#his ancles are showing
tired-demonspawn · 1 year
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a nightly stroll in the woods :)
a take on @oxblooddraws's feral belos au :) i did say i'd draw it when i got the time
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subformuscularalpha · 5 months
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"Finally you are home. Come here, habibi" Amir met me as I got home after a long day at university.
"I'm tired", I looked at him with a begging look.
"Oh, boy, it's bad. But I think you should have already learnt that my need come first", he looked at me with a serious face. "Get down", he said in a calm but commanding tone.
I threw my backpack on the chair and got down on my knees between Amir's massive thighs.
"That's my obedient boy", he put his naked feet on the table, "Give them a nice massage".
His size 13 feet were huge and covered with some hairs on the upper side and on the toes. I put my hands on one of them and started caressing it.
"Mmm, I love how eager you are to submit to me. You like you place, don't you?"
"I do, my sayyid" I replied looking him into the eyes but without stopping the movements of my hands.
"Good", he smiled and leaned back, while I continued the massage.
I thoughtfully massages each inch of his huge sole and then up to his ancles. It was so humiliating but at the same time it was also a possibility for me to enjoy his body and to show him my respect.
After I repeated the same procedure with his other foot, Amir leaned to me and patted me on the cheek, "Good boy. Now, stand up and strip completely for me”.
I didnas ordered and in a bare moment I was standing naked in front of Amir. Every inch of my soft body was on display for him. All vulnerable and waiting with anticipation of what was about to follow.
“Much better now”, he smirked, “Get here, boy”.
I approached him and climbed on his thighs. With legs spread wide around his waist I sat on his laps, facing him. The head of his growing shaft rubbed through the fabric of his shorts against my exposed hole.
Amir grabbed my head from behind and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. He reached down teasingly trailing his fingers along my torso. His large hands grabbed my butt cheeks and squeezed them. Then his finger pressed against my entrance, sending a stroke of sensation through my body.
I pulled up Amir's t-shirt to get a hold of his warm firm body. I run my fingers over the edges of his hairy abs. Then I slid my hands up to his massive chest. Amir flexed his pecs and then broke our kiss. Just for a moment to pull off his t-shirt and throw it away. Then he got back to kissing me even with more passion.
My petite body was now pressed against Amir's muscular one. His body hair was scratching against my smooth skin. At the same time my master's thick finger was playing with my ass.
I moved my hands up and tried to put them around Amir's broad back. He was too big. My hands couldn't even reach each other around him.
Every part of Amir's body was huge. Even his fingers. They were long and thick. For comparison, his little finger was the size of my middle and even thicker. Each movement of it inside of my ass ignited fire inside of me, making my small dicklet harder. I was close to cum and Amir knew that. He broke the kiss and looked deeply into my eyes, sending an unspoken message of dominance.
"Hold it, boy. You should learn to control your desires", he continued fingering my hole, teasing that spot deep inside of me.
I moaned and bit my lower lip, "I try... but I can't". I pressed myself closer to Amir's firm body and my cock rubbed against his hairy abs. At the same time the thick finger inside of my ass hit that spot again and I lost control over myself. "I'm sorry..." My dicklet throbbed and spilled a few loads of cum on Amir's torso.
Amir just chuckled, "No need to be sorry, habibi. That little accident only shows how much control I have over you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be punished. Right, boy?"
"Yes, Sir", I replied and lowered my head to his abs, already knowing what I have to do. After licking his stomach clean I looked up at him like a dog who brought a stick to his master and is waiting for the next command.
"Good. But you know, it's not all"
I nodded, "I know, Sir. I deserve a real punishment" I lay down on his lap with my ass posed up to him, right in between his thighs.
"I hate to do it because it takes so much time", he gave me a slap, "But you know it's for yours own good, right?" he slapped me again.
"Yes..." I replied.
He continued spanking my ass. His smacks were firm and powerful. They made my whole body flinch. Each slap hurt more than the previous one and they came one directly after another without letting my skin cool down.
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shellshocklove · 28 days
my first wip wednesday
tagged by: @hellishjoel 🥺🫶🏼 this is also my first wip wednesday, so thank you so much for tagging me! <3 i feel like i'm a little on the outside of the pedro fic community, so it's very nice to be included! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
this is from part 3 of joel's brat summer 💚 (brat tamer!joel miller x female!reader) this was the last thing i wrote last night and she's still a pain in his ass lol
Stepping away, he nodded towards the bed, an unspoken order, while his hands found his tie around his neck where he tugged at the knot. You sat at the foot of the bed, knees pressed together, waiting for him to make the first move. The white sheets smelled strongly of detergent, nothing like the faded hints of his cologne mixed with sawdust you’d smelled on his own sheets that first night he’d fucked you.  The tie slipped from his neck and you fell back on your arms, feigning boredom while you let out an audible sigh. It made him laugh. “What’s so funny?” you queried, your brows pulled together in a frown.  A smile leftover from his chuckle coated his lips as he stepped closer, your legs spreading for him to slot between. “Nothin’.”  He threw the tie on the bed beside you, and wrapped a hand tightly around your upper arm, then he tugged.  “Hey!” you said, fighting against his grip as he manhandled you. He turned you roughly, his other hand fingering the zipper of your dress, while the other held you in place. “Be careful with the dress,” you whined. “Stop actin’ like a fuckin’ child,” he muttered, helping you out of your dress.  “A child? Well… that doesn’t bode well for you with what you’re about to do.” That stopped him in his tracks, eyes burning as he let go of you. “Jesus Christ,” he hissed, “you’re fuckin’ unbelievable.” Freed from his grip, a smirk pulled at your lips as you shuffled up the bed. Leaning back on your elbows, you seductivly parted your legs for him, showing him the darkened patch of fabric scarsly covering your cunt. “You keep saying that,” you smiled, saccahrine and sticky like sirup.  “I’ll stop when you finally start behavin’.” His hand wrapped around your ancle, tugging you towards him with a hard jerk, making a giggly squeal escape you.  “Never.”
no pressure tags: @dustydaddyyy @guiltyasdave @perotovar @javier-pena @mrsmando
@cavillscurls @thundermartini @ovaryacted @tonysopranosrobe <3
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So I saw an animation on Twitter with Nari wielding a pair of daggers and I thought: “That’s cool, that’s cool... but what if he had claws tho?”
