#hidekane christmas
myndless88 · 1 year
Since I didn't get any asks on this one, I've decided to just go ahead and do it for HideKane (since that's the ship I've been mainly doing these for). It's this ask specifically.
Who is the fussy eater: I feel like Hide wouldn't be one to be eating the things he should. Thus, Kaneki has to somehow sneak the healthy stuff into Hide's meals. Also, Kaneki has no choice but to be a fussy eater now that he's a half-ghoul.
Who is most likely to punch the other person’s sibling: Neither have siblings. But if we were to say relatives, Hide probably has thought about punching Kaneki's aunt.
Who wants to go to Disneyland: Most of the time, it's Hide. He especially likes going during the bigger events like Halloween and Christmas. And they take family trips when their triplets are born! :D
Who hates public transport: Kaneki. I feel he didn't really like being cramped in a packed train pre-ghoulification and especially not post-ghoulification .
Who gets arrested: Technically, Kaneki has been arrested in canon.
Who is great with kids: Hide. He puts on great sock puppet shows.
Who ends up covered in glitter as a prank: Kaneki. He got a gift from Hide once for his birthday. Being none the wiser, he opened it and suddenly became a sparkly half-ghoul. He still finds glitter in his hair several months later.
Who has a weird coffee order: Hide. Not so much weird as it is super sweet though.
Who gets up before 6am to exercise: Kaneki. Before he became a half-ghoul, he would've been dead to the world before (and maybe even after) 6am. But after becoming a half-ghoul, Kaneki is not only exercising but also patrolling the neighborhood he and Hide live in after they get together. Kaneki sometimes tries to get Hide to join him, and sometimes it works. Hide rides his bike while Kaneki jogs beside him.
Who hogs the Netflix account: Hide. Kaneki doesn't really watch it anyway.
Who knows all the lyrics to super horrendous bubbly pop songs: Hide, but it's to make Kaneki smile. He'll even do the dance routine, too.
Who proposes: Again, Hide. On Kaneki's birthday. (I drew a pic of this happening)
Who does petty shit when they’re annoyed: Kaneki. One time they got into an argument and Hide technically won it. But Kaneki wouldn't accept it, so he used his kagune to hold Hide's favorite headphones hostage by holding them up in the air at a distance Hide couldn't reach.
Who would take on stupid ridiculous dares: Hide. Kaneki always has a few bandages on standby just in case.
Who can’t sing but always does anyway: Hide. It's mainly in the shower, but Kaneki's hearing is pretty sharp since becoming half-ghoul. He just smiles and keeps preparing dinner as he hears Hide singing off-key upstairs. Though he does admit Hide is getting better.
Who screams at someone in public for making bigoted comments: I don't think either would scream. But Hide could probably make that bigot's life a nightmare by using his connections to get them fired or something.
Who freaks out about spiders: I don't think either would freak out much--depending on the size of it. But Hide would be the one to be like: "Woah! Look at how HUGE that spider is!"
Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this. I have a couple more of these types of asks in my drafts, so I might as well do the rest of them for HideKane too.
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Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @setsuntamew (thanks! <3)
all right let’s see what I’ve got here, out of the ones I’ve actually started writing and not just fantasized about:
Cinder doesn’t like Father’s Day
Cinder Gets Fucked By A Bandit Queen
Cinder heroically lies her ass off
Cross My Heart
HideKane Royalty AU
Juhaku on Ice!!!
Magi Christmas Fic
Raven Old Yellers The Spring Maiden
Terra acquires a fucking disaster wife
The Night is Singing
The Wolves Die Young
Stress Relief
Summer’s face explodes
Sword of Damocles
Sympathy, Tenderness
wow I straight up forgot about a bunch of these, I haven’t touched some in years: see if y’all can guess what they’re about by the title! (the ones that aren’t self-explanatory at any rate)
tagging anyone else who wants to share!
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milkcurdles · 4 years
Post-Series Christmas comic
Merry Xmas!! Impulsively made a really self-indulgent sentimental ass comic ,,,,,  (read from left to right btw!)
