#honestly the self indulgence here is off the charts
astro-rainbow777 · 5 months
💐🌸 𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 🧸🌱
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♉︎ - Happy Taurus Season Everyone!!! In honor of Taurus season, I am continuing the signs through the houses series. I hope y’all enjoy my findings & this post serves you well. Thanks so much for all of the support! Happy Spring & Upcoming Beltane to the Pagan Community <3
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🌸 Taurus in the First House ~ Taurus on the ascendant is the embodiment of peace, calm and pleasure. These natives aren’t the most outgoing but leave such a comfortable and cozy first impression. They don’t say more than needs to be said, however they are unlikely to turn down a conversation. They have a soft and natural beauty about them and strong familial values. They enjoy the finer things, have a clean aesthetic and a “rich” aura. Many of them are shorter or more petitie in size, have a pleasing and smooth voice and kind eyes. However, if you mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns! Being on the opposing end of Scorpio, when they cut you off, it is completely. Good luck getting back into their lives because they are a closed book. Why y’all always smell good? Fr tho
🐂 Taurus in the Second House ~ Here the sign is in its ruling house, they do very well in saving their money, are picky about what they eat and indulge in the material pleasures of life. They value loyalty, commitment, stability and security - not to mention their love fashion & the arts. They will tell you they have the most exquisite taste, you would find it very difficult to change their mind. They hold up strong values and morales, what they know to be right and wrong is the truth. This is a very secure personality, they are very comfortable with their bodies, and have a healthy sense of worth and self love. Honestly such a healthy placement - as someone with NO earth in their chart - muhbenaaaace
💰 Taurus in the Third House ~ These natives find security and peace in their childhood homes, where they grew up, the memories of their cousins and siblings. They could be the most stable or the least stable out of their siblings. The way they think, learn and communicate is slow and methodical. They take their time in studying new topics, preferring to stay on the surface of a topic. They may have an artistic and beautiful singing voice, or maybe the way they speak is just very polite and sweet. They were raised with manners and this makes them very charming. They can have a liking for music that moves at a slower pace, classical music, or just a more elegant taste in art.
🥘 Taurus in the Fourth House ~ Their family could be a source of stability and security for them. The mom, mother figure or more feminine role model can be the bread winner in the family, her love language could be gifts, an amazing cook, and give a lot of hugs 🫂 They have stable emotions, it takes a lot to emotionally sway them. It may end up bothering people who try to get an emotional reaction from them because of this. They can be the most grounded one in their family. Their family may view them as realistic, practical and reliable. Family is what gives them sanction from the world.
💝 Taurus in the Fifth House ~ They express them selves in a very material type of way, their flex is their finances. These natives take a lot of pride in what they have...this usually comes from a place of having to work really hard for their things. They love the natural look, minimalist, they like long lasting, high quality, practical fashion. To them that is the best statement to make. They don’t like that trash to treasure look their tastes are refined. They will shower their kids with the finer things and really enjoy providing for them - this will be their love language. They aren’t huge adrenaline junkies and enjoy more grounded, chill hobbies. They definitely don’t mind being alone and love their down time at home…on the couch…snacks…naps…repeat.
🐻 Taurus in the 6th ~ These natives prefer a slow start to their daily routine, and enjoy a slow paced job, with chill yet organized coworkers. The workplace must be something that they don’t hate… because if they hate it and it stresses them out just thinking of going, they won’t work there. Period. They need low maintenance pets as these individuals are very independent in nature. It’s important for their day job to be a place of peace and pleasure for them, and once they are comfortable, it’s gonna be hard to get them to leave. Their job can provide them with sooooo much stability if they have a good one.
🍨 Taurus in the 7th ~ Wining and Dining with your loved ones! Shopping sprees, luxurious and high quality partners. With the ones they love the most, they spoil, eat and they just want to be lazy with them honestly. They want their relationships to be a place of peace for them. It’s important that their partner can support themselves and is stable on their own. It will just cause them stress if they are constantly worrying about having to take care or mommy their partner. It’s possible that they can stay with someone out of fear of the unknown/change, even tho they don’t like them or it’s not working anymore.
🌷 Taurus in the Eighth House ~ Cycles related to self esteem, self worth, and supporting themselves. Honestly, this is a really hard placement to have- they may have times where they stay in ab*sive relationships because they can’t support themselves financially or they are too uncomfortable alone. However, the eighth house is notorious for taking your greatest fear/weakness and turning it into their super power. You just have to get through those lessons and take those leaps of faith to unlock that power and hidden potential! They like to engage in their senses when they’re intimate with their partners and prefer slow love making rather than the raw primal stuff.
🪴 Taurus in the Ninth House ~ These people can be a little fixed in their beliefs, their spiritual beliefs/religion can be a source stability and sanction for them. If they aren’t necessarily spiritual- they could just have a specific philosophy or lifestyle that they stick to. What I admire about these individuals, is they know exactly what they want. When they travel, it has to be somewhere where they know exactly what to expect, somewhere that won’t give them anxiety, and probably a more luxurious staycation type of experience. They could also enjoy a nice nature walk with their loved ones.
👛 Taurus in the Tenth House ~ Every single person I have met with this placement neeeeeed a stable job, they will not leave a job if it provides them with the type of lifestyle they desire. It doesn’t really matter what they are doing for their career as long as it aligns with their values. Their dad/father figure could have been the sole provider and could have made a huge impact on their reputation. This is definitely a daddies money placement 💀 - sorry if that’s triggering for anyone lol. The father figure could be super down to earth and chill, enjoy cooking or just be way too overly indulgent in a negative manifestation.
👒 Taurus in the Eleventh House ~ Is the stay at home friend, doesn’t like to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Much likely to want to stay inside and bond with their community in a space that is familiar and inviting to them. Their community could be their sanction and be the most stable part of their lives. They enjoy cooking and creating art for their friends. Anything to bring peace to their homies senses! For their friends, the Taurus eleventh house native’s place is a home away from home. How special 🥹
👄 Taurus in the Twelfth House ~ When it comes to matters of the twelfth house, spirituality, isolation, ect. - these individuals may like to keep things light and on the surface. They are comfortable being alone, in fact they consider it to be comfortable and safe. Their spirituality isn’t something they spend time questioning, and they could be very comfortable with the unknown, they enjoy their own curious nature. They are endearing to their own selves, however sometimes their sense of worth could be confusing. They may have a hard time understanding their own values and morals, preferring to just go with the flow, everyday they are a new person trying on different personalities, hobbies and styles! The possibilities are endless! It’s quite an interesting placement. One more thing….secret indulgences…the silent snacker
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Smell ya later!
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
Bang Chan Natal Chart Reading
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Hello and welcome to my first individual chart reading on this blog. While I read charts (especially of K-Pop artists) mostly for fun, I wanted to try something a little more involved in scope. I rotated between candidates for the first victim, but ultimately I landed on Bang Chan (who may or may not be my ult bias? More on that later). I have hopes to do other idols whose birth times are confirmed as well, if there’s any interest in reading more. Or even if there’s not. Honestly, this entire blog is pretty self-indulgent.
Full Disclaimer: Most of my knowledge is by traditional astrology, which involves but is not limited to: using whole signs, excluding Uranus-Pluto for natal charts, different sign rulers, and different planetary interpretations.  Astrology is subjective by nature; I do not think my way is best, simply that this is the version of interpretation that makes the most sense to me. This is not a professional service, simply a hobby meant for entertainment purposes only.  Feel free to disagree with or question my conclusions.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into the meat of it:
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Sun: Libra - 5th house
Moon: Libra - 5th house
Mercury: Libra - 5th house
Venus: Scorpio - 6th house
Mars: Sagittarius - 7th house
Jupiter: Aquarius - 9th house
Saturn: Aries - 11th house
Ascendant: Gemini
Midheaven: Aquarius - 9th House
North Node: Virgo - 4th House
Starting from the top, Bang Chan’s chart ruler in Mercury in Libra, which presides over his Gemini Rising. Sun and Moon are also in Libra. What does it all mean? Well, for one, Libra is one of the two signs ruled by Venus (the other being Taurus). Typically speaking, Libra is an incredibly artistic sign, looking for beauty in the world. It seeks to be fair and just, which can lean into being indecisive at worst. It’s no wonder that Libra is touching every part of Chan’s big 3. Who he is, how he feels, and how he communicates, all in Libra- between that and his 10th house in Pisces, another incredibly artistic placement, I have little shock that he ended up in music. It just suits him so well. With all that Libra energy sitting in the 5th house, a benefic house and the ruler of fun and pleasure, he’s very charming. Someone who comes off as a friend almost immediately. Magnetic, even.
Chan’s Libra 5th house is ruled by a Venus in Scorpio. As I mentioned in my previous blurb about Stray Kids’ charts, without that Scorpionic influence, I think Chan would simply float away with his ambitions (Libra, as a Cardinal sign, is very idea oriented and less execution).. Instead, Scorpio adds a lot of the emotion and ambition needed to make them a reality. Scorpio Venus, ruled by the malefic Mars, gets misinterpreted both positively and negatively, but I do think that its influence in his chart is largely helpful. With it being placed in the 6th house, the house of work and health, it's giving caretaker vibes. Acts of Service as a love language type. 
Moving on to the seventh house, Chan has a Mars in Sagittarius that is…interesting. Mars, the sign of energy and fight, is sitting in the house of long term relationships and opposite of self. Mars in Sagittarius is actually a decent placement because that fire sign is helping his Mars work as intended, but sitting in the seventh house, this points to potentially being hasty in relationships. Also, may enjoy dynamics with a little bite to them. I’m reminded of the clip of Chan, specifically.
So the 9th house is the house of other cultures, right? It’s little surprise that Chan has both his Midheaven and Jupiter sitting here in Aquarius. Success, expansion and public exposure in foreign cultures. Groundbreaking interpretation, I know. Though, when it comes to Chan, I wonder what one would consider the foreign culture? Ethnically Korean, raised in Australia, professionally working back in Korea. Which one to consider home? With his North Node sitting in the 4th house, the house of home, I think this is a question he has asked and may continue to ask across his life. 
Finally, I’ll make my final observations on his Aries Saturn in the 11th house. Saturn in Aries havers (1996-1999ish)  tend to have extreme irritation and constriction in their life wherever this is placed, if not balanced out. Unfortunately, the major aspect to this placement is its opposition to his Libra Sun. It seems like a war between the self and the dreams. The fun and the vision. I don’t think it’s a reach to say that he definitely experienced this dynamic in his predebut years, but that’s the fun of doing celebrity chart readings- you have a lot of source material to work with in confirming your biases.
All in all, I do really like Chan’s chart! He’s not without his struggles, but I think a lot of the energy is cohesive. As an aside, my personal chart is so incredibly similar but trine to his (Air/Fire dominant, with a smattering of water influence to tame that), that it's no surprise that I was immediately drawn to him. I love seeing astrologically how we tend to pick biases that either sync or balance with our energy.
Questions, comments, or requests can all go here
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superluigiglitchy · 6 months
this is probably the most dumbest and self indulgent aus i have ever made but idgaf because trans meggy is so big brained and has me in a chokehold plus im thinking about the splatoon idols again also this au is mainly inspired by @duckapus au/headcanon thing where Meggy was a treasure hunter for a bit before meeting Mario but she like ditched that career path
so anyways
au where Meggy used to be a boy and was named Miguel and used to like have an idol career with a band named Wh5rl_P00l that was meant to be a side job but then it unexpectedly went off the charts so he got super popular, so now hes the super famous idol adored by all
but this isnt what he wanted, sure jt was fun playing with his friends as a side hustle and all bt now jt wasnt, not wih all the eyes staring at him and he others, but most especially him
he wants to be turf war champ, he wants to train not be hounded by hundreds of fans he didnt want when hes jst tying to buy ramen and he's increasingly hating himself and his own body and he isnt sure why
and like a couple years into his career when having a heart to heart conversation wih Pearl he suddenly has a brain blast that he doesn't feel like a boy and then works up the courage (with the help from some much needed pep talk with Pearl) to tell his bandmates he couldn't keep doing this anymore and wanted to leave the band
obviously this doesnt go very well and after a heating argument with the leader of theyre group Striker, Miguel just up and leaves despite Zephyr's (whos the sensitive one btw) attempts at begging him to stay so the 2 can calm down, unfortunately this also lead to Miguel, unintentionally cutting all contact with his 4 friends which stills eats away at him late at night when he's thinking stuff
Miguel changes his name to Meggy, has his transistion thanks to all the buttload of money she's earned as an idol then books it straight back to turf war training finally feeling confident in herself and feeling more happier than she ever new she could be despite the 4 friend shaped holes in her heart that is but she would rather die than to admit this
Then she gets trapped in a paintcan then meets Mario and well the rest was history
she honestly never thought she would meet the guys again, or that they would ever recognise her
but then Desmond (who was the smart one of the group) came knocking on her door saying something about Zephyr being kidnapped and well...
she really cant catch a break can she
at least the gang are here to help her at least
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
Hey, happy Valentine’s Day💓 I would like to join your game and I choose Option 1 (solar chart). I haven’t had my birthday yet, but still want to see my solar return for the year 2023/2024.🌟 Hope that’s alright❤️❤️
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Thank you, have a good day/night🥰
Happy Valentine's! Sure thing, much lovee💕💕🫶✨️
First off your 7th house starts in Cancer & Conjuncts Sun in Cancer at 28° (Cancer degree). This house is very illuminated as the Sun & Moon in Virgo are in here. In fact ITS PACKED LMAOO. Honestly when I see the 7th House filled this much I just know you're gonna get into a relationship tbh especially because the ruler of your 7th house the Moon is in Virgo at 13° an Aries degree and conjuncts Mars!! So there's a big theme of passion sexual desire that might occur, it will be quite an emotional connection because of the moon and challenges you to push yourself to be better especially when Virgo is involved this emotional connection would improve your standards for romance a lot and make you feel understood and taken care of.
There's definitely gonna be a lot of passion tbh. The Moon trines Jupiter & Uranus while also being opposite against Saturn. So you might feel as if this connection is hard to control or manage in your life? Like it's so overwhelming but fun that you could struggle to balance either with responsibilities. This connection could be with someone older and insightful but also exciting. It will probably happen out of nowhere and take you by surprise tbh lol but in general it's indicative of a relationship that teaches you a lot and kinda changes the way you date or think in relationships.
Because your Sun is in the 7th House you will be more focused on relationships this year tbh, you could center yourself around others and feel as if you're in the background a bit this year. But the Sun here wants you to enjoy union's, connections, taking inspiration from other people & feeling more comfortable with socializing.
Ngl because Venus is in Leo and Mars + Lilith are in Virgo in the 7th house it will for sureeeee be a dramatic year for love. Very passionate and touchy with each other. Could definitely have themes of possessiveness or jealousy coming from 3rd parties? Or just multiple different relationships occurring this year. Your motivation for love this year will be from self-improvement. I think you will probably get into a relationship once you feel satisfied with where you are at in life rn.
