#hi oliver! :D
lotus-sunn · 5 months
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xavigab · 7 months
Okay, but Oliver actually being a stupidly rich kid too, and him being rich and bored... well, he started doing social experiments. It started off with simple stuff with the staff, like dropping money and seeing if they’d keep it or give it back to him or his mother. As he got older, the experiments became more complicated. In a sense, he accidentally created a little cult before he just ghosted them because he got scared. (He saw Scientology and was like ‘oh yeah I could do that’) He had journal after journal, all being very detailed research on each experiment he’s done. Then he entered Oxford, and instead of Oliver falling in love at first sight, he kinda just wanted to see if Felix, the golden boy of Oxford, could be befriended by a 'poor awkward scholarship kid with no style' (lmao). Anyways, he started from the very beginning, meeting Michael (whom he would have liked to befriend because the guy was weird and would be nice to socially study), and then the whole lying about his ‘family’ to be taken to Saltburn, and then after conducting that experiment because it like worked, he decided to do a second part and see how much lying it would take for a friend to forgive. He hired another family and planned to be called when he was bathing. Oh and if y’all want you could say he fell In love with Felix at the end of it so he confessed in the maze and like after some angst they had their happy ending hahaha. Anyways, he takes his social experiments very seriously. (I would say the most he would do is the Farleigh thing about the plate, but he would still feel bad lol. I wouldn’t say he would be able to kill someone. As he did social experiments, he learned more about people, the good and the bad, so I feel like he would have very good etiquette.)
Sorry I like making completely new stories from already existing once cuz I’m dumb
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octodaddi · 10 months
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esther and swaine gaining context to the thing oliver completely avoided talking about through phil's incoherent brokenhearted ramblings
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fitzrove · 2 months
blimu: While you were on the subject of "androgynous" again. After the original version in Vienna, how did you feel about the change in the character in Berlin and now also in Vienna?
Uwe Kröger: They didn't want an androgynous death in Berlin, he no longer needed the androgyny. Personally, I don't think Death necessarily needs it. It was an idea that worked at the time because I looked like that too. For me, Death doesn't have to be androgynous for everyone to want to go along with it - men and women alike. He simply has to have a certain charisma, that was the basic discussion at the time. At the beginning of the 1990s, we mustn't forget, it was a completely different issue. Today, it's no longer spectacular. Death was no longer really androgynous in Essen and almost not at all in Berlin. In Vienna, there was still the scene in the Dance of Death with Rudolf, in which I wore a dress in Mayerling and portrayed Death as Mary Vetsera. That was also an interpretation that was later no longer considered so important for the play. I still think that Death, for all his masculinity, should not be a banal, down-to-earth lover. That takes a dimension away from the whole character, you give away the depth that this character must have.
(Blickpunkt Musical sonderheft #2, 2014)
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oliveagainn · 10 months
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lazy redraws
the saturation is wrong for some reason but uhh
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ratatatastic · 2 months
"Aaron Ekblad, our guest, Stanley Cup Champion from the Florida Panthers. One of your teammates, who you won a cup with, Oliver Ekman-Larsson—signing with the Maple Leafs. Can you give us a scouting report on OEL?" "Yeah, OEL's one of those perfect Swedes, right? You always hear that. You know, one of the best guys in the room always. Never really has a bad day, always smiling, always fun to chat with. You're getting a really poised, great puck-moving defenceman who can skate, and under pressure and big moments—can score. He does it all. It was a blessing to play with him for a year, and [I'm] happy for him moving forward."
First Up (TSN) | 7.23.24 (x)
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tabl3 · 5 months
i have just realized that ice powers oliver was very cold and bitter at the start towards everyone and kaz with fire powers was angry and snappy, like burning through a fuse
tabs i gotta know if you did this on purpose or if i'm reading too far into this
you get it
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taryo88 · 7 months
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"Sir Hamish had captured love in their expression, and a fierce pride; but I thought, for the first time, how very young they had been." - Stargazy Pie
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semperama · 1 month
I don't typically prefer top!Buck but I really think I need to write something about Buck holding Eddie down because ARMS!!
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @madparadoxum and @thesingularityseries ❤️
Stopping by this midweek with a little bit from Sabrina and John's morning from Chapter 2 of their AU, I will try to get back to the main WIP soon, but a monster of a dialogue has been making me procrastinate. Also, something I thought would be fun: if you have any suggestions of wild things (misfortunes) you'd like to see happening to John (take part in making him go through it), you can drop them as an ask (short prompt), I suspect it would be a fun challenge to tackle.
