#homeless children
angelxd-3303 · 1 year
While on the run how would mario take care of a sick luigi? (I see it was mentioned in the fic so I'm curious)
Soft jazz played from a phonograph as Pauline patted her damp hair with a towel. She hummed along with the melody as she wandered into the kitchen. A tea kettle whistled on the stove, and she pulled it off the burner. Pouring the scalding water into her teacup, Pauline let out a small hum at a knock on the door. Setting the towel on the counter, she frowned. Glancing up at the clock, Pauline was confused.
It was 9:30 at night, who on earth could be at the door? Another knock, this one sounding more frantic. Pauline adjusted her fuzzy robe, rushing to the door. As she opened it, an inquiry died on her tongue as she laid eyes on her visitor.
Wide blue eyes set into a tired face brought her back to what had happened a few days ago. The homeless boy, Mario, was it? He stood on her doorstep, shaking in the cold. Seeing what was cradled in his arms, Pauline didn't think it was the cold alone that made him tremble. The little boy, Luigi, was nestled in Mario's arms, small body shaking. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Pauline finally found her words.
"Oh, goodness!" She exclaimed, reaching out and grasping Mario's shoulder. The teen locked up, still fearful, but Pauline gently ushered him in. Once inside, Pauline took a closer look at Luigi. Upon closer inspection, he appeared to be sick. His face was flushed, and every breath was labored and raspy. Mario himself seemed to be gasping, he was probably catching whatever Luigi had. 
Cooing softly, Pauline carefully took Luigi from Mario. The older boy seemed vacant, numbed by fear and illness. Pauline pulled off the tattered jackets the boys wore, hanging them up in the mudroom. At her encouragement, Mario pulled off his shoes, and Pauline shushed Luigi's whines as she did the same for him. Holding him in one arm, and wrapping the other around Mario, Pauline herded the older boy into the living room. She gestured to the couch, but Mario hesitated.
"Don't…don't wanna get it dirty…" He mumbled weakly. Pauline sighed, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"It can be cleaned, sweetheart. Lay down, it's ok." At her reassurances, Mario let out one more shudder before plopping down on the couch. Pauline placed Luigi in his arms, smiling as Mario laid down with a relieved sigh. As he cuddled Luigi closer, Pauline grabbed a blanket from her recliner and tucked the boys in.
She rushed back to the kitchen, going through her medicine cabinet. Tomorrow, she could see how Mario felt, and hopefully get both boys a warm bath. Tomorrow, she could try to get them to eat something, she still had cans of soup in the pantry. For now?
Check their temperature, make sure they're comfortable. Maybe some tea would help their throats? As Pauline scurried around getting everything she needed, her eyes landed on the news article she'd seen before. Should she call someone? On the other hand, if she did Mario might take Luigi and leave. She shook her head, questions for tomorrow.
Pauline found them in the same exact place as before when she reentered. The exhaustion in Mario's eyes almost made Pauline tear up, but she pushed down the lump in her throat. Setting down two cups of tea and a bowl with cool water, she knelt down in front of the couch and cupped Luigi's face gently. He whined, and she shushed him quietly.
"It's ok, baby, you're ok." She assured, carefully coaxing a thermometer into his mouth. waiting a few seconds, she pulled it out. Grimacing at the high temperature, she cooed sympathetically as Luigi sobbed weakly. She wet a washcloth with the cold water and folded it before laying it on his forehead. Luigi moaned in response, clamping a hand over the cloth to press it closer. Pauline cleaned off the thermometer, moving to check Mario. The older teen flinched, glaring at her distrustfully. 
"I need to check you too, sweetheart. It's ok, you're safe here." Mario studied her for a moment, again reminding her of a stray cat. Poor thing, who hurt these sweet little ones?!
"You tell anyone we're here, we're leaving." He declared. Pauline sighed, nodding.
"I understand. Please let me help." At this, Mario relaxed just a little bit. He let her check his temperature, which wasn't much better than that of his brother. She wet a washcloth for him, and smiled softly at the sigh of relief. Mario's tired eyes fluttered shut, and soon the older brother was taken by sleep. It didn't take long for Luigi to fall asleep as well, and Pauline was left sitting on the floor beside the boys. 
Sighing deeply, the woman looked them over. Luigi had a deep cut over his nose, and Mario had one on his cheek. What happened to them? How did they get hurt? 
And most importantly, how could she help?
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sewercentipede · 4 months
I can’t stop thinking about that “Myths over Miami” article. I need more……………..