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janetheripper12 · 7 years
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lalamelon · 7 years
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Merry Christmas everyone! A Hidekane piece done with iPad Air and a stilo stylus. Done with Procreate on iPad Air; I couldn't use the tablet to draw but I wanted to draw something for hidekane. Hope next year will be a great year for you all and hidekane OwQ
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vixxsin-weeb · 7 years
Tokyo Ghoul Christmas icon requests
I may not have many talents, but superimposing icons (and smutty manips) can be considered one of them, I guess.
If you're looking for a Tokyo Ghoul icon for the holiday season, simply reblog this with your design requirements (characters, features, filters etc.) and I'll work my magic as quickly as I can! ^_^
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verratensduo · 7 years
25 days of Christmas Drabbles/Day 24 Christmas Eve.
This special challenge is by @cherrytrinkets and can be found here.
This comes from a almost long since lost rp with a partner back from my short stint in the Tokyo Ghoul fandom where I did Hide with a friend’s Kaneki, I still have no forgotten that story and am very much so attached to it. Special thanks to my friend Ash @pastel-anime-lover for this inspiration even almost two years after this rp ended.
Also tagging my friend @leonhart-ani, thanks for sticking with me through this challenge.
Drabble Challenge: Yes 25 days of Christmas Day: 24/25 Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul Pairing: KanekixHide/Hidekane/Kenhide (IDK which it is so all three) Setting: Canon divergent au
Here he was, unfortunately working on Christmas eve. His boss really did have no soul, at least that is what it felt like. Hide just wanted to get home to his boyfriend Kaneki and their adoptive son Akihiko. This would be little Akihiko’s third Christmas with them, and their third Christmas together thanks to that special little boy they had been blessed with that Kaneki found just three years earlier.  That little boy had brought them together and much closer than either could have ever imagined, even through a few ups and downs, which really did help them in a long run of everything. He looked towards the clock on the wall, still another two hours of work. He sighed. He wanted to be home to tuck his little boy in and read him things such as “The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore. That was everything he wanted to do, but could not do while waiting for his shift to finally end and to be able to go home and spend this night with his family.
He shot Kaneki a quick text for the millionth time that day apologizing for not being home on what was supposed to be one of two amazing days off that he had been expecting to get. He always got back, “It’s fine Hide, really” of course Hide did not agree with that. He was always feeling guilty about things like this. Though he would be home to at least help slide the additional presents under the tree for Akihiko, and to stuff the stockings, but he wanted to do so much more with and for the boy. He really wanted to make each and every Christmas special for the kid, and his definition of special was to  be there at bed time to read him a story and to tuck him and promise that he would make sure the milk and cookies were placed out for Santa. He wanted to do all of this with his son the way his parents used to do for him. This always provided some frustration when he could not be there the way he wanted.
That is when his boss walked by.  The usual stone cold face seemed a bit sad. He looked around, then shockingly gave everyone permission to go home as no customers had really come in for half an hour. After a quick clock out, Hide jumped into his car and went off into Tokyo traffic. He played the Christmas music loudly, but it was not the same without his family in the car. He had grown used to hearing Akihiko as he sang along with the music, and Kaneki encouraging the boy as best as he could, even singing on a little himself, and then poking and prodding Hide until he finally gave in and joined in the singing fun. Of course he never really sang alone. He hated his singing voice. He wound up just driving awkwardly home, though it took an hour thanks to the traffic of Tokyo.
Once he finally got parked he was flying out of the car and into the building. The elevator ride was insufferable to say the least, but he managed to get up there and was flying down the hall within minutes. He managed to get right in the door and called out, “I’m home!”
That is when his and Kaneki’s three year old son Akhiko came running at him from the bathroom, already in his PJs. Hide’s heart broke a little. That meant not only had he missed the Christmas movie, but he had missed making the cookies. He managed to get a smile on his face and drop to a knee bringing the boy into his arms and spinning him around before just hugging him there.
