#hibiscus stim
toastedstims · 7 months
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A Project Voltage: Fairy-Type Miku stimboard!
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pr3ttyang3lb0y · 1 month
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April stimboard prompt list - Day 21
21. Make a board based on your favorite plant or flower
(I don't really have a favourite flower, but hibiscus is so pretty)
First gyaru
Last gyaru
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luminarystimboards · 2 years
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Rose of Sharon (Common Hibiscus) gifs. Free to use with credit!
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meilia-stims · 1 year
hibiscus theme please!!!
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Hibiscus themed stimboard for anon
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rubystims · 1 year
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👑 / 👑 / 👑 👑 / 👑 / 👑 👑 / 👑 / 👑 A Cottagecore Princess Tiana stimboard for mistyribbonbambinbk  (was unable to @ :( )
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heartnosekid · 2 years
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y.na__ on ig
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stimmy--cryptid · 2 years
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the name julián with ocean animals for @vampire-clowns-r-us!
the name julián makes me think of summer, sunset colors, animals, and purple + gold!
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 11 months
I’ve written a few fics about Czerny now, and at least one specifically around the idea of him being autistic. I received a lovely comment where a reader was interested in the idea and was curious about textual evidence, and seeing as others have written in-depth posts about autism headcanons...well, I decided to do the same, and to post it here instead of in a long rambly comment-response!
So without further ado...some headcanons on Czerny, how he could be read as autistic, and how this influences his character, under the readmore. Light spoilers for Lingering Echoes, Ebenholz’s operator record, and Czerny’s trust files are included for those who haven’t read. (And for those who don’t want to read: enjoy this art from his creator!)
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I didn’t set out to headcanon Czerny as autistic when I first read him, I swear. However, as I read through his dialogue and operator files, as well as overanalyzing some of his design choices, I realized that an argument could at least be made for him having a Sensory Processing Disorder (something that runs in my own German/Swiss-Austrian family). Thus, let's start with some of those points:
Stimming. He outright states this one in a trust dialogue: "My hair, well...I often unconsciously grab at it while composing, if that explains its current unruliness".
Speaking of hair: in both his official art and all the art by his creator, he always has his hair braided directly above his ears. The outfit, collar, and even his eyewear changes, but that element of his hair remains. Wouldn't it make sense if he's overly sensitive to his ears being touched by stray hairs, so he takes extra pain to maintain those braids?
Issues with food. There are repeated comments about Czerny not eating when he's in the throes of composing, which at first glance I took for hyperfocusing on his work. He's also the most wary of Hibiscus's cooking in Lingering Echoes, which is clearly meant to be played for laughs regarding her cooking. However, I also read it as someone who's used to having his food a very particular way, and when the food is changed up or replaced entirely, adapting to new textures and flavors can be difficult.
It makes sense that Czerny would take special care of his hands, and this comes up in a lot of dialogue. The medics even comment that he'll panic if he has "so much as a hangnail". But if he's sensitive to touch and texture, AND he takes extra care over his hands, an overblown reaction like that would make sense.
Now, as I was reading into his files and dialogue for these points (as well as other fic research), I was struck by a few other elements.
One is his blunt, honest manner. Both in-universe and as noted by fans, Czerny can be a harsh but fair critic. He himself states that "Any charm or taste I may have had has been poured entirely into my compositions." For the most part, he doesn't concern himself with pleasantries or making nice; if he has an opinion, he'll state it. But he's not one to lie, and even espouses the importance of earnestness to Ebenholz during Lingering Echoes.
Despite this though, Czerny does have to hide a lot of his own emotions in order to deal with his circumstances, at least in Lingering Echoes. He has to bow to Nobles and their whims despite his loathing for them, and there are numerous points where he holds himself back from voicing his opinions in public. He also identifies himself as a coward, and has multiple dialogue lines denoting his own fear. "I'm terrified, Doctor. Always have been."
