#his shoes and necklace in this look he should be arrested for being too fashionable
lllsaslll · 2 years
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“A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It’s my favorite part of the business — live concerts.” 
- Elvis Presley (Aloha From Hawaii Press Conference, September 4, 1972)
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Mischief Managed?
Loki x Reader 
Summary: After months of being away on a mission you return just in time for the annual Stark Industries gala, and to meet the newest member of the Avengers, who is... not from this world
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You fell into the soft seat and threw your dirty, sweaty and bloody jacket in the corner. 
“Couldn’t you have picked me up like ten minutes earlier? And maybe in a car or something, not a fucking jet!”
Your mission had been tough at first, getting members of various gang to trust you so you could unite them against their common enemy only to have most of them kill each other and arrest the survivors. Sam, Okoye and Maria Hill were supposed to pick them up and deliver them to various authorities. But then Clint and Bucky just had to fly in with their stupid Quinjet minutes before you could hunt the last gang member down and have her brought to justice. 
“Sam called and told us you were following one of them and that she had a large knife, you didn’t even have pepperspray!”, Clint defended their decision to pick you up too early rather than too late and in pieces. 
You rolled your eyes and watched Bucky turn a few switches before starting the engine and taking off. Meanwhile Clint was going over details for something, they were talking to low for you to understand. Okoye spreading a bright blue creeam on one of Maria’s nastier wounds. 
You just sat in your co-pilot seat and stared straight ahead. As if an untrained woman with a knife was reason enough to rush in and save you, a trained spy and assassin. The rescue attempt had lead to her and a few other villains getting away. 
“We said we’re sorry. We know you worked long and hard on that mission and had no right to do anything without your consent”, Bucky said with a side glance to you. 
You scoffed. He was right, you had asked Sam, Okoye and Maria for help, not the two dorks. But you also knew you had to forgive them eventually, mostly because both Bucky and Clint could annoy you to no end until you gave them what they wanted. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t secretly hold a grudge. 
A few hours later you fell into bed. Clean, but exhausted. 
You were about to fall asleep when a knock on the door woke you up again. 
You mumbled some words, unable to move or even open your eyes. 
The door creaked and your matres sunk next to you. A soft hand pushed the hair away from your face. You felt yourself smiling before you knew it. 
“Bruce... What is it?”
“Tony wanted me to personally invite you to his Stark Industries gala tonight.” 
Slowly you opened your eyes. Much like you, Bruce looked like he hasn’t slept much the past few days.
“And if I refuse?” 
He raised an eyebrow and smiled. 
“You know Tony, don’t you? The music and gossip and laughter will be so loud, as long as your on the premises you will always feel like your in the middle of the dance floor.” 
A sigh escaped your lips. You knew Bruce was right. 
“Black tie, I assume?” 
Bruce nodded, his unruly curls jumping up and down. 
“Natasha took the liberty of choosing a dress and shoes and whatever else for you, it should be in your closet.”
That’s when you really knew there was no way to escape this event. But if you had to attend you might as well sleep for a few hours before getting ready. 
“When does it start?”
Five hours later you entered the living room. A buffet was spread over the length of the large room, with a bar at each end and people standing and talking all over the place. 
“I’m glad you could make it.” 
The familiar voice made you turn around. 
“I can’t believe you came all the way from Wakanda for this”, you grinned. 
T’Challa shrugged. 
“Tony can be very persuasive.” 
You nodded and started making your way to the buffet, you hadn’t eaten all day. T’Challa followed you and fixed himself a plate as well. 
“How have things been these past few months?” 
The king piled salad on his plate, thinking about your question. 
“Nothing has changed much. Okoye really admires the way you handled your mission. And Shuri says she misses your fashion advise.”
You smiled at the memory of helping the young princess picking out various new outfits during your short visit to Wakanda last summer. 
“I see your still into elaborate dresses.”
T’Challa gestured at your dress. 
Natasha really had done a great job choosing a dress you would have brought yourself. It was a simple black dress with a few lace details around the arms, waist and knees. By contrast the shoes and the necklace were both sparkling in silver. 
After a few more minutes of conversation and finishing your dinner you excused yourself to catch up with a few other friends. 
It was getting darker by the second, so Tony ordered everyone outside to watch a firework show he had designed for this occasion. 
That’s where you finally bumped into the host himself and the Norse god beside him. 
“The food, the music, the decoration, everything is simply magnificent, Tony.” 
With a slight bow he accepted the compliment, but before he could say anything Thor started talking. 
“(Y/N), have you met the newest member of our team yet?” 
You opened your mouth in shock and glared at your friends. 
“You allowed a new member without consulting me? I thought we were a team!”
Tony opened his mouth to reply but once again Thor interrupted him. 
“I don’t think you will object because this new member is very special to me, has excellent manners and very useful skills.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
Thor turned around and dragged someone in a dark suit towards your small group. 
“Excuse me, I was talking to Wanda and-”
“See, great manners”, Thor interrupted the man. 
You looked at the blond, deciding not to say anything about his manners, before looking at the other man. 
He was tall, long dark hair, pale skin, blue eyes. Incredibly familiar. 
“Loki?! You’re an Avenger? They let you be an Avenger?” 
Thor just smiled and nodded. 
“Isn’t that great? I’ll let the two of you get acquainted.”
With a smile he dragged Tony away with him and left you alone with the god of mischief. 
You had many questions, many concerns. 
Loki looked around at all the other Avengers, business people and everyone else Tony seemed fit to invite. 
“Maybe we could talk somewhere more quiet?” 
Alarm bells were ringing in your head, this could not be a good idea. But then again, you had survived so much and even if you went somewhere more private there was no way Loki was stupid enough to kill you with all of the Avengers around. 
He lead you through the crowds still watching the fireworks towards a bench at the back of the building. 
“It’s a long story, but I’m gonna give you a summary: I was king of Asgard, Thor showed up, our sister is evil, we spend some time in space, we fought our sister, lost our home planet and landed on earth. During all that Thor and I started to talk, really talk and we made up. You may not believe me, at first no one did, but I really am trying to be good and do good.” 
You looked at Loki and he seemed... sincere. There was something vulnerable in his eyes, a lot of cover hurt and hope. 
“You know I have no reason at all to trust you.”
He nodded. 
“You tried to rule this planet.”
“That was a long time ago, I wasn’t myself back then.”
“You killed thousands.”
“I am really sorry.” 
You opened your mouth but no words would come out. 
Loki looked straight into your eyes and carefully took your small hands in his large ones. 
The touch send a shiver through your entire body, made your blood boil and freeze at the same time. 
“I did terrible, terrible things. I can’t take them back, I can only apologise and try to make up for every mistake I made.”
You were usually good at reading people, but Loki? Another chapter. 
“So I’m supposed to believe you left all your mischief behind you? Even though you are, you know, the god of mischief?”
A small smile spread on Loki’s face. 
“No, never. I’m not there yet, but I’m trying to focus on pranks, jokes, harmless mischief. At least in the long run. I might hurt people, be mean or cruel, but I’m working on that.” 
That, at least, was something you could believe. 
Loki squeezed your hands and moved a little closer. 
“You know, my mother always said that a clever and pretty woman would one day bring out the best in me.” 
He smiled at you. A smile full of innocence, hope, mischief and admiration. 
“I take it you know all about me?” 
He shrugged. 
“I read all the files, but I’m sure there are stories you could still tell me, character traits I could get to know. Things you could teach me.”
He said the last part in a low, husky voice that made you question your sanity. 
But you couldn’t deny that he was very handsome and intriguing. 
“You know, my mother always said the best way to judge a man’s character is by the way he dances with the woman he fancies.” 
Without missing a beat Loki got up from the bench, bowed down a bit and offered you his hand. 
“My lady, may I have this dance?” 
You couldn’t help laughing at the absurdity of the situation. 
“Your brother did say you have good manners.” 
You laid your hand in Loki’s and put the other on his shoulder. He pulled you closer. 
“There are other things I’m good at”, he whispered in your ear. 
You threw your head back laughing. 
“You sure are a charmer, but how about you buy me dinner first?” 
Loki twirled you around, your hair flying around your head and your necklace catching both the light of the full moon and your partner’s eyes. 
“Tomorrow at seven?” 
You just smiled. 
“Usually I don’t go out with guys who wanted to take over my planet.” 
Loki pulled you father away from the bench so the moon would shine directly at your dance.
“I’ve never danced without music before either.” 
He just smiled. A smile that reached both his lips and his eyes. 
“And I’ve never felt so close to someone I just met before”, you admitted in a whisper. 
Suddenly Loki stopped moving, getting you to a halt as well. 
He leaned down until you could feel his breath on your lips and his hair on your cheeks. Your eyes looked. 
“I never met a human as brilliant as you. I never danced with a woman as beautiful as you. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you.” 
Gently he pressed his lips against yours and pulled your body even closer to his own. 
Time stopped and moved faster at the same time, you were happy in your own little bubble, away from the noise of the gala, away from missions, away from both good and evil. 
You pulled apart to catch your breath, but Loki didn’t hesitate to rest his forehead on yours, once again your lips were only centimetres apart. 
“I wanted to be good, for my brother, my newfound friends, to right all my wrongs, but now I feel like I only want to be good for you.”
You smiled and pecked his lips. 
“I don’t mind a little mischief every now and then.”
I feel like the part before the reader meets Loki is way too long and the reader just gets over Loki being an Avenger way too fast, but the story just came to me and I wrote it down without really thinking, so I hope that, in a way, it will still seem natural. 
Anyway, I hope you at least somewhat enjoyed it, thanks for reading 
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Of cats and birds.
A side story of how Alex the Cat meets two feathered friends of his cousin.
It was one clear dusk sky at the storehouses where the city's kept their supplies and transported goods is where we find that notorious thief from another country. He was laying on his back on one of the crates that contained fashionable fall coats from Europe.
He was gently playing with a very beautiful, heart shaped, sapphire and was unsatisfied of how it turned out earlier with a certain girl he wanted to take form... When he 'borrowed' it, he thought for SURE he was going to get her, but her rejection and answer was still the same... She belong to him... Just like the others before her...
