comradecowplant · 1 year
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so i finally watched Barbie..........
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mypissedoffsandwich · 2 months
My cat is legit taking over my whole damn bed.
I keep pushing him to the side and he just stretches further out. Homie is 15lbs of pure menace and bed hoggery
He only looks small. Hes part maine coon and what he didnt get in over all size hes fuckin LONG
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witchblade · 2 years
the hoggery the piggery the hog house
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twentysixtyfour · 5 years
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Word of the Day
February 2/2019―February 5/2019
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creatively-cosmic · 3 years
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absolute hoggery
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instruth · 4 years
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Remembrance swipes me across my face
Pricks my conscience to know my place
Memories of my regular irresponsible joy
Lost in the woods for being kind to a boy
What I had overheard in a remotest inn
Now stalks my rounds to recall the ruins
Those conspirators in a wicked scheme
Kept me awake from haunting dreams
About how they had robbed the timid folks
Of their lands, livelihood and daily yolks
The vanishing plains of what used to be
So pierced my heart that I cannot but see
That evil hovers set up in a sickly trickery
Disguised shamelessly in cunning hoggery
Confusion invades my soul and kills my will
I am trapped in a twilight harnessedly still
Burdened with a dreadful slay of darkness
In want to be free from this wretchedness
©Johnny J P Lee
21 February 2021
Art Credit Christina Chin
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pentacled · 4 years
Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.
William of Ockham coined that one. Quite the guy. You wouldn’t know that, of course. These days, it’s all Plato this, Saint Thomas Aquinas that. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with either, but no amount of time-transversing spotlight hoggery is going to make me give a fuck about your obsequious thoughtspeech unless it is in some way relevant to my current stasis. And that’s the Human Way™, is it not?
Don’t misunderstand, though. Not all humans are so entirely consumed by their lives that nothing beyond the scope of their own influence is worth investigating. It is a perfected ratio of foundational conditions that breeds people like that. In other words: you’ve ought to be the right amount of fucked up to suck your own dick on an hourly basis every day. And the world never needs splinters of anybody that fucked up.
Thankfully, my circumstances have allowed such an environment to flourish, ripe with introspection and deeply-embedded obsessions; the kind that writhe under the skin like parasites. I would say enough about me, now in a colloquially-acceptable manner, but we would both see right through my insincerity. A guy with so many “unnecessary” duplicates, as our dear William would say, is nothing if not entrenched in matters of the Heart.
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So. Let’s keep it singular for now, shall we?
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tubbotums · 5 years
“Big Eater” Jewelry Bonney of the Bonney Pirates
While she’s known for having a bounty of over $140 million Beli, she’s also renowned for an appetite that can rival anyone on the seas, hence the nickname.
And boy does she live up to it.
At any given restaurant in the Grand Line, or even the New World, you might be out of your luck to find her and the rest of her crew residing there for a quick pit stop to refuel. When I say quick however, I mean a few hours. And when I mean refuel, I mean their captain as well as their ship.
You’ll find one table in the back noisier than the rest of the joint they’re in, with a table that’s probably going from one wall to the next. On top of that table, you’ll find it completely filled with different dishes and plates of food from all across the menu. Empty pizza trays with not a speck left, stacks of beef and chicken, mountains of pastries and cakes, barrels of booze and much, much more. They’ll run across the length of the whole thing, only to get to the head of the table where you’ll find 500 pounds of unadulterated hoggery.
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You won’t see her razor sharp blue eyes, or even her double chin when you first spot her. Most likely, it will be covered by the food that she’s burying in her face. There might be a chicken leg the size of a body builder’s thighs that she’s licking clean off the bone, a barrel of sake that’s she draining in one go, or multiple pizza slices that she’s stacked atop one another because it’s easier to eat all together covering her up. However, once she does pull that away from her face, you’ll get a brief look of the biggest appetite on the seas. Plump, stained flab with wobble as she huffs, only for her to place her stained hands atop her gut and white tank, only to let out a resounding:
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After a belch that will shake the walls, Bonney will grab the next closest meal and place that dish atop her stomach, which will be fighting with her colossal breasts for equal resting room. Her suspenders are already flying off the sides of her two assets, and there may or may not be some food that fell between those cracks too. Whatever that meal is that she’s having, Bonney will glut herself with it and not stop. No matter how much is left, whether it be 10% of what she originally ordered or 90% of what she did, she’ll wave her arm in the air with whatever food she’s holding, bingo wings wobbling in the air as she shouts her next command.
