#hope he doesnt suck today lmao
disgustingtoast · 1 year
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vagueiish · 11 months
fuck i wish i could write. oliver just signed the deal with raphael (because he constantly feels like he's doing nothing to help the party or anyone and putting his soul on the line is the very least he could do, even though he helps everyone and also is like.... at max approval with the whole party and has finished or done the majority of everyone's personal quests)(he's trusting the emperor less and less, for Reasons, which i guess would involve more writing because it involves personal backstory shit, and he's already burned the bridge with gortash by crashing the party at the iron throne and saving wyll's dad, so his options to deal with the tadpoles are becoming fewer and fewer)(so. raphael it is. for now...?)
and astarion's basically just like 'well that was stupid, but what do i care, it's not *my* name on the contract lol' (even though oliver's apparently the first person he's truly cared for, bb, what are you doing? is this a 'id rather you hadn't, and i'm actually kind of upset but don't know how to deal and also you're a fuckin adult and made your choice, so what's the point in saying anything' moment or what, i am having trouble deciphering this right now)(and i know the dude is an ass, i dont expect him to be Nice, but your honor, theyre in love. and he did sound kind of pissed about it! or irritated/sarcastic??? but! how did he mean it? my brain is not cooperating, i hate this, lmao, i wish there was a follow up convo or something so i could pin down this fuckin plot bunny)
(and i mean. this is deviating into headcanon/oliver as tav specific territory, and is me trying to figure out how it'd figure into the thing i'd wind up writing for this if i do, and again, astarion is an ass and all that, maybe not the most emotionally mature dude in the realms to put it mildly, but he'd know, right? eventually, at least??? that he fucked up saying that? that however he actually meant it, it's going to sound very much like 'i don't actually care about you' to the first person he professes to actually care about?)(and in terms of oliver's canon timeline, i think he signs well after his own 'personal quest' would have occurred. so astarion would know about oliver's mother and all that baggage. not that he'd necessarily know what do to with it, but he'd probably have heard her be all 'yeah, i never actually cared for or wanted you, soo....')(which is an oversimplification and the whole situation is quite complicated, but. that's the gist he gets, so anyway...)
and then karlach. my love. the bestest of girls, she's angry and insisting on going to avernus one last time to save oliver's fucking soul because she's awesome and also because he's her friend and, tangent, i wish there was an option at all times to hug her, whether as a friend or lover. she deserves all the hugs, romantical or platonic or whatever, fuck, i want to hug karlach so fucking bad
and there is something *there* with all of this because oliver, sweet and sad and self-loathing, wouldn't have any of her help. he'd want her to let it go. gently, at first, but of course she doesn't, so then he gets pissed. because this is his decision. because it's not her name or anyone else's on the dotted line, so why the fuck does she care? (hm. sounds familiar.......) let it go. let him help for once, not be a burden on the party for *once* (as if he hasn't spent the whole adventure bending over backwards not just for our merry band of adventurers, but everyone he's come across)(because it's not enough, never enough, it'll never be enough to make up for being him) he isn't worth the trip to avernus, isnt worth her forcing herself to face that place again. and he's rarely loud or angry but he's both now, the exhaustion and frustration and uncertainty and fear re: the future that he's been trying to ignore pouring our of him, horribly misdirected at probably his best friend in the whole group, so of course the rest of the party is going to hear it and it's just.... there is something here, i feel it in me bones
(also. tangentially related, but didn't raphael imply that fucking up the contract would fuck over the whole group and not just whomstever is signing it? said something about hanging you and your friends from meathooks while watching the world burn??? so either he's full of shit or the contract actually fucks over everyone if broken, which..... oliver as tav would not have signed if breaking it affected anyone else, so this might all be moot. i dunno. just rambling)
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fagcrisis · 3 months
sorry what do you mean your mother's coup. elaborate
this ended up being long as hell so readmore time
so i live in this old fucking apartament building right, turns 120 soon, hasnt really been renovated in 50 years. and our apartament has the attic built in, which wasnt a feature originally and the previous tenant did it himself, badly, meaning weve had a hole in our roof for about 5ish years now that we just have not been able to fix. last november we had a pretty big storm that fucked the hole up even worse and our previous solution of just "put a bucket under it and leave the room" has stopped working because too much water was getting in and my sister had to start sleeping in a different room so safe to say, shit state of affairs
my mum got a contractor to come take a look at it and the dude concluded that its dangerous to be left unfixed and hes gonna have to climb in between the attic walls and the roof bc due to the hole theres a shitton of mold that needs to be cleaned out. overall this wouldve cost us 600k forint thats more than my mum makes in 2 months and i had 9-5 at that point but my shit salary was not gonna fix this. so my mum had a breakdown and decided that well sell the apartament and try moving, which sucks bc when we got this place it was still cheap but since then the housing market has gone to shit and we wouldve had to live in a rental we probably wouldnt have been able to afford. but my mum still called an agent to check the house out, and he told us that theres no way were selling it, because of the big fucking hole, the messed up pipes and bc the building isnt insulated (legally cant be bc its a historical monument lmao. europe)
HOWEVER he also said. since this is an apartament building with 12 flats we have a house representative and we pay *google translate help me* common cost every month, to cover repairs on the house, that we shouldnt have to pay for the repairs, the house should. cause. its the whole houses roof not just our apartaments.
my mum went to the house rep (józsi) to ask about this, and he told her that this isnt true and that he wont pay for the repairs. which made my mum mad and she went and found a lawyer who said the house does have to pay for repairs. but józsi was still like i will not.
so my mum talked to all 12 of our neighbouring flats individually and found out that literally everybody has grievances with this dude. there has been an ENTIRE TREE growing on the roof for years now that we havent been able to get cleaned out, the staircase is borderline life threatening to use, we could technically get authorization for insulating the house but the rep needs to apply and józsi hasnt, one of the gates to the yard is like not working, etc
they ended up calling the first house meeting in years (were supposed to have those every month lol) where they ended up voting to have a new rep, and also to fix our roof. which got fixed by the way, and the mold was also cleaned out
BUT the story doesnt end here bc they still need to vote a new rep in. and my mum found this company who represents apartament buildings professionally and sure itd cost us some money but we pay the common cost anyway, and they have contractors they work with so itd be soooo easy to fix shit in the house. but for some reason some people decided they want this dude instead, who owns one of the flats in the building but does not live here, his insane mother does who hates me. and he DOESNT LIVE HERE the entire problem with józsi was, that he was like not helpful in any way and now they want a guy who doesnt even live here??
ANYWAY TODAY THE PLOT FUCKING THICKENED. because. my mum started looking over the houses finances with 2 of our neighbours one of whom is i think a lesbian but im not sure anyways they found out that józsi has been STEALING MONEY. FROM THE COMMON COST. WHICH IS WHY FUCKALL GOT FIXED IN THE HOUSE!!!!
anyway the coup is still ongoing but i hope u enjoyed my mums tale of intrigue. shes having so much fun w this shes having secret meetings with people to talk about this all day
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Random Smutty Musings about one Toshinori Yagi
written with chubby!afab folks in mind cause tis what I am and what I think in terms of most
additions gifted by the glorious @birds-have-teeth shall be bracketed by --
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I was casually thinkin of Toshi while running errands today and how different his libido would be from his younger days.
Like that it probably wasn't uncommon for him to get hella aroused even with the slightest provocations --and also I dunno I just see him remaining a virgin until later in life cause saving the world is a big job and while he's personable and extroverted and maybe he ends up going on some dates cause he wouldn't know how to politely say no to folks, he never gets pretty far cause of whatever reasons.
