#hocus pocus sarah
Love Knows No Bounds
Request: @alwaysforladyesdeath 'Can you make one where Sarah gets her immortality and she finds her love from the past who is now an immortal witch like her (female reader pls).'
I adored this request, such a lovely ask!
Finally free of the shackles that once bound her to the black flame candle, the youngest Sanderson chose not to heed Winnie's trivial warnings of mankind, opting to take to the skies just as she once had three centuries prior. Unfamiliar terrain sprawled beneath her flight path, though undeterred Sarah glided through the air, eyes closed shut as she relished in the breeze that tickled her face. Tresses of blonde hair twisted behind her frame, warping with every shift in directionality she made at random.
After minutes of flying blind, cerulean orbs snapped open as Sarah's senses became overwhelmed by nostaligic scents reminscent of a past long forgotten. The heady smell of lavender wafted through the air, persuading her with ease to search for its place of origin. The closer the blonde became, the more prominent the undertones of sickly sweet honey emerged, leading her directly toward a cottage that once held significant meaning.
Landing safely, Sarah hastened her steps as the house materialised through the treeline, the wooden structure constructed deeper within the forbidden forest than most. Smoke plumed from the chimney column, a shade of ash grey, unnaturally tinted with tones of fushcia as the light hit it. Soon Sarah raised her fist to knock, though her efforts were in vain as the door swung open in haste, a stunned woman appearing on the other side.
Unchanged, despite the passage of time, was Y/N standing stock still in the doorway. The blonde felt her heart palpitate within her chest, threatening to escape the confines of her ribcage if it continued for a moment longer. A shaking hand was proffered, unsure of what it reached for, landing gently upon the blonde's cheek in an affectionate manner. Slowly, a thumb smoothed over Sarah's red-flushed skin, tracing nonsensical patterns as she ensured the woman before her was in fact real and very much alive.
"Please tell me that thine own eyes do not deceive me... Sarah, is it really thou?" Sarah's smile grew ten-fold in response, her head nodding furiously to wordlessly answer the question. Those lips then parted with a squeal as she found herself being spun in place, lithe arms holding her close and secure. Throughout which a flurry of kisses were then pressed across her face, the majority peppering the blonde's forehead and cheeks, leaving stains of lipstick in their wake.
"Pray tell how is it that you are here... for I recall your hanging so vividly?" The momentary pause and involuntary shudder that followed conveyed how traumatic the sight must have been. In an attempt to distract from horrid memories, Sarah clasped Y/N's hands within her own emphatically replying, "Oh but that matters not, Y/N for all I wish for is to be with you? Doth thou still feel the same?"
Abating the doubts that lingered within the blonde's head, Y/N replied with a question of her own, "My sweet Sarah, was that ever in question?"
Leaning forward in order to close the gap of mere inches that separated the pair, Y/N kissed Sarah passionately as though no time had lapsed at all. Reciprocating in kind, the blonde melted having sorely missed the intimacy so freely offered by the other woman. Willingly, Sarah allowed herself to be pulled across the threshold of the abode with a tantalising whisper, "I have missed thy immensely," all too eager to partake in their familiar game of cat and mouse once more.
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vivienvalentino · 20 days
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SARAH JESSICA PARKER — Hocus Pocus, 1993
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p1xiemeat · 2 months
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𝔰𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔥 𝔧𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔞 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔥𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰🔮🎃🧹🌙🕯️
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classichorrorblog · 1 year
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Hocus Pocus (1993)
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mulderscully · 2 years
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HOCUS POCUS 2 (2022) dir. Anne Fletcher
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pokketofficial · 2 months
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when you’re weird like me, everyday is halloween 🎃
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116t98 · 20 days
Close enough welcome back Sanderson sisters
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bs-fangirl · 2 years
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Surprisingly enjoyable and sweet sequel
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hocuspocusblr · 2 years
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Come little children, I'll take thee away, into the land of enchantment...
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unl1f3-x-c0ll3cts · 10 days
Hocus Pocus x Monster high revealed/leaked!!
Releasing October 4th for $125 USD!
What do we think ghouls??
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Personally I think they look scarily cute tho i would like to see the clothes with a more earthy tone but i dont mind the higher saturation!
I probably wont be able to buy them when they release tho </3
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devonsawas · 11 months
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Sisters, I’m very confused, I- I smell children, but I- I don’t see children...
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Take Off
Request: @emsmultiverse 'Can you make one where it's based on hocus pocus 2, and we are one of the girls older sister and Sarah falls for us stealing our first kiss.
