astromechs · 1 year
Ship kisses!!! 17. To distract, rebelcaptain? 👀
finally getting to these prompts, like, two weeks later; #writersblock, my nemesis. anyway shoutout to diego luna's headcanons about cassian being a good cook for inspiring this lmao
also on ao3! and still accepting prompts from this list :)
While he's cooking, Cassian only has one rule: Jyn can stay in the kitchenette they've been lucky enough to have installed in their quarters on-base and watch him all she wants, even help if she's so inclined, as long as she isn't a distraction.
It's not as if the process is more dangerous than any variety of others, even with the knives involved, but it requires a certain amount of precision — and therefore, his undivided focus. A split second can mean the difference between the right balance of flavors and a disaster no one could ever stand; now that there's someone eating his cooking aside from himself for the first time in years, that seems more important than ever. Maybe he could swallow something with too much seasoning, but he isn't going to give Jyn anything less than his best effort.
Of course, rules and Jyn don't exactly mesh. Even when she doesn't outright break them, she's always testing them, pushing them to see just how far she can. She has a tendency to stand at his back, to rest her chin on his shoulder (and likely rise up on the balls of her feet, given their height difference) as she watches him toss ingredients together — and to sometimes reach around his waist and sneak in what bites she can. He thinks: she's incorrigible in that way.
It's not a thought that comes with anything but fondness, especially now, when the reliable warmth from her at his back settles over him, too, when, during this one isolated moment in time, everything feels easy. Strangely uncomplicated, no matter the war still ongoing beyond these walls.
He feels her shift, one hand still resting on his shoulder (presumably) for balance as the other snakes around, snatching three cubes of cheese in the blink of an eye.
Turning on his heel, he says, "Jyn." His voice has no bite to it; in fact, its edges are rounded out and soft, a blunted knife allowed to be worn down well beyond its usefulness.
(It’s not so dangerous, he’s come to realize, to let that happen.)
"What?" Even without the slight puff of her cheeks betraying the presence of what she's stolen in her mouth, she's trying just a little too hard to feign innocence for it to be convincing. He lifts a brow, but she stays the course. "I'm being helpful."
Cassian can't help the faint snort that escapes him at that. Truth be told, he can't help a lot of things when it comes to her; he never has been able to, really, not since the day they'd met, but now that's a little easier to admit. With a sidelong glance in her direction, and his mouth just barely turned up at the corners, he tosses back, "Then you can pass me the salt. That would be helpful."
After a noticeable swallow, she exhales an equally noticeable sigh (which Cassian, of course, knows is both intentional and for show), but moves as requested, away from him, briefly, and toward the shelf where he keeps his stock of seasonings and spices. Even if her absence isn't long, and she's back by his side handing over the salt within seconds, any absence of her is long enough to miss.
During the transfer, her hand lingers over his for much longer than it needs, her fingers dragging away from his slowly. Her eyes meet his, unblinking, and his breath catches in his throat. With her hair mussed from the efforts of the day, strands of it escaping her ties, and a hint of mischief on her face that she isn't even bothering to attempt to conceal, he thinks — and not for the first time — that she is the most beautiful sight he's ever seen. And —
Like being locked in a tractor beam, he's helpless to do anything but lean in as she stands on her toes and presses her lips to his.
Everyone in the Alliance knows the fire that burns in Jyn Erso — and if the Empire’s turned a blind eye to it before, they’re certainly not missing it now. What she radiates is bright and brilliant, something that could easily spark out of control without purpose, yet once focused, can keep an entire fight going indefinitely, as far as anyone can tell. But there’s a side of that fire that only he knows, the one reserved exclusively for this room; it’s soft and gentle, and as it spreads between them, it seeps into his bones that creak beyond their years, fills in the cracks that he’s long forgotten. Feels like home.
He tries not to think of it in terms of luck, in terms of what he does or doesn’t deserve. Tries, and fails, ultimately, because the cloud of an unfair exchange will always hang over him, but in moments like this, when she sighs against his mouth as a thumb grazes over his cheekbone, he isn’t thinking at all.
Moments like this, which, of course, aren’t meant to last.
Just at the periphery of his awareness, he picks up on a subtle scent of something just beginning to burn, and so draws himself away from Jyn to turn his focus back to the cooktop. Even if there’s no verbal protest from her as he does, he knows how she’s looking at him without glancing back to confirm: there has to be a knit to her brow, and her mouth has definitely been set in a firm line.
On his own mouth, a smile tugs, visibly, at the corners.
