#I am smol but I am mighty
ridrawsart · 1 year
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God, I loved Matthias so much!!! and Ortus!! I definitely cried during the Ortus and Harrow hug scene and then when Harrow's heart crumpled at watching Ortus, bleeding and struggling, I absolutely broke too. The whole thing with the ghosts in Canaan House was SO GOOD. Decided to do a design of Matthias Nonius because I just wanted to draw this bloody destructive poetic twink GOD.
I hope that Ortus, Matthias, and Pro are all happy now that they're together in the river.
(Also alternate versions because I have no chill lol)
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gideon-of-navareth · 2 years
Ok but how pissed is cav!Harrow gonna be when necro!Gideon (whose necromantic infirmities are, I assume, at least partially compensated for by her demi-god’s vitality) does one (1) push-up and immediately has bigger muscles. Just by sheer ratio. The audacity.
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rainbowcaleb · 2 years
300 short and sweet words of Essek waiting in Eiselcross.
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sensitivegoblin · 5 months
......its autistic lil boy time eeeeee >:)
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artimea · 1 year
As one of the smallest people the people I know know:
NO I will nOT be the bigger person, I just wasn’t built that way
I won’t be a dick but I will punch yours :)
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honnelander · 1 year
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HERE WE GO EVERYONE. the long awaited jealous!Sanji fic!! AKA a prequel to the main go fish! storyline!! this fic takes place before the main events in go fish! but after they met at the Baratie. and don't worry, part 3 for the main series will be on the way. enjoy!! request: i was wondering if you’d consider making a lil imagine/blurb about sanji being jealous of someone flirting with the reader? like imagine zoro and the reader just talking and then zoro suddenly leans closer and whispers to her “it seems we’ve got an audience” or smth like that
word count: 3.7k
pairing: jealous opla!sanji x fem!reader
summary: Sanji watches Zoro and reader talk and gets jealous. Nami tries to calm him down but fails.
go fish! series: part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 masterlist
taglist: @mischiefmanaged71 @smolracoon25 @smol-book-nerd @shuujin @amanda08319 @nimtano @your-platonic-gay-lover @lovelymrvl @whiskeypowder @jovialcat123 @nimtano @xtigerlily @shadowwolf1864 @quixscentsposts @guidingstarsstuff @ateliefloresdaprimavera
“Reading that garbage again?” a voice called out. 
At hearing the question, you glanced up from your well-worn copy of Pride and Prejudice, your favorite book, only to see a calm Zoro casually stroll over to you with a hint of amusement on his face.  
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Don’t knock it till you try it, oh great sword master,” you playfully jabbed as you shook out the book to him as he leaned his back against the ship’s front railing, resting his elbows on top of it. “The almighty Zoro isn’t allergic to reading, is he?” 
Zoro snorted, glancing down at your cross-legged position on top of a crate before returning his sights to the Going Merry’s deck and the open ocean. “Yeah, I am allergic,” he agreed. “Allergic to reading that monstrosity you call a book.” 
“Ooo, ‘monstrosity’. That’s a mighty big word for a non-reader like yourself, Zoro. Good job,” you teased as you marked your page before closing the book and joining your friend in looking across the deck and out towards the ocean. 
The green-haired swordsman crossed his arms. “I read.” 
“Mmhm,” you hummed, not convinced. “Sure you do.” 
“I do,” he defended in a gruff voice. 
“Oh yeah? Here, I’ll make it easy for you: tell me about one book you’ve read.” 
Zoro scoffed. “I can tell you about way more than one.” 
You couldn’t help the surprised noise that came out of you. “Oh, yeah? ’More than one’?” you asked with a raised brow and glanced up at your fellow straw hat, trying to wipe off the grin on your face.  
You were certainly surprised that Zoro has read more than one book in his lifetime, but you weren’t surprised that he took your earlier question as a challenge. Classic Zoro, you thought in amusement. The guy could never pass up a challenge, no matter what it was about. 
So, you repositioned yourself on your crate, making yourself comfortable for the discussion ahead. “Alright, come on,” you said and sat up straighter, urging Zoro on, “let’s hear it. Tell me all about them.” 
From the back of the ship, on the upper deck above the kitchen, a certain chef took a long drag on his cigarette as he watched you and his least favorite swordsman be engrossed in conversation. Sanji removed the butt of his cigarette from his mouth with his thumb and index finger, keeping the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could, before slowly exhaling the smoke from his nostrils, his eyes never leaving the two of you. 
“Daaamn, Sanji,” Usopp drawled as he messed with the sails on the ship’s mast nearby, glancing at the chef for a second before returning to his knots. “You look like a smoking dragon. All ferocious and mean. And....extra smokey.” 
Sanji’s gaze didn’t budge, Usopp’s words not fazing the cook in the slightest. “Oh yeah? And what of it knot-boy?” he asked with a slight edge to his words, taking another drag on his cigarette and exhaling through his lips. 
At Sanji’s snarky question, Usopp recoiled and looked back at Sanji more closely with a confused expression. It was rare for Sanji to lose his cool or be in a bad mood for no reason, unless he was going back and forth in an argument with Zoro but even then, the blonde chef usually took those in stride with a smile, much to Zoro’s annoyance, so this was new. 
“Aren’t those things supossed to calm you down?” Usopp asked as he nodded to the cigarette in the cook’s hand. 
“I am calm,” Sanji rebuked a little too quickly to be true.  
