#hiccup rtte x reader
myadmiringmind · 2 years
𝗦𝗻𝗼𝗴𝗴𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗼𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗪𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘀 | 𝗛𝗶𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽 𝗛𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗼𝗰𝗸
Hiccup Haddock Masterlist
Word Count: 6.9K
Genre: Action | fluff
Pairing(s): Hiccup x fem!reader, platonic!gang x reader, platonic!heather/dagur x reader
Summary: Dagur and Heather show up unexpectantly show up for Snoggletog but something more important comes up.
Warnings: Caves, dragon hunting, dragon hunter shenanigans, water, unwanted swim (you'll see)
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, (redeemed) Dagur, and Heather
Dragons: Toothless, Stormfly, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, Hookfang, Sleuther, and Windshear
Enemies: Viggo and Ryker Grimborn
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“Okay, Hiccup, you called all of us here so what is it?” Astrid asked, arms crossed.
It was early in the morning. Fog covered the grounds of Dragons Edge and the air was especially chilly.
“I got a terror-mail from Johann-“ Hiccup was cut off by Snotlout
“Oh, come on! You dragged us out of bed because Johann sent you a letter!” Snotlout cried, Hookfang made a noise of agreement.
“No bueno, amigo.” Tuffnut shook his head while stroking chickens feathers.
“Hiccup,” Astrid sighed, “Please tell me whatever Johann said in that letter is worth telling this early in the morning.”
“It is, I promise.” Hiccup said
Everyone groaned in union. You had all been hoping to be sent back to bed.
You leaned against your dragon, enjoying the body heat they brought, as you waited for Hiccup to carry on.
“Go on then, Hiccup.” You said
“He said he visited Glacier Island recently-“ Hiccup began
“No! We are not going back to that bag of ice, no way!” Snotlout roared
Hiccup ignored him, “As I was saying, he said it's been unusually quiet, so,” Hiccup raised his voice so he could be heard over the shouts of protest, “We will be going to check it out.”
“This is what you woke us up to tell us.” Ruffnut complained
“It takes some time to get there so we might as well start early.” Hiccup reasoned
“Hiccup, are you sure this is a good idea? Every time we’ve been there we’ve nearly escaped death.” Fishlegs spoke up
“Those dragons aren’t exactly friendly.” You put in
Hiccup sighed, “I know, I know. But we have to make sure.”
“Do you think the dragon hunters have something to do with this?” Astrid asked
“What would the dragon hunters want with the Snow Wraiths? They don’t have the Dragon Eye anymore, we do.” Fishlegs said
Hiccup shook his head, “I have no idea. But I’m definitely curious.”
Fishlegs nodded in agreement.
“Everyone needs to change into their warmest clothes, we all know how cold it can get there, especially at this time of year.” Hiccup said
Everyone nodded and made their way to the clubhouse door.
As Snotlout was about to open the door, it opened for him.
“Surprise!” Dagur shouted, arms open wide as if expecting a hug.
Snotlout shrieked in fear and hid behind Fishlegs.
Heather appeared behind Dagur, a pleasant smile on her face.
“Dagur, Heather, what-what are you guys doing here?” Hiccup asked
“We’re here to celebrate Snoggletog with you guys, of course!” Dagur said
“I thought you guys knew we were coming?” Heather asked
“Nope, we didn’t.” Astrid said pointing to Snotlout
Heather turned towards Dagur, “You didn’t send them a terror-mail?”
Dagur looked shocked, “Me? I thought you were doing it.”
Heather shook her head, “No. We agreed you would do it.”
“No. We agreed you would do it.” Dagur argued
“It doesn’t really matter.” Hiccup interjected, “It’s a nice surprise, really.”
“Are you sure?” Heather looked worried, “We don’t want to be a bother.”
Hiccup shook his head, “You aren’t. It’s just…”
“..Just what?” Heather asked
“We got a message from Johann and we were gonna check it out.” Astrid said
“Johann? Is that the skinny guy with the long beard?” Dagur asked, genuinely curious
“That would be the one.” Astrid confirmed
“I think I stole his ship a couple of times.” Dagur muttered to no one in particular.
“What did he say? Maybe we can help.” Heather motioned to her and Dagur.
“Do you remember Glacier Island?” Hiccup asked
Heather and Dagur nodded.
“Johann said that the island has been unusually quiet. We think that the dragon hunters have done something to the pack of Snow Wraiths.” Hiccup explained
“And we’re going to check it out because Johann has never been wrong, and definitely hasn’t sent us on missions full of dead ends.” Snotlout spat
“A possible deadly mission full of wild, untamable dragons…I’m in!” Dagur said excitedly
Heather smiled at her brother's enthusiasm, “We’d be happy to help. If you’ll let us.”
“Of course you guys can come, Heather. You and Windshear would be a lot of help.” Astrid said
“And, yes…you can totally ride with me because I know you’re dying to ask.” Snotlout said
Astrid glared at him.
“It would be nice to have a couple extra riders.” Hiccup considered
You sent him an encouraging smile, urging him to accept their offer.
“Of course we’ll help, brother!” Dagur clapped his hand on Hiccup's back making Hiccup stumble, “With you dragon riders, and us Berserkers, nothing can stop us.”
“I guess it’s decided then.” Fishlegs said
“Alright, everyone, gear up. It’s gonna be a long flight.” Hiccup announced
You added a couple more layers than you normally would, and just to be safe added some blankets and an extra jacket in your satchel just in case you had to stay longer than you would like to spend on an island made of ice.
As you and your dragon landed by the clubhouse, Hiccup walked over to you.
He held out his hand to help you down. You accepted it with a smile.
“You have everything?” He asked
“Yep, do you?” You asked
He nodded. He paused for a moment and then sighed.
“What is it, Hiccup?” You asked worriedly
“This. All of this. What could Viggo possibly want with the Snow Wraiths? He knows how dangerous they are and he doesn’t have the dragon eye so..” Hiccup took a moment to think
You sighed, “If anyone can figure out Viggos motives, it’s you. But, that doesn’t mean you should spend all your time worrying about it. We don’t even know if Johann was right, and the Snow Wraiths are gone! One thing at a time Hiccup, or you’ll drive yourself crazy.” You cupped his cheek affectionately.
He smiled gratefully and pulled your hand from his cheek and kissed the back of it.
“Ugh! Are you two done yet?” Snotlout shouted, obviously revolted by the display of affection.
You glared at him, “Yes, Snotlout, we are.”
“Amazing! Let’s get this show in the sky!” Dagur shouted excitedly
“Remember guys, one Snow Wraith is dangerous enough. But a whole pack of them-“ Hiccup began
“Is extremely deadly. Blah, blah, we get it!” Snotlout interrupted
Hiccup nodded, “So steer on the side of caution.” Hiccup warned while mounting Toothless.
“Of course, our dear Hiccup. We will steer on the side of most caution.” Ruffnut grinned mischievously
“We hear you loud and clear, H.” Tuffnut sent two thumbs up with a similar grin as his sister.
Hiccup sighed, knowing they weren’t going to listen to him.
“We’ve got a lot of ocean to fly over, so let’s go!” Hiccup shouted as Toothless jumped into the air with the rest of us following close behind.
How you were still freezing under three layers of clothing, you didn’t know.
Normally you would’ve tried to get your jacket from your satchel that was attached to your dragon's saddle, and risk falling off. But, the thought of falling into the water in this weather, was worse than the chilling wind that made your eyes tear up.
“There it is.” Hiccup shouted for the first time in hours.
You shivered at the thought of stepping onto the island of ice. But followed the others nonetheless.
“Finally.” You heard Astrid mutter in exhaustion.
Any other time of the year the flight would’ve been fine, even enjoyable. But of course Glacier Island would be a problem during the coldest time of the year.
When you hopped off your dragons back you took a moment to observe your surroundings. It was peaceful, just like it always was when you first got here. No sign of any disturbances, so that was good.
“We should spread out, we’ll cover more ground that way. Regroup back here in an hour.” Hiccup commanded
Fortunately, but also unfortunately it didn’t take long to find something.
You gasped when you saw the nets, you hadn’t truly believed Johann.
You tried to convince yourself that they were from the last time you had fought the dragon hunters at the island.
Your hopes were gone when you heard Fishlegs and Heather shout for Hiccup at the same time.
You all grouped up around Fishlegs who was holding a dragon root arrow. Snotlout was a small distance behind him holding his foot in pain.
“What did you find?” Hiccup asked
“It’s a dragon root arrow alright. I found it right around this area.” Fishlegs answered
“You found it? I’m the one who stepped on it! Why does this always happen to me?” Snotlout cried
“I found these.” You held up the nets.
Hiccup looked at the nets in your hand in distress.
“How do we know those aren’t from the last time we were here?” Ruff asked
“Because the wood I found was recently burnt.” Heather spoke up
Hiccup sighed, obviously much more worried than before.
Dramatically, a snow storm began to brew.
“Fishlegs?” Hiccup looked towards said Viking.
“These dragon root arrows are fresh.” Fishlegs answered Hiccup's unsaid question.
“How fresh?” Astrid asked
“A couple days, maybe. No more than a week.” Fishlegs said nervously.
Hiccup cursed.
Snotlout gasped and covered his ears.
“Hey, boss, the Snow Wraiths normally come out during the storms right?” Tuff asked
Hiccup nodded.
“So, if the Snow Wraiths are still here, they would come looking for us, right?” Tuff went on
“Yes, because they can make out the heat of our bodies, while we can’t see them.” You answered, shuffling closer to Hiccup.
Hiccup wrapped his arms around you subconsciously, still in thought.
“Can we make a plan before we all turn into ice.” Ruffnut complained, latching onto Fishlegs for some body heat.
Tuff nodded, his teeth chattering as he did the same.
Hiccup nodded and looked up, “We’ll set up camp and make a fire. The more heat, the bigger the target.”
“We want them to attack us? Give me one good reason we shouldn’t just feed you to the nest right now!” Snotlout shouted angrily
“I like your idea, brother. I’ve been itching for some action.” Dagur said, pulling out an ax, and chuckled evilly.
“Uh, no, we’re not going to fight them, we’re just gonna draw them out so that we know they’re still here.” Hiccup said
“Great plan, genius. So what happens if they are here? Do you plan on making us dinner.” Snotlout protested
“We’ll fly away, and head back to the edge.” Hiccup said
“Uh, Hiccup, are we sure that’s the best idea?” Astrid asked doubtfully
“No. But it’s simple and easy. We don’t want to be here any longer than we need to be.” Hiccup said, rubbing the side of your arms as a hint to the cold being a problem.
Everyone nodded and got to work.
“Sorry, baby. Daddy Dagur will use you soon enough.” Dagur stroked his ax affectionately
With the tents set up, and the group huddled around the small fire they made, they waited.
You were close to Hiccup's side, both of you sharing the blanket you brought. You and Hiccup leaned against Toothless, while Toothless and your dragon used their wings to cover you from the harsh wind.
“They should be here any time now.” Hiccup reassured you
You nodded, wishing to believe him.
So, you waited.
The blizzard only got worse and the Snow Wraiths were still not showing.
“Hiccup, we can barely see a thing!” Astrid shouted
“We have to make sure they’re still here!” Hiccup said desperately
“If we want to do that, we have to go to the nest. We’re wasting our breath sitting out here.” Heather said
Hiccup didn’t look pleased but he nodded.
When he remembered no one could see him but you he shouted, “Saddle up, we’re going to the nest!”
Inside, you didn’t have to suffer from the harsh wind. Which was a big bonus.
You don’t know why you didn’t try to convince Hiccup to do this sooner.
The only downside was that Snotlout led you out of the caves (why did you guys follow him? Probably to make sure he wasn’t the one who found the Snow Wraiths first. He’d find a way to make them mad, if they weren’t already mad at seeing a stranger in their territory.).
When Toothless used his sound waves to locate the nest, things went a lot smoother.
You held your breath as you entered.
“Everyone, spread out, and look.” Hiccup ordered
You and your dragon covered one area of the nest but you didn’t see a Snow Wraith.
When you turned to report this to Hiccup, you noticed the look on his face and you knew you wouldn’t have to say a word. Because he already knew.
Hiccup shouted in outrage.
“What should we do, Hiccup?” Fishlegs asked in an anxious voice.
“We go back to the edge, I’ll send a letter to Johann, and-“ Hiccup was cut off by a gurgling noise.
It was coming from a small crack in the ice.
Hiccup flew down to check it out.
After he examined it for a few moments he said, “Fishlegs, come look at this.”
Fishlegs looked at the area Hiccup had pointed to and gasped.
“What? What is it?” Snotlout asked
Fishlegs turned to Hiccup, “Is that…”
Hiccup nodded, “I think it is.”
“Ooh, is this a guessing game! Okay, I’ll go first, meatloaf, lamb, hamster!” Tuffnut shouted
When everyone looked at him strangely he said, “What? I’m hungry.”
“Hamster?” Heather asked
“Hey! If you have a problem with my dietary choices, you can keep it to yourself.” Tuff accused
Heather looked at Astrid in confusion, in the return the blonde only shrugged.
“Hiccup.” He looked up at you, “What it is.”
“I think…” he paused looking back at the crack in the ice, “it’s a baby Snow Wraith.”
Someone gasped.
“Are you sure?” You asked
“Pretty sure.” Hiccup answered
Snotlout groaned in annoyance, “So if she asks a question, you answer? Your favoritism is showing, Hiccup. And I don’t like it.” Snotlout narrowed his eyes.
Hiccup just rolled his eyes.
“How did it even get there?” Snotlout asked
“Your mom never had that talk with you?” You teased
You laughed under your breath while Snotlout muttered for you to shut up.
“Hiccup, do you know what this means?” Fishlegs said in a concerned voice
“What? What does it mean?” Snotlout asked
Hiccup nodded.
“It means that this baby has been left vulnerable. He’s too young to provide for himself, much less protect himself.” Fishlegs said
“Well, we can’t just leave the baby Snow Wraith here, then.” Heather said
“Yeah, no baby dragons left behind.” Dagur said
“We aren’t going to leave it.” Hiccup reassured
“But, Hiccup, we’ve never seen a Snow Wraith outside of Glacier Island. How do we know we’ll be able to inhabit him anywhere else? The edge isn’t nearly as cold as it is here.” Fishlegs said
“Maybe, one of us will stay with him, while the others go get the other Snow Wraiths back.” Hiccup suggested
“It’s far too cold for any one of us to stay here for that long. Even with our dragons.” You said
“She’s right, Hiccup. Staying here isn’t an option either.” Fishlegs agreed
“Well, what do we know about the Snow Wraiths?” Hiccup asked
Fishlegs pulled out his dragon cards, “We know that they can blend in with the snow..they can only make out our body heat..and that they typically live in cold places.”
“What about the snow capped mountains back on the edge, those are pretty cold.” Ruffnut said absentmindedly
Fishlegs gasped, “Yes, that could work. Good idea, Ruff!”
Ruffnut looked shocked at being praised, “Oh..really?”
Fishlegs nodded.
“Well..you're welcome.” She said
“Good idea, gang.” Hiccup spoke, “Now how do you get this little guy outta here?”
We bribed him with a chicken leg of course.
Tuff had to leave the room before we pulled it out so he wouldn’t get upset.
Apparently, Dagur carries around cooked chicken legs.
He claimed that he was always getting hungry on long flights.
Now the dragon was nestled comfortably in Fishlegs arms. Sleeping peacefully as we made our journey back to the edge.
When Dragons Edge was finally in sight, Hiccup called out orders, “Fishlegs, Heather, you take the baby Snow Wraith up to the mountains and make sure that it can safely inhabit the mountains. The rest of you, to the clubhouse. I need to get something from my hut but I’ll meet you there.” And with the final word he set towards his hut.
“You heard the man.” Dagur shouted
What you weren’t expecting when you landed was a certain trader standing there, looking quite nervous.
“Trader Johann?” You said in surprise
“Ah! Good, you’re here. I have the most important news that must be shared with master Hiccup straight away.” Johann said
“He’ll be here in just a moment.” You said
But Johann just shook his head, “We don’t have a moment. I must tell master Hiccup this information now. Before…it is too late.”
You and Astrid shared a worried glance.
“What information?” Astrid asked stepping forward
Johann looked even more nervous to be addressed from Astrid.