Looking at these elements together, I'm under the impression that this man has learned to mask a lot in order to survive. And when under the constant pressure of not only poverty and illness but also supporting an entire community? No wonder he’s considered tempermental.
The only times he seems able to truly express himself is through his music (note how he emphasizes the importance of emotion in music during his 2-star clear line) and in battle, where he goes from polite to screaming at his enemies. We also have the note in an operator file from a professor that Morgen und Abend was one of the few glimpses through his "iron body". And there are multiple times in both files and dialogues where it’s noted that he’ll refuse to budge from his desk until a composition is complete...that moment, perhaps, when he finally figures out the feelings in his heart and how to express all the things his words fail to convey.
Music is how Czerny expresses himself, though one should also note that empathy for others is also important both in and out of music. After all, he corrects Ebenholz that Morgen und Abend wasn't written from his own grief, but out of indignation for how she suffered. He gives up the rights to his music in order to save the people of the Afterglow during the events of Lingering Echoes. Hell, even in Ebenholz's Operator Record, Czerny is touched that Ebenholz is the one defying orders and performing for the Afterglow's residents, but also begs him to stop in order to keep him safe. He loves music, true, but he loves people even more, and he cares so damn much he’ll repeatedly put his life on the line for them.
So, whether or not it was intended by anyone who worked on his character, Czerny reads to me as autistic. Passionate about what he loves, keyed into the feelings of others while having notable difficulties with conveying his own emotions outside of music, and processing the world a little differently from those around him. And I think that’s all key to not only how he creates his music, but how he connects with others, and how he’s learning to move on in a world so much bigger and stranger than where he grew up.
And even if he's still figuring out how to balance the new and familiar...even if he's scared of it at all times...Czerny keeps going anyway. He helps others with music and arts. He expands upon his own skills, even developing new hobbies in habits. Hell, he even gets a motorcycle to go exploring across “those faraway lands roaring through Czerny's mind without abate.” He's going to be okay.
(And watching Czerny be brave and move forward in the face of so much change...well, it inspires me to bravery too.)
Well, those are my thoughts with evidence on the matter, and I’m sure I'll pick up more when I do a full reread of Lingering Echoes. In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed reading!
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(and have some more creator-art because I am incredibly gay for this image okay byeeee)
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Hi! I love your analysis posts! So, I have a question: What kind of music do you think the Octonauts (And any Octo agents you want to add) would listen to, and what are their favorite song?
merci beaucoup <33 I have very little actual musical "knowledge"; I just like specific songs that go beep bap boop a specific way, but I'll try my best here—and as for their favourite songs, I'll just name some songs that remind me of them, if that's okay 👍
Barnacles likes accordion of course, so he'd probably enjoy anything that incorporates it. I can see him liking most genres tbh, he's not super picky—but he definitely likes folk and classical, and he LOVES sea shanties—almost more than Kwazii 👀
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Born For Greatness - Papa Roach
Leaving London
Ship In A Bottle
Abandon Ship* (*pretend it's Kwazii singing to him)
They're all from an album by Steffan Argus, and you need to listen to them in order because they tell a story, and the whole thing is so Him fr.
See also:
Bones In The Ocean - The Longest Johns
—if you'd enjoy some Manitoba angst vibes.
Kwazii claims he ONLY listens to the jauntiest of shanties... but the secret truth is that he is pretty picky about them, and about music in general. He has auditory sensory issues, and one off note makes him want to curl up and perish, which is why he gets so upset when the Captain plays anything. As for his REAL taste: basically just Cosmo Sheldrake-core, his own singing, and anything Peso or the Vegimals play/sing.
Every Cosmo Sheldrake song ever, actually; but I recommend Come Along and The Moss the most.
The Villain I Appear To Be - Diamond Jack
Fish In A Birdcage - [band has the same name as the song]
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
I will not explain any of those- just listen to them and know that I Am Right /lh.
I forget the context, but I remember saying at one point that Shellington enjoys things that are organized and rhythmic (actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the context was someone sharing their headcanon of him having a music stim with me—so there ya go 👍) so I can fully see him enjoying either electronica, or orchestra. Two very different things, but I rest my case.
