been anything wrong with you, not ever. I'm just… a little mixed up right now”.
“Mixed up?” Sam scoffed which turned into a dark laughter as he moved to hide his face by landing his forehead on his knees. “How long have you been ‘mixed up’ exactly?”
That was a good question. Only Danny didn’t know the real answer, because there was more than one. It could have been since tonight, when he heard Jake’s voice over the phone and realized that it still made his chest uncomfortably tight. Or it could have been when he got that book in the mail that he’d given to Jake for Christmas, suddenly remembering the night he laid in Jake’s bed rummaging through his things while Jake showered. He’d thought at the time how intimate that was, being left alone in someone’s room surrounded by all their most personal belongings. He hadn’t intended to gift him the book when he’d ordered it that night, only slip it into its place alongside the others on Jake’s headboard. He had no reason to be in Jake’s bed anymore now, but he thought the book still deserved to be where it belonged. With who it belonged to.
“Okay then” Sam shakily exhaled, finally pulling the blankets up over his body and sliding down. “I want to go back to sleep now. I think it’s best we stay in our own beds until you’re not ‘mixed up’ any more”.
Sam’s words stung but he was right, so Danny didn’t contest. Instead he just leaned over and left him with a kiss to his crown and quietly left, turning out the light on his way.
When Sam heard the click of his door closing behind Danny he let out a hard choked sob.
Fucking Jake. He always got in the way. First with whatever his vendetta was against Savanna, and now Sam was afraid he might have stolen Danny away.
“You’ve gotten your flights already?” Danny questioned as he watched Sam start packing his bags for his trip in the next few days.
Since learningthat Sam was going to LA after graduation, they had talked about it only a handful of times. Though he had already given his answer to their offer, Sam wanted to visit once to get the lay of the land before really preparing to move.
Danny was going to go with him, but recently they had been trying to spend some time apart, so they decided Sam going alone was for the better.
Spending time apart didn’t mean completely abstaining from each other though. Sam still slept in Danny’s room a couple of times, yet cuddling and kissing had been the extent of their activities.
“Yeah, I have an early morning flight. Tomorrow night I’ll sleep in here so I won’t bother you when I get up”.
Danny stood up from where he had taken a seat at Sam’s desk and moved behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and rested his chin on Sam’s shoulder. “You won’t leave without saying goodbye to me though will you?”
“We could say our goodbyes tonight if you wanted?” Sam suggested, letting his body lean fully against the weight of Danny on his back.
Danny nuzzled his nose behind the shell of Sam’s ear, breathing in his natural scent and letting the endorphins take him over. After the intoxicating smell, he decided he needed a little taste, so he pulled Sam’s lobe between his teeth and gave it a little nibble.
Sam let out a whimper, his body shaking slightly underneath Danny’s hovering form, and he twisted around in his grip so they could face each other. His arms came up to circle around Danny’s shoulders, and he pulled him down into a heated kiss, quickly parting Danny’s lips with his own and slipping his tongue inside for a taste of his own.
“You want to?” Danny asked just above a whisper, not letting their lips separate for long. Things still weren’t settled between them, but he couldn’t silence the desperation in the way his body talked, especially when Sam’s was sending him so many signals.
He felt Sam nod and tighten his grip, again answering without his words. “Do you want to go to my bedroom? Or stay in here?” Danny looked past Sam’s shoulder at the mess of clothes and bags sprawled out on his bed. He didn’t want to interrupt his packing but Sam didn’t seem to mind. He blindly reached behind himself and swiped his hand across the sheets, sending all his belongings tumbling onto the floor in an arrangement of soft and loud thuds, before sitting down and taking Danny along with him.
Here they were again, Sam was underneath Danny and he was bucking his hips upwards, trying to get any friction he could, as fast as he could before they could back track. He held Danny close by the collar of his shirt, and when Danny’s hands circled around his wrists to pull them off, he halted his movements and started up at him with the fear of being rejected again.
Danny’s expression didn’t read rejection this time though, no the fierceness had returned. The blacks of his eyes had blown wide, leaving only a small halo of mossy green behind and he peeled his shirt off before returning to kissing Sam.
Sam closed his eyes and let the fiery feeling sink into his skin and settle into the pit of his stomach as Danny trailed his kisses down to his neck. He wondered if Danny would leave any new marks on him where all the others had already faded.
“Want… Jake…” he heard Danny’s voice muffled against his shoulder, causing his eyes to snap open and his blood to run cold.
“What did you just say?”
Danny pulled back, unphased, and repeated what he’d said. “Want to take this off” he tugged at the collar of Sam’s shirt. “Can I?”
“Oh, yeah” Sam tried to steady his heart beat as he lifted his shoulders and helped Danny pull his shirt off.
“What did you think I said?” Danny chuckled, unaware of the mini heart attack he’d just given him.
“Nothing, nothing at all” Sam replied, wrapping his arms back around him and trying to keep going.
Danny let his hands trail down Sam’s torso, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps now that Sam was cold and still shaking.
Danny thought he was just really into it, which only urged him to do more. He kissed his chest, then his naval, then hovered above his groin as his fingers played with the waistband of his sweats. If there was anything he could do to make up for the last time, he knew this would be it.
Sam bit his lip and lifted his hips as Danny started to pull his pants down.
“…Jake… so good”.
“What?” Sam snapped again. Why the fuck did he keep hearing Jake’s name out of Danny’s mouth? And when it was so close to his faltering erection?
“I said”, Danny kissed his member over his underwear next, letting his hot breath linger there, “gonna make you feel so good”.
Sam reached down and pulled his last piece of clothing off, making Danny chuckle again at his impatience. “No more talking” Sam demanded, weaving his fingers through Danny’s hair and pushing him down.
Danny gladly took him in, bobbing his head up and down eager to please. Sam stared up at the ceiling, digging his fingernails into Danny’s scalp with each downward movement, trying to keep his concentration as best he could now that he’d been rattled a few times.
He attempted to close his eyes again, but when he did he pictured Danny on his knees in front of someone with long brown hair. At first he thought maybe he was picturing himself, but then they turned around and of course it was Jake.
“Goddammit!” Sam yelled, starting Danny off him.
“What? Did I hurt you?” Danny started to panic. He wasn’t sure what he’d done, but he’d been so focused on trying to do a good job he might not have noticed if he nicked him with his teeth or something.
“I’m sorry, I thought I could do this but I can’t”. Sam stood up off the bed and snatched his sweatpants up from off the floor, hurriedly stuffing his legs back into them and covering himself. He suddenly felt very exposed.
“Sam, talk to me, what’s the matter?”
Sam raked his fingers through his hair and shook his head, trying to get the images he’d been repressing over the past few days out of his head. “Every time I’m with you like this I can’t stop thinking about you and my brother! At first I thought it was a one time thing, but it just keeps happening, and it’s getting worse”. His voice came out louder than he’d intended, but he really was tired of this, tired of it all.
He thought maybe if he could get through one time, then go on his trip and let himself start to miss Danny, then he’d come home and things might just start to finally fall into place.
Danny stared at him blankly, which only pissed him off even more. “Why would you think of that?” He babbled dumfoundly, though in the back of his mind Danny knew the reasoning was obvious.
“I don’t know Daniel, maybe if…” he started to trail off, thinking finishing this thought out loud might do more harm than it would any good.
“Maybe what?” Danny pushed on, starting to get a little worked up himself. He couldn’t keep going around in circles like this, they had to hash this out now before they both started losing their minds.
“Maybe if you had said something sooner, before you and Jake ever… I mean if I’d had just known sooner then maybe things would be different”. His thoughts were coming out in a jumbled mess, but Danny was getting the gist of it. Sam tried to come to grips with the fact that he and Jake had been intimate many times before, but the truth was he hated it.
He hated that Danny felt like he couldn’t confess to him sooner, but somehow Jake was easy enough to open up to without all the extra fuss and complication that their whirlwind relationship had accumulated over the past few months.
He hated that he felt like maybe his brother would be a better lover than he ever could be.
“How was I supposed to tell you when you were with Savanna? You have nothing to lose with this Sam. You think if you went crawling back to her right now she wouldn’t take you back?”
“You think if you went to Jake he wouldn’t take you back?” Sam's voice was filled with venom now, biting at Danny for insinuating that he was the only one who had nothing to lose. Sam being afraid of losing Danny was the whole reason they’d gotten swept up like this together in the first place. He promised to give this a chance, see how far they could go together, but he was starting to think that the true beauty in their relationship lied in the way it was before.
He didn’t want to hurt Danny, and he could never hate him; Sam simply wasn’t capable of actually hating anybody. He just missed the effortlessness of their friendship.
“So what does this mean then?” Danny questioned after a moment of silence. They were in a standoff, standing in the middle of a shaky wooden bridge over a never ending gorge with their only options being pushing forward and hoping the fraying ropes wouldn’t snap, or going back to where they knew it was safe.
“I think you know what this means”. Sam couldn’t look him in the eye, couldn’t bring himself to see the way his words tore through Danny like he was ripping pages right out of a book. Pages that didn’t belong anymore, at least not in this story.
Sam wanted a break, a chance to get away and figure things out on his own without the constant pressure of others. Taking this trip now was probably the best thing that could happen for them. Sam would go away for a few days and when he got back hopefully they could sort this out once and for all.
“I understand Sam” Danny replied dejectedly, but at least there was no more anger in his tone. He couldn’t be angry at Sam, not when the both of them had made the choices that led them here.
He thought back to a comment Jake had made a while ago-
“Danny, you don’t regret anything we’ve done do you?”
The thing was, even with this outcome, Danny still didn’t regret anything. Because all the things he’d learned about himself along the way, and the confidence he grew, were what made him capable of even attempting this with Sam. If he had said anything sooner, he wasn’t sure he would have been ready to face everything they had and things could have ended up a lot worse.
“I’m going to go, let you finish packing up. I’ll see you in the morning, ok?”
“I’m sorry Daniel” Sam’s lips quivered as he spoke. Danny was holding himself together better than he’d expected he would, and he knew that was a good thing, but that didn’t mean he still wasn’t sorry.
“Don’t be,” Danny stood and placed his hands lightly on each of Sam’s shoulders mustering up the best half smile he could manage before giving him a feather light kiss on the cheek. “I still love you, I always will”.
Sam nodded and sniffled a little, wiping the corner of his eye before the tear could even fall. Danny was being strong for him, he knew he was, so he had to reel it in too. The thing was, he wasn’t crumbling because he thought this would be the end of them. He was letting it all out because he knew it was the right decision.
The next day Danny tiptoed around Sam, wanting to still spend time with him before he left, but not wanting to overstep any new boundaries he knew they’d have to establish eventually.
The day seemed to drag on, but at the same time he felt like after he cried himself to sleep that night, when his eyes finally did shut, they were open again the next morning and Sam was gone.
Now that he had the space to himself he knew he could begin to collapse. He could open the floodgates and let the rush of emotions he kept damned up sweep through him until every nerve in his body had eroded away.
Something told him if he let that happen though, he might not be able to plug it back up when Sam returned, so instead he looked for distractions.
The first distraction was cleaning, but the problem was he and Sam were actually pretty tidy people to begin with, so there wasn’t much for him to do there.
The second distraction was work. He’d picked up an extra shift knowing he was going to be antsy and in a bad mood while Sam was gone. He realized though that the monotony of doing the same thing he always did, taking orders, tidying up the dining room when he had the chance, and stocking menus and utensils didn’t help keep his mind from telling him over and over again that he wasn’t good enough.
By the time his shift was finally over he was ready to bolt out the door, but he was dreading going back to an empty home. So instead Danny drove around for a while, thinking he could head to the library and maybe studying would keep him distracted, but he didn’t want to run into any classmates while he was in this state.
Eventually his car came to a stop on a familiar street and he waited outside, debating on if he should even attempt walking up to the door.
Danny held his breath as he knocked. There wasn’t an answer right away, but his car was also parked outside so Danny was pretty sure he was home. He jumped a little at the sound of the door unlocking, forcing him to breathe again as Jake opened the door.
“Hey, what's up?” Jake asked, surprised to see Danny at his doorstep unannounced. He took one good look at Danny and immediately knew something was wrong. “Wait, are you alright?”
Danny opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was an incoherent jumble of “Sam… gone… broke up” as tears started to well up again.
Jake threw his arms around Danny and tried to console him and he drug him inside, shutting the door behind them with a kick of his bare foot.
He sat Danny down on his couch and crouched down in front of him, waiting patiently as he caressed one of Danny’s hands until the tears started to run out.
Once Danny was done he moved to sit next to him, not letting his hand go and sympathetically asked him,
“Tell me what happened”.
@alwaysonthemend @psychedelicstardust-gvf @twistedmelodies @heckingfrick
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harperwasstaken1 · 2 years
𝐼𝑠 𝐼𝑡?
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Decelis High Gossip?
Yang Jungwon x Fem!Reader
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔➪ Possibly gore, Mentions of Death, Possible Spelling errors Tell me if there is more
This is my first Tumblr story:)
Words: I honestly dont know
𝑺𝒚𝒑𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔➪ Yang Jungwon was a living myth, along with his friends, Vampires. Y/n was the nerd, the type to read books in libraries and other stuff, but most likely reads Mythological Books. Not believing in any of those stupid Werewolves and Vampires though. What happens if so suddenly, Y/n runs into those bloodsucking creatures on act during the middle of the night??
Enhypen Masterlist
Is It? Masterlist
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ˢᵗᵒʳʸ✍︎ ᶜᵒⁿᵗⁱⁿᵘᵉˢ☕︎ ʰᵉʳᵉ☟︎︎︎
It's no joke, Decelis has a fucking Gossip Account. And Jungwon and I are the number 1 gossip.
"How the fuck did I not know about this." I groaned, as I looked through all their tweets.
"Ok, 'Ha-nee seen crying after conversation with Jungwon, Niki and Y/n?' What the fuck?" I grumbled. As Jungwon and the boys walked in with food.
Jungwon places mine down with my drink, "You're really stressing over it huh." Sunghoon said as he sat down on my left, since Jungwon already took the one to my right.
"Ofcourse she is, this could lead to like. A fucking ruckus in school." Sunoo said. Jake agreed as he shoved another piece of fries in his mouth.
Jungwon just watched me, as he opened up my drink and gave it to me.
"You've been in here since like 5 am, and it's 7am now. Please eat," Jungwon whispered.
I sighed and took my numb fingers off of my keyboard. Finally taking the chopsticks and eating.
Jungwon smiled, and went back to his food.
"I swear to god, whoever that is. I have a problem with it. I mean, the only advantage I have of it is I can get updated on school ruckus." I snickered.
"I mean, if there is an ongoing fight. You can call them over to the Principal's Office." Jaks laughed. I pointed at him in agreement.
"It's just. I don't like how Won and I are the top 1 gossip." I frowned as I looked through each of the fangirl's comment.
"Ew what the fuck, Who said 'I wish he could tie me down and punish me.' What the hell." I grimaced. As Jay choked on his food.
"Ok, who the fuck is Haemin." Heeseung said as he looked over my shoulder. I took a glance at the quiet Riki, who fell asleep while eating.
I frowned at the sight. I nudged Sunoo(technically kick) under the table and gestured to Riki.
"Cover his food, I'll keep it in my mini fridge. So he can reheat it later in here." I told him, he nodded. As he passed me the covered food as I stood up and took the pillow in my office.
Lifting Riki's head and putting the pillow under him.
I sat back down inbetween Sunghoon and Jungwon, as Jungwon immediately took my hand on my lap.
I looked at the time saw it was almost time for the other stuco members to get here. I sighed, atleast there are enough chairs.
I asked them to move closer to me, as they did the stuco members + Ha-nee came inside. Technically Ha-nee slamming the door open like it's her office and sitting down on the table.
Riki woke up with a jolt as I grumbled. Jungwon and Riki's eye changed as they saw Ha-nee.
"Ha-nee stop acting like you're the president. Get off the damn table." I raised my brow at her.
"Why not? I told people that we have a welcome to Stuco party for me." She grinned. I saw Yeonjun clench his jaw, Sunoo rolling his eyes, Jake frowning, Ryujin mocking her, and the rest just straight up done.
"Oh is that so?" I grinned and went to my office and left the door open. "I mean since most of the students are at school and waiting for daily announcements. Might aswell do it."
I picked up the announcement intercom and spoke; "Hello and Goodmorning Decelis High Students! Stuco Pres Y/n L/n here for the daily announcements." I grinned as I kept eyecontact with the fuming Ha-nee.
Seeing as Riki was filming and gonna probably send it to Jimin.
"First of all let's congratulate our dance team for winning first place in the semi-finals!" I paused, "Now for today there will be no 'Welcome to Stuco Ha-nee' because I never really planned that. She just wants attention and to replace our beloved VP Choi Lia. Round of applause for the fake announcement from our temporary VP." I grinned.
"That's it for today! Please go to your respective classes, as I will now send out Rep. Yeonjun and Ryujin to scout the halls for anyone skipping or being late. Thank you and have a nice Monday."
I put down the intercom with a sly grin. I walked out of my office, closing my door behind me. As Sunghoon and Jungwin(for some reason) kept whispering to eachother.
"Hyung, send it to me." He said, gesturing to the picture. The others looked at the picture and immediately asked for the picture.
"You can have it after I post it." Sunghoon grinned and went on Twitter.
Posting the picture.
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Taglist➪ @hiqhkey @nowrosesaredead @certainyouthpeanut @rrvvby
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Do You Want the Knife You Left In My Back, or Can I Keep It?
Rating: Teen and up, Gen
An injured Hunter wanders into Hexside. What was Luz supposed to do, just let him bleed out on the floor?
Ch 2/5: Settling In
Ch 1
Hunter woke up facedown on a couch. His back ached and throbbed, and he felt weak all over. Ugh—
Hunter yelped as a bird—worm—thing—stuck its head in his face.
“Luuuuuuuz, he’s uuuuuuuup!”
The human shooed the bird-worm-thing out of Hunter’s face. “Hey! Get out of his personal space, Hooty!”
Hunter groaned, putting his face back in the couch. “Where am I?”
“The owl house,” Luz replied casually.
Hunter yelped again, rolling off of the couch. “I can’t be—” the movement sent spikes of pain hammering through his nerves, and his vision went spotty. His stomach heaved, and he retched, shaking. “Hngh—”
“Whoa, hey!” Luz knelt next to him. “You can’t be moving around! You just got stabbed, for titan’s sake, Hunter!”
“Remember!” the owl lady’s voice called from another room, “You’re cleaning up after him, Luz!”
Hunter’s face heated up. “I don’t—need—to be taken care of—”
He tried to push himself up, but another wave of pain swept over him, and everything went black for a minute. When he woke up again, he was back on the couch, Luz crouching next to him.
“You really shouldn’t move. Viney said it’s going to take time for your back to heal, and it would be… really bad… if you ripped out your stitches.”
“Take me back to the Emperor’s palace. Now.”
“See?” the owl lady said, poking her head in, “He agrees! Take the twerp back.”
“I’m not taking him back,” Luz said, exasperated, as if they’d been having this argument for a while. She turned back to Hunter. “I’m not taking you back. I’m going to keep you here, where you’re safe, until you’re better. Kikimora has it out for you, and you’re in no state to fight her off.”
“What else is new—I can handle Kikimora, I just—”
Luz pressed down on his shoulders as he tried to get up again. “Quit being so stubborn! You can’t handle her right now, you can’t even walk! What was the point of coming to me for help if you won’t let me help you!”
