#hope everyone's doing peachy meanwhile
sorapricots · 2 months
Summary: How everyone was shocked for an individual that hate PDA like Bakugou start to kiss your head more than he used to.
Pair: Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Nothing? Bakugou is very tame in here
A/N: Hello it’s been 999+ years since I last post something. To be frankly honest… college is a no joke not to mention I’m close to my last year right now… I can feel my sanity and braincells are decreasing with the amount of papers and journals I have to write… but oh well now I am kinda back? maybe not but who knows :) hope y’all enjoy my post and have a great day!
Wc: 1,4k
Weekend is finally come, and you cannot help but decided to wake up a little bit later than usual. Of course your wish is only a wish because a certain someone decided to knocked on your door and wake you up from your deep slumber.
You groggily walk to the door to find out who dare to disturb you from your very needed sleep. And there they are. A pink girl with black eyes and A girl with violet hair staring at you.
“What do you want?” you asked her. Mina just shrugged off your grumpiness as she walked inside your room and start to rummage through your wardrobes. Meanwhile Jirou gave you a quiet morning as she took a seat on your study desk.
“Girl, it’s 10 in the morning, and today is weekend so why don’t we spent some times together at the mall?” you groaned as you flop down to your bed face first.
“Also you told us to remind you that you run out some of your bath necessities and you want to restock them on weekend. So pull your ass up and start to get ready.” You let out inaudible grumble as you roll your body to flop on the floor.
“Fine.” You let out a huff as you grab your towel and the outfit Mina already picked for you.
“God… I really did run out of shampoo…” you sighed as you toss the empty bottle of shampoo to the trash bin.
You walk to the living room with Mina and Jirou after you finish taking a bath. And see a bunch of your friends lazing around. Your eyes quickly find the pair of red vermilion eyes that you love so much.
“Good morning.” You chirp as you stand in front of Bakugou. Bakugou grunt as his eyes move from Kirishima and Kaminari to you. He took a second to observe your outfit before answering.
“Mornin’ do you have somewhere to go?” he finally stand up from his seat. You nod your head as you hum.
“Yep. Mina, Jirou and I gonna go to the mall, you know… girl’s time. And at the same time I’m gonna buy some groceries because I ran out a bunch of stuff. so… do you want me to pick up something for you?” You lean your head deeper as Bakugou cup your cheeks with his callouses hands.
“Some spices. And just want you to be safe. That’s all.” You smile as you nod your head. Believing that Bakugou will send his groceries list later.
“Okay lovebirds come on we need to catch the train.” Mina decided to rip you apart from Bakugou. Receiving an annoyed grunt from the blonde. You only let out a small chuckle and wave at your boyfriend before left the dorm.
After you, Mina, and Jirou catch the train, the three of you manage to get a seat on a somehow not so crowded train despite it is a weekend. The three of you decided to discuss what to do at the mall other than shopping some groceries.
“What shampoo you plan to try? Didn’t you said you want to try a new scent for your shampoo?” Mina asked as she peeked your phone where you are busy looking for some shampoo testimony on the internet.
“Hmm… I don’t really know yet, but I do want to try peach scented shampoo… apparently according to the internet, peaches scented stuff are a bit popular these days.” You answer the alien girl while your eyes still planted on the LED screen on you hand.
“Oh but isn’t Bakugou did not fond for sweet scented stuff?” Jirou suddenly popped a question that make you think for a while. Shortly after you just shrug your shoulders.
“Well I don’t think peaches scented shampoo will have a dominant sweet scent. But even if it did, it’s gonna be ‘Suki’s problem, not mine.” Your answer made Mina laugh.
After a couple hours of walking and looking around the mall, Jirou, Mina, and you decided to go back home. While sit in the train you cannot help but keep looking at the new shampoo scent you just bought.
Anxieties and questions of what ifs start flooding your brain that makes you spiral down. Drowned enough you didn’t hear Mina practically scream at your ears. Your body jolted up when you feel Jirou’s ear jacks poke your cheek.
“Girl, are you really start regretting to buy that shampoo now? After we are one hour away from the mall?” Mina asked as she put her hand on one of her hips. You stare at her for a couple of seconds before let out a sigh of defeat and nodded your head.
“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure he will like it.” Jirou pats your shoulder softly in attempt to comfort you.
“We are back!” Mina screamed as she kicked the door open with hands full of groceries just like you and Jirou. Izuku and Ochako quickly help the three of you to put down the groceries in the kitchen.
“Did you get my groceries list?” Bakugou asked as he walk in with towel hang on his neck. You spin your body to see him before nodded your head.
“Yep I got all of them just alright!” you smile as you circle your arms around his slim waist. Bakugou give you an approval nod before he started to take out the groceries from its bag with you still latching to him like a koala.
“Peach scented shampoo?”  Bakugou look at you confusedly since usually you pick the floral scented shampoo. You just shrugged a bit before lean on his broad shoulder.
“Just want to try something new that’s all.” You said. Bakugou stared at it for another seconds before put it away for you to take back to your room.
“Hmm it does smell nice…” you mutter to yourself as you dry your hair with a hairdryer after you finish taking a bath. You hum to yourself while putting some casual clothes you usually wear in dorm. Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. You quickly run to the door to welcome the person who knock on your door.
Surprised but not surprised it’s your boyfriend who knocked on your door. Waiting for you to open the door. You throw each other a confused stare before he let a short huff.
“Dinner is ready.” You let out an understanding hum before you step out from your room and walk to the elevator with him. You both wait in silence as the elevator went up. Bakugou suddenly smell something unfamiliar coming from you but he decided to ignore it. Not until both of you step inside the elevator.
“Did you put on parfume?” Bakugou suddenly asked. You look at him confusedly before you decided to sniff around.
“Oh, you mean my new shampoo? Does it smell good?” you asked a bit hopefully. He stared at you for a second before leaning closer to you. His warm palm carefully grabbed some strands of your hair before softly kiss it. It would be a lie if you didn’t feel your heart skipped a beat when he did it.
Suddenly the elevator door opened. You immediately pull Bakugou out while he still busy inhaling your new scent. You even have to purposely pull yourself apart from him to be able to walk to the dining room.
“Suki, people are staring.” You said under your breath. It only cause Bakugou to pull you closer and plant his face to the crook of your neck as you both sit down.
“You smell so good.” He said.
“Damn girl, what spell did you cast on him?” Kaminari teased while wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes jokingly while still try to pull your lover from you.
“Okay explosion man, you need to eat.” Your stern words make Bakugou finally pull himself away and huffed like a child.
“Fine. But I want a cuddle.” He said with a bold tone. Your cheeks immediately flushed brightly as you can see from your peripheral vision your friends giggling and wiggling their eyebrows to you.
“Fine. Just eat will you?” you shoved a spoonful of food to his mouth before you start to eat your own food. The said man just smirk before he started to put insane amount of spice to his food and eat it. Of course he did not forget to secretly putting his warm palm on your thigh.
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hutchersonsgurl · 4 months
Devil Wears Prada Negan Smith part 2
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Paring Wife Reader and Negan Smith
Warnings 18+ MDNI Negan graphic violence smut graphic language
Word count:
Synopsis you are the wife of Negan Smith the two of you split before the month before the end of the world and now you and your son run into him again
It's been two hours since your ex-husband walked back into your life. It's as awkward as it can be for you as you are in your house with Carl and Negan and your son Mason waiting for Rick, your boyfriend, to come back from his supply run. You are keeping an eye on your ex-husband as he comes down the stairs with his freshly shaven face. You can feel the tension in the room. Nobody knows what to do. Carl follows behind, keeping his nerve. Meanwhile, you are completely freaking out inside because you figured that he was dead. He seems so different now, like he's tapped into whole he really is. He's nothing like the man you remember. It took you awhile that he's wearing the same leather jacket he spent all that money on before the two of you split. You reach down into your boot, making sure that the knife that you always have on you is still there. You sit down with Mason at the island in the kitchen as Negan and Carl cook spaghetti.
"You know, it feels like the word never went to shit right now sitting here with my wife and two kids," Negan says with a smile.
"Ex-wife," you respond.
Negan looks at you with a smirk.
"Now, Darlin, we never actually divorced; the world ended before we could finish," he says.
"Well, as far as I'm concerned, we are divorced," you say, leaning back and crossing your arms.
"Well sh*t, I didn't know I wasn't your husband anymore," he sneered.
Simon walks into the kitchen and stands in the corner. "Does he know about your other wives?" he asks.
You look over at Simon and then at Negan and roll your eyes. "It does not surprise me," you respond.
Negan finishes cooking, and then the four of you eat in awkward silence.
Negan finishes and walks outside to play pool when Spencer walks over to him.
"You want to play?" Negan asks
"Sure," Spencer says.
Everyone gathers around to watch what's going on. You have Carl and Mason behind you.
"I get what you're trying to do here; what are you trying to build? I'm not saying I agree with your methods, but I get it. You're building a network and making people contribute for the greater good. It makes sense, but you should know Rick Grimes has a history of not working well with others. Spencer says that Negan is playing pool.
"Is that so? Negan asks
Spencer walks over to Negan. Rick wasn't the only leader my mom was; she was doing a really good job at it. She died not long after Rick showed up. Same with my brother and same with my dad," he says.
"Everything was peachy here for what years? and then Rick shows up and suddenly your an orphen," Negan asks as he is about to drink some whiskey.
"That is the saddest story I have ever heard," he continued.
"Good thing for you, he ain't in charge anymore," he says.
You, along with everyone else, are watching, hoping this doesn't go bad.
Spencer lines up his shot and looks up at Negan. "It doesn't matter if his ego is out of control; he'll find a way to screw it up to try to do things his way to take over," he says.
"That's what he did with my mom," he says as he hits the ball as Negan is drinking and watching.
"What are you exactly proposing to be done about that?" negan asks
I am my mother's son; I can be the leader she was. That's what this place needs, and that's what you need," he says.
"We're supposed to put you in charge; that's what you're saying." Negan responds
"It would be much better off," Spencer says with a smirk.
"You know I'm thinking, Spencer. I'm thinking about how Rick threatened to kill me and how clearly he hates my guts while he is out there right now gathering shit for me to make sure I don't hurt any of the fine people that live here," he says.
"He is swolling his hate and getting shit done; it takes guts," Negan says as he lines up a shot once again and takes a shot.
"And then there's you," he continues.
"The guy who waits for Rick to leave so he can talk to me to get me to do his dirty work so he can take Rick's place Negan says he is walking up to Spencer.
"So I gotta ask, if you want to take over, why not just kill Rick yourself? and just take over," he says.
"No, no, I didn't," Spencer tries to say as Negan cuts him off.
"You know what I'm thinking because I have a guess." Negan says he is getting closer to him.
"It's because you have no guts," he whispers, and then he stabs Spencer in the guts.
You let out a scream and keep trying to push the boys back; everyone else is in shock.
as Spencer falls down and over
"How embarrassing they are," Negan says with his signature smirk.
"They were inside you the whole damn time; you did have guts," he shouts.
"I've never been so wrong in my whole life," he shouts.
You stare down at Spencer as he takes his last breaths as Negan walks back down to the pool table, reaches for your back pocket, pulls out your gun, and aims it at Negan.
He turns back around and stares at you. "Wow, easy there, Darlin, not in front of the kids," he says.
You pull the trigger, and it misses him.
"Wow, see there, that's just not right. he says
part 3 is coming soon
sorry this took so long
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lovetaled-a · 2 years
gonna be away until the weekend !  
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pretendfan · 2 years
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•The Work Uniform•
(A/N I wrote this because there is nothing sexier in this world than Adrian Chase wearing his work uniform, no this isn’t open for debate, yes I’m a sucker for this guy, reposted from ao3x had such fun writing this🍑)
Adrian Chase x Reader
You get so hot when you see your boyfriend Adrian Chase wearing his Fennel Fields work uniform. So much so you decide to use it, well a part of it to reward him with a sexy surprise for when he returns from a mission with Peacemaker and the rest of the 11th street kids.
Let’s just hope this is a good idea…
Sweet bf Adrian, Adrian is a horn dog, established relationship, awkward romance, cute moments, kitchen sex, oral (female receiving), sexy surprise, happy ending, cuteness, Adrian is a babe
All day you had this idea in your head, one that excited your for so many reasons because you just knew Adrian would love it.
At least you hoped so…
The pair of you have been together for over a year and you had never been happier so tonight you wanted to surprise him.
Every time you saw your boyfriend in his work uniform it made you smile and feel a little (ok, very) turned on.
You knew it was ridiculous but when Adrian
did up the buttons on his deep red shirt he looked really fucking good, especially when he left a couple undone at the top framing his Adam’s apple whilst showing off his long neck.
His trousers were black and plain but fitted so they clung to his thighs and butt which you knew was firm after all the times you’ve grabbed his peachy ass during sex.
His hat was one of his accessories and something you knew he absolutely loathed to wear but he always looked so cute at the end of a shift with random curly tufts sticking out at the back and always a stray one at the front.
The last thing he had to wear which he wore tied tightly around his waist was the item that you currently had on, with nothing else.
It had been a great idea in practice, putting on Adrian’s apron which of course left very little to the imagination.
But once it was on neatly and tied firmly around your waist you started to get doubts which meant you was double guessing yourself at the same time.
A hundred and one what ifs…
The fact that Adrian was running late wasn’t helping matters either making you wonder if this was a good idea at all and would Adrian even like it?
Feeling like a fool for spending ages in the shower scrubbing your skin to within an inch of its life just so you felt good but your adorable boyfriend wasn’t even here to see you.
Adrian meanwhile was wondering why you hadn’t responded to his text message earlier but it didn’t matter he was on the way to yours as soon as he got back to base with the rest of the team.
Fighting as Vigilante was the best thing in the world but he couldn’t wait to see you after a busy day out in the field hunting down criminals and making them pay, with so much blood and violence protecting his friends and of course you.
Fresh out of his costume which definitely needed washing Adrian had changed in the van (much to everyone else’s annoyance) into a pair of jeans and a faded green tee shirt whilst readjusting his glasses because he felt nervously excited to see you.
Once finally at their headquarters the “11th street kids” exited the old van which they used for their missions all weary from the job besides Adrian who was pointing at Chris’s car hurrying him along to it.
“Dude can’t you just get an Uber to Y/N’s place?” Questions Chris in frustration adding “I’ve been with you for two days man-“
“You promised you would give me a ride!” Groaned Adrian causing his BFF to roll his eyes heavenward muttering something under his breath.
Adrian then gives Chris his very best puppy dog eyed look hoping it would do the trick because it always worked on Y/N.
“Fuck it, ok, fine!” Chris snapped “Just hurry up I need to go grab a celebratory beer before the bars close.”
“Hey!” John yelled at your retreating back the tech guy sounded pissed off “ We still need to empty the equipment out of the truck fuckers!”
“I have to go see Y/N!“ Adrian shrugs in John’s direction as he continue to back away slowly to his destination, Chris’ car.
“It shouldn’t be the muscles job to carry all the shit back inside, you should figure it out with Leota!” Chris yells back with smug grin on his face.
“Sweet! Are you including me in that muscle category because I-“
“Of course not dude! .” Chris scoffs adding “Sure your body is looking way more toned nowadays but you have like baby muscles compared to mine.”
“I was a late bloomer we’ve established this!” Adrian groans whilst Chris ignores him calling for Eagly who drops down from the night sky landing perfectly next to Peacemaker.
“Just get in the goddamn car Adrian.” Chris states in a firm voice whilst Eagly hops into the back first sitting in his favourite place.
“Have I mentioned how exited I am to see Y/N tonight.” Adrian asks Chris who drowns him out with some music by the band Cinderella as he switches on his CD player.
But like always Adrian couldn’t read the room, or in this case car as he continues to talk despite Chris not hearing a single word he said.
Not for the first time tonight but Chris truly marvelled at the idea of Adrian having a girlfriend, Y/N was hot to boot so it just wasn’t right it just totally threw off the balance of everything.
“Look I know there is no better time to rock than after a mission but why hasn’t Y/N messaged me back?” Adrian whines after lowering the music then waving his phone around in his hand almost as if that would conjure up the very thing he wanted, a response from you.
“Maybe Y/N’s fed up with you already?” Chris questions with a chuckle when he catches the look on Adrian’s face.
“How could anyone be fed up with me?” Adrian groans clearly pissed off at the very notion of it.
“I have no fucking idea, dude.” Chris states his voice literally dripping with sarcasm but like usual it goes over Adrian’s head and out the open car window.
“I’ve called her like six times, left a few messages what if she’s forgotten about me coming round?” Adrian sulks the high from his mission long gone as he bites his lip deep in thought.
“What if I came with you and spoke to Y/N? Just warn her that you need to know where she is at all times, otherwise you will go back to stalking her again.” Chris shook his head in disbelief at how these two got together it was a pretty ridiculous story.
“Ok you can do the first thing. “Adrian nods waving an index finger in Chris’ direction but stating “ It was only a little light stalking and I think Y/N was very into it.”
Having missed a million calls from Adrian you start to wonder if he was worried about you the guy was very protective of you to say the least.
But you just knew that if you had answered one of his calls you would have instantly sounded off and then Adrian would have gone on high alert.
You wanted this to be a surprise, a sexy surprise and talking to him would have only shown how nervous you was right now.
Your heart jolts all the way up to your throat (or at least it feels that way) when you finally hear the key in the door ordering yourself to get a grip as you leaned up against the kitchen table.
“I’ve been waiting for you baby-“
You start to tell Adrian in a sexy voice but stop when you see the look on your boyfriends face quickly followed by Christopher Smith’ shocked one as he bursts out laughing.
“Now this was something I didn’t expect, looking good Y/N” Chris yells but you have already backed out from the kitchen heading to your bedroom to hide.
Standing there in the middle of your room you feel sick with embarrassment from the surprised look on Adrian’s face to Peacemaker’s laugh it was enough to tell you that this was a terrible idea.
“Dude you’ve got to leave now.” You hear Adrian who was trying to use his firm voice on Chris like he always tries on Eagly but as usual it has zero effect.
“Wearing your work uniform? That is very hot dude-“
You don’t hear what Chris says next thanks to Adrian trying not to yell at his bff shouting that he needs to leave right NOW…
Chris continues to laugh at Adrian knowing that he was cockblocking him right now which was a dick move but he just couldn’t help himself.
“Just go!” Adrian hisses at Chris looking back towards your bedroom as he says “ I need to see if Y/N is ok.”
“Don’t let me interrupt this romantic moment just-“ Chris descends into giggles again nudging Adrian hard in the ribs which was pretty much the breaking point for him.
“Just get the fuck out!” Adrian shouts making you lift your head from under your bedcovers where you had decided to hide forever more because you had never heard him shout at Chris like that before.
“Respect dude!” You hear Chris tell him admirably then in a mocking voice he yells loudly “ Good to see you Y/N.”
Not wanting to call out you stay hidden hoping Adrian wouldn’t come to find you once you heard the front door close finally.
Standing there in the kitchen Adrian waits for a beat then heads towards your bedroom not finding you until he realises you are clearly hiding under the covers.
“I can’t see you Y/N?” You hear Adrian ask which makes you smile despite yourself.
“I’m not here.” You reply stupidly feeling a new wave of embarrassment wash over your face.
“Well ok, seeing that your not here Y/N I will just talk to the bed instead.” Adrian informs you which makes you smirk all over again.
“Look, I’m so sorry I bought Chris round here with me it was a stupid move on my part.” Adrian begins with a sigh then adding “Even though it was kind of cool he got to see how hot you are.”
This makes you smile to yourself whilst Adrian continues to bitch about Chris and his super bad timing.
“I was worried about you not messaging me back but now I know you were here waiting for me with a very sexy surprise.” Hearing the smile in Adrian’s voice make you lift the covers off over your head.
“It was stupid I-“ You begin to speak but stop when you catch the look on Adrian’s face as you try to sit up on your knees covering yourself all the while.
“It was the opposite of stupid!” Adrian cheers then adds with a grin “So, what was gonna happen then I find you in my apron deliciously naked underneath and I get to have my wicked way with you?”
You nod as Adrian continues to grin then he asks “Well I’m still game if you are?”
“Really?” You nod in surprise making Adrian roll his eyes back at you.
“Of course! My hot girlfriend wearing my apron I gotta say it’s really doing it for me.”
“Let’s do this then.” You smirk back as Adrian leans forward to kiss you but you move out the way at the last second.
“What if you came back into the apartment?” You ask Adrian who gives you a funny look back as he explains he is right here now.
“Well we could have sex here in this boring old bed or you could fuck me any way you want in the kitchen?” You tell Adrian clocking the moment on his face when he realises what you was getting at it was very cute, damn him.
“Ohh right!” Adrian begins with a smile adding with a wink “I better go back outside then.”
You wait until you hear the door open and close before you get up readjusting the apron as you walk through back to the kitchen.
Running a hand through your hair you lean against the table but then thinking better of it you hop up there instead.
Adrian knocks loudly on the door then comes in, pretending to act shocked at the sight of you like something out of a cheap porno the very thought making you laugh to yourself.
This makes Adrian stop acting like he had no clue you would be here, and wearing his apron how scandalous to look at you with his heart eyes and not his murder-y eyes.
“You look so beautiful when you smile.” Adrian tells you of course this makes your heart flutter but it wasn’t the direction you wanted this going.
“Can you just come over here already?” You grin as Adrian listens and seconds later he is in front of you placing a hand either side of you on the table.
“So, what bought this on?” Adrian asks in a confident voice as you watch his eyes dip down to check out your curves showing through the apron.
“You just look super hot in your uniform.” You practically mumble but of course Adrian hears you as his eyes dart back up to meet yours.
“This uniform?“ Adrian asks stepping back with a confused look on his face as he asks “So you prefer me in this than my Vigilante costume?”
“What can I say? You look hot!” You giggle at the absurdity of this conversation which was prolonging the inevitable.
“Do you think about me in my uniform then when your alone?” Adrian questions with a sexy smirk which makes you blush crimson.