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somedayonbroadway · 10 months
Okay so in one of my rps, Race is from an abusive family (Mom died when he was 4, dad was abusive as hell) and he ran away one night to avoid getting killed and Albert (With his dad, he was like, 10, Race was 8), found him curled up in an alleyway sobbing. They took him in. Can you maybe... write a lil on it?
Of course, my love!
Here we are, let me know if you like it!
Race was shivering by the garbage can. He was wrapped up in an old tarp that someone had thrown out. It smelled like old bananas and cheap cologne. He knew it was about to start raining. The clouds were swirling over him and he cuddled up even more, whimpering when he felt his broken wrist again. He sniffled and began to cry again, wishing his daddy would come and find him and apologize. Maybe he would take him home and give him a nice warm blanket and the soup that mama used to make.
But the poor child knew that would never happen. He just wanted to be warm and safe and now he was terrified the monsters in the dark would come and get him. Just swallow him whole like he was nothing.
So he just started crying. Daddy said crying was for babies. He said Race shouldn’t be crying because he had things other kids didn’t. But the boy couldn’t stop, hiccuping and fisting at his cheeks.
The poor kid tried to close his eyes, but he sobbed even harder when he remembered the way his father had looked at him. The way the man had charged at him with that broken beer bottle, how the eight year old had to climb out the window to get away. He knew something bad would’ve happened. Something really bad. Still, for some reason, he wanted to go back. Maybe he would at least be warm.
He wished he could watch his favorite television shows, where the kids always went home to the parents who he couldn’t ever see the faces off, but they’d always scoop up the kids like him and hug them and the kids were always so happy. Instead, he was sure the darkness would come for him as the rain began to fall.
But someone tapped on his tarp, making him gasp and scramble away. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he wailed. “I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet!”
“No, no,” another boy assured, his flaming red hair sticking to his forehead because of the rain. “It’s okay! I'm sorry… I’m Albert, who are you?”
The little boy shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he whimpered again.
“No, what’s your name? My papa and I saw you and we thought you needed help, can we help you?”
Race stared at him with wide blue eyes, his pale face made the color even more haunting and vibrant. “H-help?” he asked.
The man behind Albert shushed him and took off his giant jacket, taking Race’s tarp off of him and sighed when he found the child in only a pair of ripped underwear. He gently scooped the boy up and wrapped him in his jacket, holding him in one arm and keeping a hand wrapped around Albert’s to guide him home.
The little blond boy was too tired to do anything but cry and cuddle into the warmth. He whimpered and gripped tightly at the jacket. And before he knew it, he was in a warm bath, the water making his skin feel tingly as Albert rushed in with too many bath toys and the old man with the fading red hair gently washed the boy. Race yawned as Albert splashed a rubber duck around in front of his new friend. “This is Spongie! He loves water! And this is Klive, his arch nemesis! You wanna play?”
Race stared at the duckies, barely even able to understand the words being spoken to him. He was too relaxed at the hands massaging shampoo into his golden curls. He was wearing swim trunks that he didn’t recognize and he felt cold and hot all at once. “Daddy?”
“Don’t worry, a leanbh,” the old man whispered in a thick accent Race had never heard before. “We can get you back to your daddy, do you know where he is?”
“He was real mad at me,” Race whimpered as more tears started to fall down his face. “He hurt my arm…”
The old man nodded. “Yeah, I can see that, don’t try to move it. We’re gonna call some very nice people who can help us.”
Albert began to put on a whole story for Race. “And then Klive goes like this!” And Race laughed tiredly, leaning into the old man taking care of him. “Yeah, he’s goofy. You like him?” The littler boy nodded.
“Yeah… can we play again?” Race asked as his eyes began to slide closed.
Albert frowned. “Is he okay, Pa?”
The old man nodded. “Yeah… he just needs some rest. It’s okay, now,” he whispered. “Close your eyes, child.”
Race couldn’t fight against that soft command. He let his eyes close, hoping that he would wake up and be warm.
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Well, we have now been evicted and are having to stay in a hotel until we reach our goal. Please anything helps.
(No I will not be paying you to make it succeed for me, scammers)
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s-t-r-a-y-kids · 4 months
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Fighting for my life every day- NOT HOMELESS CHILDREN Y’ALL 😭✨
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wolfpangs · 1 year
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this is the temu version of "we've got stray kids at home"
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the-happy-man · 2 years
France 1793. England 2023. What it looked like at the end.
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timaeuslover001 · 1 month
Feminism is Cancer because....