“Johann, what information?” Astrid continued
“I was hoping to wait for master Hiccup..” Johann began
You sighed, “No need, because there he is.” You pointed towards the sky
Hiccup climbed off Toothless’ back with something in his hand. When he looked up, he was surprised to see everyone looking at him in worry.
“What? What is it?” He asked
You nodded your head towards the unexpected guest.
“Johann?” Hiccup said in surprise
“Yes, master Hiccup, I have urgent news for you.” Johann said
“We got your terror mail-“ Hiccup began moving to your side to get a clear look at Johann.
“It is not about that. Or rather it is, but it is new information.” Johann said
“And what would that be?” Hiccup questioned
Johann chuckled a little, “Well you see..”
“To the point, Johann. If this information is as important as you say it is, then we can’t waste any time.” You cut in
Johann sighed a little, “You’re right, miss. I was chatting with a few of my merchant friends when I caught wind of some dragon hunters heading out east. I heard them mention big, untamable, dragons who could see body heat. I was certain they were talking about the Snow Wraiths.”
“How far east, Johann?” Hiccup asked, sounding urgent
Johann perked up a bit, “I’ve brought you a map.” He pulled it from his bag and handed it to Hiccup.
Hiccup opened it and quickly glanced over the information, then nodded.
“Thank you for all your help, Johann.” Hiccup said
“Of course, master Hiccup. As always, it is a pleasure to serve you.” Johann bowed dramatically
Hiccup turned towards the rest of us, “Okay, gang, Snotlout, find Fishlegs and Heather and pass on Johann's message. Tell them to stay here and look after the baby Snow Wraith until we get back.” Snotlout nodded. He and Hookfang flew off towards the mountains.
“I'm sorry to interrupt, master Hiccup, but did I hear you correctly? Baby Snow Wraith?” Johann asked
Hiccup nodded
Johann gasped, “Oh, dear. If the mother has been taken from her baby she will be in much hurry to get back. You must proceed with caution, master Hiccup.”
Hiccup nodded, “Thank you, Johann. As for the rest of you, change your winter gear for protective gear. You heard Johann, the Snow Wraiths won’t be able to tell the difference from us and the hunters. Once Snotlout gets back, we take off.”
Everyone nodded.
“So how far away is this place, Hiccup?” Astrid asked
“Not far.” Hiccup replied
“You don’t sound too happy about that, brother.” Dagur commented
“I'm not. What are the dragon hunters doing so close to our island.” Hiccup responded
“We’ll figure it out and then we’ll deal with it. We always do.” You said
Hiccup sent you a small smile, and you returned it with one of your own.
“That’s the island.” Hiccup pointed downward
You all peered down.
“Uh, is it just me, or does that island look pretty abandoned?” Tuff asked
“It’s not just you, Tuff. They must be hidden somewhere on the island.” Hiccup said
A huge explosion caught all your attention.
“There!” Hiccup shouted, “Ruff, Tuff, Dagur, you pressure them in from the right.” The twins and Dagur nodded
Hiccup called your name and Snotlout's next, “You two will take the left.” Hiccup looked towards Astrid, “We’ll come up from behind.”
We did just as Hiccup told us to, but where we were expecting a battle or flying arrows, there was a mess instead. Bins and barrels were knocked over, some had been filled with food, others with weapons, but not a hunter in sight.
“I'm confused, I thought we were supposed to be dodging the flying arrows, not following them to find the hunters who want to hunt us and our dragons.” Snotlout said
“If we find the hunters, we find the Snow Wraiths.” You replied
“Right, the dragons who also want to kill us. Great.” Snotlout muttered
A roar could be heard in the distance.
You and Snotlout made eye contact. A knowing, displeased look was on his face, “We’re going to go towards the angry dragon instead of away from it, aren’t we.” Snotlout said
You grinned a little, “Yep.”
“Of course we are.” Snotlout muttered
When the two of you got there you found the rest of your group was already at the scene.
One of the Snow Wraiths was fighting a couple hunters on the ground.
The gang tried to help but the Snow Wraith thought that you were a threat so they started to fire at you.
The hunters were too busy dodging the Snow Wraiths attacks to care about the rest of you.
You saw a hunter run for the woods, and Hiccup and Toothless following. You followed, not knowing where the rest of the hunters were and not wanting Hiccup to run into them.
Hiccup stopped in front of him, blocking his path. You stopped behind him, blocking his escape route. When he turned to the right, Toothless blasted down the tree. When he turned to the left your dragon knocked over a couple of trees.
“Where are the rest of the Snow Wraiths?” Hiccup demanded
The hunter whimpered in fear.
Your dragon growled, “Answer him.” You said
“I-I-I don’t know. O-one minute we were working, just like normal. Then that Snow Wraith cornered us.” The hunter spilled
“Where are the rest of you?” Hiccup demanded, Toothless opened his mouth ready to fire a warning shot.
The hunter screeched, “Un-under the island. There’s an entrance a few feet underwater. The rest of us were working up here.”
Toothless relaxed and Hiccup smiled.
“Thank you for the help!” You yelled as you dropped the hunter on top of a tree.
When you made it back to the others the Snow Wraith was gone.
“What happened?” Hiccup asked
“It just flew away.” Dagur answered
“We tried to stop it, but..” Astrid added
“It would’ve torn all of us to shreds!” Snotlout roared
“Believe me, it was compelling.” Dagur added
“Tell me about it.” Ruff muttered
Hiccup just rubbed his hand over his face.
“What did you guys find?” Astrid asked
“The location of the other hunters.” You answered
“Where?” Tuff asked
“Under the island.” Hiccup said
The other six raised their eyebrows.
“Under the island?” Astrid sounded confused
You nodded
“How far under the island?” Tuff asked
“Only a few feet.” You said
“It shouldn’t be too difficult, but proceed with caution.” Hiccup warned
You hovered over the water uncertainty. On one hand, you were ready for this to be over. On the other, you weren’t exactly looking to go swimming this trip.
“Alright, gang, I’ll go in first. Wait a few minutes before following me in, just in case it’s a trap.” Hiccup said
“Why does he get to do all the fun stuff?” You heard Tuff mutter
You watched anxiously as Hiccup and Toothless dove for the water.
And you waited…
When nothing happened, Astrid spoke up, “I think that means it’s clear.”
“Remember to be cautious.” You said before all of you dove
You held your breath as you plunged into the water. Given the speed your dragon was going it felt like a slap to the face. You tried to ignore the sting as you resurfaced under the island.
It was cave-like. A few torches lit here and there providing a little bit of light.
Hiccup stood (dripping wet) waiting expectantly with a torch in his hand.
Once all of you had made it in, Toothless led you all through the dark underground, using his special ability to locate the rest of the hunters.
The ground shook under your feet when you heard a bang.
Toothless let out a growl, positioning himself to be ready for whatever was coming. The rest of the dragons followed.
Before you knew it Hiccup was yelling “Duck!” and pushing you to the ground.
You gasped as you watched 1…2…3…5? Snow Wraiths fly past you in quite the hurry.
Hiccup's arm was on your back trying to push you back towards the ground. Toothless and your dragon were covering the both of you but with the speed the dragons were going at, no one knew if staying on the ground would keep you safe.
After a few moments of silence, Hiccup pulled you up.
“Well that was great.” Snotlout grumbled
“I’ve never seen a dragon of that size move so fast.” Astrid commented
“Me either.” Hiccup stated
“They had to be running from something big.” Ruffnut said, excitedly
“It had to be a-a…a dragon as big as this island.” Tuff said
“If it was as big as the island, it wouldn’t be able to fit in here.” Astrid said, annoyed
“Habitat change, perhaps?” You added
“Those both could be- uh, possible.” Hiccup said
“Well, what are we waiting for, let’s go take a look shall we?” Dagur said
Said person tried to fly off, but Hiccup stepped in his path and stopped him.
“What are you talking about? Clearly the problem has worked itself out. So let’s go home before we get ourselves killed!” Snotlout said
“Because we don’t know if the problem has solved itself, Snotlout. There could still be more Snow Wraiths. And we don’t know if the Snow Wraiths were running from something. So we have to plan this accordingly before we jump into the volcano.” Hiccup said
“There’s a volcano?” Tuff asked, looking around
“Yeah, it’s over there.” Ruff pointed the other way
When Tuff looked, Ruff hit him hard on the back of the head.
“Hiccup, we don’t have time to come up with a super brilliant plan. The baby Snow Wraith needs its mother. Heather and Fishlegs can only look after it for so long.” Astrid said
Hiccup nodded, “Yes, yes. That’s a good point, but-“
“She’s right, Hiccup. We need to act now, we can’t plan for all the possibilities. Who knows what being here has done for the Snow Wraiths. So, if there are more..” you cut in
Hiccup sighed, “You’re right. On your dragons and approach with caution.”
It was so dark, that without our dragons we would have run into the hard walls.
Then, something grabbed you off of your dragons back.
You screamed in surprise, feeling claws dig into your forearms.
You could faintly hear Hiccup scream your name in panic over the sound of your dragon's worried calls.
You were flying fast, you weren’t sure where you were going as it was pitch black.
That was until you were plunged into cold water.
Water went up your nose, unfortunately. And your eyes burned at the sudden salt water.
You quickly tried to swim up to the surface. Also, unfortunately for you, there were small tides pushing this way or that. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to fight the tides or allow them to take you. You hadn’t remembered these from before. Maybe because you were focusing on holding your breath.
You felt something grab the back of your clothes and pull you up. You coughed urgently, desperate to get some air.
A tongue was trying to be helpful by licking the water from your face. By the worried grunts you knew it was your dragon.
“I’m alright.” You gasped out a little
You felt a human body come in contact with yours, gently cradling you while asking too many questions for your mind to comprehend.
“I’m okay.” You assured Hiccup
“What was that?” You asked when you finally sat up on your own
“That's something we would all like to know.” Snotlout said unhelpfully
“We couldn’t see anything. By the time we made it back here it was gone. Just..vanished.” Astrid answered
“What do we do then?” You asked
Hiccup was deep in thought, “We draw it back to us.”
“What?” Multiple voices said
“Some of us will wait here while the others go out to be bait. When the dragon brings one of us back, we corner it.” Hiccup explained
You sighed, “I’ll do it.”
Hiccup sent you a harsh look, “No. Someone else will.”
“Hiccup, it already happened to me once-“
“I said, no. That’s final.” Hiccup said, looking very authoritative.
“I’ll do it.” Astrid volunteered
Hiccup nodded, "Thank you. Astrid and I will fly back. The rest of you, wait here. Remember, we don’t want to hurt it.” He said mounting Toothless's back once more
“Hiccup-“ you tried once more
“Stay. Please.” His eyes were pleading
Reluctantly you stepped back.
Hiccup's plan was successful as usual.
The dragon that threw you into the water was an unknown species.
Hiccup had already calmed it down, thankfully. Or so you thought until the dragon threw Hiccup on his back and flew off.
“Hiccup!” You shouted in horror, quickly mounting your dragon and flying up.
You paused when you heard Toothless’ worried growl from the ground.
Sighing a bit, you landed and mounted Toothless, while your dragon flew after you.
You had ridden on Toothless before, but Hiccup was always on the reins. This was new, Toothless and you were both worried for said boy's safety, in a place where the dragon who had taken him could easily dodge past all of you, so you had to search for him in the complete darkness.
None of these thoughts seem to occur to Toothless as he flew at record breaking speed through the darkness.
Minutes felt like hours as you were desperate to come in contact with them.
Toothless only seemed to move faster when Hiccup's voice could be heard.
Settling down in a poorly lit portion of the cave you jumped off Toothless and ran for Hiccup.
“Are you alright? What happened?” You asked worriedly while checking for any cuts and bruises.
“I’m alright.” He assured you and Toothless.
“What was that?” Astrid asked jumping off a Stormfly's back
“It was a very bad plan. As usual.” Snotlout commented
“It was amazing. One minute you were there and then..you weren’t! Like magic!” Tuff said in a tone as if he were telling a poorly written story.
“This dragon wanted me to see this.” Hiccup lit a torch and used its flames to brighten the cave wall.
Markings and pictures were shown.
“What does it mean?” You asked
“It’s why Viggo came here. He took the Snow Wraiths because they can see body heat, so this dragon couldn’t get past them, like it could us. And with the Snow Wraiths unparalleled abilities and the uneven numbers taking this guy down would’ve been pretty easy.” Hiccup placed his hand on the dragon sympathetically, “But, Viggo underestimated the Snow Wraiths abilities, and they were able to fly away before they could ever get near here.”
“But what is it?” Snotlout asked impatiently
“I think it’s…I think it’s a new species of dragons.” Hiccup said
You all were taken aback.
“Are you sure?” Astrid asked uncertainty
Hiccup nodded, “I am.”
“So, what do we do now?” Tuff asked
“We can’t leave this kind of information for people like Viggo to find. I’ve already copied a bit of the drawings in my book, but the rest of it…” Hiccup looked toward the dragon, a silent request.
The dragon fired on the wall, completely destroying what had been there.
“Fishlegs is going to be so upset he missed this.” Snotlout commented
“Heather, too.” Dagur added
“So, what about this guy?” Astrid asked pointing the new dragon
Hiccup turned to look at everyone, “I say, we take him back to the edge. He no longer needs to protect this information, and he’ll be better protected there. But if anyone has a problem with that…” Hiccup waited for an objection that never came.
“I call riding him!” Snotlout shouted
Hookfang growled and flamed his body.
Snotlout recoiled, he chuckled nervously, “I’m just kidding, Hooky.”
Hiccup seemed satisfied, “Well then-“ he was cut off by a distant growl
You all knew the look on his face, you were going to check it out.
With Toothless and Hiccup in the lead we flew back where you came from. Following the sounds of the unknown dragon.
When you got there your new companion dragon was already at the scene. Surprising you, but no one commented on it.
Next to it was a Snow Wraith fighting desperately to get out of a dragon proof cage.
“All of them didn’t get out on their own.” Astrid said tone filled with pity.
“It’s hurt.” You commented seeing the nasty scratches on its side.
It stopped making noise as soon as Hiccup held his hand up in the air.
“Hiccup..” you began
“She’s the baby Snow Wraith's mother.” Hiccup finished your thought
“She must have been fighting so hard to get free that she hurt herself.” You added
“Yeah.” Hiccup said sadly, noticing the scratches
“It’s okay, we’re on your side, and we’re going to get you out of here.” Hiccup said, approaching cautiously
When he deemed the dragon to be calm enough, Hiccup nodded towards Toothless.
Toothless opened his mouth ready to blast the lock but our new dragon companion beat him to it.
He blasted it straight through the cage.
Once again, you were all shocked speechless.
Toothless grumbled unappreciative at his thunder being stolen.
“Let’s see…it’s the key to the dragon proof cages and information on a species of dragons..and it flies really fast…I’ve got it! Keyflyer!” Tuff shouted
Ruff scoffed at her twin, “Keyflyer, really?”
“Do you have a better suggestion?” Tuff fired back
“No. But I will!” Ruff said, determinedly
“Hiccup, this is incredible.” You said
Hiccup grinned widely at you, “I know.” You could see the wheels in his head turning.
“But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.” You reminded
“What? Oh, you’re right.” He turned towards all of you, “Let’s head home.”
Hiccup's bed was far warmer than yours. But, maybe that was because there were two people in it instead of one.
You enjoyed using the excuse that Hiccup's bed was much warmer than yours so that you could spend the night at his without too many remarks from the others.
Hiccup didn’t mind at all, it was much more comfortable to cuddle with another human than a dragon that weighs 5x more than you do.
Your arms were curled around each other, barely any space between you two. If someone were to come on it would look as if there were only one body in the bed instead of two.
Most mornings you wake up and Hiccup had left with Toothless for a morning flight. He comes back eventually, crawling back into bed, so that the two of you could talk softly about whatever was on your mind that morning. Or, you might join him for a morning flight.
Your favorite mornings are when you woke up with him right next to you, no rush for a morning flight, just taking your time. Until, you are inevitably interrupted by someone. These mornings could be counted on one hand, but they were the best.
To your luck, today was one of those mornings. Snoggletog was still a bit away, but you and the gang did a few things to celebrate together before heading back to Berk. This year, Dagur and Heather joined in those festivities.
Hiccup was absentmindedly stroking the hair from your face, making you melt in a feeling of bliss. His eyes were unfocused, meaning he was thinking, his eyes were trained on the floor on the other side of the bed.
