#hope mayans mc
throne-for-queens · 1 year
Me when I see psycho Isaac has my girls
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A Gentle Kind Of Love Masterlist
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Mayans MC Masterlist
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Contains: Fluff, angst, longing, pining and yearning, Angel being a shit-stirrer, Manny being dumb, cats, violence, mentions of drugs and drug addiction, shooting and death, Canche, smut. There will be more, and I'll do my best to tag chapter by chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me if I've missed something.
More than one emoji dictates how graphic it is. Smut💦 Angst😨 Fluff ❤ Violence🔪 Gore🤢 Medical/forensic💉 Triggering material🚩
You and Coco meet overseas when you are doing aid work. When you move to Santo Padre to settle down, your life changes forever when you and Manny strike up a friendship.
Part One - Oh Hello❤❤😨
Part Two - There's Gotta Be Some Butterflies Somewhere.😨❤❤
Part Three - Been Known in is Aching😨❤😨❤
Part Four - On Yearning❤😨😨
Part Five - Like Real People Do😨❤😨❤
Part Six - I Adore You😨❤💦
Epilogue - Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago❤💦❤💦
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narcolini · 2 years
when the crows come home, 4
part one / part two / part three & ao3 link
angel reyes x gn!reader, part 4 of ?, 4588 words
a/n: screams. finally get to bring in some angel pov and some spanish AND some OCs. im chomping the bit - also theres translations at the end (thankyou @yourlocalspacewitxch​ love u)!
taglist: @drabbles-mc @cositapreciosa @ashlingiswriting
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Angel didn’t mean to fall asleep here. He really didn’t mean to fall asleep here. 
He was talking, no, you were talking, he was listening, for most of the night. Until you weren’t. Until you were asleep. Well, who knows which person went first, it doesn’t matter, really. He doesn’t remember. All that matters, is that he fell asleep in your bed, still dressed, and that was never the plan. He was gonna leave, back out the window and onto his bike before it got too early to be pointless. So much for that. Instead, he fell asleep like he was already home, with your TV flickering over him instead of his own. 
It’s still on now. He’s still in his kutte too, and he fucking hates sleeping in his kutte. Shit feels like sleeping on a saddle, rigid and hot, so hot, once he starts sweating under it. 
God, he hopes you haven’t noticed the sweating. First time you’ve shared a bed and he’s damp under his shirt, behind his neck, across his fucking brow.
He stares at the ceiling above your room. You haven’t moved yet, besides the lift of your shoulders and the push of your breath over him. You don’t know that he’s awake and thinking himself into something like a nightmare.
Didn’t mean to cross that boundary, right, Angel? To fall asleep with you against him, face on his chest, patches probably leaving imprints on your cheek. Santo Padre pushed into the skin in that same blocky font. Way too fucking soon for that, yeah? Why not seal the deal and go have breakfast with the parents, too? 
So much for taking it as it comes, for letting you figure your own shit out, before stuffing himself into the middle of it all. If he’d known this would happen, he’d have rode off last night when you didn’t answer on the first dial tone. 
Fuck. He didn’t mean to leave his bike out in the open all night, either. 
He’s out of the bed faster than he should be, considering you’re sleeping still, but the bike’s there when he looks through the window and the relief of that quickly overshadows any guilt he has about waking you. Thank God, you live in a neighbourhood full of pensioners. No-ones even looked twice at his bike. The helmet’s still swinging from the handlebars. 
You’re disorientated, obviously. He’s just thrown you onto the mattress like you’re an extension of the sheets. 
‘Hey.’ He wipes his palms against his jeans and turns back to the bed. ‘I just.’ He stops. It must look like he’s trying to escape through the window, caught in the act before he can even touch the frame. ‘You good?’ he asks, hoping he looks relaxed, or as normal as someone can be in this situation. 
You nod and make a noise that’s almost readable as a yes.
That job shit really got to you. This is the longest you’ve gone without telling him something about himself, or cracking a joke that makes him so annoyed, but so glad you’re back. He misses it like you’ve gone mute.  
‘Sorry,’ he explains, though you aren’t awake enough to care, ‘I thought someone might’ve stolen my bike. Forgot your neighbours are, like, five hundred years old.’
You’re propped on your elbows, squinting at him like the sunlight’s blinding you. Your hair’s flattened on one side, your lips are dry from breathing through your mouth—yeah, that’s something he’ll use later—and honestly, you look like you haven’t been awake, or human, in a year at least. But he wants to get back in, he realises. He wants to apologise again, lie down, and put your goofy sleep-struck face back onto his chest like he’d never moved at all.
And that is a very fucking loco thing to be thinking on a Thursday morning. Looking at you, biche.
He puts his hands in his pockets and keeps his feet firmly in the same spot on the carpet. ‘Guess we fell asleep,’ he says, because that’s better than suggesting he stays and wastes the day with you.
‘Fuck,’ you mutter, before rubbing your eyes with your fingers. ‘What time is it?’
His phone’s on your bed still, under your stomach—he can see the edge of it beneath your t-shirt. When he points it out, silently, you oblige, taking it and clicking it once to read the time. 
For a second, his gut tightens, because he know’s you’re seeing it again, the photo Potter sent him. But you know about that now, to an extent. He forces a breath until his lungs deflate. The kid’s not a secret anymore. You don’t even react when you see him shining back at you. 
Annoyingly, it doesn’t feel like a relief yet. There’s still things he hasn’t told you, things that could make you react worse than ‘I have a baby’ did—though, that, you took better than he ever imagined. Freakishly well, really. It’d be weird as fuck if he wasn’t so used to you and your calculated responses. A lot has changed since you went away, but you weren’t a liar then, and you aren’t now. As far as he knows, anyway.  
‘Well, house is empty,’ you say afterwards, words still nudging into each other with sleep. ‘You're good to use the door.’ 
Like that’s what he’s worrying about. He hadn’t even got to thinking about your parents yet.
‘Alright.’ He nods, taking the phone when you hold it out for him.
Should he leave? Is that what that was? Just a polite way of saying, get out please, we made it fucking awkward, right? 
He half expects you to say it out loud, but you don’t. 
Instead, you fold back into the bed, arms collapsing under you, head pushing into the pillow he’d been using. There’s no reason for you to get up, he guesses, but that doesn’t stop him from feeling conflicted about it. He almost wants to drag you up and make you come with him, but Bish would have something to say about that. Fuck, all of them would have something to say about that. Even EZ would find some smart-ass comment to make.
‘You gonna be okay today?’ he asks, watching your face, your eyes closed already.
You murmur a yeah. Lying, clearly. 
He’s never seen someone actually look depressed while they’re falling asleep before, but you’re managing it. He can see you waiting for the bed to swallow you whole. Something about the way your shoulders are sitting, all tucked into yourself. 
He cant help himself; he has to say, ‘Text me when you’re up, alright?’ like he’s got you under 24-hour supervision. Like he has some right to know. 
Your answer is another hum, followed by, ‘Go do your job, Angel. M’not a kid.’
You aren’t. You’ve dealt with worse, without him, plenty of times before. He’s gotta remember that. He shouldn’t need prompting. 
‘Sure, biche,’ he replies, but you’re already asleep, lips parted slightly.
Letting himself out is easier than he expects it to be. Though, really, why would it be hard? House looks the same as it did when he was there to eat pizza and watch WrestleMania on the box TV in your living room. God, that was a lifetime ago now. You taped it for him, when you remembered, and he’d come round to watch it, sitting inches from the screen. Highlight of his week, every week.
That’s one thing that has changed actually, it’s a flat-screen now. Your parents have welcomed more of the 21st century into their home than Pops ever has. He’d still use the black and white set if he could. He didn’t change it ’til him and EZ pitched in for a new one. 
