#hilda david's dad
helgafolk618 · 7 months
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Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
Andy and Erika, David's dad and mom respectively. They don't have much screentime but they do really love each other!
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[Hilda, Frida and David are hiding behind a bush on the sidewalk]
David: why are we here?
Hilda: Because my mum is in danger.
Frida: What?!
Hilda: Look, do you remember those witch spells you showed me the other day?
Frida: The ancient ones that no one uses? Yeah, what of it?
Hilda: Well all of them have parts of fairies as an ingredient and I think Kaisa somehow found out that my mum is half-fairy and so I’m making sure she doesn’t try anything funny to get parts of my mum and you two are backup.
[Frida and David look across the street and see Johanna and Kaisa are having tea at an outdoor café and talking, looking like their having a good time]
David: I dunno Hilda. It looks like they’re just hanging out.
Hilda: She’s been playing the long game.
Frida: How so? Your mum and Ms Kaisa have been out before?
Hilda: Yeah. They went to the movies last week, then had dinner at that fancy restaurant the week before, hung out at the library, they’ve been talking on the phone a lot, they……oh my god, my mum is dating the librarian…
Frida: Awwww, that’s cute.
David: Good for you, Hilda. A witch-step-mom.
Frida: They’re just dating, not married David.
Hilda: Hmmm, I mean, that would explain that one morning Kaisa came out of mum’s room wearing one of mum’s shirts.
David and Frida: !!!!!!
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not-a-vegan3 · 2 months
Thinking about David and Frida's parents and just how out of the loop they are like: "what do mean you got kidnapped by the fae'? That doesn't explain anything!" "Where did you get that scar on your forehead?" (David's parents) "What the fuck is an elf and what kind of paperwork did you sign?" "What do you mean you almost lost your soul?" "Frida why do you have locks of your friends' hair in a bowl?" "Who is the Woodman and why is he leaving chopped wood in our mailbox, i'm going to call the police"
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blaithnne · 10 months
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I’m literally fine I don’t care its not even that big of a deal it’s whatever who’s Hilda
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wayward-wren · 9 months
hilda never fails to make me cry everytime I think ill make it through without ugly sobbing it's a lie I will cry
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albertonykus · 10 months
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I have many feelings about Hilda, but foremost is that it's so good. How does a show manage to be this charming?! I don't rewatch series often, but I suspect I'll be returning to this one again. Also, natural history enthusiasts who like anglerfish and closed-mouth vocalization will enjoy the final season.
Stray thoughts about Season 3 below the break. Contains spoilers!
I love how the changes to the opening in each season reflect Hilda's evolving relationship with Johanna (and this time, with the trolls as well).
This is a big mood.
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The Wood Man is still great.
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I liked Eugene's anglerfish lure, very symbolic.
Johanna hanging out with Alfur and Tontu is definitely one of the most underrated dynamics in the series. (...I think. I don't browse Hilda fandom content much.)
David can be brutal. (He had some really good lines this season in general.)
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Hilda being traumatized by bells from her time as a troll was not unexpected, but oof.
This was such an amazing creature concept. Having it speak entirely through vocal sacs and not its mouth was an inspired choice.
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I definitely chuckled at this.
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That was one jam-packed finale. There were probably at least two or three moments where I thought the story was about to wind down, and then they'd throw another wrench into things. Despite that, I felt they managed to keep the narrative remarkably well paced.
I think it was a really brilliant move that after all the mystery surrounding Hilda's dad, Johanna turned out to be the one with an extraordinary heritage, especially considering that most viewers probably would have pegged her as the most "normal" major character.
I was wondering how they'd follow up with Victoria Van Gale, so I wasn't surprised to see her return. Didn't quite expect her to make the save in the end though.
I did predict Twig being critical to saving Hilda and Johanna (especially remembering how the trailer showed him summoning the bridge to the deerfoxes' realm), but it made for a great scene regardless. Also, credit to Frida for pushing herself to the limit while trying to bring Hilda back.
