#so what would that be plus gourmand?
stargazer0001 · 6 months
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amerricanartwork · 9 months
Oh? What's this...?
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A little animal, on the grounds of my yard—!
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Oh! I think I startled it! I've gotta be careful; that "spear" looks rather sharp—!
I needle-felted a tiny slugcat yesterday, and if you ask me, it came out SO cute! Below the cut are some more pictures of it to show off some angles and poses (featuring one of my felting needles as a "spear"):
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This was actually my second attempt at making a pocket-sized generic/Survivor slugcat (fourth overall needle felted slugcat attempt), where I mainly tried to improve the proportions. Here are some comparison pictures with my first mini Survivor (left):
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I hope you like this little guy — I certainly love it! And my hope is to someday needle felt all the main slugcats (plus maybe Nightcat and Enot). Some might be difficult (probably Gourmand and Saint), but I'm up to the challenge if it produces more adorable tiny wool friends!
Also, I've been trying to get back in the swing of needle-felting, so let me know if you would like to see more of it on this blog!
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space-blue · 4 months
BG3 Fic Feb Comic Edition, Day 20 :
Tav gets a proposal from their partner. In which Gale offers to pay the bill on a fancy new outfit to wear around camp, so long as Tav lets him pick the cut. He's fallen for his love's chubby body and thinks he deserves better than the rags they made it to Baldur's Gate with.
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With a small rambling H/C below the cut on Gale's relationship with fat, and a chubby/fat LI.
In which I posit that Gale's abs are fake, and a relationship with a fat or chubby Tav can change his view on his own body.
I saw the debate going around early on, and it has stuck with me. Are Gale's abs real? Do they make sense on a man who has been on a self-imposed year of isolation in his tower? A gourmand who loves to cook?
I've seen art that shows him working out, and I've seen lots of art in which the abs are replaced with chubbiness he's either fine with or self conscious about. But see, I'd like to think that Gale, the good dancer of Blackstaff academy, Chosen of Mystra, prodigy fretted over since boyhood, would have a particular relationship with "appearances".
Let's imagine that his looks are exactly as they are at the start of the story. He has a six pack, depression, and a magical black hole stuffed in his chest that pushes a strange hunger on him. He eats magical artefacts to upkeep it, and delicious dishes to soothe the sadness and anxiety.
Except now he's on the road, making do as best he can, prepping meals out of what we can scrounge. So for a while the intense physical effort of the adventure, paired with bare bones meals, would maintain his physic. But eventually, nature would take its course, and arriving in the environs of Baldur's Gate, sweets are available again, as well as real, restaurant grade food. His waist thickens, his cheeks fill out, he's less gaunt. He's got the glow of a man in love, too.
But even deeply in love, Gale struggles to fathom that Tav could love him as he is. Well, no, of course Tav loves him, but Gale is only offering so much, and isn't that bad? Tav, who he now loves more than his own Goddess... Tav deserves more. Deserves better than puny, human Gale. I think God Gale would come with chiseled silver abs because it's the vision he has of perfection. An ambitious body should be flawless, right? And Mystra, his Goddess, is a skinny depiction of "perfection" herself, isn't she?
So in his mind, fat is still a flaw. Assuming we manage to show him the light and guide him away from godhood, that he is truly who we love, as we love him, I think that Gale, master of illusion, would still want to present the best way possible for Tav. Having regained his old abilities, he'd be tempted to trim himself again.
I think his abs, in that context, are a lazy wizard's artifice. Anyone at Blackstaff can do it, and does. Being chubby, to them, is an aesthetic choice. And if it's not in fashion, then why indulge it? But also why work out, when time can be best spent hunting and reading books, writing essays, and sourcing collections of rare artefacts? Or eating 5 stars meals at the best restaurants in Waterdeep? There's only so many hours in the day, and so much to do. Plus, we've seen his home, and he pointed out the magical piano that plays itself (wink wink), not the dumbbells and workout bench.
No, Gale would be tempted to go back to his easy snatched waist, and probably would if his LI was slim. He's got a tendency for self-consciousness. I like to imagine that he kept the six pack through his great depression era because he just couldn't stand the idea of slipping in appearance this much, and having to get a new wardrobe. We already know the beard is unusual, and that he keeps it because he likes it, to Tara's dismay.
I think a fat or chubby Tav would help Gale relax. He falls for this person, and they so happen to be fat. All right, so what? He leans more towards intercourse in the Weave anyway, so bodies aren't so high a concern. But after Gale declares his feelings (which are returned) and the intimacy with Tav becomes more physical (small caresses, sleeping and cuddling together, hugging...) I think he'd start seeing the light.
He'd press himself into Tav and be completely overcome with the pleasure of having all this softness be for him. That Tav being chubby means more of Tav to have.
Slowly realising that Tav's fat isn't making them any less gracious or fetching in their clothes, and that a lot of the things Gale was worried about in himself were image concerns brought by the gazes of others. Expectations put on him. What a wizard of his standing should look like, that being a gourmand should not get in the way of being Mystra's arm-candy Chosen.
If Tav's chubby belly is such a delight however, then why should his be an issue? I think Gale would remain nervous and try to open the conversation, rather than not mention it or deciding to make the change on his own. Because ultimately, even being more relaxed around the idea that he's gaining weight again, he'd be nervous that this might not suit Tav's tastes.
That's the problem with being a wizard this powerful. You can influence your self and your image so much. Heck, there are spells that can resculpt your very face, so why would someone like Gale, who has carte blanche on himself, dare disappoint his love?
Tav would have to work to reassure him, but imo would have less struggle is they are a man, or masc, because Gale couldn't use the "beauty standards for thee" logic loop. A handsome man who makes tight shirts look inviting? Fat softened pecs becoming the greatest pillow he's ever rested his chest on? Seeing a form of desirable beauty in his lover that he's slowly growing to mirror? He'd wax poetic about it, get in his feels.
Tav could whisper a soft, 'Please, be yourself.' and Gale would never concern himself with six packs again, nor be afraid to develop his well-settled-professor's body.