When you don’t instantly reply Adrian chuckles and says “ I will take that as a yes then!”
Leaning forward you go to kiss Adrian with a smile on your face that you was trying to hide but when he comes closer you move your head away.
You follow this pattern, moving close to Adrian’s lips letting yours barely touch his until he tries to initiate a kiss but you pull back at the last second.
“Stop teasing!” Adrian cries out as you notice how his pupils look blown making you bite your bottom lip in victory.
Adrian swiftly leans forward to kiss you finally but you go to pull back yet he has other ideas as he grabs onto the back of your head his lips colliding with yours, finally.
You sigh into his mouth feeling his hand move from you head putting both of them around your waist pulling you closer to the edge of the table.
Adrian now stood between your legs whilst the bottom half of the apron was ruched up on either side of your thighs.
You feel Adrian’s tongue gliding swiftly over yours which makes you groan into his open mouth.
“Turn around.” Adrian orders you in a firm voice moving his mouth from yours as you silently obey.
Sliding down from the table you keep eye contact with Adrian who is staring right back at you until you turn round placing your hands in front of you.
“I want to bend you over and fuck you so badly right now.” Adrian states causing you to moan in response when you feel his hands palm your ass cheeks.
“Please, fuck me!” You whine at Adrian feeling how hot you was by the heat burning between your legs needing to feel his cock, hell even a finger right now inside you.
Adrian places his hands heavily on top of yours and you feel his hot breath against the back of your neck.
“Let’s not rush things Y/N .” Adrian tells you feeling his mouth meeting the skin on the left side of your neck, hitting that very spot which makes you arch your back.
Whilst your ass sticks out brushes against Adrian’s obvious bulge in his jeans which makes you moan deeply to yourself.
Adrian nips at your neck with his teeth chasing little bites with scattered kisses as he traces them slowly round to your back.
“I love it when you bite my neck, marking me as yours and yours only.” You tell Adrian with a soft sigh hearing his breath hitch in response.
“Hell yes you’re mine!” Adrian shouts moving his hands from yours placing them flat at your hips then gliding his finger tips across your stomach his touch making you shudder in response.
Soon Adrian moves his left hand to cup your breast whilst the right followed the same path brushing your firm nipple with the pad of this thumb teasing you to distraction which wasn’t fair you needed him now.
“Stop teasing!” You sigh arching your back against Adrian’s chest making him choke out a breath in response.
But Adrian doesn’t elaborate for once he remains silent his right hand slipping down from your nipple fingers flexing as his hands descend and you gasp when you feel him tease your wet folds apart.
“So wet for me.” Adrian states as he inserts his finger inside you then slowly builds up a rhythm as he starts to fuck you, adding another finger causing you to spread your legs wider apart.
“That feels so good.” You sigh slowly feeling your hips buck against Adrian’s skilled fingers adding pressure to your clit by resting his thumb on the nub barely moving it which drove you insane.
“Is this enough?” Adrian asks innocently as he starts to rotate his thumb but apply fuck all pressure which makes you grit your teeth in frustration.
“I need your cock inside me, now!” You tell Adrian practically crying out begging for some release because his teasing was relentless.
You smile to yourself when you hear Adrian unzip his jeans his knuckles brushing against your ass as his trousers drop to the floor and you hear the sound of him opening up a foil.
“About fucking time Chase.” You tell him with a grin imagining the look on Adrian’s face the smug confident smile that only appeared when he knew he had you.
“You want this?” Adrian asks as you feel the head of his cock sliding teasingly against your folds letting you take an inch then he would pull back.
Groaning in annoyance Adrian chuckles as he does it again only this time going a little deeper making a noise when he feels your pussy clench trying to keep him there inside you.
Adrian softly strokes the back of your head with has hand then placing it flush he slowly pushes your head to the table so you were arched over, ready to receive him he strokes your head softly letting you know he wouldn’t hurt you, then he removes his hand again.
“You look so fucking good right now.” Adrian states pushing himself deep inside your cunt causing you to cry out in pleasure because you were finally filled with his glorious dick.
“Then fuck me good!” You ask Adrian turning your head so you could see his face, crazy sex eyes and all as he gives you a grin then pulling out he drives into you once more.
“I will fuck you so good! You will cum so hard on my cock!” Adrian shouts in between thrusts.
But then you hear his voice practically beg you “Please come on my cock?“ Adrian groans breathing heavily as you heard the slapping of flesh hitting as you fucked.
“You always make me come so hard.” You cry out completely lost in the moment not sure if you ever wanted this to end.
Feeing your pussy flutter you knew you weren’t going to last long the thought makes your muscles pulse as you collide with your orgasm which greets you suddenly sending hot waves through your body as you shouted out Adrian’s name.
“Oh fuck that-“Adrian stops whatever he was about to say when he peaks shouting as he comes inside the condom his hips still moving as he chases his high.
“That was so good.” You sigh lifting yourself up from the table whilst Adrian got rid of the condom in a tissue.
Turning round you grin lazily at Adrian who is looking at you with wonder in his eyes having abandoned his jeans completely he now stood just in his tee shirt.
“I can go again soon.” Adrian informs you readjusting his wire framed glasses which makes you smile because the guy was adorable but jeez did he have some pretty sweet stamina.
“Well let me help you.” You tell him with a smile dropping to you knees on the cold linoleum floor whilst Adrian smiles down at you.
Taking off his T shirt finally your eyes scanned his toned body then dart down towards his cock which was already hard and waiting for you.
Moving forward you gently kiss the top of Adrian’s cock until you part your lips slowly and you take him fully on your mouth.
“Oh, fuck!” Adrian groans as you form a tight seal between your lips and his dick flicking your tongue along the underside as you let him fuck your mouth.
Adrian buries both his hands into your hair as he groans and you feel his thigh muscles shudder the thought that you was doing this to him, making his body respond in this way soaked you.
“Your mouth feels so good.” Adrian groans as he continues to grip onto your hair his knees quaking as one final thrust later you feel the salty sting of his cum hit the back of your throat as you suck him dry.
Looking up you see Adrian give you a watery smile as he comes back down from the sky moving his hands from your hair to place a thumb on your lips.
“Stand up.” Adrian tells you taking his other hand in yours to help you up off your knees as he leans down to give you a brief kiss on the lips.
You follow Adrian as he takes a seat down on one of the kitchen chairs motioning for you to sit on his lap.
“First I need to take this off.” You tell Adrian letting go of his hand as he watches you undo his apron and place it on the table.
“I won’t wash that apron ever again, I want it to always smell like you.” Adrian tells you with a smile which makes you grin back at him.
“That’s a sweet sentiment Adrian but I hope you had washed it before I put it on.” You tell him with a small laugh.
“I did, and hell yeah I’m sweet.” Adrian grins back as he takes one of your arms guiding you back towards his lap.
Straddling Adrian he leans forward to kiss you softly and you feel his cock push against your pussy lips which makes you sigh.
“You feel so good.” Adrian groans adding “ I just want to have sex with you all night.”
“Aren’t you tired from your last mission?” You ask him in a teasing voice complete with a giggle.
“I’m the opposite of tired! In fact I’m so awake I think we should fuck again.” Adrian tells you with a laugh but then adds “I do need to get up though to go grab something.”
“I’ve got you.” You tell Adrian with a grin turning back to face the table you grab the apron and put your hand inside the front pocket pulling out a condom.
“Not gonna lie, that was pretty hot.” Adrian chuckles as he watches you rip open the foil with your teeth then moments later he’s covered and you sink back down slowly onto his firm dick.
“Oh fuck.” You sigh happily wrapping your arms around Adrian’s firm neck as he kisses your cheek and then your lips.
Neither of you are in a hurry as you rock against Adrian slowly enjoying how he felt inside you as he kissed you ever so softly.
“I think we should do this all night.” You joke pulling away from Adrian’s lips rewarding him with a cheeky smile.
“Damn right!” Adrian groans as his movements soon start to get frantic and you grip your hands on his broad shoulders your pace quickens matching your own with his.
You both lose it at the same time with you throwing your head back as pleasure makes your body shake looking back down to see Adrian watching you with wide eyes.
“Fuck, your gorgeous Y/N” Adrian tells you with a happy sigh.
“I love you.” You tell Adrian with a shy smile wrapping your arms around him again as he kisses you back.
“Love you to Y/N” Adrian pulls away from your lips with a big smile on his face and it was all for you.
“Why not next time we role play?“ You ask Adrian who turns back round to face you with that confident smile that you wanted to frame.
“Let Vigilante come have some fun.” Nods Adrian who then tells me “I can put other things in my utility belt than bullets and small grenades.”
“What like lube and my favourite vibrator?“
You joke along but Adrian nods in agreement at the idea of it but I only if he could watch you using said sex toy, which you would of course allow.
“But there is only one question?” Adrian begins then elaborates “ Mask on or off.”
“Mask on but only if I can wear it as well.” You joke but Adrian is back to nodding furiously in agreement again.
“I’m game if you are.” Adrian smiles happily.
I am.
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ibijau · 3 years
I don't think I've seen this anywhere (and if you know of any fics that do have this concept, please link!), but what if the events of MDZS (all media) was actually based on history within a modern AU of MDZS?
So like, as an example, you have people speculating whether or not Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were lovers or not in the same way people do with some real historical figures today, some theories that say Nie Huaisang orchestrated everything that go mostly ignored by everyone except those in the #NieHuaisangDidIt community because it's Nie Huaisang, who is largely remembered as a relatively harmless sect leader, etc... Some even still think the Yiling Patriarch was pure evil, though the novel, shows, and audio drama have since made this an unpopular opinion to have.
And then there's Wei Wuxian, be it through reincarnation with regained memories or immortality, listening to all of this in the background.
“I'm just saying that you wrote your thesis on him, so of course you're biased,” Jin Guangyao said. “There's no way Nie Huaisang organised all this. Everyone in that period agrees that he was so stupid he could barely do basic additions!”
“I have a phd and I can't count either,” Nie Huaisang countered. “Listen, I tell you, the proof is all there if you just look.”
Of course, they weren’t called Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao, not in this life, but Wei Wuxian wasn't good with names. In fact, after centuries of being alive, he was worse with names than he'd ever been. Thankfully, this crowd Lan Wangji and him had become friends with didn't mind at all the nicknames he'd picked for them.
“And I can prove that Jin Guangyao didn't even die, and made a name for himself in Japan,” Jin Guangyao retorted. “There's this Han man who suddenly appears out of nowhere in the Japanese court, claiming to know great magic, and...”
“Yes, I've seen the movie too,” Nie Huaisang yawned, taking another sip of his bubble tea.
Jin Guangyao went red and purple, while Wei Wuxian tried to hide a snicker. If there was one sure way to piss of Jin Guangyao, it was by mentioning that recent movie that had come out, very loosely inspired by a series of blog articles he'd written years ago when he was still a student. The inspiration was loose enough that he hadn't been involved in the process at all, because the scenarist had pretended they just happened to have come to the same conclusion.
It wasn't a bad movie, Wei Wuxian thought. It wasn't a goodone either, but he quite liked the actor who played Lan Wangji in it (Wei Wuxian himself wasn't part of the plot, sadly, on account of being officially dead by then), and the fight scenes were pretty fun. Besides, he felt like Jin Guangyao should have liked it even better than he did.
The actor playing him was the tallest member of the cast after all.
“I hope you choke on your tea,” Jin Guangyao muttered, to which Nie Huaisang answered with a bright grin.
It was about to devolve into a fight (an animated academic discussion, Jin Guangyao would have called it) when Lan Xichen entered the boba place, radiant as always. She ordered her own tea (plain black tea but with extra sugar and the sweetest fillings available, as usual) and sat with them, apparently oblivious to the adoration with which Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang gazed upon her.
Wei Wuxian had a bet going on with Jiang Cheng about which man would ask her out first in this life. He also had a bet going on with Jin Ling regarding whether anyone would dare ask her out at all. Wei Wuxian would have tried to help the matter, but Lan Wangji wouldn't allow it, worried for his sibling. A needless worry, Wei Wuxian thought. Lan Xichen was doing well for herself in this life, and so were the other two. Going into academia had been a great way for them to channel their lingering resentment. Their fight had almost never gotten physical in this life.
“I'm sorry for being late, jiejie wanted me to help her order something from overseas,” Lan Xichen apologised, smiling warmly. “I hope I didn't interrupt anything important? You seemed to be chatting, no?”
“We were talking about Guangyao's movie,” Nie Huaisang cheerfully answered.
Jin Guangyao looked about ready to murder him, but Lan Xichen just laughed in that sweet, careless way of hers and in a second both men had forgotten their previous argument.
“Oh, that reminds me, I brought something that might make you laugh,” she said, digging into her handbag. “It's in your field of study... in a manner of speaking.”
She put a book on the table. On the cover were two handsome young men, one dressed in black and carrying a flute, the other in white holding a bright sword. Above them, bold characters professed that this book was called “The Founder of Demonic Cultivation”.
Wei Wuxian's drink went the wrong way, and he nearly died coughing on a tapioca pearl. When everyone was sure that he wouldn't choke so stupidly, they all turned their attention back to the book.
“What's that?” Jin Guangyao asked.
“It's a danmei novel,” Lan Xichen explained, a spot of red on her cheeks. “Jiejie lent it to me the other day, and as soon as I started reading I realised the subject was... familiar. It's about Wei Wuxian. The real one I mean,” she added with a smile to Wei Wuxian who pretended to be fascinated by his bubble tea. “It's, ah... very creative. It takes liberties with some of the events, but, ah, it's very well written.”
“Wonderful, more fiction,” Jin Guangyao muttered.
Meanwhile, Nie Huaisang eagerly grabbed the book and started browsing it with hungry eyes. He had theories about that, too. Mostly, about the exact nature of Wei Wuxian's relationship with Jiang Cheng, which he had once explained to Wei Wuxian with far more details than the immortal would ever have cared to hear... and he hoped Jiang Cheng himself would never hear about it.
In fairness to Nie Huaisang though, his arguments had been very convincing, and Wei Wuxian would have had doubts, if he hadn't been married to Lan Wangji for over a thousand years.
“Oh, Lan Wangji,” Nie Huaisang grumbled, closing the book and sliding it back toward Lan Xichen. “I suppose I see the appeal, but there's really no evidence whatsoever in their case, you know?”
“We know,” Lan Xichen said with an indulgent smile.
“Now, Jiang Wanyin and him, on the other hand...”
“You people are obsessed with romance!” Jin Guangyao complained. “His relationship to Jiang Wanyin was platonic!”
Wei Wuxian distractedly nodded. That was indeed true.
“And so was his relationship to Lan Wangji,” Jin Guangyao added with a disgusted glare at the book.
Wei Wuxian grimaced. That was very much not true.
“From the letters I've read, I think in today's world, the Yiling Patriarch would probably be asexual,” Jin Guangyao argued. “Not that I particularly approve of using modern terminology to describe the sexuality of long dead people, but if you consider everything we know about him, then... are you ok?”
“Peachy,” Wei Wuxian coughed, trying not to burst out laughing. Jin Guangyao's pride was still a delicate thing in this life. “Hey, Xichen-jie, mind if I borrow that book until we meet again? I think Lan Zhan would love it.”
“Sure, I don't see why not.”
Wei Wuxian grinned, and pocketed the book.
Lan Wangji and him were going to have a good laugh that night, as they always did whenever someone wrote a new story about them.
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ggidolsmuts · 4 years
Childish - Blackpink Jisoo
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You're waiting around at the amusement park, watching the crowds of couples and packs of students streaming in, ready to take your place in the never-ending lines at every ride you want to go on. Where the hell is she? You wonder, your foot tapping the pavement impatiently. You're pretty sure you made a dent on the sidewalk when finally you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn your face, only to be stopped by a finger pressed on your cheek.
"Got you! Hey oppa." You turn around to find the second half of your very own couple.
"Yes yes you got me, how old are you now Jisoo?"
"Hey! That's not polite!" She clings on to your arm, happy to see you again. "Oh no the lines, are we late?"
"Nope, everyone was early." She was late, but you found her so adorable you could overlook it. "Let's go."
As you entered the amusement park hand-in-hand Jisoo brings up an odd topic.
"Oppa, you know today is Opposites' Day right?"
"No, what is that?"
"It means you have to say the opposite of whatever you mean. So if I say I hate you, it means I love you!"
"No that's silly, and don't say that, I'm hurt now." You fake tears and shake your shoulders, pretending to be hurt by her words.
"Aww okay, anyways, you're "it" for today, you have to say the opposite of whatever you mean, okay?"
"Okay..." Jisoo raises her eyebrows at you? "I mean, not okay...?"
"Good oppa! Come on, let's go!"
You are dragged by the hand into the amusement park, Jisoo smiling happily at you the whole way. As soon as you are in however, you are basically accosted by an aggressive headband seller.
"Hey my friend, how about a cute hairband for your beautiful girlfriend?"
"I-uhh... no thank you."
"Yay thanks oppa!" Jisoo turns to the seller. "He means yes, I'll take the bunny one."
"Thank you, that'll be 10000 won."
"Come on, don't I look cute? Hmm? Hmm?" Jisoo's cuteness with the hairband on breaks down your exasperation, and you pay the park employee.
"Here you go."
"Thank you, I hope you enjoy your visit!"
"Don't you want a matching one?"
"Yes, I'm sure I do." Jisoo's face falls as you smartly avoid her trap.
"You're no fun."
"Come on, let's not check out the rides." The two of you check out a few easy but fun ones at first, enjoying crashing into others in the bumper cars and riding the Viking, but Jisoo's tastes get progressively more and more extreme, and you find yourself strapped in with her in a Tower of Terror type ride.
"Jisoo, do we have to do this?"
"Do we not have to do this? You're right oppa, we do have to do this!" She smiles at you right as the ride shoots you up into the air, overlooking the rest of the park from up high. All you hear is your own screaming while the ride jerks you up and down in the air.
"Can we go home?" You ask Jisoo, your legs wobbly and weak from the ride.
"Of course oppa, let's go check more rides out!" You smack yourself in the face as Jisoo runs to the park map, looking for the next ride to torture you with.
"Let's check that one out!" It turns out that the one Jisoo had in mind was a real killer of a roller coaster, with multiple people coming out with faces green or hunched over right outside the ride exit.
"C-can we not Jisoo?" She smiles at your poorly worded question.
"I thought you'd never ask!" She pushes you into the ride, the lack of a line painfully convenient for her. The two of you are strapped in far too quickly.
"W-wait, I think I want off."
"Of course sir." The ride attendant makes to unstrap you from the seat, but Jisoo blocks him.
"Sorry, he's confused, he means he wants to stay on, opposite day, you understand." The attendant clearly doesn't, but he listens to Jisoo's gorgeous smile at him over your pleading glances for help.
"This will be the last one okay? I promise!" You don't believe her, but all you can do now is grab on to Jisoo's hand tightly as the ride starts, quickly throwing you into a murderous series of turns and loops. The rest of it is a blur, all you remember is holding on to Jisoo's hand like your life depended on it.
"That was great!"
"Argh..." You double over at the exit of the ride, dry retching and trying not to throw up.
"Oppa are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine... I mean not fine, give me a minute." Jisoo stays by your side, gently patting your back until you are finally good enough to straighten back up.
"I'm bad now, do you not want to get breakfast?" She smiles happily at your question.
"Now you're finally getting it! Let's get dinner!"
Dinner was an expensive but sadly mediocre affair at one of the many restaurants in the amusement park, and the two of you left the place full but unsatisfied.
"Oppa do you want to get on more rides?" Jisoo asks you.
You make a show of rubbing your stomach. "Yes, I'm so hungry right now." Jisoo pouts, but agrees to end the trip.
"Aww fine, let's go home then?" You shake your head in reply, and the two of you end your trip to the amusement park, getting a taxi back home.
"It was so fun today oppa." Jisoo sighs, leaning her head oh your shoulder.
"No, it was so boring." You feel Jisoo chuckle against you.
"Oh stop, enough with the opposite day stuff."
"Yes, I will stop now."
"You're so bad!"
"I can't be... nicer." You whisper in Jisoo's ear sensually, a different type of shudder traveling through her body. The two of you struggle to keep your hands to yourselves, one of your hands sneaking down the back of her shorts, squeezing and tracing circles on her peachy butt. Jisoo meanwhile has a hand on your thigh, lightly gripping you, oh so slowly making her way closer and closer to your crotch. You are glad that the taxi ride doesn't last for much longer, else the two of you would be giving the driver a backseat show. You reluctantly slip your hand out of Jisoo's shorts as the taxi comes to a halt, and after paying the oblivious taxi driver the two of you make your way quickly to your apartment.
As soon as the door shuts Jisoo jumps into your arms, her lithe legs wrapping around you, your hands going naturally to her generous thighs to hold her up.
"Thanks for playing along with me today oppa."
"You're not welcome." You kiss her deeply, carrying her to the bedroom, both of you drowning in a mix of love and lust. Depositing her on the bed, your cock begins to harden, watching her be so adorable and yet incredibly sexy as she slowly rids herself of her top, revealing a lacy black bra.
"Someone’s not horny is she?" You ask her, admiring her from above, running your hands up and down her petite body, both of you trembling in anticipation.
"Oppa just shut up and kiss me already." You capture her lips while your hands pick up from where you left off in the taxi, sliding beneath her shorts from below this time, cupping her butt.
"Ah... you love my butt don't you?"
"No I don't..." You squeeze a moan from her, feeling her body warm up underneath your touch. Disappointingly you feel Jisoo push herself up the bed and getting out from below you.
"Okay you need to stop that now, and I'm going to make you." Still half-dressed Jisoo gets off the bed, pushing you and making you take her spot previously, sitting on the edge of the bed. With little fanfare she strips you of your pants and boxers, licking her lips at the sight of your stiff cock. She causes you to groan when she grips your shaft firmly, beginning to slowly stroke you.
"Oppa, tell me what you want me to do."
"I-I want you to stroke my cock..." Jisoo stops immediately. "What?"