Venus is In Leo at a Cancer degree so you could attract someone quite dramatic and emotional but VERY generous and caring. A very warm person in general. I think you'd also desire a lot of intensity in your relationships this year as Venus conjuncts Mars & squares Uranus. You wanna be kept on your toes and might explore multiple options. I don't see you wanting to be tied down immediately with Venus opposite Saturn as you can kinda oppose restrictions or traditions in relationships right off the bat. But you also seek a level of emotional security? It's really about finding what you like this year.
Your 5th House is in Gemini with the ruler Mercury in Leo 7th House at 19° (Libra degree). This does indicate a passion and love for beauty, aesthetics & art. Plus a need for sensuality and indulgence. You want to be shown off in your relationships or crushes this year and would want the flirting game to be FIRE lol. I definitely think you will have a lot of fun and lighthearted crushes at first and then it could turn into an almost overwhelming intense relationship lol. It's kind of a fun rollercoaster year for love I'm obsessed tbh.
Watch for Aries/Cancer/Leo/Virgos/Libras this year!
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vyri · 4 years
Matt/Mail Jeevas x Gorillaz
thank you @jeepersjeevas for all the ideas and the patience! i owe you forever.
here it is on Spotify:
Machine bitez #11
Yeah, man, you got such an accent, bruh, wack, bruh. Super deep, deep, London accent. Like, "I don't even have a passport" London accent. Like you never left your block in London accent, it sounds super, super strong.
Noodle said to us when you heard the track, you could hear psychedelics. Yeah, man, as soon as I heard it, you know, like. You can taste the colours, but I just taste like sherbet ice cream, on moms.
Wammy's House
Kids with guns
Now they're turning us into monsters
Turning us into fire
Turning us into monsters
It's all desire
Caught in your eyes
Stacks of lights
Come streaming back
Make it for the best times
Growing pains, good times
Jump with them all and move it
Jump back and forth
It feels like you were there yourself, work it out
Mello's departure
Don't get lost in heaven
Put me in a cab to suburbia
I just took a line but I wasn't with you
There was more of it there, when I got back home
But you had left me, you don't know my soul
You're a whole bad mistake, yeah, you're a whole one
Matt's departure
The world is spinning too fast
I'm buying lead nike shoes
To keep myself tethered
To the days I've tried to lose
My mama said to slow down
You must make your own shoes
Out there
I'm the lonely twin, the left hand
Reset myself and get back on track
I don't want this isolation
See the state I'm in now?
Callin' the hunter with a rifle
'Cause right now that's the ball where we be chained
Shoot it true
I want you in the picture
That's why I'm calling you
I’m a mad pac-man
Livin' in a levelled world
Everywhere I go I don't know where I am
You can call me crack, you can call me mad and cyborg
You can load my head, and sell me into bathing light
Everybody knows, when I was sad, I fell for you
Everywhere I go, no stressin' out, no stressin' out
Feel good inc.
City's breaking down on a camel's back
They just have to go 'cause they don't know whack
So while you fill the streets, it's appealing to see
You won't get undercounted 'cause you're damned and free
You got a new horizon, it's ephemeral style
A melancholy town where we never smile
And all I wanna hear is the message beep
My dreams, they got her kissing, 'cause I don't get sleep, no
Momentary bliss
The truth, the bills, they must be paid
And what is left, is salt and cake, typical
All you need to change your face
You're gettin' sold, it's such a waste
You know, we could do so much better than this
Swimmin' in pools of momentary bliss
Where you gotta find a family 'cause everybody taken
They worry you keep on adding
I think you gotta crawl
Dirty harry
I need a gun to keep myself among
The poor people are burning in the sun
No, they ain't got a chance
They ain't got a chance
I need a gun
'Cause all I do is dance
'Cause all I do is dance
Working for an old friend
Interlude: new world
She gave me a call
That brought me back
Back, back, back
The elevator
The new world
I just wanted to be close to you
The new world
I'm tired
Seems like I was alright again
That brought me back
I just wanted to be close to you
Slide the light off you
You may find some peace
All will come to you
If you come with me
Are we just too far to be as one again?
Are we obsidian?
Is this how it ends?
She's my collar
I'm yellow, he was blue
It's nothing that he could hide
We made agreement though
Whenever we were so alive
I died a thousand times
I did what I had to do
Hey, that's just how it goes
I'm still coming back to you
Sex murder party
You always said
I was out of control
Teach me hatred
Then let me go
You didn't care, no truth and no dare
In the bathroom, blow everywhere
Now you're so high, kiss all the guys
Making me jealous, I wonder why
Every planet we reach is dead
Dreams aren't bad, I had turned back
I love the girl
But God only knows it's
Getting hard to see the sun coming through
I love you
But what are we going to do?
Rock bottom (or something similar)
Sleeping powder
I get dropped from where I belong
I take my pills and I get in the mood and I
Take five to get it to load in
Even in the place
And I get my jeans on right
And sit in the rows and
Inside I live in a cage and I
Peek out and summon the code and I
Enter the lake to face what I'm cagin'
Souk eye
Why you rolling waves over me now, that's all I need, dreaming
Waiting on a lady, come find me, be forgiven
I'll be a regular guy for you, I never said I'd do that
Why you looking so beautiful to me now when you're so sad?
It's by the light
Of the plasma screens
We keep switched on
All through the night while we sleep
There's nothing you can do for them
They are the force between
When the sunlight is arising
El mañana
I saw that day
Lost my mind
Lord, I'll find
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine
Busted and blue
Where do they come from?
The wires that connect to us
Weightless and fall on your body
'Till we're invisible
I'm with you throughout it, choose
Busted and blue
Climbing up (or something like that)
Melancholy hill
Well you can't get what you want
But you can get me
So let's set out to sea
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me
When you're close to me
Empire ants
Oh joy's arise
The sun has come again to hold you
Sailing out the doldrums of the whole week
The polyphonic prairies here, it's all around you
It's all around you, out here
And if the whole world is crashing down
Fall through space out of mind again
Where the emptiness we leave behind on warm air rising
Blows all the shadows far away
Demon days
Well these demon days are so cold inside
It's so hard to live, and so to survive
You can't even trust the air you breathe
'Cause Mother Earth has a soul to leave
When lies become reality
You love yourself because it's easy
Pick yourself up it's a brand new day
So turn yourself round
Don't burn yourself, turn yourself
Turn yourself around to the soul
Hallelujah money
Don't worry, my friend
If this be the end, then so shall it be
Until we say so, nothing will move
Ah, don't worry
It's not against our morals
It's legally tender
Touch my friend
While the whole world
And whole beasts of nations desire
When the morning comes
We are still human
How will we know?
How will we dream?
How will we love?
How will we know?
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astrojoy · 2 years
Astrovations #16
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Dionysus (3671) in the 12th - can show someone who can get easily swept into addictions or be quite affected by whatever drug they choose. Saw this in a relatives chart
PoF (Part of Fortune) in the same sign as one of your big 3/conjunct sun or moon works too/also ascendant - Can really make a developed house. Let's make an example. Let's say you have a Moon in Scorpio but you also have your PoF in Scorpio. This can make you have the good and developed qualities of a Scorpio moon. You will likely be observant, able to hold secrets but without a price, non-manipulative, etc. If PoF is conjunct the ascendant then you will have a better first impression even if you make slight mistakes. They may go unnoticed or just slide by in some way. I've seen this amongst a friends chart and wanted to note it down just incase it made sense and I wasn't missing anything xD
Asteroid Angel (11911) opposite saturn - Can show angel guides who may come off in a bad light, per say?? If you've ever had those moments of "well do they really care? It just seems like I'm going through a mess. Like I'm all alone with no help" this is probably why. This aspect brings angels who seek to help you overcome karma more forwardly. They may come off as overlly stern sometimes but this is because they want the best for you. This doesn't mean they aren't gentle! (This can go for conjunct as well however-) also the angel could have very father-like qualities in their energy and hoe they approach your situations in life. Angel guides here are calculative and like you to take your time on your lessons or obstacles rather than speed through them
Chiron in 10th of IC Persona Chart - parents possibly struggled in career at some point or enough for it to be noticed
Significant Libra placements - I feel like most if not all people with these energies in their chart have been through some similar experiences when it comes to expressing themselves. I've had personal experience as well as met many people with this who have had at least someone in their life try to block their self expression when it comes to how they present themselves physically or emotionally. That being said you might have been criticized at times for how you dress "why that style?" Or "no, you're not wearing that you're a [gender]". Maybe it's your hair? "no no that haircut doesn't suite you" "you don't look good in that" The emotional route would be "your acting fake, stop", "grow up some and stop being so sensitive". Ohh oh let's not forget the fairness. I've noticed if they're treated unfairly they can get severely hurt emotionally. They just loath the idea of it honestly. They can't tolerate seeing it or being in it
Bacchus (2063) conjunct anothers Bacchus (Also possibly Bacchus conjunct anothers Ascendant/Sun // Synastry - I've literally seen these both love to indulge in each other, which is like a "duh" with how this asteroid acts 🤣🤣. Whether it be spending time with each other or just wanting to have any form of fun with one another. It's like they each find their sense of pleasure from being around each other, as if that was enough or they want more of them. If this is a toxic relationship then this can make a clingy seperation unfortunately
PoF opposite Chiron - Part of your fortune is the hardships you went through with your chiron placement. Chiron taught you enough to heal from it and grow. You may be well learned in the area Chiron is placed. This fortunate position can also allow you to easily heal others who went through similar Chiron circumstances and to see through their point of view. Your fortune is your challenges. They bring you growth and personal/soul development
AC conjunct IC//Synastry - I have this aspect with a childhood friend that's my closest friend still (kindergarten until now)
Transit Moon in the 12th house - I had his and went through a period of depression and insecurity. Then as it went on I began to feel better and come to terms with my emotions. It's like I needed to let out that emotional jar I had in me because it healed as I used them more!
Libra Risings - From what I've noticed have an innocent pair of eyes. Like even if they may seem slightly intimidating body-wise, their eyes hold a charm of kindness for some reason. I'd describe it as soft and welcoming
Salome (562) // Synastry - I've noticed shows what one finds absolutely captivating about another. It's something about the person that makes our heart throb and want to know more about to another level. Whatever one of their houses your Salome sits in, is where you just can't get enough of and vice versa!
Leo Sun - All the leo Suns I've met have some form of mischief in their personality. Teasing people and playing small pranks (idk why 😭)
Urania (30) in the 3rd - Has possibly tried to bring up astrology or astronomy in conversations before. They enjoy talking about it in general and can actually feel motivated to write notes on it or start observations at some point (I have this :)
Saturn opposite Uranus // Synastry - I've seen this aspect where the Saturn person constricts the Uranus persons freedom in some way. The Saturn person may be more serious when it comes to how the Uranus person goes out or spends their time. If the Uranus person has different ways of thinking that are unconventional or rebel how the Saturn person thinks then this can cause some heated debates. The Saturn person often feels like they should control the Uranus persons eccentric nature or style (it can be at a minimum or maximum it just depends on the chart) I've also seen where if the Uranus wants to try something a bit randomly or 'bizarre' with their routine or style then the Saturn person can point out why it wouldn't be a good idea or the Uranus person would regret it. This is basically a good example of one being more cautious or stern and the other being more laid back and 'free-spirited' in a way!
Shigei (8276) in the 4th - can show someone in your child hood who possibly collected items, was a hoarder or just had quite a clutter of things somewhere in the house. This can also indicate everything always being on edge slightly, like there's some type of issue arising just around the corner more often
Pluto in the 1st/Especially conjunct ascendant - I saw someone with this and OH. MY. LORD. THE ENERGY. Ugh I can't even describe it. It's not bad (not for my scorpio venus at least 😏💖) but like brO. The energy is sO heavy. Like anyone who can feel energy, y'all are in for a treat with these placements because- that's the only way I can describe it, is heavy. Powerful and striking. It's like someone extremely important is walking by and etc. It's a whole other ball game but I absolutely adore this energy. If the person also has a scorpio rising it just makes it more powerful honestly
WHICH ALSO LEADS ME TO BELIEVE // Venus - If someone has the ruler of your Venus sign conjunct their ascendant. You will most likely have a crush on them (EX: Scorpio Venus might fall in love or have a crush on someone who has pluto conjunct their ascendant)
Priapus (h22) conjunct Ascendant // Synastry - I've seen in different charts the Priapus person has a physical sexual attraction to the Ascendant person. However the Ascendant person may (as the Greek story goes) be unattainable. For instance, I saw someone had a sexual attraction to a celebrity and has this placement. They were Priapus, the celebrity the Ascendant which was unattainable. I have this synastry with one of my best friends. She is Priapus and has wanted to have a physical relationship with me and told me she loves me sexually however as the Ascendant person I am into women in a more romantic way personally (unattainable in a sense) we didn't end up getting in a relationship (still friends tho! :D)
Mercury opposite Mars // Synastry - Idk if I've said this before but just in case, definitely seen this in charts of people who bicker and start small arguments over petty things 😂😂
Saturn square Uranus // Synastry - Saw this play out where the Saturn person is restrictive of how the Uranus person expresses themeselves. Like the Uranus person was into new age stuff, liked eccentric styles and had new world beliefs, but the Saturn person wasn't into that stuff (was also quite traditional) and cringed at it often. Causes friction for sure
Synastry // How you view them and vice versa - Whicher planets of yours are conjunct another persons ascendant will show you how you view them (Ex - I have sun and mercury conjunct my older brothers ascendant, I generally see him as logical, smart, confident and funny) there are moments where I've seen this play out where both people feel the planets energy off of each other however I've seen more of the first scenario personally :)
Ascendant ruler in the 2nd house - May be a total foodie however very careful with how they look. So they may really enjoy food but if they start noticing any weight gain it will effect their self esteem
6th house ruler in the 8th/12th - Possibly a hypochondriac. 8th because the house can represent death and sudden extremes. 12th because it can represent the mind and anxieties, paranoia, etc. I'm not diagnosing just leaving the thought on the table ^
Random Observation - I have my ascendant at Scorpio 0° and I noticed someone who had pluto conjunct their ascendant and we have very similar styles, and first impressions on people it's cool but interesting! 😌
Jupiter opposite Venus - As stereotypical as it may sound I've actually seen someone with this be full of love. Always showing affection towards others very often even if it's out of the blue. This placement makes someone very sweet and caring 🥰
Neptune - I've realized over time may actually indicate a place that we can be quite curious of. I say this because Neptune is known as the foggy planet, the planet that creates a mask to cover up the reality of a situation. Neptunes placement will show you where you may question from time to time. For instance, my neptune sits in the 4th, conjunct IC. I don't know much about my family history, I'm not close with my Mom's side of the family too much + I don't know anything really about my Bio dads side of the family. Not only this but there are snippets of my childhood blocked out of my memory, some things I remember as if it were HD and others are like murky water. In this house I catch myself being driven by curiosity to find out my ancestry, relatives, unspoken history, family 'secrets' or info that was never talked about. I will mention, I'm still finding out new info to this day
Uranus 7th house//Vedic Navamsa D9 - NOW NOW, I know traditionally Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not used in Vedic, however I personally believe all the planets should be included as each holds energy, so I've added them into my own Vedic studies. So if you disagree dw I totally get it! You don't have to read on 🥰 on with the note, my mother has this in her 7th house of her Navamsa chart and she actually did get divorced. Now it took awhile (Saturns in the same house) however finally it did happen :)
This was kinda short imo sorry
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astrobydalia · 4 years
💫New Year Observations🌟
Hope you’re having a great new year guys! Currently working on a post about physical appearance!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
🌟 Anything that touches Uranus in your chart in a harmonious aspect are the things you’re willing to be experimental about. Hard aspects (conjunction to a lesser extent) can make you a bit reluctant
💫 Scorpio placements are not taken aback by sexual topics AT ALL but they can really dislike it when people talk about sex in a very vulgar and nonchalant way or they simply won’t partake in that type of talk
🌟 The worst thing you can do when it comes to scorpio placements is trying to cross their boundaries (lying to them is a close second). When it comes to boundaries, Scorpios just won’t budge so if they don’t wanna say something or they don’t wanna do something don’t insist, don’t try to convince them (much less manipulate them) bc they WON’T. For Scorpios “no” it’s not just a full sentence, it’s a STATEMENT
💫 Juno in the 4th or conjunct the IC in the solar return chart can point to getting married in a privet ceremony, while Juno in the 10th house it’s quite the opposite (this is only if the overall solar return indicates marriage taking place of course)
🌟 Sagittarius personal placements really do be lucky AF but they don’t see it or just take it for granted. People often ask them how are they so lucky but they don’t see it as a big deal🤷🏽‍♀️
💫 You’d think this is Sagittarius but pisces personal placements giggle very often, it’s so easy to make them laugh
🌟 Nodal conjunctions in synastry (personal planets in TIGHT conjunction to the nodes) is an incredibly binding aspect and makes for a very significant relationship in your life. However the reason it is this way is because this relationship serves an important purpose, once said purpose is done so is the relationship (specially with the North node) and usually the lesson is mainly aimed at the node person tho the planet person can also be significantly changed by this relationship. Therefore, the relationship will last however long it takes for the purpose to be completed; could be a couple of years, a life time, who knows.
