liesmyth · 2 years
John's crown of baby bones + the use of dead people in interior design + skeletal constructs are not examples of necromantic exploitation, they're evidence that the Nine Houses have a completely different attitude to how to respectfully treat a body that is not inherently wrong, just different from the attitudes readers are familiar with (this might be less unpopular opinion and more hot take?)
I will die on this Hot Take hill with you. They live in man-made installations on planets that are inhospitable to human life, have very limited resources AND their entire society runs on thanergy which is best stored in bones. They also have unequivocably 100% absolute confirmation about the nature of the afterlife and know that soul and body separate in death. They KNOW for a fact the person ≠ their body, they KNOW someone who has died is in the River, they have no reason to see bodies as anything but objects. Abigail having her dead grandfather's arm bones in her childhood bedroom is just like hanging a photograph. John having baby bones in his crown is frankly based and I'd do the same if I was an immortal death wizard. Also Sarpedon nearly had an orgasm at the thought of his bones being interred on the Mithraeum so clearly their burial customs are just Like That.
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Can you summarize the plot of Dracula for me? I’ve fallen behind in the readalong, but of course YOU are keeping up, right?
Uh, sure
so far, the whole plot has been recounted from the perspective of Jonathan Harker, a businessman who came to Transylvania to handle real estate stuff for the scary, scary Count. Count Dracula's real estate is eerie! Jonathan has not been able to meet Dracula so far (Dracula is currently in England).
So far, the plot has consisted of Jonathan doing real estate stuff for Dracula, while also hanging out with the girl he met on the train, Mina Harker. There is some plot stuff where the girl he met on the train mentions that she is engaged to Jonathan's boss (namely Arthur), and then later the girl is attacked by an evil vampire lady who happens to be Dracula's new, freshly-bitten wife. This is an exciting development that happened while he was away from Dracula's estate on business.
The exciting event was recounted by the girl, Mina, to her friend Lucy Westenra, who lives in England, and who is mentioned to be lovely and very sweet. Lucy, on hearing of this attack, becomes very ill and sends a letter to her close friend, and our narrator, Jonathan. (Half of this recount is in the letter form, half of it is in the form of Jonathan's recollections of events.) At first Lucy seems very, very ill, and Jonathan is concerned for her. She doesn't seem to recover, however, and seems to get sicker and sicker.
We now see what happens while Jonathan is traveling on business for Dracula. After the girl he met on the train is bitten, she is brought to the manor in Dracula's very own coach. The man who found the girl in the woods saw Jonathan's boss Arthur at the coach window, and then left very hastily. At first Jonathan suspects Arthur has made a mistake and stolen his boss's coach, but when he gets back he finds that Arthur has vanished and his fiancee has been brought to the manor, where she is also very ill. Because of his own business, however, he is unable to return to England until his work is done. The girl that he met on the train is also taken by this same vampire (who, we later find out, is actually Dracula in disguise), and we now see the whole story from her perspective.
And here's the whole book if you want to catch up.
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smapis · 2 years
may I use your 'same but different' TLT fanart as a fanmix cover? (with credit/linkbank, of course!)
of course thank u for asking <3 id love to take a listen once you’re done w it!
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What if Forced Redemption Arc AU but with Marvel Shockwave? He actually stole the Matrix in that comic, though it was in Optimus' severed head at the time ( https://www.tumblr.com/optimuscore/721332711736918016/earthstellar-nukeli-honorarycassowary-i ). But what if he had worn it? Starscream stole and wore the Matrix in the same continuity (G2 comic), and it actually attempted to turn him good in canon. So.
I think I know what you mean?
Ohhh now that sounds cool. Because I've also thought about prime!Seeker before (okay one time it was Starscream yes but the other time I thought about it it was g1ish Skywarp) so that? That would turn out interesting.
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The ending of The One Thing You Can Rely On, when Eddie fully Sounds like he ate a thesaurus ala comics. I love it.
lmaooo honestly i always love characters for their playful language use and have such a hard time emulating it. honorarycassowary and ckret2 made it look so easy.
