#his frisk is erased
emptyinkvials · 2 years
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he go “omn”
it’s a /pos bite i swear
whether or not hes venomous isnt important i promise
frisk will be fine.
dont worry.
it’s fine.
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Maybe true love is both partners sweepin' the other off their feet (or roots) and carrying them around. 🌻💖
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imbonewary · 10 months
Shifting Sans Chapter 7 "Good Morning, or Is It?"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 8
I woke up to a low voice saying something but I didn't catch what. My cheek was pressed against something solid but warm, laying on my front. One arm was curled up into my side, the other dangling. A hand was resting between my shoulders.
And the solid thing I'm laying on is breathing.
Ah, I must be laying on Pap's chest, maybe we fell asleep watching movies or something. Wouldn't be the first time. Movies would also explain the weird thoughts nibbling at the back of my mind. Another hand began gently petting my head and I was almost lulled back to sleep. Then it started shaking my shoulder gently.
"it's time to wake up, brother."
"Five more minutes, bro..." I groaned, curling in on myself. 
The surface under my cheek chuckled. That wasn't my brother's laugh.
I stiffened, immediately wide awake as my head shot up, staring into a too-familiar face. I blinked a few times as memories of last night slowly filtered into my mind. Right, he is my brother, just not that one. My new brother. He adopted me. Cuz he's me. But not me. Alternate universe shenanigans. 
And I was currently lying on top of him.
Clearing my throat of awkwardness, I backed up with a blush, the blanket sliding off my back as I tried to not look like I was scrambling to get off of him. He sat up too, still bemused. Which I could feel. On my soul. Through my wings. That's right, I have wings now. 
That whole crazy mess wasn't just a dream.
"'mornin' sleepy head," Sans said with a raised eyebrow.
"'morning," I replied, rubbing one eye. "Did you uh, sleep well?" With me on top of you?
"well enough," he smiled.
"Breakfast is gonna get cold if you don't hurry up," a voice called from behind me and I stiffened. Someone else is here and I didn't even notice. Now that I was actually paying attention to my surroundings I could hear cooking sounds behind me and looked back to find the kitchen area with-
The Human.
Holding a knife.
Panic coursed through me as I tasted dust in the air, felt the swish of a blade too close to my head, saw their empty smile as they struck down monster after monster after monster as they laughed and laughed-
I gasped, snatched at the hand that touched my shoulder, summoned bones around me, on my feet, ready to dodge, ready to fight-
"eeeaaasy bro, easy, i didn't mean to startle you," I could feel his shock, see his wide sockets, his free hand held up placatingly. Right, this was Sans, my big brother, meaning this couldn't be that human, I'm safe here, right? "i guess i forgot to mention the kid was human, huh."
"That..." I swallowed, releasing his wrist. "That woulda been nice to know." Figures, my life can't be that easy, can it. "S-sorry I... I'm just... jumpy, I guess." My bones were still summoned; better take care of those. Dissipate, darn you. "Nothing against you, kiddo, but I haven't had much positive exposure to humans and wasn't expecting to see one with a knife this morning."
Nonplused, they looked at the knife in their hands.
"It's a butter knife," they deadpanned.
"Still registers as a knife."
They raised an eyebrow.
"frisk, please," Sans urged quietly.
With a sigh, they rolled their eyes and put down the knife on the counter, holding up their now empty hands at shoulder height. I could distantly feel their annoyance over the table between us and I was still having trouble controlling my breathing but seeing them unarmed did help as I finally managed to dissipate the last of my bone attacks. I sat back down on the couch; one foot on the floor while the other knee was now held against my chest as I felt my wings curling around my shoulders slightly. I was barely resisting the urge to fold into the fetal position. 
“I’m sorry,” I said again, looking away, acidic shame bubbling up in my chest. “You just… reminded me of someone. For a minute. It wasn’t a happy memory.”
“I gathered,” they said, though they seemed more interested than annoyed now.
“we'll have plenty of time to discuss hard topics after breakfast,” Sans stood, interrupting whatever they were going to say next. “come on, it’s time for a formal introduction.”
Sans offered me a hand with a smile.
I hesitated, I don’t deserve his kindness, especially after an outburst like that, but it would be rude to refuse, right? Besides, I owed it to him to make things work between me, him, and Frisk. I am the stray here. 
I took his hand and let him pull me up to my feet, leading me to the table between the living room and kitchen, pulling out one of four chairs for me as he dropped my hand. I sat, as bidden, and Sans set about helping the human get everything on the table. Three plates were set and Sans pulled out a chair opposite me for the human before sitting down himself. 
"so," Sans started. "before we dig in, thank you frisk, for making breakfast while I was taking care of serif." The human gave a grin and a thumbs up. "and serif, this is frisk; they fell into the underground about a week ago and i was assigned as their guardian. frisk, this is serif; i don't know much about him yet either but i picked him up from pap's last night. you remember what i told you about The Labs, right?" Frisk nodded. "serif is a clone of me that was in hiding for a while but now he's here and i've decided to take him in as my little brother so he'll be your uncle from now on. that said, let's dig in!"
Frisk needed no further encouragement and began greedily eating their breakfast while Sans and I started at a more reasonable pace. There was fried eggplant yolks, sliced yham, and toast with butter and crab apple jam. At least the odd underground food was more or less how I remembered it. It was pretty good, too, considering a human made it; humans can't use magic so the magic in the ingredients themselves must have been enough to keep it as monster food. Then again, humans are more common here so maybe they found a way around that. 
"you did a good job making monster food for the first time, frisk," Sans praised. "you learn fast."
Frisk grinned happily, unaware of the egg on their face. I hid my snicker by clearing my throat, which also got their attention so I subtly swiped at my own cheek, mirroring where the egg was on theirs. They stuck their tongue out at me before wiping the offending food off with the back of their hand and I grinned, sticking my own blue tongue out at them. They feigned offense but I could feel their delight. 
Sans pretended to not notice. 