“Hi.” You said, voice quiet but it still came out louder than you meant it to.
He smiled down at you, “Good morning.” He softly kissed the crown of your head.
You hummed in approval.
“How long have you been up?” You asked, stilling his hand by your hair and intertwining your fingers.
Hiccup shrugged, “Not long. I didn’t expect you to wake up so soon.”
You smiled teasingly, “Oh, planning to do a bunch of Hiccup things before I woke up and started to annoy you.”
He huffed out a small laugh, “Yes, that’s it.”
Then, a loud bang came from downstairs as Toothless dashed up the stairs in surprise and jumped on you and Hiccup.
“Get up, brother! Breakfast is warm and tasty!” Dagurs voice shouted from below
Toothless lifted one of his wings to reveal a grinning Dagur.
Dagurs grin changed to a look of surprise at the sight of you.
“Oh, am I interrupting something?” He asked
“Are both lovebirds in there? Shocker.” You could Snotlout laugh outside of the hut.
“Yeah, those two are attached at the hip all the time.” Tuff said
“Imagine being with someone all the time, I could never do that.” Ruff added
“Same here, sister.” Tuff agreed
Hiccup groaned in annoyance, “Yes! You are interrupting something. Leave, all of you!”
“Someone’s grumpy.” You heard Snotlout mutter before the door slammed shut.
He turned to look at you, a look of regret on his face. You knew he felt bad for this morning being interrupted.
You smiled, “Breakfast?”
He smiled in return, knowing you weren’t. He leaned down for a sweet kiss.
“…and there they were. Great great Uncle Hopnutt with his one leg and a bucket, staring straight into the eyes of the big bass, the size of a Toothless!” Tuff told his story in a dramatic manner that all of you were used to.
Toothless’ head shot up at the sound of his name.
“The size of Toothless? Please.” Astrid laughed, clearly not believing Tuffnutt's story.
“Don’t barf on the yak until you taste it, A. Double G Uncle Hopnutt swore on his other leg!” Tuff pointed to one of his legs.
“And that’s a big deal! Because..Y’know..he only has one leg.” Ruff added
“Oooh, what happened next? What happened next!” Dagur demanded like a child about to receive a new toy.
It was later in the day, you had just finished dinner and now are sharing stories.
Fishlegs opened the clubhouse door walking over to you and Hiccup.
Hiccup sat watching the twins with his arm around your shoulder, you were snuggled into his side.
When he noticed Fishlegs he smiled.
“Hey, Fishlegs!” Hiccup greeted
Fishlegs grinned, “I can’t believe you found not one, but two new species of dragons.” Fishlegs squealed in delight, “This is more amazing than I thought. And, you would not believe what I found out from the baby Snow Wraith!”
Snotlout walked over to us, “For the record, I was the only one who was brave enough to go in the cave in the first place. The rest of them were too chicken to go in.” Snotlout bragged
You rolled your eyes, “Yep, that’s how it happened.”
“Yeah, good thing we brought you along Snotlout or things would’ve gone south.” Hiccup added dryly.
“You’re welcome.” Snotlout said, examining his nails.
Fishlegs looked unamused, he opened his mouth to speak when chicken jumped on him in fright.
“Not cool, A. I told you that your face makes her nervous.” Tuff raged
“I didn’t even do anything!” Astrid complained
“Sure you didn’t, Astrid.” Ruff said accusingly
“Hey, get off of me!” Fishlegs pulled chicken off of him
“Be careful, Gronkle lover, she’s fragile!” Tuff roared, picking up chicken and cooing at her.
“Hey! She took my book!” Fishlegs yelled
Tuff chuckled menacingly, “Did she?” He smirked holding Fishlegs book up in the air.
“Give me that!” Fishlegs ran towards Tuff in search of his book.
Tuffnut through the book in the air, towards where his sister was standing. But instead of landing in Ruffnut hands it landed on Snotlout's face.
Snotlout shrieked as he fell over.
Astrid fell to the floor laughing.
Heather ran over to pull Fishlegs off of Tuffnut.
“Should we help them?” You asked Hiccup
He examined the scene in front of him, “We’ll step in once Astrid pulls out her ax.”
You nodded in agreement, enjoying the scene in front of you.
You and Hiccup laughed silently at the chaos that was currently your friends. Enjoying these last few moments together before you were sure to have to step in before anyone could get really hurt.
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Whispering Woods
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 1k
Summary: When the world gets too much for you, you have the tendency to 'run' away sometimes. This time you and your dragon don't get the peace and quiet that comes with it for too long as it seems you have an admirer waiting to make their presence known.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with the square 'Hand Kisses'
(Y/N): Your name
(D/N): Dragon's name
(D/S): Dragon species
(W/C): Weapon of choice
*Gif does not belong to me
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It wasn't unusual for you to take a break from Berk every once in a while. Hopping on (D/N)'s back and flying off without a word to anyone else on the island. You knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do, not when Drago Bloodyfist or whatever Hiccup had called him recently attempted to take control of all of Berk's dragons, but you couldn't help yourself. There was nothing better the disappearing for a few hours with nothing but the wind in your hair, your (D/S) under you and the quietness that came with it.
The only repercussions for disappearing that you've ever gotten were some annoyed friends or a worried Hiccup, which you could say was one of the worse options since he tended to fret when you returned. Though anything was better than a mad Hiccup when you accidentally disappeared for three days and came back to half of Bekr looking for you since Hiccup had gotten worried enough to start a search party.
That's how you found yourself where you were now, surrounded by the quietness of a forest on some random island not too far away from Berk. The flight over had only taken twenty minutes as you and (D/N) took your time flying there.
(D/N) had slunk off not too long ago, making her own way through the forest as she explored, leaving you to your thoughts as you trailed after her, not trying very hard to keep up.
Berk had been hectic recently. Hiccup found his mum, Berk was attacked, you almost lost (D/N), and Stoick died... It was a lot to happen in the span of a few days, closer to a few hours if you don't count Hiccup's extended absence.
This island had seen worse for wear but there was still a lot of work that had to be done. Which you should be doing now but too many people were asking too much of you. You had also been avoiding meeting Hiccup's mum as the two of you had spared only a few words to one another when in the heat of battle.
It was a lot to think of all at once, so you found yourself off the island quicker than the Twins could say boar pit.
Being out here was doing wonders for your mind; calming you down and making it easier to think of nothing at all. It was all you could hope for, even if you knew you would have to head back soon unless you wanted Hiccup to deem this as another one of your escape attempts.
It was only when the forest got quieter than normal did you felt the need to come back to your senses, an actual need to be alert instead of walking around aimlessly as if you were on autopilot.
The soft thumping of (D/N)'s feet from ahead had stopped, along with the birds hidden in trees. The only noise that passed through was the rustling of leaves as a steady breeze glided through the woods. Your hand was itching down to grasp onto the small blade you had strapped to your belt, your (W/C) left on the saddle that (D/N) had run off with.
Before you had the chance to do anything though, a set of hands were slipping around your waist, tugging you back and into someone's chest softly. Years of Viking training were already kicking in as you raised an elbow, ready to dig it back with a low aim when someone caught onto your arm, stopping it in its motion.
"Hey," You struggled to get out, still trying to land a hit on the person behind you and push yourself away, attempting anything that would set you free.
"Calm down," A familiar voice laughed out, surprising you into stillness as your brain realised who it was. At your sudden stop, you were whirled around by the person who had disturbed you, being met with a bright smile and a deep set of green eyes as they bore into you. "I was wondering when you'd notice it was me."
"Hiccup," You deadpan, watching as the taller boy slowly pulled you closer, setting one of his hands on your waist without the hassle of a fight from you trying to dislodge it.
"(Y/N)," He copied, raising one of your hands with his free ones and bringing it up to his face, setting a soft brush of his lips on the back of it in the form of an extended greeting. You watched the motion with warm eyes, the annoyance that had crept up your spine dying down a bit.
"How long have you been here?" You questioned once your fingers got interlocked with his, not going to deny the soft touches as the both of your hands were brought down.
"Not long," Hiccup commented. Standing in front of you, Hiccup seemed like he didn't have a care in the world, reminding you of what you had left behind on Berk and how Hiccup himself could bring this feeling out of you. "Toothless saw you and (D/N) fly off not long ago and wanted to bring me to you so that he could play with them."
"Mm," You hummed, bringing your linked hands back up. For a short moment where your hands stayed hovering in the air, your lashes fluttering at Hiccup, you took him in, the small smile on your face expressing more words than you wanted to at the moment. Laying a kiss on the back of his hand, you murmur, "We better go find them then and make sure they don't get into too much trouble."
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nightmarewolf937 · 9 months
Runaway!GN!Reader meets their new trio of dragons...
Timeline: Race To The Edge [Part 1]
Runaway!Reader who fled their island in the middle of the night, only hours after hearing about their betrothal to some other tribe's heir.
Runaway!Reader who stumbles upon a Deathgripper that's injured, but still ready to fight and kill off any threats. It's stinger at the end of it's tail is exposed and ready to strike...until the Reader leaves and returns with fish they've managed to catch.
As the large dragon finally decides he can resist the fish no more, he begins to devour each one whole until nothing remains.
The Reader is just sitting there with their legs crossed and admiring this very dangerous dragon, mind racing with names and thoughts while the Deathgripper just stares back.
Finally settling on the name DeathStrike, after multiple growls and threatening displays at the other names mentioned, Runaway!Reader notices how the sun is beginning to set and starts to panic a bit.
As night falls, they realize just how much danger was really lurking about because where there's one Deathgripper, there's a pack of them.
Two more, equally frightening and dangerous, come charging out to defend the larger dragon with their tusks and stingers at the ready...but their injured pack mate snarls at them to back off.
DeathStrike has taken a liking to his new human!
He manages to stand and it's even clearer that he is the largest Deathgripper infront of Reader who's taken a few steps back and is panicking at the thought of being this pack of dragon's meal. They cower as the dragons approach and surround them, closing their eyes and tensing up as they prepare for pain.
But it never happens.
Instead they feel the snout of DeathStrike press against their hair, deep breaths inhales and hot puffs of air hit their skin, their eyes slowly open to see a lack of hostility amongst the pack.
A small pack of three male Deathgrippers isn't common amongst the species, but it also wasn't very common for these dragons to just claim a human as their new companion.
But now you're stuck with the trio of Deathgrippers who aren't keen on letting you go.
Imagine the first meeting with the Dragon Riders...
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jweekgoji · 2 months
yan! hiccup/reader/yan! dagur
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I'm on season 4 of RTTE but I just can't help but think how interesting the dynamic between Yan!hiccup and Yan!dagur would be.
tw: yandere, yandere rivals, mentions of attempts of kidnapping, slightly stalk-ish hiccup (?), overprotective Dragur, possessiveness
Dagur is already such a troublesome and unbearable person. sorry not sorry, but seriously, that guy toyed with Hiccup and almost drowned him? such a menace but that's why we love him, haha.
pre RTTE is probably one of the wildest times for you to be in this love triangle. while it is actually so nice to be around Hiccup, discussing every simple thing you two enjoy together like drawing or inventing (of course, not without him awkwardly standing next to you, almost stuttering every now and then); Dagur is the one who mostly talks. He would drag you around the island, yelling about how you two would be unstoppable together as dragon hunters and eventually you two might succeed in killing THE night fury! well, he would be the one who did all the job because it's him, obviously 🙄but you were here too, I guess...doing somethin very very important…
Even though Dagur gets a «bit» too crazy during dragon hunting, he still pays a good amount of attention to you. He would constantly make sure you stay NEAR him ALL the time, if you just made a few steps away, he would not bother casually taking your hand and be like 'nuh-uh, you're not going anywhere ☝️' with that calm voice of his, as if he's talking to some reckless little thing like you, who totally needs to be looked after by him. Dagur likes physical touch, he also loves the attention, giving and receiving it at the same time. If something or someone poses a threat to you, he would not hesitate to pull you behind him and deal with it himself.
Hiccup can't be as bold as Dagur though. He's shy, awkward and just doesn't have any experience at all. I'm not sure if Dagur has any experience too, but he's at least confident in what he does. Unlike Dagur, Hiccup is not as strong as him, and most of the time, it makes him frustrated and feel less of himself. He already experienced constant bullying by people on his own island, including his father and he judges himself too. But with Toothless around, he feels less powerless and more hopeful. If he is sure you're fine with dragons, he would find it as a reason to get closer to you. You want to find a dragon friend? Good for you, Hiccup is the best dragon trainer around. If you have your own dragon, it's just more perfect for him, because he would now use the opportunity to show his skills to you and maybe prove that he's actually more than everyone thinks of him? If he's very awkward with you on the ground, eye to eye, he's less tense around you now that he has his best friend around him. After all, it doesn't feel as scary as before.
Dealing with both Dagur and Hiccup would not be easy. Because if they both have a massive crush on you, it's just a matter of time before one finds out about the other. I feel like Dagur might get suspicious at first, because he doesn't care if you like him or someone else, he will be around you. Hold his hands around your waist, shoulders, constantly whining if you just stop paying attention to him as if his life depends on it. If someone approaches you, like Snotlout, he just can't help but show how annoyed he is. Dagur is not shy about making it obvious how the presence of others irritates him.
Hiccup has to be concerned about the dragons' safety, the safety of Berk, Dagur and now yours safety too. If you're not from Berserker Island but from Berk, Dagur doesn't want to part ways at all. He puts his eye on you, and he just can't let you slip away like that. He might just put you over his shoulder and get you on his ship when it's time to go— but thankfully, Hiccup notices this at the right time and saves you from the fate of being stuck with this madman.
If Dagur treats everyone as a possible rival, Hiccup is not that comfortable expressing his feelings yet. I mean, of course he likes you, he would constantly daydream about you like a normal teenage boy, sketching you in his book so many times that even Toothless can replicate it with a stick between his teeth. Well, maybe just a bit more than just a typical teenage boy crush. He knows he can't be like Dagur who can just express his love to you whenever the young Berserker chief sees you, but he shows it in every small but meaningful way he can. Hiccup would find out what you're interested in, what you like, and every small little fact he can memorize, but he would put it like it's just all an accident and pretend like he didn't know anything about it. good for you to have a friend like him?
When things get more heated between you three, Dagur is more protective, he's not that dumb, actually, and he perfectly sees how his bro gets a bit too friendly with you. He really, really tries to think it's just because his two favorite people are being nice to each other and nothing more, but jealousy...! I don't think he would be as violent towards Hiccup as to other people, before «betrayal» he actually thought of the poor boy as the only person he can trust.
«I just HATE how every time I try to get close to [them], someone always appears out of nowhere and takes [their] attention from ME! I mean, [they're] obviously mine, right? You wouldn't try to steal [them] from me too, yes, Hiccup? 🤨 Haha! Of course, you wouldn't, it's not like [they] interested in you anyway ☺️»
«...Right. 👀»
After the fight between the two when it gets revealed about the dragons, Dagur is practically furious. More than usual this time, since he is forced to leave, and he can't see your pretty face again now :((
But good news, it makes you and Hiccup closer now! Whether you want it or not, you were close to Dagur for a good amount of time, you might consider him even some kind of friend of yours. Someone might get a little suspicious of you, because maybe you accidentally took some bits of craziness from Dagur too, but eventually, Hiccup, being the sweet trustful sweetheart would make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. He stays longer than usual, asks if maybe you need a nice quiet ride with him and Toothless just to clear your mind off the recent incident, would always be the one who checks on you every day. He really, really wants to do more, but expressing his true feelings is still so hard for him. It was said that Hiccup is a good gift maker, so expect to receive some small gifts next to your door out of nowhere.
While being away from you, Dagur thinks only about these three things. Night Fury. Hiccup. You. 🔁
His ego hurts, his heart aches, and it doesn't help that he gets even more violent towards others. Every time he tries to attack the riders, he hopes to see you too. When he spots you on your dragon with other riders, he is happy. But you are with dragon riders, so he quickly loses his temper, screaming orders about how his people should focus on capturing you and night fury, the others don't really matter to him.
You just can't help but notice how the fights between the two get more serious with each time now that you're the main target. Dagur would make it one of his personal goals to drag you back to his ship, meanwhile Hiccup would do everything to not get you on Dagur's ship. And that just repeats over and over again, at this point it's just something deeply personal you three have. Meanwhile, the others are left all confused and lost. The time Dagur spent in prison is probably not for the best, isn't it?