They Have nothing to help homeless women and children they say the most vulnerable are women and really the HOMELESS are the most vulnerable in our socisty
socially and physically.
they deal with stigmas of judgment from common people and employers and everyone in between even the workers at the shelters. so they get avoided, ignored and judged HARSHELY by everyone
and due to living life always soon their feet and vibrantly moving they have to pack lights and don't own much and often get robbed by anyone. their not protected or looked after by anyone not even police.
so when the #METOO movement was going on and women tried to push he narrative of stoping rapes....yeah OKAY!!
they have done NOTHING. no shelters have been built or even protested to be funded to be built.
where ia the protection for them? where was the pink cat ear wearing feminists on SKID ROW where the most assaults and rapes happen to women?
where is FOR FOR the legislation to assist homeless women in having place to house themselves if they are pregnant and the fudging for their babies.
I lived in Orlando almost twi yrs ago and the amount if homeless sDOWNTOWN is shocking!!!!!
they re literarily everywhere. the parks, side walks, bus stations, under the bridges ect. they are everywhere and there is NO OVERNIGHT shelter for them.
instead you create hostile work environment for men, make the male employers PASS OVER female applicants for high ranking postings because these men are scared that they can be accused of anything an die condemned and jailed falsely due to you #BelieveHer ideology of just believing a female accuser OUTSIDE of PROOF .
that got Johnny Depp out of jobs and other countless men in jail or even jobless permanently.
you worry about catacaller in the street and not actually rapeists that come out and attack these poor vulnerable individuals.
I mean you all aren't even active in your city. y'all live online in chatrooms an tik tok. where is the street activity. where is you at on your city hall? so y'all even vote? who is your local mayor sand governors?yasll skip jury duty and want to believe y'all acre about women
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chrissterry · 7 months
Councils breaching guidance by not taking homeless teenagers into care, suggests Children’s Commissioner | Community Care
The government can be assumed to be good in providing guidance and in some respects mandatory requirements, but not always for is government the best area of full understanding, or is there any area of full understanding. Government operates from a distance, but then even some Local Authorities (LAs) do. However, guidance and mandatory is one aspect the financing to follow these through is…
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camrinthefox · 7 months
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smokeflix · 2 years
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Why A24 is so important.
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elmislost · 2 years
"Officials in Nevada demolish tiny homes built for homeless in Las Vegas"
Of course. You can't capitalize on homeless children, so let's just keep them on the streets. Good job Nevada. 🤯🤬
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reportwire · 2 years
The Homeless in Florida Defy All Odds
The Homeless in Florida Defy All Odds
2016-05-25 15:59:42 It has been a long and rugged road, but the homeless proved that they could help each other since 2008. They have helped pioneer many new methods that are working.The numbers in rural America continue to increase.The Mission in Citrus has helped lead the way in innovative projects that work to reduce the numbers.They have just reached a 73% employment rate , which is unheard…
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ubuntu-village · 2 years
The Bright Future of Heart Cares NGO and Ubuntu Village in Kenya
What can NGOs do to preserve the community?
Heart Cares NGO and Ubuntu Village have come a long way in the last two years. These NGOs started their collaboration in 2021 with two people who wanted to help the local communities and impact the communities around them. Heart Cares specifically focuses on providing food to impoverished children in Nakuru Town, Kenya, while Ubuntu Village creates funding through crowdfunding for this endeavor.…
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posmasc · 1 month
So about a month ago, there was this protest against a all male homeless shelter in brooklyn
that planned to be built near schools. Is is feminist to protest against it or classist/anti homeless. There were definitely some classist people in the protest so even if there was a valid reason to be against the homeless shelter, allying with conservatives is a bit of a yikes. Here the view against the home
Classists - Homeless Shelters shouldn't be built because they don't like homeless people.(These people were part of the protest)
(Rad) Feminists - Homeless Shelter isn't the issue to them but moreso the location. They believe that Homeless Men are likely to be a threat to children and to protect children, the homeless shelter must be moved elsewhere.
I wonder if an all female homeless shelter near children would be protested as well. Maybe the argument that Women are less likely to be violent towards children is enough for the public to trust an all female homeless shelter near kids.
Pro Shelter - Any help towards ending homelessness is good and this service is necessary.
What do you guys think?
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the-happy-man · 1 year
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She has spat on the children who came to the UK — refugees, all alone — and now she has their blood on her hands. Suella Braverman is Tory scum who must be removed from office immediately. And prosecuted.
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