The front door locks as he shuts it behind him, which he’s glad of. Least you won’t get robbed while you sleep the day away. Then, he’s back into reality, down the steps from your porch and over to his bike like nothing has happened. No sleepover, no boundaries crossed. Just back to the grind, same as every day. Feels good. Feels right. He takes a breath big enough to fill his lungs before swinging his leg over.
It’s border work this time, fucking baby seats, of all things. Like he wants to spend his day carting those about, knowing he’ll never need to buy one himself. 
He sighs, back curving as he slouches into the seat. 
Gotta stop thinking like that, man. Won’t make him come home any quicker. 
‘Yo.’ He’s called EZ before even touching his helmet, or the keys in the pocket of his jeans. His brother’s groan cracks into his ear in place of a hello. ‘I wake you up?’ Angel asks, fighting the urge to hang up again. The one time he’s up before noon and every other person he talks to is dead-set on being sleeping beauty.
‘Yeah, actually.’ EZ groans again, then clears his throat until he sounds lively. ‘Thought we weren’t meeting til twelve?’
‘Sooner we start, sooner we get it over with.’ He was already thinking about the beer waiting for him afterwards. Ice cold, condensation up its neck. ‘You gonna be ready when I pull up?’
‘Fuck, no.’ EZ laughs. ‘I gotta shower and eat something first, bro. Gonna be a long fucking day.’
Wrong answer, but it’s too early to argue with him. ‘Alright,’ Angel sighs, ‘I’ll stop by Pops before I come to you.’ He pulls the keys from his pocket and turns the ignition, hoping EZ can hear it through the phone. Hurry up, it says, don’t keep me waiting, hermano. ‘Someone should probably check on him, anyway. Make sure he’s eating and shit.’ 
‘You nearby?’ 
Angel snorts; imagines himself saying, Yeah, I’m near by. Wanna hear a crazy story, bro? Guess where I slept last night.
But that’s another thing it’s way too early for, so instead he says, ‘You’re supposed to be showering, fool.’ Then he pins the phone to his shoulder and reaches for his helmet. ‘You got an hour, no más. Entiendes, carnal?’
‘Alright, relax,’ EZ complains. ‘Man, I like it way better when you’re the one oversleeping.’ 
Yeah, me the fuck too.
Heroin-stuffed baby seats. Ironic even to Angel and he barely knows what the word fucking means. Made to save kids in a car crash and they’re filling them with dope, sending them right past border control with someone playing sweet little Mommy behind the wheel. 
So dumb, but it always works. World’s funny like that. 
‘That all we’re moving?’ he asks, shining the torch over EZ. 
They’re by the tunnel’s exit still, EZ stuffing the load into the cushioning of the car seats they’d brought. Thank fuck, they got to avoid the dirty job this time, left that part to Gilly and Coco instead. He hates going through the tunnel. Shit always sticks to his hair: cobwebs, dirt. He’s the only one tall enough to brush the fucking top of it. 
‘That’s all there is,’ Gilly answers from behind.
Well, fuck.
‘Shit’s not gonna last long out there,’ he says, though it’s obvious, but someone’s gotta say it.
EZ looks up at them. ‘Neither are we if it stays like this,’ he says.
And that’s even more fucking obvious. 
‘Will you hurry up?’ Coco whines, clinging from the ladder still. He’s poking out the hole in the ground like a prairie dog. A prairie dog in his abuelita’s wig. ‘I’m fucking itchy man, this shit is clinging to me like fucking asbestos or some shit.’
EZ ducks his head again, shoving the final package into the seat.
‘It’d be quicker if you helped, asshole,’ Angel says, earning him a, fuck off, go do your part, in return.
Yeah, don’t have to tell him twice. He can’t wait to get out of this shit-hole and back into the open air.
‘Have you noticed Coco’s got cranky lately?’ EZ asks, once it’s just them again, a car seat in each set of arms. 
‘That’s what he’s always like,’ Angel answers, eyes rolling. ‘I used to live with him, remember?’
Used to make breakfast around him like he was cohabiting with a viper. So bite-y until he’d had his breakfast, or a smoke.
‘Probably forgot his morning coffee or some shit,’ he adds, though he can tell by EZ’s expression that he already doesn’t agree with him. He’s got that line between his brows like Angel’s said something stupid again. His favourite fucking expression lately. 
Angel looks away before it can piss him off. 
‘Pops didn’t get out of bed,’ he says after a minute. ‘House is a fucking mess, too. Dirty dishes everywhere.’
When he went, Pop didn’t even return his hello. Didn’t even lift his head to look at him, standing in the doorway. Somehow, it felt worse than arguing does. He’d rather that, Pops telling him how much of a constant disappointment he is, than whatever this is. Silence stings in a way he can’t shake off.
EZ sighs beside him, switching the seat to rest on his opposite arm. ‘What’re we gonna do, man?’
Angel shrugs. ‘Fucking no idea. I’m not good at fixing people, bro. That’s your job.’
‘Since when?’
‘Um,’ he shoots EZ a look, ‘since forever?’ 
Since Angel went to Chino, before he’d even turned twenty-one, since he ruined his relationship with Pop and fucked up every good thing he had going for him. Since he scared you away, right out of Santo Padre. 
‘You’re good with people, Ezekiel. Pops will listen to you eventually.’
‘Fucking hope so.’ He tuts. ‘I hate seeing him like this.’
You get used to it, Angel wants to say. That’s how it was every fucking day when EZ was in Stockton. But he knows what the answer will be. You went away too, you know. We had to deal with the same shit, Angel. Mum as well. 
So, he says nothing, and he sets his eyes on the car of the poor woman who’s gonna take this shit through the border. 
Finally, finally, he gets his God damn beer. He feels like kissing it, but he takes a sip instead. Fucking beautiful. He lets the rest of them fall into conversation, along the bar to the right of him—he took the end seat for a reason—and enjoys the quiet he’s pretending he has. Lets himself think, properly, for the first time today. 
Until he’s interrupted, that is.  
‘You depressed, homeboy?’ Coco laughs, looking down the line, past Gilly and EZ, to target him. ‘Looks like you’re gonna cry or some shit.’
‘I’m thinking. Jesus.’ Can’t have a minute to himself without a fucking interrogation. He rubs a palm over his face, then sets it on his beer again afterwards, rings clinking against the glass. ‘Was thinking if I knew of any jobs going,’ he explains, reluctantly. ‘Got a friend that needs some work.’
Gilly shrugs. ‘Always need more mules going over the border.’
‘Fuck no. Not that shit.’ The idea of it almost pisses him off. No, it does piss him off. The thought of you sitting there, drug-filled baby seats behind you. He’d rather be the one taking that risk. Him and his ‘arrest me’ looking self. So, no, not that. He takes a swig of his beer to wash the sour from his mouth. ‘Something above board,’ he says, ‘legal. Something normal people do.’
EZ laughs. ‘Do we know any normal people?’
‘Ha-ha.’ God, he’s hard to talk to sometimes. So quick, it’s annoying. ‘It’s for…’ He stops himself. Things shared at midnight, in the quiet of bedrooms, don’t usually come with a free pass to tell other people. ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he finishes, head shaking. ‘I’ll think of something.’
Then, right on cue, you message him. He knows, because his phone vibrates against his chest, jumping alive from the inside pocket of his kutte, and no-one else texts him lately. Besides EZ, and that fool’s sitting shoulder to shoulder with him.
Thanks for last night, the text reads, and, yes, I just woke up.
He smiles. Then sniffs and rubs a hand over his mouth to wipe it away again. No problem, he types back. You feel better?
