#his father was an ashlander
jollmaster · 7 months
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seventh rebirth of Nerevar: young merchant with one brain cell
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cryptfly · 7 days
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All I ever want to do is play dress up with my dollies. Here’s Rinsea, my ESO main, in some various ceremonial garbs she’s picked up during her adventures. More info under the cut.
Champion of Vivec
She would rather you think of her being the City’s champion than the God-King’s, but here we are. I obviously based it on the Buoyant Armiger’s glass armor. She’s not officially a Buoyant Armiger or anything, but she does get some fancy glass armor pieces for official occasions which she does not attend. This is also partially based on Bajoran liturgical wear because I like it very much.
Champion of Sotha Sil
Technically she’s the champion of the Clockwork City but that was very long to put on her picture lmao. I don’t think Seht would have gotten her any ceremonial wear honestly, but since it’s basically a standard Clockwork Apostle outfit, I like to think that one of that order got her this, something fine and suited to the environment as a thanks for saving their sadboi God. Drawing the armor pieces was really fun and satisfying and they turned out way better than I was expecting.
Champion of Almalexia
Once again I changed the actual title given to fit the picture. Almalexia actually named her a Hand! However as we all know, a Hand of Almalexia is a specific kind of Ordinator and Rin is not actually inducted into that order. She’s a Hand because Ayem says so but that doesn’t actually give her any rank or anything. Instead of giving her Ordinator armor, I gave her a fancy gown. I think Ayem did this with a touch of vanity-isn’t my Hero so beautiful, a true Daughter of Morrowind I am such a proud Mother. Also, I really wanted to draw a pretty dress and no one can stop me. I based some of the details off Kirkbride drawings of Almalexia herself.
Urshilaku Clanfriend
In my personal canon of the story, the Vvardenfell quest happened first for Rin and took around little over a year and in that time she became a Clanfriend among Ashlanders. Her father, Gares, had been an Ashlander until he was forced to flee with his infant daughter and when she returned on what seemed to be Temple business, they were wary of her. But she made herself useful and was unfailingly polite and she was folded into much of their life. I like that while the other outfits look designed and tailored to suit her, her Ashlander gear almost looks like hand me downs and mended pieces. She wasn’t given new and special clothes, she was trusted with clothes worn by the tribe, inviting her into the family itself. These clothes look nice but also like something she work in side by side with the Ashlanders.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 5 months
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The way Delyna's grandfather Llerar Mandas tells it, you'd think the dastardly Lord-Wizard snatched the maiden from her ancestral manor, polymorphed as cloud of netches or something. Please—the girl was caught in leather catsuit, sneaking into Divayth's tower, geared up as burglar would: lockpicks, two glass swords and a magical ring of Chameleon—mademoiselle's frivolous attempt at "slumming", no doubt. Lenient as Lord Fyr is towards petty thieves—Delyna was merely put under arrest in the tower. She spend several weeks, enjoying hospitality of Fyrs before she was released unto a representative of House Redoran. That during these weeks her addled father, Arethan rampaged through the Ashlands alongside his gang of vagabonds—supposedly as means to cope with kidnapping of his daughter—can scarcely be blamed on House Telvanni, can it not? Truly, Delyna would have been released much sooner, if not for the real fear of her accidentally perishing en-route—Tel Fyr is fairly isolated place and the surrounding waters can be dangerous.
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db-irathindur · 1 year
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The Usurper or House Redoran
Asagor never felt any love for the family on his father's side. It's about time they're joing their Ancestors.
Asagor is the child of an ashlander woman and a Redoran noble. He loved his mother a lot but she died early in his life and his father never cared for him. He always resented Asagor. And one day he strikes back.
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OC Fridays you say? @the-elder-polls Hello! Naturally that means I'm going to take some time to gush about Josh...because whilst he shares a name, vocation and sarcasm as the NPC found in Dragonborn, he's pretty much his own thing at this point. Teldryn Ensirhaddon-Sero is a Dunmer- naturally, though he is half Ashlander ( Erabenimsun) on his father's side whilst his mother grew up in Redoran lands though her family did not answer to a Great House until moving to Hlaalu lands in the late forth era. Not long after he was conceived his parents fled to Cyrodiil, where he spent the first four years of his life before his mother returned to Blacklight once his father disappeared on a smuggling job. (Born 3E 370- 57 at the start of Morrowind, 268 by the start of the Dragon Crisis). He was well educated, and speaks four languages- Dunmeris, Cyrodiilic, Aldmeris and modern Altmeris. He picks up Ashland and a secret fifth thing later on. He ends up getting mixed up in the Camonna Tong which is how he ends up in Cyrodiil where he is subsequently arrested (murder, arson, treason, more arson). He spends the next 33 years being moved about various prisons and work camps in the Heartland until he is deported back to Vvardenfell and given a strange package.
Josh does not believe that he's the Nerevarine- not in any meaningful sense. What he does think he is, is an Imperial puppet. Yes he technically fulfils the prophecy but there were tweaks made to his official records so that he could "fit it more". Namely in how he was stricken from his mother's family records upon their ascension to House Hlaalu. Yes he fits but he wonders if the destruction of his homeland was a part of the Emperor's plan. He knows for certain that he is not the reincarnation of Indoril Nerevar. What he is, is a descendent of the war lord who ended up being a good host once he slipped on that ring and it didn't give him a big enough aneurysm. Deep down, he thinks anyone could have done the job. He was just convenient. Teldryn drinks- a lot and the habit has gotten worse as he's gotten older. He'll go through stints of sobriety (usually when mourning) and ends them in even longer binges. He developed a taste for skooma when he was on one of those binges and has been trying to avoid the stuff ever since. He ends up getting hooked on Sleeping Tree Sap during the Dragon Crisis and the whole thing gets worse once Sydari (my Dragonborn) gets lost in Sovngarde. He's a pain in the ass. Some Art Some early Josh (3E 427)
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Some post Corprus infection Josh (3E 428-29)
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And jumping to pre Dragon-Crisis Josh - 4E 199.
