#honestly i dont even know who these people are nor what their story is
royal-songbird · 9 months
I, Carrion (Icarian)
wrote a silly little thing with gay people bcus i cannot stop listening to hoziers new album and needed to do something about it <3 uhh this is also vaguely inspired by those like... medusa x blind woman stories Word Count : 603
“We can’t keep doing this.” She murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper and her gaze downcast.
“Doing what?” “This.” 
I follow her gaze, down to our hands, intertwined. Her thumb brushes over my calloused palm, a frown tugging at her lips. The touch sends sparks through my veins, and I feel giddy with it, even with the melancholy hanging heavy in the air like a suffocating fog.
“Why? Why can’t we?” I ask, curling my fingers around her’s. Her frown deepens, and her golden brown eyes shine in the candlelight, glimmering with unshed tears.
“You’ve heard the stories. You’ve heard what I am.” “I have.” “Then you know I cannot be loved. I do not deserve it.” She breathes, her voice trembling. My heart aches, and I place my other hand against her cheek, pressing my palm against the chill of her too-cold skin. Her gaze lifts, and I meet it with a quiet smile, even as her eyes glow a bit too bright against the dark. 
“If you are unlovable, then I would not be here, darling.” I swipe my thumb over her cheek, rubbing away the few stray tears staining her face. 
“But… I’m not like you.” I will outlive you, she doesn’t say, but I hear regardless. She turns her face into my hand, her voice going quieter.  “There are others. Ones who arent… Ones that can make you happy.”
“I’m happy here.” I lean forward, tilting her head so she meets my gaze. “I am happy with you, and only you.” “But what of the town? What will you do if they find out? If they outcast you?” “I’d rather spend a lifetime as an outcast if it meant I could be by your side.” I whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Her face scrunches up, tears rolling steadily down her cheeks. Her shoulders shake with barely constrained sobs, and she doesn’t resist as I pull her close, resting her head against my chest.
Her hands grab my clothes, too-sharp nails digging into the fabric. I hold her tightly, pressing my nose against her curly hair.
“I love you.” I mutter, rocking both of us side to side as she breaks, broken, wailing sobs tumbling from her chest as she clings to me. “I love you, and that will never change.”
“What- What if I’m not enough? What if I can’t return that love?” “Then I will love you, regardless. You could cast me aside, you could take a knife to my throat, and my devotion to you would never waver.” 
“Do you promise?” She whispers, her voice shaking with a frail sort of hope. I tighten my grip around her, love and adoration surging through me with the intensity of a tidal wave. I think, not for the first nor last time, how I possibly could’ve been so lucky to find her, and be given the chance to keep her.
“Yes. Always. I swear to the very stars.” I reply, every ounce of love I hold for her spilling past my lips and into the air around us. “I promise, I will always love you.” She cries, soaking my shirt through with snot and tears, but I don’t mind, merely cradling her close to my chest, whispering quiet words of reassurance. I make up my mind then, sitting with my love in my arms in a quiet, candlelight room. This is where I want to stay, until the end of eternity. The town has nothing to offer to me anymore, not while all I could ever want was right here. 
I refuse to leave again. 
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81folklore · 8 months
dress - SV5
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pairings: sebastian vettel x famous!reader (fc: taylor swift)
summary: its known that seb has been married for a few years now despite the public never seeing is wife, its also known that yn is in a committed relationship and has been since she disappeared from public eye. maybe they are more connected than people realise
authors note: i have had this idea on my mind for SO LONG so im very pleased to finally be writing it. essentially in this, yn is taylor and seb is joe but no one has ever seen him nor know his name, if that makes sense? honestly i have no clue how this will turn out but i needed to write it
authors note 2: this is set in the midnights era however i switched the songs a bit so ‘dress’ is on midnights instead of ‘sweet nothing’ and vice versa!! also ‘dress’ is going to be a single. i also apologize for how all over the place this is, especially the tweets
authors note 3: just pretend whatever says taylor swift says your name and the photos with her hands have a wedding ring!! i also got so confused when trying to screenshot the twitter stuff so the timeline ones are backwards
authors note 4??: haha didnt realise there was a 30 pic limit... pt 2 here :)
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liked by user3, user18 and 10,628 others
yn on her story today, possibly posting song lyrics! thoughts?
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user66: is this hinting at her reputation era?
user13: i was just thinking this, more specifically the time just before reputation
user55: if it is about lover and the time before reputation this will BREAK ME like,, HE SAW THE BEST IN HER EVEN IN HER WORST TIMES😭😭
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liked by gracieabrams, ynupdates, olliebearman and 7,277,739 others
everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about…
this album has been such a rewarding piece to create and im so glad that soon enough you will all be able to listen and enjoy it with me! one thing i love in particular about this album is the song ‘dress’
dress was originally a piece i started to write when making reputation however i felt it was right to keep it to myself, to keep it between my partner and i for a little while longer. however recently our lives have been changing for the better, and while that lid of privacy will still be on, i want to share more with you guys
you have all been on this journey with me and you have treated my partner and i with the upmost respect and for that i thank you. for me dress is a letter, its statement, its a declaration of my love for him and im very grateful to be able to give this to you all
this song is one im very proud of, i really enjoyed writing this the first time, and getting to revist and polish it up felt very special to do.
dress out now on all platforms🖤
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liked by user34, user5, user88 and 23,683 others
seb in suzuka with the grid at his turn 2 bee (insect) hotels,, we've missed seeing him at the track :(
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user3: of course the grid come together for him :’)
user5: im not crying!! just hay fever!!
user5: oh i have missed him SO MUCH
user34: the way he was like a teacher throughout the whole thing😭
user18: does anyone know if hes staying the whole weekend or is it like monaco??
sebupdates: we believe hes staying the whole weekend but unsure if hes with a team or not!
user18: ok thank you :)
user77: the way the first thing lewis asked him was if his wife was okay, oh what if i cry😭😭
user66: im kind of new here, have the grid met sebs wife?
user77: i know they all at least know about her and know who she is, i dont think everyone has met her but i know lewis has met her quite a bit!!
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part 2!
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ivys-garden · 3 months
Alright, I'm going to write my own thoughts down on the situation, sorry if this gets rambly
First of all, Shubble is so brave for speaking up, it's really hard for victims to speak up against there abusers in a public setting and she deserves all the respect in the world for it
That being said we do need to be mindful to give her space, this was a really traumatic thing for her and we all need to be mindful of that, give her room to breath.
On the same lines, don't go after other ccs for not ""releasing statements"", content creators aren't companies, there people. Don't get on at them for not publicly supporting Shubble, especially since there undoubtedly doing it in private, which is probably better than shoving it out there for millions of people to see. Let people support there friend in a way they and shubble are confortable with, if shubble wants them to say something or they think they need to say something themselves, they will say it.
It's like Pearl said, just because you don't see something happening publicly doesn't mean it isn't happening
Also, don't jump to call Tommy or Phil or Grian or anyone else enablers because they haven't said anything, they'll need time to process this too, it's hard to find out that your friend is a domestic abuser, let them process this in piece and don't try to cancel them over nothing like a fool. (People like Tommy will need time especially since Wilbur befriended them when they were young and by all accounts manipulated them too)
If anyone of these people have anything they feel they need to say they'll say it when there good and ready, good life tip folks:Don't Harass People. Especially if they have almost nothing to do with this (honestly Saw someone say they were going to go on to fucking RT about this despite him not knowing either person very well, the fuck)
I know why people do it, they want to make sure there favourite content creators aren't also bad, but they are people and they deserve respect, I can garentee you that almost no Qsmp or Hermitcraft or Other MCYT member who knew him stands with Wilbur
(Also if anyone brings Techno into this fuck right off let the man rest.)
