#honestly it’s probably why Leia didn’t give it to him
snipsnipsnippy · 4 months
Organa-Solo my ass. You can’t tell me Han isn’t begging to take Organa as his name. Think of the stunts he could pull, the places he could get into, the fucking swagger this man would have as Mr. fucking Organa.
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nowritingonthewall · 9 months
What do you think about the way Poe literally jolts up as soon as Finn holds him after the explosion in TLJ?
Could it be some sort of trauma related to what he endured while being captured?
Baby boy has pure and utter panic in his eyes before he sees it's just Finn, I honestly think that the aftermath of everything that's happened to him in TFA is not discussed enough.
Oh my goodness, a Poe ask, thank you so much, Nonnie 🥰
And omg there are so many thoughts that come up while watching this little scene!
To some extent his reaction can probably be explained by the fact that he is still right in the middle of an extremely dangerous situation. His adrenaline levels must be going through the roof at this point. So after what just happened, it may even appear to seem normal for his body to be in fight or flight modus at this very moment when he jolts at Finn.
However. By the time we get to the events occurring in TLJ, Poe has been in constant flight or fight modus for years. This poor and sweet and wonderful man experienced his first major traumatizing event when he was only eight years old and had to witness the death of his Mom. And his teenage years weren’t exactly smooth sailing, either, the few months that span the events in “Free Fall” alone were just one life-threatening situation after another and he was never really presented with any opportunity to recover from any of those. So when he is brought onto the Finalizer in TFA, he is most likely already suffering from severe C-PTSD.
And then, of course, there is his interrogation, which would have been enough to break any man, even one without a history of trauma. And Poe just keeps on going as if nothing happened after that. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that TLJ takes place only a few days after the events in TFA, but, uhm… to come back to your question, yes, I absolutely think that his reaction is a trauma response!
And I couldn’t agree more, it isn’t discussed enough, that’s why we need a whole Poe Dameron tv show (with 10 seasons minimum, please)!!!
But even though it isn’t discussed enough, imho the aftermath is plain to see in Oscar’s acting. Just in case you haven’t come across it yet, may I recommend this excellent post by @userpoe laying out several symptoms of PTSD that Poe shows in all the movies. I’d even go as far as saying that most of his actions that seemed to be out of character or earned him hate by the “fans” can be traced back to Poe being a deeply traumatized man. Like, e.g. his very short temper with Threepio. We know that’s not how Poe usually acts towards droids. Apart from his incredibly sweet way of interacting with BB-8 (and his love interest in “Resistance”) we literally see him behaving very different towards Threepio himself in the Poe comics. And, of course, there is that very character-revealing moment on Kijimi in TROS, and the pain you can see in Poe’s eyes when Threepio is taking “one last look at my friends”. This movie has so many moments that were most likely added for a cheap laugh by the writers but that fit so smoothly into Poe’s history with PTSD, whether it’s his annoyance with Threepio or his display of trust issues when he wonders whether Rey’s been using her jedi powers on Finn and him.
I am sorry, I have digressed way beyond your original question.
But, may I just add, apart from Poe showing clear signs of trauma, it’s also a little heartbreaking to watch how he doesn’t even take a moment to think of himself when Finn asks him whether he is all right? Apart from the wounds to his heart and soul, his body must hurt like hell after being subjected to that explosion (and I bet he didn’t even take as much as a little casual trip to the med bay) and he doesn’t even stop to give Finn a short “I am okay.” He immediately jumps to thinking about what needs to be done to save everybody else. (And of course, then there’s that wonderful moment when we see Leia mirroring his thought process which will never stop making me emotional.)
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terracottaheart26 · 1 year
Ya Amar
Chapter 3
Pairings : Marc Spector x Female!oc, Steven Grant xFemale!oc, Jake Lockleyx Female!oc
Genre: Fluff (angst and smut later on)
Summary: About 6 years ago, Marc Spector had a small whirlwind romance fling with a young woman after leaving home, though he fears attachment and leaves her behind. When he finally meets her again after 6 years, with a few surprises, could he bear to face her and reveal his truth?
Kid……kids……his kids? Marc couldn’t believe it. He didn’t know how to react. Terra had sat there, a little tense herself, waiting to see what he would do. He breathed a little faster, hands tense on his lap. It looked like he was close to crying, maybe close to screaming. Then just every so softly she placed her hand atop of his.
“Marc, breathe, it’s okay……”
Marc took a breath, the others in the headspace listening in,waiting to see what would happen. So they sat there a bit, her hand closed around his while he relaxed and finally held onto her own hand. Not too strongly but enough that she knew he was going to be okay. It gave her some peace of mind.
“Look…..I’m sorry….I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…..” she starts with a soft sigh. “Well, honestly, I couldn’t even find you after you left, you didn’t give me anything other than your name” Terra gives a lighthearted laugh. Watching her babies play and mold things out of the dirt and sand from the ground. It had been close to six years but she wouldn’t trade all the hardships for the world. Their laughter the one thing that made her day.
Tumblr media
Marc staying silent.
“Listen, you don’t have to do anything.”
That shocked him. What did she say? Was she saying he wouldn’t be able to handle this news? Handle their kids? Huh……
“Marc, you have children! They’re adorable! No wonder that boy looked familiar, he reminds me of…..of Randall”
“Marc, I’m not saying you won’t be able to care for them…” Did she read his mind? “Far from it! And you seem like you’d be good with them..” If he could have a chance maybe? “In no way I’d want you to have to be all ‘I need to be a father and do my part’ kind of deal”
Jake was wary of Terra, how she seemed to rush into inviting them over, but seeing how she got every single thought and insecurity right was actually interesting to watch. At least from the reflection anyway. It was amusing to watch Steven hang on her every word. Not like he wasn’t paying attention too. Just making sure for Marc’s sake that she was as she said she was.
“Marc…..I just…..” Terra looks over at the two kids, and deciding to calm the situation. “The girl, her name is Leia and the boy is Luke….I know I know, I’m a Star Wars nerd, sorry” That got a chuckle out of him at the very least. “Leia is so much like you, super passionate, has a lot of energy, she’s the oldest of the two. Luke is the younger one by two minutes, but he’s super aware, likes to build things. Both super adventurous”
Marc sniffles a bit, red round his eyes. Siblings. That sounded so much like his own childhood he’d lost so long ago. He could see the shine in their eyes, so much like Randall. The brother he’d lost so long ago. He’d felt soft hands cradle his face, wanting to fight it, walk away from showing any emotion, but he’d slowly let her turn his head towards her own. Forehead resting against his.
“Marc, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry” she insists, using her thumbs to wipe away the stray tears that had fallen and giving him a soft smile in return. “If anything, if you want, you can be a part of their lives……I just don’t wanna force you to be with me, you probably have a life all your own me I don’t wanna make you drop everything”
“Why are you crying mister?”
Marc sniffles, wiping his tears with his hand and finding the small child, Leia, gazing up at him. No longer in a defensive stance like the other day, but with curiosity and empathy. Her small hand raised up with a small daisy. “Please don’t cry”
“Baby, he’s just feeling some emotions, he’ll be okay.” Terra defends, knowing how empathetic the twins were. And just as she finished, she spotted Luke wiping his hands on his shorts, and grabbing a set of tissues from his pocket. Walking over to hand them over to Marc.
“Here mister, this wipe them away” Luke says quietly with small smile. Opening the packet and raising up on tippy toes to dry the tears that had stained Marc’s cheeks.
Leia ever observant, looked at her mother with concern. “Mommy? Is this a friend of yours?”
What could she say? Yes she knew him, but her children weren’t one to ask questions unless they were really curious about something. At least they could read the room. “Well, this is Marc, he’s a long time friend of mommy’s, we just haven’t seen each other in a while”
Marc was glad that was what she was going with for now. It hurt a bit she didn’t tell them straight out, but hearing Steven’s voice in the headspace. ‘It’d confuse them! Let’s be patient for now mate! That’d be the best option’ ‘I kinda agree amigo, we can wait a bit’
“Hi, I’m Marc, nice to meet you” he hated his croaky voice, he must look awful as he felt the sting in his eyes. But they accepted his hand. Leia giving a huge grin, missing a front tooth. Luke was wary but gives a handshake back with a smile of his own.
It was only a few hours after that he left. Seeing their small hands wave goodbye from the front door. Marc let Steven take over for the rest of the way home, exhausted, but a bit happy. Terra even handed them her contact information so he could come visit again. If he wanted to, she still held up that he didn’t have an obligation, but he’d wanted to try. Wanted to try for her, for the twins.
“Mate, those two were so adorable! Luke seemed so smart, Leia has her mothers spirit! Jake agrees, and don’t lie, you seemed to like them too”
Jake didn’t want to admit it but he was amused with how Marc tried handling the kids, though like always he worried for Marc and Stevens safety. Though it seemed sitting there he felt an unknown calmness that hadn’t been there before. The stress and fear having melted away. He’s never seen Marc this awkward yet happy.
“We’ll see them again won’t we? Those little buggers seemed attached to to Marc already, wouldn’t be a bad thing would it?”
“Steven, it could work, but maybe it wouldn’t, those kids are cute but……”
“Terra, she didn’t reject me, she should have been upset that I left, that I left her all alone. What kind of woman doesn’t get angry like that? I’d be mad at myself” Marc sighs, raking his hands through his hair and pacing in the headspace. He had fun with the kids, hearing their made up stories and playing their games, but would it be too much too soon to be involved in their lives?
“Uh…..chaps…..I just remembered, did she say she was only here for two months?”
That’s what made him stop in his tracks, looking at the piece of paper in Steven's hands from the giant fish tank. This might be a long shot but he wasn’t going to walk out of her life again. Didn’t want to lose contact with the twins. He wasn’t going to lose her again.
Not this time.
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ocd-kenobi · 1 year
Star Wars characters as massage client types
Obi-Wan: Very nice and non-threatening gay man. Asks for a “relaxing medium pressure,” but doesn’t ever tell you anything is too much pressure when you try more and ask. So you’re left wondering if he actually wants more pressure all the time and won’t say so. Still, he tips a precise 20% and books with you often. Overall a pretty pleasant client except for he sweats so profusely it’s like massaging a slippy-slide. Your oil is useless. You’re just using his sweat for skin lubricant. But he’s so nice so you feel bad dreading his appointments.
Qui-Gon: Asks if you do Thai massage. Tries to convince you that you should do Thai massage when you say no. Starts undressing during intake while you’re still in the room. You tell him to wait until you’re out of the room. He says, “Oh, I don’t mind” as if it’s HIM you’re worried about upsetting with HIS NUDITY. Talks about the benefits of Thai massage throughout the session, so you think he hates your methods, but then he books with you every single time. And asks for eucalyptus aromatherapy every time so your room always smells like toilet bowl cleaner. 
Padme: Says she is there “to relax.” Never fucking relaxes. You feel like a failure the first couple of times, but after a few sessions, you realize she is the failure. At relaxing. She also tells you to skip her legs and feet entirely when she has missed a day shaving, no matter how many times you tell her it doesn’t matter. This deprives you of your one tactic that sort-of works to relax her: the steamy towel foot rub. At least she sometimes lets you do a hand scrub.