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the-elder-polls · 12 days
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hi tcs fridays oc rambling beneath the cut. this time, specifically about my nerevarine, rildras, and his daughter, dagoth vedyra
ril loves spicy food. the hotter the better. you could feed this man a bowl of literal magma full of the hottest peppers in existence and he'd eat it and say it was delicious.
ril considered giving vedyra to an orphanage immediately after her birth because he was really scared, and almost did, but changed his mind last second and kept her. he never told her this and intends to take this secret with him to the grave.
his gender is "weird saint incarnate corpse man thing"
he often forgets he's a demiprince until vedyra points it out to him. then he stands there, scratches his beard, shrugs, and forgets it again.
he did in fact marry dagoth ur. they consummated the marriage (which is where vedyra came from) and then IMMEDIATELY after started duking it out in a fight to the death. ril kept Life in the divorce
ril hates the daedra. he hates the aedra. he hates every divine being he can think of. this includes his motherfather azura, who he especially hates for creating him.
after the events of morrowind, he decided to "leave on an expedition to akavir", aka buy a farm in the middle of nowhere in morrowind and retire his public nerevarine persona entirely. he never shared his true name with anyone and never showed anyone his face during the events of morrowind, so common belief is that the nerevarine just disappeared after. but he didn't. he's just a mushroom farmer.
he has such bad resting bitch face. even in the happiest moments of his life, he just looks like 😑
he loves the ashlanders but struggles to accept their religious beliefs. he has such a complicated relationship with that. (much to his upset, after the events of morrowind, he never interacts with them as the nerevarine ever again.)
he has searched for his mother nedrala multiple times, but has never found her. he eventually felt he was too old to keep searching, concluded that she was likely dead anyway, and gave up. but he wonders about her and he misses her. he wishes he could hug her.
she keeps a small private shrine to voryn. she knows she will never hear from him, she knows his spirit is destroyed and gone, but it's the closest she'll ever get to getting to know him, so she does it anyway. she also has a small shrine for nedrala, rildras' mother, just in case.
rildras offered her the mask of dagoth ur as a memento, but she refused it, insisting that dagoth ur was not her father, voryn was. (he keeps it under his bed next to his indoril helm.)
she has a clear distinction in her head of "voryn" vs "ur". it would be an entire other post to explain how this works for her. it's complicated and intricate but the gist of it is the simple fact that she wishes she could have known him as the man he once was instead of the monster that he became.
she loves to learn. she always has. she is so deeply curious about everything. she drove rildras insane with "but why/how?" when she was a toddler. then she grew up and started to drive scholars insane with those questions instead of her father.
she loves flowers. she keeps a flower garden and loves to go sit in it whenever she gets the opportunity to.
she has a plethora of pet scribs and they are all named veloth. every single one of them. this started as a child with her first pet scrib, veloth the second, and then it just spiraled.
she loves silt striders. she is bound and determined to bring them back from practical extinction.
she referred to baby vedathyr (her son, the last dragonborn) as "my little dragon" from the moment she knew she was pregnant. she has never once elaborated on this and when asked, smiles and shrugs, saying "it must have been a mother's intuition."
she has adopted SO, so many people into the rebuilt house dagoth. if she finds someone down on their luck, in need of a home, and willing to learn? welcome to house dagoth, dyra is family now.
to elaborate on the rebuilt house dagoth, she is rebuilding the house dagoth with herself as its head. there have been so many attempts on her life because of this, but it's vedyra, so of course they failed.
she rescued a man named dralyn of house redoran after he was exiled from his house for publicly approving of vedyra's attempts to rebuild house dagoth. dralyn has been hopelessly in love with her ever since. she thinks it's cute but doesn't return his feelings. (he's fine with that. he is just happy to get to be around her.)
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salemelas · 1 month
OC Masterpost
hihi! having to redo this because my previous one got borked, and posting it publicly so that i can link it easier without redirect issues (^^ゞ y'know how tumblr is, etc etc.
warning: this post is very long and has multiple images! (and speaking of those images, this site was used to create the tokens seen below.)
◈ Elder Scrolls
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Male, he/him
The Nerevarine and Nerevar reborn
Father of Vedyra, grandfather of Vedathyr, son of Nedrala and Azura
Former lover of Dagoth Ur
May be a demiprince, but hates the daedra (and admittedly also the aedra) with all his heart
Sword warrior and destruction caster
Retired to a life of being a mushroom farmer after raising his daughter to adulthood
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Dagoth Vedyra
Female, she/her
Scion of House Dagoth and Founder of the House Dagoth Reforged
Daughter of Rildras and Dagoth Ur, mother of Vedathyr and Strides-Through-Ashes, granddaughter of Nedrala and Azura
Scholar with a focus on the dwemer, especially their disappearance
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Dagoth Vedathyr
Male, he/him
Heir to House Dagoth
The Last Dragonborn
Member (not the leader!) of the Companions, werewolf
Dual-handed warrior
Son of Vedyra, grandson of Rildras and Dagoth ur, great-grandson of Nedrala and Azura
Mercenary much to his pleasure, legendary figure of history much to his displeasure
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Female, she/her
Ashlander exile from the Urshilaku Tribe
Former consort and chosen of Azura
Potter by trade
Mother of Rildras, grandmother of Vedyra, great-grandmother of Vedathyr
No tag yet
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Strides-Through-Ashes | Dagoth Nehota
Argonian, she/her
Found by Vedyra as an abandoned egg
Shadowscale aspirant, assassin
Adopted daughter of Vedyra, biological parents unknown
Member of House Dagoth
No tag yet
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Dagoth Tsabi
Female, she/her
Found by one of Vedyra's scouts as the sole survivor of an ambushed khajiiti caravan
Vedyra's apprentice for dwemer studies
Illusion and restoration caster
Scholar with a focus on dwemer technology
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Dagoth Nenyael
Female, she/her
Joined House Dagoth after being abandoned as a teenager by her family in Morrowind following a tryst with a dunmer boy that resulted in a pregnancy
Mother of a yet-to-be-named son
Vedyra's apprentice for arcane studies
Scholar with a focus on Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora
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Dagoth Dralyn
Male, he/him
Was once a of House Redoran, but was exiled for sympathizing with Vedyra's desire to rebuild House Dagoth; was subsequently welcomed into the House Dagoth Reforged with open arms
Restoration caster
Dabbles in a little bit of every trade that he can get his hands on
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Lyrius | Wades-Through-Deep-Waters
Male, he/him
Hero of Kvatch
Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
Was adopted by two argonian fishermen after his parents died in a shipwreck off the coast of the Black Marsh
Has worshiped Sithis since he was very young, as that his adopted parents worshiped Sithis
Dual dagger fighter
Accidental daedric prince
Lover of Lucien Lachance
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Male, he/him
Champion of Vivec
Nightblade, dual-hand wielder nonetheless
Devout believer in the Tribunal
Part of the Thieves Guild
No tag yet
◈ Dungeons & Dragons
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Vesper Dysgeyma
Nonbinary, they/he
Tiefling (Mammon)
Demigod of Umbra, god of the dead and dusk
College of Spirits bard
Lawful neutral
Joined the party to help them kill a despot king seeking immortality, stayed for the food
◈ Dragon Age
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Talasan Mahariel
Male, he/him
Dalish elf
Hero of Ferelden (main)
Lover of Zevran
Father of Kieran and the glorious Barkspawn
Two handed weapon warrior
Brokered for peace between the Dalish and the werewolves
Sided with the mages
Sided with Prince Bhelen and Paradon Caridin
Saved Connor with the Circle of Magi's help
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Andromache Surana
Female, she/her
Circle elf
Hero of Ferelden
Lover of Leliana
Spirit healer and blood mage
Brokered for peace between the Dalish and the werewolves
Sided with the mages
Sided with Prince Bhelen and Paragon Caridin
Sacrificed Isolde to save Connor
◈ Baldur's Gate 3
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Vharis Zhendiae
Male, he/him
Dark Urge
Paladin of Vengeance
Lover of Astarion
Rejected the Urge
Twin brother of Luminara (my boyfriend's Dark Urge, who is not listed here for the reason of not being my OC)
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Nonbinary, they/them
High elf
Dark Urge
Assassin rogue
Lover of Karlach
Rejected the Urge
No tag yet
Not yet added:
Dragon Age: Garrett Hawke; Inquisitor Athevera Lavellan; Inquisitor Ilrian Lavellan, Rook
Mass Effect: Ariane Shepard
Baldur's Gate 3: Azran, Serene
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choilacanth · 1 year
So many things about Darra and her family would be explained by being part of House Sotha, a completely unremarkable little house known mostly for rural fisherfolk who occasionally wrestle lake creatures.
However, this led me to realize Darra and Teldryn are two halves of a Morrowind Florida Man.
She comes from a long line of kwama herders and fishers, upended by her dad moving to Skyrim to trade sundries post-Red Year. He comes from an Ashlander warrior-hunter clan, with his teenage years in the grasslands interrupted by blight and his mother moving to Mournhold to look for his father.
She catches fish by hand, yells at sabrecats to make them leave, and climbs up and jumps off high places without much thought. Also, “Local Dunmer Evades Arrest for Theft of 5 Cheese Wheels by Eating Evidence.”
He openly summons, won’t get his cough checked, doesn’t turn down a challenge, and hasn’t lost a fight. He has used his expired Redoran guard identification to get out of being arrested (again) by the Redoran guard. (And has since refused to join any organization that would have him as a member.)
They are two halves of a Morrowind Florida Man, and they have the stomach to deal with anything from skeevers to undead. They both carry more weapons than they declare. 
After the dragon crisis and whatever is going on in Skyrim it is not unlikely Teldryn proposes moving to Vvardenfell, where they rehabilitate cliff racers and hand feed them, or something like that.
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gisellelx · 10 months
Twilight Advent Calendar, Day 3
Dec. 3 - Pick one deceased Twilight character to draw or tell us more about. How would the Twilight universe be different if they were still alive?
"Or Does It Sag"
(~2,000 words)
December 3, 2023 Ashland, Wisconsin
Bella had been the one to break this particular dam.
It was a problem they all suffered from, if Edward were honest. The world changed so quickly around them, and it was easy to lose track of new possibilities on offer, especially when they were personal. An advancement in engine mechanics; sure, Rosalie would keep on top of that. A contemporary pianist rising to new fame; Edward would be aware. And with his daughter, these days, it was simple to be aware of other things he would once have not noticed: memes and new phrases, fashion trends too pedestrian for his sister to pick up on, Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan opening polar opposite films on the same weekend.
They all would forget, often, that the world changing might mean that certain things they had taken for granted needed reconsideration. That over time, the arc of history bent toward making the impossible possible.
His wife was sitting with their daughter on the the piano bench, Renesmee’s hands aglow from the white Christmas lights his mother had strung on the banister in the foyer. The tree would come later—Christmas Eve, their tradition since that very first serious fire hazard Carlisle had lit in the room of an inn on the shores of the Bay of Fundy, trying to coax, if not joy out of Edward, at least something a bit more like delight—but the house was already filled with other greenery, the air thick with the scents of white pine, ripened pinecone, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Across the room, Alice and Esme discussed the tree’s placement, how big it would need to be, as they hung ten stockings on the mantle in order by their entrance to the family: J, R, B, J, A, E, R, E, E, C. Although Edward knew Carlisle and Esme always hung them all anyway, this would be the first Christmas since the pandemic had begun that all ten of them would be filled. Jasper and Emmett had taken their Christmas cheer outside on Esme’s orders, and Rose had followed them, the living embodiment of the saying that behind every great man was a woman rolling her eyes.
And then there was Carlisle, whose newest schedule thrust him into two weeks of boredom at a time, curled up into one of the wingback chairs in his socks, staring at a page dense with text in the smallest font on his Kindle, but only pretending to read.
It had been earlier this year. Seventeen years of marriage, nearly nineteen of a relationship, and somehow Edward had never mentioned this crucial fact to his wife. They had been at the Toulouse house, discussing their next visit to the States, when Edward had mentioned something about his sire’s past; the knowns and the unknowns, and had let slip a crucial bit of missing information, a basic fact everyone had always taken for granted would forever be irretrievable.
