#hollyberry is engaged
lilacthebooklover · 8 months
"i'd eat clotted cream anyway, even though i don't like cream. he deserves it."
dragging @charismabee into the cookie run fandom is simultaneously the best and worst thing i've ever done. we're currently in the midst of a bad end au where the fallen heroes win, it's both ridiculous and angsty as heck, and we've somehow managed to cover so much of the lore and characters in the span of around three hours. earthbread's split into five: the pink sugar kingdom, fire fire everywhere, the silent library, nothing church, and the gilded cafe (as unlikely as it sounds, lava land is probably the most appealing to live in, especially if you aren't pink)
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cuppajj · 1 month
Okay so from what I remember you said Scovilia works with Dragonberry Cookie and like do the students engage in what she does? Or are they in the background just waitin? Also since Capsaicin is like the strongest of the school (?) does he work with her or just hang out with her frequently/ how is their relationship(friend) together??
Btw i know most if my asks are about the schools but I just love them sm
Scovilia working with the Hollyberry Kingdom is definitely a nice way to put it… I can’t say much about the students rn but Capsaicin, as Scovilia’s strongest, definitely has Dragonberry’s interest. As with many other strong warriors and fighters across her domain and indeed Earthbread, there’s a special place for him in the coliseum.
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
Some Cookie run vore headcanons
I literally have nothing to offer and I'm BORED.
Dark cacao cookie is a protective pred, a solemn one that would gobble you up in times of danger, and wouldn't actually comfort you with his words, he would instead have his innards comfort you until he can get both you and himself to safety, THEN he would comfort you.
Pure Vanilla Cookie reads as prey to me, he gives that vibe, he might act as a gentle pred sometimes but would literally never even handle the idea of unwilling prey.
He lets himself get eaten by the other ancients quite often, acting as comfort food for them, esp Dark Cacao.
Hollyberry Cookie is a Gentle yet teasing pred, she would make a joke on how good you would taste just to get a reaction out of you, but would actually be as sweet as possible as soon as you show real distress.
Golden cheese cookie is a bastard pred,she would relish in your suffering and tears (but won't actually digest you because she is still a good guy)
White lily has permanent vorephobia, she does not engage with that stuff
Espresso Cookie is 100000% a switch, he is extremely edible but the idea of him being a pred delights me as well.
(This post was longer but it got clipped in half so have these for now)
(Feel free to ask me about any cookie)
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saturnns-star · 7 months
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“Dearest Royal Margarine and to whomever it must concern,
I’d like to discuss the letters you’ve been sending me as of late, why I appreciate the sentiment and your charming words I’m afraid I cannot reciprocate such foolish feelings. I am a scholar and have no time for romantic engagements. I’ve discussed this with Queen Hollyberry and we have been rather lenient, though if these letters continue to block up my mail then it will become a legal issue under harassment.
Plenty of sentiment, Lingonberry Marmalade.”
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faemytho · 1 year
Maybe some fun found family stuff with pitaya and snapdragon?
sorry gonna put holly in there too lol
it/its snapdragon, snapdragon lore headcanons, dragontongue headcanons (i made up a few words + language rules), hollytaya if you squint really hard. this got a little bit emotional instead of silly, my bad. hope you enjoy it anyways!
"What are you staring at me for?" Pitaya Dragon Cookie asked, ignoring the tiny dragon climbing on their head.
They had parted from Royal Margarine and Tarte Tatin upon reaching Dragon City. With their agreement to help in the upcoming war, Pitaya was following Hollyberry and Wildberry back to the Hollyberry Kingdom. She really hadn't expected to return with one dragon, let alone two.
"Nothing, I just- I never took you for the parental type," Hollyberry finally said, watching Pitaya scramble to catch Snapdragon when it fell, babbling happily.
"Parental type? Is that some kind of cookie concept I don't know about?" Pitaya asked, but they apparently weren't really looking for an answer as they turned their attention down to the dragonet in their arms. It babbled something in dragontongue, and they responded in dragontongue as well, the words clearly gleeful despite her inability to understand them.
"Yes," Hollyberry said awkwardly, turning her gaze to Wildberry. He gave her an impassive look, but she was good at reading the little twitches of expression in his face. She dug this hole for herself, he was saying, don't drag him into it.
Snapdragon babbled behind her, and Pitaya laughed.
"Parenting is when an older cookie, or more, takes care of a younger cookie with the intention of helping them grow up into an older cookie," Hollyberry explained, awkward and stilted, and realized she hadn't really been a very good parent herself. "With how well you're getting along with that little fella, we'd call cookies like that the parenting type."
"Well, there's only one problem with that," Pitaya said, finally looking up at Hollyberry. The depths of their eyes would never cease to astound her. "Neither of us are cookies, and Snapdragon and I are around the same age."
"Bwuh- huh?" Hollyberry said, elegantly. Even Wildberry looked confused, as much as he was attempting to avoid engaging in the conversation. "But it- How? Didn't it just hatch?"
"That's also two problems," Wildberry muttered, and was promptly ignored.
Snapdragon babbled again, little paws batting at a lock of Pitaya's hair draped over their shoulder from the rest of their mane. Pitaya shrugged, and let the little dragon do what it liked. "Yes," they answered Hollyberry, "it did. But it has been conscious for... about as long as I have existed. Its egg was laid in ancient times, back when I was still a little dragon myself!"
"Daond ahor?" Snapdragon asked, blinking up at the other dragon as cutely as it could manage. Pitaya laughed.
"Needy little thing," they cooed, petting Snapdragon's head. The little dragon babbled happily at the attention.
Hollyberry was still reeling, but if she didn't think about it too hard, she could somewhat wrap her head around it. "I still think it counts," she said, gazing at the two dragons. "Even if it is near in age to you, it still just hatched, and it certainly still needs guidance. You could be its parent."
"Eghk," Pitaya voiced their discomfort, looking down at Snapdragon. They held the little dragon away from themself, giving it a scrutinizing look. "Cookie family. What do you think?"
"Clann!" it shouted, dissolving into a fit of giggles. Curiously, the look of disgust had faded from Pitaya's face, replaced by something indescribably soft.
"Okay," Pitaya said softly. Hollyberry resisted the urge to double-take; she'd never heard them speak so quietly before, and they continued speaking in a murmur. "T'ihn clann wyit, tilt'hend."
Snapdragon squealed. "Tilt'hend!"