Gale's taste remains a tad refined, and I think his concern with appearances would not go away completely. It's just that, settled in Waterdeep, he'd drag Tav to his favourite tailor, and commissions well fited clothes for him. I can see Gale being quite on top of fashion, and anxious for everyone to see Tav under his best light, especially early on as they meet the family, his circle of friends, the faculty... Stressful days, during which being able to sink into Tav's soft embrace would be the best of cures.
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ghostlycoze · 8 months
Scug Eeveelutions!
So I had an idea which was too fun to resist; to combine the Rain World slugcats with the Pokemon eeveelutions and see what I could come up with! I dunno if this has been done before, but this is my personal take on it :]
Recently bought a drawing tablet so I'm still figuring out,,, how to art, so these are very experimental and were used more just as practice with the new tablet, new program, etc.
Not the best, but it's some fun lil concepts
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My beloved friend @mewniemoon helped me come up with which scug would be which evolution, and we came up with this:
Gourmand - Flareon, for the fluff (basically the closest there was to a chubby eeveelution).
Monk - Eevee, for the small size and 'starter' nature of the two. Plus I imagine them both as the youngest in their respective collections.
Survivor - Leafeon, for the colours and... Well, it's a stretch on my end but survive = life = leaf?
Hunter - Glaceon, for the skilled and sleek vibe and the chance to mess with the diamond theme mixed with NSH's symbol.
Enot - Sylveon, for the shits n giggles. Yeah that's it lol
Artificer - Jolteon, for the spiky and sparky vibes. I would've given her Flareon but Jolteon was a pretty close match too.
Saint - Espeon, specifically the shiny version for the colours and also the psychic = ascension idea
Rivulet - Vaporeon, for uh... Fish.
Spearmaster - Umbreon, for the dark colours, thick tail, and the opportunity to use the rings as a base for SRS' sun symbols! Plus they've just got that dark and almost mysterious energy~
Well shit posting art is awkward, but uh.
Tosses this out like I'm feeding some pigeons.
Rain World & Pokemon fans, pspspsps
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bonefall · 10 months
What would be the words for flavors in Clanmew? Like sweet, sour, bitter, salty, etc…
Most Clan cats can taste five flavors, with some cats (especially in ThunderClan) having the fascinating ability to taste an extra 6th! This is the fabled Sweetness Tolerance, a recessive gene that turns TAS1R2 back on!
"Hangon," The gourmand in my audience states astutely, "Humans can only taste five flavors, right?" CORRECT. Real cats can't taste sweetness, but in return, they can taste Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)! There is a secret, EXTRA flavor in meat for cats. So, in a Clan cat with Sweetness Tolerance, they can taste the same flavors as you plus an extra one.
All Clan cats, regardless of Sweetness Tolerance or not, have five flavors.
Here's a big pack of taste-related words, italics indicate the word is already in the Lexi;
Yummy (of taste) = Arrlele
Icky (of taste) = Nyelele (Note: Mwawag, "Disgusting," is a lot stronger of a word and broader in its usage)
Tasted/Tasting/Will Taste (Of food) = Lelemesm/Lelemes/Leleme
Tongue = Mleh
Taste/Smell/Sense of Jacobson's Organ, nose, or tongue = Yass (You may recognize this as an opening particle! This is a HUGE sense for cats, and Clanmew contains compound words that further specify where exactly the speaker is sensing it from. Also used to extend metaphorically to thinking and believing.)
Taste/Flavor/Taste or smell primarily on the tongue = Yassmleh
Gauche/the attribute of having bad taste = Ragywar (Means: Has taste like a boar. This is used to describe Harestar who bites his tunnelbuns.)
FLAVOR ACCORDING TO CLAN CATS (including all their cultural categories that are technically not a scientific flavor);
Salty = Byyle (Blood-taste)
Bitter/Sour = Owsle (Note: Clan cats equate these two terms, despite being able to taste them. They're widely disliked enough that they're tossed together if not just called Icky.)
Umami/Savory = Wrale (Tasted better in fats, like eggs, fish, as opposed to ATP)
Adenosine Triphosphate = Regle (Tasted best in muscle-meat and lean animals, particularly rabbits. WindClan foods are notably Regle-tasting.)
Sweet = Posle (Note: Very rarely used in names. Sweetbriar and Sweetpaw's suffix in Clanmew was Rruqa, Eglantine, also known as Sweetbrier. Jessie's Clanmew name, Sweetbright, WAS Posleyaywi.)
Sharp/Tangy/Spicy = Kuble Describes juniper, pellitory, some sorts of fermented foods that ShadowClan (AND SHADOWCLAN ALONE) will eat. Comes from Strike-Taste. If mint wasn't so deadly to cats, they would describe the tang of menthol like this.
Bland = Swole (Water-taste.)
And lastly, there is;
Sweetness Tolerance = Posef-en-mleh [Pollinator-'s-Tongue] Doubles as a phrase that can translate to "sweet tooth."
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faux-parenchyma · 3 months
May I ask for perfumes for some mcyts!
Badboy, jimmy, jaiden!
A nice trio for the soul hehe
so considering I know who this is, the one for Bad we've semi-talked about before of course hehe, we agreed that he would most definitely smell in some capacity akin to baked goods. Like, yes traditional gourmands and whatnot for his perfume, but also something a bit warm spicy, grainy and smoky. In the past i've likened it to like, a well-baked focaccia. I'm thinking rich olive oil, (especially with its spiritual use and connotation, what better for a demon?) grain and pepper and of course the lovely gourmand sweetness. For him, I'll give Ade ale Van: Soul Tattoo - outlaw's elixir
Going to put the others under the cut (plus stressmonster as an extra, I saw someone tag stress and figured I'd add that here too!)
