#hiphop artist
graphicwind · 1 month
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lunatiksart · 1 year
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Hearing Nas's new album "Magic 2" inspired me to draw this Nas piece.
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onelovestill · 4 months
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Little Simz in concert
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vinniedangerous · 5 months
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Much love to @indiefferential for featuring me in Indiefferential Picks (April 2024)
Available on Bandcamp & www.vinniedangerous.com
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quaesarofficial · 9 months
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miegoway22 · 2 years
New hottest artist 🔥🥵💯
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omofficialmyself · 8 months
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rap-bull · 8 months
how to rap?
Rapping is a form of musical expression that involves delivering lyrics in a rhythmic and rhyming manner. Here are some tips on how to rap:
Study the Craft:
Listen to a variety of rap music from different artists and eras. Pay attention to their flow, rhyme schemes, and delivery styles.
Analyze lyrics to understand how words are chosen and arranged to create impactful verses.
Develop Your Style:
Experiment with different flows and rhyme patterns to find a style that suits you. Your rap style should reflect your personality and unique voice.
Don't be afraid to be yourself and bring your own experiences and perspective into your lyrics.
Practice Regularly:
Like any skill, rapping improves with practice. Freestyle regularly to improve your improvisational skills and work on your delivery.
Write regularly to enhance your lyricism. Challenge yourself with different topics and themes.
Master Timing and Flow:
Pay attention to the beat and develop a good sense of timing. Your flow should complement the rhythm of the instrumental.
Experiment with different cadences and practice staying on beat.
Build a Strong Vocabulary:
A rich vocabulary allows you to express yourself more creatively. Learn new words and phrases, and explore various ways to convey your message.
Work on Breath Control:
Good breath control is essential for delivering long and complex verses without running out of breath. Practice deep breathing exercises and work on maintaining a steady airflow while rapping.
Emphasize Pronunciation:
Clear pronunciation ensures that your audience can understand your lyrics. Practice enunciating words and pay attention to your diction.
Find Your Voice:
Develop a unique vocal tone that sets you apart from other artists. Experiment with pitch, tone, and delivery until you find a style that feels authentic to you.
Connect with the Audience:
Engage your listeners by telling compelling stories or expressing relatable emotions. Make a connection with your audience through your lyrics.
Collaborate and Seek Feedback:
Collaborate with other artists to gain new perspectives and learn from their experiences.
Seek constructive feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement.
Remember, the key to becoming a skilled rapper is dedication, practice, and a willingness to continually evolve and refine your craft.
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possible-streetwear · 1 month
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ericleo108 · 2 years
Cosmic Luve Oct 2022 - Folklore
Prerequisites to this Taylor Swift Cosmic Luve Posts:
Sentientism 2022
The Chalice Mixtape Post
Cosmic Luve Aug 2021: Taylor Swift Renegade Response Track
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
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Picking up where we left off, I’m getting friend vibes from Taylor. To bring you up to speed I have a theory the planet is conscious and communicates through telepathy. I talk about how this could be possible in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” which tells the story and evidence of how I came to the conclusion that the planet Earth is conscious and how she communicates. However, I still maintain and accept that it could just be a Verisimilitude allure to the theory. Sentientism is not in the book and is the belief that the planet has always been molding evolution like a God. 
I don’t think these individuals and celebrities are intentionally making their art, media, or semantics about me. I think they are being used as a vessel by Gaia. Basically how it would work is Gaia would infiltrate your mind during trance. Like for Taylor it’s stream of consciousness and fiction and (as you will read) for Stamets it was a dream. Then she would give them ideas. The result is a song that sounds like it’s about me because it was influenced by Gaia who directed it toward me. I believe if this is happening to me, it is probably happening to others, but this is my story and my relationship with Gaia.
