lavendertwilight89 · 3 years
Fanfic ask meme: A, S & W
Hola mi amor!
A: How'd come up with a title-- soooooo... typically before I write if I have an idea that didn't emerge from a song (pfft like that ever happens) I actually start looking for one. That way my writing stays on track and the feeling and the ideas move a little more consistently. With the bday fic I made you Stars Align, I was listening to it and while it was an update song, I also saw the drama that could emerge from it and the title itself was pretty perfect how people could meet and connect under particular and amazing circumstances. All by chance!
S: troupes I can't resist? I answered for nony but I'll reiterate: FAKE DATING
W: do I like vague prompts or more specific? Uhmmm... I like both I guess. Depends on the scenario and what I'm trying to do. 😘
Thanks for the ask wifey!!!
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heatherwitch · 4 years
I loved your "Pluto/Hades small devotional acts". I've been looking for one like that about Uranus :(... but I find so little about him 😭
I’d encourage you to create your own! All of the small devotional acts posts I made were done through research and reading about the experiences and UPG/SPGs of worshippers on tumblr. They were an excellent way for me to learn more about the deities and to feel connected to them, but the demand for more became overwhelming and I stopped enjoying it (which is why I no longer make them). I’d love to see it if you do end up making one!
One thing I’d do is read through everything on the Theoi.com page and see how I could incorporate aspects of the information/myths about the deity into my life. Basically a brainstorm session, I’d write down anything that popped into my mind while reading through it and then turn them into tangible things.
Uranus Theoi.com page
Some things that stood out to me just from reading the introduction, to give you an idea of my thought process: 
“The Greeks imagined the sky as a solid dome of brass, decorated with stars” (brass dome, how can this be replicated/incorporated into life, an altar?)
He locked the eldest of these [children] away inside the belly of Earth. Gaia suffered immense pain and persuaded her Titan sons to rebel...The sky-god's blood fell upon the earth, producing the avenging Erinyes and the Gigantes (Giants).” (Hating something and locking it away results in terrible consequences, and at the same time something else was created from it.)
“...how he was imagined--as a gigantic, star-spangled man with long arms and legs, resting on all fours, with his finger-tips in the far east, his toes in the far west, and his arching body raised to form the dome of the sky.” (Imagery--is there artwork that looks like this? What image does this bring in your mind? What does it remind you of?)
“In the Roman era he was often depicted as Aion, god of eternal time, in the form of a man holding the zodiac-wheel...” (often associated with the zodiac wheel, especially in imagery. Zodiac wheel on altar? Studying zodiac?)
Everything italicized are my initial thoughts, I’d then do a bit more digging to see if it actually fits and feels right, and refine it to a more clear act that could be done. 
Hope this helps! Here’s a post talking about others making SDVA posts and the most current masterpost of my SDVA posts (they can be helpful to read through because there is definitely crossover and it may inspire something different!)
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xfangheartx · 4 years
All Inuyasha wanted at that moment was some ramen...and for Kagome to give him belly rubs.
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keichanz · 4 years
Inuyasha Taisho lived below her on the second floor, was six feet tall with sterling silver hair, gorgeous golden eyes, and he worked at Tokyo General as an LPN.
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willowandfog · 4 years
Smut or not-smut?
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What I prefer to read? Or what I like to write?
I will read both but I prefer smut. LOL 
I’m new to writing smut but I’m game. 
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dawnrider · 4 years
All 30 of the writer ask :) ♡
HOOOOEY, @hnnwnchstr So I’m going to cut out the ones I’ve already been asked and the ones that are asks for specific fics.
1. What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
Inuyasha, InuKag. Followed closely by (Vision of) Escaflowne, Van/Hitomi
2. Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them?
I did Inuvember last year, which was the first time I’d participated in anything like that. It was good for me to get over some of my anxiety about posting new story ideas.  I also participated in the impromptu Valentine’s Day “event” and then the more organized Inuyasha White Day earlier this year which we had a lot of fun with!
3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
Definitely jump around.  It’s a curse for finishing plots, but it does help keep me from getting really really stuck.
4. Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
Almost never?  I did a bit for Masquerade, the Inuparents side story, but mostly to make sure I didn’t forget anything and to keep it within the plotline of what I’d already written for Your Lying Smile.
5. What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Coffee Shop, hands down. But I rarely get to do that, so often the next best thing is a comfy couch spot in my house.  I really need a better armchair...
6. If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
UHHH. I don’t really keep track of that very well.  I tried one of those apps that tracks it, but it was hard when I typically have multiple story tabs open at the same time.  But I think in one day, my top was like… 5000 words, give or take?  Recently.  Back before Grad School and kiddo, I probably did more in a day than that over multiple stories.
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
Drawing out the plot.  My plotlines are always too short and not… complicated enough, for lack of a better word.  It’s something I’m working on.
8. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
Sometimes.  I have a Spotify list of “liked” songs that range from punk to R&B to alternative to pop.  I don’t have any specific story for it yet, but Sara Bareilles’ Once Upon Another Time has been haunting me lately.
9. Do you prefer to write AUs, canon divergence, or canon-compliant fic?
Based on my Drive folders, I’mma say AUs (43+ is hard to argue with), but Canon-Divergent is probably next in line.
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
Exposition.  My writing is pretty description heavy with dialogue sprinkled in.
13. Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Darkfic.  I can’t not have them have a happy ending in some capacity.  It might be a little bittersweet (some of you probably know the fic I’m thinking of) but ultimately they end up together and happy.
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
Specifically from Inuyasha?  Inuyasha and Sango, because Sango would come up with a plan to get us off the island and Inuyasha would make it happen.  Also Shirtless!Inu...
16. What is your most underrated fic?
This is a weird question.  Anyway, um… I guess To Sleep Perchance to Dream?  I haven’t updated it in a while so I think it’s fallen off people’s radar.
17. What fic are you most proud of?
Return to Me, I think?  Short as it is, I think I accomplished what I set out to do in that storyline.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Oh Lort…  Too many stories to sift through… Most recently, a scene between Izayoi and an OC in the upcoming chapter for YLS: Masquerade.  She’s understandably distraught from her ordeal and she’s trying to buck up because she knows crying won’t help anything.  But the OC, one of the other women who was taken, comforts her and reminds her that it’s alright to lean on others sometimes.  I like the tenderness of a woman being a shelter and a rock for another woman, even who don’t know one another well, instead of it being that a man comforts her.
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Easiest: Inuyasha. Aside from the fact that I feel like I’ve gotten his speech patterns down decently well… I identify with him in a lot of ways.
Hardest: Erm… Miroku?  I have a hard time pinning down the intelligent grifter/perv/thoughtful monk balance.  In my AUs I tend to make him some other field rather than have him be a monk because in a different context, I doubt that would have been his path. Scholar, doctor, advisor, professor/teacher… Those make sense for him to me.
21. What is the one fic that got away?
I’m assuming this means one that I meant to write but didn’t… But that’s not really my thing.  LOL.  I keep all the WIPs. I may not keep writing all of them, but I keep them all in my “pocket” for a rainy day.
22. Have you cried while writing a fic?
Yes.  Not much, I’m not much of a crier, but I got teary writing Inuyasha’s fear/pain/regret in Given and the mutually angsty scene in Underlying Truth.
23. If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
Given is actually a remix of an earlier fic I called A Demon’s kiss which started with the same premise, but focused more on them talking out their feelings and without quite the depth of emotion. But for something I’ve posted and needs a reboot, it would be A Silent Affair. I need to rewrite huge swaths of the interpersonal interactions, particularly between Inuyasha and Kagome.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I mean, LONG is not really my forte (see aforementioned issues with plot development), but I have shared little bits of my post “apocalypse” fic Gone and my other space fic Caged Bird which could be longer.  I also have the Farscape AU which I haven’t officially named… still… But that will be more episodic than plot driven.
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
This is an AMAZING CREATOR AWARD! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved!