He does, anyway, miles better, in fact. About the baby, about the two of you. About being useful to someone who isn’t paying him to be. 
So much, you reply. Ready to take on the world.
Shit, watch out Santo Padre. He hopes you laugh at that, lame as it is. Hopes you snort in that way you do. The typing bubble pops up again as he takes another drink. 
You staying out of trouble? you ask. 
The answer comes easily. Hell yeah, good as gold, biche.
He didn’t mean for it to be a lie, Gilly and Coco just have really, really bad timing. The moment he hits send, and looks up from your conversation, is the exact same moment that Gilly punches Coco, sending him right into the back of a uniformed soldier. Right into a group of them, even, flattening Coco and the one nearest onto the pool table behind.
Who knows what they were arguing about, who knows who was in the right, or how it went from beer-side talk, to a physical fucking fight—between men who are supposed to be brothers, he might add. Angel doesn’t know, or care, that’s for sure. What he does know, however, is that when a soldier throws a punch at one of his own, yeah, that’s when it becomes everybody’s problem.
EZ turns to him, as he reaches the same conclusion Angel has. ‘Shall we?’ he asks.
Angel swallows the last of his beer. ‘I think we fucking shall.’
And, fuck it, he’ll bring the bar stool too. 
He was getting his ass beat. Not this time, not now, but then, fucking years ago, in Chino. In the fuck-up that took his stay from twelve months to eighteen. It was a fight that lasted all of three fucking minutes and it got his sentence extended, without debate. Could have been worse, of course. Could’ve ended up dead in the yard for running his mouth, again. He hadn’t worked out how to survive in there yet, didn’t know when to joke and when to keep his mouth shut. How to make friends and who to avoid all together. Couldn’t get it right, at all, until Gabe had taught him how. 
That was the first time he’d spoken to him. Gabriel ‘Gabe’ Trujillo.
He’d got to Angel before the COs did, pulled the brawl apart like he was shucking corn. Pulled Angel right from under the guy, Boney—yeah, dumb name, that’s why it started, Angel just had to tell him that—and set them away from each other like children. Got involved before it got too bad, while Angel was still able to stand.
‘Pinshe mocoso cagadero, ‘tás tratando de que te maten?’ he barked, all up in Angel’s face.
He stood in front of him, voice hard like he’d been fighting himself, not watching it happen, and waited for an answer. Like Angel could give him one, like he could even focus on the guy. There was two of him, he remembers, their heads going in and out of each other in the blur. 
‘What?’ Angel parroted. ‘What?’ 
He was bleeding from his brow, dripping red over his eyes. His own head was spinning from the hits he’d taken. He couldn’t understand English, let alone Spanish, but that’s all Gabe ever used with him.
He didn’t look at Boney either, didn’t even address him. Just stood between the two of them, his back to the other man, chiding Angel like a kid.
‘Pues, quieres morir,’ he said, ‘es eso?’
No, Angel tried to tell him, who the fuck are you? No, he doesn’t want to die. 
But before his mouth could catch up, the COs had arrived, and then Angel was against the fence, wrists pulled together behind his back, Boney slammed into place beside him. Somehow, that was the worst part. That shit hurt the most.
Once he was let out of the Hole, Gabe had found him again. He sat down across from him, at the table Angel had been occupying, and put a pill in front of his food tray.
Angel stared at it. His face was still too bruised and swollen to bother with pulling any sort of expression in return. 
‘Aspirin,’ Gabe explained. ‘I get it on a doctor’s note. Migraines.’
Migraines? Angel looked from the pill, to Gabe, to the CO standing in the corner of the room.
‘Figured your head’s hurting more than mine right now.’
‘What?’ Angel asked, looking back to him. 
He still didn’t know the guy. He was shorter than Angel, but older. Forty vs twenty. Thicker too, working muscle with a noticeable belly, and a beard that touched his chest when he talked. 
‘Quieres que lo repita?’ He scoffed, and kept his voice hushed as he continued. ‘Tómalo antes de que vean, plebito.’
His head was pounding, so he took it. And he gagged, of course, because he’s always been fucking bad at taking pills. It sat on his tongue, refusing to go down, until Gabe sighed and passed him the drink from his tray. Like he couldn’t even do that himself.
‘Thanks,’ Angel managed, sounding ungrateful. He didn’t recognise what a lifeline it was, what it meant in the grand scheme of things. Now, Angel would go back in time and tell himself to pull it together. Gabe is giving you more than a fucking painkiller, fool.
‘Mira. Kid.’ He switched to English, thinking Angel didn’t know it well enough to keep up. ‘I’m tired of seeing you get your ass beat. They’re gonna extend your sentence for that one, y’know? Other guy’s lip was split, needed stitches.’
Angel scoffed, like that was his fault. Boney threw the first punch. ‘That’s not—’
Gabe put his palm up. ‘They don’t give a shit. Damage is done, everyone pays for it.’
That’s when Angel noticed the tattoos across Gabe’s knuckles: MAYANS MC. He remembers thinking it was goofy, branding himself like that. Then, here he is now, having covered more of his skin than Gabe has, with the very same name. You don’t get it, until you’re in it. 
‘I can’t sit and watch you ruin your life, okay?’ Gabe said. ‘Too many kids go that way.’
His brother, Angel found out. He told him that later. Apparently, he had Angel’s attitude and stubbornness, made the same mistakes over and over without learning from them. Angel didn’t know at the time, but Gabe had been keeping an eye on him since the beginning, hoping that eventually he’d wise up. The shit with Boney was his limit. Like seeing a ghost, he said. Hermanito. 
‘So, what?’ Angel asked, disbelieving. He’d never had a guy in his corner before then. ‘You gonna make me part of your crew or something?’
‘Pendejo…’ Gabe muttered. ‘You ever think before you speak?’
‘No, not really,’ he replied and, somehow, that chipped a smile across Gabe’s husky features. Sealed the deal for him. 
‘Gabriel,’ he said, putting a hand out for Angel to shake, ‘Gabe, if you’re not my mother.’
He took his palm. ‘Angel.’
Gabe laughed at that, really fucking laughed, and Angel smirked back like he was in on it. 
‘Angelito,’ he said, once he’d wound down again, ‘ah, qué chistoso. You stick with me, you might even start enjoying yourself, kid.’
Yeah, not quite. But, he’d kept him straight after then, and when he got out before Angel did, he sent him mail and called and—fuck, Angel really should ring him soon. It’s been too long. 
You’d like Gabe, really. He’s your sort of person, doesn’t talk until he has something to say. Doesn’t lie either, just gives you whatever he thinks is right, as long as it’ll serve a purpose. If he wasn’t in Oakland, Angel would introduce you to him before anyone else, before anyone in Santo Padre leathers at all. Hell, he’d take you to fucking dinner at his house. Gabe’s approval almost means more to him than Pop’s does. 
But that’ll never happen. You won’t even get close. 
Bishop is in a bad fucking mood. Obviously, news of the fight at the bar hadn’t gone down well and they’d been scolded for it, in front of the whole damn club. Never gets any easier. He never gets any leeway either, no matter how high he goes. Angel’s made it to secretary now and still, when you’ve fucked up, you’ve fucked up. Bish has no problem reminding him, or anyone, of that. 
But, he gets it. He gets it. Scrapping with military men in public does nothing for the club’s rep, but, man, shit happens sometimes. Bishop would’ve acted the same damn way if he was there.
Angel’s outside now, smoking on the clubhouse steps like the cigarette might drag all the shitty feelings out of him, pull it right up from his stomach, into his lungs, off into the fucking air with the smoke. It isn’t working yet. Maybe on the next drag.