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"I wanted to hear your voice." John's words from the previous night haunted Sabrina's thoughts while she prepared breakfast. She found herself unable to shake off the feeling of familiarity from the moment she found him standing in the foyer of the precinct, looking like he was about to snap at poor Lenny. "Morning.", Savannah greeted as she entered the kitchen, her nose scrunching up, "Is something burning, Rin-Rin?" The question prompted Sabrina to flip the last pancake she was working on, finding the bottom darkened. Wonderful. The last thing she needed was to be distracted, especially by someone that was passing through. And a lawyer. "Did you sleep well, Pumpkin?", she asked as she placed her sister's plate in front of her. Savannah nodded, "I wish I didn't have to wake up so early." "And so do so many adults." "Mommy asked about you.", her sister said in between bites, making Sabrina's smile drop for a second, which thankfully was conceived by her coffee mug she took a sip from at that moment. "Like what?" "If you have a boyfriend. And about uncle Les. She said she saw a picture he had posted…" Jesus. Maybe mind your own love life, Candice. And leave the lack of mine alone.
She could sense her sister's mood soaring after each short visit with Candice, and it hadn't taken long to figure out why. Their mother had become an expert at fishing for information from Savannah since her eldest daughter refused to entertain her poor attempts at "bonding", knowing full well any interest shown wasn't paired with the best intentions. She wasn't going to be shocked if Candice Donovan's intent was to introduce her to some raising entrepreneur, so she felt like she needed to figure out if Leslie would be standing in the way of tricking her into helping with her latest grift. It wouldn't have been like she hadn't tried it before, gone as far as to arrange a date for Sabrina, only for her to figure out what was going on halfway through the dinner. Nothing like having a daughter in law enforcement to make your target feel secure enough and open for any business advice his lawyer would throw his way, let her hold the purse strings. "I will talk to her, Sav. She promised me she won't ask you stuff like that." Sabrina took a final sip of coffee, "How about you watch something and finish breakfast while I go shower?" "Okay. Are we still going to the fair with uncle Les?" "Of course, he hasn't been able to stop talking about it. I think he's more excited than you even." Savannah's frown dissipated at the confirmation, a grin taking over her freckled face, "He promised to win me a big plushie." "He absolutely will.", Sabrina retorted and matched smile, feeling glad she had someone in her life she could actually depend on.
As she left the kitchen and found herself alone in the bathroom, stripping off her T-shirt and shorts, her mind drifted back to the night before. How she'd flown out of the shower and grabbed her phone, hoping she was about to hear back from the lab about her current missing persons case. Instead, John Duncan's voice had came through, perplexing her to an extend she hadn't even bothered to inquire how he'd gotten her number. His excuse for the late call had given her a pause, the real intent behind it revealing itself the moment he had made a comment about his state of undress, asked for her personal number. A part of her made sure to assure her how he'd been so quick to reach her he hadn't even wasted time putting on underwear, confirming she clearly wasn't the only one feeling this strange drawn between them. "He wants you. So much he become a rambling mess the second you casually mentioned whoever he asked for his hotel information.", the foolish side argued. "Sure.", she muttered under her breath, "Romantic much? Trying to turn a woman he just met into his midnight bootycall…" Sabrina shampooed her hair, then moved onto washing her body, completely ignoring the irksome longing within her, the same one she refused to entertain from the second their video call had ended. The desire in his deep blue eyes, his questions, all made his expectations clear as day.
It was unfortunate for him she had more important things that required her full attention. A missing girl to be located and brought home safely. A baby sister to take care of. A trainwreck of a mother to keep at bay. Numerous visions to figure out and could save people's lives. A faceless man that awaited her in so many of them and clutched her heart in his tattooed hands. John Duncan wasn't him. He was bored, slightly entitled, looking for an outlet, for someone to get him off after having a day from hell. It was what she reminded herself as she came into her bedroom to find a new message waiting for her, from a number she hadn't even bothered to save into her contacts.
Good morning. No crimes or accidents to report so far, though, it does feel slightly criminal how you've been occupying my thoughts since last night.
