#holly black when i get you holly black😭
yowassupchilling · 5 months
God the trope i hate the most is the "sent letters but never received" because my heart can't the angst I-😭(sobbing noises)
Yes im talking bout tfota
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doodle-stroodle · 2 months
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Updated ToH!Mike
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Plus, an alt ver with dyed hair bc I didn’t know what ppl would like more 😭
Backstory: Mike is the middle child out of two sisters, Nancy and Holly. His parents run whatever the equivalent to an accounting firm in the Boiling Isles is. Karen is the face of that business due to her nature, while Ted is more working on the behind the scenes aspects. Ted doesn’t know much about his kids (except Holly) and Karen is so obsessed with appearing as a perfect family, she tends to forget her kids wants and needs in the process. Also, wouldn’t be complete without complete without child labor!! Mike writes and did enjoy it, until his parents saw it and figured out how to use it to their advantage. He writes letters, reports, and whatever else they can find for him to do.
Explanation for Mike’s hair (Pasted from another post of mine): I like to think Karen is forcing him to dye his hair like this because neither she or Ted have black hair and it throws people off. She believes it’s bad for the business they’re running or whatever, idk.
I would like to expand more on that, Mike is 100% Ted’s child (no scandals here, lol). But Karen is so worried about judgment from others, that it forces her to take these drastic steps. That’s probably apart of her offscreen arc or something because I like to think that she’d eventually grow as a person.
Mike’s relationship with Lucas: They were best friends until they were 10. Karen realized that Mike was getting bullied and basically made him change everything about himself, including his friends. Weak people have weak friends, strong people surround themselves with strong connections. They really stopped talking to each other when Mike stopped saying anything against Lucas’s bullies. He became a bystander.
I know he’s supposed to be the Amity of this au, but I really can’t see him bullying anyone. I think what’s more accurate is him repressing his true self and feelings, then meeting Will and essentially becoming himself again.
Relationship with his family: Mike is just a kid so he does love his parents. However, sometimes he wonders if they actually love him, or what he can do for them. At times, he feels like more of a prop than their child.
He loves his sisters as well, but isn’t close to Nancy. He tries to make sure to be the best brother to Holly that he can be.
I’ll tell more about his relationship with Will in another post but I might add onto this later!! I dunno yet 😭
I might make the other sheets differently, again I’m not sure yet
Also, feel free to add your own thoughts and headcanons!! I love hearing new ideas!
Since you requested to be tagged <3 @jainasolo1233
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prismaticpichu · 11 months
A genuine favorite of mine: Sane Sephiroth gets a wing and the main inconvenience is that it reacts to his EMOTIONS. He's trying to be cool but he's nervous and it SHOWS that. Stuff like that! What's your take on poor Sephiroth who can't hide his emotions?
Oooooh oooh oooh oooooooooooh!!! That is SUCH an adorable premise 😭 And man can I see poor “lock those feelings up tight” Sephiroth having some trouble! If y’all haven’t plz go read One-Winged Feathers are EVERYWHERE by the amazing Holly you see here!! The story follows CC-era Seph sprouting his wing and like the title suggests shenanigans sure do ensue and ahhhhh it is such a cute ride!! Anywho back to the show.
🪶 🪶 🪶
Unlike his emotionally-barren, insane, pyromanic bipolar half, CC-Sephiroth has a lot of emotions swimming around in that heart of his. Sure his overall toughness (and swagger) isn’t a facade—this guy IS strong as heck. But at the same time… he is also squishy. He can be vulnerable, just like any other person out there. He can get overwhelmed. And the only reason people don’t see this is because he is stellar at, as corny as it is, bottling those jello-like feelings inside.
So! What happens when you make those emotions into a transparent window case for the world to see…?
First off, Sephiroth can’t figure out how to put the darn thing away. He tries desperately to find a way to tuck it in—to furl it, or fold it, or SOMETHING—but all his efforts are in vain (and ends up tripping over the couch + keeling over three lamps in this endeavor). It’s also through this first encounter that Sephiroth realizes just how intertwined his emotions are with his wing. The more his panic rose, the more his wing stiffened and beat and thrashed.
And this realization terrifies him.
The remainder of the day is spent at his place, trying to train the wing like a mischievous pet to NOT mimic his emotions. He tries deep-breathing, relaxing himself into a calm, steady rhythm, until his wing is able to slacken…….only for the telephone to ring and for the black pinion to jolt out of complete and utter fright (knocking over a replacement lamp in the process). He tries physically scolding it like some kinda mantra—“I am not anxious, I am NOT anxious”—only for the wing to still quiver in complete defiance. Poor thing. He eventually surrenders, slumping against the wall with his face in his hands. And the wing sags like a wilted plant right beside him.