And basically was just thinkin about how sweet it'd be coaxing him through some of his first experiences and then how needy he'd be after them but also not wanting to bother you aaaaaaall the time just cause his body has a ridiculous drive.
and then later on with the reunion, he's not as horny persay but he's so needy being so touch starved. And anytime you're together he wants to be touching you.
I dunno exactly how old he was when he got OFA but regardless this man is definitely a virgin until at LEAST mid-late twenties and honestly I'm more inclined to say early-mid thirties if that (which is when I'm hc meeting him in my lil daydreams)
Thanks to One for All he has a low refractory period (cause plot magic lmao), but cause he gets to rely on that he also just cums so fuckin easy and doesn't even try to hold it back--I mean he does cause he gets incredibly embarrassed, and the sensitivity can be a bit much but yeah
Just imagining eventually putting him through some stimulation "training", teasing and stimulating him in all the different ways and having him try to hold himself back, try to please you but also beat his own records. He's so so soooo overjoyed everytime you praise him for making it to a new standard
--him whimpering and groaning in that deep staccato voice of his--
He's got his eyes closed, face scrunched up, fingers clenching onto something and your eyes are on a timer you set as you lazily stroke his cock. He makes it past the time and you coo up at him about how well he did and he sucks in a deep breath and erupts all over your hand, trembling all over and then blinking down at you (why's he so fuckin tall even sitting down??) flushed and already murmuring sweet lil apologies
--And he’ll whine that you have to stop praising him because it’s making him cum faster and and and- --
which just has you laughing softly and complimenting how damn cute he is when he's all flustered!!!
he leans forward to try and hide his face in your hair. But you don't let him, casually capturing his chin with your non messed hand, giving him a chaste lil peck on his lips.
"Nuh uh, good bunnies clean their mess up first." You say before lifting your other fingers up to his lips. Somehow his cheeks flush even deeper and he casts his eyes to the side--since he can't turn away-- and opens up his mouth obediently, pink tongue licking his cum from your fingers.
More new to sex Toshi thoughts...
Toshi who is now assailed by his relentless libido ALL THE TIME. And how even after a really intense session that leaves you zonked out with that 'dead to the world' typa sleep, he dozes off a bit beside you but couple hours later wakes up hard as a rock again, humping against your ass like the needy lil bunny he is
he tries to stop cause you're asleep and he'd feel bad waking you up just because his dick won't chill the fuck out. and so he rolls out of the bed, to put some distance and goes to the bathroom hoping a cold shower will end his arousal
it doesnt. his body feels so warm that the freezing water barely registers. feeling out of options he figures he'll just jerk himself off real quick then be good to snuggle back against you until you wake up.
that plan doesn't work out either. his hand just doesn't do the trick anymore. and even using some of the shower gel to make his palm feel for soft like yours doesn't help as he's trying to imagine you jerking him off.
He's so frustrated and isn't aware just how loud his whimpers of desperation have gotten. Even over the spray of the shower, they're loud enough to make your subconscious believe something is wrong, pulling you from sleep.
You shuffle into the bathroom, bleary eyed and naked. Toshinori goes suddenly quiet when you open the door and sleepily rasp out his name.
"Toshi, e'rything okay?"
No. Everything is awful and he needs you desperately. He swallows down thick saliva that apparently leaves his mouth completely dry because his voice is a coarse, frayed bare thing when he finally utters, "Yes. Fine."
He presses his back against the shower wall, forcing his arms to his sides and palms against the wall as well. Hoping the frigid tiles will seep some sense and control back into his body.
Sleep is steadily releasing it's grip on your mind so you've become aware enough to notice there's no steam in the bathroom. Odd since you both appreciated nice warm showers.
"Is something wrong with the hot water?"
The tiles isn't doing shit to help him out. You've said in the past that you find his neediness cute and flattering, but even with you now awake, he feels like he shouldn't immediately start begging you to touch him just cause he can't help himself.
He's in his head longer than he realizes because without any kind of response, you've slid aside the frosted glass and were now staring at him with a worried expression.
Your eyes sweep his body, taking in the redness all over. You assume it's from the cold water cause you can immediately notice the temperature after opening the sliding pane. But then, maybe it's from something else because you're taking in the sight of his cock standing at full attention --even though Toshinori is bashfully trying to hide it with his large hands. As if you all hadn't been fucking in all kinds of angles and positions some few hours earlier.
"What are you doing?"
"I..." He's not really sure what to say. There's a lot but he settles on the simplest truth. Croaked out of his still dry throat, "I was, trying to make it go away."
In one swift motion, you're turning off the water and reaching out your hand. "Why not just jerk off?"
"I was. It doesn't feel as good as when you do it. I couldn't..."
Your brows lift in surprise as his voice trails off. "Awww," you flex the fingers of your outstretched hand, encouraging him to step out of the shower. "My sweet, Bunny can't get off without me now?"
One large hand engulfs yours as Toshi moves to awkwardly step from the shower. His other hand still trying to cover his impressive erection. A deep groan is his other response. Too embarrassed by his neediness and inability to make himself cum to attempt another worded response.
When he's fully out of the shower you reach for a dry towel and pull it around his body before pressing yourself against his chest. "Y'dont have to be embarrassed, Bunny. It was real sweet of you to try and take care of it all by yourself while I slept. You're always so considerate."
Your head tilts back, and Toshi recognizes the unspoken request for a kiss when you pucker your lips. He immediately obliges, wrapping you up in his arms now that the towel is covering up his shameful failure. The tenderness of his cool, chapped lips brushing over yours is a complete contrast to the swiftness of him pulling you closer.
While he's pressed his lips softly to yours, he waits for you to take the lead in the kiss. Letting you decide the depth and intensity, while he's just grateful to have your body tucked against his again.
And consider this!
somnophilia thoughts with this, telling toshi that the next time he's stuck in this lil dilemma he could use your body to get off, if he wanted to.
either rutting against your ass or fucking between your thighs.
even with permission though, I don't know if he would. if anything I feel like he'd just eat you out until you wake up. whether that's a few minutes or way longer. just content to feast on you and give you orgasms while you're still unconscious, grinding his cock down against the bed being the only attention he gives himself
like the image of waking up as your muscles tighten up, back arching a bit as your hands fist in that wealth of pretty blond hair, them long fingers of his pumping in and out in that perfect rhythm you taught him as his mouth sucks on your clit.
he moans against your cunt as you sigh his name all soft, body relaxing back onto the bed.
his fingers are still lazily working you as you look down to see him smiling up at you. face glistening with your slick, blue eyes dark from how blown his pupils are, so aroused by giving you pleasure
waking up to him actually fucking his cock between your thighs. Oh so close to where he really wants to sink that pretty cock of his into, but not so sure he wants to go that far, even with your permission. cause even this still feels wrong to him, that he's taking pleasure from this without giving you something equal or better in return.
but he's just gotten back from a long long day of heroing and you're already sound asleep.
braced himself up behind you, holding you close and nuzzling into the back of your neck as at first he's just casually grinding his hips against you. and of course it doesn't take much to get him fully hard, pretty cock leaking pre
you wiggle a bit in your sleep and he thinks maybe you'll wake up and he can fuck you properly but no such luck. but your legs do open and close in a way that traps his cock between your thighs. (maybe you're not so asleep as he thinks)
the pre is the only lubrication he has as his hips move, pushing his cock back and forth between your soft thighs. his hands move under the oversized All Might shirt you're wearing as pjs. you don't usually wear his merch and so it gives him a bit of a thrill when you do. He knows you love him, Toshinori, and while you don't fawn over him as a hero like the rest of the world does, he loves knowing you do like and accept that part of him to.