“Hey baby boy.” Was all he said before nuzzling his hair and looking over to Kaneki, exchanging a quick kiss before he went over and set Akihiko down on the couch. “I didn’t mean to miss so much of Christmas eve, but I am here to at least read you a story before you go to bed.”
With that he pulled out the book and sat down, allowing Akihiko to find his way into his lap before he started.
“ 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of midday to objects below, When what to my wondering eyes did appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer, With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: "Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!" As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky; So up to the housetop the coursers they flew With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too— And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack. His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and a twist of his head Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight— “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!’“
When he finished reading the story, he noticed Akihiko had fallen asleep. “Darn, oh well, it is time for the all the good little boys and girls to be asleep.” He sighed and kissed his head before moving him to bed and going back to Kaneki.
“I guess we better get everything else ready, I’ll eat the cookies, I know it’s hard on you to eat regular human food now.” Hide said stealing a kiss when he pulled Kaneki under the mistletoe with him.
“Thanks, let’s just get this all out of the way, the sooner we sleep, the sooner we can see that smile on Akihiko’s face tomorrow morning.” Kaneki’s voice was soft, and neither of them really did stay up long after Akihiko was in bed anyways, often having school or work the following morning.
Hide quickly ate the cookies and drank the milk before stuffing Kaneki and Akihiko’s stockings. He then helped Kaneki stuff the extra gifts under the tree before they headed to bed. Kaneki had stayed behind to stuff Hide’s stalking, everything was supposed to be a surprise.
When Kaneki’s body finally feel next to his he rolled over. “You are going to give me Cuddles now Kaneki. Until morning.” He stole a kiss when Kaneki finally rolled over after whining.
“You are so demanding.” Kaneki joked a little and returned the kiss, settling into a cuddle at long last as they headed towards sleep.
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shikarietes · 7 years
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Imagine this:
Hide and Kaneki are spending Christmas together. There’s no war, no deaths, no scars, and no pain.
It’s chilly outside, and the room is dark, but they hide away under the cover of home and just talk. 
And that’s all there is. It’s nothing special. After all, they’ve done it a million times before.
However, every time they stare into each others eyes and the world narrows down to nothing but themselves, the world just seems a little bit brighter.  
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fweguchi · 7 years
this yr, i participated in a tg secret santa, and i wrote this hidekane piece called “Winter Sky” for my giftee, @opalfantasy!!! i rly enjoyed writing it, and i hope u rly like reading it! merry christmas <3 (i posted it on ao3 so u can check it out from the link above. i would put it in this post, but its super duper long!)
no matter what u guys celebrate, i hope u hv the happiest of holidays!! :D 
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hidewari · 7 years
merry christmas Robin :) may our lord Hide bless you with tons of toe vore and nsfw peenut arts. I really enjoy your blog, quality content amiright, you art is also amazing, in fact when you noticed one of mine I legit fangirled so hard man, hope you have a hella awesome day :3
Aaw, thank you so much (’’: I love your drawings too, man! You put so much effort into them and you bless all of us with great hidekane art 🙏 Happy Christmas and I hope you have a great new year (’:
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myndless88 · 5 years
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Pretty late on posting this but Merry Christmas, everyone!  Took a few photos of my Kaneki and Hide keychains next to my tree.  Aren’t they adorable?
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hidekaneweek · 7 years
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Guess what? Hidekane Week 2017 is here, from August 21–27!
Tokyo Ghoul has certainly taken some wild turns lately, but one thing’s for sure: there’s always room for hidekane. While there has been a serious lack of Hide in the series, the fandom is always ready to deliver content of him with his best ghoulfriend. And that’s what this week is all about! Remember, any “version” of Kaneki and even Haise can be included, and rules and format remain the same from previous years.
At the request of many users, we’ve decided to focus on open and lighthearted prompts. Additionally, we now have one overarching theme to guide all the prompts. That theme this year is.......... 🍬SWEETS🍬 Yum!