It isn’t long until Genesis & Angeal (once the, y’know, initial shock passes upon finding him) catch onto the wing’s transparency. And this, this right here, leads to a whole lotta denial in the coming days as Sephiroth continues to not know how to retract properly. They constantly catch sight of the thing quivering, or sagging, or going completely stiff, and always end up approaching Sephiroth afterwards. Sephiroth can’t even believe how ineffective his stone-hard, ay-okay face has become. It’s practically useless. Useless. Genesis & Angeal are always able to know when messages from Hojo were sent to him (annoyed twitching), or when new press conferences were scheduled (quivering), or that one time when he overheard one of the cadets talking about the “M” word (somber wilting). It’s exposing. It’s weak. It’s unbecoming. It’s…
One thing that Sephiroth can’t deny is the weight that lifts from his chest after talking about these triggering burdens. Without any way to conceal them, without any way to deny them, his two buddies always manage to chip the answer out of him. And… and… it’s not bad, being able to confide those things. Not at all. It’s healing, for Angeal to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, or to hear Genesis say he would throw Hojo in an industrial shredder on his behalf. So healing that he begins to wonder why he would let those burdens plague him alone.
Eventually, Sephiroth manages to guide the wing back into his shoulder. But just like the stray feathers that lingered behind, a new lesson remains with the raven-esque SOLDIER. He doesn’t need the wing to quiver for him to confide in his friends. He doesn’t need to grit his teeth and bite out “fine” for every “are you okay?” thrown at him. He knows better now. Why it took for a flipping bird wing to burst from his shoulder to learn this, Shiva only knows.
Of course, on the occasion that the wing DOES come out, it’s still not any less emotionally-tangled than before.
Genesis has recorded the wing:
• Swaddling Sephiroth
• Joyously vibrating
• And he’s pretty sure the thing slapped him on its own accord when he called him a woman
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sirensea14 · 1 month
How did you actually come up with mayhem x not cup? It seems like such a weird yet canon ship I love it I want to learn more
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Oh i actually had art of that ship waaaaay back before posting on tumblr
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Made this around the middle of last year. And then i posted this when i first started tumblr (you long-time fishies/followers out there who was with me with my first post might remember this lol)
From all i could remember from my past-self's thoughts, Not-Cup was, from what i imagined, a hollow and black eyed version of Cuphead that appeared in real Cuphead's dream in the labyrinth. Which is waaaaay different cuz in the canon, its actually just the usual cuphead that we know, except evil with toungue. I was wondering why he was in the Tear—was he an anomaly like mayhem? Was he an illusion like ava and black hat? Or is he smth else like i dunno, a future cuphead that is potentially possessed by an ink machine part? (As you guys know, when a character gets possessed by this shit, their eyes turn black like Cog!Holly, Cog!Cala and Instument!boris and sarah. Except the brush with mick tho, i dunno why is that)
But anyway, this question gets unanswered leaving me to headcanon that he is an "actual" character and not just a manifestation or illusion of the labyrinth. Just like Mayhem who we thought was an illusion till she's revealed to be an actual character in the series. (This question regarding Not-Cup is still unanswered lol, regardless of an answer, im still shipping them)
Now, onto the actual question, well i dunno if u ship cuphead and holly (i do) and if you'd notice, witchbrew is (obviously) a parallel of the colly ship. Colly are in the hero side, while Witchbrew is on the villain side. I would love to see an actual couple be villains, it sucks that theyre always single XD. If Cuphead had his Holly, then why cant Mayhem have her Not-Cup, hm? Nah-uh aint gonna let that happen
And then boom! This shit--i mean ship is created. Lol i dunno if this makes any sense 😭
Also this ship has ties with my theory regarding of Mayhem's origin and if there will be a canon origin of her story thats gonna be different from my theory, well, lets say this might just be a small fanon ship that randomly came outta nowhere XD
Regarding their origin love story, it starts with my theory that Mayhem is the future Holly that is fully possessed by the cog when the questers went to the desert (forgot its name) to finf the machine. Cuphead goes desperate and asks help from a part? (Eh, i really havent thought about how cuphead got possessed lol) And then he teams up with Mayhem.
The problem is, Cuphead did it out of love, regrets (regret that he didnt manage to save holly even tho it wasnt his fault), and guilt. While Mayhem got possessed by the Cog due to her previous connection to it that got stronger. So i this ship, its painfully one-sided. Painful truth.
But when interacting, they act a bit like a bickering couple, Mayhem being the terrifying teaser she is while Not-cup is the sarcastic serious one. Tho he sometimes act like the actual Cuphead Dish from the questers. They may also act a bit like the duplicates of Colly in appearance.
Not-Cup likes to help Mayhem mess with the Questers as they try to hunt down and restore the duo.
And as for Chaos the Cat... I dunno where the fuck does he fit in lol
From what i remember i think i had a digital version of Mayhem's Tango? Its burried deep down in the ocean... Btw Mayhem's tango was inspired by the song "You'll be mine (Alice's Tango)" by Chi-Chi. I also had other songs that i associate mayhem with (mostly its just bendy fansongs lol) but i dunno if u wanna hear abt it :/
Welp i think thats it? I covered up all about teh WitchBrew origins. Send me another ask if my explanation's not clear XD
Im also glad that you love this silly lil ship i made! It was odd seeing someone like it when i expected no to actually like it XD (tho i dunno out there if anyone actually paid attention to my mayhem x not-cup ship way back then cuz it was a bit random) if u want more infos abt them, go on and ask! I have a bit more from store actually... Hidden for so long... (/jk, its just for 2 years lol)
Stars i feel like ive made an essay...