“I didn’t go to you for help, I went to you because if I didn’t warn you, Kikimora would have killed both of us and gotten the Emperor’s sole attention!”
Luz leaned back. “The emperor… isn’t a good guy, Hunter.”
Hunter looked away. “You wouldn’t get it.”
“No, I don’t.” Luz sighed. “Why did the emperor send you after me?”
Right. There it was. The real reason she’d saved him. “’m not telling.”
“What?! Seriously?! I saved your life!”
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“You were bleeding out in front of me! What was I supposed to do, just let you die?!”
Luz paused and stared at him. “Wait, what?”
Hunter looked away, a sick feeling churning in his stomach. “I failed, again—you’re free, and I’m not even close to getting you back to the emperor. My own coven member tried to kill me outright—no subtlety, no monster attacks, just stabbed me in the back and planned to pin it on you. And now I’ve been captured by the person who I was supposed to be capturing.” He buried his face in the couch. “You should have just let me die,” he mumbled, muffled by the couch.
Luz didn’t say anything for a minute, and then gently touched his shoulder. “Hunter? I wasn’t ever going to let you die.”
“No, because you’re ‘too nice,’” he grumbled, “I get it. Fine. You’re the good guy, I’m the bad guy, is that what you want to hear? Just… leave me alone. Please.”
“Okay,” Luz said quietly, “if that’s what you really want.”
Her footsteps padded away, and Hunter tried one more time to get up, but a wave of dizzy exhaustion swept over him, and he flopped back down.
The owl lady came through, making an “I’m watching you,” gesture as she left, and he sighed. Okay. He just had to be patient. He could ride this out, pretend to be helpless longer than he really was, nab the human, expose Kikimora, bada-bing, bada-boom, everything would be perfect.
A bolt of panic shot through Hunter, and he rolled off of the couch, adrenaline battling exhaustion and pain.
“Whoa, hey, there, you can’t—” Hooty started, but Hunter shoved the bird’s face away with a groan, stumbling towards the door.
“I have—to go—back—”
“Luz!” the house demon called, “Your sad friend is trying to escape!”
“I KNEW it!” the owl lady’s voice yowled, and Hunter was on the ground in two seconds flat. He screamed as she put pressure on his back, his vision wavering out. “You were just pretending to be hurt to get in here!” the owl lady continued, “And you were planning to—oh, beans, you weren’t pretending, you just have no sense of self-preservation, titan, kid, what were you thinking, I coulda killed you!”
Hunter whimpered, blinking spots out of his eyes as she climbed off of him. He retched at the pain, his back screaming in agony.
Luz came tearing down the stairs two at a time, skidding to a halt next to them. “Edaaaa! What happened?!”
“He was making a break for it!” Eda replied defensively, “He is a quick little bugger when he wants to be!”
“Huuuunteeeer!” Luz groaned, “You can’t go anywhere, how did you even get off of the couch, you literally got stabbed today!”
“My palisman,” Hunter gasped, “It’s—all alone—” he struggled to get back up, blinking back tears. “I have—to go back—for—”
Luz grabbed his shoulders. “No. Your palisman wouldn’t want you hurting yourself. It’ll be fine for a while.”
Hunter shook his head. “No—have to—”
“You’re not going anywhere, Hunter, you wouldn’t even make it to Bonesborough.”
“It’s true,” Hooty chimed in, “The funny little demon lady is lurking out there. She isn’t getting any closer right now, but if you go out there… you’re toast!”
Hunter clutched Luz’s arm, barely holding back tears. She didn’t get it! “I can’t—leave it—”
Luz put a hand on his arm. “Okay. If it really means that much to you… I’ll go get it.”
Eda shook her head. “Absolutely not, Luz, that creep is out for you, too!”
Right. That was it, then. Luz wouldn’t let him leave to get his palisman, and Eda wouldn’t let Luz leave.
Then Luz did a. Thing. With her face. A strange pouty thing, where she made her eyes really big at Eda. The owl lady sighed.
“Oh, geeze, don’t make that—ahhhh, Luz. Okay. Here’s the deal. I will send Owlbert to check on the palisman. If it’s safe enough, Owlbert will tell the Golden Dork’s palisman what’s going on and where he is. Everyone okay with that?”
Luz threw her arms around Eda. “You’re the best!”
“I know,” Eda grumbled, “Now take care of your dumb Belos-ite, he looks like he’s going to pass out.”
Hunter was drifting off to sleep when it happened.
Kikimora appeared in front of him. “There you are.”
He yelped, struggling up, but his back throbbed and he fell back down.
“Consorting with traitors now, are we? I never thought you’d stoop this low.”
“Bold—words—coming from a backstabber,” Hunter gritted out, “Just—finish it—then.”
Kikimora swiped her claws at him, but they went right through. “I’m not really here, or you’d be dead already. You’re a persistent little worm, though, aren’t you?”
“That’s my middle name. Persistent little worm.”
Kikimora traced one translucent claw in a circle. “I haven’t figured out how to get past the house demon yet. But I will. And when I do, you are a sitting duck, and your little human friend will be next. Look at you. You’re pathetic. You can’t even move.”
Hunter swiped a hand through the illusion, gritting his teeth as the movement made his back throb.
“Hunter?” Luz was standing in the doorway, holding a bowl of something steaming and a juicebox. “Is… everything okay?”
Hunter gestured to the air where Kikimora had just been. “Didn’t you see her?!”
“See who, Hunter?”
“Kikimora! Or—a projection of her! She was right there!”
Luz set down the bowl and felt his forehead with the back of her hand. “Uh-oh. Feels like a fever.”
“She was there, I saw her, I talked to her—”
“Hunter, I didn’t see anyone.”
“I’m not crazy!”
She sat down next to him. “I didn’t say you were. But you do have a fever, and you lost a lot of blood, and you haven’t eaten, and you’re probably tired, and you’re in a new place—”
“Don’t patronize me! I know what I saw!”
To his surprise, Luz nodded. “Okay. I’ll have Hooty check the perimeter, and I’ll call Gus—he’d know more about illusion magic than I would.”
“Of course.” Luz patted his head as she got up, ignoring his growl. “I said you’d be safe here, Hunter. If you saw Kikimora, if she projected herself in here, then I’ll look into it.”
He eyed her. “This doesn’t change anything. I’m still not going to tell you any information.”
“I know. And… that’s okay.” Luz took in a deep breath. “As much as I’d like to know what Belos is up to, it wouldn’t be fair to put you in that position. I decided to help you because it was the right thing to do, not because of any information you could give me. This isn’t a business transaction—you don’t owe me anything.” She gave his head another pat, and walked off.
She was making it really hard to want to capture her and bring her to Belos.
No. What was he thinking?! After the disaster this had been so far? There was a snowball’s chance that he’d be going back empty handed.
You don’t have to go back at all, a tiny, treacherous voice whispered in the back of his head. He squashed the idea. Of course he was going back! The only reason he’d thought that was because Kikimora would be there. And… he didn’t want to see her again, not the least because she’d attempted to kill him twice. Three times if you counted Eclipse Lake. Yes. That was it. Plus, he had to go back for his palisman, anyway. It might be okay hiding out on its own for a bit until he healed, but he certainly didn’t want to abandon it there forever.
He heard a low, worried warble, and Owlbert flew in, his own cardinal right behind him. Hunter sort of hated how much relief and happiness swept over him when he saw the bird, but he lifted one hand for the palisman to perch on anyway.
The cardinal hopped up his arm, and nestled into his hair with a chirp that Hunter took to mean ‘Hi.’
“Hey, there.”
The palisman snuggled down, gripping his scalp with its tiny claws. Hunter winced.
“Hey, ow!”
It chirped fiercely at him about how he needed to be more careful.
“I got stabbed in the back by my coworker, there wasn’t much I could do about it!”
“Awwww, that’s adorable!”
Hunter groaned as Luz came back in, fawning over the palisman. “What do you want?”
“Just checking in.” She made kissy faces at Hunter’s palisman. “Awwww, he’s curled up in your hair like a blonde nest, that’s so cuuuuuuuuuute!” She pulled out a rectangle and pointed it at him, tapping her side of it. “Say cheese!”
“Hey—heyyyyy, what was that? What was that?”
Luz made another kissy face at his palisman, and turned the rectangle around to show him an image of himself, his palisman firmly rooted in his hair. Wow, he looked awful. “Look how cute the two of you are—best buddies for life! I’m gonna show Amity! She can’t possibly still think you’re going to kill me in my sleep after she sees this!”
“Do not—don’t you dare show Blight that picture!” Hunter swiped at the phone, yelping as his back throbbed.
Luz skipped backwards. “Ehehehe, still too slow!” She grabbed her cloak, heading for the door. “Edaaaa, I’m going to the library, don’t kill Hunter while I’m gooooone!”
“No proooooomiseeeees,” Eda called back, “Have fun, watch out for Kikimora!”
Luz ran out the door. Hunter put his face back in the couch while his palisman chirped comfortingly, wiggling down further into his hair. Never mind. He wouldn’t regret turning that human in to Belos one bit.
Ch 3
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neonthewrite · 3 years
Washed Up Winchesters 3
Everyone's awake, and there is No Need to panic! No need at all! Someone let the Winchesters know that before they give themselves heart attacks...
Cowritten with @nightmares06, the writer behind the @brothersapart multiverse!
( 1 ) ( 2 ) -3- ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 )
Story Tag
Sam blinked, several times in rapid succession. "Lilliput?" he repeated, the name slowly sinking in. "We're in Lilliput? That means the ship must be--"
They had been hoping to keep this situation contained, and hearing that they were not only in the wrong place at the wrong time now, far from their targets, but also they'd already reached Lilliput across the bay, sent Sam's slowly spinning plans crashing to the ground.
Pounding Dean's shoulder, Sam barked at him. "Dean, wake up! "
With a start, Dean jolted from his spot. The water spilled all over his face and the covers, leaving him sputtering and looking around for a threat. The fact that they were in a quiet, peaceful home did nothing to ease his confusion as he searched for the reason for Sam's panic.
"Th-the skinwalkers!" Sam exclaimed. "They've already reached Lilliput! We have to hurry!"
“Wait. The what?” Chase asked, before holding up his hands as if he might slow down the strange turns the whole conversation had taken. “Skin … what?”
He didn’t get a chance to elaborate on his confused question, as the rumbling grew closer and harder to ignore. Chase glanced towards the door, then back at the Blefuscan pair that he’d taken into his home. It seemed like a few kinds of trouble were on a collision course. “Jacob’s almost back, so maybe we should head out and like … figure out what the hell is going on with you two?”
“Skinwalkers,” Sam declared grandly, as though that might clear up the confusion.
Dean was still trying to fully wake up and figure out where the water attack had come from when a hand clamped around his collar and hauled him, the blankets, and the empty glass up off the couch with little warning.
Sam dropped Dean in place, leaving him wobbling on unsteady legs. Wrinkling his nose, he gingerly moved one foot, discovering that his socks were completely soaked and his feet squished in place. Then, his attention was torn away yet again when Sam shoved a jacket into his arms.
“We need to go,” Sam said firmly as he collected the last of their remaining possessions.
Chase almost flinched back from the sudden energy Sam had on display. Only minutes ago, the guy had been barely awake, gingerly coming out of a near-coma from his trials out at sea. The way Jacob told it, they’d nearly drowned out there, and would have been lost beneath the waves if he didn’t get to them in time. Even he wouldn’t have been able to find them if they sank too far beyond his reach.
“Dude, wait,” he said, stepping closer and holding his hands up. He had to tilt his head back a little to meet their eyes. He was flustered that his words had largely been ignored, but he could try to bounce back from it. “You don’t even … I know Lilliput’s not like, the biggest place around, but you don’t even know your way around!”
The rumbling came closer. At the next step, the windows rattled faintly in their panes and a shadow crept over the outside of the house, stealing away much of the natural light in the room.
"We can't wait, there's no time," Sam protested, not pausing in his preparations.
Dean, finally shaking off the effects of his extended time at sea and the sudden wake up, felt his stomach drop as he spotted what was happening outside. "Sam..." he said warningly.
Sam ignored Dean as much as he'd ignored Chase. "The ship should be down at the pier, we can find where they docked..." he was mumbling as he tucked his jacket closed.
"Sam!" Grabbing Sam's arm, Dean jerked his attention to the windows. "They have a giant!"
In the following pause, Chase held up his hands and grinned as if presenting something exciting. “Surprise?”
Another rumble came, this one even more noticeable than the last, and then a final one as Jacob presumably stopped outside the house. He had learned well how to step into the Lisongs’ backyard without damaging anything, and more than once Chase had wandered outside to find him kneeling by the house. Even sitting down, Jacob was taller than the house.
“That’ll be Jacob,” Chase explained, gesturing towards a doorway out of the living room, through which a kitchen and a back door could be seen. “He’s just out back. Don’t panic though.”
"Jacob?" Sam blinked in surprise, momentarily derailed by such an ordinary comment.
"The giant," Dean corrected. "Why does Lilliput always get the giants?"
“Lucky, I guess?” Chase grinned and shrugged. “Maybe he can even help you with your … secret mission, or whatever. Do you want to--”
His voice cut off as the back door he’d indicated shuddered in its frame once, then twice. Something heavy had bumped against it, in what was Jacob’s gentlest attempt to knock on the door. Chase pursed his lips and then nodded absently as Jacob finally spoke outside, his voice an unmistakable rumble. “Hello?”
The sound of the voice made Dean jerk back from the direction it came from, a gun appearing in his hand as though by magic.
"No way, nuh uh, I am not dealing with a giant, they're never on our side!"
Chase’s eyes widened and he stepped back in alarm as the gun glinted in what warm light remained in the room. “Dude, what the hell!” he blurted, his hands lifting up to try to wave Dean away. “Put that away!”
Sam grabbed Dean's arm, jerking it so the gun was pointing at the ground. "No one's shooting anyone," he insisted, giving Dean a pointed look.
Dean ignored the meaning that Sam was trying to get across, jerking his arm free. "I am not letting a giant tell me what to do!" he snapped, stomping towards the front door. "We will figure this out ourselves and get back to Blefuscu!"
Throwing the door open, Dean looked left, then right, then dashed out, leaving Sam with the other two.
Sam blew his bangs out of his eyes. "That went better than expected."
Chase threw him a bewildered look, but recovered as quickly as he could. “Really? Were you expecting him to shoot at me?”
The back door opened before he could list off any more irritated questions, and Minnie reappeared. She leaned around the doorway to announce her return, and stopped with her mouth open. One person was missing. “Chase, what happened?”
Chase rolled his eyes. “The other one took off. Be right back.” He hurried to the front of the house, hoping to intercept Dean before he made it too far away from the house; there was no telling what a jumpy guy like that might end up causing if he got lost in town.
“Chase!” Minnie’s call went ignored as he hurried out, and then she loosed a frustrated sigh before glancing back at Sam. “He didn’t want to warn you guys at all and I told him that wouldn’t go over well! Jacob’s really not a danger to anyone, if you’re worried about that.”
"Oh..." Sam looked over his shoulder, where the sounds of a giant were coming from. "Neither is Dean," he replied lamely, knowing that his older brother's actions weren't exactly in line with his assertion. "Not unless you're a monster of some kind."
Quick and furtive, Dean dashed from tree to tree, keeping a sharp eye on the sky to watch for the giant.
He did not want to get caught now.
"Goddamn giants," Dean muttered under his breath, pausing in the shade when the coast looked clear.
Admittedly, growing up he hadn't really believed the stories of the giant that came and helped Lilliput, back when they were at war. It sounded fantastical, like a fever dream. Some random giant just shows up? Decides to help the people that caught him?
Of course, learning about monsters and then dedicating most of his life to rooting them out made Dean reassess his belief on giants. Which left him at least semi-prepared to come face-to-face with the reality.
On Lilliput's side. Again.
Chase wasn’t that far behind him. There weren’t that many shade trees out in front of the house to offer cover, and the town itself wasn’t far ahead. The last thing he needed, however, was to let a Blefuscan loose in town going who knew where. They hadn’t made a lick of sense since they woke up and started talking about their “mission”, and he had already gotten some trouble for bringing a giant home.
His chest was tightening from all the excitement, but Chase ignored it to keep moving. Until he almost hurried right past a figure huddled behind the trunk of one of the trees.
“Dude!” he blurted, not bothering to keep his voice down. “What the hell! What’re you taking off for? You don’t even know where anything is!”
“What do you think?” Dean hissed in annoyance. His gun was lowered, the safety on so long as the giant wasn’t coming directly for him, but held at the ready just in case.
This case was turning into a giant pain in his ass. He certainly had no plans on sightseeing in Lilliput anytime soon, but there wasn’t much chance they’d get back home until they’d seen it through.
“The giant might be on your side, but he ain’t on mine,” Dean said, his voice heavy and full of emotions. “There is a ship out there, possibly already docked, full of shapeshifters that we’re trying to track down before they hurt innocent folk! We have a job to do, and all of this is just wasting time!”
Chase’s confusion didn’t wane, but that had never shut him up before. “What do you mean ‘this’? ‘This’ is you running off really soon after almost drowning. In the ocean. Jacob’s the one who saved your ass!” He waved a hand back at the house. Behind it, Chase barely noticed the giant figure leaning to the side to track the source of the noise they were making.
“Look, dude, no one cares where you’re from or anything, but really. Think about chilling, maybe?”
“Chill?!” Dean was wholly offended by even the concept. “Are you even listening?” He waved a hand in the general direction he had been making his way before Chase had caught up to him, though without any map or compass, he had no idea what was actually in that direction. “There’s an entire ship full of monsters making land somewhere in Lilliput, and you want me to chill?”
Chase shrugged one shoulder. “Okay, I get that that’s really, uh, freaky,” he admitted, though he wondered how much of what Sam and Dean said was true. He’d never heard of shapeshifters or skinwalkers or whatever, but then again he had a whole giant living on the family land. Things weren’t black and white.
“Dude, you almost drowned, though,” he pointed out. “You really should take it easy--”
“Chase? What happened?” Jacob’s concern rumbled overhead, and when Chase turned to look, the giant had sidled around the house at last and now crouched in front of it. He had to lean to the side to even see Chase at the base of the tree; it was part of why he didn’t go to the front of the house very often.
Dean reacted immediately to the new implied threat in the area.
Despite Jacob’s rescue of the Winchesters earlier, Dean couldn’t find it in himself to trust a giant. All of the stories he’d heard circled around the fact that the only giant in recorded history had stood on Lilliput’s side, and, as a Blefuscan, that was hardly helping him feel secure.
The first thing he did was go for his gun.
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pinnacle-pixel · 4 years
Activating your magic part 1
It's been a half year since you entered the night raven college , you were on your way back to your dorm with ace and deuce who insisted on escorting you back to your dorm since it was late . " I swear you both didn't have to escort me back to dorm , Grimm and i would have handle it if something goes wrong. " , "we can't let you  go alone at night , you are the only woman here what if something happens ?" Ace replied while crossing his arms , deuce pointed on your head with his index finger and said " plus that guy is useless now cause he is sleeping ." Grimm was in a deep slumber on your head , ".....chicken curry." Grimm mumbled in his sleep which made the trio chuckled , "well i am going , have good night" you waved to ace and deuce and entered your dorm , once you were in your bedroom you kept Grimm on the bed and headed to bathroom , you were feeling dizzy since morning but kept it well hidden from everyone "might be the aftermath of the examination, i will be fine after some rest ." You said this and changed into comfortable clothes and went to bed.