Told You So - Nathan Evans
Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake (I know I said every CS song belonged to Kwazii, but shh- this one's Shellington's.)
Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery. just based on vibes tbh.
Tweak likes chiptune because I like chiptune and she is just like me fr /hj. Okay but actually she does LOVE electronic music—and any music that's like,, not made with traditional instruments?? Yeah. She likes chaotic music, and likes to jam out to folk with Barnacles because it feels nostalgic to her.
Bottom Of The River - Delta Rae
Crazy = Genius - P!@TD
Curses - The Crane Wives (this is also a Calico Jack song somehow- it fits both of them lol)
Pieces And Parts - Sydney Zarlengo
Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men BUT it's a duet between her and Barnacles /p
See also:
The Last Shanty - Derina Harvey Band
—for some Manitoba!Tweak vibes.
Dashi listens to nightcore. She also got Peso into it. Honestly I feel like the two of them are both into pretty much anything—Dashi has a preference for pop, and Peso definitely likes symphonies, ballads, and anything that's chill and lofi.
Dashi also listens to hard rock and heavy metal in her spare time, and it disorients the heck out of whoever witnesses it randomly come on in her shuffled playlists. However, the only type of music I can't see Peso liking, is really loud music; like rock or metal—so they're the exact same and polar opposites at the same time 😂
I ALSO always think of Dashi when I listen to Marina—no idea why lol—might be her accent 😅
I don't have many songs for either of em- but here's what I've got:
Cold Cold Cold - Cage The Elephant
Anxiety Song - Human Petting Zoo
Right Hand Man - Something Rotten
Hermit The Frog - Marina. just vibes once again.
Dude exclusively listens to oldies, classics, and like,,, Beethoven probably, BUT! I feel like any one of the Octonauts could ask him to listen to anything and he would. He unironically enjoys Kwazii's music.
Octopus' Garden - The Beatles
They all have ridiculously contrasting tastes; they all probably enjoy the same kind of music as their respective Octonaut counterparts—but aside from that, they mostly just make their own music so they can all be happy.
Get Back Up Again but SPECIFICALLY the version from Disney's Trolls. trust me on this.
(some) Agent songs under cut:
Calico Jack me beloved:
I headcanon that he wrote his own theme song, so he likes shanties for sure; but I feel like as the years went by and he grew as a person, his music and general interests toned down a lot—so now he's more into ballads, and very Lord Huron or Hozier-esque music.
(all the following songs are angsty but they also hit HARD ykwim?? aye 👀 /pos)
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives
Farewell Wanderlust - The Amazing Devil
Problems - Mother Mother
Metaphor - The Crane Wives
Flight Of The Crows - Jhariah
(oh look a non-angsty song–)
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Natquik my beloved²:
Barnacles 100% got his music taste from him, I cannot be told otherwise. That's all I have to say about him.
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Snow - Ricky Montgomery
December - Ricky Montgomery
New Discovery - The Crane Wives
Runaway - Aurora
plus bonus:
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In - Will Wood
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
—to satisfy my personal "I think Natquik deserves to go feral" needs.
Ranger Marsh my belov–:
Exclusively listens to folk and country, and actively refuses to branch out his horizons.
Cicada Days - Will Wood
Swarm Swamp Swim - Cosmo Sheldrake
Birdhouse In My Soul - They Might Be Giants
On one hand, I really like headcanoning that he likes to sing when he's alone—and is actually pretty good; but on the other hand... I think it'd be hilarious if he had unbelievably bland taste in terms of what he enjoys listening to 😂 He has no real preference, so he just lets whoever he's with control the radio. For their sake.
Hold It In - Jukebox The Ghost
I shall not/cannot explain why that song reminds me of him but it does so much-
and I don't have any more for him, RIP ✌️😔 I could probably find some easily if I looked, but I'm lazy ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
He has weird taste too; but unlike Tracker, he has the most alternative underground music taste you can imagine, and he WILL subject you to it. He eats bugs in a universe of talking bugs, and I think it'd be funny if all of his interests were on the same wavelength lmao. He's just a weirdo (affectionate).