He sighed out of frustration. He then noticed a small grey mouse just passing by him and stopped at just the right spot... Unlucky for the little mouse, the white cat had fast hands and caught him. He lifted the poor thing by the tail as he struggled and squeaked, close to his face.
“Life is never fair. Is it? Well, for me, it is.” He said. “Always not getting what I wanted if I played fair... But for you, well...” He smiled deviously and then grabbed the mouse's body. “It sucks to be you. Mmmhmhm! Die for me.” He then started to squeeze the life out of the little creature. He was a sadistic after all, he loves seeing living beings getting hurt...
But his pleasure of seeing the suffering was interrupted when a hand was on his and loosen his grip on the mouse. It released the poor thing and he immediately fled. He frowned and looked at his visitor to get a good look of him. To his surprise, it was that guy...
He had a very bright, red hair with a pointy back, had green eyes, facial beard, an old beat up, patched up, tailor coat, a white button shirt, navy blue pants and bark brown shoes. He saw him through a few photos at his cousin's place and in the kids drawings one time...
He also had a frowning face. “Didn't your parents ever taught you not to harm animals like that?” Oh? He had an Irish accent... so this must be that Woody McPecker guy that his cousin sometimes work with...
He decided to play it cool. “You must be that Woody guy my cousin sometimes hangs out with... To what do I owe you for finding me here?”
The redhead crossed his arms. “A bird told me that you were trying to steal Felix's girl, again. Haven't you learned anything from past rejection that she doesn't want to be with you? There are plenty of others out there that are just as pretty. Why are you so persistent of getting this one?”
He really don't get it... “What I do and what I want is nobody else's concern. I'm just working to get what I want.” He rolled over to his side, away from him.
“Funny. I don't recall you having a job and don't even say the life of a thief is considered one of them. That title is not worth it, believed me.” He said as if he had experienced it. Big deal, you sounded like got caught with hands in the cookie jar once and now you're too scared to continue? That ruffled his white fur the wrong way...
“Whatever, done harassing me? I had an unpleasant evening earlier as you described it and I wanted some time alone.” But he was not finished yet. “Fine, but you need to hand over that sapphire necklace first. You didn't pay for it, but I'll let you slide once if you handed over right now.” He offered his hand as to say hand it over.
Does this bird brain know who HE is? Or better yet, does he know WHAT he's dealing with?!
The white cat's eye twitched, but remained calm. “Aw! But the condos here are not exactly cheap here...” He whined.
The Wood pecker was not letting his guard down for that and said. “Welcome to our commoner world. Now for the last time, hand it over or I will be forced to put you under arrest for shoplifting.”
What... did he just said? Did he said... shoplifting?!?! HE, Alex Cat, the most infamous thief of Europe, was being told by this guy, called his well crafted plans of grand theft, SHOPLIFTING?!
“Loud mouthed beak, you just made one major mistake with me... and probably the last.” He said it intimately and got up, still had his back turned. “No one dares to call my theft skills as a 'shoplifting' category. That 'title' is for the amateurs. There's no pride of taking a worthless, petty items like that of a candy bar or a pack of cigarettes.” He then started to speak of his pride. “I only take the best. The 'creme de la creme' kind of treasures, the most priceless jewelries from India and sacred foreign places. My title as the greatest thief in the century, Alexandre Derussée, will surpass that of the novel version the the gentlemen thief of Arsene Lupin! My plans for the heists is far superior of any of those who came before me. I can easily manipulate and recall the fine details of the latest technology and securities. One time I've escaped one sultan's heavily guarded palace with a very rare diamond called the 'Evil eye' and I duped the whole staff including the man himself!” The white cat opened up his arms with the last words with a big, psychotic smile.
But then he frowned and gritted his teeth. “But then... Oh... It still wasn't enough for SOME people... You dare to called my craftily planned heists, as a 'shoplifting' act? Petty criminals and KIDS can do that!” He turned around and points at the woodpecker with that timing.
The woodpecker had his fists on his hips. “Funny you mentioned kids on this, cause your cousin told us about that time you tricked them into stealing the neighbor's gardening decorations just for fun. Are you putting more pressure in his life than it has to? His father and sister, or should I put it YOUR uncle and cousin-!” Bang! “JEEZES!”
The woodpecker dodged the gun shot just in time. The white cat still kept his cool head, but he still hides his anger inside. “What makes you think you have any rights to tell me how I should do and what to say? I bet my 'opinion' is far more convenient than yours and others.” He then puts it away in his jacket.
“There's no need to take your temper out on me! You almost put a bullet in my cheek bones!” Woody shouted at him. “You know that you'll be judged for that!”
“Ooooooooooh! I quiver with FEAR!” Alex sneered as he had one hand behind his back to untied his white whip belt.
“Easy, cat. We can still settle thing without violence.” Woody tried one more time to reason with him, but he got his answer with a quick attack of the whip. He barrel rolls out of the way and took out his pocket knife. “Remember, You ask for it.” The woodpecker responded.
Alex then attempted to lay the second attack by the neck, but the little bird was too quick for it, dodged and launches at him. The cat's eyes were widen with surprise when he didn't know of how fast he is! He's just as fast as his cousin,and they're both at the same level! But he was no slouch either! He was dodging the slashes the woodpecker was giving, despite that he was barely laying a slice, it was no easy task! How did his cousin deal with this loud beak in a fight? Is he gonna get even better than him?!
“Not again... He keeps-OOF!” The cat was thinking too much and it took him off guard. Woody had made a headbutt to his chin, then a left kick to his chest and then he finishes it off with a left sucker punch to his face in a blink of an eye combo! He stumbles flat to the ground. “Nyack!” The woodpecker took a breather for a few seconds and then got a bit more confident. He crossed his arms and said. “Well, Axie? Now will you hand it over or do you want to go for round two?”
The cat was quiet... then he started to laugh. That made the woodpecker's eyebrow rose with confusion. Then the cat started to explain as he got up... “I can see why my cousin is getting even better... I guess that I need to use my old bag of tricks that he wouldn't dare to use. He's was always too nice for his own good.” He then hissed, but this time, he lashes out his snake like tongue and his eyes were shining with gold and red ruby.
“WHAT THA HAWK?!” He screeched in fright as it send a chilling scare to the woodpecker and that lowered his guard down. Alex took the opportunity to do a payback as he laid some serpent techniques he learned over seas in his heists... He was very glad that he made a deal with his 'guardian' when the 'other' one had chose his cousin... He will get his revenge soon enough...
He then made one more blow as he palmed the woodpecker's chin and send HIM flat on his back. The guy didn't stood a chance when Alex unleashed his hidden talent... he was never warned that he's under Apophis' influence and his successor! Nor is anyone, at least not yet...
Alex then got up to him, stomped his left foot on his chest hard and he was smiling very eerie... Woody tried to get out of his predicament, but he then got his neck gripped with the cat's claws piercing a bit through it's gloves. He then tries to loosen his grip for air, but he got shocked when the cat grabbed his pocket knife that was probably got dropped when he was getting beaten up in round two.
He then said. “I'm glad that I have the chance to meet a friend of my cousin, too bad this would be our last talk. Send my regards to my deceased uncle and my older cousin on the other side. FAREWELL!” He took a back swing and attempted to impale the pocket knife right in the middle of the woodpecker's eyes. The cat's kill almost succeeded until...
A giant right hand caught his and he felt a gun's nuzzle at... his but?!? “Drop the knife before I blow your nuts and but cheeks off, Alex.” That accent... This evening is just getting worse!
He took a glance back to see if it IS that guy... He had an Elvis inspired black hair with a couple of pointy bangs, he had navy blue eyes, fairly pale skin, a bright, yellow sweater with blue sleeves, a white shirt underneath, a HORRIBLE colored blinded tie, a pair of brown pants and dark brown shoes. Yup, it's him.
He tsked and lets go of the woodpecker. Despite of what he looks, in his thirties and he's Canadian, he's not someone to be underestimated. He learned that lesson the hard and humiliating way... He then decided to play it safe and returned his eyes and tongue to normal. The tall man then puts away his gun.
“Well! Sam Toucan! What an unexpected surprise!” He playfully smiled and sweet talked him. “I still couldn't believed that my solitude of my cousin would still be popular enough to have some very unique friends like yourselves.” He made a pleading eye contacts with the toucan, but he wasn't easily fooled judging from his serious expression. “You were one inch away for getting a lawsuit of killing a fellow officer.”
The cat tried to play it innocently. “He was an officer? Oh! I feel simply awful!” He implied it while he clawed the metal wall next to him and it let out an eerie sound that made both of then winced. Especially to the woodpecker. The toucan was barely affected, just one eye flinched but nothing effective.
“Must have slipped my mind for when he was asking for the necklace.” He fling off some imaginary dirt from his gloves, pretending to be naive. The woodpecker then 'reminded' him with one step forward. “Well as 'slippery' as you are, as your police officer and your cousin's brother from another mother, I will politely ask you one more time to return it and we'll shall not gonna press any charge!” Alex responded with a snake tongue hiss and it made the woodpecker fall back with a surprisingly jolt.
“If you want want it, you better work even harder. Especially from me.” He hissed at the redhead. The toucan then cuts in with his long left arm between them. Protecting his bird friend obviously. “I don't think that's exactly what your parents meant when they said that.” Alex's eyes glared but he was still keeping his cool with an eerie smile. “If that was true, then it was my honest mistake.” He made a devil sign language before he turns around and started to leave.
“Don't turn your back on us, Alex. We're not done with you yet.” Sam demanded. Alex just looks back slightly to see them. “Oh no, Sammuel. Perhaps yourselves shouldn't turn your backs on me like others do...!!!” He got surprised when he turns back his head in the front and he bumped his face in the toucan's torso. Holey carp fish he was quick for a fairly, skinny guy. Not the first time, but it still threw him off an it bugs him. The toucan had his serious face on with his arms crossed and looks down on him. Alex grided his teeth and glared back. As much as he wanted to pull out his gun again, he can't.
