#holy mountain tattoo
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Dingy ol' sleep shirt always hits different 🌿
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thelastspeecher · 5 months
Listening to Jenny from Thebes for the first time like
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fabricatedgeek · 1 year
New tattoo and period starting hours before the appointment make for an interesting (read: fucking painful) marathon.
Excuse me as I finally curl up with my ibuprofen.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
the treacherous tyrant
the wistful wyvern, chapter three
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a/n: I'm just gonna take this moment as an excuse to say that if you haven't yet checked out the info or maps about this world i've created, then i highly recommend you do, it'll make it much more fun, for example when we hop around from place to place in this one? you can spot on the map where we are.
summary: halting a moment, he turned to tug your horse’s reins out of your grasp and let her stand on her own, “look, just follow my lead,” before he turned with the expectancy of you shadowing him, “I have a plan.” 
warnings: knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers, former fuckboy!bucky, tattooed!bucky, slow burn, one-sided pinning, forced proximity
word count: 1374
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“What is it?” you asked when Bucky suddenly leapt off his horse and kneeled down to investigate a spot on the dusty path that split the treacherous terrain. 
“…boot marks…” he mumbled, “fairly recent too…” 
It had been a week or so that you’d been stuck trying to navigate through the jagged landscape of The Asadånie Mountains. From climbing rocky hillsides to the crumbly trail you now followed, it had been hard to know if you were making any headway at all or simply walking in circles. 
Straightening back up to his full height, you slid off your horse as well just as a low rustling noise, from further up where the path curved, found both your alert ears. 
Swiftly, you rushed in behind the tall shrubs that grounded the thin pine trees that shot up towards the blue skies above the mountains. 
The bigger of the peaks before you appeared to open up into a dark cave. In the mouth of it, posted just outside, stood three figures that sent a chill down your spine. 
Silently nudging the knight hiding beside you, his eyes too grew wide with recognition of the uniforms they wore. 
“What are Oblén soldiers doing up here in the mountains?” he whispered, sharing a glance with you before you turned your gaze back to the guards. 
A fourth figure then appeared, marching out of the cavern and prompting the other warriors to go rigid at his presence. 
“Commander Abbot,” one of the soldiers addressed the man clad in gilded armour, “did it go as planned?”
“Well, I still have my head, you idiot,” he rolled his eyes, “so yes, it went as well as it could.” 
“So, The Treacherous Tyrant is agreeable to the king’s orders, then?” one of the others asked as their commander began to walk away from the grotto, the guard’s feet slightly shuffling to keep up, “will he strike again before next full moon?” 
“As long as we keep his dearest safe, then he will continue to do as the king commands.” 
You both stood frozen, hidden behind the flora as the soldiers from the southern kingdom passed, scarlessly even breathing at all before they were long gone. 
“The dragon’s in cahoots with them?” you uttered as you guided your horse back up onto the narrow path, “how is that even possible?”
With his gaze low to the ground, Bucky then mumbled, “The Treacherous Tyrant… I’ve heard that before… what was it…” he shut his eyes a moment, “Farrowghol,” his vision blinked open once more as he remembered, “Farrowghol, The Treacherous Tyrant.”
“Holy fuck…” you shuttered, unable to stop the terror that began to rain down upon you as you stared over at Bucky and saw the wheels in his brain still turning. 
“They mentioned something about keeping something dear to him safe?” his features crinkled up in thought before unfurling with clarity, “oh, what if–…” and before he could finish his own sentence, share his brilliant idea with you, his feet began to move. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I have a feeling,” he began to walk towards the cave entrance, “something’s off.”
“You have a feeling? You’re gonna go get flambeed based on a fucking feeling?”
Halting a moment, he turned to tug your horse’s reins out of your grasp and let her stand on her own, “look, just follow my lead,” before he turned with the expectancy of you shadowing him, “I have a plan.” 
“Fuck your plan!” you screeched, standing your ground, “I’m not going in there!”
But as you watched him get swallowed by the darkness of the cave, only a few seconds passed by before a sharp curse burst out of you and you reluctantly followed him inside. 
Catching up to him, the dark tunnel soon unfolded into a vast and echoing grotto. Stalagmites burst up from the rocky floor and surrounded various mountainous boulders that might have crashed from parts of the caved-in ceiling where light now streamed in through the cracks and lit up the dim interior. 
For a moment, you thought perhaps the beast had flown away right before you’d entered the cavern.
But that moment didn’t get to linger for long as one of the enormous silhouettes you’d assumed was just another boulder began to move. 
The deep growl that then rumbled throughout the lair caused the small rubble on the ground to vibrate around your boots. 
Its scales were such a murky brown that it nearly looked pitch black, and as it reflected in the rays of light gushing in from above, an opalescent sheen glistened on its hide at its movements as its head unfurled, towering above you and eclipsing the low light before its wide jaw unhinged and a smouldering glow began to appear in the back of its throat. 
Throwing an arm around your waist, Bucky yanked you with him as he ducked behind a nearby boulder just before the monster began to spew fire at you. 
As flames licked up the sides of the rock, the view of them cresting over the top caused you to curl further into Bucky’s side. 
But when the dragon paused a moment, reeling before another go, the man beside you unexpectedly yelled, “we’re here to help!”
Shooting a glare up at him, “what the fuck, man?” you cursed in a hushed tone, “what are you doing? Shaking its hand and offering it a fucking pint?”
The leviathan’s booming rumble then invaded the entire cavern, “Farrowghol doesn’t need the help of wheezily little insects,” his heavy stride shook the space as he circled you like a large cat ready to pounce on their prey. 
“King Ivan has something you love,” Bucky bellowed, “we can get it back for you!” 
Farrowghol then suddenly halted, the entire cavern growing dead quiet. 
“That’s why you’re doing their bidding, correct?” Bucky went on, “they took something from you?” he then shifted, slowly sliding his crossbow off his back, “you can trust us. See?” he tossed the weapon off to the side for the beast to spot, “you and I, we share the same enemy.”  
Squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you thought for sure the dragon would let you feel his wrath once more, but instead, his deep roar resounded once more. 
“Not something,” he corrected, “someone.”
“A person?” Bucky carefully stepped out, leaving your hidden frame still in his eye line as he faced the beast with his palms raised up high. 
“My kin,” the dragon bellowed, “that’s who he has imprisoned. Ready to crush each and every one of them if I don’t obey. They’re hidden deep within his walls, in a chamber made entirely of hellstone,” he spoke of the rare material, which was the only thing known to be able to withstand the obliterating breath of a dragon, “I could never reach them, even if I tried, and I have.” 
“We can get them back!” Bucky promised, “set you free from the king’s control!” 
You couldn’t help but tremble as the beast's words shook the lair once more, “I lost my mate aeons ago… Those eggs are all I have left,” he shared hesitantly, “if something happens to them,” he warned with a crackle that raised the temperature a significant amount, “I will burn down everything you hold sacred.” 
“Sounds fair enough,” your fellow warden nodded tensely, “and if we do this, you’ll hold out on their commands of attack?”
“You have one lunar cycle,” he slowly settled, “if my kin have not returned to my cave within that time, I will not hesitate to strike.”
When you finally exited the cave and the bright sunlight once more licked at your skin, Bucky’s tense shoulders dropped back down with a long exhale, whereas yours, on the other hand, did not. 
“Alright,” he muttered, passing you as he briskly walked up to where your horses were still waiting, “so we just break into the palace in Ingorn. The chamber, it’s probably like a vault or something? That can’t be too hard, right?” 
Trailing behind him, you breathed, “no, it is…” before halting your step completely as you sighed, “fuck…” staring daggers down at the ground as you then uttered, “I have to go speak to my father.”
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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tiyawnyana · 11 months
Kinktober : Day 15
Size Difference
A/N: in this fic he is a mountain and you (and me) are ready to climb
Pairing: Ao'nung x (fem) Omiticaya Sully
Warnings: soft, pining, teasing, size difference scenting, fingering, p in v, belly bulge, creampie
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It's been two years since your family departed from the Metkayina clan. Two years since you felt your heart crack. Two years of sadness at leaving your second home.
You had grown accustomed quick, learned quicker of the techniques and styles of the metkayina; and it was all thanks to the Olo'eyktans children.
You missed them terribly and it grew more. Even when the war ended, even after you grew again as a warrior of the Omiticaya, you couldn't seem to stop missing them.
So you decided to visit them, decided to pack your things and strap your bags onto your ikran to be out for a while. Your heart longed to swim along the waves, so with a tearful bye from your family and a tablet shoved into your chest, you took off. Unsurprisingly, your little brother, Lo'ak, decided to join you. So together, you took off and after an 8 hour ikran flight, 2 hour break total in between stops, you grinned with pure happiness at the sight of the mountains and village beneath it, littered across the beaches. You yip loud and clear, alerting your brother, who yells in happiness.
The horn is loud, and the metkayina are immediately bustling towards the clearing along the sand. You two circle around before gently landing, and people are shoved out of the way by a grinning Tsireya. She books it to Lo'ak and tackles him into the sand, smothering him with kisses. His face is flushed as he snickers.
You grin fondly, petting your ikran and disconnecting your bags from his back.
Tonowari and Ronal greet you fondly, happy for you and your brothers safe arrival before dispersing.
Tsireya is lifting your brother from the ground when suddenly, a hand grips your bicep and tugs you into a chest. You gasp in surprise, those arms wrapping tight and completely surrounding your body. A small coil of delight stirs in your gut.
You try to crane your head up but to no avail.
"Nung! Let her go, skxawng!"
You suck in a breath.
This guy surrounding you is Ao'nung? The Ao'nung that you'd spent these last two years longing for? Dear Eywa.
The arms slowly release you, but those hands hold your biceps. You eye those hands with a gulp in surprise. You're finally able to look at him but realize you now have to crane your head back to actually make eye contact.
God. How does an attractive person get even hotter? Holy hell.
His jawline was more prominent, the left half of his face having beautiful jagged tattoos that curled over the top of his browbone. His hair too, had grown a ton, and now sported a half up cornrowed hairstyle, the rest flowing freely down his back it gorgeous silky curls. He had shot up in height, and seemingly was way stockier in muscle too. God.. his biceps alone had to be two, no, three times yours! His chest was more defined as well, and tapered down into his small waist and god you feel your face grow warm. You've been blatantly checking him out!
You lift your gaze to his immediately and inhale sharply as it seems he's done the same.. a small smirk on his face.
Sure, you grew in height but still remained shorter than the metkayina. You were stronger, more defined muscles but it was lean muscle, more agile strength for flight and life in the forest. You knew you had curved slightly as well, around your hips and bottom. Surely the avatar genes you had thanks to your father.
Your hair had grown, pulled back in those neat braids but you insisted on your own twist; braiding about halfway before allowing the rest to curl naturally. You had really grown into yourself, especially your confidence.
His eyes finally lock with yours before a cocky grin grows on his lips.
"Hey, shorty," he teases.
You snort, rolling your eyes,"Didn't expect you to sprout up like a damn tree," you turn, grabbing your bag off of your ikran only for it to get snatched from your grip,"Hey!"
He snorts,"You've had a long travel, come, I'll bring you to your marui."
You roll your eyes before patting your ikran and following after Ao'nung.
He takes up the path, people part to make space for him and you can't help the chuckle bubbling from your throat. He peers back at you, a questioning glint in his eyes before fondly rolling his eyes. Soon enough, he opens the flaps to the marui, the one that you had shared with your family. You had expected it to be vacant and empty, but you're surprised to find flowers draped around, vines drooping from the roof. You grin in delight and surprise, looking around in awe while placing down your bed mat.
"Oh, you won't need that," he snorts, gently placing down your bags.
You raise an eyebrow at him, confused, before he leads you a separated portion of the marui. You become familiar again with the layout, smiling softly, before gasping when he opens the flap.
Your old room had been shared with your sisters, but now is your own. And again, you expected it to be barren, but in it lies a huge nest bed; handmade blankets and pillows piled together. Little lanterns with glowing bugs are by the bed, trinkets placed neatly around the room. You nearly tear up at the realization that they're things that you had made with the people, crafted or caught.
You turn to Ao'nung, who stands by the entry, a small soft smile on his face.
"I- I have no words.." a watery smile takes over your lips.
"That is alright.." He says softly, pacing over to you before wrapping you up into another hug. Only this time, he crouches and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you off the floor as he stands. One arm cradles the back of your head, the other around your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck while nuzzling your face into the crook there. You relax against him, sagging into his hold and inhale his scent. Thankfully, that didn't change; an earthy underlying musk with a soft layer of sea breeze. You sigh happily.
"Really missed you," you mumble against him, to which he laughs lightly, nodding.
"You've no idea how much we missed you," he inhales,"how much I did."
You blush and you're grateful that he can't see your face.
You both stay there for a moment, just breathing eachother in. Unfortunately the moment is interrupted when Tsireya can be heard giggling in the main room, Lo'ak talking to her.
Ao'nung sighs, gently placing you back on your feet and gives you one last tight squeeze before letting go. He takes a step back, clearing his throat.
"There will be a celebration for you and your brothers return.. I- um, I left you something to wear. I will see you tonight," he bows his head, a small smile on his face before he leaves.
You look around the room, before spotting leaving wrappings on one of the flat surfaces. You quickly unwrap it before a soft gasp leaves you.
Tsireya comes to get you for the celebration and grins as you and Lo'ak follow her.
It seems she had gifted your brother a new tewng along with new jewelry and a specially crafted arm band. He practically beams in delight. Unfortunately he also teases you of your garb.
