luke-shywalker · 2 days
Teenage Kylo Ren AU living in my brain rent-free
General Hux being ordered around by a literal child
General Hux not realizing Kylo is a 13yo until he stops wearing the mask, but Hux cannot show his reaction to this (inside he is like Ah. It explains so much.)
Rey is equally shocked when Kylo takes off his mask in the interrogation chamber and he is 13 and covered in zits. Kylo is sweaty and awkward and smells like Space Axe but keeps trying to rizz her up. It is absolutely disgusting.
Rey feels sympathy towards Kylo because she sees herself in him, how lost she felt as a kid (and still does) when she was abandoned on Jakku.
Everything with Kylo and his parents just becomes 10x more sad
Everything with Kylo and Snoke becomes 10x more disturbing
(Non-serious memery below)
*Kylo and Rey in the interrogation chamber* “So, uh. While I have you here. Can I interest you in a dramatic reading of my manifesto?” “No, thanks.” *choking back tears* “Well then can I read you my Minecraft FNAF crossover fanfiction”
“Supreme Leader…you said I could come to you with any questions about becoming one with the dark side…so…is it normal to have…” *whisper whisper* “No, Ren. That is not the dark side. That is puberty.”
*Finn sees Kylo maskless in the snow* “Awww hell no!!! THAT’S who we’ve been serving under this whole time??? If I’d’ve known THAT, I would’ve defected LONG ago. I almost feel bad now, beating up a little kid!” *Kylo screams and freaking bites his leg* “Welp, feeling bad over. It’s bullying children time”
*Kylo in tears* “Supreme Leader…you have showed me the ways of the skibidi…but I feel it again, the call to the sigma…give me the basedness to resist the gyat…to be a chad rizzler and dark-side-maxxing mogger…” *pauses to mew behind his mask* “Child…what the FRICK are you saying”
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jzibbles · 6 months
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dark urge,, the · 10-20 hrs, clipstudiopaint
Last year, Baldur's Gate 3 took so many hours of my life and I have no regrets. !!!
I'm currently playing a ranger-bard durge on our second run (first go at tactician, we're in act III now). it's super fun! I headcanon that my durge loves monies (started rogue thief), got lazy for a bit (I put the min in min max), got depressed and regressed into murderous ways for a bit (gloomstalker), but after uhhh playing his lyre for his enemy's corpses out of memery, realizes that.... Playing music is actually fun? Or something. But still has to pull some weight (ranger bard), haha. He is now kind of in his belated high school emo rock moment. As emo rock as you can be playing bard dance on a lyre, anyways. (Mostly I wanted to try a support role.)
Yes, my durge's in game name is actually "dark urge,, the" . This is because our first try when I specced durge, I was "dark urge, the" , but my partner specced into paladin then immediately broke his Oath so we had to restart. SMFH.
Timelapse coz it's fun:
Yes, originally I wanted to draw a much meme-ier thing -- when "dark urge,, the" first started playing the lyre. Ah..... the poor populace.
Ehem! This was fun to draw. I mostly wanted to practice composition & lighting / rough rendering w this piece. I've gotten too used to rendering fine details that I'm not so used to thinking about the legit bigger picture, so this was a fun exercise for that. The color palette was also a fun challenge, you can see it actually started very different looking. Here was a mid-progress shot.
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Hm ha, I'm glad I kept pushing it. The final piece looks way better than I'd hoped it could be. SFX are still new to me, so they're kinda eh, but not too bad for an early go.
Was it necessary to put the name on the final image? Yes. In Copperplate.
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 11 months
Looking at some of grimdank's reaction to the Sanguinius/Horus fight scene, I can only quote myself: "How the absolute hell can vocal participants in a fandom space that draws and always has drawn the vast majority of its narrative content by novels be so absolutely fucking illiterate?"
Luckily its been getting better with time but apparently some people have no clue what a metaphor is. Or how context informs word choices that might look weird in isolation.
The second part I can understand at least somewhat as a side effect of what you can call "meme-brain". When your primary mode of medial engagement includes constant recontextualisation, it tends to skew perception towards an atomized evaluation of content-bits. Memery is fun (this is a shitpost blog so I might be biased here), and spotting lines or scenes that make a good joke removed from their original context is a valid form of entertainment, as well as the very basis of our postmodern remix-culture, but I feel some people forget that you cannot evaluate the quality of fragments when they are competly isolated and removed from the original.
The "textual poacher", to lean on Jenkin's phrase, makes for a shoddy critic at times.