Y’all can’t tell me that his weapon of choice wouldn’t be gauntlets, I will die on that hill
It was supposed to be a still image at first, but then I could see him move in my head and now this gif exists. Enjoy!
Side note: his cloak was supposed to reach his ancles, but I was (still am) so proud of the leg movement that I made it shorter just so I could show them off.
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yantalia545 · 1 year
Platonic! Yandere Allied nations with a younger sister who went missing
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Since that day you disappeared Britain had been kicking himself over the matter of being such a horrible big brother. He was too distracted at the time with America leaving him, but he still should have kept a better eye on you. You were still only a child. Losing America was already a bruise to his ego, but your disappearance was certainly a blow to it.
For a long time, Britain was certain that America or one of the other nations took you as a means to to get under his skin. He was hostile towards them for a long time because of it and often got into a lot of fights. When he did finally calm down, that’s when the water works showed. 
He was broken without you and America by his side anymore. There were many nights where Britain would wake up with a panic sweat and tears streaming down his face. Some nations that felt pity towards the man, mostly Canada and France,  and would help look for any clues of your whereabouts. As the years rolled by with no sign of you, everyone began to give up. England himself nearly gave up when he finally found you.
He was just milling about his day by the local market when he saw you. You were much older than when you first disappeared and England had to do a second take to make sure and that he wasn’t losing his mind. But when he weakly called out your name and you responded, England dropped everything and b-lined straight to you. He normally would mind what people thought of him but right now that didn’t matter. He couldn’t care less about all the weird stares he was receiving right now. All that mattered was that you were right here in the flesh and not some imaginary trick.
You were obsoletely terrified. You were just trying to remanence in your past by visiting one of the places you used to go with your brothers as a child when you were spotted by the one man you’d never hope to see again.
You see, you may have only been a child, but you still saw all of the horrible things that Britain was doing to you all and wanted to get away from it. Unlike America though, you were too small to fight Britain head-on and chose to slip away while Britain was distracted. 
Remember, you’re not like normal children. You’re a nation who’s lived for many years even as a child. You can understand and process things differently.
You’d awkwardly tired to act like everything was okay while slowing slipping away from him again. You thought you would have gotten away with it too before England grasped you wrist just a little bit too tight.
“Where are you trying to go, Biscuit? Aren’t you happy to see me again? I’ve looked everywhere for you.”
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Russia: (not a child in this one but still younger than Russia)
“You’re going to tell your big brother everything you know and I will handle it.”
Russia isn’t a fool. And he most certainly doesn’t like when people think they can mess with him and his family and not lose a finger or two. The two of you were very close before your disappearance so he knows for a fact that you did not run away. Someone stole you. Stole you from him of all people. They were going to pay.
To say Russia is pissed is an understatement.
Russia wastes no time and knows many people. He will find you eventually, and when he does, he’s going to make sure that the one responsible for your abduction knows who they’re dealing with. Apparently, it is easier to hide when the person who took you is someone who works for Russia. They had intel on what Russia knew but eventually they slipped up trying to cover up some evidence of your whereabouts.
It was quite a scene when Russia found out. He beat the guy pretty harshly and even broke quite a few bones before dragging him by a broken ancle to your whereabouts. Once Russia knew you were safe he made an example out of the vile creature that dared to put their filthy hands on you. Apparently, the disgusting oaf abducted you when they claimed to have feelings for you and you turned them down flat. For that, Russia was going to give him an extra special treatment.
Your abductor will be publicly executed by Russia ripping the man’s heart out with his own bear hands. Not before ripping each distrusting finger that touched you, of course. ^J^ The entire gruesome scene will be globally broadcasted to make it clear that no one is to every mess with you or anyone in Russia’s family ever again.
Russia will also make sure that this can never happen again by never taking his eyes off you. No matter how much you try to fight it you’ll always be within his reach, even at meetings. He never cared about what the others thought of him so seeing the weird looks everyone gives the two of you as he practically hovers over you all the time doesn’t faze him one bit. This is just the things you do when you love your family. If anyone says other wise, then Russia will only assume that they’re planning something and will only hover over you more. Maybe even get his other sisters involved in looking after you too. After all, they want to do what they can to look after their sister too...that and try to calm Russia down from killing everyone...
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Did you really go missing or is that just what China is telling everyone? 
Japan’s rebellion against him really opened his eyes about younger nations. Rather they’re young or old, they still shouldn’t be underestimated. Steps should be taken to make sure everyone is well aware of their place. And your place is with him.
China is a man with the biggest inflated ego known to man. He tends to think he’s above everyone else since he’s much more experienced and wiser than most; His younger siblings especially. Japan attacking him so viciously really tore China apart. Mostly because he didn’t even know what had happened before it was too late. In such a short amount of time, China went from having everything and everything he could ever had wanted under his thumb on minute, then the next, he had nearly gone broke and lost one of his precious territories.
The man is not stupid. He is well aware of the fact that you held a special kind of bond with Japan before he left to the point where he’s become painfully jealous. With Japan leaving, China couldn’t take any chances that you’d seek to run after Japan and leave him, or god forbid, Japan coming back and trying to take you from him.
These few things in mind would cause China to bring up a lot of insecurities that he had been ignoring for quite some time now. He had always desired to be greater being to someone who’d look up to him, and in return, receive his never-ending love and dedication. However, it seems to one way or another no one can ever live up to his expectations. 
But maybe he can force you to.
If being open and honest won’t give him the affections he’s always dreamed about, then maybe if he were more stricter and harsher will do the trick.
Being as sneaky and collaborative as he is, It wouldn’t be too hard to make it look like you had somehow mysteriously disappeared. Even if his resources were severely damaged from the war with Japan. He’d even put on a show in fount of the others and show how much sorrow he feels after loosing you just to throw everyone off. Japan may be able to see a bit more clearly through the lines than everyone else, but there wouldn’t be much he could do since his resources would also be scarce from war.
Once that it established, China will begin on recuperating you to be how he had always wanted you to be without the annoying interruption of others. You are to be respectful of him. He is your dear older bother who loves and provides you from the harsh world. Without him you are lost and vulnerable with means of survival. If you ever think otherwise, China will gladly take one of his gifts away from you and see just how much you need him; Taking away food, water, and time outside being his main sources of punishments. He prides respect above most things in life. With respect comes power. Without it, and you have none
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It was a pretty traumatic experience for the both of you. America just couldn’t comprehend what happened exactly. One minute the both of you were having a little quality sibling time together, then the next you were gone.