“When did I say I was done? Bring over more of what I ordered! I ain’t fuckin’ around when I say I need my fill ya know!”
Of course, who wouldn’t listen to one of the leading pirates of the Worst Generation? Bonney has power and she isn’t afraid to flex it. She’ll eat and eat to her heart’s content, until she feels the slightest modicum of fullness. The woman has a black hole in her stomach, and no one is really sure as to how or why she has it. When she finishes up, Bonney does not care about the mess she made on her or surroudning her. She’ll hop off the table that she was plodding her fat ass on, leaving it either broken, bent, or in tact depending on how the workers prepared it for her. Full of food and with bags of it being held by the rest of her crew, she waddles toward the front of the restaurant, fat thighs rubbing against one another before turning toward the waiter at the front and giving them a look.
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“Don’t gimme that look like you think I’m dining and dashing! I’m a fucking pirate but I ain’t a sleeze ball! One of my crewmates will take care of the bill. Next time I’m here, just make sure you got your cooks in order! I’m not waiting five minutes for my first dish next time!”
And with that, Bonney leaves the restaurant as she entered: loud, in charge, and owning the place. This is why she has the status that she does, and this is why Jewelry Bonney carries the weight that she does.
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Paying special attention to the itty bitty bean does not mean I hate you I’m just more concerned with her Tiny Dumbass Syndrome than I am your Refined Attention Hoggery.
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that-bookworm-guy · 5 years
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hoggery noun [haw-guh-ree, hog-uh-]
slovenly or greedy behaviour.
If you like what I do, please consider buying me a coffee
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junker-town · 5 years
Devin Booker was a textbook type of All-Star snub
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Devin Booker should have been an All-Star in 2020.
When a player has a reputation, it often takes more than half a season to shed it. Luckily, an injury gave Booker the honor he deserved.
Devin Booker has a rep, and it’s the worst kind a prospective NBA star can have. He’s often seen as a no-defense, shot-jacking, empty-stat-hunting young player who cares more about his own numbers than actually trying to win.
The Suns’ abysmal record during Booker’s tenure is evidence enough for some, but his negative image is built on more than just the standings. His 70-point performance in a double-digit loss to Boston in 2017 was met with derision instead of appreciation by his opponents. More recently, he was widely mocked when an offseason training video showed him complaining about being double teamed during a pickup game.
I’m not here to adjudicate that past. But if the purpose of the All-Star Game is to reward the 12 best players in each conference this season irrespective of prior ones, it was wrong to initially leave Booker off the team. At least Damian Lillard’s last-minute injury allowed the NBA to rectify that wrong and name Booker as an injury replacement.
Phoenix’s Devin Booker has been selected to replace Damian Lillard in the 2020 NBA All-Star Game.
— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) February 13, 2020
The fact that he wasn’t initially named a reserve, though, shows me that new facts often race ahead of a player’s larger story. Booker was punished for transgressions that occurred outside the statute of limitations. He may be rewarded later in his career when he should’ve been rewarded now, but he shouldn’t need that make-up call.
This year’s Devin Booker does not resemble the rep he’s been given in the past
Let’s be clear: missing out on the NBA’s midseason classic would not have been a grave injustice. To put it in perspective, we’re talking about the difference between the 12th- and 13th-best player in a conference in any given season. Attaching the general manager’s name on an official statement of condemnation did little more than give Booker and a few select fans the briefest of dopamine hits. (The same point applies double to Bradley Beal, whose surrogates are working overtime after he was left off the East team). Injury replacements happen all the time, and history won’t remember the difference.
That said, this year’s Devin Booker does not resemble the rep he’s been given in the past. He’s dramatically upped his scoring efficiency while taking more shots near the basket and wedging his way to the free-throw line. Phoenix’s offense drops from a potent 113.6 points per 100 possessions to a ghastly 100.8 when he goes to the bench, one of the widest swings in the league. His moves are more purposeful, he’s dribbling aimlessly less often, and he’s appropriately wedging his prodigious scoring ability into a larger Phoenix structure despite not having much supplementary floor spacing around him.
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He’s still not a great defender, but has put in much more effort on that end than in years past.