Breakfast was finished without much chatter, we were too busy eating. Frisk finished first, surprising no one with how fast they scarfed everything down, and began clearing the table. Sans finished next, taking care of the drinks and other condiments I hadn't even noticed, and I finished off whatever food was left over; I didn't usually need to eat this much but I guess I was still recovering from universe hopping and nearly dying. 
"Last one to eat washes dishes!" Frisk declared, heading for the couch. 
"Fair enough," I replied as I got up with my plate. 
"i'll dry and put them away," Sans offered, grabbing a towel. "so, I have to go to the capitol later to finish some paperwork for frisk and start some for serif, but i'll admit i'm insanely curious about you, serif. you said you were cloned in The Labs, right?"
"Right, it's... more complicated than that," I said, loud enough for Frisk to hear from the couch, glad to have something to do with my hands. Do I go with my cover story with the people I'm going to be living with or just bite the bullet and tell the truth? The best kept secrets are the ones not shared but they could help cover for me, too. And what if the resets are still happening? Do I tip my hand this early?
Maybe I'll just skip the reset bit.
"Ok, this is going to sound crazy but," I braced myself. "I'm actually Sans from an alternate universe. I don't know exactly how I got here but don't think there's any way back. That's why I said I'm your clone; it technically isn't a lie, I'm just not from The Labs. However, my universe did have its own version of The Labs so I still had to deal with that. It was just a much smaller scale than it was here, with only me and my brother as test subjects."
"you had a brother?" Sans asked in surprise. "but i don't, until now anyways."
"You mentioned you always wanted one, though," I countered. He accepted that a lot easier than I thought he would. "So maybe you were feeling the empty space where a brother should've been. If there's one alternate universe there's probably more, and maybe they're more like mine in that way, where Sanses are supposed to have a brother. Either way, it's just one of the random discrepancies I've been finding between our universes; everyone I used to know is still around, in one form or another, but they're all jumbled up, doing different things than I remember; like Alphys being the current Royal Scientist instead of Toriel, or how Asgore and Undyne have swapped places. Papyrus is a good friend to you here but he's supposed to be my brother."
And I'm never going to see him again.
A sob caught in my throat as I dropped the fork I'd been working on. I'd seen him die, sure, and had to live without him for a while after that, but he always came back the next reset, like nothing ever happened. There's no coming back from this, though, no second chance, there's more than just time and space keeping us apart. He's deader than dead to me now, he may as well be-
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
22 asks, Happy new years!! :DD🎉🎉
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:DD That's Kwazii! Thank you! I'm so glad you like my redesigns for all of them! :}}}
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Yesn't! Kwazii isn't Calico Jack's son- he's his grandson- but Kwazii is part Calico, part orange tabby! :}}
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Why thank you! :DD
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Well Bibi cant say no to some cookies! XXDD
(Also thank you! I'm glad you like him! :}}} )
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Although I don't know exactly how she would lose her AU.. Grillby and River lost their au becuase of a choice being undone. Think of it like this,
I was thinking that Grillby and Rivers timelines were the result of a humans (likely a Frisk's) decision. Then a reset was done and that decisions was changed. The thing that created that branching timeline was undone. Effectively erasing the timeline and everyone in it..
Because Frisk is the one with the resetting power.. how can her timeline be erased? If she's the one undoing things? The timeline just follows her path.. And since I don't want any of those world destroying sans' around, Like Error and nightmare.. I'm still thinking of ways that she could be left stranded.. :/
All of this said, its a little more complicated then that but that's a simple way to put it-
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Because my AU had already been fully re-written before the DLC came out. And she wasn't written into it :/ nor do I want to add her- she is a lore screw up n' a half- XDD
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Oh? You made a comic? :00 Neat! :DD
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The 1-ups grew out of what now-
(Also thank you! :DD And although I didn't intend for the 1-UPs to grow out of bodies.. it is an interesting/terrifying thought! :D
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Thank you so much! :DD As for facts about my little OCs.. hmm.. trying to remember <XD
Well I know that Bibi's favorite flavor of cake is Vanilla, (same dude)..
And uhh.....
..huh, my memory isn't doing me many favors today. That's about all I can remember- <XDD so sorry!
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Also thank you! :DD I'm glad it does! :}}
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XD No, I would just knock his hat off if I did
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Also! I think you're talking about this comic I made!(?) If so, you can find all the stuff about them under the "deltarune" tag on my blog :00
As for Bibi and my other critters, I'm glad you like them! You can find all of their stuff under either "bibi" or "factual fam" ..Man I really need to make a master post for them-
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No no, I just Googled "marsh rabbit" and drew what I saw :0
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Yes exactly! I believe that's the idea! :00
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XD Whelp Caine is dead-
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AWE! Thank you so much!! :DD
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Aww! Luigi was getting anxious while training with the ice power so Mario got some fire power and gave him a hug 🥺💖
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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utmvarchive · 26 days
Othertale: a summary
"The Thought" is not the only AT in which Sans took the six human SOULS that were in his majesty's custody. But in another AT, "Othertale," it did not grant him ascension nor freedom.
This could perhaps be attributed to the fact that he absorbed them after he'd already sustained a fatal injury toward the end of a [no mercy] loop, and that time stopped for him as it did for Geno before the SOULS could heal the laceration across his ribcage or the craters in his skull, out of which the multicolored SOUL power burns. Whatever the case may be, though this loop did not last, what happened in it would continue to alter their timeline.
Though he was not [REDACTED] in the... the same sense as me, Sans and the SOULS in his possession were forgotten by the timeline. Without the SOULS or the Determination extracted from them, the fallen were never desecrated or awoken, I'd finished Mettaton's construction sooner and, somehow, Undyne was positioned as Papyrus' sibling in Sans' place, leaving Gerson as captain of the royal guard.
As has been stated before, there is code transcribing reality itself. And there are forces with access to this code. They may be the same forces which Errors such as... such as Geno are in direct contact with. They seem to take as much credit, at least. Based on feedback from an informant widely nicknamed "Blueberror," it seems that the vast majority of them do not interfere with the code itself. Rather, for most of them, their access is limited to influence over Frisk.