‘Hey,’ Bish appears behind him, halfway out the door, ‘I’ve changed my mind. I want bodies tonight.’
Angel nods.
‘Be back here at midnight.’ He holds his gaze. ‘No more fucking about, Angel.’
‘Yeah, got it.’ Loud and clear. ‘Midnight,’ he agrees and then el presidente disappears again.
Fucking attitude. 
Sometimes, he misses Oakland. He even misses Marcus, of all people. The guy had the leash so tight, Angel never got in trouble in the first place, never got scolded for things, because he never stepped out of line. He didn’t know he could miss that until recently.
Marcus you wouldn’t like, he thinks, or maybe you would. He can’t tell. Maybe you’d like him for what he’d done, him and Gabe both. They’d moulded Angel into something worthwhile, after all. Someone worth coming back to.
A whining engine catches his attention, Chucky’s dumb little vespa pulling into the lot in front of him. There’s a box balanced on the back of it, tied down with a fraying bit of string. Knowing Chucky, it’s something edible, in way too big of a quantity, that absolutely nobody has asked for. Donuts, or some shit. He’s always playing housewife when he has actual yard work to be doing. 
Ah, now, that’s an idea.
‘Hey, Chuck?’ He finishes his cigarette, snuffing it beneath his boot before taking the steps onto the gravel. ‘You got a minute?’
Chucky beams, nodding quickly as he kicks the stand down. The unclipped straps of his helmet bounce by his chin. ‘For you, Angel? Always, brother.’
He smiles back and tries to make it look genuine. Chucky has a real talented way of making things sound fucking weird.
‘You ever feel like you need an extra pair of hands around here?’ He winces as soon as he asks it, Chuck’s wooden fingers already up and wiggling between them. ‘Sorry, you know,’ he sighs, ‘you get what I’m saying.’
‘Sure,’ Chucky agrees, nodding again. 
It’s a twitch, it must be. His nerves are rattling out through his skull. 
Angel carries on despite it. ‘We got room to take on someone else?’
‘I think so,’ Chucky replies. ‘Who d’you have in mind?’
part five >>>>
‘Pinshe mocoso cagadero, ‘tás tratando de que te maten?’ = Fucking little shithead/kid/brat, are you trying to get yourself killed?
'Pues, quieres morir, es eso?’ = Well, you want to die, is that it?
‘Quieres que lo repita? Tómalo antes de que vean, plebito.’ = You want me to repeat it? Take it before they see, dumbo.
qué chistoso = how amusing/silly
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
Camille Smith & EZ Reyes for @darklydeliciousdesires
I hope you like it!
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angelicdevil24 · 11 months
Mayans Spoilers
Angel and Ez never found out Miguel was their brother
Miguel never found out the real reason why his mother died
Emily never found out why Miguel tried to kill her
Angel never found out Luisa was killed
They killed off a pregnant woman
Letty hates MCs but joined one apparently?
Everyone else in the club presumably died
I’m probably missing a lot more things but my brain feels liquified after watching this
I should’ve never given this show a second chance after they killed Coco
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
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Danny Pino on set of Mayans MC season 5 today, this is highly likely their last week of filming before wrapping up the show. Sarah Bolger, Clayton Cardenas and JD Pardo were on set as well.
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zaenight · 9 months
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dreamlover31 · 1 year
So after last night's episode of Mayans...I have but this to say
I wished that 200 pound SOA crushed EZ's skull... would have saved us all a lot of trouble like I have never wanted to see a character dead more than EZ Reyes and the fact that his brother Angel is the only voice of reason out of all of them tells you that these assholes are hopeless and will die a painful and excruciating death
Oh and if EZ ends up killing Angel I will be so pissed but not surprised, and fuck Sophia for ratting him out...her and EZ deserve each other so as much as I am looking forward to EZ taking a dirt nap I wouldn't mind her taking one neither
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opiewnston · 1 year
woke up with the thought that angel reyes must really have hated his brother to let ez go to prison without arranging some form of protection for him.
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Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago
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The epilogue of A Gentle Kind of Love
Contains: Fluff, smut (oral sex F receiving, fingering, P in V,) discussions of pregnancy.
5.8K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #a gentle kind of love.
“Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy,” Wren said. “It’s the noblest, like, the most courageous thing two people can shoot for.” ― Rainbow Rowell.
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Manny's hands were too bruised and swollen to take his bike home so you waved him into the passenger seat of your car and drove off, "you really didn't need to do that, I've heard far worse before."
Manny huffed, "yes, I did. Canche doesn't get to say what he wants because of his hook ups. I didn't mean to scare you."
You shook your head, "I wasn't scared, I just don't want you to get hurt."
Manny smiled and reached over to place his hand on your thigh, "I'm not going to get hurt."
You smiled, "I love you Manny, so much and I think it's very sweet that you want to defend my honour."
Manny chuckled, "you're my girl, I got to make sure everyone knows that."
You thought for a moment before responding, "move in with me. Your lease is up in two months and I own my place outright. The cats won't ever feel like you've abandoned them and we don't have to go back and forth.."
Manny squeezed your leg to quiet you, "there's no need to sell it, I'll call the guys to help me pack my stuff tomorrow."
You snorted, "that's if you're not on probation in the morning."
Manny sucked on his tongue, "nah, old ladies are off limits, anyone would have done the same thing."
You nodded, relaxing as you pulled into your driveway "are you sure? I would never forgive myself if you got into trouble over me."
He leaned across the car and kissed your soft, "I'm sure."
You brushed your hand over his cheek and bumped his nose with yours, "we better go inside, I really need to look at your hands."
Manny chuckled, "lead the way gorgeous."
You got him inside and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit before stopping by the freezer and grabbing some ice packs. Manny sat down with a sigh as you started to clean his hands, "I don't think anything is broken but you're going to need to give your hands a rest for a few days. I'll take you to and from work until the swelling goes down."
Manny smiled, "I am one lucky man, you know that."
You felt your chest get warm, "I'm the one who's lucky, I never thought I'd find someone as wonderful as you."
Manny pulled his hand from yours and reached up to cup your cheek, "then I guess we're both lucky and I know moving in so soon might seem really fast but I don't think there's anyone else I'd rather be with."
It hit you that it was a bit fast, "maybe we should talk about things before we take that step, what if we have fundamental differences. I mean, do you want kids? Are you an organ donor? How do you feel about…"
Manny cut you off with a kiss, "yes to both. Is that alright with you?"
You smiled, "yes, yes, that's alright with me. I'm sorry."
He chuckled, "it's alright, this is new to me too but we'll work it out."
You pulled back and returned to cleaning his hands, "I love you so much."
The smile on Manny's face was gentle and filled with affection, "I love you too."
You finished his hands and Manny regarded you, "what?"
You smiled and he pulled you into his arms, pressing his face into your hair, "do you want to get married?"
You blinked, you thought you had heard him right, "pardon?"
You felt him inhale, "do you want to get married. There's no one else I can see myself spending my life you, you are the cats and however many children you want to give me feels about as close to a happy ever after a man can ask for. I know it's really sudden and you can take some time…"
You cut him off with a kiss, "yes, yes I'll marry you. But I want a proper wedding, the big white dress, the stupid cake that doesn't taste like anything, the whole nine."
Manny chuckled, "you can have whatever you want, what about a ring?"
You thought for a moment, "I've done enough aid work to know the damage that gemstones can do, I am however, very partial to lab grown sapphires, the bonus is that if you get the gem and design the ring yourself, it's like a third of the price of buy it at the jeweller."
Manny chuckled, "alright, I'm sure someone knows a guy. Hell, Angel's probably going to shove a catalogue in my face when I get there in the morning."