Okay, so jimmy to me reads so very much like warmth as well, but less of a spice warmth like bad and more of an 'oats and honey' feel. I am completely biased to sheriff and rancher jimmy though so- DFGHNMJ. Like, I'm thinking sun on skin, light grass floral, with heavy hay and rich sweetness. Like he totally just got distracted with work and sure, hes got a sunburn now, but all his hard work really paid off. For him, I'm going to go with Hayloft from Pineward Perfumes
Jaiden immediately struck me as two notes: iris and metal. WEIRD COMBO I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT. I miss q!jaiden a lot and I think the slight tinge of metal, maybe from being in the lab, along with calming/mildly suffocating florals, it just seems right yk! The sterility of the scent would be the key, and I think mixing something like ginger to elevate it would make it feel almost... dirty-sterile? if that makes sense. For her, I'm going limited complexity, DS & Durga's Spirit Lamp
Last one for the night is Stress! I saw whomever reblogged had said florals, and mud, and of COURSE that just seems like a given. For me personally, I of course am going to hc her as a monster and so she definitely has an air of 'wrongness' to her <3 I'm thinking dewy, muddy (of course) and heavy on the grass and floral. She packs a punch and she knows it. Rose Fantome by LVNEA
RAH this was really fun actually, I want to do this more, if people want to give me more mcyts in my askbox hehe. I have some more to respond to which I'll do after work :) gonna brainstorm
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 5 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part five - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: Bullying
Michael has a lot of stuff. A lot of heavy stuff. Despite him assuring her that he can move it all in on his own, she still wants to help.
It would be kind of a dick move if she didn’t assist with all of this. An hour in, and the apartment is already transformed from bland and empty into a hoard of pastel rainbow decor and soft white staple pieces. 
She takes a break to admire the painting of a fluffy white angel cat over watercolor Van Gogh scenery. Michael comes through the door, panting, with his white, vintage microwave in tow.
“Who painted this?” She asks him.
He smiles, blushes, puts the microwave down and then his hand on his hips. “I did.”
Her eyes grow wide. “This is amazing.”
He chuckles. “Thank you.”
She likes Michael a lot already, but she’s also very jealous of him and his many talents and cool possessions. He makes her want to decorate and be creative, both skills she’s never been able to possess correctly.
She hasn’t gotten the key made yet, so she goes out and does that while he starts unpacking his things. By the time she’s done, her apartment looks astonishing. Fairy lights twinkle over gauze white curtains and a big speaker plays soft hiphop music in one corner of the living room. Her couch is full of comfy white and grey fluffy throw pillows. An incense burner releases gourmand, smoky aroma into the air.
Michael is stretched out on the couch, taking a break, watching Legally Blonde on DVD. Her small TV is now in her room and his bigger flatscreen dwarfs the stand that it was on.
She sits down beside him with two glasses of water. Before she can set hers down on the coffee table, he stops her. “Wait! Coasters!”
He digs through two boxes of stuff before he finds white marble coasters for them to set their drinks on.
She laughs at him and he grins back. “I know, I know,” he tells her, “typical trust fund kid BS.”
“You’re fine,” she tells him. “I was laughing at the coasters because the table is already a mess.”
“Listen,” he says, “this table just needs some tee ell cee . A sander and some paint would do her wonders.” He pats the wooden top.
“Can I help?” She asks, excited to take on a project with a new friend.
“Of course you can,” he assures.
She remembers him telling her that his mother is an artist. “Did your mom teach you to paint?”
He nods. “She also taught me how to make miniatures. You know, like dollhouses but for adults?”
“That’s amazing. Do you trade art with her?”
“I do,” he says, “we send things back and forth in the mail. Although my dad says it ‘ clogs up their post office box ’.”
“He’s not a fan of art?”
Michael snorts. “He hates everything except golf. Sometimes I think he hates me.”
She shakes her head. “Does he really hate you? You’re the perfect son.”
Michael sighs. “No, but he hates gay people, so it’s close enough. When I first came out to him, if my mother wouldn’t have been there, he would’ve probably shot me. He’s a real man’s man if you know what I mean..”
She nods, smiling ruefully. “Oh, I know exactly what you mean.”
Michael thinks for a moment. “We should get a dog.”
“I would love that, but it’s no pets here.” She frowns.
He raises his eyebrows and sips at his water. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
They decide it has to be a quiet dog, one from the local shelter who’s comfortable being alone at night. They look online for local pounds to read up on some potential candidates.
“Rocky. Pitbull mix. Potty trained, good with kids and other pets, sweet and loves everyone.” She shows Michael a picture of a medium sized black, stout dog with shiny grey eyes.
Michael shows her his own selection, a retired service beagle named Winnie. “Short for Winnifred,” he reads, “loves people and other pets, very polite, and hardly ever barks.”
“I love them both,” she groans, leaning back into the couch cushions.
“Same,” Michael sighs. “It’s one in the afternoon. Do you work tonight?”
“Yup.” She presses an arm over her face, blocking out the ceiling light.
“Don’t you have to sleep?” He asks.
She’s not tired at all because she slept through the night, but she agrees because Michael sounds like he needs some alone time. Plus, her DVDs and TV are in her room now, and if she can’t sleep she can watch an old horror movie again.
The problem isn’t getting to sleep, it’s staying there - waking up sweating, gasping, whining John’s  name. She slaps her mouth shut, presses her face into her pillow, and prays to any deity listening that her voice wasn’t loud enough for Michael to hear. First day in the new place and his roommate has a wet dream. It would make any sane person want to revoke their rental agreement immediately.
She should be embarrassed and anxious that Michael potentially heard her, but instead she’s grinding against her sheets and thinking of tall men handcuffed to beds.
This won’t work. This isn’t working. She’s so pent up that it’s borderline painful. It’s taking over her mind. She sticks her hand into her sleep pants, past her underwear, and into a sloppy mess, tries to think about anything but John while she rubs her clit, but in doing so her brain latches onto the thought of him and pretty soon he’s the only thing on her mind. It’s like her body thinks John and pleasure are one and the same.
She tries to paint a decent fantasy of what she would like sex with him to be, but really she doesn’t give a shit as long as it’s him. And that’s what scares her. He could be absolutely celibate and she’d still crave him, and this is the worst time for her to realize that because her alarm is going off for work.