Also, some brain dead morons are saying that people calling out wilbur are doing it for clout and that they should have done it sooner, but most of the abuse happened in private, and wilbur manipulated others, many wouldn't have realised anything was wrong and if they did its still better and more respectful to come forward after shubble since its HER story to tell.
(This attack also doesn't work anymore because we have things like tubbos stream, where he actively discourages his chat from treating him like a hero for speaking out, but yeah sure they all don't give a shit about shubble and just want to make themselves look better, fuck outta here)
Now, if your a former wilbur fan, let me make this super clear
"BuT SePuRaTe ThE ArT FrOm ThE Arti-
Nah. That doesn't work here. You can separate a book or game or movie, you can't with a cc. Its there face, there voice, there personality. Find a different band, find a different CC to watch. There are other options, I know it sucks to find out someone you like did an awful thing,but that doesn't mean we should support those people for our sakes, especially when people were actively hurt by there actions. Trust me everyone, this will get better, things will go back to how they were before
Finally, this should go without saying, Fuck William Gold to the core of teh fucking earth. And any who still support him.
He is a raging egotistical manipulator and abuser. don't blame people for not seeing it sooner, no one can do that. What we can do though is blame people who still wholeheartedly support him and his actions.
He has not "changed" nor will he ever at the rate at which he's going. He's still a egomaniac who's more concerned with saving his image than actually apologising for his actions, even then an apology wouldn't fix all he's done,it would just be closer and a jumping off point to be better, but he can't even fucking do that.
If wilbur does reflect and grow, good on him, but if he doesn't then I can say with absolute certainty we wouldn't fucking miss him.
Fuck Wilbur. Support Shelbym
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WIBTA for leaving a DND campaign abruptly?
Some backstory: I had joined a DND game about 5 years ago right after breaking up with my toxic ex at the time. Me and my ex were both trying to be cordial at this time and ended up both joining a DND game run by a mutual friend.
In our first session, I had noticed my ex made her character be a parody of me that she made look like an awful person. She then kept dm-ing me during our sessions to tell me how to play my character better and other general backseat gaming stuff.
Very quickly, maybe about a month in, I contacted the DM about leaving the campaign due to wanting to distance myself from my ex. She was very upset I wanted to leave and offered to kick my ex from the group instead. I declined saying it would only cause more drama. The DM agreed to let my character go off at the end of the activity we were gonna do that session so it would make sense story-wise.
But this departure did not happen. after that conversation she vague-posted onling about how people dont want to be her friend. She then purposefully kept extending this part of the plot, just so I wouldnt leave the game and could realize it could still be fun. I told her outright I could not do this anymore after 3 more additional sessions and telling me she'll get to my character's exit soon. I always felt like an ass to the other players in the game for leaving them abruptly but I could not do it anymore.
Fast forward roughly 4 years, the DM tells me she is going to make a new campaign and would like for me to join since my ex was no longer in it. I agreed as I had missed playing DND a lot.
For the past year or so I have been in this campaign and it can be fun at times but I still feel out of place. This new session is a direct continuation of the previous campaign's storyline and regularly references it. Now, as far as I know my ex's character has not been referenced at all but I am constantly reminded of this situation whenever they mention a character's name I don't remember (because honestly I don't remember her characters name nor do I want to). I know I said to not bring her up around me but I don't quite trust this friend to keep her word. Simply because I don't think she ever remembers anything I tell her out of a place of... just not caring.
The DM and I just don't quite mesh that well. I don't really like her DM-ing style of making it up as the session happens. I don't like that she will constantly decide what my character is doing, even if I ask to do something, she tells me to roll to see if i can, i can get a nat20 and she will still decide what my character will do next based on what she thinks is funnier to her but makes my next action harder to accomplish.
I have dm'd her to talk about the progression of my character arc (after she constantly implys in session my character is the comedic relief and doesnt have any character development) and she'll go ooo and aaa (literally all she would say) but never actually implement anything I recommend.
I kept saying to myself it will get better in time. I have voiced my wants for my character, and they are ignored. In session, my character actions are essentially decided for me no matter how I roll the dice. It feels weird to be around half of the party bc they spent 4 years in a campaign with my ex who played a parody of me. esp hard after the DM keeps making me be the comedic relief even though I keep trying to play more seriously. other players constantly joke about how my character is gonna be the one that gets them all killed etc because of actions I dont necessarily decide.
Now as mentioned before, DM is also known to vague-blog about how "her friends secretly hate her" at any moment as well. This has happened before after I tried to "real talk" with her a handful of times over unrelated topics too (even if she initiates this conversation)
Given everything above, I want to leave this DND game after giving it a try for a year (really giving it an opportunity to improve). We left off with my character running off alone to get supplies for the party. I was thinking I could make a statement saying I had some personal things come up and I need to leave the game abruptly and leave it to the DM to decide what to do with my character.
Now I feel like I may be the AH because: I am leaving the game abruptly for a second time technically. I would contact the DM on how to make it make sense for my character to depart, but I feel like she will do the same thing as before with the previous campaign and keep putting it off, especially after ignoring my character growth ideas for a year in this current campaign. I also feel like I may be the AH because in character my group does need those supplies, but there is nothing stopping the DM from controlling my character to deliver supplies within the first 5 minutes of the next session.
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qpenpals · 3 months
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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jelifishi · 1 month
hai guys i dont really care if you like kyman or not but PLEASE don’t harass me or anyone else who likes it over it. the back button is right there and hell you could even block me. if you want to honestly debate id be cool w that but like dude yea i know its toxic as hell, I’d definitely say the tumblr community is MUCH calmer than the tt/twitter community on this topic but honestly i feel like a lot of people just pull out reasons from their ass to hate on it and refuse to have an open mind and actually listen to people. I would know because I used to be a kyman hater myself who refused to listen to reason, additionally I was really scared of openly being a kymannie because of the hatred around it in the community. Most of us here are adults or at the very least older teenagers from what I’ve seen and I think that’s the key difference as to why this place is a lot calmer than other places.
