#hope the one-armed sock monkey?!
mx-blue-sky · 2 months
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hitting up the park with Hope!
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itsabouttimex2 · 24 days
Can I request a platonic yandere sun wukong and macaque realizing that the teen mystic monkey they've been raising is planning to leave ffm?
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O Child of Unity
(I’m assuming you want Shadowpeach, then? I’m still not the best with it, but I’ll try! Also, a new bot is up!🧡💜 Also again, this fic is compliant with Deepest Hues- which I’ll expand on soon!)
There are four base colors in our world: black, white, yellow, and red. Together, these four hues represent the base components of alchemy- nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo.
In times ancient and forgotten, a massive reservoir of these four colors existed in each corner of the earth. Like pools of chaos they surged, brimming with power and life. From each of these brightly-hued depths did an egg arise, containing a Mystic Monkey of incredible potential.
One of light. One of shadow. One of snow. One of fire.
And recently, a brand new simian, born of a union from nigredo and citrinitas, pitch black and bright yellow fusing their mystical lineage into a mottled green.
Their union blessed the world with a little virescent monkey, big eyes and soft fur-
The world is such a wonderful place, you’ve learned. Geysers of boiling water and hunched spikes of snow. Sand white as bone and lakes stained pink by algae. Forests comprised of just one tree and diminutive flowers with digestive maws.
From book to book you’ve torn, indulging your curious brain in every last little wonder of the world- from glacial peaks to crystal caverns.
How many pages have you worn away by now, dreaming of wonders far beyond your reach? How many dreams has your mind spun, longing for something new? How many times have you lost the world to a lovely little daydream that took hours to shake?
A less generous eye would view this behavior as unhealthy. They might even refer to it as a ‘coping mechanism’, spending half the day locked into a foggy haze, pretending that life was more exiting, more fulfilling.
Even you had come to realize the inherent instability of your constant stupor, eventually.
All you have to do to fix this problem, then… is make those dreams a reality!
Right! No time to waste worrying!
Packing is easy! It used to be a time-killer of yours as a child, pretending to go on adventures across the world with only your trusty well-stocked backpack. All these little games were played out under the watchful eyes of your fathers, ensuring your fun never turned dangerous or led you somewhere that was off-limits.
You’d pick a locale and prepare for an ‘expedition’ with snacks and clothes, always running and asking Bába to open the pantry for you.
“A winter adventure,” Sun Wukong would lovingly coo, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Sounds like fun, bud! Don’t forget to pack your warm socks, kay?”
He’d laugh and play along, pushing sandwiches and chocolate protein bars into your hands, always with a pouch of juice to pair. Sometimes he’d go the extra mile of bagging them up, giving you a paper sack that wouldn’t be out of place on a field trip.
(How often you begged to be enrolled in school, physical or at least online. And your fathers would ‘tsk’ and shake their heads, but quickly promise you ice cream as a bandage balm for your youthful sorrow.)
And then he’d watch your little journeys with a quirked eyebrow, smiling as you pulled your plushes (given that you had no playmates outside of base simians and your often busy fathers) along and narrated your games.
You’d fill out a page in your bulky journal detailing the ‘journey’, consigning your little hours of make-believe to white pages.
And as you had grown, that many-paged journal stayed tucked under your arm, all your thoughts and hopes written away into it.
Even now, as you stare out at the endless horizon so plainly in front of you- the book is held to your chest, warmed by the excited beat of your heart.
It holds all those dreams you’ve dreamt for a full decade now, each one precious and utterly perfect to your nostalgic mind.
The grass is long and bright, glistening with morning dew. It sparkles under the rising rays of the sun, a picturesque landscape laying in front of you. Flower Fruit Mountain (Mount Huaguo, as your fathers sometimes called it) was beautiful. Is beautiful. But pretty can only satiate the mind for so long, and certainly couldn’t fulfill your wanderlust any longer.
You had explored every cave, climbed every tree, mucked every puddle, cuddled every monkey.
It had been nice. And you’d miss it, but-
The world was waiting!
And you could wait no longer.
Stuffing the oversized book into your backpack, you do the one thing you’ve wanted to do for years- and take off running.
Lush grass rips under your feet, laying in scattered half-length piles as your boots tear across the wet ground. Muddy footprints squash down flowers and weeds alike, nothing stopping your gleeful dash.