Just like Tracker I probably could find more songs if I actually tried to look—but for now all I have is this:
Water Island - My Singing Monsters
I found it on tiktok and it's literally His Song™ ever fr.
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quirkle2 · 1 year
jay talk about locke
locke has a lot of Stuff on him that's magic ! his staff has a purple cloth wrapped around the base of it w glowing patterns — that's enchanted w a warding spell, to help drive away enemies
the hibiscus on his cute lil hat is enchanted w a protection spell against mind control (gotta be cautious ! dont wanna end up like the soldiers)
his bag has bottomless/infinite kinda enchantments on it so that anything that can fit through the opening can be held in there. weight reducer enchantments r an obvious partner to that; no use havin infinite storage if he can't carry it
his boots have flarey, feathery patterns on their sides instead of actual feathers, and the edges of them pulse in pretty colors whenever he shoots magic through them to run
this isn't sm abt his design in particular, but i do wanna say that he loves to tinker w stuff ,,,, stims sm he Collects element rods and disassembles them, usually keeping the crystal that powers it for some later project and turning the body/shaft into something else. he made like ? little containers for long trips that he keeps food in, and there's a slot in all of them where u can insert a crystal. put a fire crystal in to heat da food, put one from an ice rod in if u wanna keep it cold ! he has a telescope that is made from a firerod shaft :) he Loves to tinker and repurpose shit he adores it
he also just looks ??? so fuckign cool when he uses magic. his freckles glow gold and his eyes glow and his staff's crystal glows and he's just a Glowy Bitch okay he'sso cool. goddamn
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thotpockettm · 2 years
rose quartz, champagne, hibiscus pls!!
rose quartz— what’s your love language (romantic or platonic)?
I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW?? I'M SORRY i value communication a lot but i don't believe words of affirmation. i value physical intimacy a lot but it can be very hard for me to be cuddled and stuff because i'm always in so much pain or overstimulated so idrk
champagne— what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?
love a really solid hug but i also just like. want people who care about me to feel comfortable just touching me in small thoughtless ways. pet my face or stim with my hair just like. touch me naturally
hibiscus— what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?
khdjgskgd um i like anything that i feel like wouldn't normally be used for people who look like me. baby is very soft to me because i don't feel like i look like anyone's baby mhckhfmgx but also i never get actual nicknames so i think i would like that a lot too
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rainbowxocs · 6 days
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TW: Child Neglect.
Name: Meari Sutkina. (メアリー 素敵な)
Nicknames: Mini Are (ミニアレ), Mob (モブ), Copycat (模倣者).
Age: 16.
Pronouns: She/Her. (In English.)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral pronoun that is seen as formal and polite.)
Sexuality: Lily (Yuri,百合,Lesbian.)
Gender: Cis Girl.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Social Anxiety, Depression, CPTSD, Insomnia, Autism.
Religion: Cultist.
Club: Sewing Club. (Leader.)
Grade: Year 10, Highschool.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’2”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Yamanote.
Vehicle: Green Bicycle.
Weapons: Pepperspray.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Green.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Bunraku, Ventriloquism, Reading, Writing Fanfiction, Photography, Crochet.
Favorite Drink: Kombucha, Sunflower Tea.
Favorite Fruit: White Strawberries.
Favorite Meals: Melon Bread, Instant Ramen, Fruit Salad, Finger Sandwiches, Jam and Toast.
Favorite Desserts: Hanami Dango, Jello, Sugar Cookies, Scones, Finger Cakes, Macaroons, Strawberry Frozen Yogurt.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Scent: Green Apple Detangler.
Awareness: Aware (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: May 10th 2008. (Taurus, Rat, B.)
Fun Facts: She looks up to Are allot because she wants to restore the timeloop. Little does she know Are doesn’t.