Why? Because the woodpecker was behind him with his at the back.
“Are you resisting an officer of the law, again?” Sam raised his voice a bit and he was serious. “Temper Temper! I wouldn't even 'think' of 'resisting' either of you next to my cousin.” He sugar coated. “Funny. Then why now?” Woody asked.
“Well as far as our family ties go, Felix and I were always the shining star, but when it comes to certain thing...” He paused a bit to ease their position before he leaps high in the air and over Sam. Both guys immediately started to shoot once Sam took out his projectile needles he his under his sleeves. However, they were no match for Alex's belt whip as he twirled it like a performer with a ribbon flag. Alex landed on one of the higher crates and looks down on them one more time. “...Well, let's just say that's when we were set apart. Au revoir.” He then disappeared into the night.
The birds sighed in frustration and puts away their weapons. “Dang it! We almost had that sunavagun in the bag!”
“I think I now have a much better theory on why he's dead set on putting more pressure on Félix's life.” He rubbed his chin as he was thinking. “Oh? Do tell. I'm all ears.” Sam looked at the woodpecker with an raised eyebrow. Woody knew exactly what he was thinking and opened up his left side tailored coat to reveal the heart shaped sapphire. He gave a cocky smile and a thumbs up to say 'I still got it!'
Sam then smiled a bit and started his explanation. “I noticed when he started to talk about the family, he keeps it a bit vague but a bit more suggestive on how it was when they were little.” “Like what?”
“Before this, I had a few back stories of how Félix and Alex were as children. On one side from Félix's point of view, they were both treated like special. They both have similar talents like their grades and sports.”
“And on the 'other' point of view, Alex was probably not feeling the same way?” Woody guessed.
“Quite close. Judging from what he spoke tonight, I think when he was move and grew up in Australia is probably when things started to fall apart for Alex.”
“Huh? But Felix had said that Alex still did very well where he lived until he somewhat disappeared in his late teen. Is it one of those 'family's favorite' shtick? I mean, sure most of us have those, including mine when it's a big one, but we all see and acknowledge each other of our individuals and stuff like that.” Woody was confused but still has a point.
“True, but I think somewhere in that line Alex felt that Félix is much better than him in every way. I'm still not clear whether his parents didn't mean it like that or they are, but either way it makes him jealous of Félix. Especially when he took over custody of the kids and have a girlfriend. It makes him a much more responsible and respectable person to the family than he is, and it makes him even angrier and even more jealous.” Sam sighed and looks up to the night sky.
“Ay see. But why would he accomplish from when he became a career thief? If it's getting the best of the best and prove to the cat family that he's much 'better' or whatever, I don't think it would end well. Probably it's gonna send more fuel to the fire that's already burning and possibly ruin some special occasions like Christmas time or a family reunion.” Woody crossed his arms and tilted his head worried.
“Either way, we both need to be there for him and the kids. He's taking more weights than any guys at his age does and he barely has time to take care for himself.” Sam spoke. “You better believe it! He was there for me when I'm at the rock bottom of my life, changed me into a better person and I owe him my life for that kind of person!” Woody fired up.
“The only problem aside from Bendy and the second Alfonso mafia is obviously the evil twin cousin. We still have no definitive idea of what are we going to do with him.” Sam was troubled.
“Well for one thing, he'd make a very handsome throw rug for the couch.” Woody teased. “Woody.” Sam smirked. “Stay with me. He has white fur so yeah, it get easily dirty, but think of how much fun for us three, Felix included, is to take him outside and beat him.”
“Hahahaha Woody.” Sam calmly laugh at his little friend's idea.
They then retire for the night as they ended their search.
And here’s my one shot series of the BBTIM universe of Marini4.
I just wanted to say that I never really liked Alex because he’s gonna cause more trouble to my precious cinnamon roll. No matter how much diamonds or priceless treasures he’s stealing or how cool he’s gonna look. 
But since he’s gonna be canon, might as well put him as the butt of my jokes! 
However, I decided to make this theory story with two of my OCs and also a back story theory idea for him.
I believed that Alex started to get jealous of Felix when his parents started to compare him to his twin cousin in possibly ‘everything.’ That might have triggered an event or set a goal for himself to prove he’s better than Felix so there’s a chance that he might have fled from home in his late teens. I’m still not clear between here and now when  he returned to America, only to found out about the news of the kids and his girl. That would fuel his jealousy even more when he’s getting even better than him and getting something even more special.
Also, I did wanted to mention another theory of Egyptian mythology with Bastet and Apophis as I’ve previously mentioned in ‘Golden Eye’ fanfic and posted fanarts in my blog.
If you read both the god and goddess descriptions, those two characters would have suit them very well! You’re free to check them out if you want.
Humanized Alex the cat belong to Marini4. OCs Sam Toucan and Woody McPecker belong to me.
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She’s From Boston part 2
You can find part one here  
Steve McGarrett x OFC
2.7k words
Warnings: None really. Just a bunch of fluff. For now.
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(Gifs not mine. I just smooshed them together.) 
The first few days Sophie was at the McGarrett house were spent getting familiar with her new roommates as much as their schedules would allow. There had been a few torturous hours on the second day where Steve insisted Tani take Sophie to the mall and get her some new outfits and and anything else she would require, all on his dime. “I guess I didn’t mention the fine print in the contract when you took the job.” he said with a wide grin. “By accepting the position, you were automatically enrolled in our little ohana. We look after each other. I want it so, should you ever decide to leave, you’ll have much more than two bags to take with you. You’ll have lots of things that are yours.” Sophie couldn’t hide the tears in her eyes as a smile spread across her face and her heart soared.
Before she knew what she was doing, her arms were flung around his neck and her lips pecked his cheek. When she realized her actions, she gasped softly and stepped back. Her cheeks flushed bright and her eyes cast down. “I’m sorry. I got a little too exuberant.” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. He chuckled and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “I’ve thought of another rule.” he stated. “I would like you to please stop apologizing for being excited about stuff. There’s nothing wrong with it. At all. In fact, it puts this cute little glimmer in your eyes that’s honestly very enjoyable to witness.” Another of his award-winning smiles was flashed before his arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. “I don’t know your whole story yet, but I know enough and enough about how those things go to be able to say this. Forget all the crap he told you. He’s wrong. You’re not any of the names he might have called you, none of anything was your fault. Period. He’s scum and he better hope I never meet him.” She felt his arms tighten around her at these last few words, a hint of a growl in his voice as he spoke them.
Ugh! Why do I have to be so emotional?! she asked herself when she realized her tears had created a wet spot on his shirt. This all still felt like a dream to her. She was in Hawaii, far away from the cold, dreary New England winter, surrounded by people she didn’t even really know, who were treating her as if they’d been best friends for years. It felt wonderful, but pessimism lingered and made her doubt, made her wonder when the other shoe would drop and she’d wake up from this perfect world and be back in the tiny apartment where the nightmares were all too real. As these thoughts funneled through her mind, Steve’s strong arms held her tight as if he were trying to drive away any dark thoughts she had simply by pure will.
They stood like that for several moments before there was a knock on the door and Tani peeked her head in. The door opened wider and the bubbly woman entered, a bright smile on her face. “So a shopping adventure, huh?” she asked as she walked over to the pair. “On the big kahuna’s dime, too. Maybe we should take it a little easy. I have to work with the guy and you have to live with him.” she teased. Steve and Sophie laughed and he took a step back to remove his wallet from his back pocket. “It does have a limit.” he said, handing his credit card to Sophie. “If you reach that limit, you’ll both be my indentured servants until it’s paid off. I’ll make you help out fixing the restaurant. Under Danny’s command.” His attempt to appear stern and serious was lost when his laughter erupted. “And believe me….you do not want that.” The trio stood there talking for a few more moments before the women walked toward the door. “Have fun, ladies. We’ll meet up for lunch later.” Sophie turned and waved to him, then they were gone.
The mall was crowded and Sophie’s anxiety began to show it’s ugly face. She stuck to Tani’s side as they walked through the shops. There were several items she’d seen that she liked, but when she looked at the price tags, she returned them to their racks. Tani questioned her on this after the third time. “Why do you keep putting things back? They would look nice on you.” Sophie gave her a small smile before responding. “Did you see the prices on those things? It’s crazy expensive. Just because we aren’t paying for it, that doesn’t mean I’m going to get something that’s borderline extortion. Isn’t extortion illegal? Can’t you arrest them for that?”
The two women had a short giggle at that as they moved on to the hallway and to the next store. “Ooooh!” Tani said, her eyebrows wiggling as they approached a Victoria’s Secret shop. Sophie’s cheeks flushed but she followed Tani into the shop. She looked around and saw many things that she would never even think to wear, and wondered if this was such a good idea. Tani was looking at a display of lacy thongs. “You know. I lost a lot of hope in humanity when butt floss became a thing.” she said, tossing the flimsy item back into the bin and moving to a rack of dresses. She filtered through several then pulled a couple out to hold them up to Sophie. “Blue looks really good on you. I think you should get this one.” She handed the spaghetti strapped sundress to Sophie, who nodded in approval. At least the ones Tani was currently studying were normal dresses, as opposed to the silky, leathery, feathery other things on display.
After selecting a few more things for Sophie to try on, Tani ushered her to the fitting rooms. “Alright! Fashion show time!” Tani stated as she settled onto the plush couch in front of the row of fitting rooms. Sophie tried on the first item, the blue sundress, then timidly stepped out to show Tani. Dresses weren’t something she was used to, but this one wasn’t too bad. Tani’s smile and nod of approval earned the dress a stop in the keep pile and Sophie returned to change to the next. Several outfits were modeled and only two of them were decided against. As they walked to the checkout, Tani spoke. “You should change to that blue dress before we meet McGarrett for lunch. I bet he’d like to see what his money paid for.” Sophie smiled a bit and nodded. She didn’t think it was that great an idea, her not being all that comfortable in a dress, but she decided to step out of her comfort zone a little and give it a shot.