You sighed, "do you want to tell them tomorrow?"
Manny smiled, "I mean, why not. We wouldn't be the first spur of the moment wedding."
You kissed him softly, "no, we wouldn't. I can't believe we're getting married. I have to go dress shopping."
Manny smiled, "take Hope and Lettie, hell Coco and Angel will go along too."
You giggled, "why don't we invite the whole crew and have a say yes to the dress SP addition. I'm sure Marcus will tag along."
Manny grinned, "I love you."
You smiled back, "I love you too."
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You dropped Manny off the next day, Manny taking your hand and walking you inside. Angel greeted you with a smile but Bishop was more serious, "what's going on?" 
Bishop managed a smile, "it looks like we'll be heading to Arizona, last night a brick went through the window of the Yuma Clubhouse with a note attached. I was hoping Manny would bring you by so you could tell me your professional opinion." 
He pulled out his phone and showed you the photo, the note was pretty clear.
"Poison begets poison." 
"Thoughts?" Bishop didn't sound worried, he sounded pissed. 
"My guess is that it is what it says. Someone is planning to poison Yuma, I imagine with Fentanyl. The use of language is telling, the person is either well read or trying to be dramatic. The handwriting reflects that, it's simple but cursive so you're looking at someone who learned it in school and the brick through the window is pretty old fashioned. If I was the one doing it, I'd booby trap a car, create a contraption that slips the power everywhere when someone opens the car hood." 
Bishop nodded, "thank you y/n, now I know you have things to do so why are you stopping by?" 
You smiled, "Manny and I are getting married." 
Angel hopped up from the chair and raced over, "did I hear that right, you're getting married?" 
Manny grinned, "yep, we talked about it last night. We're having a proper wedding so it will be next year but when you know you know." 
Angel all but jumped up and down, "fuck yeah. I am the best match maker ever. I stand by what I said, you better name your first kid after me." 
You rolled your eyes, "if you shut up I'll think about it." 
Coco walked in from outside and looked at the scene, "what?" 
Before you could answer, Angel did it for you, "these two are getting married, just like that." He turned back to you, "when are you getting the dress?" 
You shook your head, "I'm going to get an appointment which brings me to my next point. I'd really like it if you guys could come along." 
Coco smiled and wrapped his arms around you, "hell fucking yeah, you want Hope and Lettie there?" 
You nodded, "of course. And I need someone to walk me down the aisle, so do you want to?" 
Coco hugged you again, "fuck yeah. Come on, we have planning to do, I'll get Chucky to help." 
You sighed as he pulled you away, "there goes my plans for the day." 
Manny pecked you before Coco dragged you to the office, "have fun." 
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Knock Knock
You, Coco and Chucky were looking over invite templates when Riz knocked on the door, "come in." 
He opened the door with a smile, "Angel told me the good news, congratulations." 
You smiled and got up to hug him, "how many people has Angel told?" 
Riz smiled, "the moment he told me and Creep, he left to call Marcus, he also told Taza to start looking for a venue, I'm pretty sure he's appointed himself as the wedding planner. I was coming to ask you about your dress." 
You sighed, "of course he has. I've got an appointment at the dress shop next month why?" 
Riz shrugged, "I was hoping I could come, I've really love all those sappy shows." 
You nodded, "of course you can come. I need as much help as I'm going to get." 
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The week had been a rush, turns out bikers were far more into weddings than you had thought. Between the guys helping Manny move and Manny looking for a place to make a ring and work, you felt like you didn't get a second to stop.
When the weekend rolled along and it was time to leave for Yuma you could sense something was coming. Manny came up behind you while you were feeding the cats and wrapped his arms around your body before resting his head on your shoulder, "you don't have to say yes but can you come with us this weekend? It would be good to have you there."
You sighed, "sure, I think I should be there to stop you from killing Canche anyway. Did anything come of that?"
Manny shook his head, "nah, he would have had to explain why I hit him in the first place."
You spun and kissed him, "I bet it will be strange to be back there?"
Manny nodded, "yeah, it ain't the most enjoyable place to be, but I have you and that's good enough for me."
You smiled and kissed him again, "you are such a dreamboat. What's next, you're going to show up on a white horse and whisp me away?"
Manny smiled, "if that's what you want, I'll have to learn to ride a horse but I'll do it."
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You understood what Manny meant when you arrived at the Yuma compound, it just felt gross. Marcus was there, smiling from ear to ear when he saw you had accompanied Santo Padre. He gave you a hug, crushing your ribs with an embrace, "Angel told me the good news, when's the wedding?"
You smiled, "ten months, we're still planning the big bits but we're getting there."
Manny walked up to you and threw his arm over your shoulder, accepting Marcus' congratulations with a warm smile before walking off to deal with Canche, "you doing good?"
He nodded, "yeah, I want to head somewhere later today, Coco said he's keep you company."
You smiled, "of course, is everything ok?"
He nodded, "yeah, I wanted to stop by and see my sister." He sounded so sad.
"That's fine with me, please take as long as you need. I'll be here waiting for you."
He dropped his forehead onto yours and kissed you softly, "thank you."
Manny detached for you with a kiss, and you waved goodbye as he left and you went to sit with Coco, "you good?"
You nodded, "I'm great, everything is great. How did Templo go?"
Coco shrugged, "if there's one more bad cut Yuma is done, the vote went through without much protest, if we're lucky, this is the end of it."
You sighed, "and this threat?"
He gave you an unreadable look, "we'll see."
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Manny brought the flower to his face, the little white Heliotrope filling his nose with a gentle scent. He walked up to Clara's gravestone and brushed away the dirt before placing the flowers in the little holder and kneeling down, resting his hand on the cold rock.
"I've meant someone CC and she's so wonderful, you would have loved her. I think, I know, she would have loved you too. We're getting married soon." He stopped, his emotions clogging his throat, "I just wanted to tell you the good news, because I know you would you'd want to be there if you could."
A gentle breeze blew in his face and he swore he could smell her bubblegum shampoo, he knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him but he couldn't help but feel it was his sitter letting him know she was happy for him. He left feeling lighter, the breeze brushing by him one last time as he walked through the gate.
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There was something different about Manny when he returned, he sat next to you, Coco Angel and grabbed your hand, "how was your trip?"
He smiled, "it was good, I know she's not really there but it felt good to talk to her again."
The others were lost in their own conversation as you spoke, "I don't know much about that kind of thing but I think she was listening , even it it was just the part of her that you carry."
Manny reached up and brushed your cheek, "I love you so much."
You smiled, "I love you too."
Marcus watched from afar, knowing that something was happening, he allowed a few moments for calm to come over to walk over to you, "I never got the chance to talk about your wedding before I was called away, it's very exciting."
You smiled, "it is, I know is really soon but.."
Marcus waved his hand, "when you know you know. I would have married Izzy the second she said hello to me but I think she would have called me an idiot."
You giggled, "well, you're both invited so I hope you can come."
Marcus smiled, "of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm very happy for you both."
He offered Manny a hug, "thank you Pardrino."
The conversation between Angel and Coco must have wound down because Angel was butting in, "are we talking weddings? I'm trying to convince them to have it in the national park but y/n is worried about bothering people on public land. I think it would be nice, with all the trees and all."
You sighed, "you know Taza is taking care of it, there's a lovely portion of tribal land that he thinks we'll be able to book."
Angel nodded, "you got an officiant?"
Marcus smiled, "why don't you do it Angel, you can get the licence online, it's the least they can do after everything you've done to get them here."
You blinked and Manny laughed, "I like it, I mean, why not."
You sighed, "alright, but nothing dirty, there'll be kid there."
