#hidden skeletons
eliotbaum · 10 months
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The Occultist class for the upcoming TTRPG, The Hidden Isle.
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bi-ocelot · 1 year
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constantvariations · 2 months
If Salem obliterated Vale, does that mean she has its relic?
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spadesmain · 11 months
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Hey guys sorry for being inactive AGAIN I’m starting to get a little more tired out than usual just like before ;(
( here are some sketches to make up for it )
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astriiformes · 1 year
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Second year of @thesnadger using this as a seder plate
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skeletalheartattack · 3 months
i love your art style so much, it's rad as hell. how long have you been drawing? :o
you mean the goofy little sketches i do from time to time? if so, that's really kind of you to say!!! that said, i wouldn't necessarily say they're the peak of my drawing abilities though, since i just draw with a mouse.
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i use to draw a lot when i was growing up, though after getting Gmod for the first time, and subsequently SFM, i moved over into those programs to make my art, and kinda stopped drawing from that point.
i don't normally draw a whole lot these days, but when it comes to how i draw the stuff above, really i just find the messiness of using a mouse to draw really goofy, that and it's kinda nice to draw stuff without it needing to be perfect. it's just silly lines.
but regardless, thank you for the kind words, im glad you like my silly stuff
#ask#now if you meant the sketch of Boe that i use for my icon and a few other goofy posts i made? that was drawn by my friend Kikkini#(Kikkinimomini on Twitter)#i think he has a tumblr account too but i don't remember his handle offhand...#that sketch of Boe was one of the first ones he sent me. regarding a skeleton OC.#i really feel he struck a really good balance between ominous and kinda goofy with the sketch#that and the inclusion of the mohawk being pink really sold it for me#i would like to try and create how i actually imagine Boes world in Limbo and Hell some day#which. is very similar to Gorillaz' Phase 2 era and old ''find the hidden object games'' like Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst#in which its just like. full of junk and polution and whatnot#though with Limbo specifically. i imagine blue/purple clouded night skies over roaming empty grassy fields with nothing in the horizon#and Boes house being in the center of it all. with a long empty road in front of it#i think of Boes house as like. similar to the Ravenhearst manor or the iSpy spooky mansion#old fashioned house with a lot of junk inside#i also kinda think about Pajama Sam's colour palette in the land of darkness a lot regarding limbo and hell#the purples and dark blues of the night sky. the reds and oranges of the lava caves.#id kinda want to make what i imagine in the Source engine. but i already have trouble starting stuff in Hammer as it is#maybe some day i'll commit to it and design what i want. but ough.....#anyway thank you for the kind words anon!!!
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wolf-n-bones · 5 months
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Sticker: Dead inside~
Sticker size: 2.64" x 3"
Sticker hides a little surprise~
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maiuoart · 1 year
Would you be able to meet sans by coincidence anywhere in the city? or would you most likely need to have any connection with Rus to be able to meet him?
Ironically enough; Russ is actually the hardest person to meet! San's in this field, isn't!
Sans in this twisted AU of Swapfell Red, is the Queens Right Hand- He is always out and about. He is always on route- Walking, taking inventory of the citizens, watching for Monsters who are being suspicious; Anything he would find unsavory, he's going to lock it down.
He isn't at all a sit-down-and-socialize-type like his brother is; He's the Protector. The Watcher.
And a lot of Monsters... Absolutely hate that.
So yeah, you'd be able to meet him easier; Due to how high his LVL is, the fact he hasn't gone insane like previous Royal Guards, his temper and attitude make it so that he isn't taken lightly when he targets others for doing things that they shouldn't be... Or, even what he doesn't want them to be doing, if he gets petty enough.
But that is the biggest reason not to meet him or get in his way... He makes it easy, so he can make it harder for anyone to escape him.
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anghraine · 1 year
My mother didn't want her large and antiquated desk, so I'm now the owner of this hefty piece of furniture!
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So many drawers! <3
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aceparagoned · 11 months
In reference to this post I made about a couple of weeks ago, I'd like to go further into depth of how Hikaru's Crux was studied. In this headcanon, please be mindful of the following content warnings: child abuse, torture in a medical setting, and the ethics surrounding human experimentation in the name of "science."
When Hikaru was born and her Crux was discovered, scientists were intrigued on how this particular human could have developed another organ in the womb when her own mother, Katsumi, didn't have one. During Katsumi's entire pregnancy, the additional organ was discovered during routine ultrasounds, but there were discussions into the ethics of testing on an unborn fetus that could lead to Katsumi possibly miscarrying. Not just that, but Tamotsu, Hikaru's father, objected to the point of practically almost getting arrested for threatening to hurt the scientists that wanted to experiment on his wife and unborn daughter.