Next morning when you woke up , your dizziness was worse then yesterday, you put your hand on your forehead, it was hot , "Great I have fever now , but I can't take off today or else Master Crewel will turn me into a mushroom. " , you got up and changed to into your uniform and headed to the the main door of dorm , " YN hurry!" Grimm shouted "yes..." but soon your vision was black and you collapsed "YN!" Grimm shouted.
when you woke up you were in your room , there were ace and deuce sleeping on the chair and as for Grimm he was beside you sleeping, you were confused about the situation you looked around and noticed your hands , you were wearing two silver bangles on each wrist , “ why i am this..” “hmm?... YN!” , ace woke up and immediately woke up deuce and Grimm. “YN finally you woke up, i will call others !” deuce shouted and ran out . You were still confused about everything , “what happened?” you looked at ace , he had a troubled expression it seems like he was thinking how to explain the situation , to consider his you changed the topic “ i am hungry , do we have something to eat ?” , Grimm replied “ I will get something from cafeteria “ he flew out of the window . As soon as he left their were loud fro corridor , you were startled but when the door  opened there were familiar faces , all dorm leaders , vice leaders and students also the head master. 
cater was the one who broke the silence first “YN-chan are you okay!? how do you feel?” “yes senpai I am feeling good now ,how long was I unconscious for?” this time the headmaster replied “ for 2 weeks.” “ 2 WEEKS! OUCH!” when you shouted you had thundering headache you hold your head with your both hands, Trey helped you to lie down , Riddle said “ Apparently...you activated your magic. “ , you were utterly shock you can only stare at him with disbelief ,he  continued “ My mother was here for work in the wizard tower she came to visit headmaster and me , when we heard you collapsed she checked on you and did some test with magic crystal on you and came to solid conclusion that you have finally activated your magic , the symptoms you showed were exactly like a little kid who was going to activate their magic.” 
to be continued.....
hello I am shia ! I am writer on a wattpad and used to write fan fiction in notebooks , hope you like  my work please tell me did you enjoyed my work ..... I will write any fan fiction especially related to twisted wonderland cause when i found out it was not a otome I was heart broken so fan fictions helped me. 
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trash-writes · 4 years
Ch. 3 - Mr. Nygma
**((AN: Trash here!  Sorry it took so long for me to update this fic! I was getting ready for a convention that was sadly cancelled due to COVID. I hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy! Onto the story!))**
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
When I woke up the first thing that I noticed was a neatly folded pair of purple and green flannel pajamas on the edge of the bed with a small note on top.
Hello Child,
I hope that you slept well. Sadly I am not here at the moment because I need to deal with something, however, Edward is here so you aren’t alone.
~Dr. Crane
Setting the note to the side and looking at the pajamas I chuckled when I noticed that there was a bright green question mark embroidered onto the front pocket of the top. After putting on the clothing and tying the bottoms so that they wouldn’t fall off of me, I stepped out of the bedroom and began to walk down the hallway until I ended up in a large room that resembled a living room. There was a dark red couch pushed off to the side with a large coffee table in front of it, next to that a c cage with a large sleeping crow inside of it, a black recliner across from the couch, and a small TV facing the rest of the furniture. Off in the corner there was green light coming out through a door that was ajar, and out of curiosity I began to walk towards it.
“I see you’re awake.” A voice came from behind the door as I opened it and a large chair in front of several computer monitors swiveled around so that the person sitting there could face me. 
Green eyes looked at me over a pair of computer glasses with purple tinted lenses, a smirk forming on Riddler’s face as he leaned forward slightly. “Working in the fields I stand all day but at night I begin to stalk my prey.” 
Messing with the sleeves on the pajamas, I thought for a moment before giving a small smile. “Scarecrow, right?” Once I answered his riddle, Riddler grinned and rolled his chair over to me.
“Correct! It’s good to know that Jon didn’t bring an idiot with him! Speaking of Jon, he’s going to be out for a while, so it’s going to just be you and me! Sit! Sit! How do you know Jon? Why did he want to take you with him? Come on, come on! I haven’t got all day!” Riddler began to motion with his hands as he spoke, pointing to a red chair off in the corner before pointing at the floor in front of him.
Quickly grabbing the chair and moving it in front of him, I sat down and crossed my legs on the seat, letting out a squeak when he rolled closer to me. “I…uh...I only met Dr. Crane today Mr. Nygma….I’m writing a paper for my psychology class on the ‘Rogues Gallery’ of Gotham City, so I thought it would be a good idea to interview some....” As I spoke he frowned and crossed his arms.
“If you only met him today then why did he demand that you come with us?”
“I think it might have to do with the medication I’m on? I don’t really know….” Lowering my head, I placed my hand on my wrist to feel my pulse. Frowning, I then placed the fingers on the pulse point on my neck.
Riddler chuckled and tilted his head to the side as he looked at me, smirking once more. “Feeling antsy?” At his question I frowned and shook my head.
“Chest hurts…..” I mumbled, leaning over and rubbing my chest, “it hurts a lot….Do you have any Aspirin?” Mr. Nygma leaned closer to me as I spoke and gently took my chin in a hand to tilt it up before gently placing his other hand on my forehead.
“You have a fever…” He said as he pulled his hands away. “Let's get you in bed. By the way, call me Edward, you don’t need to call me ‘Mr.Nygma’.” Edward stood up and motioned for me to do the same. When I attempted to do so my legs shook before giving out below me, but thankfully Edward lunged forward and grabbed me to prevent me from falling to the floor and hitting my head. “Okay Ms. Chadley-”
“Elizabeth,” I corrected.
“Okay Elizabeth,” he repeated, testing my name on his tongue, “let's get you back into bed.” Edward grabbed my arm with one hand and wrapped his other one around my waist to help support me as we began to walk back to the bedroom.
As we walked back to the bedroom I looked over at Edward and tilted my head. “Why are you helping? I highly doubt that you’re that interested in me considering the fact that I’m just some random person that Dr. Crane decided to take with him when he left Arkham.”
Edward’s face scrunched up at my question when we entered the bedroom. Helping me sit on the bed, he pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. “While I didn’t quite find you interesting at first, the fact that Jon finds you interesting interests me. He normally isn’t interested in anyone unless they’re a test subject of his, and the fact that he isn’t interested in using you as a test subject for his toxin interests me even more. Understand?” 
“Crystal clear Edward.”
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alj4890 · 5 years
Love/Angst Prompt
(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) in wanting to see more of the pregnancy.
Tumblr media
(Thomas x Amanda) taken from the And Then I Met You storyline.
A/N Three part fic for the Hunt family of three soon to be family of five as requested. There is some angst with this pregnancy. Thomas and Kathleen try and cope with the unexpected events.
@lxaah11​ @alleksa16​ @penguininapinktuxedo​ @blackcoffee85​ @stopforamoment​  @hopefulmoonobject​  @krsnlove   @annekebbphotography  @cora-nova @bella-ca @hopelessromantic1352. @sunflowergirl05 @desiree—1986 @greywitchyshots @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories @emceesynonymroll @dr-nancy-house @aworldoffandoms @ab1901 y @lolablackwrites @friedherringclodthing @flyawayboo @i-bloody-love-drake-walker. @trappedinfandoms  @kate-mckenzie
Part 2 Part 3
The Unexpected
Part 1
London Film Premiere
"My wife is in her eighth month of pregnancy and told she shouldn't travel." Thomas explained to the group of reporters. "If not for my directing this, I would be with Amanda and Kathleen right now and most likely dry."
It was a cool, early May evening. Misting rain fell, tempting him to turn the collar of his jacket up.
"What are your plans for your next film?" One reporter called out.
A ghost of a smile appeared on the director's face. "I will be taking a break as we deal with having twins and a five year old. I think Amanda might banish me if I even hinted of a possible project."
Many around him laughed. A few more questions were asked of tonight's film and then he was set free. He stopped inside the theater and pulled his phone out when he felt it vibrate again. There were numerous missed calls from Liam and Amanda's phones.
Thomas called her first. He was surprised when Kathleen answered.
"What's wrong?" He asked when he heard her tearful cry of his name.
"Mommy's bleeding." She started crying harder. "A lot."
Thomas froze. "What? Where is she?"
Kathleen continued to cry until she started coughing. She was unable to get the words out. 
His frustration grew as he attempted to control the volume of his voice. "Kathleen, calm down and give Mommy's phone to someone who can talk." He tried to keep the panic out of his tone.
Riley took the phone while trying to comfort the little girl. "Hello?"
"What is going on?" Thomas demanded.
Riley's voice trembled with sadness and fear. "We were eating dinner and Amanda said she felt funny. She stood up to go to her room and collapsed." Riley audibly gulped. "There was blood on her pants and chair. Liam and Bastien have rushed her to the hospital while I stayed here with Kathleen and the boys."
Thomas ran out of the theater and hailed a taxi. "Has there been any word from Liam?"
"Not yet." Riley whispered. "Thomas, hurry."
Cordonia, a little over three hours later...
Thomas burst through the hospital doors and ran down the hallways, ignoring the nurses calling after him. He paused to read the sign pointing toward different wards and continued running.
Bastien was leaning against the wall outside the room and straightened when he saw him.
Thomas said his name and paused at the door. He didn't know what to expect. He took a deep breath and walked inside.
Liam stood up in relief when he saw him. The usually unflappable director paled while he walked around the bed where Amanda slept with multiple IV's and monitors on her. Her sleep was peaceful through all the swooshes and beeps.
"What happened?" Thomas whispered after touching her hand.
Liam lowered his voice. "She has placenta previa. The doctor said she was at a higher risk for it being pregnant with twins. He isn't sure how long she will be here or if he will be forced to take the babies early." He nodded toward the bags of A positive blood. "She lost a great deal of blood."
Thomas ran a hand down his face. "Is she in pain?
Liam shook his head. "No. She had some contractions that they managed to stop. She was still unconscious when they occurred."
"Did she ever regain consciousness at all?" He asked.
"For a moment, only to make certain the babies were well. Once she was reassured she fell into a deep sleep." Liam told him.
Thomas sat down and looked at her. He reached out to smooth her hair back and noticed how warm she was. Her cheeks were flushed a bright red. "She's running fever."
"The nurses are monitoring that. They said it can happen when receiving a transfusion." Liam explained.
"Thank you for acting quickly." Thomas said. "Riley told me how you and Bastien made certain to get her here fast."
Liam placed a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed. "Of course. I will leave you alone with her and let Kathleen know she is being taken care of."
"Kathleen." Thomas rubbed his hands over his face. In his panic he had forgotten how she must be reacting to all this. "I should go see her." He stared down at his wife and couldn't seem to move away from her.
Liam could see the battle between husband and father and told him to remain here. "I promise to call if Kathleen is inconsolable. I'll let her know she can see Amanda as soon as she gets some rest."
"Thank you." Thomas said softly. He resumed his vigil by her bedside, thinking of the other time he had done so. He couldn't lose her. Not now. Not ever. He had not thought it possible that he could love her more than he did all those years ago, yet he knew it was true.
His eyes briefly left her face to observe their babies' heartbeats. Then he focused on his wife's steady beat showing on the monitor. His gaze came back to her face. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead then one to her belly, softly smiling at the movement he felt. He prayed it continued.
He relaxed some after a nurse came in to check everything. The bleeding was still occcuring but had reduced some. She reassured him that all would be fine.
He leaned his head back against the chair cushion and slipped his hand under Amanda's. Her fingers barely moved as she continued to sleep.
He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.
The next morning...
Kathleen woke up and rubbed her eyes. She had quietly cried herself to sleep after Liam told her everything was fine. She wanted to believe him. She wanted her mother here where she could see she was really well. Learning that Thomas had arrived made her want to see both of them. She needed her parents to say everything was right.
She climbed out of the plush bed Riley had put her in so she would be close to the Royal family if she needed her or Liam. She opened her door and peeped out.
Bastien saw her and bowed. "Good morning, Lady Kathleen."
She looked up at him. "Good Morning."
He knelt down before her. "Is there anything you need?"
She nodded while fresh tears appeared. "Can I see my mommy?"
His sharp gray eyes softened at her heartbreak. "As soon as your father calls, we will take you to see her." He promised.
She swallowed her sob down. "Can I call my daddy?"
He was about to answer when Liam stepped out. He noticed her tears and picked her up when she repeated her request. "Let's eat some breakfast first." He opened his sons' bedroom door and told them to come join them.
"You know how much your mommy loves to sleep late." He tried to coax a smile from her. "We'll let her sleep a little longer before calling."
Kathleen rested her head against his shoulder while the tears still slipped down her cheeks
Ellis and Emerick looked up at her. They whispered to one another a plan to do all they could to make her laugh.
"Dad's cooking isn't that bad, Kat." Emerick teased.
Liam half smirked at his sons. "I make excellent waffles, thank you."
"Just don't let him make bacon." Ellis said to Kathleen. "Unless you want the firemen to bust through the windows. His laugh at his own joke made her smile some.
Liam set her on the kitchen counter while he and the boys started getting everything ready for waffles. The palace chef chuckled and left with a warning that he wanted his kitchen to still be intact when they finished.
Liam twirled a spatula around and over his shoulder, earning an applause from the three children. Riley walked in and laughed when he began to stress the importance waffles have in everyday life.
"What topping would you like, m'lady?" He asked of Kathleen while giving her the first waffle. "Strawberries? Chocolate chips? Whipped cream? Syrup? Whatever you would like."
Her eyes filled with tears again as she thought of making breakfast with her mother. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "Syrup please."
Riley picked her up and cuddled her in her arms. As sweet as the queen was, Kathleen thought that no one could hold her like her mother.
At the hospital...
Amanda opened her eyes and looked up at the nurse changing her IV bags.
"Your grace!" She said softly. "I didn't mean to disturb you."
"It's quite alright." She looked at Thomas asleep in the chair next to her and tried not to cry at having him where she needed him. "When did he get here?"
"It was a little after midnight." The nurse explained. "He caused quite a scene running through the maternity ward."
Amanda threaded her fingers through his. "Has Dr. Vasco been by yet?"
"He just arrived and is reviewing your chart. He should be in shortly." She gave a curtsy and left.
"How are you?"
She looked up at Thomas quietly studying her.
"Better now that you're here." She swiped at the tears building up. "Thomas."
He moved closer and pressed his lips to hers. She held him tight for an extra moment while tears fell. "I'm so scared."
He gently wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "I am too." He gently nudged her face up and looked into her eyes. "I can't lose you."
She averted her gaze. "We can't lose the twins." She glanced at their monitor and gently rubbed her belly.
Thomas set his hand next to hers and could feel the kicks and movement. He looked at Amanda's profile and saw her lips firm in determination.
"Kathleen?" She looked up at him. "Have you seen her yet? She saw me collapse."
"Liam and Riley were taking care of her while I stayed here." He explained. "Once we talk to the doctor, I’ll leave and bring her to see you."
Amanda relaxed some. "Poor little thing." Tears spilled down her eyes again. "She must be so frightened."
"She wasn't the only one." Thomas met her eyes. "I haven't felt panic like that in a long time. Kathleen called me and was only able to get out that you were bleeding." He rubbed a hand down his face. "I turned a three hour flight into a two hour and fifteen minute one."
"I'm sorry." She settled his hand against her cheek. "I hate that I interrupted your premiere."
"I don't give a damm about that." He snapped. "You come before everything else." His dark eyes narrowed on her. "I dont care if that film is hailed the biggest flop in the history of cinema. All I want to know is how to fix this." His eyes darkened in intensity. "I can't lose you."
"I--" she was cut off by the doctor walking in.
He bowed to them both. "Lord and Lady Hunt. I hope you rested well." He flipped through her chart once more and then examined her. He made a few more notes, checked the readout on the baby's monitor and finally pulled up a chair to talk to them.
"His majesty informed you of what happened." He confirmed with Thomas.
"He did. But what does it mean? Is my wife going to..." He swallowed down the word and chose others. "Will she recover?"
"Yes, I feel confident that all will go well if you do as I suggest." He turned to Amanda after explaining how the fraternal twins each had their own placenta making her even more at risk for this to happen. "With the heavy bleeding you are having, I do not feel comfortable releasing you with bedrest at home. I want to keep you here where we can monitor the bleeding, the twins, and be able to, at a moment's notice, perform a cesarean."
Amanda blinked in surprise. "But not now, right? We need the babies to stay in there for as long as we can."
Thomas leaned closer and frowned. "How would that affect Amanda's health if we continue to wait?"
"Thomas!" Her voice cracked. "You know I can't choose me over them."
He ignored her and focused on the doctor. "Well?"
The doctor lowered his eyes and cleared his throat. "With us closely monitoring, I believe both Lady Amanda and the twins should suffer very little complications." He looked at the couple. "I have three patients here that I am looking out for, Lord Hunt. I don't intend to lose any of them."
"If you took them now," Thomas persisted, "wouldn't that be easier on her?"
Amanda shook her head no as her tears fell faster. "Thomas, please don't do this to me."
"I need you." He stated again. His tone was harsh as his fear built. "We have a five year old who needs her mother." He lowered his eyes. "I want nothing more than our twins to make it, but I need you to be here to help care for all our children."
"I can't lose another baby." She replied. "You know that if I lived and they died when I didn't even try to wait as long as I possibly could that I would never recover emotionally from that." She bit her lip, trying to make him understand. "My body might survive but you will have lost me."
Thomas covered his face with his hands and slowly lowered them, unwilling to hear her arguments.
The doctor cleared his throat. "Let's take it day by day. The longer we can give those two the better it will be," he focused the next to Thomas, "and I will make sure that her grace does not have to make the choice of her life for theirs."
He left with telling them he was going to administer steroids to help build the twins' lungs in case they had to perform the operation sooner than they would like.
Thomas got up and walked over to the window. It was amazing how life still went on while one's personal universe had come to a screeching halt. He looked out over the small courtyard. Flowers were blooming in bright colors as some patients were wheeled along the paths. He tried to focus on what promised to be a beautiful spring day rather than this uncertainty they were entering into.
Amanda observed him quietly. She knew why he was not wanting to hear her arguments. She didn't see it as giving up on him and Kathleen. She saw it as giving them something more to have and to love.
"Thomas?" She tried to keep her voice steady.
He lowered his head.
"Please don't leave me alone in this." She pleaded. "I need you to--"
"You need me?" He gave a bitter laugh. "I keep saying how I need you and you ignore it. Now that you need me, suddenly I'm the villain for not wanting to watch you hemorrhage to death."
He turned around and noticed her heartbreak. Unable to leave her in that mindset, he went to her bedside and knelt down beside it. He pressed a kiss into her palm while closing his eyes. "I'm sorry."
She gently ran her fingers through his hair. "I am too."
He looked up at her. "Promise me that you will mind the doctors."
Her lips softened into a hint of a teasing smile. "I don't really have a choice since I'm not being released."
"Amanda." He stood up. "Promise me you will tell them every strange sensation, feeling, twinge, even a wild thought that comes over you."
She nodded. "I promise."
He leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was filled with the thought of losing her. She cradled his face, returning it with all the love she had for him. He pressed another kiss to her forehead before speaking again.
"I should go change and bring Kathleen by." He tenderly cupped her cheek. "Anything I can bring you while I pack my bags?"