He had only wanted to be the best big brother ever by surprising his little sister with giant ice cream cones when you got out of the bathrooms. America swore he only took his eyes off the bathroom entrance when he went to pay for your ice creams but when he waited for more than ten minutes for you to come out, it was already too late.
America wasted no time in beginning his search for you. You’ll be placed on a nation wide search as thousands chip in to look for you. Being as big as he is, America will have access to tons of extra resources that most can’t even imagine; Cameras, secret agencies, even news coverage. There is no limitation to what America will do to find you. He was your big brother. Someone who swore to protect you from all the evil of the world. He just has to find you! 
America is going to be the most heartbroken over you disappearance. Over the years, America had gained a lot of power that many of his peers resented him and even try to undermine him often. He felt as if you were the only one who  gave him the true sense of what family is. 
He will have many sleepless nights. Most nights, he can be found out looking for you under and over any place he can reach. America feels as if he can’t rest until he finds you. 
Many had doubted that he could properly take care of you when he first discovered you. They said he was too arrogant and childish to raise a nation such as yourself. He wanted to prove them wrong; Show them that he was more than a screw-up. Now however, he can’t help but feel as if they were all right all along. If he just stayed by your side and watched over you better then you wouldn’t be missing right now. God only knows what horrible things could be happening to you. Are you cold? Hungry or scared? This fear is eating away at America more and more with each passing day.
The day he hears that you’ve been found, America drops whatever he’s doing and races to your location. He doesn’t care if he was right in the middle of a world meeting. America will race to the nearest airport and fly over to you.
It doesn’t matter what happened. The person who caused this horrible nightmare was going to pay. Of course, America does care to keep a positive image for his people, unlike Russia, but will still get the message across that no one is to mess with either of you.
Your story will displayed for all of the world to see. It’ll be all anyone can talk about for at least a month! Everyone will know of your abductor and of your daring brother who searched day and night to look for you. Your kidnapper will be sentence to life in prison to the public, but once the camera to their cell “malfunctions”, America will let loose on the bastard for all the pain and frustration they caused him.
On the more positive side of things, your story will bring attention to a serious issue of children going missing world wide. No nation will rest until America instills his new missing children’s project into their very way of life. Not they the others would have much to abject by. Who wouldn’t want to better their nation by creating a safe search system for missing children? And if this is what it takes to finally calm America down, then so be it. Although, don’t hold it against him for making a specific program just for you that not a lot know about. (o゜▽゜)o☆
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Another mess, but partially at fault here. 
You see, France never wanted to you to be scared of the world. He knew that he wasn’t raising an ordinary human and you would need to be adjusted to meeting new things constantly without being afraid. Without realizing it though before it was too late, France’s sugarcoating made you a bit too naïve of the world; Even for a young child such as yourself.
You blindly followed an elder lady home one day after school without ever feeling a sense of danger. You didn’t even think much about when the old woman called France your father, not brother. (no matter how much he pushed for you to call him father, but besides the point T^T). She told you she was filling in for him for the time being and that was that. 
Meanwhile France was losing his flipping marbles looking for you. The man couldn’t function again until you were by his side again. You were his darling little princess, and he, your darling knight who would show you all that the world had to offer. There’s no way he can go on in life without you in this life! You were his life!
Please note: While the others may have turned yandere from all the trauma and paranoia your disappearance caused, France was already starting to show signs of obsessiveness before this whole mess happened. He would spend any free time he had spoiling you and on the rare occasions he couldn’t be with you, France would bring you up in any conversation he could; Much to everyone’s annoyance. 
Despite France wanting to raise you to not be afraid of the world, France still kept the others from seeing you. Even from England and Canada. He was just so fearful of someone else seeing how amazing you are and luring you away from him. France saw it happen to so many other nations nations when they were younger, there’s no way he’s letting that happen to you!
On the day that France does finally find you, all hell breaks loose. When France catches wind of old lady keeping a strange little girl from apparently nowhere, he quickly springs into action. France demands that the person spreading the rumor tells him everything they know before speeding off to wherever this alleged old lady is. 
Turns out that the old woman who took you had a granddaughter that looked just like you who passed away recently. The lady is a bit old, and therefore a little mentally unwell, and mistook you as her missing granddaughter by mistake. Thankfully, you were never hurt or mistreated. France found tucked away in a well decorated room while she was away for the time being. 
France couldn’t care about the senile old woman. All that mattered was that you were unharmed and safe in his arms once again. He was crying tears of joy and forgot all about that woman as he left her torn up home. You were back with him again and France was sure he would do whatever it took to make sure no one can take you away from him ever again.
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He knows for a fact that you didn’t die like everyone claims you did. You were at war with Russia and now he’s being coy by occupying your country and pronouncing you dead. 
Things are complicated to say the least. Canada didn’t know if he hates America or Russia more at the moment. America was the one who pressured you to fight Russia in the first place. All because of some petty disagreements that they have to somehow drag everyone else into. It’s all America’s fault and it seems like he doesn’t even care. Wouldn’t he at least feel some remorse for dragging his own sister into his own mess? As your brother, America should have known that you’re not as powerful as you used to be. 
You’ve always been the big sister that constantly went out of your way to protect your brothers. You’d lie to England and France so that you could take the blame for something either him or America did, supported each of them through their own independent movements, heck, you even supported them now! You’d give them the clothes on your back if it meant protecting the two of them. It most certainly led you the situation you’re in now, but that was always something Canada looked up to.
He wants to be like you and burst through the doors to save you but he knows he doesn’t have the man power or resources to do so. Even America was having a hard time keeping up against the man for that matter. But that doesn’t mean Canada is just going to sit around and do nothing. 
Canada is expectantly good at spying. (Mostly because no one ever notices him). He’ll suck up his hatred for America for the time being and chip away at Russia’s morale in any way he can. This has nothing to do with his brother. Canada only cares about bringing you back home again. He doesn’t care who he has to step over along the way. Not even America.
Once Russia does finally fall and you come back home, Canada is going to keep a tight hold on you. He’ll help your economy heal while keeping you far away from anyone that can influence you ever again. If you try to leave, then Canada will play the pity card and weep about how much the war effected him and how he’s scared of loosing you again. 
If that still doesn’t work and you still want to leave then Canada will be forced to pull his own strings. He didn’t want to do this to you, but push is coming to shove. He’s not someone to underestimate. Canada is not just a shy little boy that everyone thinks he is. Just like America, he can be a forced to be reckoned with and will pull any means to keep you with him.