They’re both silent for a time as he stirs, adding one pinch of the salt he’d been handed, and then another. Neither of them are excessively talkative people, so they can exist like this comfortably, but even so, there’s something that lingers in the air between them well beyond the end of the kiss. Something… unfinished.
And in the end, it’s incredibly distracting.
(That’s something that would usually annoy him, being distracted, and would still, coming from anyone else. But since it’s her, it’s different. Just like so much seems to be.)
Flipping the burners down, he shifts his attention back to Jyn easily, wasting no time in taking her into his arms and pulling her close, in returning her fire to him. It settles with no hesitation — as if it’d never left at all. He leans in, says low and hot into her ear:
"Ten minutes to simmer."
The glint in her eyes that flick up to meet his as he pulls his face back tells him that she’s reading him. She always does; they barely even need words to speak at this point. Still, she draws closer, until their lips almost touch, and murmurs, "That's all the time you need, surely."
He slips a hand under her shirt, smile curling into a smirk at the way she gasps as his fingers move over bare skin. The message has been communicated, loud and clear, but he can’t let the challenge go unanswered. "I don't even need that much."
Whatever she has to say to that is lost forever, claimed by his mouth in a searing kiss that she rises to meet.
And so are all his thoughts as he walks them back toward the nearest available surface, except for one: there’s no rule that says dessert can't come first.
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luimnigh · 9 months
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Thanks for your tags on my post, it's honestly all kind of crazy. I suppose for like, Peter, this could be one of those eras where he goes back to school, but that's after Parker Industries and such... and yet he knows Eddie... and yet he and MJ are on and off which makes me think One More Day (which erased their marriage) happened??
I haven't even gotten to Wanda yet (my last story mission was trying to shake down Johnny Blaze for the parchment of power) but the weirdest thing to me is that it doesn't seem like she's very close to the Avengers? When in comics that was basically her whole life, she had a speech about it and everything? I suppose it's just one of those creative liberties taken by the game writing staff, but do you have any theories on why things are written the way they are?
Actually, I'm pretty sure One More Day hasn't happened yet, because Mephisto keeps insinuating that he'll see Peter again.
And yeah, in the Midnight Suns universe it seems like Wanda's history has been altered quite a bit, taken in under Agatha before Magneto could recruit her into the Brotherhood, from which she and Pietro defected into the Avengers in the comics.
The writing ultimately picks and chooses what it wants out of the comics canon for what best serves the story. Peter is young here so that he better fits in with the core Midnight Suns, and is able to act as more of a middle ground between them and the Avengers of the group. Meanwhile Venom is further along in his character development to better justify his joining the Midnight Suns.
Just ignore some of the Hero Ops. Some of those clearly screw with the timeline to make references. A few added by the Deadpool DLC reference characters from his King of Monster Island arc, despite that being concurrent with the early days of Krakoa, meanwhile the X-Men are canonically in a Xavier's School era.
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spinejackel · 3 days
17, 18, 21 for the art asks? :3c
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
i would love to remember to eat and drink while i draw, and i do get myself some ice water or some hot tea so i have something within reach to sip on, but i usually get hyperfoacused and the ice has melted or the tea has gone cold. can't eat and draw. too distracting
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
i try really hard to NOT break my art supplies cause they're expensive, but..... many many xacto blades. i have also spilled more paint than i would care to have spilled.
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
everything scarecrow-hero and sumplysilly make kicks dick So Hard how do they do the bold block shading??? i could eat that shit up every time
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louiemutton · 1 year
I'm really intrigued by your Clint/Bucky fics but I'm not super super familiar with their dynamic. Do you have any comic story arcs or even series runs you would recommend for learning more about how they gel together? 💖
me being lazy: here's the winterhawk reading list thats up to date and very in depth and well done!!!
pretty much anything on that page that's bolded with an asterisk is core to them imo. fallen son #3, captain america (2005) #37, and New Avengers (2005) #48-54 are the beginnings of their interactions but idk if you've read that era or not so just in case! here's how i personally stumbled into this era so that everything makes sense without having to start at the beginning of civil war (putting it in order for you tho, i had to read backwards):
Captain America #25 (the general context of the post-civil war era)
New Avengers #26 (understanding Clint)
Fallen Son #3 (more clint context)
Captain America #26-33 (bucky focused)
New Avengers #27-30 (clint focused)
Captain America #37 (they meet)
after that you can continue reading whichever at your leisure if you enjoy the runs or you can skip to New Avengers #48 when bucky joins the team, your choice!! i tried to be as specific as possible for maximum efficiency and keeping the timeline in order but honestly captain america & new avengers are both great comics from beginning to end imo and you can read them however u wanna
anyways!!! hope this isn't too overwhelming :')
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spideywhites · 1 year
Ship asks, Peter Parker/Flash Thompson? 👀
1 ) What made you ship it?