The items were purchased and they walked back out into the mall, discussing where they should go next. Tani’s excitement for this adventure rubbed off on Sophie and eased her nerves a bit. Before she got with Brian, she had loved to go to the mall with her friends. She wanted to rediscover that girl she was, let go of the demons that were haunting her. And so she let herself get wrapped up in the excitement and was able to truly have fun for the first time in many years. Several more stores were explored, items purchased. Sophie still thought things were too expensive, but Tani assured her that it was fine. “Steve knows things cost. If he didn’t think he could handle it, he wouldn’t have given you his card. You’ve only spent about three hundred dollars so far. We’ve hit some good sales!” She gave a whoop then held up her hand for a high five. Sophie laughed and slapped her hand, then gasped as her phone startled her when it rang. She answered, spoke a few words then hung up.  “Steve and Junior are here. They’re gonna meet us in the food court in a few minutes.” she spoke, her voice slightly higher than usual as nerves kicked in again. This feeling confused her and she queried it out loud. “Why am I nervous to be having lunch with them? That’s weird.” Tani grinned knowingly as they walked toward the bathrooms for Sophie to change. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because you aren’t used to wearing dresses. It’ll be alright. It looks fantastic on you.”
They arrived at the bathroom and Sophie quickly changed into the dress and matching shoes. Almost as an afterthought, she took out a necklace and earrings she’d  purchased. The small palm tree earrings made her smile. She hadn’t been allowed to wear anything cute like that for a long time and it felt good to be able to once again. The thin chain decorated with a tiny dolphin pendant was fastened around her neck and she exited the stall. “Ok! Let’s go!” She smiled brightly and linked her arm with Tani’s as they walked to the food court.
It was silent for a moment, then Sophie asked something she’d been curious about. “So. You and Junior. I see you….talk a lot. Are you….a thing?” Tani laughed and shook her head. “I mean, he’s cute and stuff but we just work together. We’re friends.” A sly smile appeared on Sophie’s face. “For now.” she teased. Tani rolled her eyes and shook her head as they arrived at their destination. Many different scents were in the air and mingled to create the unmistakable smell of a food court. The pair looked around and it was Sophie who spotted the men first. “They’re over there.” she said, pointing to a table arranged next to a large window.
The women weaved their way through the tables and chairs. As they got closer, Steve noticed them and gave a small smile to the petite woman wearing a dress that was the exact same shade of blue as his shirt. This fact did not go unnoticed by the commander, nor Sophie. She returned his smile with a shy one of her own as she sat down. “Ok. How bad was the damage? Am I going to be working til I’m ninety to pay it off?” he asked, cringing playfully. “Hardly! She wouldn’t buy anything! I tried to get her to buy a thousand dollar jacket, but she vetoed it.” Tani quipped and they all laughed then Sophie shook her head. “We didn’t do too bad at all. A little under three hundred. Of course, I expect this to be taken from my wages.” she stated with a small nod of her head. Steve’s brows furrowed and he shook his head. “No no...this wasn’t an advance payment. This is a gift.” A wide smile appeared on his face. “I couldn’t...I…” Sophie stuttered. Junior cut her off. “If there’s anything I’ve learned about McGarrett, it’s that if he puts his mind to it, that’s it. He’s a mule like that.” The quartet laughed.
Sophie took a deep breath and gave Steve a bright smile. “Thank you so much.” She looked around at the others. “All of you. Lou, Danny, Adam, everyone. You’ve all been so nice to me, so giving. And you barely know me. I am forever grateful for that.” They returned her smile then Steve clapped his hands together. “Ok! What are we gonna eat?” Three different voices spoke out three different choices, causing all four to erupt into more laughter. “Alright well since it’s Princess Sophie’s day, I think we should let her pick.” Another masterpiece smile appeared on his face and he flashed Sophie a wink. Her cheeks flushed at his words and she muttered. “I’m hardly a princess.”
After a short pause, she looked around at the choices. “A lot of things look really good, but I gotta say...it’s been a really long time since I’ve had a Whopper. Can we get Burger King?” Steve nodded affirmatively. “Flame broiled it is!” Orders were given then Steve stood and took Sophie’s hand. “You can help me bring stuff back. If that’s ok?” He stopped and looked expectantly at her. He hadn’t meant it as an order and he didn’t want her to feel she had to against her will. “No that’s fine.” She allowed him to lead her through the mass of chairs and tables until they made it to the Burger King counter. Steve grinned when he spotted a stack of paper crowns. He took one off and placed it on Sophie’s head. She chuckled and and looked at him questioningly. He shrugged his broad shoulders. “A princess needs a crown.” he proclaimed as if this were a very ordinary thing to do, then turned his gaze to the menu. Sophie chuckled and shook her head, an admiring smile on her face as she watched him.
There were several things she’d noticed about him when she first met him. Of course, his stunningly handsome looks were the very first thing. But the more time she spent with him, the more time she had to study him, she noticed more detailed things. There was the vein in his neck that stood out when he clenched his jaw. She’d seen it the first night she stayed at his home. They and Junior were sitting in the back yard sipping a few beers and talking. The topic of music came up, and being slightly under the influence, Sophie had divulged that she hadn’t been able to listen to music she enjoyed for years. Steve hadn’t said anything. His eyes were fixed on the ocean before them, but there was that clenched jaw, that angry vein. Junior, too, had noticed it and quickly changed the subject.
Another thing she’d noticed was that he looked at her. A lot. She’d lost count how many times she’d caught him watching her. Of course, she’d been caught looking at him, too. This was how she’d seen him watching. Both would look away shyly then go on as if nothing had happened. These and several other details she’d noticed flowed through her mind and she was startled when she heard Steve speak her name loudly. “Hello! Earth to Sophie!” he chuckled, waving a hand in front of her face. Her cheeks pinkened and she laughed softly. “Sorry. I was thinking.” He grinned then pointed at the guy waiting to take their orders. She didn’t even remember moving up in the line. The orders were given and they waited in silence. Once the food was handed to them, they returned to the table.
Raucous talk and laughter surrounded the table as the quartet dined. This was definitely something Sophie would have to tell Lydia the next time they spoke. Her cousin had been thrilled when Sophie called her and told her of her arrangement with Steve. She was glad Sophie was settling in and had even made some friends. Just as they were finishing up their meal, Steve’s phone rang. His face immediately went stony as he listened. “Alright. I got Tani and Junior with me. We’ll be right there.” He hung up and looked apologetically at Sophie. “I’m sorry. We have to cut this short. We gotta get to work.” She smiled and nodded, standing up and picking up the tray piled with trash. “It’s ok. I understand.”
She moved to toss the trash away then rejoined the trio. “I’ll bring Sophie home and meet you guys back at the station.” Tani and Junior nodded then said their goodbyes and left. Steve led Sophie to his truck and stored her bags in the back before helping her in. She was curious as to what the case was, but decided it wasn’t her place to ask. If it was something she should know it would be on the news. When they arrived back at the house, Steve helped her out of the truck and carried her bags inside. “Alright. I gotta get down to the station. If you need anything, call me ok?” She nodded and he gave her a quick hug before heading to the door. Before exiting, he turned to her and smiled. “You look great, by the way.” Before she could respond, she heard the door click shut. With a content sigh and a bright smile, she fell onto the couch and picked up her phone to call  Lydia and tell her all about her day, the paper crown spinning lazily on her finger.
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btsxyou · 8 years
The New World
Part II || Part I
Genre: AU, set in the 1920s (including all 1920s things)
Summary: Hoseok is the son of one of the wealthiest families in the country.  His only goal is to tarnish the family name.  But sometimes family matters at the strangest times, and sometimes even someone as wholesome and hardened as Hoseok can’t figure it out. 
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The sweep that jazz made through the city ran its way through small undergrounds clubs that were exclusive to few, but it broadened itself out and ran through all the dress shops in the city and became an ‘exotic’ type of craze.  Coming to life in its progress were dresses with fringe, and an array of costume jewelry.  It was a near recent realization that jewels could be faked in all sorts, placed in rings and necklaces and beading on dresses so that girls of the night could catch the light as they danced.  
You and Hoseok walked through the city streets, for once coming out in the daylight and looking around at what people were like in the sun.  The streets were wet and sloshy with snow that desperately wanted to hold on, but the sun was forcing it to melt away against its own attempts.  It wasn’t ideal for your shoes to be walking through this type of mess, but Hoseok was restless today and wanted to go out more than anything.  The weather surprisingly wasn’t as biting as you thought it would be, the wind wasn’t blowing all in fact, it seemed to have warmed with the sun, and the streets seemed lively and inviting with the slight change in weather.
Wandering the city when it came to Hoseok was always aimless, but like any fake drifter there was something in his subconscious that drew him to areas of the city.  Many of the shops on the streets were catering to new fashions of the time, there were tailors and higher end stores that were accustomed to seeing that you and Hoseok visit ever so often, and since he was such the young socialite of a wealthy family they often offered him their clothing free of charge, just to get their name out there.  It was true that he was well dressed, but it was also true that he was something of an innovator.  Suits weren’t particularly comfortable, it was often, especially in summer, to see Hoseok in an undershirt only, or a sweater.  Most men dressed it up to some extent with a tie or bowtie but he kept it simple, and sometimes untucked, unbuttoned. It was important to him that his image, glossed over by him being a wealthy young socialite and much desired bachelor, was representative of his true self.  Well knowing, but with a lack of care.
You stopped in front of a shop window, looking at the dresses on display, your mind wandering through all of their uses.  You were still desperately trying to come up with a plan… One that was more daring. That would really cause a mess but… it was hard.  What could you possibly do at this point?  Everything everyone did in this city was overlooked.  If only you could be a part of some raid gone bad, but you heard they let girls like you escape and just trapped the men in the bar and arrested them if they had to.  Bars across this city went dry just thinking about the possibility of a raid.  With the amount of money Hoseok had to spare and the name he had to ruin, he could easily turn to bootlegging, it was his style at least.
Old money hated the ways of new money.