You’re not as strong as you used to be. The war against Russia really shows. He needs to take the step up as your brother and protect you. you’ve spent so many years doing the same for him. Canada only wants to repay the favor. So just let him, okay? Or he can always make another example out of you.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Ok but what if mc ends up having one of those huge baby bellies. Imagine how much she’d have to waddle around and how shed just pout if she drops anything cause now she can’t reach it. And the minute she pouts she has all the alphas leaning down to pick it up for her cause god forbid their pup lift even a finger while she’s working so hard at creating their pup. Them going to the beach and digging out a little hole for her belly cause she’s been complaining she can’t sleep on her belly anymore. Them always having her favourite ice cream in the freezer in case she craves it. Yoongi massaging her ankles when they get sore from all the new weight. Namjoon rubbing body oil on her belly to ease the stretch marks while babbling about the baby. Jin giving in to all her cravings because as much as he wants to keep her healthy he just can’t say no to her cute little pout and waddle and cause he is just so happy she’s actually asking for food without thinking about calories. Hobi drying flowers to make into belly masks for her to use on spa nights. Jimin getting her the most comfy shoes and pregnancy pillows and also wanting to subtly (he’s not as subtle as he thinks) lay his hand in her belly and trace little pattens. Tae learning how to braid hair specifically so she can braid MCs hair so that it stays out of her face when she’s having a hot flush or morning sickness, and making sure to have to softest, gentlest makeup wipes for her face. Jk insisting on also getting a pregnancy pillow cause he wants to match her, him growling at the alphas when he can sense she needs space but feels to shy to say so. Them (particularly Namjoon) being so nervous about sex cause now there’s more of mc to accidentally hurt, but they still never say no when she asks cause she’s their little princess and how can they say no when she’s being such a good pup growing their baby. Noodle realising she’s pregnant before anyone else and sleeping on her belly every night until the pup is born. All of them freaking out everytime she gets a fake contraction even when she assures them it’s not time yet. Them freaking out even more when it really is time. Namjoon making them all take prenatal lessons at the hospital so that they are all 100% prepared to do everything for the pup. Them doing a huge maternity photoshoot. Pregnant mc and the pack turning into absolutely love sick puppies for her 🥺☺️ and like the absolute body worship they would give her during sex cause they never imagined just HOW beautiful she’d be while big and pregnant with their pup. (I may have a tiny breeding/pregnancy kink, can you tell?/ hj)
Oh my god this fucking ask~~~ honestly me too like what is it about the idea of being babied and fussed over to this extent. Pregnant bily m/c is something that I think about often especially how cut up the pack would get just when she announced it 🥺 Namjoon and Yoongi in particular are going to be wet lumps for days afterwords ESPECIALLY yoon,
god just imagine him touching her tummy absolutely bawling- unable to sleep just holding her and looking at her with disbelief in his eyes- and Namjoon staying up late just to keep watch over her cuzs shes his pup and she’s carrying their pup and just- ah- he’s gonna burst into tears at random moments, maybe when he just sees her doing her own thing and realizes she’s starting to show a little bit <3 she’d even probably start calling him something cute like “my big soggy alpha” cuz he cries all the time <3
On the subject of a big pregnancy belly just imagine if she couldn’t bend over to tie her does and Hobi bent down to do them for her, they’d fuss over her so much when going out of the house I’m talking zipping up her jacket for her because she can’t see the bottom- even taking her shoes off in the car because her ancles get so swollen <3
Oh my god though can you imagine how much angst morning sickness would bring like- Jin and Jungkook would just about be nesting on the bathroom floor to keep her comfortable. With jiminie and Namjoon staying so so close because their alphas are just about ready to pick her up and take her to the hospital.
Jin would definitely get her on a diet of jk’s special protein shakes  full of electrolytes just to keep her body upto correct weight- so so nervous expecially if she actually lost weight in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Maybe they figure out one of the only ways that she keeps the food down is if she can’t smell the food and only can smell Yoongi’s scent which leads to a lot of sitting in the betas lap and keeping him close when she feels nauseous <3
On the subject of pregnancy sex…how bratty do you think the m/c would need to be to actually get fucked because I have a feeling that the whole pack would be like “nope our baby is too fragile to take a knot right now 🥰” meanwhile the m/c might have gotten a little addicted to Namjoon’s knot and now can’t go a week without it 🥺 he’d have to give it to her so gentle.
maybe he’d even get a little bit over protective and not let the pack touch her while knotted because his instincts make him go a little feral- I’m talking not even Jin’s muzzle would work on him. Also what if she complained about being too heavy but Namjoon sorta just picked her up and fucked her back down onto his cock anyways 🥰
Thank you for sending me this ask now I’m gonna nap thinking about how cute she’d be all pupped <3
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Byron and Shelley chronicle their 1816 sailing trip in Lake Geneva — Days 6/7, June 28th/29th — preview: they get stuck in Ouchy due to the rain, go sightseeing in Lausanne, and visit Edward Gibbon’s former home.
Percy Shelley, History of a Six Weeks' Tour:
“The rain detained us two days at Ouchy. We however visited Lausanne, and saw Gibbon's house. We were shewn the decayed summer-house where he finished his History, and the old acacias on the terrace, from which he saw Mont Blanc, after having written the last sentence. There is something grand and even touching in the regret which he expresses at the completion of his task. It was conceived amid the ruins of the Capitol. The sudden departure of his cherished and accustomed toil must have left him, like the death of a dear friend, sad and solitary.
My companion gathered some acacia leaves to preserve in remembrance of him. I refrained from doing so, fearing to outrage the greater and more sacred name of Rousseau; the contemplation of whose imperishable creations had left no vacancy in my heart for mortal things. Gibbon had a cold and unimpassioned spirit. I never felt more inclination to rail at the prejudices which cling to such a thing, than now that Julie and Clarens, Lausanne and the Roman Empire, compelled me to a contrast between Rousseau and Gibbon.
When we returned, in the only interval of sunshine during the day, I walked on the pier which the lake was lashing with its waves. A rainbow spanned the lake, or rather rested one extremity of its arch upon the water, and the other at the foot of the mountains of Savoy. Some white houses, I know not if they were those of Mellerie, shone through the yellow fire.”
Byron in a letter to John Murray:
“Ouchy, near Lausanne, June 27th, 1816.