💫 I’ve noticed Sagittarius placements can be very irritable and have anger issues (you’d think Aries would be like this but nah) specially when combined with fire or air moon/mars
🌟 People with Juno in Libra or in the 7th will look to marry the love of their life and their soulmate. This of course doesn’t mean you won’t marry your soulmate if you don’t have this bc Juno IS your soulmate. The sign Juno is placed in signifies the type of soulmate you want. People with Juno in Libra want that Disney movie type of soulmate 
💫 Following the last point, people with Juno in Aquarius will marry their best friend. They’ll be friends with their spouse first rather than have a movie romance with them like Juno in Libra people
🌟 I’ve noticed that people with Jupiter, Mars or Venus in the 8th can come off as very slutty to people bc they are sexually open and self-indulgent
💫 People with moon, Vertex or Juno in the 7th house are the type of people who are always in a relationship
🌟 Vigo placements can come off as competitive bc they just LOOOVVEE proving people WRONG!
💫 I’ve noticed that the most repeated placements for people who are vegan/vegetarian are water risings, taurus placements, 6th house, 8th house, 11th house and 12th house placements
🌟 It’s no secret that Scorpio mercuries can cut with their words but I really think that Virgo placements can easily rival Scorpio mercuries when it comes to this like SERIOUSLY. Virgo placements can be extremely judgmental, they will throw facts and criticism regardless of how it sounds and could have a “well that was offensive but it was the truth so🤷🏽‍♀️” type of mentality. And I think no body talks about this but VIRGO PLACEMENTS CAN BE VERY DETACHED specially when they trying to prove a POINT. I have legit witnessed and experienced virgo placements making people cry with how cut-throat and judgmental they can be seriously don’t underestimate virgos
💫 Common rulerships in the charts of celebrities (hope this isn’t confusing lol): 
Ruler of the 10th in the 10th or the 11th house 
Ruler of the 11th in the 10th or 11th house 
Ruler of the 11th or 10th in the 8th, 9th and 1st house 
Also less frequent ruler of the 11th or 10th in the 2nd house 
Ruler of the ASC in the 1st, 2nd, 8th and 12th houses
🌟 Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo mars people really dislike being interrupted once they set their attention into something
💫 I have a theory that the house where you have Neptune indicates the type of movies and shows you like
🌟 Fire moons are honestly hit and miss. They are all incredibly likable people but they can be very self-centered/selfish once you get to know them. I wouldn’t call Aries moons selfish per se I’d call them reckless, check my aries moon post for more. Surprisingly, I’ve seen Sagittarius moons being more narcissistic and entitled than Leo moons. Leo moons can have a lot of ego but can have lots of insecurities deep down and be put down way too easily and they are the most generous out of all the fire moons. Leo moons are extremely giving and genuine but many times they are way too preoccupied with being liked, prised and recognized (which can make them selfish). Sagittarius moons tho are the type to actually believe they are the SHIT or low-key believe they are better or above anything else, when underdeveloped they can be obnoxious, arrogant and overbearing. When developed they are the most generous and the best friends ever but they are definitely the most entitled too
💫 12th house synastry is way more karmic and can be more intense and uncomfortable than 8th house synastry, even if it’s just subconsciously. Basically 12th house synastry is what people think 8th house synastry is, except there’s no sexual factor here (unless planets say otherwise) and there’s 0 sense of control in either party (you’re not sure what’s going on) which might drive y’all crazy
🌟 People with Mars-Neptune aspects can actually be into pain bc it gives them a sense of escape. I’ve seen this aspect in people who get sexually turned on by pain or in people who cut themselves or self-harm
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
Observations pt. I 
Observations pt. II  
Observations pt. III Relationship edition (most popular) 
Observations pt. IV Spooky edition
Observations pt. V
Observations pt. VI LGBT edition
Observations pt. VII Chiron edition 
Observations pt.VIII
Observations pt. IX Aries moons 
Observations pt. X
Observations pt. XI
Observations pt. XII Scorpio Risings
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astrolovecosmos · 3 years
Neptune: Deep Dive
Pink petals
fallen onto
night shaded
Nothing is ever as it seems.
Wood turned to metal.
Reality turned to dreams.
-Natasha Reeves 
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The planet Neptune I think is most famous for two things - illusions and dreamy or ethereal associations. A lot of negativity is also commonly associated such as addiction, insanity, guilt, sorrow, denial, and doubt. This planet is complex and just like all the other planets has a huge array of associations. What prompted me to do a deep dive in Neptune? Well for one I’ve been going through the transit of Neptune in Pisces crossing over my IC which has been powerful and I am at the end of my progressed Moon in the 12th House. Also in my own chart I’ve been paying more attention to my natal Neptune placements... which are a lot more prominent and worthy of my attention than I’ve understood and noticed in the past. Honestly I spend a lot more time analyzing others’ charts vs. my own, and I really should have looked more closely at some of my own aspects. I have had a LOT of experience with Pisces influences throughout my life, intense ones. I want to make it clear that Pisces DOES NOT = Neptune. I’ve always wanted to write a whole essay about my experience as a Pisces friend, lover, family member, enemy, etc. An outsiders opinion but that isn’t this. This is a disclaimer because this is going to be both theory and my own experiences. This is a deep dive. 
The Sea’s Love and Wrath 
Neptune in a lot of mainstream media is described as gentle but this planet can be unpredictable and harsh, with erratic energy that could rival Uranus. Neptune can be about tolerance and kindness, seeing past the ego and material. Neptune can embody or promote unconditional love and forgiveness. Because Neptune can be about dissolving and merging this planet allows us to see ourselves in others, maybe even in everyone allowing for compassion, empathy, and the ability to love very freely and openly. But the illusion and deception of Neptune is its shadow. 
Romanticizing and idealizing can be one of Neptune’s downfalls. Many times this is described as putting other’s on a pedestal but this can be applied to any area of life from work to places to ideals. From this those with strong Neptune aspects or prominent placements can find that disappointment is a frequent visitor. Neptune square, opposite, or conjunct Venus can quickly fall for others, trust others, and gravitates towards those they want to help or who have a strong personality they can meld with. Neptune opposite or square Mercury may face the frustration and disappointment of frequently being misunderstood or finding that they easily misread others or trust their words. After feeling tricked there can be wrath to these oceanic bodies. 
Where will their vengeance or anger land? It isn’t fair if they idolize you to get mad at you... sometimes their anger is self-loathing and self-destructive, other times they take you down with them. But the lesson is that Neptune can be as soft and as dangerous as the sea. 
Enlightenment and Madness
Coming down from the high, was getting lost in Neptune’s blue. Dreams and visions dancing in the back of my mind, when reality is so hard to chew. Sensation used to distract and pieces of stories stitched together to where nothing is fact.- Natasha Reeves 
There are many influences that can grant us wisdom or enlightenment throughout astrology, but I don’t see too many writings or posts about Neptune and its connection to enlightenment, nirvana, or eurekas and on the flipside also insanity and denial. Neptune can pull away the fog to give us clarity - especially when looking at the whole of things, the big picture. Neptune can famously also be the fog. 
The transit of Neptune crossing over my IC/4th House brought a lot of light to my childhood and how I was raised. However my IC is in Pisces, while Pisces isn’t the same as the planet, and many astrologers believe Neptune is not the ruling planet of Pisces - it is a sign known for illusions, confusion, and vagueness much like Neptune. I came from a place of a lot of secretiveness and vagueness, but when the “planet of illusions” crossed over I found myself accepting the instability and moments I felt lost or clueless in my life as well as looking back with remembering and understanding. 
Neptune can represent the part of us that is hard to grasp and understand, it also faces us with the idea that it is okay to have unanswered questions, to not have closure, that many times we have to create that closure or solidity ourselves. Neptune much like Jupiter is a matter of faith whether in ourselves or a higher power. 
It should be noted Neptune doesn’t always mean outside sources. Neptune is an introverted, intimate actor. It can represent how we lie to ourselves, trick ourselves, or how we push responsibility off of ourselves. Neptune also allows us to see, understand, more importantly feel what we easily ignore or can’t see. 
Life’s Extremes - Our Extremes 
“Neptune moves between the greatest extremes: from the highest spiritual awareness through imagination, fantasy, and illusion, to the depths of deceptions and disillusionment. The planet of mysticism, glamour, and enchantment, Neptune exerts a hypotonic fascination.” - Judy Hall. 
When many think of extremes they probably think Pluto before Neptune. The blue sphere isn’t going to take away the icy orb’s reputation - Pluto holds tightly in terms of extremes, but Neptune is far from a level-headed, consistent influence. Let’s touch on fantasy and illusion - two things that tends to warn of foolishness or impracticality, but fantasy is part of everyone’s life, no matter how pragmatic or mature an individual claims to be. From coping to manifesting to understanding to enjoying, fantasy is a natural human thing. Think of how often you daydream in an hour, how many books, movies, and games you indulge in, how often you find yourself being tempted by gossip, and how often you find yourself painting a picture of another in your head - negative or positive. 
Neptune symbolizes the abstract, importance, and rawness of our fantasies. Individuals with prominent Neptune aspects can find themselves easily tapping into their imagination, falling into escapism frequently, or have a great use for their wild ideas. If you think of the subject of fantasies or illusion as an extreme - it makes sense. You aren’t going to get an interesting story without the gods and monsters. Our sleeping dreams often are filled with strangeness or strong emotions. Clarity to madness, hopeless romantic highs to deeply wounded sorrows, and dissolving/surrendering to becoming whole/complete are common extremes this planet centers around. 
I have Mercury Square Neptune which tends to make one doubtful of their own opinions and intellect, can increase misunderstandings, and make communication difficult for the individual. Mercury Square Neptune can make someone highly persuasive and deceptive but it can also make one easily confused, tricked, and manipulated by others. Rationality and intuition can conflict. One experience I have with this aspect is usually swinging from extremes to being very withdrawn and quiet to interrupting others, chatting away. I’ve been described by those in my life as always saying something they didn’t expect - few words but impactful or strange ones. This is an example of the more everyday way Neptune can present itself.
“Neptune-attuned people possess glamour in the old sense of the word: the ability to bewitch. They are also impossible to categorize or pin down, demonstrating the planet’s elusive quality. Lacking strong boundaries, Neptune-attuned people are susceptible to outside influences.” - Judy Hall. It is from these lack of boundaries and fluidness we see Neptune’s extremeness. Neptune aspects can have us take on the traits of others and there is intensity in that. Let’s say we are talking about a Neptune to Mercury aspect, here may be someone who is easily energized or put down by the mood of another. Neptune to Mars can create a volatile person who fights, guards, and pursues based on their inner circle. 
Alice: Imagination and Dreams 
Personally I tend to associate Alice in Wonderland with Gemini themes. But I’ve seen her used as a metaphor for many placements and influences, such as Scorpio and Pluto. Neptune’s lostness certainly relates to the character and story. Neptune can be the planet of dreams. Challenging aspects to Saturn indicates someone who struggles to get in touch with reality while easy aspects to Saturn indicates someone who can marry big dreams or imagination to practicality. 
Neptune to Moon aspects can indicate powerful dreaming - almost intuitive or helpful in processing stress or trauma. So does Neptune in the 12th, 4th, 8th, and possibly 9th. Neptune in the 2nd can mean imagination or even dreams themselves act as a resource, maybe this is through inspiration or increasing one’s belief or confidence. Neptune in the 3rd may find themselves always remembering their dreams and keeping a journal. Neptune in the 5th blessed with all of the fun dreams of flying or dreaming of a favorite fictional character. Neptune in the 6th or 10th may find strikes of inspiration, knowledge, problem solving, or important foresight in their sleep. Neptune in the 11th may find comfort or realize important information about self and/or society in their dreams. 
Neptune is a newer planet, many times called the visionary, healer, or spiritual link or messenger. Traditional astrologers can approach the planet with a lot of skepticism. Its exaltation is in creative Leo, detriment in practical Virgo, and fall in usually praised as “visionary” Aquarius. Neptune is still new enough to be a hot topic of debate. You will find many astrologers don’t even agree on the planet’s exaltation, fall, and detriment. Leo is considered one of the most creative sign and on the topic of imagination and dreams Neptune can feel amazing in this sign. It feels confident and shinning in its ideas, fantasies, and magic. Elusive and ever-changing Neptune doesn’t feel comfortable in stable and structured Virgo. But Aquarius is an unexpected challenge for Neptune. Aquarius is about collective action - unity that Neptune also is familiar with. But Aquarius is a cold sign and despite its unconventional side can be highly practical and may dislike unrealistic ideas or approaches. Saturn is Aquarius’s co-ruler after all. Neptune wants oneness as in intimacy, not oneness in action or rebellion like Aquarius. Neptune is the magical moonlit spring to heal all your wounds, especially the emotional and spiritual kind. Aquarius is the soul forge in Asgard from Thor: The Dark World or the hypospray in Star Trek. Aquarius is modern medicine most of the time and when Neptune is dressed in Aquarius’s colors at its best it is advanced medicine we don’t understand yet but are working towards. Neptune in Aquarius can be a genius, but it is about ambitious realism to help others, Neptune at its heart is about helping the individual on the most personal level. Aquarius is random strikes of lightning coming from an active mind while Neptune flows from one spot to another, always connected and coming from an original primal, emotional place. Aquarius is the future, Neptune is outside of time. Aquarius is intellect and Neptune emotions and intuition. Aquarius is rebellion, riot, revolution, Neptune is peace or death and rebirth - Aquarius is the noise and Neptune the silence. 