"No." She softly kissed his hand. "I can't think of anything right now." Her brow furrowed in thought. "Maybe you shouldn't stay here."
His features hardened. "Why?"
"Because of Kathleen." She explained. "She needs at least one of us there--"
"I will pick her up everyday to be here with us and then tuck her in bed at night. Liam and Riley will watch over her while she sleeps." His stance became immovable. "I'm not leaving you here alone as you face this."
Amanda nodded while trying not to cry again. "What about St Orella? They were expecting us back tomorrow."
"I'll take care of that too." He kissed her softly once more. "Rest and try not to worry about anything other than you and those two troublemakers."
She laughed through her tears and pulled him down to kiss him again. "I'll try." Her eyes met his. "I do love you so much."
His adam's apple bobbed a couple times while he swallowed down his emotion. "I love you." He met her steady gaze. "So very much."
"Your father called." Liam told Kathleen in the playroom. "He is coming to pick you up and take you to see your mother."
Kathleen smiled and hugged him. He chuckled and suggested she color a picture for Amanda. "She's always bragging on what beautiful pictures you create."
"Can we do one too?" Ellis asked.
"I believe she would love that." Liam patted him on his head. "That’s very thoughtful of you."
The three rushed to a table and picked out what art supplies they wanted to use. Liam left them to it while he and Riley went to call their other friends and let them know what was happening.
Kathleen looked up from the third picture she was working and saw Thomas. He knelt down while she ran into his arms. She then dragged him over to the table to see their pictures. The little princes explained theirs too.
"These will make Amanda smile." He thanked the two princes and told Kathleen to get what she wanted to take to play with. "We’ll be spending a lot of time in Mommy's room at the hospital. She can't come home yet, so I will bring you here to sleep and come back to get you each morning."
Kathleen stared at him in surprise.
"Kat! You get to play with us everyday!" Emerick exclaimed.
Ellis jumped up and down, cheering for having indefinite company.
Thomas took her hand and told the boys he would see them this evening.
Kathleen became more nervous the closer they got to Amanda's room. Thomas had explained all the tubes and monitors her mother was hooked up to and to not be afraid. "All of it is to help her and the babies."
Her imagination was running wild with how her mother would look.
He knocked on the door and entered when Amanda called out.
She smiled at Kathleen and held her arms out. Thomas told her to be gentle as she hugged her. Kathleen began to cry seeing that her mother was really okay and buried her face in Amanda's side.
Thomas picked her up and set her beside Amanda on the hospital bed. She curled up and rested her head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat. Amanda began to silently cry while holding her close, knowing how frightened she must have been.
Thomas stood there watching them hold each other while unshed tears formed in his eyes. He mumbled about getting something from the vending machines and stepped out into the hallway. He covered his face while trying to calm down. Seeing them both like that brought up all the fears he had of raising Kathleen on his own. What if he had her and newborn twins without Amanda?
Kathleen would never get over losing her mother. He doubted his own ability to comfort her if he lost Amanda. The very thought practically brought him to his knees. His brow furrowed as he thought of the twins. Since they had seen how much they loved Kathleen, he had not hesistated in already giving his heart to these two they had yet to meet.
He couldn't lose any of them.
He slid down the wall.
He looked up at Maxwell and Nadia running up. Both had varying expressions of fear on their faces.
"Liam called, has something else happened?" Maxwell asked.
Nadia sat down in the floor beside Thomas as he shook his head, unable to speak. She wrapped her arms around him. He stiffened before hugging her back. He managed to get some of the words out about why he was out here.
Maxwell sat down on his other side and stared at the opposite wall. His blue eyes filled with unshed tears as he thought about being in Thomas's place. He knew exactly how he felt. He couldn't imagine losing Nadia and being left with taking care of their children. No one could take his wife's place.
Thomas got up after a few moments of shared silence. He asked if they wanted anything and they followed him to the machines, making a variety of choices. The three grapsed at anything to try and not think of what was ahead of them.
Amanda and Kathleen finished their cry while Thomas was gone. Her daughter remained against her side with her little arm draped over belly. She could feel her siblings move ever so often.
"They've missed your stories." Amanda said softly. She pressed another kiss to Kathleen's head and hugged her tight. "They only settle down at night when you talk to them."
Kathleen rubbed her eyes before placing her ear against Amanda's belly.
"Hello Elizabeth and Ian." She said in a hoarse voice.
Amanda could feel the tears building up once more as Kathleen told them all about playing with Emerick and Ellis. She told them about Liam making waffles and doing tricks with cooking utensils. She then closed her eyes tight before asking them to not hurt their mother.
Amanda pulled her back in her arms and held her. She shushed Kathleen's tears while promising that all would be as it should. With vision blurred by tears Amanda looked into her little face. "Whatever happens, always remember that you grew under my heart. I couldn't help but love you. I am so proud to be your mother."
Kathleen threw her arms around her neck and said she loved her. Her knee unhooked one of the monitors and an alarm sound went off. Both jumped in surprise.
Filled with terror, Thomas burst into the room followed by a wide eyed Maxwell and Nadia.
"Nothing's wrong!" Amanda promised. "I became unhooked from the heart monitor."
A nurse came in and reset everything. She smiled at Kathleen and nodded to Nadia and Maxwell on her way out.
"We come bearing treats." Maxwell said to break the tension. He dumped out a number of snack cakes and candies.
Nadia looked at everything Amanda had attatched to her. "How are you feeling?"
"A little tired but good." Amanda said for Kathleen's sake.
"You should rest." Thomas finally managed to say.
"I will." She promised as Kathleen snuggled against her side. Thomas readjusted the blanket to cover them both up. He gently smoothed Kathleen's dark hair back before caressing Amanda's cheek.
Nadia leaned against Maxwell to keep from crying. Thomas looked like a man being tortured on the rack. Kathleen held onto Amanda as if afraid she would disappear if she let go. And Amanda...was putting on a brave show for all.
Maxwell cleared his throat. "Are you able to eat? We can go get whatever you want."
"I might break into those orange cupcakes." Amanda replied. She glanced down at Kathleen and saw her drifting off to sleep. She had worn herself out from all the crying.
Thomas motioned toward a couch. "Would you like me to make a bed for her over there?"
"No." She held her in her arms. "She can stay here." Amanda tried to swallow. "I remember what it was like, wishing I could be held by my mother."
Nadia wiped her tears. "We’ll run out and get you three some lunch while Kat sleeps."
"Thank you." Thomas said. "I don't know what--"he grimaced, "thank you."
Once the Beaumont's were gone, Thomas sat down beside the bed. He watched Kathleen sleep for a few moments before looking at Amanda's profile. She turned toward him.
"What are you thinking?" She whispered.
He shook his head and opened the package of cupcakes for her. She took one and waited for him to find the words.
"Nothing." He finally managed. "Nothing but my fears of losing you and the twins."
That evening, Thomas gathered Kathleen's untouched bag of toys. She never left Amanda's side. He slipped his blazer on and told the little girl to say goodnight.
Her bottom lip trembled. "I don't want to."
Thomas rubbed the back of his neck in agitation. "It’s getting late."
"I don't want to!" She said louder. "I want to stay with Mommy."
"Young lady, do as I say." He snapped. "Now!"
Tears fell down her cheeks at his anger and with leaving. "No." She said softly. "I won't go."
He dropped the bag and went to pick her up. She started fighting against him.
Amanda opened her eyes when she heard their raised voices. "What's--"
"I want to stay here!" Kathleen struggled in his arms. "Please Daddy! Don't make me go!"
"Thomas!" Amanda called out. "Let me--"
"That’s enough!" He yelled. He lowered Kathleen to the floor and held tight to her. "Listen to me. I am taking you to get rest. I will be back in the morning to bring you here."
Her cries echoed in the room, hurting the couple. Thomas dropped his head. He couldn't do this. He knew this was a glimpse of what life would be like if it ended tragically.
"Come here sweetheart." Amanda said softly. She brushed the strands of hair sticking to Kathleen's damp cheeks. "The only way I can rest like the doctor needs me to is by knowing you are being well taken care of. I need to know you are tucked in bed with warm covers and a little stuffed corgi."
Kathleen sniffed. "But I want to be with you."
Amanda didn't bother to wipe her own tears. "This is only for a few more weeks that we have to do this." She kissed the little hands gripping hers. "Will you help me and Daddy with this?"
Kathleen reluctantly nodded. She looked up at Thomas and tearfully apologized. He knelt down and hugged her close, whispering his own apology.
Amanda watched them silently. She forced a smile when Kathleen hugged her good night. "I will see you in the morning." She promised, kissing her daughter's forehead. "Sweet dreams little love."
Thomas pressed a kiss to Amanda's lips and said he would be back soon. He picked Kathleen and her little bag up. He looked back at his wife on his way out.
Once the door was shut, Amanda succumbed to the broken sobs that had built in her chest.
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew; part 10
Summary: Ugh, Rus must be coming down with something
Note: I am on fire this week, so here is an update for my heat story! Finally!
Tags: heatfic, dubious consent, NSFW, frenemies to lovers, mates, first time, more if I think of them
PLEASE READ THE TAGS: This is a Heat story, so there are going to be issues of consent. I don’t do partner rape, nope, but hey, I want to be straight with y’all. I like heatfics personally, but I understand how they can be troubling for some people. So there it is.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Read Chapter 10 on AO3 
Read it here!
The next morning Rus wasn’t so sure the temperature problem was with the thermostat. He woke up to bones that felt gummy with sweat, his joints aching. Even his mattress was damp, the sheets tinged orange and Rus groaned as he struggled free of the covers.
Well, wasn’t this a piss syrup on top of his shit sundae of a month. After everything else that went down, he was getting sick on top of it. Probably all that stress was getting to him and his low HP pretty much guaranteed he took every little germ he ever met home for a visit. Whatever was wrong, it wasn’t bad enough yet to keep him in bed for an extended vacation, so he may as well get up.
The light creeping through the curtains was bright enough to tell him that Blue let him sleep in for once and that only made him feel worse. After bouncing his brother off the front steps yesterday, the least he could do was manage his own sentry duty.
Rus hauled himself off to the shower, letting lukewarm water wash away that uncomfortable stickiness. He wandered back to his room in only a towel without a single scolding or even a good morning, so Blue probably already left for the day. Most of his clothes were balled up in a corner of the room, but there were a couple of clean hoodies hanging in the closet and Rus slipped one on, breathing in the freshness of laundry soap. Normally, he didn’t give much of a shit, but if it was bad enough that Blue bitched at him, it was time to give all his clothes a good scrub.
That could wait for tonight when he was off-duty, and Rus finished dressing to head downstairs. Coffee was on his mind, black as the interior of his skull, and with enough sugar to turn it to slush.
Downstairs, he frowned at the splintered jamb on the kitchen door. He ran a finger over the damaged wood, taking in the gouges left by bone. Damn, his brother must've been losing his shit listening through the door and it wasn't like Rus could blame him. If he'd been on this side listening to Blue whining like he had, there wouldn’t be a door left.
On the table was a covered plate, left by his brother, and Rus lifted the cover to check out what awesome breakfast was waiting for him. Soft-yolk eggs and browned sausages, not quite cooled to the point of being rubbery, and toast dripping with melted honey butter. Tasty goodness and there wasn’t a reason that the sight of it should make his magic lurch with nausea. He dropped the cover with a clatter and turned away, covering his mouth with one hand as he struggled not to puke on his brother’s nice, clean floor. What the fuck, not ten seconds ago breakfast sounded a treat and now…?
Okay, definitely coming down with something.
Coffee still seemed like it was on the table and Rus poured himself a cup, but he kept the sugar to only a couple spoonfuls. It didn’t exactly settle his magic, but he didn’t feel like wrecking his perfectly nice sneakers anymore, so he supposed that was something.
He sipped it gingerly, considering. If he went back to bed, Blue might be irritated at first, but he’d get over it pretty quick once he found out Rus was sick. On the other hand, he didn’t feel that bad, and if Blue thought he was getting a bug, he could look forward to about a week of his bro fussing over him, playing nursemaid and filling him up with clear fluids and sympathy. That was always great when he was sick, not so much when he was feeling better and ready to hit the streets again.
By the time he went for a second cup, he’d made a decision. Try to hit up his sentry station for his shift and if he still felt shit by the end, he’d let Blue in on the fact that they were about to get hit with some germy visitors. That was the plan and he was gonna stick to it.
Rus wandered outside and directly into a shortcut, stepping out by the rickety folding chair at his sentry station. He plopped into it, propping up his untied sneakers on the ledge. If there were any Humans thinking of showing up in the Underground, he hoped they’d wait until next week because for today? Rus wasn’t up to meeting any new ‘friends’.
Hot. He was so hot, so fucking hot, and he ached, bone deep ache, a niggling itch that started in his soul and twined down between his legs, begging to be scratched. Not by himself, no, just thinking about jerking off made him cringe. He needed something (someone) something else, he needed, he needed—
His brother’s indignant cry startled Rus so much he nearly fell out of his chair, wobbling ominously until he caught his balance.
“huh?” Rus said muzzily. He blinked hard, wincing. The artificial light seeming painfully bright this morning. Or maybe more like past noon given his brother’s outraged look. He was about to ask, trying to get past the sticky, clotted mass that was currently his mind, but Blue didn’t stop, ranting on.
“Sleeping on duty, honestly! You didn’t even notice me coming up, how do you expect to catch a Human that way?”
“i don’t…uh…” There was supposed to be a pun of some sort that went there, just to see his brother howl in outrage even as he tried not to laugh. But all his thoughts were gluey, stuck on the fact that he was too damn hot. Rus pushed down his hood, exposing his skull to the chilly Snowdin air. Normally he didn’t exactly mind the cold, but it didn’t usually feel like such a glorious relief. It made him want to yank up his shirt, let all that cold air in to mingle around his ribs, and one of his hands actually twitched towards his shirt hem. He managed to wake up a little more before he got that far to find Blue had fallen silent and was staring at him with some concern.
“Are you all right?” Blue asked finally. The stars of his eye lights faded down into pale circles, rounded and bland.
“yeah, why?” Rus said distractedly. If only it wasn’t so fucking hot—
Blue reached out and Rus felt him swipe a finger down his skull, stared in bewilderment as Blue showed him the streak of orange on his glove’s fingertip. “Because you’re sweating terribly. Are you feeling all right?”
Rus wasn’t exactly sure how to answer that one. With his hood down, he felt a little better, that constricting fever easing up a little. He didn’t feel bad, he felt weird, fuck, wasn’t that just his luck? Probably catching the Spotted Monster flu or something.
“yeah,” Rus said slowly, still not sure if it was the truth. “i…think so? i was having a weird dream, maybe i didn’t sleep so good last night.”
“Why don’t you head home?” Blue said, with unexpected gentleness. “Do you want me to go with you?” He started to help Rus up and paused, a fleeting expression of disgust crossing his face. "Papy," Blue said exasperatedly, “did you put on the same sweatshirt as before?"
"no," Rus said, frowning. Yeah, most’ve his sweatshirts looked about the same, but he was sure he hadn’t. "got this one fresh from the closet."
"Maybe they weren't quite dry when I hung them up?" Blue waved a hand in front of his face. "I've never smelled such awful mildew, you can't smell that?"
Rus pulled up the front of his sweatshirt and gave it a good whiff. Soap, maybe a hint of sweetness from his sweat. Not mildew, though, or whatever Blue thought it was. “smells fine to me.”
“Well, that’s proof right there that you’re ill, brother,” Blue said dryly. “Go home and take a proper nap.”
“thanks, bro,” Rus said gratefully. Yeah, he was about ready for whatever coddling Blue felt like handing over. Before he headed out, he looped an arm around Blue and hauled him in for a hug, ignoring his groaning protests because hello, big brother privilege was higher than any stank out there.
He didn’t linger long, not with official permission to nap granted. Rus shortcutted home, to his porch rather than into his bedroom so he could kick off his shoes at the door.
The urge to strip off his sweatshirt and roll around in the snow was almost irresistible, but probably would get him a few looks from the folks in town. He settled for yanking it over his head in the living room and carrying it, the sleeves trailing behind him on the ground as he trudged upstairs to flop on his mattress, barely taking the time to toe off his socks.
A nap would help whatever damn fever was cropping up. He hoped.
When he woke again, Rus felt a little better. The sheets were still damp with sweat but the urge to roll around in the snow like a weird puppy had let up. Through the window, the artificial light was showing dimmer and soft, close to ‘dusk’.
A pleasant smell got Rus sniffing and on his desk was a food tray and a note from his brother.
Didn’t want to wake you, training with Alphys. Eat up and get more sleep, early duty in the morning!
It made Rus smile. Like he was fooled at all by that, if Blue thought he was even a tiny bit sick, he’d be tucked right beneath the blankets again faster than you could say ‘spaghetti aficionado’.
But Rus didn’t think it was gonna be a problem. Already he was hungry, ravenous even, and he scarfed down steaming soup hidden beneath the tray eagerly, practically tasting the loving care with which it was made.
When his magic was finished incorporating it, a different urge struck him and damn if Rus wasn’t ready for a drink at Muffet’s. Maybe something more, the fake night was young, and it’d been a long time since Rus had gotten laid. If you didn’t count weird outliers and Rus stuffed that thought firmly back. Willingly laid, thanks, and after he left a note for his bro, he headed out.
At this time of night, Muffet’s was loaded with regulars, most of them already a couple of drinks in. They called to him, waving and cheering, and Rus handed ‘em back a few of the stock puns he kept handy for just such an occasion, until everyone was laughing. Muffet gave him a smile as Rus walked up to his normal barstool, but it faded into concern as she got a good look at him. She set down the glass she was drying and walked over.
“Are you feeling all right?” she asked in that soft, flute-like voice of hers. “You look a little pale.”
“think so? sweetheart, all my mixed feelings need is a mixed drink, ” Rus gave her a winsome smile, “think you can scrounge me up something on my tab?”
All of her eyes rolled as one, but she was smiling as she poured him out a drink. Honey whisky and water, perfect, and Rus took a sip, spinning on his stool to take in the night’s offerings.
There. A group of some of the other sentries were sitting at a table. One of them towered over the others, even sitting. Pete, from the Bun clan, his long, velvety ears starting to droop from their normal ramrod straight point as he drank. Rus nursed his drink, savoring the sweet-smokiness as he watched Pete moving, the muscles rippling beneath his fur as he gestured. Yeah, Pete was usually up for a good time and he was strong enough to be a hellava fuck. He’d been one of Rus’s regulars back in the day, before he’d met the other skellies and his pussy train got derailed.
Welp, the way he felt right now, he was ready to choo choo his way back onto the track.
Rus tossed back the rest of his drink and slid back to his feet, wandering over to the group. There was nothing seductive about it, didn’t need to be. Rus had a reputation for being a pretty damn good time and he could feel several sets of eyes on him, weighing their chances. But there was only one he was interested in.
“Hey, Papyrus,” Pete said, and Rus didn’t miss the restrained hopefulness in it. Oh, yeah, this was cake and pie.
“hey, pete, wanna take a walk?”
His chair scraped as Pete shoved it back, practically stumbling to his feet, a rare Monster who actually towered over Rus’s impressive height. The grin that spread over his face was lascivious, eager. For about a minute. Then it faltered into a frown as he sniffed, loudly and obviously. “You smell kinda funny.”