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milksuu · 2 years
Glitter & Leather | Hiccup x Fairy!Reader
Pairings: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fairy!fem!reader
Content/Warnings: None
Contains: Fluff & Foul Fairy Language
a/n: couldn't help but be inspired by a few mythical!reader fics. also, I have a current obsession with faitytale themes at the moment. might be a part 2 soon!
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“My, aren’t you a teeny human?”
There was a squeak in a grove of mossy timber trees, laden with flower beds and fists-full of sprouted grass. Standing one mushroom cap high, you tip-toed across a linen wrapped around a cooing newborn, existing with eyes still closed. It was an unlucky fate that the child was weak, unwanted, and left to the cruel hand of nature. However, it was to your fortune that this child would be the exchange for your promised gift. 
“My king will be so happy when I return with you,” you said, dancing giddily, ”and then, I’ll finally have my wings. Won’t that be a dream?”
Your pitter-pattering and mousy meeps stirred the babe, and its sniffling turned into wails that even cotton balls in your ears wouldn’t muffle. 
“Stop crying!” You stomped and slapped your pointed ears shut. “You should be happy to live as a servant for all eternity, instead of dying.”
The child responded with more tears than one could imagine. It flung its blubby hands forward, grasping you tightly, flailing you about. It bonked you left and right, tither and hither, and every space in between. When it smushed you across its blubbering face, you gasped on the dollops of tears soaking your entire head. 
You coughed and spat on the salty taste. “Let go of me you soggy lump!”
Your own cries were meaningless. The child held tighter, and you feared your bones would become miniscule mounds of white dust and glitter. With a defeated sigh, you cleared your throat, and hummed a sweet tune beloved and true in the Seelie court. A song of merriment, dancing, and feasting. Gradually, the baby's cries dwindled to waning breaths, until its own exhaustion tucked it back to sleep.
Wiggling and prying, you popped out from its weakened hold. Drained yourself, you fell to your hands and knees on the child. The shawl beneath was soft and inviting, and a nap sounded pleasant before your trip back to the kingdom. Amid your droning thoughts, the sobs and cries of a human echoed through the morning mist. It was not that of a baby, nor a child, but of a woman. 
You turned your head to peek at the baby's cherub features. “Looks like they want to keep you after all.”
You hung your chin low, contemplating snatching the child away before the naked eye could see. The terrible sobs and desperate crunching of distant gravel grew like roots in your chest, entangling your heart in thorns.
“Oh, for the love bee’s and poppy seeds,” you huffed and pointed a finger at his wet nose. “I’m sparing you today, but when we meet again, I will be taking you with me.”
With an indignant ‘hmph’ you hopped down to the grass bed below, scurrying behind a rock with fungus growing all over. Your lashes blinked when the human woman sprang into view. Throwing herself to the ground, she crawled on aching hands and knees to fetch the tiny bundle. Cradling the babe close, she whispered choked apologies and words of affection in endless rivers.
There was a flutter in your heart, and the tiniest lift to your lips. Although you would not get your wings today, in this moment you thought, sparing the child was a present better to give, than to receive.
⋆ ˖ ⁺ ‧ ₊ ⚜⎯⎯☾ ༻♔༺ ☽⎯⎯ ⚜₊ ‧ ⁺ ˖ ⋆
Twenty-years later…
Between the aged timber greens and soft patches of wildflowers, grew a new flourish of apple blossoms. The orchard became your hiding place and home, since you hadn’t returned to the fairy realm for all these years. You swore an oath not to return until you were able to complete your task; the shame if you came back empty handed would be too much to bare. Your king wasn’t fond of failure.
Nothing less than success was expected from his own daughter, after all.
Stepping out of your mushroom cottage made for one, you decided to search for a fallen apple for breakfast. Thinking you heard one drop south of your home, you ventured, pushing away blades of grass. You came upon one, red and shapely. There was never a dull moment in your world, and you arm wrestled an centipede and all its legs to claim it. As the crowned victor, you stuck out your tongue to its retreating form. 
The ground thundered, shaking the pebbles and dirt at your feet. You pressed yourself against the fruit, wrapping your arms around it, hoping to hide. The creature loomed just above you, and you felt the apple move. Hoisted into the air, your trembling body went with it. You clamped your mouth shut, withholding any sound. 
“Eh, is that a worm?”
You felt a thumb and finger pinch your clothes, plucking you off. You squealed, throwing your fists into the air.
“How dare you call me a worm!” 
You stared squarely at the face of the human boy you recognized. Knowing this made your blood steam hotter than boiled water.
“O-Oh Gods, not a worm, definitely not a worm, more like a…” he spoke windily, and your scowl deepened as his green eyes squinted further. “Tiny person?”
“Fairy person,” you corrected indignantly.
“Right, this is kinda strange, I thought you'd have wings at least,” he mumbled to himself, rolling your body around in his hand like a bag of marbles. “Is this even real? I wonder if I’m dreaming.”
“I am real. Now let go of me,” you squirmed, steam blowing from your ears, “you overgrown human baby!”
“Are all fairies always this…” he paused, finding the right words to say through his tight lips. “Pleasant?”
“I was pleasant enough to let you go when you were nothing more than a drooling glob of pink pudding,” your voice chirped to the highest octave. “You no good, wasp loving, dirty hare footed, son of a cricket—Ugh!”
“Listen, my name’s Hiccup, and not any of those other words you just called me. I mean, do I even want to know what they all meant? They can’t be good where you come from.”
“You’ll get no apologies from me. You made the mistake of finding me and handling me like a brute,” you said, wrestling the thumb of his finger. “I made a promise back then, whenever we should meet again, you would be coming with me.”
“Trust me, I can tell you, we’ve never met before,” he said, furrowing his brows. “I would've remembered. Especially since you’re, well, not even human.”
“Do I have explain everything to you? I found you when you were left here once by your mo–” you stopped short of his earnest gaze. It was apparent he had no clue in the matter. You hummed with frustration. “Oh! Forget it. Your fate has been sealed, and I have you exactly where I want you, flat-footed oaf Hiccup.”
He raised an eyebrow at your struggling form, and a blush came over you. “D-Don’t look at me like that. I’ve fought fleas more intimidating than you. Horseradish! I’ve even fought nasty toads and escaped out of one's belly once.”
“You realize you’re no taller than my left pinky, right?” He grinned at your fluster. “Tell you what, you tell me your name, and I’ll let you go.”
“If you must know, it’s Y/N,” you mumbled, puffing out your cheeks and crossing your arms. “Not that it’ll matter for long, anyway.”
“Huh, why do you say that?”
“Because you’ll be fast asleep soon,” you spoke plainly.
He wrinkled his nose, drawing his curious features closer. “What do you mean by that? I don’t even feel–”
You popped your hands out, blowing a thick layer of sparkling dust. He sneezed against the twinkling cloud, and after a mystifying blink of his eyes, they rolled back to meet the dreamlands behind them. You were about to commemorate your victory, till his form swayed and staggered. The onslaught of wind pulled at your cheeks, lashes, hair and ears. You feared you would need a whole new face. You squealed at the top of your thimble lungs, plummeting to the earth along with him. 
There was a rumble and shake when the boy hit the ground. Your lithe form bounced and flopped around like a blind caterpillar on the leathers of his chest. Still tumbling, you struggled to catch a buckle, holding on for a deer’s life. When the gravel and quakes settled, along with your thumping heart, you stood on your wobbly legs. 
“I…I did it,” you gasped, seeking to catch your breath. “Ahem! I mean, of course, I did. I’ve been preparing for this moment all along.”
Padding around, you minded your balance with the rise and falls of his chest. 
“I’ll admit, you grew from a tiny mush of jelly to be quite handsome, but too bad for you,” you said, wagging a haughty finger. “I’m not interested in taller men. Not only that, I’m far more invested in turning you in for my wings and finally claiming my recognition.”
With a hum, you tapped your lips with your fingertips, “Question is, now, is my magic strong enough to carry you. It would’ve been much easier if you were still a littler one. I’ll need to eat lots of honey if I’m able to pull this off—but bees can be so stingy.”
Begrudgingly, you admitted you didn't prepare this far; after twenty-years no less! You had all the spells in place to capture the boy, but then, it was foolish to think he would simply follow you as a willing hostage. During your pestering thoughts and plans, the earth shook as violently as it did before. You heard calls and shouts, ‘Hiccup! Where are you?’ rumbling through the leaves and woods. You pulled at your strands of glossy hair.
“Good grief!” you moaned and whined. You wondered how many friends and family this single human had, to fervently search for him, whenever you were so close to securing him. 
Pacing absentmindedly, and with a kick of your barefoot against a buckle, you sucked on the pain of your toe. Gathering yourself, you hotly stomped to meet his face. 
“This won’t be the last time we meet,” you muttered, poking and prodding his skin, “and I’ll take something precious from you just to make sure of that.” 
Scrambling, you searched through whatever pockets, nooks and crevices you could find. A medallion caught your eye. Although faded by time, it possessed an essence of sentimental value. You grinned at the luck, but it evaporated when the earthquakes surmounted. Dragging it close, you shuffled your feet, scaling the hill of his shoulder pad, and down the long ramp of his arm. With a hop, you scurried to hide behind the apple he had dropped earlier. 
“Hiccup!” You heard a feminine voice. “You’re sleeping out here, really?”
You felt the grass sway and shift as he groaned and twitched awake. Leaning, you peaked from your hiding spot.
“Astrid?” He asked groggily, rubbing the sleep powder from his face. “What…What’re you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that,” the blonde laughed, helping him rise and steady his feet. “Did you forget about our afternoon flight?”
“Of course not,” he said, waving his hands in front of him. “I was just…I think I saw a fairy.”
Astrid pursed her lips before chuckling and slapping his shoulder.
“That’s a good one. I’ll have to use it if I ever forget about something.”
“I swear, I didn’t forget,” he flushed, walking away with her. “I actually did see one. I even talked to it!”
“Uh-huh, sure you did.”
With banter and laughs, the two left your sight, disappearing beyond the berry bushes and apple blossoms. When the world quieted, you slumped down, pulling your knees against your chest. Resting your head in its comforts, you sighed, ready for your own afternoon nap.
To catch a human—no, to catch this human—was going to take a lot of work.
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handsomemilo · 2 years
hi! May I request some snotlout x reader dating pretty please?
Yes you can my friend 😌
I put it into headcanons because its easier to write it this way, if you would like a specific situation you would probably have to request that separately
SNOTLOUT X READER (Dating Headcanons)
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Not my Gif
Pairing: Snotlout x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used (half the time I don't even put the pronouns into my writing) : They/Them/Their's
Warnings: nothing but a sweet viking boyfriend
Summary: Headcanons
Right so personal headcanon of him general is that he has a load of burn scars.
Yk from Hookfang, so whenever you look at him for too long, he gets shy
As big as his ego can seem, he's kinda fragile
Needs to be treated with care.
He gives up on flirting with Astrid and Heather, he's only focused on you
PLEASE compliment him
He needs it
His dad's a bit of a douche and brings him down when he comes by
You gotta comfort him when it happens, like a lot.
Like you gotta make sure he doesn't do something stupid
I mean you have to make sure if that most of the time
You might as well be his parent
If you just hold him gently, he'll purr like a cat.
Don't ask where this idea came from it just kinda appeared in my head.
He loves when you appreciate his muscles
Like just tell him you think they are cool
He'd be jumping for joy!
Hookfang would probably pretend to prefer you to Snotlout just to be spiteful
Even when he's not pretending though Hookfang knows when you two need privacy
Hookfang also genuinely enjoys your presence since Snotlout is less annoying when around you
Snotlout quietens down a little bit around you
It's cause he's in love~
However, he may be quieter but he also shows off to you sooooo much.
Or he shows you off to everyone
He's gotta keep your attention somehow
He just wants you to think he's interesting.
He's a victim of the Twins pranks, however with you around you tend to spot when they try to pull something on him.
He's always trying to make you laugh and smile
He gives gifts to you whenever he can find something he deems worthy
Although sometimes neither of you have time for eachother because the riders are doing things, he'll make sure you always get a bunch of flowers.
Sorry if this isn't the best but it's what I've got for now 💜 hope you have a wonderful day/night/whatever time it is for you
Httyd Masterlist
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creamyavocadosoup · 1 year
𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐢 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫?
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a/n: hi everyone!! thank you so much for 1k likes across my works! i was in actual disbelief when i got that notif. i thank you all so much for the love. i dont rly do celebration posts and such but i still thank you all sm for it ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) i haven't had much chance to write this piece so its been sitting in the drafts for a little bit but!! i have a break coming up so im hoping to do some writing then. also this is not proofread so forgive me.
characters: rtte!hiccup x fem!reader
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, unrequited (?) pining, hiccup being angy, mentions of not eating and getting hurt, almost fainting, implied almost death (astrid), near death experience, fighting, blood (got wounded)
here's part 2: take a chance with me
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The salty breeze wrapped around me like a comforting blanket, sounds of the waves crashing on the shore almost lulling me to sleep after such a long couple of days. Had it not been for the sweat rolling off me, or the ache in each movement, I would have no doubt fallen asleep.
"She almost died, [Name]!" his voice boomed, his gaze so piercing it had me pinned frozen in the clubhouse across from him.
"We had a plan and you didn't stick to it. Gods knows what would have happened if the rest of the team hadn't been there to clean up your mess," he looked at me, the disappointment so apparent in his eyes it burned through the protective barrier around my heart, "And now they got away with the Dragon Eye!" his hands banged on the table, the loud noise nearly scaring me half to death and causing me to jump in my spot.
Astrid almost died. Because of me.
My throat ached, feeling like it loathed with the body it was in, rejecting this emotion that coursed through my body so intensely. My eyes burned, so terribly that I had nearly convinced myself they were acid, all in an attempt to swallow down the emotions and hope to tuck them in a corner of my mind somewhere, never to be seen or felt again.
"Maybe I was a fool to think you were ready for this." he muttered under his breath, but I heard it so clearly and the rest of the riders did too.
The said blonde laid a hand on Hiccup's shoulder, silently asking him to take a breather and calm for a moment, but he only shook it off, the irritation still clearly running hot in his veins. He stormed off, hurriedly flying away with Toothless, not a single glance back at me.
Astrid only sighed, silently approaching me, and the rest of the gang stood motionless on the other side of the room. Even the twins were uncharacteristically quiet, which had unnerved me more than I had let on. She rubbed my shoulders, allowing me words of comfort but I hadn't heard any of it despite looking right at her.
I mumbled a few words before scurrying off, making a beeline for my hut and hoping to shroud myself in the four walls and indulge in isolation. I thanked Thor for a moment due to my hut being farther than the main base, giving me ample privacy.
My emotions had only caused me to hit the targets harder, to push myself further, until I was sure something like this wouldn't happen again. What if Hiccup was right?
My winged companion whined worriedly beside me but I was too far past the point of comprehension to even realize that I was littered in tiny cuts and bruises, and my limbs had ached for a while now. But I ignored it, not even close to being content with my progress in training.
I laid in my bed, nearly motionless for the past 24 hours. Not even the sound of multiple knocks and quips from the different riders, nor my stomach growling had given me any energy to move. All my windows had been shut, allowing little to no sunlight into the room. The darkness had allowed for me to continuously slip in and out of slumber, the time passing faster than I thought it was due to it.
By the third day, I had resorted to aggressively cleaning every inch of my house, not wanting to drown in the thoughts and providing myself with a distraction. I still hadn't opened the door but had at least opened a few windows to let in some light.
Hiccup coming to knock on my door almost had me stopping in my tracks, but I chose to tune him out, not wanting to deal with that whole situation at the moment. I needed time to process the emotions and think clearly and rationally before I could face him again. I needed to improve and be sure there's been a significant improvement before he can see me again.
It took me four days, four whole days, to allow the simmering emotions to bubble over and explode to whatever mess I had become now. On a random beach at another island, training like my life depended on it with virtually no one but my dragon as my witness, and it was comforting to say the least.
The guilt from Hiccup's words had hit me like a truck, the possible outcomes of my choices in the heat of the moment and how it had almost cost one of my closest friends' lives. It made frustration build up inside me with each missed blow, each kick, each strike.
