#his outfit isn't even close to the canon outfit described but I wanted him to wear poetic clothes
ridrawsart · 1 year
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God, I loved Matthias so much!!! and Ortus!! I definitely cried during the Ortus and Harrow hug scene and then when Harrow's heart crumpled at watching Ortus, bleeding and struggling, I absolutely broke too. The whole thing with the ghosts in Canaan House was SO GOOD. Decided to do a design of Matthias Nonius because I just wanted to draw this bloody destructive poetic twink GOD.
I hope that Ortus, Matthias, and Pro are all happy now that they're together in the river.
(Also alternate versions because I have no chill lol)
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simplyalicee · 1 year
♡ Last Heartbeat ♡
Corpse Puppet AU by @sketchquill
Idea: He was deeply in love. Wally Darling, a handsome young man. Julie Joyful, a gorgeous young lady. It seemed as if they were the perfect pair, though love has blinded Wally from realizing that wasn't the case. In fact, he was so, so wrong.
Reminder: Quick disclaimer, this fic will contain one-sided love and murder!! While canon to both Corpse Bride and Corpse Puppet AU, I know this stuff is not for everyone! Potential spoilers will be ahead as well for Corpse Bride!! You have been warned, viewer. >:)
Julie Joyful, how does one begin to describe her? Her beauty is simply just breathtaking. Pretty, beautiful, gorgeous.. no words can even describe how extravagant this young lady was. Always wore her precious jewels and pearls around her neck. Always kept her long, blonde hair up in a ponytail. Always wore her most delicate dresses, everything looked so good on her. People all around town can never get enough of her beauty. She knows this and takes pride in it. How many hearts she's stolen, how many men have fallen in love with her. It was too much to count. She could brag about it all day if she really wanted to.
However, just because they fall for her doesn't mean she falls for them, oh no no. Julie is rich and wealthy, she shows it so through her outfits and precious jewels she wears. She has very high standards, mind you, and not a single man or woman out there has swept her off her feet. It was getting tiring, actually. Always having looks at her, but never returns them simply because she doesn't see them that way.
But it's not like she needs the love, anyways.
She doesn't need it. What she needs is gold, lots of them. Diamonds if possible, she wants it all. Sure, she's rich, but what she has now isn't enough. She needs more. More of that wealth and luxury.
And fortunately for her, a poor soul just so happens to fall in love with her, and have the money.
It was quite simple, actually. As usual, Julie was headed out when a young man just so happens to walk to her the opposite direction. He stops and looks at her, and right then and there, is already falling in love. For a moment, she was about to wave and walk off, but what caught her attention was the satchel of gold he carried. Was he rich, too? It wasn't easy to tell, despite being wealthy herself. She reaches her hand out and plays along, pretending to be swept off her feet by him. He takes her hand and holds it softly. With a small bow, he introduces himself.
Wally Darling.
An interesting name to say the least.
But that doesn't matter now. His name means nothing to her. For now, however, she played with his feelings and sent him compliments purely to toy with his heart.
It was like a fun little game. Except Wally is the pawn and Julie is the player.
And of course, all games must come to an end.
And that ending will be his.
Weeks go by, and it all came down to this exact moment. It was cold out, the moon sat exactly in the middle of the dark skies as all could be seen were the moonlight and stars. Wally stood nearby at an oak tree, he was ready to go. All dressed up in a tuxedo, taken from his father. It was true, you really didn't need much when you were in love.
He held his satchel of gold close, smiling so brightly as he waited for his beloved Julie. He never questioned why she asked for his precious valuables. Perhaps it was to show them off? She shows her jewels off, so maybe she wants him to do the same? Yeah, that seems fair.
The waiting was starting to get to Wally. He became worried. Did she get lost? Oh goodness.. did she leave him alone? To sit in the darkness? He knew she knew about his father being against their wanted marriage. He couldn't cope with that alone, but he couldn't bear to think of the possible scenarios of where Julie could be.
As he stood alone, there stood Julie just at a fair distance away from him. She alone wasn't dressed up, just in one of her fancy dresses. She wasn't about to ruin a wedding dress for this quick stunt. She stared, closely examining his posture and keeping low Incase he were to turn around. With a twisted grin and ax in hand behind her back, Julie slowly approached Wally. A few steps in, she puts on her facade and coughs to get his attention.
"Wally, sweetheart?" She called out, just managing to force care into her voice.
Wally felt his heart flutter, his stomach filled with butterflies. He turned to his feet and faced Julie, sighing in relief when he saw she was okay.
"Julie, my pretty rose!"
Ew, she hated that name.. she forced a smile and took a few steps forward, sighing.
"Oh, Wally.. you have no idea how much I've been waiting for this moment."
..Poor Wally wasn't aware about what was coming to him. His heart was beating so loud, being filled with so much love for his precious darling. He loved her. Wally loves Julie. But she doesn't love him, not at all.
"There's no need to wait anymore. We can run away, be somewhere far away. We can have our future, just to ourselves. Oh, Julie, I'm so happy to marry you!"
The excitement in his voice, his unconditional love for her was showing through.
Too bad for him, that was about to be cut off.
"Oh, Wally.."
Julie paused for a moment. She broke the facade. A creepy smile crept on her lips as she took out the ax that she hid behind her back.
"I wish I could say the same."
What..? No, no no..
Wally was taken aback. He quickly took a few steps back as fear crept on him like an incoming tsunami. That tsunami crashed, all was visible was fear and terror on his look.
No, he didn't have time to think. He needed to get out, and fast. Wally quickly turned on his feet to run, but he was stopped. Julie was quick to grab him by the arm, tightening her grip as she prepared to strike. Before Wally could think or process what was happening, there was a sudden sound that clapped through the air.
It was loud, causing Wally to flinch. He then felt excruciating pain somewhere in his arm. He looked down and screamed, seeing he was now missing an arm.
"PLEASE, STOP!" Wally managed to scream out in between his pained noises. Tears ran down his face, crying in so much pain. Julie took enjoyment in his cries, he should've stepped away when he had the chance back then.