Dear Sir
I am thus far kept by stress of weather on my way back to Diodati near Geneva from a voyage in my boat round the lake - & I enclose you a sprig of Gibbon's Acacia & some rose leaves from his garden - which part of his house I have just seen - you will find honourable mention in his life made of this ‘Acacia’ when he walked out on the night of concluding his history. - The garden - & summerhouse where he composed are neglected - & the last utterly decayed - but they still show it as his ‘Cabinet’ & seem perfectly aware of his memory. - My route - through Flanders - & by the Rhine to Switzerland was all I expected & more. - -
I have traversed all Rousseau's ground - with the Heloise before me - & am struck to a degree with the force & accuracy of his descriptions - & the beauty of their reality: - Meillerie - Clarens - & Vevey - & the Chateau de Chillon are places of which I shall say little - because all I could say must fall short of the impressions they stamp.
Three days ago - we were most nearly wrecked in a Squall off Meillerie - & driven to shore — I ran no risk being so near the rocks and a good swimmer - but our party were wet - & incommoded a good deal: - the wind was strong enough to blow down some trees as we found at landing - however all is righted & right - & we are thus far on return.
Dr. Polidori is not here - - but at Diodati - left behind in hospital with a sprained ancle acquired in tumbling from a wall - he can't jump.* ——“
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*This is a reference to the instance where Byron (probably jokingly) suggested that Polidori should jump off a balcony in the rain to impress Mary Shelley. When Polidori actually did it, Byron was shocked and helped him inside to prop him up with a pillow. Polidori was then furious with him. See: Mary Shelley’s contributions concerning the Villa Diodati in Thomas Moore’s Life of Byron
UPDATE: I took my dates from Shelley, but his dates must have been confused and Byron's must be more accurate. Because I'd been confused by Byron's dates in the past, since he often wrote past midnight (thus often referring his prior day as "today"), I had assumed Shelley was more trustworthy. According to Shelley and His Circle vol. 4 pp. 700-701, they left on June 22nd which was a Saturday, and so I believe each day of their trip would be one earlier than I and Shelley stated in these posts.
Taken from Shelley and His Circle:
June 22, Saturday: Sailed from Montalègre, slept at Nernier.
June 23, Sunday: Sailed from Nernier, slept at Evian.
June 24, Monday: Sailed from Evian, encountered storm off Meillerie, slept at St. Gingolph.
June 25, Tuesday: Sailed from St. Gingolph, saw the mouths of the Rhone, visited Chillon Castle, landed at Clarens, visited bosquet de Julie, slept at Mme. Pauly's house (Place Gambetta) at Clarens.
June 26, Wednesday: Visited Le Châtelard, and the bosquet de Julie, sailed from Clarens, visited Vevey, slept at the Hotel de l'Ancre at Ouchy.
June 27, Thursday: Visited Gibbon's house at Lausanne, slept at Ouchy.
June 28, Friday: Remained at Ouchy.
June 29, Saturday: Sailed from Ouchy, slept at [?Rolle].
June 30, Sunday: Sailed from [?Rolle], arrived at Montalègre."
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richardsletters · 2 years
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"Hi sent you a letter not too long ago. Hope you recieved it by now. My best to you Terrence and rest of your family. Ever go on spontaneous trips? What do you think of sex scenes in movies? Do you like the company of swingers... people who are uninhibited and free about sex? some poses Id like to see you in pictures would be touching your ancles bent over wear see through skirt no panties. Also on elbows and knees with back of your feet showing toes curied nails painted red look back at camera. Another would be on bed face up or sitting on chair knees to shoulders bare feet and in some fingers near your pussy. Thank you. Oh - wear bikini thong or lingerie. in a book by Regina Lynn author of Sexier Sex it says if sex in pubic places sounds too risky try backyards. Have you ever been paddled? When you go shopping what do you like to shop for? Do you dislike using the bathroom with others? Love you lots <3 Write soon. 
"Drawing and Fantasy story enclosed. tell me what you think of drawing"
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giurochedadomani · 2 years
Guys. Some thoughts as I try to avoid studying for my German exam.
How about an old guard au? Kind of an au. I was thinking about the old guard kind of au.
Let's picture Billy, who hasn't ever paid much attention to his inhuman healing capacity except for mourning the fact that it constitutes another bar to the cell in which his dad keeps him: how is he going to talk about the abuse if he doesn't have bruises to show for it? And also Billy with a very disconnecting feeling between his perfect body and his mind, which remembers where every single one of his scars should be.
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It all builds up to Billy convulsing in Max arms and gulping for breath after getting "killed" by the Mindflayer (which Max hides like a pro, of course).
Enter Eddie, who suspects Billy's inmortal like him because of all the rumors surrounding him after he "survived the fire at the mall", but hasn't seen actual proof. There have been fleeting moments, like how Billy is way too distracted attempting to hide that he doesn't have bruises after defending Eddie from some bullies that he doesn't notice at all that Eddie is walking normally after sprawning his ancle in the scuffle. But no proof.
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And you know what, Eddie would much rather test Billy's healing capacity in bed with a bit of a sexy, kinky play, not with Billy DYING in front of him. So he does some sacrificial stunt to pull him from danger in the upside down. And so we have our heartbreaking moment of Billy cradling Eddie's body and telling him to wake up, like Max did with him, and Eddie convulsing and gulping for breath, like Billy did.
Eddie and Wayne are not related by blood. They're both inmortal, and Eddie bullshited the uncle explanation at some point in the 50s to explain why they travel together.
And in order to avoid this turning way too much like twilight re: if you were inmortal why the fuck would you spend a single moment in high school, perhaps it happens like in the old guard and Eddie and Wayne have been getting visions of the new inmortal, but they're vague as fuck.
(Eddie thinks that us laws are bullshit for many reasons, one of them being how tattooing is prohibited in Indiana while he got his tats at some point in 1850s in some shady London shop before getting killed for the first time)
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erigold13261 · 10 months
Some thoughts on the Family Tree Saga (I adore these):
To Celine, Joey and Gigi's Parent 1: What. The. Fuck./lh (Seriously, what was the inspo to make these three half siblings?/genq)
I wonder how Nova feels about their older sibling. Did they ever ask Nuru and Sarabi?
Uhh what happened to Tila's family tree? Where are her grandparents? Ancles?
Holy shit Noa are you okay????/lh
Hmm... if Miles has baby sister Billie, would he want to go to a college/uni in Vinyl City?