This post is about how Taylor’s Folklore album is about me from Gaia. I have a long history of thinking Taylor is speaking to me in her music. We have the Taylor Swift response song and post as an example. Taylor is being used as a vessel by Gaia. My argument would be by writing songs about her life Taylor is channeling Gaia and Gaia is using Taylor’s words and influence in conjunction with her (Gaia’s) telepathy to influence individuals. 
Catching Up
As an update from last months CosmicLuve.com Sept 2022 - Hope about Emma Watson, I’m writing this because I finally got Disney Plus and watched Little Big Farm (which I thought related to Emma) and the Folklore documentary on October 18th. Before that I didn’t have enough material or coincidences to make a post. I was gonna wait a day, but I’m publishing this on the 31st to make it October’s entry. Happy Halloween! I did it now because I expect I’ll have another post for Selena’s documentary and Emma’s Pickle Ball coming out in November. 
The only thing I have found I would add to Septembers Hope post was that Emma’s Prada perfume guide was 1:08 which I simply made a tweet about. I pointed out that Emma is following Sentientism, specifically worshiping Gaia (the Earth) through action and behavior. Emma is focused on Part Two of Knhoeing, which is sustainability. 
In other music related news. I love Russ and his song “3:15 Breath” which I rewrote with lyrics about school shootings called “Bleed.” I’m have Young Heat remake the beat and I’m going to publish an original version early 2023. I want to collaborate with Russ and make an even better version. All this inspired me to make a homage track to Russ called “Russ in My Mind.” It took a couple month but Russ’s new song “Bet” could be interpreted (through cosmic luve) as a response to my track. You can see my perspective as an example from the Cosmic Luve July 2022 - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise.
Building off Knhoeing which is the science and educaiton of the planet and atmosphere’s consciousness, I watched Paul stamets on Joe Rogan. To Update the Blue post, Fungi could be Gaia’s brain. Paul figured out mushrooms had anti microbial properties from a waking dream. I wanna fill myself with as much knowledge as possible about a wide arrange of sciences just so I can have the possibility of grasping the natural world and her wonder while trying to synthesis a better solution to problems. 
Taylor & Gaia
In my theory, and from my perspective, I see Taylor’s music as coming from Gaia. But I am an artist with a small but significant fingerprint and can’t help but think that Taylor knows about me and is saying these things while intentionally throwing it off as to not be caught. However, I think it’s much more likely that Taylor uses commonality and relatability in her lyrics so much that they happen to match up with my perspective. I guess only time will tell.
Unlike Folklore, which is what this post is about and why I think it’s to me from Gaia, I don’t think the album Midnights is about me with the exception of Sweet Nothing . “Sweet Nothing” sounds similar to “I Spy” by Kyle. It seems like it’s Gaia saying (like the beginning of I spy starts) that look around, life is good. It’s also from the perspective of Taylor that I never significantly respond to her music and all I wanted was “sweet nothing.” It’s worth mentioning that Swift’s “Lover” album came out on August 23rd, a day before my birthday. 
Folklore Lead Up
In this folklore discussion I focused on strong discernible similarities between my work and the album. I want to show you my train of thought and point out the most poignant similarities. How well it came together and how easy it was to interpret this album from Gaia’s perspective given my theory is surreal. Swift said it was stream of consciousness and based off fictions. She basically let her mind go into semantics which is what I argue access is Gaia through behaviors like trance, or drugs.
It is important to the story to understand I went through a psychotic break in 2017 after making ‘The Chalice Mixtape.’ When I was in the throes of my schizophrenia I went off on Taylor. I would put on an act as characters that were sometimes directed toward her that were probably very disturbing. Folklore is about the retrospect outcome of that experience from Gaia’s perspective through Taylor.  
In 2018 I wrote two treaties including the “Look What You Made Me Do” and “Reputation” treatises where I explained how her art was semantics directed toward me, which has since been deleted. Schizophrenia is a cognitive disorder so I thought the messages were coming from her internally. 