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ye4gerism · 2 years
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author’s note: i just finished stardust crusaders and i absolutely adore polnareff, so i decided to put to some content out for him and maybe attract form jjba readers😋 i decided to throw jotaro in the mix too. i’m not really gonna mention stands and all dat😵‍💫everything’s up to your imagination! my requests are open! do feel free to drop requests!
edit: i also didn’t use grammarly for this. give me a break🫣
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• when i tell you it took y’all a long time together. jotaro’s bluntness made you wonder if you could even approach him and let him know your feelings. despite your established friendship, you were afraid to set him off and deal with his attitude. your distance from jotaro made him wonder if he scared you in some sort of way.
• i think he’d probably confess first but it wouldn’t be like a whole “i love you, now let’s kiss in the rain and tap dance right after” type of thing. i don’t even think he’d say “i love you”. he’d probably just let it slip that he LIKES you. he’d prolly say something like “you’re important to me.”
• you’d take it slow. pda wouldn’t be too much of a big thing. you often share your kisses in private. he likes to put his arms around you when you’re just chilling out. he’d probably be a little scared to go public with you because of his “fan girls”. you know how vinnie hacker hangs out with girls and his fans immediately find out their day of birth, IP address, where they live and they make threats so that vinnie can stay single forever? yeah.
• i like how people in the fandom call him joot. so you affectionately call him joot or joots for extra measure. he acts like he hates it but he hates it even more when people other than you call him that. i swear, joseph would probably say the nickname and jotaro would get ready to backhand him (but he wouldn’t just to stay in your good graces).
• when you meet holly for the first time, jotaro would act extra sweet as if he and his hormones haven’t been tormenting his mom for the longest time. he gets a little embarrassed when holly shows him affection in front of you but you think it’s sweet.
• you find it easy to talk to jotaro because you’re both bipoc. when you first started dating, you weren’t too worried about how he’d act. obvs there’d be culture shock moments but it wouldn’t be such a big deal yk?
• he’d also do this:
• he’d make it known that he is in love with you. like he’d straight up tell you that he really likes you. but i do think he’d be really chill about it, he wouldn’t want to scare you off.
• polnareff is always spoiling you. you talk about a food your craving, he’ll buy it for you. a movie you wanna watch? get in the car- we’re gonna watch it. you tell him you’re tired of your bonnet slipping off, he’ll buy you one of those non slip bonnets off of tiktok.
• when it comes to pda, i think polnareff is more of a hand holding type of guy. and i mean strictly handholding. he’ll do all types of hand holding variations with you. kissing in public is really rare and more of a private thing for you both
• you call him by his first name the most. everyone around him refers to him by his last name but you simply call him jean. he prolly has a select amount of french nicknames for you and calls you “my love” or simply just “love” in english.
• polnareff will walk into your bathroom and look at your hair products and think “what the hell is this?” 😭 he’d have a lot of questions but would just go with the flow
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heartofspells · 5 months
Holli... How am I supposed to choose between crush, you and along the broken edge?? 😭😭😭 (also a working sentence that. Crush you along the broken edge, yk)
But I'm going with along the broken edge bc I miss the boys
Ahahahaha! I might use that at some point, I won't lie.
But YES, you can have some Broken Edge! I also miss the boys and I'm going to be getting back to them very soon now that things have calmed down in my life (and head, ha!). Have a best boy Remus Lupin speech.
Remus remembers, once, when he was younger, too many days and questions in between, thanking the universe for the unthinkable, the never in his wildest dreams imaginable boy it had presented to him like a reward for hardship. He'd never stopped thanking it, not once throughout the years, no matter the pain that had come with all the loss. Never going away, Remus has been willing to fall on his knees every day since, overcome with gratefulness for having simply been allowed to lay his eyes on that dark head and those shining eyes. Even with losing him, with all the heartache that had come after, with that forever pit dug out in the depths of his stomach and the way his heart had always felt lodged just at the base of his throat, Remus had been indescribably better for knowing him, for hearing that ringing, barking laugh and watching that face light up like the first glimpses of the sun after a devastating storm.
Sirius Black – Padfoot – had altered him irrevocably, set his life on a path Remus had never anticipated, crafting his coming days in a way unfathomable before he'd existed within Remus' orbit, even if only for a while.
"Do you believe in soulmates?"
Staring at him, grey eyes guarded but sparking with curiosity, Remus isn't sure what he expects to come from the question. Possibly a bitter, head-tossing laugh raking out of a constricted throat, or maybe a sharp denial, claiming Remus to be mad. Whatever he may have guessed, it would have never been silence.
"Do you, Sirius?" he presses, leaning forward the smallest amount, barely a shift but still there, present and needed in the moment. Remus doesn't wait for an answer. "I never did. I never believed in most of it. Heaven and God, fate, some sort of predetermined destiny. Why would I because what have I ever been given to make it feel logical? Every good thing in my life always got ripped away in the cruelest, roughest way, you most of all. I lost you so completely, just like everything else I could never hold onto, and I told myself that was fine because…none of it was real. Nothing was ever meant to happen, sculpted into existence for a specific purpose. The strings of fortune were never on my side, except maybe for only a handful of months when I was thirteen."