Usopp then noticed how intent Sanji’s stare was towards something at the front of the ship and raised an eyebrow. Whatever he was staring at must be pissing him off because the chef’s gaze looked absolutely lethal. What the hell could be making him so mad? Usopp followed Sanji’s gaze, looked towards the front of the ship, and saw....y/n and Zoro talking? 
To Usopp, it looked like they were just having a normal conversation, but when he saw y/n laugh at something Zoro said, hitting his arm with a grin and Zoro having a slight smile, he heard Sanji scoff loudly in disgust and mutter something under his breath. 
And in that moment, it dawned on Usopp what was up, and it was hard for him to contain his shit eating grin: Sanji was jealous. Sanji was jealous of y/n and Zoro. To Usopp, it looked like a completely normal conversation between friends since he knew of y/n’s affections for the blonde cook. But to Sanji? It probably seemed like a complete flirt fest, and he was jealous. 
Up until this point Usopp had thought y/n’s crush was only one sided. Sure, he’s had his suspicions ever since Sanji seemed to stare at y/n more often than not, but Usopp was still just a guy at the end of the day, so he never considered if Sanji might actually have feelings for y/n too.  
But now? Oh boy- Usopp was all caught up to speed and he couldn’t wait to meddle in their budding relationship and tease the heck out of them both for it (when the time was right, of course).  
Usopp looked back over at Sanji and wiped off his grin as best he could. “You say somethin’ Sanji?” he asked innocently, knowing damn well the chef said absolutely nothing. “I thought I heard you mutter something.” 
Sanji flicked the ashes off his cigarette. “No.” 
“Oh. Must just be the wind then...” 
Suddenly, y/n’s laughter could be heard from the ship’s front and Sanji nearly snarled in disgust and shook his head. “What the-” Sanji started but let out an exasperated sigh. “He’s not even funny,” Sanji complained before taking another hit on his cigarette. 
Usopp couldn’t help himself, he had to poke the bear. “Who, Zoro? I think he’s funny.” 
The blonde chef let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, funny looking.” 
He also had to twist the knife. “Well, y/n seems to think he’s funny.”  
Sanji chuckled to himself and stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating Usopp’s words. “You know what? It doesn’t matter,” he muttered and took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and immediately lighting up a fresh one. 
Unbeknown to the cook and slingshot fighter, standing underneath them and near the tangerine trees was the Going Merry’s orange-haired navigator, who had heard their whole conversation. 
------------- ----- 
“Zoro!” You laughed loudly and hit your crewmate on his bicep. “Reading books on how to dismember your opponents doesn’t count as real reading!” 
A ghost of a smile appeared on Zoro’s face as he raised an eyebrow at you. “Says you. Can you tell me fifty different ways on how to cut up a body? No? I didn’t think so.” 
“Fair enough,” you relented good naturedly with a small laugh as you shook your head. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.” 
A comfortable silence fell over you both as you let out a small sigh, watching the waves crash. 
After a few quiet beats, however, you felt Zoro lean into your personal space as he lowly murmured, “Don’t look now, but it seems like we have an audience.” 
You blinked in confusion as your eyebrows pulled together. “What? An audience? Where?” Completely disregarding Zoro’s instructions, you immediately started looking around the ship. “Watching what?” 
“Us,” Zoro said simply and returned to his full height. 
You shook your head in disbelief. “What? Us? Now who would be watching-” you started to say but the rest of your sentence died in your throat when you saw piercing blue eyes staring right you both. “...us?” you finished slowly.  
Sanji? Sanji was your audience? But- why? What? You were so confused. Even from this far away, you could tell something was off with him. His posture was stiff and the usual smile that adorned his features whenever he saw you was nowhere to be seen.  
“When did he get here? I didn’t know he was on deck...” you trailed off, about to move to hop off the crate and make your way over to Sanji to see what the matter with him was when something stopped you.  
Before you could hop off the crate, you saw Sanji put out his cigarette and make his way off the deck and head down into the kitchen, not sparing you another glance. As you made your way across the deck, about to follow him into the kitchen, Usopp quickly called out to you from up on the ship’s mast, asking for your help with knot tying since ‘yours were so much better than his’. You agreed with a small sigh, not wanting Usopp to struggle by himself, so you made your way to the mast and started climbing, but not before sparing the entryway to the kitchen one last glance. 
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sanji flittered around, grabbing random ingredients he saw at first glance. Mushrooms? Grabbed. A block of cheese? Sure. Corn? Ok. Tomatoes? Sure, whatever. 
As he looked down at the growing pile of ingredients on the counter, he stopped for a second to examine the pile, putting his hands in his pockets. What the hell was he supposed to make out of this? He didn’t know. He couldn’t think straight, and it was bothering the absolute hell out of him. The kitchen had always been his sanctuary, a place where he could always rely on to decompress and escape from his thoughts as he got swept away in the act of cooking that came so naturally to him. Usually. 
But today? His natural instincts weren’t there. He felt his chef’s mind drawing up a blank on how to mix all of these items together and the longer he stood there, the more ticked off he became. On a normal day, he’d have thought up of 15 different dishes he could make and already have been busy at work making one of those ideas come to life. But now? There was nothing. No ideas swirling around in his head, nothing.  
He could feel his face twist up in irritation the longer he was standing there until finally, he let out a short, brusque sigh, muttering, “Now what the fuck am I supposed to do with all this?” 
“You’re the chef, aren’t you supposed to figure that out or something?” 
The blonde chef glanced up from the pile and saw Nami casually strolling in from the deck and up to the counter opposite of him, hands clasped behind her back, with a curious eyebrow raised.  
