#hobonichi hacks
numonewithabullet · 1 year
How to Meal Plan: Creating a Practical Meal Planning System in Your Hobonichi Planner
Do you like to meal plan? Do you get tired of writing the same things over and over again? Do you frequently eat from a rotation of foods you enjoy and like to mix and match? If that’s the case, you may want to try my method for how to meal plan in a Hobonichi Planner — or other traditional paper planner you use. Hobonichi does not currently have dedicated spaces for meal planning built into the…
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crimson-kas · 9 months
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A look inside the front cover of my Hobonichi Weeks. I have my word of the year, a place to put whatever Gloomies card is speaking to me in the moment, and my DopaMenu. The DopaMenu is a list of activities that increase dopamine in the brain, divided up into a menu that makes activity selection easier during times I have trouble with decision-making.
Note: Gloomies cards are by @petite-gloom .
DopaMenu concept is by YouTube channel, HowToADHD.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Journal Hacking
I’m not sure if this will make sense to anyone else but I wanted to document something I’ve been trying lately with regards to planning/bujo/journaling type things. Even if only so I can go back and see what I did lol. 
So I have been bullet journaling in some form on and off since 2014. So it’s been a minute. And while I like it on the whole, it’s just not been working out for me lately. I tried a Hobonichi weeks mega and while I really like some aspects it’s just not enough room for me. My handwriting is not that small. 
I ran across a simplified GTD-like system called Ugmonk Analog and I liked the principles (even if I didn’t like the price tag) so I adapted it to my new journal. 
Ugmonk’s Analog system has three cards - Today, Next, and Someday. I’m just using notecards I have for this. I put the Today card on my cover with washi tape so I can see it without opening my notebook and easily write things down (my pen is in the loop to the side there). 
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The Next and the Someday cards - along with some others are in the inside. I made the pocket by taping one of the notecards horizontally and taping the two outside sides. 
The long bit of text on the inside cover is the Heart Sutra. I like to write it on notebooks I’ll be using regularly so I pause and reflect on it more regularly. 
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In addition to Next and Someday cards, I have a blank one for scratch paper and one with my ideal timelines for doing home and personal tasks. The personal side is lacking, I’m kind of in a state of transition on that so I’m unclear what I want to do regularly. The house stuff never happens all the way but I like knowing what I’d like to do when I’m adding tasks to my Today card. 
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I think my favorite part of this system is the memory keeping part. It’s not super elegant or pretty but on the pack of each today card, I record any notable things about the day on the top (period, mood, fights, symptoms) with a hashtag, the weather, and then I fill the card with what I did that day. It’s been very helpful so far for jogging my memory throughout the week. I like that I can pull them out and see as many as I’d like throughout the week. I plan on digitizing them at the end of the year and keeping the last year as a hard copy. 
I keep the card in this little green box. Might decorate it soon. 
I don’t really feel like sharing my finished cards so hopefully this gives you an idea. I like that I can see what happened in a day and what I got done on one card. 
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So yeah, I’m really liking it so far. I still do long form journaling (Morning Pages type things) in the notebook itself. I actually turn it so the short side is on the top and it’s kind of like writing on an A4 sheet of paper. I do that so I don’t start auto rereading old journal entries when I’m flipping through for other stuff. I index and thread anything that isn’t journal entries like I would a normal bullet journal. Right now I have some random notes for subject I’m studying, some pen and paper games I’m playing, and writing notes. 
I’m also going to add either an A6 monthly calendar or print my own calendar set up to add to the back pocket for scheduling things in advance. I know everyone uses Google Calendar but I never check mine much. So people can schedule things with me on my Google Cal but my source of truth will be the hard copy. 
Some resources I took inspiration from in setting all this up: 
- OG Bullet Journal - I’m surprised by how many people I’ve met who don’t know that bullet journaling isn’t just making your own pretty planner but an actual system (no shade to the art journaling folks, I’m just not one of them). When I say I use bullet journaling, this is what I’m using. Check for some of his more recent videos if you like it, he’s updated it. 
- Ugmonk Analog - slightly expanded to-do list system on paper; the product seems nice but they’ve actually been very supportive of people making their own knockoff versions for personal use which is cool to see
- Everbook - I think if I had more to juggle, I’d upgrade to something like this system. This guy has so many neat ideas sprinkled throughout the channel. He also really supports people making their own version. Love a good open source ethos. 
Anyways - hope this helps someone! 
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littlecogs · 1 year
I thought I’d share my commonplace setup in my new Kokuyo Campus notebooks. I’d previously been logging quotes and other snippets of interest interspersed with my bullet journal last year, but I found it tiresome to set up each week. This year a I am using a Hobonichi Weeks for planning, hence the Campus for commonplacing. I like the larger page sizes, as it fits my tendency to collect longer quotes.
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I tend to log quotes, and then on a separate day, go back and tag them with categories.
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This is an overview of my key, though I interpret the categories quite liberally. The pencils are for tagging individual quotes, and they each have a corresponding sharpie, for tagging pages where quotes on that topic appear. The page tagging is the Japanese Notebook Hack, which I got from this Medium post. ND/MH stands for Neurodiversity/Mental Health, and it is my most used pencil!
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This is my pencil case contents. I write quotes with a Platinum Plaisir fountain pen, medium nib, inked with Ferris Wheel Press Peppermint Drop. I have post-its and a huge rubber from Tiger, which actually erases cleanly! The Campus has dashes at the top and bottom of pages, which are great for ruling margins. The scrap bit of grey board both separates the logging kit from the tagging kit, and keeps the sharpie from bleeding through when I’m tagging page edges.