"You liked opposite day so much, so I'm going to not stroke your cock."
"Fine, I want you to stop stroking my cock- oooh yes..." You moan as she strokes you with both hands, the delicious friction burning you up.
"What next?"
"Suck me please..." She continues to stroke you instead. "I mean, don't suck me."
"Are you sure you want to keep talking in opposites?" She doesn't let you reply, instead taking the sensitive tip of your cock in mouth and swirling her tongue around it. You can only throw your head back and moan, every lick of her tongue sending jolts of pleasure through you.
"Fuck Jisoo, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that."
"Oh what? You're not going to cum if I keep doing that? I guess I'll stop then." You feel your cock throb in the air, eager for Jisoo's touch as she backs away from you, somehow looking even sexier half-dressed in her bra and shorts.
"What? No don't stop! Okay okay I'll stop doing opposites, please go back to sucking me!"
"That's more like it." She leans back down on your cock again, taking all of you in her mouth. The feel of her mouth is delightful as Jisoo hollows out her cheeks, allowing your cock to poke against the side of her mouth. Low groans escape her while she works on you, and you look down to see your naughty girlfriend touching herself while sucking you off, a hand down her shorts while the other strokes your balls. The image is far too erotic, and you feel yourself get close to the edge.
"I'm so close Jisoo. Where should I cum?" She is too caught up in her own pleasure, her hand working furiously underneath her shorts. The increasing vibrations of her moans tip you over the edge, and you pull her head into your crotch as you orgasm, flooding her mouth with your white cum.
"Mmph?! Mm mm!" Jisoo's reaction is one of surprise - her eyes wide open, looking at you with surprise before they roll back in her head, her own pleasure overtaking her, her fingers playing with herself and the cum filling her mouth triggering an orgasm of her own. Her jaw goes slack around your cock, groaning and shuddering as she rides out her orgasm, a mix of her saliva and your cum spilling out of her mouth and on to the floor. You gently remove yourself from her mouth and Jisoo goes weak, collapsing between your legs. She pulls her hand out of her shorts - it is completely drenched with her juices. To add to the dirty scene your drool and cum-coated cock begins dripping on to her face while she lays under you, still trying to recover from her own orgasm.
"Damn babe, you couldn't wait for me to touch you?"
"Hehe sorry oppa, I was so wet while sucking you."
"I should punish you for that... go get cleaned up and let's do round two."
"Sure, I won't be long." She takes off her ruined shorts and throws them at you, letting you feel and smell the aftermath of her climax. She walks away clad in a matching set of black lace panties, her hips swaying every step of the way. Jisoo turns around, smacking her butt and letting it jiggle for you before she enters the bathroom. Everything about her turns you on to no end, and your cock is already stiff and waiting when she returns completely naked. Her perky breasts lightly jiggle as she walks seductively towards you, her toned abs and full thighs on display with every step.
"Good oppa, you're ready to go, I'm really hungry again..." She tries to get on top of you, wanting to ride you while you lie on the bed, but you have your own form of punishment for her. You pull her down next to you, the two of you facing each other side-by-side.
"Ooh this is new."
You swing one of her legs over you, allowing her to straddle you sideways. You kiss her lovingly while you torture her, your cock rubbing on her folds, giving her a taste of the pleasure she wanted.
"Come on oppa... put it in me already."
"So... I was thinking, after making me talk in opposites the whole day, I think I'll make you talk in opposites the whole night. From now on I'll treat everything as the opposite of what you say." Jisoo opens her mouth to reply, but she is forced to let out a moan instead when you grab a small but perfect breast, teasing her further while you rub your cock against her heat.
"What was that?"
"Fuck you feel so good..."
"I don't feel good? Oh no, let's try this!" You will yourself to pull away from her, replacing your shaft with your fingers, rubbing her dripping slit gently. It is pleasurable for Jisoo, but not nearly as satisfying.
"N-nooooo!" Her hips buck towards you and she tries to scoot down the bed, wanting to feel your cock again.
"Yes? You like that? Okay I'll keep using my fingers." Jisoo's eyes are wide and pleading, realizing you were serious about your "punishment".
"Come on oppa, please don't fuck me."
"Good girl..." You remove your fingers, a whimper escaping Jisoo at the sudden lack of friction. The two of you groan out loud when you finally push into her, filling her partly. You resist the urge to push fully into her, despite the hungry grasp of her walls.
"Do you like this?"
Jisoo can only nod, much to her error.
"You don't? Let me pull out then." Her leg hurriedly grips you, trying to keep you from pulling away.
"N-no, I mean yes, please pull out!" You tease both of you further, not thrusting into her deeply, only sinking into her partially before pulling away, denying both of you complete satisfaction. You watch Jisoo's face with delight, her face twisted in unsatisfied pleasure, her eyes madly begging you to go deeper, not trusting herself to say the right words. But you keep going, only thrusting into her shallowly.
"Oppa..." her voice a needy whimper.
"D-deeper-" You pull out even further on your thrust before she panics, quickly asking for the opposite. "Shallower, shallower!" You allow yourself to plunge in just that bit deeper.
"P-please oppa, pull completely out of me." You grin, knowing what the both of you want.
"Are you sure?" Her eyes widen, unsure how you're interpreting her words now.
"I-I... no?"
Jisoo can't help but cry when you bury yourself to the hilt in her. "Y-yes!"
"N-no, I mean yes, I mean no, I mean- !" You pull out before thrusting powerfully into her again, drawing a scream from her. "Fuck!"
"Oppa please-" You pump her slowly but deeply, trying to hit the end of her depths with every thrust, leaving her speechless, your girlfriend only able to voice out loud moans of pure pleasure. You stop after another minute of deep thrusts, sinking deep into her and staying there, feeling every part of her walls clinging on to you, contracting erratically on you as both of you near orgasm.
"Tell me what you want." Your question is pointless, as Jisoo's eyes are shut tightly, still indulging in the pleasure of your thrusts. Her mouth hanging open, drool leaking down the side of her mouth. She finally opens her eyes when you repeat the question once more.
"Oppa I- I need to cum."
"Do you need to cum or not need to cum?"
"I, I, I-... don't know... ah!" You might have actually fucked Jisoo silly. You thrust one more time into her before releasing both of you from your misery.
"I'm going to make us cum now, okay?" Jisoo barely registers your words, only a slight change in her gaze acknowledging you, her mouth still hanging open, almost begging for a kiss. You wrap your arms around her, pulling her in and kissing her, your tongue darting in and out of her mouth while your cock does the same thing below. Her screams into your mouth get louder and louder, and so do your moans as your pace picks up. Your hands on her butt once more, you pull her hips towards you with a slam, as if trying to split her in two, hitting the deepest you’ve been inside her. Jisoo tears her lips away from the kiss to scream her orgasm out to the world.
The sudden extreme tightness of Jisoo's pussy sends a jolt up your spine, and you instantly climax with her, groaning against her neck, your cock unloading your second load of cum into her. The two of you release groans of pure satisfaction at the sensation of filling and being filled. She quivers in your arms, her hips meeting every buck of yours as the two of you seek to stuff her full with your thick semen. You only feel her relax her grip on your body and cock when she finally comes down from her trip to the clouds. Her eyes open, a weak smile crossing her face.
"Babe please let's never do that again."
"Why, did I fuck your brains out?" Jisoo can only manage a weak chuckle as you wipe the drool from her mouth, blushing before giving you a peck on the lips.
"Yes, it felt so good..." You hug her tightly, the two of you still connected, your limbs twining with one another. You can't help but let out a moan as she tries to nestle closer to you, her walls still massaging your semi-erect cock.
"Think you can go again?" Her fingers dance across your chest, trying to entice you.
"When it's you, probably."
"No more games okay?" She crinkles her nose, smiling cutely at you.
"No more, ride me." You roll on your back, pulling Jisoo on top of you. She hugs you, whispering dirty words to get you hard again.
"Fuck oppa, I can feel you leaking out of me, do you feel it on your cock?" Jisoo grinds you slowly, smearing your cock with a mixture of cum and juice.
"Ugh yes..."
"Come on oppa, get hard again, then put another load in me, your baby girl needs to feel full again..." You never tire of hearing the normally cute Jisoo try to seduce you like this, and it always works, your cock rising again in her. She smiles in delight and immediately begins bouncing her hips on top of you, quickly letting her urges take over.
Sweat drips down Jisoo's face, your pants in rhythm with hers as she drives herself down on you, her tender walls hugging your shaft silkily with every drop of her hips. You watch the lovely woman above you zone out, her mind fully focused on chasing her own climax, her expression frozen in one of extreme euphoria... and then with a quiver of her lips she cracks.
"Nngh yes!" With a loud exhaled moan her heat envelopes you even more tightly, her juices rushing over your cock and staining your crotch. You feel her body flex and twitch in your arms, gasping for breath as her orgasm pummels her senses. She collapses on top of you, and you gently roll her off to the side, cushioning her head with the pillow, the two of you laying side by side again.
"Y-you didn't cum?"
"I will soon." With a whimper from Jisoo you begin thrusting into her, looking right into her tired but satisfied eyes. She wraps one leg around your thigh while the other tangles around your inside leg, making sure you can't pull out, not that you would ever want to. Her breath is hot on your face, a moan escaping her with every slow thrust into her overstimulated warmth. Her hands roam your body, trying to help you to the finish line, but her voice does most of the work.
"I'm so sensitive oppa, you feel so hot and thick..." Jisoo's whimpering dirty talk set you off almost immediately.
"Oh fuck... Jisoo!" You push yourself as deep as you can before your orgasm washes over you. You can barely hear your own groan of release as Jisoo lets loose a loud moan of satisfaction, your cum coating her walls once more, filling what little empty space there is left inside her with your seed.
You make sure she feels every inch of your throbbing cock, bucking into her mindlessly with every shot of cum. You wrap her up in a passionate embrace, the two of you trembling with intimate joy. You hands go once again to her butt, grabbing and pushing yourself just that little bit deeper into her as you capture her lips, making sure you have nothing left to give her.
"I feel so full!" Jisoo whines happily as she buries herself in your chest. You make to try and pull out, but she stops you. "Don't! Let's just... stay like this for a while, please?" You hug her tighter, feeling her walls pleasurably cling on to you as begin to soften, your heartbeats no longer racing like mad.
"You made such a mess in me..." The two of you look down as you finally soften and slip out of her, two loads of white cum rushing out of her freshly-fucked folds and trailing down her thigh.
"You made me make such a mess in you." You murmur into her ear, kissing her blushing cheek.
"Let's not do the opposite game again... I can't think while you're fucking me so good."
"So do you mean let's do it again then?" You cheekily smirk at her.
"No!" She playfully hits you.
"So you mean yes? You started it at the amusement park."
"Yes yes I regret it..." She adds on her in a whisper, almost talking to herself. "Maybe not if you do that to me again..."
"I'll take that as a maybe." You kiss her on the lips before drawing the covers. The two of you drifting off to sleep, exhausted in mind and body.
A/N: I just had a really dumb idea for a “Opposite’s day” thing where you end up fucking someone silly, so I went ahead and wrote it lol. Jisoo was a perfect fit, being kinda dorky and sexy at the same time. Also I can’t get this out of my head - the front view is great, but the back is amazing.
Thank you for reading!
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
wip snippet
so people have expressed some interest in the Ciri-centric bit I teased a while back and for the record work is continuing on it! I was enjoying having Morvran in the background as a sort of bland Decent Fellow ongoing situation but then I had to pay attention to him for a moment and realized that this is entirely a self-denying facade, he considers himself a Bland Decent Fellow and occasionally congratulates himself on how well-adjusted he is and how well he treats the people he interacts with, and he isn’t wrong about being nice to people but under a thin veneer the kid is one giant ball of frantically glued-together coping strategies and it’s going to messily unravel at some point. So that is going to be incredibly fun to write and by that I mean possibly beyond my capabilities as a kink writer, so we all have that to look forward to. (This man, despite his frankly horrifying face model in W3 about which no more shall be said, is about 21 and is a general in the Nilfgaardian army and has been being groomed as Emhyr’s successor ever since Emhyr uncovered the plot [in which he was not directly involved] to assassinate Emhyr and put Morvran on the throne as a puppet when the kid was 14, and so he’s spent most of his adolescence and all of his young adulthood in this kind of specimen box of overachievement doing double-duty as heir and hostage. Definitely, definitely a recipe for a genuinely easygoing people-pleaser, for sure.)
Anyway this is a job for Ciri’s new extremely capable personal assistant to do some research about, later, along with everything else, but as far as I’ve gotten so far in the actual writing, everyone including Morvran super believes that it’s all peachy and he’s fine.
Meanwhile, Ciri is proving to be extremely shy and not very good at actually flirting with this personal assistant she has a crush on. So far she’s mostly just-- given her extravagant gifts of clothing and promoted her a bunch, and is sort of hoping that’s how courtship works here because she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Over the next several weeks, Luliana spent more and more time in the Princess’s company, and her wardrobe gradually grew to incorporate more little swallows in it-- [...] And, most daringly, a pair of long silk stockings with clocked heels and a knitted pattern of swallows around the top hems.
It was impossible not to give in to... those kinds of thoughts as she pulled those up and had the swallows nestled around the soft skin of her thighs. Normally stockings like this never fit Luliana, but these had been made large enough, somehow-- how had the Princess known the dimensions of Luliana’s thighs, when Luliana only ever wore the long skirts correctly in fashion for a person of her station?
And yet. And yet, the Princess made no overt reference to it, never asked for anything, only invited Luliana a little at a time deeper into her confidence. Luliana knew she wasn’t imagining that the Princess’s eyes lingered on her sometimes, finding the little printed or embroidered birds, and looking pleased with herself. 
Please, Luliana thought to herself, cheeks burning as she watched the Princess standing at a table verbally eviscerating a stuffed-shirt idiot with a too-important hereditary position without so much as raising her voice, please, make a move on me, I am not equipped to handle this sort of suspense.
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misssophiachase · 3 years
All You Never Say - Part 4a
Mr Mikael and Mrs Esther Mikaelson and Dr Grayson and Mrs Miranda Pierce request the pleasure of your presence at the wedding of their children:
The Hon Elijah Edward Mikaelson and Dr Katherine Elena Pierce
On the twenty-third of June, twenty-twenty one, 1400h at Ely Cathedral followed by a reception at Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire
Dress: White Tie
23rd June 2021, Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire - 8:47am
“What do you mean the beagle ate the wedding cake?” Caroline hissed, shutting the door behind her so as not to alarm the bride on her big day.
“Well, I can detail the stages of destruction, but yes, the Mikaelson's beloved pet dog decided to taste test the cake early, long story short.” Caroline was certain that the housekeeper’s use of “the Mikaelson’s beloved pet dog” was clearly by design.
Caroline was all for adorable dogs, especially those that were photogenic for the wedding album like Tully, but not those who scoffed the cake before the ceremony had even begun. Especially given that extra amount of fondant and extra tier which cost the earth.
But given the way Tully looked at her with those imploring, brown eyes and the telling evidence of frosting smeared across her chops, she was close to calling it a day.
Who needed cake anyway? It was worth way too many calories and most people would be so drunk that far into the festivities it wouldn’t even matter, right?
“So, I see you’ve met our cute but pressing problem.”
Caroline turned to see the best man in all his glory. And by that she meant those unkempt curls, sly grin and a fitted, tank top that should be illegal given those arms on display. 
Was this their thing? Just running into each other partially clothed. She looked down at her ensemble self-consciously glad for the shorts, t-shirt and the Maid of Honour monogrammed robe that she greedily pulled across her chest.
“Our problem?”
“Because a problem shared is a problem halved right, wedding buddy?”
“Wedding buddy? Oh, you mean the same guy who wanted to document the lost ring for speech fodder?”
“It was a joke but clearly you don’t know what that means, grouchy.”
“Oh, like that time you let your dog, albeit cute, eat the wedding cake before the ceremony. I only hope the Bride and Groom figurines are still firmly intact at least?”
“Well, their passing was most definitely mourned,” Klaus noted. Caroline was trying to be mad, but he was doing that thing where he looked cute so as to avoid her wrath. Bastard.
“So, what you’re telling me is that we have no cake or cake topper and the wedding is due to start in 5 hours?"
“I mean there’s some cake left, albeit a mess, but if the guests want to eat it off the floor...”
“Yeah, I can see the Prime Minister doing that. You are not helping, Mikaelson. Look, I’ll call the baker, they must have a back-up cake on hand, otherwise why are we paying them such an exorbitant amount? I mean it’s a cake, like it’s hard to bake one of those,” she rambled, the reality of the situation making a sudden and ugly appearance.
“Okay, I didn’t want to tell you this because you are clearly already upset but the baker has no wedding themed alternatives,” Klaus explained, shooing away both the guilty canine and her loyal housekeeper in the process, no doubt by design. This was not the news Caroline wanted to hear and clearly he knew it.
“You are not going to lose it, not on my watch, Forbes.”
“I am not losing it,” she hissed, finally finding her voice. “But she is your dog and that makes you responsible for my mood.”
“She is a Mikaelson, I mean expensive taste comes with the territory,” Klaus replied. Caroline, meanwhile, felt the brief spell he had over her lift.
“Can you please stop offering up annoying commentary? We have an emergency, one that needs to be rectified STAT.”
“What I didn’t get to say was that the baker has two other cakes on hand.” Caroline’s ears pricked up, maybe all wasn’t lost.
“I’m listening,” she murmured.
Klaus pulled his cell from his pocket and swiped through his phone. “These are the options.”
He leaned in closer so she could see the photos but in the process his arm grazed hers and she was momentarily blindsided and not focused on the pressing emergency. It reminded her so much of two years ago, when she’d felt his arm encircle her waist and pull her towards him. 
Caroline told herself he must have been dreaming at the time but that didn’t take away from how it had felt. It felt good, really good.
“Alright, love?” She looked up into his blue eyes, only deciding too late that it was a bad idea. A very bad idea.
“I’m just shocked by...” she paused, her eyes hurriedly flickering to his cell screen. “Congratulations on your Retirement, Bernie?”
“I’m sure we can change a few letters around or something,” she gave him a look which plainly said it wasn’t going to happen. “Right, here’s the other one."
“Happy 6th Birthday to our Unicorn Princess? Don’t think Kat would mind being called a unicorn princess at all but not sure about Elijah...”
“Well, what suggestions do you have, Forbes?”
He had a point, there were none that forthcoming but then it hit her.
“The bomboniere.” Caroline was surprised she thought of it given she was so caught off guard by his close proximity and the unfolding situation.
“The what?”
“I don’t have time to explain wedding terminology right now, I have a bride to reassure that everything is peachy. Just meet me in the kitchen in twenty minutes and put some clothes on while you’re at it.”
“Only if you do,” he smirked. Caroline didn’t wait before slamming the door in his smug face.
There were so many things to reconcile with Klaus Mikaleson and not just her feelings. Last night they’d shared more than a sandwich in the kitchen and two years ago...well that was another story.
Perch, Los Angeles CA - 14 February (two and a bit years earlier)
Caroline felt like she’d finally hit rock bottom.
Not because it was Valentine’s Day.
Or that she was single.
That wasn’t the worst part of her predicament. She was currently...well, before she could lament her situation a bell rang out, breaking Caroline from her regretful thoughts. She didn’t have time to bid Phil the Chiropractor farewell because a burly looking brunette appeared immediately in his place.
“Tyler.” Apparently there was no need for an actual greeting or for Caroline to ask his name in the first place. I suppose they only had two minutes so he was getting straight to the point. Caroline couldn’t blame him given how painful this whole thing was.
Caroline was going to kill them. First Bonnie, who wanted their apartment to herself tonight so she could cook a romantic dinner for current boyfriend Jeremy. Clearly he hadn’t been present at her most horrific of food failures given they were still dating.
They’d been living together since Bonnie relocated to Los Angeles nine months earlier and Caroline was enjoying rooming with her best friend again after so long. Then she got a boyfriend, even if he looked twelve, and Caroline was relegated back to her usual existence. It wasn’t like Caroline wanted or needed a boyfriend because her schedule was busy enough.
Which took her to the second person she had to blame. Lexi. Her colleague and friend, who decided they should spend the evening speed dating so Bonnie could “get it on with her boyfriend” as she put it. Caroline figured the fact she’d already signed them up weeks earlier and only asked right before a deposition hearing were the main reasons why she had no choice but to agree.
Now, here she was, pretending to be interested in Tyler and shooting deliberate looks in Lexi’s direction who seemed unaffected given the way she was attempting to read her guy’s palm. Smooth.
“I don’t think I got your name?”
“Huh?” She looked into his warm, brown eyes feeling guilty she’d been blatantly ignoring him.
“Your name?” Before she could reply, she heard a very familiar voice call out her name.
Then he appeared in all his gorgeous goodness, his ability to wear a suit had not waned since they’d seen each other last at a mutual friend’s engagement party. Why he was here of all places, she had no idea.
“Caroline, sweetheart.” Sweetheart?
“Do you know this guy?” Tyler asked, the confusion obvious. She didn’t blame him.
“Of course she knows me, I’m only her boyfriend.”
Her what now? Caroline was too shocked to speak let alone reprimand him for being a presumptuous idiot.
“You have a boyfriend? Then why are you here?”
“I’d like to know the same thing, mate,” Klaus agreed, his hands crossed over his chest. Caroline was madly trying to crawl under the table just so everyone would stop looking at her like she was some two-timing girlfriend.
Lexi meanwhile seemed to be enjoying the entertainment from afar, raising her champagne glass in salute, even if she had no idea what was happening. Caroline wasn’t enjoying it at all. She wanted to scream at him for being such an ass but at the same time a rescue from this situation was an equally enticing prospect.
Before she could find the words, he found them for her.
“It’s my fault, sweet cheeks,” he implored, pushing past Tyler and placing his hands in hers. Caroline was trying to ignore the electricity it generated but also the horrible pet name he’d bestowed. Like he couldn’t have come up with something normal? “I neglected you and for that I am so sorry but just know that I will love you, always and forever.”