In the aforementioned loop that led to Sans' banishment, he'd... made contact with the one of these forces. But similarly, he'd managed to erase his timeline's Frisk. Unfortunately, the force this timeline was dealing with was one such entity who could break into the code and hack it, finding ways to use other people as their proxies. Such as the nacarat jester. In response to this threat, on the day of her piano recital, Undyne was lured into the Void by one of the aforementioned sentry stations. Sans and Dr. W.D. Gaster could not leave, but by bringing her in, Sans could share his powers with her, completing her succession of his role in the timeline to finish the counterstrike he started.
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adhdbisexualramblings · 7 months
Regressor FLOWEY headcanons!
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-Involuntary and trauma regressor. Enough said.
-He cries a lot. He was an extremely sensitive child, and the extra things he’s gone through (and did himself) don’t make that better.
-It’s not so much regression as it is…acting his age? Flowey doesn’t really ‘act’ like a child at all. When he lets himself do so, he can be more tolerable and sweet. I guess he’s be closer to an age dreamer, then.
-But give him a pacifier and he will slip into a much younger headspace. We’re talking toddler to infant.
-Regression means he doesn’t have to think about RESETs or timelines or anything past the present moment, but he’s also a really big crybaby.
-His regression fluctuates a lot. He could switch from infant to little kid at the flip of a coin. It’s hard to track what headspace he’s fully immersed in.
-The only ‘gear’ he has is a pacifier Papyrus gave him one timeline (which he has subsequently stolen every other timeline). He cherishes it and panics when he loses it. It’s pastel orange with a red race car on the front.
-The only people he’s felt comfortable with were Papyrus, Sans (Papyrus left them alone together one time and they have actually formed positive bonds some timelines) and, later, Frisk (though that’s only on extremely rare occasions when neither of the skeletons are available).
-When he was alone, to shut down his regression - which was often confused with memories and sentimentality - Flowey would just…kill things until it went away.
-Either that, or shoot bullets at whatever he could find that wasn’t a monster.
-He hates when Toriel or Asgore try to do anything with him while he’s regressed. It’s partially because it brings back dangerous memories and partially because neither of them are what he needs or wants most days.
-He can be very quiet and shy one second or fussy and demanding the next. It really depends on who’s taking care of him.
-Can and has sobbed about multiple of his old genocide runs out of the blue.
-Regression is almost like traveling to the past for him, which has a 50/50 chance of ending horribly. He doesn’t understand where his older sibling is or why he’s not being called by his name some days, which freaks him out.
-He’ll respond to ‘Asriel’ absentmindedly.
-Regression is strange to him. It’s like reaching for a memory you know used to be there. He can act as lovey-dovey and sweet as when he was Asriel, but whether that’s genuine is debatable. After he gets back into a more sensible headspace, Flowey wonders about his lack of a SOUL every time. It feels genuine, sure, but why? Memories, going back to a time where he was happy, shouldn’t be enough to alter his physical state. He’s SOULless, and therefore can no longer do things like that properly.
-He has auditory processing disorder and prefers hiding under thick clothing like sweaters if he’s being carried around. It muffles noise.
-Papyrus is his main caregiver. Or Sans, if they’re on good enough terms.
-Flowey despises the very feeling of regression. Every. Time. It just makes him angry when he notices it. Asriel is dead, should be dead. So why is he still just some kid? Why does he still crave what he decided was meaningless RESETs ago?
-When Toriel was sleeping in the RUINS, he would pop out of the floorboards occasionally to watch her or, if he felt particularly uneasy, rest with her in bed.
-Asriel was an extreme people pleaser. He was taught to be kind, which led too often to him being a doormat. Regressed Flowey is similar, and won’t like outwardly saying what he needs.
-Sans once found out Flowey was Asriel one timeline and called him ‘little prince’ when the flower regressed at his house. Flowey has attempted to erase all remnants of that RESET to no avail.
-Sans will also call him little prince/prince by instinct, which Flowey feels mixed about.
-He loves coloring and plush toys. However, the sharp thorns on his vines makes crayons and stuffed animals difficult to grab without hurting them, so he…doesn’t get many opportunities.
-There are times where he regresses for a full day and does nothing but sleep. He’ll fall asleep in the patch of golden flowers and panic when he wakes back up.
-Papyrus understands that his friend doesn’t like being public with his thing-Sans-also-does (Sans is a flip but shh that’s another post), so he tries very hard to take care of Flowey privately when he can. When they were in Snowdin, Flowey would stay in Papyrus’ room.
-Only Papyrus, Frisk (and by extension Chara), and oddly enough Toriel consistently know he regresses. Others have forgotten across SAVEs.
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wickjump · 3 months
Everyone sleeps on Undyne! I love my fish queen and she’s so underrated😩😩 pls give your hc on her
OHOHOHOHOHOHO….. i love undyne like sm. i have so many thoughts on aus that feature her BUT NOBODY LIKES TO HEAR ABOUT HER. SO FOR NOW THIS IS JUST CANON UNDYNE HCS
i LOVE HER. i hc that she comes from a family of great fallen guards. as a kid, she was taken in by gerson, the retired captain of the royal guard. her whole life she dreamed she would live up to the standards of her family before her, and worked so goddamn hard to do it.
that’s why she has such a resolve to kill frisk too, she had a goal she worked her whole life to achieve and she had sacrificed so much to get there already. she had the complete mindset of ‘this is my job, this is my purpose, this is what i need to do’, allowing her to separate herself from her actions more easily, as asgore did.
it’s easier to kill when it’s for the people, or for a cause you believe in so strongly. she does everything for monsters, for the people, or at least what she thinks is for them. her opinion of what’s best isn’t always what the public believes, but because SHE believes it, she’s determined to make sure it happens.
she trained with gerson a lot in her childhood before she fought asgore and began training under him. she grew up hearing tales and legends of monsterkind and humankind alike, and she wanted so much to be a part of that history.