I technically have schizoaffective disorder which is bipolar schizophrenia. So disociative and delusional thoughts with emotional outbursts. I was mad at Taylor for what felt like controlling me. Now that I’m on my medication and had years to think I believe it’s Gaia using Taylor as a vessle. I thought Taylor was doing this to “control my eugenics.” In retrospect this became inductive reasoning because I now think Gaia tries to control everyone’s eugenics and helps mold evolution and she’s like our stuart.
The 1
Now that you have the concept of Taylor’s role in Sentientism I’m going to explain my thoughts on each track and why I think it relates. First off the whole album has an Earthy, forestry image feel. I’m not really willing to be exploited for a record deal. So I’ll probably never be big. I’d rather be rich and anonymous that famous and broke. So I could of been the one. Back when I first got into music I thought I was “the one,” which probably was being talked about at the time because that’s what the name “Kayne” means. And schizophrenics have delusions of grandeur. I have a song were i reference myself as “the one” called “R Money.” Basically, I could of been “the one” but I never pursued my dream to that level due to mental illness and my experience with Gaia.
This brings me to the line “We were something don’t you think so.” I talk about how a computer screen opened up in my mind in my book; which brings nuance to the line “you know the greatest films of all time were never made.” As a message from Gaia, this is the start of the recount of that experience. This will come full circle by the end of the album and my experience with the line “Diggin up the grave another time.”
The “would of been the one” is a double meaning on relationships. I haven’t dated since 2012. “It's another day waking up alone.” I’ve been loving my cosmic luves for a decade, known publicly since 2017 (when I released The Chalice Mixtape). So it’s kinda a very real message from Taylor to me about how “it would of been fun” if I would of been the one.
“I have this dream you're doing cool shit. Having adventures on your own. You meet some woman on the internet and take her home.” These lyrics kinda describe the perspective, situation, and cosmic luve where I meet a girl from my internet blog and take her home after having an adventure.  
Like the bridge asks, the one thing that could be different that would make everything different, would be if I hadn’t survived my 2018 episode, which is what the album seems to be about, and will come full circle by the end of the post. Taylor says the lyrics “I’m doing good I’m on some new shit, I’m saying yes instead of no” applies to the situation “where you’re updating a former lover on what your life is like now and trying to be positive about it.” That’s exactly what this album review feels like in retrospect from my perspective.
The music video is mossy, earthy, with a gritty feel like Gaia. The first, second, and third verses sounds like Gaia talking to me about my episodes with schizophrenia and how we came to know each other. The combination of these things is why I think the message is from Gaia and Taylor is just being used as a vessel. 
Taylor sounds like she is responding to my track “Listen Alice” with the lyrics ‘And when I felt like I was an old cardigan Under someone's bed You put me on and said I was your favorite.” I put out the Chalice mixtape in 2017 when Taylor was being used as a lightning rod for slut shaming. The mixtape was a fantasy about how I met Marcus Lemonis who partnered with me to work with Taylor Swift where I met Emma Watson. In the first track of the mixtape I say “Listen Alice, always knew you were the baddest, some body please give this queen her Chalice.” So it’s like the lyric is a response saying “when no body wanted me, you made me feel special.” I wish that was true.
What makes this association even stronger are the lyrics that come right after from verse 2. “A friend to all is a friend to none” is a Aristotle quote. This could be taken as directed toward me because in one of my video journals I said I would try to contact Scooter Braun. I have since permanently rescinded that offer. But this is how I reference people in my music. I say a line associated with them, and then respond. Which Taylor’s next line is “chase two girls, loose the one” which is basically what “The Chalice Mixtape” is about. 
The Last Great American Dynasty 
This sounds like Gaia is talking about Rebekah Harkness or Betty. If you look at the overall appeal of the album, it’s kind of seems like a narration from Gaia on her perspective and how she has to influence.
This is one of those songs that could very well be about another person that Gaia is trying to communicate with. This could also be about the future, but it’s less likely with the lyrical content. I don’t know if I’m suppose to make anything of this song with the lyrics “you never gave a warning sign.”