his lips nip, kiss and suck along your neck and shoulder as those big hands of his fondle and grope at your tits and tummy, just wanting to somehow have all of you in his grasp, his hot breath starts to beat against the back of your neck more quickly as your thighs squeeze down around him.
he's huffing out strings of nonsense words against your neck. affirmation of how good you're making him feel, how thankful he is that you've given him permission to do this. that you don't find him pathetic for needing to do this. how much he adores you. how much he loves you.
you're definitely not still asleep but pretending for the sake of your own fantasies. it feels so good knowing Toshinori is this desperate that he can't even wait until you're properly awake--not that he's caught on that you are now very much awake.
your hand slowly moves between your thighs, making a gentle curve that cups the head of his cock when it slides past the expanse of your thighs.
toshi gasps. his own hands squeezing where they hold you. his hips nearly stay pressed to the backs of your thighs as he focuses on making quicker more powerful thrusts as your hand curves more firmly around the part of his cock peeking from between your flesh.
he's so gone. trying to imagine he's fucking into the tightness of your pussy even though it's not nearly wet or warm enough to be.
but what finally tips him over the edge. makes him spill that big load of cum he's been holding in all day is when you groan out, "cum for me, Bunny."
his hips stutter and he releases. coating your hand, thighs and the poor sheets in a wealth of cum, whimpering against your neck as you jerk him off through the aftershocks of his orgasm
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joviantwelve · 4 months
okay you said you had a pokémon fanregion in your head, and now i gotta hear all about that, is the thing
OH god actually it's really funny how much shit that was in it has come to pass in canon by now, because I originally conceptualized it circa gen 4. It's usually what I think about if I think of like pokemon fancharacters or whatever. here we fuckin go
It was based on the Holon region in the TCG which has pokemon with funny types. we have Tera types now... the idea was that it would be begin further expanding and adding its own League and whatnot. I put it as above Johto/Kanto so relatively gen 1&2 selection of mons. keeping it simple.
it was more about the Weird Type Shit, which the pokemon prof of the region was studying under an organization she was a part of (the evil team, which was not branded as "Team (x)" just like Aether Foundation lmao). anomalies to track down and whatnot. but they were also inducing it themselves and studying other detected anomalies in the region. or sometimes the experiments they did created new, unintended anomalies of their own
this was mostly to make Missingno canon. which is like the only thing that hasn't still come to pass yet (BUT IT SHOULD!!!!!!). my dearest darlingest Missingno, the entire reason I love glitches today, was effectively my box legendary. the backstory of the prof was much like Lusamine in that she saw this Fucking Weird Pokemon a long time ago due to her Experiments and it fucked her up and she became a weird bad anime mom afterward. SHE EVEN HAD A DEAD HUSBAND!!!!!!! I FUCKIN INVENTED LUSAMINE FIRST
oh I should mention the "protag" analogue of the region WAS the professor's child. SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you had to fight your mom. who is the prof. who is also the evil team leader. and corrupted by some messed up videogame code. damn that sucks
later when we started getting more AI-feeling Rotom characters, I imagined a Rotom in a more robot/android body as one of the team underlings. he was the protag's buddy back home but now he has to fight you :( sorry i dont wanna do this but my programming is telling me to (throws a pokeball out halfheartedly)
(ASIDE: I remember in the first movie when they were like flabbergasted at Mewtwo technically qualifying as a pokemon trainer. that was kinda fucked up and weird, can we go back to that? tbh when I think about it, a lot of the vibe of my fanregion is based on how Weird early pokemon gens felt. they really dont make it like this anymore. Ape Inc became Creatures, I'm certain some EarthBound talent factored in)
I think I was also imagining weird-typed versions of the legendary birds for a trio, which is funny cuz we got Galarian versions of them now too....
Hooke was originally a Pokemon OC and was my first one actually, he ran a Dark-type gym because one didn't exist in canon yet. he was ex-Team Rocket and moved up north to turn a new leaf. thought it fit Dark's vibe as like the Schemer Type. I had to wait amazingly long for an actual Dark-type gym in canon which is kinda funny. it actually felt a little sad when we finally got one because it had been 11 years since I had made Hooke in protest of this
if you remember my OC Serafine (she doesnt have a TH SORRY), she was also an evil team exec.
she doesn't have a modern analogue but another one of the fancharacters was the rival-type one and she was Lt. Surge's spoiled neice
the Ghost-type gym leader I can describe as a Super Nerd with the constitution of the Hiker. can see ghosts but is a social outcast but more in a nerd sense than a goth sense. I liked him a lot but I haven't had anywhere to put him :(
the Psychic-type leader was extremely tsundere and her mind reading helped her out with all those tsundere insecurities (now she's just paranoid and preemptively reads people's minds)
the Fire- and Steel-type leaders were a duo battle of "smoke and mirrors" themed magicians. and also married
this is largely stream of consciousness I hope this post makes SENSE
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seobseobs · 1 year
who's there
junhan x reader (no prns) • 0.5k
platonic; angst , comfort
[ tw LOTS of self loathing and swearing , not really a happy sha la la ending because it just doesnt work that way , not proofread , im going to be real this is a vent of me struggling w cluster b el oh el ]
back to suite
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one thing about you is that you hide . a lot . always at your friends' doorstep and always one step ahead in making plans together , you seem to be there for people . but you would come back from the dates and the misery of your world slaps you in the face .
there is always something wrong . something good is happening ? won't be too long , you know it .
you pride in the fact that your friends could not for their life tell what you are thinking despite bonding for so long . but you also despise the fact that this means you have to be vulnerable . that no one would come to your feet because "you seemed off today ." no one to knock your door simply because they miss you . you have long acknowledged the fact , deeming it your responsibility to tell your worries , but never too deep , never too raging .
but today was one of those days where it hurts way fucking more . hell , it wasn't just today . it was yesterday and the day before that too . your world is crumbling and you still have to muster up a lot of courage to simply get told that you matter ? fuck no .
everything is your job . even making sure your loved ones see through you is your job . you hate it . you hate it . you hate it .
gritting through your teeth to keep your feelings at bay , you walk fast towards your home , not really caring if you bumped into strangers' shoulders at this point . just one more minute and all hell will break loose . just one more minute and you can fucking scream at the mean characters on the screen instead of you . just one more minute and—
"y/n?" , a gentle voice calls out to you .
"what the fuck is it?" , you didn't intend to sound harsh , and the furrowed eyebrows on the person's face makes you want to punch yourself . gaze lowered in utter embarassment , you string out apologies in hopes of not losing another relationship .
he doesn't know , you remind yourself . he doesn't get it , you suck in your breathe to salvage what ounce of face you had left .
"oh just— i thought you'd be up for a cafe hangout with me and jungsu this thursday," hyeongjun finally replies , one hand rubbing the back of his neck . "they just opened and i know you like carrot cake so," he shrugs at the end of the sentence as he explains further .
one beat of silence .
you collect yourself to answer properly whilst still in such a state but before you manage to say anything , he interrupts you . "or you can just hold one finger for yes and two fingers for no." it's not even much but you feel a slight weight off your chest , raising one finger up and the corner of his lips turn upwards as he throws a little fist to the air .
hyeongjun makes his exit known , giving you a small wave after he tells you to have a good day . you copy his actions , eyes staring into the distance hard and long until after his figures disappear .
knock knock .
five more minutes before all hell break loose .