The Berry Forest came into view, but they didn't continue their conversation until they'd returned to the Hollyberry Kingdom. News of their victories had already spread, and they were greeted back as heroes, even with Pitaya among them. Immediately, there was a grand celebration; Hollyberrians were nothing if not expert party planners.
The night approached quickly, and they gradually retired from the celebration. As the Queen Mother of the realm, Hollyberry had a room set aside for her draconic guests. This didn't happen to matter much to Pitaya however, as they let themself into her chambers and threw their entire weight onto her bed with a groan in the early hours of the morning.
"Finally," they complained, laying face down. Hollyberry promptly set aside her book and glass of wine. "I just convinced Snapdragon to try to sleep. It's been in that egg for so long it didn't want to, and with all the excitement, it was so wound up..."
"Parenting troubles?" Hollyberry teased in amusement. Pitaya gave another groan, pulling themself up slightly to rest their face on their arms.
"Yes-" they started to complain again, but stopped short. Lifting their head a bit more, they fixed her with a slit-eyed glare. "Clann is not 'parenting troubles'."
Hollyberry laughed. "Seems a lot like it to me."
Pitaya rolled their eyes, muttering. "Of course, as a cookie, you wouldn't understand. Clann is like... a pack bond. To use cookie terms, it's a family you choose, where all within it are valued as equal, whether partner or blood or neither."
"Snapdragon asked you to be clan," Hollyberry realized, trying her best approximation of the dragontongue word. Pitaya nodded with a shrug.
"Yes, it did. Snapdragon is..." Pitaya trailed off, seemingly realizing something. They sat up now, wings flapping slightly in their scramble. "Dammit Hollyberry, this is parenting troubles!"
She laughed at them. She couldn't help it, and their distraught expression only made her laugh more.
"What are you laughing for?" they demanded, a slightly desperate look on their face. "Stop that, this is serious! I've never had a child before!"
"Oh, I'm sorry my friend," Hollyberry said through snorts of laughter, "I'm afraid I'm just finding all of this quite amusing."
"You've had children, right?" Pitaya asked, and the wisps of lingering desperation in their tone nearly set her off again. She managed to calm herself. The dragon cookie perched at the foot of her bed looked so genuine.
"Yes. Only one though," she answered, her laughter fading away. As she thought about her son, her smile fell away as well. She really hadn't been a very good parent to her son at all. It was one of the things in her past that she regretted the most. "Truth be told, I wasn't very good at the whole parenting thing. I'm afraid I won't be of much help if you're looking to ask me for advice."
Pitaya deflated, slumping back down on the bed and stretching out like a cat. "Ugh," they muttered, "I just don't want to mess this up. Snapdragon's been unhatched for so long and I've been without clann for so long-"
"Hey, none of that now," Hollyberry admonished them, her voice soft despite that. "You're the Greenish-Red dragon! Besides that, I can tell you already care a lot about it. So long as it knows you care, and keep caring about it, I think that's all you need. I wasn't very good about either of those things with my son, and its something I regret quite a bit."
Pitaya gave her a scrutinizing look. She met their gaze, unflinching at the depth of their slit-pupils and the black of their sclera. After a long moment, they sighed, and rolled themself off her bed.
"I'd better go check on it," they muttered, but they sounded better now. Less desperate.
"Have a good night, Pitaya," Hollyberry called after them, watching as they paused at the door.
"I never said this," Pitaya said, their hand on the doorknob and not turning around, "but thank you, Hollyberry. I feel better about Snapdragon, now."
"You're quite welcome," she responded with a smile. Pitaya huffed out a laugh, turned the knob, and left her chambers.
She had no doubt they would be good for the little rascal.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 years
aight like 5 people requested it and that’s good enough for me
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Wildchip headcanon dump
- Wildberry is 28 and Crunchy Chip is 26.
- Both of them are gay - Wildberry is biromantic and Crunchy Chip is demiromantic.
- The two started developing feelings for each other on Day 3 of Chapter 2, and got together in between Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. (Despite contradicting canon, when writing fanfic for the Odyssey storyline, especially in relation to Wildchip, I prefer to extend the timeline to take place over about two or three months instead of just a week and a half or so, since I don't really like the instalove trope.) They didn't really know if the relationship was actually going to be a permanent thing or just something to keep their minds off all the batshit insanity going on around them (but either way they were doing a very shitty job of hiding it during Chapter 3), but they made it official after leaving the Republic.
- Crunchy Chip was initially kind of terrified at the prospect of developing feelings for Wildberry, A. because he was Wildberry, Mr. Stick-in-the-mud Hollyberrian and B. because while there isn't any technical oath of abstinence that Dark Cacaoian warriors have to make, it's still kind of assumed that if you're a soldier you're not going to get into a relationship for the sake of not distracting yourself. Basically just Crunchy Chip's sweets dilemma all over again, and also as with Crunchy Chip's sweets dilemma Dark Cacao's response was basically just 'dude idgaf as long as it isn't a distraction you do you son'
- They both send daily letters to each other, which they each tend to write after both of their work days are over. Wildberry is better at expressing affection through the letters than in person, and they tend to be sappy as hell - he also attaches a flower from his garden in each letter. Chip's ones are mainly filled with horny socially awkward nonsense but Wildberry finds them endearing nonetheless.
- They try to visit each other once a month, though it's usually Chip visiting the Hollyberry Kingdom since the transportation is more convenient. 
- They go on garden dates!! 
- Wildberry's into gardening and painting so when he's comfortable enough he sometimes (in his trademark deadpan manner, of course) starts geeking out about different types of flowers and painting methods he uses and Crunchy Chip doesn't understand a single word but is still like 'I'm gonna marry the shit out of this man'.
- Crunchy Chip sometimes attends the parties that Wildberry serves at and sticks to him like a magnet, and whenever a guest asks why there's a weirdo with a wolf clinging to him and growling at everyone Wildberry just goes 'oh this is my boyfriend, don't mind him' 'what'
- Crunchy Chip's Cream Wolves grow to trust Wildberry a lot, and Wildberry sometimes helps Chip out with taking care of the pack. 
- When Wildberry's staying over at the Dark Cacao Kingdom he and Crunchy Chip usually go camping together. Crunchy Chip basically acts as Wildberry's personal tour guide for the Dark Cacaoian wilderness and always gets super excited about showing him around.