I honestly think that if antis actually like, weren’t so scared of being a kymannie they might actually listen to reason. now please note that this post is NOT to try and convince you to like kyman but its instead to try and convince you to not be a little bitch about it online if you dislike it. a lot of people forget that there is someone behind the screen and do you really need to make someone’s day worse over ship preferences ffs?? I honestly don’t get the big deal around shipping in communities and how much it’s hated on, sure I have ships i like and dislike but honestly i dont care what you like. Shipping drama is way too huge in communities and maybe this is just because im aroace but really it’s about how interesting of a story it is for me. I dont care if it’s healthy or not I just want it to be interesting. The only ships i really dislike are for trauma reasons. I’m not a proshipper nor do I support proshipping online, and I am a firm believer that kyman is not proship, but I do think that severe harrassment over ships EVEN proships isn’t a good thing. the block button is right there, just because you dont like something or support it doesnt mean you have to tell someone to off themselves. getting into petty internet arguments over which construction paper kids you think should be in a relationship is just immature.
also yes ) i know im being a little hater about people that are being haters but im sick of it and it affects people. also i dont harass people if they hate on kyman because its not worth my time
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sistervirtue · 10 months
the barbie movie like. ok so [spoilers and long paragraphs under the cut]
yeah it was really basic ideologically it didnt cover all the various intersections and theories of feminism but i think when people saw conservatives flipping their shit people expected it to be like, a manifesto. its a film, and more importantly, it's the Barbie Movie. i think expecting a gender and womens studies class from it would be silly, and while i get why people are disappointed in how much sympathy it lends to the men in the movie, i dont think like, once again, that was ever something to not expect?
furthermore on that point i think showing misogyny from a place of defining the self around a sense of loneliness by men isn't...far off. theres never an excuse for misogyny but thats rhetoric that radicalizes a lot of incels and shit i would rather that than they treat it like some mysterious miasma.
also, i think, once again while it was pretty basic in the ideas it presented... how often is it show that explicitly in broad-audience film? like stated directly to the audience in that manner? theres no flirting with the feminist theory in the movie; it says it outright, which is something a lot of films shy away from out of fear of alienating men once it becomes too "girl power"-y. im not usually for the use of a lot of buzzwords in film and discussion of issues but these buzzwords are never said with cheapness or to obfuscate. it could be heavyhanded at times, but that heavyhandedness wasnt ever really obnoxious? it walked the line of "haha silly" but still took its point seriously enough that you could appreciate the use of that heavyhandedness for comedic effect without being mocked
i also think the fact they just like "solve" the patriarchy in the barbie world isnt meant to imply that you can just fix the real world with a woman president or by being aware of misogyny. in fact a lot of the movie is dedicated to showing how the barbie world and real world are different. the conclusion of the movie is that barbie wants to become human, even though the human world is messy and unsolved and nothing like she assumed it was. she believed barbie had solved misogyny forever, which is a direct jab at the idea that any "one thing" or "girl power" movement can just suddenly whisk away the very power structures that created that sort of oppression.
its very much coming from a cis/heterosexual/white basis. they flirt with further intersection but dont commit, which im really not a fan of. my friends after the film were like "it was more homoerotic than i expected haha" and...yeah, it was, but it didnt do anything to address gayness or what that means in such a heavily gendered heterosexual society. you could read that subtext through allen and his thing.... but allen is a joke. his story is never resolved. hes one of the guys but he isnt, hes one of the girls but he isnt, he benefits not at all from "kendom" but conversely is not oppressed the way the barbies are and vice versa. he's just allen, and the only allen there is. when sasha and her mom want to go back to help barbie, the fact he just goes "God im never getting out of here" and thats just like, left was kinda. well. it was something for sure.
still. i know i just wrote like 200 words on the ideology of this movie but first and foremost its a pg13 comedy meant to be shown to broad audiences in theaters for money. its meant to be an enjoyable watch, and it is! its a gorgeous film, its funny, the songs are fine, and the way it makes its side comments arent distracting nor meanspirited. it knows when to take itself seriously, and i like that. i was actually expecting it to be a general audiences like, kids movie i was so fucking surprised when barbie said penis.
i also think saying the line at the end about the gynecologist is like "saying you need a vagina to be a real woman" is disingenuous honestly. one its meant to be a bit of a shock quip to get a giggle but two i think a lot of people who need gynecological care (which can include trans women) are afraid when it comes to that first visit and finally sitting down and talking about those areas because of the shame and lack of proper education. maybe its bc i grew up mormon but i dont think its meant to imply thats what MADE barbie a real woman or that its fundamental to being one.
once again it definitely isnt a perfect movie. i think the way the ken and barbie talk happened at the end was still a bit coddly and the scope of the ideology underneath the movie was, once again, still very much centered in white cishetero society and thought with only passing mentions of intersectionality that felt both shallow and (especially with the gayness and racial dynamics) occasionally like it was being turned into a joke
still all in all it was a pretty good movie. weird barbie #1. allen get behind me i will protect u
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
Not sure if I even read the Breaking Point fic. Maybe, maybe not. But I have my own share of fics that "we can fix canon" but make worse.
There one fic I recall (the name slipped from my mind) where ofa somehow shows the class A1 all the abuse Izu endured by BK - it was all thanks to bk and Izu forced team up- and still...people did nothing.
Now think about this premise: ofa shows the abuse and people are just midly concerned.
Why is that? Why make Izu be seen as a victom and get help and support is smth so rare in this fandom?
It is rare see Ochako and his so called friends do stick up for him in fics and not be demonized. Hell, there one where class A1 finds out bk bully Izu(OH MY GOD HE TRIED TO KILL HIM...why fics make them discovery their past as if is a big plot twist?) And proceed to give a taste of his own poison.
And...."this is bad. They shouldnt do this. Poor bk"
You know, some stories talk aboht forgiviness and can be a really touching and well done thing....but those are rare, extremely so. I'm tired of "forgive them bc this is correct" let Izu hold grudges. Let Izu dont forgive bk and be in his right.
A dorama who got this right is The Glory. The mc was horrible abused and got her revenge and in no point people were "forgive them" to mc.
To conclude: this fandom seems to tnink Izu and pain are the OTP when it really isnt nor should be.
Yeah, the fandom can be... Desensitized to this issue so to speak. I think this is for two reasons.
1. So much of Bakugou's behavior is brushed off as a joke. It's easy for people to turn a blind eye to his treatment of Izuku because so much of it is glazed over by cheap laughs.
Honestly I'm pretty sure that's why people think we're so stuck in the suicide baiting in episode 1. Because that's the only moment the series ever really treats Bakugou's behavior as serious as it is. Like, yeah, that was bad, but that's far from the only thing Bakugou's ever done to Izuku. There's attacking him during the Quirk Apprehension Test, hunting him down and seriously injuring him during the Battle Trials, being purposely uncooperative and punching him during the Final Exam, coercing him into a fight after curfew and demanding information that absolutely wasn't his business, throwing his headpiece at him, attempting to forcibly draw Blackwhip out with no consideration of the consequences, etc. Mind you, everything I just listed happened at UA (a few when he was supposed to be "changing"). I would argue that a good number of these things were worse than the suicide baiting.
But they don't register in people's heads the same way because the narrative doesn't treat them the same way. So when fanfiction authors try to write these stories, they're only looking at one aspect of it while turning a blind eye to everything else. They might do a decent job addressing how Bakugou treated Izuku in Aldera, but do a piss poor job of addressing his behavior at UA.
2. Horikoshi doesn't allow Izuku to be looked at as the victim.
This wasn't always the case. We're supposed to feel bad for him in episode one. We're supposed to think that his treatment at Bakugou's hands during the Battle Trials is brutal. He was written to be the sympathetic underdog who's been given a bad hand in life and gets treated like shit because of it.
But that began to change around Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. Hori knew that Izuku had to forgive Bakugou if the viewers were going to. But there was also no way to realistically do this if he actually had a negative response to Bakugou's treatment of him. So he gave us the implication that Izuku wasn't bothered by it at all (which we know isn't true because he was extremely upset when Bakugou said what he said in episode one). He confirms this through All Might of all people, so it has to be true, right?