Prompts still have the 3-system (1 general and 2 specifics), and as always, feel free to pick only one, two, or all three options!
Day 1 ––– Honey / Mixed Up the Recipe / Sweets Shop AU
Day 2 ––– Caramel / Food Fight / Pocky Game
Day 3 ––– Sugar / New Year’s Mochi / Late-night Snack Run
Day 4 ––– Chocolate / Baking Together / Valentine’s Day
Day 5 ––– Spice / Ate Too Much / Trick-or-Treating
Day 6 ––– Cinnamon / Visiting Festival Vendors / Ugly Christmas Cake
Day 7 ––– Vanilla / Ice Cream on a Hot Day / ANYTHING GOES !
These are guidelines—your work can be angsty, it doesn’t need to literally be about sweets, etc. We encourage everyone to have fun and interpret these as creatively as possible! As long as it follows the rules and format, we’ll reblog it :)
Make sure to tag #hidekaneweek or #hidekaneweek2017 within the first 5 tags to make it easiest for us to track. If you feel your work has been missed, message us. We reblog work up to 4 days after the event ends.
There’s a little over a month to get started on all your wonderful work~ Let’s make this year even better than the last ones! Happy Hidekane'ing ★
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gorocult · 7 years
The One To Give
Hidekane Week 2017 - Day 5 ––– Spice / Ate Too Much / Trick-or-Treating/ Author: ayainu Summary: Haise decides he’d rather be in pain because of knowing instead of being in pain while in confusion and uncertainty. Warnings: angst ig? Kaneki being edgy. Oh light gore Rating: Mature to be safe Title: The One To Give
Accompanying art
Who was it again?
Haise couldn’t remember for the life of him. Some nights he lets his feet roam on their own. Let his muscle memory take him to places his actual memory couldn’t reach.
It was dead in the winter, a quiet chilly February night. Time passed so quickly, he could’ve sworn he was having a Christmas celebration with the QS children just a little time ago.
His lips involuntarily tugged into a smile, recalling Saiko hopping around in her brand new onesie. Shirazu had the stupidest smile on his face. Tooru, ever so sweet and bookish, with the sparkling beauty of an entire galaxy in his eyes as he received his books. Even Urie smiled a little, as stubborn as he was. He should realize soon that his looks were going to be going to waste if he kept scowling like he always did, it was honestly not cute at all.
Alright maybe it was a little charm point of his of some sort, not that Haise was jealous of how cool he always looked or anything.
He finally caught up with reality when the smell of greasy fast food hit him. He was met with a huge sign that read in English block letters ‘BIG GIRL’. The diner was modern looking. When he peaked through the window he noticed the retro western setting and the practically empty place.
He looked at the time on his phone and confirmed that he had indeed been out more than he’d registered. There was one employee left, stacking the chairs over the tables in preparation to close the shop.
Haise didn’t know what overcame him, he didn’t even remember the moments leading up to him pushing the door open and letting himself in.
The waitress turned with a look of pure irritation, but her expression soon melted into confusion and Haise watched as that confusion turned thoughtful and then questioning as she met his eyes once more.
“Sir, are you from around here?”
“Not really.” ‘Not anymore,’ he thought but didn’t say.
“I could swear you look exactly like a regular customer from a few years back..” she sighed, her expression twisting in grief.
“I’m sure you’re mistaken it’s my first time in here,” Haise lied easily, it wasn’t the first time someone recognized ‘him’.
She drew a long breath and let it out in another mournful sigh. “Even the blonde one is gone, both friends just up and ditched me. They used to bring so much energy and joy to this dingy old place.” She removed her apron and draped it over the counter. “Now it just feels lonely without them, it’s not the same here anymore. To think the last time they visited I yelled at them for messing the table with vomit, I didn’t even ask if he was okay..”
“I’m sure he won’t hold it on you, wherever he is.” Haise wanted this conversation to be over, the amount of emotion that stirred after hearing the words blonde and friend weren’t anywhere within his range of comfort.