It seems that someone, or Ao'nung, (you weren't really sure if he had made it, but your hopes were up), had made a special necklace and matching tewng for you too.
The necklace has thinned and dried sea leaves intricately twisted and beaded to drape down your chest. There are leaves too, that creatively cover your breasts, and the best part were the specifically placed pearls. There are many, a few in a bunch surrounded by vibrant beads that almost look like flowers on your skin. At the center lies a beautiful flat shell, inner portion laying perfectly below your collar bones. And the tewng is soft against your thighs, curled sea leaves and entwined threads all braided beautifully together with beads around the waist and surprisingly enough, beads and pearls drape down, clinking as you walk.
You don't recall ever feeling more beautiful.
The drums are boisterous as you arrive. Lo'ak splits off and is swarmed by old friends, and Tsireya leads you to some of yours. You all chat for a bit before Tonowari and Ronal find you and your brother, announcing your great arrival. The celebration commences and you drink fermented oceanic fruits, a warm buzz settling into your bones.
You look around for Ao'nung, a growing want boiling up. A few warriors speak to you, wanting to catch your eye but you've already been caught. For too long now.
You finally find him, and when he spots you, you sweat your heart flies out of your chest. God, he made himself a similar tewng to the one strapped around your waist. You grin, beelining to him through the crowd.
"Ao'nung!" You greet him with glee, hands catching his arm.
"Tiyawn," he grins down at you. His breath smells of the same fermented fruit,"How are you enjoying your evening?"
"It's just beyond wonderful, thank you," and in a moment of feeling bold-ish due to the buzz in your system, you lean to his ear whilst tugging him down to whisper,"Thank you for your gift, it's absolutely beautiful."
He grins, ears perking up adorably,"Beautiful gift for a beautiful woman." Then he tugs you by your waist to lean into his side.
You blush hot when he thumbs at the band of your tewng around your waist. You can't stop the pooling of arousal you feel- God, you'd never craved him more. All those years of being away seems to have boiled up hot and heavy and you shudder. You couldn't be with anyone after realizing your feelings for him. It was impossible to imagine being under- or over another navi and it not be him.
You're interrupted from your thoughts when the music changes, and the Na'vi begin a more sensual dance. Hips rolling together, more touchy against one another.
A tall navi, not as tall as Ao'nung, approaches you with a shy grin.
"Ao'nung, hello," he greets politely, receiving a respectful nod in response. The male returns his gaze to you,"I am Rádyn, we were brief friends before?"
You grin, nodding,"I remember!" And step forward to hug him lightly,"It is so nice to see everyone again, I missed it."
"We all missed having you and your family here as well," he grins,"I was wondering if I could maybe take you to dance?"
Your eyes widen, especially when the hand holding the band of your tewng changes to grip the base of your tail. You release a squeak, sucking in a breath at the jolt of surprising pleasure that rises up your spine.
"She has a partner," Ao'nung gruffly responds.
You look at him in masked surprise before nodding to Rádyn, smiling softly in thanks,"but thank you for the offer! Perhaps next time?"
He had looked down at the refusal, but grins happily and leaves.
You snicker before gasping as he squeezes your tail.
"Wait- hey!" You smack his wrist and he huffs, releasing your tail,"I do believe you owe me a dance?"
You smirk up at him, and he quirks a brow before nodding.
"Seems I do, tiyawn," he walks forward, grasping your hand and leading you into the crowd.
The beat is still sensual, and to your surprise it seems it's basically just young adults and older couples gyrating against eachother.
He grips your waist now, tugging your back into his chest,"Just follow my lead," he whispers to you, then guides your hips to move with his. His hands are so large, covering your hips, circling your stomach and he controls your movements. You lean back against him, trailing one hand up to hold high, wrapping around the back of his neck.
Your body feels like it's on fire. Hot arousal coursing down your body to pool between your legs.
Ao'nung leans his head down, mouth next to your temple,"Perfect, tahni," his voice rasps. You can't stop the shiver racing up your spine.
You turn around in his hold, pressing your chest firm to his, or moreso his abs. He fixes his hold on you, still controlling around your waist but as the beat changes slightly, he wedges a thigh between yours. Because of his height, his thigh presses right into your core and you gasp, clinging onto his biceps weakly.
"Something wrong?" He teases before rocking your hips over the muscle of his thigh. You pant, forehead leaning against his peck.
You whine breathelessly before breathing hard,"Not at all," you lean back to smirk at him. Your gaze trails down to his lips, then back up to his eyes; you can't stop thinking about dragging him off and finally kissing away that smirk.
He still sways you to the beat, but manages to grind you down against his thigh periodically. You can feel your tewng covering your pussy growing wetter and you bite your lip in a poor attempt to stifle your moans.
He again leans down to breathe at your temple,"You look delicious," he grins, then breathes in your scent,"Smell it, too."
You feel a warm blush on your cheeks, shaking your head fondly. You notice his gaze is drifting around your chest, those beads and sea leaves swaying with your movements.
"I want to thank you again for your gift," you start, breathing out softly before feeling more bold,"Perhaps you could help me take it off later?"
He jolts, eyes wide as he gaze down at you.
You immediately think you've gone too far, so you open your mouth, ready to laugh, to make it a joke, but you stop with a choked out gasp when he grinds your hips down against his thigh and leans down to your ear.
"Gladly," he whispers, then kisses your cheek tenderly.
You lean against him completely and just let him sway you to the beat, hot blush on your cheeks and arousal in your gut.
After a while of dancing, he pulls you from the crowd. You almost feel uncomfortable in your tewng now, wetness having cooled there just slightly. He drags you off to the outskirts, deciding to speak with his family as the party goes on. But he keeps a firm grip around your tail, thumb stroking the base.
After a bit, you grow impatient, staring out around the crowd. You don't even hear the conversation he is having, too buzzed and too aroused.
You huff, turning to him with a hungry look in your eyes,"I am retiring early, I do hope to see you soon?"
He smirks, nodding, before watching you leave. He follows soon after, bidding a Goodnight before booking it to your marui.
By the time he throws the flap open, then secures it tight behind him, you're buzzing with nerves. You stand there, waiting, gawking at him in surprise. You didn't expect him to be right behind you.
He takes two big steps towards you to cup your face, leaning down and smothering you with a deep and heavy kiss. You groan into him, surprised, before grabbing at his shoulders. He kisses you hard, invading your mouth wholeheartedly and drifts his hands down your body to grab under your butt, sliding you up his body until he wraps your legs around his waist. He grinds your hips down against his rising cock and you whine into his mouth before he pulls back, kissing down your neck sloppily as he walks you down to your room.
"Great mother- tahni, I have dreamt of you, craved you these last two years." He huffs, peeling the flap open,"Never wanted anything more in my life; you are a gift beyond anything else."
He's quick to press you down into that nest, dropping the weight of his hips into yours and grinding into you.
"Oh- Ao'nung, ah!" You moan, blinking fast as his movements have him grinding against your pulsing clit.
"Yeah, oh- want to make you mine," he nips against your neck,"For everyone to see. You're mine- I'm yours, all those warriors be damned."
You can only gaze at him, stifling your moans badly.
"Help- get this off," you struggle with the top.
"I'd love to fuck you while you wear it sometime.."
"That can be arranged," you giggle.
Finally, he helps peel it from your body and soon enough unties your tewng, tossing it to the side. He groans at the sight before darting down, sucking marks into your chest, sucking over your nipples as well as you whine needily.
He hurries up, seemingly impatient as he yanks off his own tewng. His cock is already out of his sheath and you gawk at it, pure bewilderment.
"What the fuck? You packing a weapon at all times?" You joke.
He snorts, rolling his eyes but refocuses, hand pressing you down soft as his other hand prods at your hole before sinking two fingers in quick, an embarrassing sound making you cover your face. He quickly spreads you open, thrusting just as fast while sucking over your other nipple. He bites over the plushy flesh of your breast and you whimper. His fingers alone fill you deeply, stretching your walls gradually and desperately.
His cock rubs heavy against your inner thigh and you can't help but reach down, taking him in your palm and stroking firm. God, your hand doesn't even wrap around it. He grunts, hips bucking against your small hand.
You smack at the wrist that fingers into you and he pulls out, then you guide the tip to your entrance.
"Please- please, hurry," your voice is shakey but wanting.
He hovers above you, absolutely huge in comparison and he grins, loving how he towers over you now.
Ao'nung presses into you, tip slowly sinking in before popping in.
You both groan. He stretches you wider than you anticipated, hissing in slight discomfort as he continues to press into you. His cock is long, thick and heavy, you've never felt fuller and he still hasn't bottomed out.
Inch after inch, he presses in. Soon but not soon enough, he finally presses his hips flush to yours. Your thighs are trembling and you're breathing heavy, but God do you feel wonderful. You glance down, and an audible gasp turning into a shocked, punched out moan. You can distinctly see the bulge in your lower stomach. He glances down before gritting his teeth hard, grunting. But his hands move up, gripping over your waist and pulling back, then quickly shoving himself back into your pulsing cunt. He begins a steady rhythm and his eyes remain on the bulge in your belly.
"Oh- fuck, fuck, Ao'nung!" You moan out, back arching.
He lifts his hands, wrapping then entirely around your waist, fingers overlapping at your back, and you suck in a gasp, but soon release a strangled moan when his thumbs press over the skin where the bulge forms.
You can't breathe, can't think, too high already on that crest and your hips roll against his. You cling to him desperately, a constant stream of moans tumbling from your lips.
You bring your own hand down to press against the bulge; your fingers press against where you know the tip lays nestled and the groan he releases has you nearly melting into the fabrics beneath you.
He fucks into you harder and faster, groaning and dipping his head down to the crook of your neck. He huffs there.
"Wanted you since forever, yawne, wanted to claim you then. Even moreso now," he grunts, hips slowing to down but heightening in strength.
"Do it, whats stopping you- oh, god!," you challenge, grinning breathlessly and breaking off into a moan as the tip rubs hard into your walls.
He exhales, then lifts you up. You gasp, clinging to his shoulders; he resumes his hard pace, almost using your cunt like a living sex toy, and god you can't enough of it. He grinds your body down, then drags you up, nearly brutal but you love it.
The raw need is evident. You were so thankful that this wasn't one sided- you'd needed him since you suffered your first heat. You remember how desperate you were, humping into your hand on the outskirts of the beach in one of the private maruis. You had wished then just like now that he would just take you, make you his anytime he wanted.
Your pussy leaks profusely, dripping down his thighs with your slick as he grinds you down onto his cock.
"Ao- Ao'nung! Please, please," you babble, head tilted back as you gasp and moan out little sounds.
"Eywa- you're even more perfect than before," he cups the back of your neck, dragging you up slightly to mouth at your throat,"Gonna' fill you up so everyone can smell me on you- in you."
Your cunt tightens around him and you nod dumbly.
He presses you back down against the blankets but then lays his weight on you, elbows coming to brace himself on either side of your head, effectively holding you down as he rolls his hips in short but mind wracking thrusts. You cling around his chest, nails dragging down his back. Your thighs are wrapped around his waist and you tighten them, making his thrusts sloppier.
"I've wanted you since my first heat- since before that," you moan out, gazing up at him.
He smiles breathlessly,"Wanted you since you first came off that ikran all those years ago."
He leans down to kiss you soft, gentle, but keeps his thrusts hard and quick.
You whine against his mouth, that coil tightening up too quick for you to prepare yourself before it snaps.
Your head goes back, disconnecting from his lips as you tighten up around him, cunt pulsing and slick squirting out of you as you cum. The moan you release is long, whiney and embarrassing as it echoes out of your room.
He moans, thrusting a few more times until he presses hard against you, hot cum filling you until it too squirts out around his cock. It creates a white ring around his base and he shudders, head coming to rest next to yours.
You breathe for a moment, still struggling but the feeling is better than anything you could've imagined.
After a few minutes, he grips around your waist, rolling over until you're straddling him. His cockhead rubs hard against your cervix and you release a strangled moan.
You look down again and sigh shakily; his cock bulging from your inner walls is even more prominent now. You really can't believe nor get over how absolutely huge he got.
The hands around your waist lift you only your drop you down his length.
You glare down at him, still breathless but he only grins innocently.
"What, you thought I was done after one round?"
A/N: I wanted a sweet build up and I'm really happy with how this went. I do feel like I could be working on my descriptions better with outside of intimacy moments tho
Also you end up being fucked into next Tuesday and waking up early afternoon the next day, hickeys down your neck, in your inner thighs and still leaking cum from your cunt. When he said he wanted everyone to smell him on you he wasn't kidding.
(Lmk if you want to be added!)
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loguetowns · 1 year
deal or no deal
portgas d. ace x reader
making deals with a pirate is a dangerous thing
"we have a contract!" + ace
2.5k words
a/n. i did not intend for this to be so long, but i always forget how easy it is to write for my favourite loveable boy ♡ anyways, this takes place during ace's great blackbeard search cover story hehe
cw. angsty ending and goodbyes (but there's a small epilogue!)
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day 1.
this isn't what you signed up for.
chasing down mountain bandits and patrolling streets? sure. chasing down pirates at sea? absolutely.
what you didn't sign up for when you joined the marines was discovering pirates within your own naval base — a peculiar situation that you find yourself in at the moment.
"start talking now." you stare daggers at the tied up pirate in front of you. "what are you doing here?"
he squirms, doing his best to avoid your gaze. "i'm just looking for someone."