Anakin: Touch-starved and fidgety. Wiggles so much you spend the whole time wondering whether he’s in pain or about to come. Pitiful, or creepy. You really really don’t want either option, so you struggle to find a pressure that’s not firm enough to hurt and not light enough to tickle. He says something about how your hands are “so strong, and yet so soft” and so, in self-preservation, you decide to have him spend the entire session face-down. This becomes a problem when you save twenty minutes for the backs of his legs only to find that he has knee-length boxers AND socks on, leaving you four square inches to massage. So you return to make up stuff to do to the dehydrated, over-exercised muscles of his back. You ask your manager not to book him with you again. 
R2 and C-3PO: They’re fine, except they only ever book couples massages and use the therapists as an audience for their marital bickering.
Ahsoka: Honestly the worst. She’s skeptical about massage and wants to see if you can “fix” her shoulders. Her shoulders are not fixable. She needs months of massage, not one session. She needs three kinds of bodywork, preferably, and then maybe the tissue could soften into something that could be worked. You try suggesting some things, and some gentle posture corrections. She just tells you she can take more pressure. You try more pressure, sure, but her ropy muscles just push you right off. She tips you, of course, and tries to smile, but you can tell she thinks you don’t know what you’re doing, otherwise you would have been able to fix her shoulders in one hour.
Luke: Has never been massaged before and has very little body-awareness. Practically jumps out of his skin and says, “What was that?!” about every muscle you touch that he didn’t know he had. Asks a lot of questions, like “Why is that muscle so tight?” to which you have to give speculative answers, since you don’t know what he does for a living. He’s a very nice, clean, and non-threatening young man, so you don’t really mind the chatter. You know he’ll probably leave you a $5 tip, so you just don’t push yourself to work that hard. It’s nice. 
Leia: Only comes when she’s on her period. Is great at articulating her needs (the table warmer on high, the essential oil blend with the lavender and clary sage in it, low back focus) and lets herself be grumpy and short with you instead of trying to pretend she’s not in pain. You appreciate this, because it frees you from trying to make pleasant small talk.
Han: The only time he ever comes in for a massage is when Chewie gets tired of hearing him complain about the knot in his shoulder and nonconsensually books an appointment for him. You can tell Han’s concept of massage is a “happy endings” kind of deal right off the bat, by the way he nervously looks you over and calls you a “masseuse” instead of a massage therapist and starts cracking try-hard jokes about how he doesn’t usually need to pay for this kind of thing, etc. You have him kicked out of the building.
Lando: The foot scrub, the aromatherapy, the hot stones: the full experience. This man knows how to relax. He uses pet names, but it’s somehow not too creepy. Requires a bit more social energy than most clients, but tips well enough that you are glad when he’s on your schedule.
Chewie: Excellent 90-minute full-body deep tissue client. Can take a lot of pressure, is vocal about when you get a good spot. The only downside is that your arms are very chaffed afterwards. 
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1) Scoundress
2) They have a private cabana at Volcano Bay
“Exactly how private are these private cabanas?” Han Solo asks as he follows his wife up the wooden stairs.
“This private,” Leia answers over her shoulder, pushing open to reveal the least private thing Han has ever seen. It’s literally open-air. 
“So, they were lying when they advertised this to us, then,” Han grumbles, stepping into the cabana and casting a judgmental glare at every inch of it. The vibrantly-patterned chair cushions, the string lights strung up around the room, and the aqua-blue curtains that still leave the entire front of the cabana exposed.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Leia replies smoothly, placing her bag on one of the chairs. 
“What’s even the point of a private cabana if everyone can see you while you’re in it? Isn’t the definition of “private” where people can’t see you?” Han continues ranting, gesturing around at the entire stupid structure.
“Definitely not,” Leia retorts, scoffing (affectionately). (Han can tell.)
“You don’t seem as disappointed as I am, Your Worship,” Han points out, raising an eyebrow. Leia smacks him in response to the nickname, which was pretty pointless, in Han’s opinion, considering how much she secretly enjoys it. 
“I don’t have my mind in the gutter,” Leia informs him, giving him a scolding look.
“Oh, so wanting to kiss my wife is considered having my mind in the gutter now?” Han banters back, soaking his tone in incredulousness. 
“No, it’s considered being a scoundrel,” Leia clarifies, stepping closer, flirtatiousness sparking in her dark mahogany eyes. 
“That’s exactly what I am,” Han murmurs with a grin, leaning in until he can feel her rapid breathing against his cheek. He slowly captures her lips with his, and she kisses right back. They keep it gentle, soft, and slow, but it still sends Han’s heart pumping like there’s no tomorrow.
“GET A ROOM!” a youthful, voice-crack-infested voice yells out. Honestly, Han was surprised that didn’t happen earlier. The couple mutually pull away; Leia, whose cheeks are flushed pink, seeming just as unsurprised as Han.
“THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT WE DID!” Han yells back. Leia smacks his shoulder.  
“Don’t encourage him,” she scolds.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Han shoots back, shaking his head, but relents, settling down onto one of the chairs, Leia doing the same next to him. 
“The fun is, we get to enjoy the last few minutes before everyone else gets here,” Leia responds, that bit of flirtatiousness returning to her expression.
“Touche,” Han admits, placing one arm around her, resting a hand on her waist. She leans into his touch, sending warmth shooting through him at about the same time as a realization.
“Is there a reason we came up here before everyone else? Just the two of us?” Han asks, a smirk in his tone. 
“To check out the cabana before everyone else got here,” Leia replies, innocence implied by her casual tone.
“And why would we need to do that?” Han poses a great question, if he does say so himself. 
“To make sure there were no issues checking in, obviously,” she answers, casting her eyes up to meet his gaze. 
“There wasn’t any ulterior motive?” he asks, a crooked smirk curving the corner of his mouth.
A flash of embarrassment on her face, which she quickly covers with sarcasm. “Politicians never have ulterior motives,” she tells him.
“Never,” Han replies, his smirk widening. “Sounds like I've been a bad influence on you, Princess.”
“There are worse influences to have,” she says, leaning her head on his shoulder.
Han presses a kiss to the top of her head. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
hope you enjoyed it, bestie! this is probably the only time I'll write Scoundress and I did it just for you lol
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grapenehifics · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
This is from Let's Get Together, the Obikin Parent Trap AU I've been working on. I got stuck for a while trying to make the 'one of them is getting remarried' plotline work, until I eventually decided to just cut that subplot entirely. So, Anakin and Leia (and now Obi-Wan and Luke, because this is in the switching-the-kids-back part of the story) are attending Owen and Beru's vow renewal.
“Is there ever going to be any, y’know, rehearsing, at this rehearsal dinner?” Anakin muttered under his breath.
“I think that’s just the name they give it,” Obi-Wan replied.
Anakin scowled. “Then why make a big deal about Leia needing to be here? I thought we were going to talk about, like…what time to arrive, or something.”
Obi-Wan arched his eyebrow. “You don’t know what time to arrive to the ceremony?”
“It was on the invitation, but I thought maybe it’d be different for flower girls.”
“So we’ll get there a little early.”
“Oh, yeah, because that’s historically been my best thing.”
“You were on time to work this morning.”
“Only because you drove me.”
“I will also drive you to the vow renewal. Problem solved.”
“Hey, so, speaking of which, I’m going to need you to drive me to work tomorrow, too. If you want the car all day, which I’m assuming you do.”
“That would be” -
“Where did you go for your first date?” Leia suddenly interrupted to ask.
Obi-Wan and Anakin both turned to look at her. “Whose first date? My first date?” Anakin asked.
Leia shook her head. “Yours. Like…both of you.”
“Can Obi-Wan even remember back that far?” Anakin smirked over Leia’s head.
“Ha, ha, very funny.”
“What were you, probably fourteen? Fifteen?” Anakin started playing with the straw in his water glass, bending and straightening it between his fingers.
“I believe she means when we started dating each other,” Obi-Wan clarified, and Leia nodded.
“Yeah! That.”
“Oh.” Anakin quickly sobered up. “Well, actually, sweetie, Obi-Wan and I…we didn’t really…”
“We had already been living together for a year before we started…dating,” Obi-Wan said, rolling the word around in his mouth.
“And you and Luke were just babies, so it was kind of hard for us to” –
Obi-Wan knew Anakin was trying to catch his gaze and purposefully avoided giving in, because he had to assume Anakin was thinking the exact same thing he was, which was, they had never really dated at all. They had been living together, and then had fallen into bed together, and the next morning they rearranged their bedroom distributions and moved Leia and Luke in together in one room so that Obi-Wan and Anakin could share the other. They didn’t date. They barely even talked about it. It just…was.
Honestly, besides the sex, it wasn’t even all that different from what they’d been doing before. Luke and Leia certainly never noticed the difference – at least not until two years later, when Obi-Wan had packed up his things and moved him and Luke halfway across the world.
And now Leia wanted to know where they’d gone on their first date. Was it wrong to tell a ten-year-old that your first date with her father had happened entirely inside your own bedroom? Probably.
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one thing that really stands out to me in Star Wars (the original trilogy) is how small the rebellion is. And obviously they use that to their advantage what with one x-wing taking down the first Death Star. But there’s at tops a couple thousand people in the rebellion, and that’s including those who aren’t officially members. We as people love to imagine ourselves in the shoes of Luke or Leia or Han. As someone who would stand up against fascist oppression and fight for freedom. But in Star Wars it’s very clear that we would not. The majority of non-empire people in the Empire controlled territory just live their regular lives. Sure maybe they’ll grumble about how everything was better before, or curse out the emperor or be horrified when they hear Alderaan was destroyed. But they’re not going to do anything. Star Wars emphasizes that standing up to fascism isn’t as universally done as we’d hope. I made this really long by accident so the rest in under the break
a great example of this is Luke himself. He, at the beginning of A New Hope, was ready to attend the Imperial Academy. When C-3po told him they were with the rebellion he was shocked, having only heard stories of them. Then he refuses to help fight when Obi Wan asks him. He didn’t want to fight the empire til it was for revenge, til it victimized him personally. This gives us a glimpse into the average citizen under the empire. He doesn’t necessarily like the empire but he’s not gonna do anything about it, he’s got other things to do.
another great example of this is Han. Han also has no interest in fighting the empire. Honestly, he benefits monetarily with the empire in place. He’s a crook, he only serves himself, so why should he care who’s in charge. Plus, he already has to deal with his debt to Jabba. It’s only after becoming friends with Luke and Leia does he join the rebellion. Only when he shoots at Darth Vader’s tie fighter and he’s in too deep does he commit to it. Unlike Luke he probably recognized the Empire was evil and fascist but didn’t care long as it benefited him. But both he and Luke were caught up into the rebellion mostly by accident.