- The herring jelly pie is kind of Their Personal Couple Thing™ that they like to reminisce about sometimes because of how silly the entire situation at the marketplace was and how it brought them closer together.
- Wildberry and Caramel Arrow actually hit it off pretty well and become rather good friends. Crunchy Chip just kind of thinks Royalberry is a weirdo (which Royalberry is oblivious to), though there's not really any animosity towards them.
- Crunchy Chip grows to really like Hollyberry and they sometimes get into drinking competitions when he's staying over (of course, much to Wildberry’s chagrin). On the flipside, while he certainly doesn't show it, Wildberry is kind of scared shitless of Dark Cacao.
- They get engaged after about a year of being together and get married a couple months later - they start living together and do a 50/50 split between living in the Hollyberry Kingdom for one half of the year and the Dark Cacao Kingdom for the other half.
idk man I just think they're neat
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lilacartsmadsion · 2 years
Proobably his kingdom when they try to talk him out of it
Golden Cheese: Well…looks like I wasn’t such a hypocrite after all…
Hollyberry: Gold!
Golden Cheese: What? Just spitting facts…
Pure Vanilla: Dark Cacao…what is this? Your soldiers are preparing for war…
Dark Cacao: There’s going to be a war…if the Vanilla Kingdom was unable to fend for itself despite its technological advances and magical capabilities, then brute strength will do…
Hollyberry: Dark Cacao, this is suicide! You’re going into enemy territory! And may I remind you it’s not good territory-!
Dark Cacao: My soldiers have already dealt with its forces for over decades, and years of that experience, we will be able to deal with their forces, Dark Choco knows the operations from inside and out. The Guild has enough cookies to engage in combat against Dark Enchantress’ forces and above all…The Dragons of the North and South have agreed to fight her wicked ways.
Dark Cacao: We shall take down Dark Enchantress Cookie, and show her the might of the Dark Cacao Kingdom!
Golden Cheese: Have you gone mental? Even I wouldn’t be able to do this!
Dark Cacao: Do not compare me to you traitor
Pure Vanilla: Dark Cacao please…the more you accept the curse’s fate the more darker you become!
Pure Vanilla: Please…let’s not do this!
Dark Cacao: Not everyone is the same Pure Vanilla Cookie…
Dark Cacao: That’s what you always said…we’re all friends, we shouldn’t do this, or that…not anymore…
Dark Cacao: I shall end this nightmare once and for all!
Dark Cacao begins to turn away from them.
Golden Cheese: Now you’re turning away from us! How much of a traitor are you now?!
Dark Cacao:…
Dark Cacao: I can’t have betrayed you…if we no longer associate with each other…
Golden Chesse: ?!
Pure Vanilla: !!
Golden Cheese: OH! I’VE HAD IT!
Golden Cheese strikes at Dark Cacao.
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rosewendybros · 4 months
Mario and Luigi: OvenBreak Adventure
Chapter 7: To a New Adventure!
Meanwhile, back at the tent in the Cookie Kingdom, Wizard Cookie was giving two plumbers (you-know-who!) information on what was going on.
“So, Mario and Luigi, about that Warp Pipe I created to warp you guys here...” he asked them.
“Yes?” Mario asked. “Well, I may have appeared to have made a big mistake while doing so...” he regretted. “And why?” Luigi asked. “Well, you’re not going to like what I accidentally did...” Wizard Cookie said sheepishly. “I may have pulled in your main adversary: Bowser, King of the Koopas...” “WHAT?!” Mario snapped in disbelief. “HOW COULD-A YOU?!” “Look, it was an accident, okay?” Wizard Cookie said. “I didn’t realize that he’d be pulled in too!” Despite Wizard Cookie’s apology, Mario looked cross-eyed at Wizard Cookie, and he looked as if he wanted to throw punch him. GingerBrave saw this, however, and said, “Guys, guys, please!” before separating them. “Mario, I know what Wizard Cookie did was wrong, but you have to understand, what he did wrong was an accident!” “*sigh* Fine...” Mario calmed down. “I mean, to be honest, it could have been worse.” Luigi said. “And THAT’S the problem, it IS worse!” Wizard Cookie said. Mario, Luigi, and GingerBrave gulped. “You see, according to a report from Prophet Cookie, we have some terrible news.” “What is it?” Mario said. “The bad news is that... well... your main adversary, Bowser... he’s aligned with... *whisper* Dark Enchantress Cookie.” “Dark Enchantress who?” Mario asked. “She is the queen of the Darkness and wants nothing but to rid Earthbread of all Cookies... she recently made an alliance with your enemy!” “What does this mean?” Luigi asked. “Our kingdom is in terrible danger...” Wizard Cookie said. “The Cookies of Darkness took back what we got back, the Ancient Cookies are trapped once AGAIN, and Dark Enchantress Cookie became more powerful than ever, so powerful that, not even us alone can stop her, so that’s why we need you guys.” “Excuse me, but who are the Ancient Cookies?” Luigi asked. “The Ancient Cookies are five powerful cookies who have ruled their rightful kingdoms. Let me briefly list them, so you guys know. *ahem* “
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie
Hollyberry Cookie
Golden Cheese Cookie
And White Lily Cookie
“Ooh...” Luigi said. “That’s a lot.” “I know.” Wizard Cookie said. “It is a lot.” “We are so doomed...” Luigi said. “Don’t wallow like that, bro!” Mario snapped, before turning to Wizard Cookie. “Don’t worry, we’ll deal with this ‘Dark Enchantress Cookie’, and the Darkness.” “Thank you, Mario.” Wizard Cookie said. “However, not even four of us is enough to defeat her alone. You’ll need some allies along your journey.” “Allies?” Mario asked. “D-does that mean I have to go?” a shy, timid voice came from behind Wizard Cookie. “Of course, you gotta go!” a broad, more engaging voice came. “What are we? Cookies, or just flour?” “BAH! Too much yadida-yadida! I’m only coming for the treasures!” a snappy, more aggressive voice came. “Excuse me, who are those three?” Mario asked. “Oh, I’m very glad you asked!” Wizard Cookie said, before stepping aside to reveal three figures. One was short, wore a pink hoodie, and had a colossal lollipop on her back. The second had creamy skin, custard hair, a royal outfit, and a crown. The third had reddish chili skin, red hot hair with flakes, a brown thief vest, and a red bandana around her neck. Wizard Cookie walked to the first one in the pink hoodie. “This is Strawberry Cookie.” He spoke. “She’s very shy and sensitive, so be careful. She’s in our defense spot.” “H-hi guys.” Strawberry Cookie said, shyly. “Hello.” Luigi said. Wizard Cookie moved to the next one. “Greetings! I’m King Custard Cookie III, ruler of the Cookie Kingdom!” the second one said. “We don’t really have a king, by the way.” GingerBrave corrected. “HEY!” King Custard Cookie heard him.