I ALSO HEADCANON THAT SHE HAS DETERMINATION. i hc that she was used as a test subject (willingly) when gaster was there, and was part of the initial determination experiments. gaster, alphys, and sans were messing around with the concept of combining determination and monster souls to work on studying the barrier and what can and can’t cross it, and undyne stepped up.
undyne was injected with small doses of determination, and because she already had a determined and strong spirit, her body was able to handle it more naturally, giving gaster, alphys, and sans more confidence in using it. after gaster fell into the core and his memory was erased from everyone, undyne doesn’t remember the determination being injected into her, because gaster was a primary part of those memories.
she has faint memories of a lab but not much more, and alphys only has the files stating that a monster could handle small doses of determination, giving her more confidence to use it in future experiments.
that’s why undyne is able to survive after being killed by frisk in the genocide route, and why she melts when dying again, similar to the amalgamates. this wouldn’t have happened were it not for the determination in her soul, combined with her spirit and resolve to survive and find justice. that’s also part of why she was drawn to alphys, she felt like she was meeting up with an old friend when she found alphys in the dump one day, even though she didn’t remember meeting her before.
i also think that undyne sees herself in frisk after they became friends. a strong spirit determined to do what’s good, to help others, to bring justice to the world. she doesn’t get why frisk doesn’t hurt others who deserve it, ie flowey, or even herself. she sort of admires frisk for that, but just hasn’t said it aloud.
speaking of justice, i ALSO hc that she was a young kid (maybe 7?) when the justice human came down underground, and she briefly encountered the human before being taken away. this was sort of a formative experience for her, and she felt a mix of rage for her fellow monsters, the curiosity of a child, and an odd sense of admiration.
xtale undyne is also so so so important to me but ill talk about her later 🙏
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slightlytoastedbagel · 2 months
what if there was like. an undertale/isat crossover AU
I am going to take this as a "Frisk ends up in ISAT/Siffrin ends up in Undertale".
(ISAT spoilers up to Act 6 including the secret).
So, Frisk in ISAT. First of all, Frisk is a child so the party isn't going to let them fight. Not that Frisk really wants to fight anyway, they're happy taking snack duty with Bonnie. If Siffrin is still around I can definitely see Frisk as not knowing what is going on but wanting to comfort Siffrin anyway but in the way they pour water on Undyne at Hotland. Frisk has a candy in their pocket and every loop they give it to Siff on the third floor sort of thing. They do this even if they are also looping Frisk is just like that. Now, if Frisk is the one looping and Siffrin isn't there that would be... fun. Especially if Loop is still as they are in canon. They would be wondering what this Small Child came from and what their deal is. They weren't here before. Frisk doesn't know either they fell down a hole and ended up here. A fun little bonus would be Chara also coming along to narrate. Chara and Loop would be fun.
Now. Siffrin in Undertale. He is not having a good time. Let's just say they're aware of the resets and take them as loops for this. In the first few he remains neutral, they're used to fighting on the road but only fights when he can't get away per Toriel's request (let's say that maybe Siff is too used to his old combat rules... maybe they wouldn't think to spare Toriel at a certain point. At least the first time but then Papyrus spares HIM and that's when they realise. That could even be when reset 1 happens because Siffrin just can't go on knowing this). Then after countless attempts at this is when the genocide route comes into play. Genocide route Siffrin is Siffrin at his worse and the underground knows (so sort of like Act 5). Yes Siffrin struggles at Sans and they probably view the guy as similar to the King by the end as the guy he NEEDS to defeat because why else would it be this hard. Then Chara appears and the world is erased and he's back. At that point Siffrin is too tired and that's when it finally clicks that sparing everything is how the game is played down here. Idk, Siffrin is very stubborn when it comes to things, they're certain that when the adventure ends everything ends for example, they view fighting as a way to survival since they don't really remember anything else. Of course if he is going through this with Frisk it's definitely different because he has to look after a child they don't want them to see all that unless absolutely necessary. Also they keep getting upset whenever he even mentions fighting. Pacifist route probably happens first try in that case.
Oh also there's a lot to say about Siffrin and Flowey/Asriel. For Siffrin to go through all of that only to be met with a kid who basically echoes how he feels about their family (don't leave me I won't let you leave me). Yeah. Especially if this is an universe where ISAT still happens and then Siff goes to the underground. He gets it. Also Siffrin interacting with Chara would be great it would be like of Loop commentated on every single thing Siff did all of the time but instead of a star it's this ghost child that started following them when he fell down here.
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undertalethingems · 1 year
I suspect this will be answered later in the comic but just in case: since Frisk lost their ability to save and reset, does it mean that Flowey got his reset power back?
it's not actually answered, so here we go!
Frisk is still the most determined, so at least as long as they're alive, they technically still have control even if they can no longer use it.
If they did die, flowey might get resets back--but where would his last save point be? He'd keep his memories too... actually this would make for an interesting Bad End. Flowey would have lost two best friends, right before his eyes. Would he go back to believing it's "kill or be killed"? Would he give up? Would he become protective of the frisk he gets back, even though they wouldn't understand, and might not make the same choices he remembers? Could he take up his old role as the antagonist, even if he doesn't feel that way anymore?
If you go to reset a true pacifist ending, he begs you to erase his memories too.
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(from @undertale-encyclopedia)
And not to disregard Gaster, I'm not so sure flowey resetting would get rid of him now that he's been un-erased. He doesn't exactly operate by the normal laws of physics anymore. So flowey would be able to get frisk back, but not remove the threat gaster presents. Now what would be funny is if gaster gets left up on the surface through a reset... but, considering his goal, that wouldn't matter much to him.
He's determined to see it through, even if it means destroying the best chance of happiness the rest of monster kind has. The way he sees it, he's removing their greatest threat, and that's more important...