She orgasms at the cost of being ten minutes late.
The locker room lights are off when she goes to put her things away, which is unusual. Since she started, they’ve been lit around the clock. In fact, she’s not even sure where the light switch is in here because she’s never had to use it. Fumbling around in the pitch black is making her even tardier. Finally, she finds the switch and flips it. The room illuminates, and standing under the migraine-inducing glow is someone who makes headaches seem like a dream come true.
Benny grins from his seat on the bench, which he quickly abandons in favor of looming over her. Once again, the sweaty, edematous mass of him blocks her exit.
She’s too busy contemplating if anyone would hear her scream to see him hold his open palm out expectantly.
“Give it to me,” he says.
“What?” She asks, imagining in another universe she sounds angry and oppositional instead of whiny and terrified. In another universe, she can also kick his ass. Not in this one, though. In this universe, she does as Benny demands and hands him her phone so she doesn’t have to suffer through the touch of his greasy skin a second time.
He holds her phone in one hand while the other holds his own. She doesn’t bother trying to see what he’s doing because she can’t get her feet to move let alone stand on tiptoes and look over his shoulder.
This goes on for a while in which her only thought consists of asking herself if she could run to the door and make it into the populated infirmary before he can catch her. Again, this is a solution mainly dependent on her stubborn feet.
She’s not really worried about what he sees on her phone. It’s what he’s getting from it that sets her pulse careening.
He reaches out and tries to shove it into her jacket pocket, but luckily that’s when her feet decide to save her and step away from his hands. He scowls at her like she just insulted his mother.
“Fine.” Benny opens his hand and drops her phone on the stone floor. She winces when she hears the shatter, then looks back up at his pleased expression.
“Remember our trip.” He pushes past her, not enough to hurt but to make her yelp and stumble, and slams the door shut on his way out.
Her phone isn’t broken. The screen has a tiny crack in one corner but other than that it’s still perfect. She doesn’t understand why she heard it shatter, but chalks it up to losing her mind from repeated stress and unregulated sleep.
She grabs her bag from her locker and brings it with her to the nurse’s station, labeling the locker room as an unsafe and off limits space, which are becoming more bountiful by the day.
John is not her patient tonight. On her day off they must have had an influx of admissions because she’s responsible for 10 of them and the infirmary is unusually and appropriately staffed.
Her hopes of his nurse trading him are slim to none because he’s a wonderful patient and over time everyone has seemed to agree that they want him on their assignment sheet.
The other nurse’s that take and give her report always talk about what a cool, easy going guy he is and how they’re surprised that he needs that many guards with him.
“What do you think he did?” Stan, one of the day shift nurses, asks her.
“My bet’s on released a circus full of wild animals and let them trample a small town, but I could be wrong.” She taps her pen against her report sheet and laughs at her own joke.
Stan snorts. “He probably killed some rich guys.”
The other nurses like him so much that most of their theories on why John is in four point restraints with four men guarding him at all times is because he’s done something valiant that pissed someone powerful off.
That’s probably the other reason his wound looks better; not just because of her, but because if you like a patient or connect with them you’re more than likely going to give them the best care you can provide.
If she’s honest, it kind of makes her feel sick. Not because everyone has grown to like John, but because that means she’ll have less chance of being his nurse from here on out. Also, she knows it’s five-year-old mentality, but she liked him and treated him well first while the other ones had to get to know him beforehand.
Her case load is heavy. A couple IV’s, wound changes, someone with a tracheostomy. She sits down to chart, finally, at 3 AM.
One of the other nurses, Bill, calls for her across the hall.
She fights the urge to groan while standing on sore feet and walking over to his medication cart.
Bill grins at her, looking like he’s really enjoying himself. “My patient in 9 wants to see you.”
“Me?” She asks.
Bill shrugs, still looking very amused. “He says he needs to tell you something.”
“I don’t know,” Bill tells her. “Seems that he likes your company, though.” He gives an eyebrow raise at the awkward expression crawling onto her face.
She reminds herself that this her workplace for the 80th time and that Bill’s suggestive expressions are just him messing around. Joking. That’s all. He’s joking.
John is watching the door, waiting for her. When she pops in like a mouse and scurries to his bed, He feels the urge to pet her on the head for showing up, which is strange but not unwarranted. She does act like a cute little pet. That’s not the most respectable way to think of her, but he likes it so it sticks.
His smile is wide and genuine. “How’s the roommate search?”
“Uh, I got one.” She smiles timidly, hoping he doesn’t think she’s erratic and air-headed for finding someone so fast
His eyes widen just the smallest bit. “That’s good, are they nice?”
She nods too eagerly. “He’s great. And he has great decorations.”
The key word here - at least the one his ears attune to - is he. Not because a woman and a man living together automatically entails romance or connection, but because John knows men - John is a man - and most of them turn out to be less than good.
He tries not to look mean, to keep his smile, to focus on her being here with him in the present and alive and well; If he doesn’t, rage will start talking, nefarious, whispering sin in his ear, assuring him that it wouldn’t be hard to break out of these handcuffs and make sure her roommate becomes her loyal dog for the rest of the time he spends living with her.
“If you wouldn’t have suggested it, I’d probably be homeless by next week.” She tries to sway the conversation toward optimism because she sees something in his expression that reads like he’s a little upset. He probably does think she’s a moron at this point.
Maybe it’s just good that she’s happy. He tries to shift focus onto that. The roommate can’t be that bad if she’s so upbeat.
It’s been very easy to talk to John most times, but then there are moments like this when something awkward and unsaid hangs between them and more often than not she doesn’t know what it is. Maybe he doesn’t either.
“Just be careful,” is what he decides to say.
She chuckles. “I will, don’t worry.”
He doesn’t understand what’s funny.
One of the security guards stands, stretches, yawns. He says he’s going to take a break. The other guards are asleep, so once he leaves they’ll be, essentially, alone.
“I’m gonna go to vending, John you want anything?” He asks.