I loved the character cameos in the epilogue. I might have been a little disappointed by the Thunderbird not getting a plot-relevant role, but he did get an entire montage for his return and even a couple of lines, so I can't complain too much. Besides, it's more than what Kaisa got.
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ivys-garden · 10 months
My head cannon endings for all the Hilda cast post finale (Spoilers for season 3)
She remains in her home, never moving away. However she makes sure to visit Hilda often, which has become easier now that she's learned to fly again. She also doesn't get to lonely as she invites the Pooka to like with her and helps him practice shape shifting. When she dies she is buried where the fairy mound once was to be closer to her family.
He travels the world but always returns to Trollburg, on cold winter nights he joins Hilda and her family for tea and games, maybe the yule lads join in too. On his travels he spreads the story on Hilda far and wide even long after she's gone.
Tryla & Baba
They remain at the mountain most days but do ecompany Hilda on adventures during her weekly visit. They still live there long after everyone else is gone, telling tales of Hilda to the next hundreds of generations of trolls.
He continues living in Trollburg, working on wall and city maintenance with the bellkeeper. He never gets back together with Johana but he does try and be a better dad to Hilda, including taking her on that camping trip.
Begins selling her paintings to people, she also starts painting things from her and Hilda's adventures, including the Fae Ilse, which she still thinks about often. When she dies Hilda burries her at the fairy mound with Auntie Astrid, but she keeps a lock of her hair in a locket. One day, in the far future when Hilda has finally moved on she hangs that locket at the remains of the cabin.
Just keeps doing what he does mostly. Going on adventures with Hilda occasionally but mostly keeping to himself. He remains in the house for a long time, even after Hilda had died.
Keeps writing reports for the northern counties but he also begins working with Gerda and the safety patrol, his days are busy but that's how he likes them. When he dies, if elfs even do, he would be given a funeral pyre by the lost clan and Hilda returns to the northern counties to scatter his ashes.
Would go on many more adventures with the trio and would start to develop a crush on David, one that David would reciprocate. She would eventually become a wildlife photographer.
Started researching entomology and now runs an insect focused wildlife centre near the sparrow scout building, enjoying a more peaceful and quiet life than most of his friends. He also assists the linworm in a construction of a new garden on sparrow scout property, sometimes the two of them and Louise have tea together. He was the first to die out of the four and was buried in Trollburgs graveyard, later Louise would be buried with him when she died.
Finished her training and became a fully fledged witch. She would take over running the Trollburg library from Kaisa after Kaisa was appointed to the witch council. When they were teenagers she and Hilda started dating but they never decided to get married.
She still goes on adventures in her teenage years, it wouldn't be Hilda if she didn't. She and Johanna also practised flying with their fae magic. She always makes sure to keep in touch with Astrid and Victoria. She continues to paint and make music and becomes a freelance artist like her mum. Twig also grows big enough to ride when he gets older. She lived in her apartment in Trollburg until her death. She and Frida were buried together at the overgrown remains of the cabin
He's still there, deep in the woods. even after everyone else has long since died, perhaps he tells the tales of a mysterious blue haired friend to spirits to the passersby.
Or perhaps he would tell you that if you walk deep enough into the woods, you could find an old forest glen where a cabin once was, and you can speak to her spirit yourself
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thirdtidemouse · 2 months
pretend i havent been inactive for 100 years. i've been watching renegade nell and its giving me a new sketchbook au idea/accompanying doodles. essentially: fae highwaywoman johanna is on the run, kaisa is Out To Get Her with dark magic
you have to cut me some slack with how silly i sound. its the hyperfixation. im ill
i'm casting these freaks like actors. Johanna is Nell:
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it is 1705, and barkeep Johanna has found herself a highwaywoman on the run for a murder she didn't do, accompanied by her daughters and aided by a little spirit named Alfur. she has found fae-like abilities, and despite her good intentions, she is now feared across half the country as an invincible murderess.
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Kaisa is Sofia:
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hunting her down is Kaisa, a lady whose family owns Johanna's pub, whose father Johanna is falsely accused of killing, and who is obsessed with catching her. she uses dark magic to fuck with Johanna's life remotely, summoning things to attack her etc - she may be untouchable when it comes to human enemies, but not magic. Kaisa herself is lonely, surprisingly empathetic, and is desperate to prove her worth and have control over her life.