Swallowing thickly, Remus chances a step forward, surprised when Sirius stands still, not offering to move. It seemingly shocks him as well, eyelids blinking over a mystified grey gaze.
"I still don't believe in any of it," continues Remus, voice soft, every part of him open, nothing held back, not ever again. "Not a paradise once we're gone from this world, not in some…some being watching every move we make, judging us, as if anything would ever care that much. I don’t believe things are meant to happen one way over another. I don't believe one part of it, but…soulmates. That feels different, somehow. It feels different because of you."
Shaking his head as Remus steps forward again, Sirius says sharply, "It's just pretty words. It doesn't mean anything."
"Maybe," agrees Remus vaguely, conceding a bit, "or maybe not." Sirius scoffs loudly, eyes shifting away briefly, but Remus doesn't react, watching him closely, cataloguing the pinch to his brows, the crease forming between them, the way his mouth wobbles so faintly that it's barely noticeable but there all the same. "What else could it be except that? We keep getting thrown together repeatedly, bodily running into one another, as kids, in the shop, through acquaintances that shouldn't exist in such a large place but somehow do. You get injured after years of nothing, no major accidents and here I am, searching for exactly you in everyone I've ever accepted, armed with the specific skills you needed in that moment all because of a…a fucking tragedy that tore us apart in the first place.
"None of it should have lined up, not even once, but it did and has, over and over again. You shouldn't have been exactly what I needed in that moment on that wall all those years ago, but you were, and you never stopped," pushes Remus plaintively, feeling breathless now, hands twitching to reach out and simply touch, just to reassure himself Sirius is still real and here. "The universe keeps tossing us together except it's not, it's giving, and for once in my life all I want is to be selfish and take because I want you more than anything else, past, present, or future. All I have ever wanted is you before I even knew you existed. I laid in my bed as a kid, staring at my ceiling, trying to keep the dizziness and sickness away, praying to a god I don't believe in for you, Sirius. Only ever you."
Want a snip?
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plutobutartsy · 11 months
ohoho i shall be (evil face)
di i demand to be the first to be informed about new oc developments!!!!! >:(
but in the meantime i'm kicking down your door and making you listen to my oc rambles (also tagging holly @swanconcerto cause she seemed interested hehe)
for one i found a drawing of Briar c:
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this is like his fancy special occasion outfit he doesn't normally dress like that (to Evie's chagrin). he usually dresses in like a casual dark academia style? lots of sweater vests and black but also red sometimes!
i only have old drawings of Evelyn that don't match how i imagine her anymore so :((
okay anyway i wanna ramble about them being cute together so !!! first meeting!!!
they first met at the grocery store that Briar works at and like. it was a mess.
yes, Briar usually pretends to be very arrogant but he's still at the very least polite to the customers
so imagine the crisis his manager goes through when Evie comes in and Briar is just unbelievably rude to her😭
she comes up to him and asks if he can show her where the flour is and he's like "find it yourself or ask somebody else" and then he fucking bolts to the break room
it's not on purpose okay he's a loser and saw a pretty girl and his mind just shut down so he acted on reflex
meanwhile Evie is all like "okay wow this is the first time i worked up the courage to ask a worker for help and this happens. what if i die."
Briar's manager jumps in and helps her and then immediately rushes off to scold Briar
the only reason he didn't get fired on the spot was because this is the first time this happened and also Briar just looks like he's ready to pass out right then and there so the manager takes pity
Briar is panicking because "nooOoOOoooo i was a dick to the pretty girl i have no chance now" and Evie is panicking because "omg i must have said something wrong oh god this dude hates me now i can never come back here"
they're so fucking stupid i love them
Evelyn avoids the grocery store for a while because she's absolutely MORTIFIED but her efforts all went to waste because Briar shows up at HER place of work
total accident btw because he was also completely mortified, but his sister is a regular there and recommended it to him
(it's his 3rd sister btw!! the 20ish one who likes bugs, she's probably the closest with Briar out of all 4 siblings)
Evie sees him come in and almost fucking explodes on the spot
Briar sees her behind the counter and goes through 25 stages of grief at once
it's right after lunch rush so they're basically alone safe for the old lady sitting in the corner and Makena in the back room
Briar wants to apologize but he just can't lol but he does manage to not be inncredibly rude again
it's like really fucking awkward i can't lie HAHAGDD
but when he goes to order he asks for Evie's recommendation and she's like :O so he doesn't hate me??
he actually sits down at the counter even though he finds it terrifying
and anyway he really likes the pastery she recommended him so he's like "wow these are rly good do you guys get them delivered or do you make them yourselves?"
and Evelyn fucking loses it because !!!! i made those!!!!!!!!! and she's just so happy and goes on a ramble about how she tried a new recipe and these are a bit of an experiment and oh she was just so scared nobody would like them
and then BRIAR is in his head all like "!!!! if i come here again!!! i get to talk to her AND eat delicious stuff she makes!!!!!!!!"
like he doesn't even care that it has no nutritional value for him lol
more silly shenanigans once they get closer/start dating
so much food omg he cooks for her and she bakes for him
words of affirmation is deffo a love language they share
Briar's is also gift giving and remember his family is loaded
Evie can't go into any store with him because the second she looks interested in something he already bought it
Evie is big on physical touch. ALWAYS holding hands. a billion forehead kisses. like thank god they don't go to the same school because they would make everybody SICK
they're both so impressed by the others powers
Evie makes something float and Briar loses his mind because WOW THSTS SO COOL!!!!