Listen, don't judge me. It was fucking memes about Flash being in love with Spider-man that got me. There's literally no other reason. In fact I would even say this is more ShipLite TM because I'm almost exclusive for them being weird little BFFs. I do this for the laughs.
2 ) What are your favorite things about the ship?
How fucking HILARIOUS it would be. I just feel like they bring out sides of each other that are so...raw? In a way? Like there's an acknowledgement of witnessing some of shittiest sides the other has to offer and yet still holding out hope. Flash would fucking die for Spider-man, would remake himself to be a better human. Peter's ENTIRE THING is attempting to remake himself into being a better human because he realizes he's anything but. IDK there's just a little spice that can be added every once in a while. Like, I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of bully/victim ships, but where Flash has ended up as opposed to where he started? And Peter's self-reflection that he's capable of forgiving Flash? And how they both see things in each other that the other can't? I'm ill. (Still, would hardcore write them as spicy besties over any romance 9 times out of 10.)
3 ) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Um, I think this is a pretty rare pair so I haven't seen many hot-takes or fandom consensus centered around them. But I suppose... uh, the idea that they'll just STOP being kind of dicks to each other upon dating? I don't believe in it. They're the ones arguing and screaming at each other, while actively trying to work through and overcome the deep rooted anger they know is unhealthy to display in a relationship but BY GODS is the other one annoying as fuck sometimes.
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teriiblog · 8 months
I giggled at your tags! But also so fucking true.
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Slugging down water after a long workout like "Eddie Brock is so dehydrated.. SOMEBODY MAKE HIM DRINK WATER" and getting upset about it. Make him eat healthfully and hydrate! Tfw the fandom love turns into a frustrated "please take care of yourself you massive LUNK".
SDKLFJGSDAKJFG FOR REAL!!! u_u love to hate that stubborn old man
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softgrungeprophet · 10 months
Character asks for Wyatt Wingfoot? 👀💖
13. Your favorite friendship they have, 20. A weird headcanon, 25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
13. Fave friendship: Hmmmm is it a cop-out to say Johnny? TBH Wyatt's only shown with like. Two friends. Which is Jen and Johnny—and I like both of those friendships a lot lol. He did babysit with Alicia a couple of times which seems like it could be a really fun dynamic but it was pretty brief and never explored or anything like that.
WAIT I LIED I FORGOT ABOUT BECKY I love Becky, she and Wyatt are very fun. love calm sedate wyatt and his firecracker bff with two (2) appearances ever (wiki says she has more but tbh i really don't believe that the random lady in the background of a kind of bad xmas comic published before we actually met her was becky??? lol??)
20. Weird headcanon: That the reason he was so sleepy when the gang went on a field trip to Wakanda (in his like... second appearance) was because he pulled an all-nighter studying lol
idk if that's "weird" but 😂
oh i guess i have a somewhat odd family tree setup for fic purposes but that's because his family is kind of... well, it reads to me as though claremont... maybe made up new names for existing characters (and got father vs grandfather wrong while he was at it) (except they're both dead) thus bringing into existence wynona and her father, black eagle. (not sure why wiki says will wingfoot is her dad cause i'm pretty sure he's not...? unless i am SORELY misremembering the two entire issues she's been in)
so my possibly weird family tree headcanon is that black eagle is will wingfoot's older brother and that after will died (but before she died) wyatt's mother either remarried or just got together with black eagle (thinking like, oh supporting her and helping her with the kids after his brother/her husband died ~> romance) and they had wynona. making wyatt and rain half-siblings to wynona. i guess that's more of a wynona wingfoot headcanon though. but like.
you know. i'm basically making that up because i'm 90% sure black eagle and wynona were meant to be silent fox and rain falling west.
