#hmmmmmmmmmmmm pain
trashpremiium · 1 year
i will remain normal about having to actually spend my time studying and not hang out with people <- (lying)
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fatmasc · 1 year
My body cant decide if it wants to be in pain or not
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i cANNOT stop thinking about thomesa, esp. bookverse
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raubtierfuetterung · 4 months
Yeah probably I should just turn away from Hamas apologetic mold brains and NOT engage in arguments with hardcore ignorant antisemitic Western performative-woke scumbags online. I will just cut this trash out of my life and I will learn Arabic and then hopefully help rebuild Syria one day🤍
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mmmthornton · 1 year
I've got one wip I really need to work on tonight but I keep thinking about a different wip I haven't done anything with in a while and it's going along to this song.
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secondsonaym · 1 year
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"GAH! Why are you so LOUD??" Marbas groaned, covering his ears. "Who even are you--?"
"RUDE LITTLE OWLET." The suspended being scoffed, beak clacking angrily. "CHEMACH IS CHEMACH."
"Chemach... I can't say I know that name." Monch admitted, furrowing his brow.
Stolas just stared at her, head spinning from the loud voice and confusion of seeing this strange being locked away. Why did Shamura keep her here, behind such a tight door?
"Chemach? Miss Chemach?" Decarabia piped up, now moving to the front, ignoring Marbas' urging for her to stay back. "This is where you've been?"
Upon seeing the smallest owl, Chemach's eyes widened--something that initially didn't seem possible. Her voice suddenly shifted into a soft coo as she addressed Decarabia.
"Ooooh, little Decarabia!~ How long it has been since Chemach has spoken to you! As cute a little face as ever!!"
"You know her, Decca?" Zagan asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Of course I do! She was around before the archbishops took on the crowns! Though... She vanished shortly after Raziel took on the Purple Crown."
At the mention of Raziel's name, Chemach's plumage puffed out, and she let out a violent hiss.
"Oh dear... That's so horrible, Chemmy..." Decarabia mumbled.
"Raziel thought pain would convince Chemach to work. But Chemach is patient! Chemach outlived the nasty one, hahaha!"
"That would explain why you don't have legs anymore..." Decarabia sighed.
Now Chemach's plumage wilted, and she tilted her head with a gentle look towards Decarabia.
"Do not worry yourself, little owlet. Chemach is fine! In fact, Chemach is great!! Brilliant, even! Chemach is happy!! Because with Shamura gone, perhaps the new crown bearer would be so kind as to free Chemach, to return her to her brothers!"
Chemach's bright red eyes fixed themselves on Monch, who visibly stiffened. He subconsciously took a step back, before shaking his head and clearing his throat.
"Er--Well--Before that, could I ask why Shamura kept you here? I believe we're all of the same mind that, um, they weren't any more of an ideal leader than Raziel was, but--"
"Ooooh, ohohoho!~ The Purple Crown has already bit down with its fangs of curiosity, has it?" Chemach chuckled, a disturbingly wheezy sound. "Cannot help but ask questions, hmmmmm? Waste our time with the 'hows' and 'whys' of it all, hmmmmmmmmmmmm?"
"Does it really matter why?" Decarabia piped up. "Chemmy didn't do anything wrong! She's been stuck here for thousands of years, so we should let her go!"
"Are you saying you trust that unhinged lump of feathers?" Marbas cried.
"Why not? She's my friend!"
"It's not like she's given us any reason to be wary of her." Zagan cut in. "If Shamura kept her down here, their reasoning mustn't have been good."
"Hoooooooh..." Chemach whistled. "Truthfully... Chemach does not think they had a reason at all. Too preoccupied by the other thing they kept down here! Freeing Chemach was too much effort, yes!"
"Other thing?" Stolas echoed. "What... Other thing?"
Chemach remained silent, a strange grin creeping onto her face. Slowly, her head turned to the side, then completely upside down. After a moment of silence as she grinned at the group, she pointed to the stone structure below her.
Just through the darkness, the group could see what she was indicating: An odd stone coffin, covered in dark trails of what could only be godly ichor.
"Another old friend... Chemach supposes you could say."
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White Rabbit Fest~ Divus Crewel the bunnybabysitter!
The follow mirror part of this one !
The event is not even out but I'm berseck about it!!
At the same time with all the bad stuff which happened here.... And now Paris's fashion week (yes art "in all way" gives me life.... and this season hmmmmmmm it's soooo good, sooo good!! Except Dior it's just hmm meh... Dior.... But Balmain hmmmm and Rahul Mishra...hmmmmmmmmmmmm)
I sew (digitally lol) every sequins, pearls and silk thread, he better be "happy" about that!
Well just imagine him going around, no fur coat (fur bag instead), wearing pink, rabbit stuff,......with his baby cousin....hoping not to meet someone...
Tatataaaaaaa a wild Deuce and the team appeared!
Yes he's wearing pink glasses lens, first to stay inconito mode and second because the white rabbit has pink eyed!
He has puppy, everything is fine....Under control... No don't use a leash on your baby cousin please....
"Cameron stay, STAY!! Why does auntie freely enjoy the Queen's tea party, while I'm stuck here with.....*stare*....*he's cute tsskk*" "I swear...love pink, but don't WEAR it! Except if your name is C******* or K!" "I need a smoke....Those puppies (reffered to Deuce, Epel, Ortho, Silver) though I was Cameron's father! Do I look like a daddy...Do I look old.....Dia (the puppy)...*hug the puppy* newborn puppy smell is the best remedy gawwhhhh!!"