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And while the Suns still aren’t a playoff team, they have displayed enough core competency to keep themselves in the mix despite numerous injuries and DeAndre Ayton’s 25-game drug suspension. They aren’t world-beaters, but Booker has elevated them to a meaningfully higher level than he did in past years.
That wasn’t enough to initially sway West coaches, who valued winning (Donovan Mitchell) and name recognition (Russell Westbrook, Chris Paul) for the final three pre-Lillard injury guard spots. Reasonable minds can split hairs between these four excellent players, but the fact that Booker was the one who fell short underscores one unfortunate reality of selecting the league’s best players halfway through a single season. A process designed to stay within a narrow context instead encompasses a much larger period of time that punishes some players for perceived past sins and overly rewards others for incumbency.
Because of that, Booker’s meaningful improvements this season were not given the respect they deserve. Consider one key indicator of empty-stat production: ball hoggery. The more one player has the ball, the less others have it, and thus the more they can put up numbers that benefit themselves while sidelining everyone else.
Booker’s ball-hoggery metrics have changed dramatically this season. Last year, more than 54 percent of his shots came after he took more than three dribbles, and nearly 24 percent came after he pounded the rock more than six times. This season, those numbers are down to 45 percent and 16 percent, respectively. His average touch time has dropped from 4.76 seconds — a top-10 mark among players 6’4 and taller — to 4.1 seconds. Less than 20 percent of his shot attempts come after holding the ball for at least six seconds, compared to nearly 29 percent last season.
Adding a real point guard in Ricky Rubio has taken ball-handling pressure off Booker, and new coach Monty Williams’ Flex offense also takes more advantage of Booker’s size on quick post duck-ins than previous systems. He gets many more hoops like this than he ever did in the past.
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But Booker himself has also become more efficient in his movements. He is much stronger powering to the basket, requiring less dancing back and forth to get his man out of position. There’s a reason his shooting efficiency is rising to elite levels despite a drop in three-point attempts.
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The great irony of Double-Team Gate is that Booker has also become a master at reading traps and making productive passes out of them.
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Though his overall assist numbers are flat, the passes he does make are leading to many more assisted hoops than the ones he made last season. His secondary assists — passes that lead to the assist — are up, as are his assist chances and the total points per game his teammates get off his assists. We’ve also seen many more dishes like this that don’t show up in any form of a box score, but are invaluable in triggering the collective ball movement that makes everyone feel more involved in the play.
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There’s still room for Booker to improve in these areas, as there is with his defensive effort. But the idea that Booker deserved to miss the All-Star Game because his prodigious numbers were emptier than his peers this season doesn’t pass the muster once you dig deeper. And by the way, those numbers are prodigious.
Devin Booker is the first player in NBA history to average at least 27 points and 6 assists on 60% TS and miss the All-Star game. But don't worry. He's coming for that All-NBA slot...
— Wam Wooper (@scooperhoops) January 30, 2020
Mitchell, Paul, and Westbrook all collected more wins, but only Paul approaches Booker’s singular importance to his team, and Paul isn’t producing at Booker’s individual level. The Jazz still marginally outscore opponents with Mitchell on the bench, while the Rockets outscore opponents by more points per 100 possessions with Westbrook on the bench. (That gap is shrinking, but it still exists). Booker also is putting up better and more meaningful numbers than Brandon Ingram, who is starring on a worse team that relies on him less than the Suns rely on Booker. (It’s unclear if positional designation mattered for All-Star reserve selections. If so, Ingram wasn’t directly competing for a spot with Booker).
Booker’s profile is comparable in rough strokes to a similar snub in Beal, but a deeper look shows that Beal is scoring less efficiently while playing worse defense and making (at least statistically) a less significant individual impact on a worse team. If you think Beal belonged over Kyle Lowry, I won’t argue with you, but Booker’s All-Star case is much more airtight if we’re just considering this season.
And therein lies the rub. All-Star selections are never just about this season in practice even though they’re designed that way in theory. They represent status and legacy, not to mention financial reward in some cases. One-time appearances by non-star players are routinely mocked in hindsight, even though the honor is supposed to only measure a player’s success in the first 60ish percent of that season. The nature of the game itself even becomes a factor: a more subtle artist like Rudy Gobert will look like a fish out of water even though he’s been one of the 12 most valuable players in the West for years now. The convoluted selection process has smoothed over some obvious biases, but it’s also created a voting body that measures value in too many different ways for the entire process to feel coherent.