Instantly, to cover up his sour mood, the cook plastered on a fake smile. “Well, it seems my mind is a little blank at the moment, Darling. Why don’t you come over here and help me come up with an idea or two?” he offered with a wink, taking his hands out to lean against the counter. 
But Nami saw right through him. “I’m good, thanks,” she declined bluntly. Nami wasn’t sure when she had become the Going Merry’s pseudo-therapist, especially since this crew hadn't been together for more than 3 months at this point, but someone had to be, and she figured the only way to get Sanji to talk right now would be if he was doing something he loved: cooking. “Actually,” she started offhandedly, “I have a request for you.” 
Now that immediately got the cook’s attention. “Oh?” he asked with a raised brow, straightening up as he dropped the fake flirty persona. 
“Yeah,” she said aloud, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself that she actually had a request for the cook. From behind her back, she pulled out a couple of tangerines. With a slight smile and raised brow, she said matter-of-factly, “If I remember correctly, I believe I was told I could ask for a tangerine tart anytime I’d like?” 
A genuine smile came across Sanji’s face at that, his eyes crinkling at the corners, as he laughed with a nod. “The Madam is correct.” He took the fruits from Nami’s hands and placed them on the counter, pushing away his bizarre pile of ingredients to make room. “One tangerine tart coming right up,” he said and started bustling around the kitchen with purpose this time, pulling out the necessary ingredients, a far cry from his movements a couple of minutes ago. 
Seeing Sanji occupied, Nami took a seat at the table, sitting where she had left her charting journal and reading glasses from breakfast that morning. She opened her journal back up and put her glasses on, flipping through the pages and resuming her sketch of her latest map.  
Both of them worked in silence for a few minutes, both engrossed in their respective activities until Nami broke it. Before speaking, she snuck a glance at the chef, making sure he was preoccupied before she started prodding and sure enough, he was. Perfect. 
“You know, I never told anyone this before,” Nami started, laying the groundwork for Sanji to open up, creating a tit for tat sort of thing, “but I actually love tangerine tarts.” 
Sanji huffed slightly with a slight smile, not looking up from his work. “Oh yeah? Well, be prepared to fall in love with them all over again.” He started pouring heavy cream into a separate bowl, adding sugar before whisking it all together. “Even Zeff used to say I made a mean tangerine tart.” 
Nami hummed. “Maybe you can make Zoro fall in love with them too,” she said casually, sneaking a quick look at Sanji, only to see him press his lips together in a firm line and start to whisk the cream harder at the mention of the swordsman. “Or y/n,” she added quickly. “I don’t think she’s ever had one either.” 
At the mention of you, Sanji’s face and motions relaxed slightly. “Yeah,” he agreed. “I...think you’re right about that.” 
The orange-haired girl rotated her journal ninety degrees. She decided to prod a little harder. “I think I saw them talking earlier.” 
Sanji simply hummed in agreement, cracking eggs into a bowl, staying silent. With the third egg, however, he cracked it a little too hard on the counter, causing the raw egg contents to splatter everywhere and onto his black blazer.  
“Ah- fucking hell,” he muttered in disgust, throwing the broken eggshell into the trash before cleaning his hands off in the sink. 
Nami looked up from her work and quirked an eyebrow at her crewmate. “You good?” 
The blonde cook shook his head once with a sardonic smile. “Never better,” he quipped. 
Ok, she couldn’t do this dance anymore. Nami closed her journal and took off her glasses, looking straight at him. “Alright, you want to tell me what the hell is going on? You’re acting weird, even for you.” Sanji opened his mouth to protest but Nami spoke before he could. “And don’t lie to me.” 
Mouth still open, Sanji exhaled slowly and deflated. “I- I’m fine.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Sanji-” 
Upon hearing his name, Sanji blinked and raised his eyebrows in surprise. Nami rarely called him by his name.  
“Cut the bullshit,” she continued. “I heard your conversation with Usopp and you certainly didn’t sound ‘fine’.” 
Sanji was caught red-handed. With what exactly? He didn’t really know but he did know he was caught in a lie because he definitely did not feel fine. He shrugged his shoulders, at a loss for words. “I...” he sighed and took off his ruined blazer, draping it over the back of an empty chair, rolling up his sleeves as he avoided Nami’s expectant stare. He grabbed a dirty rag and started cleaning the egg off the counter. “I don’t know...” 
“Sanji, you can barely crack an egg.” 
That brought out a short bark of laughter from the chef. “Yeah,” he relented. “Obviously.” 
“Is this because of your jealously over y/n and Zoro?” 
“My- my what? My jealously?” he sputtered and scoffed, still not looking Nami in the eye. “I, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why on earth would I be jealous over that stick in the mud?” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Nami played along, tapping her temple, pretending she was deep in thought. “Maybe because you saw and heard them laughing from all the way across the ship?” she pointed out. When Sanji tried to wave off her accusations with an unconvincing smile, Nami decided to just go in for the kill. If Sanji wasn’t going to admit his obvious liking towards her female crewmate and friend himself, then she’d have to do it for him. “Maybe....maybe because you might have a little crush on y/n?” she offered with a raised brow, staring right at him. 
“Wh-what?? A crush?” Sanji quickly rebuked, jerking his head back. “What are we? Little kids?” 
From her spot at the table, Nami could swear she saw a faint dusting of pink appear on his cheeks. She smirked to herself. She got him. “Well,” she shrugged, “it doesn’t matter how old we get, we all get crushes from time to time.” 