Special Interests: Puppetry.
Stims: Uses her Puppets to Stim, also likes soft things and toys.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashion Board: LINK
Comfort Objects: Her collection of puppets, Her childhood toys, Calico Critters, Tea Set.
Kimiko Sutkina, Tetsuo Sutkina. (Parents.)
Hikari Sutkina (Sister.)
Friends: Baburu Gamu (BFF).
Romance: N/A.
Patrons: Are Yoru.
Brief Personality: Meari is very.. quirky.. ever since the time loop ended she has become more and more unhinged, she wants the sense of routine that she got back then, but unfortunately that time is long gone. She often talks about her devotion to the curse of okutama, which tends to push her classmates away. It makes you wonder why someone would want to go back to that kind of torturous existence in the first place.
Brief Backstory: Meari had a somewhat normal childhood, normal to her anyway. She was always overshadowed by her older sister, her parents heavily favored Hikari giving her all the latest clothes and gadgets and toys, while Meari was left with almost nothing.
Meari was one of the few people who enjoyed the time loop, the consistency of it calmed her when she was in her early years at school. No matter what it was always spring, and even if something bad happened that week nothing truly mattered.
Until, Are broke the timeloop and allowed everyone to be free. To age, to grow, and Meari hated that. Everyone’s body caught up with them and she was suddenly a teenager. Her sister moved out and away from Okutama as a whole, and her parents moved out as well, leaving their other daughter to fend for herself. Which broke Meari a little bit.
She wanted to save her “family”, and have everything go back to the way it was. If she was able to convince Are that the time loop was good, she could go back to normal. She could have her family back, even if they hated her it would all be worth it, of course Meari is a child and doesn’t quite understand that this wouldn’t work in practice.. But what’s the worst she could do..?
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thehealerhairpin · 5 months
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Full name : Orihime Inoue Race : Human Ethnicity : Japanese Birthday : September 3rd Age : verse dependent (main verse 15-17. will only RP as adult Orihime if requested but will NOT age her up for shipping purposes) Height : 157cm/5'2 Weight : 45kg/99Ibs - 49kg/108Ibs Blood type : B Sexuality : Omniromantic with lean towards man Gender : CIS female
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Orihime and her brother, Sora Inoue, were raised by a drunken father and a prostitute mother, who always argued and beat their children. Fearing that their parents would kill Orihime, in the March that Sora turned eighteen, he ran away with Orihime, who was three years old, and raised her on his own from then on. For nine years, Orihime and Sora lived in harmony despite the fact that Orihime was bullied in school because of her unusual hair color. One day, Sora gave Orihime a pair of hairpins. However, Orihime refused to wear them because she said they were childish. That day, Sora died, and Orihime began wearing the hairpins every day since. After Sora's death, Orihime prayed for him every day. A year after Sora died, Orihime met Tatsuki Arisawa and befriended her and the amount of days she prayed for him diminished. After entering Karakura High School, she stopped praying for him and instead talked about Ichigo before she left and when she returned from school. She wanted to show Sora that she was happy and that he did not have to worry about her.
Since Sora's death, Orihime has lived by herself in Karakura Town, receiving financial support from a distantly related aunt living elsewhere.
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a sweet smart yet naive girl, neurodivergent with ADHD. really hyper and likes to talk about things she likes. likes to cook up weird food with weird combination making her food looks not very edible, but nevertheless all of them taste good, it just looks really unappetizing. she's not very good with social cues and tends to misunderstood other points or sometimes she tends to take things as jokes too literally or too seriously. heavily insecure about herself due to her past. she tends to zone out everyday and likes to stare at a wall. she stims by flapping her hands and jumping or overall just walking around, one of her stims is also really hurtful because at times when she gets too excited but couldn't expressed it she'll starts hitting her legs or arms.