When all that happens, conservatism tends to win the day. It takes more than half a season to convince most of us that a player has changed, for better or for worse. That’s a sensible approach if the goal of the All-Star Game is to reflect the best players in the NBA independent of time. If it’s any consolation to Booker, chances are he’ll make up the All-Star appearance he initially missed this year with a reputational selection later in his career.
But in literal terms, the goal of the All-Star Game is to recognize the 12 best seasons to date in each conference. Otherwise, why name new All-Stars each year? And by that measure, it was unfathomable not to initially include Devin Booker this year.
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creatively-cosmic · 3 years
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hoggery part 1: three of them
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asfaltics · 7 years
originally abstract, denoting
  about ery another y   art ery is ery   cloud ery could ery   would ery should ery   come ry gone ry   found ery lost ery   last ery lest ery list ery   lust ery mist ery   most ery must ery   new ery old ery   one ry two ery   perhaps ery maybe ry   now ery then ery   same ry some ry   this ery that ery   in ery out ery   memory orrery   tomorrow y   *   when ery where ery   word ery thing ery
Extrapolations from a dream, whose key word evaporated upon waking. Attempts to bring it back led nowhere, save the above. Not words, but might've been. And not all of them (quite) nonsense —
lastery     Insurance on life, £—. Universal Travellers’ and Tourists’ Telegraphic Cipher Code (1896) : 359
lastery     An increase in cost General Commercial Telegraphic Code (1875) : 302
23808     Lastery     No life anywhere The ABC Universal Commercial Electric Telegraphic Code (Fifth Edition; 1901) : 416
lastery     Please pay £600 to The Premier Cypher Telegraphic Code (1897) : 455
lastery     Wheat, June option, Buy/bought for our/your account and risk, 30,000 bushels at 1 3/8 The Western Union Telegraphic Code (Universal Edition, 1901) : 490
on -ery, see entry in the Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia (1903), including this — Originally abstract, denoting the collective qualities of the subject, it has also or only a concrete sense, as in finery, greenery, etc. ... denotes a business... hence it came to refer to wares, etc., collectively... and to the place where such wares are made or sold, or to any place of business... or to any place where the things represented by the subject are collected... especially to places where animals are collected, or to the animals collectively, as in hennery, goosery, rookery, piggery, hoggery.
all tagged lost all tagged found all tagged nonsense  
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varoun-r · 5 years
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VERY FIRST TRAVEL VLOG, dropping in today on IGTV. This picture is from the restaurant @autobahn_pune where I did the vlog. It is claimed to be India's first fully digitised conveyor belt restaraunt serving Indian food. More on the IGTV tonight. Also Hoggery is said to be a greedy behavior. Sort of a very jaundiced word but read this out "yes I never wish to turn back and think "damn, I could have eaten that" ". But, But, But the vlog is coming out. I am excited about it. After an year of doing so many PTCs here comes a day to give to the world a piece of my world. 10-11 pm, tonight. Yaay. #travellifestyle #zomatoindia #wonderfull_places #tastethisnext #livealifeyoulove #awesomeplaces #shareyourtable #dailyfoodfeed #whattoeat #thrillist #damnthatsdelish #bestplacestogo #f52gram #nomnomnom #foodvlogger #sandwicherie #buzzfeast #foodpornshare #eeeeeats #eatingfortheinsta #livealifeyoulove #igtvchannel #puneblogger #justlikevaroun_r #varoun_r #bhopalizaika #bhopalfoodblogger #punefood @foodtravelstories @foodguide101 @foodmaniacindia @thegreatindianfoodie @foodiesacrossindia @thisisinsider @ig.bhopal @punefoodexplorer @punetimes @puneriguide (at Autobahn) https://www.instagram.com/varoun_r/p/BwjKoIMgjEY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4dz2puvzve4l
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vcmonk · 5 years
word of the day...
hoggery [haw-guh-ree, hog-uh-] noun
1. slovenly or greedy behavior.
2. piggery.
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davidaolson · 6 years
Borders are Immoral
The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. ~Thomas Paine
Borders are immoral. They serve little more than to line the privy purse of the wealthy with Judas silver feeding but never satisfying the hoggery for wealth and power. (more…)
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