With a sick, twisted laughter, Julie took the chance and shoved Wally down to the ground. He groaned in pain, trembling as fear and pain overwhelmed him. He was a sobbing mess, the veil covering his face as he looked up at Julie with heartbreak, fear, and betrayal. She stomped down on his leg, causing him to flinch and cry more in pain.
"Stay still. I'll make this as painless as possible for you." She spoke coldly. She made it very clear that she never loved him. She never loved him, and it now too Wally this exact moment for him to realize that.
"N-No, please.." He began to plead. Julie lifted her ax up in the air, staring down at Wally with a horrific grin.
"JULIE, PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! I LOVED YOU, PLEASE! NO, NO!!" Wally was bawling his eyes out. His heart beat faster, but not out of love. It was out of fear and terror. Oh god, he was about to die. There was nothing he could do.
"NO!" Was all Wally could scream out as he saw Julie slam her ax down.
Then.. everything went black.
There was no pulse. No heartbeat.
Oh.. he was dead..
Wally was dead..
Why him..?
It didn't feel real, he didn't want it to be real.
No, no.. he can't possibly be dead.
Somewhere, out there, he was there. It was pitch black. Was he in his mind? That would be far fetched, yet there he laid on the ground. Everything was pitch black. So much pain overwhelmed him, it was difficult to move. But eventually, the pain slowly began to subside.
Wally softly groaned as he slowly sat up. As he sat up, he noticed stitches on his arm that.. was chopped off.
His eyes widened. Tears flooded his eyes as he saw how horribly discolored his skin was. Once a cheery yellow, was now a dark blue that is cold. He looked down at himself, now noticing that all of his precious valuables were now missing.
Wally lost everything. Oh.. he really lost everything.
He couldn't handle this. Wally slowly began to sob as he stared at the ground in disbelief.
"N-No.. I can't be dead.. I can't.. be dead.. No.. please.. Julie, why..?"
Wally held his hands together tightly and held them against his chest as he sobbed uncontrollably. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart ached, his body was numb. What did he do to deserve this..?
He didn't understand. He didn't understand anything. Wally sighed with a shaky breath as he continued to sob. He slowly curled up in a ball. All he could do was cry and sob. He couldn't control his emotions. Tears kept pouring down until his head ached.
Wally loved Julie. She meant the whole world to him. She was the one who made his heart flutter. But now?
She was the one who made his heart stop beating.
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ask-the-moonbase · 3 months
(Revised as of 6/18/2024)
Welcome to an askblog for the X-Nauts from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door! This blog follows the adventures of a handful of X-Nauts as they go through the events of the game behind the scenes... with more than a few twists and turns along the way. Loosely follows canon.
Characters that can receive asks are as follows: Sir Grodus; Lord Crump; Johnson (X-Naut); Carmine (X-Naut); Jesse (PhD); Pancakes (Elite); Syrup (Elite).
General Rules:
No NSFW. This blog isn't the place for that.
I have the final say on what asks get answered - inappropriate asks will be deleted accordingly. Asks are generally answered in the order they are received.
Interactions with other rp/ask blogs is very welcome, Mario or not.
General DNI criteria apply. Proshippers/profiction users, bigots, TERFs, Etc. will be blocked on sight.
While this blog largely tries to adhere to the tone of the source material, it may wind up a little darker than what is seen in TTYD in places. Nothing insane, though.
Magic anon asks generally discouraged.
Feel free to also submit asks directed to the owner if you want! These won’t have art and will generally be addressed at any time.
{Character bios/descriptions under the cut.}
Carmine [They/them; She/he]
-A perfectly ordinary X-Naut, suited to perfectly ordinary jobs around the Moonbase, in her natural habitat. The email inbox for TEC-XX was their idea, in order to help alleviate boredom among those perpetually stuck on the Moon - and to try to get vital secrets out of Earth-dwellers! (… at least, that’s what she told his boss.) -Their favorite food is Fire Pops, but he has a hard time getting them on the base. Hangs out with Pancakes and Jesse the most, and considers both to be very close friends. -Very, very scared of Sir Grodus’ wrath. Secretly dreams of adventuring across Earth... some day.
Jesse [They/she]
-A snippy X-Naut PhD who always seems to be busy, almost on the verge of being overworked. She keeps to herself a lot of the time, often locked up in their personal lab, or otherwise vanishing for long periods of time. According to Carmine, they weren’t always that reclusive… they really haven't been looking well as of late. -Adores collecting books from Earth, even though they believe the planet to be a highly dangerous, untamed wilderness infested with monsters and wild creatures.
-Has difficulty accepting gifts.
Pancakes [They/them; he/him]
-An Elite X-Naut who is somewhat immature, especially considering their high-ranking position in the X-Naut army. He seems to perpetually feel as though they’re trapped in their sibling’s shadow, and often becomes frustrated with, or argues with them. Ultimately, he just wants to prove himself and feel useful to somebody. -Despite their best efforts to maintain a “cool” persona, occasionally lets himself be truly earnest and enthusiastic about things. -Terrified of Earth, and has never been down to the planet as they firmly believe that some giant monster would descend upon them the moment they stepped foot on the planet’s surface. -… probably would main Wolf in Super Smash Bros., given the opportunity.
Syrup [They/them; it/its]
-A reckless X-Naut with a rebellious spirit, uncharacteristic of most of the X-Naut army. Though they are considered to be one of the best and strongest Elite X-Nauts in the army - even praised by Sir Grodus himself - they don't seem to be very happy with their job. -Its helmet and jacket were originally only meant for use in a disguise while they were on Earth, they liked them too much to take them off. -Their sibling, Pancakes, thinks the outfit looks stupid, which only encourages them to wear it more for the sole purpose of annoying them. -While they fight often with their sibling, they ultimately prioritize Pancake's safety and well-being above all else. They firmly believe that he should not be an Elite like it, due to his inexperience.
Johnson [He/him]
-A X-Naut best described as the embodiment of a walking disaster. You’re far more likely to witness the aftermath of his presence rather than he himself, as a result of whatever impulsive scheme he had at the moment. -He’s… charming, at least?