You? A crush? Sanji shook his head as he resumed making the tangerine tart. Labeling whatever feelings he had for you as simply a ‘juvenile crush’ didn’t feel right to him. You were more than that, and you didn’t deserve to be labeled as such. “No, she’s not a crush.” 
“Oh, so you like-like her?” Nami said like it was obvious. “You like her as more than just a friend.” 
“I-” Sanji started but stopped himself and sighed, feeling his irritation grow the longer this conversation went on. Now even the kitchen wasn’t bringing him peace? First, smoking and now this? What was next? “Why does it matter? All of a sudden, my love life is interesting to you and up for debate? I don’t remember asking for your opinion.” 
Nami watched his jaw tense and his body become stiff as he started zesting the tangerines. Clearly whatever feelings Sanji was dealing with, he wasn’t ready to openly talk about them, so she decided to back off.
She put her hands up in surrender, slumping back in her chair as she said, “Hey, I’m...I’m sorry. You’re right.” Deciding to give the chef his space, she gathered her belongings and stood up, making her way to the counter. “If you ever need to...talk or anything, I’m here,” she offered quietly. In a normal tone, she added, “Let me know when the tarts are ready. I really do want y/n and Zoro to try one.” 
Speaking of the devil, you came into the kitchen from the deck, eyes lighting up at the sight of Sanji cooking. Seeing Sanji cook was one of your favorite things and you always loved to guess what he was making. “Sanji! Ooo, what are you making?” 
Nami watched as Sanji’s whole demeanor change at the sight of you, like a switch being flipped on. She couldn’t help but smile knowingly between you both. “I’ll be in my room,” she announced before making her way out of the kitchen, leaving you both alone. 
Sanji had a wide smile, shoulders relaxing as his eyes lit up. “Why don’t you guess? Give it your best shot.” 
“Oh! I love this game. Ok, let’s see,” you said as you surveyed the ingredients laid out before you. “I see flour, sugar, butter and tangerines...are you making a tangerine cake or something?” 
Whatever jealousy or anger he had been feeling all day just instantly disappeared once he was with you. He felt like himself again, all carefree and lighthearted as he chuckled at your guess. “Not quite, Missus. But nice try,” he said as he looked into your eyes with a crooked smile. 
Missus. You felt your heart skip a beat at the nickname and you felt your insides became all warm. You hoped your face didn’t give away your swooning. He's never called you that before and you hoped to God that he would never stop. 
“Ah, my bad,” you laughed embarrassedly. “What are you making then?” 
“I, am making a tangerine tart,” he proudly stated as he grabbed another egg, perfectly cracking it this time. “At the request of the ship’s navigator.” 
A wide grin broke out across your face. “No way!!” you squealed eagerly, causing Sanji to laugh. “I’ve always wanted to try one!”  
The blonde chef nodded. “Yes, she did mention that actually.” After a beat, he added, “I hope you like it.” 
“Of course I will,” you said without hesitation. “I know I haven’t known you for that long, but it seems like everything you make is phenomenal. You’re the best cook I know.” 
Normally, nearly everyone compliments his cooking (except for Zoro) and he never really thought anything of it. He knew was the best cook in the East Blue and someday, the whole world when he found the All Blue. But hearing that compliment from you? How you said it so easily and with such certainty? He felt a funny, warm feeling deep within his chest and when he looked at you, just like how you knew for certain that he was the best chef around, he knew right then that you really were the most beautiful woman he’s ever known. 
So, yeah. Nami was right. He guessed he did have a little crush on you, or ‘like-liked’ you- whatever she was saying.  
“Do you mind if I watch?” 
Your question broke the little staring trance he was in, blinking and tearing his gaze away from you as he tried to refocus on the task before him. He truly had to make sure this was the best tart he’s ever made. 
He nodded, perhaps a little too eagerly. God, he was probably acting like an excited puppy, but he couldn’t help himself. “Of course you can,” he agreed with a small smile. 
As you pulled up a stool to sit on the opposite side of the counter, Sanji realized something: him cooking in the kitchen with you sitting nearby? That’s something he could get used to and get used to very quickly. 
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50 Random Character Asks: Lin
may be some repeats in here BUT its done lmao
1. Canon I outright reject
The 16hour nap and suddenly shes okay with Su like thats not how that workssss 
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
HC i will die on is her scars going up to her eyebrow and shes blind in that eye, i loveeeee her surviving easily off the seismic sense and then when shes in the south without her bending people realize they can sneak up on that side and quietly adjust how they approach her so they stop scaring her.
3. Obscure headcanon
She paints! Shes been painting since before she could bend and it’s something she had that was all hers and no one else in her family could compare it to Toph. 
4. Favorite line
“I am a detective you know.” 
5. Best personality trait
I love that shes that ‘good is not nice’ its so in line with her being the beifong of the LoK series and seeing how much she genuinely cares under that tough armor is endearing
6. Worst personality trait
Dude she jumped at every chance for a suicide mission. Thats gotta be some deep seeded issues lmao
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Shes like 50-53/54 in the show 
5ft 4inch (she is SMOL and ANGY and you cannot stop me)
Again probably the appropriate weight for being her size and muscular. After book one tho she has a hard time remembering to eat and i hc in the south she lost a ton of weight in the recovery.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
idk if i have a wholly unpopular opinion. I know the fandom can be a bit divided on things. 
I have gotten a lot of backlash for my height hc in the past tho lmao 
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
The first scene MY HEART i love her soo much. I saw her in screen and went, that ones mine! 