My Tears Ricochet 
Hearing Taylor talk about this song and how it’s about knowing someone and then them turning on you, it really reminds me of Gaia’s perspective. I have come to the conclusion that Gaia would have to see humans as dogs, and if she would institute punishment it would be like a human punishing a dog, more or less. Do murderous villians pray to God to? You would have to think, if the planet is conscious, can influence through telepathy, how would she respond to the prayers of a criminal mad man. I was angry in my schizophrenia epside, and this song is kinda like Gaia saying, from Taylor’s perspective, “what if you don’t deserve my help?” Look at how my tears ricochet.
When I take a step back and look at this in reference to Gaia and the Earth, This song is about the sun. It’s a bright ball that reflects light in the center of the “dance floor.” 
Taylor says this song is about how, for example, watching a child throw a tantrum in a grocery store and wonder “I feel you, when did I stop doing that when I’m upset?” So it’s “please picture me before I learned civility.
To me this is another song about my schizophrenic episodes. I was schizophrenic from onset until I consistently got on my medication from 2012 to 2019. I was mentally ill for 7 years. 
August is my birthday month. Taylor describes in the folklore documentary how “there’s some idea that there is some villain girl that takes your man in any situation, is actually a total myth because that’s not the case at all, everyone has feelings and wants to be loved.” I think this song gives a glimps of cosmic luve using Taylor and my situation as an example. 
This song has the sentiments of a real communication. It’s almost as if Taylor was fishing for more music from me but at the time I wasn’t releasing every month yet. I put out “The Chalice Mixtape” in 2017 when Taylor put out Reputation, then I made a bunch of posts about “Look What You Made Me Do” and the “Reputation” album in 2018 that have been deleted. 
Then Taylor releases her album “Lover” on August 23rd 2019. This song seems like a response to how she did that, basically responded in her music and I basically did nothing (which is what I said “sweet nothing” could be about). It’s worth mentioning I always though “You need to calm down” was a message to me from Taylor (and Gaia) to take my medication. It’s also worth mentioning I have a song coming out where I bite Taylor’s style, and is about Taylor, called “Cosmic Luve Brownies” and will drop early next year.
This is me Trying
That sentiment from the last track is consistent with the title of this song. Maybe this is Taylor saying “I responded in August, this is me trying.” Taylor also seems to be recognizing my mental condition from this time as she talks about in the folklore documentary. 
“I’ve been thinking about addiction and I’ve been thinking about people who are either suffering through mental illness or addiction, they have an everyday struggle, no one pats them on the back, but everyday they are fighting… but there are so many days no one gives them credit for that” Jack chimes in and says “it’s like doing your best and it’s not good enough.” “Not driving off the cliff is an act of trying” hits home especially in light of the end of this post.
Illicit Affairs
In the folklore documentary Taylor talks about how the album is not autobiographical or like something you read in a tabloid. Taylor clearly wrote this song about buying and getting addicted to illicit street drugs. But Aagain, this approach is from Gaia’s perspective. From Gaia’s perspective this song is about being in someone’s mind and the chian reaction that influence has on people. 
I often think about how hard it would be to be Gaia and try to communicate. The mentally ill and substance addicted tap into trance to be able to feel her, but they don’t know she exists or mistakes it for a fictional god. This means she probably only has a real connection to the mentally unstable, which she would be trying to help. So there not mentally afflicted, it seems like Gaia would want it to be a one way communication. If you can see that then she “showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else.”
Invisible String
Taylor said she wanted to make the song about Every step you take brings you to your fate guided by this invisible string. My argument would be, what if that invisible string is Gaia? What if Earth’s magnetic field connects us all and the planet is conscious so it guides our cognition through telepetathy in order to influence our behavior. The whole point of cosmic luve is to realize every step you’ve made has lead you to this point.
