#hii i still draw
blamebonk · 1 year
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Man who hates his job
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mooshroomterrarium · 5 months
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umm big stretch or something idk
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aro-arttorneys · 9 months
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Happy "it wasn't christmas yet!" to those who celebrate 🥳
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vanillaflowerstuff · 11 months
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i read the starless sea again 🐝🗝️🗡️✨
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daily-basil · 7 months
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hes one of the girls
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cornflakesdoesart · 5 months
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behold! here's three reposts of my jedisona plus a wip of them with their master for this fine may the fourth
Also a very messy wip under the cut :3
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khiita · 19 days
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congrats to @chrysanthemumgames on foa's launch !! i first played the game ( and doodled these ) when i was having a really hard time irl, and this sweet story was exactly what i needed 💗 i hope everyone that plays it for the first time now enjoys it as much as i did then !!
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lemm-moxx · 25 days
Who in the world is bro yapping to 🤨
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also bonus oc concept stuff
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And yk what just to add detail heres what i was listening to while drawing
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daily-isabeau · 5 months
isabeau in a suit
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ethernitty · 5 months
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the beginnings of my glinda dress up doll with my costume designs
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sevbutfandoms · 7 months
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delighting the parappa community with francis x potter content cause theyre the realest ship [magmas I did with my friendo @gastersbabe this week !! Pls follow her she's the coolest and realest gaster selfshipper!!!]
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lavenoon · 1 year
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Bonnie, the former Agent Jackalope!
The last of the original Glamrocks, with a superficially mellow personality. He’s calm and calculating during missions, and through his polite but approachable attitude fostered a tendency of others underestimating him. 
The only people who know that there’s more to him are his friends - Freddy, Chica, and Foxy. Foxy loves annoying him because it’s the easiest way to get him to snap, and then the petty and snarky Bonnie comes out. Gossips like a house-wife, and pulls no punches. None of those punches are ever serious, he’s petty, not a full on asshole, and Foxy (the most common target due to his habits) laughs at them more than anyone. It’s in good humor, and Bonnie very much enjoys being the entertaining complainer.
He’s still also friendly, it just happens to be the act he has to put on during work most often too. The snark is catharsis, but most of the time he’s happy to sit back and just joke around with his friends. 
When Foxy first started asking questions and directing criticism towards the higher ups, Bonnie didn’t necessarily disagree - but he also did not feel like openly antagonizing his employer. Not when he knows what kind of dirty work he does for said employer, and thus knows that they are not above underhanded techniques to silence threats. So he, like Chica, tried talking Foxy out of his approach, while Freddy was the most vocal in his defense of Fez. 
And then Foxy “died”. 
Bonnie did not believe it - but he questioned himself, too frozen in the realization that his friend is gone. Is he simply stuck in denial, or is there really something fishy going on? He finds no evidence in the building Foxy was last seen in, but he knows Fez cleanup works fast and well. For a long time he doesn’t do much, just running through the same routine trying to make it through every day while doubts gnaw at him. 
But when Roxy comes in, much too soon after Foxy’s death, his suspicions rear their ugly heads again and he starts investigating in earnest. He’s quiet about it, quieter than Foxy. First, he talks to Roxy. Asks her about her age, when she started training, when Fez recruited her - and he does the math. It does not paint a pretty picture. He thanks her, quietly but genuinely, and when he notices how uncomfortable she is about the entire topic, he shoots her just a quick “You did nothing wrong.”
Despite being quiet, his investigation starts drawing management’s attention - and Bonnie sees the writing on the wall. His missions get riskier and more often end in fights and require cleanup. He starts moving his assets out of town. When he gets put in charge of a high stakes mission, teamed up with a newbie (as promising as he is), he’s immediately on edge. It’s not that he doesn’t get along with Monty - but there is tension between them, with Monty’s urge for quick action clashing with his own calculating attitude. Bonnie is the one to suggest a split, and Monty doesn’t disagree - they both feel like they need to cool off.
Bonnie gets ambushed, though he dispatches his assailants with minimal injury. But he realizes this is an opportunity that he won’t get again so quickly, and next time could be too late. There’s already splinters of his outer shell lying about, but he knows Fez will want more evidence of his “demise”. 