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I love the scene where bumi is trying to talk in code names and lins like “WTF are you saying???” 
11. Faceclaim for the role
I love @mgthejerkbender ‘s FC of Joan Chen 
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12. Crack headcanon
She and Noatak were involved shortly after the breakup with tenzin but it didn’t last long. 
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
In canon she brings an RCPD skyship into Ba Sing Se and aids Korra and Tenzin in stealing the EQ’s air bender army. All in uniform.
14. Most heroic moment
Oh god pretty much every time she’s on the screen lmao, but I hc she goes down for good protecting Korra not long after canon. 
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Hmmm I’m so caught up on this question because does it mean  A) thing they did with Bad Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  B) thing they did with Good Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  C) something they perceive as a failure / personal sin they’ll be forgiven for?  There’s so many ways to take thissss 
I’m gonna say during one of the first undercover operations with Saikhan she had to kill a man to keep her cover and he’s a cold case file in her office. 
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
that through all her good intentions and desperate attempts to keep people she loved and the city she loved safe, she’s always left defeated and broken with a new scar on her somewhere and blood on her hands. 
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Pluto by Sleeping at Last this song was fucking made for Lin i swear
Blame it on the Kids by AViVA 
I have a whole Spotify playlist and more linked in the pinned post lmao
The Void calls in sweet tones and false promises, by WolfSkullJack /FaceBook plink/ This is just sooooooo Linmon I’m writhing in agony 
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
She wouldn’t. But there’s a MIGHTY NEED for her to see one lmao 
19. Vices/bad habits
Smoking, drinking, burying herself in work. 
20. Scars
Burn to her left shoulder - house fire she was first responder to 
Three large gashes on her back - criminal animal 
Burn left hip - firebender (Zolt possibly) on her second patrol 
Right hip back and front - rebar puncture from building fire/explosion 
A handful of Cigarette burns across her shoulders, collarbones and one on her neck - her bio father was upset she wasn’t a firebender 
Facial scars from su are higher and damaged her eyesight. 
Then a smattering of lines and smudges from her time on the force 
(if where in my dark timeline she’s got tally marks across her shoulders and down her back from amon 👀)
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Jasmine tea 
22. Best physical feature
I really love her face lmao 
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
You know that smell when a heating vent just turns on in the winter? That “oh god something has gone wrong and it’s burning” but it’s not actually gone wrong. And mint. 
24. Most annoying habit
She picks at the skin around her nails when she’s nervoussss Kya’s constantly healing up scabs where she’s pulled the skin off too far. 
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Her uniform, a jeep, and rations. She’ll make her way home left with nothing but those will make it easier lol. (She is a detective you know) 
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
she would probably just metal bend the elevator to open, most likely leaving it more broken than it was but still. At least they’re out safe. 
27. Their guilty pleasure
She has the entire collection of the in universe equivalent of Nora Roberts or Jane Austin novels. 
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
probably neutral to slightly annoyed. 
29. Eating habits
you guys ever hear about Snake Meal? 
30. Sleeping habits
She can sleep when she’s dead. 
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
it would be a mostly dead blog that she made because asami and mako Insisted she did so they could send her memes. 
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Bumi, always. Hes always had a way of getting through the armor and helping her loosen up a little and smile. 
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
People reinforcing the idea that she’s alone and not worthy. 
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
No emotions. 
Only action. 
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Up for a run at 3am. 
Make Kya coffee and breakfast 
At work by 5am 
Moving cases along, no losses.
Back home for dinner at about 7-8pm 
Relaxing with Kya until bedtime. 
36. Their favorite season
Fall, before the air gets too cold. 
37. What they really think about themselves
she’s worried everyone is right honestly. Sometimes the letters from Kya dwindle as responsibilities emerge, dinner with Saikhan and Akira and the kids get put on hold, tenzin not allowing her back to the island she grew up on because of the bitter words shared between them. Maybe she will be a stubborn old woman left alone with her wounds.  
38. Favorite holiday
Probably a new years holiday 
39. Favorite game
Card game for sure like solitaire or trash 
40. Favorite book
She read a book in school for a study hall about the history of the arts and historical pigment making. She has a few copies and one dedicated to her notes and swatches from trying out the methods. 
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Aang, 10000%%% she would want to see Aang again and update him on all the crazy shit korra was doing and about Tenzin’s kids. 
42. 3 comfort items
The bison whistle Aang gave her. (Bumi has his original one but he had more made for the other kids) 
The stuffed badgermole she’s had since she was like 4 
Then they were preteens Tenzin had made her a bracelet with a small thumb sized stone pendant that he carved for her to rub/pick at instead of her fingers. She used it for a while but ended up putting it away when she started the junior league ProBending. 
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Fav - mochi, that seal jerky she’s always loved it, a chicken curry type dish Akira makes. 
Des - eggs if they’re alone like fried or scrambled she won’t eat it unless it’s mixed in with a bigger dish. Milk and cheese, She's not a fan of them. 
44. Their happiest memory
It was her 4th birthday before her element showed and shes sitting in the gardens with aang and tenzin and some of the other kids on the island for her birthday. Her uncle aang gives her a stuffed badgermole toy and a warm and very soft blanket bumi and kya made with katara from Appa’s shedding fur and she still has both items on her bed with her to this day.
45. Their favorite celebrity
And old old singer from when she would listen to the radio at night. 
46. The person they most admire
Oh gosh probably Suki, she was a strong warrior and led her life how she wanted to. 
47. Their dream job
she would love to be a sculptor/artist full time, she makes the most gorgeous sculptures. And paints some amazing landscapes. 