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✒ the message that i want to get across is that making someone's day less shittier means so much more than you think. so try even if you won't make their life upside and all cherries and unicorns and make them completely happy. making someone's day less bad is as still as big of an effect as making someone day more good. anw please request me lmao ily mwah mwah
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samegal514 · 8 months
Multiple rants in one cus i cba writing different posts:
I can’t even find enjoyment or comfort in anything anymore. Haters say that’s mental illness, I say I’m just chilling rn.
I don’t remember anything until I was 8, then it was a blur until last year. I only have fragments of last years, it’s mostly gone.
I’m not your freaking slave man, just cus I’m a female doesn’t mean I’m a ‘worthless woman’ who must do the dishes. So egotistical, such little brain power.
Those cookies were so good today, shame I’m gonna have to throw them up once I’ve posted this :(
Y’all I think I’m dying
Im not eating in Barcelona, it’s literally free time away from my parents, why waste it?
I’m so fat💀
I’m thirsty one sec guys… I’m back, drinking milk now YUM!!! Idc if yous say I’m wasting calories on milk, it’s yum and I don’t want my bones to snap when I’m older.
GUYS THE WIND MY BLOW MY HOUSE DOWN, I think everyone can agree that it’s too fucking cold in the UK rn.
G is so strong it’s scary, SHE BEAT ME AT AN ARM WRESTLE, ik it’s not hard but it scares me. Love you G xx
I’m starting to love English again, and hate maths… which I sad cus I’m supposed to freaking like it?
My maths teacher can go suck a dick, he’s actually so condescending and rude. HE MADE A MISTAKE DOESNT MEAN YOU LAUGH AT HIM? It’s not a good work environment.
I love my dogssssss, the pets not my feet… They are so cute and make me happy. One of the only things that make me happy.
Do they laugh at my tumblr? Do they go through it and laugh? Do they laugh at me in general?
My head is spinning and I feel like I’m losing control of everything..
I miss her, I don’t want her when she’s like this because she doesn’t want me, but I miss her really bad. The person she was before she became this monster.
Smoking and vaping makes me sick, no judgement to anyone who does, I’m just saying that it makes me so uncomfortable, even the mention makes me freaked out.
I hope she changes, and comes back, I want her back.
I want to cry and die.
Im just hoping that my cvts won’t be noticeable by March (they probably won’t be lmao) so that I can wear short sleeves.
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zodiac-wars · 2 years
game awards reactions
roundup of my livetweets:
more hades???? hell yeahhhhh
i hope this bioshock is even MORE centrist
if stray wins best debut indie ill actually commit arson
🔥🔥🔥 time to burn
animals fall flat hell yeah
ngl tho samsung smart tvs letting you play xbox games without a controller is pretty neat
if arcane doesnt win best adaptation ill be truly shocked
oh damn thats just a dude on stage in a jar
ill never get tired of using the force to freeze blaster shots
not the fucking kylo ren sword guard lmao
hot companion im sold
where were the transformers in that trailer
keegan michael key thank you for explaining toads head please say chris pratt sucks i think that would be funny
watching this trailer and damn its crazy when VAs know what theyre doing
this movie is gonna be so good except for the one thing
animal being so relatable here
damn these are some very good jokes
when he said dont nod i legit though it was an instruction for a second lmfao
dont tell me i can make ciri shoot tyler blevins in the head i will download fortnite again TODAY
holy balls its crash
crash: unite
tunic please ill cry
FUCK YOU stray is the only answer im not okay with
ill be honest i still dont fully understand what game direction is as a concept
i dont know anything about armored core but apparently its very hype
ok this looks very cool im officially pumped
yes say rubicon in the title im an absolute sucker for references to ancient rome shoutout to my 5 years of latin classes
lo fi leagues to rocket to
bro what is this monster hunter ripoff
"eaoriginals" nothing was original about that
this mfer named joshua
this orchestra is going brazy tho
specifically that one guy who keeps switching instruments you are a legend my guy
ER is fucking sick, well earned
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watchfuleyeleans · 2 years
aw it feels weirdly comforting to have u encourage my pickiness... thank you n_n I'm so used to having to argue with people over the shite I'm picky about that this is kinda refreshing tbh!! and about ur ancestry that's super cool imo :000 I think being mixed rules!!! for me I know one of my birth parents was black and born here and one was Asian born out of the country, but I've never really done any digging to find out their names because I'm kinda scared??? nghngngng I thought maybe if I'd ended up a care leaver I'd look into things just so I could have some sort of family but as it turns out I got adopted again so :3 I'm really hoping this time I don't go back to being an orphan because that would kinda suck. so maybe I should forget about it. who knows!!!!!!!!! I clearly don't AND TODAY I'M SUFFERING FROM TMI-ITIS I'M SO SORRY FWEND T_T - ANON
heyyy sorry abt the wait anonbud, i ended up unable to log in much these past 2 days >_<
look i think being picky is fecking powerful. its like ye know some shites just not good for ye and ye have the power to say so. if other ppl dont understand it and refuse to listen to ye thats their problem ye keep being the metaphorical queen that ye are (metaphorical bc the real monarchy sucks arse)
HEYYYY WE'RE BOTH BLASIAN THEN, NICE :D what makes ye scared tho? are ye like afraid of what ye could find or of any repercussions ye think that might have? either way im glad ye have been adopted and seem to be satisfied about yer current living situation, i rly hope things work oot for ye and IF ye ever look into yr background, it's because yer family supports ye through it!! or at least doesnt give ye shite for it lmao. idk how that goes for adoptive families but i know some ppl may be super resistant to letting others know about their pasts when theyre directly involved. like me granda, he's still around but we dont talk much and he says his family's backstory shouldnt matter because what does matter is what he and me grandma built here. but grandma told me a bit about her home island while grandas like YEP MY FAMILY CAME FROM NIGERIA THATS ALL YE NEED TO KNOW KTHXBYEEEEE \^O^/ it gets on my nerves but who tf am i to argue right e_e
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Bonjour! Can I request Chuuya with a female reader with a personality similar to Dazai, but minus the suicidal part? And she actually is much more respectful to people
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Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Chuuya x Fem!Reader
Warnings:NSFW! content,mentions of sucking,cock warming,etc
A/n: Dazais personality is so hot,honestly.i would kill to be with someone like him T^T
◉you make him feel alive
◉you being always happy and positive in your own way,effects him too.hes been in a better mood from the moment he met you.
◉youre naughty,and he loves it.
◉ahhhh god youre the hottest couple ever,honestly (i ship skk too btw so yeah XD)
◉its kinda annoying that you dont let hom drink wine a lot,but he appreciates your concern.
◉when you wanna drink together youre definitelly gonna end up in the bed room , and Chuuyas gonna pass out in the middle of the sex LMAO
◉"hey!Chuuya!wake up!were in the middle of sonething here!"
◉hes not gonna wake up XD
◉so the next day youre kinda grumpy,and what makes you feel worse is that he doesnt even remember a thing! like,c'mon!
◉poor boy has no idea why youre upset LOL
◉youre not the kind of person who would stay upset,youre the kind of person who would take revenge XD
◉so you come into his office and see him behind his desks looking at some stuff.hes so happy when he sees you.
◉"oh bae!what are you doing here?"
◉"i missed my favorite boy,so here i am" evil laugh in her head*
◉when you see Mori comming in,you immediately hide behind his desks and that makes Chuuya kinda surprised.
◉luckily Mori hasnt noticed you yet.he just comes in and starts talking to your boyfriend about his new mission,and thats when you look in front of yourself and see his pants.
◉"hehehe,time for revenge" you slowly pull his zipper down,grab his cock and after stroking it a bit,you start sucking it.