And most viewers will accept this at face value. Because they're looking for an out for Bakugou. They're looking for a way they can like him while not condoning a bigoted bully.
That's how I see things anyway
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infamous-if · 1 year
You don’t need to post this but just so you know, it really does sounding like almost no one in the story who have witness to or have heard the MC’s work think it is very interesting at all 🫣, and just occasionally a person will randomly appreciate for some reason, such as Orion. I think maybe a lot of readers might had anticipated a type of MC that has the experience of undeniably suited for this and so on, in the way you have sometimes describe some others in the story, such as S
Hi ! Sorry but I'm going to post this mostly (and apologies that your ask is the one who is gonna get this long response, my ire isn't towards you because you're being very kind about it but others have, honestly, not been) because other people probably have this thought as well but I'm sort of confused on where this whole idea of MC being useless/untalented/not suitable is coming from?
I've said before there will be people who question MC's talent, but that's just natural--not everyone is going to think someone is worthy of their fame and attention. People thinking that there are better singers out there doesn't invalidate what MC is capable of. If I wrote a story where every person thinks MC is the greatest thing since sliced bread then that wouldn't be an entertaining story lol You need tension, and you need naysayers so every win can feel satisfying. Plus, doubters is a natural and normal thing in the business. MC is literally in a competition where other very talented bands are competing. Even though they're the main character, they're the main character of their story. Not everyone elses. Other bands believe they are just as deserving--if not more--of winning than MC's band. It's natural. To those bands MC is just another person they need to beat to win.
Seven being more famous doesn't mean MC isn't talented (the band literally voted for MC's vocals over Seven's). G being more famous doesn't mean MC isn't talented. Hell, if MC's band lost BOTB and went home empty handed, that doesn't mean MC isn't talented. It's part of the competition. Amazing bands and amazing singers get rejected all the time. There isn't room for everybody.
I do want to mention that people probably feel this way because I can not give concrete answers about an MC that is largely customizable. In the game, your MC can lack confidence. Or they can be arrogant. They can believe their skills are lackluster, or they can believe they are the best singer alive. People expect me to answer questions that have varied answers depending on what MC each player is playing. I can't give you that! I do my best.
Orion listened to MC once and quit his job to manage them.
2. August auditioned to be their drummer, and while August is largely indifferent, they admit themselves they were interested and they tell MC how good MC's voice is.
3. Maya is quite literally following MC's band around the USA because she's that much of a fan.
4. Seven dislikes MC, but Seven is not a liar: they will always stand by their opinion that MC is talented. That's one of the biggest reasons why Seven liked MC so much: their artistry.
4. This is spoilery but fuck it: G listened to MC once and wanted MC's band in BOTB.
idk why people think that people listen to MC and get bored when I don't think I've ever indicated that? The demo isn't even out lshshdhsahs
anyway this isn't an attack on you anon but it is kind of frustrating that people think MC is just this untalented fluke that didn't work hard to get to where they are today. Just as much as MC is yours, they're also mine, and I wanted to make it clear that MC isn't lazy nor are they someone who just does nothing and doesn't try. At least that part isn't customizable: MC works and has worked really freaking hard to be where they are.
sorry for the long response and once again, this isn't an attack on you, but this has been a topic in my inbox and i just dont get it--the demo is literally not even out.
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teabiscs · 1 month
its over 3k words.
World building:
The basics: Sorta like old timey medieval with magic, beasts and baddies. Ive recently read through Solo Leveling so grabbing some of my fave things from there. (Mainly the classes of fighters, mages, healers, defense)
The Siebalds
The ruling family over the kingdom in which the story takes place. There's the king, the queen and the seven princes,of which Garland is the youngest. All of Garland’s brothers are known for something, strong swordsman, master class mages, high ranking military or whatever the word is i dont do research.
Garland is the youngest, and least accomplished, and his father has referred to him as, “His most ordinary son.” (As well as, “We were trying for a daughter, but after 7 sons, we got the hint that it’s not meant to be, but I guess having Garland, is like having the daughter we always wanted). 
The king tends to just ignore Garland, hoping to one day be surprised with his youngest, but honestly would marry him off to another smaller kingdom in a heartbeat. (It’s an area of contention Which fills Garland with dread at the thought of being forced to marry and sent off.), Garland is resentful towards his father, but tries his best to be a good son, he trains and studies, practices his sword. Sits in on meetings (or whatever they're called) even though he’s well aware it's pointless.
His father pays a retired high ranking knight to train Garland, in hopes that it amounts to something. But even after years of lessons he’s not improving (WHICH WILL 100% be touched on why that is)
His brothers kind of just ignore him, he’s just there. They'll interact with him and say hello, but Garland is left out a lot because he’s not a master swordsman, or a mage, nor does he have the ability to heal, or craft potions.
Enter Boris. 
Who decides to become a knight to make better money for the family, alongside Sergei. (Still an orphan, living in a house with the rest of Borg) Prior to this they were both blacksmiths (coincidentally making the weapons they fight with) but between the four of them, were struggling to make ends meet. Boris joins after Sergei gets his first per diem because if they are both bringing that much money, on top of what Yuriy and Ivan bring in, they'll be alright. 
It does come with some hardship. Boris is mouthy and not used to the structure and hierarchy, but man can he wield a sword, so a lot of his personality is overlooked (also like sergei is a super likable, tank and they're close so people overlook a LOT, when it comes to Boris and his out of pocket comments and mannerisms).
Boris still does blacksmithing after his knight duties. He’s not a fan of the standard sword that is used, but also having extra money is always good, they never know when something is going to come up and they'll need money.
So, like, how do they get together??? 
There’s a threat or something  that startles the king, an attempted assassination that has the castle on high alert. The king is STRESSED. After the failed assassination of his eldest son that he;s concerned with his weakest, least accomplished, should have been a daughter, son (because if they failed on the eldest, the best bet to take out and destroy morale is Garland)
So the King is walking through an elevated part of the court yard with the commander of the knighthood, about lending one of his knights to sort of chaperon over Garland. And the commander is like i got JUST the guy. He’s dumb as dirt, but put a sword in his hand, and the other person is NOT coming out alive. *pointing down at a silver haired man comedically stabbing the air*
And the king is like??? That guy?
And the commander is like hell yeah that guy. He’s a little silly, (And a pain in the ass, doesnt listen well, but will get the job done) but if he’s with Garland,there wouldnt be a safer place (And then immediately after Boris does something stupid and the King is like this cant be real life this cant be a real knight)
And the kings like okay what about the guy NEXT to Boris, he looks sturdy. Which the commander is like that’s not what you want. He’s a tank, and for defense. Boris is a fighter. That’s the one you want. Trust.
Garland’s self confidence is at an all time low. He feels like a joke because he;s the only one being treated like a fucking kid, being shadowed. 
Boris feels like this is a punishment and hates being confined to the castle, following some lowly prince to and from lessons and classes and meetings, and fuck its hard staying quiet during dinner, which he now has a seat at until the culprits are caught (WHICH IS WHAT HE SHOULD BE DOING, FINDING THEM) He longs for being on the battlefield and raiding. Blood shed.