That second part can be weird, but it is understandable. it's just a quirk that happens with every bit of dominant media: the patterns we consume content in shape our way we see content. It's feedback loops all the way down, and something one can be aware of. What I do not get is how absolutely fucking illiterate some people are despite the fact that they are obviously capable of reading.
One character is described as "moving as fast as the laws of physics allow him to" he is given the metaphor of "light", the fastest thing we know. The other character opposes him by actively circumventing the laws of physics and outmatches him, while being his direct opposite in the entirety of the narrative. "Darkness" is an apt choice of words here to complete the metaphor, and yet there's people pointing fingers like "HAHA HE SAID THE EDGY WORD" - completly ignoring that said word has been charged with setting-specific meaning over the course of 70 or so volumes of novels.
I do not expect much from people, but how can some of them read 70 or so volumes of novels and still be so utterly bad at the task? It's like watching someone paint a 100 miniatures over the months and then the 100th one still looks like the 2nd or 3rd. What have they been doing all this time?!
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treesandwords · 2 years
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Sons of the Summer King: An updated introduction
Genre: Adult high fantasy, family saga Status: 3rd draft in progress, lots of editing also in progress Themes: Family, coming of age, change, humankind's relationship with nature, generational trauma/passed down prejudices, grief and loss, false/misunderstood cultural history What to expect: ~witchy vibes~, nature taking over (literally and symbolically), getting attached to kids and watching them grow up, probably too much worldbuilding
Blurb: Jerod is the son of Lord Jamos Dalion, a powerful and cunning man with a long held hatred of magic. Wanting to finally be free from the mage in the nearby woods that legend says has lurked there for a century, Jerod and one of his brothers attempt a dark magic ritual of their own they think will be rid of him. But it all goes wrong --- and Jerod's family is forever touched by magic.
Now, believing himself and his family to be cursed but wanting desperately to hide his own ties to the magic his father so strictly forbids, Jerod must figure out how he is to heal the wound he has made. But past and future collide as he is haunted by the mage he once encountered, and war is quickly approaching his people. Strangest of all, he isn't sure he believes all his father has told him about magic despite how he was brought up, and now knows the only way to fix his past is by delving deeper into the knowledge of it than he'd ever thought he would.
What you'll get from this blog: Discussions on character motivations, worldbuilding, and lore, occasional moodboards, faceclaims, some memery, snippets
Let me know if you want to be part of the taglist!
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cderiva · 1 month
——----------— RIZ NASSER —-—----—-—
status: active, asks welcome, open for platonic and romantic dynamics
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development / inside his brain / visuals / memery
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FULL NAME:    Riz Fahmi AGE: verse dependent - anywhere from teens - 30s DATE OF BIRTH: HAIR/EYE COLOUR:  dark brown / dark green OCCUPATION:   Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer INTRO: Twin. Honestly? An arrogant son of a bitch ( thinks not being so is a waste of time and just allows people to walk all over you ). Loves putting people on the spot - thinks it's funny. Confident to a fault. Speaks five languages ( japanese, arabic, english, greek, italian, armenian ). Was presumed dead at some point and weirdly takes pride in it. Grew up extremely well-off and well-connected but now his family is low-key broke. Has always been an adventurous and independent kid, always very sure of himself, and never minded spending time away from his family. Was considered the twin that didn't take anything seriously, but is now the twin that takes care of everything because his brother had a mental breakdown. Has extremely good memory and is a very fast reader. Surprisingly to many, still good friends with most of his exs.
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Dexterity 6/10 Stamina 9/10 Wits 7/10 Pain tolerance 8/10 Precision 7/10 Creativity 6/10 Initiative 9/10 Strength 8/10 Recovery 8/10 Speed 7/10 Teamwork 510 Perception 7/10
Cursed technique :
wears bright colours, and patterns like he doesn’t give a fuck (and he doesn’t).
big fan of leather jackets
has a huge collection of sunglasses
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GENERALLY:  "you gotta walk into the room like god sent you" vibes, but is also surprisingly easy going and casual given his massive ego. he's genuinely very confident (perhaps overly so), a bit of a smartass, likes to know he's the smartest person in the room.
WHEN SAD:  finds sadness unproductive but sometimes you can't rationalize yourself out of sadness and if he finds that he can't snap out of it, he'll work out a lot a lot more than usual.
WHEN ANGRY: absolutely vicious and vindictive.