Game assets extracted by @alchemivich
Divus Crewel "White rabbit fest" outfit concept done by me
arghhh I tried to redraw his ballerina mannequin pose..... it was a pain...those hips....*hips don't lie* ....tsss
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended?
Uh! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Okay I don't full remember a bunch of my drawings I'll probably just rb this later if I think of a different one but rn off the top of my head is the plagues animatic
Because Good God all the comments going "oh tommy should've been ramses' voice" or "oh why is techno singing the villain part" or "uh the voice is actually god so technically they should be siding with Moses" like shhhhh shut your mouth shhhsuhsushhhh
Oh yes because techno would absolutely sing "this was my home. All this pain and devastation how it tortures me inside" like c'mon
"then let my heart be hardened, and never mind how high the cost may grow. This will still be so. I will never let your people go." Is totally a c!tommy line. Yep. Mhm. /s
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loveimp · 2 months
hmmmmmmmmmmmm im in indescribable pain
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sentofight · 1 month
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ooc. oooh they are going to do some kind of new sys for this crosover!! waa!! pray circle we gonna get skit faces for the team and not still ones waaaa!!!!!! please we need more
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bleh face for k/ula lmao. aaaaa shes so adorable maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan SHAKING LAPTOP LIKE A SAVEGE BEAST EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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pain that always it got to be only 4 playable characters sobs. would have loved to have athena too waaa.... and B.J oh well. why THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WAAA DATE ME ATHENA BJ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO CUTEEEEEEE !!! oh and uh..yey iori and k...wow. you there huh. could've gotten leona or idk (shingo where? shingo where?????????????????????????WHERE IS MY BOY SHINGO???)
never forget. my childhood nightmare.
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me now: youknow......................................i mean.......MMMMMMM>??????????????????????????????????????????SIR??????????????????????? nah. nah. npoe. naaah. but hmmmmmmmmmmmm~?
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trickarrows-bishop · 10 months
got any old watch kaje thoughts :)
when she and the group are all travelling and getting away from the old watch together again mac gives her the hockey stick back. she poorly explains (she’s not sure how to in her defence) what the game actually IS and how obsessed kj once was with it - for some reason kj has forgotten completely about it. with the number of ablutions she’s been through after failed attempts of arrest, she can barely remember what’s real and what she’s made up. she has small flashes in her mind every now and then from what her life once was.
mac teaches her hockey and quickly becomes worse at hockey in comparison to kj once again. kaje finds it odd how easy she can play the game. she questions some of the things she’s done to mac “is this cheating?” “no. you were just that good. you are that good.”
it makes her smile for a moment but it disappears in pain. she should remember this. why can’t she.
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hopefulomens · 4 months
why the fuck is emizel such a pain in the ass to draw. never looks right. hm. hmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. i shall ponder this further. but later. for now? i plot.
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ethxrxalitys · 9 months
hmmmmmmmmmmmm. daydreaming abt getting to scene w a sadist again who delights in my pain. theres nothing that will push me to my limit more than knowing someone is enjoying toying with and using me for how pretty i am when i cry
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ex-vespidae · 2 years
not sure how to convince people that I probably really did damage my leg by running into a wardrobe.
like. i couldn't walk it hurt that bad. just thinking about it makes my knee sting with pain. some people (one person) constantly says that i was overreacting. im not. it fucking hurt and im not going to let that go. and what a coincidence that my legs now struggle immensely sometimes. HMMMMMMMMMMMM
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megaphonegirlk · 2 years
Danganronpa for the series meme
❤ Favorite Male: hmmmmmmmmmmmm ^^ it's hard to say, there's a lotta hot guys around. But I have to say Kazuichi **swoon**. He's so cute and talented with his hands to boot <3. I've had a crush on him for ages.
❤ Favorite Female: Touko Fukawa UwU. I know it's obvious for me to say, but Touko and I go way back. Touko is a cooler than a lotta people know, hot, and my best friend <3. (though the Touko I know goes mostly by He/Him <3). So barring that, Hiyoko <3 what a cutie ;)
❤ Favorite Pairing: Geeeeeeeze. I could cheat and say Touko/Togami/Komaru. My OT3. The Towa Trio. The Squad Who Stopped The Demon Hunting Gang. I'm probably gonna do that. I love us UwU.
❤ Least Favorite Character: Junko. (specifically the one I remember) Unpopular opinion, I know, but she's a pain in the fuckin' ass. I'm not a stranger to despair or anything like that, but the way she acts just grates on me and drives me up a wall
❤ who’s most like me: Heheheh, easy one. I'm a member of a system, and fictionkin. and the person who's most like me in Danganronpa is me! Komaru Naegi ;). I'm very very much myself.
❤ most attractive: Hmmmmmmm Going with Kazuichi again. <3 Those teeeeeeth. That smile. I swoon every time <3 <3 I just can't help it
❤ three more characters that I like: Mukuro <3 the SHSL soldier is such a cool person. And one of the kindest people I know. Monaca. Despite everything she put us all through? She's honestly a pretty rad little goblin. Kotoko. Same as above. Rad little goblin, love her to death. Must protect.
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darkbitchithic · 2 years
fighting the masculine urge to create yet another sideblog but this time for video games,,,,
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