Over puddles and through tree crooks, beneath towering canopies and across deep ponds- you run. All that hampers you is the heavy bags strapped to your back and waist, full of the supplies you once only dreamed of handling during a journey.
A real, actual journey! How long had you waited?! Years and years! And it was finally coming true!
But you turn the corner of a rock too quickly, and smack head-on into something solid and warm, the figure grasping you tightly.
And all too suddenly, one of your fathers- Macaque- stares down at you, clearly displeased.
“Explain,” he sharply says, holding out the note you had left on the dining table, unfolded and excitedly penned. It had been written in such a rush of gleeful adrenaline that some parts are nigh-unintelligible.
But; even with wild pen scrawl and joyful errors, it was clearly an intended farewell.
The claw marks shredding through half of the paper is proof that he hadn’t exactly taken the notion well.
“Y/N. What the hell is this? You’re running away?”
“N-no! I’m just-“
“Do you think this is how it all works? You throw a note on the table and head out into a world you know nothing about?”
“I do know about the world! I’ve been researching it for years!”
“Your ‘research’ doesn’t mean a thing! You have no skills, no experience, nothing!”
“Because you won’t let me do anything!”
The accusation causes him to bristle in anger, lips pulled back as he snarls. His fangs, glistening and sharp, draw your attention.
(Sometimes you forget what Macaque has done. How scary he can be. Sometimes you forget that he’s never regretted his crimes. Moments like this are happy to remind you.)
Your bravado and boldness vanish startlingly quickly, shrinking under the furious gaze of the simian.
The Six-Eared simian snags your wrist, stomping over to a cavernous rift of shadows. With your arm held tight, he jumps in and drags you along.
You fall from a ceiling and into the waiting arms of your other father, Wukong. He grins and nuzzles the fur of his cheek to your own, relishing in the warmth of familial closeness. A golden brazier burns next to him, recently lit and brightly chugging the wooden fuel within.
“Someone was up to a little bit of mischief, huh?”
His reaction is the polar opposite to Macaque- where his husband blows up and seethes, the Great Sage lies to himself and pretends that everything is okay. It’s easier to think of his child as a little imp than an outright runaway.
As Wukong dotes, Macaque rips away the thick jacket and boots that you were wearing, throwing them into the nearest closet.
You didn’t need them, after all. You weren’t going anywhere.
Though a part of you is disgruntled to have some of your clothing torn away so suddenly, it’s only when he snatches the backpack that you scrabble from the Great Sage’s arms.
“Don’t mess with that!” You call, trying to wrangle the bag from his grip- but he’s got your journal before you manage to pry it free.
He holds the gargantuan journal, full of all the dreams you had through your life- to see snow penitentes, to view miscolored lakes, to visit ancient forests, to explore the world that had been kept from you for so long.
“This is what gave you those ideas? Your little baby book, kiddo?”
“It’s not-“
“Shut it! You tried to run away. You don’t get to speak right now.”
He takes a moment to breath, glaring at the offending journal. To him, the answer is clear- get rid of the book, and he’ll get rid of your silly ideations of “freedom”. If it comes undone to the very binds, then maybe you’ll give up on leaving and return to the cozy schedule your fathers adhere you to. Forehead kisses and morning cuddles, shared meals and long naps through the cold of winter.
Without it, his life will go back to being perfect, and to an obsessive villain like Macaque?
A little bit of your sorrow is worth the happiness that keeping you close brings.
“Enough of these pointless dreams.”
The Six-Eared Macaque stands to his full height, the multicolored glow on his ears fading to black as his eyes burned red. With one angry sling, he throws your book into the deepest ashes of the gilded brazier.
It catches quick, melting and warping for just a brief few milliseconds before incinerating.
You stand there for a moment in sheer disbelief, watching as a decade of heartfelt writing crumbles away in seconds.
The raw, unspeakable hurt it produces leaves you breathless and mute, incapable of summoning even a single sorrowful word.
Macaque staggers back as tears bubble up in your eyes- even the villain himself has realized that this was a step much too far. His intention; as often to the innocent and undeserving, was to inflict suffering.
Even his own family wasn’t off the table.
His sable hands are much too slow in retrieving the book from uncaring flames, snagging only an empty cover now bereft of inner pages.
Ruined. Utterly ruined and destroyed.
The slow realization that you’ll never have back your childhood journal, never read again your years of games and research, never write another word in the precious book, never finish it- never, never, never, never, all in a devastating row.