Bella had just blinked at him a few times, and then, in the cutting way she had, offered, “Edward, haven’t any of you ever heard of Ancestry dot com?”
It had taken Bella all of twenty-four hours. A new account. A deep dive into church registers in London, 1600-1650. The parish records of one Saint James Aldgate, kept from 1625-1668 in a cramped handwriting that looked for all the world like Carlisle’s, which, when remarked upon, had only earned him a large eyeroll from his wife. “Edward. I know you think Carlisle sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus”—this time it was his turn to roll his eyes—“but you do realize that at some point someone had to teach him to write?”
And so they had pored over the records of births and marriages, baptisms and deaths, until they found her. Married, just barely twenty-two. Dead, just shy of twenty-four. One child, baptized the day she died. And the name, lost to the centuries until now.
They had presented this information for Father’s Day. Printouts of the pages; the dates, the eerily matching handwriting. Carlisle had swallowed deeply, thanked them, and shortly thereafter, left the room.
He hadn’t spoken of it. Edward hadn’t been sure if it had been an offense.
The composition under his daughter’s nimble fingers was over forty years old now, otherwise sounding like any other contemporary piano piece except that something about it sounded wintery, a musical affectation of the rapid whooshing of the Wisconsin wind against windows Esme had insisted upon keeping single pane. And as Edward listened, he let his mind drift along with his family's. It will need to be shorter. Esme, contemplating the tree. An expensive pair of earrings, no a necklace, no earrings, and…goddamnit, Emmett as Jasper tried valiantly to hide his holiday thoughts from his wife.
Pride, in equal measures, Jacob and Bella, listening to Renesmee at the keyboard.
And then…a little girl. Well, no, Edward realized at once. Not a girl, a child. Blond hair hanging in ringlets down to thin shoulders, a hat in the child’s—his—hand. The hat, falling to the ground from an open fist, as the dress swung around the child’s ankles, the hair flying in the wind as the child—the boy—giggled, racing into a woman’s round, pregnant belly.
“Carlisle,” the woman scolded gently. “You’ll wake your sister. Quiet, child.” A glance across a room, firelight dancing from the hearth, where a cradle sat on the floor, a warm glow across the cheeks of a plump toddler. Then the warm laughter again, a hand caressing the swell that was to be the third child. A boy, Edward knew somehow, through that strange alchemy that was his own mind and the mind he knew almost every bit as intimately. Then the boy, scooped up, held tightly to the ample bosom even as he giggled and squirmed. The imagined scent—roses, fresh air, sweat, soot.
As quickly as it came, the whole scene vaporized, replaced with live piano music, the scent of resin, Esme’s gentle laughter, the glow of LED twinkle lights. Edward looked up, catching eyes from across the room. A muttered excuse, and the sound of denim on upholstery as his sire excused himself, nonchalantly, as though he’d forgotten something.
But when he hadn’t returned ten minutes later, Edward also made soft noises about needing to find something, pressed his lips to the crown of his daughter’s head, and said, “Keep it up, Sweet.” His wife, ever perceptive, looked up from the bench.
Carlisle? she mouthed, and Edward nodded.
The house wasn’t large. The two of them had chosen it for themselves a hundred years ago, only later to share it with the woman Carlisle had, in all his impulsivity and to Edward’s initial dismay, saved from her own attempt at death. Following a scent—especially this most familiar one—was easy, and a moment later, Edward found himself in the study. His father’s chair was turned toward the wall, staring at a bookcase full of all manner of tomes organized in some system which after a century, still remained impenetrable even to Edward.
He didn’t say anything; it wasn’t as though he could sneak up. They both said nothing, the only sound in the stillness of the room their inhalations and exhalations.
“A sister?” Edward said finally. The head turned, and two pairs of golden eyes met.
“And a brother,” Edward added, and Carlisle shrugged.
It was the 1640s. Six would have been common.
“That’s not at all what I was commenting on, and you know it.”
Carlisle gulped. Edward came closer, perching himself on the perpetually messy desk.
“I wasn’t even sure you appreciated the gift,” he said quietly. “You’ve said so little about it.”
The blond head shook furiously. “I’m sorry. I’m grateful. It’s just—”
A flurry of images. The boy, giggling again. Older, hair shorter, wearing breeches this time. The sister, just as towheaded, her long ringlets dancing behind her as her brother pulled her through a small churchyard, scattering the handful of hens which lived there. The woman, a stern and wry look on her face, bouncing a toddler in her arms. Then blankness, again, the cutting off that Edward knew, like the slamming of a steel door, as Carlisle closed off his thinking to protect Edward from things he did not wish Edward to be privy to. Then came the sensations: the twist in the pit of the stomach, the raw, searing grief as fresh as it ever had been.
When this quiet had continued for several minutes, Edward spoke up. “You would’ve died, you know.”
A nod.
“And none of us would be here.”
Rosalie’s face swam suddenly in Carlisle’s mind. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Edward raised his eyebrows. “You’d trade us? Esme?” A pause. "Me?”
His father bit his lip, an uncannily human fidget that had once been put into his repertoire on purpose, but had now become so ingrained it was just part of him. The image shifted again: a series of flashes, rapid, one after another. The boy, school-aged, holding bravely still while the woman bandaged a knee. A teen, lifting a playful toddler out of the sacristy of the church—the sacristy remembered, the toddler imagined. A fourth child, Edward realized. The towheaded boy grown tall, his face the face of the young man Edward was used to. Clutching hands with a woman in white, anxiety and adrenaline and joy as he stood before an altar, the woman beaming at him from the first pew. And finally, the woman, older, her hair graying, as the young man placed a squashed-face infant into her arms.