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Strength: 🎔 🎔 🎔
Stamina: 🎔 🎔
Durability: 🎔 🎔 🎔
Intelligence: 🎔 🎔 🎔 🎔 🎔
Magic: 🎔 🎔 🎔 🎔
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Shun Shun Rikka (盾舜六花, Six Flowers of the Hibiscus Shield; Viz "Six Princess Shielding Flowers"): Orihime's spirit energy is harbored in the pair of six-petal flower-shaped hairpins that her brother gave her. Shun Shun Rikka is composed of six spirits that reside within the hairpins, each of which is two petals on the clip when inactive. Only spiritually aware beings can see them. They reside in her hair-clips, which are shaped like six-petaled flowers. Through various combinations of the six fairies, Orihime has the power to reject phenomena by denying or undoing events in various forms. This power can be used for attack, defense, or healing (depending on the combination).
Santen Kesshun (三天結盾, Three Sacred Links Shield): is Orihime's defensive technique. It repels attacks by placing a shield between the enemy and target. The incantation arranges Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon into a triangle which has the ability to repel the "outer shield". Because the barrier rejects negative events, it can also function as an airbag of sorts, allowing Orihime and anyone else nearby to survive a potentially lethal fall unharmed. Orihime is later able to shape Santen Kesshun into a dome-shaped barrier large enough to easily hold herself and other individuals
Sōten Kisshun (双天帰盾, Twin Sacred Return Shield): is Orihime's "healing" technique. It surrounds something to return it to its former, complete state. It rejects, reverses, and reconstructs phenomena that have occurred, even phenomena that Orihime hasn't witnessed. The incantation summons Ayame and Shun'ō to form a half-oval barrier around whatever or whomever Orihime wishes. Their ability is to repel the "inner shield." The shield placed inside means that they repel the damage within a limited area. In other words, they return a subject covered by the shield to the state that they were in before taking damage. Orihime fully restored Grimmjow's destroyed arm from nothing. Sōsuke Aizen describes this as "The Rejection of Events". Her ability is to limit, reject, and negate any kind of event that has happened to her target. Yasochika Iemura comments that the technique's healing speed is potentially faster than Isane Kotetsu's and his own. Far more powerful than "Temporal Regression" or "Spatial Regression", it is a power that trespasses into God's territory. Originally, Orihime wasn't able to restore a destroyed Tsubaki, but Hachigen Ushōda states that since she has powers very close to his own, she should be able to restore him to his original form, even without a shattered fragment. Later, she can fully resurrect the dead. While Orihime can heal wounds quickly, it takes longer for her to replenish the patient's Reiatsu. Large amounts of foreign spiritual pressure around a wound makes her power to reject ineffective
Koten Zanshun (孤天斬盾, Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield): is Orihime's offensive technique. It rejects the fusion of matter and splits it. The incantation summons Tsubaki, who has the ability to repel "both sides of the shield." He breaks through the enemy, puts up a shield inside, and repels the combined substance, splitting the enemy in two. While Tsubaki can cut through basically anything, Orihime's general dislike of combat and hesitance to use lethal force degrades the effectiveness of the technique, making him easy to counter and equally easy to injure
Shiten Kōshun (四天抗盾, Shield of Four Heavens' Resistance): is one of Orihime's techniques. It combines Shun Shun Rikka's offensive and defensive properties. The incantation integrates Tsubaki into the center of her Santen Kesshun ability, creating a triangular shield which, at the very instant of receiving an attack, disperses the resultant force as a concentrated explosion which is automatically returned along the attack's opposing trajectory
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rubystims · 2 years
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Hibiscus Flowers and Tea by Traditional Me!
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gummi-stims · 28 days
Can I request a tropical furby board, preferably with no real life food??
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I love this little dude and I wish I had one in my collection soooo bad
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studiousbotanist · 7 months
jace 1-10. And 21
WOOHOO!!! ty naomh :) time to begin the questioning, answers under da readmore
WOW the formatting has gotten so annoying for posts . BUT
1, Do they have any crafting hobbies? Yes ! he's into whittling, it's an easy stim to do all you need is a pocket knife w a decent edge. He's thought of trying to do bigger projects than making little shapes, but has never gotten around to it. He's tried knitting with his sister but he's never gotten very far (and usually his stuff is pretty lopsided.) he loves woodworking also but since moving in with jenna there isn't enough space for it (or rather, thats his excuse . makes him think too much of their parents.)