Was he kidding? Next thing he’d be pulling out a cracker jack bracelet or resembling any one of the romantic leads in a Nicholas Sparks adaptation. Caroline made a note to tease him about his taste in movies and television later.
However it seemed their audience didn’t mind one bit. Women and men nearby were more interested in fawning over the scene playing out than resuming speed dating. Even their organiser seemed transfixed.
She hated him, especially for interrupting her night and being the smug pain-in-the-ass she knew so well but she needed to get out of there fast and he was her ticket.
“Honey bear,” she cooed, noting the slight twitch in his jaw. Caroline knew he was trying to withhold his signature smirk. But why did he have to smell so good withholding it? His hands were still firmly intertwined with hers too. “You took me for granted, so why should I forgive you?”
Now he was trying to contain an eye roll, only someone who’d known him for that long could tell. And she was loving every moment especially if he was going to crash her speed date and embarrass her in the process.
“And for that I am eternally sorry, baby cakes.” Caroline had to really try not to dry reach. “But you are the one for me. We are destined to be together forever, like soulmates.”
As much as she wanted to draw this out and force him to eat those horrible and predictable platitudes, this show needed to end. Now. Given Tyler’s defeated expression she knew it wouldn’t be too difficult to transition to the bar and to a much-needed straight vodka on the rocks.
“You were an imbecile, Mario, but I’m willing to consider a reconciliation if you stop being an asshat and promise to worship me forever.”
Before she could relish in her response and the slight tugging at the edges of his crimson lips, he’d pulled her up and moved them towards the direction of the bar. No doubt because her demands were slightly out of the question and he was starting to feel embarrassed himself. Served him right really. Given half of the people were entranced by their conversation and the rest were clearly dubious she decided it was good timing to high tail it out of there.
“Worship you forever, someone clearly has tickets on themselves,” he muttered, gesturing to the barman. “And who is Mario? I so do not look like a Mario.”
“Says the man child named Mario who called me sweet cheeks and baby cakes."
“I was clearly being sarcastic,” he shot back, gesturing for a shot. “What was honey bear all about then?”
“You barrelled into my life uninvited, and last time I checked you don’t live here.”
“I'm in town for business and was having dinner with colleagues. Had I known it was going to be dinner and a show I might have arrived sooner.” Caroline chose not to respond immediately, just drank her vodka in one, long gulp. “Someone is thirsty.”
“I need to drink to deal with you.”
“Says the girl speed dating,” he whistled. “I mean you can be difficult and kind of abrasive, Forbes, but I never thought you’d speed date in a million years.”
“I am only doing this for Bonnie because she wanted the apartment to herself to cook for her date and then my friend Lexi signed me up without telling me,” she rambled.
“She’ll have another vodka,” he gestured to the barman. “So, I take it this boyfriend hasn’t sampled Bennett’s cooking yet? I just hope you left the fire extinguisher in plain view.”
“That’s what you took from all of this?’"
“I feel like if I delve too deeply I’ll be too immersed in all the Rebekah type drama and we both know that is not my thing.”
“I’ll be sure to pass on your best wishes to your sister,” she growled. “So, why involve yourself and embarrass me like that in front of total strangers? Let me guess, you’ve got no one to play with and were bored?”
“Don’t underestimate my ability to find a playmate, love.” The way he drawled “playmate” was making places below feel like they hadn’t in a long time. So much so that she didn’t even try to bite back. “Anyway, I thought it would be fun,” he teased, his left dimple making an unwanted appearance at that exact moment. “And I could tell you you needed rescuing.”
“I’m not some damsel in distress you need to save, Mikaelson,” she argued.
“Says the girl who looked like she’d rather be anywhere but here,” he shot back. “So, you’re welcome.”
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!” The patrons began to chant and tap their glasses, Caroline only just realising they seemed to have an audience of very interested speed daters watching their every move.
“I’m going to need more vodka,” she muttered, “But not here.”
Roosevelt Hotel, Beverly Hills - 2 hours later
“So, this is where you bring all your playmates?” It was the first thing that came to mind when Caroline spied the king size bed taking pride of place in his suite. They’d spent an hour at 25 degrees, the hotel’s poolside bar and were now in his suite.
Okay, maybe not so inexplicably.
Caroline wasn’t one to go to a guy’s hotel room - especially this particular one - but between the vodka buzz and the fact Lexi had picked up and Bonnie was enjoying her night in their apartment there wasn’t much choice about where to go.
The vodka had helped loosen her usual inhibitions and, although she’d never say it aloud, Caroline was enjoying his company. Although, if anyone asked about this temporary bout of insanity she’d blame the alcohol.
“ Says the woman who was questioning the existence of said playmates only a few hours earlier.”
“So, you won’t mind if I do this?” She stated, not bothering to ask his permission as she discarded her heels and jumped onto the perfectly made bed. He stopped what he was doing momentarily, his eyes transfixed on her short, black dress and bouncing, blonde waves.
“I’m going to have to tip the maid extra now,” his voice was low, husky almost.
“Maybe she deserves it,” Caroline shot back.
He didn’t respond immediately, just shrugged off his suit jacket and loosened his tie. She was watching him do it like it was in slow motion. Then he rolled up his shirt sleeves. Who knew forearms could be so...appealing?
Caroline was starting to think that she was entering some sort of alternate universe she needed to escape, if only just to keep her sanity and self respect. I mean he was Klaus Mikaelson and she wasn’t one of his “playmates.” Not by a long shot.
“Water, please,” she replied immediately, he cocked an eyebrow as if to say she was no fun. “I’m a cheap drunk, what can I say? And who knows what else I might trash in this place under the influence?”
He seemed to accept her response, busying himself with drink preparation. “So, why exactly did you go speed dating in the first place?” He asked, filling a tall glass with ice cubes.
“I told you,” she panted, finally tiring of the activity and making herself comfortable on the expansive bed. “Bonnie…”
“I heard that version,” he pressed. “But I want the real one.”
He passed her the water and made himself comfortable on the bed, his aftershave combining with the dizziness and messing with her overall composure.
“It’s Valentine’s Day, and maybe you don’t understand, but spending it alone can kind of suck,” she confessed. “Especially when your roomie kicks you out of the house.”
“I just hope you kick Bennett out on Halloween as payback.”
“You like Halloween?”
“You have no idea, love,” he chuckled. “No rose petals or corny ballads, just blood, guts and general mayhem.”
“It’s just this ridiculous Hallmark Holiday,” Klaus offered, stretching out further and grazing her legs in the process. “It creates unrealistic expectations.”
“So, it’s Hallmark’s fault?”
“Hallmark is the tip of the iceberg,” he explained. “Every candy company, every florist, every jeweller and don’t even get me started on those terrible things they call romantic comedies.”
“You don’t like romantic comedies?”
“I try to steer clear for my own sanity, Caroline.”
“Not tonight,” she murmured, an idea suddenly coming to mind. “If I’m forced to stay in this mediocre hotel with you then...”
It was a lie and they both knew it but suddenly the less tipsy version of herself felt like she needed an excuse to stay the night with her best friend’s brother in such close quarters.
“I demand a movie marathon.”
“Terminator, Rambo, Rocky?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day, Mikaelson,” she shot back. “And I happen to know there is a marathon on television tonight.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me?”
“I’m deathly serious,” she answered. “But before we start, I’m going to need some popcorn and a shirt.”
“You want my shirt?”
“Not the shirt you’re wearing, lover boy, don’t get so excited. But I can’t sleep in this dress.”
His eyes seemed to linger a little too long on her body and Caroline was trying to do everything in her power to remain calm. Luckily he broke the silence not too long after.
“I’ll get you a shirt, but I’m not going to enjoy these movies at all, understand? I am only watching these ridiculous excuses of cinema because you’ve taken my television hostage?”
2 hours later…
“So, the apparent “virgin who can’t drive” ends up with the step brother? I mean I’m not surprised given the poor and predictable plot but is this kind of union legal in the state of California?”
“For the fiftieth time, he’s not related,” she growled, throwing a few popcorn kernels in his direction. This is about Cher realising that material things in life aren’t everything.”
"Whatever you say, Forbes. Although, tell me after this movie ended she ditched the mansion, the jeep, the designer plaid and knee sock combination outfits and moved to the Valley?”
He was annoying but also eerily observant.
“Yes, I mean maybe? People with money can change.”
“They’ve clearly never met Mikael or Esther.”
He said it quietly but Caroline couldn’t mistake the pain in his voice. She knew about his difficult past but they’d never been close enough to discuss it and given they were lying in the same bed it didn’t seem like the best time to open that pandora’s box.
“Do I have a great choice for you next,” she promised, her eyes sparkling, hoping to lift the mood.
2 hours later…
“Are you crying?”
“No, for the last time I have allergies, Caroline.”
“The pollen level was high today and the doors in these rooms are forever opening and closing. Maybe the maid doesn’t deserve such a big tip after all.”
Maybe it was cruel, but it was on television and there was no stopping the effects of the Notebook on even the most emotionless male.
2 hours later…
“I thought I’d seen everything,” he scoffed, stretching out tiredly. “She paid a guy to be her wedding date?”
“Not just anyone, he’s hot.”
“He’s an escort.”
“I think it adds to his overall appeal. He knows how to treat a woman because of his experience.”
“And how many escorts have you met?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Wow, if you ever show up to a wedding with a stranger, I’ll be asking for their credentials,” he joked. “Wait, you think he’s attractive?”
“Didn’t I just say that?”
“Each to their own I suppose, but that aside, the whole premise is just unrealistic.”
“It is a movie.”
“Yeah, a romantic comedy,” he shot back. “Case closed. Now, can we please sleep already? I think I deserve it after that marathon effort.”
“Fine,” she conceded, leaning across to turn off the lamp. “I have to say your shirt is very comfortable.”
“It should be," he replied, snuggling into the covers. “That’s my lucky Ramones t-shirt.”
As her head hit the pillow, Caroline was wondering why he gave her that particular shirt to wear. She couldn’t deny just how good the worn fabric felt against her bare skin and how the faint hint of his aftershave consumed her senses.
Sleep was immediate.
When she woke up the next morning and felt his arm encircle her waist and pull her towards him Caroline relished in the feeling. She assumed life would go back to normal but for now she was happy to live in the moment. It was probably better that way.
Read on AO3 HERE 
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Dean and Sam's adventures
Dean and his little brother, in age only, Sam had been talking about closing the Gates of Hell and then trying to figure out if there is anything on the angel tablet to close the doors to heaven as well. The angels just caused too much trouble when they came down and caused too much harm. The boys were leaning back against their, well when I say their, I mean Dean’s beloved 1967 Black Chevy Impala. She has been through everything with them. She was their home when they didn’t have one. She is the only companion they have had all their lives when everyone else leaves them. Whether anyone means to leave or not, She has been through their heartbreak and sorrow. She has been through the pain of losing each other and the ecstasy of finding each other again.She has seen them in the soft joy of falling in love with others without meaning to and finding the other to hope they can always meet here again after a hard time hunting or fighting the other angels. She was a part of the family whether she is inanimate or not. She has been rebuilt from almost scratch with the loving care of the eldest brother she carries with her.
This hunt they were taking on was a particular easy one that Dean didn’t like one bit. He of course thought it was too easy to just sit here watching the doors for activity and hope no one sees them. As if they were the boogeyman to all the monsters they have to fight to save people. They did have some easy cases in the past but this was suspiciously too easy. Sam didn’t think so. He just wanted to get it over with and keep going with the newest project he was working on. One of the vampire case’s that was easy was that one time with Benny and when Dean had the Mark of Cain but that was a whole other story. What usually happens in these scenarios is they get caught and ruffed up before they inevitably escape and kill the nest but no one has come or gone from the building yet.
Just when Dean was gonna give up and go bursting in he heard some shouting and the sounds of a fight breaking out inside the building. Just then a couple burst through the barn door of the abandoned building and into the night around them. Dean was quietly watching and slowly opening the car door so as to not cause attention to turn to them as the two were starting to get rougher with each other. It seemed like one was starting to get fed up when her fangs could be vaguely seen gleaming in the moonlight from being bared at the other. The boys quickly got out with their weapons and made to run over to help when Dean felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. As he whirled around to attack, he got a fist full of brass knuckles to the face. He heard Sam cry out through the ringing in his head and as he turned to look over he saw Sam say his name. As he was fighting to keep his eyes open, he saw the couple weren’t fighting anymore and saw them looking over with smug smiles through his blurry vision.
“Damn, this was a setup.” was Dean’s last thought as he finally lost the battle with the darkness encroaching on his vision. When Dean was finally coming to he could feel himself sitting down with some rough ropes tying him to a pole. He could feel his arms starting to cramp from being tied in this position for so long. He tried to wiggle around to see what weapons he still had on him when he could see Sam sitting to the right of him with his head still falling against his chest. “Sam!” Dean exclaimed to see if he would answer.
He didn’t and the only thing Dean got was the attention of the Vampire’s who were on guard duty apparently. The man who was fighting earlier turned to see what he heard and noticed that Dean was awake again. “Hey! He’s up. We can’t have that. It’s not time yet.” He slowly, arrogantly, walked over with a swing in his hips. He crouched and smiled cockily and whispered “Nighty night Winchester.” He used to butt of the machete that Dean had brought to hit his temple and knock him out again. When he woke again he could feel the headache and possible concussion he had. He could hear some mumbling in the background as he was trying to gain his bearings again. When he could finally lift his head without feeling the room spinning nauseatingly he looked over to see Sam looking at him full of concern and with some fury mixed in.
He looked around the room to see if he could find his weapons stashed anywhere. He could see they were all piled in the hammock a few paces from him. He felt the slow simmering anger from all his things being carelessly tossed away. He felt around to see if the hidden pocket knife he had made from a melted angel blade was still in his sleeve's hidden pocket. He sent a small smug smile to Sam that his idea worked out and was actually useful. Sam exasperatedly rolled his eyes and started to work it out of his sleeve as well. “Ha! Beat that Sam.” Dean thought as he started to cut his ropes as quietly as he could as to not draw attention like he did last time. When Dean was almost finished he signaled Sam knowing he would understand the unspoken cues they have between them. Sam started to yell and make a nuisance of himself so Dean could finish and they could finally leave. Sam knowing how this would end started to brace himself for the punches and Dean tried and failed to concentrate on his part to get them out.
“I am gonna kill that vampire and make it hurt.” Dean quietly vowed to himself as he slunk over to the hammock with their weapons. He grabbed the machete he always kept in his car stash and started his swinging and beheading his way to his brother. With the other vampire’s were occupied with his brother, he could see the others starting to cheer and turn their attention to the empty pole he was supposed to be tied to. The brief surprise and panicked horror he saw in their eyes didn’t make up for what happened but it satisfied that dark part in the back of his heart. It wanted him to keep going to make them realize just exactly how they were messing with. That there was a reason that the Winchesters were considered terrifying to the monster realm and why if you heard they were near you could only run or get caught. Some called them psychopaths and they were right but only for the monsters of the night that hurt humans.
They finally turned to try and find him and that is the last that some of them saw but for others they saw a very pissed off overprotective brother coming straight for them. No one was allowed to mess with Sam but him. Before he could stop him, one of the vampires that was in the back of the pack took out a gun and shot Sam in the leg. Sam let out a wail of anguish and the vampire started cackling thinking he would make it out with Dean being distracted by Sam. Either he was having too much fun or he just wasn’t that great of a vampire to miss his nest mates heads hitting the ground with a dull ‘thud’ behind him. Dean saw him start to turn around and before he decided to do the whole evil villain monologue he swiftly chopped his head from his shoulders.
“SAM! Hey, you’re gonna be okay. Got it?” Dean worriedly exclaimed as he tried to finish what Sam started earlier before he got injured by the vampire. “Yea. Peachy keen Dean. Just you know, the pain is a lot at the moment.” Sam hissed through clenched teeth and a pinched face trying to jostle the wound too much. His eyelids were starting to battle him trying to close and sleep to preserve energy for healing but he stubbornly tried to keep them so as to not worry Dean too much. He knew Dean would become a mother hen over him more than he already was. “Hey! Come one Sam, don't close your eyes. You know how rude that is?” Dean worriedly scolded him. “You fall asleep on me and I'm gonna mess your computer! Put porn all over it and change your background to some blue waffles if you don’t stay awake.” He taunted using Sam’s precious computer as a threat against him. He started to get desperate with Sam not answering him.
He quickly and carefully as he could picked Sam up and kicked open the barn door from earlier to get back to the car. He knew he wouldn’t be able to open the door with Sam in his arms so he could only lay him out on the hood and hope that didn’t hurt too much. He ran around the side and collected the limited first aid kit he kept in his car. As much as he wanted to whine that they kept his car doors open for a couple hours he guiltily thanked them because it allowed him to get the supplies he needed. He wrapped Sam’s leg with what bandages he had before he went to open the car doors to put Sam in the backseat. Once he successfully got Sam in he stumbled into the front and peeled out as if he had hellhounds on his ass.
Thankfully or not, depending on the perspective, the nest they were hunting wasn’t that far from their bunker. Without taking his eyes off the round, Dean squirmed around to get his phone out of his pocket and called up Cas, who was busy sorting some books in the library. Dean sighed waiting for the ringing to stop when he heard “Hello? Dean? What is it?” cooking over the phone. “Cas. Sam’s hurt. Be ready for us. We’re almost there.” Dean hung up as soon as he was done talking, meanwhile Cas was in a bit of a stupor before he jolted and turned back and forth unable to decide what to get first or where to go.
While Dean was counting on Cas being his Calm warrior of heaven, he was in actuality running around like a headless chicken both dreading and apprehensive of Dean's arrival. Cas was no longer an angel but he hasn't had a chance to tell Dean yet. He won’t be able to heal Sam like he knew Dean would demand of him like he has so many times in the past. The battle between the Angels of heaven and the Hunters of earth was where the deed happened. He gave up being an angel. He didn’t want to be just this destructive force of God. He didn’t just want to be a Warrior when he felt he could be more than that. He knew the Brothers kept him around for his friendship and because they considered him family. That was enough for him. He knew it would have to be enough because he didn’t know what he would do if it wasn’t. He didn’t want to lose Dean but this might finally be the weight that breaks the camel's back and have everything come crumbling down around him.
While the battle had raged on he quickly grew tired. These were his brothers and sisters he was having to kill. They didn’t have the same relationship with him like Dean had with Sam but he still couldn’t help but feel distressed. He didn’t want to die an angel and not be able to see the brothers again. He wanted, yearned, to be human and live out his life with them. With Dean. If he would have him, but he knew it couldn’t be so he settled for what they have now. He wanted to grow old, cranky and gruff like how Bobby had been. He wanted to inform other hunters who called on potential nearby hunts or help with the distribution of information. He wanted to research monsters, to let others know how and with what they need to kill said monsters. That’s all he wants. He is so tired of killing family no matter how distant they are because they don’t understand his need to live amongst the humans. The blood that has collected on Castiel’s hands is too much for him anymore.
‘BANG BANG’ Cas heard from the warded door of the entrance to the bunker. He shook his head to dispel his thoughts. He didn’t have time for that now he chastised himself. He rushed up the metal staircase to get to the door and open it for Dean. “Cas gonna need your help here. Sam is too much for me. I can’t hold him for much longer.” Dean forced out under the strain of holding Sam. Cas quickly takes Sam as to relieve Dean of the weight and takes him carefully back to lay him down on the war room table. He rushes back to the kitchen and grabs the first aid kit all the while hoping Dean doesn’t ask him to heal Sam. As he comes back through the door he could tell that his fears were correct since Dean was looking calmer than he should with Sam injured as he is. Dean goes around the table to take the kit form Cas and gives voice to the very thing Cas was hoping he wouldn’t say. “Alright Cas! Why did you get this? Just go work your mojo on Sammy.” Dean started confusedly before clapping his hands in a manner that suggests he has to hurry up.
Cas could feel the distress and guilt that is showing on his face because Dean’s face is starting to show a dawning sense of comprehension that only he could understand about Cas. “I’m sorry Dean. I am, truly. But I no longer can anymore. I'm no longer an angel. I’m sorry I didn't tell you before but I..” Cas trailed off as he could feel the shame burning on his face as he tried to continue. “Cas.” Dean chokes out through gritted teeth and a scowling face. “Why didn't you tell me this before? Do you just not trust me anymore? Were you ever going to say anything? You know what never mind. We don’t have time for this. I have to help Sam.” Dean brusquely replied, moving around Cas to get to Sam. Cas tilted his head down at the dismissal and quietly helped Dean with what he needed when there was a ringing noise and white light coming from the end of the table almost under the stairs.
They could both see a figures silhouette in the light becoming clearer with every step they take. A hand comes through followed by a foot with leg coming through after. They can clearly see a person coming through, though not who, it becomes increasingly obvious as the light and noise begins to dim again and disappear. Chuck strides through the last of the dying portal light and strolls up to Sam to lay a hand on him when Dean, the ever overprotective brother that he is, whips out his gun and aims it at the intruder with a steady hand. “Put a hand on him and you can say goodbye to your meat suit.” Grits out and looks over to Cas to see why he hasn’t moved to defend Sam. Only to see Castiel look like he was about to cry and was just barely holding back from falling to his knees. “Father?” Cas croaked out from where he was standing.
Chuck slowly raised his hands when Dean turned his gun on him but he slowly turned to look at Cas with the small smile he has on his face as he faces his favorite son. “Castiel, My Son.” Chuck warmly counters to Cas’s words. “What- God?” Dean shrewdly mumbles at the exchange that just happened in front of him. Chuck looks to Dean and then pointedly at the gun still pointed at him though it has lowered slightly in Dean's surprise. Chuck slowly lowers his hands again and brings them to rest delicately on the slowly growing bloodstain on his pant leg. He closed his eyes but that did nothing to hide the light that visibly shines from beneath them. His palms glows with restrained power that illuminates Sam’s injury and shows it slowly closing, by what it seems like, itself. Sam groans as his face is quickly gaining the color it had lost since the injury was first inflicted upon him. “Don’t mess with my computer Dean.” Sam coughs out as he slowly sits up from the table.