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
1, 12, 13, 17, 100. — Get in my business
1) The meaning behind my url
Bahahahaha I started using eternalnight as a youngin at 14. I was a bit emo and I had a grim outlook on life so yea, that's where it came from and it just kind of stuck because I'm too lazy to try to come up with something else.
12) Ideas of a perfect date
Honestly, just chillin on my couch with some "Netflix and chill" action goin on and some good comfort food is truly excellent.
13) Life goal
Ugh. Idk man. I'm just trying to support myself without going into too much debt. That's about all I can hope for I think.
17) A fact about my life
I had tuberculosis when I was a child.
100) Give us one thing about you that no one knows
I recently started taking meds for depression and anxiety because it was affecting my daily life and my relationship with my boyfriend. I have only told my boyfriend about this. My family would try to help but it would be smothering to me and that's just not the kind of help I need right now. And my best friend just wouldn't understand.
Thanks so much for asking, darling!
Send me a Get in my business ask!
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thunderpot · 5 years
Do you post your stories on another site other than tumblr? :)
I’m flattered you’d ask this! But no, these scribbles are only here. I’m not a writer, either.. I do have profiles on fanfic sites, but these are only to enjoy my wonderful friend’s [and other people’s!] writing hehe
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witchygirl99 · 5 years
3, 4, 14, 28 and 37 ^^
3. When is your birthday?
November 25th! It just passed so I’m in the awkward stage where if someone asks me how old I am, I have to look around for someone I know to tell everyone for me.
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius. I had to type that out 4 times before I spelled it correctly. Fabulous.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I’ve been told I’m a pretty strong empath, though I think that’s just the childhood trauma poking out.
28. What type of music do you like?
Everything, that’s not even a lie. My favourite is probably either EDM or indie music, though no one can take away my punk rock roots. 
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck, and every variation that it can bring.
Thanks so much love @hnnwnchstr. I adore you!
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
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clearwillow · 4 years
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@neutronstarchild commissioned me to draw a scene from her new oneshot Sometimes a Snuggle is Exactly What We Need and it is the most precious thing I’ve drawn in a while, let me tell you. If you haven’t read this yet, you need to!
@keichanz @lemonlushff @dangerouspompadour @mamabearcat @inuykago @sailorbabydoll92 @zelink-inukag @itzatakahashi @superpixie42 @sticky-llama-perfection @the-rebel-alchemist  @digital-art-monster @theinuyashareader @eternalnight8806-3 @cstorm86 @sarah-writes-stories @animelove1313 @nartista-digital @smmahamazing @xfangheartx @cyncyn981 @bluejay785 @witchygirl99 @disgruntledbeast @lady-dark-69 @kazeinori @willowandfog @lavendertwilight89 @gaysonthefloor @senneth-pendra @ruddcatha @pinkpigeonstudio @shinidamachu @cammysansstuff @little-inukag-obsessed @arcprz @liz8080 @trying-not-to-loveu @underwater0phelia​ @memusicmuse​ @princessinume​ @hnnwnchstr​ @that-weird-kid-charlie​ @cannibalsforbreakfast​ @mr-fairywings​ @nsr0716​ @eringobroke
Let me know if you want to be tagged in all the things/some of the things!
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xfangheartx · 4 years
001. Inuyasha fandom | | 002. InuKag | | 003. Kagome ( I hope I got the way of this ask correctly... if not, sorry and just ignore it, Fang hahaha, i'm not feeling exactly well, so my brain doesn't work right now, LOL! )
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Already answered it: https://xfangheartx.tumblr.com/post/623407799911710720/1-inuyasha
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it. Way back when I first watched it when I was little, and that was before I knew what shipping even was.
my thoughts: “THEY ARE PERFECT!!!!”
What makes me happy about them: The way Kagome got Inuyasha to open his heart up to her and how Inuyasha, in a sense, made her stronger.
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they waited so long to say anything about their feelings.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: People continuing to make Kagome look like a bitch or Inuyasha like a jerk or vice versa.
Things I look for in fanfic: CUDDLES!! ...And maybe smut. XD AND SMUT!! LOTS OF CUDDLES AND FLUFF AND SMUT!!!
