#hint hint wink wink nudge nudge
loonybun · 22 days
ok i know there’s a lot of hype about robots who are cold, calculated, and cruel, but hear me out for a sec.
a robot who perfectly understands the scope of human emotions and how they work, even if they can’t exactly experience them. They know just the right ways to trigger them. Just the right ways to get under their skin. To manipulate them. After all, while human nature is complex, it ultimately still follows a pattern. And you can predict patterns.
i love the idea of a robot being so fascinated with human emotions that it might press people to their limits just to see how they handle it. Just to find new reactions, new patterns.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
hi! just saw your rb about the fanfic director's cut soooo I'll just drop a ⭐ (and thanks for writing the sick hawk fic, hope you're getting well, too!)
hiya!! and thanks so much, im doing leagues better, the covid's gone and im pretty much back to normal. it was brutal, but luckily for me it was short-lived
ill use the sickfic for rambling purposes, cause I love it a lot. specifically this section-
"Trapper huffs softly, unable to stop a crooked smile of his own from creeping up on his face. Hawkeye’s right- he’ll be fine in a couple days, back to bouncing around camp, terrorizing the Majors, and putting people back together like puzzles. Still… it’s hard not to worry when he’d worked himself to the point of collapse.
Hard not to worry when he can’t shake the feeling he should’ve done more.
“I’ll never stop worryin’ about you,” He tells him, getting close to a bit too sincere for the tone of the conversation they’re having, “That’s my job. Anything else I can get you, sweetheart? I’ve got post-OP duty in…” He checks his watch, “5 minutes, and you know how cranky Frankie gets when I’m late.” That’s a complete lie, seeing as he was due in post-OP 15 minutes ago, but Hawkeye doesn’t need to know that."
I went for a very soft tone with this fic specifically because I was feeling very unwell and wanted to keep things light and fluffy, but I still wanted some emotional element to this so I decided to keep it brief and contained to this section. the goal was to acknowledge that Trapper was worried, is still worried, without letting that worry dominate everything and make this into something angsty
I think there's just a lack of Trapper taking care of Hawkeye content overall, but really. I just love Trapper taking care of Hawkeye. this isnt my first time writing it, and it won't be my last, but I did specifically want to write it for Carry On, Hawkeye both because I just felt sick and miserable and wanted to project comfort to help with my mood, but also because its just one of my favourite episodes. there's that short scene where Trapper tries to get up out of bed so that he can help Hawkeye out when he knows he needs it, but he cant because he's too sick, and he has to just lie back down while Hawkeye has to go and, well, carry on. its a very short scene, but its a very good one for showing Trapper's protective/caring streak when it comes to Hawkeye, and its what I latched onto for this particular section
in my head here Trapper is worried, and he's upset that he couldn't do more, but for now he's just focusing on taking care of Hawkeye because that's the best he can do. he'd rather focus on what he can do rather than what he couldn't do. he's trying to avoid really thinking about how bad he feels about the whole thing, cause he knows that isnt going to help anybody right now, but some of it still slips through here. hence there's a brief moment of something very tender and sincere that doesnt quite match up with the rest of the conversation, because Trapper cant really help himself in the moment, and it quickly passes because he's still avoiding dealing with everything he's feeling
it didnt make it into the fic itself but there was a scene that explained that Hawkeye's in the Swamp because he refused to stay down in post-OP and kept trying to check on patients because he was really anxious about anything he might've missed in his sick state. there was gonna be a lot more Trapper reflecting on Hawkeye's resiliency and devotion to the point of detriment, with him thinking about how he had to carry Hawkeye out and to the Swamp after one of the nurses came to get him cause Hawkeye collapsed trying to check on a kid, but it felt so much like the other Hawkeye/Trapper fic ive posted (lay your weary head to rest) and clashed so much with the tone I was going for with the rest of the fic that I ultimately scrapped it