I had gotten so absorbed in my own emotions that I didn't hear or even notice the multiple footsteps of unwanted guests on the same beach. All I heard was the violent roar of my dragon and I turned around to see one of the Dragon Hunters on the ground.
I readily hurried my stance, thanking the Gods I was already holding one of my weapons, and cursed to myself. 'Fuck how did they manage to sneak up on me? Was I really that distracted?'
My vision flit between the hunters as they slowly and carefully stepped towards me, their weapons glinting under the sun. I knew I was at a disadvantage, my bruised and battered body would not be able to out-fight all of them. So I have to be smart, and figure out a way to get out unscathed.
It was quiet as we only stared at each other. This was odd, I thought, why aren't they attacking? Before I could ask questions, a familiar voice caught my attention as he walked up from the ship and onto shore.
"Ryker." I spat. Gripping my weapon tightly, I glared at the man in front of me.
"Quite good timing that I catch you here alone, hm?" He smirked, crossing his arms as he looked down at me, "Take her and her dragon." He ordered, the men around him charging at me at once from all different directions.
Over my dead body, I thought, no way are they taking my dragon! "[D/N] let's go!" The sound of metals clashing and explosions were all I heard as I parried all oncoming attacks my way as best I could and so did my dragon.
Heavy breathing and heavy limbs were all I felt as I slowed and struggled to keep up with my enemies. In a moment of weakness, I felt a blade slash through my side. Warm blood quickly trickled down my hip as I screamed out in pain.
A loud roar was all I heard before seeing a big explosion and my enemies knocked unconscious onto the floor. My dragon wasted no time and hurriedly picked me up before flying away to return to the edge, narrowly missing the arrows being shot our way.
I breathed heavily, clutching my side with one hand in an attempt to stop the bleeding, and my other holding onto my dragon so I don't fall into the ocean. The ride had felt extremely long and I could feel myself slipping from reality as more blood poured from the wound.
Blearily, I looked around my surroundings as I felt myself being placed softly onto what smelt like grass. I barely recognized my hut in the near distance and the garden I was growing beside it as my dragon hurriedly grabbed medical supplies.
Thankfully he already knew which ones to grab from seeing me patch up the other riders over and over again, and brought over gauzes and pastes. I huffed and groaned, trying and dragged to prop myself on a nearby tree to properly dress my wound.
"[D/N], get me water... water please." I was feeling exhausted but I knew subconsciously that I couldn't fall asleep now, or it would create even more difficult consequences.
My winged friend quickly grabs and brings over a pail of water to me. Taking off my armor and lifting my shirt, which was already slashed through anyways, I assessed my wound and figured it hadn't gone deep enough to rupture any organs or I would have much worse symptoms.
While cleaning my wound, a soft thumping and pairs of footsteps sounded before they spoke. "[Name]? Where are you? What happened?"
I didn't speak, focusing on stitching myself up and not crying. [D/N] however quickly beckoned them over and they quickened their paces, soon surrounding me with their bodies. The riders were shocked upon seeing my state and Hiccup had briskly told all of them to turn away from me.
Familiar warm hands were placed on my arms, "[Name]," Hiccup spoke softly. My vision blurred and my throat tightened, making it harder to stop the tears from falling, "Let me help you with that. Please." His voice was small yet firm, a hint of pleading lying underneath. Yet it was still caring, and warm, and it filled the cracking crevices in my resolve as I pulled away to let him work.
"Astrid, refill the bucket. Fishlegs, grab me more gauze and paste. And get some of the stuff Gothi gave us." The two nodded, ambling away quietly as Hiccup diligently worked on my wound. "Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout, grab one of her shirts and get her hut prepared." Surprisingly, there wasn't any complaints or jokes from the trio, only diligent nods and they went straight to work. Thus the only sound between us was the soft rustling of the trees in the wind, and my voice hissing at the pain of being stitched up.
"It was-" I gulped, trying to swallow down the burning feeling, "It was Ryker." Hiccup's hands stopped only for a moment and stayed quiet, so I took it as a sign to continue.
"He-He ambushed me. While I was on another island, training." I added, however the pain had teetered into being unbearable causing a whimper to escape my throat.
Luckily Hiccup had finished with the needle and moved onto wrapping it, an ever-present ache there but it was much better than the searing pain I had felt moments ago. Hiccup reached beside me and covered my chest with my torn shirt.
"I'm sorry."
I slowly blinked my eyes as I raised my head to take a good look at his face. His hair was disheveled, more than usual, and his under-eyes slightly darker. He had this seemingly perpetual small furrow in between his brows.
But his eyes were still that beautiful green that I had fallen in love with at first sight. One could argue that his slightly bloodshot eyes complimented the green but I couldn't feel much happiness knowing it was because he was losing sleep over me.
His voice was quiet, dripping with sorrow and regret and it had me pursing my lips, my heart feeling tight.
"I'm sorry I said those things. They were out of anger but they don't excuse how it had hurt you." he continued, his pinky carefully linking with mine. He was testing the waters, afraid I would push him away once more but to be honest, I was too tired to even formulate a response.
"Hiccup..." I whispered, softly curling my finger around his. He looked into my eyes, hesitant to hear what I would say.
"I'm tired." I breathed out. My eyes blinked often, already on the verge to dreamland. He nods wordlessly, picking me up with barely any effort it seems, and bringing me inside my hut. Thankfully it seems like the twins and Snotlout have already finished with cleaning up my place.
Hiccup helped me into the shirt they picked before tucking me into my bed. His hands were comforting, brushing away loose hairs from my face. But it was fleeting, much like most of his touches towards me. Like it burned him, or he was disgusted by it.
He makes sure I'm settled well but before he could get comfy on the edge of the bed beside me, Astrid's voice is heard through the door. "Hiccup?" she calls, and his head quickly whips to the direction of her.
A small frown creeps up onto my face yet thankfully Hiccup only thinks of it as caused by my injury when he turns back to look at me. He smiles, a little unsure and an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes, as he reaches out to tuck a stray hairs away from my face.
"Sleep well. I'll be right here." he murmured. I only heard the soft sound of wood creaking and warm, green eyes before falling asleep.
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note: guys,,, i've been gone so long?? literally ive been so busy T-T also got friendzoned before the summer so that was great. ANYWAYS!! if u liked this, i would so love to hear ur thoughts. and!! there may or may not be a part two to this too hehe
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apricotscone · 1 year
the way i just KNOW this would be hiccup x readers wedding rings like come ONNN
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f1rewr1t3r · 3 months
fandoms i write for pt 2
heres part 1 and 3
smut -🖤 fluff-🤍 angst-❤️
Fiona Gallagher
Lip gallagher
Ian Gallagher (platonic only)
Carl Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Mickey Milkovich (platonic only)
Kevin Ball
Veronica Ball
How to train your dragon rtte
Jethro Gibbs
Anthony "tony" dinozzo
Kate Todd
Ziva David
Tim McGee
Abby Sciuto
Outer Banks
JJ maybank
Rafe Cameron
John B
Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Pope Heyward
Cobra kai / karate kid
Robby Keene
Eli "hawk" Moskowitz
Tory Nichols
johnny lawrence
Miguel diaz
Daniel LaRusso
Anne of green gables/ Anne with an E
gilbert blythe
diana berry
anne shirley
Billy andrews
Moody Spurgeon
Young Sheldon/ Big Bang
Sheldon cooper
georgie cooper
George cooper
peaky blinders
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Micheal Gray
Lizzie Shelby
The Walking dead
Carl Grimes
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Sherlock holmes
Beck Oliver
Jade west
Tori Vega
Robbie Shapiro
Andre Harris
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Scent Headcanon — Httyd Omegas
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Notes: I have rewatched Race to the Edge so many times, I know it's plot by heart now.
Warnings: spoilers of Race to the Edge on Viggo's, might contain grammar errors
»» Dagur smells like a campfire and wood, with all the time he spent on a boat while he worked with the dragon hunters, he also has a faint smell of the ocean. When he gets mad, his scent becomes smoky, like an entire fire.
»» Because of his hobbies and workaholic tendencies, Hiccup's scent has merged with the things he uses. So he smells like a mixture of ink, paper, leather, and metal. When he gets angry his scent spikes and the metal smell becomes way stronger than the others.
»» Because of Hookfang's ability to set themselves on fire, also all of the fightings Snotlout gets in, he lost most of his natural scent, so people can only smell the burnt leather and smoke. But when he gets angry, his actual scent comes out more, so he smells like mango and fresh-cut grass.
»» Now Viggo's scent changes after he falls into the volcano. Before he smelt like ocean, wood, and river stones, but now he smells like burnt skin, fire, and ash. When angry his smell also becomes smoky, but is quite intoxicating and not in a good way, so he tends to control it.
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an: I’m actually so happy with how this chapter came out
pairing: Hiccup x OC
warnings: none
word count: 3.2k
The morning sun broke through the white, fluffy clouds, casting a warm golden hue across the short grass that surrounded Hiccup’s hut on the top of the hill. He was kneeled beside Toothless, fastening his saddle to the dragon’s back, dark scales glimmering in the sunlight. Hiccup’s fingers deftly worked the intricate straps, like tying his own laces, wafting in the familiar scent of dragon skin and leather.
The soft thud of footsteps coming from behind broke his attention, glancing up just as Aja approached, her silhouette framed by the morning light as she wiped the remnants of sleep from her eyes. Hiccup straightened up, “Great, you’re here, let’s go.”
She halted a few paces away, her brow furrowing as her eyes drifted to Toothless. The dragon turned his head slightly, regarding her with curious emerald eyes, and her gaze snapped back to Hiccup, a flicker of uncertainty in her expression. The chances of finding her father alive were slim, but they were still there, and she wasn’t sure how well it would go over to have him with a Night Fury. “Flying?”
Hiccup blinked at her blankly. “We’re not swimming the ocean.”
“I’ve never ridden a dragon.”
The corners of Hiccup’s mouth lifted slightly. “False,” he said, “You did when I found you.”
Aja narrowed her eyes, “And I was unconscious. Doesn’t count, like at all,” she shot back.
“It’s not as scary as it seems. And Toothless and I won’t let anything happen. You’re the one that wanted to do this.” His tone was light, teasing even, but he was sincere.
She shot him an annoyed look. “Okay fine,” she relented, her heart fluttering with trepidation.
Hiccup mounted Toothless with a practiced grace, his movements fluid as he settled onto the leather saddle. He then turned, extending his hand toward her. Her eyes flicked from his faced-up palm to the dragon, and back again, hesitating. She was still irritated with him from yesterday, she wondered if she could climb on herself without his help, but then imagined a scenario in which she ended up flat on the ground, and a laughing, sunlit Hiccup above her. Making her decision, Aja grabbed his hand, her fingers wrapping around his, textured and rough, as she felt a jolt of warmth from the contact, and with a firm, but gentle pull, he helped her climb onto Toothless’s back, settling in the space behind him.
The dragon’s scales felt cool and smooth through the fabric that wrapped her thighs as Toothless shifted below them slightly, adjusting to the added weight. She marveled at him, watching his muscles ripple and coil like a tightly wound spring and couldn’t help but wonder how it might feel to have someone on her own back, the feeling of another while soaring through the sky.
Hiccup’s voice broke through her thoughts with a confident, “Hang on.” She had no time to register his words before they were launched into the air, the world below dropping away in an instant, her heart leaping into her throat, caught somewhere between excitement and sheer terror.
In all fairness, Toothless was flying as tamely as he could, but being on the back of a dragon, in the open sky, felt entirely different than flying as one herself. She felt miniscule, fragile, as if she were a delicate feather that could be lifted by the wind. Aja instinctively grabbed onto Hiccup, clutching tightly onto the leather vestment that was belted over his brown tunic, as she leaned slightly over, looking down as they flew over Berk’s forest, watching the shadow of Toothless, wings wide, over the blurring treetops. Feeling the air against her human skin did feel nice, and freeing, in a way, much different than as a dragon. Being so small in the vast sky, so out of place, made the sensation feel like an escape, freedom pure and unfiltered, as if anything was truly possible. As a dragon, it just felt normal, like she were part of the sky herself, there didn’t exist that distinction.
She glanced at Hiccup in front of her, barely recognizing this version of him. He was confident, as if he had done this a million times, which she was sure he in fact had. All awkwardness he carried on the ground had melted away, and she could feel the energy radiating off him. Hiccup belonged in the sky.
Toothless’s wings beat rhythmically under them, carrying them out over the expanse of glittering blue ocean, shimmering like a blanket of sequins, as the forest faded away into the background.
Aja squinted against the rush of wind, her eyes darting over the endless sea, frowning. “I’ll never be able to see anything going this fast.”
Hiccup turned in his saddle to look back at her, his hair whipping against his freckled cheeks. “Toothless will,” he assured her. “If there’s something, he’ll find it.”
They fell into silence as they continued to fly, the only sounds filling their ears being the beat of wings and the waves crashing below as they skimmed the ocean’s surface, occasionally sending up sprays of water. The deep blues contrasted with the lighter shades where the sun struck right, Hiccup momentarily losing himself as he watched the waves rise and fall steadily.
He glanced down at Aja’s hands still gripped onto the sides of his vestment, her knuckles turning white. He peeked back at her, seeing her gaze locked on the ocean below, blue eyes frantically scanning back and forth. Hiccup had felt guilty about his outburst the previous day, knowing he overstepped a line. He would’ve gone to the ends of the earth for his own dad if there was a chance he would still be alive.
“Hey,” Hiccup’s voice was soft as he broke the silence. “I’m sorry about yesterday, what I said.”
Aja looked up, face dropping slightly. “You weren’t wrong, though,” she replied, her tone measured and quiet.
He internally winced when seeing her reaction. He knew he had been blunt, his frustration spilling over in a moment of weakness, but he hadn’t intended to hurt her. “I could’ve been nicer about it,” he admitted.
Aja didn’t meet his eyes, letting his words settle. He was right, he could’ve been nicer, but she appreciated that he knew his wrongs, that unlike most Vikings, his stubbornness didn’t maim his ability to apologize. Her lips twitched into a small smile. “Maybe, just a little,” she teased gently. It was a small moment, but it felt like a bridge being built between them.
Hiccup returned her smile, but slightly forced. “It’s all kind of been a lot,” he confessed, his voice steadying as he continued. “I just blew up.” He wasn’t exactly sure why he was opening up, letting his guard down in the midst of a flight. He wasn’t one to talk about his feelings, ever, unless it was alone with Toothless, and even then, most of their moments passed in silence, his dragon understanding him in ways that didn’t need words.
Aja returned her gaze back toward the ocean, her eyes reflecting the shimmering blues. “If anyone understands that, I do,” she said as wind teased a few strands of dark hair across her forehead. “Sometimes it just feels like everything is happening all at once, and you can’t catch your breath.”
Hiccup’s mind wandered to the endless responsibilities—the village, the dragons, the trappers—all the things weighing him down, responsibilities he had no time to adjust to, no time to slowly take on, overnight they became his problems.
“I guess I’m still trying to figure it all out,” he said.
Aja watched his fingers twiddle with his saddle handle, fidgeting and tapping lightly.
“Me too.”
It was nice, the feeling of being less alone, even if it was one person. Hiccup felt guilty for even feeling that way, when he did, in fact, have people who were really there for him, but no one truly understood him. He was different, there wasn’t a single person in his village that acted like him, which wasn’t necessarily bad, as he’s come to figure out over the years, however, it meant even the closest people were still constantly disappointed by him, for doing things not their way.
After a moment, Hiccup spoke suddenly, desperate to vear the conversation. “So, Sand Wraiths, what else do you know about them?”
Aja’s grip loosened, not by much, but enough that he noticed.
“That’s not part of our deal,” she teased, to which Hiccup rolled his eyes, despite that she couldn’t see his face as he turned forward again.
“I’m tweaking it,” he said with a mock-serious tone, relaxing back slightly in the saddle.
He felt her readjust her right foot, barely brushing against his boot as she found a position more comfortable. “Well what do you want to know?” She asked.
Fire. That was the first thing on his mind.
“What’s the fire situation? Do they even breathe fire?” He asked.
“In a way,” she said. “It’s sand mixed with fire.”
“Staying true to the name there,” Hiccup remarked.
She laughed. “Well, I didn’t name them,” she shot back playfully.
Her fingers loosened more.