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
my main beef with matpat was the kris/frisk/chara misgendering and the indie dev thing what the fuck did he do?????
like outside of those things you mean? here's the ones i'd listed/instantly came to mind. a lot of things people rag on him about are like OLD old (early 2010s, like the whole "basing pyro's sex off of weird pseudoscience), which is why i won't be listing Every issue i've had because i want to assume he's grown and changed since then, at least with those things. anyways
has a weird tendency of equating video games to real-life murders. the first time i can remember him doing it was with the first ever fnaf theory, where he said it was about the actual murder of chuck-e-cheese employees and that you played as the murderer rotting in hell. which is. weird enough. but that was 2014, nearly 10 years ago, shit happens. however. that was the only time he's done this. it happened again in 2017-2019 with petscop, equating the game to the murder of a 10 year old girl. and, to his full defense, the creator of petscop ALLEGEDLY said that he did start basing his game off of that case, but that he severely regrets it and regards it as an extremely stupid decision. that doesn't make matpat's actions any less weird, because if you realize a game is Actually tied to the killing of a real-life child, just. don't fucking comment on it. it's weird and even the creator regrets his decision to do so.
on a theory about what i think was a alleged fnaf arg, he asked for his followers to help him "discover more clues" by asking them to physically call/visit locations in the real world he believed were connected to this so-called arg. (from my knowledge, this arg doesn't exist btw.) at NO point during the writing, producing, recording, editing, etc of the video did he manage to connect the dots that, hey, doxxing real-life locations for my fans to swarm to is a Bad Fucking Idea, meanwhile every other major fnaf community rushed to shut it down the SECOND his video came out, with large reddit, twitter, etc accounts imploring for fans not to listen to him, and that similar incidents have happened in the past and led to nothing (to the point where scott cawthon himself has had to step in and tell people to knock it off). i can't remember exactly how long it took for him to take it down/call off the masses, but the fact that it even got published in the first place is honestly just inexcusable, both for him and for his team (this was june of last year)
he blamed etika's suicide on cancel culture and has never apologized. the tweet is still up, for some insane fucking reason, although multiple people both close to matpat and close to etika corrected him on completely erasing the issue of mental health (this was 2019)
and lastly, while i've heard rumors of him stealing theories for years now, the only first-hand i've seen was his hermitcraft theory. the original creator of the theory can be found here [link], alongside all his theories, evidence of theft, etc. she has never been properly credited for this, and those who tried to comment on the video to properly do so had their comments instantly deleted. (this was late 2021)
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undertaledragonlight · 5 months
In this au, there haven't been any resets yet, nothing has been erased, or lost. He hasn't lost his hope yet.
Thus, he is similar to Classic Sans in his sense of humor, but also to Swap!Sans with his care for life and those around him. He's silly, but not out of a sense of hopelessness.
When he meets Frisk, and finds out what they're trying to do, he wants to help them, and help this interesting little flower guy. He's a lot more proactive in this Universe than in others.
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theshipminer · 3 months
My totally original Undertale AU
Okay, okay. I just thought up of the perfect Undertale AU. I was a little inspired by various creepastas like Sonic.exe from friday night funkin. So behold, my horror AU for Undertale:
The premise is the same. Frisk, the human falls into the underground.
As they explore the underground, Flowey suddenly shows up! He acts all friendly, but SURPRISE!! He's actually evil and fucked up!
"OOooooo Im gonna kill yooouuuuuuuu"
Luckily Toriel saves the child. Phew!
The game plays out as normal, except... a murderous entity controls Frisk to... kill every1!!
BLOOOOOODDDDD (or dust, or whatever. Pretty sure monsters can't bleed.)
No she doesn't, but she does smile creepily before dying. Of course, YMMV on that one.
After exiting the ruins, you meet Sans. Unlike in a normal route, Frisk doesn't react to Sans' initial joke. They also constantly step over Papyrus' puzzles. Weird, right?
The entity continues on, controlling Frisk to kill everyone that moves. By the time they reach Snowdin Town, every NPC is straight up gone. For example, in the shop, there's only a note begging Frisk not to hurt their family.
Papyrus, still willing to see the good in everyone, offers to spare Frisk. Not a chance. The entity kills him in cold blood.
Moving on to Waterfall, the entire place is abandoned. The only people there are Undyne, Monster Kid, and a few unlucky stragglers who get brutally killed off.
Everything plays out as usual, until the bridge scene with Monster Kid. As Frisk/the entity moves in for the kill, SUDDENLY...
Undyne jumps in and takes the fatal blow instead. As Monster Kid escapes, Undyne starts to slowly turn to dust...
NOT! She powers up into a super cool form called Undyne the Undying and tries to strike the evil down in front of her.
It's a grueling battle, but ultimately, evil triumphs over good. Undyne the Undying melts HORRIFICALLY and dies.
The entity moves on to Hotland. Mettaton tries to stop it, but falls in one blow.
Eventually, the entity reaches the judgement hall. Sans has gotten up from his lazy ass, and is trying to make a last ditch effort to stop the entity once and for all. Especially after you killed his brother.
A valiant effort, but he fails. The entity kills him, another one to fall. Only one monster left in the underground.
King Asgore stands no chance. He falls just as easily as the others.
Flowey's back again. He tearfully begs the entity not to kill him. You don't listen.
Chara shows up, awakened by your kills. That's right. This whole time, the entity that controlled poor Frisk to murder all those monsters? That was you. Who's the real monster? You should know by now.
It's time to erase this world and move on to the next. You know what to do.
This post is getting a little too long, so more under the read more:
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Did you get the joke? This is literally just the entire Genocide route of Undertale, but I tried to structure it as if it were some fucked up horror exe game or something. At least, i hope I did.
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He’d stayed with the Southampton Dingles. He hadn’t seen them since he was a kid, but Zac had said they’d look after him, and they did; they fed and watered him and gave him a bed for a couple of nights. They didn’t ask awkward questions and he was grateful for that.
He wore his hood up on the ferry crossing, held a paper cup of weak tea that splashed over his gloved fingers as he watched the black sea slide past the windows.
The hotel room in Newport had a TV and a kettle.
He tested the firm mattress while a life in some parallel universe threw up images; how he’d have come here a thousand times; playing pool in the games room, and the matted dog would have greeted him, laid its chin over his ankle as he drank a pint by the bar.
In the morning on the cold sheets, he stared at the white space of the room, shifted a hand to feel the rise and fall of his chest. Measured the distance now between them, listening to his breathing.