Edward knew this part now, understood that Carlisle was so deeply content that he lacked the ability to imagine a family other than the one he had. That his dreams had a way of mixing the present with the past with the imagined, as though all of it were true. That if Edward had been able to lift the imaginary bride's veil, he would've seen the woman whose voice he could still hear floating down the hallway. That the infant being handed over in the memory now was the only infant Carlisle had ever imagined having: even though he had met Edward at age 17, he had a firm idea of what he would’ve looked like at six pounds. No hair—redheads were usually born bald—a grip surprisingly firm for a one-day-old infant. He saw the way the imaginary Carlisle beamed as he handed the bundle over to the woman. The way her eyes halfway closed in delight. Edward felt in the memory the way the baby felt in the hands, and recognized the way Carlisle’s mind was mixing this imagined baby and his imagined weight with a concrete memory from September, seventeen years before: Edward’s daughter; Carlisle’s palms.
I wish she could meet you.
Swinging his legs off the desk, Edward let out a bark of a laugh.
"Carlisle, you’re the one who believes in heaven. You really think she hasn’t?”
The image which surfaced this time was so similar, it was hard to tell if it was Edward’s alone or Carlisle’s, or both. The woman, fully gray haired now, her face wrinkled and her hands beginning to show liver spots. Sitting in their living room, laughing and giving tree advice to Esme, listening attentively to Renesmee, joking about Edward and Carlisle with Bella.
“Come on, Carlisle. If she’s anywhere, she’s here.” He hopped off the desk. “And you hiding in your office is probably not what she’d want.”
The nod came slowly. I suppose you’re right. He ran a hand through his hair and attempted a smile. Standing, he placed a hand on Edward’s shoulder. “I am glad you’re here. All of you. Even though the house is way too crowded.”
He chuckled. “We’ll leave before New Year’s.”
“Is that a promise?”
Edward punched Carlisle in the bicep, but they both laughed. Carlisle gestured to the door.
Come. Let’s see what your mother has figured out about the tree.
Edward nodded, and followed Carlisle’s steps. But at the door, his sire stopped, gazing back toward the desk where Edward still stood. The young boy resurfaced, lying against the woman, the girl, still asleep, the unborn infant a flutter under his brother's rib. Slowly, the boy's eyelids, too, grew heavy.
Carlisle blinked, snapping his mind abruptly back to the study. The boy was replaced by books. Thank you for giving her back to me.
And Edward saw it. Obscured by two pieces of mail, but still on top of the pile, the scent of Carlisle’s fingers still fresh, as though he’d rifled through it as recently as this morning. The envelope that he’d prepared, lettered in Bella’s handwriting, given for Father’s Day. The name, lost to time, resurfaced with technology, and with it, memory, imagination, grief, and somehow, love. As he moved, he brushed aside the bank statements on top, leaving the whole envelope visible as he exited the room.
it read.
Closing the study door, Edward turned out the light and headed back toward his family.
Masterpost/Prompts Montage Masterpost
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acrowwithakeyboard · 6 months
Skyrim OCs
Decided to put my LDB OCs on here for posterities sake (and my friend's recommendation), since I have a bad habit of mass deleting screenshots and would like to remember them as accurately I can. PC player so there are mods.
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Full name: Ieama Stormblood
Alias: Rhiatrice Adrati
Nicknames: Silver, Candle, Rhin
Race: Reachmen (Boldclaw and Bear-heart Clan, Mother was from the former, father the latter) Werewolf
Faith: Hircine
Background: Raised in the wilds of the Reach, took to hunting/crafting to make a living making jewellery (scrimshaw and bone hawk jewellery are her specialty). Uses alias to sound more Breton and heavy hoods and masks to avoid the general Reachmen biases amongst the local population. Eventually took to traveling outside the Reach and ran into various individuals who quickly became friends, then one night at the Inn in Helgen changed the course of her life forever. (Alternate perspective mod)
Fighting: Offensive destruction and restoration spells are her main magic schools when fighting, alteration and conjuration secondary, archery is a steady back-up when the situation (lack of magicka) calls for it.
Current followers: Remiel, Xelzaz, Gore (❤) , Auri, Redcap and Val Serano (have yet to get a good photo of them all)
Home: Camp near Dushnikh Yal in the Reach
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Full Name: Vathyr
Alias: None
Nicknames: None yet
Race: Dunmer
Faith: The Reclaimations (Mephala specifically)
Background: An Ashlander who left home to explore the world, hoping the excursion would cure his wanderlust. He made a stop at Solstheim only to pick up a Dunmer mercenary before setting off to Skyrim. Has a less-than-trusting disposition towards people and tends to think the glass half empty, but once he considers someone a friend he will do whatever he can for them. Very skilled with poison and daggers and more than ready to hide if the guards come knocking.
Fighting: Dagger/sword combo with a LOT of poison, and some alteration and illusion magic goes a long way. Bows are used liberally with his poisons and when the enemy is too big to take down in close combat.
Current followers: Teldryn, Val Serano, Jenassa
Home: Renting Emberbrand Celler in Windhelm
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Full Name: Ynhethune
Alias: None for now
Nicknames: Yenna, Yin
Race: Snow Elf
Faith: Auri-El
Background: Born some unknown time shortly after the Dwemer disappeared, Ynhethune sustained herself by hiding in the various cave systems dotting Skyrim's landscape and scavenging the wilds. Going above ground granted the opportunity to gather what is otherwise unavailable to the various Falmer settlements and allowed her a place as a traveling merchant amongst the hives. She is a common sight in Riften, but since she goes to various Falmer hives to trade she isn't often in the city too long. Though most leave her alone, the civil war has made travel difficult so she recently hired a mage to accompany her on her travels as she wants to set up trading relations further to the Reach and needs to make a stop at Helgen.
Fighting: Restoration against undead, conjuration for convenience, illusion for avoiding conflict, alteration for quick getaways, and destruction against everything else. A mage through and through.
Followers: Marcurio (more to be added)
Home: Blackreach, rents at the Bee and Barb regularly
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Full Name: Drea Windseer
Alias: None
Nicknames: Didi, Dia
Race: Nord
Faith: Kyne
Background: Raised in Helgen, Drea is quiet and kind to her neighbours. She helps the local blacksmith by smelting and tanning raw materials she finds while on hunts to supply the inn. The guards warn that the recent patrols from the Thalmor have been... disappearing on the roads between Falkreath and Ivarstead with bandits a suspect as bodies that are found are stripped of belongings quite thoroughly. Drea has taken it upon herself to help the guard, letting them know when she finds recent attack sites. If the blacksmith notices her bringing back more smelted ore and tanned leather at night than usual after her hunts, he isn't going to complain. She gives him a good price and he hates the Thalmor as much as she does.