Leia however, was never not a rebel. But it’s not because she had some moral high ground or because she was smarter than Luke or Han, it’s the life she was born into. She had been raised knowing the empire was evil and people should rise up and rebel. But her problem until ANH was just that. Her perception of the empire was made of bedtime stories and things she heard from her father or his friends. (This isn’t canon but I think it makes sense given how easily she insults tarkin on the Death Star). She too is naive until it victimizes her personally.
idk I just think it’s a good and accurate depiction of fascism and is exactly why the sequel trilogy failed for me.
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
My thoughts on Adam Driver's interview on Bendemption/Dyad/Reylo not being planned.
As much as I love Reylo, I honestly would've preferred Supreme Leader Kylo Ren as the big bad of the sequel trilogy.
And honestly? The vibe I got with Rian is he still intended for Kylo Ren to go down the path of the big bad. It was the studio who chose for the result we got because they saw how big the Reylo fandom got, but wanted to appease all sides, hence the stupid result we got.
A part of me feels like the entire trilogy was building up Kylo Ren as the villain. If it were his destiny to abandon the dark side and The First Order, he would have either joined Rey or left in exile and eventually return and join Rey to end the war together. But that didn’t happen. Trust me I wanted that to happen, I wanted Rey to convince Ben to stop the fleet, take her hand and come home and while Rey flies the Falcon, Ben goes to Luke and Leia to make amends. Then Luke and Ben together would stop The First Order on Crait.
But here’s why I think TLJ was setting up Kylo Ren as the villain. In TFA, Kylo Ren killed Han Solo, but did not yet fully embrace the dark side. The deed split his spirit to the bone, which made him unbalanced and conflicted. He was so conflicted that in TLJ, he was unable to pull the trigger to kill his mother. At this point, he still felt a call to the light. Also, in ROTJ, Palpatine said to Luke, “Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey toward the dark side will be complete”. While Luke resisted temptation, Kylo Ren did not. When faced with the opportunity to kill Snoke, he didn’t hesitate. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child. He ignites it, and kills his true enemy! At this moment, his journey towards the Dark Side is complete. Then, after the fight against the Praetorian Guards, Kylo Ren was given a chance by Rey to be redeemed. However, he went straight for the throne. He went straight for power. Even during the Battle Of Crait, knowing very well that Leia was probably in the base, Kylo still gave the command to take no prisoners. He was now willing to kill his mother and even ordered that the Falcon be shot out of the sky with both Rey and Chewie on board. He killed Han and Snoke. He was willing to kill Leia, and he indirectly caused Luke’s death. From this point of view, Kylo Ren has fully cemented himself in the dark side and it was a shame we could not continue this path and a shame they just HAD TO bring back Palpatine.
To me Kylo Ren is what Vader could've been had he reached his full potential. A Vader who was never wounded on Mustafar, a Vader who killed a close family member and his master. He is the villain they were looking for, but no they had to course correct.
Now yes, it would've been sad that Ben dying unredeemed as much as Ben dying after being redeemed. My suggestion is if villain Kylo happens, we could either get the following
Ben lets the light in and surrenders to Rey and does what he should've done and call off the fleet. Ben makes peace with Leia and it ends with The First Order and Resistance signing a peace treaty, while also symbolizing the balance in the force and peace in the Skywalker family
Exile. After embracing the light and doing the right thing, Ben knows he cannot live the life his family wanted for him. He cannot live a peaceful life with Rey after everything he's done, so Ben goes into exile on Ach-To or Jakku to repent for the life he lived.
Atonement. Basically what should've happened in TROS. Ben lives and has to separate from Rey. He takes the Falcon and goes to snuff out First Order holdouts and releases the systems that was conquered in his name. To make things right and the movie ends with Ben walking off into the sunset like an old Spaghetti Western like ROTJ was originally meant to end.
Paying for his crimes. Kylo Ren refuses to let the light in and gives into the dark side fully. But Rey won't kill him, not after promising Leia. So Rey would disarm Ben, destroy his lightsaber and sever Ben's connection to the force. So he cannot harm anyone ever again. The war is over.
The First Order would be put on trial. Kylo Ren, Hux and Phasma(ideally she lives and faces punishment) would be put on a Nuremberg styled trial as they are tried as War Criminals. Just the thought of the FO leadership facing a Space Nuremberg tribunal is too fun to think about. Just imagine Ren, Phasma & Hux backstabbing and shit-talking each other in jail. Then we see the people who are the victims of their atrocities. Finn and the various Stormtroopers who were forced as children to kill for them. Eila and Kel from SW Resistance tells everyone exactly what Kylo did to their home planet of Tehar. Kazuda Xiono and the rest of the Hosnian Prime survivors will voice heartbreak and outrage for what Hux did, while Hux reminds everyone “I am not alone to blame, Supreme Leader Ren was there as I voiced the plan to Snoke, he did not object and stood by and watched from a distance and did nothing he is just as guilty.” Both Poe and Finn will come forth as witnesses to the massacre of Tuanul. Rey will then come to Finn and stand as witness to the murder of Han Solo. Rose will voice what the First Order did to her home and how Hux confirmed it when she was aboard the Supremacy. R2-D2 will come forth showing the footage of the Jedi massacre. Rey and Poe will come forth and say they were victims of torture by his use of the force and Rey then say “I gave him the chance to turn his back on the FO and save the Resistance twice, to save his mother and he still chose to let everyone die and he almost succeeded on Crait. and still gave the order to wage war until the very last man” Literally everything is stacked against them and finally, Kylo, Phasma and Hux will get their say. Phasma will be unapologetic for her actions. “I grew up on a hellhole. Each day clawing my way to stay alive. I killed my own family. Went from clan to clan. Then one day The First Order came. I saw my opportunity and I chose them. I saw power, strength, order and unity. And I did what I had to do to get to where I am today. I do not regret what I’ve done in the name of The FIrst Order or rescuing children and forging them into an army the likes of which this galaxy has never seen.” Phasma then looks at Finn and her former Stormtroopers. “Only you chose disobedience and cowardice instead of greatness. I don’t regret it. That’s the difference between us. I know what I am, and I embrace it. I’m proud of it. I fought for everything that I have, every bit of what I am.” Hux will go on a Nazi like rant, saying the New Republic was a lawless and corrupt state that usurped it’s rightful government and it deserved to die! He shows absolutely no remorse whatsoever, only pride. “WE COULD HAVE DESTROYED THE LOATHSOME RESISTANCE, IF ONLY OUR SUPREME LEADER DID NOT LET HIS PATHETIC EMOTIONS CLOUD HIS JUDGEMENT!” Hux will say “LONG LIVE THE FIRST ORDER!” and does his salute and expects his former men to do the same, only the former Stormtroopers doesn’t do anything but look down in shame. Kylo Ren will show just as little care or empathy for his actions. Basically he will say the galaxy fell without Imperial rule. Without the example of Darth Vader. He will dare claim “I became a stronger Vader, one not held back by sentiment or compassion. I killed the past and became better for it. I was abandoned by everyone, but came back to burn everything down. I do not apologize for ANYTHING I DID! I AM PROUD OF IT. I AM THE SUPREME LEADER AND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS OF REN, WHERE WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT ME OR THE FIRST ORDER? A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT THAT ALLOWED SLAVERY AND A LAWLESS GALAXY? WE BROUGHT ORDER BACK TO THE GALAXY! I UNITED YOU AGAINST ME AND YOU BECAME STRONGER FOR IT! YOU ALL NEEDED ME! WHERE WOULD ANY OF YOU BE WITHOUT ME? Do what you will, I know what we did was right.”
WIth that, The First Order Triumvirate is sentenced for life in prison. Phasma still looking as the sole survivor. Hux uttering threats. In one final moment, Kylo Ren would be taunting Leia and Rey. Goading them all to sentence them all to be killed by a firing squad. Leia turns away with Poe wrapping an arm around her, Finn & Rey supporting her.
Even though I ship Reylo and love what Ben Solo could've been. Even I understand that in the context of no redemption, dyad or Reylo existing. Kylo Ren ending the trilogy as a disgraced and jailed war criminal seems to be the only realistic solution the more I think about it. Leia doesn’t lose her son but he faces consequences for his crimes. He absolutely must face the consequences of his actions and spend the rest of his life imprisoned for crimes against the galaxy and the Republic. Kylo Ren does not get to have a happy ending. He stood by as Hosnian Prime was wiped out, he killed Han, Luke and wanted to kill Leia, Finn and Rey and countless other atrocities. He chose his path and he has to live with the consequences of his actions.
But overall I'm glad we got Bendemption and Reylo, even if it ended poorly, but ultimately I recognize Carrie Fisher’s death radically affected the plot of Ep IX for better or for worse.
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nikkiruncks · 6 months
More T9S thoughts
As everyone probably already knows, I see Nate/Nikki as T9S’s Jackie/Kelso. And like I said? The first three episodes and some sweet moments proved they had potential to be more. But I personally think that’s ruined and it’s too late to fix that.
Nate almost kissed Leia and definitely would’ve gone through with it if Gwen hadn’t have walked in. And given that this literally happened three episodes after he acted like as Katie Matlin would say “a jealous jerk” about Nikki and Trevor when there was literally nothing between them. And even after that, he was clearly pining over Leia in that last scene and watching Jeia kiss in sadness with his girlfriend right next to him.
To me that’s literally unforgivable and Nikki should kick him to the fucking curb. Do I think they could’ve lasted had their relationship remained how it was the first three episodes? Yes. But after that? Fuck no. Nikki deserves so much better.
And even before that, instead of talking to Nikki about his feelings in KIA, he lied because he wanted to back Jay up and most likely he also didn’t want to fight with Nikki. Then brought it up to Leia and called Nikki “practical” for being realistic. And Leia’s response was even more annoying but I’ve talked about that.
Like why would Nikki ever be with someone like that again? Someone who doesn’t understand her ambitions and talk badly about her views on life. Fuck that. Nikki deserves so much better.
Now onto Nate/Leia…
Even though I hate the fact that they screwed over my favorite character in the finale, I do think there’s potential for them as relationship.
For starters, them having the same values and wants is a good foundation for their relationship. And they do have great chemistry imo. But another issue I have with them is that there isn’t enough substance in their relationship. What do they have aside from being hopeless romantics? There needs to be more than just similar wants in a relationship.
They definitely do have a spark and are comfortable with one another. And I love that Nate and Leia are able to cheer each other up. But what else? What does Leia like about Nate as a person? What does Nate like about Leia as a person? How do they make each other feel? What other things do they have in common aside from believing in fate?
Don’t get me wrong, that’s a very good foundation. But I also wanna see more. Even something as simple as activities they’d like to do together.
I used to not like Neia for the reason that we don’t see anything they have in common aside from the same wants in life. But honestly, I blame the writers more for not actually giving Nate and Leia more opportunities to develop a deeper connection.
I know I've called L*ndsey a Neia fangirl, but honestly looking at it now, I don’t think she cares about them much either. If she did, Nate and Leia would’ve had a lot more development and scenes with them alone early on. But that didn’t happen. Until Dirty Double Booker, Nate and Leia had little to no proper interactions when there could’ve been opportunities. For fucks sake, Leia is literally best friends with Nate’s sister. They’re in the same friend group. And I know that some bonds are stronger than others, but couldn’t they have had just a few interactions alone?