Some believe Neptune’s fall is in Capricorn, which the struggles exist with Capricorn’s strictness and clinging to reality and control. Neptune in Leo is Alice looking regal like a queen or warrior going to fight the jabberwock, Neptune in Virgo can get dark, feeling uncomfortable and maybe in pain, but still important and empowering. Alice in Aquarius or Capricorn is likely a totally new story, adult Alice putting away the tea parties and white rabbits for a lab coat or pantsuit. 
What about Healing and the Spiritual? 
Let’s get to what Neptune may be most known for. That otherworldly connection, the power of love, transcendence. Neptune is dramatic and it is soothing. Neptune embraces all aspects of the human experience so we can focus more on the soul. Neptune is all about healing and how healing can come in a million ways. It can be fast and hard or slow and revealing. It is painful and messy, it goes in cycles, loops, falls and rises. 
Neptune whether the aspects are easy or challenging, whether in a house focused on the self or others, it gives everyone ways to heal and to connect. As an outer planet it gives a lot of insight into generations but in the unique placement of one’s chart it touches us with humanity. 
Pretty speeches, enchanting metaphors, crazy nights, and charming lovers lead us to our doom and a raw poem, crying ourselves to sleep, old medicine, late night graveyard walks, and maybe a rebound help us pick up the pieces. Neptune many times shows us that the unexpected is what tears us down and what lifts us back up. It teaches us nothing is inherently bad like substances, manipulation, honesty, authority, it is how it is used. Neptune shows us that you are the hero to some and the villain to others. 
Regret, shame, guilt, feeling trapped, isolation, addiction, grief, and sorrow are closely linked to Neptune. I believe many times this is due to the healing process or spiritual associations of the planet. These emotions are heavy and life-changing but they are emotions that many times need to be faced with a lot of bravery and work. They are feelings that also help us come to realizations. Neptune is associated with rebirth and if you examine emotions like regret or shame, sometimes rebirth is the only way you can shed those feelings. Neptune’s fluid nature also allows us acceptance, which is needed to deal with such heavy emotions. 
While we always talk about the lack of boundaries as a dangerous or bad thing... and it can be, these lack of boundaries like I mentioned above can allow for a very giving love and empathy, it also allows us to feel or interact with a higher power, magic, and the spiritual. Whatever your beat is - religion, magic, or the belief we are just star stuff, Neptune symbolizes our relationship with it. 
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darthmaulification · 3 years
savage opress NSFW alphabet
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A/N: finally! i got this finished!!
*pounds chest* me love big zabrak man!!! and i am in 100% support for soft!savage so y’all are gonna see a ton of that here. 💀 
also, i had to do so much mental math with this one because savage is so darn tootin’ tall (7ft 1in, from what i’ve read) that relating his you-know-what’s size relative to him was ✨challenging✨ but also 😳🥴🥵💦 if ya know what i mean.
and i mention the maul nsfw alphabet i wrote a couple of times in here, so go check that one out for more clarification on a few points if you feel so inclined. 😊💕
nfsw below the cut! 😘
A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Savage is always a bit unsure of himself in how he cares for others, but his aftercare is immaculate. Every time, there’s this brief window of Post Coital Cuddles where he just holds you in his arms and purrs like there’s no tomorrow, and I mean like near full body vibrations, he’s purring so damn hard and loud. More often than not, this is usually the part where Savage passes out, usually he’s too darn sleepy to finish the rest of the aftercare. However, if he does manage to keep his eyes moment for a few minutes longer, Savage kisses you all over, asks you what you need, and will get the job done in the most tender and sweet way possible.
B = body part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner? what about themselves?)
Savage is a sap and would say that all of you is his favorite, and honestly mean it. He thinks that you and your body are nothing but perfect, all of it. He’ll compliment you with the utmost sincerity, telling you just how beautiful you are whenever and wherever. Savage loves to look at you, to feel you, to worship you. He enjoys all of the squishier parts of you especially, whether that be your thighs, tummy, ass, breasts, etc etc. He loves that you’re so soft compared to him.
However, for as much as he’s able to see the beauty in others, Savage has trouble seeing the beauty in himself. He feels like a monster most of the time, feels like he’s been deformed by his enhancements. It’s not easy for him to choose a favorite part of his body, because he honestly doesn’t like his body. So, you’ll have to coax him into learning to love himself, which isn’t and won’t be easy, but Savage needs to learn that he is allowed and has earned the right to treat himself with love. This will lead to whatever your favorite part of him to be his favorite, whatever that may be.
C = cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Savage cums buckets. Like... an ungodly amount of nut. It’s thick, white, and Maker, it is virile. His sperm count is off the fucking charts, and he knows it. Savage makes sure to cum inside you every time, unless you specifically ask him not to. He pushes balls deep, up to the hilt, and lets loose inside you, absolutely coating your walls in sticky, creamy white. It’s usually so much that the moment he pulls out, it literally spills out of you, and something about that sight has Savage genuinely horny all over again. If it’s okay with you, because he always asks before he does anything, Savage will push it back in with a couple fingers.
D = dirty secret (what’s their dirty secret?)
... Okay, so be nice to him... Savage has a Mommy kink. It’s nothing too crazy, but it’s definitely there. He wants to call you to Mommy, listen to everything you say and tell him to do, be your “Good boy”. Honestly, it’s enough if you just call him the name, if you’re not comfortable with the title, and if you’re his gentle femdom (he would literally worship you). 
Thing is, he might never tell you this because it embarrasses him beyond belief, like cripplingly embarrassing, and he doesn’t know how you’ll react if he told you.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
To be honest, Savage has had no experience. Mostly, it’s because he was raised in an environment where he was taught that his purpose in life was only fighting, so he was never given/had the opportunity of sex. He never had the chance to explore that avenue with another person, because there was no one to explore it with and he was being trained half to death most of the time. Of course, he’s picked up things throughout his life from others, so he’s not clueless and has a semi-idea of how to please someone. So when you and him do the do for the first time, Savage is unsure of himself, a bit clumsy, and kinda self-deprecating. You’ll need to talk to him, tell him that he’s welcome to your body and that you want him, and walk him through some of the actions. So while your first time with Savage may be a bit... disorganized to put it gently, it is also so full of mutual love and respect and care that it is perfect.
And, fortunately for you and him, Savage is a very quick learner.
F = favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
Savage is a big guy and he knows this, so most of the positions you and him have to take is honestly a lot more for your safety than anything else. Especially at the beginning, Savage will want to be as safe as possible, so it’s most likely going to involve you on top of him, but as he gets more confident in his abilities, he’ll be more open to topping you. When it gets to that point of mutual trust, his favorite positions include:
Missionary. This position is just super personal and intimate for him. It allows Savage to see your every reaction, every gasp and moan you let out. He likes being face-to-face with you, being able to kiss you all over the whole time is especially important to him. Savage also likes missionary for being able to indulge on his size kink a bit, seeing you small and beneath him with his dick bulging inside you makes him so horny.
Cowgirl. Savage loves it when you ride him! He loves being able to watch you bounce on his dick, watching your breasts and anywhere else soft jiggle, being able to feel you up. Savage also likes when you top, being under you is just as nice as being above you (though he will admit the view from below is something real special).
G = goofy (are they the more serious type, or more humorous?)
Savage isn’t goofy, but he also isn’t serious. He doesn’t do a whole lot of teasing, preferring to give you exactly what you ask of him, but he isn’t so stoic as to be overly focused. He is in that warm middleground where he’s just an utter sap, just making sure he’s doing the best job he can just for you.
Sometimes though, if Savage is in a particularly playful mood, and especially if you both are, he’ll have you smiling and giggling from silly antics that he’ll do to please you. One of his go-to’s is flirtatiously flexing his muscles for you, which is a very nice sight.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Like I mentioned in my Maul NSFW alphabet, male Zabrak don’t have hair anywhere on their bodies. So Savage is completely smooth below the belt. He also doesn’t have a preference towards the hair you do or don’t have, Savage believes it isn’t his place to tell you what to do with your body.
I = intimacy ( how intimate are they during sex?)
Very. Savage has never been as close to someone as he is with you, so he wears his heart on his sleeve. Sex with Savage is overwhelming in its kindness, he indulges on the closeness that he’s never really had before with another person in this way. Savage practically melts into your arms, wanting so badly to show you how much he adores you, he opens his very soul to you. Intimacy, despite his cold upbringing, comes naturally to him, if not a bit surprising, but Savage wouldn’t have it any other way.
J = jack off (do they masturbate?)
Mm... not really, to be honest. He did “more” in his youth, when he could, but even then it was very secretive and few and far between. So yeah, Savage has indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, but he really doesn’t find the time nor motivation to yank it. Especially with you in his life, Savage is set.
K = kinks (any kinks?)
Savage does indeed have quite a few kinks, but he’s also a bit sheepish about them. He’ll tell you if you ask, but he’ll get all fidgety and awkward, so please be nice to him. Here’s his main ones:
Size kink. Savage is often self-conscious about his daunting height and bulk, but if there’s one area where he’s not, it’d be when he’s balls deep inside you, watching your pussy stretch to accommodate his length and the bulge that appears under your tummy. Something about it drives him near feral and makes him weak in the knees. He also loves how big his hands look as the travel your body, engulfing your skin with his palms and splayed fingers.
Breeding/pregnancy kink. He’s always liked kids, he would like kids with you, so Savage has a near crippling breeding kink. There isn’t a day where he doesn’t think about fucking you full of his seed and starting a family with you. He wants it so badly, to see you pregnant with his child, but he isn’t sure how to raise it to you. So, it’ll be a lot of very specific dirty talk and passing comments until he finally gathers the courage to tell you that he really really wants kids (and seeing you swollen with his baby and milk is just a bonus).
Praise kink. Savage loves to give praise and he loves to receive it! He’ll be complimenting and encouraging you the whole time, telling you how sexy your body is, how pretty you are to look at, how soft you are, how much he loves you, etc etc. His mouth gives only the most sincere, loving praise that’ll have you holding back tears with how kind it is. And if you say nice things back??? Savage is putty in your hands. Words cannot describe how much it means to him if you tell him how good he’s making you feel, how he’s doing so well, that he’s also sexy and that you love his body... or if you call him a “Good boy”.
Predator/prey. Despite his overall kind decorum, Savage really has a predator/prey kink, like more so than Maul, which is saying something. He really likes a good chase before doing the do, gets the blood pumping to all the right places. And while he never wants you scared of him, he does toy around and give you a good spook during the hunt to catch you off guard. Savage enjoys the startled shrieks that he’s able to smother with kisses until he has you panting and giggling.
Scent kink. Honestly, this is his Monkey Brain Zabrak mind rearing it’s head. Savage really just likes sniffing you all over, taking in your scent and committing it to memory. He especially loves smelling your hair and, more vulgarly, your pussy. To him, the aroma that is you is something he gets drunk on.
L = location (favorite place to “do the do”?)
Savage is most comfortable and secure in the bedroom, but that doesn’t mean it’s his favorite. He finds (after a while, of course, and gaining more experience) that he really really likes to fuck in the precarious spot that is the fucking throne room. It’s scandalous and dirty and bold, especially for Savage, but Maker, if he doesn’t love dragging you there in the dead of night and rawing you behind the throne.
M = motivation (what gets them turned on?)
There are two sure fire ways to get Savage hard in his pants that are completely opposite. One, Savage has a thing for you playing all cute with him. If you give him puppy dog eyes and act coy and helpless and needy, he’s on you as soon as he can be. Two, you act bold. Savage will get hot around the collar if you get get firm with him in public and whisper to him exactly what you want. He finds it very hard to say no to you if you give him such a compelling order.
N = NO (what’s their turn offs?)
Sadism. Savage just can’t do it. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you. He ties pain to the bouts of frustrated rage he’s prone to, pain that he inflicts on others that really hurt, or even kill them. Savage gets nightmares about laying his hands on you like that.
Also, Savage would not like being physically restrained in any way. That is a huge turn off for him, because it makes a lot of bad memories bubble to the surface.
O = oral (do they have a preference in giving/receiving?)
Savage wants nothing more than to eat you out. From the first time he ever tasted you, he was hooked. He’s addicted to your unique taste, sweet and perfect on his tongue, your warm, velvety pussy, that cute clit. Savage would spend hours with his head between your legs, mindful of his horns, if he could. He’ll lap at you like a dog, licking and kissing like he’s savoring a fine wine. Savage will have you cumming over and over again until your sobbing for him to stop.
His love for giving head honestly impedes his love for receiving head. He likes it when you do, mostly because it amuses and arouses him to see you struggle to take as much of him as you can, but it just doesn’t compare to eating you like a dessert. But if you do wish to go down on him, feel free to. Savage loves to see your tiny mouth work on his massive cock.
P = pace & PDA (are they soft, sensual, rough, or feral? are they open to displaying the relationship?)
SOFTIE ALERT SOFTIE ALERT!! Savage is so fucking sweet when he fucks because he puts so much thought and energy into it, he is the definition of making love. Savage fucks you hard and intensely, but it’s so careful and generous, because he doesn’t want to hurt you and just wants to treat you right. Savage literally could be blowing out your back, but it still feels like he’s worshipping your body like he’s at a temple.
Now PDA... Savage blushes if you hold his hand. He’s fairly alright with displaying the relationship, but if you do he’s a flustered, lovesick mess. He likes having a hand on you, especially holding yours, but if he has one on your lower back, he’s so awkward and sweet about it, but deep down it makes him feel really proud. Like, no one else gets to say that your his, and that has him so happy! PDA with Savage may be small, but it’s very cute.
Though if you kiss him in public, his brain shuts down and he swoons.
Q = quickies (what’s their opinion on quickies?)
Yes. Once you two have been at it for a while, Savage grows more and more fond of the appeal of quickies. He likes a good, quick release, though it doesn’t compare to having hours alone with you, but it’s fun nonetheless. Savage will most likely seek a quickie from you if there’s a lull in the day, when his and your schedules slow down enough to run back to your bedroom all giggly and flirty just to go a quick round or two.
R = risks (are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
Savage is so-so on experimenting. He’s very nervous about trying stuff that’s a bit more... drastic, so it’ll really depend on what you’re asking him to try. Though, if you coax him just enough and assure him that your with him on this, Savage will be a bit more sure of the situation and more likely to try stuff out.
As for taking risks though, like genuine risks, the only one he kinda allows himself is that rare throne room fuck that happens once in a blue moon when the climate’s right for it. Other than that, Savage doesn’t like doing too much risky stuff in the bedroom.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they last?)