But the moment was lost as quickly as it came, Toothless’s demeanor shifting as his ears perked up, letting out a low rumble in his throat. Aja didn’t like that she could feel his muscles tense up and vibrate beneath her.
Hiccup leaned forward, eyes narrowed, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever had caught his dragon’s attention. “What is it bud?”
Without warning, Toothless dove downward, wings folded against his body as he plummeted toward the water. Aja let out a yelp, hands abandoning their place at Hiccup’s side and wrapping her arms around him completely as the wind blew her hair completely upright.
Toothless broke the surface with his legs, his claws slicing through the sea with precision, grabbing something swiftly just as his wings opened again, acting as a parachute and catching against the wind. He beat his wings, gliding them just above the waves as he ascended once more. Hiccup leaned over the side of his dragon, craning his neck to look down. He was barely able to make out a piece of charred driftwood in Toothless’s grasp, its darkened surface standing out against the bright blue below them.
Toothless flew them back to shore, releasing the driftwood with a flick of his claws, letting it tumble onto the sand with a soft thud. Hiccup hopped off Toothless’s back with ease, Aja taking a few moments longer, stumbling slightly as her feet met the ground. Hiccup picked up the piece of wood, inspecting it closely. It was rough and weathered, barely the length of his arm and marred with deep scorch marks. Ash smeared on his fingers as he turned it over with his hands, brows furrowing in concentration.
He held the piece out to Aja. “Do you think it’s from your ship?” He asked. “Can you recognize the paint?”
She took the piece from him, turning it over and running her own fingers along the lines of the burn marks, jagged edges catching on her skin. Beneath the blackened surface, she caught glimpses of red, dulled but still present, barely peeking through the wet soot.
“It could be,” she said, staring at the driftwood in her hands. “But I really can’t tell.”
She handed it back to Hiccup, their fingers brushing against one another again for the briefest moment.
“These burns aren’t from a dragon,” he said. She watched him, her brows furrowed, unable to grasp what he was trying to insinuate. “It wasn’t a dragon that attacked your ship.”
Aja felt a knot tighten in her stomach. “You think someone attacked us?”
Hiccup reached into a leather satchel that was attached to Toothless’s saddle, pulling out a coil of rope and using it to secure the piece of wood to the side of the saddle.
“Can you think of anyone who’d want to target you?” He asked while tying the last few knots.
Ragnar had his fair share of enemies, Aja knew that, remembering the countless nights she’d find her father passed out over maps and battle plans with an almost completely melted candle beside him, but the fights never reached their village, he was good about that, and no one had ever gotten the jump on him.
She shook her head. “Our enemies are further south. No one knew we were coming here.”
An attack so close to Berk, the world was getting bigger by the day and creeping up on their shores.
“Once we get back to Berk, we’ll send a Terror mail to Volsung,” Hiccup said, “let your people know what happened and that you’re safe.”
He made a move to remount Toothless, the cool wind ruffling his auburn hair, but he caught a look at Aja, her shoulders slumped, her frustration palpable.
“So I’m just stuck here till who knows when now,” she muttered.
Hiccup inhaled a breath, pondering his words before he spoke. “Honestly,” he began, “Yeah. I just don’t think it’s a risk you should be taking, not yet at least.”
He watched her reaction, the way her eyes drooped down and her lips pressed into a thin line. He shifted his weight, the leather of his pants creaking slightly. He wanted to reach out, to offer some form of comfort, but he was never good at this sort of thing, never said the right words. Vikings didn’t sympathize very well, too proud and stubborn to drop their hardheaded shells and stone hearts, offering condolences and gratitude with brute force and gifts—lots and lots of gifts—but beneath it all, they did care, and would die for one another. They were all family, one big, messed up family.
The flight back to Berk was quiet, both Aja and Hiccup’s mind plagued with plenty of thoughts. Upon arriving back, it was nearing lunch, and after a few stumbled over words, Hiccup managed to invite her to eat with him, wanting to be polite and hopefully get her more comfortable.
The Great Hall was notably quieter during the lunch hour, many of the Vikings too busy engaged in various tasks around the village during the daytime to eat. Aja was sat at one of the many long tables, watching as Hiccup spoke animatedly with his mother away from everyone. She couldn’t hear them, but she assumed it was about their earlier discovery, based on the way Valka’s brows furrowed at Hiccup’s words.
In Hiccup’s absence, a Viking, who bore an uncanny resemblance to Snotlout, but seemingly much younger, had wedged himself beside Aja. She hadn’t paid much attention to him, her eye’s remaining locked on Hiccup, but the Viking was oblivious to her disinterest. “—and that’s how I took down a Changewing, all by myself!” he exclaimed, puffing out his chest with pride.
“Right,” she replied, barely focusing on his words as she nodded slightly.
Tuffnut burst into a fit of laughter. “Um, no,” he said, standing up from his side of the table. “You were stuck in Deathsong spit. WE,” he pointed a slim finger back and forth between him and his twin sister beside him, “saved you!”
The young Viking next to Aja shifted uncomfortably, his bravado deflating as he realized he had been upstaged. Tuffnut continued, dramatically reenacting the scene as he leaned forward. “And there you were, covered head to toe in goo.”
Ruffnut snorted as her brother mimicked the Viking’s struggle, his arms flailing comically.
The boy grumbled something about “real bravery,” but Aja barely registered it, her attention interrupted by a drawn-out groan from behind them. Hiccup stood there, his arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“Gustav, what’re you doing here?” Hiccup rubbed the side of his temple, exasperated.
The Viking, Gustav, seemed to have a grin permanently affixed to his face as he stood up. “Hiccup! My man! I always sit here!” He proclaimed, slapping Hiccup’s shoulder with a force that sent it forward, causing Hiccup to stumble slightly.
Before the chief could respond, Fishlegs bulldozed past them, knocking Gustav. In his large arms, he carried a thick leather-bound book that looked like it had seen much better days. The cover was worn and scuffed, edges frayed and smoothed over by countless hands that had touched it, leaving behind oils from their skin.
“Shoo, Gustav. You’re supposed to be on patrol,” Fishlegs huffed.
Gustav shrugged, unfazed by the reprimand. He grasped Aja’s hand with a grip that was too comfortable for being a stranger. “Duty calls, but I’ll pick you up at eight.” He flashed a roguish smile at her as she internally cringed, the warmth from his touch making her skin crawl.
She watched him rush off, disbelief and distaste written on her face as she flexed her fingers, trying to shake off the remnants of his grip.
Tuffnut, ready to capitalize on a situation, leaned over the table with an impish grin. “I bet Astrid’ll be happy he’s off her back,” he quipped.
Hiccup rolled his eyes, replacing Gustav’s place beside Aja while Fishlegs set the book down with a heavy thud. She leaned over, curious, seeing the faint outlines of script along the book’s spine, and a barely-visible etched dragon on its front cover.
Tuffnut’s loud voice cut through again. “What’d you bring that ancient thing out for?” he scoffed, his nose scrunching up in disgust.
“If you had paid attention at our last council, you would know,” Fishlegs retorted, doing his best to keep his tone level.
Hiccup saw Aja craning her neck to look at the book, so he leaned back slightly, allowing her more space and a better view.
“What is it?” She asked as she shifted over to get closer.
“This is the Book of Dragons,” Fishlegs replied, beaming proudly. “It has everything we know about every dragon we know of.”
“And now your Sand Wraith,” Hiccup added.
Fishlegs perked up, turning his attention to Aja completely. “You’ve seen the Sand Wraith?” He asked, eyes wide with excitement.
She opened her mouth to reply, but Hiccup jumped in again, enthusiastic. “They’re native on Volsung.”
He slid the book over so that it was in front of him directly, and opened it toward the middle, revealing his earlier sketch of a Sand Wraith, her, and his other sketches of the dragon burrowing itself.
“I put it in Tidal class, because beach and all,” he said, glancing up briefly at Aja, searching for a glimpse of an approval from her.
But they were abruptly interrupted by a cough. “Nerds,” a familiar voice rang out behind them.
The three of them turned to see Snotlout smugly striding past, a chicken leg gripped in one hand with grease glistening on his fingers.
Hiccup was undeterred by the interruption, clearing his throat, pressing on, “Fishlegs, I need you to add that they breathe fire mixed with sand.”
Aja chimed in, eyes still on the detailed sketches drawn on the page. “Hardened balls of sand surrounded by fire, actually.”
The two men looked at her with wide eyes. “Incredible,” Fishlegs breathed, his voice barely above a whisper as he scribbled furiously in his notebook.
Perhaps Berk wouldn’t be so bad.
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myadmiringmind · 8 months
Sunrise | Hiccup Haddock
Hiccup Haddock Masterlist
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Domestic-ish fluff
Pairing(s): Hiccup Haddock x Fem!Reader
Summary: An early morning ride turns into a race between you and Hiccup.
Warnings: Heights
Reader is a dragon rider
Readers dragon is never specified
Take place on Dragons Edge
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Hiccup makes handling dragons look easy.
It’s not.
It seems that Dragon Hunters have a never ending schedule of making your life difficult.
All you wanted to do was sit outside your hut (that you spent far too much time trying to decide where to place) and enjoy the beautiful view with your dragon, your boyfriend, or your friends.
Easier said than done.
When your boyfriend is Hiccup Haddock who has devoted most of his life to protecting dragons, free time doesn’t come often.
Hiccups values are part of the reason you fell so hard for him, but sometimes it seems to take from your relationship.
Laying in your bed thinking all of this over in your head is not a great start to your morning.
So, you climb out of your bed and throw on some clothes.
You whistle as a sort of wake up call to your dragon who is sleeping soundly.
Your dragon groans and moans barely opening one eye to look at you. This was their way of saying, “Do you know what time it is?”
You scoff under your breath completely aware they could still hear it, "Don't worry, I haven't lost track of the time. Let's go for a ride, just you and me." You move to get their saddle as they move around loudly in protest.
"Weren't you the one who wanted to start doing this?" You bring up the time Hiccup mentioned that he and Toothless go for early morning rides often and your dragon looked at you as if to say, "We should do that!"
Your dragon lets out a regretful moan in response.
You throw the heavy saddle over their back with little difficulty.
"Come on, if you really don't like it, we'll end it early."
Your dragons behavior has done a full one-eighty. How the dragon you're riding on now and the one you argued with this morning were the same creature baffles you.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" You tease, watching your dragon close their eyes at the feeling of the wind hitting their face.
They snort and suddenly drop a few feet in the air.
A shriek makes it's way out of your mouth and it takes you a few moments to realize that you aren't falling anymore.
"Not funny." You ground your teeth a little.
All your dragon does is laugh in response.
Just when you got over the shock in your body does a familiar voice startle you.
“Good morning, milady!”
Turning your head to peer over your shoulder, you make eye contact with the voice, returning his wide grin with your own.
“Good morning!” You laugh, only needing to wait a minute more before Hiccup and Toothless were right beside you.
Your own dragon and Toothless exchange greetings as you and Hiccup chat.
“Didn’t expect to see you out so early. Something on your mind?” Hiccup questions
You shake your head, grin never faltering, “Just wanted some fresh air, before everyone wakes up. But it seems someone is up.”
Hiccup chuckles, “Oh, you know, just out looking for some adventure. Right, bud?” Toothless grumbles in agreement.
“Adventure, you say? Well, do share with the group.” Your tone is playful.
Hiccup waves his hand in dismissal, “Unfortunately, me and Toothless have seen quite enough adventure for one day. But, I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing our stories to you, milady.”
“You’re all out of adventure for the day? Don’t say that, Snotlouts not even up yet.”
Hiccup's laugh echos around you.
"So this is where you run off to hm?" You tease sitting down on what you previously believed to be a watch tower. Now realizing it was Hiccup's camouflaged hideout.
Hiccup scoffs playfully, "I don't run off anywhere."
"You're right, you fly." You add
Both Hiccup and your dragon roll their eyes but Toothless lets out a snort of amusement.
"At this point he barely walks himself anywhere, isn't that right?" You look over at Toothless, who happily humors you.
"All right, all right. I guess I won't take you on any morning rides anymore bud." Hiccup voices looking a little smug.
Toothless no longer looks amused.
"Nothing to say Toothless?" Hiccup pokes, earning a glare from the Nightfury.
"Don't worry, Toothless. If he doesn't take you on any morning flights, I will." You whisper loud enough for the other two to hear you, earning a protest from both.
Toothless lets out a laugh and hops around in satisfaction.
Your dragon makes loud noises of detestment and even goes as far as glaring at Toothless.
"What?" You address the cranky dragon, "Do you know how hard it was to get you out of the hut this morning? I'm sure Toothless wouldn't make it so hard for me?" You tease
"Now wait a minute, who said you could steal my dragon?" Hiccup says
"Your dragon." You reply and hear Toothless agree behind you.
Hiccup's mouth opens but no words come out.
You were too busy soaking in the satisfaction you felt from Hiccup's response that you didn't notice your dragon make its way over to you until they knocked you over with their head.
"Hey!" You shriek as your dragon "attacks" you.
You can hear Hiccups laugh in the background and Toothless' sound of surprise.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I was just teasing!" Finally they let up looking satisfied with themselves.
"Like rider, like dragon." Hiccup comments
You scoff, "Says you."
Hiccup leans back against a rock, "Says me." He agrees.
You lean back against your dragon and shake your head.
After a few moments of comfortable silence you reopen the conversation, "Any news from Johann?"
Hiccup sighs, "No. I know he's scouting almost as much as us but it's as if they've gone completely underground."
"Maybe they finally feel defeated. With the more people we meet and become friends with, the more unpopular the dragon hunters get." You add
"Maybe. Or they're planning their next ambush on a new dragon. I feel uneasy with how quiet they've been." Hiccup confides
"We'll keep looking Hiccup. Once we find them we'll stop whatever they're doing, just like we've done before."
Hiccup nods in agreement.
You find a way to bring up your next sentence, "While the dragon hunters are quiet maybe.. we could spend some time to enjoy it." At Hiccup's confused face, you continue, "It's been a long time since we've hung out together, just the two of us."
"We're hanging out together right now?" Hiccup says.
"I know. But just the two of us." You repeat
"Oh. Oh." Hiccup understands
"I know everything has been chaotic, I was just wondering since we seem to finally have some downtime. It'd be beneficial spending it doing something other than talking about the dragon hunters." You explain
"No, you're right. It has been a while since we've hung out, just the two of us. What were you thinking?" Hiccup asks
"I don't know, I wasn't even sure if you wanted to so I didn't really think about what." You say
"You think I wouldn't want to hang out with you? Of course I'd want to hang out with just the two of us, I enjoy your company more than anyone else." Hiccup says
You smile genuinely, "I've been wanting to go down on the beach and examine the shells, see if I could find any fossils or something. How about that?"
Hiccup grins, "Yeah, that sounds really fun."
Your smile grows and you stand up feeling high on adrenaline, "Come on. The others we'll be up soon and we don't want them setting the edge on fire before breakfast again." You offer your hand to Hiccup.
"No we don't." Hiccup takes your hand, "Thank you milady."
"So..race you back to the edge!" You hop on your dragons back.
"Wha-Hey! Wait a minute!" Hiccup calls after you hopping on Toothless' back, "That's not fair!"
edited on 05/13/2024
634 notes · View notes
Chapter One: A Lightfury’s Guide to Stealing A Dragon Rider
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 3.1k
Chapter Summary: When a destroyed fleet of dragon hunter ships wash up at Dragon’s Edge, with all that is left behind are white scales and scorch marks, it leaves some questions to be raised within the dragon riders and what could have caused this. On the other side of the archipelago, a girl that appears and disappears at Northern Markets makes her presence known, planning to stick around until the heat calms down.
Overall Summary: A mysterious new dragon rider has been starting to make their presence known by tearing through dragon hunter ships and leaving nothing in their wake. What dragon they ride is unknown. What they look like is unknown. Why they are hunting the dragon hunters is unknown. The only thing that is known is that they will stop at nothing to destroy every dragon hunter ship at any cost.
N/A: Make sure you check out the prologue for this series! I feel like near the end of the chapter it sort of goes off the rails a bit. Hope you enjoy :D
*Art and gif is not mine.
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Hiccup started his day like any other; waking up relatively early–at least earlier than the twins or Snotlout–and getting Toothless for a morning flight, usually to be met with Astrid as she finishes her rounds of the island, insisting she does a sweep of the island to make sure no hunters had found their way onto the beaches.