And then he was driving and parking, and through the electronic security gate, frisked and questioned. He signed a form and then metal doors were unlocked ahead of him. He was shown to a table nailed to the floor.
He wet his dry lips at the first motion; a line of grey men in orange harnesses filing into the room, a rush of voices raised in greeting.
In the broken column he caught his first sight of him, taller, blonde hair longer than he’d ever seen, lank locks a dark blonde over pale skin, so that Aaron swallowed at a memory of twisting a fistful of hair wet from lovemaking, specks of blood from bruised lips as their teeth had collided.
And then he was rising to his feet, trying to find a greeting with vocal cords tight like a rope.
Robert’s blue eyes blinking at him, then a voice he’d missed like his own soul spilling through him like honey erasing the missing years, saying;
‘You took your time. Did you miss me?’
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random-autie-fangirl · 4 months
In my opinion, Chara gets really close to forgiving Asriel for messing up their plan, really close to just admitting they made a mistake, Asriel was too soft and kind to ever harm anyone, of course, so it never could have worked.
But once they learn (at the end of the true lab, in my opinion) that Asriel is Flowey, all that progress is erased.
Because they were far more willing to accept "Asriel died because he didn't want to hurt anyone" before it turned out that he went on to hurt a bunch of people.
In Chara's opinion, Asriel got them killed for morals he didn't even keep, because he was all for violence as soon as he no longer had need for it. (Please note that this is Chara's perspective, not mine)
They ignore everything that led him up to this point, going with the stupidly simplistic interpretation that he killed everyone simply because he was bored of doing the right thing.
And they hate him for it, not only did he ruin their plan, he killed all of their royal subjects.
And this doesn't change after the Asriel fight, not at all:
How dare he demand forgiveness after what he's done (he literally says "I understand if you can't forgive me")
How dare he think he is above consequences, that he can get off scott free ("there's no excuse for what I've done")
How dare he act like what he did doesn't matter now he's reset (lol, lmao)
How dare he be the angel, how dare he be the one to free everyone, how dare he think he can redeem himself (as if he did so literally just to spite Chara, as if he was thinking of the prophecy at all in that moment)
How dare he have the gall to criticize them after his betrayal (the point wasn't to hurt Chara, it was to warn Frisk)
They try to keep all this hatred and anger in their brain, no need for Frisk to know, right? (Not that they always succeed)
The point is, post pacifist Flowey might be a little resentful after the events of the buttercup plan. But in that case, it would definitely go both ways.
Chara goes from "You mean everything to me, I would do almost anything for you" to "I would give a corn chip for the privilege of selling you to satan" the moment they learn he is Flowey, and that is...painful and also hilarious.
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randomsloredrops · 25 days
Random's Lore Drops - Sand Under Table (FR this time)
Alright, so basically, i hate my shitty sans lore drop so i'm making a real one. Ready? Because it's time for...
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Cursive, Cursive the Skeleton. Wait what do you mean it's not Cursive? Oh, Sans? sorry. Sans, Sans the Skeleton.
Time to rant. Like, REALLY rant. So, Sans The Skeleton. You know him, you love him, or you hate him. I'm in the middle-ground. I don't give a fUCK about that twat. He's the face of Undertale (but most definitely not what defines it), as well as the first person you meet in Snowdin, excluding Mister Camera which people usually miss (it's in the bush right as you exit). He's a comedian skeleton who likes to play pranks, and also tells over half as many puns as Papyrus (wild ain't it?). His first introduction is not at the gate, but instead the walk to it, where you get to watch his shadow move around as you walk, and also watch as he snaps a stick with ease (don't ask how). As you might know, he's completely nihilistic, and refuses to fight you until you actually end up being a threat. That's right, first degree murder on everybody except those two Froggits you forgot about in the Ruins makes you not a threat, but a Genocide route does. Why? Well, it's simple. You become a threat to the timeline. Now, it's to note he DOESN'T remember resets, only being able to tell by Frisk's expression (which is not related to your input). He also doesn't have the deja vu that others have, instead noting down things during resets, like Frisk turning around before he tells them to, and them acting like they did everything before. He DOES, however, state that there are reports of timelines shifting left and right, which means he has some sort of machine to tell. It's pretty known, but the reason he doesn't kill you isn't out of laziness, but instead, having a promise. He outright tells you that he'd kill you in a paci/neutral route during the "date" with him. He is CANONICALLY only friends with Toriel, and even then, he never knows her name until the pacifist pre-ending cutscene, before Asriel. sans.™ literally could not give any less of a shit, but because he knew Toriel for a while, albeit due to the power of knock-knock jokes, he ended up accepting. He also states that he HATES making promises. His attitude really tells a lot, as, even in his boss fight in the Genocide route, he does not give a SHIT about it. He constantly looks like he's joking, and he does NOT act overly emotional in any situation, with the most emotional that he gets being to tell yourself to politely go fuck thyself by telling you to burn in hell, and calling you a dirty brother killer. He still CARES about people, he just rarely shows it. That "dirty brother killer" line really shows it. After all, how would YOU feel if broke into YOUR planet, into YOUR country, into YOUR town/city, and killed your only family member and then said I was above consequences for that. ...Ignore the "your planet" line. Trust me I come from Earth. It's also shown based by his room that he is NOT a clean person. His first stand stinks of condiments, he sells hotdogs at his own stand, and it's assumed that he LITERALLY has the exact same stand everywhere, based on the snow on the roof, which never disappears in any instance of his stand (stand, IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE?!?!?). His only role, aside from comedic relief, is the final Genocide boss (which he is known as), and the guy to judge you before you go to Asgore, since that is his only role. Now, onto personal hate. People DON'T realize that he's not fucking FIGHTING you because you're a threat to the kingdom, but because you're going to ERASE the timeline, and when something's erased, it usually never comes back. It's because of the timeline possibly being erased forever, in which he fights you and tries to off you. He doesn't know about the "deal" that the Player makes with Chara, in which you trade your SOUL to recreate the timeline from square one. (my personal headcanon for if Sans ever remembers you're genocides is to go fuck off elsewhere, since there's no reason to fight, right? After all, you're not permanently erasing the timeline, he has no reason to fight. It may be erased, but it keeps coming back, even if YOU don't recreate it, because another Player will.)