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discocandles · 1 year
Danger verse characters and their favorite super bowl show.
Firstly, our titular bitchular himself, Henry Hart:
Henry would say Bruno mars, but couldn't tell you anything about the performance other than "it's cool". He could be talking about the Coldplay show which both Beyoncé and Bruno mars were in, but he could also just really like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
(Note: credit for titular bitchular goes to Athena P. Thanks for the notable quotable queen)
Next up, and needing financial compensation for This bullshit, Charlotte Page:
Charlotte's favorite performance is Prince, and she shouldn't have to explain herself on that, as it is one of of not the best halftime show ever. Beyoncé is a close second, as it is one of the only other ones she believes comes close.
Third, our lovable buckethead, Jasper Dunlop:
Jasper knows most all of the halftime shows, and it's a tie between Lady Gaga and Madonna for him, which somehow surprised some people thinking he'd say Katy Perry). He responds to those allegations with "fair, but she didn't impress me. Madonna and Lady Gaga impressed me. In both spectacle and singing."
Up next, Wait are you causing daddy issues? You're not even a father, Ray Manchester:
So I was thinking *NSYNC and Aerosmith, but then I remembered, and the answer is obvious. Ray's favorite halftime is Janet Jackson, and it's not just for the controversial part, surprisingly. But it does help it be the favorite. It definitely helps.
(Note: listen if you have no clue what I'm talking about, that's fair. The performer had a wardrobe malfunction and the nfl basically tore down her career after. Look it up.)
Next, sorry, you did fuckin what now?, Schwoz:
So unlike canon, I will be kind-ish to schwoz, and say his favorite is The blues brothers(and he likes the movie too), and he likes the aged rockers era. Source: schwoz's outfit in the bttf ripoff.
Behold, our iconic queen: Piper Hart
Beyoncé, easy. No one may speak to her when Beyoncé's performance at the super dome is playing. And I'd be remiss not to mention that Piper was foaming at the mouth over Rihanna's performance. But it doesn't beat Beyoncé.
Disclaimer: I've watched 5 episodes of danger force max. I love the four kids' vibes but can't find the episodes anywhere. So with that said,Its time to go into unknown territory:
Wow this girl's more scrambled than my scrambled fucking eggs, Mika Macklin:
Shakira & J. Lo. I feel like Mika's really likes Spanish music(I dunno she just gives me that vibe), and the vibes of the shakira & j lo show is just a bunch of fun and I think that's what draws her to it.
Ah yes the boy, Bose o'Brian. I have no other way to describe him:
Listen, Left Shark who forgot their choreography resonates with Bose. Also the amount of brightly colored spectacle and "I forgot Katy Perry did that in the show." seems very Bose to me.
Up next, the one I feel like I know the least about, Miles Macklin:
so miles feels like he'd take the easiest answer that takes little to no explanation. So I think it'd be the hip-hop medley with dr. Dre & co, bc all you really need to know is that it was about damn time.
Wait, this isn't my snarky lesbian bff? Fr?, Chapa de Silva:
I was tempted to say that Chapa doesn't care about super bowl halftimes, but that's quitter talk. Her favorite is Bruce Springsteen, and she will sometimes quote it when fighting or after a fight and no one knows why bolt is talking about guacamole. but if it's 3am and she wants to watch something stupid, Chapa would watch the Indiana Jones show(yes that exists and it's as bad as you think it is).
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amporella · 2 years
kenny kyle for the character bingo 🧡💚🧡💚
GOOD PICKS AS ALWAYS!! Here they are, starting with Kyle; I'm putting Kenny in a separate post because I like to ramble but I don't want to squish him in under the cut </3
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Everybody knows that I love Kyle. He's my favorite like 60% of the time, and he's my second favorite the rest of the time. I have absolutely endless thoughts on him as I'm sure anybody who's been following me for a while knows, so I'm going to try not to ramble TOO hard and I'm instead going to address the specific squares that I picked on the bingo board to try and keep this organized.
First of all, his default appearance isn't COOL looking, but he is freaking cute, which I feel counts? I just love his design in general, ugh, the hair contrasts so nicely with his outfit, it's adorable, and his Post-Covid look is literally perfect. I was so delighted when I saw how well groomed he is!!! And his fancy shoes... GNC icon Kyle Broflovski lives on into his fifties. I think you'd be very hard pressed to call his TFBW outfit 'cool', but he obviously put SO much effort into it which is charming in and of itself, and his SOT outfit IS actually cool. Elf King Kyle is my favorite character design of his (and maybe my favorite out of the whole series?); it is so good. Regardless of how much SOT content people make (and there is a lot of amazing stuff out there), there will never be enough to sate my SOT heart.
I do think he's deeper than he seems, but I think that applies for all South Park characters? The average viewer is frankly not going to be exploring any character's decisions beyond trying to guess the next joke in an episode, so the fact that meta CAN be written for him (and every other character) implies that he does have depths that aren't readily apparent to everyone.
I am obviously extremely pro fanon interpretation, but that being said, I do think Kyle has been done dirty, though most certainly not because he was turned into an 'uwu twink character' or whatever the most recent, endlessly repeatable claim about fanon Kyle is. Kyle's obviously faced extreme amounts of antisemitism in the show, and that's leaked over pretty noticeably into the fandom; you don't have to look far for someone blaming Kyle for Cartman's actions, or trying to defend Cartman (I will kill someone if I see people try to deny he's a nazi one more time), or bastardizing his character in some other absolutely evil, antisemitic way. This is obviously by far the most severe way he's mistreated by the fandom, but I also have some beef with interpretations from people who claim to like him, and weirdly enough, they often end up being part of the previous category? I fucking love Kyle, and I still think that some people who love him an equal amount are insane, especially when it comes to projection. I have never met a self described Kyle kinnie who was even remotely similar to Kyle. Maybe I just haven’t interacted closely enough with any of them, but it honestly feels kind of like a curse sometimes? In my experience, the moment you decide that you ARE a character, or are so similar to a character that you two are essentially indistinguishable, you lose your credibility in being able to talk about them objectively.