◉Chuuya is dying LMFAO
◉Hes shocked and really embarrased in front of his boss.he secretly tries topull you away with his hand,but is unable to do so.
◉seeing his expression changes,Mori asks him if something is wrong.
◉"no-nothing really!can you just go?please!?"
"are you sure that youre oka..."
"woah!fine!Chuuya-kun is not in the mood today!"
◉when he finally leaves you two alone,Chuuya sighs and gently pats your head: "you naughty girl...are you-ah-trying to get me fired?"
◉you dont respond and just continue what youre doing and boy his fine with it.
◉when hes so turned on and a bit close to cumming,you suddenly get up and wave at him.
◉"Oops! i just remembered that i had something i have to do! bye!"
"what?Are you kidding me??seriously?hey where are you going?!"
"have fun lover boy!"
◉Lmao i just cant stop laughing LOL poor guy XD
◉sex in the office? check (not that time though,he needed to be punished LOL)
Chuuya is always worried that someone might walk in tho
◉you always distract him from his work by several things that most of em are kinda dirty.
◉pranking the whole mafia by yourself.he wont help you unless you convince him to do so,but he wont stop you either LOL.
◉bruh im telling you again youre a really hot couple.
◉i dont really think you would get married honestly(cause of the position youre both into),but dont worry youll always be together.
◉he wont let you go unless you really want him to
◉please dont want him too.the boy has been betrayed so many times and is lonely without you...
ok i love this request,and hope you like my writing too honey
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yoichichi · 4 years
Big Brain Bitches Playlist ❣️
For the lovely @nataliahaslosthershit , thank you for always being so kind and being patient!!!
disclaimers: this is a fem!reader since it is a request, so if there’s any instances where those pronouns or the fact it’s a fem reader is alluded to that’s why!
warnings: Tsukishima, that’s the warning
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gif not mine, credit to owner
a/n: thank you for being so patient sweetie!! I really hope you like this and I did my best with the playlist to include a little bit of everything you like!!!
Relationship Headcannons
As much as Tsukishima would lowkey HATE the way you always wanna make friends (not really he just likes being a shithead) he also just finds it so cute??? Like he’s like 🙄✋🏼 must you talk to everyone?? But is also like :) shes so friendly and tries so hard to be nice :) how did I find someone like her :) but he keeps that on the lowkey a bit and GOD LET ANYONE BE RUDE TO YOU WHEN HE SEES YOU AS AN ABSOLUTE ANGEL‼️‼️‼️
Tsukishima is also focused on his studies and would appreciate you being focused as well, he would hate to see you over stressed from the importance your parents put on it, and he’d always be doing/saying things to get you to relax as best as he could
“You’ve gone over this 5 times, do you really think you’re that stupid that you have to go over it again?”
“We should take a break, let’s go take a walk to the corner store and find some good snacks. Studying is always more effective if you take breaks like that anyway.”
It is, but he’s more concerned with removing those frown lines from your forehead and warming your hand up with his
Sidenote - definitely the type to blow on your hands while their held in his to warm them up
Regardless, it’d become a habit for you two to always do your studying together since he wants to be sure you’re not overworking yourself.
Idk I can just see him always bringing a second bottle of water with him just in case you need it ??LMAO like y’all would be studying and you’d be like
“I’m a little thirsty, I’m gonna get-“
boom bottle of water on the table for you
PLS he won’t give it to you until you mention you’re thirsty tho, unless he feels like he hasn’t seen you drink enough water
I don’t see him as a big talker while he studies with you unless you’re helping each other out, he just kind of likes your presence while you guys are studying cause it feels like bonding and he just likes spending time with you :)
A bit off topic of study dates but you can’t tell me his love language ISNT quality time and he would never admit it but he’s definitely clingy lowkey LMAO
like he just wants to spend his free time with you even if it’s just being in the same room together but doing different things?? He thinks being able to be your own person while still enjoying each other is important in a relationship
So of course he’ll sit in a room with you and eavesdrop read a book while you gossip with your friends over the phone and then listen to you rant about it after
just like how he appreciates when you ask about his day while you cook dinner together and ask him all kinds of follow up questions, cause you actually care and want to know!!
Ok but ANYWAY back to study dates:
So like I was saying, not a big talker, but I feel like complete silence would freak him out?? This mf always got his headphones so one of you has got to be playing music while you’re studying, but do you know what this means?
This means that a song has definitely come on that he likes and he totally was humming or even quietly singing along to himself, not really thinking about the fact you were there and can definitely hear him, and as soon as he realizes he would just look at you and shut up SO fast LMAO
Like he’d just get wide eyed and breath in and stop singing and just kind of look up at you AND HIS EARS WOULD BE SO RED (he’s an ear blusher for sure) and he’d do that WHITE BOY SMILE THING WHERE HE HAS DEAD EYES AND HIS MOUTHS A THIN LINE but he’d look so shy and embarrassed plssss and he’d just look back down to his textbook and try not to think about it
And you’d just giggle and he could only groan and be like “let’s move on 😐” BUT YOURE DEFINITELY NOT FORGETTING THAT
But study dates?? Yeah they’re important to you two
Tsukishima would also be constantly making sure you’re taking care of yourself outside of studying, like making sure you’re needs are taken care of since you have a tendency to over look them in the favor of others (which I feel like would really drive him crazy cause you’re his baby!!! He can’t stand that thought !!!)
Like if he saw you offer a friend your last snack knowing you hadn’t eaten enough today he’s slapping a snack in your possession so fast like 😐 eat this, now.
ITS A LITTLE AGGRESSIVE IN THE CALMEST WAY but it’s just cause you’re important to him
The bullying??? Yes he’d love that cause he’s just like 😳‼️ you keep up with him and he’d just love the back and forth between you two so much
Queue the eye rolls and lopsided smirk while he’s grabbing your hand and kissing it telling you to shut up
Regarding your stims - he’d definitely take notice and probably do things like always holding your hand to make sure you aren’t hurting yourself too bad!
I know people have mentioned him not being that big on PDA but I feel like he’d take a neutral stance on it, like holding your hand is so innocent and if it helps you not pinch your wrists or picking at your nails of course he’s gonna do it!! It’s his way of showing you he notices and cares 🖤
Regarding your self confidence, he’d definitely still bully you cause cmon 🙄 this is your guys love language and he knows you know it’s harmless, and the last thing he’d want to do is make you feel like he’s coddling you and suffocating you by not being silly with you the way he normally would
If anyone else clowns on you whew please it is over for them
Like let’s say you meet the boys and you and hinata are clowning on each other?? Tsuki is NOT playing games LMAO like he’d definitely be like
😐😐 hinata I KNOW you’re not talking and you’d have to remind him in private that it’s ok he doesn’t care he will bully hinata any chance he gets
Okok real talk Tsukishima would think it’s so fucking cool you know how to speak more than one language!!! Not the type to necessarily be like let me hear it 🤠 but if you do speak another language around him he’s always like 🙂 wow, that was pretty cool
Ok also?? Both of you being introverts?? Tsuki is happy to the MAX
Like he just gets to come home to you and detox in his little home and sit with you on the couch and talk about your days and watch whatever you’re feeling and it’s just so recharging for him and he’s so grateful you’re perfectly ok with that :)
And finally, tell me he wouldn’t bully you for your height but also find it so so adorable 🙄‼️
Ahhhh!! Ok here is the acclaimed playlist I made for you!! I hope you enjoy it❣️
Ok I did my best to include your variety of music tastes in here!! But if there’s anything you’d like me to change please feel free to let me know and I will!!
Ahhhh I hope you like it, enjoy my descriptions below!