Castiel slowly, unsteadily, walks over to the man he claims is his Father and cautiously puts his hand out to push lightly at the shoulder. Chuck watches with a warmth to his eyes in the face of his son’s caution. “Castiel. I need to speak with you.” He says slowly watching the emotions flit across the face of his son. Feeling the imminent emotional overload from his son he casually stops time with a wave of his hand, not unlike how Gabriel and his signature snaps, and watches as Castiel falls to his knees. “Father.” Castiel chokes out to caught up in the emotions caught in his throat to speak properly. “I’m sorry for the destruction I have wreaked across heaven. For the blood I spilt on earth trying to be a God when I wasn't one. I was just an Angel to hopped up on soul power to see how I was hurting others.” Castiel managed to choke out before the hitch in his breathing was too much and he could feel the hitching in his breath coming out fast.
“My Son. It is okay. You feel the regret and you know what you did wasn’t okay. I healed Sam and I came with a question for you. I plan to close the gates of heaven so you boys won’t have to. I am bringing the angels who want to come back and letting anyone else stay if that is what they choose. But I am giving them the choice despite them not quite understanding that yet.” He said slowly, shaking his head looking exasperated with the other angels. Chuck takes Castiel's arms in his and they slowly rise as Castiel gets his breathing back under control again. When he sees that Castiel is more or less okay, he waved his hand and restarted time again to allow the brothers to hear this part of the conversation.
Castiel slowly looks back at the brothers who are looking at the father son duo with twin looks of concern on their face. Castiel looks back at Chuck with a look of deep concentration on his face before they could all see the determination push through the other emotions and he opens his mouth to respond “No father. I don’t want to go back to heaven unless it's after the death of my human life. I want to live here with Dean, and Sam. I want to be a Winchester and hunt with the Winchesters. They have helped me understand humanity better than I ever could just by watching from afar in heaven. I can make choices for myself whether it be good or bad. I can choose to love or I could choose to dislike things and not be punished for it. I don’t have to be a warrior unless I choose to. I could be a healer or informant. I can be whatever I want and to be with who I want if they would have me.” Castiel was exclaiming and excited gesturing with his whole body even though he didn’t move very much.
“Alright My Son. If that is what you want.” Chuck said with a small fond smile playing at the edge of his lips. He hoped Dean would hurry up and get a move on and claim his son already. He vanished in a blink of light and reappeared in heaven where he recalled all his wayward children. He closed the doors of heaven to all but the souls allowed in the gates and sat back on his throne to wait for his human son to live here with him again with his new family. He smiled when he felt them join his domain and made sure they could share a heaven with the rest of their family that has beaten them here to his warm embrace.
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Sweet Like Chocolates | Shouta Aizawa x Reader
AN: Hello! This is another sever collab I did, I’m late to this one, however. My apologies. May’s prompt was desserts, so here’s my take on it. Length: 3k Warnings: Some suggestive themes, no detail.
Main Master list - Go check out what everyone else did!
Summary: You’ve been craving sweets recently but you don’t want to just buy them. So, why not make some with your husband?
Tags: @peachy-yabbay​ @shiggi-trash​ @boku-no-dumbass​ @happynoodle​ @neon-tries-writing​
Full Name: (f/n) Aizawa Quirk: (y/q) Age: 28 Hero Name: (h/n)
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“NO!” Shouta’s tired eyes shot open and he abruptly sat up. He was positive he heard a loud scream and his head snapped to the door. Within seconds, he threw his blanket off and bolted out of the door and down the stairs where he’d heard the cry.
“(f/n)?!” He froze as his eyes widened at the sight. You were on the floor with a bunch of ingredients such as flour, baking powder, sugar, and candy strew about the floor.
“O-Oh! Hey, Sho!” You greeted him with a smile as he sighed in relief and came to help you up.
“What are you doing, kitty?” He inquired quietly, looking at the dining table which was filled with all sorts of ingredients. You smiled up at him as you stood up. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you gave him a tight hug, which he returned before you both pulled away to pick up the ingredients off the floor.
“Well! I was craving sweets and I wanted to bake some stuff!”
“Some?” He repeated, raising a brow, making you sheepishly giggle. You placed the items you’d picked up on the table and looked at him, sheepishly.
“Ok, so I went a little overboard! But! Why don’t we bake this stuff together?” You asked, with a hopeful smile. Shouta sighed as a small smile made its way up to his lips. It was really hard to deny you when you looked the way you did. Damn you.
“Yeah, sure. Sounds fun.” You let out a little squeal and ran at your husband, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He let out a little laugh and caught you, letting you repeatedly press kisses onto his face. “O-ok calm down, kitty!”
You pulled away with a big smile before jumping down and giving him a wide smile. He couldn’t help but feel a little sad at the warmth that you took away with you, however, it was soon replaced by the warmth in his heart. That look on your face made him so happy, so proud, and so good about himself. Knowing he was the reason for that giant smile on your face was the best feeling in the world.
“Yay! I love you so much!” He laughed and walked past you to the ingredients.
“I love you too. Now, what are we starting with? What do you have?”
“Well! I was thinking of baking some stuff!”
“Like cupcakes?” You shook your head with a giggle as you stood next to him.
“We’re going a little bit further than that. We’re gonna make more complicated desserts.”
“More complicated? I’m not sure we’re qualified to do that. I don’t know the first thing about baking.” Shouta explained as he leaned on the table, looking at you.
“Don’t worry, I don’t either! We’ll be using recipes! It’ll be fun, come on!” You chirped, taking his hands. Again, he just couldn’t deny or refuse you, so he only nodded.
“If it makes you happy, kitty.” He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a soft kiss. You giggled and tugged on his arms a little, leading him to the kitchen where your laptop was already prepared with the first recipe. Tiramisu.
“I bought everything for all the desserts I want to make. Hence the extra ingredients.” Shouta chuckled when he looked over at the dining table, which had a lot of ingredients already. He nodded and read the ingredients needed for this dessert.
“Let’s see… we need strong espresso, Grand Marnier, ladyfingers, mascarpone, rum, eggs, sugar, heavy cream, vanilla extract, salt, and unsweetened cocoa powder… th-that’s a lot.” He murmured at the end, while you’d started gathering the required ingredients.
“The cooking process is worse,” you scrolled down and pointed at the section, “see? This is it.”
“What the hell is a ladyfinger?” His tone made you giggle and you pat his arm.
“It’s like a finger-shaped cookie/cake thingie. Let’s see, it’s four layers each component is layered twice.” You both grabbed the ingredients and started to put them together, following every last step.
As Shouta was mixing up the whipped cream, he smirked a little as he saw your unsuspecting figure grabbing the rum. You wanted to make sure you wouldn’t go overboard, however, you should’ve been paying attention.
Your husband came up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. You giggled and turned, only to have some whipped cream be smeared on your cheek and lips.
“Oops.” He said, making your eyes widen. After a moment you giggled, placing the bottle of rum down and grabbing some flour and throwing it at Shouta.
“Two can play at that game, Sho!” You giggled as the two of you started tossing ingredients at each other. You squealed as he smeared some frosting on your lips and pulled you in close, pressing his lips against yours and stealing it back.
“I knew you were delicious.” Your cheeks turned a bright red and you immediately shied away. Even after almost three years of being married, you two would still get overly flustered at certain comments. You only leaned up and kissed him again before the two of you finished up making the first dessert.
“It looks-”
“Awful.” Shouta finished as the two of you stared at the small plate with the tiramisu on it. It looked fine, not exactly how it looked in any of the pictures, but you were hoping it would taste great. “Let’s let it chill while we make the others.” You put the tiramisu into the large fridge as you two moved onto the next dessert.
“Umm, how about the fudge? Another no-bake treat. It doesn’t look like we need much for it either,” you suggest, pointing to your computer screen. Shouta nodded and started gathering the ingredients you needed. “We need chocolate chips, butter, chopped walnuts, and sweetened condensed milk.”
You found the saucepan while Shouta turned on the stove and helped you add in all the ingredients. You stirred it with a rubber spatula until everything had melted and was evenly mixed in. While you were doing that, Shouta found another baking dish and lined it up with parchment paper. Once you were sure everything was good, you picked up the saucepan and walked over to the counter and carefully poured the fudge into it. Shouta used the rubber spatula to smooth it out while you placed the saucepan in the sink.
Once it was smoothed out, he walked back to the fridge and carefully placed the dish inside. This would be ready in three hours while the tiramisu needed an entire night. You still had plenty on the list so even though you were excited to taste the treat, you’d probably long forget it until it was ready.
“What’s next, kitty?” Shouta asked, leaning on the counter as you looked through the numerous recipe tabs you had open. “Just bookmark these, why do you have so many open?”
“Well, that’s too much work.”
“Well, that bothers me.” He huffed, placing his chin on the top of your head as he looked down at your screen. You two looked through the tabs before he made you stop and pointed to one of them. “What about that?  Cheesecake.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!” With that, you two started to gather the ingredients first. “We’ll need cream cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream, vanilla, and salt. Apparently, we’re skipping the water bath in this recipe.”
“Oh great, it’s such an annoying process.” You smiled and looked at him.
“You know what that is? What is it?” He shook his head.
“I don’t, any extra work is an annoying process.” You giggled, shaking your head as you read out the small recipe. “Oh, you bought crusts too?” You nodded, without looking at him, scrolling down on your screen.
“Yeah, I thought we could use it for pies and stuff. If these turn out good, we can give them to our friends.”
“Ye have little faith.”
“We’re heroes, not bakers, kitty. I have no faith.” You scoffed with a wide smile and tried to hold back your laughter.
“Ok, be like that.” You read out a couple of lines of the recipe as your husband listened intently. “Keep the cream cheese at room temperature. Be easy with the eggs, it says to scramble the eggs before adding it to the batter.
Shouta cracked the eggs in another bowl and gently scrambled them and put them to the side as you two began to work on the rest of the batter. You carefully mixed everything together then added in the eggs, being mindful of not over-beating the batter. While Shouta was working on the batter, you got the crust ready for him, helping him pour it in too.
Once that was done, you two placed it into the oven and put the timer on. Meanwhile, you two took a small break, already feeling tired from making the three desserts. You sat on the counter while Shouta stood in between your legs as you two talked about dinner.
“We’ll have plenty to eat after we’re done with all of these.” You said, gesturing to the ingredients sitting around you.
“Yeah, but we’re not only going to be eating desserts for the next week, do you know how unhealthy these are?” You pouted and pushed his hair back, putting your arms on his shoulders. You gently grabbed a lock of his hair, twisting it around your fingers.
“Come on!”
“Absolutely not. You’ll eat too much dessert, then you’ll get sick and throw up, then you’ll never want to eat the desserts again. Let’s save ourselves all the trouble. Desserts are for after dinner.” You stuck out your bottom lip, which made him chuckle as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips.
You closed your eyes and responded immediately, tightening your arms around him. He tugged you closer, his large, warm hands wandering around your waist and hips, before dragging down your thigh.
You sighed in content at the sensation and the kiss quickly became a bit more heated. His hands slid under your shirt, quickly moving around and caressing your soft skin. Your mind went blank as the butterflies filled your stomach. Kisses like these were almost dizzying, good thing you were sitting down. However, you two were interrupted when your alarm went off, making you pull away and giggle sheepishly. Had it been that long already? You really did end up losing track of time while kissing your husband. 
“Perfect timing,” Shouta said, rolling his eyes as he grabbed the oven mitts. He opened the oven door and carefully took out the cheesecake and placed it on the stove.
“Ok, so while that cools, why don’t we start making the chocolate?”
“Sure, but why are we making chocolates when we have those chocolate melts?” You shrugged as you hopped off the counter and reached for your laptop, finding the recipe.
“Why not?” Shouta shook his head and took his hair down from the ponytail before readjusting it. Your (e/c) eyes watched him with a smile.
“You look so good like that.” Your words made him smirk as he looked towards you.
“Thank you, kitty.” Your heart skipped a few beats as you shied away, looking back at the screen in front of you. Shouta had other ideas while you were distracted grabbing the ingredients to make the chocolate.
You mumbled the names of the ingredients as you pulled them to the sides, noting down the amounts you’d need. Meanwhile, Shouta came up behind you, leaning on the counter with his arms on either side. He bent forward a little to read what was on your screen and it didn’t really bother you at first. You’d been married for a while, so you were used to stuff like this to an extent. However, Shouta was a tease… so he chose to tease you and it always worked.
“Whatcha reading?” He asked, whispering into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“The recipe?” You said, with a light giggle. He leaned further onto you, pressing your chest against the counter. One of his hands came down to massage your thigh, while his lips trailed from your cheek to your shoulder. For a moment, you closed your eyes and leaned back into him as his lips moved to your neck. His warmth seeped into you, making you crave more of it.
It took a few seconds, but you inhaled sharply and gently pushed him away, making him chuckle a little.
“Playing hard to get, kitty?” You scoff and shake your head at his words, looking at him, with slightly red cheeks.
“We’re baking desserts right now, we can do this later.” He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a soft kiss.
“Well the only dessert I want is…” His voice trailed off as his eyes moved up and down your form, before he walked away, making your heart almost leap out of your chest. Damn.
“Ok, so we can add the whole milk in a second. Do you have the cocoa powder ready?” Shouta asked, making you nod and point to the said ingredient. Shouta was just waiting for the water to simmer while you had made a paste out of the cocoa powder and butter. “Ok, it’s ready.” You added the mixture to the water and Shouta stirred it, waiting for it to simmer again.
You’d already prepared all the molds and the separate bowl that you would’ve needed. Once the heated mixture was transferred, you added in the sugar and salt. After, Shouta stirred the mixture while you slowly added in the milk, so it wouldn’t create any clumps.
“I think it’s good,” Shouta started as he licked the chocolate that had gotten on his fingers. You reached into the bowl and dunked your fingers in, before lickin it off. “Why didn’t you use the whisk? It had plenty of chocolate on it.” You giggled and shrugged.
“It tastes delicious, Sho! Time to add them into the molds!” You’d gotten a few cute shaped molds and you had your strawberries ready too. 
Using a spoon, you poured the chocolate into the molds while Shouta got your strawberries and dunked them into the chocolate. He placed them on a separate pan with parchment paper on it to keep the strawberries from sticking. 
“Those look good!” You said, while looking down at the strawberries. You had quite a bit, more than you thought you would but was that really an issue? Shouta placed them neatly onto the tray and then into the fridge.
“Now that this is all done,” Shouta said, wrapping his arms around you once again and pulling you close. “Time for dinner. We can make more of these later.”
“Or! How about this. You make dinner and I’ll continue making the desserts!” He rolled his eyes and shook his head, he knew full well he couldn’t deny you. Well, as long as the main task was getting completed, he didn’t care. He only nodded and kissed your head.
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Hmm, how about (favorite food)!” Shouta nodded and moved away to gather the required ingredients, while you started on the next dessert item you wanted to make.
“You think they’re done yet?” You asked as you finished up the last bite of your dinner. Your husband gathered your dishes and walked into the kitchen with you following behind him with the glasses.
“I’m sure some of them are, check. But please be careful, you don’t want anything to fall out.” You cautiously opened the fridge door and peeked inside to see your desserts chilling well. You reached in and pulled out the tray with the chocolate covered strawberries on it.
“They look so good!” You placed the tray on the counter while Shouta helped pull out the rest of the desserts. Some, however, needed to remain in the fridge, so you were trying those tomorrow.
“They do, but we have so many.”
“We can just give them to our friends!” You suggested as you picked up one of the strawberries and held it out to Shouta. “Bite.”
“Shouldn’t you be eating these first? You’re the one so excited for it.” You shook your head, keeping your hand right where it was.
“You first, babe.” He smiled softly as he leaned in and bit down on the strawberry, leaving half of it for you. You quickly ate the rest and smiled brightly at him. “They’re delicious!”
“They are, I really like these.” He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close as the two of you started to taste some of the desserts you’d made, which was a lot. You’d made tiramisu, fudge, a cheesecake, chocolate covered strawberries, an ice cream cake, a blueberry pie, a couple of cupcakes, and halo-halo. You really had no choice but to give some to your friends because you two would never be able to finish these.
“This was fun,” you said, looking up at your husband. “We should do it again.”
“Yeah, but not for a while. We still have to get rid of these. Now.” He turned to you, picking you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist. You squealed a little at the action and quickly grabbed onto him to keep yourself from falling. “How about my dessert?” His seductive voice immediately brought a blush to your cheeks as his face got closer to yours. Your lips pressed together in a soft, loving kiss. Your arms tightened around him as your body grew warm.
“Shouta…” You whispered as he walked you both to your bedroom and dropped you on the bed.
“You’re sweet... just like chocolate.” He whispered, kissing your lips once more before they trailed down your cheek and onto your neck. 
“Well that’s because I just had some.” You giggled, making him pull away and glare slightly.
“Stop ruining the mood, (f/n)!”
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euphorianyx · 4 years
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Pairing: JungKook & Reader Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst Summary: You believe you know someone you live together but that only counts if they are true to themselves. Can love really change someone or do they just hold back? What if you are yet to meet the dark side? Will you stay to handle all that or will you walk away? When there is something you have to protect, the choice is not really yours so you just do what you think is the best.
AN: If you just found this story you can read the prequel here.
Other Chapters
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JungKook walked slowly to the table occupied by the young woman that was seen fit to be his next toy. It was hard to tell by her back but a few small gestures already caught his eyes. The way she sat or seemed was all wrong. It lacked your shyness balanced with straightforwardness. The smile she gave to the waiter was sweet. It was way too sweet that could be childish, lacking the elegance you had.
Rolling his eyes but still making his way towards her JungKook already could tell this was a lost case. He sat down on the velvet encrusted chair across her. She greeted him with a wide smile, letting her chest pop a little. It was obvious she was trying to be sexy but the reality was far from it.
Her face truly reminded you. Long lashes, well-shaped lips gave a feeling of you. JungKook did not know why he was searching for you in someone else but he could not help it. He wanted to give her a chance but the more she spoke the worse things went. At some point, JungKook just left his glass on the table. He did not even care about the special cocktail he favored the flavor. He raised his hand cutting the young women.
He grabbed the dark purple envelope and went through papers. Hoping to find an excuse that will make sense but Min Jae Yeo seemed awfully clean. Letting out a deep sigh JungKook decided it was best to get done with this real quick so left the envelope on the table.
“Jae Yeo...”
She nodded right away with bright eyes. She was so tractable and would follow him but that was not what he needed anymore. 
“I don’t think you are qualified for what I have in mind.”
The girl reached for his hand but JungKook pulled it away before she could hold it. He gestured the waiter to bring the bill. Jae Yeo was tearing up as JungKook raised from his seat. He did not mean to make her cry but did not feel like comforting her too. He had his poker face before he turned around to leave the café. On his way back to Jeon Enterprise JungKook got a call from YugYeom. He hit the pedal of his black Bugatti before he touched the screen to answer the call.
“What is it?”
His voice was not harsh or anything. It was monotone until YugYeom revealed why he called.
“Im Won... He was in charge of the border but he got seven hundred. Should I inform your father?”
Im Won dared to give them false information on the amount of white he was dealing with his name. He reported five hundred kilograms but actually got seven hundred to make more money by himself. JungKook arched an eyebrow. His voice was dangerously low as he asked.
“No...But inform everyone for tonight. The party will be after midnight. I will take him by myself.”
YugYeom ended the call after a simple remark letting JungKook know he understood. JungKook was already at the edge but the information ignited his ice-cold soul. Noone... Noone could use his own resources to make extra money. He was free to do his own thing now and the chance came quick. JungKook’s fingers danced on the steering wheel.
When JungKook pulled up by the car park, the noise of a strong engine echoed through the grey dull walls. He locked it and walked a bit until he reached the elevator. When the simple steel doors opened, the large cabin welcomed him. He rested his hands on the bars by the door. 
His blood rushed while he was staring at his own eyes. They were dark just like they have been for years. The person he wanted to hold back was out stronger than ever. He felt it in his bones. A different smirk grew on his thin lips. JungKook tilted his head while his eyes rolled back with excitement. The door opened and the young boy with brown hair greeted him to the polygon.
JungKook simply greeted him with a small gesture. Mike smiled back at him.
“We haven’t seen you here for so long.”
JungKook let out a cool chuckle.
“I know. Just here to keep myself in check.”
JungKook took his jacket off as he stopped in front of the familiar number. Seven... He put it aside as the gun arrived. Ignoring the headphones he grabbed it. The silver metal shined in his hand while he pulled the trigger. On and on until there was not a single bullet left. Jungkook pressed the button to see the result. Two big holes... One in the head one in the chest.
Then he heard someone clapping behind him. The young woman had peachy long hair, big eyes, and full lips. Her tiny waist was completed with her hips. JungKook arched an eyebrow at her questioningly, though she smiled.
“You are a tough one, aren’t you...I don’t know who got you mad but I am Min Chae Soo.”
She raised her hand to greet JungKook. After taking a look at the friendly gesture, he shook her hand briefly. Then her earphones arrived with the same brand of gun he used.
“Want to go for another round?”
Her simple defiance triggered JungKook. They both had similar grins as they aimed for the vital points. They pressed the button at the same time to see their results. Chae Soo’s challenge went on in their conversation. JungKook realized he was actually smiling.
After they finally decided who won, the duo walked out of polygon. When their paths were separated JungKook wore his poker face again. He had no idea what about her made him put his guard down right away. Still thinking about what just happened she went for squash and JungKook went for boxing. 
After their sessions ended their path crossed by the hallway again. They decided to have some drinks together. Chae Soo wore her leather jacket. Her hair was stuck by the back so she pulled it out and it danced in the air. The smell filling the air was not perfect but not bad either. She hoped on the front seat and JungKook was not disturbed at all. 
He drove to Mucaro, the night club at Im Won’s territory. JungKook stopped the car rigidly. They got out but the vale was frozen in his spot. He fixed his small hat, bowing at them. JungKook threw the keys at him before they made their way to the place. The neon sign above was bright with green, blue, and purple colors. Walls were black with lines in the same shades as the sign. 