"to do what? rob them? assassinate them?"
"no," ace sighs. "i'm just trying to deliver a letter."
your surprise is quickly replaced with skepticism, ingrained into you by your hours of marine training. you lean in to study him, peering into his eyes to gauge whether he's telling the truth or not.
he has really cute freckles.
you blush at the intrusive thoughts, a wonderfully adorable sight that ace will surely tell you about later.
your eyes land on his arm tattoo, far too familiar for your liking. you recall a conversation you once had with vice admiral garp.
"you're one of whitebeard's men!" you gasp. you narrow your eyes at him. "are you trying to smuggle communications to blackbeard?"
his face hardens. "talking is the last thing i'd be doing if i found him."
disappointment floods you. gathering intel is your specialty, but it's been much harder to find information about blackbeard's coup than you'd like to admit. it would've been too easy if this pirate was in kahoots with him...
"look," he says, straightening up. "maybe we can help each other out."
you raise an eyebrow.
"if you help me with my letter, i'll tell you anything you want to know about marshall d. teach."
"including where he is and what's he's planning?"
"okay, maybe not that" — your face falls — "but only because i don't know! if you're looking into him, we can look together?"
you cross your arms.
"that hardly seems like a fair deal to me - you get your letter delivered and you get information about blackbeard? i'm going to need more than just some outdated background info."
"i'll have you know that i'm a commander under the most powerful pirate in the world," he huffs. "but i'll tell you what - after all this is said and done, you can arrest me."
at this, you stop to think about it. it would do very well for your career to bring in one of whitebeard's big shots. on top of that, imagine if you also had intel about blackbeard's whereabouts! surely, you'd get that promotion you've been vying for.
and while you're fantasizing about the rewards for ace's capture, he smiles to himself. having someone on the inside will help him stay undercover and, if he's lucky, he'll get some answers about teach before he goes on his merry way.
for ace has no intention of being caught by any marine — no matter how cute they are.
"alright," you finally say. "you've got yourself a deal."
he grins, and you falter for what will not be the last time at how handsome he is when he smiles.
"nice t' meet ya, partner."
day 5.
"holy cow, look at the amount of food on that guy's plate!"
"i told you the rumours about the new guy were true."
"where does all that food even go?"
"what a freak..."
the gossip of your peers gets drowned out by the screech of a chair being pulled and the loud thud! of a plastic tray barely supporting the mountain of food on top of it.
"man, don't you love dinner time? you guys have it made!"
"what are you doing?" you hiss.
ace can only offer you a look of confusion, too busy stuffing his face with a drumstick in each hand.
"'you guys?' you're supposed to be one of us, remember?" you point at him with your fork. "and for a guy who's trying to stay undercover, you sure are calling a lot of attention to yourself."
"i can't help it," he says — or tries to say. his voice comes out muffled from the food he's shovelling into his face. "i have needs."
for what it's worth, there is something adorable in the way that this uncouth man looks so happy with his cheeks stuffed like a squirrel. you can't help but giggle, and it makes ace smile.
he thinks to himself,
what a cute laugh.
day 8.
ace yawns, stretching his arms before his hands land on the back of his neck.
"is this where taxpayer money goes? to pay two marines to go for a stroll when they could be doing that for free?"
"it's called patrol, and everyone has to do it," you nudge him with your elbow. "especially non-tax paying criminals disguised as law enforcement."
"y'know, being a marine isn't so hard. boring, but easy enough."
"easy, he says! it's only easy because i'm the one busting my ass to try and keep your cover under control."
ace gives you a sideways glance, flashing a lazy grin. "tomato, to-mah-to."
you roll your eyes, but ace knows you well enough by now to distinguish your seriously-pissed eye roll from your endearingly-annoyed eye roll.
he can say with 99% certainty that this one is the latter.
and to make up up for that missing 1%, ace waggles his eyebrows in the way that made you laugh yesterday. to his delight, you giggle again and he swells.
walking down a line of shoppes, your arm brushes past his as you point to his left, "see that parlour over there? they have the best ice cream in the world."
"that's a ballsy proclamation, officer."
"yeah? what makes you say that, officer?"
"you're talking to the ice cream connoiseur on this side of the ocean. i don't know if i can just take your word for it."
"so you're saying i'm lying?"
"no," he grins at you, devious, dazzling and dashing. he nods towards the store. "i'm saying that we should go get some ice cream."
15 minutes later, ace has to agree that this was, in fact, the best ice cream he's ever had. he laughs at your boasting and your "i told you!" and your sermon about the fruit-to-cream ratio, and he wonders if you know that the reason why he's enjoying this ice cream has nothing to do with the flavour and everything to do with you.
day 16.
"ace? what are you-"
"quick! run!" he grabs your hand and practically drags you down the hallway at lightning speed. you nearly trip over your feet as you run behind him.
"hey! stop right there!" booms a voice behind you.
"we gotta hide!"
like any well-trained soldier, it's answers first and questions later. "there's a closet on your right around the corner!"
ace darts around the corner with you in hot pursuit. he thrusts open the closet and quickly pulls you inside.
you hear running getting louder, and you decide to question ace later. in this tiny broom closet, you do your best to discern what's happening on the other side. both of you press an ear to the door and listen carefully.
footsteps approaching. footsteps slowing down. footsteps stopping just outside the closet.
you hold your breath.
it feels like an eternity that ace's pursuer stands on the other side and you don't dare to make a single peep. you lock eyes with ace, who stares back at you with an exhilarated smile.
a voice mutters, "i could've sworn-"
"commodore, sir!"
you gape at ace with wild incredulity.
commodore? you mouth with wide eyes.
he winks at you, holding a finger to his lips.
"they're looking for you in the grand boardroom, sir."
a pause.
"alright, at ease. let's go."
the two men walk away, but neither of you dare say anything until a solid minute after the footsteps fade away. and then-
you smack ace across the chest, "what-"
"-did you do?"
"that hurts!"
you shoot daggers at him.
he smiles sheepishly at you, "okay, i deserve that. but look what i found in his office!"
he holds up a sheet of paper with excitement. in the darkness of the closet, you can't make out the words and only look at him with confusion.
"there's a scout ship coming from the green shores. as far as i know, that's where teach was last seen!" he rushes through his words. "and comil's going to be on that ship! we can kill two birds with one stone!"
he looks at you expectantly as you process what he says.
"if vice admiral comil's on that ship then they'll definitely have detailed notes of their observations... there's no way they wouldn't have gathered intel!"
"that's what i'm saying!"
"ace, that's great!" you throw your arms around him. "this is it!"
it's not until ace instinctively wraps his arms around you that you realize two very important things.
one. if vice admiral comil truly is on that ship, that means that your adventure with ace is coming to an end soon.
your heart sinks.
two. you and ace are alone, hugging, in a very, very dark and cramped broom closet — and you don't want to stop.
your heart races.
you look up at ace and he's never looked more earnest. mischievous, startled, impressed, hungry, and even flirty — you've had the privilege to learn what each of these expressions look like on ace's handsome face.
but this — his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that burns as hot as your cheeks — is a first.
you swear that you can feel his heart beat against your chest. he feels warm, even in an open vest, and you realize that he felt just as warm when he was holding your hand.
he brushes hair out of your face and, for a second time in this room, you hold your breath.
do it.
"you're right," he says quietly. "this is it."
and then, as if he heard your prayer, he kisses you.
day 23.
"are you okay? are you hurt?" you look for any sign of harm under all the soot on ace
"relax, it's just fire." he grins, "they do call me 'firefist ace', y'know."
finished with your examination, you reach up to brush away a bit of ash on his cheek. given any other circumstance, that smug smile on his face would make your heart flush.
right now, though, all you can think about are his words, sinking into your skin like lead.
"i know who you are, ace. the problem is," you do your best to erase any emotion from your voice. "so does everyone else now."
ever impulsive, the implication of ace's actions doesn't hit him until now. silence settles between you for a moment, and in the background, the commotion becomes audible. between the ship fire and ace's identity reveal, you've never heard so much chaos happen at once.
"they're looking for you," you say quietly. "they'll find you soon."
you wish you had more time. in the past 3 weeks, you've realized — on more than once occasion — that this is not what you signed up for. this had started out as a purely transactional relationship between a criminal and law enforcement, i.e. the bad guy and the good guy.
but it's been so much more than that.
in all his smiles and stupidity, his companionship, and his kind, kind heart, ace has proven to you over and over again that he's more than just the bad guy that your training manual has made him out to be.
you thumb the seastone cuffs hanging from your waist, completely lost in your thoughts. your stupid agreement looms over you; you know this is your only chance to arrest him.
it's not until he says your name that you remember where you are.
"did you say something?"
ace takes a deep breath, looking far more serious than you've seen.
"the deal's off."
"but we have a contract," you cling onto the very thing that you were just cursing. "you can't just do that! you got everything you wanted, you- it's not fair-"
he takes your hand, and the small act of affection is enough to quiet your protests.
"will you listen to me for a second?"
his voice is gentle, careful, loving. you manage to nod.
"i think," he intertwines his fingers in yours. "we both knew that my arrest was never going to happen."
you say nothing, waiting.
"i have no intention of getting captured here," he takes your other hand. "and i don't think you want to do it either."
a pang in your chest. he's right, and you know it. deep down, you knew that you were never going to be able to hold up your end of the bargain. the idea of putting an end to his adventures is something that you could never do.
he presses his forehead against yours, and it's so, so warm. it makes your heart ache. you close your eyes, focusing solely on the warmth that blooms from where you and ace are connected — from your foreheads, from your fingertips — as if it might make this any easier.
"hey," ace's voice is barely a whisper. "look at me."
like a good marine, you do as you're told.
you look into his dark eyes, and they look into yours.
"here's what i want you to do," his breath fans your cheeks.
"you're going to tell the captain that i'm going after blackbeard. tell them that you have information on his defection from the whitebeard pirates for the murder of a crewmate, okay?"
you nod again, willing the tears that are building in your chest to stay where they are.
"and thank you," he says. ace's voice breaks, and that's when the dam cracks. tears fall onto your cheeks as he does his best to continue.
"thank you for your help," ace says, knowing that he's running out of time and conviction to leave. "and for giving me everything i wanted."
he tilts your chin up to wipe away your tears, "you are everything."
and he kisses you for what feels like a millisecond and a lifetime all at once. he tastes like unfinished stories and goodbyes come too soon — like the sweetness of ice cream on a summer afternoon, like the warmth of breakfast on an autumn morning, and the richness of hot cocoa on a winter night.
he tastes like what you imagine love to be.
"wait for me," is the last thing he says to you before he leaves.
and like a good marine, you'll do as you're told.
"mail for ya, sarge!"
you take the letter from the young postal worker, thanking her for delivering your letter. you inspect the letter, curiosity growing as you do. there's no return address or sender, just your name and what looks to be a burn mark.
you smile.
ripping open the envelope, you find a photograph of a freckled pirate in his orange hat in front of an ice cream shoppe, eyes smiling in that way that makes him look like a little kid.
there's a sign in the background that reads "best ice cream in the world!" and you laugh. flipping over the photo of ace, you find a short message.
gonna need you to come verify their claims - let's go together next time.
it's a deal.
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Avatar! Quaritch x Navi Reader
Given Enough
Series Master List (Way of Water)
Tag List: @the-wanderer-2022 @zootsutra @anyzandy   @kneelingforvillains @dioriez @mylovelyreblogs @dinobae-replyacc @voodoogoul @freshmoneyalmondathlete @thedumboneforsomereason @world-dominating-kitty @scarletpines @sofiebstar @vampire-hunter @cypherpt5fttaehyung @strangerdeeznuts
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT SMUT SMUT (LISTEN I will indicate when the smut starts so most of this chapter you can read but also when it ends. This chapter is a bit longer ish), Angst, depression, death, killing, and I'll add more later
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 - Seasons change
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_6 Months Later_
The colonel has been living among the Kamimaljuyú people. He would all day with their beautiful princess (Y/n). She taught him their way of life. How they ride great bison, hunt, speak, and feel the world around them. Where their spiritual and holy places are yet for now he is not allowed to set foot inside of them until he is one of the people. They said good and bad spirits fight over his soul. Eywa has two paths for Quaritch but he must choose which path he will take. Over the 6 months, he found it difficult not to become attached to her. The woman who saved him and now teaches him how to survive. (Y/n) herself had fallen for the Avatar. They spent almost every moment together. Their bodies were close, the small glances stolen, jokes shared, yet she knew this love could not be. She was of the Navi and him the sky people. 
Right now the villagers have fallen asleep. Quaritch decided to take his ikran for a ride. He needed to think about all this. Jake Sully had been his only priority from the start. His whole plan evolved around deceiving the village, mating with the princess, and starting a war with the Metkayina just to kill the Sullivan family as Jake watched. He was just a few miles from the territories border when he saw lights flashing. His ears perk up recognizing the aircraft. “Faster.” He told the ikran. Once coming closer he made a hand gesture to land. Luckily General Ardome knew who he was. She could spot the difference between a Navi and Avatar with just one glance. Plus his tattoo obviously gave him away. They landed she walked out of the plane oxygen mask on. “It’s about damn time we found you. We had to let things settle before we tried to cross the sea again. Your tracker cut off not long after hitting the mountains… What the fucks happen to you?!” He asked noticing his changes. 
“I hit the jackpot, General. The Kamimaljuyú tribe heard of them right?”
“In books, they are mentioned but why? They are just an air clan in the moutains.”