John shakes his head no. “Thanks.”
The security guard nods at both her and John and walks out.
“I’m sorry if I bothered you while you were busy,” he says, apologizing with his eyes, too. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
She purses her lips, which he thinks means she’s trying not to leak an expression that will probably be embarrassing. Really, she’s trying to tame her lion heart back into its cage before it sinks its teeth into him and refuses to let go.
“I’m okay, John.” She attempts smiling. “You’re the one in the hospital bed.”
He shrugs like his stab wound and near death are just a hiccup.
She talks again. “And I’m glad you called me in. I like talking to you.”
His face is all smile now. “Likewise.”
He tells her to pull up a chair if she wants, and she steals one of the metal ones that the breaking guard left behind. She sits by his bedside and they have a conversation about the weather that turns into a discussion on harsh winters in Belarus.
“Did you grow up there?” She asks him.
He nods. “I traveled a lot.”
“So, you’re Russian?” She puts her chin in her palm and stares at him like he is the most interesting person in the world. She’s adorable like this.
“Yes. American, now.”
“Do you speak Russian?” Her eyebrows raise.
“da, ya krasivaya.” His tone automatically slides into a deep baritone when he says this.
He needs to be nerfed. Outlawed. He should not be handsome, nice, like-able, and be able to speak a different language in his perfect voice. It’s really not fair at all.
She’s too busy trying to tame her rogue thoughts to ask him what he even said. The desire to climb into his lap and straddle him crosses her mind twenty times in different ways. She blinks heavy. “You’re the coolest person I know.”
He murmurs a laugh.
They talk until the guard comes back from his break, mainly about Belarus and what it was like there and where else he has traveled. She’s not sure if she’s always had the desire to travel, but if she didn’t before she does now.
Although she has a ton of charting to catch up on, she doesn’t want to leave him. The taste of human connection is on her tongue after a couple years of abstinence and she’s becoming addicted.
When she leaves his room, it’s with inner reluctance and impressive self control.
She tells him to sleep. He promises he’ll try.
It would be easier to do her job if she wasn’t catching Benny sneering at her whenever they’re in the same space, but she gets through it, reasoning that John has it worse than her because he has to suffer through six hours with the asshole guard in his room.
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catabibaz0n · 1 year
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Wanted to do a little lineup of the downpour slugCats looks, and some little head cannons that I have for them!
Rivulet I feel like they should have teeth that are long and sharp like needles to better hold onto pray while swimming. just imagining ruffles, having a mouth like a angler fish  brings me joy! So that’s what they have prepare for evil demon mouth in tiny cute fast baby.
Since the Saint is basically a herbivore, I was trying to think of one of the most determined and stubborn type of herbivore that I can think of… and for me that is the llama, and I’m like damn straight llama cat slug~ (plus they’re so fluffy and soft ) SO like a llama they have flat lower teeth and no upper teeth at all! it would probably be handy, since it would be less likely to accidentally bite down on their tongue and cause damage to it, considering that is probably one of the most important appendages in its body!
And there’s no fucking way that artificers doesn’t have super intensely acidic bile or spit!!! like you can’t be creating freaking explosives without some form of reaction happening in the mouth! so…. demon smoky mouth looking terrifying just chef kiss absolutely perfect!!
 And then my perfect baby round boy, the bestest smartest man, the gourmand. Gourmand has to have cheek pouches. No one can argue with me on this. It is fucking canon. He will go about his life stuffing his face, and they will be giant round cheeks of glorious cuteness, ready to just have a good time being a good boy.
And then I don’t really have that much to add to the spear master since they are already perfect, I just think they might have a very interesting respiratory system, maybe some redundant organs like Star Trek Klingons??? Since they have no mouth/esophagus/stomach they would have the space for it!! lot of that shit on the upper body that is taken up by the food intake is promptly in the tail and lower body close to  Stabby straw’s.
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niftukkun · 9 months
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=The Skydiver=
[A being of the skies, though not by nature. Stranded with broken artificial wings, you must make use of both your cleverness and swiftness to thrive.]
[Little Gods and Passing Beasts AU, aka roleswapped rain world! ;; more under the cut]
introducing the scug version of my Chasing Wind! in Gourmands campaign!! hell yeah!!!
despite their campaign being more similar to Gourmands, the Skydiver has Rivulets movement mechanics. the swift speed not the extended underwater breathing. they also have Gourmands craft mechanic, but very specifically not the. pull random stuff out of your stomach mechanic? im not calling it regurgitation im fairly certain Gourmand doesnt. vore actively alive things. just to pull them out later. anyway, i think Skydivers crafting system would be different from Gourmands. i mean thered probably be some similarities but id say Skydivers is more. spear based? have i said that Skydiver has unique spears like Spearmaster does? different kinds though, not just one type. thered be the usual bomb and electric spears but i think Skydiver should be able to make like. idk rubbish spears which deal more damage than a regular spear. flashbang or singularity spears for shits and giggles. lantern spears that can glow in the dark but dont deal extra damage? i also think Skydiver should be able to hold two spears at once or store them like Hunter can but i think spear crafting plus Rivulets speed plus being able to hold multiple spears may be. a lil much. i think it sounds fun though but also very unbalanced whoops. Skydiver has their own version of foodquest!! hell yeah!! i call it the spearquest. essentially, theres a unique recipe that calls for specific materials in a specific order, something like a rubbish spear plus a vulture mask plus. something? i havent fully thought it out but in essence Skydiver is making a new Vulture Spear (aka gliding spear, look at the picture up top its that). its the same kind of deal with gourmand if you finish the campaign without making the spear nothing really happens but if you exit the campaign with it theres some extra art and maybe the craftable spears can start appearing in other campaigns randomly? or scuppies can show up like with Gourmand but theres like no correlation there so im thinking spears.