but yeah this fic was both to make me feel better and to find a way to write something fluffy and tender with a hint to more emotional depth underneath. I wanted it to be light and easy to read, but to hint at that worry I think Trapper felt, and some of that blame im sure he put on himself for how bad it got, without overpowering how soft and light the tone was supposed to be. overall im really pleased with the result, and im impressed that its even coherent cause again I was. very very sick when I wrote it
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raplinesmoon · 1 year
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isi!! finally writing someone who isn’t hyung line!! just in time for tae’s bday
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Antonio: I've found this document describing this elementary technique known as dodge offset...I think this is very important I think it would be useful for someone to check out this dodge offset page
New Bayo players including me: Whatever
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banananagoose · 9 months
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i tore my household apart looking for the pen for my drawing tablet because this wet cat of a man fixed my 4 year long college induced art block
((sorry i jsut really love all the long hair bengali jon art it makes me so happy hes so cute)) you can bet hes blushing at MARTO
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haro-draws · 6 months
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
I’ve been looking everywhere for you
Okay so Danny goes on a mission for clockwork stopping the assignation of they young king orin and gets stuck in the past so he decides to take advantage of the time while he waits for clockwork to come get him and explores Atlantis. Not to say this is easy as there was just an attempted assassination and everyone is on edge. When things get a little to hectic for Danny’s taste and leaves the capital and heads over to a different city under the sea.
This is where he meets a young Atlantean getting cornered by a bunch of older kids. Danny comes up behind the little one and makes himself look as creepy and menacing as possible. The older kids flee and the smaller one turns around ready to defend himself only to find Danny laughing “did you see the look on their faces? Priceless!” After the kid calms down he introduces himself as Kaldur’ahm, “but you can call me Kaldur” to which Danny tells him that he can call him phantom.
For the next week Kaldur and Danny meet and hang out anytime Kaldur has free time. They talk about life in general and they become fast friends. One day Kaldur tells danny about how much his parents are struggling, how his dad had a hard time keeping a job, so Kaldur got one to help, or how much his mom struggles just being happy. Danny sits Kaldur down and explains that sometimes you have to get through the hard times to get to where you’re going. Danny finally explains that he was actually dead (half but kinda hard to explain to a 6yr old) and how he was from the future. After their heart to heart Danny decided to give Kaldur a gift and made him a pendent with strange words inscribed in ghost speak
Before Danny leaves he tells Kaldur that if he’s on dry land around 2016 he should come find him. Danny vanishes and all Kaldur has to prove he was real was the pendant.
Kaldur never forgets about phantom and when he becomes aqualad he is determined to meet phantom again. He tells robin, kid flash, and speedy about him but they can find no trace of him anywhere. They didn’t have much to begin with and speedy doubts phantom is real at all.
Fast forward the YJ team is on a mission and they are fighting a ghostly enemy, Zatanna is leading the charge but they are losing the fight. All of a sudden a white blur appears and beats back their enemy. He seems to be taunting the creature. Eventually sucking the creature in a strange thermos? Everyone thinks it a new enemy at first but Kaldur recognizes him as his friend, he calls out to phantom who freaks out at first and doesn’t recognize him at first, until he shows him the pendant. Danny gets so excited because not only does he get to see his friend but he also became a superhero!?! How awesome is that?! So Danny joins the team as a provisional member because he can’t be there all the time.
That’s all I got for now I might add more in a reblog later but for now it’s just a cute pre relationship meet cute, and hey if anyone wants to yknow write this or add on I wouldn’t say no
I have 2 drafts waiting for me to finish and here I am writing this send help
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pinkhairswagtourney · 9 months
I have my own danganronpa
you wanna share ocs?