“They are much more than a clan. Thousands live in the mountains. Plus they outnumber all the forest clans combined. The best part is I have the princess at arms reach. But I am not going to be another Jake Sully. In another 6 months, I will be one of them.” He held a sinister grin. 
“And then what is your big plan after the last one failed so much? We fought the natives before. Look at what that has gotten us.”
“Yes, I know. But if I...mate… with the princess… I will be forced to become the next clan leader. It means nothing to me but for them, it’s for a lifetime. I found something else. Their greatest weapon. Much like the Metkayian with the tulkun, they create a special bond with these giant bison creatures. If you give me enough time. I plan on luring one out, (Y/n)’s. Kill the beast, blame the Metkayian, and we start a war between them.”
“Let them destroy themselves. Enough time for us to come in and kill Jake Sully destroy their war hero and their spirit. In 6 months I should be able to gather enough supplies to make it seem the water tribe has done this. Colonel, we may just win the war.”
He nods, “They will never see it coming.” 
_6 Months Later_
It had come the time that he would be welcomed into the tribe as a true Kamimaljuyú. One year ago he was taken in by the princess and given a second chance…at revenge. He constantly fought the feeling of regret. He tried to deny his love but in the end, right now, he knew he messed up. That rage for Jake Sully blinded all other emotions. 
(Earlier that day) He knew Áramà trusted him thanks to Balam. He told the colonel how his sister constantly talked with her, about the feelings she had. What else is a brother for after all but causing mischief? He took his Pup and rode up to find Áramà.
“Hola, yaakunaj.” (Hey, love.) He smiled as she licked his face. Could he truly do this?... Yes, he had to for his honor. “Tin wu'uyaj ka' le ch'a cháako' ka ts'o'ok u planeado jump'éel náachil yaabilajech ti' (Y/n) yéetel Teene'.In chan bix ken u ya'al Nib óolal.” (Listen after the ceremony I had planned a special trip for (Y/N) and me. My little way of saying thank you.) He gently pets the bison. “Go out past the border you know the first little island, Cayoà?... Yes I know it’s far from here but listen. It’s special I know how she feels…I want to just express my love. You trust me right?” The bison huffed before nuzzling his body before taking off. “See you soon.” He waved goodbye to his friend that had fallen right into his trap. His consciousness told him to stop  Áramà. Inez said good and bad spirits battle for his heart after all…right now the bad ones spoke a little louder
(present)(Y/n) is now allowed to take him to their Kili'ich Che' or in English their ‘Holy Tree’ where he can bond with Eywa. The female smiled as they held hands climbing up the largest mountain top. There is a naturally flat area where the trees around it have caved in to create a protective barrier. Inside rests the tree which glows with the great spirit.
“I finally made it didnt I, princess?”
“Yes, you did.” Her smile is so bright and loving. “Now here take your queue and place it here.” She showed him. Quaritch repeats her instructions closing his eyes. He could hear the ancestors. Surely this could not be real. Perhaps it was a plant that they used to hallucinate. He tried anything to deny the fact he had fallen in love with her and this village. “They live in Eywa…and one day so will we.” She pulled back her queue, ears going down. “Now you may choose a woman.” The colonel looked away. 
“Yes, we have many fine women who long to be your mate.”
“There is a line isnt there?” He chuckled. “But the woman I want…I am unsure if she feels the same about me.” 
(Y/n) looked up at him, “Ask her how she feels. The woman would be a fool to turn you away.” She spat more angrily at the woman he had eyes on, not understanding it was her. 
“Yeah, I should ask her…” He took a step closer taking her by surprise. Rick wrapped an arm around her waist bringing the Navi woman closer. “(Y/n) (L/n) do you love me?” He whispers. She nods. 
“I do…” Before anything else could be spoken he leans in and kissed her deeply. 
(SMUT STARTS HERE SKIP THIS PART but after the story will continue.)
(Y/n) moans softly, feeling Quaritch's hands run down her body pressing her against the tree. He kissed up her neck pressing his already hardened cock against (Y/n)'s womanhood. A soft gasp escaped her lips. "Your queue." The Navi woman whispers. Rick paused, revealing his queue and exposing the delicate nerves that protrude out. His golden eyes soften knowing here is what he worked for. This entire year of becoming one of them. Just to mate with the princess. Yet he never planned to fall in love. Not this way. "Once we connect them… we are mated for life." 
Their eyes watched as the queues connect. Rick inhaled deeply and closed his eyes feeling pure bliss. It was not just a sexual feeling but a spiritual connection. He felt her, knew her, was hers forever now. (Y/n) opened her eyes, pressing her forehead to his. "I see you."
"I see you." He whispered before moving on top of her. Removing their garments, Quaritch lines himself up to her entrance. "I'll be gentle." He whispered pushing into her. The female arched whimpering. Normally during sexual encounters, he only cared about getting himself off and getting it over with. Now with (Y/n), it was different. He cared for her. Rick wants her to feel him, to see him. 
"Rick~ Move. I can take it." (E/c) orbs looked into his. He nods, pulling back then thrusts towards. His blue ears went back in pleasure. 
"Fuck (Y/n)~" He groaned picking up speed with each thrust. (Y/n) moaned loudly, rolling her hips. "I love you~"
"I love you t-too" He pants.
The remaining night was bliss. Now they have mated for life and become one. Their bodies tangled together underneath the holy tree. He could not sleep fully. Regret filled his soul. Áramà would soon be dead. War started all for revenge. Quaritch finally settled enough to get some rest. (Y/n) had a horrible dream. Her companion, her best friend, is being trapped, and hunted, by someone she did not know. A sudden pain fills her chest. (Y/n) opened her eyes sitting up gasping for air tears pouring down her face. "What's wrong?!" Rick asked. 
"Áramà she is endanger. HURRY we have to go alert the village!" She yelled and Quaritch helped her up. The Navi and Avatar ran back to their Ikran flying as fast as their banshees could take them. 
Her father sat up instantly but noticed something different. "You…You two…Did you mate with my daughter?!" Cualli yells. 
"We mated before Eywa. Nothing can be done now, father. But we have to talk about this later. Àramà needs us!" Her father sighed before signaling for the troops to get prepared. 
Quaritch felt his heart pounding. "Come on. You can ride with me." He grabbed her hand and called for Pup. The mates jumped on the Bison. (Y/n) felt where Áramà is told by Quaritch how to guide Pup. She knew something is terribly wrong with her spirit animal. She felt that connection between them slowly fade, which only meant one thing. 
The tribe soon close in on the bison's location. (Y/n) began to cry out seeing her friend laying on her side in the water. Quaritch closed his eyes holding onto (Y/n) hearing screams of sorrow. "ÁRAMÀ!" She cried jumping down and falling next to her bison. "NO! NO EYWA PLEASE GREAT MOTHER NO!" She begged softly combing the bison's wet fur. "Much ma' p'atko'on. Teech ka k'áat óoltik Eywa Cha' in p'áatal yéetel leti'.Mix juntéen in suut dudar ti' teechi'... Béet." (Please do not leave me. I beg you Eywa let me keep her. I will never doubt you again...Please). She begged Eywa feeling her companion take a few more deep breaths before death. The connection is no longer there. (Y/n) looked at Quaritch ears flattened and eyes red from crying. He too held tears in his eyes. Why did he do this? All for revenge. It's too late… "Rick…S-she…she." Her voice quivers. Quaritch walked up to the bison placing his large hand against her chest. 
"In akaljantik. Leti' ku ts'o'ok u biin." (I'm sorry. She is gone.) He whispered. 
"Lok.(Look)" Balam said picking up a spear. He wondered how could a bison be taken down so quickly. Especially by another tribe. That is not their way of life. "Here." He handed it to his father. 
The elder brushed his tears away growling at the object. "The water clan." He whispered. He knew this belonged to the Metkayina. Tonowari had been his friend for decades. Why did he do this? Quaritch felt ready to faint. How could he have done this? That is when he noticed (Y/n) had stopped crying, her face down, not moving, or making a sound.
“(Y/n)?” He whispered. She slowly lifted her head with a look that can kill anyone. The emotion he had wanted the most. The one way he would be able to lead the Kamimaljuyú and Metkayian to war. Revenge. 
“I am going to slaughter their entire clan” She whispered.
“Now (Y/n) let's think about this.”
“WHY RICK?! Look what they did! As my mate, you should support me -”
“I do!”
“Then will you fight by my side?”
“Túun k ti' k'atun” (Then we are at war.) She snarled as the other villagers yelled cries of war. Quaritch sighed deeply. ‘Eywa what have I done?’
Chapter 4
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mountttmase · 1 year
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A Mountain To Climb - Part Nine
Note - just wanted to say thank you all so much for all the love you show this every week. Now I’m posting and running but send me your thoughts please 💙
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 4.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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‘What if I want you to watch?’ You asked him, appearing in the open doorway. He did a double take as he looked up at you from his spot on the side of the bed, clearly unsure as to wether he’d heard you correctly and he swallowed hard as he furrowed his brows at you.
‘What if I want you to watch me get changed?’ You questioned, taking slow steps towards him as you placed yourself in between his thighs. He kept his hands planted on the bed, afraid of what he might do if he touched you in this moment. ‘Is that something you would want?’ You asked and even though he looked petrified right now you could see in his eyes that he wanted you.
‘What’s going on’ he whispered to himself and you let out a little chuckle.
‘I’m sick and tired of pretending I don’t want you when I always have’ you confessed to him sternly and you saw his eyes widen as he let out a shaky breath, finally hearing the words he’d waited for.
‘Is this the alcohol talking’ he laughed, trying to make light of the situation but you wanted to prove to him you were serious.
‘I haven’t had any alcohol since the second drink you made me. And I know you only had two drinks cause you can’t handle any more than that’
‘Well that’s me told’ he said quietly and you took the opportunity to tease him a little, bringing your hands up to your shirt and starting to undo the few visible buttons. You were surprised that he didn’t try and stop you so you took it a step further, grabbing his hands and resting them around your back.
‘Could you unzip me please?’ You asked quietly, and he gave a you subtle nod of his head before reaching for the zip and pulling it down as far as it would go before you took a step back to shimmy it down your hips. When it dropped to the floor you looked up to watch Mason, his eyes trained on the tops of your thighs as your shirt was just covering your underwear. You took you time unbuttoning the last few buttons before you slid the shirt off your shoulders, leaving you just in a pair of black lacey knickers.
He shut his eyes at first, cursing under his breath multiple times and rather than wait for him to look at you, you sauntered forward and grabbed his shoulders before straddling his lap causing the smallest whimper to come from him as his eyes finally met yours.
‘Promise me you’re sure about this’ he whispered as he grabbed your naked waist ‘That you realise what this means?’ he asked, his dark eyes drilling into yours as he searched for the answers he wanted.
‘You said it yourself downstairs, things have changed’ you breathed, ghosting your lips over his causing him to groan before you kissed along his jaw to whisper in his ear. ‘Now I need you to take care of me, Mase. I need you to fuck me like you’ve always wanted to cause I know you have. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve looked at me from the second you saw me’
‘Holy shit’ he whimpered, throwing his head back and exposing his neck that you latched onto immediately. Kissing and sucking his skin as you started to rock your hips over him. You felt him hold you tightly, turning and flipping you onto your back before jumping up and starting to undress himself down to his boxers.
You laid there and took him in, clenching your thighs together at the sight of him. You’d seen him without a top once and knew he was in good shape but the sight of him now was making your mouth water. He was so toned and perfect but the tattoos that littered his skin were sending you feral. You wanted to reach out so you could touch them and kiss them whilst he told you all about what they all meant and you were so lost in your own thoughts you didn’t realise he was done and was looking down at you.
He seemed a little nervous so you shuffled over and onto your side before holding you hand out to invite him over. He took it carefully and slotted himself next to you before grabbing your waist again. ‘Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting this’ he whispered and you cupped his jaw in hopes he would look at you in the eye.
‘Don’t be sorry. I know it’s all a bit of a surprise and if you’re not ready we don’t have to-‘
‘I’m ready’ he interrupted quickly, not wanting you to back out before things had already started and you sent him a gentle smile as you softly ran your thumb over his cheek. ‘I just didn’t think our first time would be at Bens house’ he laughed whilst rolling his eyes.
‘You’ve thought about our first time?’ You teased and you watched as he blushed and tried to hide his face.
‘More times than I care to admit’
‘Oh well, it’ll make it more memorable this way’ you winked and he gave you a little nod before getting serious again.
‘You’re so fucking beautiful’ he breathed before finally connecting your lips once again. He was slow and careful at first but as you both got into the swing of things he pushed you back ever so slightly so he could tower over you, resting his leg in between yours before his hand began to wonder up to your chest.
You both moaned as he delicately traced the sensitive skin and he seemed finally confident enough to give you what you needed. He pulled back from your lips, cheeks flushed and eyes clouded with lust as he kissed his way from your jaw, down your neck and all over your collarbones before he got to your chest.
‘I can’t believe how perfect you are’ he whispered into your skin before taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking. Your hips bucked up into him as your fingers found his hair, raking through his locks so you could keep his head exactly where it was, but his wandering hands were trailing further down to where you needed some relief. He shuffled in between your legs as his lips trailed down your body, taking the time to kiss over your tummy which caused you to giggle.
‘Mason’ you laughed and he looked up at you with a cheeky glint in his eye.