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John stared down at the message he had finally hit sent on after typing and deleting versions of it so many times, he had felt close to hurling his phone at the nearest wall. "Occupying his thoughts" seemed like an understatement the second he'd woken up from a dream involving Sabrina that had come off as way too real. He threw the covers off himself with a sigh and left his phone on the bed before he made his way over to the bathroom. "It's morning. It's a normal body reaction. Nothing to do with her.", he said to his reflection, "Get your head back in the game. You're meeting Mooney. Who cares she didn't respond?" Reluctantly he opened the door, leading into the shower, and turned the knobs after a silent prayer for his morning to start off without a hitch. Or at least he attempted to. Until one of them came off into his hand. "No fucking way. NO.", he practically shouted out, not giving a damn about the early hour and how his voice echoed around the room while he stared down at the chrome piece clasped between his fingers in complete disbelief.
A growl left him as he threw it on the ground and turned on his heel, the glass door rattling when he slammed it shut and exited the shower stall. "I'm not taking another arctic shower. I don't care how much you want to take care of my goddamned boner.", he had no doubt the shower would be freezing, because the knob that had fallen off, was for no other than the hot water. He didn't care about the neighboring rooms and what the other guests might have been thinking after screaming the last part on top of his lungs. Not in that moment. Not when he was close to breaking something else in the bathroom as desperation to find a way to release the pent-up frustration brewing inside him settled in. "One accident to report, Detective. And I also hate your city so much.", John whispered before taking a deep breath. As he brushed his teeth he did his best to school his features back into a serene expression, refusing to let the facade of the well-adjusted, charmant attorney to slip. He put the boxers from the day before on, hating the fact he didn't even have a change of underwear and promising himself he'd go shopping for new clothes and other necessities as soon as his meeting had wrapped up. Another frown was aimed at his reflection when he remembered he had no means to even style his hair properly, that all he could do was freshen up in the goddamned sink. He dragged himself back to the bed, sinking down on it as he contemplated how excited he was when he had received the case, yet from that day like domino everything had decided to fall apart in some way.
"At least the guy didn't steal my files. Doubt Clive would appreciate any of that information leaking out.", he reminded himself as clasped his watch back on his wrist, "So what if one of my favorite suits was in that suitcase?" The thought made him reach out for his phone in hope the detective that was going to look into his case had reached out already. He ignored all the unread messages and emails he was yet to go through, opening the text that sat as most recent notification.
Sabrina: Good luck.
Two simple words was all she had to offer him. No "I thought of you too" in sight. "Could be worse. Like her blocking my number.", he uttered out finally, deciding that the fact she had even responded was a good sign, better than simply leaving him on read now that he was another Detective's problem. Just then his phone pinged with a new message. Unknown number. His thumb acted before he could think better of it, and he regretted the decision immediately. A photo. Penny showing off a red lacy number as she cupped her breast with her free hand. Face in full view, a proud gleam in her blue eyes. A pose she had most definitely deemed alluring enough to make him crack.
Wrong number.
He texted, scowling at the realization Penny was getting bolder, crossing a line, using her personal number to pester him. Her reply followed way too fast.
Penny: Come on, John. We both know it's not. How long are you going to play hard to get, baby?
John: I will be contacting HR if this reoccurs.
Penny: You're no fun, Mr. Duncan. You're headed for your meeting, right? Good luck.
John: I'm serious. NO MORE lingerie pictures or passes at work.
Penny was good at her job, better than any of his previous assistants, but it wasn't enough for him to continue tolerating her advances in hopes she'd take the hint and cease with her attempts to get him into bed. He was one to bent the rules, but bending over someone that he worked with was where he drew the line. Reality was that one night of "fun" (mostly for her, because for him it would end up as usual: in self-loathing) would blow up in his face sooner or later.
Another buzz signaled a new message, but instead of the expected complaint from Penny, the reply made him almost drop his phone as he realized his mistake. That he'd texted in the wrong conversation.
Sabrina: John? Sabrina: I'm just going to assume you meant to send this to somebody else.
"I'm done with technology. So done.", he groaned out and chucked his phone across the bed, the pillows softening its landing against the headboard.
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John: NO MORE lingerie pictures or passes at work.
More? Initially she had tried to laugh off the text, then unwanted bitterness had set in. If Sabrina needed any proof about the kind of man John was, just based on her intuition and past experiences alone, the words he accidentally sent her minutes prior only confirmed it further. "Bye, Rin-Rin.", Savannah exclaimed and leaned over the console to give her a hug as the her truck came to a stop in front of her elementary school. "Have fun.", Sabrina retorted and placed a quick kiss on her forehead before her sister was scrambling out of the vehicle and rushing over to her best friend, Brandy, that was waiting for her outfront. The blonde girl gave her an enthusiastic wave before the two ran inside the building and she put her Bronco back into drive, heading down her favorite route to the precinct. Her eyes drank in the early runners, people on their way to work, parents walking hand in hand with their children. She had grown to love Portland. The life she and Savannah had built there. The fact that Candice seemed to avoid it like the plague most of the time was an added bonus.