omg sorry i'm just now seeing this . sure !!!! long post below the cut
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here's half of my fangan characters . if you've ever followed my editing or art blogs , some of them are probably familiar !!! Yui Utada - Escape Artist 19 - 5'3" - 97lb Likes: Logic puzzles , Collecting squishies || Dislikes: The dark Laina King - Party Planner 21 - 5'0" - 187lb Likes: Kpop , Strawberry soda || Dislikes: Negativity Yukina Morimoto - Drummer 20 - 5'4" - 161lb Likes: Oranges , Fireworks || Dislikes: Authority figures Cecelia Van Der Barben - Reality TV Star 22 - 5'8" - 147lb Likes: Wedged shoes , Lilies || Dislikes: Pepperoni pizza Victoria Piper - Mathlete 21 - 5'9" - 125lb Likes: Succulents , Tuna sashimi || Dislikes: Smoke Naomi Song - Apiarist 18 - 5'7" - 159lb Likes: Flower pressing , Sour candy || Dislikes: Feeling excluded Maeve Rivera - Barista 22 - 5'1" - 161lb Likes: Blueberry tea , Shoujo manga || Dislikes: Bugs Daisy McKinnon - Cowgirl 23 - 5'10" - 213lb Likes: Summertime , Golden retrievers || Dislikes: Snobs
and of course . here are some obligatory oc charts
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mrinvenotit · 10 months
Rain World Doodles!!!!!!!
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Delivering a robot heart can be stressful!!!
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FALLINGG!!!!!!! (woah)
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Sad little critter.... (I can explain....)
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WEEEEEE!!!! Human(?) Rivulet!!!
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Rivulet faces :P
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Looks to the Moon and her child/emotional support scug
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Another nickname for the collection :))
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Emo little iterator..,,,
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The false Echo
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Enot gets a job!! (WHO ALLOWED THIS)
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Enot after getting hired, can confirm, I'm Videocult actually
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Repurposed Organism
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So serious...,,what thinking?
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snackugaki · 1 year
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i need to go crunchier
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans) 
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
lny visit 1 | 2
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thirt13n · 5 months
thought of the morning while i get myself settled in here :
showing up on share's doorstep unannounced in the middle of the night, sure ---- we absolutely love it keep it coming. but what about showing up on sharon's balcony / fire escape in the middle of the night and having to tap on the glass of her window so she can let you in or depending on the person you just let yourself in ... but i don't know if i would advise doing that with someone who can choke you out with her thighs if she wants to BUT YOU GET THE IDEA.
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"Mmmm, move your hands lower" – Consort Merlin
[King Arthur giving his Consort a back massage in their bedchamber]
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exilethegame · 2 years
I haven't seen anything about the pirate who you can get a wagon from (Rhys? I think?). Do we get to have a cool pirate friend? I think you mentioned part of the trip is on a boat, and swashbuckling adventures with a badass pirate lady would be amazing.
... she... she may or may not... be making a future appearance...
And I mean... she does have a rather similar appearance to another character mentioned in the story... and... ya know... if you ask the right questions... she mentions... Sabir... 👀
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trickster-archangel · 11 months
So. Thanks to the Italian national TV service, I'm finally watching H50 season 9 (yeah, I know, one day I'll find the time to put my ass in front of a screen and watch ALL seasons in HQ in ENGLISH, but that day is not today nor tomorrow nor next months, given my life's latest trends in disasters). Of which I basically watched probably five episodes at best, like s10, at the first airing (given my life's constant trend in disasters).
Tonight I watched 9x11.
You know those fics with a really promising plot, juicy tags, just the right length to be devoured in one sitting but still able to leave you yearning yet satisfied...and third paragraph in, it starts cramming epithets every two instances, fucks up characters' M.O. and voices, whacks grammar and tenses, and just forgets what they were doing/carrying/saying just ten paragraphs above....?
Yeah. Same.
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dragonspleenspicy · 11 months
Oh nooo it would be so baad if a big monster decided it wanted to use me as a stress relief toy and claimed my body as fuckmeat that would be so saaad
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Well that was…interesting. I’ve learnt half of you have never interacted with an actual woman before from that experience.
I’m just glad to be back to normal right before my stream.~
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