‘What? Do you know how long I’ve waited for this? Just let me take my time and appreciate you a bit’ he winked before his head dipped to start kissing you again. His lips finally made their way to your underwear, kissing along the band before looking up at you. You lifted your hips without a word and he laughed before hooking his fingers through them and pulling them down your legs.
The was an obvious tent in his boxers and you sat up to pull them down but he grabbed your wrists, pinning them to the sides of you head as he pushed you back down onto the bed, his face hovering over yours and his bulge now pressing into your core as you gasped at the sudden change of pace.
‘Nuh uh, not yet’ he whispered, bumping his nose against yours making you whimper. ‘Oh, you like it like this do you?’ He teased, his voice now laced with cockiness and you nodded gently as he smiled. ‘Well I’m gonna need you to keep these hands up here for me for a bit. You think you can do that baby?’ He asked and you melted at his words, never knowing you needed to be called baby by him until this very moment. ‘Good girl, and I need you to keep these legs open for me too and just relax yeah?’ he told you and you managed to choke out a yes, his sudden change in attitude getting you more hot and bothered than you thought you could be.
Before you could even think about moving your arms his face was in line with your core and you felt him nip the inside of your thigh with his teeth before licking a long stripe up the centre of you. You gasped at his movements, your first instincts being to close your legs around his head, but his hands that were wrapped around your thighs kept them open for him and without thinking you laced your fingers through his hair. He seemed to like this though, moaning louder into you as you tugged on it a bit.
You’re body was turning into jelly as you melted into the sheets, every suck and flick of his tongue making you want to grind your face into him until he dipped his tongue into your entrance causing his nose to bump against you clit and you shivered at the sensation.
‘Fuck, Mason’ you moaned and you heard him growl before detaching himself from you and hovering back over your face. You whined at the loss of contact but he was quick to gently insert a finger into you which made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
‘Eyes on me baby’ he breathed, his lips barely touching yours and you could just about taste yourself on him. Your eyes snapped back to meet his dark ones as he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you slowly before his thumb came to your clit. ‘Say it again. Tell me who’s making you feel this good’
‘You are, Mason’ you whimpered out, tears falling from the corners of your eyes and he kissed them away gently, a contradiction to his cocky tone and teasing words. ‘Fuck, right there’ you gasped and he made sure to keep doing what he was doing as he lowered his head to connect your lips gently. ‘Masonnn please’
‘Good girl, keep saying my name’ he breathed and you felt your legs begin to shake around him as your high approached. You couldn’t believe how fast he’d got you to this point, but you were more turned on than you could ever remember being. His lips soon attached to your neck and your body erupted in goosebumps as you came around his fingers. You cried out his name but his lips were on yours to silence you immediately, forgetting you weren’t on your own as most of the guest rooms in Bens house were full but you didn’t care, too focused on the way Mason was making you feel.
After he’d ridden you though it he pulled away from you, your bottom lip trapped between his teeth before he let go and it snapped back into place. You felt as light as air and dazed as he jumped up and finally tugged his boxers down, your heart rate increasing at the sight of him. You thought he might of been big but he was perfect and you wanted to make him feel as good as he’d just made you feel. You sat up onto your knees and he let out a little laugh, clearly amused by your sudden surge in energy as you pointed to the spot you’d just been.
‘Sit down, I wanna ride you’ you breathed and he cursed under his breath before jumping on the bed to sit against the headboard. His hands tapped his thighs and you crawled over to him, straddling his legs once again as his hands wrapped around your waist before stroking up and down your back lightly.
He was looking up at you adoringly but you could see his eyes were full of lust and you smiled at him before cupping his jaw and placing your lips on his. You kissed each other softly, taking a break from all the intensity that had just taken place so you could catch your breath a bit. He smiled onto your lips as you began to gently rock your hips along his length, the little moans and whimpers coming from him making you speed up until you needed to feel him inside you.
You reached down, lips still connected as you grabbed a hold of him and guided him towards your entrance. He broke away from the kiss, his wild eyes on yours as you lowered yourself onto him slowly as his hands gripped at your hips tightly. The familiar burn was overwhelming as he was a lot bigger than you’d anticipated so the gasps that left your mouth were louder than you meant them to be but he didn’t try and silence to this time, too caught up in the feeling of how you fit around him so perfectly.
‘Jesus Christ, y/n’ he breathed, his lips now sucking at your collarbone as he helped slowly guide your hips over him.
‘Slowly, Mase’ you mumbled, taken aback by the feel of him inside of you but he was so gentle and gave you the time to adapt to his size until you got to the point you were bouncing up and down on him faster and faster as the seconds went on.
His face was buried in your neck but you wanted to look at him, wanted to know how you were making him feel, so you tugged on his hair until eyes were looking back up at you. Your heart stuttered at the sight of him, hair messy and sticking up in all directions, lips swollen and pouty as he struggled to regulate his breathing and the most adorable blush was painted across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. You lent down to scatter kisses across his skin as he hands moved to your bum so he could help guide you as he bucked up into you, causing you to moan even louder than before as he hit that perfect spot inside you.
‘Get on your back, gorgeous’ he whispered, helping you off him but you ignored his request. Staying on you knees whilst wiggling your bum in the air which caused him to laugh. ‘You want it like this huh?’ He teased and you nodded as you arched your back whilst he positioned himself behind you.
‘Come on, Mase. Show me what you got’ you teased and he laughed almost shyly at you whilst he gripped your hips.
‘Fine, but not for long. I wanna see you’ he mumbled before giving your bum a harsh slap.
You gasped at the sting of it, turning to look at him but he gave you a cheeky wink as he was lining himself up with you and thrusting in without a second thought. The loudest moan escaped your lips as he filled you to the brim, making you collapse forward and bury your head into the pillows to muffle your cries as his hips snapped back and forth inside you. He felt amazing, hitting all the spots you needed him to and his hands were digging into your skin so hard you knew you’d be left with bruises.
You weren’t sure how much longer you’d be able to put up with him drilling into you like this without being able to cum, feeling it already brewing, but he quickly pulled out of you before wrapping an arm under you to flip you onto your back. The fact he could just throw you about like it was nothing made your tummy flutter and you laid there in a stunned silence as he forced your legs apart around him again. Your face was covered by your hair but he gently moved it out the way so you could see again and his soft smile melted you.
‘You okay, baby?’ He whispered but words were failing you so you just nodded as he kissed your cheek. ‘Sorry, I’m so close but I don’t wanna finish yet’ he told you quietly before kissing you again. The feeling of his warm, sweaty skin pressed against yours made you shiver as you both got into the kiss, his length pressing against your thigh and he couldn’t help but guide himself back in, both gasping at the familiar feeling.
He rocked his hips into you at a leisurely pace, as if he had all the time in the world to savour you and you thought you might burst. This was so different to sex you’d had in the past and your whole body felt like a live wire. Sure you’d slept with guys but if was always a quick fuck. No feelings involved and it certainly never felt this good. The chain around his neck was dangling low in your face and it wasn’t long before he took it in between his teeth causing him to bite down on his lip deliciously making you moan loudly. He’s was so incredibly sexy and you couldn’t seem to control yourself which he made worse when his lips moved downwards, licking your chest before taking your nipple back in his mouth.
‘Mason, I’m so close’ you whimpered and he grunted before his face came back to hover over yours, eyes staring into your soul as you chased your highs. You held onto his strong shoulders as he pushed you through it, his hand coming to cover your mouth as you cried out his name whilst cuming around him. He was spent soon after, your name tumbling quietly from his lips as he collapsed on-top of you. The only sounds now being your heavy breathing as the pair of you tried to calm down whilst Mason absentmindedly traced random circles on you ribs.
‘Sorry, Mase’ you whispered, trying to shuffle from under him so you could head to the bathroom. He mumbled a quick sorry back before un-trapping you and you rushed to the bathroom to sort yourself out. You couldn’t look at yourself in the mirror for some reason and the thought of leaving the bathroom so exposed scared the life out of you.
This isn’t what you did, you didn’t sleep with someone and then spend the night. You got dressed and you got the hell out of there.
Your first instinct was to do exactly that and run as far away as possible so you didn’t have to think about it again. You felt so unsure of yourself and you had no idea why, tears springing in your eyes almost instantly and you told yourself to take a few breaths before joining Mason again. Thankfully he’d tuned most of the lights off and was in bed facing the other way so you could quickly run over to your bag and you pulled out a top and some shorts to cover up. You were just about done when he looked over to you and pulled the cover back for you to get in.
You slid in carefully, turning so your back was against his chest and he wrapped his arm around you to keep you in position. ‘You okay’ he whispered and you nodded your head, feeling like your voice might break if you said anything to him. ‘Good. Let’s get some sleep yeah? It’s late’ he told you before placing a kiss on your shoulder and snuggling down into you.
Your eyes became blurry almost instantly but you willed them shut as the hot tears rolled down your face. You were panicking and you couldn’t make it stop, your mind racing over what he’d said to you this evening about things were about to change and knowing what sleeping with Mason meant. You realised now you were in far too deep and if it carried on any longer one of you would only end up hurting the other. It all felt like a mess and your natural instinct was to run and hide.
You laid there for what felt like hours when in reality it was only 20 minutes until Mason was in a deep sleep, rolling onto his back and snoring softly causing you to let out a quiet breath. You quickly and quietly slipped out from beside him and grabbed your stuff so you could go hide in the en-suite, ordering an Uber through your tears before getting dressed. You were rubbing at your eyes to try and make your crying stop but it only made them look worse.
Your Uber was almost there so you took a deep breath and snuck out of the bathroom, but you were met with the worst possible scene in-front of you. Mason was awake, sat up in his boxers with his lamp on and his eyes were straight on yours.
‘Y/n? Everything okay?’ He asked softly, standing up to come over to you but you didn’t have any words to offer him. ‘Baby? What’s going on?’ He whispered, catching onto your swollen and bloodshot eyes as he cupped your jaw so you would look at him. ‘Hey, talk to me. Why are you crying?’ He mumbled before finally taking a proper look at you. Fully dressed, shoes on with your bag in hand. ‘What’s going on. Where are you going?’ He asked you a bit more firmly this time and your eyes stung at the fact he’d figured you out.
‘Mason, I-‘
‘You’re running out on me aren’t you?’
‘No’ you breathed but he saw right through you, stepping back and you choked back a sob as his face dropped.
‘What the fuck, y/n? Are you actually kidding me’ he snapped, his voice rising and you knew if he carried on then he’d wake the whole house up.
‘Mase, please just let me-‘
‘I can’t believe this. So what has it just been fake the whole time?’
‘No’ you cried, stepping towards him but he backed off which only made you sob harder.
‘I’m not just some guy some guy you’ve slept with that you can bail on. I thought I meant something to you? I thought we were friends at the very least. This isn’t how you treat people you care about!’ He roared and for the first time since you’d known him you felt a little scared. ‘But we’re not friends are we? Friends don’t do what we do and it just be normal. I thought you were mine’ he whimpered and your heart broke at the sight of him. ‘I don’t give a shit if people have been bad to you in the past, that doesn’t give you permission to treat everyone else like crap!’
His words hit you like a slap in the face and you froze on the spot. Hurt seeping into your skin as he lost his mind and it was all your fault.
‘I tried so hard, like really fucking tried with you. I’ve had the shit ripped out of me for months by my mates cause they know how much I like you and just when I think it’s been worth it you fuck me over? What were you expecting y/n? For me to wake up tomorrow and not wonder where you were? To not hear from you again maybe? For it to not hurt like fuck and to just be fine with that!’
You didn’t know what to say, and you’re heart broke as he wiped his eyes furiously whilst turning away from you.
‘You know how much you mean to me and I really thought I meant more to you than I quite obviously do’
‘Please let me explain’ you cried but he shook his head immediately.
‘No, I’m done, alright? I give up so If you’re going then go’ he told you harshly before whipping round to face you when you didn’t move ’get the fuck out!’ He bellowed and you didn’t need telling twice. You made your way to the door and were met with Ben just coming out of his room.
‘Y/n? Are you okay? What’s going on?’
‘I have to go’ you whispered brushing past him but he was following you down the stairs and through the house.
‘It’s 5am, you can’t go now. Just wait a minute’
‘I’ve got an Uber outside it’s fine’ you sobbed and you stopped to quickly face him. ‘Thank you for letting me stay’
‘I’ve got to go’ you sniffed before tugging the door open and making a beeline for your Uber at the end of the drive.
Tagged: @alwaysclassyeagle @ricsaigaslec @cinderellawithashoe @vip-access @majx00 @chelseagirl98
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highlady-sorcha · 1 year
Appetite (Cassian x Reader) (Mature)
Holy freaking cow guys, I CANNOT believe the reception that you all have given my work on here. I can’t even begin to tell you what it means, and I truly cannot thank you enough for all the love and support you’ve given me over the past couple days. Here’s another one from my Wattpad in a much different vein than the other two. I’ve never written smut before this- so bear with me lol. Thanks for reading!
The cabin got too quiet during the day. Snow flurried down from the skies in a ceaseless sheet of white fluff, and the drifts grew higher and higher, beginning to shift around as the wind roared around the eaves of the building.
   You shuddered against the cold and snuggled deeper into your sweater. The thick knit felt good against the chill that leaked in from around a few of the windows. For all the magic that Rhysand held, it was a wonder he never bothered to fix that. For all the time that he and Feyre spent up here, didn't he ever get cold?
    Thinking of what they spent their time up here doing, you snorted. Of course they didn't get cold up here, no matter if they were deep in the Illyrian mountains in the dead of winter. Nyx was proof of that.