Like Jackie/Eric didn’t interact a ton, but they had some little interactions sporadically. And while I talk shit about Hyde/Donna and think they’d make a terrible couple, they had a good amount of interactions by themselves.
But, to be fair, there are 10 episodes in T9S currently and there are seven seasons of T7S. So it’s not fair to compare.
But Gwen/Leia had moments in every damn episode. Even in Boyfriend Day 1 & Summer Storm, they had a fuck ton of moments. Albeit not alone, but they still interacted and said words to each other.
Idk man I just wish Nate and Leia had more proper interactions. They have potential to be a genuine connection, but the writers seem to be having them as a plot device.
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thestupidhelmet · 2 years
That ‘90s Show Reviews
“Free Leia”
--Oz continues to be a punchline-giver --The first circle for the kids. Obvious special FX overlay of smoke instead of actual smoke like in T7S. During That ‘70s Show, most of the actors smoked cigarettes, and they’d hold their cigs under the table (out of camera view) to provide the smoke. Not saying the T7S smoking cigs is a good thing, but the T9S smoke looks fake. --Theme song. Glad it’s fast. Also glad it’s not a copy of the T7S gang driving in the Vista Cruiser but camcorder video footage of the new kids. --Red’s tiny vegetable from his vegetable garden is LOL. Reminds me of when he cooked fish, and it was completely burnt, and he holds it out to Eric and says, “You wanna eat this?” --Please, show, let Oz do more than flit in and out of scenes, spouting punchlines. --Leia’s version of high Eric in “That ‘70s Pilot” (1x01) interacting with Red and Kitty is a rehashed update. Nothing surprising or unexpected, so no laughs here. But I do like Red’s protectiveness of Leia (in regards to how her new friends are treating her) in this scene. This is in-character. Red’s having physical therapy for his shoulder. It’s nice bit of verisimilitude, but it’s purpose is to set up the fact Kitty’s getting her hair done this week—i.e. to (re)introduce Fez. --The scene where the kids (sans Leia) raid Red’s closet of flannels. I’m still digging Nikki’s character. Still not digging Nate’s. The fact T9S has two Michael Kelso’s is a choice. Since one was so popular with a portion of T7S’s fans, maybe T9S’s creators thought two would be even better. --Kitty’s parents have been retconned into having been into (light) S&M. Punchline over character. --The ham joke(s) made me laugh. --The arrival of Gwen and Nate’s mom (Sherri). Oh, no—she sits on the couch and pulls out a beer. She’s a character type, but from the T9S sneak peaks, Red’s going to be helping her evolve (at least a little) into a more complex person. Sherri is Red and Kitty’s neighbor, living in what was the Pinciottis’ house. Why doesn’t Red know who she is? Nate, her son, has been friends with Jay for twelve years. Did Red and Kitty live in stasis until Eric, Donna, and Leia visited? I’m trying to figure out when Sherri and her kids moved next door to the Formans. She’s been dating Fez for two weeks. Oh, and in “That ‘90s Pilot,” we see the Pinciottis’ house has a basement that was never shown on T7S (because it didn’t have a basement; this is a retcon). --Video rental store scene, and the first Kitty laugh: HAHAHAH! after she’s snipey to Leia out of impatience. I can see Kitty growing less patient over the years, but the change is hard to adjust to. --Jay works at the video store. Again, how do Red and Kitty not know him or that he’s Kelso and Jackie’s son? His, “Later, girl,” to Leia gives the creepy vibes. --Kitty finding Pastor Dave in the porno section of the video store. Honestly, it could happen after fifteen years, lol. But it’s definitely a “for the laugh” moment. --Sherri is using the Formans’ house the way Kramer uses Jerry’s apartment in Seinfeld. --LEO. Fun scene until Leia asks Kitty how Kitty knows him. Kitty’s explanation has no mention of Hyde, who is the actual reason Kitty (and Red, and any of Hyde’s friends) know Leo, who was Hyde’s “son” / whom Hyde knew better than his own (step)father. --Kitty and Red’s conversation on the couch. They’re arguing over the fact the house is full of people (or dumbasses, depending on whose point point of view). Kitty says to Red that the last few weeks Leia has been living with them, essentially the more alive Red is back (even though he’s also grumpier?). A few weeks have passed since Leia’s been at the Formans. A few typically means three.  So, yet again, how do Kitty and Red not know Sherri, Gwen, Nate, Oz, and Jay KELSO? I’m harping on this, but just like time in T7S makes no sense, neither does this. --@that70sshowgoldencouple probably screamed at this scene: Red and Kitty worked themselves up during the argument and had sex. The “Tell Me Something Good” song reference to “Water Tower” (T7S 1x21) is a nice touch (and an obvious reference to T7S fans who’ve watched the show at least three times). --Sheri unintentionally being present for Red and Kitty’s lovemaking—while hiding in the bathroom—and not being happy about the fact is an interesting reversal and parallel to Fez, whom she’s dating and whom purposely hid in his friends’ closets to watch them have sex (or simply watch them) and get off on it. --Nikki sitting on the armrest of Red’s old pea-soup green chair (that’s now housed in the basement) while Nate sits in the chair itself reminds me of Hyde and Jackie (just visually). --Leia and Gwen’s scene on the car. So many thoughts. Platonic ones. Shippy ones. Gwen = Hyde plus Donna plus unique qualities to Gwen. So far, in the little I’ve seen, Leia and Gwen’s dynamic reminds me of Eric and Donna’s, Eric and Hyde’s, and Donna and Jackie’s rolled into one. --Yes, I’m only two episodes in, but I still want more substance for (and from) Oz. --Just spotted Nate’s sideburns. Throughout this episode, I’ve gotten T9S-is-trying-to-make-Nate-like-Hyde vibes (but he’s still a Kelso). --Sherri’s dynamic with Kitty makes me think this is how Kitty might be interacting with Laurie in 1995 were she in the show (and existed in the universe of T9S, which remains to be seen). --Fez, version number six. I’ll break it down. Version 1: T7S Season 1. Version 2: T7S Seasons 2-3. Version 3: T7S Season 4. Version 4: T7S Seasons 5-7. Version 5: T7S Season 8. Version 6: T9S Season 1. Next episode, we’ll see what version six of Fez is like, but I have some clue from the T9S promos.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
I know they aren’t shows, but can you do the show ask game for franchises like Marvel and Star Wars?
Still doable!! Let’s do Marvel first…
Favourite character: This one changes often but at the moment, I’d say it’s either Sam or Yelena.
Funniest character: Thor is absolutely hilarious.
Best-looking character: I mean, basically everybody in the franchise is gorgeous, but I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for Steve Rogers 💙
3 favourite ships: Steggy, Wandavision and….maybe Clint and Laura? (Tbh Nakia and T’challa are probably my favorite but it hurts too much knowing we’re never seeing them again 💔)
Least favourite character: Um…hmm…I don’t know. I didn’t love Karli from TFATWS and I’m still mad about what MOM did to Wanda so I’ll add her as well.
Least favourite ship: Leaving out the disgusting ones (I’m looking at you IronSpider 🤢) I hate Steve x Sharon.
Reason why I watch it: I’m too invested at this point to leave and I still believe they’re capable of making great movies/shows. They’re also a great escape ❤️
Why I started watching it: I just wanted to see what it was about!
Onto Star Wars…
Favourite character: Like Marvel, this changes all the time but I’ll stay safe and say Leia 🤍
Funniest character: I mean honestly, 3PO had some really great moments 😂 But I might have to say Grogu, he makes me laugh the most consistently.
Best-looking character: Din…when we get to see him lol
3 favourite ships: Anidala, Han x Leia and, though they were never canon, Finnrey.
Least favourite character: Jar Jar, but nothing but love and respect for Ahmed Best 🙌🏻
Least favourite ship: Din x Bo. I can’t.
Reason why I watch it: I’ve watched it all my life, I couldn’t let it go if I wanted to 😂
Why I started watching it: Again, I was raised on it so it was brought into my life against my will lol
give me a tv show
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Hey guys :)
Spoilers for the new live action Ahsoka show!!
Did ya’ll hear about that theory going around about Ahsoka going to the world between worlds (from Rebels—when Ezra saved Ahsoka) and she sees an alternate timeline of Anakin on Mustafar and she’s the one to fight him instead of Obi?!? How are we feeling about that? I have mixed feelings (mostly cuz I don’t want them to retcon RotS).
RotS is top tier prequel SW imo and that entire Mustafar scene is just legendary at this point I feel like. If this theory/rumor turns out to be true, I would love it if they kept Obi’s dialog for Ahsoka because it would work for both of them. The whole ‘you were the Chosen One’/‘you were my brother Anakin—I loved you!’ Coming from Ahsoka would hurt so much (in S7 of CW Ahsoka tells Trace and Raffa that she learned her skills from her ‘older brother’).
If the whole ‘alternate timeline’ thing is true, I wonder how the fight scene would go. In RotS, when Obi says he has the high ground, Anakin attacks, using Obi’s move against him, but Obi knows how to counter and slices his legs and arm off. If Ahsoka and Anakin fight, I’d love for Anakin to use that jumping/spinning move he taught her to survive O66 and that’s how she’s able to defeat him. That’s her move, just like Anakin used Obi’s move.
It’s pretty much canon at this point that the reason Obi and Ahsoka have not seen each other post O66 is that Anakin/Vader would not live if they did meet up. Obi-wan is more powerful than Vader, but is unable to kill him because Obi still sees him as Anakin/his bro (until ANH). That’s why he didn’t kill Vader in his own show. He couldn’t do it.
Now Ahsoka, from what we’ve seen (ignoring Legends/EU), doesn’t know Anakin=Vader, and hates Vader (not realizing he’s Anakin until Rebels during their meetup during the Twilight Apprentice arc). In order to save Ezra/Kanan/Chopper, Ahsoka fights Vader (after saying she won’t leave him again, not this time) and despite being able to hold him off, she isn’t strong enough to defeat him. She’s kind of the opposite of Obiwan. She can kill him, it’s just that she isn’t strong enough to fight Vader (yet?).
Overall I’m very much looking forward to this show. I love the idea of Ahsoka/Sabine/Hera/Chop/Zeb going after Ezra and Thrawn. This is probably a controversial opinion, but as much as I LOVE Thrawn, I felt like he was done dirty in Rebels. He definitely had that sort of menacing presence in all of his scenes, but I don’t really remember him doing anything to the Ghost Crew that had lasting consequences (aside from that finale). Honestly, after hearing so much hype about him before I watched Rebels, I thought he’d be more dangerous (but I understand Rebels is more kid-oriented than CW).
