stargazer0001 · 6 months
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spookyreibones · 7 months
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The Crux S2: VII of Swords
You cannot deny your nature, nor run from the past forever.
Betrayal, deception & trickery.
They made their choice, moving on from the 2 of swords to the 7 of swords. But what about the other c- no shut up, they don't matter right now. This is the card for the next story beat that happens in session 2.
For the uninitiated, I am making a series of tarot cards for my d&d group, with whom I run a homebrewed campaign. I send them out around 2 days before their respective session. This one made them intensely suspicious of the NPCs' quest they had accepted.
Perhaps the scar-faced countryside folk who are unusually good with guns aren't the holiest people out there. Just a thought! Fanning the flames, one of the NPCs grew antsy during dinner, as if he'd been wearing tight clothes for too long. His wife gave him a knowing look and put their child to sleep, and he then headed out to the backyard, claiming to go check on the night guard, but a keen-eyed bard caught the hint of a bipedal canine running off into the night.
If werewolves are normal, then why would he hide it? They live amongst society happily, but some see them as barbaric criminals which is partially true as a significant part of the turned (as opposed to born werewolves) are or were criminals. And they don't like the government? Dunno, maybe there's something cooking there?
Here's the song that goes along with the card! I didn't send it out along with the card for my group but I will for the future ones :3
Well, that's as much as I'll reveal above the cut and before issuing the respective SPOILER WARNING for my d&d group and STAY AWAY.
Aight, so last time we mentioned the symbolism of the eye being stabbed: it represents turning a blind eye to what is clearly obvious. This is what would happen if they took Sergio's (rural doctor) quest, which on the surface looks far more noble as it means saving a monster-infested village.
However, the 2nd time the party saw the two NPCs that give out the quest they literally slammed a tied-up person's head on the police officer's desk, divvying up the bounty amongst themselves. They have scars all over their bodies and faces, smell of gunpowder and wield guns with the same familiarity that most use pens. There's no denying that these folk are rough. But hey, that doesn't mean they're bad people. Right?? Right?
Both in the world's lore and in metagame symbolism, werewolves are a representation of savagery. To some, turned werewolves invite side-eyes and bag-clutching as most of them have violent pasts. However, it is an undeniable and inextricable part of our world: our savagery, violence and ruthlessness.
The seven of swords paired with the werewolf reminds us that though we may try to hide it, this part of us is so deeply rooted that it cannot be hidden or denied (hence the accompanying text 'you cannot deny your nature').
The party didn't ally themselves with a known criminal, making the 'right' choice and remaining in the good graces of the law. But is it really right? Honourable? Were you not motivated by self-interest? Is that any better than the criminal who desperately wants to get her brother out of jail?
The werewolf in the card and the one the bard saw is Jace, the co-quest giver of the Honeymeadow/Honourable questline. He is a turned werewolf, being bitten in a skirmish with an opposing gang when he and the rest of the folk belonged to the Santorini gang. They lied, stole, killed and shot people like every other gang of criminals. All NPCs except the child, who was sheltered, were involved in the violent criminal life. They have paid off their bounties and renounced their old life of crime, being lawful and helpful citizens, but the past is not something we can run from or hide. It is a part of us, and this is the pill they (particularly Jace) must swallow moving onwards with life.
Jace hides that he is a werewolf from his son because he is afraid Jaime (son) will see him as even more of a monster. Jaime was born into the gang, sheltered, yes, but aware of the violent life his parents and relatives lived outside the quiet comfort of the gang's campsite. He knows his parents are criminals. He also knows they have morals and a good heart, but it terrifies Jace that his son might see him as anything but a monster, which is why he hides that part of himself from his son and the party. He doesn't trust the party to keep it a secret.
Overall, the party and the questgivers & co don't quite trust each other. But they need each other. At least for now.
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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Gave outfits and jobs to some of my Tundra collection. Jay’s the heir to the clan leader; Cantre keeps the lore and history of Crystalbone Clan; Lethia runs the post office; Crocus is a miner; Baldr is a mage; Honeymeadow didn’t get clothes yet but he’s the local schoolteacher now.
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tomesmithpress · 1 year
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HoneyMeadow Farm is a simple farm that produces animal products for Chesterbell Castle.
In this token pack you will find 55 animals perfect to populate your farms.
5 cats
4 Chickens
4 cows
5 Dogs
30 horses
3 Sheep
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softtsounds · 5 years
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Meet Sky, my friend’s nine weeks old puppy!! He’s a happy little good boy, a fluffy shi tzu. Already have so much love for him, can’t wait to meet him. 💓 —The Netherlands, somewhen in April 2019.
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haydenfleur · 6 years
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tag me in your posts “haydenfleur”
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sevgiemektir · 5 years
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Like a tourist in Istanbul - 13 📿
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rainsf · 7 years
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seksnocyletniej · 6 years
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ughpal · 7 years
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my face will always be the squishiest
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Flower girl 🌱
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yourstrulytaebwi · 7 years
I still love receiving flowers, love letters, going on cute little dates and talking on the phone until 2am. Call me old-fashioned, but can’t these things be cool again.
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sweetsonny · 5 years
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Yellow in an Italian Giardino
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softtsounds · 5 years
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Apple blossoms dancing in the wind! Birte and I studied so much yesterday at a park. It was a lovely day! —April 22nd 2019; Pomologie.
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