“You look exactly like him, you have the bad dye job of the idiot flirt though. Reincarnation?” She laughed at her own joke and Haise tried to laugh but what came out was far too much like a choked down sob. Again, the mention of a bad dye job curiously drew emotions from whatever jumbled mess was lying in the darkest corners of his mind.
“Oh where are my manners, sorry for talking for so long about things that you don’t understand, I guess I was just happy to see a familiar face, even if it’s not actually familiar.” Her face flushed in shame.
“No it’s really okay! I’m glad you could get it off of your chest at least?” Haise drew his lips in a pleasant smile. “Haise Sasaki by the way.” He offered his hand.
“Oh, again where have my manners gone?” She laughed. “Oohashi here, Nice to meet you!” She took his hand and shook it a bit too fast.
She was a really cute girl, Haise didn’t even notice in his thought consumed state. “It was nice to meet you too, I guess I’ll see you around, I don’t want to hold you up any more.”
“Oh not at all, see you then!” She gave a pleasant smile and an enthusiastic wave, Haise returned the gesture with a smaller one of his.
He should stop this whole walking around at night thing, nothing good ever came out of it. It just always made him guiltier for existing.
Well at least now he has a place other than that coffee shop to take the QS. Saiko would love this place.
He shook his head and with it all thoughts of the encounter. It just made too much of a mess in his mind, reports painted Kaneki out of be such a heinous fiend, a beast that had no remorse. Yet every time Haise found another fragment of Kaneki he couldn’t tie it to the person the reports were describing. Kaneki was loved, far more than any monster should be. By unmistakeable humans too? It just made no sense how a ruthless demon’s presence could be missed by even a waitress.
He shook his head like a dog until the very last traces of the encounter disappeared, what lingered though, and showed no signs of giving, were the thoughts of an energetic blonde with a bad dye job.
Who was it that loved and loved until there was no more love to give?
Spring came, but April still carried along with it the biting winter wind some nights. The cherry blossoms were set to bloom soon and Haise wanted to go flower viewing with the QS. As Haise let his feet wander at their own free will once more, his mind too awake with thoughts for him to sleep, he noticed that curiously, the breeze that night was warm and gentle, as if it was carrying with it a promise of the summer to come.
He thought of it as a good omen.
On this walk, he found himself in a children’s park, particularly in front of a weathered down old whale hill. He didn’t know if the streetlights were bleaching the color or if the hill had indeed faded to such a light blue.
Haise looked away the second his eyes landed on it. The mess of emotions that overcame him was too much. He learned to categorize ‘his’ pain and this pain was a bad bleach blonde pain.
He sighed, he knew he shouldn’t but he was too curious. What was he to him? What was their relationship? What happened to the blonde?
He had no idea. He could guess but he didn’t want to think about it. His insides were roiling with a storm of emotions with force he’d never felt before. He decided to sit on the whale hill like all his senses were telling him not to. He found himself thinking that it was far better to hurt while remembering than hurt while confused like he was. It was scary but he didn’t want to keep on wondering, not knowing for sure but hurting enough. He wanted to remember, he wanted to remember at least this.
It happened exactly like he imagined it would, he sat on top of the hill and flashes of yellow flickered beneath his eyelids. Not much, not much but enough to make his heart beat out of his chest. To make tears spill over to his cheeks. Whoever this person was he meant more to Kaneki than anyone, more than himself, more than the world. And Haise knew he meant the same to him too.
He took the fact that he was out here looking for the mysterious blonde, wanting to remember him despite the possibility of disappearing himself to heart. He knew that this person was the one who made Kaneki’s heart beat and maybe who made his as well.
As important as his own beating heart, irreplaceable, Haise found himself thinking.
Who was it who gave and gave until there wasn’t anything left to give?
He remembered. He remembered everything. He remembered everything nothing was awful, nothing was what the CCG painted him to be, nothing, nothing but one thing.
One thing made the CCG’s description seem not enough. Not enough to paint how much of a monster he was, not enough to point out everything wrong with him.