“Sorry...” GingerBrave apologized.
“Moving on...” Wizard Cookie moved on to the third.
“What do you want?” the third figure snapped.
“Now, now, please be polite. We have company here.” Wizard Cookie said.
“Pfft! Who asked?” the figure said rudely.
“Please excuse me, this is Chili Pepper Cookie, she’s very rude.”
“Who are you calling rude?!” Chili Pepper Cookie blasted.
“Sorry...” Wizard Cookie said.
“That’s more like it.” Chili Pepper Cookie said in a sotto voice.
“As you can see,” Wizard Cookie said. “All four of us have agreed to align with you guys, so we can finally undo this mistake, and defeat Bowser and Dark Enchantress Cookie once and for all!”
“Perfect.” Mario said.
“But what about Princess Peach?!” Luigi said.
“Oh, Luigi,” Wizard Cookie said. “She’s safe here.”
“Where is she?” Mario asked.
“She’s right here.” Wizard Cookie stepped aside to reveal the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom.
“Mario!” Peach welcomed.
“PEACH!” Mario embraced her. “Oh, thank goodness you’re okay!”
“Heh heh.” Peach giggled.
“You stay here with the folks in the kingdom,” said Wizard Cookie. “Me, GingerBrave, and Strawberry Cookie will go with the Mario Bros. to take down Bowser and that mistress of evil.”
“Got it!” Peach said.
“Don’t forget about us!” King Custard Cookie III said.
“And ME!” Chili Pepper Cookie said.
“We all ready?” Luigi said.
“READY!” Everyone said.
“Let’s-a go!” Mario said.
“Oki-doki!” Luigi shouted.
“For the Cookie Kingdom and the biggest fight of our lives!” GingerBrave said.
And soon, a new adventure had begun, with Mario and Luigi, and a cookie brave for adventure, friends they’d make on the way, and face fearsome foes on the way, all to stop a diabolical turtle, and a mistress of darkness.
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azlrse · 3 years
Okay but hear me out: hollyberry and dark cacao with an s/o who's very soft-hearted and sweet, like they couldn't hurt a fly, but then actually go into battle and oh, they're powerful to a terrifying degree-
It was 10:50 at night when i wrote this so I hope it makes enough sense 😅
Sweet Yet Vicious (Dark Cacao Cookie/Hollyberry Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader hcs)
CW: none, just fluff!
A/N: been burned out lately but hyperfixated towards the ancients all the time. Sorry if this one sucked a bit 😅
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Dark Cacao Cookie 🗡️
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Before Dark Cacao Cookie got in a relationship with you, he was a bit confused at first on why you were so nice to the others. He didn't get the concept of your personality that despite growing up from an environment where laughter and happiness doesn't even exist here, you were a soft-hearted and very sweet cookie.
But on the right hand, the king has gotten used to embrace your unique personality and was one of the many reasons why he really liked you. You are his sun and light, a polar opposite of him who melted his tough exterior behind closed doors.
Your boyfriend of a king didn't show much PDA during his reign during the day so it's up to you to show him simple bits of pieces of affection like holding his hand or saying encouraging words whenever he felt pressured during his kingly duty.
Imagine his shock when he caught you swinging a sword towards the dummy. Dark Cacao didn't know that his significant other knows on how to fight and was fascinated on each turn and swing you take, unknowingly that the king was watching your every move.
He doesn't tell you that he saw you fight in order for you not to feel embarrassed but also in respect. It must be you who must told him that you had experience when it comes to martial arts.
During your second date with your boyfriend, the both of you were ambushed by wolves and other predators that lurked within the village. Dark Cacao was about to give you orders to not engage in battle but you managed to bring a spare sword underneath the thick robe you wore.
You fought fiercely and shouted as you fought the wolves in spite. "Get your filthy paws off of my boyfriend! Or I'll stab your remains and throw it on the licorice sea!"
Overall, upon seeing this other side of his lover, he never thought he could fell deeply in love with you. You are definitely fitting to be the king's lover.
Hollyberry Cookie 💝
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Being a cookie whose personality was almost identical as the ancient herself, you are on a ride to a relationship full of sweetness and fluff.
You are the type of cookie who would constantly brings her bouquet of flowers every time you visited her palace while Hollyberry Cookie would give you barrels of berry juice as a way to repay all of the expensive flowers you gave her. Hell, she even nags the royal gardener to plant all the flowers you gave to her and kept it as one of her most precious memorabilia.
The both of you would constantly show each other off to other cookies, from your friends to your immediate family members. Same goes for Hollyberry Cookie, she would talk all about you to the other ancients and to her own family.
"Have you seen my girlfriend?! I wish I could be strong just like her! I still remembered the time she won that berry juice drinking contest and gave me a kiss on the lips! I just loved her so much!!"
"Reader Cookie is definitely the best lover I could ever asked for! Look all of the flowers at the garden! The beauty that surrounded the palace gardens was just the same as my loving Reader Cookie!"
The time when she knew that your love for fighting and adventure shows up is when the two of you went to Cranberry Forest in search for one of the rarest berries had ever existed on her kingdom. You are so excited upon finding this berry that you almost slipped up here and there but luckily, your girlfriend was there to catch you from the mud slips.
Suddenly, a vicious tiger was running towards the both of you leaving no choice but to run. Your girlfriend refuses to run away in order to protect you. As she wields her shield, the tiger suddenly went limp as a huge branch was landed on its head.
Hollyberry Cookie was a bit stunted but realizes that you are the one who saved her, screaming a 'Shoo! Leave me and my girlfriend alone! Now shoo!!"
After you and your girlfriend successfully (and excitedly) find the rarest berry from the forest, you enjoyed it with an ice cold glass of juice while your girlfriend constantly teased you affectionately about your opposite personality.
Hollyberry Cookie loved that side of you, so she invited you another date but this time, to travel to all 4 corners of Earthbread. Or perhaps, she just wants this side of you more often...
