#holy run on sentence batman!
tinknevertalks · 1 year
Teslen, Movie theater AU?
Oooooh, Teslen, my beloved.
Nikola loved this moment, when the lights would go down and the curtains pulled away fully to allow the majesty of the silver screen, when the music swelled for the production company's theme, and when Helen finally sat down next to him. The projectionist's box was a nod to cinemas past, electric theatres wanting to entertain whilst men smoked cigarettes and dreamt of pinups; now it was their spot, away from the hustle and bustle of behind the scenes at Sanctuary Cinema, a hidey hole made for two.
The film was on for a whole minute before they decided to find their own entertainment, locking lips and whispering sweet nothings as popcorn fell to the floor and yet another comic book hero came to life on screen - who needed a comic when he could have the ultimate pinup instead?
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andyoullhearitagain · 9 months
Everyone gives Sherlock Holmes a hard time about being mean about Watson's writing, but honestly imagine you told your roommate "sure, you can write up an account of my work for the newspaper," thinking it would be like, about the murder, but then he publishes it and it's 90% about you, as a person, and it's a huge hit and now everyone in London knows that you hoard newspapers and do cocoaine when you're depressed. Because I think you'd be little miffed too.
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My favorite instance of dramatic irony in the entire Shameless universe is the extent of time Lip knew Mickey was gay and hooking up with Ian but Mickey didn't know Lip knew he was gay and hooking up with Ian so he kept up the pretense of aggressive heterosexuality around Lip for literal years, then the second Lip let it be known that he knew Mickey was gay was just like "Oh well might as well let Ian's whole family see me sleeping in his bed."
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a-queer-seminarian · 2 months
lowered my mask momentarily to take a sip from my water bottle with its “God loves Their transgender children” sticker on it and almost did a spit take when I noticed the person next to me on this plane is watching Fox News
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herdingnerfs · 2 years
one of my fears going into andor was that cassian would be written as a gritty no feelings anti-hero with zero human connection but in fact he is very much the opposite. yes he hates the empire but this show is proving that his humanity and compassion for others is actually his biggest asset.
we see it in how the people of ferrix rally behind him, how he galvanises the aldhani team, and how he inspires a prison uprising. his care for ulaf, his tenderness with maarva, his connection with melshi.
i suspect in season 2 he will sacrifice some of this part of himself for the rebellion, but then come full circle in rogue one - finding humanity through his connection with jyn which ultimately leads to the rebellion’s finest hour in blowing up the death star 😭
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talkativelock · 1 year
Sometimes I think about the fact that the SGA writers genuinely thought that an episode where the main emotional core is "Rodney gets sick and starts losing his memory and the only thing he remembers is John while John rushes to prepare for Rodney's death, find some way to save him, and keep him calm and comforted all at the same time" was a whole ass heterosexual episode leading into a heterosexual romance with a character whose screen time in the episode is very limited in favor of the above emotional roller coaster with John and I wonder like..... how they thought that???
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imagine-knb · 4 months
may I request GOM + kuroko and kagami's reaction on realising that the best/close friend! reader is slowly falling for them and vice versa! thanks!
I'm going into this under the assumption that it's obvious to the guys that reader is falling for them, so there's no doubt on their part. If you meant it like they didn't know reader was falling for them, feel free to send in another request! Admin Neon
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Kuroko: Despite already knowing that you liked him back as much as he liked you, it was still nerve wracking for Kuroko to even consider confessing his feelings — verbally, at least. He ends up writing notes to you and sticking them in places he knows you will find. Instead of responding verbally back, you wind up doing the same. For months, the two of you play this little back and forth penpal game, each note getting sappier than the last. Until one day...
"____-san," Kuroko calls out to you. He has a letter in hand, holding it out for you to take. It was the first time he was handing one to you directly. When you open it up, there's a single sentence written in his messy penmanship. "Will you go out with me?"
Kagami: He would have thought knowing that you reciprocated his feelings would make things better, but it actually has quite the opposite affect on Kagami. Suddenly, he's over-analyzing every little thing he does around you. Did you like the way he laughed? The way he spoke? The way he ate? What was it about himself you found so charming? He wondered if you thought the same things about yourself and all the things about you that he also found so alluring.
His overthinking actually ends up ruining the mood for a while, because he tends to avoid things that cause him to overthink — unless it's basketball. It isn't until you confront him one day about his wishy-washiness that he blurts out, "It's because I like you, okay?!"