Hoseok began to say something about the dresses, maybe how one would look great somewhere, but you caught something out of the corner of your eye, the feeling of being watched consumed you almost immediately, and you thought maybe you saw someone you knew.  Whoever it was, they disappeared around a corner pretty quickly without another thought in your direction, but your eyes stayed focused behind Hoseok at the corner of the street.  His smile faded as he looked at you, unable to hold your attention.
“Is something wrong?” He asked, finding it weird that you weren’t looking at the stores merchandise anymore as he was.
“No, sorry.  I thought I saw someone I knew.” You shook your head, trying to show absolutely nothing about it on your face, but your mind was deep in thought.
“I thought you didn’t know anyone here?” He huffed out a small laugh, the best that he could, thinking that he could be so sure of one thing about you.
“I don’t. They just looked familiar. It was no one.” No one, you thought again to yourself.  Thats all anyone from your past was to you at this point.  It would be really strange to see someone from your hometown in this type of place. Many people moved to the city, but not this far.  Right?  Why would they be here anyways? What will you do if it really is them?
The feeling was uneasy, it made you nervous and anxious to leave, a gnawing feeling inside you although they were gone now.  It was just a bad feeling, that things were beginning to creep back into your mind, guilt you, make you feel sad… You knew Hoseok was tired and felt cramped up in his room and that your room was not only off limits to him but somehow even smaller than his. He needed the fresh air and the change in scenery, but he also didn’t like how the strange non-encounter had left you.  He would never know otherwise but your face was saying too much, you looked scared and repulsed at the same time.
“We should go.” He offered, respectful of how you felt about the moment. Charm, as always.
Your thoughts were in one direction, and you remained quiet the entire walk home.  You wanted to pretend like it was no one you saw, that you were being ridiculous, that your eyes were playing games.  But the feeling it gave you couldn’t lie, and you had no choice but to think that it was them.  Someone.  You had no idea what they wanted but you wanted to leave, you wanted to avoid being seen out anywhere for a little while, but how would you relay that type of message to Hoseok? How do you say it?
Once slumped in Hoseok’s chair like you do, in that terrifyingly bored way that makes him laugh to himself, you still said nothing at all.  It made Hoseok terribly curious, and almost worried.  You knew what he was thinking of course, and that he knew better than to burden you with any questions about it unless you wanted to talk about it yourself.  Until then, he knew he would have to wait. You let your mind wander to those dresses you saw in the shop windows, they really were beautiful and could be useful even if you wanted to dive deeper into the belly of the beast.
“I wanna dance.” You finally said.
“Dance?”  He was standing across from you, still antsy so he was unable to sit or get anything done, but he had no problem talking to you especially if it was part of a new plan.
“Yeah, Hoseokie, I wanna dance. Don't ya think I could? Be one of those babes of jazz… That’ll really turn some heads.” You were plucking at some of your bobbed hair, squinting off into the distance imagining the beaded fringe swinging as you hopped around, glittering in the lights of some underground jazz club.  
“Then I suppose you need some new dresses, shoes… anything at all. We can put in an order this week at the shop.  I’m sure they’ll love to hear from us.”  That was the way he worked.  He enjoyed the wealth as long as he wasn’t the one using and abusing it.
At first, you were overwhelmed, thinking he was just overly kind, and you had trouble trying to see why he was so bitter over having money.  Before you even came to this school you were scrounging what you could, doing anything at all to even get by, so that your family could live comfortably at least until your next meal.  At least Hoseok was able to live in a way that worrying wasn't even part of this vocabulary, even if it may not have been ideal.  It wasn’t your plan to get into a life of crime, but it was what you had to do. Your mother had been ill, your father had been taking losses almost every place he worked, hours being cut back, pay being cut back.  It was a struggle anywhere you turned.  It wasn’t that you didn’t want to help them, but you knew you had to get outta there and get someplace else.  Someplace where you could really be free from everything you once were.
It was hard to keep a job for a working man like your father.  The most recent technological advances in factories meant that many workers were being laid off all year round with little to do, and a skill set that was now rendered useless. The country itself was rich, but that didn’t mean every human on his surface was able to live well.
All you had back home was some dream to live on, and a stretch at that. Nothing had changed much around you, but there were those fearless vixens of the night, their hair getting shorter and shorter each time you saw them.  In your mind you pretended you had the hair, that you were a frequent at a bar, dancing with friends well into the night and really living in the moment, actually living, really, truly living.
And then you found it.  The one chance you could to escape.  With a letter, tear soaked in regret and shame, you laid it on your small kitchen table, along with a stack of money you knew your family would be able to depend on for at least 6 months alone, no matter what would happen to your fathers job. And with a bag filled with everything you loved and all your nicest clothes, you set off to another city, someplace else.  Someplace you could finish going to school without any worry.
A days train ride northeast was bittersweet, a farewell that left you teetering on a sharp edged rock at the top of a cliff.  What is there to do now?  You managed to gather documents, things that would prove your worth as a human being, something that could get you into a school and keep you going on this alienated path that you chose to take.  The choice wasn’t selfish, something you had to tell yourself constantly, when you catch the scent of something in the wind that made you ache for your own mother.  There was never quite the time or place to mention how you felt, it was an incident that you had to hide, beneath the itchy wool dress you were left with.  
Standing outside one of the most well known schools in the country, you considered turning around and running right back from where you came.  Whats done has been done.
That was who you used to be, that was over a year ago, and you only tend to look back on it when Hoseok mentions his parents, and their company.  Because you know it all too well. Now you're someone else, with a different name, in a completely different place.
Thinking back on it now, its hard to tell what your family even thought of your disappearance.  Women were only paid roughly $22 a week, and it costed just a few more dollars than that to even live.  If you hadn’t been doing what you were doing, you could never have left anything for them at all.  It was almost as if someone bought you and thought you were worth a pretty penny and left it all for your family.
You had to stop thinking.  There was nothing left in your past to dwell on any longer.
“Do you know how to dance?”  There was no doubt in your mind he knew how to dance, you knew how from watching girls dance through cracks in doors while you were out in the late nights, and from catching a few people here and there recently.  The styles have changed greatly over the past couple years.
He was standing with both hands in his pockets, head leaning to the side graciously. He had that sickening sweet smirk on his lips, his eyes dark as always.
“Do I know how to dance?” His tone was mocking, knowing full well that you also knew.  “Am I going to have to be your partner?”
“No,” you said, pretending to be offended. “I don’t want you to dance with me… You won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself.”
“Neither would you.”  It was small but you caught it.  He had an amazing poker face, but his eyes always gave it away.  That small flicker of something absolutely debauched.  Of course his whole being was licentious, it was well known, it didn’t give many people much room to judge you as anything different either.  You were only his real girl on occasion, who were you to take him away from such a freeing and sexual lifestyle just because you were friends?
Only something so unexpected could break a tension as strong as this.
“Sir, you have a call?” The younger boy was holding the phone, urgently in Hoseok’s direction.  It took him a few seconds too many to realize you were in the room, but not because you were simply there.  It wasn’t particularly popular to be seen in a boy’s room, but Hoseok had managed quite the amount of girls in his room.  The boy was simply startled that you were there, actually having a conversation and nothing more.
Taking the phone from the boy he answered, giving you a look before leaving the room for the telephone room for a more private conversation.
His family rarely called, they resorted to sending letters since Hoseok would not take their calls at all.  He had brushed them off so often that the young boy who always answered the floor’s phone knew to say that he was busy or unavailable.  Strange indeed that he would choose to take this call, but the boy acted urgently.  His mother must be having a serious episode that only her eldest son could cure, what else?
“Pack your bags, sweetheart.”  He walked straight to his dresser without even looking at you, pulling out the top drawer to take some items out.
“What’s the matter, Hoseok?”
“Please go pack.  I’ll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes.”  He was holding a folded shirt in his hands, staring at it as he spoke.  You rose from the chair and exited quietly, hurrying down the stairs and out into the winter air to the building that housed your room.
The train ride was lonesome.
Today in particular had been burdened by rain, and it seemed to fit the mood of your train car perfectly. You weren’t sure exactly what was going on, but you knew better than to ask.  There was some type of cloud, darker than the ones outside, plaguing Hoseok’s very existence in the seat across from you.  The air around him was duller, like a shade was put over him, a damper on his usually bright and charming personality.  From this you could only gather it was a grim situation you were unknowingly facing.
He appeared much more sullen than usual, something about it tugged on your heart in the wrong way. Of course he was only human, and everyone had their bad days here and there.  But this was much darker.  It wasn’t like that, he had been absolutely himself before the call.  All you knew was that you were heading back, in the same direction that you had come from a year and a half ago.
The feeling alone made you uneasy, but this wasn’t about you.  
The train ride was uneventful, you managed to read a book in the meantime to distract your thoughts, its what Hoseok would prefer anyways.  You even caught yourself looking at him, trying to think of a new plan, maybe that would cheer him up just a tad.  Anything you could think of to make the days to come seem a little brighter, for the both of you.
Cars were cheap nowadays, not cheap enough that your family was able to own one, but one of the most important things about those in automobiles was that they wanted their product everywhere, so they had to make them available.  Wealth for many people was in abundance.  This car that you were now sitting in had to be a newer, and much more expensive model.  Possibly even custom.  It wasn’t the type to break down, and you imagined that for its price it would be able to pull its thin tires out of the mud all by itself.
You had never met Hoseok’s family, only seen his mother and sister in photos, so you weren’t sure who the man driving the car was in particular, but from the greeting he gave Hoseok and the greeting Hoseok had returned, it more than likely wasn’t a relative.
The ride was short, through tall trees, only catching peeks of large estates in their breaks. Each house was bigger than the other, it seemed that they were only getting more grand as the car traveled speedily towards its destination.
It really seemed like a fairytale— of course one cut out of modernity.  There were no bountiful of petticoats and no princes— although Hoseok may as well be one. And in his own right, he was the prince of a large steel company, a very valuable man and a very valuable bachelor.  Instead it really seemed as if the castles were just large mansions, the princes were sons of wealthy families, all lined up to take over businesses and run the new world they lived in. You were completely unsure of what you were here, not the princess, not the pauper, but something in between.  Something just as beautiful and sought after as a princess, but something as hallowed as a pauper.  Something very close to pretending, something very close to make believe.