My kinks: Inuyasha howling whenever he has an orgasm.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: NO ONE!!! THEY MUST BE WITH NO ONE ELSE BUT EACH OTHER!!!! THEY ARE END GAME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, DAMMIT ALL!!!!
My happily ever after for them: They’re happily married with at least 5-6 children...and so far in my universe, they have five. I might make it six.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I just love how she took a hard-boiled guy like Inuyasha and just turned him into a big softie whenever she’s around and got him to trust and love someone again.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Inuyasha and ONLY INUYASHA!!!! YOU HEAR ME?!!! (I’ve got to stop XD)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Kagome and Sango: the sisterly pair. ^^
My unpopular opinion about this character: I feel like she’s a lot more mature than people give her credit for.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wished she had a different outfit for whenever she goes to the Feudal Era, like a brown coat, some long pants, and tennis shoes. Something more adventures, you know?
My OTP: Again, INUKAG.
My OT3: N/A.
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keichanz · 4 years
What's up Twinkie?
yeah i’m alright hon...just stressed and thinking too much. <3
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willowandfog · 4 years
What's your favorite color? :D...
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PINK! Hahahahahaha! 
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dawnrider · 4 years
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The acoustic guitar at the beginning gave me slight Spanish guitar vibes, reminding me that I'm theoretically writing that Flamenco! InuKag story.
The lyrics, while a bit of a stretch for their intended message, make me think about how hard both of them are trying to be in control of themselves and the impression the other has of them... And they're just not.
We have all been scared to lose our glow
After all, after all
The illusion's dance, there's no control
After all, after all
Inuyasha couldn’t escape the theater fast enough.  Miroku managed to stall him at length in the lobby so that he was stuck when the woman entered to greet the admiring aficionados.  She was wearing a simple traje de gitana in emerald green, a black and white mantón over her bare arms.  Her long, dark hair was swept to the side in a long plait, the silver comb from her last dance still in place.
Inuyasha couldn’t escape the theater fast enough.  Miroku managed to stall him at length in the lobby so that he was stuck when the woman entered to greet the admiring aficionados.  She was wearing a simple traje de gitana in emerald green, a black and white mantón over her bare arms.  Her long, dark hair was swept to the side in a long plait, the silver comb from her last dance still in place.
    “Miss Kagome.  Astounding, just wonderful.”  Inuyasha jumped when he realized his friend was dragging him toward her.  Miroku took her hand, bowing over it and grinning like an idiot. Her unique scent hit his nose and a rumble in his chest had Miroku elbowing him in the gut.  “May I introduce Inuyasha.  A fellow bailaor.”  Her dark eyes looked him over, bottom to top, a tiny smile curling her rouged lips when she spotted the canine ears on his head.
    “I am familiar with you, sir, though I have only seen you dance once,” she demurred, a short curtsy out of respect. He huffed an acknowledgement but made no move to return the gesture.  Her eyes sparkled with knowledge.  She knew he didn’t want to be there.  She knew he hadn’t wanted to come in the first place.  
She also knew that he’d been moved by her performance enough to offer jaleo.
    “Keh.  The Soleá was well done,” he conceded.
    “Thank you.  I’m glad I was able to rise to your standards.”  Inuyasha almost smirked... until he realized.  She was making fun of him.  The fire in her dark eyes met the molten fury in his and he almost stepped toward her in challenge.  “The Farruca was not, however?” her tone light despite the defiance in her stare.
    “It was one of the best I’ve ever seen,” Miroku butt in, not entirely sensing the intensity of the exchange.  Inuyasha scowled, turning away to collect himself.  Why was he so riled by this tiny woman.  “Even Inuyasha was amazed and he is the best in Sacromonte.”
    “I had heard that.”
    Inuyasha seethed silently.  So she knew his reputation. Knew that he was known for his performances of the very dance she had chosen to go against all tradition and dance anyway.  In trousers.  In front of a crowd of people.  In front of other men!  Inuyasha swallowed hard and bit his lip to keep from snarling.  He needed to leave, and quickly.  “Perhaps you could come to the mesón.  It’s on the edge of Sacromonte.”  He started giving her the address and the days they had dancers in house.  Inuyasha tuned it out and edged away from the conversation.  He did not want to get any further drawn in than he already was.