Fighting Style: The most reckless two handed swordswork you will see in this lifetime, heavy armour and heavy hitting, if she is caught unawares without her weapons her fists can substitute for a short time. When hunting game, her bow is an extension of her arm.
Followers: Xelzaz, Remiel (more to added)
Home: Was Helgen Modded home (used in tandum with alternate perspective) Currently nomadic due to Alduin
Edit: forgot a nickname Edit 2: editing again, story time: I had a mod for snow elves but had to get rid of it due to texture issues, Ynhethune was supposed to be an in-between of current Falmer and Merethic Era Snow Elves and I just figured out how to recreate that somewhat. Her background changed as well because of this. Edit 3: New character! Edit 4: Housing costs too high, changed a few homes
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darydark · 8 months
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I got possessed by spirit of drawing and did more of my RGG x TES crossover. I should make a tag for it. Again, some lore under the cut, now about Majima (Goro), Taiga and Makoto
This one is more lore heavy than the Kazuma and his siblings. I'm afraid all of this would seem like the actual RGG characters' backstories but with TES skin on it, but hey, I like their actual story and yeah maybe I lack originality so what, it's my crossover, I can keep any part of RGG cannon I want. Also I'm keeping the Taiga stuff more vague as I'm still playing Y4, where Taiga makes his first appearance and I'm not on his part of game yet, so I can still change stuff
Goro is an Ashlander from a small tribe that was wiped out by mainland dunmer. He was spared because the killers wanted to take him as a slave (Goro was a child when that happened). But then he was rescued (accidentally) by a strong and powerful orc. Goro wanted to follow that orc, but the orc just shoo'd him away, for now. Then Goro met Khajiit siblings, Taiga and Yasuko (who themselves were escaping being trafficked), and ever since travelled with them.
The boys were offering themselves as mercenaries in their teen years and did a lot of dirty jobs, until they met that same orc, who then accepted the boys into his outlaw group called The Dogs of Shimano. The orc is Shimano himself, of course.
While things were going alright for three of them, the boys wanted more and did stuff behind Shimano's back for additional cash. They had a plan to have enough money to live a normal life without crime. But, when they were ordered to do a hit on a group of people, it turned out it was a wrong move to make. Both of them were punished, Goro had his eye gouged out but Taiga was sent to Deadlands. The mage that sent him away mocked that only he knew where Taiga is at all time
Goro made a plea and was spared but basically became a slave to one of Shimano's friends (yes, Sagawa). If he ever wanted to save Taiga, unfortunately he had to endure everything and ask nicely later. So, Goro's master turned out to be a vampire. Goro had to put on a show, entertain other vampires and sometimes be fed on by his master. One day he was given a mission...
Makoto is half bosmer half dunmer (her mother is bosmer). Her parents were vampires and after having two children, the mother wanted to cure the whole family and live a normal life. The father disagreed. Anyway, the mother took the kids with her. Eventually she managed to cure herself and Makoto but the eldest child ran away, still a vampire. Even though Makoto is mortal, her blood is still powerful and would be beneficial for any vampire to drink. Makoto moved to Morrowind when she grew up. One day she was kidnapped. He took her to place with other people, where all of them were going to be sold. She was forced to drink something and then, after all the stress and the poison, she became blind.
She was rescued and lived relatively normally, until suddenly she became a target for vampires.
Goro was tasked to bring her to his master, so he would feast on her blood, but Goro just couldn't do it. They ran away with a whole big story to tell in which both Goro and Makoto ended up relatively fine. Goro was no longer a slave but returned working for Shimano (also Shimano confirmed that Taiga is still alive somewhere in Deadlands). Makoto was no longer chased by horde of vampires and regained her sight back, also got in touch with her brother again. Unfortunately, Goro and Makoto had to be apart and never meet each other (it relates to the plot I have in mind, which deviates a little bit from canon reason why these two can't see each other)
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panlight · 1 year
Do you think Esme and Edward resent Carlisle for changing them and specifically because now they can’t go to heaven as humans and see their human families? Esme specifically killed herself to see her newborn son. Edward just lost his father and then his mother and seems to have strong opinions on souls and the afterlife. Why is it just Rose who is painted as resentful when Esme and Edward also have reason to be? Even Emmett, who was changed for something as arbitrary as his dimples? He was dying anyway from the bear attack but was he also thrilled to be turned into a supernatural?
Honestly I think SM wanted to have her cake and eat it, too.
She wanted a (mostly happy) vampire family. You can't have everyone resenting their vampiric creator to any meaningful degree AND have a happy vampire family. But she also wanted that sweet, sweet vampire angst. So they're all dying, they're all unconscious/unresponsive so can't give him a yes or no, he has to act as a doctor faced with a life-or-death choice. Edward mourns his vampiric fate but he also says several times, point blank, he doesn't blame Carlisle (whether you believe him or not is I guess up to personal interpretation). It seems like, to Edward, the problem is vampirism, not Carlisle or what Carlisle did. Carlisle used what tools he had available to him to 'save' Edward, and Edward can read his mind and see his "perfect sincerity," see his crystal-clear memories of Elizabeth Masen's request. Edward tells Bella in Twilight he doesn't regret Carlisle saving him because "my life was over." He wasn't losing anything except a soul. I think Edward sees Carlisle as like, a fellow victim of vampirism and they are in this together against their cruel fates or whatever. And in Midnight Sun, Esme and Edward have an exchange where they both say neither of them fault/blame Carlisle.
She causes you pain.
I shook my head. “I cause my own pain. It’s not her fault.”
It’s not your fault either. 
“I am what I am.”
And that’s not your fault. 
I smiled humorlessly. “You blame Carlisle?”
No. Do you?