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lisa972kdlz · 5 months
(Translated from french, sorry if there are any syntax or vocabulary errors. I'll publish the French version shortly afterwards, enjoy your reading!)
Interuniverse portals :
Have you ever wondered how the characters in the Undertale multiverse move from one alternative universe to one other?
Depending on the stories, comics and headcanons, the possibility of access to the AU's is very relative. There is no creator of the Undertale Multiverse, so there is no canon regarding the links that can be made between universes. A number of paths have been observed; firstly, with specific and precise ways:
Through the gates of the Omega Timeline (which is fairly limited, you can't travel anywhere other than your own universe (I think, it's not very clear, so tell me if you're sure of anything)),
Through scientific machines, programmed by Gaster most of the time, as in Chancetale with the plans taken over by Ace and Alphys,
Through characters with the ability to create portals or teleport naturally, like Dream or Nightmare.
Secondly, the paths... Without any explanation. In some stories, the characters can travel from AU to AU without questioning, without rules, without precision, we just know it's possible. Secret passages, teleportations, etc., you can imagine what you want but it will never be mentioned. Frankly, I only agree when it's for One-Shot or crazy stories with no stakes, because... Trying to find logic in everything is my hobby, you'll have to get used to it \(☆▽☆)/
But the most interesting way comes from characters who can directly open portals/teleport, such as Ace, Color, Error or Fresh, in the context where this is considered a special power –There are plenty of others, but those are the ones I'm most familiar with–. It raises a lot of questions, especially when Ace gets this ability overnight, even though his creator seems rather thoughtful about consistency. The only solution in line would be his ability to break the fourth wall where he could jump from frame to frame... But that's not what he does, he teleports or creates a portal. But how? Why does he do this? Why all of a sudden?
I thought and thought, and then I found a correlation between these characters that might turn out to be causation.
They are all Outer-Characters. In other words, characters from outside reality, with no AU, no world to merge their codes with.
Ace's universe was destroyed by Error and no longer exists.
Color has been erased from his reality, as has Gaster, so his code has become detached.
Error has been literally expelled into the Anti-void and transformed into a glitch creature (more on that later).
Fresh is a parasite without a maternal universe, so we're not sure where he came from, but in any case, as there is no official Underfresh, we're sure he doesn't belong to any universe.
Like free electrons (free spirit) passing from one current to another, exiled between the blocks that shape universes, no longer possessing a fixed point, they benefit from a freedom of movement that the others don't have. Out of space, and for some (Core!Frisk, Gaster), even out of time.
So, they have a fairly close relationship with the Multiverse, their codes aren't 'stuck' to blocks, and that allows them to zigzag between the AU's. But how?
Simply considering that the AU's are themselves interconnected. The Undertale Multiverse is a web. Timelines that eventually break away to become AU's in their own right (Aftertale, Dusttale, Horrortale), concepts that are similar (Underswap, Storyshift), and even the most distant ones, they are all connected to each other. And it is from this point of view that I propose the theory of gaps.
There are thories in our world to the effect that cracks in reality exist and sometimes allow strange things to enter from other dimensions... Extraordinary creatures, curses... And mystical places with high concentrations of weirdness like the Bermuda Triangle would be just such places. Abracadabrious for our world, but in the world of fiction, why not? Cracks... After all, what story is perfect? What lore is flawless? What game doesn't have any bugs? These anomalies, these little mistakes that we make, would form cracks that it would be possible to open in a portal dimension. The Outer-Characters, by virtue of their nature as free electrons, would be more sensitive to these cracks and would be better able to spot and exploit them. On the other hand, not only are these rifts not found everywhere, but some of them are anomalies beyond our perception of reality, and would have their own place in space-time. This means that they could be present for a certain period of time and then disappear, or only be available in a specific place at a certain time on a certain day. We could also imagine that some universes are more 'closed' and inaccessible than others... (I personally give this to Multiverses/AU's, AU's that brings together the main characters of the Multiverse like Vampireverse, Empireverse, Minuscultale, AU Schools, etc.) That way, we can easily invent stories where the protagonists are confronted with constraints of time and space that prevent them from running away at the drop of a hat!
Script excuses offered by the house, don't thank me (☞◖■ᴥ■◗)⁠☞✨✨ !
It's a pretty big deal, and there's a lot involved... Let's see...
So, does that mean that, for example, all the inhabitants of the Omega Timeline whose AU's have been destroyed by Error would be able to open breaches as they please?
Well... Yes, technically. But you can think of hundreds of reasons why they wouldn't. Opening a breach requires training and experience, it's risky, dangerous, leads to errors of course or coordinates, or then they simply don't know they can do it. Just because you technically have the human capacity to do back somersault doesn't necessarily mean you're bound to do it.
And Geno, is he an Outer-Character? Mmmh... Good question. Technically he's stuck in the Save screen, which doesn't mean he's been kicked out of his AU. More from his Timeline, but that doesn't make him an Outer-Character either.
For Ink, it's quite interesting, there are several possibilities. His AU technically exists, it's just incomplete and forgotten all about. However, he could be an Outer-Character due to the fact that he erased himself when he tore his soul apart, or, given that he seems to open special portals instead and that he also teleports in ink, because that's part of his powers acquired from the Creator via "magic paint", after all some versions say that he can't open a portal without his paintbrush. Personally, I prefer this, because if we subscribe to the theory that he still has a soul (the goppy blue soul in the illustration of "Broken Truce"), but that it's detached from his body, that would solve the paradox.
Unless he's fully an Outer-Character because Error destroyed his AU a long time ago, that's quite possible too.