You pulled up to a house— more grand than you could even imagine.  It appeared, only getting bigger as the car moved closer to it.  It looked like a more industrial version of Grecian style architecture, like the classical period come back to life in the modern day.  The road out front was just as wide and opening as the house itself, graced on each side by foliage and grass, the greenest you had ever seen it in your life.  As far as you knew, his family created a brand new shade of green just for their on yard.  The plants even found themselves winding up the columns at either end, embracing the house in all its wonder and beauty as if it really was a part of nature herself.
The front was partially blocked by stairs, those too lined in shrubbery, and a large fountain in the center.  You tried your best to hide your wonder, unsure of what kind of character you were to be playing at this point, but you really and truly had never seen an estate this size, or even set foot on one before. You opened the car door, looking all around you, only being able to see fields of green, and the glint of water in the distance behind the house.  So far, it was all so breathtaking.
“Miss, let me take those for you.” The man who drove the two of you here insisted, reaching for your bags as you pulled one out of the seat beside you.  You really weren’t good at pretending to be someone else today. With a nervous breathy laugh, you handed the bag to him and he smiled, shutting the car door behind you before he nodded and was on his way.
You waited a second until Hoseok came around to your side of the car, wrapping his arm around your waist as you both began to walk towards the house in all its grandeur, the light tan color of its exterior beckoning you to go inside and see what else it had to offer.
Your heart was racing slightly, still not trying to look too in awe at the scenery around you, but when the front door of the house opened you couldn’t help but to let out a gasp, one that was covered by his own mother’s wailings.
“Hoseok! Oh my darling! I’m so glad you are here, you have come just in time! You must see him right away— Oh! Who is this, dear?” The woman turned to you quickly, pretending as if she had just noticed your presence.
“This is my girl, mother.  Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.  I thought it would be proper to bring her along.” Your heart skipped a beat when he mentioned you as his ‘girl’.  It was something that occurred so often you barely noticed it, but it was in a different tone, a different circumstance.  He didn’t have to bring you here at all, let alone mention you to his family.
“Oh, of course my dearest you have mentioned her a few times.  It is so lovely to meet you darling, I feel so rude not being able to greet you properly. Hoseok, please do tend to your grandfather, you must.  You must!” She was almost flailing, tears in her eyes. He nodded quickly, and rubbed his hand up and down your back once before leaving the room, and you, behind.
“Dear, I’m so glad that we are to meet now, even under these dire circumstances.  Did Hoseok tell you? I’d hate for you to be so unaware, but even I know that my son can be neglectful.  I will tell you now then.  Please sit,” She waved her hand at the large study-like living area she led you to, walls lined with beautiful portraits, the windows wide and open towards the large body of water you had seen outside.  The view, the room and also outside, were both magnificently beautiful, and unimaginable.
“My father has been gravely ill.  I’ve postponed in telling Hoseok as long as possible.  I know how he felt about him, I didn’t want him to have to be burdened so heavily during his studies.  But now I fear I may have contacted him too late.  I hope father does not perish sooner than a few days, I will miss him terribly so.  I do want Hoseok to have the right amount of time with him, no less and no more.  If there’s one thing I know about grief, its as prolonged as the attachment and as deep as your soul itself.”
You listened to her words quietly, examining the way she held herself, even with such poise at talking about the soon-to-be death of her beloved father.  At least you presumed it was beloved, from her words to the look in her eye when she spoke, he must have taught her everything she knows, and given her all the opportunities as possible.
“I’m sorry to also burden you with this so suddenly, my doll you must be so confused!  I will spare you more details until later.  I’m sure you are very tired from your trip as well, let George show you the way to your room, you can freshen up as you please, and come back down when you are ready.  He can run you a bath as well, if you wish.”
You rose and followed ‘George’ as he has been named through the large interior of the house, up a grand staircase and down a long hallway until you reached a room where your bags had already been placed.  The interior of this whole house was astonishing, extravagant, something that only a queen would know of. Whole rooms within this house had been transported here from Italy and France,  set up just in the same way.  It was a rare case of authenticity, completely unnecessary but it was more than beautiful.
“Shall I run you a bath, miss?”
“Oh, no thank you,” you said shaking your head shyly. “I believe I will just unpack and freshen up.  Maybe later tonight.”
“Anything you wish.  Please tell me when and I will attend to you.” He gave a wide smile and then exited the room, closing the grand doors behind him.  You slipped the warm coat off your shoulders and removed the gloves from both of your hands, laying them out on the bed to hang them last.
You carried a bag over the to wardrobe, taking your dresses out one by one and hanging them inside, placing your extra pair of shoes inside also, along with a few undergarments and other things.  You slipped your mink coat off— the one that you had just remembered with a rush of blood to the face that belonged previously to Hoseok’s mother.  As you hung it among your dresses, you hoped silently that she hadn’t noticed.  You could always say you happened upon the same design someplace else.
You chose a more casual dress, one much unlike the other you were wearing now.  
The bathroom was much bigger than expected, the floors tiled white as well as the walls halfway, with a similar wall design to the bedroom in which it was connected.  You also looked at the bathtub in awe, it was not only large but the porcelain structure appeared to be carved so delicately into a beautiful and winding design, marked by straight vertical lines continuing along the rest of its body.  The sink was marbled in comparison to the white surrounding it on all sides.  There was also mirrors lining the wall, you could see your reflection every which way you turned.
For now you just settled on washing your face the best you could, there were soaps laid out on the sink for you to use, as well as small perfumes.  The day had been long, so long in fact that it barely even felt like a day had occurred, it felt like several days had all happened at once.  This morning was so disconnected from your reality as of the moment, and was probably done so by the train and car ride to the estate.
The cold water was refreshing, washing the day of travel from your skin, adding moisture back into it from the dry and chapped winter air outside. You wiped at your lips, trying to rid of the ruby tint as well as you could.  It was of habit now that you wore it but such types of scarlet were not respectful on ladies lips.  You made a small impression you hoped on his mother, but you had yet to meet the rest of his family and wanted to make a good impression.  Hoseok had his issues, and you had yours, but you would still be respectful towards them, especially at this time.
You rouged your cheeks lightly, giving yourself a healthy looking blush, nothing as drastic as you could be doing.  There wasn’t much to do about your hair though, its short length only allowed you to run a brush through it and hope for the best.  All the girls were cutting their hair short, but there was till something about the style that put parents on edge. As you ran the bristles through your hair, your mind wandered to Hoseok.
What kind of thing was there even for you to do now? He desperately wanted to cause a scene, make something happen that his family could not even imagine him to do.  Nothing that would cause harm to anyone except his own family.  There was something, however, about his mood today and stature that pointed to something that you weren’t used to seeing.  He never liked his family, when they were mentioned he became tense without realizing it, like whoever let the name slip struck a chord in him that was the deepest and resonated the most.
You only knew of him what he told you and what you were able to observe.  So his actions regarding his grandfather were strange.  They were guilty, they were distant and held so much emotion you didn’t know what to make of them at all.  It was like his whole demeanor was a flood wall and needed to burst, needed to speak and have the words pour out until they became a very gentle flowing river with little disturbance.
You felt as if you didn’t spend enough time preparing yourself for the evening ahead of you, but you were restless.  Your heart was racing although you had barely done anything other than change clothes, and although you were in a very warm and inviting environment you couldn’t help but to feel uneasy or out of place.  Your mind was too focused on Hoseok’s situation, the whole reason why you were even here.
Deciding to rejoin his mother downstairs, you leave your designated bedroom and walk down the hall the way you came before— at least you think this is the way you came before.  The hallways were massive but they were unfamiliar, there was plenty of room to get lost in this grand of a house, and especially in this hallway. Finally nearing a set of stairs, you notice one door next to them open, and noting the type of door that was on the bedroom you would be staying it, it had to be another bedroom.
The floors were lined with beautiful rugs, so your approach to the single door that was opened wide produced no sound, and left its occupants completely unaware.  Looking inside, you noticed a man lying in bed fast asleep, and another man hunched over in a chair beside the bed.  It didn’t take you long to recognize Hoseok’s body, although it was partially covered and his back was to you.
Sullen wasn’t the word for it anymore.  It wasn’t a mood, it wasn’t something easily overcome. It was morbid, it was languishing.  You couldn’t even see his face, but his shoulders sulked so drastically, so far from their usual broad an upright position that it made you wonder.  Was it your eyes playing with you so cruelly, or could you see them shaking?  Whatever the trick, it made your heart jump so suddenly, not in the way that you much preferred, but in a way that was certainly unsettling.
Lost in thought, you had failed to notice that he was now leaving his grandfather’s bedside.  Standing from his chair and facing the open doorway, he wiped at his nose, and his eyes quickly.  The tear stained cheeks could not be salvaged so quickly, and remained red and damp despite his desperate attempts.  He noticed your figure outside the doorway, and groaned internally in both remorse and anger.
Happening to look up, you noticed his shameful eyes, his face shining the dim light from his tears, his expression…showing something peculiar.  You knew immediately that you were in the wrong, you were never to see him this way, and you thought that you never even would. Maybe thats why you couldn’t look away.  Maybe thats why you had yet to leave and pretend like nothing happened at all.
He was hesitant, beginning to take a step but stopping abruptly, not even knowing what to do with himself at all.  He wanted to disappear, to turn into nothing and float up into the air where emotions where extinct and he could go back to the way he was before, feeling absolutely nothing at all. He needed to move, he needed to go, but where?
He expression changed soon to one of irritation, the idea being given that you had done the worst possible in seeing this, even though you knew it wasn’t you, that feeling was not meant for you at all.  All you could do was let him go, and watching him walk towards you and down the large hallway without a further glance was unpleasant.  As much as your legs wanted to follow his footsteps, you stayed behind, and instead retreated in the opposite direction, down the stairs to find his family.
Your eyes traced over the gold leafing on the walls, embroidering them with all of its luster.  The ceilings in particular where extravagantly designed, and in fact busy. It wasn’t uncomfortably so, but tastefully.  It felt like you surely were in another world at this point, a new world that you never thought you’d see yourself.