MINOR GOALS/AMBITIONS/DESIRES: he's a simple man: travel a lot, eat a lot, fuck a lot, read a lot, make a lot of money, get married, die old and happy.
ACHILLES HEEL: being challenged, he seldom can walk away from them, and feeling like his ego has been bruised.
FEARS / PHOBIAS:  deep waterl // does not vibe with swimming in general // failing to live up to his own ideals //
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Early years
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watched a lot of indiana jones and wanted to be an archeologist when he was a kid
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queenofnabooty · 4 years
what is your favorite overused trope?
Masquerade scenes are still fun and sexy and I’m tired of pretending they’re not. What is not to love? The outfits, the decorations, the ~mystery~, the symbolic choice in mask wear, the INTRIGUE!!!
do you prefer happy, bittersweet, or sad endings?
Bittersweet. But I don’t care too much as long as it is honest to what the story was trying to say and who the characters were. 
if you could change one ending to a book/show/game/etc, what would you change about it?
The ending to the tv adaption of The Haunting of Hill House. It’s one of my favorite mini series ever, but the creator deciding to rewrite the end to suggest that you could live in Hill House with “love” when the house is a fucking insatiable parasite is weak and contradicts everything that story is about. SPOILERS: Olivia, Hugh, and Nell are going to be cursed forever and you can’t just be like “love cures the haunting!” Olivia is going to continue to come after her living children and they will have to contend with her and that house forever. You can’t just hug it all away, what the fuck. (Yes, I’m still mad lmao)
Thank you, bud!
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yoyo-inspace · 5 years
Mmmm... Top 5 hdm scenes!
all of them
Alright so there are tons of scenes in the entire trilogy that mean so much to me or that I find funny or horrifying or thrilling, etc. Had to narrow it down somehow. So I sort of settled for “scenes that stayed with me” after like, the first or second time I read the trilogy. Those that really etched their way into my head from when I was quite young. They don’t come in particular order though. I noticed going through it after I’d written it that there’s definitely a heavy bias towards moments in TAS, which I think is fair enough considering that’s the book I read last, when I was most mature, and it also has the culmination of a lot of stories - those moments wouldn’t have been half as impactful if they didn’t have the storytelling in the other books to lean on. 
This got longer than I thought, but that’s generally what happens when I talk HDM. Also, obvious SPOILER WARNING for anyone who haven’t read the trilogy. 
1. Lyra finding Tony Makarios in the shed.God, this scene. The build-up for it is amazing and absolutely chilling. There’s been build-up all throughout the book to what the Gobblers are actually doing. We get closer and closer to it. And then this chapter happens. The slow approach to the shed, the ominous but vague warnings from the alethiometer, the stories from the town’s people. You can really feel the dread creeping up on you. And then that last paragraph hits you.
The little boy was huddled against the wood drying-rack where hung row upon row of gutted fish, all as stuff as boards. He was clutching a piece of fish to him as Lyra was clutching Pantalaimon, with both hands, hard, against her heart; but that was all he had, a piece of dried fish; because he had no daemon at all. The Gobblers had cut it away. That was intercession, and this was a severed child.
It honestly gives me shivers every time. Nearly tear up reading it. I think it’s one of the best examples of how brilliant Pullman’s world-building is (and I do think his world-building is the strongest aspect of NL/TGC). I honestly don’t think this will be as strong in the tv show (and the movie really didn’t do it justice) - though I hope it’ll be horrifying - and that is because in a visual medium, we won’t get the horror and insight into Lyra’s mind that we have in the book. That’s okay, some things just fit better in the written medium, and I think this moment is going to be one of them. Lyra’s internal struggle with how to be brave is so good, and I hope they manage to portray a little bit of it on screen. 
2. Roger leaving the land of the deadIf I tear up every time I read the Tony Makarios scene, this is the scene where I bawl. Literally, I started crying while writing the passage down. The entire sequence in the Land of the Dead is intriguing to me, and Lyra telling the ghosts of what will happen to them is beautiful, and the struggle to get there is painful. And then they get there. And Will opens the window and they’re all crowding, afraid and yet excited to be out of that horrible place. And then a little ghost of a boy, the boy who was the reason Lyra set out on this journey to begin with, takes a step forward. 
The first ghost to leave the world of the dead was Roger. He took a step forward, and turned to look back at Lyra, and laughed in surprise as he found himself turning into the night, the starlight, the air… and then he was gone, leaving behind such a vivid little burst of happiness that Will was reminded of the bubbles in a glass of champagne.