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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emo-firespirit · 3 years
purecacao is honestly so weird as a crk ship because it’s like. it’s fine, I guess, in theory. it’s cute, I suppose, if you wanted to make it work. the art people make of it is neat (sometimes). but the level of popularity it has as something a large collective of people have put time and effort into when pv and cacao have literally never been shown in canon speaking is indicative of a larger problem within the cr fandom. a problem which is that people can and will ignore women and wlw as hard as they physically can to ship two men who have never spoken together. and that’s not even mentioning the barrage of other issues present as to how people portray cacao and pv
it was just...bound to happen. pv is shorter, more feminine, and lighter (although he is not white). cacao is taller, black, and also much more masculine. do I even need to explain how fetishized a ship like this is gonna be become in the larger conscious fanon? not only is pv already sexualized to hell and back for being a gnc man as is, we also have to pile the way people hypersexualize cacao in relation to him and I’m so sick of tired of seeing purecacao art that does this kind of shit.
the cr fandom is already hideously racist enough as it is and also notorious for trying to pretend the devs don’t have a long history of the same issues, of villainizing their dark skinned characters, of rampant orientalism and just overall shittiness. I’ve seen so much stupidly disgusting art of these two on twitter and tumblr, where so many fans insistent on portraying cacao as domineering, almost aggressive and suave. you know who you are, people who only talk about cacao in hypersexualized terms and call him d/lf and act like pv is his personal toy. do you know who the fuck you’re talking about? mr. “I don’t know how to laugh”, the guy who would rather isolate himself than deal with his problems, the guy who has depression and literally lives off the principle that wanton destruction is dishonorable and a blasphemy to the cause to protect others?
(none of this is even taking into account the way people portray pure vanilla when they do whitewash him—it’s pretty obvious yall wanna indulge in some white savior fantasies when you do that)
if we’re going solely off theoretical ideas as to why the ancients would be compatible, hollyberry is a far more acceptable symbolic pair for cacao than pv is. she has kids, she suffers from the same flavor of moral hang ups as he does (she was also ensnared by the burdens of family and desired to escape such things, only to realize in the end that she needed to take up her mantle again and that she was overall worthy of doing so) and she also has like. A rivalry with a dragon? like c’mon, you can’t deny how funny it’d be for pitaya to whine to hb about how cacao refuses to engage with them and their dumb stupid dragon desires of being hit in the head by a really Large weapon. like he’s tired of dragons. if pitaya was a real threat he would have killed them already
that’s not even mentioning another reason why so many people ship purecacao besides what I already said here—so many of you hate white lily and have the most misogynistic takes on her character (insisting she’s abusive, manipulating pure vanilla, etc.), or just, like, refuse to engage with female characters in media because they get in the way of your precious yaoi mlm gay ships. like I’m sorry, she’s not evil, she’s a victim of circumstance at best and a morally grey person who killed a few headmasters at worst. cacao has arguably caused more harm to others than she has because he’s been letting his entire kingdom starve and has been neglecting those who have trusted him to protect them (but that’s a post for another day, but it’s not like cacao isn’t a deeply sympathetic character otherwise. it’d be untrue to say the story is not set on making him out to be a good person). you just want an excuse to demonize a female character for doing what the male characters have always been doing and you’re not being slick about it! (This is specifically aimed at the not insignificant number of people who want to or have tried to write white lily out of the story and give cacao her role. like, I’m sorry but none of the ancients hate white lily, pure vanilla doesn’t hate white lily and cacao sure as hell does not hate white lily. stop trying to pretend that this is the case)
(and yes, I’m aware cacao is black and white lily is. well, lol, white. my point here isn’t on how the fandom treats white lily vs how they treat cacao outside of shipping dynamics, it’s on how (mostly nonblack, mostly fujo) misogynistic weirdos will go out of their way to ignore her to fetishize the fuck out of cacao. just because cacao is being shipped with another man of color does not mean he is being treated well by the people doing so—don’t try to fucking argue that lmao, fetishization is not representation. there’s another conversation to be had on the status of ships with black characters in cr but that’s not what this post is about.)
it’s just. yall, I’m tired. I’m tired of this fandom and your consistent and persistent ignorance of wlw. im tired of y’all pretending women shouldn’t exist if you don’t like them, im tired of your racist bullshit and I’m tired of decent ideas like two old men being in love being twisted into something in furtherance of fetishizing mlm, black men, and feminine gnc men. im tired of how much you all hate women and refuse to make content for them or even acknowledge them as complex people worthy of the same introspective dissection and character depth as the fanon personalities you’ve made up in your minds for your favorite male characters. it’s pretty obvious why pv x cacao is the premiere ancient ship that involves two characters who haven’t talked to each as compared to, say, golden cheese x hollyberry, you know?
this isn’t a post on why I hate purecacao or think it’s a bad ship btw, because I know there’s gonna be people who will not read this entire thing and pretend like I hate the ship when I dont. I don’t want this to be seen as such, I just want to finally get this off my chest. I just want to finally get off my chest the feelings I have on the hideous amounts of racism and misogyny present in one of the most popular crk ships, which is only growing more and more popular with the recent update.
so like? if you ship purecacao, fine. more power to you. congrats. but maybe ask examine yourself (especially if you’re white and/or male aligned) how you are most likely being influenced to produce subtly racist content, and how your discussion (or lack thereof) of the women in cr is most likely indicative of the fact you have misogyny to work out.
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cluescorner · 3 years
Polyancient considerations in canon
Cute ship. I enjoy. There’s a lot of sweetness potential here, but OH MY GOD THE COMEDY POTENTIAL. 
- Dark Cacao and Hollyberry bonding over their respective dragons, but Holly is very engaged in her rivalry with Pitaya while Dark Cacao just wants his dragons to fuck off. So one day they swap dragons and Holly messes around with the Twin Dragons for a while. Whenever she shows up at Cacao’s Kingdom afterwards, the twin dragons always get super excited. 
- Golden Cheese and White Lilly work together to create a golden flower. It ends badly but they have fun with it and the final product (a flower that’s so heavy only Dark Cacao and Holly can carry it) was placed in a secret alcove in Lilly’s Garden. 
- They all actually went to the Academy together! This was actually how Golden Cheese and Cacao met, since they were both total jocks (just with completely different vibes). 
- They have board-game nights. Pure Vanilla uses this opportunity to be a bastard man, Golden Cheese + Dark Cacao get VERY competitive, Holly turns everything into a drinking game, and Lilly is very bad at most games but somehow always wins at Risk. 