2 Do they wear perfume/cologne? If so what scents do they prefer? sometimes! i won't lie to you, if he doesn't need to go anywhere or is just hanging out at home he usually forgets deodorant even . doesn't think about it LOL . but he likes the bath and body works sprays, goes for the fall themed scents like apple crisp . likes amber currant focused ones ! 3 Do they enjoy cooking?
not a single bit . enjoys food well enough but hates taking the time to prepare anything, so if he doesn't get food w friends or get roped into making something w his sister then he'll eat chips (EDIT: FORGOT ABOUT HIS LUST FOR GRILLED CHEESE . the only thing he likes to make or will .) 4 Do they enjoy baking?
this is definitely contradicted, but Jace is pretty contradicting but he likes making bread and cookies . in his mind, cooking and baking are very, very different . if given the opportunity he would definitely love to make something for wally and oscar !! and in the absence of hanging out with rose, he's definitely missing it 5 Do they have any tattoos? If so what are they and do they have any special meaning
(looks up his page to make sure i dont forget details) He has light grey barbed wire tattoos over his top surgery scars (anchor style) . you can still kind of see the scarring but not as much . He also has a pink hibiscus tattoo on the right side, front of his neck, if you were facing him it would be the left side of it ! also has a cluster of three green hyacinths on his left inner wrist, with dark green vines going from the bottom of his palm to the start of his inner elbow . he also has a terrible stick n poke garfield tattoo on his left outer thigh . ive waffled on whether it'd be an unnamed friend who gave it to him, or rose, but it hink its funnier if rose did it :)c theres also one i dont have on his sheet, because it wouldn't show up in the campaign and i can dm you it ... :)c 6 If they were badly injured, and for whatever reason couldn’t go to a hospital, who would they go to for help?
pre-campaign, he would go to his sister, otherwise contact rose or try to take care of it himself . during campaign he would reach out to wally first thing !! 7 Do they have any unusual fears?
going off the cuff rn cause ive BEEN considering what he would have, a fear of bugs is pretty common . but i'll certainly say he gets very nervous around bananas . one time when he was a kid he was looking thru them for his dad while going shopping and there was a bunch of bugs underneath a very neglected bunch . and well, he can't stomach them anymore and is always Very Sure one would just burst open full of bugs !!!! also open flames (campfires are ehhh . candles are okay) no good reason LOL . 8 Do they collect anything? If so what and why?
bottlecaps . likes to try a lot of different local beverages esp in glass bottles for this reason, he has a corkboard with a bunch of different ones organized by color hung in his room ! likes to see the unique designs people come up with . also novelty shot glasses , rose got him a couple touristy ones on a trip out of town, and makes it a point to get him any cool ones that catch his eye . 9 When they’re sick what do they do to feel better?
get under as many blankets as possible and play anything by simon & garfunkel . THE MORE WEIGHT THE BETTER !!!!!!!! and ghost energy drinks . 10 Do they have any regrets?
not standing up for jenna more, growing up . Its ABSOLUTELY one of those "you were a kid what could you do!" kind of deals but he still carries it on his shoulder . Wishes he paid more attention in math class, definitely skated out of there by the skin of his teeth and for some reason when he lies awake at night he thinks some things would be better if he could do algebra without a calculator . not being more honest about his feelings . 21 What is more important to them, friends or family? oooooooo . this is a doozy . its SO damn circumstantial !!! stuck on this . stuckstuckstuck . my heart says he would say friends are . don't get me wrong, his sister means the world to him . and his cousin, despite how they butt heads, is too . but there are some friends who are irreplaceable . so, friends . definitely .
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS !!!!!!!!!! i'm copying all this down and putting it in his folder so i dont forget what ive said .
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