A damn long time. Maybe it’s because he’s Zabrak, or maybe it’s because of his enhancements, but Savage has stamina for days. He’s easily able to last 4-5 rounds before his cock starts to protest, but even then he’ll push himself if you ask him to (though you probably will be too far gone by that point). Savage makes you cockdumb nearly every time you have sex, simply because he can just keep fucking. Like his dick stays hard even through the refractory period, and he stays just horny from when it all started. Savage, though he is embarrassed to admit this, is insatiable.
T = toys (do they own/use any toys?)
Savage has literally never even seen a toy in person. He has no idea how they work, what they’re used for, why people use them, what’s the appeal... He is painfully clueless. So if you want to bring toys into the mix, you’ll have to thoroughly run them down to Savage or he might get put off. Depending on the toy, he might get a little iffy around it and unsure.
The only toy that’s blacklisted for sure is any type of restraint. He does not like those.
U = unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
Savage is... kinda bad at teasing. He’s just too darn sweet to tease!! He can’t find it in his heart to have you begging... for too long, that is. He may be a softie, but that doesn’t mean he’s a pushover. Savage with lightly tease throughout, toying with you a little bit before he gives in to both yours and his desires, and ravishes you.
V = volume (how loud or quiet are they during sex?)
Loud. Savage, when he isn’t very sweetly teasing you, he will be grunting and groaning and moaning your name like there’s no tomorrow. He sounds like a wild animal, all growls and snarls, rumbling deep in his throat like thunder on the horizon. It’s near constant too, and very very sexy. And, if it’s during his heat or your squeezing his cock just right, Savage won’t even be able to talk, and he’ll be reduced to a moaning, panting mess until he’s able to gather himself again.
W = wildcard (what’s a random headcanon?)
I follow the headcanon that Zabrak go through heat/rut cycles, but I expand more on it here in Maul’s NSFW alphabet. Basically, it’s about the same for Savage; he had an upbringing where his sexuality was suppressed, which severely jacked up his heat cycle’s circadian rhythm, that led to years of feelings of inadequacy and shame, which then eventually led to Savage having a mini sexual resurgence once he was free from his main oppressors and oppression.
That being said, Savage’s heat cycle doesn’t come often, as it and he is still healing, but when it does he gets a bit more riled up and snippy. He’s just generally more grumpy and gets hypersensitive to smells/sounds which will make him snap at people. But he’s still Savage, so he’s still a sweetheart in his soul, if not a gruff one.
But Savage still suffers a bit from the whole shame surrounding his biology, so at first he won’t want you around when he goes into heat. It is shame, he doesn’t want you to see him like that. But you’re smart enough to catch on eventually, and you’ll really have to wriggle yourself in and pull him out of his comfort zone at the same time. Savage needs to be let known that his physiology is normal and fine, and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of it. You’ll meet a bit of push back at first, because you are trying to undo years of abuse, but eventually Savage comes around.
He still gives you the option if you want to stay with him or not, because he’s thoughtful like that. If you decide to stay with him and “help him out” so to say... expect long, fun nights.
X = x-ray & x-tra (what’s underneath those clothes? any more random headcanons?”)
Savage is literally just 7 feet of pure muscle. He already towers over most others, but his burly figure also has the tendency to intimidate. Savage is positively stacked, with the physique of an Olympic bodybuilder. He’s got shoulders wide enough to sit a person on either side of his head, strong arms to match, and an absolutely exquisite pair of brawny chest muscles. Savage doesn’t have washboard abs like Maul, but he isn’t exactly dad bod either, he sits in the middleground of some definition of his muscles and a light brushing of pudge. His long, beefy legs are also particularly fun to enjoy, especially those thighs of his... and his nice ass.
And of course, Savage’s inky black tattoos paint him delectably everywhere else on his body, engraving sharp patterns all over his canary yellow skin. He also has scars scattered over his body, mostly on his hands and arms, but there are a few long ones on his back from, ones that have silvered in age, that bring about very bad memories. Savage doesn’t like talking about them.
Now his schlong... Maker you are in for it. Savage has a really, really big cock between his legs that you can thank to the enhancements his body received. Savage’s penis is 11 inches (27.94 cm) when fully erect and is just under 3.5 inches (8.89 cm) in diameter, so he is positively hung. Like all Zabrak penises, it’s ridged down the shaft and he is uncut. His balls are also fairly big, due to his size, and they sit lower from their weight.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before Savage met you, his sex drive was relatively low. He was focused entirely on other things, most of which he didn’t really have a say in the matter, that drew a lot of his time and energy. Often, he was so exhausted that sex, and even sexual urges, literally never crossed his mind. Now after he’s met you, and has caught feelings nearly instantly, Savage finds himself thinking about fucking you a lot. Before you officially started a relationship, he spent many nights indulging himself with the thought of you and his hand. And when you both started dating, Savage damn near gets horny every time he looks at you. He realizes that he really likes sex, specifically he really likes it with you.
Z = zzzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Savage already has the tendency to sleep like a log after strenuous activities, so after you and him have done the Devil’s dance a couple times, he passes out almost instantly. Albeit, you’ll probably pass out just as fast too, so you both tend to fall asleep all sticky and messy and stupid happy. He does try though, to remain awake to give you solid aftercare, but listen, this mans is tired and he was wants to fall asleep with you in his arms. Though, he does sometimes stay aware enough to clean you up, just in case you don’t wanna go to bed sticky.
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dirtychocolatechai · 4 years
meet-cute | b.b.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Warning(s): fluff, awkward Bucky, vet appointment stuff, Alpine Request: Babes if you're lowkey taking requests can I lowkey make one? 👉🏼👈🏼🥺💕 something flirty and cute and maybe a lil spicy with Bucky and vet!reader where something's going on with Alpine? Not self indulgent at all 😻💖 Notes: This was the first thing I’ve written in months and it felt damn good. Funny story, I actually almost went to school to be a vet tech + shadowed a vet for two weeks and got to see some wickedly cool things.
This was a bit self-indulgent on my part because I had a cat who passed away some years ago because of struvite stones and I wished he had a happier ending like Alpine so I thought why not 🤷‍♀️💖
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There’s nothing Bucky hates more than the stringent smell of industrial cleaners and clinical white walls - too many associations and shades of memory long laid to rest - except for when something’s going on with Alpine. The Turkish Angora was fine up until a few days ago when he started to hide away and sleep all day.
That wasn’t too concerning at first...
But then came the pained little noises, the frantic running back and forth from the litter box, the excessive grooming. The pit that started forming low in his belly grew, his instincts screaming at him that something was wrong, very wrong, with his little buddy. 
Bucky wasn’t about to fuck around and set up an appointment with the first vet office he could find that had a same-day opening. And now he’s trying not to fall apart at the seams while he waits for the docs to do their magic and tell him what the hell’s going on with his cat and what he has to do to fix it.
The vet tech collected Alpine a bit ago and every minute stretches into years, the cat’s pitiful meow echoing in his ears and those betrayed eyes burned onto the backs of his eyelids.
I know, Bub, I’m sorry but they gotta figure out what’s going on. It’ll be okay, they’ll take care of you. 
His ass went numb from the plastic chair ages ago, his leg jiggling up and down at a rapid pace as he chews on his thumbnail and waits.
And waits.
And waits.
God, he knows these things take time but he’d rather be back at home, curled up on the couch with Alpine pigging out on breakfast food and watching space documentaries. 
How much longer-
“Alright, Mr. Barnes?”
The heavy door swings open with a click, a kind, professional voice preceding a pair of sensible shoes as the vet steps into the room with a clipboard cradled against her chest. His eyes snap up, skipping over her completely to look at the tech holding his cat who looks absolutely miserable. 
She introduces herself but he’s not paying attention. He’s not meaning to be rude but all his focus narrows in on that white little face, the knot in his chest unfurling at the little mew.
He smiles, his eyes crinkling around the edges as he breathes, “Hey there, Little Buddy.” 
The vet doesn’t push, in fact, she seems a little enamored with how much he melts at the sight of his pet. Her own lips quirk up into a soft smile while she stands off to the side patiently as Alpine’s set down on the metal table.
Bucky gets in a few good scritches under his chin, the beginnings of a purr just starting to vibrate his hand when the vet clears her throat delicately. 
He clears his throat, heat burrowing into the apples of his cheeks. “Shi - uh, ‘m sorry.” A hand scrubs over the back of his neck. “I’m just - uh - y’know...” 
Her laugh trickles down his spine like warm rain, the sound effectively drawing his attention away from the cat rubbing up against his side. He gets his first look at her and oh.
A bare face and a no-nonsense hairstyle greet him, her scrubs and white coat adding to the overall doctor vibe but she’s still breathtaking. The natural beauty in the curves of her face, the slant of her brows, the sparkle of her eyes.
He feels like he got sucker-punched in the chest, his heart giving a sudden throb that has him coughing like an idiot as he scrambles to not look like such a jackass.
“So,” he clears his throat, scratching at the stubble along his jaw, “What’s - what’s wrong with him?” 
Glancing down at Alpine’s chart, she hums and writes a note before glancing back up with a reassuring smile. “Nothing that can’t be managed with a special diet and watching his water intake.”
It’s like the weight of the world disappears from his shoulders, his broad frame practically heaving with his sigh of relief. “Oh thank fucking- ahem, ‘scuse me - thank god.” 
Her chuckle and sly smile have him blushing from the roots of his hair to the collar of his shirt, his stomach squirming in discomfort. Old habits are hard to break, especially ones his momma taught him with a box to the ear.
“You’re allowed to swear, Mr. Barnes,” she says, reaching down to run her fingers through snow-white fur. “We’re all adults here.” 
“No, no, I know...” 
“Hm, anyway, his blood work came back and everything looks fine which is a good thing.” 
And it’s back to business like that, any hint of personality hidden behind cool professionalism that Bucky thinks even Tasha would admire. Except for the playful gleam in her eyes as she sneaks peeks at him while going over everything they did and what they found. 
“Struvite crystals are quite common in cats at low levels, especially males because their tract is longer and narrower.” She pauses, flipping to a new page. “Depending on the severity, they can clump together in the urinary tract and actually form stones. That’s where the true problem lies because get one large enough, and it can cause a blockage.”
He’s listening with rapt attention, soaking in the knowledge she’s imparting to him all the while, petting Alpine who keeps nuzzling him and making little sounds. Honestly, he could listen to her talk for hours even if he didn’t understand a goddamn thing. 
She’s so animated when she speaks, holds eye contact and makes sure he understands everything without making him feel like an idiot. He’s had so many doctors who talked at him rather than with him, staring through him without seeing, more interested in the paycheck rather than their patients.
But not her, she cares.
He can see it all over her face and it’s utterly enchanting. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little enamored, charmed.
Turning the tablet towards him, she shifts closer and a waft of whatever perfume she’s wearing tickles his nose as she explains what the x-ray of Alpine’s abdomen found.
“These are the stones but thankfully they’re relatively small,” she points to several hazy white ovals starkly visible on the radiograph, “We caught them in time before they became a really big problem.” 
Shit, she smells so good...
 “Now, we’ll send you home with a special diet and see how he does. Also, make sure to up his fluid intake as much as you can. The food can take several months to start dissolving the crystals so we’ll have to do everything we can to help. Sound good?”
Bucky hasn’t pulled his eyes away from her face once this entire time, and how fucking creepy is that?
Quickly looking down at Alpine, embarrassment gnawing at his belly, he nods and wishes for the first time since he cut his hair that he hadn’t so he’d at least have a passing chance at hiding the blush burning its way across his face. 
“Yeah,” he says, picking up the ball of white fluff to hold against his chest, a makeshift shield. “Is there anything else I should do?” 
“No.” She smiles, writing another note and tapping away at the tablet next to her. “I do want to see him again in about a month for a check-up.”
Fuck, he doesn’t want to leave so soon.
The irony isn’t lost on him either.
How does he make this last longer? What can he do? If Sam was here right now, he’d be kicking him in the ass and bitching at him to ask for her number already, Ice Pick.
The clack of the chart being set down rings through the room, bouncing off the walls and sounding so fucking final that he starts to panic. 
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. 
She’s already halfway to the door when she asks, “Do you have any questions?”
The word vomit spring from him, unbidden and sudden without any thought, more forward than he’s been with a woman in years.
“Can I have your number?”
As soon as the question leaves his lips, he curses, cringes and wishes he could snatch the very words from the air itself.
Great, I just hit on my vet.
No amount of backpedaling can salvage this but goddamn it if Bucky doesn’t try, stuttering out some half-assed excuse about wanting it just in case he thinks of something later.
When he glances up, he wishes he hadn’t. The vet tech is in near tears in the corner, biting her lips so hard he wouldn’t be surprised if they started to bleed.
But it’s the absolute surprised bafflement on the woman he just inappropriately hit on that does him in, makes him about ready to burn all forms of identification and run for the hills. 
Her brows nearly reach her hairline, her mouth slack, eyes startled. She gets ahold of herself before he does, and he barely stops himself from slapping a hand over his face.
Right when he’s thinking there’s no way he’s going to be able to show his face in the office again, her expression softens with gentle amusement and her lips twitch. 
Struck dumb, he can only watch as she writes something down on a slip of paper before handing it over to him. He barely believes the string of numbers and the cheeky little call me anytime :).
The wink she sends his way is there and gone, so fast he almost believes he imagined it. 
“For emergencies only,” she says, slyly. “Of course.”
“Of course,” he agrees, almost tripping over the cat carrier as he hurries to stuff Alpine back in. “Of course, thank you. I...appreciate it.” 
“Anytime, Mr. Barnes.” 
Bucky leaves the room in a stupor, the world sharply shifted to the left as he heads to the front desk to make the follow-up appointment, but not before hearing the whispered, “Girl, you’re lucky. He’s fine!” and the “He is, isn’t he?”. 
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chemicalpink · 3 years
JK's Birth time analysis
First and foremost, I’m just doing this to occupy my mind in something else while I go through some stuff, I will continue to use the general consensus of the community for my astrology readings, I’m just doing this for fun, remember that we as fans are in no way entitled to know JK’s exact birth time, these are just fun educated guesses on some alternative that has arisen.
Now, I must say, when I first started the astro part of my bts blog I immediately thought 1 pm for JK’s birth time, I don’t have any factual backup on this one, I’ve talked about it before, I am kind of a human tarot deck lmao things sometimes just come to me. So I started roaming around and I found that JK’s libra rising made sense to me, and it was a general consensus for his readings so I said sure let's go. You know that I endorse and adore having conversations with you guys, my craft isn’t perfect and no one else's is so it is great to hear every opinion to forge our own judgement. I do only present to you information that I can back up, which is why as much as I’d love to I won’t be taking into consideration my own personal hunch on the info I’m about to present you, although you can read it as subtext when it is in italics like this hello this is an inner thought of marinette’s.
SO the big deal: Is JK a libra rising or is JK a sagittarius rising? General consensus says 8:04 am as speculated time of birth, some others say 1-2 pm.