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other character notes:
give Johanna a gun
she is a painter and illustrator still. she is struggling to find time for her hobbies
she would rather not be robbing people but has no problem if she needs to. the rich ones have more money than they know what to do with anyway, and if she has to take a horse from some poor guy, she leaves him with stolen valuables in exchange. she's a little robinhood about it.
i think it would be so fun to keep the mythical creatures around. watch out for Devilwoman Johanna who is strong enough to kill a troll!! (she would never)
yes Lauren (belonging to @blaithnne) is included. Nell is accompanied by her two little sisters, brave & helpful older sister Roxy, and funny & inquisitive little sister George. Lauren & Hilda take their place, and maybe Frida and David tag along hehe.
Lauren & Hilda keep getting taken hostage in attempts to get Jo to turn herself in, but they always get out of it. until they do, Hilda probably talks their ears off about dragons and Lauren makes terrifying threats.
no one else REALLY specifically fits character slots like Amadin, Thomas, and Charles (there aren't a lot of men in hilda lol) so i'm going to wing it and the other characters can fill their roles when needed maybe
Thomas is Sofia's brother who killed both their father and Nell's father, and is generally reckless, careless, and easily badly influenced. i'm actually thinking of putting 18yo Dylan (oc of mine who is Kaisa's younger sister) in his place. she is a lot sweeter in regular hilda universe but i think the plot & i could fuck with her character enough that she gains these insecure, irresponsibly cruel tendencies. sorry Dylan
both Johanna and Kaisa were witnesses when her father died. Kaisa knows she's innocent, but goes along with the accusation to save Dylan from being arrested and keep the family (and their place in society) from falling apart. I'm thinking of making Dylan a boy in this, to keep the dynamic of the land going to him when papa dies > he would be a terrible landlord > Kaisa gets to take the reigns and keep everything in working order because she actually cares and enjoys having things to watch over and work on
in general Kaisa is very lonely, has to work twice as hard for the power and respect men are given automatically, and yearns for the kind of freedom and support that Johanna has despite being an outlaw from a poor family.
i think David and Frida could fill Amadin's role as friends they pick up along the way. David's loyalty and voice of reason, and Frida's fierce protectiveness and determination to prove herself both remind me of his character.
i'm inclined to draw a blank for Poynton, the main villain, a Jacobite amongst the royal guard, the siblings' traitorous mentor in black magic, and the indirect reason their dad died in the first place. Tildy is Kaisa's mentor, but not an evil one. the closest Hilda has to real villains is Erik, and the head witches maybe, but none of them really hit the nail on the head for this guy. an au oc may be in order!!!
the Bellkeeper can be Charles maybe lol. he is an established highwayman leading a double life as both a wanted criminal and a aristocrat. he is suave, a little campy, and a firm believer that with confidence, you can sweet-talk anyone into believing you are anyone. he annoys Johanna into letting him tag along and help with disguises and plans just because he finds it fun.
Lady Eularia Moggerhanger runs the newspapers, and i'm splitting that between two characters for a couple reasons. Erik is the owner of the presses (not putting him in the royal guard because it wouldn't make sense for him to be a Jacobite rebel) who generally enjoys fearmongering and controlling the public.
Victoria is the head editor with a taste for dramatics but seeks the truth above all else, and happens to be the Bellkeeper's 'friend in high places' who begrudgingly bails him out of trouble.
Gerda replaces Polly, a good-hearted writer and believer of justice who falls head over heels for Jo when she gets highway-robbed by her and mistakes her for a man. is later appointed assistant editor of the newspaper.
this happens i guess
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this isn't meant to stick to the plot of renegade nell, there's a lot going on and it would be easier (and more interesting) to figure out an original plot with this different cast of characters. i just thought it would be fun to put sketchbook into an 18th century highwayman period fantasy drama with dark magic and pixies. and enemies to lovers. okay thanks
i might add onto this at some point if anyone has any questions or additions LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU
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pastriibunz · 3 months
KAIFOLK - A Kai in Hatchetfield x Hilda AU
 1. hatchetfield geography is changing so we can fit in different stories. its bigger, i think its connected to the mainland, and theres a mountain range
2. the witchwood is gonna be. slightly less weird. theres still things going on, but its safer to live in
anyways, onto the designs!