I think Kyle works amazingly on his own, but I honestly DO think he works better as a part of style; both from a viewers perspective and from a character analysis perspective. Style interactions obviously melt my style heart, so I'm extremely biased towards episodes involving the two of them, but the other reason I chose that square was because Kyle canonically DOES function better with Stan around than he does without him. Cue me going into a tangent about Post-Covid etc etc etc, but seriously, it's canon. He is a more functional character when he has Stan to balance him out, and to me personally, he's an even more entertaining character than he already is when he's with Stan. The same thing goes for Stan! The two of them are so irreparably intertwined with each other that separating them truly just doesn't feel right.
And yes. He has not done anything wrong, ever. You'll find that I have this opinion for most of the kids on the show, because honestly, unless they're a legitimate nazi, I refuse to cast moral judgement on these ten year olds who keep getting cast into situations that ten year olds should not be in.
Thank you so much for the ask minty!! <3 I'll post the Kenny half soon!
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grelleswife · 3 years
For the character ask game could you do Othello?? :)
Of course! Sorry for the late reply!
1. My first impression of them.
Some combination of, "funky little dude!" and "oh boy...another manga character involved with STEM who wears a lab coat 24/7 so we as the audience know without the shadow of a doubt that he's a mad scientist." 😂
2. When I think I truly started to like them.
Watching his friendly interactions with Grelle. Even in the manga, Grelle often contends with physical violence or snide remarks from other characters, so it was a relief to finally see a reaper other than Ronald who was nice to her. :')
3. A song that reminds me of them.
Although this is technically part of an anime OST rather than a song, "L's Theme" from Death Note.
4. How many people I ship them with.
Grelle and Ronald (either individually or as a polycule). I think he and Sascha could also make an adorable couple. He and Undertaker share a complex shared history and had an acrimonious breakup.
5. My favorite ship of them.
Grellthello! It's a fun dynamic—the sassy nerd who constantly banters with (and simps over) his powerful, glamorous girlfriend. ❤️💚
6. My least favorite ship of them.
Nothing really comes to mind? Othello doesn't receive as much attention from the fandom as characters like trash demon, but the silver lining is that we have fewer cursed ships for this geeky reaper.
7. A quote of them that you remember.
I'm not quoting verbatim since I've seen a couple of different translations for this line, but the part where he and Grelle confront Undertaker, and Othello smirks that it's time to get on with the renegade death god's "spanking/scolding." That dialogue coupled with his impish expression gave me a good chuckle...and do y'all see what I mean about the bitter exes energy he and Undertaker have? Also, what kinds of shenanigans did you and White hair-chan get up to back in the day, Othello? 👀
8. Your favorite outfit of them.
His cute bellhop uniform from that 2020 Black Label pop up store!
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9. Your least favorite outfit of them.
Although I like his dorky outfit in canon, that lab coat bugs me to no end because you shouldn't stroll around the city wearing your PPE!!! That article of clothing is called a lab coat for a reason. Sir, are you really going to bring it back to your research space after it's been contaminated with God knows what?! 😭😭😭
10. Describe the character in one sentence.
A cheeky, eccentric, and somewhat mysterious reaper forensic scientist with a fearless penchant for munching licorice and wearing slippers with his socks on.
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
His crazy hair! 😂
12. Sexuality headcanon!
Could be ace, aro, demi, or some combination thereof, but he definitely isn't straight.
13. Your favorite friendship they have.
His partnership with Grelle!
14. Best storyline they had; 15. Worst storyline they had.
The verdict's still out on these two questions, mainly because we just haven't spent enough time with him for me to compare his role across different arcs. We'll see how things shake out a few years down the line!
16. A childhood headcanon.
Othello was often bullied as a child due to his weak, scrawny frame and bookish tendencies, which caused him to turn inward and made it difficult for him to form close attachments with his peers.
17. What do you think their first word was?
"Ribbit," learned from when his mom was teaching him about the sounds different animals make (I headcanon that frogs are one of Othello's favorite animals).
18. How do you think they were like as a kid?
As mentioned above, I think Othello ended up a loner who read voraciously and developed a keen interest in the natural sciences. Much to his mother's horror, he was fascinated by death, and furtively dissected a few animal corpses (i.e. deceased cats he found on the side of the road) because he wanted to better understand how their anatomy worked. Kidthello kept several pet frogs, salamanders, and other amphibians, stealthily hiding them from his mama. He strongly preferred to wear loose, baggy clothing made out of soft fabric, for sensory reasons, and also had several quirks in his eating habits (i.e. lining up cherry pits in rows, pitching a fit if his green peas touched the potatoes on his plate, etc.). Despite his considerable intellect, Othello remained a mediocre student because he only applied himself toward subjects that piqued his curiosity, eschewing dull textbooks and rote memorization in favor of his late-night, amateur attempts at research.
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them.
Othello x Blavat Sky. They both have chaotic energy, distinctive character designs, and copious amounts of gender, but my short king deserves better than that smarmy fortune teller. 😤
20. A weird headcanon.
Othello is a pretty decent ventriloquist and freaked the other reapers out by bringing his dummy to an office party.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
When he was given his own laboratory. Othello now had access to resources he couldn't have envisioned in his wildest dreams as a mortal, and centuries (if not millenia!) in which to explore the questions which intrigued him.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
Immediately prior to becoming a reaper. I headcanon that Othello's backstory shares certain similarities with that of Shakespeare's tragic protagonist; namely, that he murdered his wife after a false, manipulative "friend" tricked him into thinking she had committed adultery when in fact she was innocent. Othello had been deeply hurt by this misguided belief because he'd truly fallen in love with his spouse, finally discovering someone who accepted him. Upon realizing his grievous error, the scientist was stricken with remorse and killed himself.
23. Future headcanon.
Grelle often takes Othello with her to attend Pride parades in the mortal realm, and they make eachother little bead bracelets using their respective pride flag colors. >w<
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they have never told anyone?