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eldritchsquared · 1 year
· ⭒ —–—– ⭒☆⭒ —–—– ⭒ · ╭──────────.★..─╮ Ask tag ★ Anons ╰─..★.──────────╯
°✰⟦ Mutuals ⟧✰° · ⭒ —– ⭒☆⭒ —– ⭒ · THIS ISNT ALL MY MUTUALS. JUST THE ONES I'VE RECEIVED ASKS FROM. Azraphael (previously endlesslesbianabyss) Bee / Ittybittybumblebee Bigtiddygothhusband Bmo-2143 Deluxetrashqueen Haz / Hazmatazz Ludwig / Finalhaunts Moss-muncher Moltenbinary (previously Containment-br3ach3d) Myzl / Myzlwow Oliver / Twistedterritorialtakeover Original-character-chaos Parker / Blughblu Yearninginblue
°✰⟦ Others ⟧✰° · ⭒ —– ⭒☆⭒ —– ⭒ · Cassowarykisses / Honorarycassowary Erin-hollow Katzchen-buggz
╭──────────.★..─╮ General tags ╰─..★.──────────╯
╭──────────.★..─╮ Fandom tags ╰─..★.──────────╯
╭──────────.★..─╮ OC tags ╰─..★.──────────╯
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homestuck-vocals · 1 year
Beyond Karkalicious is back at SAHcon!
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We're back with a new format! This year's BEYOND KARKALICIOuS is a live music trivia game show with players @argentconflagration , @honorarycassowary and @sinfulauthor, competing to NAME THAT SONG for the illustrious prize of $40 to a food bank in their name, in a city of their choice.
Come simulate the experience of sifting through and identifying/labeling thousands of unlabeled .mp3s! on easy mode because I even give you the words onscreen. I hope you find something new-to-you that you love. See you there!
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shamelesslymkp · 2 years
Aiglamene and Crux receive the five hundred ancient dead gifted by the Emperor for the renewal of the Ninth, and also do something that could be construed as mourning. (Words: 2,483) !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:archiveofourown, +fandom:the.locked.tomb.trilogy.|.gideon.the.ninth.series.-.tamsyn.muir, ::rating:general.audiences, ~author:honorarycassowary, character:aiglamene.(locked.tomb.trilogy), character:crux.(locked.tomb.trilogy), relationship:aiglamene.&.crux, relationship:aiglamene.&.gideon.nav, ::category:gen, \no.archive.warnings.apply, ~ao3:takes.place.during.harrow.the.ninth, ~ao3:mentions.of.harrow.and.gideon, ~ao3:the.people's.tomb.fic.jam:.pride, ~ao3:grief/mourning, ~ao3:worldbuilding, ~ao3:missing.scene click here for mkp's pinboard and more fic recs!
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triclopsrabbit · 2 years
Sleeper doing the “Alas! Poor Yorick, I knew him well” pose with Tel-Kar’s skull
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rest in piss tel-kar
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jayrockin · 4 years
What do homeplanet centaur names sound like? The comics you just released featuring Talita made me wonder, since her name is Portuguese in origin if Google is guiding me right. We've seen approximations of Avian/Scud/Ferret names, but not centaurs.
Talita’s name is Portuguese because it’s one of the top 3 most commonly spoken human languages in RttS, and she was named by one of the staff at a human orphanage. She’s kind of profoundly disconnected from her planet of origin, and her name is a symptom of that.
Centaur names would actually be very easy to phonetically approximate with human language! They have vocal chords not too different from us, put with a broader natural pitch range. Naming conventions would vary a lot, as centaur planet has thousands of regional dialects and languages with vanishingly small populations, but most of them are tonal and kind of musical-sounding to human ears. Writing a home planet centaur name with Latin characters would often involve denotating pitch changes with accents over vowels.
This is very tame in comparison to transliterating things like Ferret names, which are often a series of gestures with no vocal equivalent. This is why Pinkie and Brownie have English nicknames that are just their colors.
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owlapin · 3 years
fluorescentnova I can't wait to attend the wedding and have an usher ask me "Friends, Family or Once-ler Fandom?" for the seating area.
honorarycassowary omg I didn’t realize that was how you and Alex met
we always just say we "met online" but now you know the terrible terrible truth, we rped gay teenagers together
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liesmyth · 9 months
for the ship ask game: Cristabel/Alfred, the last leg of a truly disastrous quadrangle
Oooooh, I do NOT ship them! Mostly because I never considered the idea in the first place until now, a total rarity for me in tlt fandom
1. Why don’t you ship it?
I genuinely never thought about it, but now that I have... I think of them as co-conspirators above anything, and I think they were both more devoted to their adepts than anyone else. But it's the Canaan House gang so I can totally believe they were friends who had group sex together, if that counts!