1. The Most Beautiful Thing - Bruno Major: ok so yes we’re starting this off with a dash of Tsuki angst, as much as I know he’d deny it he yearns for love. Like the idea of someone being so important they get his attention and devotion and they love him the same is sooo comforting to him! And sometimes he would daydream about it like :) I wonder when I’m gonna meet them, I wonder how, I can’t wait - but the way he would he embarrassed if anyone knew this - and when he DOES meet you it is not what he expected LMAO
2. 80’s makeout session - dacelynn:  OK SO HE MEETS YOU and is just like 👁👄👁 and it’s everything he dreamed of, if he was feeling irrational he might’ve even believed it was love at first sight but there’s one problem, the way Tsuki is be lowkey mad he wants your attention LMAO. Like you would meet and he would just look into your eyes and he feels his heart stop; and you’re so nice when you’re introducing yourself to him and your voice is so sweet and he can’t stop thinking about the way your curly hair is framing your face and he just oop 🤒 he got the love bug bad AND HED BE SO MAD cause like, he tries to only do things for himself! And that’s exactly why love was a daydream cause UGH HOW PATHETIC IS HE. He never tries impress anyone else cause he’s his biggest critic anyway, but suddenly he wants to be noticed by you and impress you and the way that would just irk him, but he cant help it 🤷‍♂️ sorry bout it Tsuki
3. IFHY (feat. Pharrell) - Tyler, The Creator: more on Tsuki being mad he likes you LMAO - I think what would push him to get over himself and how it’s kind of scary for him how much he likes you would be imagining what could happen if he DOESNT grow up and just let you know. The thought of you with somebody else? Yeah he don’t like that one bit and that’s when he knows he better suck it up and accept he’s got it for you hard
4. Make Me Your Queen - Declan McKenna: OK CALLING TSUKI SIMPS OUT- you’d want him so bad but he’s so bad at showing his interest!! So on your end it’d be soooo much pining and patience and a little bit desperate like PLS I jus wanna be your s/o man 😕 but don’t worry he likes you just as much, he’s just awful at showing that at first LMAO
5. Kiss Like A Woman - Mona: ok but once Tsuki accepts he’s got it bad, I don’t see him as someone who wastes time at. All. Like he’s like ok well she’s fucking great obviously if I like her cause I have great taste so it’s only a matter of time before someone else tries to get her attention, so I gotta act fast. However, he’s clueless so he’d think he’s being obvious but he’s not. Like he starts his habit of bringing you snacks and water on your study dates before they’re actually dates and you have no idea he likes you. And he thinks he’s being smooth like, how could you not know he likes you? But it’d be the end of your study session and you’re about to leave and he’s been wondering why it seems like maybe you’re not interested? He can’t tell so he’d just be like, “do you like me, too? Or am I making you uncomfortable? I’ve been waiting for you to let me know how you feel but you really haven’t said anything, so.” AND YOUD JUST BE LOOKING AT HIM LIKE 😳🧍🏻‍♀️ and you’re blushing hard so he’s like ok obviously she likes me? And he would kind of tilt his head in your direction and raise his eyebrows waiting for you to answer, cause he still wants to be sure. And you’d hold your books tighter to your chest and nod so fast. He’d walk over to you and kiss you on your cheek and be all, “see you tomorrow, idiot.” And walk off like a bad bitch, cause that was pretty smooth, but once his back is to you and his headphones are on while he’s walking away BOY IS BLUSHING HARDDDD CAUSE HE’S LIKE did I really just do that oh shit 🥴
6. A Sunday Kind Of Love - Etta James: when I mentioned Tsuki liked to think about love this is exactly what I mean. He just wants something so relaxed and devoted and when he gets that with you? WHEW he is not letting that go!!
7. Black Dog - Arlo Parks: ok so this song itself is more intense than for what I’m writing for it and what it inspired me BUT this is really how Tsuki feels when he sees you overworking yourself. He can’t stand to see you stress so much over something, especially if it’s school, and then see you push your own limits in the favor of others. It’d definitely be a day where you come to his house to study but when you guys get there instead of pulling out the stuff from his bag he just sets it down and walks over to you and pulls you into his chest. After holding you for a while, he pulls back and makes you look up at him with his hands on your cheeks and leans down to kiss your forehead. “Are you ok?” It’s such a simple question but it really hits home and it’s one of the first times you guys simultaneously realize how much you care for each other. And you’d just hug him tighter and he decides nap time holds a little priority over studying right now.
8. come out and play - Billie Eilish: as smooth as Tsukishima can be or as clueless as he is, he’s also a shy lover for sure. It will take him a while to be genuinely soft and let his walls down and be vulnerable and tell you how much he cares about you, he try’s to show it as best as he can cause it can be easier than looking into your pretty eyes that make him all nervous and choke on his words while he tries to tell you he loves you. So it’ll take some coaxing and you being patient, but he’ll get there eventually and become more confident with his declarations of love.
9. Pleaser - Wallows: more on Tsuki being shy LMAO he wants to tell you he loves you SO BAD but he just cannot make himself do it
10. I’m Glad There Is You - Julie London: ok you mentioned slow dancing in the kitchen type songs? Stop it this is the one - to me this is the introvert love anthem , perfect for you two right? Like you’d be playing music in the kitchen while you two are cooking and this song would come on and normally he’s not a person who shows his affection much but this song would just get to him? Like he almost wants to cry??? He just looks at you, and maybe you’re humming a little, he really can’t tell but he doesn’t care cause you’re just so bright and gorgeous and the more he hears the song, the more his heart is starting to swell thinking of you. And so he wouldn’t be able to help himself. He’d just come up behind you and lean down so his head his resting on top of yours and his arms are wrapped around you. He leans down a little farther and presses a soft but long kiss to your cheek and just whispers how he loves you and hugs you tight one more time before going back to his part of cooking dinner; as if that wasn’t the first time he was finally able to tell you that.
11. Linger In My Arms A Little Longer Baby - Peggy Lee: kitchen dancing music kitchen dancing music kitchen dancing music !! I feel like once Tsuki dances with you ONCE he’d be addicted 😶 like you just look so happy and it hits him in his gut in the best way and he’d kill to feel like that with you again 🖤
12. Sweet Creature - Harry Styles: stop I fucking love Harry styles when I say Tsuki sees you as his home I MEAN it, it doesn’t matter what happens between you two. Sure, like any couple you guys argue and it can be rough sometimes, problems can arise it’s natural. But Tsukishima would never be the type to say something he doesn’t mean or do anything to ruin the relationship, you’re his person and no matter how much you two argue he’d always be sure you know he loves you and you’re the most important thing to him, and you’re very aware of that.
13. I Think I Like It When It Rains - Willis: ok a little bit of angst! In those difficult moments, sure sometimes Tsuki does wish it was like how it was a while ago when the pining and awkwardness was still there and you would go home after studying and you’d both still be giddy and trying to calm yourselves down. Cause the pining and awkward feelings were easy to solve, but these problems are harder, they’re the ones you solve for the long haul. But once he takes a breather he knows this is so much more important and worth it, and he’s reminded of how much he really loves you.