So, they held off until Hikaru was born so as to carry out their experiments when the Crux was fully developed.
This wasn't met without a great deal of resistance from not just Katsumi, but Hikaru's father, Tamotsu. The both of them vehemently argued to not test their daughter at all, thinking that she deserved so much more than being nothing more than something to gawk at because of being born with something else that no one else, at the time, possessed. For at least five years, Hikaru was able to grow up in a happy family until she was voluntarily given up to participate in the PIPE's training program in an attempt to turn the tides of war. They only gave her up on the promise that no experiments would be carried out on her because of her Crux.
The PIPE, desperate to continue living instead of losing the war against the Gnocem, promised they did. However, promises can be broken and it's one of the PIPE's horrible secrets that they've kept under lock and key this entire time.
See, after Hikaru had been given up by her parents, things were okay for a time. She was properly cared for, treated with respect, and told that things were going to be okay. That was, until, the same scientists who were intrigued when she was still in her mother's womb arrived and brokered a deal with the PIPE: they can test on her all they wanted if it'd produced the results they were looking for and that was to be humanity's weapon in the fight against the Gnocem. The deal was agreed upon and this is where things had taken a turn for the worst for Hikaru, who still was a child at this point.
At first, the experimentation wasn't that bad. Just a few shots and blood tests, really. But when that didn't reveal anything regarding the capabilities of Hikaru's Crux, they had to get "creative" with their testing and by being "creative", they resorted to procedures where sights like these [CW: needles in image] were unfortunately common practice with Hikaru strapped to a cold, metal surgical table and pleading for them to stop hurting her and that she was sorry for whatever she did to deserve this punishment.
Sadly, her pleas fell on deaf ears because it went so much further than just injecting her with multiple drugs. They wanted to see how she'd be able to heal and how much pain she could withstand. So, they went through with not just stabbing and lacerating her, but full on maiming by shooting her through her hands and feet. Again, her cries for mercy went ignored. However, these extreme methods of testing her endurance and pain tolerance finally paid off during her training regimen that she was still expected to go through. They ultimately made her stronger, and in their eyes fortunately able to withstand much more in terms of increased training.
Yet, no one thought about how she was still just a child. During these experiments and training, they slowly whittled away the bright and happy girl that started on this because she was promised that she was gonna be a hero and save the day! How could a child resist that? The PIPE and the scientists kept on saying that this was all in the name of making her a hero, like they promised she'd be.
Was being a hero worth all this pain and misery, though? That was one of Hikaru's many thoughts while she was in her room, quietly sobbing into her pillow at night until she finally was able to sleep, having passed out from the pain and discomfort she was in. Hikaru also learned that no matter how many times she cried or apologized, they'd still carry out the experiments on her, so eventually she'd just lie there and take it, trying to not make a single noise for fear that it'd only ramp up the experiments' intensity on her.
And the way that she was rewarded for this? They simply gave her treats, which were one of her only comforts. She couldn't contact her parents to tell them what was going on and the reports that they received told them that Hikaru was being well taken care of and was happy. Nothing was wrong in their eyes, even as they kept on forgetting the most important aspect of this whole matter: Hikaru was still a child. Yet, if it produced results such as giving them little victories here and there on the war, so be it — they would continue this extreme training regimen and keep on lying to her parents that she was being treated the way that they had promised. To this day, they still don't know what sort of hell their own daughter has been through and Hikaru doesn't want to upset them by telling them the truth, either, because of how these experiments gave them the stability that they have today.
As Hikaru grew up and became more powerful (along with being broken down and molded back into what the PIPE wanted of her), the experiments eventually ceased altogether, but this gave her a lasting fear of anything medical because of the hell she was put through. As previously mentioned, Hikaru is very critical of others tending to her injuries that she sustains in fights since she'd rather be the one to patch herself up because she doesn't trust anyone else to do it. Those in the medbay only admonish her for getting hurt for the umpteenth time and don't have any sympathy for her, no matter how grievous the injury really is. So, she'll often be by herself, dressing her own wounds while trying to stifle her sounds of discomfort however possible. This behavior of hers is still prevalent to this day because of how deep seated her own fear of anything medical is concerned — all because the PIPE saw her as nothing more than a weapon instead of a human being.