Rus groaned. Fuck, was he cursed by some vengeful reverse-washu? “you’re the second person to say that to me today.” He made a show of sniffing his non-existent armpits. “i don’t smell anything. i took a shower, my clothes are clean, guess my normal sauce took a turn.”
“It ain’t exactly bad.” Pete leaned in closer, smirking, and he hooked a thick finger at the hem of Rus’s sweatshirt, lifting it just enough to graze over his hip bone. Oh, fuck yes. Big hands, big dick, and maybe it was a myth, but Rus’d put it to the test and found the theory proved in Pete. He was leaning in close, his beer-scented breath gusting over Rus’s face. They were about to put on a show if he got much closer and Rus was already tipping his head up, ready for a little PDA before getting down to business. Pete murmuring, “We could head back to my place if you want. Or out back, if you don’t, I—”
Rus could only blink in surprise when instead of getting a hard kiss, a strange expression crossed Pete’s face and he leaned away. “You know what, I’m gonna have to beg off tonight, Papyrus. Maybe another time.”
“sure,” Rus said, slowly, confused. Even weirder, instead of sitting back down, Pete tossed back the rest of his drink and actually left, what the fuck?
Okay, that wasn’t fucking weird or anything.
The rest of the table looked as confused as him, but their expressions changed to hopeful delight as Rus said, “guess this seat is empty, mind if i join you?”
None of them did and Rus was two free drinks in by the time another Monster left, wearing the same expression of confused dismay as Pete, then another. All too quickly, Rus was sitting at an empty table surrounded by half-filled glasses, wondering what the actual fuck was going on.
Turned out, it wasn’t just the sentries. Rus gave it another shot, another, and every person he approached was one he’d fucked at least one other time, even if it was nothing more than a blowjob in the alley behind Muffet’s, Rus on his knees, pantlegs drenched in the snow while he let his mind drift, all his thoughts blissfully silent while whoever it was fucked his mouth for all they were worth.
And every one of them turned him down, turned away with that same expression. His increasing desperation probably wasn’t much of a turn-on, either, the heat of the bar was starting to get to him. His sweatshirt was living up to its name by drenching in it, the fabric darkened with the wet magic dripping from his bones. He finally took it off, tossing it carelessly to the ground. He’d get it later, drag it home and toss it in the wash with the rest of his damn stanky clothes, but for now the empty bar was so hot and muggy, it was unbearable.
Rus sank unsteadily back down on his barstool, nearly toppling off to the floor. He caught his balance at the last minute, clinging to the bartop and wondering vaguely if he’d drank more than he thought as he slurred out, “hey, muff. how about i hang out a little while after closing?”
Muffet’s pretty face, normally so pleased to see him, was creased with frowning concern, “Papyrus, you should go home.”
That was the last straw, his soul pulsed, frantic and hurt and he was not used to being turned down. He and Muffet had an understanding, neither of them looking for anything serious. They traded gossip and sex and illicit goods, and it was a great deal, one of the best Rus ever made, so why--?
“wha…?” Rus shook his head, baffled. “seriously? haven’t i always shown you a good time?”
“Always.” She seemed a little confused herself, that same baffled dismay he’d been seeing all night. “I’m sorry, Papyrus, I’m just not in the mood. Maybe another time?”
He nodded and his head felt swollen and too heavy for the slender bones of his cervical vertebrae. Rus slid off the stool and stumbled out the door. The icy wind chilled him instantly, blowing through the feeble protection of his tank top and he stood for a long moment, basking in that blissful cold before starting to trudge his way home.
The entire fucking town of Snowdin wasn’t ‘in the mood’ and to add insult to injury, he saw two of the sentries who’d ditched him necking in the alleyway. He wasn’t so much of a pervert that he stayed to watch, but it sent a wild pulse through him right at crotch level. Rus kept walking, resisting the temptation to collapse into the snow, so fucking hot—hot.
Rus stopped, standing so still that snow began to pile up on his bones. He was every kind of idiot he’d ever been called, idiot, moron, such a fucking fool.
“no,” Rus whimpered to no one at all, maybe to himself. No, no, no, Edge told him his body was his own, he’d told him he didn’t care if he fucked around. Of course he fucking had, he never mentioned that no one else would want him! The growing ache in his pelvis twined itself around the ungodly heat throbbing in his soul, mingled with the bewildered hurt of being turned down again and again. People fucking liked him, okay, liked fucking him, but this wasn’t about them, it was about the shitty heat.
Heat, he was so hot and he needed…he needed…he couldn’t fucking think. He needed to head home, that was it, home. Home? No, home wasn’t it. There was someplace else he needed to go. He started walking again, letting his feet carry him because they seemed to know the right direction. Through a door, downstairs, and he managed to focus blearily on the keypad long enough to punch in a number.
By the time he stepped through the portal, it was like he was walking in a fog of need, but he had just enough presence of mind to take a shortcut. The soothing cold vanished as he stepped out into a darkened room, there was nothing but the burning in his soul. Here, yes, this was where he needed to be.
“What are you doing here?” He almost didn’t understand the words. Not angry, only startled, and Rus jerked up his skull to look into crimson eyelights, set in a face that he knew and the flame in his soul became an inferno.
That was what he needed.
He reached out, a sob strangling in his throat. Tripped over his own stupid feet, but strong arms caught him before he could hit the floor. Rus tried to talk, to beg, plead for something, but the words strangled off before they could leave his mouth.
Distantly, he heard a low murmur next to his skull, blissfully soothing, “Shhh, I have you. I have you. It’s all right, I’m here.”
His soul yearned towards that voice and so did Rus, turning towards it to bury his face against a bony sternum and the sudden urge to sink his teeth into it, to bite, to mark, was impossible to resist. He heard a groan as he sank his teeth in, hard, tasting the hot, salty blurt of marrow as the bone parted. Breath hissing above his head, but there was no struggle, no protests. Hands held him in close, petting his skull, his back, anywhere they could reach.
This, this was what he needed, and when he lifted his head, still tasting hot marrow and blindly searching, a mouth descended on his, and Rus was lost.
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EST (Part 1)
word count: 2204
WARNINGS: Drugs and Language 
Please bear with my typographical and grammatical errors. 
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"Hello Colson, it's nice to see you again. How are you?" Dr. Martin greeted but my mind is somewhere.
"Colson?" She waved her hand and that's when I am cut off from my train of thoughts. "Sorry. I'm....good." She gave me a troubled smile.   Dr. Martin is my therapist and will be my only therapist. She's Pete's therapist when he was in rehab and he recommended me when I came to realization that I need to get my shit together. I was hesitant at first cause she is a female but Pete convince me to try trust another female aside from Ashleigh and other close girls from my circle. Dr. Martin was patient since the start, she understand how fucked up I am. I've  been trying to get help but after one session I give up. "So what happened?" She look at her charts. Our sessions were smooth. She got me to trust her and I've never felt relief than ever. "I.....well I tried being sober for a day. No alcohol, weed, coccaine, just cigarettes." I tried. But the day felt long without my poisons. "Okay, how did you feel?" I spaced out for a moment. "It was horrible. It felt like a year but it wasn't so bad. I felt myself " Dr. Martin nodded. "Uhuh. I know it's hard to get out from those habits Colson, but take it slow, the process is not overnight. For example, make a list of those habits and cross one out if you haven't done or take one in a day." I really wanted to be better so I'll give it a try though I can't live without those sometimes. "Okay. Next how about you? I mean you? Not your habits." Me? How am I really? "I......don't know doc, yesterday when I was sober I realized how lonely I was. All I want is a someone who understands me. Sees me as Colson not MGK. Someone who stays despite how fucked up I am. Listens to me when I rant. Takes care of me when I'm sick, holds my hand when I'm fighting my demons, tells me about her day. And loves me unconditionally." I sighed. Fuck this mommy issues. Dr. Martin put down the chart she's holding. "You know what, I remeber the nun said to me before. We are so focused and fixed to what we want  that we didn't realize it was already given to us but in a different package. Anyways, that's all for now. I'll see you on thursday." I shake hands with Dr. Martin and left her clinic. What does she mean by that? I shrug it off.
I got home with groceries. It's me being sober cause I realized I don't have anything in my fridge but booze. "Colson, where have you---ohh." Ashleigh was shock to see me holding a bunch of grocery bags. "Uhm need a little help Ash." Ashleigh helped me with some, putting all the bags on the kitchen counter. "I can't believe this." She mumbled but I heard. "What? Is it bad? I don't have anything in my fridge." Ashleigh shook her head in disbelief. "Whatever. Okay, I already arranged your schedule the whole off tour is yours and then I booked a trip to Germany. We're all having a break." I look at her intently. Ashleigh's been my manager for almost 10 years and I couldn't be who am I right now if she didn't let me stay in their home. "Thanks Ash. You're the best." I hug her she hugs me back. "Colson, you're creeping me out. Are you dying?" I laughed. As in laugh hard. "No....oh my god. I'm just sober." Ashleigh smiled in relief. "This is me saying thank you for staying." A tear dropped fron the corner of her eye, she wiped it off and slaps my arm. "Stop it. Of course I know how fucked up you are and you can be. We're family here." I hug her again and we begin to put the items in place.
--------- "Ash. It's okay, I'll do it." Ash is everywhere with her phone calling everyone to cancel my appearance in redfest.
"Dude. You can't even get up. It's your health that matters." Slim scolded me. All of the EST family are here.
"I feel better now. We didn't travel overseas just to cancel." I force myself to get up. When I can manage they all nodded. Ash is on her phone again.
"Dude. Are you sure?" Rook taps my shoulder. "God damn it, it's just sore throat and fever." But it's not just sore throat and fever. It's my body reacting without drugs. I am tempted to take some line of coke but I remember I'm clean for 3 days. "Rest dude. We still have 3 hours, don't worry about everything we got it." Slim patted my back. "Thanks." I slept the whole afternoon and Nicole my PA woke me up when its. "Na ah. Chill, don't get up yet. There's plenty of time." Nicole is a very efficient assistant of mine, she's the longest assistant I had so far plus we don't have that sexual tension unlike my past assistants. She's nice and chill so we don't have a problem getting along, she's more like a sister to me.  "I'm fine, I feel better now."  She just shook her head. "Ashleigh strictly told me to take care of you while they take care of everything. So chill." She left the room and comes back later with a tray. "And you need to eat stubborn ass or you won't have energy for later." The tray contains a mac n' cheese, fajita and a soup.  "I'll eat, now go away."  She didn't budge and stayed on her place. Whatever, I let her be and I feasted on my food. The food tastes bland, maybe because I'm sick but I force myself to eat. Nicole played mother hen and took care of me, she even gave me an energy drink.  "Drink this, instead of snorting some angel dust later." I uttered thanks and drink the drink. I feel better afterwards but I'm still sick and I think I'm going to puke. "Okay time for your make over." I got up from bed and went to backstage to change, the show is starting at 8 so I make it all quick. Everyone's busy in the backstage since it's not just me but Noah, Thugger and the others are also here too. "Kells! You okay now?" Noah went to me and greeted me with our handshake. "I feel like shit but I'm good."
The show started and Thugger hyped the crowd, thank god he's here and the crew or I'll be damned. Noah appeared also after Thugger and then it's my turn.
The show was hard and I almost forgot I'm not feeling well. I ran backstage after the encore, hyperventilating and nauseous, Rook ran after me and help me through the way. One of the crew placed an oxygen mask while I'm half running to the comfort room. I relaxed my breathing before removing the mask and puke my guts out.
"That's nasty." Rook commented but I just flip him off. I puke all the contents I ate in dinner and everything is yellow. Drei massaged my back while I puke and I couldn't thank him enough for that.  "God damn you Colson and your stubborn ass." I really wanted to lay on my bed. I feel  sicker every minute.   "Kells. I got you." Didn't knew Noah followed us here. She has towel already and some wipes. She helped me clean my self and wrapped the towel around me. I'm half naked by the way. "Where the fuck is Nicole, you aren't supposed to be here." Noah just rolled her eyes. "Shut it. Just be glad a lot of people cares for you." Everyone went to an after party that night while me I chose to stay in my bed and sleep.
"Colson! Thank god you answered!" Halsey called the next morning. I feel better now. "What? Are you scolding me too?" I can imagine her rolling her eyes. "Of course! You should take care of your self! And I know you're stubborn and won't listen so I won't make anymore fuss about it. Anyways I'm in Australia with Evan. And guess what???? We're official!" I giggled at her enthusiasm, it's good to hear and see that she's happy with him. "Oh really? That's good to hear. We'll see each other when we're in LA. I'm happy for you Ash. Really." My past with Ashley/ Halsey was rough at the start, we're good now though and that's how look for each other telling about our days. "Okay when are you coming back?" We're on our flight to LA now. "Well we've check in already. I'll text you when I'm at the states." Our flight's being called and everyone settled already. "Okay cool. Bye." The flight from Dubai to LA took 16 hours and I realized I hated flights.
We arrived at LA at 12 noon the next day, everyone was exhausted and went to their own places. I was left alone in my house. I just lay there on my couch thinking of what happened these past few days when my doorbell rang. For sure it's just Slim or Rook forgetting something. They have their own keys so I don't know why they use the doorbell. "I swear to god Rook if you're just going to ann--" I opened the door but no one is outside. I shrugged it off, maybe someone from the neighborhood just messing around. I'm about to close the door when someone popped out from nowhere. "Hi....hi oh my god wait." A girl maybe around 9 or 10? I dunno she's tall for 9 or 10, maybe 11? "Hello. Uh sorry can't entertain fans right now. I'm not in the mood. Does your parents know you're here?" Tsk young fans can be agressive sometimes. This is not the first time.
"Uhm no. Actually one of my parent lives here. " I look around if her parent's house is just around. "Uh from what block?"  I asked again. The kid might be selling girls' scout cookies. "Right in this house. Hi dad." She lunged me with a hug. "I'm Casie by the way I'm your daughter." She said happily. I pulled her away from me. "Hey dude. I don't know who your parents are but I'm sure it's not me. " I laughed awkwardly. This kid is crazy, no one pops out of nowhere proclaiming they're my child. Man I should get used to this. The kid pull something out from her bag. An envelope.
"What's this?" I asked when she hand it to me.  "That's the proof that I am your kid." She shrug as if it's not a big deal. I open the paper and read all it's content searching for any discrepancy to prove she is not my kid. But there's nothing, it was stated in the document that I am the father. How the hell could this happened?  "Is this a prank? Am I in some tv show or what?" I asked and scanned the area if there's any camera hidden. You gotta be serious, this ain't funny.  "Do I look like I'm kidding? Okay, my mom is Emma she's from Cleveland and you two met at a Blink 182 song concert. Then poof! You had me."
Emma?? Wait what the fuck? Emma? As in Emma Cannon? "Shi----Shoot. Get inside kid." I let her in before someone sees or hear us. "Wait here and eat that." I offered her the pizza we brought home. I went to the kitchen to call Ashleigh. "Ashleigh! Oh my god I know we're all tired but what I will tell you will make your tiredness go away." I heard a baby's cry on the background, must be Ashton. "What is it kells? It's better be important." Ash sounds like she just woke up from a nap. "I have a kid. A daughter." Silence.  
"What the fuck is that a joke? You called just for that?" I can tell she's pissed off but I am not joking right now. "I am not joking Ash. A kid showed up with documents, plus she's claiming Emma to be her mother." I heard her sigh. "Are you sure it's not some fan? Or a prank? Are the documents legal?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm stupid but I'm not dumb. So get your ass here and tell the others." I hang up before she can answer. I went back to the living room and the kid is still sitting there. "How did you got here?" I asked.  
"Does your mother know you're here? And how old are you?" I met Emma 11 years ago so this kid must be around 10. "I'm 10, my school is just around here in LA, I'm in a boarding school by the way." She didn't answer my question but that explains why she's in LA. Why the hell Emma let her in a boarding school? She's just 10. "Mum visits me weekly, so no worries." Damn now I have a kid.
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spideymybucky · 6 years
I’m not sure if your still taking requests or not, but I’m going to go ahead. Tom Holland x engaged!reader. Tom has just left to film FFH so it was just Tessa and you. Tessa started to get a little more protective but the reader just thought it was because Tom left. She never leaves your side. You find out your pregnant and it’s like all cute. You tell Tom, then after like so many months you tell all the guys. Harrison, Chris3, Robert. Even the parents. Maybe they have like twins or triplets????
1. Finding out
I’m gonna divide this into 3 parts, ok? Cause it’s long. Here’s the first one and I hope Y’all Like it. (1/3)
Having an actor as a boyfriend was hard. Most of the time, Tom would be gone to some part of the world. It didn’t bother you being separated at times, you had gotten used to it. When Tom was gone you would, spend time with Tess and his family, go out with friends, and continue with your every day routine.
But when Far From Home came along, it felt a bit harder to leave him. Production had started here in London and now they were moving else where, meaning you had spent more time together than the last couple of years. To top it all off, it had been a rough couple of weeks; you had gone down with he flu, work had been exceptionally hard and it was your last semester in Uni.  
“It would be long, love.” He said looking at your paled-sick face. You nodded and laid back on your bed. Tom was worried about you, not entirely convinced that you had the flu. He would steal glances, scaring your body for any clue of your sickness. The only thing he got was the puffiness on your cheeks and the sensitivity of your boobs.
“Tom, could you stop staring? It’s getting annoying.” You mumbled out, not looking up from the phone.
“I’m just worried about you, (Y/n). It’s been two weeks and your still the same.” He said, closing his suitcase.
“Babe, it’s the flu. You get worse before you get better, promise.” Tom looked at you. He loved your (y/e/c) eyes, they were warm and welcoming. He strolled onto the bed and pulled you closer.
“Promise you’ll go to the doctor if you don’t get better?” He whispered on your ear. You turned around, facing him and smiled.
“Promise, Tommy.” You whispered back. He smiled down at you and kissed your lips. Moments like these were both your favorites. The cuddles, silence and warmth that engulfed you were amazing, until his phone rang and he had to leave.
You followed him towards the door, Tessa right behind both of you. You hugged, teared up and kissed your goodbyes, promising to call each other every night. You closed the door, retrieving to the sofa and sat there with Tessa, watching whatever was on T.V.
Throughout the week, you flu like symptoms kept on going. You would wake up heaving and going straight to the bathroom, and that would continue until the evenings. You would start to feel better around dinner time which, for some weird reason, made you hungrier than ever. You would eat take out, pizza, etc. You were pretty sure that didn’t help with he vomiting in the morning.
Tessa, around the end of the week, started acting strange. She started on Wednesday, following you around everywhere. If you went to the bathroom and left her out, she would freak out. You assumed it was because of Tom and the fact that he was gone, but by Friday it had gotten on your nerves. If you were out with her and someone would come closer, she would go into overdrive. It was to much to handle, so you called Nikki.
“Hey love, hadn’t heard from you in a while.” Her cheerful voice resonated.
“Hey, Nikki.”You managed to talk with a husky voice.
“You ok, love?” Her concern was immediately, you were practically part of the family already. Tom and you had been together for 3 years, and most of the time you’d spend it with his family.
“Yeah, I’ve just come down with something and tomorrow I have an appointment. Don’t worry about it Nikki.”
“I can come with you, (Y/n). I’ll meet you there tomorrow morning.” You stood up from the couch, and went to lay on the bed. Tessa, to much of your annoyance, followed you.