Boris trailing behind Garland on his way to his swordsmanship or whatever class, and sneering at the old guy there to train Garland. Side eying the “Master” the whole lesson, watching with eyebrow raises and faces at every movement. Snarky comments that has the master having words with Boris. And Garland cant believe that theyre fighting, as if Boris REALLY thinks he’s hot shit to have a say against the retired commander who’s been training Garland for years. 
They fight and argue and bicker. Going at it. Boris def challenges Garland and is like if you feel so safe without me, beat me in a sword fight, which garland tries and fails to win. 
Garland practicing with his sword by himself and Boris is watching, bored, unamused. And as time passes looks progressively more and more pissed off until he cant contain himself, approaching Garland and kicking his foot, twisting his body, moving Garland’s grip
But the kick has Garland seeing red and is PISSED, and goes to move, but Boris has his arms on Garland;s shoulders. And hisses out “THIS IS THE STANCE YOU SHOULD BE IN. Everything you do is wrong.. Try what you're doing like this.”
ANd that’s when it all comes out that Boris was a blacksmith so he knows how to handle a sword VERY WELL on top of all other weapons he has a proficiency in. and eventually BOris is like “Are you sure this is the weapon for you have you tried anything else? The sword should feel like an extension of your body, not like some *he waves his hands around* thing that youre doing now”(Boris bringing up his master is just doing this for the money; it's obvious to anyone who actually wields a sword. He’s not correcting things. And is just dragging this out for his own monetary gain)
And garland being like this is a VERY expensive weapon. (the sword he practices with)
And Boris is like just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's not the wrong weapon. They end up going to the armory and Garland fucks around with a saber and gavel and an axe before settling on a dagger. And for the first time the two spar and Boris feels some excitement because Garland moves so fluidly with a dagger compared to sword. 
(It ends up being a dagger because Garland is a close range fighter, but a VERY close fighter, which makes sense because martial arts etc, just now his fists are sharp.
ANd that night Garland feels VERY funny over the whole day because no one has ever shown this type of interest in him, or taken the time to work with him like Boris did.
And then we progress sometime, when Boris is pulled from shadowing Garland for a raid or battle or something. Garland inquires with his brother, who happens to be running the whole thing about joining up, since he’s gotten stronger since changing weapons, but is told lol no stay home baby bro this is where you belong. 
So garland sits at home in the castle and FESTERS. And at this time he realizes just how much his life has changed since Boris has been shadowing him, how lonely things are when Boris is gone. And honestly he hates it. He walks through the castle, goes for a walk through the village, but he is SO bored. And lonely and sits in his room staring out the window down at the garden. Looking forlornly. 
HIs mother stops by commenting it's so quiet around the castle when the knighthood is out raiding. He mentions how she can't wait for his brother to return with their spoils and that theyre planning a big feast upon the knight's return. And Garland just rolls his eyes, because this is the only time she ever comes and visits, when his brothers are out, and the king is focused on it. 
They dont return that night but the next morning, they won but are a little worse for the wear. And Garland tries not to be too giddy when he goes looking for Boris, but he can’t find his shadow. (who ends up being in the infirmary. He’s fine-ish just getting a check up but the healer.)
But in THIS AU this is where Boris gets his scar.
And the thing that confuses Garland is HOW did it scar, but then, where the fuck was his helmet? And Boris, just laughs, because if Garland thought he looked bad, he should see the other guy.
But anywho. The weapon he was scarred with had magic/enchanted/poison in it, so the healer did what the could, but unfortunately it left a scar, which Boris is indifferent about, he thinks it makes him look cool.
And Garland’s like, okay yeah that makes sense. 
And Boris is like oh and the healer was one of your brothers by the way.
Which does not make the situation any worse or better, but it's meant as a distraction.
That's nice, but that doesn't explain how your helmet got off your head, or how something managed to pierce metal to injure you.
And Boris lets out a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck, and is like lets not dwell on the past. 
How did you lose your helmet?
And Boris sighs, “I took it off.”
“You took it off?”
“Yeah because they fucking sucked.” And yeah Boris ripped his helmet off and exclaimed to the enemy you cant be fucking serious this??? This is the best you got? Why am I even carrying all this extra weight? You guys aint shit”
And the whole thing fucking pisses Garland off, because how could Boris be that fucking stupid. Which he says as much to Boris. Does Boris even realize how upset he’d be if something happened?
And then Garland freezes. Because there’s more he wants to say, but he’s hearing what he’s saying and its weird feels too… raw. So he back tracks, that he needs an actual weapons master to continue teaching him, because one day Garland’s gonna be next to him on the field. And how does he ever plan to find a wife if he loses a limb? He’s lucky its just a scar and he still looks handsome.
(Which is the first time Boris has gotten a compliment from Garland like this, and… Garland thinks he’s handsome?)
The Catalyst
The spy is found, so the whole kingdom is lead to believe. Theyre executed and a celebration is in order. THere is an overwhelmingly good mood throughout the great hall. Everyone is well dressed and manicured. The knights are dressed in modest attire. Not a weapon in sight.
The whole thing is so bright and everyone is so spirited over the events. Finally they can relax. Finally Boris’ roll as Garland’s shadow will come to an end.
It leaves a bitter taste in Garland’s mouth and he nurses the same cup of mead the whole night, not feeling at all excited over the spy being found. Sure its great everyone whos been on edge can finally relax. BUt he feels… empty. 
He sighs into his cup and makes small talk, looking around the room, eyes looking for… something. He;s not sure what it is, but he cant find it. Another sigh. He’s making conversation with… someone. He’s not sure he's ever spoken to, or seen, but he sees a lot of people in his day to day.
“Where’s your shadow?”
Garland shrugs, “Not sure. But that’s probably over now.”
“Seems a little premature.” His tone changes, but garland is too out of it to notice. 
Garland shrugs again, looking down at the ground. “I don't think so, if the threat is gone-
“Who said the threat is gone?” And everything moves so fast. One minute he's half heartedly talking to ~whoever~ and the next minute there’s a knife to his neck, blade pressed against his skin, and sharp enough that if he breathes too deeply it's sure to cut skin. 
There’s gasping and more chaos and people running to try and get out, just in case they;re next.
And Garland knows this is it. He's resolved to it. What a plot twist. There’s no way anyone could get to him in time before this assailant slits his throat. It’s a painless death, he thinks, as he feels the knife leave his throat.
Turns out somehow, in that time, in typical shonen fashion, Boris is able to separate the two, and slash the assailants neck (how the tables have tabled) 
And Boris falling to his knees in front of Garland. Grabbing onto his trembling hand, pressing it to his cheek. He apologizes for not noticing soon, he should have stayed closer to his side. Should this should of that. 
And now Garland is getting nervous out, because everyone is looking at the two of them, pulling Boris out of the main hall and down a side hallway to an empty corridor. 
Telling him he can't just get on his knees like that he didn't fail at his job everything is fine.
And boris is like don't get it. I was so scared I wasnt going to make it in time.
And garland still doesnt get it, but is like “If i died the king wouldnt have blamed you, you werent even on duty, and where were you even hiding a weapon lol”
Garland, after all this time shadowing you, and hanging out. After everything, I can't lose you. you've been ingrained into me. 
And silence. Because now it dawns on garland that oh
And then a very emotional kiss.
With them being silly afterwards and getting into an argument because that’s so on brand for these two. Be cute and sweet for a minute and then annoying the shit out of each other. 