Minutes later she pulled into her regular parking spot, locking the car doors before shouldering her bag and shoving her hands in the pockets of her jacket to avoid the chill that hung in the morning air. She quickly crossed the street and pushed her way inside the building, muttering a quick hello to Simon, an officer that was in his last year before retirement and usually worked the day shift at the welcome desk. "Rina, always on time.", he retorted with a smile as she set for the elevator, memories of John following her down the same path threating to emerge. The hallways were mostly empty, signaling she was among the first people to arrive as per usual. "Ollie. Did you sleep here?", her sights settled on Oliver who was slumped over his desk, head full of messy blond hair resting in the crook of his arm, green eyes shifting to the door as she entered before he shut them again. His voice was sleepy, muffled against his shirt, "I'm just trying to one-up you, Rina." Sabrina let out a laugh and nudged him on the back on her way to her own desk, "Want a coffee?" "Did that well-dress fucker yesterday had the hots for you? Hell yes." She could only shake her head at his blunt observation, feeling glad Leslie hadn't arrived yet, "Oliver. We're not talking about him. Am I clear?" "Why not?", he inquired with way too much interest, his Detective senses kicking in despite his sleepiness.
She ignored the question and felt his gaze on her back while she watched the coffee machine like a hawl. "Uh-oh, there's definitely something there." "No.", she placed his the mug in front of him and sent him a look of warning, "And don't be starting any rumours, you hear?" "Too late.", his cheeky smile screamed nothing but bad news. From the team, Oliver McKenzie was the one closest to her age, and unarguably the most daredevilish, and she had quickly learned to read the signs of incoming trouble in his expression. "What did you do, Oliver?" The silence from his side put her on edge as she lowered into her chair and rubbed away at her temples before she let out a groan, "How bad is it?" "Eh.", was all he granted her as explanation. "God, Ollie.", she mimicked his earlier position just as the door to their division swung open and footsteps carried in her direction. A paper sack crinkled when it was set down on her desk, making her look up, eyes stopping on Stockton who had taken one of the seats across her. "A little 'thank you' for yesterday, Rina.", he gestured to the brown bag, bearing the logo of her favorite bakery, "Croissant, salted caramel and chocolate. Got you a coffee to-go, too. The one y'all have here is shit." "Aye, Maxwell, if it's shit, why not get one for me, too?", Oliver teased. Arguing for sport with Maxwell Stockton was one of his favorite activities and he'd oftentimes stop by "Robbery" just for that reason alone. Yet deep down, the two were close friends from their academy days and would often grab drinks on Fridays.
Stockton's dark eyes shot up to Oliver for a second before returning to hers, his hand rubbed at his cleanshaven cheek, "So, what should I expect from this guy?" "Meaning?", Sabrina asked before tearing into her croissant, "Like if he's difficult to deal with?" Oliver snorted in responce, while the darkhaired man in front of her nodded. "He was polite.", she paused, "But he's also a defense attorney." A whistle, "Oof. And he was fine with you takin' the report?" "It's not like we're going to trial now, are we?", a chuckle left her, "He wants his stuff found, that's all." "How the fuck can he get his suitcase stolen like that?", Oliver interrupted, "Like I heard his story, but damn, I tried so hard not to laugh." "Ollie." "What, Rina? Tell me it wasn't funny. Hell, imagine going to meet a client and not having even a clean pair of undies." Stockton laughed at that, pointing back at Oliver, "Is it true what this one said, he 'looks like Leslie, but shorter'?" "Maxie, when have I lied to you?" "Only the last time we played cards, asshole." Oliver blew him a kiss before he took a sip of his coffee. "Well?", Stockton pushed for an answer, "Leslie look-a-like or nah?" Sabrina chewed on the bite of her pastry slowly, images from the video call invading her mind, "Absolutely not." "Now that's a lie, Rina.", Oliver argued and spun around in his chair to regard them both, "Not only does he look like Leslie, but he also wants in her pants as much. Probably."