Briar and vampire speed. he's like a 10 year old trying to impress his crush in p.e. like "look how fast i can run!!!" it's very silly but Evelyn still claps for him
there's like a lake near them in the woods and Evie is like "hear me out what IF you throw me across all the way to the other side of the lake and then you run there and catch me can you do that??" and Briar's all like girl you are insane
but they do it anyway and it's Evie's favourite thing
Evie takes him to broom races and he almost died when he saw just how fast she actually flies on that fucking stick with no safety nets whatsoever
also takes him with her on some regular flights and he likes the view but the height is also scary. like he trusts her fully but GOD
Evie was devastated when she found out that vampires can't turn into bats
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permanentreverie · 2 months
as someone who reads a lot, do you have any advice for getting out a reading slump? i’m struggling over here 😭😭
ugh i HATE reading slumps!!! tbh what i try is a good reread, especially if it’s a book i haven’t read in forever (sometimes even years). what really helped my last slump was me buddy rereading aftg with @jeanmoreaux! i would suggest trying a buddy read, even if it’s something simply like 2 chapters a day! i found that with buddy reading, i had incentive to read since i wanted to talk about it with michelle.
other than buddy reading, i would also suggest sticking to short books! what i find with some slumps is that i just can’t commit to super long books, and short books (like >200 pages) is something i can easily finish in a couple hours. some poetry like the white book by han kang or on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong have gorgeous prose that made it super easy for me to read!
the best thing to get me out of a reading slump is just finding a book that is impossible to put down. of course, the secret is finding this kind of book when it’s a struggle to read. some 5-star books that i would suggest for you are society of the snow by pablo vierci, the cruel prince by holly black, a good girl’s guide to murder by holly jackson, and sadie by courtney summers!
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sudeinfantasyland · 3 months
Fuck Me, I literallyyy wanna become a Folk of the Air fan page , BUT! I wanna also post other characters and shit!
SMH, Holly Black literally screwed me with Jude & Cardan! Dx
IF I read the book , the first one when it came out— idek how 18 year old me would’ve reacted LMFAO!!
Jude was 17 & Cardan was 19! 🤣 I STILL can’t get over how I’m literally in the middle of the two! ;0
Note: I was gonna be 19 in May. But TCP came out Jan 2 ;’) I feel like I would’ve been hellll bent on making a lot of TFOTA shit hehehe~ I thiiiinnkk it might’ve stuck with me tho! 😀😀 (been a short lived fan page(s) once hehe… ^^;)
Ehh, I’ll keep to being Multifandom for now still hehe ;))
EDIT: forgot to add; the wayyyyy I was ALREADYYY into knives at that time and loved n stilllll do love Harley Quinn and bad bitches who’re made of fucking chaos … 😭 I forgot for a while that me & Jude are literally same as well!! (I fucking love daggers and pretty looking knives.. 😌🤍🤧)
I would love you if you gifted me a dagger heheheheheeh~ ;) (maybe a resin type n not too sharp for safety reasons 💀)
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amchara · 2 years
📖 (it took me way too long to find the emoji 😭)
Heh, I feel you- sometimes it's like you're scrolling through the emoji list forever to find the right one.
Okay- as a fellow Kierarktina fan, here's one that pops into my head quite often and that I daydream about.
It's a novella-length story set between The Dark Artifices and The Wicked Powers and switches between Mark, Cristina and Kieran's POV. It basically follows the three of them as they juggle life with their new relationship and understand their new respective places in the world.
Kieran, obviously, is coming to grips with being Unseelie King, and is learning how he wants to rule without resorting to the cruelty that his father resorted to- at the same time, the Unseelie Court has some rather unsavoury characters who are watching to see how Kieran proceeds. Additionally, there's hints from the Seelie Court that they're planning something (as hinted at in SOBH) and Kieran is also having to deal with the fact that the First Heir is apparently growing in his powers.
(there is a lot of faerie politics of the nasty kind because that is my jam, and also I have just come off reading Holly Black's TFOTA)
Mark's storyline is heavily intertwined with the Clave-in-exile and his new role at the Shadowhunter-Downworlder Alliance in New York. He's having to deal with life again as a Shadowhunter, while still dealing with the trauma around life in the Wild Hunt, and also with the unspoken prejudice that many nephilim still have around Downworlders. But he finds a lot of allies in the NY Downworld - Maia and Lily definitely (because they are also some of my favs) and at the NY Institute with Clary and Jace.