@lemonlushff ​​ , @fantastiqueparfait ​​ ​ , @heavenin--hell, @clearwillow ​​ ​ , @mamabearcat ​​ ​ , @thunderpo ​​ ​ , @keichanz ​​ ​ , @meggz0rz ​​ ​ , @disgruntledbeast ​​ ​ , @sarah-writes-stories ​​ ​ , @zelink-inukag ​​ ​ , @cammysansstuff ​​ ​ , @mcornilliac ​​ ​ , @redflamesofpassion ​​ ​ , @superpixie42 ​​ ​ , @underwater0phelia ​​ ​ , @cstorm86 ​​ ​ , @noviceotakus-blog ​​ ​ , @lavendertwilight89 ​​ ​ , @hinezumi ​​ ​ , @wenchster ​​ ​ , @hnnwnchstr ​​ ​ , @lady-dark-69 ​​ ​ , @itzatakahashi ​​ ​ , @juliatheanimelover7 ​​ ​ , @kazeinori ​​ , @theinuyashareader ​​ ​ , @inupotter ​​ ​ , @eternalnight8806-3 ​​ ​ , @smmahamazing ​​ ​ , @willowandfog ​​ ​ , @gaysonthefloor ​​ ​ , @sistasecbhere ​​ ​ , @jennybean91 ​​ ​ , @alerialblu ​​ ​, @laurenintheskyy ​​ , @arcprz ​, @nsr0716 , @liz8080, @nartista
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shinidamachu · 4 years
About Me Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me, Lindsey. Your answers were a delight to read because you’re so goddamn funny @inuyashasimp
Rules: answer some questions and tag some bloggers you wanna get to know better.
Name: Nathália
Nickname: Sid, Nat.
Gender: I’m a girl but I really wish I was a potato so boys would respect me more. Plus I’d have a bunch of nutritional properties.
Sexuality: inactive.
Height: 5’3 or shorter, not really sure. Yes, I know you’re taller. Do you want a fucking medal over it?
Languages: portuguese, english, espanish (I’m really trying).
Nationality: brazilian, but like... not in a neofascist kind of way, I promise.
Current time: 12:37am
Favourite season: SUMMER! I wish it was summer all year long.
Favourite flower: oh, to be a sunflower and go where the sun takes me...
Favourite scent: anything citric and salt air.
Favourite colour: blue for sure!
Favourite animal: love them all, but: DOGS! And I can’t stress this enough.
Favourite ficitonal characters: InuYasha, Kagome, Katara, Zuko, Hermione Granger, James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Chandler Bing, Monica Geller, Pam Beesley, Jim Halpert, Amy Satiago, Jake Peralta, Gilbert Blythe, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. There’s a lot more but these are the ones at the top of my head right now. I’m probably forgetting quite a lot.
Average sleep hours: I would really like some.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee, but lately I’m in coffee rehab and I haven’t had any since last week (how strong am I?), which allowed me to discover a hot chocolate recipe I’m currently obssessed with. Also, my father makes the best apple with cinnamon iced tea, it’s divine!
Number of blankets you sleep with: usually one. Thin if it’s hot and ticker if it’s cold. Too cold? Two blankets, but that’s rare here. It happened once or twice, though. Either way: always at least one.
Dogs or cats: both are great but I’m a dog person through and through.
Dream Trip: I want to travel the whole world, really. Maybe some day. But Greece and Egypt call to me.
Dream job: Public Defender. But at this point I just really want money.
Followers: 857 but I feel like half of them are porn blogs for some reason?
Blog established: I honestly have no idea, sorry.
Reason for my url: wanted an one-word, canon Inuyasha URL. I think it suits me because I’m also weird and people only think I’m pretty from afar.
Random fact: I’m way too much into musicals.
Tagging: @goshinote @lavendertwilight89 @hnnwnchstr @writervick @sophtin and everyone who feels like it. If you did this already or is not interested, feel no pressure to do it.
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