the Skydiver has always looked to the skies, always stood on high branches to feel the winds, always looked at vultures with some measure of envy with how easily they soared through the air. they trained, started moving quicker and jumping high enough to feel the winds as they fell but it wasnt enough. they needed the skies themselves. they needed wings. they know just how to get some, always having known their creativity and cleverness and drive. they make a spear, wrapped with stiff wings and outfitted with an odd device that mimics the pinkish gasses vultures flew with. they step off a tree and put their faith not in the hands of random gods or nature itself but in themselves their hands their /wish/ and and it works. they fly. its. its addicting. fulfilling. incredible and vast and they hope never to lose this ever.
so of course, they lose it.
a wing snaps, flight thruster broken. Skydiver can only catch a glimpse of a falling vulture and a pink slugpup? before they spin spin spin and fall far from home with broken wings like a broken heart. something within them wails at the very idea of never tasting the skies again and for a moment it feels all too much for the Skydiver to bear. it doesnt matter. they pick themselves up. they did it once, they can do it again. theyll find their way to the skies once more and dance in the clouds with bliss. they just have to find their way out. far from these walls and back to their tree. maybe theyll even find the time to see whats the fuss with these so called random gods while theyre here.
for a moment, while wandering, Skydiver thought they saw another slugcat, blue and heavily scarred and moving with determined purpose. they never saw whoever that was again. Skydiver hopes that wherever they are, theyre doing okay in these vulture infested lands.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 9 months
Dance The Night Wild Kratts Outfit Inspo?
@kikibbgaming Generously offered to draw the Wild Kratts dancing to Dance The Night scenario I described in the post below. I am so grateful for and excited for this!
One commenter, @moonunderfolklorenostalgia , asked if the outfits the Wild Kratts characters wore could be inspired by those worn in the Barbie movie, so I offered to help out and post some outfit references!
So, here are the outfits I think best fit each Wild Kratts Character, but feel free to change them up as you like while you are drawing them! If anyone has any other recommendations for the outfits feel free to share them!
See below the cut because this is long!
Chris and Koki - 🤠 Western Barbie and Ken 🤠
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I lowkey think they would look so cute in western wear! Come one…With the boots and hats, so cute!!!! And the stars in the outfit tie in with Koki’s signature star shirt! I also think Chris would just own this look, lol.
Martin and Aviva - 🛼 Sporty Barbie and Ken 🛼
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Aviva’s been known to wear rollerblades in the show, so I think sporty Barbie’s outfit matches her vibes very well. Martin is just such a funny and goofy guy, so I think this outfit is a perfect match to his colorful personality.
Jimmy Z - 🌊 Beach Ken 🌊
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Jimmy Z’s got that laid back, chill attitude, one that totally pairs with beach vibes, so I imagine him rocking and loving this laidback look. Maybe he’s got a tank top and a pink and teal hat worn backwards to complete the look?
Donita (and Dabio?) - 🪩 Disco Barbie (and Ken?) 🪩
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She’s such a fashionista, she has to be wearing one of the most fantastic outfits in the film, the one that’s like a literal living diamond because it’s so shiny. And Dabio’s her loyal companion, so he’s going to have to wear something to match her, instead of a K he has a D on his outfit.
Gourmand - 🛳️ Nautical Ken 🛳️
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So we’ve seen Gourmand wear stripes before in some of his outfits, and that gave me the impression that this would be a perfect fit for him, plus I think he’s enjoy the sailors hat as a change from his chef’s hat.
Paisley - 🩷 Pink Jumpsuit 🩷
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I doubt Paisley would willingly wear pink, but since this outfit is functional she might don it. Oh and if Rex was in this, she’d probably make him wear a pink jumpsuit with her so she didn’t have to suffer alone, lol. He’d have an Assistant sash and she’d have a boss sash or something 😂
Zach - 🖤 Ken’s Fur Coat/ Leather Outfit or Black Outfit 🖤
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Okay…Might be the Zach lover in me loving all these outfits, but I can’t decide which would be best for him! I kind of think he’d like the all black one because it’s practical, but I also think he’d be into the drama and flare of the coat/leather outfit. If he wore that one he’d totally have a V necklace and a fanny pack with Zach written on it, lol.
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perflorale · 9 months
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Fragrances i think Regina George would wear…
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Viva La Juicy by Juicy Couture
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Mean Girls is an Iconic early 2000s movie. And are you really y2k if you don’t own at least one Juicy Couture scent? I feel this would be Regina’s every day fragrance. It’s feminine, its delectable, its warm and rich. Sure it’s affordable and maybe common by now, but a win is a win. I feel Regina would layer this with vanilla body lotions. She also loves the way the bottle looks on her vanity. This is a delicious gourmand with warm notes of vanilla, caramel and amber giving it it’s notoriously sweet, and seductive vibe. This is one of those fragrances that brings all the boys to the yard, if thats what you want it for…. just sayin.
THANK U, NEXT by Ariana Grande
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I mean….I can’t retain the knowledge that the music video has a mean girls theme and not mention this. Plus it’s so Regina. While this for sure is not her everyday scent, i can see it being her perfect choice for summer or one to pack on vacation since it leans more fruity and tropical. Theres a coconut accord in the middle and sweet macaron at base. The sharp note of raspberry at the top cuts the sweetness slightly, giving it the punchy fruitiness it’s recognised for. The perfect summer perfume for a lover of fragrances that are sweet. The bottle design is very in character for Regina too, this girl breaks hearts left and right and she will make sure she looks & smells damn good while doing it. This is an ultra feminine scent in an ultra feminine bottle, and very on brand for a plastic.