“Don’t worry about it. I just need you to babysit Tessa for me, she’s been acting up since Tom left and I know seeing you guys will calm her.” Tessa’s ears perked up, listening to what you were saying.
“I’ll tell the boys to go pick her up and we’re going to the doctor. AND, I’m NOT taking NO for an answer.” You laughed and agreed.  
The next day came faster then expected. As if on time, you woke up running to the bathroom and emptying everything on your stomach. Tessa sat next to you, watching you suffer from a recurring wave os nausea. You stood up and brushed your teeth, took a bath and changed into Tom’s favorite sweater and a pair of leggings. At 9 am, Nikki had arrived with the boys. Sam and Harry grabbed Tessa, and took her out to the near by park. You smiled at them gratefully and looked at her, as she called herself,  your mother-in-law.
“God, love, you look horrible. You sure you don’t have a fever? Have you eaten something?” Nikki rapidly asked you.
“No, no I haven’t eaten. I just can’t keep anything down, but when night rolls in I just feel ten times better and hell breaks loose cause I’m starving.”  You responded while entering the lift.
“Maybe it’s the stomachful or you’re just dehydrated.” She answered quizzically.
“Maybe.” You mumbled out.
The ride to the hospital was smooth. You would get nauseas here and there, but nothing extreme. Nikki helped you out and into your appointment.
“Hello, Mrs. (y/l/n) What brings you here today?” Doctor Bennett, asked.
“I’ve just been sick all week, for the last three weeks. It’ll start in the morning with nausea and as they day goes it’ll move to exhaustion and by the end of they day it’s all gone, but it keeps repeating itself.” She looked at you and nodded.
“When was your last period?” You looked at her confused and realized you hadn’t gotten it. It blew over your mind with the way you were feeling and Tom leaving. You took out your phone and pressed the period app, stating you were 15 days late.
“Last month…” you mumbled out.
“We’re gonna get to the bottom of this, sometimes when your dehydrated or your body has drastic change, your period changes, but just in case were are gonna need a pee sample.” She gave you a small pee cup, a picture of water and left. Nikki stood there and smiled.
“Thinking about it, these were the same symptoms I had with the twins.” She slowly said, grabbing your hand.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” You looked up at her in fear.
“Lets tackle this one step at a time, ok? First drink up and go to the bathroom” Her soothing voice calmed you. You nodded and drank the water, minutes later you went and peed. The nurse came and collected it, after talking a blood sample.
You had never thought of having kids. Ok, maybe a bit with Tom, you would dream about the big house, trying for a baby after the wedding, after he proposed and his career had stabilized. But right now, was it a good time? Were your ready for this? It was your last semester, you were starting a new job, you had a one bedroom flat and Tom was going to be gone for the rest of the year. He had press and the premiere of End Game, soon. How did this happen?
“Your urine and blood results are in Mrs. (Y/l/n), congratulations you’re pregnant.” Dr. Bennett smiled. Nikki grabbed your hand and started stroking your back.
“Wow…” was the only thing you were capable of mumbling out.
“Well, transfer these results to your OB/GYN, which I believe is Mr. Fletcher, right?” You nodded and just sat there. The vomiting, craving, and exhaustion made sense now and how Tessa was acting, too. She knew before any of you did. But, how the hell were you going to tell Tom.
“… Ok, I don’t now exactly how far along you are. I suspect maybe 3 to 4 weeks, but you’ll have to get an appointment with your OB/GYN and also an ultrasound.” You nodded and nodded. Nothing coming out of your mouth. Nikki smiled, and thanked the doctor before lightly dragging you out and into the car.
“Hey, honey, it’s ok. Everything’s ok, this is amazing news.” She repeated over and over.  You looked at her teary eyed.
“Oh god, I’m gonna have to tell Tom. I-We might be having a baby.” You smiled out.
“I’m going to be a grandma.” Nikki laughed,
“I’m going to be a mom” You mumbled out, touching your flat stomach.
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Poetic Tragedy (Chapter 8)
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(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Slip-ups and shamelessness
Two more chapters after this guys, almost at the endddddd.
When Madeleine woke the next day, the first thing she registered was the pain in the side of her face. She raised her hand and touched it gingerly with a wince. She would have a wicked bruise there. She remembered the night before and she felt bad she had to push Murphy like that and hurt Connor, but she needed the rest. She still had a fever and she felt like shit, but she was grateful that some time had passed, it was a step closer to detoxing completely. She got out of bed and noticed a note on the table.
Gone to work.
We need a serious fucking talk later.
She wasn’t sure which boy wrote the note, but both of them had a reason to be pissed at her. She just hoped they understood she wasn't really in her right mind. She sat at the table, noticing a new pack of smokes there with a disposable lighter, she wondered if they were meant for her, she took them anyway. She sat there smoking for a bit, willing the nicotine to ease her shot nerves. She didn't feel like eating, she hadn't been sick but she still felt nauseous and she didn't want to push her luck. By noon, she was out of her mind again and the insanity was slowly seeping back in. She tried the door, but of course it was locked, she tried to jimmy it, but it was no use. In the end, she flopped onto the bed with her bag. She was still in her panties and tank top and even that was making her feel too hot. She rummaged around in her bag and pulled the bottle of vodka out.
She glared at it for a moment, there was a part of her, a tiny voice in the back of her mind screaming at her to get rid of it, that she would just end up back at square one, but the rest of her, well the rest of her really wanted a fucking drink. She unscrewed the cap and took a long pull, moaning at the relief she felt flooding her body. It was hard to remember why she was giving up the drink when it made her feel so much better. Her eyes caught the other thing in the bag and she swallowed thickly, closing her bag and tossing it away from her. No, that was something else, something she really shouldn’t get back into. She would just stick to the alcohol for now.
By the time the boys got home, she was off her face, the bottle of vodka empty and discarded on the floor as she lay on the bed, her tank top gone. She was lay in just her panties and smoking, looking far more relaxed than before.
“Jesus Christ Maddie!” Murphy exclaimed as they walked in, seeing her topless like she didn't have a care in the world. He looked away trying to let her keep her modesty and Connor frowned as he looked to his brother.
“Did ye get too hot or somethin’?” He asked warily as the boys took their coats and rosaries off, hanging them up.
“I guess.” She slurred, standing up with great difficulty. They looked at her then, trying to keep their eyes on her face. She was drunk, that much was clear. She stumbled over to them and gave them a wide grin.
“Miss me?” She purred, batting her lashes at them all coy like.
Despite their better judgment with the current circumstance, the boys' bodies reacted to her. She was a pretty girl, even if she was a mess. Her hair was in a messy bun that gave her a just fucked look that just seemed so appealing on her, and even when she was piss drunk, there was something alluring about her. A kind of raw tortured beauty. Connor scooped up her shirt from her floor and held it out to her, making her scrunch her face up at it. She took it and tossed it across the room. She stepped into Connor’s personal space, smoothing her hands up his chest and he had to fight to keep his hands by his sides, his instinct response was to grab her hips and he really didn't need to do that right now.
“I missed you.” She pouted, blinking up at him through her long lashes. He glanced over to his twin almost pleadingly and he noticed Murphy's eyes darken, watching the pair together. If he didn't know any better he would have said his brother was jealous. She looked to the darker haired boy then, grabbing his hand and yanking him closer to her and Connor. He went willingly, their eyes locking for a moment and she smirked at him.
“I missed you too Murph.” She smiled sweetly, making him swallow thickly. He was trying to fixate his eyes on the bruise he had given her, because when he did that he felt bad, and guilt was much better than feeling turned on right in that moment.
She looked back to Connor then and a small frown took over her face.
“I’m sorry I hit you in the nuts.” She sighed and he gasped when the hand not holding Murphys was suddenly palming him through his jeans.
“Fuckin’ hell.” He bit out, peeling her hand away from him, no matter how good it felt.
“Yer drunk Madeleine.” He said, glaring at her, trying to remember the issue here and ignore his dick that was now wide awake. She laughed and the sound was light and airy as she moved away from both boys. Their eyes momentarily went to her bare chest before they looked back to her face.
“I am and I feel fucking wonderful.” She grinned, biting down on her lower lip as she looked at them almost dreamily. The twins looked to each other and Connor shook his head, grabbing one of their shirts off the floor as he walked over. He yanked it over her head and she pouted at him as he moved her arms into the sleeve holes.
“You’re no fun.” She huffed, watching as he went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water.
She sauntered over to Murphy and he stood dead still watching her, his breathing becoming harder. She slid her hands inside his shirt, her fingers stroking the skin just above his pants teasingly as she leant in near his ear.
“Come on Murph, we could have some fun.” She purred, making him groan softly. She smirked, tugging on his earlobe with her teeth and her fingers slipped into the waistband of his jeans. She palmed his cock and he moaned, a hand coming to cradle the back of her head, resting his forehead on hers. His breathing was erratic now and he wanted nothing more than for her to continue what she was doing, no matter how drunk she might have been.
“Murph.” He heard his brother warn from near the sink, and it lifted the lust filled cloud that had settled over him. He moved her hand and took a step back from her, his cheeks flushed as he tried to catch his breath. He couldn't even look her in the eye, he felt so ashamed of himself, the boys had no idea of her actions were from the alcohol alone or not and they weren't in the business of taking advantage of girls. He spied the empty vodka bottle then on the floor and went over, picking it up and showing it to his brother.
“Where the fuck did ye get it from Maddie?” Murphy asked with a frown, he was disappointed with her.
“It was in my bag.” She shrugged, swaying a little on her feet.
“And ye didn’t fuckin’ tell us?” Connor asked harshly as he thrust the glass of water into her hand, watching as she took a sip.
“Well no. Hello? Addict!” She laughed, taking a long drink of the water before moving to set it on the table, she hopped up on it, sitting down. Her laughter died though when Connor grabbed her bag from the floor and she slipped off the table, almost falling over in the process.
Murphy wrapped an arm around her waist to stop her from going to his brother and he pulled her back to his chest.
“Don’t think so.” He commanded, making her watch on horrified. Connor pulled out another bottle, whiskey this time and he shook his head, setting it on the bed near where he was now sat with her bag.
“The fucks this?” He spat, giving her a harsh glare as he pulled out a small bag with what looked to the boys an awful lot like heroin. Her heart stopped at the look he gave her and she felt the arm around her tighten as Murphy tensed up. He spun her around, glowering down at her.
“Ye usin’ again?” He asked coldly, making her shake her head vehemently at him.
“No, I’m not Murphy, I mean it. I bought it when I was out there, just in case. But I couldn't bring myself to go back there.” She admitted, her eyes watering a little. The look he was giving her was so gut clenching and she felt sick. The disappointment, the shame.
“Swear te me right now that ye’ve not used.” He demanded firmly, looking into her eyes.
“I swear Murphy, I swear I’ve not used in years.” She said sincerely. He looked at her for a moment, assessing if he believed her but he saw nothing but truth in her eyes. He glanced to Connor with a nod, letting him know she was being truthful.
“Alright, good. But this shits goin’, we’re not havin’ it here.” Connor said as he stood up, walking over to the toilet. She looked on forlornly, leaning into Murphy a little as the lighter haired twin flushed it away. It was probably a good thing, having it with her had been a dark temptation looming over her, now it was gone, she felt almost lighter.
“Now the whiskey.” Connor sighed, it seemed almost blasphemous to have to tip it away but they couldn't have it here, she wasn't to be trusted clearly.
“No! You don't have to, I won't touch it, okay?” She pleaded, trying to go over to him as he took the bottle to the sink. Murphy grip on her tightened to stop her going over to him and she squirmed in his grasp.
“It needs te go Maddie, ye know as well as we do ye’ll end up drinkin’ it.” Murphy lamented behind her. It was hard hearing the desperation in her voice. It made the boys anger at what she had done fade, making them remember she was an addict, she was suffering with an addiction, it wasn't her fault. As Connor poured the liquid away, she lowered her head, feeling a weight settle in her chest.
“Ye did good, we’re proud o’ ye.” She heard Murphy from behind her as Connor walked back over. Murphy finally released her then and she moved away, still swaying on her feet.
“Yeah right. You’re disappointed in me. I’m drunk.” She huffed, moving over to the bed and laying on it so the world would stop tilting on her.
“Aye, but that’s on us. We shouldn't have left ye on yer own and we certainly should o’ checked yer bag. Yer right, ye are an addict, and we should have known te fuckin’ check.” Connor sighed, angry at himself. He felt like this whole thing could have been prevented, now she had to go through withdrawals from the start once more and he felt guilty.
“Are you guys gonna kick me out now?” She asked sadly, blinking over at them. They frowned as they looked at each other before to her.
“Nah, even if ye did proposition us.” Murphy grinned, making her groan and roll away from them, pulling the blanket over her head. The boys laughed at her, trying to make the situation more of a funny one than the serious one it actually was. They weren't too good with that shit. This was certainly a fucking hurdle, but they had all learned their lessons from it. They were back to square one but maybe this time, they would actually be able to see it through and get the girl back on track.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Patterns in the Ivy, Part 2 - Bill Skarsgård
Title: Patterns in the Ivy
Description: A continuation of Smoke & Money. Ghosts from the not-so-distant past come back to threaten her. She must choose between a lavish life of servitude or have everything she ever loved stripped away.
Warning: 18+ smut/swearing/mentions of drugs/kink & fetish themes
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
I could not sleep. I was afraid there were people parked in cars on my street watching me. I feared somebody would try to lure Ivany away from me. Fretting and pacing, I wondered if Bill could resort to kidnapping. After all, I did not know what was he truly capable of.
I knew that he had the means but it had been so long since I saw him that I honestly thought he had given up searching for me. As usual, I was wrong. I wondered how he had found out her name and what sort of things had he done to dig up information about me. Did he pay off my boss to get facts? Had he hired somebody to track me down? I could not be sure.
Riddled by the fear of eyes being on me, I stayed up all night and into the morning. A full twenty-four hours of being awake and overwrought with crippling panic made it hard for me to conceal myself. When I went downstairs to wake Kiki she was already up and confused by my presence.
"J? Holy shit what time is it?" She squinted at me from my place on the stairs. "Are you okay? You look kind of..."
"Shook? Yeah. You could say that."
"Oh my God," she popped off the couch. "Are you okay? Did something happen at the club?"
"Nothing violent. No... Everything is okay. I just... Somebody was there that I didn't want to see."
"It was... Bill."
"What!?" She heaved.
I raised my hands up. "Please don't worry though. It's all good."
"Are you sure?" She continued. "You want me to take Ivy for a while?"
Her offer warmed my heart and I offered in return the smallest smile I could muster to try to cover up the fact that I was about to have a nervous breakdown. I hid my shaking hands behind my back, suddenly becoming aware that I was still wearing my work uniform and Ivany was going to wake at any moment.
"No... You live right next door. By now he probably already knows where I live anyway."
"Ooohh, is that the guy you told me about who is really rich and had you followed and stuff?"
I had divulged some of my life's secrets to Kiki before in a drunken stupor. She and I had partied a little too much once and I accidentally drank enough to get talking about the ghosts of my past. She knew that I had been on the run from him since I landed on the East Coast.
"J... Seriously... Are you in trouble? I have a cousin who has ties with gangs and the mafia... I can get you protection!" She exclaimed.
"Oh my God Kiki, no. It's fine! Don't fucking contact the mafia." I laughed. "For all I know, Bill might be in the mafia."
"How did he find you?" She asked.
"I don't know. He's not very... forthcoming with his methods or intentions." I lied. "To be honest I don't actually know him that well. We hooked up a few times but he wasn't really one to talk about himself."
Kiki blew out some hot air. "Alright well, just let me know if you need anything."
I smiled at her again, starting to feel a little fraction of a percentage better. "Just... Keep your eye out for some nice cars parked around here. BMW's or Lincolns or something and don't answer any questions. I don't know if he's got a private investigator on me or what. It could be anything. He has a lot of money."
"J... this sounds really serious. Are you sure..."
I let out a heavy sigh, feeling the tightness in my throat coming back. "Kiki..."
"What is it?"
I could no longer hold back my tears. "He's Ivany's Father."
"Woah... You never told me anything like that."
"I know," I sobbed. "I didn't want anyone to find out. Now he wants her and I don't know what to do. He said he'll take me to court if I don't go back out West with him."
Kiki offered as much comfort as she possibly could but there wasn't much that could be said to calm me down. I assured her over and over that I would be fine and that she didn't have to worry, that I would figure something out because I always managed to. However, if I was being honest with myself, I knew not a way to wiggle out of the hole I had found myself in.
When I drove Ivany to school I talked to her about strangers. I explained to her that she was not to speak to anybody she didn't know besides her school teachers and adults that she knew. Gazing at her lovingly in the rearview mirror, I feared the worst. I was exhausted but I wouldn't let on to that until I watched her enter the school doors. I needed to sleep desperately.
Sitting in my car, I waited until all the school buses had come and gone and all the kids filed into the building. I had to be certain that she was safe. I didn't leave until I was sure that her class had started. Shifting my eyes around, I checked out the cars parked along the street. I couldn't rule out a thing when it came to Bill. Once I was convinced there was nobody else hanging about, I started my car and headed for home to see if I could get at least a couple hours of sleep.
Sleep did not come easy and when it did, it didn't last long. I tossed and turned on my couch, having fevered dreams of people kidnapping my daughter. I would wake up and go to the window to look outside just to check for suspicious cars then go back to laying on the couch. When I finally did manage to fall asleep completely I ended up sleeping too long and when I woke up I had to scramble to leave. Ivany was due out from school in ten minutes and it took me nearly twenty minutes to get there.
The universe must have had it out for me that day because I hit every red light on the way and got stuck behind people who couldn't decide whether to turn left or right. I kept glancing at the clock and clutching the wheel, speeding when I had the chance and cutting people off but no matter what maneuver I pulled, I seemed to get stuck behind a truck, a car, a light or someone crossing the street.
When I pulled up I was already late. Kids were piling out of the school heading towards buses or parents. I scanned the bus loading area but I couldn't see her. I whipped off my seat belt and got out of my car. I searched for her frantically amongst the hoards of children and parents.
"Mommy!" I heard her shout.
I zoned in on where I heard her voice come from and there she was; running towards me, backpack bouncing up and down behind her, a stuffed animal in her grip.
"Mommy look what I got." She held out a velveteen rabbit with floppy ears, ebony eyes, an embroidered pink nose and a blue suit on.
"Oh...Where did you get that honey?" I asked her.
"That man," she pointed. "Over there with Miss Bayer."
I looked up and saw him standing there beside Ivany's teacher. Miss Bayer waved and smiled at me and so did Bill, the fucking prick. I felt my anger rising inside me like a pot about to splash its scalding hot contents all over the place. If I wasn't in a public place surrounded by people I would have shrieked at the top of my lungs until I popped blood vessels.
I knelt down in front of her and whispered, "Ivany, what did Mommy just tell you about talking to strangers, huh? What did I say?"
"But mommy... He said he was your friend. He knows my name."
"Yes, but you don't know his."
"Yeah I do, it's Bill."
I swallowed and prepared myself for what was bound to be an excruciatingly awkward conversation with her teacher and Bill. "Stay right here. Don't move a muscle."
He was wearing a thin white shirt with a deep V neckline underneath a charcoal gray blazer with matching pants. His hair was styled back, pulled away from his face in subtle waves. His striking profile was difficult not to appreciate. His lips, his upturned nose, his big green eyes; all those features had stuck so clearly in my mind with the help of Ivany, a constant reminder of him. There was no escaping him. He knew it too. That devilish smile spread across his face as I approached. Without a doubt, he knew the pain I was in from trying to conceal my shock that he had shown up. It made him look all the eviler.