Apologies for taking so long on this request, work had me quite busy these last number of weeks!
Losing out on Sandy's infamous candy apples made the ride home with dad all the more tortourous. He was unable to go a single minute without letting out a dissappointed sigh and neither a joke or humourous costume was able to pull him from his misery. The silence that persisted in the vehicle shattered as we pulled into the driveway, as Cassie and her friends screamed for us to stop. The reason as to why was revealed as the garage door opened, uncovering three figures, all hastily shielding their faces from the illumination of our headlights.
Hefting my costume's skirts up off the ground I clambered from the car, muttering countless apologies to the three women. Although, as I glanced towards them properly, I paused mid sentence while confusion flooded my body. Each wore outfits befitting of another era, all adorned with intricately embroidered details and patchwork fixes. The look as a whole was reminescent of the legendary Sanderson sisters, almost too accurately if stories from the Dennison family were to be believed.
Cocking my head to the side ever so slightly, I remained ignorant to my dad approaching until his hand tapped my shoulder in passing. As he came into the view, all but one of the sisters were transfixed. The blonde peered at me with vivid blue eyes, before offering an overly enthusiastic greeting of, "Hello, young maiden."
Before responding in kind, the redhead painfully dug her elbow into her sister's abdomen forcing a shift in her attention. Deterred by the interruption, I inched forward with the intention of retiring for the evening only for Cassie to call aloud, "Wait, Y/N, dad!" Ignoring her antics I pushed on, rolling my eyes at her dramatics once more. As I passed by the trio, I threw a shy smile to the blonde who had become embroiled in my sister's idiotic prank.
When called upon, I reluctantly agreed to see that Cassie returned after sending her friends home for the night. Offering a tired smile to Becca and Izzy, I slouched against Gilbert's trolley as I listened to their successful efforts to rectify petty squables and introspective revelations. As the minutes passed by the chill of the night crept through my costume. Forcing myself off of the cart I called over my shoulder,"I'm all for you guys making up, but Cassie it's cold and I would prefer not becoming a popsicle."
The group chuckled at my lack of patience as Cassie replied, "Yeah, coming now Y/N. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
As we began to retrace our steps back to the house, our feet lost contact with the ground without warning. Letting out a squeal akin to my own sister's, I grappled with my captor despite the drop that awaited me should I fall. "Oh sweet maiden, how lovely it is to see thy again."
Peering upward I was greeted by lips, painted in red, turned upward in a smile. The young woman's cerulean eyes were alight under the glimmer of the moon, creating a bewitching aura above curling locks of blonde hair.
With little effort, Sarah hoisted my body to sit snuggly against her own frame, revelling in the contact she initiated. Lithe fingers teasingly danced across my hand before traversing the curves and dips of my figure, their final resting place being on my hip. Any tension held within my body melted away with her gentle ministrations, allowing myself to string together a coherent answer, "Tis a pleasure to be in your company once more."
Carefree laughter peeled from her lips in glee at the response, yet halted as a voice screeched into the night chastising the youngest sister, "Sarah, why hath thou lifted the other Traske, for we only needed one, you fool!"
The arm that clung to my waist tightened as the insult hit its mark, "Very sorry Winnie, very sorry."
As her head dropped onto my shoulder, I instinctually reacted, running my fingers comfortingly through unkempt tresses of blonde hair, "If it is of any help, I do not think thou is foolish in the slightest."
Neither action or comment were anticipated on Sarah's behalf, who could not recall a time when someone defended her so passionately. Allowing the shock to dissipate, she eased into the affection so freely given, muttering a quiet, "Dear maiden, thou is too kind."
She too reciprocated in kind, tracing across the features of my face with delicate motions, each with the intention of turning my head in her direction. Naively, I allowed this to happen and was not opposed to the kiss she then planted on my lips. I rather enjoyed the sensation of our lips moving against one another, so much so that I chased after her own as she retreated to catch a breath. Had we not been flying at that very moment and very nearly lost our balance, there would have been no stopping us.
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vivienvalentino · 13 days
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SARAH JESSICA PARKER — Hocus Pocus, 1993
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p1xiemeat · 8 months
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𝔥𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰 🔮🕯️🎃
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classichorrorblog · 1 year
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Hocus Pocus (1993)
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jovieinramshackle · 2 months
This is mental preparation, next book 7 update will be my downfall, I need ship art 🙏
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Also wanted to fix up Jovie's design and went ham with the notes
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If you saw spelling mistakes no you didn't 🙏
tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk
@cyanide-latte @twistedwonderlandshenanigans (lmk/dm if you wanna be added)
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