I like the idea that Maize (Ham's aunt) goes by Corn or Cereal in day to day life (That is why Ham calls herself Ham, food connections)
Have a feeling that that tree is Satoru's "official" family tree, bc I imagine the AMAB folk of blues family having non official concubines to have more children (so Satoru may have a bunch of half siblings or relatives who are not included in this tree)
Not to be nitpicky but I think the comics say that Shoko's powers are rare, and (I think) only Shoko can perform healing on other people as of now (Though I do like that its parents kept on trying for girls until they had a healer that can heal others too, only for that one to go rogue)
-Celin/Joey/Gigi: It's either a poly relationship with their mom being the center, or a singular parent was just a whore/jiggalo lol
The inspo actually comes from my own family. My nana had 4 kids, only 2 are full siblings, then my mom had 3 kids and only me and my brother are full siblings. That's probably the main reason I love the relationship of half siblings so much lol
-Nova: He most likely knows by now. Honestly he probably knew as a kid because his parents spoiled him rotten because they were just so happy to still have a child.
-Tila: Okay, my bad, I forgot about the grandparents in Tila's family tree lol. But both her parents were only kids, so no auncles. Grandparents aren't really in the picture so that's the main reason I forgot them (might change her tree honestly. I kinda blanked out when making hers tbh).
-Noa: No. No he's not. He got an extreme version of parentification and that was the major driving force for him to join Ex-Jay as a way to gain any sort of freedom (though his upbringing did kinda make him the mom friend of the group)
-Miles: Possibly not, but I think by the time he gets to college his sister will be about 3 years old (maybe 2) if he doesn't take a break from school to do so. I think at that point he'd be a bit more okay leaving to be with Gwen at school since Billie could go to daycare and stuff at that point (he'd be hesitant to, but his mom would want him to get the best education and music/art degree he can if that is truly what he wants to do with his life)
-Ham: Hey you saw my food joke/pun thing! Benny is also one! (Eggs Benny is another way to say Eggs Benedict lol). Love the idea that they will tell Maize to stop being corny or for Ham to stop hamming it up, just food puns like that as a cute close family!
-Satoru: Oh yeah, I can see that. Though if I thought of that I would have made it look like they had concubines/side pieces because I didn't even think of what an "official" family tree would look like. Like an official one from Neon J or Tatiana would probably look different from what I gave as the REAL one, but we can totally have this version of Satoru's as the "official" one the fam shows off.
-Shoko: See, I didn't know that! That is good information to know. But that also goes into the idea of "rare" as in the world, or "rare" as in anyone? Because in the world, possibly ONLY Shoko's family has that specific kind of healing power, which means it is still a rare power. But if you mean rare as in for anyone to have, then most likely Shoko is the only (or one of the only) people with that specific healing power (while other users are not related to it at all).
So personally I like the idea of a family power (similar to Eve and Pav), but we can always have it so that Shoko's family can only heal plant elementals or something like that. Perhaps only people connected by blood (so only family members) and Shoko is the only one to be able to heal outside of the family.
Definitely want to keep the idea that afab people in this family have more power than amab people, because I just like that idea for this family for some reason. Whatever the reasoning is (whether it's powers or something else), I think I'm keeping the family tree as is.
OH! Maybe it's like a power that skips generations! Shoko's parents knew their kids were most likely supposed to have this amazing and absolutely OP healing power. But each new kid just failed to produce it (even though they were girls which this power is more likely to show up in) so they kept trying (making SURE they were giving birth to a girl) until they got Shoko (and then, like you said, it defected from the family and "ruined" everything)
I actually like that version quite a bit! Gives a reason as to why the Auncle with no kid and no marriage was disowned since they weren't "participating" in keeping that generations healer alive.
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tooxldtorememxer · 1 year
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@iomadachd wrote: "I'm putting you on my to-do list." - Dew @ Papa, because Dew loves nothing more than trying to fluster his Papa for fun.
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“I’m sorry wha - ow!” he should have known something would be coming. There hedn’t been anything crude coming from the ghoul for some time but his timing was poor. Or perhaps lucky for him that Copia was actually on the last step of the stairs and not at the top when he tripped down the last one and hitting the wall instead of falling flat on his face with a twisted ancle when he’d whipped his head around to look at him. “Fuck.” he grimaced and rubbed his shoulder and rotated his foot to make sure it still worked and didn’t hurt too much.
“Also what the fuck, man?” his mismatched narrowed eyes darted to Dew, but there was no real heat behind them, that was rather on his cheeks. “I’m on no list and you’re a dick,” he stood up straight again and straightened his jacket. That showed him!
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ectospazm · 2 years
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I posted 3,018 times in 2022
That's 948 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (1%)
2,985 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 558 of my posts in 2022
#iconic - 133 posts
#twilight - 75 posts
#tw supernatural - 59 posts
#catboy - 53 posts
#c - 39 posts
#heatwaves - 35 posts
#heat waves - 34 posts
#9/11 - 19 posts
#mcyt - 19 posts
#made me lol and rofl - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also some of y’all didnt have your phone fully charged at the start of a stream only for thirty mins later it would be at 10% and it shows
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My creepy man
2 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
One time i had opened a bag of Maltesers and could not finish them, so i rolled up the bag and put it in my closet for later. I ate them 2 weeks later which is normally fine, but i had an ant problem at the time so it was so not fine, because unbeknownst to me there were HUNDREDS of ants in my multisurs. I took a bite of one and was like “thats fukin weird why is this one got no chalk in it :(“ so i looked inside of it and there were like 75 ANTS IN THE HALF ATEN ONE WHO HAD ATEN OUT ALL OF THE CHALK OUT OF THE FOOD AND J HAD ATE SO MANY ANTS :(:(:( so yea i dont eat Maltesers anymore
2 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
You smell like bumhole
3 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I want to mass reblog the most cringe content on this site to see which of my mutuals is the weakest link and unfollows me first.
4 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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And whats the deal about the omegaverse, huh??? My buddy George slipped into heat the other day, guys leakin’ slick like a water fountain!! Seriously, the guy could fill a bucket, to the top i tell ya. He’s turned our flat into a slip n’ slide with all the slick coating the floor, i gotta wear suction cups on my shoes to avoid fallin’ over! And Don’t even get me STARTED on the whole presenting business. We were eating dinner the other day, i looked up from my meatloaf and the guy was on all fours on the table top with his pants down to his bloody ancles, ass end in the air like he was trying to get it better reception!!! Im just tryin’ to eat my freakin’ dinner!!!! The only knot im givin’ ya is the one i tie around your neck on a rope attached to a pole i mean cooome ooooooon, am i right!?!?!?