‘Yo Kaneki!”
‘That in style these days?’
‘Those injuries look really serious!’
‘Oh I don’t really care about that stuff.”
‘Let’s go home.’
‘One more time.. could fight with all you’ve got?’
‘Eat me, Kaneki.’
Ah. What a fitting end to someone like him.
Hide gave him everything and he ate it all up. He ate it all up until there was nothing left. He ate too much and now there was nothing left. All the love, all the smiles all the warmth, it was all gone. There was nothing left, Kaneki took and took until Hide had nothing left to give and Hide was gone now and all Kaneki had to give were those pitiful tears of his.
So he cried and cried. He cried until there were no more tears left
When he got back up he fought. He fought and fought until there wasn’t anything left to fight for.
He fixed all the wrongs he’d done to others, if he couldn’t fix what he did to Hide at least he could give others what he couldn’t give him. Maybe then his sin wouldn’t weigh as heavily anymore.
He was done. He knew he was. There wasn’t anything to fight for anymore. There wasn’t any reason left to fight, to live. Everyone was happy and he was a living corpse. He’d done everyone’s bidding, he’d done all that he was told to do to be a good person. He wasn’t. He could never be, not when he’d drawn screams out of Hide’s lips, not when he tore meat off of his bones and tears out of his eyes.
So why? Why did a fabrication of his own imagination have such power? Why was it that he wanted to live despite everything? Why was it that he even had the audacity to conjure the person he’d taken everything from to give him even more?
He decided if he was never going to change his disgustingly selfish nature, he might as well dedicate his entire life to erasing any doubts he had.
Being uncertain hurt more than knowing, he knew from experience.
There was, even if it was a fraction, even if it was a fraction of a fraction, still a chance. A very slight one but still one nonetheless. Hide deserved to not be given up on, he deserved so much more and Kaneki was going to give it his all, even more.
Hide deserved at least that.
So he dedicated his entire being to looking for clues, anything that pointed towards the possibility of Hide being alive. Any leads, any connections, anyone involved.
His talk with Takizawa Seidou had been conclusive, Seidou believed with his entire being that a ‘sneaky reptile like Hide wouldn’t just die’.
“That guy, he would never put himself in a situation unless he knew exactly what the outcome would be.”
Amon had also said something fishy, it almost sounded as if he knew where Hide was.
“If you could meet someone you didn’t think you could again, what’d you do?”
Maybe in another reality where he hadn’t decided to do what mattered the most, regardless the pain, he would’ve said he’d be too scared, because it just meant it’s possible to lose them again.
In this reality though, he’d made up his mind, it didn’t matter how much pain he’d be in for now, all he knew was that when he found him nothing else would matter.
“I would give up the world and everything in it to see him again.” Kaneki had replied, simple and honest.
It’d been almost surreal, when Amon led him the day after to an apartment, secluded and quiet, in a ghost neighborhood.
Amon knocked the door and an older man answered, he looked familiar but Kaneki couldn’t quite place where he’d seen him before.
“Marude,” Amon greeted with a nod and Marude started to nod back until he caught sight of Kaneki.
“What is he doing here?” He sounded very angry.
“Marude it’s not either of our places to choose things for them. All I ask of you is to tell him, whatever he decides is what happens.”
The older man sighed but gave in. “Fine, he looks the least bit uncomfortable it’s off, and I don’t care what he says. Those prosthetics aren’t something he can pay for with words.”
“Amon…” Kaneki’s breath was cold in his lungs, icicles in his throat. The reality of the situation hit him finally. Hide was here, he was really here and he was about to be either rejected or accepted. Was he too late? He hoped not, he really hoped not. “Is he really here…?”
“Yes, he might not be as you remember him but it’s him.”
Before the conversation could carry on any longer a loud clatter came from the inside of the apartment and the sound of footsteps bounding the direction of the door came closer and closer.
The door was torn open and there he stood, panting, eyes wild with confusion and as many emotions as the ones the entire world carried combined. His lips were trembling as his they formed his name in soft whispers.