That specific phrasing, the description of happiness as “the bubbles in a glass of champagne” has stuck with me for so long. It’s one I keep coming back to. 
3. Lyra leaving Pan Don’t have much to say about this other than I still have such a vivid image in my head from when my dad first read that passage to me, of how I remembered it all to look, of what I felt at the time. Especially my shock at the call-back to Lyra’s betrayal. Again, a scene that in several layers is strengthened by the world-building. We’ve been so convinced at this point how painful it is to leave your daemon, both emotionally and physically. I’m greatly looking forward The Secret Commonwealth to dig into what this did to the relationship of Lyra and Pantalaimon. 
[--] Lyra was doing the cruelest thing she had ever done, hating herself, hating the deed, suffering for Pan and with Pan and because of Pan; trying to put him down on the cold path, disengaging his cat-claws from her clothes, weeping, weeping. Will closed his ears: the sound was too unhappy to bear. Time after time she pushed her daemon away, and still he cried and tried to cling. [--] 
”Pan, no one’s done this before,” she whispered waveringly, ”but Will says we’re coming back and I swear, Pan, I love you, I swear we’re coming back - I will - take care, my dear - you’ll be safe - we will come back, and if I have to spend every minute of my life finding you again I will, I won’t stop, I won’t rest, I won’t - oh Pan - dear Pan - I’ve got to, I’ve got to.” And she pushed him away so that he crouched bitter and cold and frightened on the muddy ground.    What animal he was now, Will could hardly tell. He seemed to be so young, a cub, a puppy, something helpless and beaten, a creature so sunk in misery that it was more misery than creature. His eyes never left Lyra’s face, and Will could see her making herself not look away, not avoid the guilt, and he admired her honesty and her courage at the same time as he was wrenched with the shock of their parting.
[--] Her eyes never left Pantalaimon, who stood trembling at the shore end of the jetty; but as the boatman let go of the iron ring and swung his oars out to pull the boat away, the little dog-daemon trotted helpless out to the very end, his claws clicking softly on the soft planks, and stood watching, just watching, as the boat drew away and the jetty faded and vanished in the mist.
(Sidenote: I remember getting to the chapter titled “Lyra and her Death” and doing a big WHAAAAAT kind of face. My dad laughed at me. Either way, I find the concept of a personal Death strangely comforting.) 
4. Asriel and Marisa into the Abyss This one is difficult to quote. Because it’s the whole scene, the whole part of it, the fight - which is brutal - and the ferocity of these two people who, granted, are both absolutely awful, but they do this thing at the very end and it saves everyone. It’s one of the many things that people do at the end that saves everyone, but still. Especially Marisa, who reveals earlier that she was so afraid of exactly this type of faith, just nothingness, to make that last jump, as Asriel calls her name, and she’s roaring as they topple Metatron over, the fact that they both have each other’s daemons at their side. It’s just a very haunting scene. I don’t think the tv show (or any movie) would have been able to pull of the exact way I imagined this in my head, but I’m looking forward to seeing it all the same, and I hope that we get there. 
Instead of quoting the very end, I picked the moments just before, when they’re together again for a brief moment before Metatron arrives. It’s a rather sweet conversation, considering who’s involved, Marisa crying and Asriel comforting her. The “Dust is beautiful - I never knew” stuck with me especially. 
He took her in his arms, and the golden monkey embraced the snow leopard’s neck and buried his black face in her fur.  ”Is Lyra safe? Has she found her daemon?” she whispered.  ”The ghost of the boy’s father is protecting both of them.”  ”Dust is beautiful. I never knew.”  ”What did you tell him?”  ”I lied and lied, Asriel - Let’s not wait too long. I can’t bear it. We won’t live, will we? We won’t survive like the ghosts?”  ”Not if we fall into the abyss. We came here to give Lyra time to find her daemon, and then time to live and grow up. If we take Metatron to extinction, Marisa, she’ll have that time, and if we go with him, it doesn’t matter.”  ”And Lyra will be safe?”  ”Yes, yes,” he said, gently.  He kissed her. She felt as soft and light in his arms as she’d done when Lyra was conceived thirteen years before.
5. Lyra and Will freeing the Authority For a series that people keep harping on is about killing God, the actual death of the creature who called himself that is actually quite beautiful. It’s even a little sad. But it’s also important to me that there is actually no killing going on. All that happens, in all its unremarkable-ness - because no one else notices - is that there are two children who are kind and wants to help. And that’s what they do. 