You subconsciously followed the sound of voices, speaking calmly to one another as you passed through the main and mostly grand foyer, your eyes still focusing on the ceilings, but now taking turns through the frescoes and chandeliers.
You were relieved to know that the room they were in was the same room you sat with his mother in, finally in a room again that was familiar to you. It was oddly refreshing, you felt like a complete tourist in this house.  You had to be careful or they would’ve thought you’d never seen a house before in your life.
His mother noticed your presence and smile beautifully at you, it was no wonder Hoseok’s face was so incredibly sculpted, he appeared to have acquired the genes of none less than a goddess.  It was strange that you were only nothing this about her now, but maybe you were just getting familiar with her as well.
The man in the chair across from her huffed, a cigar in hand and a glass of brandy on the table next to him.
“This is who he brought?  I’m not sure I could’ve expected any less.  Can’t you see? He brought home one of them!  They’re all over the papers… she’s obviously no good!” He waved the hand holding the cigar about in the air, talking about you as if your presence was not so near.  You knew of course in your mind that people would say such things, after all you did have the hair and spent a lengthy amount of time in bars and out in the night. He wasn’t wrong.
But perhaps its too difficult to say really to what extent the adult world has come to think of girls like you, and guys like Hoseok.  Unless one was to experience such a drastic contrast such as this, one would understand.  The generation before this was much more quiet and did not feel the need to express themselves— especially the women.  But girls of your age realized what that meant— it meant losing out on all the fun, staying in every night and acting as someone you really weren’t, craving the liberation that bobbed hair and short dresses gave you. Thats all it was really about.  But blown up on a larger scale, and something that would change time forever.
It wasn’t the boys who were even looked upon poorly, it was just the girls.  And if Hoseok was to be seen with you no one would think any less of him or find it to be strange, but you they could immediately draw judgment upon. So even though your cheeks were burning underneath an invisible slap that was placed upon your whole character by his father, you had to let the handprint subside and play the part you were given.
You could still be a well mannered and responsible girl.  You were not innately bad.
“Hush! My darling,” she waved her arm in hopes that you would sit next to her on the small sofa.  “Hoseok has good taste, I trust in that.  After all, I did teach him all he knows.”
It was only truly expected that a family of such wealth and status would hold onto such Victorian values.  Those were things that were hard to give up, the full household, built on good manners and stable family roles that were rarely challenged or discussed. Every issue seemed to be ignored or faced head on and ended as abruptly as they came.
“It’s almost time for dinner… poor Hoseokie, I wonder if he will even be able to eat.  I could excuse it this time.  He has many a good reason to skip a meal.” She looked at the floor in front of her, tugging at the small lace trimmed handkerchief in her hands.
“M’am, I could go check on him, I’m worried as well.” You offered, catching his father shaking his head out the corner of your eye.  His mother shot him a nasty look, into which his expression changed to almost the complete opposite.
“That would be wonderful.  Come back here after you’re finished, and we will have dinner.”
In managing to escape, even if it was for a few minutes, you made your way up the grand staircase, locating Hoseok’s door as quickly as you could, and leaving a light rasp on the thick wooden panels. There must be dozens and dozens of rooms within this mansion, but you  learned that the bedrooms all had similar doors.
“Hoseokie…” You murmured into the wood, hoping that at hearing your voice he would open the door.  You leaned with your head up against the door frame, waiting for some type of response, hoping that it just wasn’t the silence you heard now.
The door opened quickly, and he pulled you inside by your arm unexpectedly.  Your body was pushed lightly against the door causing it to close behind you, as a pair of hands tangled in the back of your bobbed hair.  His nose pressed against yours, eyes closed knowing that you would see something in them, however his expression gave it all away.  He grimaced in the dim lighting of his bedroom, the light playing off every wrinkle caused by his distress.  He was somehow no less beautiful than normal, despite his reddened face and slightly puffy eyes.
He pulled away with a sniffle, realizing that he should probably start acting like himself, strict poker face and emotions on a rain check.  You knew that if he wanted to talk he would, he wouldn’t hesitate and he wouldn’t hide.  He was perfectly good about being straightforward, but today in particular has been strange for everyone and everything.  It was the right time of day for you to just accept this slight change in the weather of this house, of your relationship with Hoseok. Clouds and rain and all. The storm was yet to come.
He sat down on his bed slowly, elbows resting on his knees as he leaned forward, head cocked to the side ready to speak.  You waited, back against the door, hands intertwined and placed flat against the wooden panels, close enough to the outside world to keep you grounded right here in this moment and not on a completely other universe.
“Who did you see?” He asked finally, his eyes now were calmer, like a gentle tide that settled right after a rough wave. The question was not only surprising, but somehow even inappropriate. It was a type of boundary he knew never to cross at all, but it seemed that those boundaries now were burned, leaving a line of ash that was easily blown apart by the wind letting things like this slip in.
“It’s not time for show and tell Hoseok.” You kept your eyes away from him.  Looking at him sometimes made your answers hard to manage. He had a way of working things out of people with a single look, and you were no different under some circumstances.  This was one of those times, and on this day you were both fragile in your own ways, shaken ever so violently under your skin.
“I’ll show, you can tell. I think I have a right to know.”
You stared right into the blazing fireplace across from you as he spoke, not wanting to answer at all.  Unfamiliar territory, a place where you didn’t want to be as if your life depended on you staying away from it.
“I’ll think about it.  Your family is waiting on me, its time for dinner.  I need to make a good impression. Will you be coming?”
“Don’t place any bets on me, doll.  George will bring me something.” He laid back on his bed, grabbing a book off the nightstand and opening it up to a page you swore was unmarked.  How he always knew where to go was a mystery to you.
“I’ll be back after.” You opened the door and escaped the stiff air of his room, forcing yourself now to enjoy a dinner alone with his family.
“I just thought I saw someone I knew.”  You had broken the silence clouding Hoseok’s bedroom, after a stalemate of a staring contest.  You wanted to tell him, but at the same time you didn’t want him to know a single thing about it.
He looked at you questioningly, his eyes pushing you to keep going.
“Someone I knew from home.  I’m not from there, you know that.  I think its strange they would be so close.  I don’t know why they were there.  I don’t look the same as I did then.  I’m not sure how they would know how to find me at all.  It just kind of… made me feel weird.  Thats’s all.” You looked at the floor, almost embarrassed to even talk about it.
“Are they dangerous?”  His voice was way more sincere than usual.
“No. I’m just unsure of how they find me and that worries me. As far as I know, I’m dead to everyone in my past.  I want to keep it that way.”
“I suppose it’s mine turn now isn’t it?” He said looking down at the floor, taking note that you didn’t want to speak anymore.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, its fine. I’m not expecting anything.  You were right anyways, I should tell you about things that may involve both of us like that.”
“This involves both of us too.” He insisted, brows furrowed as he spoke.
“I’m just here because you brought me, don’t mistake that for anything else, or more.”
He looked hurt, as if he expected a different answer, or no answer at all. Either one would’ve been better to him.
“I need to say it. I want this to be fair.” He began, his voice fast and unsure.  “She put off telling me. I don’t even want to hear her reason why.  I’m angry about it, it was selfish. He was the only person I could really trust to be a real person with me and not hide.  He wasn’t about his wealth, he was a good person.  He raised my mother to be a good person too, theres things I like about her believe it or not.  I know  its those parts she got from him.  A sharp, bright mind.  This is something I can’t figure out, its something I want to mess with and get an answer to the most, but I can’t.   For the first time, I’m going to lose. I need to know the answer to this. I can’t go on not knowing. I feel something I can’t explain.”
The room was silent except for the crackling of the fire across from you still.  You held your place by the door as if your legs had forgotten how to move, or maybe the air in here was too thick they couldn’t move, it felt suffocating, like you could barely get any of it into your lungs.  Something was changing, the air, the feeling, the atmosphere as a whole.  It was a different world alone with him now, you knew it but didn’t want to accept that things were going to change, he was going to change, and there was no going back now.  You both had shared more in the last ten minutes than you had almost the whole year you’ve known each other.
“Can you stay?”  He broke the silence with a question you never thought you would hear, followed by him rising from the bed to walk towards you, shirt half buttoned and half untucked, the sight that many girls probably would wish for.
“In here? You know I can’t.”
His acceptance of what he already knew was in the form of him wrapping his arms around you and holding you tightly against his own body.  It was strange, it never happened in private, only in public when he felt he needed to make it more apparent you are together.  He had very specific and calculated reasons for all affection he gave you, even if something inside him had wanted more of you, he probably would never allow it.
So that left you being unsure of what to do with you own arms, frozen in place and unable to reciprocate the same type of affection.  As much as you knew he probably needed it, the attention, the affection, any small gesture that would let him know that it was okay he was sad and confused.  But that just wasn’t part of this.
Placing his head against yours and burying his face into your neck, trying to mesh his body with yours was a step too far. It felt as if it was definite proof that he wanted something more, or needed something more, and it was unlike him.  Completely and utterly unlike him.  He never quite needed anything. Not to say he had never wanted more from you, you both had a very subtle intimacy but it wasn’t private and it was by no means yours.  For it all to belong to you both would a massive change, and seemed more than frightening to you.  It wasn’t anything you had even really thought about before, but has he?
His body seemed to move without his permission at all, pulling away and releasing you slightly but just moving only so you were face to face, only a couple inches separating you.  A type of look was there, in his tired and reddened eyes, it made the whole room feel like a different world, like you were in another universe where he wasn’t just a friend or a partner but someone who depended on you for anything and everything and needed you when things got rough, someone who wanted to hug you, someone who didn’t just look like they wanted to kiss you, but actually sealed the deal.
It felt like hours the way he looked at you, immense tension between both of you.  It seemed never ending, it seemed torturous, it was all just confusing and thick.  You hated looking shaken, as if he didn’t hug you but instead murdered someone in cold blood right in front of your eyes. Your look must’ve been enough, because he let you go and whispered a very silent and broken ‘Goodnight’, allowing you to leave and go to bed yourself.