Cristina's storyline is a little hazier, which I kind of hate- but if I end up writing this ever (lol) she will get just as satisfying story as the two boys because I hate it when that's not the case for supposed 'love interests'. I feel like it involves her making peace with her family - because I feel that was an open storyline that never got resolved in TDA, and also, a lot of people underestimating her and her cutting them down (politically, physically) in a devastating way. :D
(Writing Ask Game)
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samalamm · 1 year
HIIIII I LOVED YOUR SEAMOON HCS SO MUCH!!!!!!! and I noticed you liked polyancients too so I was wondering if you can give me some polyancients hcs of all the ancients but mainly centered around golden cheese!! it's alright if you wanna do all of them btw I'm down for anything HAHAHAHAHAHHA anyways thank youuuu!!
gonna do all five of the ancients cause imjust that nice 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
pure vanilla
Half-Cakehound (has the ears and tail)
Incredibly affectionate. CUDDLES FOR DAYSSS
Has never snapped once in his life but has a lot of bottled up rage so don't press your luck too far
The shortest of the ancients, standing at 5'3"
Coincidentally the oldest of the ancients
Pretty much rules over everything (think of it like american systems, the ancients decide something and he has the final say-so over it and how far these laws go)
Beats his head with his fists when he's frustrated and kicks his feet (autism)
Gets distracted very easily (adhd)
Can't see without his staff, so he just walks around with it
Also declares he doesn't need it and runs into something two seconds later
Amazing patience and willpower
Actually can throw a pretty killer punch
That shit HURTS.
Kind enough to accept someone into his life, but kind enough to let them hurt others and get away with it.
Scarily high alcohol tolerance and beat Hollyberry in a drinking contest (never won again)
dark cacao
Very cold-hearted and rather cruel, but held in high regard for his wiseness.
Second tallest of the ancients but is also the youngest (L)
Has a huge staring problem that he plays off as observing.
Anger issues. BIG TIME.
Actually half dragon but nobody knows that yet
Constantly tired because he has to deal with the shitheads that are the ancients and their kin
Not very affectionate
Has been on the receiving end of a PV punch a few times when he was younger and would never do it again
Awful at sports
Often startled by pranks
Very low alcohol tolerance (double L)
Airheaded and dense
Tallest of the ancients and second youngest
Has escaped her guards several times and also helped the other ancients escape their guards
Makes a game out of getting on PVs nerves but has never gotten him to snap
Will never live him beating her in a drinking contest down
Aroace and pan
Also very affectionate but usually breaks a few bones of her friends and family giving them hugs
Usually a very lovey-dovey drunk (much to the displeasure of her friends)
white lily
Reclusive, yet kind
Second oldest ancient and a few inches taller than PV
Spends most of her time with Hollyberry and PV
Affectionate when she wants to be affectionate, but is very willing to accept affection
A very good cuddler
Often asleep in her room
Has a very soft singing voice that often puts her friends to sleep
Has a few strands of black and red hair from her time as D.E., as well as some mild vitiligo
Can change her form at will (D.E. is more of an alternate personality now, though she still exists)
Would absolutely worship the ground her friends walk on if she could
Mother of Herb and Clover with PV as the biological father
golden cheese
Cold and sarcastic, yet also down to earth and resourceful
Taller than PV, yet shorter than White Lily at the very middle in terms of age
Wears goggles when she flies to protect her eyes
Not super affectionate, but likes to be hugged and cuddled
Spoiled as fuck
Wears golden braces around her wrists and neck similar to the ones of African culture
Mother of Dark Choco, Roguefort, Earl Gray and Eclair, but favors Eclair over her other children
Complains about being bored every two seconds
Likes to give herself birdbaths in the bathtub
Can sleep almost anywhere
Queen of pranks
Can be very sweet if she wants to be, which isn't very often
poly ancients
They all cuddle Dark Cacao and Holly when they sleep, fight me about it
Watch movies together and talk the whole time (PV sometimes tells them to hush so he can hear what's going on in the movie)
Golden Cheese proceeds to talk twice as loud to annoy him (it works)
White Lily refuses to wake anyone but PV up with kisses, but will give affection to her other partners as an apology
PV is (probably) the favorite of the poly and he knows this, but doesn't brag
They all make breakfast together in the morning
If one of them is sick, the others will bring food and medicine to them while they're in quarantine
PV almost never gets sick, so sometimes he'll sit with the sick ancient and read or talk to them
If PV gets sick, the whole poly panics, because if he gets sick, the illness can be bad for him since he's not particularly good with his immune system
Give each other kisses RELIGIOUSLY
PV sometimes likes to give them kisses right after putting on lipstick so he can hear them fuss about makeup on their face (White Lily and Holly don't mind actually)
They all help PV with autism meltdowns via pressure therapy and kisses
When PV is angry, the other ancients just dip before he snaps (he never does)
Have very different music genera preferences so they always fight over the radio
Will bite each others head off if another eats all their snacks
Like to try each others region foods
Visit each other all the time
sorry i took so long to answer schools been kicking my ass but hi hello!! polyancients!!!
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explosionshark · 9 months
What have you been reading lately? Anything good? Getting into some spooky season reads perhaps?
Nooooo I haven't been reading this month really 😭😭😭 once I hit my book goal for the year I slowed down. So far I read a Just Okay romance novel and the audiobook for The Book of Night by Holly Black which was fun enough. Nostalgic - I read a lot of her YA books when I was a teenager.