This is one of the most direct instances of why I think folklore is referencing me via Gaia. When I was 16 I worded at Hungry Howies in Sturgis Michigan which had a TCBY (frozen yogurt) attached. Taylors lyrics pulled me in. “Teal was the color of your shirt When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop You used to work at to make a little money.” The only difference is that the shirts were burgundy like Howies, not teal like TCBY. How would Taylor know that? It’s almost like the album references me and intentionally throws me off “the old dusty trail.”
The second verse also seems to reference a point in my life. “Bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to LA you ate at my favorite spot for dinner.” As you can read in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” I lived in Los Angeles for a year and the first California native place I was introduced to was In-N-Out by my friend Luis who bought me lunch. I was later also introduced to Del Taco by a coworker where I fell in love with their Chicken Tacos.
Mad Woman
From the perspective of Gaia this song seems to be exploring how this situation, of a one way communication and whose influence is conflated with fictitious gods, would drive anyone mad. I don’t know the extent of Gaia’s powers, and I don’t think she would have emotions, it would be more of a logical, parallel thinking consciousness, but as far as I can tell Gaia doesn’t like to be called names, at least that’s how she responds in my head. It makes me think, because no one knows where the planet got it’s name “Earth,” maybe she named herself and commands respect for her own sanity, just like parents teach and want respect from their children.
This song is about Taylor’s grandfather and the atrocities he experienced. Through the perspective of Gaia this gives a deeper example to “Mad Woman” because of the horrible things grandfather experienced he couldn’t even speak of, Gaia is in your mind and knows what you are thinking. If you think of it, in this sense, you’re not alone. The planet witnessed the atrocities, and knows your mental anguish, thoughts, and how it affected you.
In this way, and especially through other vessels Gaia can consol you. It seems the song is called “epiphany” because Gaia communicates through epiphanies. I call what she does “telepathic randonauting” and “points of realization.” She works in your mind in conjunction with the environment for you to have a point of realization, or epiphany. And this is just a reminder she’s with you through everything, the best, and worst times.
I think the realization of Gaia’s conscious influence comes full circle when Taylor is describing this track. She talks about the song and feels like “how did this slide into place? How did this come together?” Taylor is almost literally describing how her environment (i.e. Gaia) affected he life where it felt like everything was crumbling and then after an epiphany she worked on music and everything felt like it was fitting into place. The following paragraph by Taylor from the Folklore documentary really strengthens my argument”
“I often feel with this album, there have been times in my life when things have fallen apart so methodically and I couldn’t control how things were going wrong and nothing I did stopped it. And I felt I had been pushed out of a plane and scratching at the air on the way down. And I felt the universe is just doing it’s thing, it’s just dismantling my life. And this is a weird situation where ever since I started making music with you I’ve felt like that was the universe falling into place perfectly, and theres nothing I could do. One of those weird things that makes you think about life a lot.” 
I think this song ties in the whole album and Gaia’s concept. Taylor says “I love this trilogy, the trinity of Betty, August, and Cardigan.” In my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” I argue the planet, atmosphere, and sun are conscious. Betty brings this trio in where The characters like Betty, James, & unnamed; and Betty, August, and Cardigan, represent Gaia, the sun, and blue; or the sun, Earth and moon representing 108.
From Gaia’s perspective this song is about Global Warming. What if I (Gaia) can’t stop global warming, it’s up to you (humans), and I can never give you peace because I can’t solve your problem. You (Humans) have to do it. “But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade, ocean wave blues come” could be interpreted as a reference to forest fires and ocean acidification in this context. 
From Gaia’s perspective it seem like Hoax is about realizing and appreciating Blue. As I talk about in my book, the atmosphere is alive and we are posioning it. What if we are killing Blue? What if what makes the atmosphere liveable is being destroyed by humans? Gaia wouldn’t be feeling sorry for humans that killed themselves by their own hand, but rather feel sorry for her conscious atmosphere that makes all life on the planet’s surface possible. 
