#hiking injury
faofinn · 1 year
No.5 "You better pray I don't get up this time around."
Debris | Pinned Down | "It's broken."
When Harrison had met Tai, he’d certainly not expected to grow so fond of him so quickly. But it had just felt… right. They’d somehow got good chemistry, hitting it off immediately after a slightly rocky start. Even though Harrison was busy with university, he still found time to see the Irishman, and they’d fallen into bed on more than one occasion. 
They’d decided to change things up a bit and go for a hike rather than their usual bars, and it was nice, the change of pace. It was a short enough drive out of the city, up into the hills, and they enjoyed the warm sun on their faces and good conversation as they walked. 
They’d stopped to eat lunch, taking in the views over the city, and when Tai had leaned in for a kiss, Harrison hadn’t pushed him away. It was nice, the casual domesticity of it all. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to kiss him. 
As they headed back down the hills, they had to pay attention a bit more as to where they were putting their feet, loose stones and dust easy to lose their footing on. Hars had already done it once, his knee giving out on him, but Tai had caught him with a breathless laugh. They were virtually back at the car when Tai stumbled, twisting his ankle as he went. 
He definitely heard a crunch, and the pain was immediate, red hot agony. He just about managed to keep himself upright, but couldn’t take any weight through that foot, gripping onto Harrison like his life depended on it, knuckles white. 
"Hey, hey, easy." Harrison was quick to take his weight, wrapping a strong arm around him. "I've got you."
“Fuck.” He whimpered. 
"What's wrong?"
“My ankle.” Tai groaned. He tentatively stretched it out towards the ground and recoiled almost immediately. “Nope.”
"Careful!" He couldn't hide his worry. "Let's sit, let me have a look."
“I felt something go.”
"I heard it." Harrison admitted. 
“You’re gonna have to drive.” He whined. 
"That's the least of my worries."
“Hurts.” He panted, feeling woozy. “Where are we sitting?”
"Just down, you look like you're gonna pass out." He said softly.
Tai nodded, and sat with Harrison’s help on the dirt. “Fuck.” 
"I've got you, you're gonna be okay." He soothed, rubbing Tai's back. 
“How bad does it look? It felt bad.”
Harrison pulled a face. "I've seen worse. But it's broken, there's no doubt."
“I was hoping you weren’t gonna say that.”
"So was I."
“I’m not gonna be able to stand.”
"I can carry you?"
Tai scoffed. “Really?”
"Hey, don’t be so mean."
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself too.”
"I'll be fine."
“Mm.” He mumbled. “Hurts like fuck.”
"If we get back to my car, I've got stuff in the boot."
He nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
"Or I can go get it, but I'll have to leave you alone for ten minutes." He absently pressed a kiss to his hair. "Hey, if I do that, you'll be high as a kite for the rest of the hike. You might enjoy it."
“I just want to go home.”
"I know, love." He rubbed Tai's arm, the affection instinctive. "I know."
“Can we go back to the car?”
"Of course. Want me to carry you?"
He nodded sheepishly. “I’m not gonna be able to stand.”
"You know, there are easier ways to get close to me." He teased, standing up.
“You don’t like the damsel in distress routine?” Tai joked weakly.   
He helped him to his feet, balancing himself s moment before looping an arm under his knees. He moved as gentle as he could, aware each movement would be agony for Tai. Concern covered his face as he frowned at him, eyes wide with worry.
"Is that okay?"
Tai had definitely paled, everything spinning a little, but he nodded. “Yeah.” He replied tensely. 
"Just breathe, you're okay. I've got you." He murmured. "You're okay."
“Didn’t know you were this strong.”
"Am I more attractive now?" He teased.
"This all a ploy to get closer to me?"
“Would be funny if it was.”
He grinned down at Tai. "Y’know, there's easier ways."
“Probably less painful too.”
"Oh, most definitely."
“Was a nice hike, though.”
"I certainly enjoyed the view."
He hummed. "And the scenery was nice, too."
“Oh, shut up.”