Othello curled up on his bed and cried for hours the night that he and Undertaker separated, only to put on a nonchalant act the next day and pretend like the relationship had never been that big a deal, anyway. He takes rejection hard but usually isn't comfortable admitting as much.
25. When do you think they acted the most OOC?
I don't think we know him well enough to say for certain yet.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
While I suspect that he might be hiding something, my impression is that Othello doesn't give a damn about others' opinions of him and is unrepentantly himself, even if others judge his peculiar mannerisms and behavior.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc., who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb. Oh, the glorious chaos that would ensue...
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Eat licorice. I love you, king, but that stuff tastes VILE.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent?
Honestly, I think Othello would be much better off as the fun uncle who pops by every now and then to visit the kids and give them cool presents. While he would genuinely love his children, he'd probably be so absorbed in his theories and research that they'd inadvertently be excluded from his reclusive bubble, placing most of the burden of their daily care on his partner(s)
30. The funniest scene they had?
When he threw his death scythe at Undertaker...only for the "attack" to devolve into a comical failure! XD As Miss Grelle remarks (I see you breaking the fourth wall, Yana), it would have made sense for this moment to reveal a ferocious strength beneath Othello's unassuming facade. Instead, we see that the geek from Forensics probably shouldn't be wielding anything larger than a pipette! 😆😆😆
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nadango · 5 years
Alela Grora: an analysis thingy
Good day to the funamusea fandom that has neglected my beautiful angel (joking. Maybe.) I offer you sea urchins a collection of observations concerning the eccentric lady: Alela Grora.
I'll be breaking down her personality and interpreting every scene and official art she's appeared in, and even include a couple of theories to fill in the gaps, if you find that interesting.
Note: I believe seichiinara did this before when she was active, but I sadly never got to read it. Therefore, everything here is based on my own observations.
First of all...Who is Alela Grora?
Grora is an angel that serves as Etihw's subordinate. She's an archer and a war veteran, and now destroys Wodahs' garden full time.
Based on canon appearances, she is described by Yosafire as "a weird lady looking for her eye"...Perhaps it's because Yosaf isn't too familiar with Grora (which I kinda doubt) or Grora simply doesn't get too close to others, keeping her cool and mysterious appearance.
To the player, I'm sure she seemed like a cool and laid back adult, contrasting Wodahs because opposites attract. She only ever loses her cool when Ater is involved because of the eye incident, which I will talk about later.
But, other than that, we don't know much about her. Being chill isn't an entire personality, especially when we're talking about a literal soldier who lived through the dark war era. Yet, what makes Tgg and dsp's storytelling magnificent is the way they make their stories more than what they seem. During the game, you have a group of cute main characters who are facing danger, but slowly you start to feel something darker creep in the background, not the angry flame demons, but the guardians of their peaceful world hide a lot more than you think.
Therefore, important characters such as Grora, Kcalb, Etihw, the cats and Wodahs-- who is this big question mark-- aren't going to reveal themselves just like that. No, a good writer will drop subtle hints in their mere actions.
Grora literally lost an arm and nearly blew to death for --ah, a certain group of girls. Reincarnations of Etihw's past subordinates. Grora's previous colleagues she had witnessed their deaths and their burial.
She encourages Macarona and is close to Froze for a reason (she hasn't interacted with Chelan as of now, probably didn't have a chance to) ...because of the guilt and the pain she has felt as she saw her previous world fall apart, she wants the descendants of her colleagues to enjoy this new world a d have a wonderful and peaceful life, a life their ancestors would've wanted. And this would make sense, since she's the only character to not explicitly talk about the past, but also the only one to directly compare Froze to Sherbet.
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To sum this up, Grora is a very chill individual who is loved by all, a bit odd sometimes, but still friendly. She is selfless and will fight for what is right, probably due to her past experiences during the war, which she is trying to forget and move on, unlike the rest of the crew. Alas, she can't, for everything reminds her of the terrible old world.
Character Design
Hands down, dsp did the Blancblack crew's designs justice. When it comes to Grora, we could note a few things:
Her current outfit resembles Sherbet/Froze's a bit too much. This may indicate that Sherbet might've had a certain impact on her. I can't say for sure that they were close or not, but he did do something that'll make Grora act the way she does towards Froze.
Missing halo: She is close to Etihw and works under them, no? So why doesn't she wear it? We know it's an accessory, but someone in Grora's position would wear it. For example, Taffy, who is the Head Angel of his world, doesn't wear one because he's not fond of Fumus to begin with, and that includes Olive. All the other Angels don't mind their gods, so they keep the halo. Dsp doesn't need to tell us that, it's logical. Something might've happened between Grora and Etihw, but it's not necessary huge. It could've just altered her point of view or something.
Now, for the war outfit. It is, simply, inspired by Etihw's diamond themed robes. Another thing to note is the tired expression she wore is VERY similar to Etihw's. This might mean that Etihw had a large influence on Grora, and we'll get to their relationship later on.
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Grora's color palette is exactly the opposite of Wodahs', which is a good choice considering that they drastically contradict each other. But it's important to note that Etihw and Kcalb also have opposite color palettes, black and white, dark and light, two past enemies who's mentalities are totally different. It's quite curious of Dsp to design Wod and Grora this way too, no?
Ater and Grora's eye
Grora's grudge against Ater isn't simply a grudge. If she is truly trying to heal and let go of the past, why couldn't she just forgive Ater and heal her eye like Wodahs suggested?
Grora was most likely a fierce warrior, an archer, and having her eye taken out must've been humiliating. A strong and pure being torn down to pieces. That incident was proof of her cowardice. Therefore, the lost eye resembles her lost pride. Finding it again means redeeming herself, but of course, the eye has nothing to do with pride. It's just a distraction.
I may be looking way into this, but it DOES make more sense that way. Same thing goes for Wodahs' eye, but I'll talk about that some other time.
Speaking of Wodahs...
Eyepatch Angels
Whether you ship them platonically or romantically, they're still the best duo and work perfectly together either way.