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forestal-ramblings · 8 months
Since I bought the hobonichi weeks I'm deep into journaling/planning YouTube , which is mostly soft spoken girls doing aesthetic spreads , but I watched a video about a visit to the traveler's notebook store made by a productivity tech guy , and the contrast was jarring.
Using a traveler's notebook for "growth hack" and other bro stuff feels so foreign. Where is your washi tape bro ?.
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bgallen · 4 years
Planners, 5 things to remove from your life, and Charles Bradley
Today’s post will just be a short gathering of a few things that I have been pondering and listening to lately that will hopefully be enjoyable and useful to you.
I have begun dipping my toes into the world that is “stationary.” And, suffice it to say, it is a very large world. Mostly my searching for a planner that I might actually use is what has led me to this space. Here are a handful (planners) that I have found: the Hobonichi Techo, the Nolty Gold, and MochiThings. I am going to try out the MYO A5 Planner from MochiThings, it offers separate booklets that have daily/weekly/monthly notes along with grid notes and line notes. Some of these are also having sales right now since it’s now a week into January 2021 (that happened fast!). If you like really good pens, notebooks, stickers, postcards, bags, etc. you will want to check out the following sites: Yoseka Stationary, Stickerrific (don’t let the name fool you-there is lots more than stickers on there), and Tokyo Pen Shop. Also, if you’re worried about shipping time….I have found that things that are shipped from Japan or South Korea arrive in ½ the time it takes for things to be shipped from Texas to Mississippi (I only wish I was kidding).
Also, I re-found this article that sums up how I attempted to orient my life in 2020 and continue to do so. It’s titled, “5 Simple Things I Remove from My Life to Become Happier.” Anthony states that happiness comes from subtraction, not addition, Bruce Lee said “It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”  Which I have found to be oh so true and I am grateful for the lesson learned (hopefully it won’t be one I have to relearn). Here are the 5 things to remove: Remove negative information, for example….the NEWS. The only way I receive my news is when I read my paper copy of The Wall Street Journal every morning and it has not to be dramatic, changed my life.
Remove the bottom 20% from your life. “The 80/20 Rule suggests that 20% of causes create 80% of effects.” Another one I implemented in the last year. There was an activity that I was participating in that brought me undue stress and was taking up time and money, I thought though that I needed to persist….the freedom (partially lockdown induced) I have felt since removing it from my life has been so peaceful.
Remove negative people. This quote right here is one that I have come back to many times over the years, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, Jim Rohn” Quality over quantity all the time.
Remove the desire to “Prove Myself.” As Anthony says, there is nothing wrong with having goals but too often we have those huge goals in order to prove ourselves…not just to ourselves but to other people.
Remove attachments. Here is what Anthony had to say about removing attachments, “Some people believe they can’t be happy until they have certain things. Ultimately, if they can’t be happy without those things, then they can’t be happy with them. That’s not to say you should never try to achieve anything in life. Instead, I try to reach goals without making my happiness depend on them.” 
And lastly, I enjoy watching home tours on YouTube, check out this one – it is insane! During a recent one I watched the lady had album art on the wall which intrigued me, so I decided to look it up. It was the album Changes by Charles Bradley (The Screaming Eagle of Soul). I love, love, love this song. It is so beautiful, Charles had such a strong, powerful voice. Fun fact, in 1962 his sister took him to hear James Brown and he was so moved by the performance that he began to mimic James’ style of singing which you can most definitely hear some of in this song.
 “Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm - 
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
Emily Dickinson
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organizedorchid · 7 years
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Day 11 PLANNER HACKS #planwithmechallenge I'm not very good at this but here are my thoughts! #planwithme #planner #plannermom #plannerfun #plannermum #plannercommunity #plannernerd #planneraddict #hobonichi #hobonichitecho #hobonichilove #plannerhack #bujo #bujojunkies #bulletjournal #momlife #stickynotes
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rosaswann · 7 years
4 Incredible Stationery Hacks!
4 Incredible #stationery #Hacks! #plannerlove #bulletjournal #amplanning #hobonichi
I’ve been seriously into planning and planners and all things stationery related for a year and a half now. Today I want to share with you four things that made my life so much easier when I found out about them. They seriously changed my planner happiness (and perfection)!! 1. Highlight first, then write! This is one of those really frustrating things for those of us who like “wetter” pens like…
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crimson-kas · 9 months
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Another look into the front of my Hobonichi Weeks. I also include these therapy reminders in the front of my Weeks in order to remember to practice these things when I’m feeling overwhelmed/hyper-vigilant/triggered/scared/panicked. Habits (even ones that no longer serve you) can be difficult to break out of. These reminders will be waiting for me when I need them, so I can form new, healthier habits. This actually is a summary of what I’d worked on over the years, put together by my previous therapist so I could show it to my new therapist. At the bottom, I have space to write down other reminders/practices I may work on in therapy this year that I want to remember to apply outside of therapy.
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crimson-kas · 1 year
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In addition to setting my top three priorities that would make me feel most satisfied with my week, I then divide any additional tasks up into Urgent and Not Urgent. If I have the time/energy to do additional tasks after my three top priorities, I look to my list of Urgent tasks.
This system has been working really well for me. My brain struggles to prioritize things, so getting it down on paper is a major help. This system has helped me to feel more productive and satisfied, and also less scattered.
Printable stickers are by @petite-gloom .
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organizedorchid · 7 years
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Day 7 PLANNER HACKS #planwithmechallenge not sure what to make of this one so I scribbled some advice for newbies. #planwithme #hobonichi #hobonichiweeks #hobonichitecho #planner #plannermom #plannerlove #planneraddict #plannernerd #plannercommunity #bujo #bulletjournal #showmeyourplanner #orchids #orchid #ukplanner #ukplanneraddicts #plannerhacks #planneradvice #plannernewbie
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