Toothless was already awake and bounding around Hiccup’s hut. His teeth were retracted as he watched Hiccup stir awake.
Not waiting for his rider to fully wake, Toothless jumped onto the bed, shaking it as Hiccup startled awake, trying to sit upright only to knock his head into Toothless’ snout. A disgruntled groan left the dragon at the contact.
“Sorry bud,” Hiccup began to say, cutting himself off as the grumbled scorn from Toothless. “What's got you so rowdy this morning?”
A gargling noise rang out from Toothless, flashing his gums before hopping off of Hiccup and his bed before jumping towards the hut’s door, large steps shaking the wooden beams the hut is balanced on. With the rustling from behind, Toothless looked back with a toothless smile to find Hiccup slowly awaking from bed, getting ready for the day on the Edge ahead of him.
“Alright bud, I’m on my way. Don’t worry,” Hiccup muttered with a yawn as he paced after the Nightfury. A steady hand landed on Toothless’ head, pushing him back a few paces so he could push open the door. The sun had started to rise by now, nearly set high enough to commence breakfast. Toothless raced forward, bumping Hiccup with his tail and causing him to stumble forward, a laugh rolling in his chest. “Perfect morning for a flight, isn’t it?”
Before Toothless could rumble a reply, Stormfly came barreling up, Astrid sat on her back as she stared worriedly at Hiccup. “Hiccup, there’s something you're going to want to see,” She announced upon her arrival, causing Hiccup to stumble out of his hut a couple of steps faster.
“What is it?” He hurriedly asked, resting a hand on Toothless’s head, ready to mount his back at any given second to follow after Astrid.
“I think it would be better if you took a look for yourself,” She called out, head flicking around to look down at the docks she and the other dragon riders had built when they first started working on building the Edge.
Hiccup didn’t have to be told twice.
Before Astrid could blink, Hiccup and Toothless were already in the air and flying towards her. His eyes hadn’t yet locked on where Astrid had come from, waiting for her guidance to lead him.
The two of them were in the air for only a few seconds, a quick glide down before their dragon’s claws were touching down on the wooden planks that made up their docks. That was when Hiccup was finally able to see what had Astrid so spooked.
In front of them was a fleet of half-destroyed ships.
Each ship had a number of scorch marks that plunged through the wooden decks, the sails that had the dragon hunter crest torn to shreds. Most of the ships also had discarded weapons and helmets, left behind by the hunters that had sailed on these ships. But something stuck out on one of the ships, the largest out of the lot. There was a variety of cuts and indents in the ship, looking to be placed there by a sword or some other kind of weapon, perhaps claw marks along with a few scales white as snow scattered around the destroyed ship.
“Astrid… what do you think could have done this?” Hiccup questioned, his head whirling around to face Astrid only to find the blonde girl staring hauntedly at the ship graveyard.
“More like who.”
"Ah, if it isn't my favourite customer from beyond the archipelago," A middle-aged man boasts as he sees a young woman walking up to his stall in the Northern Markets, his arms spread wide and a yellowing smile. His loud comments forced many heads to turn as Sindri was one of the best weapons traders within the isle, the man always having something to please any form of customer.
A dry chuckle escapes the girl as she steps up to the stall countertop, her boots digging into the muddy floor as she rests one of her gloved hands on the counter. "You should stop spoiling me with the praises Sindri," She says with a grin, her eyes briefly scanning over the items the man had on display for the day. “Your words might start to get to my head after all.”
"Maybe I'm just trying to make sure I get into Valhalla when my time comes," He says with a booming grin, leaving his prior task behind as he walks up to the girl. "I do after all need a Valkyrie to take me there. Your ego is free to inflate as much as you wish," He comments smugly, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl as he stops in front of her.
"Just because the name Valkyrie belongs to me it doesn't mean I will be flying you anywhere in the afterlife," She chides the man loosely. "And besides, you need to die in battle to be sent there. I don't think selling these weapons counts as so," She says amused at the slight drop in the man's shoulders.
"You might be right there," The man comments, an eyebrow being raised by the girl across from him in question at the might part. "So, what can I help you with today? It's been a while since your last visit to the Northern Markets," Sindri asks, both his hands leaning on the countertop as he waits for the girl across from him's request.
Valkyrie absently looks around the stall, staring at the many weapons discarded around the wooden crates and countertops. "Do you have any more of those Hideous Zippleback exploding boxes? The ones where the gas pours out of it until it gets lit," She asked, going into explanation since she knew that wasn't the name Sindri had given her when he first sold the items to her, and that exploding boxes could be quite vague.
"Of course, I have those in stock! I make them myself, remember?" He asks, grinning wildly as he bends down to reach for something hidden in a crate. Pulling out seven rectangular-like boxes, all made from vast metals and wood. He places them on the counter just in front of the girl’s hands. "Now, Valkyrie, these are the last ones I have in stock since you keep forgetting to bring the empty ones back to me." He says with a slight scold to his words.
"So there worth a pretty penny?" Valkyrie asks, staring up at Sindri slightly sheepish and with her shoulders bunching to her ears as she raises a brow in question, both palms facing up in front of her.
"Precisely," Sindri says with a sharp nod. "Now, I'm willing to trade them off for something, but if not, I'm going to need about two bags worth," He states, his face losing most of its joy as he goes into trader mode, making sure he gets the best deal for himself.
"Two bags?" Valkyrie questions with a huff of air, picking up one of the canisters loosely. When a hum of agreement leaves Sindri, Valkyrie places it down on the countertop rather harshly. "And here I thought I was your favourite customer," She says slightly dejected, pulling out a small pouch of coins from her waist. "How about this? I give you half of this, and the next time I sail in, I'll bring you two double-edged axes?" She offers, loosening the string that was keeping the pouch sealed and flashing Sindri a toothy smile.
Sindri's eyes narrowed at the girl, one of his fists balling as he study's her for a long moment. An air of silence dragged on between the two of them before he came to his final decision. "How do I know you’re not just going to fly off and never return?" He questions with a glower, an opening statement for something further.
A fake mortified gasp escapes Valkyrie's lips as she brings her hands up, resting them on her chest. "You wound me Sindri," She states, closing her eyes like she was crying. Bringing a hand up to wipe at a nonexistent tear, she says, "And here I thought we have built some trust up over the years."
The man across from her rolled his eyes with a huff before he shook his head with a grin stretching across his face. "I’d be in safer hands while wrestling with a Nightfury than putting any trust in you. But fine, I'll take you up on that deal," He mutters. His agreement got a crooked grin slipping onto Valkyrie's face as she raised her chin slightly in accomplishment. "But if you don't return in two moons, I'll be putting a bounty on your head."
The thing with Sindri is that he totally would, which only made Valkyrie grin more. "I'll be back in three then," She said, emptying half of her coin pouch onto the countertop as she pulled another brown bag from her waist. This time the bag was empty, and a lot bigger than the last as she started to load the Hideous Zippleback gas canisters into her bag.
Sindri only looked slightly amused at her words as he tested each of the coins, roughly gauging how much each of them weighed. Valkyrie attached the bag of items back to her hip as he did this, waiting until he had finished the task and put them into his own pouch. "Is there anything else you might need before you vanish without a trace again?" He questions.
"I think this is all I need for the moment," Valkyrie says, her eyes going distant as she racks her brain for any other possible items she could need for the next following days. She couldn't picture any dire situations arising where she would have to prepare for, everything already thought out in her own mind as they had repeated this process a number of times. The only reason she was buying the Zippleback gas was because she would be going in solo and she would be dealing with a larger number the usual.
Sindri gave her a sad nod. "I'll see you next time you decide to grace the aisle with your presence." He comments, lighting up with a grin before he is turning to a new customer—or maybe it was the person he abandoned to talk to Valkyrie.
Turning away from the stall, Valkyrie begins her way back through the trading village. She kept her head high as she began to weave through the different stalls, a steady eye on anyone who decided to get too close for her liking.
A certain thing that came with the Northern Markets is that there is a large number of dragon hunters always running around getting weapons fixed or buying new custom traps to help them capture dragons that they would later sell to a select few from this very island. It never mattered how much she attempted to avoid them when on the island so she gave up long ago, accepting the fact there was no getting around it.
So when a certain hunter clad in dragon hide started to approach her, there was nothing Valkyrie could do except hide her finds and ready herself for conflict.
Keeping her head held up, she planned to walk past the man, keeping her eyes from the mace hanging at his hip where his hand was starting to itch for. But as she passed a hand shot out, fingers enclosing tightly around her upper arm. Valkyrie was instantly on the defence, a hand shooting to her hip where a broken down sword lay wrapped around her waist. With a hiss, Valkyrie spoke, “Can I help you?”
“Do I recognise ya?” The man spoke, spit flying from his mouth.
“I would hope not,” Valkyrie started. “Now, if you would be so kind as to get your filthy hand off of me, I would be glad to let you leave with all your limbs intact.”
The two stood off, neither being the first to back down. As Valkyrie’s hand slid forward, fingers wrapping around the loose handle of her broken-down sword, another hand came shooting out and wrapping around her shoulder. “Why don’t we all take it easy for a second.”
Turning to see who had spoken, Valkyrie’s eyes landed on a tall boy with auburn hair and pale green eyes. He didn’t look directly at Valkyrie, his eyes instead focused on the hunter that she had previously been threatening.
“Mind your own business boy. This doesn’t concern you,” The hunter spoke with a sneer, attempting to pull Valkyrie closer towards him but when Valkyrie didn’t budge, the hold that the boy had on her keeping her grounded, he let go.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Of course, this is between you and this helpless lady,” The boy said, releasing Valkyrie as he raises both hands in an act of surrender.
Valkyrie’s head whipped around to face the nameless boy, eyes wide with her top lip curling up. “Helpless?” Her voice rose an octave, once again her hand shooting down to where the handle of her sword rested.
The boy flashed Valkyrie a sideways glance with an almost pleading look on his face before he turned back to the hunter. “It’s just, I didn’t want to see anything break out when it was so clear that she wouldn’t be walking away as steady as she came in.”
The hunter pondered the boy’s words, face slowly starting to light up. “Aren’t you the chivalrous type?” The man huffed out before turning away, casting one last fleeting glance at Valkyrie before flashing his teeth and blending into the crowd and fleeing from Valkyrie’s sight.
Valkyrie glared at the man even long after he vanished from her sight. Only when she was sure he was gone did she turn to the nameless boy, putting an end to his stuttering responses as one of Valkyrie’s hands slammed into his chest. “I could have handled that myself,” She scorned, going in for a second shove where the boy’s hands mixed with hers, trying to deter their path. “And come on, a helpless lady who can’t fight her own battles? You couldn’t come up with a slightly more justifying cause?”
“It’s the first thing I could think of,” Came the strangled response from the boy, his grip tight as he stopped Valkyrie from pulling her hands away where she would most likely go in for another hit. “I didn’t exactly think of a plan when I came over.”
“You clearly didn’t think much if you had the bright idea to come over here in the first place,” Valkyrie snapped, tugging her hands free in a quick pull, making the unknown boy stumble and fall towards Valkyrie.
Valkyrie quickly raised her arms, bracing herself as the boy collided with her. A soft grunt escaped her lips at the close proximity of the two of them. “Uh hi?”
Valkyrie’s eyes narrowed at the boy’s words, their eyes meeting through the gaps in her arms. “Bye,” Valkyrie said in return, shoving the boy back one last time before turning on her heel, not caring for the startled yelp that came from the boy as she walked away. She told herself as she left, ready to disappear from the island and the views of the world once more, “I don’t have time for this.”
“It was nice meeting you too,” The boy called out after Valkyrie and said girl found herself gritting her teeth at the sound of hurried footsteps running after her. As the nameless boy came to her side, falling into step with her as they walked through the markets, he said, “I’m Hiccup by the way.”
“And I didn’t ask for that knowledge nor do I care for it,” Valkyrie said, earning a soft chuckle from Hiccup in return.
“Normally when someone gives you their name, there's an unspoken rule that you are meant to give it to them in return,” Hiccup said, gesturing loosely with his hands out in front of him, quickly drawing Valkyrie’s eyes to them and the leather cuffs wrapped around his wrists. “And, I mean, I did kind of save you from a fight with a dragon hunter.”
“Something which I didn’t ask you to do,” Valkyrie stated. But at the sight of Hiccup's dejected face, one of his hands bounding up to scratch the back of his neck, Valkyrie find herself speaking without her conscious permission. Turning her head straight and keeping her eyes off the other boy she said, “But if you must know, my name is Valkyrie.”
“Like one of Odin’s warriors?” Hiccup quickly questioned, his face lighting up as he put two and two together.
“Yes, like Odion’s warriors,” Valkyrie muttered, shaking her head as she answered the common question aimed her way once she revealed her namesake.
“Did your parents know you would be just as fierce as a Valkyrie when choosing a name for you?” Hiccup asked another question, seeming to have several more lined up for her to answer.
“More like vicious,” Valkyrie commented. “And I think they trained it into me when I was younger. Had to look at the world as a proper Viking one way or another.”
HIccup’s thick brows furrowed but he chose not to say anything. “What brings you the Nothern Markets?” He tracked back, changing the topic quickly. Before Valkyrie could say anything, Hiccup's head swivelled to the side, something catching his attention from another stall. Valkyrie was about to use these few seconds of distraction to slip away when Hiccup's head came swirling back towards her, large green eyes staring at her expectedly.
“Originally, before I got ambushed by two Vikings?” Valkyrie questioned, hiding a smile at the sheepish look that flickered over Hiccup's face first before a stubborn fierceness took over his eyes. Valkyrie quickly cut him off before he could once again go into why he had to help. “I came here for the same reason anyone else would. To trade and gather.”
Hiccup slowly nodded his head, wringing his arms back and forth and preparing to say something before a loud bang caught both of their attention, two heads of blonde hair fleeing from the scene. “Oh Thor, not those two,” Hiccup mumbled, dragging a hand down his face before looking back to Valkyrie. “You wouldn't be willing to wait here for me, would you?”
“No promises,” Valkyrie shrugged.
“Yeah,” A soft sigh escaped Hiccup's lips. “I didn’t think so.”
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enderfenderdragon · 6 months
just more thoughts-
hiccup x reader who is part night fury?
like the reader has toothless's wings, ear and tail... but with the human body as the rest.
i dont know.
just thought about how he would react about you and how he would react when he or you/reader stumbled into him.
maybe in the woods and your cautious about anyone but cloudjumper and toothless?
maybe the reader is friends with the light fury? just for more plot?
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mrcloudjumper · 2 years
Happy Anniversary
Hiccup Haddock (RttE) x Male Reader
Notes and/or warnings; idk if there's a healing hut on the Edge, BUT THERE IS NOW.  dragon isn't specified but has a constant fire blast; boneknapper, deadly nadder, monstrous nightmare, etc.  not a one blast like night fury.  Major injury, stitching said injury, stingy alcohol, panicking, being chased/hunted, cussing, mentions of hunters being burned alive, anything else in HTTYD.  not really a warming but very inaccurate healing stuff ™, do not do what this fic says for like 98% of the shit in here.  i think there wasn't actually any usage of pronouns...but masc intended!  fem aligned dni please! and JESUS CHRIST IM SORRY I TOOK TEN YEARS I THOUGHT IT HAD BEEN MAYBE A WEEK AND THEN BOOM IT WAS A MONTH
Request; Can you do a Hiccup Haddock x male reader? (Hiccup is taller then the reader. Hiccup is the dominant and the reader is the submissive) The reader was out exploring while Hiccup was on a ride on Toothless and the reader gets injured pretty badly. So he tries his best to hide it from Hiccup since Hiccup usually doesn't let the male reader explore on his own without either him (Hiccup) or Toothless is with him (male reader) could it be fluff pls? (Like kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc)
You were running as fast as you could possible could, which honestly wasn’t that fast; given gaping hole in your side.  It was nearing yours and Hiccups anniversary, and all you wanted to do was get a nice gift for him.  But, alas, he essentially never let you out on your own, so the only solution was to sneak out.  Not a good idea when you and your friends are #1 most wanted on the Dragon Hunters’ list.
You had been simply collecting nice flowers, one of the many gifts you planned for Hiccup, when an arrow struck the tree.  (Dragon’s Name) immediately got spooked and ran off, which, to be fair, is exactly what you did.  Just in the opposite direction, unfortunately.  During your…daring escape, more arrows flew, one piercing your side.  You hadn’t even realized it until you were huddled in a cave, heavy and ragged breathing.  