Based on the events of the game, Wodahs and Grora are close colleagues who always bicker and fight over the most mundane things (Grora is usually the one who starts) yet they make a great team. Grora has a bit of a crush on him because who doesn't but these feelings don't seem reciprocated (Small note: That doesn't mean he doesn't care for her at all, and we barely know what Wodahs is thinking most of the time, so we're not really sure. He's also very dense sometimes)
There isn't much to say about their current relationship for now. What's more interesting is their relationship during the war, and boy oh boy, do I have some news.
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I'm sure we all know this infamous art, the only art featuring them so badass and, so far apart too. They're also facing each others backs, and considering their close relationship, this is bad news. Only enemies are positioned like this, and the high gap resembles how distant they are from each other. That being said, Wodahs and Grora have quite the history. If only dsp could reveal more about them.
Oh, a wild theory has appeared!
Using these observations (specifically Grora's relations to Etihw and Wodahs, and the missing halo) we could come up with some context.
Grora respected and looked up to Etihw, remaining true and loyal to them. At some point, Grora became/was going to be head angel, only for her position next to Etihw was taken by Wodahs, and it angered her.
Etihw most likely paid more attention to him, and ignored Grora. Perhaps they've hurt her in some way, which resulted into a shattered relationship. Sure, everything was fine after Kacalb nuked the world, but memories and past experiences stay.
Well...this speculation is farfetched, but I wanted to share an abridged version of it with you
And that, ladies and gentlemen, includes the analysis thingy. If you've made it here, thank you so much for reading!! And I hope this helped you in some way!
Also, looking at how hard I tried to summarize this, I'm kinda anxious about the Wodahs analysis, since there's a LOT to cover...Haha.
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skekheck · 4 years
If he isn't yet asked, skekSil!
Finally we are at peak rat bastard tier. (Also spoiler warning for the Powers comic series)
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Why I like them
SkekSil is the skeksis. Whenever you think of a skeksis, this guy is always the first thing that pops in your head. He’s iconic and for good reason. His memorability comes from how charming and diabolical he is. He’s always planning behind someone’s back, but puts on a smile like nothing is going on. Everyone knows he’s a rat bastard, but he manages to manipulate all of them in some way. But he doesn’t always get away with it and when he’s punished it’s satisfying to watch. He’s given a nice balance and it really helps his character.
He was my favorite character in the movie, just because of how ridiculous and campy he was (like the other skeksis). SkekSil was a lot of fun to watch which surprised me how DARK he actually is when watching AOR. Sure some of that ridiculousness is there, but you finally see him as he was intended to be portrayed. Just how far he’ll go to pursuit power or getting back at someone who wronged him. All the while seem unassuming to the other skeksis, purposely looking meeker than he actually is. He knows just how to get under someone’s skin and that what makes him so terrifying. 
Also there’s a hidden depth for his need for power. I think he also just wants constant attention and admiration from the others. The skeksis seem to have their own cliques or friends where they genuinely like each other. skekEkt, skekOk, and skekLach are their own buddy group, skekEkt is also fairly close with skekAyuk. Even as isolated as he is, skekTek finds companionship in his pets. skekVar has a one sided companionship with the Emperor. Everyone seems to have someone BUT skekSil. He’s alone. No one can stand him with how slimy he is. They tolerate him, but no one truly likes skekSil. And the saddest thing is, he almost had someone: skekVar. They hated each other for a long time and skekSil was plotting to get back at him for taking his position in power. But when he saved skekVar, the General’s opinion of him drastically changed. He saw the Chamberlain as a friend. SkekVar is the most loyal and maybe even the most honest of the skeksis. So when he refers to skekSil as his friend he’s being sincere. Yet, the Chamberlain commits the ultimate taboo and murders him. In his pursuit for validation, he lost the only true friend he would ever have. 
Why I don’t
He’s responsible for killing a bunch of skeksis, whether directly or indirectly. A bunch of which are high tier skeksis so I can’t forgive him for that. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
I’m really stuck between the mental gymnastics he performed to get skekTek in trouble instead of himself and the one he did with Rian to get him to stay in the carriage. They’re both good scenes and perfect examples of his character. 
Favorite season/movie
As much as I love skekSil in the movie, he is by far more complex in AOR and  characterized properly. 
Favorite line
“Death is unnatural. Death is cruel joke. Death mocks life, mocks Skeksis. But no more. Skeksis conquer death. And you, Gelfling, will do the same in Skeksis’ place”.
Favorite outfit
Those red robes are certainly iconic. 
Him and urSol. That mystic is the only one that could handle rat bastard’s toxicity.
I’ve mentioned I’d love a friendship between skekSil and skekZok because of how slimy they are and would back-stab each other. But also imagine a skekSil and skekVar friendship. What if the Chamberlain didn’t kill him, maybe had him punished in some way without skekVar knowing he caused it. What if skekSil decided to keep him around and suddenly he’s getting a lot of this positive attention without him needing to manipulate it out of him. Like it’s so jarring to skekSil that he isn’t sure how to deal with it. Over time he’ll come to appreciate skekVar’s company (and exploit it somehow). I also do like the brains and brawn trope. 
Head Canon
Since it’s very clearly established the musician urskek is SilSol, I think skekSil sings to himself when he’s alone. He also has good musical taste and doesn’t actually like the music performed at the castle, but has to fake it. 
Unpopular opinion
I’m actually okay with the fact skekSil dies in the Power comics. That’s karma LOL.
A wish
I hope skekUng figures out or is clued in to what skekSil did to skekVar. I want to see someone confront him on his most heinous crime. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Do not kill another skeksis you bastard.