This is where my role in Gaia’s life comes into play. Gaia is basically telling me “no other shade of blue then you,” mean no other kind of life than you, “no other sadness in the world will do” means that our relationship is tumultuous because although humans could be responsible for the destruction of all life on Earth through global warming, there are good people like you fighting to fix it, and we need you. 
The Lakes
The album ends on a track that seems personal. Not because it seems like it’s from Taylor to me, but because it seems like it’s from Gaia. It would have to be, because I have never told anyone this before. From Gaia’s perspective the album is about cosmic luve and how I, and others fit into their existence. In order to realize and conceptualize their influence I went through a schizophrenic episode.
You can read about the 2018 episode extensively in my book “108 The Story of Discoering Earth’s Consciousness” but I had a visual hallucination where a computer screen opened in my mind. It was intense and I wen through a range of emotions. One thing I didn’t want to put in the book was how I thought about committing suicide. I remember thinking about taking enough sleeping pills so I wouldn’t wake up, so it would kill me in my sleep. I was always on an empty stomach, and I have since learned that some sleeping medications on an empty stomach give me cringy anxiety.
I was in a very different mind state at the time where I was much more paranoid and I though the government was the reason for all the coincidences that I talk about now. Back then I couldn’t organize my thoughts, conceptualize what I was experiencing, or had a blog to make a historic reference. It made me think cosmic luve was the government maliciously masquerading hate as love. 
One of the things that made me not take a bunch of pills, besides the cringe, was South Park. They made an episode about how Cartmen was faining  suicide for attention and the song cartmam sang in the show was “ Eric we don’t want you to die Eric give life a try.” 
For sure, they were making fun of Logic’s suicide prevention number song. But in retrospect, it’s like Gaia saw my distress and infiltrated minds to make popular media that would reach me and help make the decision to not hurt myself. It seems Gaia also predicted the future because as the subject of the episode enunciates, this goes even deeper with distracted driving. 
Around this same time I almost got in an accident from distracted driving. It was a snowy winter day and I met my mom every other Sunday for breakfast. Well I was running late and took a different way to save time. The roads hadent been plowed and I forgot their was a jog in the road. Right as I think I’m lost I ask my gps to directions verbally and it comes back with “captain crunch” which immediately upon hearing I slammed on my breaks. 
I turned sideways, missed a tree as I went off road and squeezed between two trees as I accelerated to get back on the road after the jog. Not only I couldn’t believe I wasn’t injured, but I got back on the road. I got out and took pictures. I still think to this day Blue or a higher power saved my life by making me think to “crunch” The brakes immediately. 
That’s why the lakes is about me. Michigan is the land of lakes. It’s surreal. In retrospect I think South Park really helped my subconscious and kept me from attempting suicide. It’s worth mentioning I heard Andy Grammer’s “You Saved My Life” for the first time on October 25. I talk about how South Park saved my life for the first time in my October 23rd Sunday live. 
Thank You for reading.
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party-in-the-front · 5 months
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My new cover for The Egyptian Lover, which will be on a vinyl EP called Circuitry, soon to be pressed!
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arcadebroke · 8 days
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ctkvi · 5 months
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The design shown here is actually the founder of our creative studio @canmking
He was given the opportunity to start his own online radio show with an organisation called LWSTD - FM, which he called "Music ain't a sound, it's a feeling".
The designer in our team was given the tough task of adding finer details for this illustration design. With things such as the chains, watch, rings and clothes!
Additionally, put in a city backdrop followed by two big pillars and speakers all around. Think of a Hi-Fi music system, emphasising CANMKING's love for music.
Let's not forget the music keyboard on the floor, as well as the microphone to the left and a laptop with the Guyanese flag for representation where CANMKING is from.
Took a LOT of rough drafts, but our designer finally got it to a high standard.
Want a custom cartoon illustration design for yourself? 😄
We can do that for you feel free to email or message on our chat messenger bottom right of the official website. 📧
We will be in touch within 24 hours! ⌛
Have a budget in mind 💳💵💷💶
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blogalahezy · 20 days
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