Either way, JK’s sect remains nocturnal so there’s not much to go from there.
When it comes to appearances, I’ll update what I said before.
Libra rising appearance:
Very youthful look that it seems like you don’t even age
Gentle smile
Charming demeanour that makes people obsessed with you
Very symmetrical features
Fit body
Contagious smile
Put together look/ clean look
Dark hair and dark eyes
Oval/Round face
Think Harry Styles, Beyoncé, Niall, Britney Spears
Sagittarius rising appearance:
Bulky thighs
Horse like face
Big forehead
Incredibly tall or more than average tall
Gain weight easily
Not really athletic
Pretty full lips
Think Kim Kardashian, Elvis, Jennifer Lawrence, Paris Hilton
Evidently, other aspects in astrology and genetics can alter these, but it is mostly true.
Now, I am not that well versed in vedic astrology since I stopped studying it due to lack of time BUT the infamous thread that looks into the possibility of JK being a sag rising is pretty elaborate, although it does run more on intuitive processes and symbolism, which are of course, valid, and it really is up to both the analyst and the ones reading the analysis to determine the weight of it. My craft is more oriented towards intersectionality so I don’t like to go by what we are able to see about him as an axis, more like confirmation about it. Idk if it makes sense. I just don't trust seemingly scripted content that much to run my analysis based on it. Everything mentioned about JK Jyestha makes sense when looking at the content presented, and it will make even more sense once we take a look at some other non western astrology systems. Again, I am not well versed in vedic astrology so right off the bat I would fight the conversion system rather than the information presented.
Regarding that thread, some of the keywords used to conclude JK’s Jyestha are as follows:
King, Winning, Ambitious, Passionate, Skillful, Eldest, 1st, Seniority, Expertise, Sensory indulgence, Celebration, Bravery, Heroic, Dragon Slayer, Warrior, Rain, Thunder, Umbrella, Protector, Provider, Scandalous, Impulsive, Bunny, Deer, Earring, Eye.
In western astrology, a general comparison on placements would look something like this.
Sun in 8° 33' Virgo
Moon in 27° 20' Leo
Mercury in 7° 49' Virgo (r)
Venus in 16° 58' Libra
Mars in 11° 7' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 15' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 28' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 11' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 45' Libra
Ascendant in 4° 20' Libra
MC in 4° 46' Cancer
1st House starts at 4° Libra
2nd House starts at 1° Scorpio
3rd House starts at 2° Sagittarius
4th House starts at 4° Capricorn
5th House starts at 7° Aquarius
6th House starts at 7° Pisces
7th House starts at 4° Aries
8th House starts at 1° Taurus
9th House starts at 2° Gemini
10th House starts at 4° Cancer
11th House starts at 7° Leo
12th House starts at 7° Virgo
In here, the main aspect I can relate JK to is Cancer MC, MC represents your public self, as well as the success level you might experience. Cancer MC is all about taking care of others, yet it can also point towards a career in arts, especifically singing and writing, it also indicates a strong possibility of psychic abilities which have been widely discussed in JK with his readings and such all while having the main troubles of being an impatient person and sometimes getting self conscious which we have heard him say before when he refers to himself knowing how to do stuff yet he doesn’t think he’s good at any of them, or his letters to himself about having to love himself more.
Another pretty JK thing I’ve noticed is his Virgo Stellium in the 12th House, which shows struggles with identity JK has, once again, being vocal about him growing up within BTS and how that has shaped him and how he has constantly been looking for himself. They often absorb the struggles of people around them. Does anyone else remember him saying he’s okay as long as his hyungs are okay? Also, singing and dancing are very powerful manifestation tools for these people huh maybe that’s why he writes and sings love songs. This aspect also indicates him having the potential to amass a large amount of wealth, some astrologers think about this stellium as an extremely karmic one, which can be translated into the whole JK’s soulmate narrative.
When it comes to his 5th house, it indicates him being a hell of a creative person, especially in a somewhat rebellious sense which I interpret as him getting a sleeve tattoo It also talks about not being traditional in relationships which I believe has come out a few times in his tarot readings.
With Sag rising, his chart would look something like this:
Sun in 8° 45' Virgo
Moon in 29° 46' Leo
Mercury in 7° 37' Virgo (r)
Venus in 17° 12' Libra
Mars in 11° 15' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 13' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 27' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 10' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 46' Libra
Ascendant in 5° 28' Sagittarius
MC in 18° 28' Virgo
1st House starts at 5° Sagittarius
2nd House starts at 7° Capricorn
3rd House starts at 12° Aquarius
4th House starts at 18° Pisces
5th House starts at 19° Aries
6th House starts at 14° Taurus
7th House starts at 5° Gemini
8th House starts at 7° Cancer
9th House starts at 12° Leo
10th House starts at 18° Virgo
11th House starts at 19° Libra
12th House starts at 14° Scorpio
In this case, his MC is in Virgo, it mainly indicates a tactful and slow success in someone’s career, these MC Virgo people are often regarded as overly responsible and as people that like to get recognised as people to whom nothing is hard enough for them to call it quits. While they openly seek perfection which ofc JK has always talked about improving himself they often love to do the stuff that others despise to do like countinc, calculating and organising.
Evidently there's no 12th House stellium, he would have a 9th House Leo stellium, which is most of the times noticeable at first glance, the moment these people open their mouths, everything is just extraordinaire, there’s a longing to be loved and to be admired in this aspect. They’re inspirational people to be around which JK is, if I remember the members saying that they get inspired when watching him make efforts. They’re also overly curious about stuff around them big doe eyes anyone?
In this case he would have a 5th House aries, meaning that there’s a need to be physically active and being creative on top of that which I mean does check out. They do tend to be openly superficial people and big-headed when they are in a successful position tho.
So okay, let’s talk native astrology, JK’s Tzolkin is Tz’i-Oc, noted by their need of freedom and less traditional relationships, they work tirelessly and have an innate ability to be successful and accumulate a lot of wealth once again, JK’s position in BTS shows up HE’s in a basic need of having a strong foundation, which he will not like to lead but more take the role of a caregiver that can easily turn into the one receiving care. Here’s the thing, there are a lot of Libra themes in his Day Sign and his Trecana Sign, both of them talking about justice, fairness, helpfulness, as well as him being a nomad which I interpret as having a libra/virgo mix that is really hard to miss Now, this is where it gets funny, His galactic tone is 4, which while it talks about balance and calmness and tranquility libra like it also is represented by a warrior, which is part of the twitter thread as one of the symbolisms to think about sag rising
Last but not least, JK’s bazi, since his contextual situation is leaning more towards it. I did a comparion and it caught my eye the next part:
One of the widely talked about symbols in the sag rising thread is the element of water being consistent with JK, and in his bazi, ¾ Na Yin, the element of water came out, however, they came out when his birth time is 08:04 am.
In his 08:04 bazi, some keywords are:
In his 13:00 bazi, some keywords are:
monetary loss
star of arts
heavenly doctor
So really it all boils down to: we do readings for fun, craft is personal and completely valid in any form as long as we aren’t hurting anyone. We do not know his actual birth time and we actually might never know it, each astrologer is free to work with the birth time they consider the best fitting unless a specific time is given. I myself, see a libra rising fitting, perhaps if we were to trial and error it, some other might come out but honestly, these readings are a hobby and while I dedicate myself to my craft, I certainly don’t have the time that it would require to analyze each placement so I can see for myself which I find the best fitting out of 12 signs. But hey, this was a fun educational opportunity to dive into other practices.
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gogglor · 3 years
Cap-Ironman RecWeek: Tropey Tuesday
Over the past year my pandemic brain decided it would produce happy chemicals exclusively by reading and writing Stony fanfiction. On the advice of counsel, I decided to take my happy chemicals where I could get’em. And the result is that I’ve had the tremendous pleasure of reading some absolutely incredible works of art by some immensely talented people. And since it’s @cap-ironman RecWeek, I figured this is as good of an excuse as any to make some posts recommending my favs (and try to keep self-recs to a minimum, but I’m only human).
I skipped Multiverse Monday since I’m still not well-versed enough in the multiverse to talk about it with any kind of recommendational authority, but today is Tropey Tuesday, and so I would like to share some fics from my all-time-favorite, major-reason-I-bother-with-the-MCU, gets-me-every-time trope:
Found Family
And so, without further ado, here are some Found Family Stony fics that I simply adore.
Avengers Family Ficlets
Author: elwenyere
Word Count: 8,548
Summary: “You built a neural network that analyzes squash,” Bruce said flatly, “and you attached it to a laser.” A collection of short stories set in the extended Domestic Avengers Universe.
Why You Should Read It:
Thing number one that you should understand about me is that I would be perfectly happy with a story about body-less entities making funny quips at each other in  a featureless void, and anything else is just a bonus. Elwenyere’s stories consistently get the banter down so unbelievably, ridiculously well that when you find out they also have heart, creativity, well-developed characters, and so much damn feeling in them, it feels like an embarrassment of riches.
Go read all of their stuff, please, but this one’s a great place to start. It’s got everything you could possibly want in a fic: over-competitive pumpkin carving, emotional hospital confessions, Christmas decorations that come to life and attack people, crab dip, Steve Rogers accidentally ruining Thanksgiving through the sheer power of his own snark, and most importantly, a bunch of human disasters that somehow make a beautiful family together.
Executive Party
Author: copperbadge
Word Count: 3,228
Summary: Tony's terrible December is suddenly looking up.
Why You Should Read It:
Copperbadge is another author where you should read everything they’ve put out there. They’ve got this phenomenally creative mind that manages to consistently draw out deeply human stories that can kinda catch you off-guard in the places they find touching moments. You might’ve heard of their very popular Foodieverse, which is an incredibly creative AU with the Avengers in the food service industry, but this is the one I come to whenever I’m looking to indulge in my favorite trope.
Tony’s looking forward to spending the night before SI breaks for Christmas doing paperwork. Steve gets the Avengers to have an impromptu video game Christmas Party in his office instead. Cb’s also got a gift for banter (I have a type when it comes to writers, ok?), and the little details like Steve’s carnage record on GTA, Natasha’s Russian appreciation for country music, and Steve’s SHIELD break-up mixtape make it just a goddamn delight to read.
patchwork people
Author: itsAllAvengers
Word Count: 28,247
Summary: It was a pretty well-known fact that Tony Stark had control issues.It was far less well-known why, though.
CW: Past abuse and non-con (not by main pairing)
Why You Should Read It:
If you’re the kind of person who regularly thinks to themself “You know what Tony Stark needs? More trauma,” then this is the fic  for you.
Tony’s got some serious trust issues and PTSD thanks to some shitty, shitty exes. This is the story about how Tony learns to trust again, Avenger by Avenger, in his new Found Family. Come for the Whump, stay for the found family insomnia infomercial parties and Steve Rogers getting arrested for enacting some sweet, sweet karmic justice.
And now we get into a sub-genre of Found Family that is also a huge weakness of mine: Tony thinks he’s only tolerated instead of wanted, and his found family convinces him otherwise.
Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore
Author: scifigrl47
Word Count: 22,187
Summary: Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound.  The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick. And some things shouldn't be a chore.
Why You Should Read It:
Honestly it feels a bit like cheating to recommend the first work in scifigrl47′s tremendously popular Toasterverse, since I’m pretty sure a lot of people who don’t even like or regularly read fanfiction have liked this one, even indirectly. Sci is so ludicrously good at building an engaging, creative, character-driven universe that this series is responsible for most of the fanon you know and love about MCU fanfics. Tony’s bot Butterfingers? Sci made him up for this story. Thor’s love of Pop Tarts? Clint the vent goblin? All sci. They’re just that damn good at world-building.
In this fic, the Avengers try out a chore chart. Hilarity and feels ensue. I don’t want to say anymore and risk spoiling it because if you’ve managed to get far enough in Stony fanfiction to read this post and haven’t yet read the Toasterverse, I want to keep the experience pristine for you to enjoy. Please read this. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll reserve a hypothetical genie wish to make this series the actually canon MCU (God knows I have).
Hold the Things You Wanna Say
Author: SailorChibi
Word Count: 6,316
Summary: Tony is still a consultant, and between SI, the team and SHIELD he's overworked and exhausted. That's okay. He and Steve have been having sex for weeks but that's all it is, just sex, and Tony wants more but he'll never get it and that's okay. Really. What's not okay is the fact that Howard Stark has somehow appeared in the future and is the same as always. This is definitely going to fuck up his schedule.
CW: Abuse, Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting
Why You Should Read It:
SailorChibi’s one of those authors I’ve been meaning to get around to reading all their stuff for, but it’s tricky when you have a short attention span and an author that is just so damn prolific. They’re a multi-fandom maven consistently putting out some really great stuff, and they’re absolutely worth checking out.
This story’s a real yank on the heartstrings, and as someone who can really identify with Tony’s fear of failing the people he cares about, the point in the story where he reaches his low is just unbelievably poignant. But the warmth and the wholesomeness of the end made my heart grow three sizes the day I read it. And the love that all these idiots have for each other is just so damn palpable in this story, it damn near made me cry.
Author: Orphan Account :(
Word Count: 4,952
Summary: There are obvious downsides to being the only member of the Avengers who is not a super soldier, a god, or a super assassin, and does not Hulk out when aggravated. The most obvious one is that when villains want bait, they've got a go-to guy. Tony already knew Mondays sucked. He did not need his opinion reinforced this way.
Why You Should Read It:
It’s such a bummer I can’t plunder this author’s other works because I love this one so much!
Tony gets kidnapped and says a lot of self-deprecating things that, unbeknownst to him, are projected on a live feed to the Avengers. They rescue him and have some opinions about how easily he could be replaced. This story’s got Tony hiding from feelings like an idiot, Steve manually carrying Tony somewhere the Avengers can say nice things about him, and a lot of feels.
That’s it for today! Tune in tomorrow for some AU recs!
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ak8shi · 4 years
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Astrology Analysis: Akaashi Keiji
☼ sagittarius ☽ taurus ☿ sagittarius ♀︎ capricorn ♂︎ capricorn
Akaashi takes a lot of pride in his intellect, as he should! even though he comes off extremely logical when he’s playing volleyball, he can also think abstractly and creatively. he is someone who wants to explore and travel in his lifetime. i mean, he’s great at strategizing and dealing with Bokuto at the same time, so he can juggle these different problem-solving skills. 
i think we can all agree Akaashi has a calming presence in general, and he notices very subtle things happening around him that others may not pick up on, such as him being the only one to notice kageyama choking and handing him water LMAOO. the combination of his sagittarius sun and taurus moon gives him an underlying warmness, even though he may come off as aloof or stoic to others.