14. I CHOOSE YOU - Adam Melchor: you really would be living in Tsukis mind rent free LMAO and while he was all grumpy at first at the fact he even wanted your attention he’s so happy now it’s so cute pls. He goes to the store and sees something you like?? Yeah he’s buying it. Hears a song you might like? He adds it to the playlist you guys share (yes you would have one from when you would study together all the time and you’ve just kept it and he always add songs to it still for you) all in all, you take up his mind 25/8 now and he’s accepted it with a smile on his face
15. this is how you fall in love - Jeremy Zucker, Chelsea Cutler: introvert love anthem #2, this is literally so cheesy and I hope it fits your taste but anyways!! Falling in love is just so easy for you guys, it’s the easiest thing Tsuki’s ever done, and he holds a lot of pride to that statement.
that’s it!!! That’s the thing!! Gosh I really hope you like it !! Thank you for being so patient and kind to me again, and don’t forget to message me if you need a change
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
How would a fem! dom! reader who is like,, hella curvy and confident do with Aziawa? (The reader is a pro hero too, so it isn't weird)
A/N: @ me next time anon
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Fem!Reader
Warnings: yeaaa this is straight smut so uhh watch out for that LMAO
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Aizawa Shouta: 
aizawa doesnt think he’s exaggerating when he says he’s the luckiest man in the world 
he doesnt know how or why he ended up with someone as gorgeous as you, but he can’t be any more grateful
bc gallyyyyyyyyy you are a woman to behold 
your body goes crazy
you’ve got instagram baddie nascar curves sis
like the kind of curves people pray for
like the kind of curves bitches go to the plastic surgeon with a picture of in hopes of achieving 
he loves it when you visit him at ua wearing those tight ass sundresses that do wonders to your ass and tiddies
as you walk to go get something, aizawa will catch wind of all might sneaking a glance or two, his eyes raking down your pretty face and delicious curves 
y’all know yagi likes his women thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
toshi doesn’t even notice how his head will subtly bounce with every step you take and it both amuses and pisses aizawa off bc wtf toshinori? keep your eyes to yourself 
but he gets it bc goddamn you’re just so enticing 
and you fucking know it. that’s why when you “accidentally” dropped your keys and bent down to get them, you had to hide a smirk as yagi coughed out blood and shouta almost ripped his scraf apart
after that little episode, aizawa won’t let you leave without pulling you into an empty classroom and just feeling up on your body and attaching his lips to whatever skin he can get to in the next 30 minutes of his lunch break, desperate to remind you of who you belong to
he can never have enough of you
and as he sucks a hickey on your neck, that’s when you remind him of who’s actually in control here
see now everyone has this idea that aizawa is this domineering man who couldnt even fathom the thought of switching roles 
and dont get me wrong, that’s somewhat true. shouta lives his life by structure and logic...but then you came into his life and just flipped everything on its head
aizawa loves fucking you but he thinks he can die happily every time he being fucked by you
he didnt realize how much he loved your push to be on top and take control. your confidence makes his sex drive go up by 1000
you’ll bind his arms with his own scarf and watch him grit his teeth in both excitement and frustration as you tease the tip of his dick with your thumb and lick up his body 
yes shouta has a teacher kink but he never realized he had a boss kink until you once came out dressed as the superintendint and punished him with multiple cracks of a ruler for being behind in his classes
despite being the powerless one, he’ll still say the dirtiest things to try and fluster you. half the time it doesnt work, but when you feel yourself entranced by his handsome smirk, you’ll just put that mouth to good use and sit on his face 
eats you out like its his last supper
you almost cave right there and let him out of his restraints, but you had to stay strong!
shouta doesnt have a problem calling you “mistress” 
he’ll say “yes ma’am” in a smug manner and you just don’t let him cum as retaliation 
“get rid of that attitude if you know what’s best for you”
he learns it very quickly by the third time you’ve edged him
you live for the way he’ll tilt his head back and lowly groan whiles you ride him. his eyes will travel down the dips and rolls of your waist and watch how your thighs jiggle with every movement  
when he whispers “oh fuck, kitten” you lose it
as you get lost in the action, he’ll just about beg for you to let him hold your thick hips and you decide whether or not he deserves to 
today, you let him cum and as you both reach your highs, you fall into his embrace. shouta will hold you close and relish in the afterglow and think about how lucky he is to have you
you’ll both laugh about how you just fucked in a classroom again before quickly cleaning up and putting yourselves together 
this time when you leave, he’s not too bothered by yagi or even vlad king as they try  not to look too hard at your retreating figure
bc when you turn around and smile, it’s only for him 
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stanharu · 3 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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calciferstims · 2 years
izzy hands anon here. so i was gonna reply to you the day after you had replied to what it is because it was getting late and i needed to rehearse some words but then...i got maaaad sick, like i rarely get sick. it was strange bc i had felt weird since thursday and then i got fever and felt like a punched rice bag the entire day 😶. still had fever today but i feel a tad bit better now so ima take the opportunity in replying to it now!
huehue when i read this "you do NOT have to read all of this oh god please don’t force yourself to read it. I’m serious." i was thinking "hahaha you bet i am gonna do it anyways!!"
ngl i wasnt thinking he was from a show, much less from this one lmfao i thought he was some...idek, random dude or sommet baha.
wait what "one time he moaned ‘daddy’ on screen because he was???? trying to make fun of someone I guess??? but it traumatized many people." LMFAOO??? he moaned daddy and it traumatised a lot of people lmfaoooooo I CANT. THATS HILARIOUS WHAT EVEN?? 😂
"he has like, these insanity-inducing micro expressions going on in the background at all times." AHAHAHA WHATTT 😂
"you can just feel him VIBRATING with repressed gay thoughts" okay by now i gotta say, the way you explain things is fucking hilarious lmaoo. i was gonna say he doesnt look too angry, but then i thought if this gif was shown with no context then yea, i think he does look angry lol, or more like frustrated.
okay i read it all and i gotta say, this is definitely not what i had thought was gonna be said. idk what i thought but...this wasnt it lmfao. his names soooo fucking random. who tf names a character IZZY hands. and now all i see is that dino rb'ing the flaming izzy hands hahah
Ohhh nooo I hope you feel better soon!!! 🥺 that sucks, def get some rest and relax!
And yeah, he’s from the beloved gay pirate show that consumed tumblr 😂 I simply watched a show with the the most groundbreaking queer rep I’ve ever seen, the sweetest most tender gay pirate couple as the main center, only to shove aside everyone else and point at the worst guy ever and go ‘that one. that repressed homophobic bitch in the corner that one’s mine’.
DHSGH THE DADDY SCENE IS So Much™️ ITS SO BAD LMAO. Pretty sure he’s like. Trying to do this weird homophobic impression of stereotypical gay people but he just gets WAY too into it and completely exposes his whore gay ass SGHSGHSHS. Also fun fact apparently it was supposed to be even longer but they cut it for time…. The fucking mad lad just kept going… absolutely desperate to see that tbh. Give us the extended daddy cut NOW.
I would share a gif of the daddy scene but honestly I am not brave enough for that
God Con O’Neill and his expressions are SOO good… tbh I’m also probably just biased and overanalyzing a lot of shit!!! But he’s rlly rlly good and I have seen the creators of the show and his fellow actors praise him a lot for his work as Izzy lmao so I’m probably not just going insane. He rlly put everything into every second of his screentime and I thank him for it 🙏
Why thank you I try to be comedic 😌😌
His name IS weird lmao 😂 mf literally named Hands… people call him Mr. Hands with a straight face… to be fair it’s not like they made it up for the show like Israel Hands was a legit dude! He even appears in other pirate media! But apparently for ofmd they were like no…. His name isn’t stupid enough….. we must nickname him Izzy too… that old man looks like an Izzy…….
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ty for indulging me anon lmao <33
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flamediel · 4 years
Just so you know it's ALWAYS a good time to be horny on main and sis can we talk about something?? Since you said that you think that Chris and zab are kinky mfs, mind sharing your thoughts on the subject?