I heard that more than one actress will be playing the role of Ahsoka (not just Rosario Dawson) and Hayden Christiansen will return as Anakin/Vader, which explains the whole ‘alternate timeline’ theory. I’m not sure how long Togrutas live (Ahsoka’s species) but it would be interesting if we get old lady Ahsoka during the sequel movie-era. Like what if she still talks w/ Luke/Leia? Luke would ask what to do about Rey and Leia would be complaining about Poe and Ahsoka would just give them advice?? Idk. I’d like her to become a sort of ‘Uncle Iroh’ character as she ages.
The whole premise of the show is about Ahsoka going off to find Ezra and Thrawn in an area called ‘New Space’ or something. It’s like an uncharted area of space or something—idk exactly so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Aside from the Ezra/Thrawn plot and the ‘alternate timeline’ theory, I’m not too sure what I’d like to see from this show aside from seeing more clones in live action. Gimme Rex in his blue 501st armor, staring to grow that gray/white beard he has in Rebels. Post-Rebels, I’d like to see more Luke/Leia/Aunt Ahsoka content. My HC is that Ahsoka calls Leia ‘Snips’ and Luke is ‘Skyguy’. I’ll die on that hill lol.
So yeah, I’m definitely going into Ahsoka (Live Action) with high hopes that it’ll be good, but I’m not expecting too much outside of what’s already been teased/announced. What’s everyone thinking for Ahsoka? Looking forward to it or not? I’d love to hear your thoughts/theories ❤️
Fanfic Update—Those of you waiting for Chapter 5 of my Bad Batch fanfic Older Sister, don’t worry I’m almost done and am planning on posting after Xmas (I’m an artist so I’m working on lots of gifts atm and won’t have time to post here). I’m also working on a few short pieces about the clones (kinda like journal entries or something). For non-SW fics, I also have a few Arcane ‘fix-it’ scenes I’m writing as well as a full Arcane AU fanfic so look out for those as well as a Reader/Self-Insert Arcane fic that I’m not sure if I like lol. Star Wars and Arcane are my obsessions rn, but if any of you want to see something specific, I’m always open to requests. I write for lots of different fandoms ( PJO, Marvel, Harry Potter, AtLA/LoK, GoT/ASoIaF/HotD)—if you’re unsure about a request, feel free to ask any questions 🥰
Thanks for reading and wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!❤️🎄✡️🪔🎁❤️
PS—even though I said I was busy, I will always make time to talk to all of you about anything—fandom-related or not. If you need to vent about life/family/the holidays or something, I’m here for you💕
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mayhemandtrouble · 1 year
Good Memories, Chapter 31 of Not Giving Up
Full story with detailed tags on A03
While a wedding celebration might usually continue well into the night, sometimes into morning, Rey and Ben made their polite excuses not long after sundown. Ben considered taking Rey up on her offer when she suggested he stay with the others, after all she was the one who actually wanted to go ahead and curl up. 
It might be good to spend time with her friends on a day wherein they were inclined to be more favorable. Then again, he’d been on his very best behavior all day. Which was why Rey found herself laughing, smacking his shoulder lightly as Ben scooped her up just outside their door.
“Ben, I’m heavy! You’ll drop me!” With her arms tight around his frame, Rey buried her head into his shoulder. He was absolutely horrible, there was no predicting him and she couldn’t stand how he made her laugh with just a cocky grin.
“Phft. If you ever weigh more than I can carry, I’ll just get stronger.” Or just employ the Force, but it was far more fun this way. He brought Rey directly to the bed, laying her out gently as one does a priceless treasure before he started peeling each layer off her pregnant frame.
“I swear, it’s like you think I can’t take care of myself anymore.” Rey grumbled even as she turned to give Ben easier access to the various clasps as he moved through the process.
“Hardly. Enjoy it now.” 
A rumbling laugh from behind sent a soft thrill racing through her, with Rey glancing over her shoulder just in time to catch the predatory look in his brown eyes. Ben had been behaving so sweet lately that she’d nearly forgotten how he could make her feel like a helpless creature, about to be devoured in all the best ways.
“Once the twins are here - and you’re recovered - I’m going to remind you why getting involved with me was the worst mistake of your life.” Ben let his teeth graze slowly along the line of her shoulder. The way she shivered was intoxicating, already looking forward to when Leia would take the twins for a night.
“You’re cruel.” She exhaled, feeling his fingers unsnap the bra. Collapsing back against the bed, Rey rolled onto her side, using her fingers to massage her swollen breasts.
“Says my new wife as she fondles herself.” Ben snorted, giving her ass a playful nip on the cheek. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the view, especially in the context of pulling down her panties. Rey had acquired a habit of sleeping nude lately and he wasn’t planning to discourage her.
“Feels better when you do it.” Rey grumbled slightly before burying herself under the covers. 
“I’d offer, but the last time I tried you said I got carried away.” He winked playfully, putting up each garment in turn. Ignoring her muttered accusations with a quiet smile on his face. Whatever he’d like to be doing with her carnally, Ben couldn’t help but feel an unaccustomed bliss. They’d married. Rey was his wife. In very short order, he’d have two infants to care for. Ben Solo had a family again.
While her new husband seemed to drift off in surprisingly short order, Rey found herself struggling to sleep. Before meeting Ben, she’d felt little in the way of sexual attraction. People were pretty, or pleasant to look at, and some more so than others. What needs she had were easily taken care of with her own hand for the most part.
Things were… decidedly different now. 
He was typically the aggressor when it came to their trysts. Perhaps his drive was higher, perhaps it was because he had been so bent on seducing her into Darkness. Rey didn’t know and she honestly didn’t care - it suited her well save that she got used to a certain level of attention.
Now, under the blankets, her hips wiggled in the darkness. She could roll over and whine at Ben. He’d probably enjoy it, preen over her needing him, and then attend to her thoroughly. Only the idea of actually doing it, especially waking him up just to whimper at him, was entirely too humiliating to genuinely consider. He would never let her live it down.
Her fingertips gently probed between her folds, teeth catching her bottom lip to smother
 a faint groan. Imagining Ben’s teeth nipping up her thighs, how he cradled her face in his hands, soft kisses to contrast against the vicious tracks he left with his nails. 
Rey bit lightly on the tip of her own tongue, feeling the warmth starting to pool between her thighs. There it was. She just needed to take the edge off, then she would be able to sleep.
“This brings back memories.” 
Ben moved too suddenly for her to respond, curling up behind her as he wrapped a strong arm around her hips. Catching her wrist in an unforgiving grasp and preventing her from pulling away in false modesty. 
 He’d felt her stirring beside him. He always knew when Rey moved in the bed. A troubled sleeper with an overprotective streak and horrific nightmares, he needed to know that she was safe. It was delightful to hear her breathing grow quick, and feel the telltale little wiggles of her frame next to him.
“I… had an itch.”
“Mmm, I can see that.” 
She struggled to contain a slow groan, feeling his teeth catch and drag along his earlobe. Her fingers were damp and her clit was still aching, all the while he nuzzled into her from behind languidly.
“Thinking of me?”
The asshole nearly purred into her ear. It was a struggle not to roll over and bite his damned nose off.
“Don’t start. We are not flirting right now.” She hissed, trying to jerk her hand back only to find Ben wasn’t letting up in the slightest.
“No? So you don’t want to finish, not even a little?” There were no words for how much he loved this woman, how her body tensed in frustrated arousal. He could feel her thighs shift, trying to rub together and Ben quickly wrapped both of his long legs around her own - wedging one of his thighs between hers. Close enough to torment, not enough to grind against.
“Ben, I hate you so much.” Rey shut her eyes though a smile played at her lips in the darkness.
“I love you so much.” He kissed the edge of her ear innocently. “I’ll let go if you tell me who you were thinking about.”
“You!” His wife groaned in defeat, cheeks turning scarlet with the admission and she tried to bury her head into the soft pillows. Behind her, pressed firmly against her backside, Rey could feel his own heat rising.
“Continue.” Ben savored it as one does a fine wine, releasing her wrist and nipping a gentle line from her ear along her throat. Their first encounter hadn’t been too different from this. Only he hadn’t been able to touch her, had to guess what she would taste like. This time, he could feel her warmth. “Or do you want me to do it?”
His wretched teasing was horrible. But the worst was that the answer was yes. Groaning in frustration, Rey shifted her hips, feeling the press of his dick against her rear. 
Her answer was soft, but clear. Idylly, he wondered if he would ever break Rey of her shy modesty, at least when it came to these sorts of things. A part of him hoped not - it would be interesting to see her bolder to be sure, but there was such a sweetness to it that he never tired of sullying.
“You could have just asked to start with.” Ben bit her shoulder in teasing reproach at the same time as his hand took over. Stroking between her folds gently with calloused fingertips, assessing her arousal with the same diligence as a lightsaber duel.
“You… were… asleep…” Soft mewls of words, Rey’s hands fisting into the blankets. She could feel his breath on her skin, the warmth of his body along her own. Comforting, even when he was at the heights of his sadism. He was there. Not her enemy, a galaxy away but there and tending to her need.
“And my dear wife didn’t want to wake me.”
His laughter was a rumble that filled the bedroom though she only had a moment to savor it before he pressed down against her clit, making her yelp. 
“I keep telling you to take advantage of being spoiled now.” Ben smirked into the back of her shoulder, slowly stroking along the bud of nerves. He wouldn’t push her tonight, all things considered - He finally had a toy he wasn’t willing to destroy, not truly. Instead, he teased her mentally. Whispering into her ear as he thrust two fingers deep within her soaked channel. “I’m going to utterly ruin you later.”
“Ben…” His answer was a whispered pant, her frame squirming in his arms. How did he manage to make being sweet to her twisted? Rey’s lips parted with her breathy moans, gasping when his fingers curled just right within. Stroking exactly where she wanted him to, without making her beg all the while whispering sadistic promises in her ear.
“Would you like that? Being ruined, wrists tied together behind you while I raise welts along your perfect ass?” 
Such playful, loving nips of his teeth along her skin. Sending shivers down her spine as Rey pictured it, her heat rising, body clenching around his digits.
“I could bend you over the bed, the counter… my knee…” Ben let the tip of his tongue trace the line of her neck. Each hungry cry Rey issued made his cock throb. The patience he’d struggled with at the start now served him well, knowing exactly how many heartbeats it would be until her cunt soaked his fingers. That she would be as eager for the temptations he was presenting as he was. An ending made sweeter for the spoilers.
 “Ben… I want you.” Rey whined, her back arching, fists clutching at the sheets as she panted through her first release. It was good, wonderful but…
“Who am I to deny my bride?” 
There was a smugness to his voice that grated on her nerves, knowing that she had been right. Ben was never going to let her live this down, the night he’d caught her touching herself to avoid admitting she was needy for him. It would be worth scolding him, if he weren’t already gently lifting her thigh to ease her heat.
“There… there… Ben…”
Even without overt begging, there was a pleading to her voice that lit a fire within Ben’s blood. Rocking his hips forward, he began to press within. Gentle strokes weren’t their usual rhythm, though there was a beautiful torture to how he took his time. Forcing her body to wait, both empty and full as Ben worked his way in slowly.