Akaashi is often someone who battles with whether he should be listening to his heart or to logic; he is very introspective when it comes to life and why things happen...and that’s on no matter what others may say, we are the protagonists of the world 🤪!
when I saw that his lilith sign was cancer, I had to laugh because it's SO like him💀. he hates asking others for help or leaning on others, and he probably won’t immediately tell you if something is wrong. you need to let him know that it is okay to ask for help sometimes (please someone hug him)!!!
his cap aspects also give him outstanding leadership skills, I mean he’s truly captain material! he is highly analytical and understands where his teammates are at, and he can assess tough situations aka him trying to help Bokuto lmfao.
maybe this was only surprising to me, but he’s a smooth talker okayyy, like that sag mercury? He just knows what to say except when it comes to expressing his feelings HAHA
━In a relationship:
like Kuroo, he has a taurus moon and definitely would have to know you for a long period of time before anything else; additionally, he’s not here for games with his capricorn aspects, and he simply isn’t going to waste his time...but if you’re special to him, he’ll protect you with his life honestly. 
Square between Mercury and Saturn: Akaashi may not be the best at expressing himself through words at first, but when he says something, he really means it and thinks things through before speaking. i think we see this a lot with the way he talks to Bokuto, he doesn’t tease him or really make fun of him like everyone else on Fukurodani, he thinks about what is going to make the situation better to lead Bokuto into a better mood rather than saying whatever comes to mind! with a s/o I think he definitely would take into account your love language (if its words of affirmation, he would work on it), but I think his main love language would be doing acts of service for his s/o to show he cares.
Venus in Capricorn: I’m a little biased because I also have a cap venus, but I love this about him! he would woo his s/o by showing them that he has his life together basically lol, he’s the type to bring you to a coffee shop near his office to be like “oh what a coincidence..lemme tell you about my job...” Akaashi is someone who triple checks that you are the one, and then once he knows, he commits to you 1000%, ride or die type beat. 
also with a cap venus, he likes to daydream about domesticity! he loves the idea of a family and settling down with his soulmate!
he is willing to work so hard for you, especially with those capricorn placements, he’s not half-assing your relationship and expects the same effort from you. 
he would love a dressy night out to a high-end restaurant, and suit and tie events! don’t get me wrong, he would love spending time with you doing anything, but he just loves getting dressed up!!
when I saw that he had a capricorn venus and mars,,, I shivered, it makes SO SO much sense to me!! He takes it slow and steady, and he likes to draw out sex. no quickies, unless you’re both extremely desperate. the most important thing for him is being in control!
I think a lot of people think he’s a soft dom… but girl that is NOT what his chart is saying… his true self falls somewhere close to hard dom sorry!
Akaashi has a conjunction between venus and mars, so he’s extremely passionate and for him, the energy formed within your relationship transfers directly to the sexual relationship, let me explain: if the relationship is more friends with benefits, he will not see it as more than that most likely. if you form a strong relationship based on strong and compassionate love, that will transfer to how he acts in the bedroom. 
WHEW, okay so Akaashi gets off on seeing you unravel basically. he wants you to come as many times as possible before he’s even taken a piece of clothing off; he indulges in the feeling of being responsible for your pleasure and being the only one to control you.
however, even though he feel love towards you, he doesn’t really like lovey-dovey sex; he enjoys more dettached, rough sex, he isn’t going to go easy on you!! 
he might be into pet names, even going as far as being degrading towards you(with your permission of course) and he’s definitely into things like bondage and blindfolding🥵
Akaashi is really into biting, marking, and long makeout sessions as well; he wants to see you with hickies all over.
MULTIPLE ROUNDS, period. he has great endurance and he can hold himself back from finishing for SO long, truly a man.
however, once he sees that you’ve had enough, the iciness in his eyes disappears and he turns into the king of aftercare, that taurus moon JUMPS out. 
━Favorite aspects:
Trine between Moon and Neptune: I LOVE this about him he has such as affinity towards music and the arts in general. Akaashi lives with music around him as inspiration, and he’s definitely the type that listens to music pertaining to his mood! 
Sextile between Moon and Saturn: Akaashi comes off very reserved not because he’s unemotional, but because he’s actually very mature. even in a crisis, he rarely loses his cool and is able to work through the situation calmly and responsibly, which is shown every time he has to deal with one of Bokuto’s mood swings on the court. he is definitely the type of person who has his shit together due to his ability to set realistic goals, prioritize, stay organized, and work diligently🤓. (Individuals with this aspect are often known to appear elegant and attractive, which is so fitting for our pretty setter!)
━Negative aspects:
Square between Sun and Saturn: as someone who doesn’t experience failure often, I can definitely see how this aspect could cause akaashi to struggle mentally. in the face of failure or someone failing to acknowledge his efforts towards something, he gets in his head immediately, he has very high standards for himself. mental blocks are common with him when he can’t seem to figure out something that is nagging him. in other words, he is very much a perfectionist and stalls when things go wrong sometimes.
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sakuatsu · 4 years
oh boy. oh boy do i have much to talk about
here’s a list of my sakuatsu must-reads under the cut! complete with links, word count, ratings, and occasional commentary because i’m incapable of shutting up. this isn’t in any particular order either 
(keeping this sfw and organized into canonverse/AUs. a * means i am on my hands and knees begging for you to read this)  
i’ll try to update this somewhat regularly :]
most recently updated august 25, 2020!
*your highs and lows (series) by astroeulogy 
a post-time skip canonverse series born from these two questions:
1. what if sakusa kiyoomi, known too-blunt jerk, is equally straightforward about his soft, tender feelings?
2. what if miya atsumu, resident big fat jerk who doesn't care if his teammates hate him, is too emotionally stunted to notice when his one of his teammates actually likes him?
this is like the sakuatsu series but it’s blasphemous to not recommend. the first fic in the series is all that you were (4.6k, T). mind the ratings on a few of the fics, but my personal favorite is #3: a masterpiece of domesticity called you have tamed me (5.7k, T). these make me ACHE 
*sakuatsu domesticity simulator by pseudoanalytics (T)
a vaguely interactive mixture of fic, art, and html, where you too can experience the inherent romance of a big fat jerk and a too-blunt jerk attempting intimacy
this fic...this fic...op is literally one of my favorite artists of all time but Did You Know that their writing is also off the charts. what a wonderful use of second person and the pacing is so good. too much skill in one person 
*The MSBY Black Jackals Read Thirst Tweets by isaksara (11.4k, M)
Sakusa’s eyes are very dark naturally, sucking in all surrounding rays of light and crushing them in his pupils. For an athlete, he is rather pale. His lips look very pink in comparison. Atsumu is suddenly catastrophically aware that in this instance, ‘accent’ is a euphemism. “Good enough for your Olympic-size ego, Miya?”
(In which Atsumu realizes that he is attracted to Sakusa Kiyoomi in the most inconvenient way possible.)
i think this is the fic that got me into sakuatsu in the first place lol i was looking very specifically for msby socmed fics and now here we are. this fic is unbelievably funny
*liminal spaces by hhatsuna (25.9k, T)
Fuck you, Atsumu thinks, pointing at the pixelated Sakusa in the grainy team photo on his bedside table.
It’s easier than you’d think to ignore loving your teammate.
*Better For Us Both by abrandnewheart (15.7k, M)
Where “You already make me the happiest guy alive, babe," gives way to, “I’ve not been happy for a while now.”
Alternatively known as the ‘mug fic’.
yes this is a breakup fic. yes im going to recommend it anyway. breakup fics usually scare me a lot but this one is too good for me to not say anything about. nuanced and delicious. i look at the mug on my desk and feel pain
dog eat dog eat dog world by perennials (8.4k, T)
You are your first and only line of defense against the universe.
Koi no Yokan; 恋の予感 by ymra (15.3k, unrated)
Wherein Sakusa dreams of his future selves and discovers a little something along the way.
autumn ends, but we remain by wolfsbvne (5.3k, T)
atsumu stares at his ceiling at 2am. he stares until he can make out designs in his popcorn ceiling. a cat there, an onigiri here, and then something that suspiciously looks like a mop of hair, triangle eyebrows, and oh those two bumps are moles right above what atsumu just mapped out as an eye.
(or, atsumu is in kind of in love. sakusa is maybe in like.)
your fingertips, branding irons by Ceryna (5.8k, T)
Between the accidental touches he's reconciled, the deliberate ones he's endured, and, from those he's built years of trust with, obliged– Kiyoomi has never wanted to let someone indulge.
Never, until Atsumu.
take what’s yours and make it mine by claudusdiei (5.9k, T)
atsumu falls in love four times in his life
(or: in which atsumu gets his heart broken twice, has the self-awareness of a sober mule and really likes yellow tulips)
every action has an equal and opposite reaction by akanemnida (10.4k, T)
Miya Atsumu gets a modeling contract with Calvin Klein, which sets Kiyoomi's heart in motion.
(Or: Sakusa Kiyoomi realizes that the rules governing the universe are absolute rubbish at explaining matters of the heart.)
*where i want to be by tookumade (8.8k, G)
In the time they’ve been teammates at the MSBY Black Jackals, Sakusa has never been to Atsumu’s place, and Atsumu has only been to Sakusa’s a few times. There’s an unspoken understanding here: that Atsumu knows him well enough to know that nobody’s house or apartment would ever really meet his ridiculously high standards, and he is most comfortable in the home he’s made for himself.
That, and, Atsumu being over at Sakusa’s means that he has to host him and do the cleaning afterwards, while Atsumu can just flit off back to his own place. So. There’s that.
Tonight. Tonight is not business as usual. Tonight is not familiar.
*san'yō expressway, 6:17 pm by yamabato (8.1k, T)
Atsumu tilts his head to watch a slice of orange light bend over the impassive planes of Sakusa’s face. He is absolutely, ruthlessly beautiful. It makes Atsumu want to punch something—put his foot through the windshield—scream, maybe.
Kiss him again, maybe.
They have 344 kilometers to figure this one out.
parallax error: angle of inclination by min_mintobe (10.8k, T)
But now there's the one person Atsumu'd promised himself never to touch. His eyes leave Atsumu breathless with guilt at seventeen, and he spends the next six years safe in the satisfaction of making things right.
Feelings, of the physical kind, and one kiss.
ft. competitive spirit, childishness, and late night conversations.
Atsumu POV.
four leaf clover by vicari_us (5.9k, T)
Once, Ushijima claimed that they ‘got lucky’. If properly honed, their body types could become near invincible weapons.
However, unlike Ushijima, Kiyoomi’s weapon required a bit more care over the years to reach the condition it had become. He was born iron, not yet forged into steel.
Exploring what it might have taken to turn a genetic mistake into an athletic miracle.
*the 28 postcards you left me by wheelspokes (8.3k, T)
Atsumu takes texting your ex to a new level by sending Sakusa postcards in Animal Crossing instead.
such a unique premise & this is so beautifully structured. stunning flow and who knew animal crossing could convey so much longing...
Pas De Deux by hhatsuna (dancer!sakusa au: 19.0k, T)
The mystery athlete gives Kiyoomi a once over in the mirror. “Yer pretty tall,” he observes, and the twang of an accent rasps low in his throat. His brazen eyes drift to Kiyoomi’s legs, and something like exhilaration glints gold in his gaze. “Good quads, too. Ya ever played volleyball?” Ah. So it’s volleyball.
“I’m a dancer. Ballet and contemporary, mostly.”
*my love, take your time by bastigod (archaeologist!sakusa au: 9.0k, T)
There was something sublime about wandering around an empty museum. Nothing could compare to the sound of his shoes clacking against the marble floor, the morning sunlight gently streaming through the lofty windows and the peaceful solitude of ancient stone kings overseeing their silent kingdoms.
A day in the life of Doctor Kiyoomi Sakusa, Archaeologist.
i’ve literally been thinking about this fic every day since it came out. you will not find a story like this anywhere else, i guarantee you. what a clear labor of love this fic is it’s truly something so special 
three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus (surgeon!sakusa & microbiologist!atsumu au: 19.7k, T)
“I just got this job, I’m not givin’ it up for some moral boost ‘cause I actually need to pay my rent, ya insensitive -” Atsumu waves his hands around, trying and failing to come up with the right word to convey the amount of injustice that this gaunt motherfucker has brought into his relatively simple life thus far.
“If you can’t pay your rent, go get a job at the McDonald’s over by 8th Street,” Sakusa growls, “it’ll pay more than your researcher position.”
If you even attempt assault on a coworker, forget teaching about cells - you’ll fucking be in one, Atsumu.
*Dance of the Parallax by astroeulogy (ogre spirit!sakusa au: 6.7k, T)
For the last twenty years, Atsumu’s done all that he can to break his betrothal to the ogre spirit Sakusa. If he can just make it through one more night, he’ll be free.
honestly, just read everything by astroeulogy. i’m recommending this fic in particular because it has such an ethereal voice to it. magical
across oceans, across centuries by starstrikes (pacific rim au: 20.0k, T)
Six days ago, Osamu died and left Atsumu with this: Atsumu, you have to—
(Namikira rises with the tides and rips Osamu and Vulpis Empress away in one fell swoop. Six days later, Atsumu wakes up alone in a hospital bed and learns how to swim.)
you don’t actually need to know pacrim to appreciate this. a wonderful exploration of grief and recovery. also it’s exactly 20k words which is both satisfying and terrifying 
*Notte Stellata by awkwardedgeworth (ice skating/dancing au: 20.8k, T)
"Your partner doesn't need to hold anyone's hand other than yours," Sakusa's father crouches, "And you can wear gloves."
Sakusa ponders. He hears the other skaters of rink two whiz past as they launch themselves into lifts.
"Alright," He looks up from the ice, not knowing how he'll dedicate the next couple of decades to this sport, this partnership, this boy.
what a stunning fic. a beautiful progression of sakusa & atsumu’s relationship, rife with references to real skating programs, beautifully written and structured. so full of longing i’m in mild physical pain
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 years
Hey!! I loved reading your How To Levi x Reader mini-breakdown, and as a fellow self-indulgent writer (not that I share any 👀), how would you go about writing a platonic love, like 'we're best friends and only friends but also I love you let's never be apart, I would die for you.' I really struggle trying to write that line, do you have any tips? 🥺 Thank you for reading <33Hey!! I loved reading your How To Levi x Reader mini-breakdown, and as a fellow self-indulgent writer (not that I share any 👀), how would you go about writing a platonic love, like 'we're best friends and only friends but also I love you let's never be apart, I would die for you.' I really struggle trying to write that line, do you have any tips? 🥺 Thank you for reading <33
i adore platonic relationships, to the point where i'm pretty sure many of my romantic relationships just come off as "best friends who kiss sometimes."
here's some of my thoughts under the cut!
the thing is, the dynamic plays the other way around too. i tend to write close friends as people who are in love but probably wouldn't kiss if given the chance. my sister read the first part of the series i'm currently writing, and at this part:
Millie Shackel is every bit the Stohess lady you are, the Rose to your Maria, the jelly to your butter.
she raised a brow, looked up at me, and asked, "are you sure this isn't a millie x reader?"
which was a joke, but she's right in the sense that it does sound like reader is talking about someone as though she's in a relationship with them.
the truth is, any of the best platonic relationships you'll see in any media, there will always be people who ship them. take harry and hermione from harry potter. harry has said in the books that he sees hermione as a sister, but people can still see a romantic relationship between them (and although i don't particularly like the ship, that's not a bad thing and i'm not bashing the ship). even in aot, people ship sasha and connie, or levi and hange. both relationships that are never blatantly romantic, but they just have such good chemistry that you can't help but think there might be something there. and that's why i think you should write friendships as romantic, as intense, and as dedicated as you want. put the chemistry off the charts.
friends act like couples a lot. i'm not saying everyone does, but i rest my head on my friend's shoulders and tease them in a way that could come off as flirtatious. people in my high school thought my best friend and i were dating. it's going to come off a certain way whether you want it to or not. honestly, that's how you know you've written a damn good platonic relationship.
some more examples, just so i can drive the point home:
Millie has her head in your lap, a map in her hands as she shakes her head. Apparently there’s something marvelous about the document, since she can’t keep her eyes off it. “I don’t think I ever realized how large the space is between the walls,” she mutters, “there’s so much distance between Maria and Rose. It didn’t feel that way when we came here.” “Yeah,” you hum, absentmindedly tracing designs on her cheek, “makes you wonder how different people get the more inward they go.”