The realization sinks in slow, but clicks into place all the same.
A low whimper builds in your throat, slowly pitching up as wetness spill down your cheeks. So many tears fall that they blind your vision, pairing well with the sobs that escape you.
Wukong glares at his partner with boiling eyes, a look of outright hatred in them. “Macaque. What. The. Hell.”
“…they h-had to learn a lesson,” he weakly justifies, his cowardice bubbling up in full force.
Run from Five Phases Mountain. Run from the Brotherhood. Run from Wukong. Run from the Lady Bone Demon. Run from the Samadhi Fire. Run from consequences and run from heroes, and pray that everyone forgets how badly he deserves to be punished for his cruelty and arrogance and sins.
Still a little rat, slinking in the shadows.
“Get out,” the Great Sage snarls, fangs dripping with immeasurable hatred, and, as ever, as always-
Macaque runs.
Wukong turns to you as his pitch husband bolts, throwing off his chest-plate and wrapping his unfathomably powerful arms around your quivering form.
He’s warm, much like a spring of volcanic water, or sun-kissed wood.
Or a raging, burning fire.
You don’t really want to be warm right now.
But the ferocity with which you pound his chest and gut leave the simian utterly unfazed, shushing and hushing you all the same.
“Shh, pumpkin, shh. You know your Bába hates to see you cry. C’mon, let’s dry those tears. Y’know what? How about we get you some ice cream, bud? Something sweet and cold to make you feel better.”
Wukong doesn’t wait for a response. He rarely does. The immortal boosts you up into his arms, heading to the kitchen. He kisses your cheeks and forehead and the bridge of your nose, trying to placate your tears with an overdose of physical affection.
This was your life. Your world.
And you were starting to doubt that you’d ever leave it.
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lace-coffin · 4 months
Like the Chica one, can you do age regression reader with Asa :3c
Hi! Thank u for request! I wasn’t sure specifically what u wanted so I wrote a little snippet of an evening with Asa whilst regressed, I hope u like it!
Caregiver! Asa Emory x Little!Gn!reader
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No warnings apply!
Requests are closed (will be open soon!)
Fluffy Socked feet bound down the hallway full force, giving Asa no time to react as you practically jumped onto him. The larger man lets out a wheeze of surprise but steady’s himself. “I’m glad to see you too baby, but what are we forgetting?” He chuckles and ruffles your hair.
“No running in the halls because daddy is lame” you drawl out in an uninterested tone. Asa scoffs.
“Not quite what I was going for but I’ll take it if it saves you from breaking your butt on my floor” he grins back at you softly. All you get is a “Hold on tight bug” before he scoops you into his arms, causing a squeal of delight and surprise. Your pyjama clad legs wiggle in retaliation but mostly excitement as you let yourself be carried to the table and plopped on the chair gently. Your caregiver takes the seat across from you.
“I’m going to get dinner started pet, if I let you sit here and watch can you be good for me and colour me something pretty for the fridge whilst we wait?” He proposes, eyes soft with affection.
You nod happily and make grabby hands at the paper and crayon set sprawled over the other end of the table from last night.
Rising from the table Asa slides the art supplies to you, placing a tender kiss on the crown of your head before pulling the pans he needs from the cupboard and getting started.
Tonight he’s cooking spaghetti, something simple you can manage when regressed and not too complex on the tastebuds, as much as he loves to show off his culinary skills and spoil you with impressive food, that isn’t what tonight is about. Besides you’ll probably have one handfull of pasta in your mouth and your eyes glued to bluey on the tv, it doesn’t need to be gormet.
After checking in on you a few times and praising your drawings dinner is ready to be served, Asa’s on one of his normal black plates and yours on a plastic zoo themed one with a divider to keep your foods from mixing. It’s a nightmare to wash up but he does have a soft spot for the little monkeys lining the edge.
Now settled at the table Asa chews forkfuls of his food whilst giving you little glances every so often to see how you’re coping. He knows you don’t like to be coddled all the time and want some independence so he’ll only step in if it looks like you’re struggling.
After a few minutes of watching the spaghetti slide off your fork and you groaning in defeat he decides to offer some support.
“Would you like daddy to do it for you bug? I know spaghetti can be pretty tricky for kids as little as you.”
You nod, face red but grateful for the help none the less, at this rate the food would’ve been cold before you got halfway through it.