For Spooky Season I'm planning to read Johnny Compton's The Spite House. I also have a collection of Halloween-themed short stories I've been sitting on since last year.
If you're looking for horror recs for October the best horror books I've read this year have been:
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquez
Piñata by Leopaldo Gout
Silver Nitrate by Sylvia Moreno-Garcia
We are Here to Hurt Each Other by Paula D. Ashe (BUT WATCH OUT!!! SERIOUSLY)
How to Sell A Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
Do u have any enemies to lovers book rec? :) hahaha
Book recs, my favourite thing ever🤭🤗
Making this list, I realised that I haven’t read many enemies to lovers stories bc I’m SO picky when it comes to them😭😫, but here we go:
when we talk about enemies to lovers, we cannot forget about the blueprint of every other enemies to lovers ever written. The classic. The legend: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Some say it might be overrated, but I don’t think so. Yes, the writing is… oh well, but it’s still a fantastic story👏🏼♥️
as most of my more recent reads have all been recommended by TikTok: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I’m putting this in because a lot of people LOVE it. I… liked it. I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy. I tried to get into it, but it’s just not my thing. It’s a cute story for someone who likes “softer” easy to read books🤗
(careful: smut, like… A LOT) a good enemies to lovers needs some smut in my opinion, so here we go: Something Like Hate by Harloe Rae. LISTEN. The cover: not it. Thank god I read it on my phone bc you would’ve never seen me with a cover like that out on the streets. It’s an office enemies to lovers, quite fast paced I’d say but still well-written. Cliché and classic but the smut is VERY good.
A book I finished two days ago and ABSOLUTELY LOVED: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas. Another TikTok recommendation, so I didn’t think I’d like it very much, but my god. Expectations TOPED. AARON BLACKFORD IS MY HUSBAND AND MINE ONLY ISTG, this man😫😫😫😫 The “enemies to lovers” wasn’t THAT noticeable tbh though… it was more of like… fake dating to lovers with the mc disliking him. BUT STILL HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
I don’t know how much “enemies to lovers” it was but my god: The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood BLEW MY MIND. I wish there were more smut scenes, but the rest of the book made up for it. Amazing. Show stopping. Phenomenal. A great book and I can’t wait to read more of Ali Hazelwood.
Books I got recommended that I’m now going to read next:
To Hate Adam Connor by Ella Maise
Stanton Adore by T.L. Swan
Dare To Love by Lylah James
Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood (IT COMES OUT IN AUGUST😫😫 I CAN’T WAIT)
I also REALLY want to read the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi but like I said I’m not really into Fantasy or Sci-Fi so idk😭 can anyone tell me just HOW much sci-fi it is?😓
For anyone else that has good enemies to lovers book recommendations, please send them to me through my inbox or comments!🤗♥️ thank youu
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i hate when authors do that :/ because i feel like it just creates another stereotype that if a woman is independent and strong, they’re automatically obnoxious, mean, and rude. i love them too!! especially when they’re written well and they’re complex. that’s why i love jude so much. i really appreciated holly black actually making her morally gray, and not trying to convince us she’s an angel (though she’s definitely the good guy compared to the antagonists). she’s so complex and i love that
i’ll definitely let you know when i read addie! i might put it on my may tbr list! <3
oooh YES OF COURSE!! thank you :’) <3 so i just finished the starless sea by erin morgenstern which i loved so so much. its magical realism, and the way it’s written is definitely different to a regular fantasy novel, but it truly is so beautiful oh my god. it took me a couple chapters to get into the flow of the book, but once i did i couldn’t put it down!! the writing is really gorgeous, it’s definitely “flowery” but not in a pretentious way, if that makes sense. and all the characters are so likeable and well-written, especially the mc (he’s one of my comfort characters now). there’s a bit of romance, but it’s mostly about exploring this secret underground world (?). some people say there’s no plot, which i suppose is true, but i couldnt care less bc to me, its better without being plot-driven. it’s really magical, and i’ve highlighted so many lines. its the perfect book for people who find solace and comfort in books and stories and different realities. also!! MAGICAL DOORS!! so many magical doors. this is my top recommendation!! ik for some people it didn’t vibe with them, which is okay, but id give it a chance bc it’s amazing <3
some other recs are the night circus (by the same author), which i really loved! it’s super magical, and there’s a forbidden love romance!
oooh also stardust by neil gaiman is amazing!!!! the film is great too!! it’s pretty short and it got me out of a slump!!