125 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ow-anteater · 3 years
Thinking about how a lot of my headcanons follow … a theme
Gabriel Reyes listens to somber country/folk, and it perpetually surprises people when they find out. He rarely tells them about this blonde soldier, who had a seemingly endless library of the stuff saved on his phone back in SEP
Reinhardt calls Brigitte ‘libeling’ about as often as he calls her ‘mija’ or ‘habibti’ or ‘elskling’
A certain cowboy cleans his gun with the same mechanical precision as Ana - it’s a necessity and they all know she’s found all the tricks. That doesn’t mean there’s a practical explanation for how he takes the most care around the crescent moon etched into the barrel
Genji sits with his ancles crossed and both elbows on the table like Gabe used to do at Blackwatch meetings
Just … so many of these;
Angela still uses the hair gel Lena borrowed her a tub of once, Winston hasn’t changed his technique on both cups of cocoa and snowballs since Mei showed him how she makes hers, Jack still follows the Swedish soccer team Torb likes the best, Ana dots her i’s with open circles like Lena did in her notes, even Moira hums Hasselhof while perusing her lab
They touched each other in ways great and small all of them and I am forever hung up on how that still, to this day, might echo loud
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cloudlessly-light · 2 years
can you write something about hotch being tipsy and when he is tipsy he is horny so he keeps touching emily's thigh and as soon as they arrive home they have sex?
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut, oral (barely), rough, mentions of alcohol
They’re out to dinner, the entire team seated around a table and enjoying the much-needed night off. It was one of those nights that they so rarely got but definitely deserved, a night of laughs and stories with good food and wine. It was the latter that was making Aaron relax into his chair, the lazy smile not leaving his face, showing a side of himself that they so rarely got to see. All of them except for Emily of course, his beautiful fiancé sitting beside him wearing one of his favorite dresses and laughing at something Penelope said.
He rested his hand on her leg, finds the high slit on her dress and strokes her bare thigh. When she glances at him with a slightly arched eyebrow he knows that she sees the glint in his eye, which is probably why she pushes his warm hand from her leg, she knows how handsy he could get when drinking. It doesn’t deter him though, quite the opposite and his hand find its way back to her soft skin, strokes his thumb over her thigh and feels the goosebumps that erupts on her skin in response.
She removes his hand again but leans into his side, her own hand squeezing his knee warningly but he doesn’t care. She was the sexiest woman he’s ever seen and he couldn’t help himself when his hand sneaked under her dress again, this time brushing along her panties.
“Babe.” She whispers quietly against his ear, keeping the conversation as quiet as possible.
“What?” He nuzzles her ear and kisses her temple. “I can’t help it if my fiancé is too sexy for her own damn good.”
Emily laughs but in the end relaxes against him and lets him continue to rub her thigh, enjoys the heat of his palm against her skin as he teases her with his touch. She feels the arousal deepen the later it gets, it also doesn’t help that the wine makes him more brazen, and every now and then he would brush against her center, run a finger against the silk of her panties and nudge her clit.
When they finally pay the bill, Emily’s cheeks are flushes and she can see the way her fiancés jaw clenches as he struggles to control his urges, feels his fingers dig deeper into her skin. They rush through goodbyes and gets into a cab only minutes later.
“Remind me to cut you off next time.” She teases just before his lips finds hers.
“But where would the fun in that be?” He teases right back as he pulls her closer, not caring that they were probably giving the driver a show as they make out like teenagers.
Emily barely has the time to get her coat off before he’s on her, pushing her against the door as he grinds his hardness against her hip.
“I want you naked. Right now.” He mumbles against her lips as his hand finds the zipper of her dress and drags it down hard enough that she thinks he rips it. Not that she cares, not when he’s staring at her like that, like she’s the only woman in the world. The dress pools at her feet, leaves her in black underwear and heels and Aaron growls at the sight of her. He removes his shirt and unbuttons his pants before picking her up and carrying her through their apartment, not stopping until he’s throwing her on the bed and chuckles at the squeal she can’t keep down.
“Come here.” He pulls her by the ancle until she’s on the edge of the bed, removes her panties as she unclasps her bra before she surges up and drags him down into another kiss. She pushes her tongue into his mouth as he pulls his boxers off, neither caring about her shoes as she lays back.
Emily whimpers as he spreads her legs, uses her flexibility as he presses her thighs wide apart and watches her wet center. He sees how she clenches under his gaze, the lips wet and shiny and he can’t help but to lick through her. He presses the flat of his tongue against her before dipping it inside of her, groans at the taste of her and smirks as she moans his name breathlessly.
“Baby, I need you.” She tugs on his short hair, gets her wish when he stands up and fills her with one rough push.
He doesn’t give her time to adjust and immediately starts thrusting against her, growls lowly at the feeling of her heat around him as her head falls back with a loud moan. He watches the way she splits open for him, how his shaft disappears into her body over and over and he feels his need for her overwhelm him.
Emily feels her whole body move from the force of his thrusts, moans and whimpers of pleasure keeping him going as she lets him use her body, lets him bring them both the pleasure they’ve been craving all night. She wont last long, knows that he wont either as he suddenly let’s go of her thighs and moves to hover above her.
“Em,” He kisses her before sucking her bottom lip between his teeth, moves his lips from hers to her collarbone and she wraps her arms around him as her body starts to shudder against him. “that’s it baby, you feel so good around me.” He urges her on as she clenches harder around him.
She comes moaning his name as her body somehow shakes and tenses at the same time, the pleasure washing over her in powerful waves. Aaron keeps fucking her through it, chases his own release as she comes apart for him. When he comes it’s hard and loud as he groans against her skin, marks her by biting down on her shoulder to muffle his sounds.
“You and wine, it’s a dangerous combination.” She grins against his chest after they’ve showered and climbed back into bed, sated and happy.
“Just be happy I didn’t fuck you right there in the restaurant.” He deadpans and she laughs loudly.
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samanthahirr · 2 years
Has someone already asked for the Broken Ancle fic? 👀
Thanks for the ask, anon!
The Broken Ankle Fic WIP is my contribution for the 2022 @00qreversebang, scheduled to post in November 2022. I claimed the most adorable art for this challenge, depicting Q in a leg cast with James Bond taking care of him. 