48. Scariest moment of their life
Oooof there’s a few. If day the times where she KNEW she was going to die without help. When she fell under the ice when she was like five or six. Then again when she landed on the rebar in the building explosion. The agony of being in pain and the realization that she was too hurt. She couldn’t get herself out of there. At least when she was tortured by Amon she chose to put herself in the situation. Even if she didn’t know the extent. The others though, it was random. She couldn’t control that. She didn’t have a choice. 
49. Favorite toy as a child
Her stuffed bagermole toy for sure 
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Basically the entirety of Suyin's father living with them. 
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Konichiwassup mate! How do you do this bright evening! I am simply buzzed with excitement because I've finally managed to shake off my post exam exhaustion after sleeping through one whole day~
I was wondering what kind of medieval/mystic being our Ateez boyfriends might be and here are my thoughts:
1. Hongjoong: Fairy. A garden fairy to be exact. Like LOOK at his tiny ass (we're the same height) HE'S SO SMOL (He's actually pretty tall) HOW CUTE! (Well that's true.)
Also I can imagine him fly around in the garden perfecting the aesthetics of the place. And no, he'll not keep some basic ass fancy grass, nuh uh, natural vegetation and grass😌
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2. Seonghwa: a Heavenly Nymph. Bro is gorgeous beyond words. His beauty is so sublime he can NEVER be just a mere earthly being. He'd be the most beautiful nymphs of all but equally as deadly. Crpss him and you might just lose a limb.
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Yeosang: Forest Elf. Okay hear me out. LONG BLOND HAIR YEOSANG. AND WE ALL KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL THE COLOUR GREEN LOOKS ON HIM. But yes he seems like he'll be the forest protector elf. (Maybe Hongjoong and Yeosang play together idk)
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4. Yunho: Dragon. Bro is dragon coded. Like he's SO dragon. Ouu but he'll ne such a sweet dragon tho. Maybe he let's all the forest creatures sleep near him during chilly winters since he naturally exudes warmth.
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5. Woosan: Nine Tail Foxes. They're a pair. Do not separate. I'm thinking Wooyoung would be the Nine Tailed fox that goes "Ohhh you look delicious. I wonder what you taste like!" And San would be like "Wooyo we talked about not scaring random travellers for fun anymore." T~T The Yin-Yang Foxies
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6. Minki: The mountain diety. He's the one in charge of the forest that the boys live in. Though he's just a babie!:(( like one day a random bunny will he minding his business when he comes across Mountain diety Mingi yapping about his problems to a sympathetic Seonghwa while pouting.
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7. Jongho: Moon Spirit. He descends down to the forest at night to sing to all the creatures. The animals sometimes bring him gifts like leaves and shiny pebbles. Has kept them all in a secure box back home.
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okay but i love your brain? ateez as medieval/mystical creatures? hello??
okay i've always thought about demons and darker stuff when it comes to hongjoong but now that you say it.... he fits the concept of a garden fairy so well? tiny lil joong (says i who'd look like a dwarf next to him) with his little trinkets and colours he's so fairy coded actually you've changed my perspective of him.
and seonghwa-- you're absolutely right about this one. prettiest nymph in the area and also the deadliest. too pretty for you. too pretty to belong to the earth. im glad all of us agree on that LOL
i always think fairy when i think of yeosang. fairy or angel. but forest elf is such a cute concept i can def entertain it (esp if it's long blonde hair yeosang wearing the colour green you've found me weakness). he would def be friends with hongjoong, often spotted hanging out with him. seonghwa would sometimes join them hehehehehe
yunho! dragon! coded! TAKE ME HOME!! my gut told me i had to make him a dragon and its worked so well (considering i just became an atiny when i wrote take me home, deciding his animal form should be a dragon is sth im a little proud of). you bet he'd have everyone lined up next to him in the winters for him to keep them warm and snug hoho
omg woosan as foxes yes doesn't help they look like actual foxes. nine-tailed fox duo? even better. yin-yang foxes? im violently sobbing right now. wooyoung would def scare the villagers away only for san to scold him afterwards and he would be like :D
omgg minki mountain deity trust us to give mingi some mighty role when he's literally a babie :(( but yes! yapping about his problems to anyone who sits with him long enough and the mountain creatures be like ah shit here we go again :') sometimes yunho the dragon would find this mountain deity and they would hang out im so soft rn
jongho. moon. spirit. lemme kiss your brain. descends down each night to sing the creatures to sleep? (i need him to sing me to sleep too) im gonna write a whole something about this one day just you watch BUT OMGG imagine its winters and all of the ateez are hanging out next to yunho the dragon and jongho joins them and for a while they all hang out until its time to sleep and jongho sings them to sleep and watches his hyungs with those (◠ ◡ ◠) eyes im gonna cry
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panelshowsource · 9 months
Who would you like to see on BFQOTY that has never made an appearance before?
okay i always take these kinds of asks too seriously but pls bare with me!!
when it comes to panel shows there is a spectrum of preparation: on the far left is a show like mock the week, where literally everything apart from a very smol amount of relevant banter is pre-prepared by the panel (they're given the news stories & scenes we'd like to see ahead of time, the standup categories are chosen around their pre-written bits, and so on); and on the other end of that spectrum is a show like big fat quiz, where the only thing you really prepare is potentially a team name. so — to answer this question i'm thinking about people who are very willing and very good at joining in, people who will comfortably banter with jimmy, people who don't always wait their turn to speak (which works better on a show like, say, 8 out of 10 cats). obviously jimmy throws to each team whilst the teams' answers are being revealed, but for the show to really succeed you need a lot more chat and goofing around and camaraderie than that — so who are some of these confident, friendly, funny people?