- They fit into the 5 love languages. Pure Vanilla most enjoys words of affirmation (thus his partners weave compliments into nearly every pet-name for him), Hollyberry loves physical affection (weekly ‘Holly Cuddle Piles’ become a tradition that even stoic Cacao goes along with), Cacao desires acts of service (feeling most loved as his fellow Ancients take over the menial tasks of kingship that they know he hates), Golden Cheese loves to receive gifts (she almost cried when her lovers handmade jewelry for her wings), and Lilly enjoys spending quality time (the garden grew immense with how much time everyone spent there with her). 
- Assuming White Lilly = Dark Enchantress, Dark Enchantress Cookie won the custody battle over Dark Choco and she taunts all the other Ancients with it. He’s just her son now, she lost the battle for Royal Berry Cookie so goddamnit she’s going to flaunt her singular victory with everything she’s got. A Sneak Peek into Chapter 14 that’s totally real because Devsis told me it was: “FUCK YOU CACAO HE’S MY SON NOW!” “HE WAS ALWAYS YOUR SON!” “WELL NOW HE’S MY SON AND ONLY MY SON, I’LL TAKE YOU TO COOKIE COURT OVER THIS!”
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I heard you wanted White Lily requests and I came to serve 🤍 So how about some White Lily marriage head canons 🤔❓
you have saved me. i am so happy. i also will be basing these off of catholic / western weddings, i hope that’s ok with you !
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white lily marriage headcanons !!! <3
you and white lily had been together for a while now.
since she didn’t have a kingdom of her own like the other ancients, you two lived in a small cabin in the woods.
white lily was deeply in love with you, and you were with her & she felt it was time to ask you that life changing question.
first she needed your family & friends approval. she sent them in depth letters talking about how she was in love with you & wanted to marry you, and needed their approval.
when she got letters back from everyone stating their acceptance, she was so happy !! step one of the plan was completed.
next was to find a ring. you two took a visit hollyberry ! while hollyberry was showing you two her royal garden, white lily told you & her great friend that she had some ‘urgent business’ (getting your ring !!!)
so she left you & hollyberry to continue the tour while she went to the hollyberry kingdom’s best jeweller and asked for an engagement ring with a gemstone of your favourite colour.
she picked one which she knew you would adore, paid for it & walked back up to the castle.
step two was finished !!
about two weeks after your trip to the kingdom of romance & festivals, pure vanilla sent all the ancients (including white lily & yourself) a letter inviting all of them to the vanilla kingdom, as it was spring time, when the flowers first start blooming.
you remarked to yourself how it was quite strange to go on a trip to two different kingdoms in the span of two weeks, but your girlfriend accepted it without hesitation and urged you to start packing.
what was really going on was that white lily wanted to propose to you in one of the vanilla kingdom’s gorgeous meadows, as she believed it was one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever seen.
when you & your gf arrived, pure vanilla greeted you happily. you stayed in one of the guest rooms for the night, and woke somewhat early in the morning.
all 6 of you had breakfast together before pure vanilla asked one of his advisors to close the castle from the public, which you raised an internal eyebrow at.
after breakfast, you spilt into two groups ; you & white lily, and the other ancients together.
you and white lily took a long walk to her favourite vanillian meadow, and what you didn’t know was that the rest of the ancients had taken the short way to the meadow & were sitting by some trees which gave them cover, so they could watch the proposal without ruining it.
hollyberry was actually really giddy. golden cheese had to give her a slap to shut her up (no harm meant, of course).
pure vanilla was smiling, hollyberry was trying her hardest to hold in her joyous laughs, golden cheese was smirking & dark cacao eased his face slightly (lmao sorry cacao).
you and lily were standing talking, and for a moment, something small caught your eye so you went to look into the distance aimlessly to look for it.
your shy girlfriend took her chance and grabbed the box from the little bag she had with her & knelt on one knee.
you turned around and nearly immediately started crying happily. white lily told you this :
“we have been together for quite some time, and i have been considering this thought for a many, many months. i would really like it if we could take our relationship to the next level so i was wondering… would you… marry me ?”
you got down to her level at the speed of light & gave her a bone-crushing hug while repeating “yes !!” to her. you put your hand on her jaw and kissed her. it was loving and wordlessly described how you felt about eachother.
she slipped the gorgeous ring onto your finger, and kissed you again :)
the other ancients came over once you two seemed to calm down & hollyberry & golden cheese gave you two big hugs. pure vanilla congratulated you & your now fiancé. dark cacao did the same, and asked to see the ring. when you showed him, he told you how he thought it suited you, and you thanked him.
now, onto the actual marriage ceremony !!
you and white lily only saw eachother for the first time that wonderful day when she was walking up the aisle, accompanied by pure vanilla.
when she saw you she got butterflies. you looked stunning.
when she was saying her vows, she started crying due to how happy she was.
when the officiant told you “you may now kiss the bride” you quickly kissed your now wife & hugged her tightly.
the after party was simple but so much fun. it had been a small wedding anyway.
hollyberry and golden cheese had a drinking contest, which hollyberry obviously won. golden cheese had to swallow her pride aside and leave the game after her 3rd glass (i headcanon her as a lightweight lmao).
when you and your wife had your first dance, it was beautiful. hollyberry had previously taught you two how to ballroom dance, and those skills were now being put to use.
now that i think about it, hollyberry had alot of involvement in this whole thing, huh ?
after the day had ended & everyone started their journeys home, you and white lily went home & slept.
you didn’t go on a honeymoon, white lily and yourself just didn’t see the point, because they wasn’t really any new places to go.
married life with white lily is perfection.
imagine waking up every morning to that beautiful face !!
she’s actually quite strong despite her looking so dainty, so she lifts you out of bed whenever you need to get out and don’t want to.
breakfast in bed. i repeat, breakfast in bed.
you guys take turns giving eachother breakfast in bed, and sometimes you even have it together !!
overall, white lily is wife material and i’m in love with her.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST. i know i spent more time on the pre-engagement stuff, but i felt it was important, and i really enjoyed writing it !! i hope you like it, because i do :D
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arandomcat1717 · 2 years
Aromantic and Asexual Cookie Run Headcanons! 
I don’t see nearly enough aspec rep so I’m making my own.