He looked.. different.
His eyes were sunken and tired, the deep crescents beneath them reminiscent of many sleepless nights. His hair wasn’t a bright blonde any more. It was a chocolate brown, as his roots had been, and it was long, mid-back at least, but it was thin and limp, unlike the voluminous tufts from the past. If Marude hadn’t pointed the fact out beforehand, he wouldn’t have noticed the prosthetic arm. Ah that must’ve been his fault.
“Hide..” he stepped forward and extended his arms but stopped himself one second short. He couldn’t just take, he’d promised.
Hide, to his surprise, closed the distance without missing a beat, and buried his face in Kaneki’s shoulder.
Hide was different, but he was as warm as ever. And in that moment, with Marude glaring at him behind Hide and Amon’s eyes boring into the back of his head, he vowed that this time he’d be the one to give. His time, his love, his care and his life. He’d give them all up if it meant this time he’d be the one to make Hide happy.
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myndless88 · 3 years
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© myndless88 2021
Family outing 
A little out of season to be posting, but here is more of my HideKane family idea.  
Originally, I wanted to draw them either walking by a storefront around Christmas time, or have them attend hatsumode (初詣: first shrine visit of the new year).  But then I changed my mind.  ^__^;;  I hope you enjoy these versions instead of Kaneki and Hide with their cute babies (aged about three months).  
The first one is them at the park (notice anything?)
The second is them in front of their house (as the nameplate suggests)
The third is a photo background of the bookstore known as Tsutaya (because Kaneki just can't stay away, and Hide can't say no)
The last one is just a simple background (I might actually make this into a sticker or something)
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myndless88 · 4 years
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© myndless88 2020
Please DO NOT edit, reupload, or repost anywhere without my consent.  I’d really appreciate it.
HideKane Week 2020 Day 3: Angst | Sea of Tears | Strength
Here we have the Nagachika family during one of the triplets’ temper tantrums (as they’re like 3-4 years old).  It’s not often that they happen, but when they do, there’s lots of tears (hence, “sea of tears”).  The reason for the hysterics is because they keep hearing Kaneki say Hide is like the sun, and they took those words literally.  So one night, the triplets ask if Hide could put the sun back in the sky so they could play some more.  After Hide and Kaneki told them it wasn’t possible, the triplets didn’t take too kindly to that answer.  They’ve been crying for over two hours.    。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。
Hide and Kaneki can’t really do much to console their children like they usually do, so they’re letting it take its course this time around and hoping for them to get tuckered out from all the crying--which eventually happens (and none of the children remember it the next day, lol).
I chose to draw a scenario like this because of what I was looking up about The Strength tarot card in the reversed position.  This comes from Tarot.com:
“The Strength card reversed suggests that you are in a position where you have little power to affect behavior. No amount of modeling, persuasion or leadership will affect the out-of-control, untamed force that is set loose.
Subtleties are overlooked, and the inducements which have served in the past to reward order may meet with scorn. You may have to lay low and do what you can to preserve yourself, and let this upside down time blow over.”
I figured I’d zoom in on some parts of the picture so you can see it better.  For example, the tears in the triplets’ eyes (as it’s difficult to see from afar).  On the mugs, it’s written (from left to right, top to bottom): Kou (short for Kousei), Ayu (short for Ayumu), Yua, Mama (for Kaneki), and Papa (for Hide).  I hope I used the right hirigana and katakana for them.  ^^;;  
And, as always, I have multiple versions of this that’ll be posted on my Pixiv!  There are “lights on”, “lights off”, blue outline, true “sea of tears”, and Christmas ones with each having four versions depending on whether Kaneki or Hide’s eyes are opened or closed.  Click here to see them all~!  
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myndless88 · 4 years
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Based off one of the versions to my HideKane Week 2020 Day 3 picture.  This one is Christmas-themed!  Thanks to a user's brush on Clip Studio Paint, I was able to make it festive with string lights!  Hopefully, you can see them blinking...  
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