well let's get this out of the way we need victoria on bfq right? it helps a lot she's irl pals with jimmy so their dynamic is very comfy and she would probably have so much to say about the news or even admonishing the amount of tiktok-related questions LMAO it's great to imagine her with david but also what about team victoria and lee mack?? THE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE IT
nicola coughlan, graham norton, alan cumming, catherine tate (omg catherine and lee...please GOD...), huge davies, get me a doctor let's go jodie whittaker baybay or our man ncuti, would love to see some drag queens like miss lawrence chaney and the viv of course but there are sooo many amazing uk drag stars, kathy burke, ed gamble, morgana robinson, maggie aderin-pocock
get me my man. joe wilkinson. put him with roisin and one white onion
fuck it go big or go home: jennifer saunders and joanna lumley, fry and laurie(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), tennant and sheen (or tennant and tennant frankly georgia ily), the mighty boosh???
wildcard answer jordan north and william hanson? is that just me? i know jordan has done celeb juice a few times and he was great but i also know in my soul william would be fucking good on a panel show, and their friendship is too sweet
cheating but i'd love to see guz khan back on but with a different partner? i fockin love sarah but strategically speaking for lulz imo that year i think it should have ben judi & guz and sarah & jonathan. i understand wanting to change it up and give us new kinds of teams but i don't think those were the people to do it with. also bring back charlie brooker i have charlie brooker withdrawals........ (charlie on wilty in a couple weeks!!! ahhh!!!)
i'd love to see so many people!!! okay i am done with the longest response ever (do you guys ever read these like 'girl just answer the question')! what about you?? who do you want?
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
Ah ok! Update and Three Smol Previews for Bangtan Gal :)
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Okay, good news, I am hoping to post the wrestling chapters tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. It's almost done. Gonna let that be for a bit after I post and continue focusing on Bangtan Gal. A few chapters are boring imo but the later chapters have more drama.
Also, good news with Bangtan Gal, the second chapter I plan to post, MAMA Awards 2016 is done. I just need to reread and edit.
It's 18,000+ words. I...went overboard. I am so sorry. I don't know how to stop. I guess pace yourself?? I had a lot of ideas and it kept flowing. It's MAMA Award heavy and I was writing about people's reactions.
I have to split the MAMA Awards chapter into Part 1 (A big moment happens) and Part 2 (Jennie's response to Hyuna) because I can't fit all my words in one Tumblr post. (It's THAT bad lmfao this never happened to me before. I have a problem)
So I will link both parts of that chapter in the author's note and masterlist when it's uploaded. You'll also see the links at the end of the chapter to continue reading or to go back to read part 1 of that chapter.
All I need to do is work on is the chapter before. Which is The 3rd Muster chapter. It shouldn't take too long. Once that's done and edited, expect those two and a half chapters to be released together. Thanks for your patience! I hope the writing isn't too crazy with what I have planned.
I truly liked the ideas I came up with :)
Here's another smol preview for the MAMA Award chapter. Three Smol Scenes.
The day of the MAMA Awards was finally here. The day Jennie anticipated the most. She had a good feeling about this show and was excited to show off her hard work with what she had planned. The morning of the show, she decided to tweet one simple word along with an eyebrow raising hashtag.
'Bet. #GonBeAnInteresting24Hours #Jen' 
Jennie had been a trending topic on Naver and various K-Pop news outlets, which caused people to anticipate the MAMA Awards even more to see what might happen and if she may respond to Hyuna. Her silence on the matter had been a hot topic and now with her tweet going viral, fans stirred in a frenzy.
With the show getting ready for the next segment, Jennie suddenly received a few packs of smarties from Jungkook.
"How'd you know I was about to ask?" she happily accepted them with surprise in her voice.
"I brought some with me just in case. I was paying attention to your facial expression. When you're about to ask for smarties or say that you wish you had them, you make this cute face. It's like you're pouting,"
"What? I was not pouting..." She turned away, feeling her face warm as he giggled.
"You just did it again,"
"Stop looking at me," she playfully pushed him away, making him laugh harder.
Suddenly, Hyuna had changed some of her lyrics, not looking Jennie's way as she danced.
Not a high and mighty girl scout in the club behind some fake bulletproof glass. How boring.
Some idols widened their eyes while others glanced over to where Jennie sat.
Yet another diss? This was getting out of control.
Bam Bam cringed and glanced at Jennie with worry, hoping she'd be all right. Hayoon frowned at the diss and shook her head slightly.
However, Jennie only smirked as she continued to watch, knowing that all eyes were on her to see how she'd react. Bangtan glanced at her and as she met their eyes, she gave them a nod. They nodded back and remained calm as they continued to watch the performance.
Suddenly a switch flipped in Jennie's demeanor as she rolled her neck and stared at Hyuna.
'This bitch got me fucked up...' she thought as she kept her cool.
Fans tweet:
'Not again!! Enough already!'
'Is she trying to provoke Jennie?'
'Don't be mad if Jennie catches her in an alley to stomp that ass!'
'The neck roll! I repeat! The neck roll! Jennie just did the neck roll! That is BAD! She got something planned! Get ready!'
'I don't like how she's acting. This is bullying at this point. Hyuna needs to chill,'
'Jen better than me because I would have ran on stage and popped her shit,'
'From the looks of it, Jennie is so bitter and jealous,'
'That smirk means business. I'm not ready,'
'I wish people would stop judging Jennie,'
'Jennie looks like she's plotting,'
'Why does she look so hot when she's upset?'