Immediately panicking, you did the worst possible thing; pulled it out.  Quickly you tore off some of your sleeve and wrapped it around, praying to the Gods that you’d be making no trip to Valhalla any time soon.  After you had calmed down just a little bit, you sent off your emergency flare, which (Dragon’s Name) had been trained to respond to.  A bad play, considering now the hunters knew where you were, but what other choice was there!  You obviously needed some better medical attention and a ride out of there, and that was your quickest way to it.  
Unfortunately, the hunters were closer than (Dragon’s Name) was, as they began running to where the flare went off.  Time to run.  Again.   After a few excruciating minutes of running through woods, swatting away stray branches, and being pull of pure panic, you came upon a cliff.  Great.  
The hunters closed in on you, surrounding you, panicked as ever.  A few taunts were made, comments on ‘nowhere to go,’ ‘last leg,’ and more.  As you stepped back, a few cracks were heard as rock crumbled down.  Your hands clutched your side tighter, as you pivoted your head around, looking for any possible means of escape other than down.
Just as the front hunter raised his arrow for the final blow, (Dragon’s Name) flew to your rescue, setting the hunters ablaze.  Quickly, you grabbed onto his saddle and hoisted yourself up the best you could.  (Dragon’s Name) turned and bolted for the sky, booking it to Dragons’ Edge.
Hiccup had been out on a fly with Toothless for a few hours, mapping out ideal places for a nice anniversary date.  And just maybe looking for more dragon species.  When he returned, he couldn’t find you anywhere, and nobody had seen you for the last few hours.  Apparently, you disappeared just half an hour after he did.  Hiccup quickly connected the dots, and was now anxiously pacing back and forth in his hut.  He didn’t even know where to begin looking for you, nobody did.  So he would have to wait for you to show back up.  Pulling Hiccup out of his thought, (Dragon’s Name) called out as a flutter of wings and a thud sounded.  Immediately, he rushed to your side.  He helped you down, before turning to an angry rant about your safety.  
“Y/N.  Y/N!  Great Thor, why did you do that!  I have told you again and again about how I don’t like it when you go out on your own, and for this exact reason!  What was even so important that you couldn’t bother to tell Toothless or me, even Astrid for Thor’s sake!  I mean-” you abruptly cut him off, holding up a smooshed banquet of flowers, a lopsided smile across your lips.  “Is’ for our anniversary..” you mumumbed, face now planted in his collarbone.  He was silent for a second, before scooping you up bridal style and carrying you to the medical hut.  He places you back down gently and went to grab some antiseptic and painkiller herbs, recommended by Gothi, stitching supplies, and some fresh, thick bandages.  He ground up the painkillers, putting it into a cup of water, which you gratefully swallowed, cringing at the texture.  A few seconds later, he lifted you up slightly to peel of your shirt, as to have easy access to the wound.  You lay back down so the blood won’t flow to fast or freely, grunting as your head hit the pillow.
He applied the antiseptic, rubbing it on your wound, per Gothi’s instructions.  You hissed, hands painfully clutching the sheet.  Hiccup noticed, and gave you his free hand to clasp, which you gratefully did.  He continued the process until it wasn’t stinging anymore, a sign of majority of possible infections being gone.  He grabbed the needle, quickly placing a kiss to your hand and glancing at you apologetically.  He grabbed the needle, placing the thread through the loop, and then piercing your skin.  Your head thrashed against the pillow, and Hiccup began to rub reassuring circles into the palm of our hand until he was completely done.  
The only thing left to do was to bandage it to prevent further infection or bleeding.  He sat you up again, and instructed you to hold your hands up while he wrapped up the wound.  He quickly finished, bandages now covering your entire lower torso.  “Wanna head to bed, Y/N?  I know it’s early but I figure you need the rest.”  You nodded in responses, mumbling a small, “Carry me, Hic.”  He lightly smiled and picked you up, one hand under your butt and another supporting your waist.  Your arms wrapped around his neck, your head calmly stuffed in his shoulder as he walked back to his hut.  
In a few minutes, he carefully opened the door to his hut and walked in.  “Do you think you can make it up the ladder with my help?  Or should we just make a pile of blankets down here?” he asked, setting you down.  “Mm, let’s just go upstairs.  I need a proper bed right now, if ya’ don’t mind helping me up,” you responded with a small yawn at the end
“I would never mind helping you,” he spoke, a tad quieter, seeing as you were incredibly tired.  He picked you up again, and after a few confusing minutes, you both plopped onto the bed and pulled the covers over, heads peaking out.  Hiccup lifted his arms up, inviting you to nuzzle into him, which you gleefully did so.  You curled up into a little ball, head curved around his upper chest, and your arms extended to lightly brush through and play with his hair.  His arm was draped over top your side, rubbing reassuring circles into your back as he had soe your palm earlier.  You sighed contentedly.  A nice silence embraced the two of you, crickets chirping and the water rushing against the cliffside.  After a while, he quickly spoke.  “This is nice, isn't it, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, it is…Hey, I’m sorry I went out without telling you, or anyone.  I just wanted to get gifts for you and have them be a complete surprise.  Naturally, the dragon hunters just had to be there,” you stifled a chuckle after it made your wound pang. 
 “Your the single best gift ever, Y/N.  Nothing you buy or find can even come close to describing the love I have for you, though I do enjoy the flattery.”  Silence.  He looked down to see you, and heard the faintest of snoring, smiling lightly to himself.  He closed his eyes and melted further into your embrace, nothing else in the world mattering.
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milksuu · 2 years
'Maid' in Heaven | Hiccup x Reader | Part 6
Pairings: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!servant!reader
Chapter Content/Warnings: minor angst and fluff
Summary: After a hostile raid from The Hairy Hooligan Tribe, you were captured and forced into indentured servitude at a young age. Luckily, the God’s had blessed you to be the household thrall of the Haddock family; to serve your kind young Lord, Hiccup ‘Horrendous’ Haddock III. Oh Thor, what to do?
an: thank you for waiting! unfortunately, due to linking my ao3 on my master post, tumblr has hid all the linked parts before this + my masterlist (sad face). please click on the 'maid in heaven' tag for previous chapters, or view the pinned masterlist post on my blog. again, thank you to anyone whose taken the time to read, comment, like, and reblog! they make me so happy and motivated. any love is much appreciated.
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There was a great discussion had within the Haddock residence later that evening. Supper was served at the single table, near to the crackling fire, and blazing with conversation about various topics. The first one attended to was the matter related to the unmissed trial of your questionable innocence. From the guilt that hung like a grey cloud above your head, Stoick sought to investigate the actual truth of the matter.
Hiccup spoke on your behalf. There were some truths, possible half-truths, and perhaps a frilly white lie in between. Whether Stoick believed the lipped wit of his son or not made no difference. The Chief’s admonishing response showed a mind already made. And the folk lesson long prevailed: it paid very little to argue with stone.
“I can’t have any more mishaps, regardless of whose fault,” Stoick said with a fistful of torn meat. “Our people are on edge, and for well enough reasons. And I’m not about to let one loose sheep, or another, cause further unrest. Do you both understand?” 
From your standing spot at the end of the table, a cinch of fault tightened your waistline. You bobbed your head and, with fingers coiled around the handle of a water pitcher, mouthed the word with a strained breath. Your attention crossed the table, catching your young Lord’s pinched features of rebellious reluctance. When your gaze met, you angled a chin and spoke through batted lashes for him to oblige. The request sent his eyes rolling backwards. Luckily, you didn’t need to pray for his life. To your relief, his father was too preoccupied with his plate to notice.
“Understood,” he said, and took a reproachful sip of his drink. You assumed he’d done so to keep him from taking back the word. 
“Good,” Stoick said with a satisfied grumble. “Tomorrow you’ll join me to pay a visit to the farmsteads. We’ll be needing a count of all the livestock and expected yield of crops before Winter. Consider the numbers for rationing. Always best to prepare for the worst.”
“Sure, doomsday prepping sounds like fun,” he said with a lop-sided pin of his lips. “But I was thinking, after we’re done counting with our fingers and toes, you’d talk with me and Gobber. We have some ideas to export new saddles.”
Stoick nodded and spoke in a tone of allowance rather than agreement. “Time will be made tomorrow, then.” 
The table quieted to small-talk, clinking tableware, and requests for another pour from your pitcher. When Stoick finished, he wiped his mouth clean with his fingers, and announced his retirement for the night. When the mass of his form disappeared beyond the aching stairs, you fetched yourself to attend the mess.
“Let me help you,” he said, taking a few hurried bites and tossing the cooked tail end of his fish to Toothless. He barely swallowed when he stood. “I just finished.”
“Although I’m grateful for your offer, I must decline you,” you said and seized his plate before he could. “You’ve done enough for me today, Lord Haddock. I’m sure the least I can do in return is my own job.” 
“I don’t think there should be a limit for helping anyone,” he said rationally, “unless you think I’m wrong?” 
“I think you’ll end up causing more trouble for yourself,” you punctuated your words with the lift of your nose. “Make no mistake. The road to Hel is paved with good-intentions. I don’t wish for you to end up there, of all people.”
He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Does that mean I’ll be in trouble with you?” 
“Not me.” You wiggled a finger in front of your nose. “But your father—no, worse yet—an entire village. I'm afraid your father's right. The scorn of a single man is enough to give courage to his like-minded neighbors.”
“If anything else happens, I’ll take care of it,” he said indulgently.
“That is exactly my point. I don’t want for something else to happen, and for you to have to do anything about it. You’ve worked too hard for your good reputation to be ruined. How could I ever sleep at night, knowing I should be the reason to have it questioned?”
“You like to worry more about my reputation than I do. At the end of the day, I just do what I think is right. Even if that means upsetting a few people who probably don't agree with me. Besides,” he fought to dismiss the quarrel with a boyish grin. “I’ve heard Hel has nice warm weather all year round. Wouldn’t mind paying a visit sometime. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be Chief there instead.”
“There you go again with your jests,” you muttered, digging your nails into the dish. “Ignoring every bit of my concerns for you. But what does what I think matter? I suppose it doesn’t. I’m only a servant, after all. Nothing about me deserves a second thought of consideration.”
“Come on, it’s not like that,” his eyes softened, cupping your tense hands.
The agonizing brush of his touch loosened your hold on the clay dish. It collided with the wood below, breaking into unmendable parts at your feet. You paled, bending to clean up your recklessness. Your Lord motioned to join and you thrusted a curt hand to stop him. “Don’t—” you choked on the shame. “Please, my Lord. This… this is all I have. If you respect me at all, then you’ll let me do it myself.”
“I’m sorry.” With pained regard, he placed a single broken chip in your palm and rose to take his leave. “I won’t bother you anymore.” 
He swept up the stairs, beckoning Toothless to follow. When the door of his bedchamber closed, you shut your eyes against a wave of remorse. Gods, you wished it would drown you. Perhaps then, the regret would no longer be tangible. You drew in a quivered breath, wishing to pick up more than the shattered fragments of a mere plate.
When morning came, you stood beside yourself, looking solemnly at the same dress and apron spread out on your cot. The same dull white smock, same plain brown kirtle, and the same serviceable apron. Stiff and ugly, you thought. All these same things punctuated how perfectly unpleasant you were on the inside. The display of your behavior the prior evening brought a taste of black licorice, which not even lye soap could rinse from your mouth. For your Lord’s sake, it would’ve served him to cut out your tongue with one of the sharper pieces of platter.
Even if deserved, there was never a sliver of imagination to conjure this—his kindness made no room for unbearable thoughts. 
When the morning chores were completed without a word and, without complaint, you set off to the docks. With your new piece in tow, you trailed down the trodden path to a landscape filled with thatched roofs, until the hill steeped with long fisherman houses laden with crates of tackle and bait. 
“My, my, little miss! Seems fate and fortune have brought us to trade once again.” Johann raised his hands to indulge the sky, descending the boat ramp. “I take it you’re faring well, even after yesterday’s dire tribulations. Oh, you should have been there to witness it—Master Hiccup was positively vexed when he landed on my ship and requested for my immediate aid. Why, I had never seen him in such a state! Made me believe ‘twas a matter of life and death. Thank the stars it was not the latter of the two.”
This information did you no favors. It further troubled your features, tense and painted with dismal lines of fault. When strings of thankfulness for his help sprang from your lips, they resonated more as apologies. “I’m sorry—truly, I am. I hate to be more trouble than I’m worth.”
“Now, now, my dear. Let’s not sit idle in the past and wallow in it like a cold bath,” he dismissed it, beckoning you closer with his hands. “Let’s get on with business, shall we?”
“Of course.” You swallowed the hot lump in your throat, extending your tapestry.
“Absolutely remarkable,” Johann yammered on when he took the fabric. He twiddled with the coins in his hands before giving them to you. “This reminds me! Oh, you must listen to this. Whilst journeying from one trading dock to another, I came upon the most curious and wealthy buyer. So enraptured by your work, they were compelled for me to have a good word with you. They have offered quite an exuberant amount of coin for a commissioned piece, should you accept.”
“May I ask who this person is?” 
“The buyer has chosen to remain anonymous for the time being. I’m a respectable tradesman, and not inclined to give out customer details should it be personally requested of me not to do so. I assure you, I have a keen eye for scoundrels. This buyer is anything but.”
“It sounds like a gracious opportunity,” you trailed off, fiddling with the scant coins in your apron pocket. With someone of your luck, or rather misfortune, certain things were too good to be true. “May I think it over?”
“By all means,” Johann said. “We’ll remain in touch. I shall send a letter by mail tomorrow and eagerly wait for your response.”
A response would have to wait. Your mind wandered to the more pressing matters of keeping yourself in your young master’s good graces. How could you think of anything else when your conscience pricked at you insistently? There was only one remedy for this, and it was a whimsied gesture from childhood—surely, he would remember the meaning.
Picking up your feet, you scampered upward from the spindly dirt paths to pebbled roads. With allowance in hand, you passed through the open market, pinching your way to purchase the sweetest apple from a cart. You paid no mind to a flock of young women whispering curiously about you. The business of gossip would exist whether or not you gave credit to it. There wasn’t a need to give the webs spinning from their mouths any attention. You imagined being a curious fly was very tiresome. 
You came up to the Blacksmith, clanking with sounds of clashing metal, and pluming with smoke from the forge. From the open stall window, you rapped against the wood. When nothing but hammer to iron responded, you insisted with more egregious thumping. “Get outta the way, Grump!” A guttural curse or two struck the air. After a stumbling moment, Gobber’s rotund frame hobbled to view.
“Quit ye’r knockin’, I’ll be right there.” Gobber poked his eyebrows up at your small face peeking through the window. He cleared the indignation from his throat. “Sorry, lass. Didn’t expect ye’w of all people to stop by. What can I do for ya’h?” 
With a woeful face, you placed the apple on the counter. 
“The ol’ apology apple, eh?” He said with a scratch of his furrowed brow. “Can’t say I understand it myself, but the two of ye’w always had a way of managing. I’ll be sure ta’h give it to the lad when I see ‘em.” 
“Thank you ever so much.” You dipped your chin, turning to take leave.
“Hiccup’ll forgive ya’h,” he called out with sympathy. “Always does.”
Hope fluttered your heart, and you thanked the man twice over. 
Whisking back to the Haddock Residence, you took out your nerves in the form of extra sweeping and dusting. You did so until you were choking on the splinters raised from the floorboards. With your habit of carrying on with meaningless distractions, you hadn’t noticed the afternoon light spilling from the open window. You lamented on the time and hurried to simmer a pot of stew over the kindling hearth. 
A wind danced inside, grazing the back of your neck. A delicate reminder to shut the window before the cool of night waltzed in unannounced. 
You turned and spotted a sheen of red gleaming by sunset hue on the sill. When you went to greet it, you picked up the plump portion of a half eaten apple. You pressed a smile to the remaining flesh of it. Taking your own bite, you sighed against the burst of sweetness. The taste of licorice no longer soured your lips.
You leaned into the cheerful air, enriched with slopes of green and spiced with a dusky glow.  And as if the breeze could carry words, you spoke:
“I’m glad we’re still friends.” 
Reconciliation was a word you hadn’t thought of tasting so sweet.
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