Angel smiled, "I wouldn't dream of it, it's going to be the best wedding ever."
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The night wore on and you felt yourself grow tried, Manny hadn't left your side and you tapped him to bring his attention away from the story Hank was telling about the time he found a snake in his bedroll, "yes Mi Amor?"
You smiled, "I'm going to take a few minutes outside, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed."
Manny nodded, "you want me to come?"
You shook your head, "nah, I'm not going to leave the compound."
You headed out and made a beeline for a quiet section of the lot, sitting down on a mild crate and taking a deep breath. Your peace was interrupted when Canche approached you, "what the fuck do you want?"
He raised his hands, his face still bruised, "Marcus has brought to my attention that I've treated you unfairly and I just wanted to apologise."
You snorted, "you want me to thank you, expect an apology for a man that crawled up the ass of a baby raper?" You shook your head, "fuck off man, I have nothing to say to you."
He inhaled, "I'm not expecting you to forgive me, but you're an old lady now and you have to do things for the greater good."
You were ready to rip his intestines out but a figure in a hoody walking towards you at speed pull your attention away, "you know that guy?"
Canche turned around and you saw the shotgun, you moved without thinking and threw Canche to the ground as the shot rang out. Everything moved in slow motion as you stood up, the world coming back into focus with a rush of sound and violence as people came running and a shotgun was levelled at your chest, "move, I don't want to you hurt."
You stayed stuck to the spot, "no, if you want to kill this man you'll have to shoot me too."
There was pain, not anger on the man's face and you shook your head violently as the others arrived with their guns drawn, a look to your side revealed a terrified Manny, his face a mix of rage and fear, "are you here because of the drugs?"
The shotgun lowered slightly, "he's the reason my baby boy is dead, him and his dirty drugs. He deserves to die."
You nodded, "I know, had I had the time to think I would have let you shoot him. But we're here now and it's not that I don't agree with you, it's that I can tell you are suffering and this, what you're about to do won't bring your child back. He has a little boy of his own, we might think he deserves everything he gets but I'm sure you know this, a little boy's first hero is his father. You don't want his son to lose that."
The man looked around, "I came here to end things."
You lowered your hands slowly, "I know, but then these men will kill you and then what happens to the people you leave behind?"
He huffed, "I don't have anyone, Shaun was all I had and now he's gone."
You stepped closer and the gun went up a fraction, "if you die, your son, Shuan, dies with you. There will be no one to keep his memory alive. If you leave here now, I swear nothing will happen to you. No one is going to come after you and Shaun's memory won't be sullied by more pain."
He took in a shaky breath and dropped the shotgun, falling to his knees with his face in his hands, "I miss him so much."
You knelt by him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I can't even imagine what you're going through." You pointed towards Coco, "my friend is going to make sure you leave here safe. Don't come back, I won't be able to save your life a second time."
The moment there was calm, Manny ran up to you and pulled you into his arms, looking over your face with worry, "don't you ever do anything like that again, do you understand me?"
You nodded, "I understand, can we go back inside?" Manny took your hand and you walked back into the Clubhouse, accepting the water that Angel handed you.
"You good?" He kept looking behind you.
"I'm fine, I just want to go back home."
Angel gave you a soft smile, "yeah, we all do."
Someone clearing their throat behind you had you turning around, it was Canche, "what the fuck do you want?"
He swallowed, "you saved my life."
You let out a cynical laugh, "yeah well, it's not like I did it for you. I saw that man's face before he pulled the trigger, he would have regretted it. You are a stain, a pathetic waste of air and if you don't get out of my face, I'm going to shoot you myself."
He walked away, shaking his head and Manny's hand on your back brought your racing heart back down, "you wanna go back to the hotel?"
You nodded, "please."
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You could tell that something was wrong the moment to hotel door closed, Manny's eyes filled with emotion as he stared at you, "what the fuck were you thinking, stepping in front of a gun for that piece of shit, if anything had happened…"
His breath caught and you stepped closer to him, cupping his cheek while you ran your thumb over his skin, "nothing was going to happen to me Manny, he wasn't going to be able to pull that trigger and before you say that there's no way I could have known that, this isn't the first time I've had to deal with a parent in that kind of pain."
He blinked away a tear and leaned down to kiss you, "I can't lose you."
In a flash, his fear turned to desperation he and was ripping your clothes off and all but tossing you in the bed. You reached out and pushed his kutte off his shoulders, Manny's lips never leaving yours as you both got naked as fast as you could. You shuffled up and bed and Manny hovered over you, his face filled with love as he rolled you onto your side and threw your leg over his hip.
His hand moved between your legs in a flurry and his fingers slid inside you as his thumb landed on your clit. You moaned into his mouth and Manny's teeth sunk into your lower lip. He pressed his fingertips into your G-spot, his thumb moving faster on your clit, when you were ready enough to take him, he yanked his hand away and used your wetness to slick up his cock, then with a soft please from you, he repositioned his hips and slid inside you slowly.
He let out a grunt and rocked his hips, his hand on your thigh holding you close as you matched his pace. "I love you so much." His tone was almost pained as his hips picked up speed.
He brushed your G-spot as you returned his affection, "I love you too."
He kissed you softly, pulling back just enough to breathe, "tell me you're mine."
His hand moved down to stroke your clit and you gasped, "I'm yours, please I'm yours."
He kissed you again, his lips firmed, "tell me again and I'll let you cum."
His fingers sped up in time with his hips and he brushed your G-spot with each thrust, "I'm yours."
In a flash, he was rolling on top of you and ramming himself inside you with a grunt. You wrapped your legs around his body and pulled him close, burying your face in his neck as he rolled his hip, placing his finger back on your clit while pressing soft kisses to any body part he could reach.
The peak came hard and fast, Manny moaning as you clenched around him, he followed you into bliss soon after, his lips pressing to yours as his hips slowed.
He rolled off you with one last kiss and caught his breath, "you good?"
You sighed, "I'm great. I love you."
Manny grinned, "I love you too, let me clean you up yeah, then we'll order room service."
You looked over the menu while we waited for Manny to return, a smile on his face as he cleaned you up and threw the damp towel in a pile, "anything look good?"
You nodded, "yep Tostones, I could eat my weight in them."
Manny shook his head, "Tostones is it then." You ordered while Manny held you, a soft smile on his face as he ran his hands over your body.
His hand slowly made it's way to your lower stomach, his fingers moving in a gentle brush, "how many kids do you want?"
You shrugged, "more than one, less than four. How many do you want?"
Manny kissed your temple, "however many you'll give me."
You sighed, "marriage first, then a baby."
He smiled softly, "I'm going to buy the lot behind you house."
You blinked, "why?"
His hand moved to squeeze your hip, "because we need a nice place to live so I was thinking we expand the home we already have and that way, you don't need to move and you can have a huge garden. I was even thinking the cats could have a little outside catio so they can spend time outside without risking them getting away and hurting birds."
You smiled, "I think that's great."
Manny kissed your temple, "so that's settled, I buy the lot, we get married and then I give you a baby or two."
You pecked his cheek, "that sounds great."
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Ten Months Later
"You ready?" Coco came up behind you and did the last button of your dress, a simple flowy, lace dress, the skirt with only a little fullness and the sleeves sheer and coming to your mid upper arm, Riz had called it bohemian and went on about how it was the best style on the market right now.
You spun and gave him a smile, "yes, yes I'm so ready."
Coco stuck out his arm and Penelope ran outside to signal the music to start, the soft sound of the piano coming through the small white tent you were getting ready in. You began to walk, catching sight of Manny as you got closer to the top of the aisle. When he saw you, his eyes filled with tears, a huge smile coming over his face as you stood next to him.