As for the characters who usually travel between AU's, like the Postman (Post!Sans) or UnderEat's Sans, or even Death sometimes, there are two hypotheses: either they've simply learned to open cracks even without being Outer-Characters (because I think it's possible, you just have to be very talented, very sensitive and very determined), or they have this ability by the very principle of their existence. The Postman and UnderEat!Sans were created TO link the AU's (I don't even know if the Postman has his own universe, actually), whereas Death... Well, it depends, because I've never been able to work out whether his "Grim Reaper influence" was just specific to his AU or whether it extended across the Multiverse. If it's specific to his AU technically he shouldn't have that privilege. But if the gods of Reapertale, whether it's him, Toriel, Papyrus, Gaster or Asgore, are looking after the whole Multiverse, then it makes sense that they should all be able to travel between AU's as they see fit.
What about the others? Well, in my opinion they're just not capable of opening breaches, and characters like Sans, Red or Blue shouldn't have this ability. Least of all those who have no knowledge of universes. Because if anyone could do it, it would still be a big, big mess. Even, scenaristically, it would be a bit annoying if everyone could go where they wanted when they wanted and get away just the same. But that's just my interpretation of things.
But it's not over yet! Let's extrapolate a little. Can we link, in Undertale's Multiverse, this story of cracks and links to something we know? Is there a dimension where all the AU's meet at the same centre? A dimension to be the Core?
Of course yes !
I'm obviously talking about the Doodlesph– the Anti-Void.
What really is the Anti-Void? We've never had an exact definition by Crayon Queen. We know it's a mysterious white nothingness where Geno landed when a Determination experiment went wrong. It's called the Anti-Void because the color is white and not black like the Void.... But that's all. And that's not cool, because white Voids are a dime a dozen. Most of the time, they're empty AU's with nothing left, Chancetale, for example. Empty AU's, but not destroyed, because in Undertale during the Genocide route, we know that when you destroy the world there's nothing left, it's the Void. Black, cold, silent. The Void is the darkness that makes up the stars in the sky, the absolute vacuum.
We can deduce from this that these empty, white AU's are more likely to be the result of an AU that is dead of content, but still present, like X-tale or ___tale (this is contradictory with Chancetale, which is destroyed, totally destroyed, but it's normal to have a few contradictions when you're talking about a world created by hundreds of different people). What's certain is that the Anti-Void doesn't fall into this category. It's not an empty shell. It's something else. You can see it in what it does to its tenants, literally turning them into amnesiac, deranged glitches. You can see it in the window that Error opens up, leading into his old memories. You can see it when you realise that it's a way, after a while, of hearing the voice of the Creators.
The Anti-Void is the exact opposite of the Void: it's the Whole, the Link where every path crosses. After all, how many characters have accidentally ended up there? Let's not talk about the hundreds of x-reader stories where the protagonist ends up in the Anti-Void by chance after some twists and turns 😂 and let's go instead to what happened to Geno, or to Ace's machine whose first destination it was. Just look at how Error has learnt to use the rifts... Each time he goes through the Anti-Void FIRST before opening a portal from one AU to another. It's the Central Station for crossings between dimensions. I'd even go so far as to say that it's an OBLIGATORY passage. Each AU is connected to another VIA the Anti-Void. Let's just say that most people take the shortcut instinctively.
But why would the Core be the Anti-Void and not the Doodlesphere? Yet it's a dimension that seems much better suited to this role...
Well... One doesn't preclude the other.
In fact, the Doodlesphere and the Anti-Void are closely linked. I've noticed that there are often two accessible points of view in the Multiverse: the "Code Part" (the Player, the algorithms, glitches and bugs, such as Error, Fatal, Glitchtale, etc.) and the "Spiritual Part (thought, faith, emotions, the Creators, Ink, Faith, Dreamtale, etc.). What if the Anti-Void was the coded Core of the Multiverse while the Doodlesphere was the spiritual Core? The technology part and the magic part?
Because there's the computer web and the painter's canvas 🤣 !
Mhrm-... my humblest apologies :'> (does this joke work in English?)
(Hay, no, shit, it's no "toile" and "toile". Well, now you'll know that the web and the canvas are the same word in french! "Toile d'araignée" and "Toile pour peindre")
Isn't it a strange coincidence that the two greatest enemies of the Multiverse, with similar pasts, should live in two habitats that resemble and complement each other?
The web... Ironic, really, that its tenant is a skeleton who wields wires...
Error is reality's homeless man par excellence, it's in his thematic and his design; alone in the middle of the Whole, it's quite perfect to describe him and understand his character. So it's no surprise that he's probably the most capable of spotting rifts in the Multiverse. He can pretty much do it wherever he wants whenever he wants, to say the least! (Which is why I think it's breakable, the fact that Corrupted finds Error canonically useless when he's precisely THE guy who can open to him the doors to all the AU's he wants, even the positive ones) After all, Error's been trapped within the Anti-Void for an indeterminate amount of time. Canonically, after a certain time spent in thos dimension, anyone can become an "error". No wonder, if you admit that it's the agglomeration of all the codes in the Multiverse! After a while, anything coded ends up jumping left and right, stopping and starting, dispersing and dismantling!
Partially ?
Entierly ?
After a while, would Error just disappear by dint of living in the Anti-void?
Would he suffer less memory loss if he stopped going there?
Er... take your pick. ¯(°_o)/¯ I don't really like the idea of dissolving entirely in Anti-Void, but why not?
Hang on, hang on... If the rifts are spatio-temporally related, and the Anti-Void is an amalgamation of all these dimensions, and Error was able to create a window to his past in his comic, then would Error be able to travel through time???
Uh..............uuh... (@_@;) it's true that CQ has already mentioned the hypothesis that there could be several Error at the same time, but...uh....I...
I dunno (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Maybe not, or at least nobody except Error, given that if they are detached from space, they are not necessarily detached from time? Maybe he can just look at it, but not enter it? Is he even aware of it?
But then... Could he still see any future and past? Or only what concerns him?
Fucking know.
I didn't get that far xD
But hey, that's not a bad start, is it?
(If you have any theories, headcanons or even if you've spotted any inconsistencies in what I've said, don't hesitate to let me know. It's a headcanon, but it's not perfect, so I'd like to tweak it as much as possible :3
So long!)
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