Hollyberry Cookie is an aromantic bisexual! She’s always known she doesn’t experience romance the same way most people do, but between, y’know, founding a kingdom and a war and everything, she never really had time to think about it. She only recently found the label and is very enthusiastic about it.
Ananas Dragon Cookie is a sex-repulsed asexual! No detailed headcanons, but they’re also biromantic
Both Cauliflower Cookie and Peperoncino Cookie are aroace. And also best friends!
Earl Gray Cookie is aroace! And a very loving father to the Chess Choco twins.
Vampire Cookie is an asexual gay man, he’s just very neutral on the matter.
Latte Cookie is an aromantic lesbian! She and Almond were engaged, but she realized she wasn’t attracted to him, like, at all, so she broke it off. He was upset but also understanding, and they remained close friends.
Scorpion Cookie is an asexual lesbian and Bellflower Cookie is asexual and biromantic. They are dating and in love.
That’s all for now, but I’m sure I’ll come up with more. I’d love to hear other peoples headcanons so please share! :)
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eating-him · 3 years
White Lily found him facedown on his royal desk, wreathed in a halo of scattered papers and a crooked crown.
“I can’t marry Dark Cacao,” Pure Vanilla groaned into the parchment with all the grief of a dying man. On the back of his chair, a blueberry bird tilted its head quizzically and glanced up at her, wings flicking in the cheerful summer light, and through the open window White Lily could hear a bard singing in the courtyard.
Duly noting that the weather had decided not to commiserate with the king, White Lily approached the desk with a mild raise of her brow. “Last night you were crying so hard over a pair of fluffy socks he sent you, you barely had the strength to ask me what color they were. Do I need to get Hollyberry...?”
The puddle of robes and paperwork let out a small sound of agony. “No, she’ll tell me to focus on the good parts of myself and then slap me on the back, and I love her dearly, but my spine is too weak for that today.”
“....do I need to get Dark Cacao?”
“Absolutely not thank you.”
Being his childhood friend had a few advantages, and one of those was that she had the dubious privilege of knowing how to handle Pure Vanilla’s boy troubles. Sighing softly, White Lily leaned a hip on the great desk and looked down at the best thing that had ever happened to her.
Engaged. Engaged and anxious, and in the exact same position he’d taken in their college years the night before a test, collapsed over a book and trying not to resemble a man at the gallows while already writing his own will. It was... too easy, sometimes, to turn back the clock and overlay the king with the college student.
“Did something happen? You’re allowed to not marry him, you know. You’re Pure Vanilla, I don’t think anyone could stop you from doing what you want,” she murmured.
With a noise like a frustrated rollhog, Pure Vanilla dropped his staff to cover his head with his arms like he could shrink down enough to turn inside out and hide forever. “It’s not like that, I don’t want to leave him, I love him, I just. He’s so. And I’m.”
“A hero of the realms?”
“I can’t dance.”
“Well, no,” she mused, “Most of the dragons and undead sea serpents and the occasional greater demon weren’t asking us to waltz. Why do you need to?”
Pure Vanilla hesitated, hair like sunlight fisted in his hands, and she watched the way the dawn slid over his back and broad shoulders in a way the robe couldn’t really hide. “He,” a catch of breath, “Dark Cacao is... he’s always liked tradition, likes the stability, likes the connection to the long train of history, and when we get married he’ll. We’re kings. We can’t not have a ball.”
She really couldn’t stop the smile. “And a first dance?”
“Gods don’t remind me.”
White Lily also couldn’t help doing that, not when she could see with crystal clarity the little teenager at the academy’s winter ball hiding behind a pillar like he meant to be there, staff clutched in hand with all of his suit buttons done just one unfortunate button off. He never had been one for dances, but he’d been there for her, and that honestly said everything.
She wondered if Dark Cacao would describe his own makeup to Pure Vanilla, like she had, if he’d see the same grateful tears. Maybe Pure Vanilla didn’t cry about that sort of thing anymore. Maybe he did.
“Should I get Hollyberry after all? She throws plenty of balls, she likely knows several of the dances Dark Cacao would. You’ve never let ignorance stop you before, why let it stop you from marrying the love of your life? You can learn.”
The crumpled ball of king on the desk peered up at her from his distraught huddle, foggy blue eye picking out the shadow of her from what he’d described once as a sea of light, dark, and endless mist. “White Lily. She’d rip my arms off on accident.”
“You can heal that.” He’s ashamed.
“Your continued faith in my competence is astounding.”
She had to give him a look for that. “You were the best healer in our class because you heal yourself every morning from walking into at least one door, and one year it was falling down the stairs.”
Shrugging and unrepentant, she moved on. “My point is, you have nowhere to go but up from the bottom. And if you’re afraid, you have options. I can dance, and you’ll never be a king with me. You can’t be. I enabled your coffee addiction in school.”
Pure Vanilla was dead silent for several long moments. “....I respect you as a warrior and mage, but I have clearly wildly miscalculated how powerful you are.”
“You have.” It was simple fact. “So what will you do?”
A sigh, deep and burdened, but when he glanced up from his arms more fully there was a reluctant little smile, fond as gentle spring, and he held his hand up to her like it wasn’t heavy with ink stains and a signet ring, like a man younger, like a man freer. “I suppose you’ll have to teach me to dance, then. May I have the pleasure?”
A question she asked herself everyday. Could she have this, could she dare this, could she be this close without dying like a star. A small question. So small.
She slipped her hand into his, warm with callouses and speckled with ink, the bones of his knuckles, the breath under his skin. His fingers curled around hers like flowers finding the sun, and she took a breath to keep from crying.
“You may.”
It sounded too much like the I do that would never belong to her.
Dark Enchantress woke in her bed at the top of the world, the top of her ambition, the death-drenched halls of the old Vanilla castle, and slowly flexed her fingers to work out the phantom ache of the hideous, repulsive warmth of yesteryear.
Time to dance, then. War didn’t orchestrate itself.
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o-wyrmlight · 2 years
The first hint that Affogato gets that Bittersweet is less strict about what cookies can and can't enjoy is when Bittersweet is writing with colored ink, using a beautiful white quill.
He says that he got this quill from a swan in Hollyberry Kingdom. Bastard was pecking and screaming at his robes something fierce some years ago, and he engaged in battle with it out of spite. Once the fray was over, there were a couple of feathers lying around, and he thought: 'Huh. These would make some nice quills.'
So he just. Fucking. Made them into quills.