When he was seen by the door every single person working there was urged to form a proper line each side of the door. Female employees were in awe while male employees were busy with their envy. Not even aware of what was expecting him Im Won stood in the middle by the edge of the maroon carpet. He greeted JungKook and Chae Soo with a decent smile. 
Im Won thought it was one of JungKook’s impromptu visits so lead the way to the big room at the back. Bodies were swaying around each other under blue and purple lights. A small group of young boys and girls had blunts hanging from their lips and glasses filled with alcohol in their hands. By the corners, two girls in skin tight dresses sat each side of a middle-aged man in a suit. JungKook had a smirk on his face before he turned around to face Chae Soo.
“Let’s grab some drinks.”
Im Won was expecting him to talk about the next deal but did not dare to question JungKook so he just left. They sat by the bar and chatted casually for a while. Somehow topic drifted on more personal matters where JungKook made Chae Soo reveal herself a little bit.
“So you were raised in a dormitory...”
JungKook imagined a little girl at such a place with no one to care for her. Chae Soo’s arm rested on the wood as her hand was under her chin.
“Yeah until I was fifteen. Then my father adopted me.”
The heaviness of her sentence lingered in the air a bit. He was going to tell YugYeom to do some research on her to see what he was going to do. Though it was time for her questions.
“I thought you got married but... I... don’t see your ring.”
Your face before his eyes, JungKook looked down at his empty finger for a moment before he put his glass down.
“Yeah, I did but things got complicated.”
Chae Soo did not ask anything further since she sensed it was no good. Meanwhile, JungKook got what he wanted since Im Won did not suspect anything at all. Soon the last member sent the signal to let him know he was there.
“Listen, I would like to talk to you more but I have something urgent to take care of. How about I get you a taxi to drop you off?”
Chae Soo arched an eyebrow at him but grabbed her purse. She hopped off the chair towards JungKook. There was almost no space between their bodies. She put her hand on his chest.
“Not before I get a promise.”
JungKook nodded with a smile. Chae Soo grabbed a pen from her purse then reached for his hand. She slowly wrote her number under his intense gaze. Looking at his hand for a good moment JungKook put it on her back gently. He gestured one of the taxis waiting across the path. The young guy pulled up right away, his eyes widened when he noticed JungKook. He opened the door for Chae Soo and told the driver to safely take her to her address.
When he was back with a simple head gesture members started to evacuate the place by informing people one by one. Im Won realized something was up so he gathered his own men together but it was too late. He walked towards Jungkook who still sat on his chair casually.
“Mr. Jeon what is going on?”
JungKook calmly put his glass down. His eyes were dark when he directed them at Im Won. He grabbed the man by his neck and his head hit the wood with a loud thud. His men proceed to interfere but they could not.
“You thought I would never find out?”
Im Won mentally cursed himself.
“Let me explain.”
JungKook let out a chuckle that froze his blood. He gestured his men to interfere and hell broke loose. The loud noise of triggers drowned in the loud music still playing. The heavy smell of gun powder and blood mixed with each other permeated the place. He got two cuts from the knife of a pretty stubborn one. JungKook got away with a swing of his body and kicked him on his chest. The man fell back and Jungkook aimed at his head.
JungKook reached for another gun. He turned around and saw two men almost reached him. He pulled the trigger in pure mercilessness and watched their bodies fall on the cold ground. JungKook realized Im Won was by the door and ran towards his side but the man fell back. Seeing who was by the door JungKook stopped for a good minute. Chae Soo had timber in her hand now was strained with Im Won’s blood. She threw it at JungKook.
“I knew something was up so I did not leave.”
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You fastened your steps on the sidewalk with your phone on your ear.
“Hi NamJoon, I believe we need to talk.”
NamJoon sounded serious at the other side of the line.
“Sure Y/N...”
He knew you found out that he gave your name. Their conversation about divorce with JungKook played in his mind, he quietly took a deep breath.
“Why don’t you come over.”
If it was not for him you were going to offer that. Soon you were by his door. You knocked twice and waited for a little. NamJoon was in a simple t-shirt and dark green sweatpants with his hair swept back. He fixed his glasses as he greeted you then lead the way towards the living room.  You mostly spent your time at his office room here so did not notice many details about other parts of his house.
The walls were a light shade of blue, giving his living room a calm vibe. Two dark blue couches were in the middle of the room across each other. A small white table stood between them matching the TV unit by the wall. The kitchen was open by the left of his living room. NamJoon offered you a coffee that you accepted. You watched him prepare them in silence and when he was back you finally broke it.
“I heard you gave my name to the company.”
A simple nod with his poker face was NamJoon’s response. 
“Because I thought you were what they needed in there.”
A small smile spread across your lips.
“Thank you... but I doubt that is the only reason.”
NamJoon let out a deep sigh before your eyes met again.
“Okay, I will be honest with you. It was a mutual decision with Mr Jeon.”
You bit down your lip as you refused to finish the coffee and put your cup down on the table.
“And you expect me to take it when I know someone else could be there if you did not interfere.”
Before you pulled your hand from the table NamJoon caught your wrist.
“Y/N, I gave your name because I knew you could do it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Even your family does not know yet, right?”
Your hand turned into a ball of fist while you shook your head. NamJoon gently let your wrist go with a small smile on his lips.
“I understand and he is trying to help you Y/N. That is not as bad as you think.”
You let out a deep sigh.
“He knows where I stay right now, does not he?”
NamJoon confirmed your assumption before he made the offer that surprised you.
“Why don’t you stay here instead?”
When he directed his eyes back to you realized he was serious.
Next Chapter
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Stargirl Au: Blackbird
basically a stargirl non powers au, but there’s also a war as in there will be a war, but the fics won’t lead to one. Time period is mum (Originally was supposed to be a one shot but oh well.) Like my landslides au this is the timeline of how things happened. 
Sylvester and Pat met in Blue Valley College. Yes their other college friends were the JSA members
they met the 7 soldiers of victory because Pat and Sylvester got drunk once and ended up in the neighboring college.
The rival college was also home to the Isa
Anyways Sylvester and Pat would later adopt Mike. And yes family diners were interesting with Sylvester’s chaotic sister Merry her and her negative husband Henry. Baby Henry’s fine though, he usually likes playing with Mike. 
When Henry was six his father died so it was just him and Merry
When Mike was three Sylvester died leading to the regrouping of the Jsa for his funeral. (none of the JSA died, except for Hourman, they just moved out of Blue Valley)
Speaking of Hourman, Rex and Mary Tyler died in a car crash. No foul play it just happen to snow and icy roads + big trees = no bueno. 
There were two guardians for Rick to go to: Either Justin, Rex’s brother or Matt, Mary’s brother could take care of Rick. Justin lost though because he had mental health disorders. (I googled delusional disorder one believes delusions are real so he probably has that one) so Mat took Rick in when he was 8. 
They were going to move to California, but Pat convinced them that that was a stupid idea... Who knows if that was a smart idea
Anyways so the Dugans and the Tylers drift apart mainly because of Matt, but Pat does try to keep an eye on Rick when he can
Pat also keeps an eye on Justin
The Dugans stay close to the King’s (I’m not aware of Merry’s last name so if someone wants to help a fellow out) so Henry and Mike grow up together as cousins. Henry, because he was raised by his mom and has Pat for an uncle, never grows up to be a dick. He’s more chaotic good
Since he isn’t a dick and didn’t ask for nudes and never dated Yolanda
Meanwhile Courtney moves to Blue Valley to take care of her ailing grandmother when she’s 12. She first befriends Beth, then meets Henry because his uncle could/will be her stepfather. Through Henry she meets Yolanda and Cindy. In high school she meets the mayor’s son, Cameron. 
So for Cameron yes his mom did die, but Jordon just decided to go into politics instead of world domination. 
Also Cindy! So first and foremost. Dr. Ito is a dick and should not be allowed near children nevermind raising one. He is a failed chemist, who know sells things on the dark web... or something. He is an absentee father, who let Cindy do all kinds of things a child shouldn’t do, like play with knives and chemicals. Cindy does befriend Yolanda at a young age though and through Yolanda ‘befriends’ Henry whose good vibes prevent her from being idk a murderer? Anyways she’s a little blunt and straightforward, but probably wouldn’t murder anyone
Nothing changes with the Crooks, their backstory is normal enough for it to fit in the nonpower au. Just they don’t murder the coaches. 
Instead of Henry sharing her nudes, Yolanda, in the start(ish) of high school starts to realize the way she thinks about girls isn’t platonic. She’s with Courtney and they accidentally kisses her, and her entire uber religious family sees. 
Needless to say they weren’t peachy about this and basically exile her from the family. Courtney is very apologetic about the whole thing. When Pat catches wind of this, he talks to Yolanda about it and is like look it’s not you it’s your parents.
(It was supposed to be Cindy, but I really liked @cindyburman‘s comp het headcannon for Cindy so I switched it to Courtney)
Also not immediately after, but like Courtney and Cameron do date for like a hot minute before something happens. 
Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about Rick, Stargirl just has a lot of characters. So Rick basically outcasted himself, and he doesn’t rejoin society until he meets Beth, in high school. She basically continuously talks to him until he joins their little friend group.
When they realize he’s being abused, physically, Pat finally breaks and adopts/obtains guardianship of him when Rick’s about 16.
The group befriends Artemis mainly through Henry. It’s easier to write a fic about it, but the abbreviated version is Artemis befriended Henry to meet Cindy. (It was an adventure because Cindy thought she was straight and everyone else knows she not)
Cameron who is gay realized he was gay after going to Joey Zarick’s magic show and thinking it was cute unlike his friends. He is 16.
Also in college Beth and Artemis go on a magical adventure and they end up with an owl, hootie. 
Courtney and Yolanda start dating when they are 20 
Beth and Rick start dating about when they are 19 
Cindy also manages to become finacially independent when she becomes a legal adult. She and Artemis start dating when they’re 17
Cindy also becomes a fashion designer. yes artemis and cindy are the football player x cheerleader troupe 
I mentioned a war right well here it is:
The war starts when Rick & Beth 21, Courtney, Cameron, Joey, Artemis Henry & Yolanda-20, Cindy-22, & Mike is 17. 
It becomes a rule that you can’t volunteer for the army soldier or medic etc. until you’re 21. you also can’t be deployed until 25,
Rick can’t serve because he was Malnourished by Mat. Artemis, Cindy, Cameron and Joey are distasteful about the whole thing, although Cameron might be deployed. (It’s either him or Joey, I’m not sure quite yet) Courtney suffered an injury junior year preventing her from enlisting. Yolanda enlists to be able to go to college. (strict parenting doesn’t always end well kids) and Beth became a doc for the army. Her and Yolanda ended up in the same platoon along with some other arrowverse characters. 
any fics that follow this timeline will be titled  Blackbird: x, and tagged as blackbird
I hope this made sense, I wanted to try and include everyone, but there are a lot of characters in stargirl
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
I think you asked this a LONG time ago, but when tf was the last time RWBY has the main group argue? I don’t mean slapping around and verbally abusing Oz, or being ungrateful to Qrow I mean with each other. Those "Are you sure about this, Ruby?" scenes from V7 obviously don’t count. The closest we got was Yang getting a tad upset at Blake, which was never actually resolved because they’re all peachy next time they talk and Blake magically learns her lesson. Ugh, who cares?🙄
Looking back at the whole or RWBY thus far, it feels as if RT is under the impression that internal conflict is a one time deal. (Using “internal” to describe both a character grappling with something within themselves and grappling with an issue among themselves). That is, each new member of Team RWBY had something to work through and then once is was (supposedly) resolved everything is peachy-keen: Weiss doesn’t trust Ruby’s leadership/is too controlling, Blake is hiding something/doesn’t trust enough. That’s about it. We “solved” those things and we’re good. Ruby and Yang don’t have an internal conflict because they’re already BFF sisters and they’re positioned as the wise characters helping the other two integrate into their already established relationship: Ruby early on with Weiss and Yang later on with Blake. Once the team is unified - no more racist remarks, no more running away, there were no problems between the sisters to begin with - the idea is that this is the unshakable status quo. They overcame those differences and are rewarded with unshakable unity. 
The problem is... people don’t work like that. I don’t say that to mean RWBY has to be hyper realistic, but rather that engaging internal conflicts are just as important as external conflicts (fighting Salem) and it’s those internal problems/their resolutions that makes these character relatable. Even the simplest of children’s shows have friends fighting and disagreeing, it’s just that the simplicity means that the problem is usually solved over the course of one episode. RWBY hasn’t even done that since Volume 3. Rather it
Bypasses conflict entirely. (Why can’t Ruby be annoyed with Yang’s smothering? Why can’t Yang be conflicted about her little sister transferring with her?) 
Introduces conflict but doesn’t allow the audience to see the arc, instead skipping straight to the resolution. (Blake and Yang are on the outs but then they’re perfect next time they’re alone. Weiss has racism to work through but overcomes it instantly.)
Similarly, introduces conflict that has no impact on the characters or the world around them. (The group kinda disagrees with Ruby’s secret keeping but they won’t do anything about it and it won’t change how they view her. There’s obviously something up with Ren but it hasn’t (yet) kept him from taking a different path or led to new relationships. That is, Nora doesn’t grow distant due to him refusing to speak with her, she kisses him. It’s the same outcome we would have gotten if Ren were happier and receptive to her ‘Let’s have a fun night out’ attitude.) 
Tries to pass off conflict with others as conflict among the group. (Things look conflict-y because they’re screaming at Ozpin, but as mentioned in other posts, that just solidifies the issue of RWBYJNR sharing a single opinion despite how much that goes against their individual personalities: Blake should be receptive to another abusive victim, Yang shouldn’t want to point a weapon at her uncle, etc.) 
And that’s about it. Meanwhile, I don’t recall JNR having any real conflict at all. The closest we’ve gotten is Ren’s yet unnamed anxiety and the group briefly telling Jaune to stop hurting Oscar. Did any of these three take issue with Ruby calling on them for a deadly, unauthorized mission? Did Ren and Nora perhaps want something of Pyrrha’s to remember her too? Will two orphans ever bump heads against the guy coming from an impressive lineage and having seven sisters? What happened to Jaune’s revenge against Cinder? Shouldn’t he be egging the group to leave Atlas, not helping children cross the road? We get nothing because - unlike the earlier volumes where things were a bit better - everyone is a static, single-minded character who thinks, does, and believes exactly as the rest of the group does. Volume 7′s primary conflicts should have been more along the lines of, “Hey, Ruby. Why the hell are you telling these lies when we just agreed how awful that was? If I wanted that in a leader I would have followed Ozpin” and “What do you mean half the team wants to continue fighting Salem? We’re done. The relic is safe! Let’s get the hell out of this war while we have the chance. I’m selfish? Really? Because I don’t hear any new plans for how to beat her...” 
Instead Volume 6 has all the conflict on Ozpin and Volume 7 has all the conflict on Ironwood... here’s hoping Volume 8 finally breaks that pattern. 
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pretendfan · 2 years
The Work Uniform
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Adrian Chase x Female reader
You get so hot when you see your boyfriend Adrian Chase wearing his Fennel Fields work uniform. So much so you decide to use it, well a part of it to reward him with a sexy surprise for when he returns from a mission with Peacemaker and the rest of the 11th street kids.
Let’s hope this is a good idea…
Word count
Porn without plot, that’s pretty much it, Oral sex (male receiving), kitchen sex, funny and fluffy, sexy and romantic, I know blergh but I love Adrian ok!, still can’t write smut but here we are, enjoy
All day you had this idea in your head, one that excited your for so many reasons because you just knew Adrian would love it.
At least you hoped so…
The pair of you have been together for over a year and you had never been happier so tonight you wanted to surprise him.
Every time you saw your boyfriend in his work uniform it made you smile and feel a little (ok, very) turned on.
You knew it was ridiculous but when Adrian did up the buttons on his deep red shirt he looked really fucking good, especially when he left a couple undone at the top framing his Adam’s apple whilst showing off his long neck.
His trousers were black and plain but fitted so they clung to his thighs and butt which you knew was firm after all the times you’ve grabbed his peachy ass during sex.
His hat was one of his accessories and something you knew he absolutely loathed to wear but he always looked so cute at the end of a shift with random curly tufts sticking out at the back and always a stray one at the front.
The last thing he had to wear which he wore tied tightly around his waist was the item that you currently had on, with nothing else.
It had been a great idea in practice, putting on Adrian’s apron which of course left very little to the imagination.
But once it was on neatly and tied firmly around your waist you started to get doubts which meant you was double guessing yourself at the same time.
A hundred and one what ifs…
The fact that Adrian was running late wasn’t helping matters either making you wonder if this was a good idea at all and would Adrian even like it?
Feeling like a fool for spending ages in the shower scrubbing your skin to within an inch of its life just so you felt good but your adorable boyfriend wasn’t even here to see you.
Adrian meanwhile was wondering why you hadn’t responded to his text message earlier but it didn’t matter he was on the way to yours as soon as he got back to base with the rest of the team.
Fighting as Vigilante was the best thing in the world but he couldn’t wait to see you after a busy day out in the field hunting down criminals and making them pay, with so much blood and violence protecting his friends and of course you.
Fresh out of his costume which definitely needed washing Adrian had changed in the van (much to everyone else’s annoyance) into a pair of jeans and a faded green tee shirt whilst readjusting his glasses because he felt nervously excited to see you.
Once finally at their headquarters the “11th street kids” exited the old van which they used for their missions all weary from the job besides Adrian who was pointing at Chris’s car hurrying him along to it.
“Dude can’t you just get an Uber to Y/N’s place?” Questions Chris in frustration adding “I’ve been with you for two days man-“
“You promised you would give me a ride!” Groaned Adrian causing his BFF to roll his eyes heavenward muttering something under his breath.
Adrian then gives Chris his very best puppy dog eyed look hoping it would do the trick because it always worked on Y/N.
“Fuck it, ok, fine!” Chris snapped “Just hurry up I need to go grab a celebratory beer before the bars close.”
“Hey!” John yelled at your retreating back the tech guy sounded pissed off “ We still need to empty the equipment out of the truck fuckers!”
“I have to go see Y/N!“ Adrian shrugs in John’s direction as he continue to back away slowly to his destination, Chris’ car.
“It shouldn’t be the muscles job to carry all the shit back inside, you should figure it out with Leota!” Chris yells back with smug grin on his face.
“Sweet! Are you including me in that muscle category because I-“
“Of course not dude! .” Chris scoffs adding “Sure your body is looking way more toned nowadays but you have like baby muscles compared to mine.”
“I was a late bloomer we’ve established this!” Adrian groans whilst Chris ignores him calling for Eagly who drops down from the night sky landing perfectly next to Peacemaker.
“Just get in the goddamn car Adrian.” Chris states in a firm voice whilst Eagly hops into the back first sitting in his favourite place.
“Have I mentioned how exited I am to see Y/N tonight.” Adrian asks Chris who drowns him out with some music by the band Cinderella as he switches on his CD player.
But like always Adrian couldn’t read the room, or in this case car as he continues to talk despite Chris not hearing a single word he said.
Not for the first time tonight but Chris truly marvelled at the idea of Adrian having a girlfriend, Y/N was hot to boot so it just wasn’t right it just totally threw off the balance of everything.
“Look I know there is no better time to rock than after a mission but why hasn’t Y/N messaged me back?” Adrian whines after lowering the music then waving his phone around in his hand almost as if that would conjure up the very thing he wanted, a response from you.
“Maybe Y/N’s fed up with you already?” Chris questions with a chuckle when he catches the look on Adrian’s face.
“How could anyone be fed up with me?” Adrian groans clearly pissed off at the very notion of it.
“I have no fucking idea, dude.” Chris states his voice literally dripping with sarcasm but like usual it goes over Adrian’s head and out the open car window.
“I’ve called her like six times, left a few messages what if she’s forgotten about me coming round?” Adrian sulks the high from his mission long gone as he bites his lip deep in thought.
“What if I came with you and spoke to Y/N? Just warn her that you need to know where she is at all times, otherwise you will go back to stalking her again.” Chris shook his head in disbelief at how these two got together it was a pretty ridiculous story.
“Ok you can do the first thing. “Adrian nods waving an index finger in Chris’ direction but stating “ It was only a little light stalking and I think Y/N was very into it.”
Having missed a million calls from Adrian you start to wonder if he was worried about you the guy was very protective of you to say the least.
But you just knew that if you had answered one of his calls you would have instantly sounded off and then Adrian would have gone on high alert.
You wanted this to be a surprise, a sexy surprise and talking to him would have only shown how nervous you was right now.
Your heart jolts all the way up to your throat (or at least it feels that way) when you finally hear the key in the door ordering yourself to get a grip as you leaned up against the kitchen table.
“I’ve been waiting for you baby-“
You start to tell Adrian in a sexy voice but stop when you see the look on your boyfriends face quickly followed by Christopher Smith’ shocked one as he bursts out laughing.
“Now this was something I didn’t expect, looking good Y/N” Chris yells but you have already backed out from the kitchen heading to your bedroom to hide.
Standing there in the middle of your room you feel sick with embarrassment from the surprised look on Adrian’s face to Peacemaker’s laugh it was enough to tell you that this was a terrible idea.
“Dude you’ve got to leave now.” You hear Adrian who was trying to use his firm voice on Chris like he always tries on Eagly but as usual it has zero effect.
“Wearing your work uniform? That is very hot dude-“
You don’t hear what Chris says next thanks to Adrian trying not to yell at his bff shouting that he needs to leave right NOW…
Chris continues to laugh at Adrian knowing that he was cockblocking him right now which was a dick move but he just couldn’t help himself.
“Just go!” Adrian hisses at Chris looking back towards your bedroom as he says “ I need to see if Y/N is ok.”
“Don’t let me interrupt this romantic moment just-“ Chris descends into giggles again nudging Adrian hard in the ribs which was pretty much the breaking point for him.