Will cut through the crystal in one movement and reached in to help the angel out. Demented and powerless, the aged being could only weep and mumble in fear and pain and misery, and he shrank away from what seemed like another threat.  ”It’s all right,” Will said, ”we can help you hide, at least. Come on, we won’t hurt you.”  The shaking hand seized his and feebly held on. The old one was uttering a wordless groaning whimper that went on and on, and grinding his teeth, and compulsively plucking at himself with his free hand; but as Lyra reached in too to help him out, he tried to smile, and to bow, and his ancient eyes deep in their wrinkles blinked at her with innocent wonder.  Between them they helped the ancient of days out of his crystal cell; it wasn’t hard, for he was light as paper, and he would have followed them anywhere, having no will of his own, and responding to simple kindness like a flower to the sun. But in the open air there was nothing to stop the wind from damaging him, and to their dismay his form began to loosen and dissolve. Only a few moments later he had vanished completely, and their last impression was those eyes, blinking in wonder, and a sigh of the most profound and exhausted relief.  Then he was gone: a mystery dissolving in mystery.
Whew. There we go. More crying than I was expected, though I probably should have, considering it’s me.
Quick honorable mentions, because I’m a horrible cheat, but without explanations: Lyra in the Retiring Room, Lyra leading the children through the snowstorm after Bolvangar, Mary Malone talking to the Angels through the Cave, Will and Lyra fleeing the children of Cittàgazze, all of Marzipan, Mary Malone standing on the platform and looking through her spyglass at the dust, Pan and Lyra talking about the Republic of Heaven. 
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belacquaparry · 5 years
I’ll just go ahead and use my favorite number until 100 : 7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97!
7: Love Like Ghosts - Lord Huron17: Chasing Cars - Sleeping at Last27: Fireside Dance - Danny Elfman37: The Piano Duet - Danny Elfman47: Leaving Storybrooke - Mark Isham57: Vanished into Everything - Roo Panes 67: Ice Dance - Danny Elfman77: Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry87: The Threat of War - Alexandre Desplat97: The King’s Speech - Alexandre DesplatThank You! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist for 2019
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cachekakusu · 5 years
his-dark-memerials replied to your post “in which people continue to complain and nitpick about the differences...”
The’ll never stop as long as we give them attention
good thing the only attention they’re getting from me is a block!!!!
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laciefuyu · 5 years
absolutely youngest child
It's rather unexpected tbh lmao but I think I have tendency act like one. In fact, I am the eldest child from 3 sisters XD
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theprettynerdie · 5 years
@his-dark-memerials replied to your post: “To the people who genuinely enjoyed watching His Dark Materials on...”:
I’m DYING at this I thought they were kidding and you actually posted this LMAOOOOOO
HAHAHA right!! I excuse the fact that the end of the book wasn't included in the 2007 movie because I KNOW they'd have included that at the beginning of the sequel IF it had been greenlit. But the continuation of the films relied on the success of the first movie, so they ended it NOT on a cliffhanger in case, as was the case, the other two films were abandoned by a studio afraid of the big bad Catholic church. 
If the studio had greenlit the rest of the films, they’d have included that essential part of the plot to begin the next movie, but the religious controversy and lack of studio enthusiasm prevented the series from continuing back in 2007. 
So many people are intent on telling me how movies work when they don't understand why the Golden Compass didn't end exactly how the book did and I'm just not here for that.
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clarabosswald · 5 years
his-dark-memerials replied to your post “when a media outlet is spreading misinformation about his dark...”
What dId they say?
they claimed that s2 will consist of both the subtle knife and the amber spyglass (bc during the tca panel jane tranter said that they’re doing 2 seasons straight away to deal with the actors’ aging, so they somehow interpreted that as 2 seasons for the whole trilogy) the producer just clarified that it is one book per season, like i thought
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luciddreamgurl · 5 years
🏆 beautiful person award! once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. if you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out 🏆
Thanks babe💗💗
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parslow · 5 years
You're the sweetest person, friend. Thank you :)
awwwww np. feel better soon ok? ❤️💕💖
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fool-errant · 5 years
his-dark-memerials reblogged your post and added:
Wow thank you so much @fool-errant this is very...
Sorry - I just read way too much and am full of way too much esoteric knowledge and google-fu. I am pretty sure this isn’t common knowledge to people.
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ea-paperbits · 4 years
Lord Byron wasn't the third wheel to Mary and Percy Shelley.
Mary and Percy shelley were the two wheels to Lord B's unicycle.
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