Okok this is the last thing I answer before I get to my actual work obligations akdjsksjjsje I PROMISE. This is all super disjointed bc I didn't have that much time but I've had this in my inbox for a while and I I wanted to answer it for you baby so here you go. Hope its OK x
Anyway zab and Chris's kinks, as decided by moi (someone who has not slept w either of them but has a really active imagination)
Minors do not click the button
I've talked about his oral fixation before and I'll do it again, that man loves having things in his mouth
That means he wants you to sit on his face
And when it comes to eating you out he gets REALLY into it so it turns into overstim FAST
This man will sit you on his face and hold your thighs in place for hours while he makes you cum again and again
Oh, you're tired? Its too much? Crying from how sensitive you are? Too bad babe, his fingers are bruising your thighs as he holds you in place.
Hes also a boobs man which means he's always grabbing them and you know what? Zab is 100% the type of man to suck on them
And I dont just mean your nipples, I mean hed rather leave hickey on your chest than on your neck
Its less visible, so he can really take your time marking you up without having to worry about other people seeing them. By the end of the night you sucked and bitten at every inch of your skin from your collarbone to your ribs and its allll bruising.
Plus if he's nipping at your chest he can keep his hand around your neck
Bc I 100% think this man is into choking.
Its just one of those things thats subtle but still let's him exert his authority over you.
And his hands are so fucking big they wrap around your throat easily.
Size kink size kink SIZE KINK
Not necessarily w most things but, he likes being able to physically overpower his partner
But I refuse to believe this man is just a dom and I just know he's into power play
He loves when girls are willing to fight back and push his buttons the way he pushes theirs
Like, teasing him and making him sit back while you ride him, getting your own pleasure out of him.
Or dancing on him at the club until he's hard and pulling you out into the car.
Zabdiel is into domming, but he wants an equally dominant partner
Someone that will choke him back (wallahi the choking fic is coming i just refuse to write that one at work) and make him beg to have her suck him off, but who will also happily choke on his dick five minutes later.
Its partly why his favorite position is you riding him, so you can both try and set the pace before one of you inevitably succeeds in taking control
For this round at least
And so he can watch your tits bounce and your face contort as you cum all over his dick
Ok I am gonna Stop bc I really cannot be spending more time on this but uhhh yall lmk what you think
Ok time for chris my unproblematic fav
Chris is VERY different from zab in that sex w him is loud and fucking chill
This man will make jokes while he's inside you and feel zero remorse
Hes always laughing and giggling and honestly? It works for him.
Kink wise chris is fucking chill
Hes def the most experimental of all the boys, if it makes you both feel good hes down to try it
And yeah, he also v much cares about the other persons pleasure
I won't lie i don't necessarily get that vibe from all of them but Chris? Chris is gonna make sure you get off
This man is always sticking his tongue out and I have no reason to believe he doesnt know how to use it
Hes pinning you down and sticking it inside you
Zab leaves hickeys on your tits, but Chris? Chris likes to leave them all over you thighs
Hes such an ass man (yall remember that IG model he followed a while back? Yeah) so he'll take any excuse to grab that ass
Richard is def more into spanking but I still see chris doing it.
More often tho he'll just be grabbing your ass to hold you steady while he fucks you
Chris likes to hit it from the front but he's experimental af so he's usually not gonna be fucking you in a bed. He's the most likely to do it in public but even if you were home he'd rather fuck you on any other available surface
Against the door, on the counter, in the shower, you name it
Also car sex just suits him and I definitely only think so bc @cnc-oh-boi wrote a MASTERPIECE about giving him road head but I will still stand by it.
Chris is also hella loud in bed.
I dont mean grunts so much as I mean TALKING
Hes constantly telling you how hes gonna fuck you
And making you beg for it out loud
Chris wants to hear you be desperate for him
Loves to choke you and make you tell him where you want him
And to grab your neck as he shoves his dick down your throat.
He can be playful in bed, but he also very much knows how to take control, and he loves to fuck you absolutely senseless
Jashjsjshs yeah. Thats. Thats enough for today oop
Yall tell me what kinks you associate w them and what other boys you wanna see this for. I might edit this when I'm not supposed to be working lmao but for now it is unedited and kinda crappy
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
Oooooo okay okay haha I thought I read something like that somewhere but it makes more sense now,,, idk I just was listening to the song and it made me go yoongyn for multiple reasons and I thought I'd share why but also like ik were in this "hate jk" moment rn with whats he's doing but his jealousy with Yoongi,,, wow,,, especially the background jk and yn kinda have,, when the (hopefully maybe) redemption time comes for jk then only will I feel bad about his jealousy towards Yoongi cause that,,, just sucks
(also i feel like i put a lot of asks in today so if im annoying you can definitely tell me so 😅😅)
Anyways hope you have a good night!!! and I can't wait for Sundress update tomorrow,,,, stay safe, stay healthy and drink some water 😁💜
LISTEN TO ME PANINI HEAD (grabs respectfully from a safe comfortable distance) YOU COULD NEVER BOTHER ME I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS ALL NIGHT— more under the cut!
okay heres the thing about jk!!!! and also yoonyn now that i think about it — one thing that was addressed in blossom is that yoongi visited yns family home during first year . jk did not! which means that by winter break of first year (only like,,, 3 months idk how to count who knows really) , yoonyn were already in that “we’re not platonic soulmates (yet), but out of all our friends, i asked YOU to come spend xmas w my fam” stage
which really honestly means that jkyn were not like BESTIES by the time yoongi came along w his cute little face and stole her away
also, yoongi was friends with all of them, not just yn, so its not like yn ever abandoned her friends, she just brought yoongi into it and expanded the group
so it was kinda that weird friend making stage where you meet a bunch of people and vibe and maybe are close w some for a bit and then you fall into your Real Place in the group, and yns Real Place was with yoongi
so like,,, yes jk’s minor friend jealousy was warranted through the years but she never abandoned the dude, they were still close and hung out every day, so the fact that he let that friend jealousy become BOYFRIEND jealousy,,, thats rough and on him bc yn never did anything to make him doubt her feelings for him so he had nothing to be jealous about
now the boyfriend!jk era,,,,, okay yes his jealousy was kinda understandable bc like???? how do you compete with yoongi when yn will ALWAYS default to him. granted, jk was lowkey a “good friend, terrible bf” kinda guy so its not like yn just always automatically went to yoongi, she just learned over time that jk wasnt as reliable as she thought he’d be. which… is fine. acceptable. okay whatever. the point is he really shouldnt have acted on his jealousy bc he should have been able to tell his own insecurities apart from what yn was actually doing.
when yn gets yoongis name tattooed, jks already at the point where hes making snide comments and making her feel bad for hanging out w yoongi more and shit like that — bc hes jealous, which is fine. but his execution is just BAD. yns not perfect, she knows she coulda tried harder to need jk more but like,,, what does that say about jkyn as a couple — the fact that she has to TRY to need jk. and thats her platonic soulmate?? shes made it clear that thats all yoongi is so why is jk turning her amazing bday gift for yoongi into a huge fight
basically to make a long story short they never shoulda dated that was a terrible idea jkyn was MESSY and they were better as friends bc jk turned his jealousy into this Gross Act of him guilt tripping her and making it more about him and yoongi and a game of who could “win” yn over when honestly? yoongi was never playing. bc he doesnt care LMAO and bc he knows how to mcfricking communicate (re : yoonyns convo in blossom where hes drunk and sad and says his feelings HONESTLY)
so yes, we hate jk rn. hes gross. he is also Human and deserves to better himself and we will get there. but we got a while until we see that happen bc hes heinous
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