#high setting ring
revivaldiamonds · 1 year
low or high setting ring
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screwpinecaprice · 6 days
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They won the lottery and inspired by Mr. Greg, they spent it all in one day by committing identity fraud.
Idk I took a second job and my brain is so fried right now. 😭
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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(i n / s p)
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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tiarascrowns · 9 months
Fabergé's Les Danses Fantasques -Raymonda
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Fabergé's Raymonda Suite
The House of Fabergé's 2013 collection ‘Les Danses Fantasques’ takes inspiration from four of Russia's great ballets: Luda, La Esmeralda, Raymonda and Giselle.
The Raymonda suite features a choker necklace, cocktail ring and chandelier earrings (not pictured). Featuring impressive egg shaped cabochon amethysts surrounded by diamonds, the suite is fit for any Prima Ballerina.
Sources: 1 2 3
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devon-the-fool · 2 months
Tbh, i think JRR Tolkien would've really loved New Zealand. Just watching the movies, seeing these beautiful sprawling landscapes and diverse ecosystems, and being aware of Tolkien's absolute adoration for all things natural. Idk I think if he ever saw the locations where the filming took place, he'd be like "oh fuck yeah"
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Your kind was a mistake. Made in mockery. And even if it takes me all of this Age, I vow to eradicate every last one of you. But you shall be kept alive, so that one day, before I drive my dagger into your poisoned heart, I will whisper in your piked ear that all your offspring are dead, and the scourge of your kind ends with you.
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autism-purgatory · 3 months
Soulsborne fandom rant (More specifically how the fandom is talking about the DLC)
Ngl seeing people go “Ugh I can never trust fromsoft again this ruined the game for me. Ugh it’s so lazy and shock bait-y and ugh he’s a horrible writer now. I’m refunding the game, boycott fromsoft.” makes me never want to engage in anything soulsborne fandom related again. If you think someone making ONE bad thing makes their writing objectively irredeemably bad then i don’t trust you with consuming or analyzing anything. Soulsborne games (ESPECIALLY dlcs) have always had wacky shit and somehow this is the breaking point? Now people call it bad writing all of a sudden? Yet again another side effect of more “normal” people entering the fandom after how mainstream Elden Ring got (these people would not survive og Demon’s Souls). And if it’s such a big deal, write a damn AU! Write a fanfic, even if it’s bad, just have fun! Why are people surprised that their theories were wrong and not all questions were answered? Why can’t people accept they got stuff wrong and move on and improve their theorizing with the new info they have? Why are people on the internet in indefinite denial about being wrong sometimes?
I think Fromsoft fucked up with the ending likely due to pressure from dudebros wanting a harder Radahn rematch. Fromsoft messed up, and that’s ok. Even the greatest artists have their stinkers, but instead of throwing a tantrum and saying they are irredeemably horrible and boycotting them over a story decision, I’m going to accept it and hope they improve like they always do. Demons souls had a bunch of flaws, and dark souls fixed some, then dark souls 2 fixed some, then dark souls 3 fixed some. Fromsoft has been refining this formula for years now, some silly dlc won’t make it all fall apart. I just think gamers TM have become so jaded (they always have been tbh). I’m going to continue having fun with the DLC, because other than the ending I think it’s fucking incredible.
Or this could all just be bullshit leaks and I did this all for nothing, but that would be really funny.
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arcadebroke · 2 years
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I genuinely was not expecting the “fake doubles get destroyed” thing to actually be a running joke like this. Yet here we are. Third time and counting.
First it was one fake spy getting hit on the head. Then it was two fake spies getting disintegrated by a mailbox. Now we have three fake spies and one fake car getting blown up by a robot cow! It’s just going to get more elaborate from here! How are they going to top three doubles plus a car? An entire duplicate building of P.O.P. headquarters?
Also I love the implication that C.R.U.S.H. has used other robot cows full of explosives in the past. Like this is one of their default plans.
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xxstxriesfromashxx · 3 months
but hey can I have a high fantasy / dungeons and dragons fantasy-like plot/threads?
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eosofspades · 1 year
my incredibly controversial fantasy genre take when it comes to writing is that you Do Not Actually Need to use high fantasy language and make up words for stuff, and sometimes it can be better if you don't
like. maybe it's just me but i find it a lot harder to get immersed in a story when the worldbuilding is SO intricate and detailed you need a glossary or have to pour over a thousand years of history in the span of a couple pages. i would MUCH rather read a high fantasy novel where the magic kingdom is just called The Garden or the deserted string of floating islands is just called The Wastelands or magic is just called magic instead of unpronounceable words and terms that have to be memorized.
especially for me, when it comes to writing, my stories are SO grounded in character relationships and dynamics, that trying to dig into the specific lore and structure of the world around just breaks the immersion and takes away from the characters themselves.
i know some writers are gonna insist this is just "being lazy" but i firmly believe that sometimes it is the best writing decision to allow simplicity and ease of understanding in your high fantasy setting, and that it can actually make the character complexities and relationships hit harder, because you're not distracted at all with remembering fantasy terminology.
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tehri · 1 year
So Gundabad is great.
We’ve got
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Snowy/frostcovered stone-walls that mostly look like they’ve been splattered with paint,
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PS1 era surfaces à la Tomb Raider,
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and a Zhelruka dwarf aggressively T-posing at a bunch of other dwarves who were horribly rude to me and to the Zhelruka.
Loving Gundabad so far!
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nihils-trolls · 7 months
The societal 'politeness' drilling was due to the fact that Elaine has some traits that sort of make her an "unfit" blueblood. The pale blue hair 'mutation.' The fact of not really having the strength their caste tends to have.
To remedy that situation, her lusus took it upon itself to try and make sure she wouldn't fail in any other areas. Perfect manners, a proper social circle, noble skills and a career worthy of a highblood. It did take it a bit too far, though.
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caulo · 11 months
had my first appointment with a potential new therapist last week, and i have literally never said this about a therapist in my life but.....
she is so cool.
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trollbreak · 10 months
Ok puts the tunes back on and returns to Thinkin bout that man’s boobs :)
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