"Hi." You reached up a wiped a tear from his cheek.
"Hey Mi Amor, you look really pretty."
You giggled, "everyone helped."
Beside you, Angel cleared his troat, "can we get to this? Al this mush is going to make me cry and I don't think that's professional."
You snorted, "you got your licence online, I'm pretty sure we might not even be legally married after this."
Angel ignored you, "dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of two people, y/n and Emmanuel Ramírez. Are you here of your own free will, with no influence for other?"
You couldn't say yes fast enough, "I'm told you have your own vows?"
You took a deep breath and started first, "I'm normally really good with words but I sat down to write this and had no idea how to put my feelings onto the page. I love you and I have from the moment I laid my eyes on you and while it took a little while for me to say it," the crowd gave a laugh, "I promise that you will always now I love you and cherish you, support and encourage you, I will be there through every storm and every day of sunshine."
Manny had tears running down his face and a quick glance at the crowd showed you that others were in a similar state, Angel wiped his face and sniffed, "holy shit dude, that was deep."
You giggled and Manny started, "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wake up every day grateful that you are the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see before I go to bed. I will spend every day of the rest of our lives telling you how much and in all the ways that I love you. I will make sure you always feel safe, and warm and loved."
You both turned to Angel how took a deep breath, "if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace. If any one says anything I will shoot you myself." He looked around, "no? Alright, do you y/n take Emmanuel Ramírez be your."
You cut him off, "yes."
Angel huffed "and do you."
Manny didn't even let him get that far, "yes."
Angel sighed and shook his head, "by the power invested in me by the state of Califonia and a shady internet website, I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now.."
You wrapped your arms around Manny and he kissed you before Angel could finish, and he threw his hands up in the air, "I give up." The crowd erupted in cheers as Manny deepened the kiss, dipping you like a prince in a fairy tale.
You pulled away and Manny smiled at you, pecking you one last time before letting you up, "I love you."
You smiled back, "I love you too."
Angel gave a loud clap, "time to party."
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Manny had his hand in yours as the speeches started. Angel went first, stepping up to the platform with a smile, he had a pile of papers with him that had you worried and he banged them on the wood before tapping the mic, "all I wanted to say was that I was right." Everyone burst out in laughter and Coco slapped his arm as they swapped places.
Coco took a deep breath before he started, "when y/n and Manny met, I knew something was there, I had never seen y/n smile so wide and I had never heard Manny stutter when he was talking about a woman until her. I can go on and on about how happy I am for them and that I know that they have a long and happy life ahead of them but we all already know that. So all I'm going to say is that I love you both and I'm happy you found each other because you both deserve happiness."
Bishop went next, his face a mix of joy and satisfaction, "getting here has aged in twenty years, if I had a dollar for every time I had to tell one of my brothers to shut up about these two getting together, I would be rich. But we're here now and there's nothing better than being with someone you love. Let's hope it's doesn't take them as long to have a baby because I want a niece or nephew and I can't take the fuckers I'm in charge of bitching about how they haven't made any cute babies yet."
Marcus went last, his speech full of kind sentiments, love for his wife and affection for you and Manny. After he stepped down, Angel clinked his glass and gained everyone's attention, "alright everyone, now to the main reason we're all here. Let's eat."
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You walked into your newly renovated home and said hello to the cats before walking to the bedroom hand in hand with Manny. You stood in the middle of the room and Manny took your hands, looking you up and down with a soft smile on his face, "hello wife."
You smiled back, "hello husband, will you help me out of my dress?"
His smile turned into a grin, "hell yeah."
You spun and he unbuttoned the dress, letting it fall to the floor and pool at your feet. You spun back around and Manny looked you over again before leaning down and kissing you softly, "shall we ring in the rest of our lives?"
He bit his lower lip, "hell yeah." He took your face in his hands, bumping your nose with his then kissed you as you sat back on the end of the bed. He raised a single finger to brush the strap of your bra off your shoulders, "I love this set, the white suits you."
You shook your head, "thank you, I picked something I knew you would like."
He smirked, "you picked well." He ran his fingers over the delicate lace flowers, "fuck, I am a lucky man."
You reached up and removed his kutte, Manny's hands going to the buttons of his shirt while his eyes raked over your skin, you went to reach back to unlatch your bra but he stopped you, "let me do that Mi Amor." He knelt on the bed and reached behind you, pressing his lips to your shoulder as the item came free.
You pushed yourself up the bed and Manny caught your panties on the way up, pulling them down your legs and pressing his lips to your claves as he made his way up your body. He kissed your knee, one then swapping to the other before repeating the pattern all the way up to your core.
He kissed the crease of your thigh then lifted your legs over his shoulders, he looked up at you, smiling softy before diving in like a man starved. You placed your hands on his head and stroked his scalp, Manny moaning as your nails gently scratched his skin.
He removed one hand from your leg and used two fingers to circle your entrance before sliding them inside you and pressing his fingertips to your G-spot. He pulled you closer, his lips wrapping around your clit as he moaned against your skin.
You bucked your hips as you got closer and Manny made no move to stop you, his fingers picking up speed and he doubled his efforts with his tongue. You didn't have the chance to warn him before you were arching off the bed and squeezing his fingers for dear life. He chuckled and pulled away, wiping his face with the back of his hand, "that was easy."
You rolled your eyes and tapped him with your foot, "you're smug." You sat up and ran your hands down his body to his cock, wrapping your hand around him and stroking him slowly, "you turn?"
He shook his head, "nah, we have all out lives for you to suck my dick." You laid back down and Manny went with you, holding himself up on his elbows as you reached up and pulled him closer, Manny's lips finding yours as you wrapped your legs around his body.
He kissed the tip of your nose and you giggled then he was reaching down and taking his cock in his hands before rubbing it up and down your slit. You gasped as he pushed inside you, your nails biting into his shoulders as he bottomed out. He rocked his hips slowly while he buried his face in your neck, the hand that was on his cock moving to rub your clit as his hips picked up speed.
He kissed his way from your neck to your face, his lips landing on yours. You pulled him closer and rocked your hips, matching his speed as he pushed your closer to the edge, "Manny please."
He kissed you, his nose brushing yours as he hit his stride, "you don't need to beg me for anything Tesoro." His fingers sped up and he pushed you over the edge as you whimpered into his mouth. He smiled against your lips as he followed you, grunting like an animal while his hand moved from your clit to grip your hip.
His hips slowed and he pulled away, rolling over and taking you with him. You rested your head on his chest and Manny reached up to stroke your cheek, "I love you."
You turned your head and kissed his palm, "I love you too. When do you want to open all out wedding presents?"
Manny chuckled, "why don't we open them tomorrow before we head off on our honeymoon?"
You sighed, "that sounds great."
He placed his hand on your cheek and turned your face towards his, "I love you, more than anything."
You kissed him softly, "I love you too."
The End
Song inspo for the title is Hozier - Would That I
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missymoe07 · 1 year
Why?! Nooooooooooooooo 😭😭😭 Of all the Mayans MC shit I've seen on Tumblr how did I not see that! It was worse than Coco! At least I knew that was going to happen. I had time to accept it. But this?! Why do I do this to myself?