  Settling down into the overstuffed couch, you grabbed your book off the sofa, where you had it laying open, face down to keep your place. The wind roared outside as you tried to not consider what had possibly happened on this very seat by the same two people you'd had in mind.
   You picked up the book and began to read, taking a long, slow drink of your steaming tea. The hot liquid slipped over your tongue and languidly dripped down the back of your throat.
 There were other things you wanted to drip down the back of your throat.
A pleasant ache throbbed softly between your thighs.
Now wasn't the time, Cassian would be back later, he said he just wanted time away from everything when he got back. Being part of the inner circle took a toll on him at times, and now with the pressure of being an uncle, the protectiveness he felt for Nyx... you knew it killed him at times.
    But, there were ways to help him relax when he did get back to the cabin.. Your chest tightened a little bit at the thought of him in that huge armchair by the window. His dark, tattooed skin shining in the winter light. All of his skin. Not a stitch on him. Laid back, his head thrown back in ecstasy. With his thick cock in one hand, your hair knotted in the other.
  The ache built, wetness slicking your throbbing slit. Tingles traveled down your legs, and you couldn't help but curl your toes in response. The sensation traveled up from your gently swelling clit to the tips of your breasts. They hardened instantly.
 You forced another breath through your tightened chest, and set the book on the back of the couch. It slipped off the back and fell to the floor in a flutter of pages. You hardly noticed as you leaned back against the arm of the sofa and spread your legs just a little bit.
   The other night, Cassian had wanted to try something new. He'd brought out a length of rope and tied your wrists together  around the bedpost. After stripping you bare and laying you facedown on the bed, he'd run a calloused fingertip down your spine with one finger, and used the other to play with your clit.
  You were so sensitive that you rarely liked him touching you like that. The sensation was almost more than you could bare. It almost hurt. You could never stay still, him touching your clit sent you jerking and clenching your leg closed. Most of the time, Cassian lost patience and just spread your legs. He normally chose to pleasure you with his cock instead- what he knew you could handle.
  Recently though, he'd been sadistic- feral, almost. Bared teeth, fucking outside. The more you whined and begged, moaned and whimpered that you had already come too many times- the harder and longer he fucked you.
 Although the fire in the hearth now banked low, heat rippled across your skin when you slid your hand between your legs. The silken sleep shorts you wore were damp at the crotch seam. The navel length top did nothing to hide your peaked breasts. They chafed against the fabric, begging to be kissed by cool air and kneaded by Cassian's rough hands.
 A soft sigh left your parted lips and you closed your eyes when your fingers dipped into the wetness you found.
 "Mmm, kitten. Seems like you knew just what I would need when I got in." A deep voice purred.
Your eyes flew open as snowflakes fluttered in on a frigid wind. You'd been so preoccupied, you hadn't even heard the door open.
 Cassian threw it closed behind him, all his attention already on you. It slammed so hard you didn't need fae hearing to catch the glass rattle in its frame.
  A feral smile stretched his mouth, his wings spread wide behind him so that winter light highlighted the membranes between each bone. Snowflakes melted in the black, wind tangled locks that curled around his jaw.
 He had a warrior's stance as he looked at you reclined on the sofa, playing with yourself.
 Cassian growled and stroked the enormous bulge building beneath his belt.
 "I thought you were going to spend the day reading and writing?" He smirked.
 Your lips pulled back from your teeth in a feral grin, dipping deeper into the wetness at your core.
  "Reading builds an appetite," you replied.
 "Does it now?" The corner of Cassian's wide mouth quirked up.
  Folding his wings in tightly behind him, he stalked across the room. Every thump of his boots echoed in your heart, at the apex of your thighs. That hot tightness built and built. The tightness in your chest curled like a python preparing for its next meal.
 He stood over you and leaned down onto the back of the sofa, bracing himself on his powerful forearms. The sight of corded muscles shifting under his bronze, tattooed skin made you swallow past a lump in your throat.
 "Now kitten... what are we going to do with you?" Cassian raked his eyes up and down your body before meeting your eye.
 A growl rumbled in his throat, his adam's apple shifted. "Well, are you going to answer me?"
 You gave him your best naughty smirk and lifted your hips off the sofa, pulling your silken shorts down and off in one smooth motion. You flicked them across the room, onto the very same armchair by the fire you'd imagined Cassian stroking his cock in only moments ago.
 Meeting his eye again, you spread your legs and played with your clit, making a mewling sound at the back of your throat as you did so.
  His eyes darkened as he smiled. "Now... I don't think we want to do it so simply, do we?"
 Before you could respond, he'd reached over the back of the couch and snatched the front of your silky tank top. Cassian fisted it in his hand and pulled you up face to face with him. This close, the musky scent of his arousal was almost more than you could bear.
  His lips crashed into yours, and he wrapped his arms around you. You kissed him back, opening your mouth to allow his tongue in. He kissed furiously, with a primal need. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he sat you on the back of the sofa, deepening the kiss. He nibbled at your bottom lip before leaving it, kissing down your jaw, licking the sensitive spot below your ear.
  You groan at the hot sensation of his tongue and shifted closer to him, desperate for any friction to help relieve the ache that was building to a fever pitch. Cassian allowed you closer, your naked bottom grinding into his leather covered bulge. Your slickness did nothing to give you friction though, against the leather you just slid up and down. You whined at the reality.
 Cassian chuckled low in his throat, pulling away from your mouth. He braced his hands at the tops of your thighs and smirked at you. His face was wild with attraction, but you could see the leash he kept on it tighten just a little.
  "You're not going to get away so quickly. You said you had an appetite (y/n)?"
 Still breathing hard from making out, feeling the burning of his scruff still on your face you nodded desperately.
 Cassian's smile was positively feral. "So do I, it's been a long damn day."
 Cassian dropped to his knees and feasted like a starving man.
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popiastar · 1 year
Hi there ! How are you doing ? I wondered if I could ask for something please 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Like, last Monday, I got my first tattoo. It’s arsenic’s alchemical symbol (looks like an arrow) and it is located on my hip bone. I wondered what would the Ghouls think/ say or do if they found out their s/o got a tattoo in this place 🥺🖤
hi! i'm good thank you, congrats for your first tattoo! 🎉🎉
hope you like it 💕
❗info: gn reader, mention of tiny tattoo, mention of something unholy 👀, aether being a proud boyfriend, dewdrop being dewdrop, mountain being a flower boy, rain being myopic, swiss being a drama king
- he already knew everything: where you want it, what you choose, who is the tattoo artist... everything!
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🍌 aether
- just because you asked him to accompany you to take the appointment and said your idea
- initially you thought something behind your neck or on the ankle, the idea of the hip bone came from the tattoo artist himself
- so, after you get your tattoo, aether waited at the ministry
- "welcome back! i brought pH neutral soap and cream for you, google says[...]"
- obviously he tried to find the tattoo by roaming eyes on your body, when you unbotton your pants he almost panicked
- "oh! i thought you... never mind"
- aether bent closely to check how redness was your skin
- "it must have hurt! c'mon, let's put the cream"
🔥 dewdrop
- he didn't explicitly say he likes it but, even you have clothes, he always check your hip bones area and get red
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- you already told him you wanted a tattoo, he just pulled out a tattoo machine and "okay i'll be quick"
- luckly you managed to stop him and explain you wanted one from a professional tattoo artist
- dewdrop was offended, he was more professional than any other professionals
- that's the reason behind why you didn't tell him for a month
- you cleverly hid it under the guise that it was a scratch during a fight
- it was friday and, like all the fridays, the ghoulettes organized a pyjama party
- dew opened the door of sunshine's room the exact moment when you proudly had your sweatpants down and your tattoo on the spot
- he didn't say anything, just went away like nothing happens
- after some resting and a talk with the girls, the morning after you explain to him you didn't want to hurt his feelings
- "oof, it's not that bad don't worry"
- he continues to eat the breakfast without never looks at you
⛰️ mountain
- "consider yourself lucky that i found it sexy, tonight i will be a little easy on you"
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- he didn't know anything, he thought you went at the flower shop
- that's because everytime you both went out, you mentioned that you have an appointment and the flower shop is right next to the tattoo shop
- so mountain expected some plants for the garden or a bouquet for decorate your room
- he was almost right, you came back with some gardenia
- everyone in the ministry knew about the tattoo so they immediately asked to see it
- mountain was like "ooooh i knew that would look beautiful on her!"
- obviously he was clueless af
- now that you are in his room, you checking your tattoo healing
- "it's arsenic symbol, isn't it?"
- you are proud that your boyfriend recognize it, your friends thought it was just an arrow
- "can i tell you something about it?"
- panic, you quickly think it's ugly or something like that
- "i didn't understand you got a tattoo, i thought you set an appointment at the flower shop"
- he's embarrassed, face-palming himself
🌧️ rain
- "whatever, it looks very cute on you! i mean, it's very sexy!"
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- he found out after three of four days, while you were dressing
- at first, rain thinks it's a bruise and immediately approaching you
- "are you okay, baby? it hurts?"
- you lower your eyes where your new tattoo is, scrolling your shoulders
- "yeah, a little bit to be honest. beautiful right?"
- rain just blink twice, holy shit it's a tattoo!!!
- two minutes of deadly silence where you both staring each other
- after that time of you thinking about he doesn't like it he breathes out and slaps his forehead
- "oh shit i thought something happened to you, fuck"
- he likes it or not???? does he swear twice in a row???
- after your obvious dumbfounding face, he kiss your nose
💣 swiss
- "i really love it! it's suits you! can we ehm ehm now?"
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- honestly, he already knew you set an appointment for your tattoo like... immediately
- but he didn't know what it is or where you'll get it, you kept it secret
- the day has come and swiss went with you hoping to see the entire process
- no, he didn't see anything until you came back home
- "can i see this tattoo or am i supposed e to die right in front of you?"
- he was with you in the bathroom when you had to clean the tattoo and add cream
- swiss' eyes were glued on your hip bone
- "oh my, my, my caribbean calcite! it's tiny, i thought you were going to tattoo my face or something"
- not the reaction you expected, mostly because he laughed so hard
- "see you later, i have something to do now"
- two hours later cumulus tells you swiss ran away because he had a boner to take care of
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nirikeehan · 8 months
Happy DADWC! Let's have some Thalia/Cullen, with "Reunion x Defying prophecies" from your Fun Trope Combos list!
Hi Duchess!! Perfect prompt for some post-Battle of Haven early Thalia/Cullen character study, I think.
Also had to add these prompts from @breninarthur and @wolfs-dawn:
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For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1289
Now that Lady Thalia Trevelyan had returned from the dead, Cullen did not know how to speak to her. 
It had been easy at first. The scrappy red-haired mage had looked to him for guidance those months in Haven. Uncertain of the moniker bestowed upon her by the masses, she had peppered him with questions — about leadership, philosophy, religion, and listened with earnest fervor to what he had to say about them. She was young, certainly, but Cullen had every confidence she could grow into the role presented to her. Had been flattered, even, to mold her for command. 
Then everything came crashing down, and Cullen, acting as her commander, sent Thalia off to die. 
He replayed the moves of the battle through his head as the stragglers that called themselves the Inquisition trudged through snow and mountain. The days were brutal and the nights were worse, with ice winds howling down into the narrow rocky passes, and Cullen thought he might freeze a thousand times over. Only the rage boiling in his gut keep his blood pumping, as he ran the plays again and again. In chess, there were times when one must sacrifice a piece, even an important one, but the risks so often outweighed the reward. Try as he might, he didn’t see an outcome that saved her from destruction. He would have to live with that for the rest of his days. 
Maker guide her, she went willingly.
The burden of the march had eased. The train moved with lighter steps, their Herald restored to them. They had a destination, a goal to picture in their minds. Still, Cullen found it difficult to approach her. It was he who had found her, on her knees in the snow. When her lips were blue, he cradled her fragile body to his chest, trying to bring some warmth back into her. He flushed with the memory, in turns frightened, relieved, and… something else. 
Tonight, the cook fires burned brighter, it seemed, after the skies had cleared. He saw her, sitting on the cot in the healer’s tent, where her condition was being monitored, nose in a book. Her hair, auburn and incredibly long, she had coiled around her head in one long plait. She seemed stronger, the color starting to come back to her oval face. For days she had been white as the snow around them, offset only by the spiked tattoo ringing one eye. An extra security measure, Cullen had learned, devised by templars at the Ostwick Circle. It made him vaguely uneasy to behold, but he often found other parts of her face more pleasing  — her bright blue eyes, for instance, or her heart-shaped lips. 
She looked up and spied him, and Cullen’s heart thudded. She smiled at him shyly over the rim of the book, and his feet moved toward her of their own accord. 
“Forgive the intrusion,” he said as he approached. 
Thalia glanced around the empty tent and back to him. “Oh, Commander, as you can see, there’s nothing to intrude upon. I’m alone.” 
“Yes, but you seemed so engrossed.” Cullen motioned to the book.
 Thalia cleared her throat and set it aside. “Just something Mother Giselle lent me. I guess she was conscientious enough to salvage several books from the Chantry before the evacuation of Haven. I wish I’d had that level of foresight.” 
Cullen glanced at the title. The Holy Mysteries of Andraste and Her Disciples. “Ah. I read that one in templar training.” 
“You did?” Thalia’s pale gaze was upon him. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold wind. “What did you think of it?” 
Cullen chuckled. “A touch… fanciful, perhaps.” 