As far as anyone's concerned, the PIPE is heralded as this pillar of strength and hope, but no one publicly knows just what it took to get there. It's still classified information that only those who are higher up the food chain are privy to and have sworn to never reveal to the public the atrocities they committed to attain the semblance of peace that they have today. Anyone who tries to speak up about the human rights abuses they committed is silenced, never to be seen nor heard from again.
To Watanabe and others, the PIPE is nothing more than a shining beacon of peace and prosperity in the world and nothing shall ever taint that pristine image that they've cultivated for themselves all these years.
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redtoondevils · 3 months
The Endo daycare in the Utility Tunnels. I do have some words to say about that. It's not in the Daycare, It's the one underground, far away from the daycare.
The one that has a separate play den, and a room that has the TV in it. There is a few suspicious...Questiones about it. I was not aware of this, at all.
The only time where, I head about it, was from a Youtube video. Talking about the Endo daycare theory. And when someone mentioned 'Endo Daycare'. And my reaction was, 'Endo Daycare?' I have been seeing it.
I didn't know what they were talking about. Until, when I finally played up to that point. Before, I played Ruin. And it is night themed, with Moon. Straight away, I could see there's so many things wrong with it.
Like...First up, WHY is there a daycare, separate from the main one? Why is it underground? And why...Why fill up the Room, with Endo's that come to life. At any time, and are too scary for little kids! What? What are they planning at? So, that's a red flag for a law and order.
I don't think, any parent would be okay with this. I'm just gonna break it down, from what I understand. So, it is proven that Moon is in charge in here. What exactly is this used for?
Is it suppose to be like a sleep over thing? This, is the part where, people believe that Vanny, and Moon are working together. For a purpose.
And it is rumored, that this is where the 'Rule Breakers' go to. Which is a very odd location. And then he...Baby sits them? Lectures them? Locks them in? Then, what happens to them after? Because,, if the Rabbit is going to lure them in there, and Moon takes them.
I wouldn't think they would get out, so simple. Moon is designed to act, and play and other generic things like that. I don't think he'd kill. But, he'd most certainly punish. (Of any kind. It's still a punishment.) I think, this is one of the cases why, the children, has been disappearing.
And the fact, that there is another basement, underground for Vanni too. That's the outside theory, but the inside theory. Is like, so what's going on with that? It is strange.
And...Okay, so what does Vanny do? Does she have stock holm syndrome? Is she luring kids in, just to find comfort? Or is it something else? What could this be all about? It doesn't sound good.
But, then I'm also extending this theory, that...Is this the daycare once before. Before the use of Moon? Like, it is night themed for him. But, I'm more wondering about, if this used to be a beta daycare before Sun. I think their idea, was to use Moon first, but then changed their minds?
And the clues, could follow to this, that it then became, and ghet replaced as the Endo room. But, they forgot to take down the night theme. Right, right...That makes a little bit more sense, giving this some background context.
I think that's what it used to be, before they changed it. Because, the parents complained. Good thing they did, and they thought to change it into the Endo. Room. Still, made that mistake again.
Because, it's not safe. But forgotten to remove the 'daycare.' out of it. And that's why, it's the odd Endo room. That's, my theory, and that's what I think of it's generic use.
Everything else, is strange.
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golvio · 1 year
Personal Crack Theory: BotW’s Master Kohga is the exact same Master Kohga from Age of Calamity because he’s immortal. He is also very likely not actually dead, and is probably somewhere underground.
Personal Crack-er Theory: Not only is Kohga immortal, he’s over 10,000 years old, but often forgets this due to having the Malice version of BotW!Link’s death-and-resurrection-related brain damage.
Personal Crack-est Theory: Kohga knew Ganondorf personally and joined whatever subterfuge the big man had planned partly because they were absolutely schtupping before Ganon got skeletonized and Kohga got amnesia.
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nataliesplatalie · 1 year
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Shannon Taylor, All Birds Are Free, Bone Garden, and Siren Pool, c. 2023
handcut watercolor dioramas in vintage compacts
Arch Enemy Arts Gallery
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moveleftslightly · 7 months
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Northleach 2018.
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neasura · 2 years
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Tis the season to draw demons.  Character is from a quick comic I made a few years back that I basically draw for comfort now a days.  Plus some extra (but kinda old) sketches under the read more.
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(mostly just me trying to figure out how i want to draw her face with in regards to how it changes for spooky moments)
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Also yes her girlfriend is a reaper, basically think of it as meet cute but the situation happens to start with fighting over who gets the keep the souls when a ritual goes wrong.
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devilatelier · 8 months
im preparing the most rancid necromancer tav youve ever seen
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