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nevalizona · 2 years
I am biased, I will admit that, my most favorite show in the world is an mc show sksksks BUT I would have loved to see what m3 would do with that. The Lincoln outfit. Makes me wish we got a side thingy where he either "joined" an mc or helped one out. Imagine getting to unlock a motorcycle this way?!?!?!?!? It would have been so much fun😭😭😭😭 I wonder what the missions would be. I suppose it could be a territory thing for one. Some sort of merch run whether that be guns or drugs. Something could happen there. There's a lot of things they could have had Lincoln do. Especially if they have those missions set after the game as a way to still do something. I'm not saying the mc would have to be super in depth but meeting some characters would be fun! Especially since that would fit in with Lincoln’s whole mission of trying to find a family. Not saying it's perfect or would make sense for him to get *that* close to them, but at least having the option for him, if that's what he wanted would have been real cool. We could have met the president or even the vp. Ahhhh it would have been so much fun. But once again to reiterate, I understand I'm biased since I find mcs interesting, maybe it wouldn't have been fun to most people but idk.
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burningtacozombie · 11 months
I keep wondering how Miguel would have reacted if they hadn't retconned Felipe knowing about him all along and kept it that he only found out for sure at the end of season 2. Would he still have been angry at him or would he be prepared to listen to him? I know it might not happen but I really want some perspective on why Miguel is also behaving this way because I'm struggling to understand him this season compared to previous ones.
I have been wrecking my brain trying to figure out why they retconned Miguel and Felipe the way they did but the only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that they just really wanted that cute as hell picture of Danny on the show no matter what it took, which I appreciate haha but storywise it makes no sense whatsoever. last season I went on and on about how happy I was they never did a 180 on Miguel like they did with everyone else and always kept him true to his story and to what we've always known him to be. we all wanted them to address the paternity issue so bad but then they come back and do this. frankly, it's been disappointing.
but to answer your question: had they stayed true to season 2, yes absolutely, Miguel would still be furious but for an entirely different reason. the Reyes will always be responsible for his mother's death. whether or not Dita wanted to die. whether or not she deserved it for what she did to them to begin with. they're the ones responsible, and you can't take that back. now he is more angry about the fact that Felipe didn't seem to care about his oldest son than about his mother's death.
I'm bitter we never got to see the full conversation in the butchershop because we don't know how much of everything Felipe even told him but assuming he told everything, maybe Miguel would even have tried to understand his mother's role in all of this. but now I'm not even sure what he's trying to do or to achieve because first he doesn't want anything to do with Felipe but then he goes to his house and gives the whole I don't forgive you speech and he did it with such a smile that clearly showed Miguel said all of this to intentionally hurt Felipe. and it worked.
I mean sure, if they hadn't retconned everything it would still have been 3 or so years of Felipe knowing while Miguel didn't but there wouldn't be a reason for Miguel to be angry about Felipe not caring about his childhood because Felipe simply did not know. they could have tried to work through the mess together and I think Miguel might have been open to this. all he ever wanted was answers, and however unlikely a father-son relationship would be, Felipe clearly has them. but now Miguel is too angry to even listen, and given I still think Felipe is going to die Miguel might end up with more regret than all this anger is worth.
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imagineredwood · 1 month
HC request!! Angel trying to impress reader who works with Felipe at the butchers?
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He just walks in one day and sees you behind the counter for the first time
He's surprised
Pops never mentioned anything about a new hire
But they also don't discuss the business all that often
He just stares at you for a second, thinking how beautiful you are and how bright your smile is
"Hi, welcome in."
He returns your smile, eyes still on you even as Felipe comes out of the back having heard the chime of the door
"Oh, he's not a customer, this is my son. My oldest."
You nod and Angel hopes that whatever his dad has told you about him, that it's at least half positive
Your smile stays and so does his
"Angel. Nice to meet you."
Felipe watches his son, knowing that smile
He lets you introduce yourself, the two of you making small talk before a real customer enters and you break off the conversation to attend to them
It's that night while the two of them and EZ are eating dinner at Felipe's that Angel brings you up
"So, why didn't you tell us you got a new hire?"
Felipe shrugs, a soft chuckle leaving his lips
"You never asked. She came in looking for work a few days ago, said she wanted something a little slower-paced. She's a sweet girl, and I could use the extra set of hands. And the company."
EZ and Angel nod, being able to understand that much
It's only two days later that Angel pops up again, Felipe shaking his head as he watches Angel make a show of parking his bike right out front
Rolling his shoulders, slowly taking off his helmet
Waving and winking at you through the glass
Felipe doesn't miss your small smile nor how you try to hide it by looking back down at the chicken breast that your slicing
Angel seizes every opportunity to see you after that
Getting EZ to teach him some interesting facts so he can show off
Reading up on your favorite topics or hobbies so he can have a conversation with you about them
Jumping at the opportunity to fix things in the shop when they break
Doesn't miss the chance to take his shirt off to do it either
Definitely offers to drive you home after work every day
Will make quick detours for coffee or ice cream if you let him
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Angel taglist 
@maciiiofficial @abby-splace @redpoodlern @justazzie @myakai13 @fanfictiontrash9 @whitetxilwxlf @kikijackson-blog
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name  @blessedboo  @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @myakai13 @cruzwalters  @po3ticb3auty  @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @kaykaysuh @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous  @lovelytricia @carma-fanficaddict
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band--psycho · 1 year
Harvey Specter x Reader- Just A Brief Moment With Each Other
For the amazing @wild-rose-35 who requested the prompt working on Valentine’s Day
I hope you all enjoy this!💛
Harvey was in a foul mood. 
He was hoping this case would be nice and easy and that he’d be able to spend the evening with Y/n.
But Harvey soon found out that the case was going to be a lot harder to win than he originally thought and now here he was on Valentine’s Day stuck in his office instead of where he should have been, at a nice Italian restaurant with Y/n.
He just wanted to see her. 
Even if just for a brief moment of Valentine’s Day. 
That’s why he’d asked for Donna to make sure no one disturbed him. 
So the last thing he wanted or expected was someone knocking at his office door.
“I don’t have time-” he began harshly, his voice trailing off when he looked up from his paperwork to see who was now standing in his office. 
Instantly, his composure changed, his shoulders were more relaxed and his eyes softened as he looked at her.  
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, the shock evident in his voice as he stood up from his chair. 
“I bought you food,” Y/n said with a smile on her face, swinging the paper bag she held gently from side to side. 
“Sweetheart, I told you not to worry about it,” 
“Did you really think I was gonna let you work til god knows when without any food?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow as the words left her mouth. She knew how hard Harvey worked. She also knew that he wouldn’t cancel plans with her unless it was important; that’s why she went to their favorite Italian restaurant and got his usual order to take away. 
“Plus,” she began, making his way over to Harvey before placing the paper bag down on the side of his desk, “I just wanted an excuse to see you for a few minutes.”
Her words made Harvey’s heart ache slightly; he wanted nothing more than to just say ‘fuck it’ and spend the rest of the evening with her, but he couldn’t. He knew it couldn’t, “I know this isn’t how we planned our evening to be,” 
“It’s okay, I know how busy you are,” Y/n assured him, moving closer to him.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,”
“You better, this food wasn’t cheap,” she teased knowing full well Harvey never broke his promises, flighty she did wonder how he was going to make it up to her. 
“I’ll let you get on with your work,” she continued, leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek before she started to walk away. 
“Y/n-” Harvey started, his hand reaching out to her, softly grabbing her wrist, pulling her into his arms.
“I know it’s a bit late but happy Valentine’s Day,” he whispered, their lips only inches apart. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Harvey,” she whispered back before closing the distance between their lips. 
@xacatalepsyx @little-diable @rebelwrites @malfoys-demigod @withmyteeth @withmyteeth @yn-ymn-yln @thefictranslator @munsinner @maximoff-xmen @vintagecarsandrecordplayers @giraffescooler @stylesann @camilyb @book-dragon03 @bookworm1767 @wretchedmo @mayans-mc @dana-is-snax @happilysparklyunknown @mrsamerica @samanthaofanarchy @navs-bhat @tinystudentmiracle
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