As an out-of-universe explanation . . . Carlisle HAD to change them. There's no story if he doesn't. And so the story can't fault him for doing what the story needed him to do. In fact, it's ROSALIE who is framed as grumpy and unreasonable for being so upset about it!
With Esme there's that weird layer where it's basically like her first celebrity crush swooped in and rescued her from death. My sense is that Esme just didn't have any support system in Ashland so when she lost her baby there was no one to help her through it so she just sort of acted on a whim; after she becomes a vampire, she bonds with Carlisle and Edward and has a support system to work through her grief and trauma and can move forward. I don't think she did it because she wanted to 'be with her son' again she just wanted to end her pain; she doesn't seem as concerned with spiritual matters as Edward and Carlisle. I think it was just sort of a reflex reaction and she's grateful she got a second chance so there's no resentment (as written by SM anyway. Fanfic usually has more nuance and layers).
Emmett likewise is just happy to not be dead-dead. The bear was what robbed him of his life; Rosalie and Carlisle did the best they could for him and he's just chill about it. Sure he misses his family, but that's the bear's fault.
And I don't think that Carlisle thinks he's denied them a chance at heaven. I know the movies muddled the issue in the way they cut the stitches scene in New Moon, but the extended version and the book make it clear that Carlisle doesn't think they are inherently damned (he just acknowledges everyone else thinks they are). He thinks they can be redeemed and keep their souls if they live a good life. So to his mind he didn't deny them a peaceful afterlife and reunion with loved ones, he just . . . delayed it indefinitely.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
Headcanon/Theory: If Loki is Askeladen then..was Sigyn the princess?
So I felt like researching was very fun and not talked about enough folklore surrounding Loki. Like we all know how he has his own little traditions: being the tooth fairy and the vættir living under or in the fireplace. 
Some like to think that this very well know tale of a boy named Askeladen "The ashland" is actually Loki, or based on him anyways! 
After all the ashland does start out as being regarded as an incapable underachiever, but eventually proves himself by overcoming some prodigious deed, succeeding where all others have failed.
Too add further comparison, in the stories Askeladden is characterised as the runt of the family, being:
"the youngest, smallest, and weakest", yet "clever, bold, patient"
He had two brothers, who he often proved wrong whenever they teased him and when they failed in a task, their father would be surprised, since he thought his brothers would succeed. No, in fact it was askeladen.
He is also said to love the fireplace, poking around the ash all day watching over the fires while his mother nags him in doing something with his life, hence the nickname his family gave him! 
In the story: "The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body" or "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll". He ends up tricking a giant/troll into.. taking his own life in an eating contest. How Loki is that? 
Now onto the princess part! The whole reason i am writing this. In the story titled: "The Princess who always had to have the Last Word" (Which I love so much!! Sounds like a girlboss) 
First published in 1843, this fairytale tells of a princess who is "so headstrong and obstinate", that her father the king promises her hand in marriage and half of the kingdom to the whoever who can silence her tongue. 
By the way, they're indicating that she has a silver tongue and a loud-mouth to anyone that she meets. 
By and by, the royal estate becomes so run down by people, that the king decides that if they fail, they will have their ears swayed with an iron.
(I dont really know what this could mean, but im guessing they became a slave or its a way of burning a mark into them?? feel free to share what we know about that one.)
Nonetheless, three brothers set off to try their luck with the princess. 
The youngest, called the Ashlad, picks up several items along the way, consequently being ridiculed by his two older brothers.
As the story unfolds however, it appears that it is not necessarily the things in question which prove to be helpful in the end. 
Mind you the whole time, when his brothers ask "what could you possibly need that for?"
He responds "Oh, I have things to do, and this will do,"
The Ashlads' approach to the road ahead of him reminds us to be attentive and mindful of events and coincidence on our way. Although he is initially mocked in the beginning, it turns out that doing things differently is perhaps not such a bad idea after all.
After his older brothers go in first they're ridiculed by the princess. 
"Good day," he said.
"Good day to you too," she answered and turned in her seat.
"It sure is warm in here," he said.
"It's warmer in the coals," answered the princess; the branding iron was lying there, ready to be used. 
When he saw that, he couldn't say a word, and he failed. It didn't go better with the second brother.
"Good day," he said.
"Good day to you too," she said and turned in her seat.
"It's very warm in here," he said.
"It's warmer in the coals," she answered. 
Then the cat got his tongue as well, and the iron was pulled out again.
Then it was the Ashlad's turn.
"Good day," he said.
"Good day to you too," she said and turned in her seat.
"It's nice and warm in here," he said.
"It's warmer in the coals," she answered; she did not care to be nicer to him than she was with the others.
"Then maybe I can fry my magpie there?" he asked, pulling out his first find. 
"I'm afraid she'll burst," said the king's daughter.
"Not to worry, I'll put this birch ring around it," said the boy.
"It's too wide," she said.
"I'll use this wedge," said the boy.
"The fat will drip out of her," said the princess.
"I'll hold this underneath," answered the boy, showing his broken pottery.
"Your words are all crooked," said the princess.
"No, I'm not crooked, but this is crooked," answered the boy, pulling out one of the ram's horns.
"Now, I've never seen anything like it!" yelled the princess.
"Here's one like it," said the boy, and pulled out the other horn.
"You're trying to wear me out, aren't you?" she said.
"No, but this is worn out," answered the boy, pulling out the sole.
The princess didn't know what to say.
"Now you're mine," said the Ashlad, and he got her and half the country into the bargain.
Now don't we all also theorise that Sigyn might be related to Freya or at least have been raised by Njord, one you'd consider wealthy and a "king" of the vanir? 
Just a thought! Might make a fan fiction of this in the future. 🤭
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leftenant-sinani · 8 months
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(It's he/him. I forgot to add gender / pronouns because I am dumbo)
Picked up a forgotten OC of mine, dusted him and remade him from scratch because I didn't like his first version. His story below
His mother used to be an Ashlander before she met her husband who is Redoran officer. In the little village he used to grew up in, they called him Alamnil of the Temple, because he grew up to be a priest of sorts. Well, more like battle priest, considering he has training with blades (after his father) and has knowledge in School of Destruction (after his mother).