“There you are, that’s what you needed isn’t it? My pretty Flower doesn’t like to be empty, does she?” He pressed a soft kiss to the back of her neck, resisting the urge to bite down hard enough to leave a mark. Soon enough. Instead, Ben focused his energy on the slow thrusts, gradually building speed as her breathing increased in desperation.
“Ben!” Rey was grateful for the cover of darkness and, though they were alone in the bedroom, she was increasingly bashful as his words grew bolder. Remembering the night he’d first begun coaxing her wicked fantasies from her and giving her ever darker, new ones.
“It’s all right… I’m going to keep you full. So full, Rey. Keep you full and panting, you’ll be carrying again within a year.” He groaned into her ear, his hand sliding down her hip, pulling her back against him. That thought alone was unexpectedly exciting, unrealistic but thrilling all the same. Keeping her full of him, making it so obvious who she belonged to. 
A faint hiss, so barely there Ben might have mistaken it had he not felt the surge of mutual arousal swell between their bodies. Her walls clenching down, hips bucking wildly within his grasp while their thighs were painted with her nectars. Giving into the pleasure, Ben let himself fall off the cliff, clutching as tightly to her as he dared while his seed spilled deeply within his most beloved.
Recovering in his arms was like being wrapped in warm clouds. His length would soften slowly within as Ben’s arms wrapped closely around her, keeping Rey safe and warm. Giving her his arm to use as a pillow while he lavished her skin with kisses. A tenderness made all the better for the contrasting sharpness of their lovemaking.
“I love you, Ben Solo.” Humming softly in delight, Rey snuggled backwards and as deeply into his embrace as she was able to.
“I love you, Rey Solo.” His smile growing for the pleasure he could feel thrumming out of her at her newly minted name. It was utterly pathetic how stereotypical they were, in delight over such inconsequential little things. Yet here they both were, with himself just as pleased as she was.
Rey fully savored the moment, the faint sound of night birds and insects from the lakeside like a melody playing in time to their own breathing. How the warmth of his body surrounded her own like a blanket. Ben had commented that he never expected himself to marry, not once he’d fallen to Darkness. Rey had never really expected herself to marry at all, just as she had never expected to travel past Jakku or live in a palace on Naboo. Her lips curved into a slow smile, so very grateful she had never given up on him.
It was a nightmare that woke Ben. The sort that used to leave him drenched in sweat as a teen, only this time it was Rey’s face he saw screaming. He jerked into a sitting position, one hand bracing himself on the headboard while he leaned over her. Using his other hand to frantically reach out, searching for both her life and the children within.
She was still asleep, thank goodness for that. All three of them were well. It was a given that they would both struggle with where they stood in regards to Light and Dark, but Rey was, quite literally, carrying enough at the moment. She didn’t need to know about the specifics right now.
He slipped from the bed, running both of his hands through his dark curly hair. Morning would be here soon, Rey would wake up and want caf. He’d have to placate her with a fragrant tea. Once the twins had arrived, he swore the woman was going to drink an entire makerfull of the stuff herself.
Stepping outside, he exhaled in the chilly morning air. There was a faint mist above the lake’s water. Barefoot and bare chested, the cold air was refreshingly bracing physically though Ben still felt uneasy. He hadn’t expected it to be easy to walk towards the Light again, but the pull of the Darkness was all the more exhausting for having failed before. Falling into a chair, Ben braced his head on his palm and allowed himself to examine his distorted reflection on the top of a nearby table.
He barely recognized the face looking back at him, and it wasn’t the rosy-pink tone that the table surface added. The dark circles under his eyes were worse than he remembered, and he supposed they would only get worse in the coming weeks. Exhaling slowly, Ben closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
“I can’t be a Father.” Ben muttered darkly to himself, contemplating the many ways he could fail at this and ruin everyone’s lives. Maybe falling twice would finally end the pull of the Light so that he could just be numb, ending the pain. Contemplating the new and exciting ways he could disappoint his loved ones was a hobby Ben hadn’t expected to pick back up.
“Bit late for that, kid.”
Ben shot upright, leaning forward with his brown eyes snapping open. Across from the table, sitting comfortably in a chair with a soft smile, was the grey haired figure of Father. Both of Ben’s large palms rubbed rapidly across his eyes, trying to clear them of what was clearly some kind of mirage. But when he opened them again, blinking rapidly to refocus, Han Solo was still there.
“Look, no one is ready for Fatherhood, Ben.” Chuckling quietly, Han leaned forward with a soft twinkle in his eyes. The man was dressed exactly as he had been then, that night on Starkiller base. But Han was whole, and not the varying blues of a Force ghost. This was something different.
Perhaps Ben had finally lost his damn mind.
“Right.” Leaning back slowly, Ben stared openly at the image of his dead Father.
“You’ve got a good start. You got her somewhere safe, the wedding was beautiful. Focus on one thing at a time.”
Ben slowly rubbed his hands over his mouth and chin as though he could hide his shock. Father’s tone was warm, conversational and loving. Like when Ben was a boy and Han was teaching him to fly, with Ben’s small hand covered by Han’s on the controls, Chewie murmuring in approval from the background.
“I’m not concerned about when they are young.” He finally spoke, lowering his hands and looking down to the palms. The callouses weren’t earned in glory, overthrowing Darkness or even building ships like Han’s father. Destruction was where the bulk of Ben’s achievements lay.
“Mmm.” Han paused, seeming lost in his own thoughts for a long moment. Then leaned forward with a bittersweet smile. “It’ll be hard when they start to go out on their own, where things happen that you blame yourself for. You’ll wish you could take their place, take the pain on for them.”
“What do you do when that happens?” Ben stared at his hands, unable to look up. If it was truly Father or a product of his own mental breakdown, Ben didn’t know. He just knew that if he looked up and met Father’s eye right now, he would collapse under the pain of it all.
“You try. You keep trying, you never give up. And you always forgive them. Always.”
A soft rustle of stiff fabrics, the type worn to protect and keep out the cold and damp, and a hand reached over. Grasping one of Ben’s with a firm squeeze. The touch was real, warm and more comforting than it had any right to be. He knew the ring on the hand, and the thin silvery criss cross scars of a life spent repairing flyers in tight places. 
“You’re allowed to be happy, kid. That’s all we ever wanted for you.”
Ben’s eyes flicked up, meeting Han’s with a sudden intake of breath. Father wasn’t here. Only those with the Force could reappear like this. And even then, requirements had to be met. Training, knowledge, strength. Yet here the man was, offering forgiveness for his own murder as though it were nothing more than Ben had spilled dinner on Mother’s new rugs. 
“What if I fail them?”
“You keep trying. That’s all life really is, son. You find people you love, you try together at whatever needs doing. When you screw up, you try to fix it and you trust that things will be ok.”
“And when they aren’t?” Ben was painfully aware of moisture sliding down his face. It wasn’t fair that Father wasn’t really here. That he wouldn’t get to hold the twins, that Leia couldn’t fuss at Han for putting too much sugar in his caf. It wasn’t fair and it was all Ben’s fault.
“Then that’s ok too. It’s ok for things to not be ok.” Han wiped the tears slowly from Ben’s face, a rough thumb brushing across Ben’s cheeks.
“How can you forgive me?” Unable to stand it any longer, Ben finally spoke the question out loud. Whatever this moment was, nightmare, delusion or something else, he needed to know.
“I love you, Ben. I always have and I always will. You’ll understand, once you hold them.” 
One last touch, an affectionate shoulder rub, and Father was gone. As quickly and silently as he’d arrived. Ben buried his head back into his hands, trying to understand what had just happened. Was this some kind of trick, perhaps the last surviving forces of the First Order had found him already? No, the touch was real, not some projection. A mirage of the Force? Possibly, but the only other users nearby were Rey and Mother. Rey wouldn’t, Mother might but both were still asleep.
“Why now.” Ben murmured to the world at large. Perhaps this was the first time he was ready to listen, Ben mused with a self-deriding snot before standing. He needed to visit the refresher, the twins would be waking Rey soon if they hadn’t already. Perhaps he had only been speaking with a memory, but if so it was a good memory.
Full story with detailed tags on A03
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honeycombstrawberry · 3 years
i didn't know i was lonely 'til i saw your face
pairing: luke skywalker x reader (gn pronouns)
rating: gen
word count: 1,128
prompt (from anonymous): “Could you please do an imagine where the reader helps Luke try to feel better after he loses his arm. And they even find an excuse to kiss him by saying that will make him feel better.”
one-sentence synopsis: after confronting his father and losing his hand, luke can really only be comforted by one person.
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You waited anxiously outside the medical ward onboard the Redemption, the Nebulon-B escort frigate that had been repurposed as a Rebel cruiser. You knew Luke was in there, getting fitted with his new cybernetic right hand, and that he was probably fine, but it was killing you that you weren’t in there with him. Lando and Chewbacca had already left, on their way to find Jabba and Boba Fett, to save Han, and Leia had gone in to medical already to check on Luke, to make sure he was okay.
You leapt to your feet as the doors opened, and R2-D2 and C-3PO came out, bickering with each other, followed by Leia, who stopped at your side. You hadn’t known the group of friends too long, having become acquainted with them in Cloud City before you helped them escape, losing Han in the process, but becoming close with Leia as you went. You had only briefly spent time with Luke, having helped Leia save him following his encounter with Vader, and having been in charge of his well-being on the way to the Redemption for medical help, which had taken several days to undertake.
In those several days, you had already fallen for Luke. His stubborn nature, his determination, his intelligence, his humor, his kindness - you were really head-over-heels, and were completely gone over him. His strength and resilience had drawn you in, and you found you were unable to pull away. The days you had spent together had seemed to endear not only you to him, but also him to you; he trusted you, by the end of those days, and had insisted you wait for him while he was fitted for his cybernetics.
Leia seemed to sense all this in you as she paused beside you, putting her hand on your shoulder and squeezing. You smiled shakily.
“How is he?” you asked, trying to seem unaffected by the whole thing. Clearly, Leia saw right through it, and probably would have even if she wasn’t Force-sensitive.
“He’s better,” she assured you. “He’s been through a lot. He wants to see you, though.”
“What?” you asked, taken aback. He wanted to see you? Why? “Hasn’t he been through enough? Shouldn’t he be resting?”
“Tell him that yourself,” Leia laughed, before she pulled you in for a tight embrace.
“Hey,” you said, softly. You remembered Han, still, could see his face encased in carbonite, and recalled Leia’s confession to him. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. We’ll hear from Lando soon. It’ll all be alright.”
Leia pulled back, pressing her hand under her eye, laughing wetly. “It better be,” she said. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Mark my words,” you said, raising your right hand, as if you were giving an oath. She reached out and squeezed your wrist before releasing you completely.
“Take care of him,” Leia said softly, before turning and following after the two droids. Once they were all out of sight, you took a deep breath, squaring your shoulders before you peeked into the room.
“Hey,” you said, quietly. Luke was standing by the enormous window, looking out over the galaxy before him, but he turned back to look at you when you spoke. He didn’t seem startled; of course not. He was a Jedi now. “How’re you feeling?”