i mean it's entirely possible giving wyatt a new sister (and uncle) we'd never met before was on purpose and not because claremont just couldn't be bothered to look up rain or silent fox's names or the fact that wyatt's parents and grandparents were all dead by 1989, but frankly i don't feel that generous about it lol
(also i'm not sure why wynona's wiki page lists scott lobdell and alan davis as her creators cause i'm fairly certain it was claremont writing f4 in 1999) (i mean. if you go to the issues she's in, it literally lists claremont and larocca as writer and artist)
25. Most OOC: when John Byrne stepped in on writing like, you know what this guy should do? Totally shrug off all his responsibilities for no reason because he thinks a girl he just met is hot! (and killing his grandpa off-panel at the same time for literally no reason—like to be honest the entire thing would have sucked less if grandpa was not killed off and wyatt was just allowed to be a regular struck-with-wanderlust 20 year old instead of being like ~ohhh he has to step in as chief~~ just kidding he's going to new york and abandoning all his responsibilities because he saw a tall green babe) So now he has a weird inconsistent reputation as this irresponsible guy depending on who's writing him, but imo I don't think it's like. that in-character? It's not like Wyatt was super complex by the mid 80s but he still never really struck me as that kind of character personally? especially since he pretty consistently puts others' needs/wants/etc. before his own including in byrne's own writing lol... so like??? For the most part though I think Wyatt is such a straightforward character that most writers get him in the right ballpark—chill, romantic, kind, and thoughtful. Strong sense of justice, very capable, adventurous, etc.
oh wait I just remembered the scene in FF vol 2 where he says he doesn't know how to pronounce a french word. I like his appearance in that comic and his and jen's date was very cute but that line was like???? cause i have read all of his pre-slott appearances and in the 70s? 80s? i forget, he literally was going on double-dates to like... the opera and shit. also I'm pretty sure he has some kind of linguistics (and/or history) degree? (never actually stated but ka-zar: guns of the savage land has some linguistics stuff) and he's definitely been to french restaurants in his life so I'm pretty sure he can pronounce french restaurant food names as well as any other random guy
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bakageta · 1 year
WIP asks, "New God"? I think you've shared a snippet before but do you have any other snippets to share? 🥰 ooooorrr if there was anything that inspired it in particular, that would be interesting to hear about 👀
Hahaha I'm out of snippets since this is apparently my most interesting WIP document...
I don't know if it counts as spite, but there are a lot of interesting ideas in the comics. And those interesting ideas aren't being used how I want them to be used! It's more selfish than spiteful, I think 🤔
Like what if, instead of being a shitty absent pseudo-dad because he's off saving the galaxy, Eddie was a shitty absent pseudo-dad because his human body is wrong? It's getting harder and harder to stay tethered to it, and worse, he's less and less sure that he'll be able to stay. Then there's Honey with the knowledge and Flash with the urge to help Eddie with his issues so Flash can ignore his own. Flash's issues are of course that it's hard to condense a dragon into the shape and size of a human and also he's lonely.
And Symby! It's the strongest symbiote because it is cut off from the hive, but also it has no one and nothing to lean on in any sort of familiar way. It has to be maddening to go from a constant connection to the hive (even if that connection wasn't useful, it still was there) to silence. What a sad thing! And Eddie is caught up in everything and Symby has to ask for help in a way it never really has!
I have feelings about these ideas. I turn them around in my head nightly.
So yeah, I guess the inspiration is "no, not like that, do it like this, just, no, fine I'll do it myself." Which is true for many fics, I guess.
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616phyla · 9 months
Fandom reputation impression: someone who knows a LOT about cosmic Marvel and I can probably come to for reading recs, or will know somebody who WILL have reading recs. (Makes things a lot easier than scrolling to a random Starlin comic in Marvel Unlimited and going "okay guess I'll start here!")
Aw nice I'm glad! I really do love cosmic Marvel and I'm always happy to provide any guides or recommendations or answer any questions or anything :) Thank you!
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rejectofsociety · 2 years
🔪 🏚️ 🔬 for the fic asks? 💖
🔪 The fic/chapter that hurt the most to write?
oh geez okay. probably either free, in the west hills because I was already crying and having a rough night when I wrote it, or every time it rains, you’re here in my head because once more, that one opened fresh wounds. But almost remembered was also a gut punch to write bc the entire time I was like “why can’t these children just be happy” as if I wasn’t in full control of the situation
🏚 A fic you more or less abandoned?
yikes, really goin after me, huh? tbh, none of them are abandoned they just need time to age, like wine
🔬The fic you had to make the most research for?
probably Here Lies Peter Parker, since that one takes place in the ‘50s and obviously I was not alive then
fic asks!
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zeoumren · 2 years
Ask game, #14: personal word count minimum?
Oh geez, going with the tough one first huh Kita? 🤣
For me word counts are hard, because I actually dont tend to count the numbers on the screen and try to focus entirely on flow, I split things into chapters after making a big chunk but generally I guess I am somewhere between 2000, to 5000 words, but I will absolutely post longer or shorter if the chapter needs it, I guess I really used to care about a word count and then I figured that it didnt really matter and I should just write for flow, length does not always make the best story, nor does brevity make for wit all the time. I am all about figuring out a flow.