“What? You don’t believe the story of Saint Sylvester slaying the dragon on New Year’s Eve?” The corner of Thalia’s mouth quirked upward. It was nice to see her smile again. 
“Some of the tales are apocryphal at best, if I recall,” Cullen said. Then, he blurted, “You look good.” 
Thalia blinked in surprise. 
“Better, I mean,” Cullen cried, backpedaling. “Healthier. When I saw you in the snow, I feared for the worst.”
Thalia ducked her head shyly. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to scare you then; I was just… very tired.” 
“No need to apologize,” Cullen said quickly, leaning on the hilt of his sword to regain some dignity. “I’m just relieved to see you on the road to recovery.” 
“After rising from the grave, you mean,” Thalia quipped. 
Cullen felt sheepish. “I don’t really believe—” 
“No, I know,” Thalia cut in, laughing nervously. “I already gave my report. It’s very unlikely I was truly dead at any point.” She sighed, glancing at the book. “I am not so sure that’s what the masses think. That’s why Mother Giselle lent me the book. She thought stories of other religious figures might… inspire me, I suppose.” 
“And do they?” Cullen asked softly. He could sense the conflict in her, but didn’t want to push her in one direction or another. Being looked to for leadership was an immense, painful thing, whatever the reason. 
Thalia shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re right, they sound like fictional characters, most of them. Do you think there’s truly been a secret Chantry in Par Vollen for centuries that no one has been able to find, run by an knight-errant Chantry mother?” 
“I suppose stranger things have happened,” Cullen conceded, “but no, I found the accounts of Prester Johanna far-fetched, as well.” 
“As far-fetched as being the Herald of Andraste,” Thalia huffed. “Is this how I’m going to be remembered in the history books? Some mythical figure no one can believe in?” 
“I think that may depend on you,” Cullen said carefully. “We have ways of crafting the narrative around you, but your own deeds and decrees, how you treat others… that’s as telling as the rest.” He smiled in spite of himself. “I think so far, most have wanted to follow you because you give them something to believe in. Your compassion and drive inspire them. Tales of defying death, or slaying dragons, that may come later, but… it’s who you are that makes the most impact.” 
Thalia was looking at him curiously as he spoke. Cullen cut himself off with an embarrassed sigh. “Forgive me, sometimes I do think I like to pontificate a touch too—” 
“No, no, it’s all right. I like listening to you.” Thalia chewed her bottom lip and looked down. “Thank you, Commander. That’s good food for thought.” 
“Right.” Why was Cullen’s heart thumping like that? She didn’t seem to think him a fool, though he certainly felt like one. “I’ll leave you to your convalescence.” 
“You could stay, if you like,” Thalia suggested brightly. “I could read to you. Saint Sylvester was just about to team up with two elven apostates to fight the dragon terrorizing Vyrantium.” 
Cullen hesitated. He had maps to pour over, losses to calculate, casualties to report to Knight-Captain Rylen. As of late, however, when it became difficult to concentrate, he dug through the trunk of his that had survived the Haven onslaught. He sat on the floor of his tent and, with trembling hands, contemplated the one vial of glowing cerulean that sang to him under tunics and greaves and letters from home. He’d been so parched lately, and no amount of mountain fresh ice water could quench it. 
“You’re busy,” Thalia decided, before he could answer. “I understand.” 
Cullen swallowed thickly. “Sometime soon, perhaps. Once we’ve reached this castle Solas has promised us.” 
“Of course.” The book was back in her lap, her eyes straying from his. “Have a good night, Commander.” 
“Yes.” He stifled a sigh, turning to leave. He felt more stupid than ever. “You as well, Lady Thalia.” 
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wn prompt: “All my longings lie open before you”
in the middle of a holy war, in the middle of battles that feel unending, that feel like eternity all over again: anguish and confusion and grief and loss and yearning —
in the middle of a holy war you hold beatrice to you in the dark of the night.
it’s quiet in the room they’d given you at cat’s cradle, one of the nicest ones with a queen bed and a bigger dresser. no one had even bothered to ask if you’d wanted your own rooms; no one had even bothered to extend any condemnation — just a wink from camila when she’d shown you to it. 
moonlight drifts through the curtains and you trace along the words you know are inked into bea’s skin, even if you can’t see them in the dark, even if you hold her hand from behind and bury your nose in her sweet-smelling hair. 
‘are you all right, ava?’
her voice is groggy, like she’d just woken up, but it settles something inside you and you can’t bring yourself to regret waking her, even in the middle of the night. ‘yes,’ you say. ’no.’ she turns over and gently touches your face, checking for tears, for scrapes, for something in your eyes, unnameable, that she’s somehow always been able to find. ‘tell me something good.’
it’s quiet, desperate; you have felt so, so much loss. 
‘one day, we’ll go back to la, if you want. and we can drive to the desert. it’ll be so beautiful.’ she wipes the hot, stubborn tears under your eyes with the pads of her thumbs. ‘we’ll rent a house, and we’ll make dinner together, and, when it gets dark, we’ll bring an air mattress outside to the yard; we’ll have lots of blankets, and everything will smell like rain in the distance. we can see all the stars in the sky.’ her voice is soft, aching. ‘and the joshua trees all around, strange and beautiful. i’ll hold you, and we’ll have hot chocolate.’
‘spiked?’ your voice is rough but bea doesn’t say anything, just graciously grants you a laugh. 
‘you do love me.’
‘i do.’ her eyes are so serious and gorgeous in the moonlight. ‘we’ll be able to hear all the sounds of the desert, and i’ll teach you about all the constellations we can see.’
you kiss her; what else can you do?
‘we’ll go back, to the desert and the mountains and the sea. i’ll learn how to pray in a new language and probably get more tattoos; i’m sure you’ll paint our walls ridiculous colors. you’ll take up pottery and we’ll accumulate, eventually, a record collection of all the music we’ve danced to when we can’t sleep.’
‘bea.’ you swallow, hold her to you and bury your face in the crook of her neck. 
‘there will be no more angels or demons. just us, and our bed, and the rest of the world. and i’ll kiss you then, when it’s all over.’
‘you are…’ you shake your head, count her freckles in the dark: more every day you spent in the sun. ‘you are consecrate.’
‘you believe in that now?’
your smile feels a little helpless. ‘only with you. how could i not?’
‘all my longings lie open before you.’
you kiss her, like a promise neither one of you is sure you can keep. you ache for it more than anything you ever have. and then you kiss her again, let her press you back into the mattress. she pushes up your sleep shirt and touches your hips with her hands, with her lips, with her teeth. you bite into her shoulder as she takes you into her mouth; you feel the halo glow as your legs shake — unbound. and you touch her after, just like she likes, just like you’ve gotten to learn: your fingers curling into her, hot and slick, your tongue flicking against her pulse point. she says your name like no other words exist.
you imagine it all, as your wrist burns and she trembles all around you: a living room with candles that smell like cedar and clove; lavender and rosemary in the garden; learning to bake cookies and stealing her sweaters and arguing over what takeout to order. you’ll fall asleep watching movies on the couch. you'll have your friends over for brunches where there's far, far too much food. you’ll make tea and she’ll play her violin. you’ll look at her in absolute awe, one very holy, warm night, in a wispy white dress, barefoot, at sunset; she’ll have on a loose white linen suit. you’ll promise her everything; when she comes you realize you already have — beyond heaven and hell and death: a life, with her.
she settles her head against your chest. you trace up and down her spine; she shivers.
‘when it’s over,’ you say, like a prayer and a promise. ‘i'll slice persimmons from the farmer's market in the fall and wake you some mornings with figs and honey.' you long for it, with your whole soul. 'let’s grow old together.’
she nods, turns to kiss, just once, softly and like morning you may never see, over your stubbornly still-beating heart. 
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scribeforchrist-blog · 4 months
Letter From Christ
+ 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from every form of evil.
+ 2 Corinthians 3:3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but tablets of human hearts.
    I can scream from the rooftop that I'm saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. I can get a tattoo that says I'm changed, and I can put a bumper sticker on my car so when I pass different people; they can see who I am; I can write it on paper, too. I can have an airplane attach streamer that says Lui is saved and fly through the city.
    I can do all of that, but does it mean that what is on the inside is Christ? Does it show in my actions? When I speak to different people, can they tell I she’s definitely filled with Christ? Last week, we talked about the fruit we bear. A lot of times, some of us don’t know what we bear, we don’t care to change, we are okay living the way we do, we are okay with being lukewarm, or some of us are like, hey buddy at least I made it to church, or at least I'm reading my word, but if people were asked who you were and what you were about what would they say, would they say oh no not her she’s not saved or would they say oh okay didn’t think she was, what would they say.
   Exodus 24:12, the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written, that you may teach them.”
   What this verse is saying is that we should have the Holy Spirit down deep inside of us. The laws and the word of God should be on the inside of us, but some of us aren’t sure. We see that Moses had to come up to God to get the commandments to get what he needs , do we go to God to get what we need , do we come to him to change our heart . We can quote verse by verse, shout and scream, sing with the choir, lead Sunday school class, be on the usher board, pass out devotionals, and teach a few lessons here and there, but do we have the Holy Spirit down deep?
    Moses wrote the commandments on a tablet, and he handed them out, and these were what we were supposed to follow, but when Jesus came, he died for our sins. He showed us No, no, this is the way, no, this is okay, but I need you to be baptized by fire; a lot of us don’t understand that it must be on the inside, not the years of service to the lord, not our title but it must be written on the heart.
   Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
   When we allow the Holy Spirit in, we change from this one heart to the next; we change from this heart of stone to this heart of flesh. Why? Because we become truly alive in Christ, we become these different people because we are no longer living with just words, but we are living in our identity in Christ.
  Jeremiah 31:33 For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 
    This verse is confirmation. This is what Christ did when he died for us; he made the law written on our hearts, and we put the law on the inside because the Holy Spirit is the truth and the life, and when we walk in the light, we are walking in the truth of God, so we no longer just walking in whatever we think or whatever the world is saying to walk in. Still, we are walking in victory because Christ died for us, and we are then living in the truth of God.
   God wants us to lean on him and not on ourselves; that’s why the law was put away because we had to lean on our righteousness, on our excellent deeds, and God said no more they would lean on me, and I will send my son to be the sacrifice for them, he will be the ultimate sacrifice.
   With God doing this, I won't have to run around screaming I am this, or I do this, or I do that; all I have to do, all you have to do is walk into the room, and people will see him through our ways and our presences because it's written in you and me. What fruit are you bearing? What are you showing the world? What are you allowing God to change? Whatever we do, our hearts need to be written on by God.
  *** Today, we learned that God sent his son to this world to be our savior and to mold us to write on our hearts; the more he writes on our hearts, the more we become different and change, and a lot of times, we aren’t changing because we are doing everything ourselves. The heart of flesh only comes by submitting, and a lot of people don’t want to submit; submitting is laying our wants and desires the side and saying okay, God, whatever your will is, I’ll do it.
  When Jesus had the disciples to follow him, he taught them he showed them the way; he showed it in his ways, how he healed people, and how he reacted; when people see someone who’s aggressive, and they see someone ready to go for an eye for an eye they don’t identify them as Christ-like no ,not at all but when people see someone speaking peace, they can see Christ in them, and they connect Christ with them; how we love one another shows God abides in us; it says it in his word, and what comes from the heart will flow; just listen to some people sometimes and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and he will show you who they are. We must listen to the Holy Spirit and be guided; that’s how we listen to the counseling of God. By listening, let the Holy Spirit change your heart today. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, we thank you for everything; we ask you to forgive us of the sins we have done, and lord, we ask you to help us hear you and submit to you; lord, we desire to change and be better. Lord, we desire to walk in your precepts and not ours. Lord, we surrender to you and ask you to help us be image bearers, not people who pretend to be ; we give you praise, glory, and honor today. Lord, we thank you for everything, the protection and the infinite love you have shown us, in Jesus’ Name, Amen
+ Eziekel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
+ Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,”
+ Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Proverbs 21
Genesis 15
Psalm 89
Colossians 2
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Read it on Ao3
They're falling for each other. They both know it. There's no going back now. On the evening of Fenrys' birthday in Prythian, Azriel takes him out to a secret spot.
Since Azriel had shown it to him, Fenrys spent much of his time in the theater. The director didn’t mind when he sat in the audience with his notebook and had even given him copies of the lyrics to follow along to.
The music here was haunting. Deep and soulful, Fenrys was only beginning to understand it. Translating it was a near impossible task, but one that kept his mind pleasantly busy. It was strange to actually hear the words he’d been learning these past months. His notes were now filled with pronunciations as well as definitions and grammar.
The technicians were changing out the curtains between songs when Azriel came in. Fenrys was alerted to his presence by the shadows, darkening at his feet as their owner drew closer. Azriel leaned over the back of his seat. “What are you doing?”
Fenrys suppressed a shudder at his voice so close to his ear. “Learning more about your culture.”
Azriel peered at his notes. “Your head is always in that damn book.”
“It's far more interesting than anything you have to show me.”
“Then maybe I’ll find someone else to execute my evening plans with.”
At that, Fenrys looked at him at last. He narrowed his eyes. “What plans?”
“I have somewhere I’d like to show you.”
Interest piqued, Fenrys closed his notebook and stood. Azriel tilted his head to the entrance. “Shall we?”
“Do I get to know where we’re going?” Fenrys followed him outside, blinking against the light of the falling sun.
Azriel shook his head. He held out his arms.
Fenrys sighed but stepped forward to be lifted. Azriel shot into the sky.