Here’s a teaser summary for the fic: After Q is injured in an accident, he’s forced to take mandatory time-off at home to recover. To Q’s surprise, James Bond volunteers to be Q’s live-in helper for the first week. But their time together will test James’s acting skills and his resolve; can James conceal his deep feelings for Q, or will Q catch on to James’s pining?
And here’s a snippet from the first scene:
James smiles politely and doesn’t think about the way the rubber is pre-warmed by Q’s skin as he settles the goggles in position. His vision is replaced with a single camera view from the MIED. He feels Q take his hands and guide his fingers to the directional controls. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t made a suggestive comment about my joystick yet,” Q says, voice low in James’s ear.
Four months ago, James would have already voiced every filthy double-entendre that crossed his mind. He’s long made a habit of flirting with the support staff, and Q in particular seemed to find his innuendos amusing, often answering with teasing rejoinders that coaxed chuckles out of James.
“If your joystick isn’t getting enough attention, I’m sure you have minions eager to help you with it,” James says. “I’m devoting myself wholly to learning your new tech.”
Q hums. “Perhaps my threats to garnish your wages are finally paying off.”
“Perhaps,” James says. 
He guides the MIED into a gentle lift and rotation, so the headset displays Q leaning against the table next to him, Q’s arms folded, and a delicious smirk on his lips…but his body isn’t curving closer, and he isn’t looking at James’s body with lust. He shows none of the come-hither signs James longs for and dreads in equal measure.
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tgammsideblog · 3 years
Possible hints about Scratch’s backstory masterpost
So, people who have been following for a while now know that i like to speculate about Scratch’s life as a human. In the series it has already been established that ghosts used to be humans their past life. Ghosts are also capable of remembering how their human past was like such as it is the case with Ezekiel TugBottom or Abraham Lincoln(The Monumental Disaster and Not so Honest Abe)
Although we know some ghosts’ past, Scratch’s human life is the least we know about. And while there hasn’t been a chance to be explored properly yet there has been some hints about it in the episodes that have aired now until this date
In this post i'm going to bring up most of the things i consider hints to Scratch's past including some aspects of his own personality that may tell how his human life was like.
1) Scratch's little house sailor/ marine decoration
I already brought up in other previous post that Scratch has sailor-marine themed decoration in his little house.
In "First Day Frights" there is a image of him as a sailor in the bathroom, in his bedroom there is sailor hat, a pillow with a ancle pattern and a photo of a lighthouse (All Systems Down No). He also does a marine like salute in "Momma's Gotta Hustle".
It's strange how Scratch has all these sailor related things around his home despite he barely talks about them. The fact that this isn't difficult to pick up indicates that it has something to do with his past life.
It could be that: A) Scratch worked in the marine for years before he retired, a job he clearly enjoyed because he decorates his own space with anything that reminds him of being a sailor, or B) He wanted to be in the marine but for some reason he wasn't able to get a job in that area.
2) Scratch’s family
Someone asked me in the past what do i think Scratch’s life was like before passed away. I answered by saying that Scratch probably didn’t have the best family growing up given how he has issues expressing his emotions, rejects and pushes away people who want to be his friend even when he has shown multiple times that he wants to make connections in the series (Not so Honest Abe-The Curse-All systems Down No).
In ¨Getting the Bandshell Back Together¨ when asked about his last name by Sharon at the start of the episode he avoids answering the actual question and tells her that ¨He is one name icon¨. This is closest that Scratch has ever talked about his family in the show until now. Scratch not wanting to bring up his last name says a lot of what his relationship with his family was like when he was still a human.
One could argue that Scratch isn’t capable of remembering because he lost his human memories for some reason. However, ghost characters that were hinted to have been dead way longer than Scratch retain their memories of their human lives such it is the case of Abraham Lincoln (Not So Honest Abe), The Tugbottom slibings (Monumental Disaster) and Holliw Harriet (Holliw’ Harriet episode). 
Unless Scratch had an accident that made him erase his memories, the main reason why he doesn’t want to talk about his family it is because it doesn’t bring him pleasant thoughts. It reminds him hard times he would rather forget and bury inside his mind than discuss about it.
One of my theories is that this aspect is what made motivate him to work as a marine since it involves working in the sea for long periods of time without being able to visit one’s family, something that Scratch would have liked from the job if he was trying to get away from his home enviroment.
3) Scratch does know very little about Brighton
I don’t know if someone else has been able to pick up this detail: Scratch doesn’t know things that are basic about Brighton in some episodes. In ¨Monumental Disaster¨ he didn’t have any idea who the town’s founder is, someone whom in the same episode is mentioned to be considered a hero by the people who live in the town. He didn’t appear to know how the Bandshell was destroyed in ¨Getting the Bandshell Back Together¨ when Molly asked about it at the start of the episode. Same goes to the Turnip Festival in the ¨Turnip Twist¨
It intrigues me how Scratch doesn’t know things that almost every adult in the town appears to know about. This hints that Scratch was assigned to work in Brighton after he passed away by the Ghost Council, explaining why he hasn’t heard about Zack Buttom or the Bandshell until the series’ events. The other option is that he moved to Brighton and lived there for a few months before he died. During that time he never really got invested in learning more about the place he lived in.
Whatever it is, it proves that Scratch wasn’t born in Brighton. Instead he lived there for some months or started living in there after he became a ghost.
4) Hints to Scratch’s romantic life
It’s difficult to guess what Scratch’s sexual orientation is in the show because there aren’t any signs of what his preferences are. He hasn’t flirted with any character and blushed when someone he likes is talking to him.
Although there is very little information about his romantic life was like, there is one line from Andrea in ¨Hooray for Mollywood!¨ that i think hints it gives some hindsight to it: ¨The story (of the film) is about a ghost who never found true love¨ When Andrea says this Scratch gets very angry and goes after her before being stopped by Molly.
While Scratch could have gotten angry cause of how Andrea was changing Molly’s film, it could be that it was related to his past too, in the sence he wasn’t able to find someone reciprocate what he felt back. In worst case scenario, he wasn’t left heartbroken by someone he cared about.
Well, that’s all the hints to Scratch’s past that i was able to find in the series. I’m not sure if there are more but the ones i found give me an overall idea of his human life. Keep in mind that my theories could be proven to be wrong once the series starts exploring Scratch’s backstory, something i’m looking forward to watching.
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