"Hello, Miss Bayer. How are you?"
"Good! I just wanted to make sure Ivany had her usual way home."
"Yeah," I chuckled nervously. "I am running a little late."
"I was just saying to Ivany's teacher that we were both going to convene here to pick her up for ice cream."
The lies coming forth from his mouth were enough to make me cringe but I didn't want to raise any red flags. The last thing I needed was a call to child protective services. The teachers had a reputation for sounding the alarm at even the most minuscule of things when it regarded the safety of the children in attendance at the school. Mrs. Bayer was the stout little ring-leader of the whistle-blowers too. She was so full of self-righteousness that it practically leaked out of her ears when she spoke. All it would take would be one phone call from Mother Goose if she thought I was putting Ivany in harm's way.
"Yep! Well, here we are. I guess we better get going." I said through clenched teeth and a fake smile.
"It was so nice to meet you," Miss Bayer gushed to Bill.
"Likewise." He replied.
I turned and quickly made my way back over to Ivany who had been waiting patiently with the stuffed rabbit under her arm. "Okay honey, let's get heading home now."
"But I thought we were going to get ice cream," she whined.
"No, not today-"
"Of course we are!" Bill interrupted.
"Yay!" Ivany cried out.
I threw daggers at him wordlessly. I could not believe the unbridled audacity. He smiled at me and then at Ivany who took her turn smiling at both of us.
"Fine, but we're taking my car," I said.
The awkwardness was heavy when all three of us got into the car, at least it was for me. Ivany seemed ecstatic and Bill hardly paid me any attention. He looked back at Ivany sitting in her booster seat and told her about where the rabbit came from. No doubt it was some insanely overpriced vintage doll he had picked up somewhere to tempt her with. She listened with ears perked at everything he was saying, absorbing his words and his charm as most any girl would. I watched her smile and nod her head to his story and I could not believe what I was seeing.
Witnessing them both together was the strange thing I had often thought of when I was alone or daydreaming. The inevitability of it all belittled me. To think I had banked on never encountering Bill again in my life. After months turned into years with no sign of him I had let my guard down and allowed him to find us. Now he was already winning Ivany over and I couldn't do anything but sit there and scream inwardly for it all to stop. But it wouldn't stop.
I drove to the closest ice cream parlor and followed the both of them in, eyes on the back of Bill's head. He was in constant conversation with Ivany and I felt almost betrayed that she had already taken such a liking to him. I suppose any good-looking man that came around with nice things and sweet words could worm his way into a heart or two but Bill... Bill had a parasitic charm that painted the rest of the world in black and white, leaving only him as the pinnacle of attention, impossible to ignore. I couldn't blame her for liking him immediately.
Bill, of course, bought ice cream for Ivany and we went outside to sit in the sun. Ivany chose to sit on the ground with her new rabbit to pretend like they were having a picnic. I sat at the corner of a picnic table that had been painted a dozen times over but still had initials and hearts carved into it like scars. He sat in front of me and stared at me when I refused to acknowledge him.
"J... You can't stop this from happening so why don't you embrace it?" He asked me.
I sighed, unable to put into words all of the things I wanted to say to him.
"Look at me." He demanded.
I looked at him for a moment and then looked away. "I don't know what to say to you."
"Say anything you want."
My nerves crackled every time he spoke. That voice that I had never forgotten was speaking to me again and I faltered. Ivany wasn't paying attention to our conversation but I leaned in and lowered my voice just in case. "You didn't need to make a spectacle at her school. What did you tell her teacher anyway?"
"I told her I'm a family friend and that we were meeting for ice cream," he admitted.
"I thought you were going to give me some time to think about everything."
Bill smiled. "I just... I wanted to meet her."
My solar plexus felt like it was caving in when he said that to me. I did not anticipate that I would feel anything but contempt for Bill after the way I left things between us but there I was feeling weak to him again. I had wanted to keep Ivany away from him so that she would never find out what kind of person I had been. Now I just felt selfish.
"Are you alright?" Bill asked me.
"Yeah." I barely whispered, feeling tears heating up behind my eyes again.
"Hey," he tried to get my attention. "look at me, J."
I looked at him sitting across from me and felt two heavy tears fall down from each corner of my eyes. He looked at me with sympathy for the first time ever.
"She's beautiful," his voice lowered.
I nodded. She was beautiful because she looked like him. It was a fact that had haunted me from the day she was born. Whenever I felt safe it only took a look from her eyes to remind me that Bill was out there. Now he was right in front of me and I was crying.
"I should really be getting home. I have work later," I sniffled.
"No, I want you to stay with me. Call in sick."
"I can't."
Bill narrowed his gaze on me. "Please."
I rolled my eyes in an attempt to stop my tears from rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away so Ivany wouldn't catch me crying. Shaking my head at the ground, I sighed and met his eyes again.
"Because I want to talk to you."
"You already made yourself very clear last night."
"No," Bill said. "I want to actually talk to you. I want to. Please. Let's just talk."
There was no refusing Bill. I relented quickly for the sheer curiosity of what else he had to say to me. We put Ivany back in the car with her sticky hands and her new rabbit and got in ourselves, Bill in the passenger seat and me behind the wheel. I drove in silence towards home. The closer we got the more I dreaded what was to come.
Compared to Bill's estate, our townhouse seemed like a crack in the wall. I feared he would be judging every single thing from the crumbling stone steps to my sticky lock that took a lot of wrestling to get open. Ivany held onto his hand the whole time as they waited for me to open the door. I stepped aside and allowed Bill to enter first with Ivany.
"Do you want to see my room?" She asked him.
"Yes, of course. You lead the way."
I shut the door behind us and watched as Bill looked around our meager living room. He didn't look like he was too disgusted but then again he was being pulled to the stairs by an enthusiastic four-year-old. I stayed in the living room and sat on the couch, still exhausted and so hungry it hurt. Our daughter's excited voice echoed throughout the entire house. It wasn't long until I heard footsteps coming back down the stairs.
He looked out of place to me. I assumed Bill had never set foot in a townhouse before. The entire structure could fit into his mansion half a dozen times. I had nothing fancy or vintage or elegant like he had. I was almost embarrassed to look at him. After having borne witness to our tenuous little home, he must have felt even more convinced that he was going to take Ivany away from it.
"What is she doing?" I asked him, trying to make conversation.
"She's tidying up her room."
"Oh," I replied.
Bill sat down on the couch next to me. My first thought was to move away but I was frozen in place. Even more so as he reached his hand out to tip my face up. I did all I could to keep myself from getting caught up in his stare. I knew what he could do to me with just one look.
"Tell me you missed me a little," he urged, voice smooth and low.
"Tell me," he whispered, bringing his face closer to mine. "Come on."
"There was nothing to miss."
I thought he was going to kiss me but he stopped inches away from my face. "Tell me... Tell me you missed Daddy."
I shivered and looked away from him. I did not want to admit that I felt a spark shooting up from my loins. I could not let him gain control over me. This man who's upscale jacket clashed painfully with the cheap microfiber sofa, who had paid me once to indulge his sexual fantasies, who had gotten me pregnant was using his hands to force me to stare at him just like he used to.
"Don't say that shit to me. Not while she's around." I berated him.
"She's upstairs. She can't hear a thing."
"I don't care. Not while she's here."
Bill sighed and dropped his hands from my face. "So you haven't told her I assume?"
"Haven't told her what?"
"About her Father."
"She's never asked," I admitted.
He blinked profusely like he had just swallowed something unpleasant. He stood up from the couch and paced over to the window, turned back to look at me for a moment and then continued to stare out at the street, shaking his head.
I nearly jumped when he whipped around, anger evident on his face.
"What did I ever do to you besides give you the fucking life you wanted, huh?"
"Bill, lower your voice... Ivany."
"I don't care! I want to know what the Hell is going on in that little fucking head of yours. Why? Why!?"
I shrunk into the back of the sofa, afraid of how he might escalate. After all, I hadn't seen him in years and one of our last encounters he had almost pulled a gun on me but instead of him reddening, his expression melted into one I had never seen before.
"I gave you what you wanted and you ran from me and had our child... And you haven't even told her about me?"
There was a moment of silence before I could think of the right thing to say. "I didn't want that life. I didn't want to be that person anymore. I had to run."
"So instead you became a liar? Tell me that little girl hasn't asked you about why other kids at school have dads and she doesn't! Why are you constantly lying and hiding things? Don't you realize that your actions impact other fucking people around you? Or are you just so self-absorbed that you're incapable of feeling remorse?"
"You seem to forget that you stalked me to my place of work and threatened to take my child away from me. How dare you accuse me of being self-absorbed!"
Before Bill raised his voice higher, he suddenly held his tongue, attention pulled to the other side of the room. I looked behind me and saw Ivany slowly edging down the stairs.
"Are you guys mad at each other?" She asked, voice small but not afraid.
Bill and I looked at each other, our glares softening as our daughter came down the stairs with her new velveteen rabbit tucked safely underneath her arm. "No Ivany. Everything is fine. Come here." Bill said, motioning for her to come down.
Ivany hopped up onto the couch beside me and held out her new toy. I smiled, successfully masking all of the emotions running rampant inside me. With her presence, our conversation was cut short and I was relieved because I didn't have the energy to continue arguing with Bill. The last thing I wanted was for Ivany to overhear something that might confuse her.
Once the tension mostly dissipated, Ivany suggested we eat pizza for dinner. A good portion of the time I obliged her every suggestion. If Ivany wanted pizza for dinner, we had pizza, if she wanted to watch Frozen for the eightieth time, we watched it and sang every word together. When she felt like drawing or colouring I would get down on the floor with her and hand her each coloured pencil she asked for. Ivany was the little dictator that decided nearly everything besides the appropriate time to go to bed. Now that Bill was there, I felt a strange conflict. I wasn't sure if I should indulge Ivany's whims or if I should have looked to Bill to see what he wanted. He didn't seem like he had plans to leave any time soon.
"I think that's a great idea," Bill said, causing Ivany to smile profusely.
I narrowed my sight on Bill for but a moment. Was he already starting to work Ivany over to him, priming her to choose him over me? It was hard to be sure of his motives. It was hard to be sure of anything. On one hand, I believed what he had threatened at the club, that he would win Ivany over with toys and other such Fatherly affections, in turn driving a wedge between me and her. On the other, I could see a real sparkle come to his eyes when he looked at her. It was a mixture of amazement and pride and I could see how much Ivany absorbed it. The way he looked at her was genuine, there was no mistaking that.
Tell me you missed Daddy.
I squirmed a little when I thought of him grasping my face, forcing me to come close to him, close enough to feel his soft breath on my cheeks. Close enough to help me remember the filthy things he had done to me all those years ago.
I want you to come back home with me.
I pondered in silence. Could we become a little family? Was I acting on selfish impulse to hide Ivany from him or was I doing right to protect her? Now everything I had done up to that point was in question. Who was I to take a little girl from her Father? Who was I to deny her to him? Was protecting myself robbing her of a better life? All these questions beat me down mercilessly and all I could do for the moment was curl up in a ball and hope that they would leave me alive.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #34.
It was a warm summer’s day in the middle of July 2012, and one of the happiest times of Tessa Carstairs life. Three months ago, she had given birth to her and Jem’s first child, a beautiful little girl who they named Sophie Charlotte, after one of their dearest and closest friends and the woman who had been like a mother to them. Jem was besotted with their daughter, he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone before, and would do anything to keep her safe and happy. Being a father was a joy for him, he didn’t mind the nappy changes, the sleepless nights, the spit-up stains on his clothes, non of it, he was just so happy to have a baby, granted he was absolutely exhausted but he didn’t mind, whenever he felt himself growing frustrated with his lack of sleep or lack of clean clothes, all he had to do was look at his daughter and instantly the frustration fell away and was replaced with love and joy.
About half an hour ago, Tessa had left Jem and Sophie in the music room, while she went upstairs to sort out and put away her maternity clothes and clothes that Sophie had grown out of, for the next time, for there would be a next time, she and Jem had already discussed it and agreed that they wanted more children, for now of course they were perfectly happy with just Sophie, but in a few years time it would be lovely to give her a little brother or sister. 
Now, she has finished sorting through hers and Sophie’s clothes that they did not need anymore, and was going to find her husband and daughter, deciding to first check the music room, where she had left them. 
As she approaches the door to the music room, Tessa hears faint music coming through the door, classical music, one of Jem’s favorite albums that he always had on in the background. 
Quietly opening the door, Tessa is greeted by the sight of her husband waltzing around the music room, with Sophie in the circle of his arms, humming along to the music, while Sophie smiled her wide, toothless smile at her father and let out a few giggles of delight. It was on the most beautiful things Tessa had ever seen, something she had dreamed of for so long. 
As she stands watching her husband and daughter, Tessa feels a vibrating in her pocket, her phone ringing. She pulls it out and sees Catarina’s number displayed on the screen. Turning and making her way back into the hall, Tessa swipes across the screen to answer the phone. 
“Hi Cat, haven’t heard from you in a while!” Tessa answers in a cheery tone. 
“Yeah sorry about that, work has been really busy lately, how’s the little one?” Catarina asks. Tessa smiles broadly at the mention of her daughter. 
“Perfect as always.” She replies, glancing over her shoulder into the music room, where Jem was now bouncing Sophie in his arms. 
“Listen, I have today off and I was just talking to Ragnor and he wants to meet the little one, would it be alright if we called around in say an hour?” Catarina asks. Both Catarina and Magnus had met Sophie shortly after she was born, but at the time of her birth, Ragnor had been quiet busy and wasn’t in the country and had only returned a few days ago, so he had not yet had the chance to meet Sophie. 
“That would be lovely!” Tessa says in an enthusiastic tone. When James and Lucie were growing up, Tessa had not been so close with Ragnor and Catarina, or even Magnus,( though they were still friends, they grew close when she and Magnus lived together in Paris) so her children did not really know them, now she wanted Sophie to grow up with her mother’s friends in her life, people who love her and care about her. Like her siblings, Sophie was part Warlock part Shadowhunter, Tessa and Jem agreed that she should grow up surrounded by everyone who loved her, from her Uncle Magnus and Uncle Alec to her cousins Mark and Helen in LA. Their daughter would grow up within the new Clave, the better, stronger one, with a kind, caring, responsible Consul, who hated no one simply for who they were and would not try and make Sophie feel odd or different for having powers, Alec would tell her to cherish her powers, to embrace her heritage, he would never let her be expelled from school because of who she is, or anything her siblings had to go through, Sophie would have a much easier life.
“Great, see you then!” Catarina says, before ending the call. 
Just as Tessa is about to slip her phone back into her pocket, her phone starts buzzing again, and this time Magnus’ number flashes up on screen. 
“Hello you!” Tessa answers enthusiastically. 
“My, you’re in a good mood.” Magnus lightly says.
“How could I not be? I have my fabulous, wonderful husband, Kit is settling in here so well and I have a beautiful new baby, what’s not to be in a good mood about?” Tessa says in a joyful tone. 
“Good point, dear. So Tessa, darling, Alec has taken the boys to The Institute for the evening so I can get some work done but I simply cannot concentrate right now, I’ve given up for the time being, but I thought I might as well take advantage of my rare free time and come visit you and the little one? Would that be alright?” Magnus asks. He could easily go meet Alec and their boys at The Institute but he so rarely got time to himself to go see his friends, and he simply couldn’t stop thinking about sweet little Sophie Carstairs, she was giving him serious baby fever and he simple had to see her or he was afraid he would adopt every child in need of a family, everywhere. 
“Of course, that sounds lovely, Catarina and Ragnor are coming around in about an hour so maybe you could come then, if that suits you?” Tessa asks, delighted at the idea of being with all her friends and her beautiful daughter. 
“Ah it will be just like old times, I always thought it would be fun to add a baby to our little gang!” Magnus says in a joking tone. 
Tessa laughs and says
“See you in about an hour, then?” 
“That you will!” Magnus replies. 
Once she has hung up, Tessa returns to the music room, where Jem has turned the music down and is now sitting at the piano with Sophie in his lap, letting her smash her little hands against the keyboard. 
“That sounds excellent Sophie! Uncle Will would be so proud, and daddy is very proud!” Jem exclaims, turning his daughter around so she is facing him, and blowing a raspberry on her cheek, causing her to giggle loudly. “Yes, yes I am! Daddy is so proud of his little musician!” Jem coos, peppering Sophie’s face with kisses. 
“Mummy is very proud too.” Tessa softly says, slipping onto the stool beside Jem and leaning against him. “We have a talented little girl on our hands, I saw you two waltzing earlier.” Tessa lightly adds, smiling up at Jem. 
“Honestly I thought if I sat still for one more moment I would fall asleep!” Jem says, smiling brightly at Tessa. 
“Magnus, Catarina and Ragnor are coming over soon to see Sophie, we should probably get her dressed.” Tessa lightly says, her eyes running over Sophie’s pink baby grow, which by now was destroyed with spit up.
“Yes I suppose you’re right, I know I should have gotten her dressed earlier but I was afraid she would just spit up all over her clean outfit and I’d have to change her again.” Jem says. 
“She probably still will, but there’s not much we can do about it.” Tessa says, taking Sophie’s little hand in hers. 
“True, I’ll go get her dressed, do you want to feed her after that?” Jem asks. At 3 months old Sophie was just settling into a routine, she slept pretty much through the night, waking once or twice for a feed, she woke around 7:00 a.m. and then had a nap around 10:00 a.m. until about 12:00 p.m. and another around 3:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. and then she was down for the night around 8:00 p.m. She was feeding every 5-6 hours and had no problems nursing, which Tessa was extremely thankful for. 
“Yeah, she is due a feed soon, if I feed her now before everyone comes over she’ll probably be in a good mood while they’re here, then I can feed her again when they leave.” Tessa says. 
*1 hour later*
As Tessa sits in bed, winding Sophie, with Jem beside her, she is pulled from her sleepy state by a knock on the front door. 
“I’ll get it, you finish winding her.” Jem softly says. 
“No, no don’t leave, I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep while I’m holding her, I can finish winding her downstairs.” Tessa says, wiping the sleep from her eyes. 
Ten minutes later, everyone is settled in the living room, Sophie is dressed, fed and winded and in a very good mood. Currently, Catarina was holding her, she was the first out of the three to hold her, since she was the most experienced. She was extremely sweet and gentle with Sophie and clearly adored her, and Sophie was fascinated by her bright white hair and blue skin, every time she looked at Catarina her eyes went wide.
“I can’t believe how much she looks like you Jem, it’s quiet unnerving!” Catarina says in amused tone, looking from Jem to Sophie. Little Sophie had thick black hair, big brown eyes, Jem’s bone structure, mouth shape and pallor, all she got from her mother was her eye shape and nose shape. Tessa was thrilled that Sophie looked so much like her father, and Jem was too, but he had also really wanted her to look like Tessa. 
“It’s so unbelievably fair, isn’t it? I literally grew her inside of me and she still comes out looking like her dad, when I did all the hard work!” Tessa jokingly says. 
“It’s typical, Ephraim looked much more like Tobais than he did Eva, and your James looked just like Will, didn’t he?” Catarina asks. 