5 words to best describe them
Two-faced | Manipulative | Cunning | Astute | Ambitious 
My nickname for them
Rat, rat bastard 
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mianmimi · 5 years
About Wanda/Stephen happening in DS2: I'm 95% sure it won't happen. The other 5% is my lack of faith in Marvel Studios after Endgame, which I didn't enjoy and not just 'cause it suffered from a severe lack of Stephen and Wong. btw, am I the only loving their outfits for the funeral? My Wonrange brain convinced me it was their wedding outfits. After/before the funeral they sling-ringed themselves to Vegas and got married. Our Benny Boys(tm) are so fucking hot istg
Anyway, back to Wanda/Stephen, with all due respect to the people who ship it... Jericho/Wanda is where it's at. They've been an item in a few comics and he's so good to Wanda in the comics and she's so good to him. I kinda hardcore ship it, and the fact that Jericho's casting call is looking for a younger actor tells me that Jericho will be close to Wanda's age range for a reason. A romantic reason <3
 "The age gap between Wanda and Stephen coupled with the mentor thing is too much of a combo for me. He’s old enough to be her dad and it’s in the yikes zone for me."
btw, I know this is heresy in the DS fandom, more so in the 616 side, but... you just described why I've never liked Stephen/Clea. I like Clea, mostly because she's based on Stevie Nicks and I love Stevie Nicks lol But no, really, I do like her. It's just that their relationship isn't good at all. Stephen neglects her as a lover so fucking much it's pretty much a running gag. She constantly wonders and suffers over whether he loves her or not. That ain't healthy. And of course Stephen is supposed to be superior to her in the mystic arts, as if Clea isn't half Faltine. The only reason why Clea isn't the better sorcerer and is always portrayed as such is that comics are sexist, getting better, but still sexist.
Stephen acknowledged in the comics that his relationship with Clea was doomed from the start because he'd been her teacher. He literally says he wishes he hadn't been her teacher at all and had been just her lover.
“Perhaps I should never have made Clea my disciple. The duality of our relationship was always an impediment to our love. Perhaps… if I had not been the master, and she the disciple… we might still be lovers.”
Doctor Strange, vol. 2, #54 (August 1982) Because in this house we do research lol
I love Stephen, but Clea deserves a better man (OR WOMAN HELLO). They aren't good for each other. It's like Christine/Stephen. I love them separately, but together... NOPE!
And on the subject of Clea... if they cast a white actress for Clea I'll be pissed! The DS supporting cast needs more PoC! I'm half Desi so I've always pictured Clea as Desi, especially in recent comics where she's drawn and colored ambiguously brown. Ambiguously Brown = Definitely not a white woman with a tan but fuck if we know her ethnic background.
You know what gets me about Stephen’s relationships? They can all do much better than him. Even beyond canon and into the various ships, his love interests could all do better. It’s a blessing and a curse I think. He’s got all these amazing people who love him but he can’t sustain a healthy relationship with any of them :(
I do hope that with the changes they made for the MCU, that they’ll also remove the whole Clea as Stephen’s student aspect. Just like they removed Wong’s role of being a manservant. I’d love to see the roles reversed where she’s the one who’s stronger and ends up teaching him. I really like seeing Stephen as a student, and hopefully that won’t disppear with the sequels.
Seeing Jericho on screen is gonna be so much fun! Though with a young casting call I have to assume that Daniel and Jericho aren’t twins. I’d like to see Wanda finding some happiness and love again after Vision’s passing. And hopefully she can find that in Jericho.
As for Clea casting, I’m really hoping for a person of color as well. I already got my fancast but I know it’ll never happen lol. I’m Filipina so I wanted someone from that background to be Clea. My headcanon is Angel Aquino. She can kick ass and she’s age appropriate for Stephen. She’s actually older than Benedict if you can believe that. Natural beauty and grace.
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It’s really fun to have fancasts! Especially since nothing is confirmed yet and we can enjoy seeing our favs as the picks. With that said guys, feel free to share your fancast!
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poppycorntheatres · 5 years
Hey I have a question abt Alchemist! I don't think she's an adult bc she has a school skin, alongside herb, mustard, rockstar and ice candy (I don't remember her name sjxnsn) who all are teens, so doesn't that make her a teen too? Also she's vamp's younger sister isn't she? Sorry if it's rude I'm just 🤔
no its not rude but also consider that canonly rockstar and ice candy, herb have already fulfilled their dreams of their respected jobs the back to school outfits implied they wanted while mustard is the only cookie in the back to school set that doesnt have a job. herb is a barista/gardener, ice candy is a famous hockey player, alchemist is an alchemist and rockstar is a rockstar of course, while mustard’s nonconformist outfit literally states that she’s not the full fledged graffiti artist her base outfit states her to be
“she’s quite the promising graffiti artist”
we already know mustard does graffiti, you wouldnt tell someone they’re “promising” at something when you already know theyre good unless they were just starting to engage in doing that activity regularly
while its not entirely impossible for teens to be rockstars, own tea shops, be captains of hockey teams, lets not forget most of the costumes are not applicable to who the cookies are as people currently.
where would milk’s herald outfit and yam’s champion of valor outfit come to play in the milk/yam/dc storyline which we know takes place in the current events of cookie run? its simple. they dont have anything to do with the current lore or who the cookie is currently as a person!
we dont consider cheerleaders “school attire” outfit as who she is currently, but rather who she USED to be, which we should also keep in mind when considering costumes, ESPECIALLY since most of the costumes use present tense.it could be possible that SOME time ago alchemist was a senior or a junior but CURRENTLY (as in talking about who she is now, aka her base skin) she isnt. this especially is more apparent since we know canonly rockstar cookie already IS a rockstar but his back to school costume implies at some point, he wasnt, aka the past. so does that make his future rockstare costume canon to the cookie he is now? nope!
if this is in reference to the strawberry x alchemist request, dont forget strawberry hangs out with the commons. what all the commons have in common (hehe) is that theyre all kids who are at least at the age range of 10. considering cookie runs 10th anniversary was gingerbrave’s birthday. strawberry is nowhere of equivalent age to alchemist
at some point, the kakao version of cookie run described alchemist as vampire’s older sister and the one who helped vampire escape from the oven. in line they had completely switched with around and made it that alchemist was the younger sister and vampire was the older brother and helped HER escape from the oven. in ovenbreak vampires description says again, alchemist helped him out of the oven. whether or not you believe alchemist is the older or younger sister, its still safe to assume that she is probably already an adult.
im just saying the only minor cookie that comes even close to alchemist’s age that we know of is mustard, and even then mustard is still a teenager
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Opinion #20
I need to vent about people on Reddit. This is pretty much going to be a rant on people's opinions about the show. I'm not trying to be disrespectful I personally just think they are wrong. I'm sorry if I already ranted about one of these things before.