Found out
Very much late into Them being VERY CLOSE ™ and hooking up, is them getting caught by Garland’s father no less.The King, opens the door, see’s his most ordinary son on top of one of his knight’s lap.Closes the door immediately. It’s silent as the two pull apart from one another, and five minutes later, theres a knock on the door. The two are as far away from each other as possible. Not looking at each other but Garland is red. 
The king is VERY indifferent as he speaks to his son, inviting him to the raid that’s in a week. He looks over at Boris, who looks just as indifferent back, as if a challenge to fucking say something, “I’ve heard since you’ve adopted using a dagger, you have made vast improvements. The monsters that should be encountered should be easy to defeat with close range fighting.”
The king turns towards Boris, “Kuznetsov, I trust you will continue to watch over my son, even on the battle field?”
Boris gets to his feet and bows, “Of course your highness, I would give up my life to save his.”
“Good good. Make sure you have Rybakov with you.”
“As you wish, your highness.”
The kings eye looks back at his son and then back to boris, and finally his son. “Carry on with.. Yourselves.”
And once the door is closed and the kings footsteps retreat away from Garland’s room, boris’ laughter booms out, and Garland throws a pillow at him.
“Your dad’s something fucking else, man.”
“Shut up.”
“He comes in here.” Boris starts, while crossing the room and sitting down next to Garland, pulling Garland on top of him, “Sees his youngest son, mounting the knight assigned to shadow and protect him , and doesn’t say a word.” He laughs again. “Instead he comes back and invites you to raid with us, which by the way babe, congrats.”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Yeah okay.”
Boris takes that as an okay to Them ™ and stays the night, sleeping next to garland. 
Boris going home the day after and the house all being like where the FUCK have you been. And Sergei is more concerned than anyone, because did something happen after he left? That he was held to stay at the castle overnight.
“Boris, we all know youre an idiot, but this is the dumbest fucking thing you have ever done.”
“Do you have a death wish?”
They all go back and forth. Yuriy and Sergei admonish him for doing something so stupid. Ivan is amused. While Boris doesn't see it as a big deal and jokes around about it. 
Eventually the king does talk to Garland about what he;s witnessed. It's just the two of them in the library, Garland collecting notes and data on the monsters that are present where the next raid (THAT HES EVEN INVITED TO) is located.
“Garland,” He pauses, “We need to talk about that day.”
The room suddenly goes cold. Garland feels like the blood drains out of his body. His throat feels like something is lodged in it, but he nods looking at his father.
The king sighs, “I don’t. Garland. I- How did- When did-” He exhales, “Just because I said you were basically like a daughter to your mother and I, didn’t mean you had to do this.”
Garland freezes, “What?”
“That’s not right.” He father huffs, “Im not sure how to talk about this. I’ve been thinking about it, playing out scenarios in my head. So maybe let’s get this to the point. You know being the seventh son there is no chance of you ascending to the throne when I abdicate, or worse case die.”
Garland nods.
“And the plan was to marry you off to another kingdom that is heirless, there were several options we were going to start looking into. Many families with all daughters and no sons.”
Garland swallows, dread crawling up the back of his throat. Fuck here it is. He’s going to send me off. He’s made the choice already to get me out of here, since i've brought disowner-
“But. Based on what I observed, that’s not a good idea. So I want to ask you this time, what do you want? You’re finally joining us on raids, and maybe the battlefield next time it's needed. You’ve been in high spirits, which is why I have let you keep your shadow even though it's no longer necessary.”
“What I want?”
“Yes Garland, I’m giving you a choice. We can start looking at future brides, or you can continue to do what you're doing, unmarried.”
“You’re okay with that? With Boris and I?”
THe king takes a deep breath, rubbing his temples, “Garland, less words. Your brothers will bring us many future princes and princesses. You not reproducing and settling down is not going to change that. I’m asking if you want the opportunity to marry into Kingship in another kingdom, or if you wish to stay here and join the knight order? What you do outside of that is up to you. Kuznetsov will remain a shadow, until i deem it unnecessary.”
“And when will that be?”
“Garland,” He growls, “Yes you want to marry, or no, you want to join the knight order.”
“I’d like to join the knight order.”
And okay they still bicker and fight because at their next raid Boris babies THE SHIT outta Garland which pisses Garland off to no end  especially when they're  fighting in the same raid and Boris swoops in to fight whatever beast Garland is about to kill. And Garland gets PISSED that Boris would steal his kill and then have the audacity to blow a kiss at him.
And this happens often that Boris just poofs into his space to ensure that his “precious pookie does not get hurt” (they 100% get into it with each other on the field. And sergei, the tank that he is, is just like guys please can this take place after i do have a real job other than shielding you while you work out your problems)
The other knights finally taking garland seriously. While at the start of this whole au, they think he’s a joke, or they feel bad for him, since he is so ordinary. But now after a weapon change and sparring with someone who actually wants to see garland get better??? And he’s joining them on the field? Respect. (tho yeah probably some mild homophobia, but who is going to say something to royalty, and two its good to keep boris, and by extension sergei on their good side)
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hannieehaee · 6 months
Idk if this is appropriate or not (feel free if this is something you don't want to answer) but as a casual kpop stan who really only stans seventeen and listens to other kpop artists on a somewhat frequent basis I just feel as though seventeen is reaching their peak in a way that's far from satisfying. Like idk if this makes sense but to me it seems as tho the members are struggling to keep out of "scandals" with mingyu's incident last year, minghao/seoksoon being labeled as fat phobic earlier this year over out of context clips and now with Joshua (he's not even close to being my favorite member but these rumors and pregnancy stories are honestly making me so upset rn) ...as a fan who feels a genuine attachment to these people it's hard for me to be happy because while Ik the boys deserve every good thing coming their way fame comes with a price and that price is what I'm worried about. Like I get that Pledis isn't SM and seventeen definitely see themselves as family unlike NCT who view themselves more as colleagues I'm so scared that Joshua will eventually leave like Lucas or heaven forbid anything more drastic happens. It's just that I always see these "we could never save them" posts but then the same people who post them also comment the worst things forgetting that idols are humans too. I'm super sorry for the long ask but I just read that jeonghan got hurt and that made me think of the rest of the members and everything else they've been going thru. I'm not even the type of person to get attached to people I barely know but with Seventeen it's like I'm really and honestly praying for their success because they seem that THAT genuine group of people who are just trying their best. Sorry for the rambling
i get what ur saying. dont worry abt sending a long ask! ur welcome to rant abt svt in my inbox whenever! honestly i havent stanned for too long so idk how things were before this past year but i do worry for them lately :/ theyre getting injured too often and they get no rest. i dont like how pledis/hybe are managing them at all. theyve been constantly touring japan very repeatedly for seemingly no good reason at all which has obviously tired them out (theyve been dropping like flies, LITERALLY). pledis had the opportunity to promote them in ways that didnt involve constant performances but have just chosen not to for some reason. i really hope they get to rest soon (unlikely tho since theyre likely gonna have a world tour next year).
about the joshua thing. i feel sosososo bad for him. idk and idc if hes really dating that girl honestly. i do feel like it was kinda dumb of her to consistently post herself in the same places/clothes as him if they really wanted to keep it a secret BUT neither of them deserved the hate/scrutiny they got for it. not even with the pregnancy thingy on her stories. i don't think joshua and lucas' situations are comparable whatsoever since joshua has not done anything wrong unlike lucas. im hoping pledis somehow protects him better but thats unlikely. i dont think any member of svt will ever leave bc as u said, theyre family. cant rlly compare to nct tho lol bc i only stan svt so idk any other groups' dynamics like that. i do get what ur saying tho i have friends who stan nct and svt and theyve said to me that they do see a drastic difference in dynamics between the two groups but thats neither here nor there.
lastly, i have the best hopes for svt. they keep saying theyll only go up from here and i believe that. idk how that will play out with military service in consideration or with what seems to be chronic incidents that keep happening to them (gyu, cheol, and han in the past few months) but i trust and hope they'll be okay. they have a very established fanbase and a rlly good support group with one another so i only see good things for them in the future. hope they get at least a month off soon though.