He is a priest of Azura and he spent his teenage years in temple, trying to help everyone who seeked help. He also has a degree in School of Restoration and uses it to help as well. He never took a drake for it and everyone always said how he has a heart of gold. However, the local temple didn't really like the fact that he took their job, more importantly, the high priest was corrupted by greed and he forbid Alamnil to come into their temple due to him not doing it for the Azura but his own ego. (Which was false, obviously)
When he left home, he was 21 years old (in human years) and was on his pilgrimage, to find his better self, due to him believing in high priest's words, unfortunately.
At this moment, he resides in Raven Rock and already made friends along the way. He helped the local Telvanni apprentices with magic handling and befriended Talvas Fathryon, but also found friendship with Teldryn Sero and Ralis Sedarys. Alamnil felt that everyone was having troubles and he wants to help, but sadly, he was still very young and doesn't know how to help everyone.
Then after spending some time in Raven Rock, he eventually starts seeing purpose in all that violence, which is becoming Vengeance Paladin. Though after every battle, he prays to Azura to forgive him for what he had to do.
And finally, upcoming third phase of his, Which I don't have quite figured out just yet... Though it will probably be a few years later, when he is mature enough to finally realise what he really wants.
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Hello dear friend,
I was wondering if you have a favorite Josh era and when you have time or spoons, if you’d tell me about it or even (if you wanted to) share your favorite art. ❤️
Hi Winter, First thank you for sending this ask, it means the world to me at the moment. Things have been highly overwhelming and I love yacking about the rat muse when I'm down like this. <3 My favourite Josh era might be the Arkanis era (post-Corprus disease pre-Nerevarine). It covers the quests Corprus Cure, Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophercies, The Path of the Incarnate and Urshilaku Nerevarine. As well as a few Twin Lamps and Morag Tong quests and a murder misery in Vivec City. He's got a sense that he needs to at least see through getting the information that he'd stolen from Holamayan to the Urshilaku out in the Ashlands. He's not convinced that he really is the Incarnate like everyone says but not many people can say they survived Corprus Disease with their mind at least some what intact. He's struggling with keeping his mind present, however and it's what starts his rampant sleep avoidance. The less sleep he has, the less likely he is to connect to the Blight Hive. This backfires a lot. He's looking for answers as to why things have gone the way they've gone. He wants to know why these creatures keep calling him Nerevar and he wants to know why he's been cursed in the way that he has. He doesn't believe he's the Nerevarine but he's never been this accepted by people before. It's the first time he starts embracing his Ashlander side and starts using his father's name. He feels connected to something and he's always searched for that sense of belonging.
He's also madly in love with his Urshilaku Guide and it's driving him nuts.
This version of Josh is just finding his purpose for the first time. Before that he felt like he was aimlessly flailing about. He started working as a vigilante freeing slaves and burning down plantations and markets. This purpose was born out of a desire for revenge on his behalf. Being called the Nerevarine is something he's still deeply uncomfortable with but he is curious as to why he's being flung into these prophecies. Josh after Corprus finds some direction and is slowly regaining stability in the new body he's in. He's gone through a lot with his recovery. The wasting of his muscles, the 60% body burn and the removal of both his right pectoral and the first two toes and half the ball of his right foot left him severely weakened. It took him a few months to be able to stand with the assistance of crutches and he was stuck being unable to really get around without them until he designed his foot prosthesis out of scrap he'd found in Dwemer Ruins.
It's a fundamental change in his character that gives him some perspective. He's very reactionary and it's not often at that point in his life he gets that time to just sit and be. After he puts on Moon-and-Star he's got a whole other set of problems. The progress he's made during those months he was sick and then finding himself again is fundamental to who he becomes later and why he feels a certain responsibility for what happens next. Deep down he knows he chose it and he feels like a puppet because of it. It's Josh before he gets that constant apathetic melancholy that defines his character after the Main Quest. He feels like he might have a life ahead of him, like the darkness from his childhood and adolescence was behind him. It's his most hopeful.
As far as art, my faves so far are from this time period, I think it's the version I draw the most.
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This one I still love (my actual fav is the nude version but this one gives you the creation of his never nude robe so...) He's meant to be lazing about in Etana Ilaba'andul (Erra's older brother)'s guest yurt. This concept kinda predates this whole Arkanis concept but is what gave birth to it. As a result he's missing a few scars and moon-and-star is present but it's meant to be around that time. This is really when I decided he'd have different designs for different periods. Before that I hadn't settled on any design for him. It was just a handful of ideas.
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This one was 100% painted because of my Kogoruhn fic and is the most up to date depiction of this version of Josh. My next work will also be based on a scene from this fic. Part of this work involves the hivemind connection that he keeps losing himself to, and it's a huge aspect of how I visualise Corprus and the Sixth House to work. Arkanis is when I figured out Josh as a character, and I think that's why I like it so much. It's the most fleshed out.
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lucius-the-sinful · 3 months
12 for helon & 25 for balthazar!
ty for the ask anon! from this post
12. Which different provinces has your OC visited? If they haven't visited any others, do they have a particular place they'd like to go?
Helon is from Vvardenfell, and has made a few trips to mainland Morrowind. Once he and his family settled in Skyrim after the Red Year, they didn't really leave. However, in expanded/future lore, he returns to Morrowind briefly, then journeys to High Rock. As far as places he would like to visit, he's not exactly the traveling type. Quite the opposite, really.
25. What are your OC’s religious beliefs? How strong is their faith?
Balthazar wasn't really born into any strong religious ties or traditions. His mother was an ex-Ashlander, and his father was of House Hlaalu. He tried to, when he was a young adult, reconnect with his mother's tribe with little success. He didn't hold strong religious beliefs until he joined the Dark Brotherhood decades later. Balthazar went from no amount of faith to any cause to willing to do literally anything to please the Night Mother and Sithis--only made worse when he became Listener. He became a vampire in order to serve as Listener for as long as physically possible (albeit, I think the Black Hand and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole really questioned his method for a hot minute, lol).
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