“Yes he did, they could have been twins, Lucie looked a bit more like me, but she still mostly resembled Will.” Tessa lightly says, everyone had always said Lucie looked just like her mother, and though she did have more of her features than Jamie did, Tessa still saw more of Will in her, and she certainly saw a lot of Jack in Kit, and not so much Rosemary. 
“Well lets hope she doesn’t grow up to be as influential as her older brother.” Ragnor says in an amused tone, remembering the outrageous things he had been able to coerce James Herondale into doing, particularly the time he bet him he couldn’t shoot out the lights in a gambling hall, that was a fun night. 
At the mention of this, Jem’s eyes grow wide with concern.
“Ragnor, please don’t rope my daughter into outrageous behavior when she’s older.” He says. Ragnor laughs and says
“Relax James, I would never! I promise to be nothing but a caring, loving and responsible guide to little Sophie!” Ragnor declares. Magnus snorts and says
“You are the least responsible person in the world Ragnor, last time you babysat for Alec and I you let Max and Rafe watch The Haunting Of Connecticut, even 13 year old Drusilla Blackthorn knows better than to show kids horror movies!”
“Oh Ragnor you didn’t!” Tessa says in a tone of shock. 
“I only let them watch the first half hour! It wasn’t even that scary! And I am responsible, I stopped Tiberius Blackthorn from committing Necromancy.” Ragnor says in a defensive tone. 
“No you didn’t, you tried to but in the end it was just pure luck that it didn’t actually work, and Ty still has to deal with the consequences.” Magnus says. 
“Have their been any signs of Sophie’s powers yet?” Catarina asks, changing the subject to something less bleak. 
“Nothing yet, but Jamie and Lucie’s powers didn’t surface until they were teenagers, so we’re expecting the same with Sophie.” Tessa says. 
“How did the birth go? Was the pain as awful as you remember?” Catarina asks. Tessa represses a shudder at the memory of her daughter’s birth, which had been a terrifying experience.
“It was terrifying, very sudden and very painful.” Tessa quietly says. 
“Why? What happened?” Catarina curiously asks. 
“Well....” Tessa begins to tell the story of how her daughter came into the word. 
*London, April 2012*
It was a warm, spring day in the middle of April 2012 and Tessa and Jem were standing on The Black Friars Bridge, looking out onto the Thames, remembering when they use to meet here every year for one brief hour.
Tessa was currently 9 months pregnant and due in just a few short weeks, that day she and Jem had decided to take a day trip to London, spend some one on one time together before the baby arrived. They had invited Kit, but he declined and chose to stay at home. Tessa and Jem were awfully worried about him, he was barely eating, seemed to be up all hours of the night, nothing seemed to interest him and he pretty much slept all day. Tessa had suffered badly from depression after James was born, and recognized all the symptoms she had, in Kit. They would have to speak to him soon.
As Tessa and Jem stand looking out at The Thames, they suddenly hear fast approaching foot steps. Tessa turns to see the source of the noise, and sees a young mundane boy, pounding down the bridge at full speed, seemingly taking no notice of his surroundings. Tessa takes a step toward him to ask him if he is alright, when he smacks into her, full force, causing her to lose her balance and topple to the hard concrete, hard, landing on her back.
“Tessa! Oh my god, are you okay, is the baby okay?” Jem asks in a panicked tone, kneeling beside her and helping her to sit up. Before she can answer him, Tessa is hit with a strong, sharp pain in her stomach, causing her to groan and clutch at her stomach. “Oh god, we need to get you to The Institute, I don’t think mundane doctors can help us.” Jem says in a tone full of concern. He and Tessa were no longer part of the Clave, but at the same time they could not ask for mundane medical help right now, if the baby was born now and was born with a distinctive feature like golden eyes, they wouldn’t be able to hide it from the mundanes. 
As Jem helps Tessa to her feet, she notices her underwear feel damp. Pushing her coat aside, Tessa presses her hand to the inside of her thigh, her breath hitching in her throat when it comes back stained scarlet. 
“Oh my god! Did you cut your hand when you fell? Oh god you’re loosing so much blood!” Jem asks in a tone of pure panic. 
“N-no, I didn’t cut my hand, I’m bleeding, down there.” Tessa says in a fearful tone. Just as Jem is about to hail a cab, there is a sudden gush of water from between Tessa’s legs. The baby was coming.
20 minutes later. Tessa and Jem are in the London Institute infirmary, Tessa has changed from her wet, bloodstained dress, into a hospital gown, and is trying to work through her contractions. When they arrived, Jem had contacted The Silent Brothers and begged them to come help. Brother Enoch assured him he would come check on Tessa and the baby, and would be there very soon. 
As Tessa grits her teeth through another contraction, The Infirmary door squeaks open and Brother Enoch silently steps in and makes his way over to Jem and Tessa. 
“Brother Enoch! Thank you so much for coming, I’m so worried about Tessa and the baby, some idiot mundane knocked into her and knocked her over and she started having contractions and bleeding and then her water broke!” Jem hurriedly exclaims. 
Worrying will do no good to your wife or child, James, calm yourself. Tessa, lie back and I can examine you and the child. Brother Enoch tells them. 
Tessa does as instructed, flinching as Brother Enoch’s cold hands come into contact with her bare stomach. It had never been like this with Jem, when he was Brother Zachariah, and he had looked after her during her pregnancies with Jamie and Lucie, she did not mind his touch, it did not feel inhumane like Brother Enoch’s did. 
For the most part everything is well, but the child is in distress, they are not in any immediate danger but it is best they are born as fast as possible, Tessa, I can give you a herbal concoction that will speed up your labor so that your child may be born much faster than if you labored naturally. Is that alright with you? Brother Enoch asks. Tessa didn’t care what he gave her, as long as it meant her baby would be okay.
“Do what you have to, I just want my baby out safely.” Tessa weakly says.
Once Tessa has taken the herbal concoction, within minutes, her contractions become closer together and much more intense. After only an hour of labor, she feels the urge to push. 
I can see the baby’s head, push as hard you can, Tessa. Brother Enoch tells her. She was quickly running out of energy, but she knew she had to find the strength to bring her daughter into the world. 
Tessa takes a deep breath, clutches Jem’s hand, and pushes as hard as she can, groaning in pain as she feels the baby’s head pass through. She was sure things hadn’t been this painful with Jamie or Lucie, but then again they weren’t in distress and her labors with them had not come on due to injury, like this one had.
Your baby’s head is out, just a few more pushes. Brother Enoch says. Jem glances toward the bottom of the bed, and even though he had delivered hundreds of babies himself, he still found himself disgusted by what he saw, it was different now it was Tessa and his own child. 
5 minutes later, Tessa feels a weight lift from her, and waits to hear her baby cry. Almost an entire minute passes, and the baby does not cry. Tessa’s heart contracts in fear, she couldn’t loose her baby, she couldn’t. 
“Oh god no.” Jem quietly says, silently praying to The Angel to let his daughter live. Just as he and Tessa are about to give up hope, a loud, sharp wail pierces the air and they both relax. 
“is she okay?” Tessa asks Brother Enoch. 
She is fine, she simply needed some help clearing her lungs, though she seems to be struggling to hold onto her body heat, place her inside your gown, skin to skin will help her immensely, as I am sure you both know. Brother Enoch says, passing the baby to Tessa.
As Tessa cradles her baby to her chest, she feels her adrenaline wear off and feels more grateful than she ever has in her life, for her beautiful and perfect daughter.
Devon, July 2012.
“Oh god that must have been so awful for you.” Catarina says in a sympathetic tone, after hearing Tessa’s birth story. 
“It was one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever been through.” Tessa quietly says.
“Did you ever find that idiotic mundane who knocked into you, Tess?” Magnus asks. He knew if he ever got his hands on the little shit, he would kill him for hurting his best friend and her baby. 
“No, neither of us got a proper look at him, I doubt he hit into me on purpose, I don’t care about him anymore, Sophie is here and she’s fine, I still have some pain and bruising but I don’t care, Sophie is healthy and that’s all that matters to me.” Tessa softly says.
“Goodness me Miss Carstairs, only 3 months old and already causing so much drama!” Magnus coos to Sophie, who he is now holding. She smiles widely up at him and lets out a little giggle. “I think that smile says that I am your favorite Uncle!” Magnus declares, smiling broadly at the baby in his arms. 
“What utter nonsense, come to Uncle Ragnor, Sophie, look what I can do!” Ragnor coos to the baby, producing a ball of magic in his hands and turning it over and over. Sophie’s eyes grow wide and she instantly reaches for Ragnor, who happily takes her, and sits her in his lap. She reaches up to touch the ball of magic, which Ragnor made sure would not hurt her in anyway, and giggles at the tickling sensation it gives her. 
“You like that little one, don’t you? You may be able to do this yourself one day, you’re not just any old boring Shadowhunter are you? No, you’re better than the others, in fact you are my favorite Shadowhunter!” Ragnor coos to her. Sophie smiles up at him in delight, as if she understands what he has just told her. 
“Oh wait till I tell Rafael!” Magnus jokingly says. 
“Alright so maybe I have two favorite Shadowhunters, but that’s it, isn’t it sweet Sophie? Just you and your cousin, the rest of The Nephilim are idiots, yes they are!” He coos. 
“If her first words are anything along the lines of ‘Shadowhunters are stupid’ I will not be pleased with you, Ragnor.” Tessa teasingly says. 
“Well they are, I am just trying to be responsible and teach my niece the truth!” Ragnor defensively says.
“You know half her family are Shadowhunters, including her father?” Tessa says. 
“Well of course James is not an idiot,  I am sure he agrees with me that most Shadowhunters are bafoons!” Ragnor exclaims. 
“Actually, yes, you’re right, most Shadowhunters are idiots, but those idiots are all in Alicante now and we have a new Clave and a new Consul who aren’t idiots, and my daughter will grow up surrounded by good people, Shadowhunters or not, but she will never think that Downworlders are lesser than her, she will grow up knowing the Cohort were and are ridiculous children throwing tantrums because they don’t get their own way, she will be better than them.” Jem firmly says.
Later that night, after Magnus, Ragnor and Catarina have left and Sophie has had her evening feed, Tessa sits down on the couch, with Sophie propped up against her legs, and produces a ball of magic for her daughter. 
“You may be able to do this one day my love, but that won’t make you any less of a Shadowhunter, if you want to be a Shadowhunter, your powers are yours and yours only, and you can do with them what you please, as long as you don’t hurt anyone else. Your powers don’t make you bad or evil, they make you unique and you, you will always be my sweet baby girl and I will not make the same mistakes with you that I made with your brother and sister.” Tessa quietly says. Sophie needed to grow up knowing about her potential powers, she needed to grow up surrounded by people like her, magic needed to be a part of her everyday life, turning a blind eye to her Warlock heritage and powers would do no good. Tessa had not known about her powers or how to use them and that had ended up almost costing her a happy life, if Sophie grew up in control of her powers and knowing about them, then she could defend herself and be safe, Tessa would do everything in her power to keep her daughter safe, she would not let her endure the same suffering and pain those before her had, she would grow up in a new era and she would be amazing. 
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writingkeepsmewhole · 6 years
I’m Staying
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This is part 9 of Bartender. It’s the finely part yall and I can’t wait for you to read it. I hope you are happy with the ending. Please let me know what ya thank :) Reader wakes up in the bunker. Now knowing the truth she has a big has a choice to make.
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None?
Taglist: @sleeplessmidnight @thequeenofhelllll @thewinchesterchronicles @just-me00000 @hopethemikaelsonheir @darkswanordie
Part 1  Part 8
I woke up being placed on a bed. I whimper when a pain shoots up my arm.
“Sorry.” Dean says I open my eyes seeing him sitting on the bed beside me.
“Where am I?” I ask looking around the room.
I must have been in some kind of basement there was no windows. The furniture in the room looked older. There was guns along with other strange things on the walls.
“My room.” Dean says pulling at his sleeve it making me look down at it.
“Your bleeding.” I say looking at he dark stain.
“I’m fine. A simple cut I’ll patch it up in a bit. How are you?”
“What happened?” I ask memories of what my mother did to me.
“My mother, what, why did she do that to me? I thought she was dead.”
“That wasn’t your mother. Her body was possessed by a demon.”
“She told me she was that she made a deal.”
“Well then she turned into a demon.”
“Demons are real now?”
“Everything is real.” Says a voice making me jump.
I turn to look at the door seeing a dark haired man standing there dressed in a trench coat. His blue eyes seemed to bore into me, like he was reading my soul.
“Y/n this is Cas. A friend of mine that forgets that humans need space.” Dean says glaring at him.
“Humans? Your not human?” I ask looking at him sitting up my stomach throbbing.
“I’m an angel.” He says flatly.
“This is to much.” I say trying to get out of bed.
I scream when it feels like I’m being cut all over again. A white hot pain shooting threw my body.
“Y/n!” Dean says gently grabbing me.
“You okay?”
“It hurts.” I moan out holding my chest my heart pounding.
“She’s going into shock.” I faintly hear as lights invade my vision.
When I wake up I’m in the same place telling me that everything that has happened wasn’t a dream. Dean was a hunter, my mom was a demon that he killed. On top of that they had an angel friend.
The room was empty but I was in new clothes and fine. Completely fine. I sit up it not hurting at all. Lifting my shirt there was only a faint scar as if what happened, happened a decade ago.
Climbing out of bed I check the rest of my body it all the same.
Did magic exist too?
I walk to the open door finding it attached to a large hallway. I started walking coming to what looked like a library except for the giant war map in the second room.
There was steps leading to a door I thought about taking until I heard clattering plates.  
I walked down another hallway hearing voices.
“She’s gonna be fine. Cas healed her.” says what I think to be Sam.
“That’s not what I meant. She didn’t get to ease into this she got kidnapped and almost used in a spell to summon God knows what.” Dean says the sound of someone banging a table making me jump.
“Hello.” Says a voice behind me.
I spin around to see the trench coat guy.
“Forgive me I did not mean to scare you.”
“How did you do to me?” I ask wrapping my arms around myself.
“I healed you. I told you I am an angel.” He says cocking his head to the side like a confused dog.
“What does that mean?”
“I think you should let Dean explain. He is worried about you.”
I nod following him down the hall into what is a large kitchen. Everything stainless steel.
“Your awake.” Dean says moving towards me.
I take a step back making him stop.
“Your scared of me.” He says clenching his jaw.
“No.” I say shaking my head.
“I just… It’s a little much to take in.”
“I understand.” He says nodding.
“I’ll give you some space.” He says walking past me making me feel hollow.
I hurt him.
“Are you hungry?” Sam asks making me look at him.
“We got pizza. Though Dean hasn’t eaten any.”
“He don’t when he’s worried.” I say walking down the one step and sitting at the table with Sam.
Cas somehow disparaging leaving us two alone.
“He told me about the time you almost died a few years back. He said he didn’t eat for a few days.” I say my arms still wrapped around me.
“You cold?”
I shake my head.
“I don’t want to fall apart.” I say honestly.
“You can if you want. We both have a few times.” He says smiling kindly.
“I don’t understand what’s happening to me. I feel like I’m going crazy.”
“Your not. You just saw things you don’t believe in. Your brain is trying to figure out what’s real.”
“What is real?”
“Most everything but we can start with the easy stuff.” He says getting up and picking up a journal on the counter.
“This was our dads. He wrote about everything he knew about everything. It might give you some answers and most likely a lot of questions I’ll be happy to answer.
I sit with Sam just reading over everything. Him explaining things. It honestly made me feel better knowing they knew how to kill everything in this book. It also explains why Dean was the way he was. The life they lived for so long. No wonder he was hurt. He’s lost so many people already.
I left Sam in the kitchen and found Dean in the weird Map room. Him sitting drinking. He looked angry but his cheeks were wet.
“Hey.” I say softly making his head snap in my direction.
“Hey.” He says pulling his feet from the chair and setting his drink down.
He quickly wipes his face as if we both don’t know he was crying.
Picking at my fingers I take a breath.
“I’m sorry.” I say not looking at him.
“Your sorry?”
“I should have let you explain… I was- I’m scared Dean.” I say looking up at him his blood shot eyes making mine water.
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“Who said I’m going anywhere?”
“What if you do is dangerous. If this is gonna work how am I meant to know your okay?” I ask swallowing the thump in my throat.
“If this is gonna work? You mean your not leaving?” He asks standing up and moving to stand in front of me.
The hope in his eyes making the tears roll down my cheeks.
“No I’m staying right here. If you’ll have me.” I say smiling.
Grinning he presses his mouth to mine making my heart skip. Wrapping his arms around him I kiss him back as he picks me up and swings me around.
I giggle him setting me down.
“I love you.” He says holding my face.
“I’m not ever leaving you alone again.”
“I promise.” He says kissing me again.
I leaned on the wall watching Dean wrestle his brother. Them pinning each other only to break free and try again.
I flinched when I hear a crack.
“Alright that’s enough.” I say clapping my hands walking to them in the bunkers gym.
“Let me see.” I say looking at Sam’s bleeding nose.
“Your a meant to be training not braking each other.” I say glaring at Dean him smirking.
“He’s getting sloppy.” He says smiling.
“Your being a bad influence.” I say glancing at the boys boxing in the corner.
John just turning 11 and Bobby soon to be 9.
“Boys.” Dean says making them look at him. “Don’t get clocked it hurts.” He says making me smack him Sam chuckling.
“Don’t listen to him he is joking.” I say putting my hand on my hip my back hurting.
I make a face Dean touching my arm.
“You okay Y/n?” He asks worried.
“Yes, fine she just likes japping her feet in my ribs.” I say holding my stomach it blocking the few of my feet.
Hearing a phone bus I pick up off the bench.
“Sam class starts in an hour.” I say handing him his phone.
“What’s my baby brother gonna teach today?” Dean asks wrapping his arm around me.
“Your sweaty.” I say him rubbing it on me.
“Today is the history of witches.”
“You should get Roweena to help.”
“Thought about it but changed my mind when she offered to teach them a spell.”
“Good idea.” I say.
“Mom! Kevin is getting in the way.” Bobby whines making me sigh.
I turn around to see my youngest son and all his 4 year old glory trying to climb John. Bobby trying to pull him off.
“Get off of him.” I say walking to try and detangel them.
“Your brother is not a tree.” I say them Kevin laughing.
“That’s enough. You boys go get ready for school.” Dean says using his dad voice. Which I find very attractive.
They quickly separate and run out the room declaring a race to the showers.
Sighing I rub my head.
“I gonna lose my mind.” I say feeling Dean wrap his arms around me his head resting on my shoulder.
“Just be happy Benny is still asleep.” He says talking about our freshly turned 2 year old.
“Oh thank Chuck for nap time.” I say laying my head back him kissing my neck.
“Maybe she’ll be the quiet one.” He says rubbing my stomach.
“Please take after uncle Sam.”
Smiling I move to face him wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
“Remind me again why we decided to have a big family?” I ask him playing with his hair at the nape of his neck.
“Because someone thinks I’m sexy and won’t leave me alone.” He says wiggling his eyebrows.
“More like someone gets baby fever after a few years.” I say making him blush slightly.
“What’s wrong with family?” He asks clearly embarrassed.
“Nothing. I love our family. I love you. All we need is a dog.”
“We’re not getting dog.” He says making a serious face making me giggle and press my lips to his.
He kisses me back holding me close as his whole body seems to wrap around mine. I smile into the kiss feeling happy and safe. Who would have thought this all started by a green eyed man walking into a bar.
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