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quietasfire · 2 months
honestly idk if this is the seedling of wwx haterism taking root in me but i genuinely hate how he treats wn (also, all roads lead to chengxian)
after mxy resurrection he just seems to brush wn off a lot while wn is out here doing the most. idk i know wwx refuses to confront anything because delusion is his solution to everything. and wn is a painful reminder of his yiling demonic cultivation days, just like jc is a painful reminder of wwx gutting himself to pay a debt that never was w/ his life's work. i understand why wwx would act that way (he tends to block everything out and pretend like its fine while his behavior shows that it is not fine bc lying only gets u so far) but it is truly one of his most insufferable traits. he wants an enabler that allows him to live without confronting himself or other people (lwj) but legit will he even be satisfied w that. is that even something thats sustainable in the long run.
mdzs canon is really weird to me because
1) wwx doesnt seem to want to deal with the world he lives in? wn is reduced to a weapon/thing once again bc lwj keeps taking precedent over him like the lwj drunk jealousy scenes piss me off so much, wn is literally being robbed of his agency and consciousness but that keeps being pushed back because uwu romance
2) hes not going to be satisfied that way. its just not in his nature to settle. ur telling me wwx is going to be happy in cloud recesses? while lwj may be a hypocrite and break his own sect's rules or even leave gusu lan to be a wandering cultivator w wwx, i genuinely dont see how that cld happen without wwx feeling guilty and bottling it up and ofc turning it to resentment
3) why didnt jc and wwx reconcile. legit why. wwx is saying lets just let it go but like. dude it is physically impossible for yall to be strangers. he let himself be gutted to save u and then u gutted urself to save him thats not a stranger thing. He has a major piece of you in him and he didnt even ask for it nor could he say yes to it. like girl i know you love running from your problems but eventually youre going to tire out?? What
4) he doesnt seem to change his ways, like his ego and impulsivity is still there? he didnt grow? like it rly feels as though the novel isnt even sure what story it wants to tell
pls so many things r so bizarre in this novel. the only part that makes sense is venerated triad and it proves mxtx CAN write irreparably broken relationships caused by a fundamental disagreement in nature (nmj hates jgy for who he is, jgy hates nmj for what he did, nmj would rather break than bend, jgy would rather bend than break) but thats not the case for chengxian??? so why is their relationship being treated as though its beyond salvation
idk i have a fever sorry
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I know what you mean about the neither confirming nor denying thing. Like I can see it as not wanting to take away from the Colin moment, and it was definitely left in a way that can be interpreted positively and I think unless they outright say otherwise, a lot of fandom will take it as a yes, he is. That said, that was the perfect time to confirm, just one line, and I will feel cheated if they dont let him acknowledge it. I am slightly more forgiving of actors teasing a character's sexuality if it seems like actually they are 100% behind it (a la Oscar Isaac with Poe, and I do think Phil with Jamie), but I will be more disappointed in the show for teasing it and not going ahead
Yeah, and you know, I’m so done settling and rejoicing over hints when the creators don’t have the backbone to make something canon. So I have a hard time giving them the benefit of the doubt right now.
Maybe they will surprise me positively, but … the more I think about this, the more it upsets me.
@time-is-restored also makes a good point here, that sleep deprived me forgot about.
The whole situation where everyone on the team looked at him like “We know what you are” was quite unsettling to me—that is not a group of queer people recognising one of their own. That is a group of straight guys singling out one in their middle because he looks/seems gay to them.
Are they stereotyping Jamie because he cares for his appearance? (which is like the only context I can think of, where “I’m flattered” makes sense as a response to me—”They think I’m gay because I’m stylish and hot, so it is a compliment”) Or do they think when Jamie talked about being too “soft” for his dad in season 1, he actually meant “gay”?
The most generous view I can come up with is, that Jamie has dated no one since Keeley and they’re collectively like “He is so hot, and also fun and kind and supportive, him being single makes no sense unless he is gay”. Like, from a fannish perspective I could also go “Haha, after Amsterdam they probably think Roy and Jamie are secretly dating”, but there is like zero proof they might actually think that.
And honestly, as much as I enjoy interpreting every little choice on the show: The average viewer doesn’t do that. The average viewer will look and jump to the first conclusion that makes sense to them, which likely will be stereotyping.
Someone (like Trent) should have called that out.
I could generously interpret the whole exchange as giving a huge hint to casual viewers: “Jamie is perceived as queer, just so you know for future reference 😉”, but still the entire scene doesn’t sit well with me. And they could have accomplished the same result in a way where Jamie actually has agency about this.
Since also, by singling Jamie out, they basically forced him to make a statement, either forcing him to lie or to come out even when he may not be ready for it, which is super shitty behaviour. (So I could also read the “I’m flattered” as him deflecting, like he knows he is bi but doesn’t feel like coming out yet and assumed they clocked him because of his appearance.)
Add to this that Colin basically was forced to come out because of the circumstances and couldn’t actually decide on his own account when and how to come out. (Which is like the opposite of what I wanted)
And we didn’t even get the how, because it was more important to focus on the straight allies 🤡 Like, if the writers didn’t want to take away from Colin’s moment, they could have made it more about Colin? (Yes, he didn't want to be a spokesperson, but it would still have been nice to have him actually say "I am gay" in front of his mates.)
I liked the conversation Roy and Isaac had and think it was necessary (partly for my queer Roy agenda), but instead of giving us this cringeworthy talk by Ted, they could have given Colin more room for his own coming out—and then have Ted reassure him, that they care about him with a story that is about Ted not caring enough about someone who actually was queer and regretting that.
Gosh, the more my brain wakes up, the more upset I get lol
(And yes, I am usually quite forgiving with actors, since they don’t have control over their franchise, but no matter how much I adore Phil, the way he constantly brings up Roy x Jamie as a possibility is going a bit too far at this point if he is only joking.)
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thelost-author · 1 year
Absolutely in love with how everything turned to be with Lockwood and Co., especially with the characters, I was absolutely blown away with the way Jonathan came up with them, with the premise of smth stereotypical but ending up with much more
I've already said that these guys do Not fit some standars that people give them and this goes in the same line
I just love how Stroud came up with the perfect construct of a leader ( Lockwood) and even gave his name to the books( Lockwood and Co.) to end up saying, boom, thats not what you thought.I really love also the way he didnt need to make Anthony mean or cold hearted( I know in the show they say smth in that line but honestly...couldn't be more far from the truth) just to make him fit into the "annoy-to-love" relatioship with Lucy (which im very grateful for because God knows how much I love the way they are both just kind of akward amd just refuse to accept that they are more than just "colleagues")
They really took the pretty boy, the confident guy, the show off and just gave him a "secondary" role as well as just the softest personality ever.