2. What would have made you like it?
I think it'd have shipped it more if Mercy had expressed the same loathing towards Alfred than Augustine has towards Cristabel. Like, if I'd got the impression that Mercy perceived Alfred as a bigger threat to her affections.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
They committed a suicide pact together! That's amazing. I also like the bit where it is Known publicly that Mercymorn was the second Saint, which implies that there was enough of a distance between hers and Augustine's ascension. Which in turn implies that Cristabel used Alfred as a lab rat and waited to see if her theory had worked before offing herself... that's so juicy. I love Cristabel and I understand why Augustine hates her with a burning passion.
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Frank, could you explain the causes of the French Revolution? A timeline of events would be a great bonus.
"Timeline of Events"
3.5 million years ago: first human ancestor evolved from a smaller ancestor
2.1 million years ago: Australopithecus evolved from smaller ancestors
900,000 years ago: Homo Habilis evolved from earlier human ancestors
700,000 years ago: Neanderthals first evolved from Homo Habilis
35,000 years ago: earliest Homo Sapiens sapiens is thought to have arrived in France
11,700 years ago: Late Stone Age dietary record of French Emperor Louis XVI's ancestor found near Paris, indicating the possible site of his castle Chateau Versailles
2,800 BCE: Celtic invaders migrate from what is now the Ukraine and Bulgaria
822 BCE: first Celts found on the isle of England
61 BCE: Julius Caesar arrives in what is now France and begins campaign against Celts
55 BCE: Julius Caesar captured by Gallic mercenaries on the banks of the Aisne river
53 BCE: Brennus of the city of Nassus leads first Gallic invasion of Italy
51 BCE: Pompey the Great ends Gallic occupation of Italy
38 CE: Emperor Claudius pacifies the Gauls after a Gaulish invasion of the isle of Britain
396 CE: Emperor Constantine, recognizing the influence of the Parisian countryside, transfers his capital to what is now France
476 CE: The Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus is deposed, marking the end of the Roman Empire
583 CE: Good King Charlemagne unites the Frankish people into a single kingdom
1494 CE: the Parliament of Toulouse passes the Edict of Purification, requiring Jews to convert to Christianity or leave the country
1531 CE: Henry VIII becomes first King of England and France
1610 CE: Francis Bacon publishes the New Organon, asserting in chapters 17 and 18 that the Heavens contain a fluid which he theorizes is the component of all matter on Earth
1632 CE: Corpus Juris Civilis, the universally agreed-upon legal code of the Catholic Church, dissolved
1648 CE: Protestant forces in France defeat Catholic forces, marking the beginning of the French Revolution
1848 CE: King Louis Philippe is deposed and the Second French Republic established
1870 CE: France is annexed by Prussia and Germany
1914 CE: an assassination in Sarajevo sparks World War I
1945 CE: Winston Churchill's government publishes the Paris Protocols, detailed proposals for the creation of the European Union
1958 CE: the European Union is founded, consisting of the six member states of France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Belgium
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ceruleanvulpine · 3 years
“What warrior cat is this?” Clearly she is Soundbite
thank you.
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cruelfeline · 4 years
🎶- favorite song right now?
Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi. But use the term “favorite” loosely; it’s more “what song makes you cry about Hordak the most right now.”
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🌿 🌳 🍃 🌙 ☀ 🐈 🌧 🦗 🍁 🐉 🐾 🐇 🐦 🦌 🕸 🌻 🍄
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redredribbons · 4 years
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@kitausuret I feel like he was SO CLOSE, absolutely moving in a better direction, getting the closest thing to a happy ending he and the symbiote have ever had, and then... *clenches fist*
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@theyellowtiewriter I LOVE Upgrade, it’s such a stellar movie. And it is super funny to me that not only does it share the same basic conceit/trope as Venom, but it came out the same year as the Venom movie and stars Logan Marshall Green, who bears more than a passing resemblance to Tom Hardy (or at least, I think so? I am pretty face blind where men are concerned tbh). Upgrade is also what the Venom movie tried to advertise itself as: extremely dark, ultraviolent, not a happy ending. Venom is the goofy, feel-good version of the concept. Romance between STEM and Grey Trace... whew. I immediately thought of a few scenarios that I’m sure have already been written in darker, angstier Venom fics 😅 Okay, RAMBLING, but Upgrade is such an excellent movie I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it
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@honorarycassowary OTT Venom is the best Venom! I am so here for the Camp and the Drama of it all. And I love when Venom is actually funny— humor and sass are Venom traits sadly underutilized in recent times. Venom being a weird yet protective friend to the Spider-kids would be the best possible outcome. Their interactions were all so cute and funny, and they parted on good— or at least non-hostile— terms. It would be a huge missed opportunity for them to never team up again.
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