His left ear, already damaged, loses its top half, thrown towards the next wall where a few blood splatters already mar the paint. His loose left finger, in the opposite direction. For good measure he rips off the dented plating of his left arm too, where he shielded himself against a heavier blow. Because he knows Monty will be at risk on his own, he sends one last signal through their communicators, before crushing his on the ground, too. 
Now he has to be quick. He carries off the knocked out attackers, only leaving an ambiguous fight scene. 
And then agent Jackalope officially is no more. 
Bonnie keeps tabs on Abra Fez, though he now has to jump through many more hoops. He moves cities, focusing his investigation on his friends. Are they okay, or has Fez hurt them for his insubordination? He doesn’t like hearing about them grieving him, but doesn’t dare reveal himself to them either, remembering Freddy’s vehement protest at the suggestion that Fez does not care for its agents. 
And then Monty joins the Glamrocks, and despite Bonnie not disliking the guy, he hates it. Hates that he was replaced so quickly, hates that his friends will move on without him, hates that he can’t do anything about it until he has solid proof. 
So he stops checking up on the Glamrocks, and digs deeper. Who’s behind the code name “Hare”, leading Abra Fez from the shadows? What really happened to the late head of Fez, the one who recruited Freddy and built the agency from the ground up? When did animatronics become tools, and when did those tools become expendable? 
The answers aren’t pretty. 
And despite everything, he still doesn’t know what happened to Foxy. 
When his savings start running out, Bonnie takes a job at a local bowling alley, and has to relearn how to be social. He’s fumbling a bit more in the casual environment, but finds that the one or other snarky comment isn’t actually considered a faux pas, and then he starts enjoying it. It’s not the same, it’s not his friends who are all living without him, but it’s something, and beggars can’t be choosers. 
He’s boisterous and happy for everyone to see, but he never talks about his past and refuses to actually give out any information about himself. His coworkers appreciate him for his humor and ability to handle even the roughest customers while staying calm himself. When they ask where he learned that, he only ever declares he’s had practice, and nothing else. And then he goes home as soon as his shift is over, with no one knowing his address or even phone number, and never joins in on any after-work hangouts or the like. 
When Bonnie’s off work, and not charging, he continues investigating Fez. He deals with many shady individuals, still getting into the occasional fight when someone has second thoughts about sharing information with him, though he has managed to stay low enough to not draw Fez’ attention again. He makes a name for himself as a private investigator, and while not entirely accurate, it’s not wrong enough for him to tell anyone otherwise. Those gigs are much rarer, but he can be convinced to investigate other people’s matters, too. 
For a few years, that’s his life, and he figures it’s the best he’ll get. 
Though, then… Then Fez makes moves to settle in another city, and Bonnie hears about it. He hears about them being beaten back, and he starts wondering if perhaps he’s gone about things the wrong way, not seeking out allies. 
He prepares for another move. When he quits his job many are devastated, and he acts like it’s a regretful development. But for the first time in all those years, he’s buzzing with anticipation and something more - maybe hope. 
Hope of finally making headway against Fez, hope to finally find a new safety net, hope to perhaps even see his old friends again, and maybe his continued existence together with everything he has already collected on Fez will be enough to convince them to quiet, or at the very least believe him. 
But for once he’s also filled with a lot of anxiety restless energy, knowing that he’s just as likely to be found by Fez as by any agency opposing them, but it’s a risk he willingly takes. Turns out he’s done hiding, and done only playing pretend at being happy and social - he wants friends, his friends, and he wants all those things Fez originally took from him. 
And, well, once he does move, and gets to investigate in town… There are some very unexpected revelations to be had <3
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taiyami · 11 months
chefs choice with lamb sauce!
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The chef's choice for tonight is a Tokoyami + Dark Shadow because god do I miss those two.. Haven't drawn them in ages, so I'm a bit out of practice (SHAMEFUL.. can i even call myself a big fan of his at this point).
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bnuuys · 1 year
if you're taking requests could i ask for a hiiai :3?
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aira bites hiiro whenever he wants attention send tweet
still taking reqs btw !
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theokusgallery · 8 months
Old man asernic
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Funny thing actually
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(sighs dreamily) Look at him... Old man Arsenic....... <- homosexual
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i12neil · 7 months
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redraw ! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠) og post
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