Also I love how Lucy wasnt just presented as the female character to cut the cope, and also how she wasnt the "chosen" one nor the girl who was just perfect, she had flaws, as well as just fear and I really loved seeing some fear on the main character, on the person sho was supossed to get everything done and kind of know how to sort it.
They presented us a main character who was a bit lost in life and that was okay, it was quite alright.
Finally, George, dont even know where to get started, Stroud really said :okay, here goes this little Problem obssesed, this nerd with glasses and little social skills....now make him the most sarcastic character ever, give him just this superficial look and that confidence built over the fact of knowing that you are always right
You just get then George Karim, probably the most courageous whimp out there.
And its just great how well everything works out in this story, its great to see how these characters dont need to fit some standars, seeing them break all expectations was one of the best things ever
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
hiii okay i just started reading opddmh and i was wondering if you have any thoughts about komaru and toko's relationship and udg in relation to the virtual reality au you're writing? :3c they are so precious to me and if u dont have any thoughts on it thats fine!! just wondering <3 have a good day!!
OOOO DEFINITELY !!! nothing too complex or thought out but ive definitely got some thoughts on it >:)
first things first ultra despair girls is most certainly some kind of spinoff in this universe! so its not considered a main storyline/killing game however it is still on ongoing series! i imagine after 53 seasons the danganronpa timeline has been seriously fucked up and udg is absolutely one of the main reasons its so wonky, you can IMAGINE all of the conspiracy youtube videos trying to piece that shit together lmfaooooo. but yep udg is a running spinoff series starring toko, komaru, and the warriors of hope (who are teenagers in this au at this point!!). it also features a range of other villains and side characters that were introduced later on :] udg definitely isnt as popular nor is it as consistent in its production as the main danganronpa story is (while danganronpa has at least one season per year, udg has one maybe every three), but it still gets a whole lot of views !! which means toko and komaru are unfortunately in it for the long haul </3
they live seperate from each other however they're over at each others apartments so often that they basically live together LMFAO. they rely on each other SO so heavily. i personally think they have romantic feelings somewhere underneath their fear of losing each other to the mental trauma of danganronpa however there is NO WAY danganronpa would ever let them be a couple. the most theyre allowed to do is queerbait ghfdsjkghjkdf. if they confirm anything between the pair they are destroying an entire market of fans they can profit off of and also likely losing hella sponsorship money. its extremely difficult navigating a relationship like that, where they have become so heavily codependent on each other not only because their wellbeing relies on the other being healthy and well but also because they've grown so close it's impossible to imagine a future where the other isnt involved somehow. everything danganronpa has put them through, it has usually been TOGETHER, which means they've bonded through those experiences. is that healthy? absolutely the fuck it is not however there is no time or space to navigate that or to spend time away from each other (even if they wanted to, which they don't)!!
the pair stay relatively close with the warriors of hope-- or at least komaru does lmfaooo. like i said before the warriors of hope are teenagers at this point (honestly theyre probably mius age!! which sparks a lot of hypothetical interactions LMAO) so they dont really need babysitters or anything like that but because there are not very many people who could possibly understand what they've gone through they tend to stick together!! a few of them, at least. i imagine nagisa is a lot more distant and kotoko probably has other friends she talks to a whole ton :] people that arent constant walking reminders of her current and past traumas lol
komaru also doesnt talk to makoto as often anymore! they kind of keep in touch and definitely see each other at press conferences and all that, but the relationship has become somewhat strained. its a bit awkward knowing they arent actually related!! theyre still kind to each other and care about each other like actual siblings but its hard not to feel sad around the other unfortunately :(
and toko definitely doesnt talk to byakuya much anymore besides the occasional promotional material LMFAO. they dont despise each other but both have done a lot of growing and a lot of that included distancing themselves from each other
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natsmagi · 10 months
I love ur art!!!! really its so gorgeous and the style brings me sm joy, its so soft and cute!! and ofc fem ntsmg is THE GOAT!!!!!!
BUT I JUST WANNA ALSO SHOW APPRECIATION FOR HOW U ANSWER ASKS AND STUFF AND IDK JUST UR WHOLE PERSONALITY IN GENERAL?? I love reading ur text posts especially when u kinda analyze the characters and stuff like its so fun to read and tbh, both natsume and tsumugi are characters that I feel are often mischaracterized in the fandom, and like idk I feel like u get them so perfectly and its sooo !??!?! Awesome getting to read ur awesome takes when new events come out and stuff like YOURE SO RIGHT ABT EVERYTHING, i be reading ur posts and going "you!!! YOU FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!!!!" *happy stimming*
if you honestly did like a proper character analysis for them one day just now i would be so here for it and read it over and over again probably. Im currently hyperfixating RLY HARD on ntsmg so sometimes i just go through ur entire text post/ask tag and read everything over and over again 😭😭😭 I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG IN GENERAL KEEP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING, YOURE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME AND VERY MUCH BASED USER NATSMAGI!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️
im a very chatty person so im very glad u like hearing what i have to say 🥺!!! and im glad u like my personality too since i feel i can come off as harsh or arrogant sometimes AKJHFSKJH THOUGH TBF I DO TRY MY BEST TO BE KIND......
ID LOOOVE TO ANALYZE NTMG MORE !!! main reason i dont do it as often or hold myself back a bit is because admittedly its been a While since i read alot of the stories, a majority of which i have only read once, and when i make actually Proper analyzes i like to have reread the material and see if i maybe misinterpreted something on my first read or am misremembering, bc when given new info other interactions can be read differently and all that. and i also wanna actually do them justice and not accidentally spread misinfo AJHSFKJH AND I UNFORTUNATELY HAVENT HAD THE TIME NOR ENERGY TO DO THIS </3 but even without remembering every single piece of dialogue verbatim i like to think my grasp on them is still somewhat decent, and im very glad u like my interpretations 🥺❤️
it always makes me so incredibly happy when people view the characters similarly to me aswell bc like u mentioned they Are kinda prone to getting mischaracterized in some ways...... i think it mainly comes from both natsume and tsumugi having MANY factors to their characters though, and the mischaracterization comes from only highlighting one aspect of them and failing to think about how their different attributes overlap (although this can probably be said for the entire cast tbh). like an easy example that im sure everyone gets by now is natsumes little tsundereisms. if you only focus on him being rude to tsumugi it can look like hes just some edgy guy with anger management issues, but when you take into account other factors such as him having a rather spoiled upbringing both by his parents and nii-sans, and his distaste towards feeling "weak" (also caused by his upbringing, since he was frail as a child and raised as a girl) you start to see that oh. alot of that is just him being defensive and emotionally immature. since he had such a comfortable upbringing those hints of discomfort and vulnerability are threatening to him as someone who always had everything handed to him. and when you dont know how to deal with situations like that ASWELL as being afraid of being seen as "weak" youre Gonna start resorting to harsher words and sometimes even get physical because you have no clue how else to handle this. its also why the natsumes character consists of him being pretty obsessed with "growing up" and "not being a kid anymore," because he knows how immature he could be SKHDGJH he doesnt have bad intentions he just. doesnt know how to be vulnerable with people
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