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Hilda -> Kai
Frida -> Grace
David -> Jason
they’re besties!!!
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Johanna/Mom -> Paul
Anders/Dad -> Emma
Character wise, Emma fit better as Anders (he leaves to go on an adventure, Emma to Guatemala idfk + Paul being more cautious), so that’s why they are who they are.
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kaifolk · 3 months
deep in the witchwood forest lives a girl with teal hair with an affinity for all things wild, her loving father, and her pet deerfox.
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hi there!!! @pastriibunz here! I have made a Kai in Hatchetfield AU because i am. Autistic.
it combines my latest obsession, Hilda, with the Kai in Hatchetfield series! I have watched the entire Hilda series, so be wary of spoilers!
this is the main post, which will be updated with important information when it comes up.
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 1. hatchetfield geography is changing so we can fit in different stories. its bigger, i think its connected to the mainland, and theres a mountain range [6/27/24, 4:30 PM MST]
2. the witchwood is gonna be. slightly less weird. theres still things going on, but its safer to live [6/27/24, 4:30 PM MST]
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[last updated 6/29/24, 1:21 AM MST]
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abvidcanon · 4 months
How did you come up with the idea of creating Abbi?
How did Abbi and David meet?
What was it like to see your relationship from the point of view of David's friends and family?
How do you both act when you are together? Do you think about each other when you were apart for a long time?
Can Abbi be a witch?
How does she handle the adventures she goes on with David every time Hilda takes them to a new area?
i have more questions. But this number it's okey for now
1) just me being obsessed with David again when s3 game out, so I made a selfinsert
2) there’s MANY different aus I have, so they all have a different retrospect on how they meet, but one of them is when David is getting a spellbook for Frida, he finds Abbi
3) I imagine his mom and dad are VERY happy about this, and accidentally embarrass David around Abbi a lot
4) I imagine they’d always look foward to seeing each other in school, the sparrow scouts, etc!! They also have a lot of hangout sessions, but David still hangs out with the Freaky Friends ofc
5) She IS a witch! ^^
6) I imagine in s1 she’s very reluctant, but in s3 she just takes it as an opportunity to hang out with her friends and use her magic
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helgafolk618 · 8 months
ERIKAFOLK: Erika and the Wake-up Call
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Safety Patrol is not yet on the roll as this oneshot fanfic aims to show the relationship between David's mom and her family in a sweet and sour moment, early in the morning.
Read fanfic...? Click/tap here! ⬇️
Erika groaned, her head pounding with a sharp pain that radiated from her temple. She opened her eyes, squinting against the morning light that filtered in through the curtains. A sense of disorientation washed over her as she reached for her glasses on the nightstand, only to find them missing. With a frown, she turned her head to the left, expecting to see her husband's peaceful sleeping face next to hers. Instead, she was met with an empty pillow and a crumpled sheet.
"Where's Andy?" she mumbled, feeling a twinge of disappointment at not being able to wake up to his warm smile and gentle kiss. She hoped he hadn't already gone outside to start his day.
Her gaze then shifted to the right, searching for her glasses once more. Through bleary eyes, she made out a blurry figure standing by the bedroom door, holding something on their shoulder. As they whispered quietly, Erika recognized the voice of her son, David.
"Dad, are you sure this is a good idea? What if Mom gets angry?"
"Trust me, son, she'll love it. She always records your achievements, right? It's only fair that we do the same for her."
A smile tugged at Erika's lips as she realized what they were up to. Playing along, she remained still and closed her eyes again, curious to see how they would pull it off.
She could hear their footsteps approaching the bed, trying to be stealthy. A slight breeze brushed against her as they lifted the sheets and crawled underneath them. She suppressed a giggle as she felt their warm bodies snuggle up against hers. David wrapped his arm around her waist while Andy gently brushed back her hair with his hand.