When you reached your bedroom and changed into your nightgown in a daze, you still felt as if you were in a completely other place, as if everything was just one big confusing dream with no dialogue and no context, nothing to pull clues from.  It was a rollercoaster of every emotion, every move, every sound, they all somehow blended together yet stood out completely all at the same time.
You just wanted to lay down and sleep and wake up to everything being the same, back to the way it was before.
You could hear, despite the fact you were completely out of it all.  Your body was so tired you couldn’t be bothered one bit with rolling over and facing the door to your bedroom in Hoseok’s house, the day had felt like a whole week happening at once and you desperately wanted to escape it for anytime at all.  Hoseok could break the rules of his own household all he wanted, of society if he wanted, but you wouldn’t.  The air in here only faltered slightly and you knew he was here, settling onto the small sofa in the room.
Your mind was clouded with fatigue, too tired, too unwilling to think it through, to determine why exactly he was seeking this type of companionship from you.
You awoke in the morning with the faint idea of something that had happened, but with yesterday’s blur of events and the deep sleep you were in over the night it was hard to decipher what had happened and what was a dream.  All you could think was that Hoseok came in your room, but that could’ve happened at any point of the night or early morning, and from looking around the room with sleepy eyes you concluded that he wasn’t here now at all.
Either he never came in and it really was a dream, or he had sought your company after turning him down and came in your room on his own, and left sometime before you woke.  Knowing both of you, it would have to be a dream, never would he bother you like that, never has he truly needed your company for personal and emotional reasons.  However, from the recent events that took place and the fact that he had asked you to stay with him despite that being against a part of your nonexistent but well thought out friend-relationship contract, he may have came in and left.
You dragged yourself out of bed, all but willingly, and made your way to the bathroom to wash your face and try to do something about your hair before getting dressed in a casual yet appropriate dress for whatever events will take place today.
Your mind wasn’t in any place in particular, you felt as if you had lost a weeks worth of sleep and was only able to make up for an hour of it.  Maybe facing Hoseok’s lively family would wake you up a bit and force you to be on top of your game, force you to be a brighter and more sophisticated self than how you were really feeling today.
When you reached the small dining area by following George, you were almost alarmed to notice Hoseok’s slender fingers hooked into the small handle of a teacup, his dark brown eyes looking up at you in the archway as he took a sip.  His demeanor was changed completely.  It was almost strange to see him today, after the strangely intimate encounters you had had the night before where you tried to keep your distance but he kept stepping over each and every barrier in his way to get to you, to reach out to you.  Today was almost the polar opposite, he was back to his normal self, and he gave you no attention other than the look when you came in.
You took your seat on a sofa next to the chair he was in, and George poured you a cup of tea.  Hoseok’s mother also welcomed you but you barely registered any of it, you were too tired, too confused.  It was too hard for you to seek for answers to this other than to confront him but unless he was going to retreat back into yesterday’s mood, it seemed impossible.  Yesterday’s Hoseok was that person you could ask questions to that involved relationships and emotions, not today’s.
It seemed easy for him to move on and to forget, and although your thoughts were cloudy and unwilling, you could still see various things that stood out from the previous day in your mind.  Watching Hoseok’s fingers pick up a croissant your mind flashed back to yesterday, his hands tangling in the back of your hair as he pushed you against the door.  His lips as they closed around the bread as he took a bite, and your mind to when his face as right in front of yours, desperate to place his lips on yours in seek of a more safe and loving feeling.  His tone of voice when he answered his mother’s requests, and thinking back to when he was voicing his concerns to you.  He seemed normal, but nothing between you could return to that now.
Everything has changed now.
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buffystylez-blog · 8 years
Teacher’s Pet
Australian air date: No idea. Christmas Eve 1997?
Directed by: Bruce Seth Green
Written by: David Greenwalt
Starring: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon, Anthony Stuart Head, Charisma Carpenter, and David Boreanaz
 Oh, hi. It’s episode four, in which Buffy gets a better jacket and an attractive new teacher is revealed to be a horrible paedophile/giant praying mantis.
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This episode we get quite a few ensembles, but most of them are not on full display. And one is not technically Buffy’s style. But we’ll get to that. Now. Because it’s the first outfit.
  Outfit 1
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We open with Xander daydreaming that he simultaneously saves the day, or night in this case, wins Buffy’s love and performs a killer riff. It’s sort of offensive, but ok, why not. Save Buffy in a terrible outfit.
 I couldn’t find a good screenshot that didn’t make Buffy look wholly at the mercy of a dude, which also sucks. The dress is… ok. There’s a lot of red satin. It might even be relatively conservative given it’s Xander’s fantasy. I never cared for it. It’s too different from what we’ve seen her in before. Get a clue, Xander. Much like Buffy is not your personal damsel, she doesn’t really dress like this. Well, she may do in the season finale. But that’s like, eight episodes away.
Outfit 2
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In contrast to Fantasy Bronze Buffy, we have a light blue combo that is much more Buffy’s style. We’re back to the Pollyanna (I’m bringing it back! I’ve decided!), knee high boots and miniskirt.
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This outfit doesn’t stand out to me due to the teacher being nice and obviously marked for death. It’s like she needs a jacket…
Outfit 3
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Standard definition is a bitch. Standard definition on a television series shot at night is a real jerk. This is the first of two outfits this episode I can’t see properly. This stressed out my fifteen year old brain and strains my thirty-four year old eyes.
 Is she wearing a waistcoat? Sleeveless vest? Are there buttons? Who the fuck knows? This chiaroscuro aesthetic is really charring my face. There’s a skirt, possibly a lace one.
 But who cares when Willow’s hair is working this level of magic. She’s not a witch yet but she has cast a spell on me. That was bad. I’m tired.
 Xander is blah. I don’t even care.
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BUT THIS IS IT. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Buffy will get the greatest gift of all – Angel’s jacket.
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She has to know she’s channelling Betty Rizzo right now.
 Again, a dude is essentially marking his territory through fashion. Her swag now includes a necklace, bracelet and jacket. But honestly, this jacket is such a vast improvement on her previous brown nightmare scape I don’t mind that much. Also, Angel’s biceps are… look, it took me back to swoon town.
Outfit 4
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The jacket is dazzling in the warm California sun. So is Willow’s hair. Is she matching her hair to her shirt? Should I do that?
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Buffy’s dress is thumbs up. Giles is heart eyes smiley face.
 Xander is sad face.
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You may be asking, should Xander lose the shirt? Xander should not lose the shirt. To paraphrase Tim Bisley, he should burn it because if he loses it he might find it again.
 Teen shows from Dawson’s Creek to Pretty Little Liars and the new series Riverdale (side note: Archie does NOT look like that in the comics) feature a trope that I find utterly appalling: the hot, young teacher who has a relationship with a student. Sorry, Pacey’s teacher (can’t remember the name), sorry Ezra Fitz, and sorry Ms Grundy – you’re all gross and inappropriate and should be arrested. 
In Buffy, however, I do believe the message is that if a teacher invites you to their house, run away. similar to the mine subsidence commercials of my childhood in which Maury the Mole taught us about mine subsidence safety, if you see a totes inappropes teacher, don’t think they’re hot, run in the opposite direction and report your detection. Though the message is somewhat diluted by the fact that Buffy’s love interest is a centuries old vampire who was about twenty-six when he died.
 Back to the real issues – the clothes!
 Natalie French, casual teacher/monster/child predator, is not dressed like a teacher. Office manager maybe? She’s also wearing yellow eyeshadow. It may be yellow but it should be red. As in a red flag. I’m still tired. I couldn’t be bothered screen capping her outfits. Lots of black and white. Yellow eyeshadow.
 Outfit 5
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Dark. So dark. I see a rushed ponytail – the fringe has been scooped up in the madness and is trying to escape. Pants? Boots? Some sort of jacket?
 While Buffy is tangling with a vampire who has what looks like a huge fork for a hand all I can think is, ‘wait – is that brown corduroy?’
 Ms French has a good coat. But also she’s disgusting.
  Outfit 6
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Confirmed spiky headband sighting. It’s… look, I could never use them properly. I kept missing spikes all of the time.
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When would scientists discover that nude t-shirt bras are best for white t-shirts? And when would we discover colourful bras look sick as hell under white t-shirts? Sex and the City I believe was 1998. So it’s a coming. It’s a coming.
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I like the cropped shirt. I… don’t like the pants. And again – I would have gone with an Adidas Superstar. Cos y’all know.
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And much like Backstreet, Angel’s jacket is back. Look, she wears it a lot. And why wouldn’t she? It’s amazing. And gifted to her by an amazing looking dude who is an inappropriate match and very unhelpful in the fight against evil.
What’s Cordelia been up to, apart from discovering the headless corpses of Biology teachers? Wearing hideous clothes!
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What is this hellscape? I do like the shoes. But this dress can return from whence it came.
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This is the outfit Buffy saves the day in. She rescues Xander from the praying mantis who’s a preying on vulnerable teens (again, I’m tired) and there’s some hijinks with bat sonar recordings and Giles’ personal memos. Hooray!
Outfit 7
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Outfit 8
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This one’s a real keeper. I enjoy the white, pink, olive combo. Would I wear the olive pants? Oh yeah, nah? But the white shirt looks great with the pink cardigan. I’m here for it. I was definitely there for it.
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The eggs still lingering in the classroom remind me of these Jurassic Park toys that looked like the eggs from the movie and when you opened them they had a little dinosaur figurine inside. I used them for a Jurassic Park diorama I made in primary school. God, I love Jurassic Park. I might watch it now. No. I need to go to bed.
In summary, child predators are gross whether they’re actually shapeshifting insects or not, Xander is not that stylish, Buffy is mostly stylish, and Willow is stylish as hell.
 Et voila, friends! We made it through Teacher’s Pet! In the next episode Buffy dates a guy! And wears at least one cute dress! Also the Master is back! And we’re introduced to the series’ first super annoying child actor! Exclamation Marks!
Until next time, Slayerettes.
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