Good Girl by Carolina Herrerra
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This perfume is very dangerous, in a playful way. Deceiving due to its duality. Innocent in the name, but daring in the scent and bottle. I would say the notes that stand out the most in this for me at least, are the coffee, tonka bean and sandalwood. I also sense the vanilla here and there. Everyone reports different notes standing out to them in this because theres just so much going on. I can see Regina wearing this on a night out, or when attending a party. This fragrance definitely entices. Men especially seem to really love this fragrance on women. This represents Regina’s duality, how she can seem sweet and playful one minute and entirely machiavellian the next. A perfume fit for a bad bitch. It's a more grown up feminine fragrance compared to the previous two I mentioned. Definitely a step up in maturity. I say you can wear any perfume at any age, age is never a barrier, but if you were to ask me who i think this is targeted for, I’d say maybe like a college/university student? Its like young adult. It's grown but doesn’t take itself too seriously. I have heard that this perfume is considered a “night club” fragrance and that people often wear it to go clubbing. I don’t go to clubs, but i do have this perfume, and from the vibe it gives me I can definitely see why people would wear this in the club, it’s spontaneous. So it’s not serious but definitely sexy in a playful way. The stiletto heel bottle isn’t a bad touch either. This perfume has so many versions, and i highly recommend checking out all the flankers but i think Regina would love the original the most.
Guimauve by Reminiscence
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I wanted a fragrance with a note of mint in it to make an ode to the foot cream she was trolled into using on her face. Which, not so surprisingly worked to her advantage, because if Regina can do anything, it’s adapt and make something work in her favour. Since our main man Aaron Samuels seemed to enjoy the scent of mint on her, I’d say its a note that compliments her body chemistry. The plastics are young and in high school, and most scents girls of that age tend to gravitate towards are the gourmands or the fruity mists. Anything edible smelling basically. So to keep consistency with this edible theme, this choice makes sense. It’s a fairly affordable perfume too. It has a wide range of notes so it is complex and multi layered. This fragrance to my nose at least, smells sweet and then aromatic, and then sweet again…definitely a chameleon of a perfume, and remember how i said Regina is adaptable if anything? Now you see where I’m going with this. Its still a very sweet smelling fragrance that is worth a try if you are curious. Plus the bottle is pink which is again, oh so on brand for a plastic. With the regal looking ribbon, the diamond crown lid, and golden detailing, it seems fit for the queen of North Shore so how can one go wrong with this? Her name is 👑 Regina 👑 after all. I can see her enjoying this as a shower or bed time fragrance because its delicious but also the aromatics give it a fresh clean edge. With notes like lavender, mint and rosemary to soothe her on a stressful day; she seems rather prone to stress (as seen by her ear piercing scream after realising what the Kalteen bars actually did) the almond, vanilla, and tonka bean also give it a saccharine and familiar warmth. This is actually credited as a marshmallow fragrance although fragrantica lists no trace of marshmallow in the notes, people compare it often to Kilian’s love don’t be shy, which is another very well known and loved marshmallow fragrance on the more expensive side of the spectrum. It does not disappoint on the marshmallow vibe though, if you enjoy that. Definitely smells like a confectionery but the aromatics and citruses in there make it unique. Imagine you are having a bubble bath with all your favourite essential oils but also snacking on homemade marshmallows that have been dusted in icing sugar, now imagine all those scents blending in the warm steam. This is what you’re going to smell.
🌸 As always if you want to see more fragrance matchups for characters you love, or for yourself, hit me with an ask! 🌸
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exhosong948 · 11 months
Some personal slugcat concept designs for all the Canonical scugs
(Some tangent about design notes and art below 😗)
The Spearmaster - Starting in chronological order, Spearmaster, With all of them I tried to take the most significant parts of their canon interpretation and just add to it, spearmaster was one of the few that I plan on changing since the ear markings bother me.
The Artificer - Arti is one of the few that I’ll be using myself so having a good but simple design was my priority, plus she’s just one color, so playing with what I had for her, I came up with this, with the addition of more realistic scarring she’s received over her time.
The Hunter - Hunters design is yet again one I don’t really care for, I could simplify it to a darker color or a gradient of a lighter color, I don’t know, personally don’t like this one very much.
The Gourmand - The Gourmand so CUTE 🥰 He’s literally a tubby Poohbear, he has rounded ears and a general “rotund” feeling plus, he’s just a cream color so adding a gradient to him adds just a little, but I couldn’t really decide so I have two color dots there for him, also I finally figured out how to draw bluefruit
The Survivor - The survivor is again just a really simple gradient of grey, honestly just to add a bit of dimension??, a bit more clearance to the character on a bright surface
The Monk - I think it’s suppose to be canon that the monk and survivor are related, so I just did again, a gradient in some spots and added some actual spots to his hind legs, The Monk reminds me of a banana, and bananas generally have spots sooo-
The Rivulet - The reason I adore rainworld is not only for an incredible ecosystem, but also getting to see evolution at its finest, Like with The Rivulet, looking like an axolotl as the world it now lives in is mostly water, so just adding some fin like spikes to rivulets tail, and here we go, might change the eyes to a darker color
The Saint - Who looks like the grinch to me XD, but since the world is basically an ice age, makes sense that scugs would evolve to have fur as a genetic way of keeping warm, getting rid of the ability of water breathing as water is either frozen or a no-go, honestly this design is probably the closest to the canon interpretation out of all of them
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Ok we done here, bye 👋
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foxilayde · 2 years
DANNY! I come to you with a very important inquiry. What perfume do you reckon one Mr. George Russell would wear on the regular? In fact, while we’re on the topic, any ideas on the fragrance a Mrs. Bertha Russell would enjoy?
Kindest regards,
(This only works if you read it in a really bad gilded era accent)
Andy! Tysm for your question!! I had to think on this one for a bit and I finally came to the definitive results.
Mrs. Bertha Russell loves all things French, so she’s not fucking with Penhaligom’s Hammam Boquet, even though it’s what EVERYONE in NY at the time is rocking. No no no, she’s a Guerlian Gurl all the WAY. Miss thang is dabbing her handkerchiefs and gloves with Eau de Cologne Imperialé
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Notes are as follows
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It’s an intimate silage and short longevity, so she’s gotta keep it stocked up. I gotta say this perfume reminds me so much of a Calgon spray I bought from CVS back in the day, so for MYSELF— it has lots of positive associations. It’s fresh without being soapy and the cedar and Tonka bean are barely there. You really get a lot of Rosemary and lemony goodness when this one wears down. And it’s been in production for like 150 years! So you know it’s a classic, just like her.
Now for George.