Next to you, Ricky barks out a laugh, and you elbow him as you utter with the grace of someone who hasn’t been fantasizing about Levi’s eyes since the moment you met him, “No, not really. You can do better, Petra, trust me.”
Of course you’ve always considered Millie your best friend, but Ricky and Stephen had filled a piece of your soul that you didn’t know was empty. This is your family, and you love them.
...and Hange because she keeps grabbing his hand to write notes since she didn’t have the bright idea to bring a piece of paper. “Write on your own hand,” he hisses at her, but Hange pays him no mind.
“Truthfully, (F/N).” Stephen leans his head back, offering you an earnest grin. “I feel much safer knowing you’ll be out there. I think you’re going to be great.” When you hug him, then, he doesn’t move for a few seconds, taken aback by the unexpected action. You find solace in his embrace as he curls his arms around you, holding you against his chest. He strokes your hair gently, burying his face in your hair. He believes in you. He doesn’t think you’re weak. And for now, that’s all you need.
yeah. most of these could come off as romantic (not the family one obviously). it is up to the reader to know that you don't intend to write them as anything more than friends. at most, you can always throw in lines of seeing someone as a sibling, or have a scene where they're visibly disgusted about the idea of dating each other. but besides that, write friends as diehard, write them as the most important people in each other's lives, write them as for lifers. don't worry about possible romantic implications as long as they're not actively saying that they have romantic feelings for each other.
i hope this helps, and i hope you share your self indulgent writing! chances are, people will enjoy it ^_^
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fireinmywoods · 4 years
the heart of the matter (is Leonard McCoy)
Followers...friends. I come to you today, hat in hand, to ask for your support in a certain fandom matter, a trifling concern of little real consequence which nevertheless has been driving me absolutely cross-eyed bonkers for some years now.
Simply put: can we please all agree that Bones is the heart of the Enterprise???
In AOS, I mean. I’m not aware of any debate over this when it comes to TOS, where the roles of the triumvirate have always been explicit, though there are a few different ways to identify them:
Spock = logos = superego = head
Bones = pathos = id = heart
Kirk = ethos = ego = soul
So clear! So clean! So universally accepted by Trek fandom at large!
Oh, but things get murkier in AOS, and there are plenty of posts floating around which suggest that it’s Kirk, not McCoy, who serves as the heart in the Kelvin timeline. Even the writers of the first two AOS films have outright stated that their interpretation of the triumvirate had the original roles switched, with Kirk as the highly emotional one and McCoy as the arbiter between Kirk’s passion and Spock’s logic. It’s true that this technically counts as a Word of God pronouncement by the actual creators of 2/3 of the series thus far, which some would argue renders it canon. However, it’s equally true that those same creators also felt that Kirk was a fuckboi and that Benedict Cumberbatch wonderfully embodied their vision for Khan Noonien Singh, so honestly, who gives a hot hollerin’ fuck what those dingdongs think. This seems as justified a time as any to invoke Death of the Author, and in fact, it’s my firm belief that despite the writers’ intentions, Star Trek and Into Darkness both support the original triumvirate breakdown.
Under the cut you’ll find a long-winded and self-indulgent ~*~character analysis~*~ of the Kelvin-timeline incarnations of Jim Kirk and Leonard “Bones” McCoy, reviewing why Leonard is still unmistakably the heart, unpacking what the hell Jim’s deal is, and finally taking a look at some key examples from canon, because ya girl believes in showing her work.
Let’s get down to business.
[A quick warning, as this is starting to spread beyond my own followers: if you don’t like McKirk as a romantic pairing, you ain’t gonna like part IV, so I’d bow out before then or just take your leave now.]
i. Leonard
Independent of Jim’s characterization, it should be blindingly obvious that Leonard is the heart. He’s by far the most nakedly emotional of our seven core crew members, a trait we see writ large and small throughout the films. He’s reactive; he’s passionate; he’s humane. He cares, first and foremost.
Not about Starfleet, of course. Leonard doesn’t give a damn about playing the game or advancing his career, or even really about the Enterprise’s mission - he has no desire to explore strange new worlds, he’ll pass on seeking out new life and new civilizations, and he spends half his time trying to convince everyone else that boldly going where no man has gone before is a great way to die horribly. Fuck exploration, fuck space, and fuck the Federation while we’re at it. Leonard is perhaps the most improbable of the Enterprise’s senior officers for the simple reason that he seems to resent everything about the job.
Well. Almost everything.
See, what Leonard cares about is people. He cares about their lives, about their stories, about their hopes and dreams, about their suffering. That’s why he entered and has stayed in an extremely taxing caring profession, and it’s why he’s still on the Enterprise despite his incessant bitching about everything they do. He wouldn’t trust anyone else to take care of the crew he’s become so attached to, and he finds fulfillment in helping the people they encounter out there in the nightmare of space.
In every timeline, Leonard McCoy defines himself by what he can do for others: the pain he can ameliorate, the wounds he can heal, the diseases he can cure, the small amounts of good he can bring to a galaxy filled with so much absolute horseshit. Unlike most of his colleagues, he’s not motivated by curiosity or an adventurer’s spirit or a burning desire to make sense of the universe. (Fuck the universe, too, as a matter of fact.) Instead, he’s driven by the incredible depths of his compassion and empathy and concern for the people he serves alongside and those they meet along the way.
Sure sounds like the heart to me.
ii. Jim
I actually totally get why some people characterize Kelvin-timeline Jim as the heart. He’s quite literally a different man than the original timeline’s Kirk, and he definitely has more of the pathos qualities to him. Early on, he’s a total spitfire, fierce and hot-blooded, quick to anger and other sharp-edged emotions we’re not used to associating with James T. Kirk. Even as he grows into himself and leaves some of those traits behind, he remains spontaneous, passionate, protective, and self-sacrificing - easy enough to mistake for the heart if you squint.
But let’s not confuse having a heart for being the heart. Sure, Jim is more openly emotional and reactive than his TOS counterpart, but there’s still a marked difference between the way he and Leonard express and act on their emotions.
AOS Jim definitely has a lot of feelings - big ones - but at the end of the day, he’s not driven by his heart. He’s driven by his gut.
Whenever there’s trouble, Jim makes a beeline right for the center of it. He’s impulsive as hell, rarely pausing to think past his first instinct, because he just wants to be doing something, no matter the odds, no matter what it costs him. He explicitly calls himself out on this in ST:ID when arguing with Spock: “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I only know what I can do.” He doesn’t have the patience or the constitution to sit and debate all the options, either internally or with his crew. If there’s a path forward from where he is, even a bad one, Jim’s gonna take it.
[Sidebar: One could make the case that the roots of Jim’s instinct to act reach back to his childhood traumas - canonically ignored abuse and neglect on the one hand, and the Tarsus IV famine and massacre on the other - but that’s a whole post on its own and we ain’t got all day here.]
Jim can’t not act, and while that gets him into a lot of trouble, it also saves lives. Sulu probably appreciated that Jim’s gut drove him to leap off Nero’s drilling platform without a moment’s hesitation after a man he’d only just met. He may have been a real shithead about it, but Jim’s impassioned insistence on going after the Narada and not wasting time on the possibility of a better option was key to saving Pike and Earth itself. And I don’t know why Spock was so surprised that Jim intervened to save him on Nibiru, considering that the reason they were there in the first place was because Jim couldn’t sit back and watch the Nibirans die when there was something his crew could do to help them, even if it meant risking a violation of the Prime Directive.
Jim is a good man with a big heart, and he cares about people, absolutely. But he cares most of all about Doing The Right Thing - which in the heat of the moment often translates to Doing Something, Anything, Hold My Beer.
iii. heart vs. gut (i.e., time for some receipts)
I think one of the main reasons Leonard and Jim’s characterizations get confused is because they both tend to act on instinct, only lightly informed by higher reasoning. However, I’d argue that their motivations and the nature of those actions are super distinct, and those distinctions remain relatively consistent throughout all three films. (And y’all know I really mean this shit if I’m out here calling ST:ID consistent.)
Jim is a big picture guy, figuratively and often literally heaving himself full-body into the mix of whatever problem the crew has encountered for lack of any better alternative. That energy propels the plots of all three films: the chaotic path he carves through the events of Star Trek and ST:ID, and the slightly calmer but still undeniably bananas course he charts for himself and his crew in the second half of Beyond.
As the heart, Leonard operates on a more micro level. His concern invariably lies with the individual people caught up in those grand events Captain Chaos is busy dragging them all through. While Jim’s zooming around flipping plot switches, Leonard can always be counted on to bring it back to the personal.
We frequently see this juxtaposed right there on film. Think of that slow pan through medbay in the first movie after the Narada’s ambush and the destruction of Vulcan: while Jim is stewing over what to do about the Big Bad, Leonard has stepped into the CMO role without fuss or fanfare to care for the wounded crew and traumatized survivors.
Or jump ahead to Beyond: during Krall’s attack on the Enterprise, there’s a gorgeous cinematic shot of Jim sprinting down the corridor with two crew members to take on the invaders - and then we cut to Leonard moving slowly through those same ghastly red-lit corridors, searching for casualties in need of help, visibly affected by what his scanner is telling him about the downed crewman he tries to save.
Actually, Beyond as a whole does terrific justice to each of their roles. (Perhaps because it was not written by dingdongs.) The first act finds Jim flailing around for a sense of purpose and forward momentum - an understandable consequence of a gut-driven character having stalled out for too long - and he ultimately gets his mojo back by spending the rest of the film careening through one insane seat-of-his-pants ploy after another. Meanwhile, in the quieter moments between all the mayhem, Leonard serves as the empathetic sounding board for both Jim and Spock as they struggle with deep emotionally charged secrets and Big Life Questions, helping them untangle their feelings and reminding them of the emotional attachments which are ultimately key to their respective decisions to stay on the Enterprise.
More examples, you say? Don’t mind if I do!
Star Trek
GUT: Jim hurtles around the Narada, improvising almost every step of the way and paying the price for his and Spock’s scheme in bodily harm, and ultimately succeeds in rescuing Pike. HEART: Leonard calls out for Jim as he runs into the transporter room, overwhelmed with relief that he’s made it back, and takes Chris Pike’s weight literally and figuratively onto his own shoulders to begin healing him while Jim runs back off to the center of the action.
Star Trek: Into Darkness
GUT: Jim argues with Leonard, Spock, and Scotty in quick succession as he’s preparing to drag them all off to Qo’noS, immune to their attempts to reason with him because, unraveled as he is by grief and pain, he can only focus on his visceral drive to Do Something. HEART: Unlike the others, Leonard is upset not about the larger moral questions of whether it’s right to go after John Harrison or bring torpedoes aboard the ship, but about the fact that Jim himself is hurt and hurting and won’t accept help.
GUT: Jim makes a snap decision to sacrifice himself by hurling his body against the warp core to realign it and save his crew. HEART: Shellshocked by the emotional grenade of his best friend’s death, Leonard suddenly realizes, through the haze of his own numbness and upswelling grief, that he might still be able to do something for this lonely radiation-ravaged body he’s been brought and the life it represents.
Star Trek Beyond
GUT: At the tail end of an improvised plan to out-maneuver Kalara, Jim quite literally shoots first and asks questions later, igniting a fuel tank and setting off an explosive series of events which he and Chekov just barely escape. HEART: The next time we see Leonard, Spock is opening up to him about Ambassador Spock’s death and his own plan to leave Starfleet for New Vulcan - and while he’s empathetic toward Spock (I can’t imagine what that must feel like), Leonard’s thoughts go immediately to the emotional impact of Spock’s plan on the other people he’s closest with. (I can see how that would upset [Nyota]. / I can tell you, [Jim]’s not gonna like that.)
GUT: Jim frantically strains to reach the final switch in the life support hub, believing that he’s going to die either way since the vent has already opened, but spurred on by the knowledge that his ability to move that switch is the only thing standing between Yorktown and annihilation. HEART: Knowing exactly what’s at stake, with the fate of the station and millions of lives hanging in the balance, Leonard’s greatest concern is that Jim won’t make it out in time.
iv. never bet against the heart
Let’s wrap this up with a deep dive on one of the absolute best examples of Leonard as the heart: his decision to sneak Jim onto the Enterprise in the first movie.
As relentlessly as I drag him for the, you know, poisoning and kidnapping aspects of that whole deal, there’s no denying that it is a god-tier heart move. Is it logical? Absolutely not. Is it really the right thing to do for either himself or Jim, as far as he knows at the time? Nope. It’s 100% the wrong choice for his own job security, reputation, and relationships with his fellow crew, and it’s almost guaranteed to get Jim into even worse trouble. Leonard is a smart dude who must understand that this course of action will likely end up coming back on them both in a real bad way. For someone who argues loudly and often in defense of self-preservation, this is a shockingly bad idea.
But none of that matters, because Jim shakes his hand and tells him to be safe with that horrible empty-eyed smile, and it gets him right in the heart, one-two-three.
One: sympathy, worry, and affection for Jim - his best friend, his wild and troublesome stray, his only family.
Two: guilt over adding onto Jim’s pain, and the instinctive urge to fix whatever‘s hurting him.
Three: fear of heading out into the unknown by himself, the agonizing uncertainty of not knowing what’s coming, craving for the security and reassurance Jim’s presence would give him.
“Dammit,” Leonard says, as his heart wins out over his brain. He knows this is a garbage plan, and he doesn’t care. His heart chooses Jim. That’s all that matters.
So he goes back for Jim, and to his own surprise it turns out that this Very Bad Idea was actually a Very Good Idea because Jim’s impulsive instincts end up saving Earth, and Leonard’s not in the habit of fixing what ain’t broke so he figures he may as well keep on chasing Jim’s crazy ass around the galaxy for a while, through jungles and off cliffs and into the goddamn afterlife when need be, until finally one day Jim’s gut drives him right into Leonard’s arms and he suddenly realizes that this is what his heart was choosing all those years ago: Jim’s wide terrified eyes, Jim’s voice breaking over his name, Jim’s hand pressing hard against his chest, reaching out for what’s his.
But that’s another story.
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