"You're lucky I love this croissant, or it'd be flying at your head, Oliver." He stuck his tongue out, "Love ya, too." The door opening cut out his laughter, "Speaking of the taller Devil." "Morning, guys.", Leslie Parish muttered in a greeting and walked over to the desk next to hers and dropped off his things. The strange expression on his face gave her a pause and prompted Stockton to clear his throat before he rose up to leave. "I will get going, better start looking into the case. Recover our lawyer friend's luggage back." On his way out saluted Leslie, then patted Oliver on the back, "Later, folks." "The lawyer?", Leslie started, peeling off his coat and placing it over the back of his chair. Sabrina shook her head, "He's not our problem." He strode over, taking a seat at the edge of her desk as he stole the final bite of her croissant, "Not from what Ollie told me." "How many people did you tell, Oliver?" Oliver shrugged, hiding his face behind one of the files he had open on his desk, "I plead the fifth." The eyebrow Leslie quirked told her everything she needed to know before he even elaborated, "Oliver was straight up updating us all live in your Birthday group chat." "Unbelievable. And here I thought you were working hard, McKenzie." A wink was sent her way, "You're underestimating me. I can absolutely multitask, Donovan." "So, back to this guy…", Leslie's blue eyes searched hers. "Later." A nod, "Deal. I'm taking you out for lunch, you can tell me all about him then." Oliver spun around with a victorious smirk, "See, I knew there was something. He asked you out, didn't he?" Sabrina turned to her computer monitor, logging in and pulling up the CCTV footage she had spent half of the previous day combing through, "I plead the fifth, too."
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Tagging, @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @poisonedtruth @chazz-anova @strafethesesinners @strangefable @trench-rot @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @direwombat @voidika @theelderhazelnut @v0idbuggy @euryalex @florbelles @corvosattano @purplehairsecretlair @dumbassdep @cassietrn @simplegenius042 @jillvalentinesday @nightbloodbix and anyone with something to share <3
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darlin-djarin · 2 years
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poirott · 2 years
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3rd Poirot film A Haunting in Venice filming on location
Kenneth Branagh, Tina Fey and Riccardo Scamarcio were spotted filming the upcoming Agatha Christie adaptation on January 6 and 7 2023 in Venice, Italy.
Branagh was also seen filming at the Clock Tower in Piazza San Marco, and later with his double taking a ride on a police gondola through the canals. Branagh appeared in a navy double-breasted coat, striped blue suit, white shirt, red silk tie, black leather gloves, Homburg hat, carrying Poirot's iconic cane and a book about Venice.
Corriere del Veneto (via Italy24) reports the cast will be shooting in Venice until mid-January. "There will be filming on the water with stage gondolas, vintage boats and 1950s taxis." Other locations mentioned include Campo San Giacomo dell'Orio (a square with a church), Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello (music conservatory), San Samuele (church), Palazzo Malipiero (palace), Campo San Boldo (square near the famous Rialto Bridge), etc.
Based on Agatha Christie's novel Hallowe'en Party, the film is set in post-World War II Venice on All Hallows' Eve. Now retired and living in self-imposed exile in the world's most glamorous city, Poirot reluctantly attends a séance at a decaying, haunted palazzo. When one of the guests is murdered, the detective is thrust into a sinister world of shadows and secrets.
Source: DM, JustJared
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permanentreverie · 18 days
I'll start easy for your musical ask game with some entry level in difficulty: hozier.
Then, if i might request it: bastille?
And then, building in intensity: August D & RM?
1. damage gets done
2. dinner and diatribes
3. would that i
4. like real people do
5. almost
1. icarus
2. oblivion
3. laughter lines
4. quarter past midnight
5. weight of living, pt 1
agust d:
1. people
2. life goes on
3. burn it
4. haegeum
5. so far away
1. closer
2. everythingoes
3. wildflower
4. lonely
5. lost!
send me an album or artist and i’ll give you my top 5 songs!
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Marcus’ note to Oliver actually said
“Hi lovely :)
Meet me in the library after practice? Also your ass looks fine in that kit ;)
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24-guy · 3 months
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Right. Thanks to @lookitine for giving me this idea.
Ask me things about them! And also suggest names for them, I'll edit this post when they've got names. :>
(He/Him) 1: Top Left, Oliver
(She/Her) 2: Top Right, no name
(She/Her) 3: Bottom Left, Amara (vampire girlfriend of 2)
(They/Them) 4: Bottom Right, Quill
Editing to say: they are all adults, definitely over 20 years old even if I don't know their concrete ages.
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Ples return the heart id like it back @art-for-our-love
And to explain i was the heart anon 😭… LOVE UR DOESONA BTW SILLY VEGETABLE LOOKIN GUY /j
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