There are still people who think Sam and Dean aren't platonic soulmates. Either because they think brothers can't be soulmates (even if I explain they are platonic soulmates and then go on to explain all the canon evidence) or because they are destiel shippers which is a whole other thing but I ask hellers to pay attention to canon when talking on a post about Sam and Dean on Reddit. (If you only ship destiel in fanon and don't send death threats to anyone then I thank you. It is the hellers (extreme destiel shippers that say the CW is queerbaiting because it wasn't made canon) that bother me.) The reason I even mention destiel shippers is because I've had someone tell me that they prefer Dean and Cas as soulmates and it bothered me for a lot of reasons but I would just like to put out there that Dean seems to barely tolerate Cas sometimes and they aren't exactly what you would describe as close. He very much prefers to hang out with Sam over Cas on any given day. And obviously, the idea that brothers can't be soulmates is false. I have also seen people say that it goes against team free will and that since Chuck created their bond it's weird for them to be soulmates. I've touched on the second one before. Basically they were the ones who strengthened their bond. They wanted it to be what it was and Chuck did not. Chuck wanted them to kill each other. He didn't want them to not be able to function when the other was dead. ( This doesn't count the finale Sam was functioning obviously but he was living for Dean and it was more like a half life.) As for the second one. As far as the free will part goes as I stated above they went against Chuck so their bond pretty much is free will. Plus, we know it was out of Chuck's control the entire time because of the finale. The only thing Chuck did was try to drive them apart. As far as the team part goes I personally don't care for Cas so I don't particularly care about the team part.
This leads me to my next thing. Sam and Dean care about their friends and their family but they care about each other more. They show isn't really about found family. It's about Sam and Dean. Dean has said this in multiple episodes that it was always just them. Even if you don't like the finale (I loved it) Dean still said this. It is canon. They care about friends and family but not as much as each other. This is further proven when Dean waits for Sam in heaven even though he could go see any of his friends or family as heaven was completely opened. They didn't want to see their friends or family. Them reuniting and then it ending was perfect. Now they can go do whatever they want.
Sam's memories were tampered with by Zachariah. Jared confirmed it but it also makes a lot more sense than memories with random people being his happiest memories. His happiest memories are with Dean. Think about the end of season five. How did he stop Lucifer? His love for Dean. His memories he had with Dean as kids. Their names that they carved into the Impala. Then in the finale Sam was wearing his pilot outfit. Jared said this was because it was Sam's happiest memory. The best memories someone has changes but in season 5 that definitely could have been a good memory for Sam. He had long given up the idea of a normal life. This wasn't season 1 or 2 it was 5. I've had people tell me that it makes sense for Sam's memories to be what they were (see above) and that Jared was just trying to placate fans. Jared says things people don't want to hear about the characters all the time. He knows Sam and if Jared says their heaven was messed with I believe him. It's not a stretch. Think about the voicemail. All of this was meant to break them apart.
I've seen people say their codependency is toxic and needs to be broken. I think every relationship could be toxic and the more you care about the person the more toxic it could be until you are able to work it out which they always do. In supernatural the fact of the matter is their "codependency" ( I assume this is meant to be a negative term which I don't really want to use.) is keeping them both sane. Dean lives for Sam. Taking care of him is a huge part of who he is. He would spiral if Sam died. Either become reckless or as Jensen has actually said he would die in the back of a pool hall. Sam also spirals. He gets reckless just like Dean gets or he hides. He hides in a normal life. Dean quite literally keeps Sam sane. Remember stone numer one? Remember "It's the only thing I've ever know that was true."? So yeah it could be toxic but in reality they got a lot better. Say whatever you want about the later seasons but at least they weren't fighting all the time. As a whole their relationship isn't toxic.
It's amazing how many people think they were only so close because of Chuck or because of hunting. I've already touched on the Chuck one. Hunting is just their job. It is hard to imagine them not hunting because it's what they do. Just like adults go to work. If hunting was to slow down and eventually stop they'd still be in the bunker. If they got normal jobs they'd still be living in the bunker. There is a lot of reasons they wouldn't nessccarrily do good in a normal life but the biggest is at this point they don't want one. As long as Dean was alive they would have stayed in the bunker. They do things together just because they enjoy them that has nothing to do with hunting. In season ten they were by that lake and drinking beer. If I remember correctly in one of the seasons Dean talks about retiring. When they went to that old people home I didn't get the impression that one of them would be going their and one of them wouldn't. They go on an annual trip to Vegas every year. I'm sure there are more. They want to spend time together that doesn't have anything to do with hunting. They are pretty much in a queer-platonic relationship at this point. Which is kinda like marriage but is platonic and something you can have with a best friend.
Dean definitely did not regret selling his soul for Sam. Hell was obviously traumatic but I don't believe for a second that if there was no other way he wouldn't try. Even in seasons where they were fighting. It's amazing that people could ever think that knowing how much Dean loves Sam. The codependency (I don't have a better word) became extremely apparent when Dean sold his soul but it was there before then. Faith is a good example. Even Dean saying "As long as I'm around nothing bad is going to happen to you" is an example. Dean letting himself be beat up by Lucifer because he didn't want Sam to die alone is a good example. Sam has always been Dean's exception to everything. ( I don't mean for that to sound weird.) Even in the Kripke era they codependency was a strong as ever. The codependency became a thing in the Kripke era. Dean definitely didn't learn that Sam should have stayed dead. And yes I know his dad had died in he was in a bad place but I truly don't think that had much influence on his decision. He sold his soul because he couldn't live with Sam dead. That is something Dean admits to. It didn't have anything to do with his father. In fact, if it was up to John he probably would have made sure Sam stayed dead so he didn't have to deal with the possibility of killing him.
I think I'm done. Thank you to anyone who actually got this far. Lol. Sorry the post is this long. This made me feel better though. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to let me know and I can put them in. Remember these are just my opinions on everything other people have said. I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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