The sound of a click caught her attention as Andy turned on the video recorder, waving at the camera and nodding to David. In unison, they both shouted, "Good morning, Mom!"
Erika opened her eyes slowly, feigning surprise and confusion. She saw Andy's broad grin and David's nervous smile. Her gaze then fell upon the video recorder, pointed directly at her.
Pretending to be bewildered, she sat up and asked with wide eyes, "Wha-what's going on? What are you two doing?"
David giggled and handed her a calendar. As she took it from him, she saw that today's date was circled in bright red pen, next to a doodle of a horse with a smiley face. Underneath it read, "DAY OFF!"
"Happy day off, Mom!" David exclaimed. "We wanted to record this occasion for posterity. You know, like you did for me when I poured milk in my cereal for the first time."
Erika couldn't help but laugh as she hugged her son. "Oh, you silly boy. That's very sweet of you, but it's not that big of a deal. It's just a day off."
Andy wrapped his arms around his wife, joining them in a warm, tight hug. "It's a big deal, Erika," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You've been working tirelessly for the Safety Patrol, you deserve a break. And we're so proud of you for everything you do."
Erika felt a surge of warmth in her chest as she hugged her husband back and then leaned in to place a tender kiss on his cheek. As they broke the embrace, their attention turned to the calendar. Andy pointed out the messy scribbles and notes that covered almost every inch of it — reminders of Erika's busy schedule with the Safety Patrol. Amidst all the chaos was a reminder for their upcoming anniversary, overlapped and overshadowed by other obligations.
"Wow," Andy commented jokingly, "look at all these dates. You sure have a lot on your plate, honey. How do you manage to keep up with everything?"
Erika forced a laugh but inside she felt a pang of sadness. With a heavy sigh, she explained, "It's not easy, Andy. You know how dire things are in Trolberg right now. The wall is still not fully repaired and many areas are still in ruins. The Safety Patrol needs all hands on deck."
David furrowed his brow and shook his head in concern. "But Mom, that's too much for one person to handle. You're risking your life every day for them. And you're still working for Erik Ahlberg, the man who almost got us all killed during that time with the Mountain King. How can you still…?”
Erika felt a surge of frustration and tension at the mention of Ahlberg's name. She clenched her jaw and attempted to hide her nerves. She knew David was justified in his mistrust towards Ahlberg, but she also couldn't reveal the true extent of her involvement with him – not even to her own family.
Erika placed a gentle hand on David's shoulder, trying to soothe his frustration. "David," she said in a hushed tone, "I know you don't like Ahlberg. And neither do I. But he wasn't the reason I continued volunteering for Safety Patrol. I did it because of something that changed my life."
Her voice dropped even lower as she leaned in closer and whispered, "David, there was a child in one of the emergency vehicles during Amma's first stirring. He looked just like you - same hair, same eyes, same smile. He was bleeding and unconscious. I still don't know if he made it. But that could have been you. It could have been any of us. That's why I joined the Safety Patrol - to prevent another tragedy like that from happening."
David shuddered at the thought of himself in that situation. He squeezed his mother's hand tightly and said, "I'm sorry, Mom. I had no idea. That was really brave and selfless of you."
With tears in her eyes, Erika smiled and kissed his forehead. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I love you so much. And I'm sorry too - for being away so often. But I promise to make it up to you."
She grabbed their calendar and flipped ahead to next month. In big letters, she wrote "DAY OFF!" across the page and showed it to them with a proud grin. "See? I'm taking a whole month off from Safety Patrol. Just us time! We can do whatever we want - play board games, have tea parties, watch cartoons... everything!"
As she hugged them tightly, Erika couldn't help but notice their slightly overwhelmed expressions mixed with pure joy. She laughed and said, "Okay, maybe not literally everything. But we'll savor every moment of it, right?"
They both nodded eagerly, excited for their upcoming family time. They looked over at the camcorder that was still recording and waved at it, saying, "Happy day off, Erika!"
Feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders, Erika's heart swelled with love and gratitude for her family. She knew she had been sacrificing too much of their precious time together for her volunteer work, but now, she was determined to make up for it - even if it was just for one day.
[A/N] Hey there, thanks for reading! So, news for Erikafolk: it will be a series of fanfics with an overarching storyline centered on Erika trying to discredit the Ahlbergs (yes, that's plural!). There's still a LOT of workshopping to do, but I took the time to write this oneshot as a sort of "pilot" or prologue, I guess? I really need to work on pacing and dialogue, haha. Anyways, that's all for now, I hope you enjoyed it! ;)
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just a silly comic when thinking of post-series Hilda headcanons, David meeting the Mothman was a fun idea. This being Hilda and co in their 20s and Hilda is a mythologist, while David is a entomologist and Louise a professional photographer. Originally Frida was supposed to make the Vikings point but the pages being smaller than my usual pages and so I couldn't have too many characters
I tried facial hair, like a beard on David like his dad but it just didn't look right...
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a-pureevil · 9 months
David saves Hilda and her dad
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blaithnne · 10 months
I love how surprised David and Frida are when Hilda mentions her dad. It really show show much of an unspoken thing this is, they both know that Hilda’s father is absent and judging from the look they give each other I think they’ve clearly discussed like “hey what do you think is going on there?” but they can’t ask about it. It’s just that…unspoken tension, this thing we can’t talk about
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princess-unipeg · 10 months
Hilda’s finale season
So that’s another animated series I watched considerably that has come and went this year. Though I wasn’t as broken up for this series as I have the other shows. Hilda and the Mountain Troll gave off a series finale vibe and with Netflix being so stingy with its shows lately I was surprised that Hilda got a third season.
I’m glad the show did though. We got to see the return of a lot characters like Victoria Van Gale and the other Tontus. We even got cameos from the witch characters like Matilda and Kaisa. Sad that she only got cameos this season but at least it’s not gonna interfere with the Joanna/Kaisa fanfics. Also the new season answered a lot of questions the fans have been asking like who and where was Hilda’s father? Why did Joanna move? Why does Hilda have blue hair?
We learn this season that the bell keeper wasn’t Hilda’s father after all but a completely different character. Hilda’s dad wasn’t what I expected. He’d either be a horrible deadbeat or this mythical figure. Turns out he was just an overwhelmed person who meant well but made a lot of mistakes. Hilda doesn’t outwardly hate him but it’s clear she was affected by his absence.
The role of the mythical parent figure actually goes to Joanna’s father (Hilda’s maternal grandfather and the source of her blue hair). He befriended a human girl and over time they fell in love and became parents to Joanna. But they ended up leaving her when she turned 10 years old.
Turns out he and Joanna’s human mother made a deal with this head fairy spirit when Joanna was a baby. She was terminally ill and with her unique biology they couldn’t help her with conventional medicine so they got desperate. Rather than give her to the head fairy spirit they ended up taking her place instead. Joanna’s fairy aunt Astrid (who would raise her in their place) ended up erasing her memories of the event so that she wouldn’t be burden by the guilt.
For years Astrid made sure that Joanna would never go near the fairy realm but of course fate had other ideas.
Joanna was content to stay with her parents in the fairy realm where nothing ever changes but it’s not what Hilda wants so they chose to escape. Thanks to Twig and his magical herd they were able to do so. But Joanna couldn’t survive outside of the fairy realm once she entered the place. She would have succumbed to her illness had Astrid not struck a deal with the head fairy spirit. But thankfully the deal was moot since Victoria Van Gale the crazy scientist lady willingly chose to take refuge in the fairy realm allowing her to return to human realm.
Victoria Van Gale became this season’s unexpected hero. Hilda probably has a different attitude towards her now since she saved her family both directly and indirectly. David would be content to know VVG was trapped in a place where she can’t cause any problems.
Overall it’s been the most epic season. From Frida upping her magic game to David becoming a more braver person a lot of characters got the chance to grow and thrive. I’m glad to see this series got to tell all the stories it needed to tell and that it got a happily ever after.
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