Ofc I was thinking leather and mahogany and tobacco… but that’s what he smells like after a day at the office! That’s not what he’s slapping on his skin after a shave! Mr. Russell fucks with AMERICA. So he probably KNOWS the dudes who stir up the batches at Caswell Massey (oldest perfumery in the US) and therefore wears…. Number Six.
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Number Six is such a classic. Not only that, it’s basically the masculine equivalent of Mrs Russell’s scent. Take a look at these notes.
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This looks less masculine, right?? But! There’s something about the way those green notes and rosemary last on the skin mmm plus, combined with the woody gourmand of his daily travails? Heavenly. It’s not overpowering and works in lovely harmony with Bertha’s fragrance, just giving absolute “THATS MY WIFE” energy.
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libartz · 1 year
Day 3 of Downpour
Survivor is done, so I'm trying the gourmand and artificer now so we've entered actual Downpour
Gourmand is a bit more interesting than I was expecting. There's crafting, and you spawn in shaded citadel but you can make your own lanterns so it's significantly less bad than I thought it would be. Also there's an 'eat every kind of food' quest. There is an order though and since I'm up to jellyfish I have to be in Shoreline again to progress. -_- And looool hanging onto jetfish is so slow
Gourmand can eat lizards and such like the Hunter, and can hurt them by jumping on them. Also, belly sliding is really fast and takes you across like a third of the screen. The cute orange chubby one is secretly terrifying
Artificier already seems intense. It starts in garbage wastes, in that scavenger stash that used to end up going nowhere but now has a path to somewhere else. I have died a jillion times >:|
The boom jump is fun, a bit hard to control where you go though. It makes you learn it fairly soon to progress. You steam if you do too many in succession, I assume jumping while steaming will kill you
There is no karma above wrath, except when handling a scavenger. I think I've seen this before in trailers- you have to carry a scavenger corpse with you to steal its karma to pass through gates. The corpses are light thankfully, and you can boom jump with them. A plus is it's no big deal if you die
It has a new thingy following it, like an overseer but not. I have no idea what it does yet.
Water also makes you explode if you swim for too long which sucks. Or it may just be if you dive under the surface. Shoreline is going to suck
The shelter I slept in got flooded when I woke up and it's partially raining. This seems like a bad sign. It is kind of cool though since for a game called Rain World, you don't see a lot of actual rain unless you're about to die
I got it in the first shelter in the Leg and it's artificer unscarred with 2 babies in garbage wastes which you can control for a bit
Prediction: the scavengers killed the babies and she's out for revenge
Because exterior has no scavengers, the normal way into pebbles is impossible. But there's a new region just near the top right shelter with minimum karma entry so you can get in
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honmyoseagull · 1 year
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Serval (Leptailurus serval).
(Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Exposition Félins, 2023.)
The reason I post this is to share a piece of trivia:
Translation in publishing is sometimes very weird. When I was a kid, in the French translation of the X-men comics and the cartoon, Logan was not called Wolverine but Serval. It was years before he was actually called Wolverine.
You’ll admit, looking at a serval, not quite the same animal. ^^;;
I had always wondered whether they just feared Europeans would have NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS A WOLVERINE.
So, hey, wikepedia, mon ami, help !
Here is the answer :
En France, des années 1970 aux années 1990, le nom du personnage est traduit en Serval dans les épisodes publiés par les éditions Lug. Bien que le terme « glouton »6 soit la traduction correcte de « wolverine », le terme « serval » lui a été préféré (« glouton » désignant également en français un individu gourmand). Cependant, en 1980, l'éditeur Arédit publie un épisode dans Gamma no 111 où le personnage fait sa première apparition, et traduit son nom par Glouton7. Dans les années 1990, la popularité de Wolverine est telle qu'elle égale celle des super-héros les plus fameux de Marvel avant lui, comme Spider-Man. En France, Panini Comics, qui publie depuis 1997 les comics Marvel en version française, lui rend à cette époque son nom d'origine.
In France, from the 70s to the 90s, the character’s name is translated as Serval in the issues released by the publisher Lug. Even though the word “glouton” was the correct translation for “wolverine” (NDT: animal wise), the word “serval” was prefered (as “glouton” also means an individual fond of food in French). (NDT: I confirm, to French ears, the name would have sounded somewhat ridiculous for a hero. Especially when glouton has a bit of a negative connotation too, as exaggeratedly fond of food, voracious or even greedy.) Nonetheless, in 1980, the publisher Arédit releases an episode in Gamma n°11 where the character makes his first appearence and translates his name as Glouton. In the 90s, Wolverine’s fame is such that it equals the one of the most famous Marvel superheroes before him, such as Spider-man. In France, Panini Comics, which publishes Marvel comics since 1997 in the French translation, gives him his original name back.
Thought you might find this funny. ^^
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rexaleph · 2 years
cant find my post where i say that tom ford Tuscan Leather unfortunately fucks severely or id have reblogged this as an addition, but turns put if you put on a small amount Montale's Aoud Leather very carefully it really is basically the same. At i wanna say less than 1/3 the price per volume, plus youd be using much less lmao.
I was completely put off when i first tried it bc its so grotesquely potent that i couldnt even get a handle on what it smells like. never bothered to try again even as i started getting into more challanging perfume, but im really enjoying it now. i sprayed a little into the crook of my ellbow like 6 hours ago and am still constantly aware of it, sweet leather, reminds me of shisha smoke maybe? Its soft and pleasant, though when i try to sniff & inhale it too closely it does get nauseating and headachy. The way people online talk abt it in terms of projection is p fucked up tho, would not want to ever be in a train car w any of them.
Anyway the Montale aesthetic is deeply tacky and it sucks that its such an obvious knock off so i wouldnt want to own any more than the sample i have, but ill wear it for sure, and maybe look into their line for sth more original. I know they got a bunch of coffe scents i was interested in for a while, plus i got a sample of their Honey Aoud, from when i was exploring gourmands, which i also found very loud and off-putting but maybe i can figure out how to wear it
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