“Strange,” he answered honestly. You approached carefully, coming up to stand beside him. He held out his right arm, the cybernetic hand curled up in a fist. He relaxed the hand, letting the fingers unfurl, and you watched, fascinated.
“How does it feel?” you asked, watching the fingers curl up again, one by one, as if he just wanted to prove it could.
“Strange,” he said, again. You reached up, then hesitated.
“May I?” you asked, and he nodded. You touched the hand, cautiously, then with more intent. It felt peculiar, somehow unreal, but still very Luke, somehow. “It suits you.”
“I miss my hand,” he admitted, and you nodded, squeezing the cybernetic before releasing him.
“I think you always will,” you told him honestly. “It’s going to be an adjustment, sure. But I’m here to help you. A-And Leia’s here. And we’ll get Han back soon, too. He’ll be excited to see it.”
Luke laughed, once, softly. “Probably.”
“Definitely,” you told him. You turned slightly, and he mimicked you, the two of you standing to face each other, the whole of an entire galaxy stretched out before you outside the window at your left. “You’ll get used to it. We’ll all get used to it. It won’t be so bad.” You reached out again, picking up his wrist gently, placing his cybernetic hand in your left hand. You ran your thumb over the back of it. “I think it’s kind of cool, actually.”
“Cool?” Luke asked, incredulous. “I lost my hand. That’s not that cool.”
“But you were so brave,” you reminded him, feeling your face grow hot. You decided that you own embarrassment was worth it, if he felt better after you spoke. “So brave, Luke. I told you this. You saved your life and all of ours. Vader could’ve killed you, but all he got was your hand. I know,” you said, cutting him off when he was about to say something, “I know, it was hard. It was so horrible. I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around him being your father, so I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling. But…”
“But?” he prompted, when you trailed off. You felt your face get even hotter.
“But,” you continued, hesitantly, keeping your eyes on the back of his hand. “You’re still here. And that’s all I can ask.” You paused, internally panicking, before you lifted his hand to your mouth and kissed it. You could feel his eyes boring holes into the top of your head, but you kept looking down. “I’m really proud of you, Luke.”
“Hey,” he said, and you inhaled deeply before chancing a look up at him. He turned his cybernetic hand around, reaching up to cup your face with it. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” you said, softly, before you just decided to bite the bullet, leaning up and kissing him gently. He didn’t respond for a shocked moment before he came to, kissing you back soundly. You pulled back, relishing the look on his face as he stared down at you. “I just want to make you feel better.”
“Trust me,” he said, breathlessly, laughing, “you’ve done that a thousand times over.” He leaned down to kiss you again, wrapping his arms around you. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him, fiercely, throwing your all into it, with the galaxy spinning behind you and Luke, safe and sound, in your arms.
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ladyvader23 · 2 years
The Dad Vader Chronicles: Children’s Media
This was largely inspired by a sentence from @skyguyy ‘s recent fic, Luke Got Mail?. Check their fic out if you haven’t, it’s adorable!!!  
Darth Vader expected a lot of things when he took on raising two children. He expected the dirty diapers (and was eternally grateful that he couldn’t smell them). He expected the late nights where they either refused to go to sleep or they wouldn’t stop crying (often both). He expected, even, that he’d have to sacrifice some of his sanity to entertain them. 
He just hadn’t realized how much. 
Every day, it was the same cycled children's media. Every. Single. Day. It was getting to the point where when he returned home, he made guesses on which he’d walk in on. He was right too often, and even if he wasn’t, it was still pulled from the same media they’d been obsessed with for…weeks? Months? Years? Honestly, time didn’t seem real when those things were on, but if he tried to turn it off or he tried to introduce something else, anything else, the twins would go absolutely insane. 
There was the song Luke loved. 
Driving in my speeder! 
Vroom vroom vroom! 
Driving very fast!!!! 
Driving very slow! 
I like driving, driving in my speeder! 
It went on like that for five verses, going over bikes, and water vehicles, and spaceships, following the same logic. It also had a holovid to go with it, and Vader had literally named the ducks in the water vehicle part stupid, quacker, and dum-dum just to keep some semblance of his sanity, though of course he’d never tell Luke those names. 
Then there was the worm song. Leia liked that one. Every time the worm showed up, it was bigger, and when the narrator asked why he was so big, he’d give some insane answer about eating five giant fruits or something. According to the nanny, the song was meant to teach kids how to count, and that fruit was healthy to eat…except to Vader, the worm didn’t look healthy at all, probably because worms weren’t supposed to swallow fruit whole. 
Then there were the cartoons. They all had the worst animation he’d ever seen, but that didn’t seem to bother his toddlers. In fact, they were fascinated. There was one where they were…some sort of alien creatures Vader was certain did not actually exist. They went on ‘adventures’ that were highly elaborate, and they sang throughout the entire show in high pitched, creepy children’s voices. 
There was another one that was so bizarre, Vader honestly didn’t know what drugs the animators were on. It was a puppet girl and her dog and they did…the most incomprehensible daily activities, and they only spoke in hushed whispers that didn’t actually form any words. Vader couldn’t drink anymore, but if he could, he thought that could be a very trippy show to watch while very, very drunk. 
Then there was the show about stormtrooper dogs. It was basically Imperial propaganda, except for kids, and yet even Vader thought it was so incorrect, he’d rather his children watch almost anything else. Except, of course, that happened to be the twins collective favorite, simply because the main characters were dogs. 
There were more, but those were the worst offenders, and the most played in the home. 
And his children were learning from them and in the most inconvenient ways. 
“Daddy!” Luke cried one day after he’d buckled them into their seats and sped off in his speeder. “Daddy!” 
“What?” Stars, he hoped Luke wasn’t going to make him go back for a speeder toy…he’d packed all of his favorites and even let him hold his absolute favorite–a perfect recreation of one of Vader’s fastest speeders out in the hangar. 
“Seat belt!! Be safe!!!” 
“I do not need one, son. I am above such things.” 
That was the wrong answer. 
“While I am pleased that you recognize that you will need one, I have different circumstances–” 
And then came the wailing, which triggered Leia crying even though she probably didn’t know why exactly she was crying. Vader was certain those dumb videos hadn’t even properly explained why seatbelts were needed for the common person, but after both twins screaming and crying over the seat belt issue, Vader caved. It barely fit around his suit and he hated every second of it, knowing this would be an argument he’d probably have to continue to cave to for the foreseeable future. 
He was a Sith. He literally wore armor. 
But later, when he was interrogating a particularly difficult prisoner, he had a brilliant idea. 
“I will be back.” He told the interrogation officer after exiting the cell. “Leave the prisoner to think about what’s coming.” 
He was already rushing off as the officer called back, “Of course, my lord.” 
He went home, greeted his toddlers and let them hug on his legs while he downloaded all of their media onto one data card, then ruffled their hair and gave them back to their nanny before rushing back to the palace detention center. 
When he got there, he instructed, “Strap the prisoner to a chair and bring in a holovid.” 
The interrogator frowned. “Sir?” 
“Do it.” 
He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it before. He’d been driving himself insane and he had nerves of durasteel. But ordinary, pathetic prisoners? 
The interrogation officer hurried to comply, and once he finished. Vader stepped into the room and plugged in the data card, then as it started to play the stupid speeder song Luke loved so much, he set it to loop. 
“...Is this…children’s…programing?” The prisoner asked, the Force radiating with his utter confusion. 
“I am pleased you can recognize children’s programing.” Vader said sarcastically. “I will leave you to enjoy.” 
Then before the prisoner could utter another word, he left him alone and joined the interrogation officer in watching the holocams. 
“I…must say, Lord Vader, this is quite an unusual method…” The officer said. “I didn’t learn this at the Academy.” 
“We do not teach it.” 
“Have you…used this before?” 
“Not me personally.” But his children certainly had, against him. He watched as the ducks came on screen, and without thinking, he said, “I wonder if the prisoner will name the ducks.” 
“...Name the…ducks, sir?” 
Realizing what he’d just implied, he said nothing. “Give him a few hours of watching this. If he still does not comply, then force him to continue watching it.” 
“I’m…not sure that will work, my lord.” 
“Oh, it will work.” Vader said, turning to leave. 
Before he left, though, the man asked, “Are you…alright, my lord?” 
Vader stopped at the threshold, instinctively bristling at the audacity. The man seemed to realize what he’d asked, because he could feel his spike of fear in the Force. But…Vader did nothing, and his shoulder slumped. 
“Do you have children?” He asked. 
“No, my lord…” 
“Do you plan on having children?” 
“Perhaps one day…” 
“Then know that brainless children’s media is absolutely a form of torture, and it will break you.” Somehow, that only made the man more terrified, and Vader caught a snippet of his thoughts. 
–if something like that could cause Darth Vader such distress, it must truly be a advanced form of torture–
He wasn’t wrong. 
Hours later, the prisoner gave them everything they wanted to know.
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Scaredy Cat
That Which Binds You XIII
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Pairing: Stark!Peter x Blackcat!Reader
A/N: Hey guys! We’re nearing the end of the story unfortunately, there are only two chapters left after this! I’m excited for you guys to read the end though, I’d love to hear your guy’s opinions and speculation about what’s to come. Next chapter is very big plot wise so I hope your ready! As always I encourage you to give feedback and reblog, that sort of thing really helps me stay motivated. Love you guys xx
Warnings: Mentions of childhood neglect
Summary: You’re terrified of talking to Tony
Series Masterlist
You were frozen in place, your eyes glued to the large metal door in front of you. Your heart pounded violently against your chest while Peter punched in the door code.
“Dad upped security since the break in,” he explained, “He keeps the lab locked up all the time now.”
The door slid open but your feet refused to move. Tony Stark was in there, waiting for you, and you were sure he wouldn’t give you the same warm reception Peter had. Peter had promised he’d protect you, but what could he really do if his dad wanted to lock you up? Tony didn’t know you like Peter did, he had no reason to trust you or want to help you.
“What’s wrong?” Peter frowned at you.
“Nothing,” you assured, “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
“It’s okay if you're scared or nervous or something,” he placed his hand carefully  on the small of your back, “I would be too, but I promise it’ll be okay,” he kissed the top of your head.
“O-Okay,” was all you managed to stutter out while he ushered you inside.
Tony was hunched over a holographic model of the city with several computer screens open either side of him. A few buildings on the map were highlighted, Fisk Tower, Daze, and some miscellaneous warehouses you knew Fisk used for storage. He glanced over his shoulder at you two when you walked in.
“You really did the full Vader huh?” he smirked.
You cocked your head in confusion as Peter interjected, “She hasn’t seen Star Wars, she’s not gonna get the reference.”
Tony raised a brow, “Seriously?”
“I already know what happens, Darth Vader is Luke’s father, they blow up the Death Star, Harrison Ford marries that big furry thing, what’s it’s name again…” you knit your brows as you tried to remember, “Chupacabra? No, I think that’s a cryptid…”
“Chewbacca,” Peter corrected, “You think Han Solo marries Chewbacca?”
“Yeah, probably,” you shrugged, “It seemed like there was some romantic tension there.”