'Bangtan knows something that we don't because they don't look bothered at all,'
'Bangtan isn't even phased?! What is Jennie planning tonight?'
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Now that I’m an official citizen of wizard wizard island, I’m informing everyone of my mighty powers. They call me the mushroom wizard! With a wave of my hand I can transform you into a smol mushroom. Or a big one. Or a smelly one. I haven’t decided yet *eyes you in a suspicious way*. Apparently the library was non existent the whole time???? I am very mad about this *mushroom sprouts grow out of the floor*
However, I am happy to see there are fellow gnomes on this island! See you soon soon-to-be-mushrooms i mean friends!
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dufrau · 7 months
According to Google, you are as short tall as Nancy Wheeler. Do you think your skills/power comes from the fact that it's concentrated into a smol and mighty average stature?
Follow up question:
I'm not TALL tall, but my supervisor called me "big bird" once while reprimanding me and I haven't stopped laughing about it.
What's the best height-related nickname you've heard/receieved?
I am half an inch taller than Nancy Wheeler actually. This is very important, because she is the tiniest person in the world and believe it or not but I am the largest.
I've never had any height related nicknames I don't think? I am truly just a very average height person to the point where it is generally just unremarkable.
I am actually not joking this time though when I say that multiple people have told me I seem taller than I am. Like they will be standing next to me and for some reason we end up talking about height and I tell them how tall i am and they'll be like "Oh really? I thought you were taller than me." even though they are standing right next to me and I am definitely not taller than them? It's very weird.
One funny height related thing is that one time back when I worked at the bakery my brothers were both there (one of them worked there and the other was just stopping by i guess) and we were standing in front of the pastry cases talking, and one of my coworkers was like "wait a second can you guys all line up side by side i want to see something." My youngest brother was about 6 feet tall and my other brother is like 5'9" and I am 5'4 (and a half!) but our legs were all the same length, like our hipbones matched up exactly somehow??? My brothers just had/have weirdly long torsos i guess. 🤷
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 10 months
Ok, finally managed to get through Shadow episode 4 with some breaks (note to anyone who is triggered by abuse dynamics or self harm, it's a bit of a rough one), and then episode 5 was a breeze, because I am totally ok with dead people walking around!
There isn't much change in my perspective on the shadow itself, though I did find the hug interesting, and the shadow bringing Dan to confront his father. All that makes me more convinced the shadow is Dan himself, or an element of him. I have more to say about his last scene with his father, but I think that'll be a separate post.
I really liked seeing more of Trin, both because I love Fiat and have missed him (goddamit, give us Wish Me Luck already!!), and because we got to see that he was a genuinely special person.
But of course that's the kind of person most at risk in an oppressive institution.
Literally at this moment
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was when I said to myself, "ah, of course, that's why they killed him".
Because he spoke truth to power and advocated for equity and against abuse. And nothing is more threatening to an institution that depends on fear to keep people in line.
When Trin's entire deal, as someone who struggled with mental health and the stigma around it, was to lead with compassion and integrity. You really feel the genuine loss of him not being in their world anymore.
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Also, major eye roll at all the "narcotics" talk. But it also makes it pretty clear that the police are only interested in making this go away. I think they did mention Trin's father was a politician, so it could entirely be him pushing to get the case closed to stop public scrutiny, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a school/politics/police interconnectedness - because that's how it works in real life.
My poor baby Nai, I was so worried for him here. He so smol.
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And what the hell Yada?! You get all fucking high and mighty about queer people when you are a literal fucking predator? I hope you get eaten by bees.
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Side note: I have to shout out Fluke for being such a fantastic physical actor. The way he embodies the tension of the world that Nai lives in is just incredible. I just constantly want to give him a hug.
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“Papa? Am I going to be as big as you one day?”
“Quite possibly, one day.”
OP hotties thoughts when their child has not had the much expected growth spurt. . . Probably like, 5’3 - 5’5, but compared to the world of OP. It might be considered as itty bitty.
Bonus if there are siblings and it is the oldest child who is forever smol. Tiny, but mighty!
((Me being 5’5 and considered itty bitty in OP universe: OP hotties, carry me…I’m a baby!))
Still thinks their child will grow taller:
Akainu🌋, Fujitora 🐅, Benn Beckman 🔫, Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
Literally does not give any fucks, their child is everything to them:
Crocodile 🐊, Kizaru✨, Izou🔫, King👑, Katakuri Charlotte 🍡, Buggy🤡, Killer🔪
Calls their child their short king/queen😂:
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩, Ryokugyu 🌱, Kaido🐉, Oven Charlotte 🍞, Marco🦅, Queen👑, Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
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hoppityhopster23 · 3 months
I have just realized that the two napoleonic era figures I am so fond of are small. Apparently smaller than me.
I guess I like smol but mighty historical figures.
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aloyxtilda · 2 years
💘"She's tiny but mighty."💘 😍💀
OMG HELP!! 😭💘 SHE'S SO CUTEEEE!!! I just want to cuddle and hug her! 💕💕💕 This is too much. My heart!
💀 ALOY IS SMOL!! 💀🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
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(Bonus: Aloy and Tilda are actually the same height) So that means Tilda is SMOL TOO!!!!!) 😭💘 CUUTTEEEE!!! TINY TILDA, I AM DEAD. 🌹🌹🌹💀💀💀💀
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