And the colored ink? It's dark, but it leans very, very softly towards a lovely dark purple. One has to squint in order to truly see it, but it's never more obvious than when words turn into pictures sketched upon the page. Because Bittersweet likes to draw sometimes--not often, but sometimes. He's learned to have a steady hand over the years.
And it's his quill. And no. He doesn't like sharing it.
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Chapter 4
Madeleinepelt's fur bristled as he followed the other Meadowclan cats to the gathering, he couldn't stop thinking about Espressoeye. 'Milkbubble said he would be fine, but what if he dies? What if something worse happens?!' His inner thoughts panicked. 
"Something wrong?" Bleu asked in his odd accent, slowing down to walk beside Madeleinepelt. The larger tom let out a shocked sound. "Me? No, no, I am fine! Just thinking about… Bravekit! Yes, he is going to be apprenticed soon and- what?" He looked at Bleu’s unimpressed look. “First of all, you are a bad liar. Even worse than the rouges I once knew, and secondly, I know that you are worried over that coffee scented cat… uhh, Espressoeye if I am correct.” Bleu narrowed his eyes. Madeleinepelt remained silent before hearing a chuckle from the pale yellow teal spotted tom. “I guess you are. Though he is a clanmate, I worry about all of them the same!” 
“Well, just remember this, take one pawstep at a time. There is no need to rush in on a relationship.” Bleu purred and caught up with the other Meadowclan cats, engaging in conversation. Madeleinepelt soon caught the smell of the other clans. They probably arrived early… but how come? There was no threat to the forest!
He felt the ground become the odd stone pattern he felt before, meaning that they were at the gathering place… Twisted Roots.
Cats from different clans and even different backgrounds were talking to each other, sharing fresh-kill and even some apprentices playing with each other! He caught sight of Hollyberry talking to a kittypet, laughing with a grin as she offered some fermented berries. Wait, no, there were a group of kittypets and a group of loners here as well, possibly to also bring news from their ends. The large yellow loner was staring at another cat though Madeleinepelt couldn’t catch sight of who it was. He heard a yowl break out from the Tall Rock, seeing the leading cats get into position with their deputies below the rock. The clearing became silent as Millennialstar flicked his tail. “We thank all cats for coming to the gathering. It is wonderful seeing all of you come together and-” “Yewclan is doing fine.-” Enchantressstar cut Millennialstar off, stepping forward. Madeleinepelt bit his tongue to prevent a hiss coming out at the sight of the dwarf she-cat. ‘Better say something to the gathering about what you allowed.’ His thoughts clouded with such bitterness towards her before hearing her continue. “-we do have new apprentices, Crepepaw and Jugglerpaw. Their mentors are Affogatovenom and Kuminospirit respectively. We also have new kits in the clan. Ionkit and an abandoned kit named Bellkit. They are being cared for by Cyborgflight.”
Madeleinepelt turned to see Aloe, looking proud at the mention of her mate. ‘If only Espressoeye looked that proud of others. He is an amazing mentor… how come he never smiles at his apprentices?’ Madeleinepelt thought with a twist in his stomach. Enchantressstar continued, a flash of anger coming from her red eyes. “However, accidents happened. Lobsterclaw got into a fight with a fox and lost one of his arms. Along with that, Affogatovenom has been gravely wounded by a Meadowclan cat today.” The words rolled off like she tasted rotting prey. Whispers were heard in the clearing before Twizzlypaw got up. “He was killing Espressoeye, in our territory!” She hissed, her claws unsheathed. “I also agree with Twizzlypaw.” Madeleinepelt nodded. “Were you sending a spy into our territory, Enchantressstar? If so, we can fight right here and now!”
Velvetpaw hissed. “How dare you say that?! Do you know who you are messing with?!” Madeleinepelt looked at Velvetpaw and scoffed. “You are the same age as me yet still an apprentice. At this rate you will never be one.” He heard the gathered cats gasp and whisper about what he had said. Velvetpaw looked like he wanted to rip his fur out until a yowl was raised. “Settle down now!” Vanillastar looked very much concerned. “We shouldn’t be fighting like this, peace should be at this time!” The large tom gave one last look at Velvetpaw before returning to where he was seated, feeling hot with embarrassment. Vanillastar gave a gentle smile and nod before opening his eyes again. “Doveclan is doing well! However we caught the scent of a group of rogues on our territory, thankfully we drove them off!” His soft and gentle voice said soothingly. Doveclan cats yowled with pride, smiling after that announcement. Millennialstar looked over. “We had run-ins with a group of rogues as well.” Oyster, the leader for the kittypets, blinked. “I wandered into a new territory once.” The aged molly nodded. “They screamed at me to get out… they also had an odd scent, smelling like that of rubbish!” “Ew-” Pitaya agreed, scrunching their nose in disgust.
Millennialstar sighed before clearing his throat. “We have some apprentices who became warriors recently: Vampirefang, Mintmelody, Herbfawn and Sparklingstream. They are not here at tonight’s gathering, however may their names be chanted for good will.”
“Vampirefang! Mintmelody! Herbfawn! Sparklingstream!” The cats would chant, full of joy for the new warriors. Millennialstar flicked his tail in silence before sighing. “However, Espressoeye is gravely wounded from an attack caused by Affogatovenom. With that too Yewclan is pushing out borders.”
Enchantressstar scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Prey crosses borders all the time. We are catching what we have in our territory-.” He felt their voices fade out as he stood up and caught the scent of something… blood. Tons of blood… The large tom felt his fur bristle uncomfortably as he went past large roots, taking careful pawsteps and lowering to a crouch as the scent became stronger. 
Soon enough, a body of a scrawny dark tabby was seen before him. The cat was beaten up seemingly and looked to be dead. The cat smelled like rotting prey, just like the description Oyster had given. 
Madeleinepelt was about to turn around to tell the gathered cats what he just saw until the cat shot up, panting a bit and holding his wounds with his amber eyes looking panicked. “Where am I?” He asked, looking at Madeleinepelt. He could feel the panic from this scrawny cat. Something was not right.
“You are in The Valley. You smell different. Ha, have you been rolling around in human garbage?” He laughed in a joking manner with a smile. However it didn’t seem to lift the cat’s spirit. “What, no! I am a Shadowclan cat, a medicine cat.” The tom weakly sat down, staring at his paws with his eyes clouded in worry. “My name is Shadowsight.”
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