"I'm serious."
“So am I.”
"I'll be quiet then."
Tai leaned into him with a soft hum. “You can keep talking.”
"Ah, no. You've made your bed, you can lie in it, suffer in silence and all that." He'd barely made it a few steps before his act broke and he laughed. 
“See, you can’t resist me.”
He hummed. "Yeah, something like that."
He was quiet for a minute. “You think it’s definitely broken?”
"I'd put money on it." He said softly. 
"Hey, you'll have to come stay with me." He murmured. "I can look after you then, make sure you have everything you need."
“Oh, so now you’re trying to get me to move in?”
There was a hint of blush on his cheeks. "Maybe."
“Not complaining.”
"You're not?"
“You just promised to wait on me hand and foot.”
"Like a king." He teased. 
“Mm, perfect.”
"Only fair."
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intriga-hounds · 9 months
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bazzy got to join everyone for an hour-and-a-half long hike yesterday, but as usual, he banged himself up pretty bad. he’s a boot boy now.
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benjitoum · 2 months
A most unique shot. A dog and his injured master...yet they're out for a walk.
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boybats · 4 months
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self indulgent; woodland stimboard.
x x x / x x x / x x x
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saintshigaraki · 1 year
crazy that yan werewolf toji is still on the mind
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Yes it may be annoying when people play music from a speaker on short hikes near heavily populated areas, but if you are hiking actual back country where there might be bears, you NEED to make noise.
This is why scouting groups sing trail songs and add noise makers to walking sticks, you need to either be talking or singing or have some loud clanky metal on your pack, SOMETHING as a warning to the local wildlife that humans are around.
The number one way to avoid conflict with bears is to make sure the bears can hear you coming and get the fuck away.
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just-anka · 4 months
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One week of hiking with my mum! We tried to figure out how old I was when we went for a multi day hike together for the first time and we think I must have been about 15. It was nice to continue the tradition. Unfortunately it seems I picked up some tendonitis in my knee on the mega cycle with E, so my knee was struggling all week. Hoping some rest at home will sort it out, I've got stuff to do 😭
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foulwinnerpeanut · 4 months
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💥 🦵
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Working on a fun little au :D
Yikes belongs to Hellscribbles
Sad dog is just Husk who belongs to moi
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plutotheforgotten · 9 months
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I fell down a hill
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dadbodbuck · 2 months
i have hip tendonitis again and it's so bad i can't sleep. can someone fucking put me out of my misery
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lefemmerougewriter · 4 months
My two-part post-canon mini-series for Hailey's On It which I put together recently. In this series, Hailey tries to figure out what to do after her time with Sanjay fizzles out, skips town, and leaves her bracelet behind, while Scott and Beta try to put the pieces together, unsure how they can convince Hailey to finish the list. Later, Hailey resolves to apologize and make amends for what she did with Sanjay, breaking the friendship with Scott, and pushing away Beta, and the list. However, things will not be the same as before...
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anglerflsh · 2 years
Nah, she just got badly injured while we were on a hike and got rubble in her elbow - it was bad enough that I think you could see muscle or something? - and we didn't have enough oxygenated water so that was the best way to disinfect it while taking the rubble out. Funny stuff actually, she only got that injury because I bumped into her and she fell as a result
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extemporaneousmusings · 10 months
Today I:
-read soooo much fic :)
-did some further thinking and now feel better about things after being kinda shook following my return session in PT for my ankle yesterday. It's more of an issue in the short term than I realized and she gave me a lot to think about. I am going to have a conversation with an ortho specialist about the prospect of some surgical intervention, but today I really came to terms with the fact that I don't need to make a decision about anything major until I have more information, and land a job with benefits that are better than my student health insurance
-got Jamila's # :))) we are going to brainstorm in-universe ketterdam fic ideas :))) I'm so excited!
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preppers-will · 2 years
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cahootings · 11 months
actually kind of grateful that my sprains came from landing on an incline and not from rolling or slipping because the side ligaments should not be significantly weakened
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