Kise: The very same day Kise realizes that you like him back is the day that he decides he wants to ask you out officially. There's only one problem with his plan: he's been asking you out all this time, but you always mistook it for jokes on his end. He supposed all the experience he had with dating and all the relationships he went through while being friends with you was his downfall, because it must've made you compare yourself to everyone else.
"____cchi, please, just one actual date," he begs after yet another playful rejection from you. He was determined. "I promise, it's not a joke or anything and it's not just a hang out between friends. I'm being serious with you, believe me!"
Aomine: There are suddenly a lot more teasing smiles thrown your way once he realizes your feelings for him are the same as his own for you. Aomine never tells you he likes you back in the beginning, instead deciding to tease you for just a bit longer for your crush on him. Every opportunity he gets to fit it into a conversation, he will. It always brings him a sense of pride to see how easily he can get you to fluster just from calling you out over it.
"Aww, no need to get so shy when I'm around," he'd drawl, leaning down to get closer to your face. "Unless... what? You like me? Well, of course you do. It's me, after all." Even you weren't safe from his cockiness.
Midorima: He's not the type to beat around the bush once he figures out what he wants and he ends up devising a plan to confess to you the next time he sees you. However, putting plans into action are often a lot harder than devising them and Midorima finds himself more nervous than he'd expected standing in front of you. He almost wants to abort — why was it so hard? He already knew you liked him back, so it shouldn't be that difficult.
But, of course, one of the reasons he fell for you was your perceptiveness to his feelings and when you tell him you think you know the reason for him calling you to meet with him, he's relieved. "I'm grateful you understand and... I hope you accept my feelings."
Murasakibara: Things seem to happen between the two of you despite never being talked about. You never formally confess your feelings to Murasakibara and he never really does the same, but even still the two of you grow closer and end up doing a lot of things together that people would associate as normal couple behavior: sharing food, walking places together, meeting every weekend. It's comfortable and easy.
Which is why he almost feels bad when he asks you one day, "____-chin, what are we?" It wasn't a question he expected himself to ask and one you definitely didn't expect to hear, but he's relieved when your answer aligns similarly with his own.
Akashi: Perhaps he knew from the beginning that the two of you would end up falling for each other, because Akashi had always had a soft spot for you. His actions before realizing your feelings for him don't differ from his actions prior; he still treats and respects you as an equal he wants to spend most of his time with. Of course, he doesn't jump straight into a relationship with you. He wants to be 100% sure his feelings are reciprocated.
"I hope I'm not being presumptuous when I say I think we feel similarly for each other," he tells you one day, the hand holding onto yours stroking a gentle thumb across your skin. "I hope you would allow me to opportunity to be more to you."
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blazeeblake · 5 days
Maybe I am confused and dumb, but I always thought that the thing about a TV slowburn is that there isn't any canonical romance until there is? Because most TV shows (that aren't like the office) don't have long chapters episodes of internal character dialogue and introspection, or fanfiction tags, so viewers just have to work with interpreting the writers' and actors' intent, which might not get revealed until way down the line, if ever, and maybe risk sounding delusional until Something Happens. Or even maybe until something doesn't happen and then so much of the story no longer makes sense because the narrative was going some specific place until someone hit a panic button and bailed, (for keeps, or for temporary to keep the drama going).
And I don't think the build up to a canon romance necessarily requires things like love triangles or badly timed kisses for it to be well done. That's flavoring and it can be delicious, but like, there isn't only one path for a specific kind of storytelling? Because I thought the only real requisite is that the people that are going to get together don't kiss and walk into the sunset within the first handful of episodes after they're introduced.
But I dunno, maybe I'm wrong and she didn't wear a crown or come down in a bubble [Doug].
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cakemagemaeve · 7 months
Hey so if anyone wants to take a look at my eBay page, I've got a HTTYD Razorwhip toy that's NIB, a copy of The Brightest Fell by @seananmcguire (I accidentally ended up with two copies, so...), a pair of English tall riding boots (size 6) that were too tall for my short little hobbit legs, this MLP:FiM ice cream stand toy set, plus 2, count'em, 2 lots of ceramic/porcelain doll parts [set one (1)] [set two (2)] (I finally got around to beheading/dismembering those dolls from my aunt's house)! I also plan to list some video games soon too, as well as some more dolls/ponies!