“Just get the fuck out!” Adrian shouts making you lift your head from under your bedcovers where you had decided to hide forever more because you had never heard him shout at Chris like that before.
“Respect dude!” You hear Chris tell him admirably then in a mocking voice he yells loudly “ Good to see you Y/N.”
Not wanting to call out you stay hidden hoping Adrian wouldn’t come to find you once you heard the front door close finally.
Standing there in the kitchen Adrian waits for a beat then heads towards your bedroom not finding you until he realises you are clearly hiding under the covers.
“I can’t see you Y/N?” You hear Adrian ask which makes you smile despite yourself.
“I’m not here.” You reply stupidly feeling a new wave of embarrassment wash over your face.
“Well ok, seeing that your not here Y/N I will just talk to the bed instead.” Adrian informs you which makes you smirk all over again.
“Look, I’m so sorry I bought Chris round here with me it was a stupid move on my part.” Adrian begins with a sigh then adding “Even though it was kind of cool he got to see how hot you are.”
This makes you smile to yourself whilst Adrian continues to bitch about Chris and his super bad timing.
“I was worried about you not messaging me back but now I know you were here waiting for me with a very sexy surprise.” Hearing the smile in Adrian’s voice make you lift the covers off over your head.
“It was stupid I-“ You begin to speak but stop when you catch the look on Adrian’s face as you try to sit up on your knees covering yourself all the while.
“It was the opposite of stupid!” Adrian cheers then adds with a grin “So, what was gonna happen then I find you in my apron deliciously naked underneath and I get to have my wicked way with you?”
You nod as Adrian continues to grin then he asks “Well I’m still game if you are?”
“Really?” You nod in surprise making Adrian roll his eyes back at you.
“Of course! My hot girlfriend wearing my apron I gotta say it’s really doing it for me.”
“Let’s do this then.” You smirk back as Adrian leans forward to kiss you but you move out the way at the last second.
“What if you came back into the apartment?” You ask Adrian who gives you a funny look back as he explains he is right here now.
“Well we could have sex here in this boring old bed or you could fuck me any way you want in the kitchen?” You tell Adrian clocking the moment on his face when he realises what you was getting at it was very cute, damn him.
“Ohh right!” Adrian begins with a smile adding with a wink “I better go back outside then.”
You wait until you hear the door open and close before you get up readjusting the apron as you walk through back to the kitchen.
Running a hand through your hair you lean against the table but then thinking better of it you hop up there instead.
Adrian knocks loudly on the door then comes in, pretending to act shocked at the sight of you like something out of a cheap porno the very thought making you laugh to yourself.
This makes Adrian stop acting like he had no clue you would be here, and wearing his apron how scandalous to look at you with his heart eyes and not his murder-y eyes.
“You look so beautiful when you smile.” Adrian tells you of course this makes your heart flutter but it wasn’t the direction you wanted this going.
“Can you just come over here already?” You grin as Adrian listens and seconds later he is in front of you placing a hand either side of you on the table.
“So, what bought this on?” Adrian asks in a confident voice as you watch his eyes dip down to check out your curves showing through the apron.
“You just look super hot in your uniform.” You practically mumble but of course Adrian hears you as his eyes dart back up to meet yours.
“This uniform?“ Adrian asks stepping back with a confused look on his face as he asks “So you prefer me in this than my Vigilante costume?”
“What can I say? You look hot!” You giggle at the absurdity of this conversation which was prolonging the inevitable.
“Do you think about me in my uniform then when your alone?” Adrian questions with a sexy smirk which makes you blush crimson.
When you don’t instantly reply Adrian chuckles and says “ I will take that as a yes then!”
Leaning forward you go to kiss Adrian with a smile on your face that you was trying to hide but when he comes closer you move your head away.
You follow this pattern, moving close to Adrian’s lips letting yours barely touch his until he tries to initiate a kiss but you pull back at the last second.
“Stop teasing!” Adrian cries out as you notice how his pupils look blown making you bite your bottom lip in victory.
Adrian swiftly leans forward to kiss you finally but you go to pull back yet he has other ideas as he grabs onto the back of your head his lips colliding with yours, finally.
You sigh into his mouth feeling his hand move from you head putting both of them around your waist pulling you closer to the edge of the table.
Adrian now stood between your legs whilst the bottom half of the apron was ruched up on either side of your thighs.
You feel Adrian’s tongue gliding swiftly over yours which makes you groan into his open mouth.
“Turn around.” Adrian orders you in a firm voice moving his mouth from yours as you silently obey.
Sliding down from the table you keep eye contact with Adrian who is staring right back at you until you turn round placing your hands in front of you.
“I want to bend you and fuck you so badly right now.” Adrian states causing you to moan in response when you feel his hands palm your ass cheeks.
“Please, fuck me!” You whine at Adrian feeling how hot you was by the heat burning between your legs needing to feel his cock, hell even a finger right now inside you.
Adrian places his hands heavily on top of yours and you feel his hot breath against the back of your neck.
“Let’s not rush things Y/N .” Adrian tells you feeling his mouth meeting the skin on the left side of your neck, hitting that very spot which makes you arch your back.
Whilst your ass sticks out brushes against Adrian’s obvious bulge in his jeans which makes you moan deeply to yourself.
Adrian nips at your neck with his teeth chasing little bites with scattered kisses as he traces them slowly round to your back.
“I love it when you bite my neck, marking me as yours and yours only.” You tell Adrian with a soft sigh hearing his breath hitch in response.
“Hell yes you’re mine!” Adrian shouts moving his hands from yours placing them flat at your hips then gliding his finger tips across your stomach his touch making you shudder in response.
Soon Adrian moves his left hand to cup your breast whilst the right followed the same path brushing your firm nipple with the pad of this thumb teasing you to distraction which wasn’t fair you needed him now.
“Stop teasing!” You sigh arching your back against Adrian’s chest making him choke out a breath on response.
But Adrian doesn’t elaborate for once he remains silent his right hand slipping down from your nipple fingers flexing as his hands descend and you gasp when you feel him tease your wet folds apart.
“So wet for me.” Adrian states as he inserts his finger inside you then slowly builds up a rhythm as he starts to fuck you, adding another finger causing you to spread your legs wider apart.
“That feels so good.” You sigh slowly feeling your hips buck against Adrian’s skilled fingers adding pressure to your clit by resting his thumb on the nub barely moving it which drove you insane.
“Is this enough?” Adrian asks innocently as he starts to rotate his thumb but apply fuck all pressure which makes you grit your teeth in frustration.
“I need your cock inside me, now!” You tell Adrian practically crying out begging for some release because his teasing was relentless.
You smile to yourself when you hear Adrian unzip his jeans his knuckles brushing against your ass as his trousers drop to the floor and you hear the sound of him opening up a foil.
“About fucking time Chase.” You tell him with a grin imagining the look on Adrian’s face the smug confident smile that only appeared when he knew he had you.
“You want this?” Adrian asks as you feel the head of his cock sliding teasingly against your folds letting you take an inch then he would pull back.
Groaning in annoyance Adrian chuckles as he does it again only this time going a little deeper making a noise when he feels your pussy clench trying to keep him there inside you.
Adrian softly strokes the back of your head with has hand then placing it flush he pushes your head to the table so you were arched over, ready to receive him he strokes your head softly letting you know he would hurt you then he removes his hand again.
“You look so fucking good right now.” Adrian states pushing himself deep inside your cunt causing you to cry out in pleasure because you were finally filled with his glorious dick.
“Then fuck me good!” You ask Adrian turning your head so you could see his face, crazy sex eyes and all as he gives you a grin then pulling out he drives into you once more.
“I will fuck you so good! You will cum so hard on my cock! Adrian shouts in between thrusts.
But then you hear his voice practically beg you “Please come on my cock?“ Adrian groans breathing heavily as you heard the slapping of flesh hitting as you fucked.
“You always make me come so hard.” You cry out completely lost in the moment not sure if you ever wanted this to end.
Feeing your pussy flutter you knew you weren’t going to last long the thought makes your muscles pulse as you collide with your orgasm which greets you suddenly sending hot waves through your body as you shouted out Adrian’s name.
“Oh fuck that-“Adrian stops whatever he was about to say when he peaks shouting as he comes inside the condom his hips still moving as he chases his high.
“That was so good.” You sigh lifting yourself up from the table whilst Adrian got rid of the condom in a tissue.
Turning round you grin lazily at Adrian who is looking at you with wonder in his eyes having abandoned his jeans completely he now stood just in his tee shirt.
“I can go again soon.” Adrian informs you readjusting his wire framed glasses which makes you smile because the guy was adorable but jeez did he have some pretty sweet stamina.
“Well let me help you.” You tell him with a smile dropping to you knees on the cold linoleum floor whilst Adrian smiles down at you.
Taking off his T shirt finally your eyes scanned his toned body then dart down towards his cock which was already hard and waiting for you.
Moving forward you gently kiss the top of Adrian’s cock until you part your lips slowly and you take him fully on your mouth.
“Oh, fuck!” Adrian groans as you form a tight seal between your lips and his dick flicking your tongue along the underside as you let him fuck your mouth.
Adrian buries both his hands into your hair as he groans and you feel his thigh muscles shudder the thought that you was doing this to him, making his body respond in this way soaked you.
“Your mouth feels so good.” Adrian groans as he continues to grip onto your hair his knees quaking as one final thrust later you feel the salty sting of his cum hit the back of your throat as you suck him dry.
Looking up you see Adrian give you a watery smile as he comes back down from the sky moving his hands from your hair to place a thumb on your lips.
“Stand up.” Adrian tells you taking his other hand in yours to help you up off your knees as he leans down to give you a brief kiss on the lips.
You follow Adrian as he takes a seat down on one of the kitchen chairs motioning for you to sit on his lap.
“First I need to take this off.” You tell Adrian letting go of his hand as he watches you undo his apron and place it on the table.
“I won’t wash that apron ever again, I want it to always smell like you.” Adrian tells you with a smile which makes you grin back at him.
“That’s a sweet sentiment Adrian but I hope you had washed it before I put it on.” You tell him with a small laugh.
“I did, and hell yeah I’m sweet.” Adrian grins back as he takes one of your arms guiding you back towards his lap.
Straddling Adrian he leans forward to kiss you softly and you feel his cock push against your pussy lips which makes you sigh.
“You feel so good.” Adrian groans adding “ I just want to have sex with you all night.”
“Aren’t you tired from your last mission?” You ask him in a teasing voice complete with a giggle.
“I’m the opposite of tired! In fact I’m so awake I think we should fuck again.” Adrian tells you with a laugh but then adds “I do need to get up though to go grab something.”
“I’ve got you.” You tell Adrian with a grin turning back to face the table you grab the apron and put your hand inside the front pocket pulling out a condom.
“Not gonna lie, that was pretty hot.” Adrian chuckles as he watches you rip open the foil with your teeth then moments later he’s covered and you sink back down slowly onto his firm dick.
“Oh fuck.” You sigh happily wrapping your arms around Adrian’s firm neck as he kisses your cheek and then your lips.
Neither of you are in a hurry as you rock against Adrian slowly enjoying how he felt inside you as he kissed you ever so softly.
“I think we should do this all night.” You joke pulling away from Adrian’s lips rewarding him with a cheeky smile.
“Damn right!” Adrian groans as his movements soon start to get frantic and you grip your hands on his broad shoulders your pace quickens matching your own with his.
You both lose it at the same time with you throwing your head back as pleasure makes your body shake looking back down to see Adrian watching you with wide eyes.
“Fuck, your gorgeous Y/N” Adrian tells you with a happy sigh.
“I love you.” You tell Adrian with a shy smile wrapping your arms around him again as he kisses you back.
“Love you to Y/N” Adrian pulls away from your lips with a big smile on his face and it was all for you.
“Why not next time we role play?“ You ask Adrian who turns back round to face you with that confident smile that you wanted to frame.
“Let Vigilante come have some fun.” Nods Adrian who then tells me “I can put other things in my utility belt than bullets and small grenades.”
“What like lube and my favourite vibrator?“You joke along but Adrian nods in agreement at the idea of it but I only if he could watch you using said sex toy, which you would of course allow.
“But there is only one question?” Adrian begins then elaborates “ Mask on or off.”
“Mask on but only if I can wear it as well.” You joke but Adrian is back to nodding furiously in agreement again.
“I’m game if you are.” Adrian smiles happily.
I am.
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Two Sheep Staring at Stars | Mark Tuan [M]
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Years ago, you couldn’t believe a man like Mark could really be your Soulmate. This morning, it’s his turn to find out, and he can’t believe you wasted all this time.
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Protagonists: Mark Tuan & You
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: NSFW - University - Friends - Soulmates - [Drabble 2k]
Prompts: “You heard me. Take it off.” + “Don’t you know how to knock?” 
Requested by: Anon
GOT7 | M.list
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“What about you, Cece?” Your best friend rolled back her eyes at the boy’s intrusive question. His back was turned on you, but even from the entrance of the empty pub, you could hear him loud and clear. You walked over to their table, eager to meet her new classmates. Cece was nervous about starting her Engineering major, knowing she’d have to deal with a majority of male classmates. That’s why she had invited you to their first outing, but now that you were here, she looked quite at ease. It might’ve been the first week of University, but Cece always was the best at making friends after all.
“Of course not.” The entire table chuckled at her obvious reply. “You think I’d be out drinking with you in the afternoon if I’d found Her?” She smiled as soon as she spotted you and waved, scooting closer to another stranger so you could sit next to her.
“Her?” The man repeated in surprise, and you almost ran to the bench.
Hopefully, none of her new classmates were bigots.
“Cece likes women.” You enlightened, sitting and shrugging away your Fall coat and light scarf. Everyone turned like one at your unexpected entrance. You didn’t raise your head to meet their curious gazes.
“I’m gay.” She confirmed, immediately wrapping her hand around your shoulder. “Super super gay.”
“Is this your… Girlfriend?” The following question forced you to assess the man across you. The curious guy blinked, unbothered by whatever he read in your eyes. He was also the one who had asked her if she had met her Soulmate. Charming, you decide, enough for you to forgive his rudeness. He had dark wavy hair and soft brown eyes, quite built too. The other young man to his left unsubtly elbowed him, probably ashamed by his lack of manners.
Cece laughed, “Me and her?!” You joined in. As if. The single most stupid thing one could assume about you two, although men always thought this. Or rather they hoped, in many sick cases. “We’re just friends.” She enlightened, hugging you tighter. You had known each other whole life; your moms were best friends, and that basically made you spiritual sisters. “Y/n plays for the other team.”
“Oh,” the built man grinned, leaning above the table. The beer in his glass tilted dangerously, and it occurred to you they might already be drunk. You came as soon as you could after your Introduction to Greek Architecture class, but still, they had been there for a while. “Ever seen something like this?” He turned his head to the side, pulling his hair aside to expose a weirdly shaped pink birthmark behind his ear. After a heartbeat, you shook your head, offering a contrite smile. You had never seen a Soulmark like that.
Cece was pouring you a welcoming beer, purposefully ignoring this whole thing. Living in a world where everyone is bearing a mark that irrevocably ties them with their Soulmate can disinterest you real quick of the urgency of the Search.
You had heard of people like this guy, using the beginning of University to find their significant other amongst their new acquaintances. It made a lot of sense, an opportunity. Every pair that isn’t an abnormality usually has a link, a common interest that unifies them. Immediately after your reply, the man pouted, disappointed, and turned to his friend. You hadn’t even had time to properly greet anyone at the table yet. 
“Jackson!” The other guy protested, but he was already pulling down his shirt. A mark right under the man’s collarbone got exposed.
It was small as a dollar, and it contrasted with his immaculate skin by its bluish colour. A peculiar Soulmark, completed with three tiny dots on top. You blinked; it only was visible for half a second before the man freed himself, highly embarrassed. It was enough. You felt warm, stuffy. Glancing at Cece in shock, you realized she missed it, busy posting a story on her Instagram instead. The guys were distracted too, drunkenly bickering over ‘boundaries’, a concept the one named Jackson apparently often didn’t get.
Meanwhile, you were as breathless as someone who’d just received an uppercut in the stomach. Surely you were overreacting. You only saw that man’s mark for a fleeting moment. “Yours is so pretty, y/n.” Cece had once said when you were only six or seven years old, getting ready to take a bath. “No,” you had protested, staring at your bare skin in the mirror, “it’s like a dirty ink stain!” You always hated your Soulmark. Most people’s marks were colourful and gorgeous, often smaller. Cece’s was on her left boob, a peachy complex heart shape one. Some unlucky people had to bear them publicly, on arms, neck or even faces. Yours was dark and ugly, but at least it was easy to conceal. 
“So?” Jackson turned back to you, hopeful. He wasn’t ready to give up yet apparently. “What about Mark’s?”
Mark. Was that really it, the way you’d meet Him? You hadn’t even got to have a proper look at his Soulmark. You weren’t sure. You weren’t ready.
“I…” Gaping, you turned to that guy, Mark, who didn’t even meet your eyes, clearly sulking. He was unarguably beautiful, even with his messy hair and face flushed by alcohol. His traits were striking, eyes a perfect stretched moon crescent, nose long and narrow, heart-shaped lips… No way, that man was way out of your league. The Soulmate bound wouldn’t be that mismatched. You were as dull and common as it gets. “… Sorry.” You managed, and Jackson’s face fell, disappointed.
“Sorry.” Mark echoed, meaning for his friend’s behaviour. “Mark Tuan, East Asian Studies. I’ve been stuck with Jackson since kindergarten, please don’t mind him.” He met your gaze for a fleeting second, only long enough to nod and for your heart to skip a beat. You couldn’t tell if he was ever slightly rude or just shy.
“Y/n,” Cece interjected, in your stance, unaware of what that guy almost was for a second. “Classical studies, been stuck with me since the womb.”
Forcing a laugh, you rolled your eyes. “You aren’t that bad, Ce!”
And just like that. The moment passed.
Gathering all your hair with your free hand, you bend to spit your mouthful of toothpaste in the sink. Your Hair. Your second mission this morning, doing something with it is getting harder and harder. You’re growing it, and it’s been a pain in the ass. Your phone chimes in repetition, and you barely glance at it before rolling your eyes. Mark is supposed to pick you up in ten, but as usual, he’s early.
Mark: I’m here. [6:48]
Jackson: RISE AND SHINE TUAN! Where are you? I’m glad you are coming but you are wayyyyyyy too early. Doors open at 7:30. [6:48]
Jackson: I can’t see you? I’m outside the building! Where are you??? [6:48]
Mark: I’m at y/n’s place. We’re going together. [6:48]
Why would he write in the group chat when he knows Jackson has to be up already. The man won’t stop texting once he’s started. You’re sure Jinyoung is still in bed, at whoever’s he ended up with last night, cursing because his phone won’t stop vibrating.
Today is Sunday and it’s not even 7am; basically the weekend’ dawn.
Ignoring the texts that keep coming in, you finish your hair and hurry to put on base makeup. You might have agreed to attend Cece and Jackson’s robot presentation, but you don’t intend to look like a zombie there. That’s another downer about living in a world and knowing your Soulmate is somewhere out there. You might end up running into Him at an inconvenient moment, and even though it shouldn’t matter, you don’t want to look like shit. Your mom met your dad at the beach, and even after 35 years, she never shuts up about the ridiculous sunburn she had that day. Like he would’ve noticed, (he did, but obviously didn’t give a shit).
You’re busy blending a little bit of concealer under your eyes when the door to your studio opens. There’s no warning at all, just the sound of the knob turning. You probably forgot to lock it after you got your mail earlier. Jerking to face the intruder, you squeal in terror, ready to stab him with your concealer’ brush. It’s not a stranger though. In the doorframe, Mark seems as startled as you, staring you up and down with eyes wide in shock.
“Shit, Mark, you scared me!” Fuming, you walk over to hit him, but he barely flinches. “Don’t you know how to knock?!”
“I-I texted you I was coming up…” He looks away guiltily. “Lock your door if you don’t want people to walk in on you half-naked…” Shit. You’re only wearing your very see-through white cami dress. Highly embarrassed, you turn your back on him to rummage in the first drawer you find for something decent. The mortification of your exposure makes you forget to be mad. “Your neighbour, the cat enthusiast, let me in… The one who dresses like a hobo.” Your friend steps in and shuts the door as you put jeans on, probably wanting to preserve your intimacy from the rest of the corridor. 
“Jaebeom.” You reply mechanically, he is convinced you and Mark are hooking up despite you denying it many times. Still, he shouldn’t have let him in like that. It’s against the apartment complex’s policy, and he could get in trouble. Shaking your head, you throw a gray shirt over your inappropriate attire. “I think he has like… Five freaking cats now. Jaebeom’s more than an enthusiast if he were a woman everyone would call him crazy. Don’t you think it’s sexist in a way?” Carefully, you slide off your nightdress from under your clothes, staying covered. Behind you, Mark is oddly silent for someone that is usually very opinionated. You glance over your shoulder. He’s still standing in the doorway, looking like he has seen a ghost. “What? It’s never too early in the morning. Patriarchy isn’t gonna fuck itself, Tuan.”
This seems to shake him, and he steps forward with a strange urgency. “Take it off.” His jaw, that was dangling open, clenches.
You did not expect that reaction. “W-What?” It is now you that is completely shaken. Is Mark making a move? What should you do, reject him? He’s come a long way from that shy guy you met at the pub if because he’s seen a little skin he… Holy shit… You hadn’t thought about the mark on your back in years. You are not one of those who freak out at the idea of the Soulmate Bound.
“You heard me, take it off.” Mark stares at you, expression unreadable.
You force out a chuckle to ease the tension in the tiny one-bedroom apartment. Rolling up your shirt, you obey, exposing the darker spot in the middle of your back, it’s on your ribs to the right; your embarassing Soulmark. A sheep staring at stars, that’s how Cece always described it when you were kids.
He breathes out in disbelief, “Is… Is that yours?” His fingertips graze your mark, and it’s like an electric shock.