“There isn’t, Han is with Leia,” he explained, “The one with the buns on the side of her head.”
“Really? I thought she was with the blond one, Luke right? I swear I’ve seen a picture of them kissing.”
“They did kiss once, but Luke is her brother.”
“Ew,” you cringed, “Why did she kiss her brother?”
“Well they didn’t know they were siblings yet,” he rolled his eyes, “I thought you said you knew what happened?”
“I have a general idea,” you scoffed.
“The only thing you need to understand is that Darth Vader comes back to the light in the end,” Tony explained, “Peter if you really care about explaining the plot of Star Wars to her you can do it some other time, but we’ve got some more pressing issues to deal with right now.”
“Right, sorry,” Peter blushed, “Have you found anything yet?”
“No,” Tony shook his head, “I haven’t been able to get in contact with Fisk either, one of our double agents said he got rushed into an emergency surgery. Something to do with his eye apparently,” he locked eyes with you, “I don’t suppose you would know anything about that would you?”
“Well I honestly didn’t think it was that bad, but I did scratch his eye,” you confessed, biting your cheek to stifle your laugh, “But in all fairness he gave me a pretty serious concussion, and he wanted me to kill your son so…”
“I don’t need you to justify hurting Wilson Fisk, the guy deserves everything he gets,” Tony hummed, “And if what Peter tells me is true then I’m sure you’ve got even more reason than most to want to hurt him.”
“What did Peter tell you?” you flushed.
“The truth, that Fisk forced you to work for him and then he threatened you and your friends so you’d do what he said,” Peter answered.
“He didn’t force me to work for him, I think Peter’s just trying to make it sound a little worse than it really was,” you frowned, “I got arrested and I was gonna go away for a year and lose my college acceptance. Fisk offered to get me out and clean my record if I worked for him so I said yes. I thought I’d just be stealing from his business rivals or something, it seemed like the better option at the time.”
“Well coercing you and forcing you are the same thing,” Tony frowned, “Fisk is a good criminal, but what he’s really good at is taking advantage of people. You were vulnerable and he saw that he could use you. That doesn’t seem like much of a choice to me, and it’s not something that I, or anyone else here, is gonna hold against you.”
“Really?” you narrowed your eyes skeptically.
“There are people here that have done a lot worse than a little B and E, myself included,” he hummed, “I’m not like Fisk alright? I don’t need to extort you or make you do my dirty work, I’ve already got Peter for that,” you giggled at the thought of Peter doing anything remotely devious while he continued, “Now I’d like to jump right into helping you here, but I need you to tell me exactly what happened tonight first.”
“Okay,” you nodded, “I’ll tell you anything you need to know.”
Tony was nothing but kind to you while you recalled the events of the day in as much detail as you could, though you did skim over the bit about waking up at Peter’s house. He asked you questions throughout, and you did your best to feed him as much incriminating evidence as you could. Peter stayed right at your side the entire time, jumping in to offer information wherever he could. Just having him beside you helped to ease your nerves, words couldn’t begin to describe how grateful you were to have him. It felt like everything would be alright as long as he was there, he was the light at the end of your tunnel.
“I think that’s everything I’ll need,” Tony sighed and pushed himself away from his computer as you finished your recount of the day.
“Great,” Peter beamed, “Then we can get started trying to locate MJ.”
“Well you and I can get started,” Tony nodded at you, “But I think (y/n) needs a little sleep.”
You quickly shook your head, “I don’t, I want to help.”
“You’ve had a long day, I think you could use a little rest,” he insisted, “Peter why don’t you take her upstairs and help her settle in?”
Peter nodded, “Okay, I’ll come back down in a bit.”
“Don’t rush, this part is gonna be boring anyway.”
Peter set his hand on your shoulder before you could argue any further, “He’s right, you should get some rest. It’s late, we probably won’t be able to get much done right now anyway.”
Sleep did sound like heaven, your body was tired and the day had been more than exhausting. You knew if you laid down for even a second you’d end up passed out.
“Okay,” you agreed, “I guess a few hours wouldn’t hurt.”
He kissed your forehead and plucked your backpack from the ground, “Come on, we should get your clothes dried off too.”
Peter walked you to the elevator and punched the penthouse button. He placed a finger over his lips, signaling for you to be quiet as the door opened. It was pitch black inside.
“My mom and Morgan are asleep,” he whispered, taking to your hand in his to help guide you, “Morgan gets really grumpy if you wake her up.”
“Got it,” you squeezed his hand.
He led you through the house, seeming to have no problem navigating through the darkness, though you could hardly see where you were going.
“Here,” he opened a door at the end of a long hallway and turned on the overhead light, “This is my room, I figured we could stay in here together…”
“I’d like to stay with you,” you nodded, glancing around so you could take everything in.
It was similar in size to the one at his house, but it was much more decorated. He had posters up on the walls and a collection of different Lego Star Wars ships scattered across the room. You laughed at the boyish design of it all.
“I’m guessing your mom didn’t decorate this one?” you smirked.
He shook his head, “No, this was all me.”
“I think it's cute,” you complimented, “It’s very you.”
“Thanks,” he blushed and ran his hand through his hair, “Alright, I’m gonna go put your stuff in the dryer. Do you need anything else?”
“Maybe just a t-shirt or something? I sleep kind of warm.”
“Over here,” he opened up the top drawer of his dresser, “They’re, uh, a little dorky, but your regular clothes should be dry by the time you wake up.”
“It’s alright Peter,” you smiled as you began looking through the shirts, “Oh I like this one,” you snickered, pulling out a large, oversized shirt that read ‘I survived my trip to NYC’ over the chest.
“Y-Yeah, it’ll look cute on you I’m sure,” Peter blushed, “I’ll be back in just a few, make yourself comfortable.”
He left the room and you stripped both the hoodie and the sweats he’d given you earlier in the night. You folded them both up and set them on top of the dresser, where you took notice of the large cork board hanging above it. It was filled with photos of Peter’s friends and families. Most of the photos looked like they were from high school, but a few were clearly much older. One in particular held a much scrawnier Peter with a pair of wiry glasses on his face that reminded you a bit of Harry Potter. He held a newborn baby, who you assumed to be Morgan, in his arms.
“Hey don’t look at that too long, there’s some embarrassing stuff up there,” Peter smiled at you as he returned to the room.
“They’re cute,” you cooed, “I didn’t know you wore glasses.”
“I don’t anymore, I stopped needing them after the spider bite,” he explained, “One of the perks of super healing.”
“Wait, spider bite?” you knit your brows, “You don’t mean like an actual spider bite right?”
“Well yeah, an actual spider bite,” he frowned, “That’s how I got my powers, and why I went with the whole spider motif.”
“Damn, all I’ve ever gotten from a bug bite is itchy,” you scoffed, “What was your dad trying to create some kind of super spider or something?”
“Actually he wasn’t involved at all,” he laughed to himself, “I’ve always thought it was kind of funny actually, I spend all this time helping my dad in the lab but I ended up getting super powers on a field trip.”
“You got super powers on a field trip?” you gaped, “Seriously?”
“Yep,” he nodded, “We were at this science center and I ended up getting bit by a spider. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but then I came home and got my hand stuck to the fridge, and then I started sticking to everything and we figured out it was the spider bite not long after.”
You burst into laughter, “How long were you stuck to the fridge for?”
“Almost an hour before my dad got home,” he grinned, “What about you?”
“What do you mean?” you knit your brows and sat down on the edge of his bed, “You already know how I became Blackcat.”
“But you started stealing before that right?” he took a seat beside you, “I-It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.”
“I don’t mind talking about it, it’s just not really a special story,” you shrugged.
“But it’s your story,” he blushed, “That makes it special to me at least.”
You flushed and pursed your lips, “Well you know the foster care system isn’t great, so most of the time I wasn’t growing up in a great situation. When I was about ten I moved in with a really strict family, they kept everything in the house locked up, even the food. Eventually I got tired of going to bed hungry so I started stealing food from a corner store. It just escalated from there, I started stealing makeup, then clothes, and eventually I started breaking into people's houses and pawning off their valuables.”
“That’s awful, I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” Peter set his hand over yours, a sympathetic frown fell across his lips.
“Well like I said, I got you out of it, so it can’t really be that bad,” you squeezed his hand in yours, “You know it’s like you told me, found family and all that.”
“That’s right, you’ve always got me,” he gently kissed your forehead and then your lips, “Dad’s gonna be expecting me back in the lab soon, but I thought you might want to lay together for a little bit and you know…” he trailed off, his cheeks flushed pink as he spoke, “Cuddle or something.”
“I’d love to cuddle with you Peter,” you giggled.
He grinned, “I’ll get the lights.”
You pulled back the covers and snuggled up under the blanket while Peter turned off the lights. He crawled in beside you and wrapped his arms around your waist, you laid your head on his chest and glanced up at the ceiling. Directly above the bed were a bundle of glow in the dark stars you imagined had been up there since he was quite young.
“I like the stars,” you started to laugh when you noticed a few spaceships were strewn between them, “And the spaceships.”
“There used to be a moon too, but it fell off one night,” he chuckled as he recalled the event, “It landed on my face in the middle of the night, I freaked out because I thought it was a bug or something.”
“Oh Peter,” you laughed even harder and pressed a long kiss to his cheek, “I’m really crazy about you you know?”
“Well I’m pretty crazy about you too,” he smiled down at you.
“I know,” you yawned and finally let your eyes fall closed, “I’m glad you are.”
“Yeah, me too.”
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Peter tiptoed into his room and closed the door as quietly as he could in an effort not to wake you. He would have liked to have kept working for awhile, but his dad had decided to close up the lab for the night so they could both get some sleep. If he hadn’t Peter would have been in there all night worrying about Fisk’s message. He could still hear him sneering in the back of his mind.
“You’ll get the girl back as soon as I get my cat, you can drop her off at my office.”
The way Fisk talked about you, like he thought he had some kind of ownership of you, made Peter sick to his stomach. He wouldn’t entertain the idea of handing you over to Fisk, even in the most well planned scenario, for even a second. Unfortunately his dad did entertain the idea of using some kind of trade off to ambush FIsk, but Peter did his best to convince him it would end in a firefight and be too dangerous. Peter was sure you would have been for it, but he didn’t want you to be in danger, he was determined to get you and MJ both out of the situation as safely as possible.
Peter sighed and rubbed his eyes as he pulled his pajamas on. While he’d been down in the lab dealing with Fisk you’d been passed out in his bed. Blissfully unaware of what was going on, and catching up on some much needed rest. You appeared to have barely moved since he left you there, though you were now snuggled up to a pillow instead of him. As carefully as he could he pulled the blankets off of you and removed the pillow from your grasp. You stirred just a bit, making some sort of unhappy sound when he took the pillow. Peter bit back a laugh as he snuggled up beside you. You settled against his chest again and let out a happy sigh.
“I love you, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you,” he mumbled sleepily before he pressed a kiss to your forehead. His lips lingered against the same spot until he fell asleep.
next chapter
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