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dreg-heap · 4 months
Vivziepop seems like the Cassandra Clare of animation in that the actual "controversy" that she's involved in seems to be low level and Fandom Insider-y enough that no normal person would ever care, her work is not good but it is unique enough to command a dedicated fanbase, and that fanbase wants what it's sort of delivering badly enough that they'll take anything she puts out and astroturf support enough that larger and larger publishers take notice, and the higher production values and higher standards brought on by these bigger publishers only serves to accentuate the glaring flaws inherent to the amateur spaces that they came from
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alectoperdita · 2 months
Didn't work on the 7th Time Loop AU ficlet as planned, but did get some schmoopy Mob smut out of my system. 1k words in roughly four hours isn't great, but we'll take what the brain is willing to spit out. More than zero is already a victory in that sense.
Will try again tomorrow.
Whatever his humble beginnings, Seto was upper crust now; both accomplished and respected. He was accustomed to a certain standard of comfort and luxury. Katsuya often marveled at how he, of all people, fit into that lifestyle. But shrouded by the night, with moonlight and the bedroom lamps dimmed to the lowest setting to bathe their sweaty, tangled bodies, and soft Egyptian cotton sheets draped immodestly over them, shadow-brushed ripples in the fabric like the ones carved into classic Italian marble statues, Katsuya could envision himself as a permanent fixture at his lover's side.
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
Henry/Abby coffee shop AU?
This is my crack, thank you for the request! Bonus extra sentence included!
The Sanctuary's door opened just as Henry glanced up, and in walked the biggest smile and the sweetest face he'd ever seen (and he'd seen more than his fair share in the café). Pushing Kate and Will out of the way, he all but vaulted over Nikola (covering a shift for Magnus because he'd do anything for her) to get to the cash drawer, half slipping as he landed, with Smiley Lady watching (and giggling). Smiling back, he said, "Welcome to The Sanctuary, can I have your number please?" before realising the words were already rushing out of his unfiltered mouth and not the words he was meant to use when greeting a customer, cute or otherwise.
(But it was ok; she gave him her number, and her name to go with it.) 
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andyoullhearitagain · 3 months
I saw Leonard Nimoy end a tweet "LLAP" so I was thinking about whether spock ends his texts "llap" (verdict: no, but kirk sometimes texts him that and spock's like that's not how it works but I appreciate the effort) and came to the conclusion that Kirk definitely signs all his texts "jk" and everyone who texts him has to go through the process of "just kidding? about what? oh another text from the captain. oh jim kirk."
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
"David! Stop!"
For the sentence prompt, hope your flight is going well 🐶
"David! Stop!"
“I am so sorry,” Henry tells the owner of the corgi currently engaged in a spirited disagreement with David, while Alex gets in between them to pull David away — there’s been no biting, so Alex isn’t in harm’s way, but the two dogs have clearly not taken a liking to each other. “He usually has far better manners than this, I swear — I truly don’t know what’s gotten into him.”
“Oh, I’m sure Laddie did more than his fair share of the antagonising,” the owner replies with a shrug, “so don’t feel bad — I think he enjoys it, the little terror.”
Two weeks later they’re back at the dog park at the same time; Alex and Henry engage the owner in conversation, and when they turn to look at the dogs, Laddie is pressed up against David’s back, humping him indiscriminately.
“Now that brings back some memories,” Alex murmurs quietly, and has the audacity to be surprised when Henry shoves him down into the dirt with a huff.
[Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fic and I’ll write you the next five.]
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wannab-urs · 5 months
I'm reading one of those 30+ chapter Din fics over on AO3 - you know the ones - and this one has Y/N in it which I normally don't read, but I am here to tell you maybe don't skip a fic just cause they use y/n bc this is not wattpad shit. this shit is GOOD.
I don't think i'd even mind the y/n thing as much if my name wasn't GIN. GIN AND DIN IS BAD. NO GOOD. DO NOT LIKE.
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inkedroplets · 9 months
The temptation is too strong - 11, supercorp, please?
(I'm still making my way through these. Bear with me.) The perfect moment will come along to tell Lena how I feel about her is a phrase that has repeated like a mantra in Kara's head for what has to be weeks now. A moment that could have very well leapt from the pages of a sappy romance novel or plucked from the screen of a Romcom where the Fates themselves seem to be tugging at the threads of destiny. But tonight is not that night. Certainly not in Al's Dive Bar where the music is too loud and the place too crowded even for a Friday night. But when Lena smiles at her from across the table and everything else, all the noise, all the people around them suddenly slip effortlessly into the background until it feels like they're the only ones there and the temptation is too strong not to take the plunge.
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