Tensing, you stare intently at the wall in front of you. “Obviously.” Releasing your shirt, eager to hide it, you snort. “Ugly, right?” Somehow you feel bad when you meet his accusatory glare like you’ve committed some sort of unforgivable sin. Oh.
“It’s mine.” He announces, clearly out of it.
“Mark.” You shake your head from side to side. He needs to get it. You need to clarify that giant misunderstanding. “There is absolutely no way. Our Soulmarks are just similar.” 
His face twists, “Are you shitting me? I can’t tell if you are serious right now.” In a heartbeat, Mark shrugs off his sweater, exposing his chest and toned abs. You focus your attention on the spot right under his collarbone; a bluish cloud shape with three dots… Despite the fact you all went together to the beach last spring break, you haven’t seen his birthmark since the first night you met. Your eyes narrow on it, trying to remember every detail. It’s true, it looks an awful lot like yours. It’s like… There’s something caught in your throat, and you can barely breathe. “You saw mine. That night.” When Mark goes on, you fawn your face, unable to stop your mind from running crazy scenarios. This can’t be. “Why didn’t you say anything? Is it because you hate the idea of being with me that much? I can’t believe I’ve been fee…” He catches himself just in time, throwing both hands to the ceiling.
“Mark, we’re gonna be late to the convention…”  Running a hand in your already messed up hair, you state this like a formality. Over with it! He’s acting insane. That’s not right. It cannot be. You’re someone that always avoids everything, confronting you on that can’t do any good. He should’ve known this. “Jackson and Cece’s presentation is–” When you attempt to walk away, Mark in on you in no time. He catches and spins you in his arms before you can protest.
“I don’t give a shit about their fucking robot.” His whisper makes you shiver treacherously. In your back, your Soulmark is throbbing, like it has a life of its own. Mark’s hand slides inside your shirt, creeping up your skin until it finds it. Maybe he’s right; maybe you really are a match. None of you needs to see to know he’s touching the right spot. In a daze, you press your fingertips on his. Mark’s skin is burning, and you can feel his heart beating almost like it’s your own.
“Shit.” You curse lowly, overwhelmed.
It’s clear he isn’t doing much better, and he presses you into him as though his life depends on it. Is that It? Mark leans in, nose brushing yours and breath fawning your lips. You seem unable to stay anchored in reality, and your response is impulsive, automatic. Cupping his face with your palms, you pull Mark into you. He finds your mouth even with both eyes closed, but stops there; hovering millimetres over a fine line that you are bound to cross.
“Is that It?” You dare aloud against his lips and feel them curl into a smile.
“If that’s not it… I think I’ll die when I meet Her…”
You both know the answer when you finally kiss though. You should’ve done it years ago. Should’ve jumped him on that very first night. 
“Fuck,” you are seeing stars, “you’re my Soulmate.”
Mark groans in reply, it’s instinctive, it’s animalistic, it’s carnal, and it ends you. Whatever string of sanity holding you back breaks. It has been mere seconds and you know you’ll be his forever. Mark halts the kiss to press his mouth on your throat as you throw your head back. He reaches to lift your shirt, unable to refrain from it. He wants to feel you all over his chest, skin to skin. It joins his sweater on the ground. You are far from protesting, already you are backing up to your bed, in the middle of the room. You aren’t sure who pushed or pull when you fall on it, chest to chest. You’re a messy mass of skin and bones, but it works, it fits.
You were made for this.
Heat courses through your veins, setting everything afire every time Mark’s tongue grazes a new spot. It’s obscene how much you crave each other, both feeling like breaking with every kiss. One. Your heart explodes. Two. More. Three. You lose your mind. Four. Never stop. Five…
Obviously, there’s no slowing this down, you’ve passed the point of no return. Your jeans are taken care of in under two minutes. Mark’s pants? You blink and they are gone. It’s a miracle, every hindrance to you touching each other disappears, it’s magical. You only realize you’re fully naked when he naturally falls between your legs. Mark rolls forward and you curl in delight. He pants kisses more and more inconsistent. He rubs himself between your legs again, burying his face in your neck. In all the years you’ve known each other, you never imagined you’d end up like this. You spread your thighs wider, allowing Mark to run his cock on your slit. When he brushes your clit, you curse, throwing your head back on the mattress. 
“M-Mark,” your voice is husky, and he raises his head to observe you, “now.” 
“Now?” He repeats, astounded, completely lost. You nod, fighting back many shivers. “But–”
“Now, or…” Your words turn to a gasp when he rolls his hips again, making you see all the stars of the milky way behind your shut eyelids. Now. You reach between your legs, aligning him to your entrance. In your palm, his cock is already wet from your juices. You’ve never been this turned on, your skin is tingling everywhere. “I-I can’t.”
Mark smiles, dropping to peck your lips. “Take our time another time?” You nod in a hurry and he chuckles, pressing you into the mattress. His tip enters your core languidly. “Okay, but only because you want me too much…” Mark finally agrees a little bit too smug for your usual taste.
Right now, you don’t find it in yourself to care. All your attention is on your bodies merging slowly. You stretch deliciously around his length as he sinks in. Despite what you requested, Mark is still taking his time. You give in to your impatience, reaching for his hips. Guiding him to you, you pull until he’s completely inside, pressed against your body. It’s amazing.
Mark is inside you, throbbing. You both lay there for a few heartbeats, revelling in this overwhelming sensation of proximity. Never has intimacy felt that great in the history of the world. You’re sure of it. You want to express this to him, and you lack the words, but one silent exchange seems enough for him to get everything. After a moment, Mark pulls away slightly to better slam back in, and you squeal in glee. Oh, shit. He’s done taking his time. He finds a rhythm quickly, hips meeting yours roughly. You raise your pelvis to help, body bouncing on the mattress with every thrust. It is loud, your apartment fills with filthy moans, sounds, and the creaking of your bed.
“I…” Mark grunts, brows sweaty from the strain. You reach for the headboard to push against him, you want more. “I w-won’t…”
Knowing what he means, you slide your calves up against his ribs, letting him hit a better angle. It’s deeper and rougher. If he won’t last long that’s fine. You couldn’t bear this tempo much longer either. He raises on his hands to allow you to raise your knees even higher on your chest. Your pelvis is now perfectly curved. When he slams in this time, he reaches that spot you wanted him too. 
“Oh f-fuck,” you gasp and your legs begin to shake, “M-Mark…” You cry when he hits it again, fervour renewed by your vocal reaction. “Shit shit shit.” 
Curses fall of your mouth, mixed with an incessant flow of praises. It’s so incredible you’re not there anymore, lost for good, away with the fairies. Mark doesn’t falter once he’s found what goes for you. He manages to stay in control long enough for you to break. You come so hard you stop making sounds altogether, almost going blind at the high of it. When you slowly return to your body, Mark is also done. His hips lag, and he empties himself inside you with triumphant last thrusts. 
Both of you are completely spent. Shattered, Mark falls next to you, sweaty and breath unstable. It takes a few minutes for you to muster enough will to move, but when you do, he’s pleased to welcome you on his chest. A sheep stargazing, you see it now. On him, your mark is way cuter somehow.
“Was it…” Mark trails off, after a while, hesitating. “Did you…” 
Your index tracing his Soulmark stills. Is he serious? You don’t get much more vocal than that. Besides, you can still feel the remnants of your orgasm down in the soles of your damned feet. It was crazy strong. 
You hesitate too before remembering Mark is also your friend. You can be honest with him. “Like a Tsunami,” you confess, “I’m deceased.”
Mark laughs proudly, pulling you closer. “Ha, me too…” He seems to ponder on something for a minute, letting a comfortable silence fall behind you. “I guess Jackson can shut up about us now. He wanted me to date you, even without our marks matching. He couldn’t–” 
“Oh. Shit.”
“What?” Mark frowns, confused by your interruption. “He’s just like that, you know? He cares, and he wanted me to be happy, even if it wasn’t with my Soulmate. But clearly, you’re It.”
“Jackson.” You repeat like a fatality, but still, he doesn’t seem to get it. “Cece. Their presentation.” 
“Holy shit!” Mark suddenly stands, probing around the room to gather his clothes. “We’re so late! They’ve been working on this for a year!” You can’t help but laugh, unable to be stressed when you’re in post-coital delight. As soon as you’re next to him, Mark pulls you into him for a back hug. He wraps his arms around you, kissing your elbow before whispering in your ear: “I bet you won’t laugh when they send Terminator to exterminate us.” This doesn’t tone down your amusement at all. “Ok, now… More clothes, less fun!”
“Take our time another time?” You ask, quoting him back as you pick up your underwear.
Mark snorts, “I have all the time in the world now that I have found you…”
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GOT7 | M.list
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707 notes · View notes
mrvdocks · 4 years
Just Ask IV
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“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing at, but you stay away from her,” Billy warns.
Fiona cocks her head. “Oh Billy, as soon as I saw you with her, I knew what you were doing. “RUN”? I can’t wait to read how this all ends.”
Billy’s head drops. “This is different. I lik- I love her. I want to be with her.” 
Fiona pouts. “She’s just a phase. This is a huge deal for her, you know? She’s a lovesick puppy but once you get her out of your system, she’ll be fucked.”
You didn’t realize you were still sleeping when you felt the sun beat down on your face, warming you and highlighting both yours and Billy’s bodies. Your eyes fluttered open, suddenly aware of your surroundings. You shot Billy a side glance, stretching and yawning. He was still asleep, looking peaceful as ever. You smiled to yourself, your fingers dance upon his delicate skin, ginger stubble shining in the sunlight. It’d been 17 years since you’d been able to be in this same position and you missed it dearly. You missed having the butterflies in the pit of your stomach go crazy when he would look at you with those beautiful eyes of his. To feel his skin against yours, the intimacy you two shared when it wasn’t sexual was to die for. Eventually, your fingers traced figures into his skin until you landed on his wrist. Out of curiosity, you’d lifted his watch to see the time. 10:28 AM. 
“Fuck!” You yelled, waking him up instantly.
Half asleep and groggy, he raced against the clock to gather his things and tried to walk behind you, trying to meet your panicked and frantic state. You threw your things into the first cab that would take you two and pulled him in as soon as you were done. 
He laid on your shoulder as best he could, eyes still droopy. “Last night….was -” 
“Great.” Your cheeks flared. Did you really have to have this conversation in front of somebody else? You felt like you were having the sex talk with your mom.  
“Yeah, great.” He said, quickly sitting up. “I mean I - I can do better.” 
Your brows raised. “Oh?”
“I mean you kind of caught me off guard there.” 
You scrunch your face, amused. “I mean I’d like to think I gave you plenty of chances to do something else.” You nudge his arm. 
“No I mean, I just don’t remember it being….”
You felt the blood come rushing to your cheeks again. “Yeah, I picked up a few things. You know, after we broke up.” 
His sleepy eyes widened suddenly, “That explains a lot.” 
“Oh god, not like that. I - um - fecking hell.” He stammered. It was kind of funny to you to see him squirm like this. You hadn’t gotten him this nervous since he’d seen you. 
“Can we hurry this up?” He said to the driver. You chuckled to yourself. 
You took in the last sight of the city before thinking back to what was waiting for you at home. 
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"You okay?” Billy’s voice brought you out of your trance. You narrowed your eyes onto the fields of green outside your roomette window. How nice it must feel, to be so free and without worries. You don’t remember what that’s like.
You hum in response. “Peachy.”
You feel your phone buzz from your back pocket and tense up. Billy’s face follows yours, eyes searching your face for any sign of worry. “You gonna get that?” He asks.
You shake your head. You don’t tell him you’re afraid of what it might say. Or who’s behind the text. You bite your lip, feeling the unshakeable fear of the unknown eat at you. The phone buzzes again and this time you jolt up. He scampers for his phone, “It’s mine. Sorry.” 
You sigh in some relief and focus on the outside again. “Everything okay?” It’s your turn to be concerned. You make a move to turn to see what he’s doing but he stops you first, pinning you down onto the cramped roomette bed and kissing you deeply. When you both come up for air he’s the first to speak. “I’m a complete dick, right?” 
“Well,” you say as a matter of factly. 
He sighs. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
“You can say sorry again in other ways.” You smile. He chuckles to himself. 
He lifts one of your legs up onto his torso, diving back in for another kiss. Your hand comes up to grab tufts of hair, the other caressing his face. Your pelvis pushes up against the front of his jeans, feeling him becoming hard almost immediately. You bite at his lower lip, earning a groan from him. His tongue darted to yours then your lips, you reveled in the thought of him working his tongue on you. If he said he could do better, maybe he should.
Frustrated, you guide his hand down and into your jeans, your breathing becoming heavier when his fingers ghost over your very sensitive area. He breaks the kiss to look at you, almost hungrily. He makes his way down, kissing down your body until he reaches your abdomen. Before he can pry the buttons off, the phone buzzes again. You mentally curse at yourself for not turning your phone off, but he reveals it’s his. 
“Who’s even texting you at this time?” Your breathless voice hints annoyed and now you sit up on the bed watching him. He looks at the phone and then you. 
You shrug and turn away. “Maybe whoever’s texting you can give you a good handy or something.” 
He tsks. You ignore it and leave the roomette, letting him have time with whoever he apparently deemed worthier of his time. 
“Are you following me?” A voice came from behind you, and it doesn’t even register that you’re walking about the aisles of the train. 
“Alice?” You don’t mean to sound so surprised but it comes out so shrill. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh just, going to meet someone I met on eHarmony.”
“Oh…oh.” You wince. She laughs dismissing the thought. 
“Hey, while you’re here, you wanna get a cup of coffee or something? My treat.” 
You nod.
After getting the worst cups of coffee in the world, you two sit and contemplate.
“Can I be very honest with you?” She asks.
You nod. “I think this whole thing you’re doing, is amazing. You chose yourself over everyone else! It’s not always you get to be a little selfish and put your needs first.”
You scowl. “If I did the right thing, then why do I feel so bad?”
“Don’t let people make you think that. Don’t let it rule your head.” 
You nod.
“Do you have any plans after the train?” 
You fiddle with your earring in thought. “I don’t know yet. Anything outside of Billy just seems empty. It’s so weird, I have no idea what he’s thinking.”
“You think he’s a good man?” She asks, carefully studying you.
You shrug and look away, now fiddling with the frayed ends of your sweater. “I think he tries to be. Isn’t that the point? Everyone’s just trying to make do with what they’ve got?” 
She smiles understandingly, “So what’s the old ball and chain up to now?” 
You chuckle to yourself. “It’s so weird, he has this like a huge bag of money. I’m not sure if maybe that’s what we’re using to get around.”
“What?” Alice asked almost in disbelief. 
“Yeah! Weird, right?”
“What is he, a drug dealer?”
You snort. “I don’t know, a guy like him? He probably needs it to get away from his fans or something.”
Alice narrows her eyes at this. “Stalker maybe? What a weirdo.” 
You laugh in unison, feeling an awkward pause come in. “I should probably go find him. See what he’s up to.”
Alice nods, and bids you farewell. 
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Meanwhile, Billy was about to just have a fecking heart attack. Every buzz from his phone only added more to his anxiety and he didn’t like feeling like that around you. His neuroticism would say otherwise. 
Fiona’s last text had sent him into a spiral and now he felt like he was about to shit himself. If she was here, she couldn’t get to you. No way in fecking hell. 
You weren’t sure if seeing the red missed calls were supposed to make you feel shittier about your situation, but they sure weren’t helping your case. Sighing and closing your eyes, you pressed the red letters and abandoned all hope. When you were met with dial tones, you huffed and walked back to the aisles, seeing Billy already there. 
“Hey.” He said, trying to push the bag over to where you were going to sit. 
“Hey.” You said, not sure how to feel towards him right now.
“You feeling better?” He asked, stuffing the bag into your side as you sat down. 
You cock your head to the side. “What are you doing with all this money?” 
His brows raised in confusion. “It’s just for safekeeping.” 
“From Jackie and the hoard?”
“Something like that.”
“Alice said something about that, maybe you have stalkers.” 
Oh, you had no idea. 
“Who’s Alice?” 
“My friend from Chicago.”
“Look at you! Making friends.” 
You roll your eyes. “Okay, she helped me steal some of the things for that night but point is, she’s here! On the train!”
While you were completely oblivious, he was shitting bricks. 
“What does she look like?”
“Short, really pretty, dark hair.”
He nods, smile fading.
“What? Oh, shit do you think maybe she’s your stalker?”
He stands, hands reaching for the duffel when you hear Alice’s voice greet you both.
“So you’re the infamous Billy Johnson. Heard a lot about you.” Fiona’s eyes burn holes into Billy, and you’re just around the bend. You do notice the shake in his voice as he looks up at her and tries to greet her without fault in his demeanor. 
“Is this weird? I didn’t mean to make it awkward.” She laughs, but Billy knows a fake semi detrimental laugh when he hears it.
“No!” You protest.
“She’s just worried you’re a stalker or something of mine.”
“Billy.” You throw a look at him. 
“Oh no! We just keep bumping into each other, what a coincidence, right?” 
Billy glares at Fiona, but you don’t notice yet.
“What are you doing on this train, Alice?”
“Just headed to California.”
“Yeah, she’s meeting a lumberjack.” You finish for her.
Fiona’s eyes bounce from you to him. “He’s taking me to Disneyland. You ever been? It’s lovely, you should take your so-some friends or family someday.” 
Fiona saves herself from possibly revealing your son, oblivious that he knows.  
You chuckle nervously, side glancing Billy. “Or you two should go together! Can’t imagine this one would want to wait in lines, must have lots of people come up to him.” 
Your phone buzzes, you take a peek being met with a photo of your son. In the hospital. 
What the fuck.
Your eyes meet Billy’s, tears brimming in your eyes. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.” 
His hand grabs onto yours for a second, he squeezes it in reassurance before letting you go.
You rush into your roomette, whispering curses under your breath. The line ringing only makes you wanna vomit. 
“Hello?” Your mother’s voice springs you to life.
“What happened?” 
“Look who wants to know, Parent of the Year.”
“Mom,” your voice is shaky. “Please.”
She sighs. “He just had a little fever. He was up all night, and he couldn’t breathe but I just got out of the ER and they’re saying he should be fine. They want to keep him for observation.” 
You run a hand through your hair, sighing in relief.
“Listen, he needs you. He needs his mother, not his grandmother. He’s right on the cusp of that age where he’s going to be attached at the hip of whoever’s giving him attention.”
“I know.” You hang your head in shame, wiping away at the tears. 
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“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing at, but you stay away from her,” Billy warns.
Fiona cocks her head. “Oh Billy, as soon as I saw you with her, I knew what you were doing. “RUN”? I can’t wait to read how this all ends.”
Billy’s head drops. “This is different. I lik- I love her. I want to be with her.” 
Fiona pouts. “She’s just a phase. This is a huge deal for her, you know? She’s a lovesick puppy but once you get her out of your system, she’ll be fucked.”
Billy shakes his head vigorously. “I won’t. That’s not happening.”
“Does she know?”
“Stop fucking with my head. I’m not coming back, I don’t care about you.”
She smirks. 
“Oh...she doesn’t.” She taunts. “What do you think she’d say about this little video?”
Fiona pulls out her phone, a pre-recorded Billy talks about his ‘RUN’ plan. Billy feels sick to his stomach.
“Let’s watch it again, shall we?”
“Turn it off.” He warns.
“No I think we should see it.” 
“Turn. It. Off.” He lunges forward trying to get the phone until the ticket lady interrupts him.
He sinks back into his seat. Fiona stands with the higher ground and smiles at him. She walks off into the roomette direction and he has to take deep breaths to calm down. 
You find Alice after the call, slightly relieved to see her. 
“Everything okay?”
“Um, I hope so. Do you think I’m a bad person?”
“You’re asking the shoplifter if you’re a bad person?” She muses.
“I just feel so overwhelmed by everything right now.”
“Well, go back home then.”
You frown. “I can’t just leave Billy.”
“How come?”
“He...needs me.”
“Do you even know him? In and out? After all these years? Me and Billy have been working together for years.”
“What?” Your eyes searched her for any signs of a lie.
“You’re just too trusting. It's sad, really.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Give me the money.”
“See, if you deny me that money, I don’t think you’d like this being sent out to Child Services now would you?” She brings her phone out and plays a voice memo. Your eyes widen as you recognize the moans and Billy’s voice. 
“Stop!” You reach for the phone but she’s quicker. 
“I was in your hotel last night, and now that I know about your kid, mmm you can do the math.”
This bitch. “You were my friend!”
“Listen if it’s any consolation, you were a joy to hang around with. Now, the money.”
You hesitate but reach behind you to grab the bag. You pass it to her as she unzips it to make sure everything is there. “Billy won’t ever be honest with you. Don’t forget it.” 
With that, she walks off. Billy reaches you moments later. 
“I was wrong.” You stand. “About everything.” 
“I need to tell you something.”
"I know."
“Fiona, Alice whatever the feck she’s going by, she’s following me and she used to work for me, and she’s pissed I ended the tour.”
“I know.” 
"Oh." He said.
“Is that all?”
“No...before I walked off, I called everybody a bunch of cunts and everybody turned on me and now I’m being branded a murderer.”
“I think I have you beat, I might’ve given her the money.”
“Why would you do that?!”
“We’re getting that bag back! Let’s go.” 
You drag him out and you two run between cars trying to find her. After accidentally tripping an elderly person, you silently pray you don’t go to hell for that and take hold of Billy’s wrist to have him catch up with your fast legs. 
You two finally find her at the end of the train car, but before you two can even form coherent sentences in her direction, she flips you off and jumps. You scream in shock and turn, Billy taking you into his arms and shushing you to calm you down. 
Once you calm down, the idea pops into your head.
“We have to jump.” You whisper.
“Are you fecking crazy?” His eyes are wild. 
“You want the money right?” You grab hold of his hand, and with a squeeze you look at him. 
“I’m not jumping off of a moving train.” He shakes his head.
“We don’t have another option.” 
You both take a deep breath, stealing glances at each other, and hand in hand, you both jump.
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