(And leaving my poor readers on crushing cliffhangers apparently 😅 )
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astromechs · 1 year
Ship game, Eddie Brock/Richard Rider? 💖 (Mostly I just REALLY wanna hear you ramble about them.)
Also curious if you default to the inclusion of a certain tentacled alien usually seen with our friend Eddie or not!
1. What made you ship it?
it started out as a collaborative effort! the other writer and i threw them together in an interaction and we realized that they just kind of vibed? and that they had more in common than one would ever expect. rich and eddie are both wrestling with their senses of self-worth, and are both striving to do good/better, somehow.
there was something to explore here that became apparent — and the rest is history!
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
one of my favorite things is how their dynamic works. i've long said that some ships that work the best are a character who prioritizes the world/universe in general paired with a character who focuses on their close people more than anything — and that's rich and eddie, respectively. rich is very committed to helping people in general, and in the process, often forgets himself, which can significantly impact his close relationships; eddie, on the other hand, is someone who's very much laser-focused on his people, and is well-suited to pull rich back when he's drifting, so to speak.
in turn, rich has unshakable belief in people he gets close to; past actions don't matter to him, but instead who you are and what you're trying to do now. he sees eddie's commitment to turn his life around, and doesn't hold any of his past actions against him. that's... a revelation for eddie, and really helps to better his own sense of self-worth, and see himself as a person worth existing. they're complementary in that way.
they're also both quite stubborn, which creates friction that makes for interesting conflict, and you can see how they end up resolving that.
all in all, they have a lot of similarities, some complementary differences, but all of that really meshes well together into a relationship that makes them both better people.
(and yeah, it doesn't hurt that rich is a known alienfucker, and definitely accepts eddie and venom together, as the case may be. if you... get my drift LMAO)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i'm one of the two people who invented this ship, there is no unpopular opinion 😂
ask me questions about ships!
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anisecandy · 4 months
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For a gift exchange with @bakageta , prompt "weird cuddles" ♥ I hope you like it!
(shout out to @kitausuret for being my insider and helping me choose the pose~)
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brw · 6 months
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brieuc's 1k celebration!
i recently hit 1k followers! that's a massive milestone that i'm super surprised and pleased to have hit! i didn't think even one person would be interested in my extremely scattered thoughts and interests and silly edits, let alone one thousand of you! i feel extremely grateful and happy over both the friends i've made here, the acquaintences i follow and the followers i have. in celebration of this milestone, i'm doing an event over a week or so!
to participate you must be following me. each edit will typically be between two and four images at my discretion and inspiration. you can send multiple, but please don't go overboard, im only one person!!
🫀 for a url edit
🎭 'x or y' for an edit on what i prefer, can be characters, franchises, teams, etc
🩷 for my favourite creative works of yours, can be edits, gifs, fic, art or whatever! (mutuals only)
🤖 for an edit on one of your interests, characters, franchises, films etc (mutuals only)
i'll take requests up til the 30th, as after that it'll be a week til my birthday and i will be focusing on that :) thank you again to all the wonderful friends, talented creators and lovely followers who i've gotten to know over the past few years <3 i appreciate every one of you! here's just a few of the many wonderful people i've loved befriending or following during my time here under the cut!
@warrenthird @wlwocprincess @qkwannon @rromuluss @kitausuret @heroeddiemunson @finalpam8000 @black-novas @pymcoded @vampirobins @reedrichards @femmehysteria @scarletfasinera @cosmicrayed @scottsummers @barneswilsonrogers @namor @rraaaarrl @kirbydots @mouseratz @parkerstorms @ghouls-ghoul @macbethz @goremeat @brad-boimler @harbingerofskulls @imperiuswrecked @koopadumpling @solipseismic @cvptainjaneway @prettysureimbatman @makeminemarvel @adelesbian @pollackpatrol
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krisseratops · 2 months
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SymbiOT3 sketch for the amazing @kitausuret! It's inspired by her fic Dust to Dust, go read it if you haven't already because it is absolutely wonderful! Just can't get enough of these idiots being in love 🖤
I guess this can double as a @symbruary contribution as well 🤭 for 24: symbiote ot3, and also 17: regret/apology and 26: yearning/longing/pining, because there is A LOT of that in the sorce material (seriously, go read Dust to Dust, it's freaking splendid!)
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616witch · 1 year
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after i eat spider-man's spleen i'm coming after you.
happy birthday @kitausuret!
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