some other recs (and one i’m actually reading now bc it’s spring) is the wind in the willows by kenneth grahame. it’s such a cute story!! i’m pretty sure it’s a classic, and idk it’s just super cosy and comforting and perfect for spring <3
i HAVE to recommend spells for lost things by jenna evans welch, which is one of my favourite books ever. it’s a contemporary ya romance, but it’s so well-written and meaningful. there are some pretty deep themes regarding one character and imo, they were handled really well. the romance is so so sweet, and both characters are really likeable. idk how to explain it, other than it’s just whimsical, sweet, meaningful, and sometimes poetic <3
and my last recommendation is the king in the window by adam gopnik. this is a middle grade novel(?) but i feel like the writing is maybe 14+ ?? honestly idk how to explain it but it feels different than a regular middle grade book! it’s basically about a young boy who lives in paris, and finds out about this world that’s hidden in reflections (mainly windows though). the atmosphere is so magical!! i loved the setting as well, and i think it’s just a really lovely story overall <3
omg don’t even worry about it 😭<3333 pls it’s totally okay!! i hope you’re doing good 💓💓
yeah, exactly! a woman can be all sorts of things and be strong and independent at the same time. i agree, jude's awesome. although in my opinion, when it comes to morally gray, violent women, zoya nazyalensky rules. she's one of my favourite female characters of all the time. leigh bardugo wrote her so well!
i've read the starless sea last year and i loved it! it's probably one of the most unconventional fantasy books i've ever came across? everything about it is special and magical. the atmosphere is also so cozy and comforting. it's a perfect read for autumn and winter.
i've always wanted to read it! i think i'm actually going to download it today. i'm in a mood for young adult fantasy.
i've never read any neil gaiman book. i feel quite ashamed of that. i think this one will be good to start with.
i've just checked it and it looks so cute!
this sounds great! i'm adding it to my tbr. did this author write love & gelato? the name rings a bell, but i'm not completely sure.
wow, the plot sounds really interesting! i love books set in paris so i'm definitely going to read it.
thank you for the recommendations! they're all lovely! i'm doing well, i have a school break this week. how are you?
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394 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
i think the fact that cardan annotated one of his books for school is not talked about enough. hes such a bookworm and i love it so much
yes yes yes!!! this is kinda why i don't really vibe with the "Cardan is a himbo" take. like the man annotates his books and has been known to read voraciously to get what he wants. no part of that screams "head empty" to me.
of course, everyone is welcome to envision Cardan howsoever they please. and i think himbo!Cardan can certainly be a fun play on his character. it's all for the bantz, and i'm not mad at that.
but personally, i see Cardan as exceptionally intellectual. so intellectual, in fact, that it's really most of why he's so intimidating.
because here's the thing: he doesn't have much of a physical intimidation factor. he can't wield a sword or weapon of any kind. he hasn't learned to fight, not in the proper sense at least. the most he can do is like... flip a coin over his knuckles, steal the ring off your finger without you noticing, and demolish you in a fashion competition.
and i guess he can put you in a chokehold if you're rude to his queen lmfao.
he also could use magic to intimidate, if he wanted to. he could ensorcel mortals to get what he wanted, if he wanted to. but most of what we've seen of him using magic of any kind is to protect Jude, not scare/harm people.
i think the fact that Cardan has these magical capabilities, chooses not to use them, and still manages to get what he wants, is a very insidious kind of terrifying.
more often than not, words and knowledge are his weapons. he uses powers of observation and cleverness to his advantage. he notices things, and he's very clever about what he notices. he knows precisely how and when to press people's buttons, he has an acute social awareness, and that makes him potentially very dangerous (depending on which side of his graces you lie). especially in a world like Faerie where the great majority of people are socially inept.
just because he is in love in TWK and couldn't see that exiling Jude was not, in fact, a clever riddle and would, in fact, backfire miserably, doesn't mean he's not smart.
rather, this is what makes him so interesting! he's intelligent but not in the cold, insensitive sort of way we often see when a character is crowned with the "intelligent" trope. he clearly still has feelings and a wide breadth of emotion, and that may cause him to fuck up sometimes, but it doesn't cancel out his intelligence.
he's just not always particularly smart when it comes to Jude. but how can we fault him for that? we're all fools in love.
–Em 🖤🗡
more theories & analysis
666 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Jude waking up in Elfhame like
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677 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
cardan about jude:
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2,239 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
when brains r like "today i will not brain" my brother in christ you are a brain
55,434 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
5, 20 and 34 ♥️ For any OC you want, sorry brain tired 😭
For each of these, I'll choose the OC that I think has the most interesting answer. <3
(5) Do they have any tattoos? If so what are they and do they have any special meaning?
Holly Reed: Yes. Holly has two important ones.
The first is a set of black wings on her shoulder blades. This was partially inspired by the movie Black Swan and partially a way of Holly reclaiming her freedom when she left her oppressive mother behind.
The other is the words "Viva la Vida" on her ribs. It's a reference to her enduring despite her pain (inspired by the final painting by Frida Kahlo). It's also the song that she won an award for singing when she was a teenager.
(20) Do they have a strong connection to their culture?
Jun: Yes and no. She's from the Waterfall village, and up until she was made a jinchuriki, she loved her village and was proud to be from it. Once Chomei was sealed inside her and she understood the gravity of not only her situation, but also Fuu's (her former best friend), she thoroughly renounced her village and became a rogue ninja.
(34) How well do they deal with grief?
Aki Kamiya: The short answer is…not well.
Aki's entire self is built around the promise of tomorrow. That things will get better, if only she keeps going, if she keeps trying. When that gets ripped away from her, especially if it comes from death, she loses it completely.
Y'all are gonna see this very soon, as a matter of fact… <3
Thanks for the asks, Silver! <3
Ask me about my OCs
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