The flight was short and by the time Fenrys realized where they were going, it was too late.
“Oh, just fucking drop me.”
“Hush.” Azriel dove down into a clearing.
Fenrys groaned as he was set on his feet. “I thought we were going somewhere interesting.”
“This way.” Azriel set off through the trees.
“We already trained today. I’ve got the whole moving quietly thing down.” Fenrys didn’t point out that it was still light out, if just barely. They were near the peak of the mountain, facing the ocean, so he could see the orange painted sky.
“We’re not training.” Azriel reached back and grabbed his hand. “You said it was your birthday today.”
Fenrys blinked. “I don’t really celebrate my birthday. I was just trying to get you to be nice to me.”
“I’m nice to you.”
“You are not.” Still, Fenrys let him lead him by the hand over one last hill.
 And before them… it was a pool of pure starlight. It glittered in the falling sun rays, stretching nearly to the edge of a cliff and the sea beyond.
“Holy shit.” Fenrys stepped forward and dipped his hand into the liquid. It was like touching silk. “This is beautiful.”
Azriel set down his pack on a rock, then sat to work the laces of his boots. “There are pools like this scattered all over the continent, but they are kept secret. There are rumors that the waters can heal the injured, make wishes come true, make mortals immortal… stuff like that.”
“Let me guess: it doesn’t do any of that.”
“Not that I’ve seen.”
“Why does it glitter?”
“No idea.” Azriel stood, barefoot, and shrugged out of his jacket, fluttering his wings to slide it down them so he could undo the clasp between.
Fenrys watched him. “I was always wondering how that worked.”
Azriel turned. “The shirts don’t have the middle panel. There’s just a clasp on top.” So, half of his spine was revealed, as well as a line of tattoos between his wings.
“Are you going to… swim in it?”
Azriel’s belt dropped onto the rocks. “Yes.”
He stripped of his pants too, then sank into the water.
Fenrys went to the very edge. “Is it cold?”
“No.” Azriel dunked his head. He emerged, pushing his wet hair out of his eyes.
“How can you swim with those wings?”
“Well enough.” They were tucked tight to his body. “Are you coming in?”
Fenrys arched a brow. “Are you sure it won’t turn me into a frog or something?”
“It hasn’t done anything to me.”
“Except magically turn you into an asshole. Oh, wait.” Fenrys grinned and narrowly avoided getting splashed.
He shed himself of everything but his undershorts, reasoning that Azriel had seen him plenty of times. Stepping into the water, he found that it was warm indeed and no deeper than his chest. He ran his hands through it in wonder, bathed in the orange light of the falling sun.
“Fenrys.” Azriel’s voice was hoarser than it had been a moment ago.
Fenrys turned to him and threw the water in his face.
Azriel blinked as glittering rivers dripped across his face.
Fenrys laughed, which earned him his own mouthful of water. He tried to splash Az again only to find his wrists caught in each of Azriel’s hands.
“That’s cheating!”
Azriel shoved his head under the water.
Sputtering as he rose, he bombarded Azriel with he could manage. Azriel gave as good as he got.
By the time the war was over (Fenrys won) the sun had slipped all the way down past the sea. Without it, the pool seemed to glow brighter, as if in recognition of the stars overhead.
Fenrys pushed his wet hair out of his eyes as he stared up at the night sky. He took a breath. “Az, can I tell you something?”
“Of course.” Azriel pushed away from the edge of the pool where he’d been watching the sea. He faced Fenrys.
Fenrys couldn’t look at him. “I don’t think I want to go home.”
Azriel was silent for long enough that Fenrys glanced his way. He’d moved closer without Fenrys realizing. “I don’t want you to go home either.”
Fenrys turned fully towards him. “Does that make me a horrible person? I know my brother is suffering in my wake, but surely… surely…”
“His suffering is not your fault. It’s hers.” Azriel caught his eye. “And your brother is just as capable of making it here too.”
“Connall wouldn’t, though. He wouldn’t betray Maeve like that.”
“Then the results of his actions are not your fault either. He chooses where he puts his loyalty.”
Fenrys nodded, even if his heart sank a little in his chest.
“Don’t think about that right now.” Azriel drifted closer.
“What should I think about instead?”
There was a moment of heavy silence before Azriel lifted a hand, dripping in starlight, to cup Fenrys’ face. “Close your eyes.”
Fenrys closed his eyes.
His heart was pounding, arms limp at his sides. He knew what was coming—what had been building these past few weeks. He didn’t know what to do about it, but he certainly wasn’t about to step away.
Azriel, who had seen the ugliest, darkest parts of him. Azriel, who had offered him a way out. Azriel, who had been nothing but honest, even when it stung.
Even when it didn’t.
Fenrys tilted his face. Azriel exhaled, the breath rushing across his skin.
Then his mouth met Fenrys’, soft and warm and everything he’d imagined. He kissed him, leaning in close so their chests brushed. Fenrys’ hands slid around his waist beneath the water. It was unfamiliar. He’d never kissed a man before, never touched one like this. He liked it, he decided. Azriel was solid, unmoving. He made Fenrys feel small, but not in a bad way. Protected. Coddled.
Azriel’s fingers drifted across the nape of his neck, his other hand settling on the small of his back. He broke the kiss before Fenrys was ready, pulling back bare centimeters.
Fenrys opened his eyes.
Neither of them said anything. There weren’t words anyway.
Fenrys leaned in this time, rising up onto his toes before Azriel met him. His arms slipped from Azriel’s waist to wind around his neck.
The kiss deepened. Azriel’s tongue was hot in his mouth, demanding. It was like a leash had snapped and Fenrys suddenly felt himself being devoured, pressed against the stone at the edge of the pool. He loud out a noise of surprise that had Azriel jerking back.
“I’m sorry. I—”
“It’s okay.” Fenrys kissed him again, but Azriel didn’t allow it to deepen.
“No,” he said, pressing their brows together. “I want to do this right with you. You deserve that much at least.”
Fenrys licked his lips. He’d have to do some research, he decided. He knew the basics of sex between two males, but just that. He’d never had the urge to invite a male into his bed, but he’d also never really thought about it. Very rarely did Maeve allow him to seek pleasure in other avenues and when she did, he usually just got as shit faced as possible. Sex wasn’t something he did for himself.
But maybe with Az…
Another day. Fenrys knew if he pushed hard enough, Azriel would give in, but it could wait. They had time.
Azriel lifted his head and pressed a kiss to Fenrys’ brow. “I brought you some of that wine you like.”
“In my pack. Ah, ah, I’ll get it.” Azriel caught his wrist when he lunged for the bag. He was smiling.
Azriel hadn’t brought glasses, so Fenrys swigged from the bottle. The wine was so sweet it was hard to believe there was any alcohol in it at all. In fact, even if it was just bubbly juice, Fenrys would still drink it.
Azriel took his own sip before setting it back on the rocks. He reached for his bag again. “I have something else for you. It’s just something small, really…”
Fenrys drifted closer peering over his shoulder.
Azriel offered him a small rectangular parcel, horribly wrapped in brown paper.
“Did you let a toddler wrap this?” Fenrys asked as he took it.
Azriel scowled. “I wrapped it.”
“I see. So, I’ve found a weakness of the great shadowsinger: wrapping gifts.”
“Just open it, jackass.”
Smiling so hard his face hurt, Fenrys tore through the paper to reveal a small leather-bound book. A tie held it closed and pinned one of the charcoal pencils Fenrys preferred to its side.
Azriel was rubbing the back of his neck. “I noticed you were running out of room in the other one and I thought…”
“I love it,” Fenrys interrupted. He kissed Azriel on the mouth. “Thank you.”
“Cassian bought you some new quills to go with.”
“Spoiling his gift like that? How cruel.”
“It was my idea,” Azriel said around a pout.
The thought warmed Fenrys to the core: the two greatest warriors in this land, whispering behind his back about a birthday gift.
Azriel put the notebook back in his bag away from the water and drew Fenrys back in. “Your Prythian is getting better.”
“You’re damn right it is.”
“Given that you never shut up, I suppose you do practice a lot.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Fenrys pushed him away. “Let’s see you learn a new language.”
“I could. I mean, I would.” Azriel cocked his head, his hair glittering blue. “You could teach me yours.”
“I think you might be too old. What’s that saying about old dogs and new tricks?”
Azriel crossed his arms over his chest. “I bet I could teach you a few new tricks, puppy.”
Fenrys grinned. “Woof.”
Azriel reached out and took his wrist, drawing him back in. He tucked his hair behind a pointed ear and applied his mouth to Fenrys’ throat. “I could have you yapping for me like a proper lap dog.”
Fenrys shuddered and all his confidence bled from him, replaced by the blush that took over his cheeks. He didn’t even have a witty comeback.
“Come on,” Azriel said as he pulled back. “Let’s go home.”
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upwards-descent · 7 months
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Echinacea "Ken" Grace
Age: 20
Race: Half-elf (half-aasimar)
Class: Barbarian (Wild Magic, Corellon worshipper)
Family: Sarrah Conorelle (mother, high-elf), Kyl'ree (father, aasimar)
Romances: Astarion, Halsin
Aesthetic: Pretty, elegant, pastels
Notable features: Blue bird tattoo on left cheek, 12in long swan wings (incapable of flight), scar down lips and across left side of forehead
Ken was born when his mother, a powerful healer bard, saved his father, a mortally wounded aasimar paladin of cosmic light. His father unfortunately passed due to his wounds but the brief passionate romance they shared ended with Ken being born.
Raised in the mountains in a monastery of Corellon, teachings of magic, music, and elven tradition shaped Ken into a young man of great kindness and selflessness. Though his childhood was rather normal despite his fantastical bloodline, he faced much friction with the other bards, clerics, and priests due to his rather chaotic nature. His mother always defended his behavior, swearing that the incredible power within him and the mix of arcane and holy blood filled him with great energy that he struggled to keep a lid on.
In his mid-teens, Ken ran away, leaving a heartfelt note for his mother apologizing for his behavior. Due to his father's passing, he always held a sense of guilt that he couldn't be as focused and clear-headed as stories of his father had claimed. Ashamed and desperate to hone his temperament, Ken sought out warriors like himself; berserkers, barbarians, fighters of great power and speed. He spent a few years training with a pack of orc and half-orc fighters, mainly rangers and barbarians. They taught him how to fight and he taught them manners, etiquette, decorum. It was a perfect trade seeing as the pack's improved manners allowed them better favor and opportunities amongst the greater civilized world.
As Ken was about to embark on the road home, eager to see his mother after being away for a few years, he was snatched up by the Nautiloid and infected.
Ken can be polite but often succumbs to impulse. He can blurt out his innermost thoughts by accident and struggles with biting his tongue. Despite this, he never comes off as nasty or mean, just rather hyper. He loves animals and children and hates those who take advantage of the weak and helpless. Through his worship of Corellon, Ken has fostered a great respect for chaotic shows of goodness and understands that sometimes the morally option can be the best one. He doesn't judge and in fact loves the weird, the freakish, the unnatural, feeling rather weird, freakish, and unnatural himself.
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goatpaste · 1 year
What do you think is the biggest design miss that araki made?
Sigh.. I'm actually just kind of a suckered and actually don't hate a lot of arakis designs
Their whack and crazy! But I like them their fun to draw
But to have a list of some of my least favirote design choices from araki lol
Blonde santana was so nasty
The World. It's probably one of my least davirote stand designs..
Dios nasty powered up look at the end of part 3, he looks like someone's drugged up granny who got let loose into the sephora for the girls on duty to do whatever to
I love shigechi but what the fick is going on with his head man...
Hazamada having a design I enjoy while being a nasty fuckin guy...
Fugo is a design that I hate the way araki draws his hair mostly because I can tell what he was tryna do, but fuckin sucked at it
GER is also such a huge disappointment as a design especially after getting treated to Silver Chariots beautiful swag requiem. I feel like araki wanted a specific vibe with it and it just didn't hit the mark
Diavolos whole cucking design tbh, I really don't like it. But the fact that his tattoos are based on a cute netted top is so sad because araki fucking sucks are drawing tattoos so fucking much, he shoulda just kept it as a mesh top...
Not really a design element, but arakis whole fatphobia and not seemingly to be able to draw fat characters as not evil or a joke. Because I hate to say it, araki has shown clear skills in being able to draw fat people and do a good job that looks good! But he doesn't seem to know how to be normal and treat fat people like normal enjoyable characters
OK THIS OKE HURTS THE MOST TO SAY IM SO SORRY BUT.... emres fucking outfit yall. I think it sucks so hard what the ever loving fuck is she wearing yall.. the elf tunic with the sweater vest and sweat pants... she's so nicely put togeather from the neck up.
... I just dont really like diver downs design.. sorry or whatever lol
Araki slimming down and making hot pants smaller and curvier as SBR went on...
Giving mountain tim such a sick awesome design only to make him suck at the very last second
In a silent way was just bad, like that's not a hard point to make it was a bad call
Ok... I take a lot of love with fucked up designs that I acknowledge as being typical 'weird fucked up designs araki has done' and actually love them... but what the fuck is up with Poor Tom like... holy shit what is this look...
The schott keys stands just kinda sucked. They were boring and ones a farther in a soccer ball. The aphex twins chapters some of my least fav jjl chapters sorry they just weren't very fun
And lastly one more sorry to women's and stuff.. but dragons tattoos also suck yall. Araki like 80% of the time is just the worst tattoo designer imo I think their just not very good. I like parts of it but as a full design I'm like.. it's not my favirote
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