Sliding into the chair next to you Asa takes your plastic handled fork and twirls a helping of the spaghetti onto it, blowing on it carefully he raises it to your mouth.
“Here it comes, bug”
“Perfectly done” he smiles as he reaches for a napkin, wiping the excess sauce from your face like an overbearing mother embarrassing their child. You could never be embarrassed by your daddy, you love him too much.
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asteroidzzzn · 11 months
stargirl | part 3
pairing: rockstar!ellie x bartender!reader
warnings: cursing, smoking, eventual sexual themes, ellies kinda an asshole, reader is delulu (are u sensing a pattern here)
songs in this chapter: crybaby - the neighborhood rip 2 my youth - the neighborhood knee socks - arctic monkeys true blue - boygenius cool about it - boygenius why'd you only call me when you're high - arctic monkeys
word count: 2.1k
a/n: i just couldn't resist
summary: the fireflies is a new band consisting of three people. after being cheated out by their former bassist, they needed to find a replacement, and quick. who better than you, the cute bartender that hasn't touched an instrument in years?
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fireflies gc🌟
dina <3: you guys better prepare i have great news
your phone flickered with dina's message as it lay on your chest. the ringing broke the unbearable silence between you and ellie.
ellie sat on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, scribbling in her journal. you figured it must be some sacred text, considering how she never let anyone read it but herself. it probably included random blurbs and ideas, but she would only let the rest of the band see the finished versions of her writing.
you interlaced your fingers together. cracked your knuckles. looked around the room. twirled your finger in the stray string hanging off the bottom of your shirt. pulled it. you were very bored.
dina had urged you to be early to practice today, but she got caught with jesse in traffic on the way. she was an estimated fifteen more minutes away. leaving you and ellie alone. together.
"dina says she has great news for us," you told her. you got no response.
her eyebrows furrowed and she flipped her pencil around, erasing a whole half page of information, flicking the excess off that landed on her shirt. it was the third time she erased a major section. you figured she had writer's block.
"can i read what you have so far?"
"no," she responded promptly, not taking her eyes off the paper.
"but i could help."
"no, you couldn't."
"rip out a page for me."
she looked at you like you killed her whole family.
"yeah, could i try writing something?"
"you—ugh. sure, fine, knock yourself out," she flipped to the back and handed you an uneven sheet of paper. you grabbed a stray pen from the coffee table.
"have you ever written a song before?" she folded her arms and leaned against the arm of the couch to face you.
you hesitated. "one."
"an ex," you mumbled, embarrassed at the recollection of your angsty teen attempt at writing a sad love song.
she groaned, shoved her pencil into her journal, and shut it aggressively. now that she was done with her own writing, she seemed to want to bother you about yours.
"let me read the lyrics. or listen to it," she said while throwing her journal somewhere to the ground.
"only if you let me read one of your songs."
she scoffed. "ultimatums are rude."
"you've probably done worse," you bit back.
she couldn't argue with you. she waited for you to pull up the doc to the lyrics before she gave you the journal. she reached for your phone, but you pulled it back before she could grasp it.
"i don't want feedback. it's old and bad and i'm aware. also there are three on this, so i get to read three of yours."
"fair enough about the feedback. thought we agreed on one for one, though?"
"i know you well enough to know you'd read the other two anyways."
she tilted her head down to smile out of your sight, but you caught it before it was hidden. "yeah, you're not wrong," she dropped her journal in your lap and you handed her your phone.
it was very vulnerable for both of you. song lyrics tend to be very intimate and personal. you hoped she liked them. but also that she wouldn't share her thoughts.
her opinion mattered an odd amount to you.
you noticed her fingers tapping on your phone. her knee bounced. maybe she was just as nervous as you. you wondered if you were the first person she shared this part of herself with. probably not. but the thought lingered on your mind for a while.
you carefully opened her journal to where the pen was. apparently, this was also her sketchbook. countless messy faces, animals, and instruments littered the pages, to the point where there was no blank space left.
there were only eraser marks on the right page, and a song titled crybaby on the left.
crybaby didn't seem like it was written by ellie. it was too...honest. it revealed things about her. while reading the lyrics, you felt connected to her. you understood what she was feeling.
crybaby (name is work in progress).
i think i try too hard
how i look, what i do, what i'm sayin'
i spend too much time explainin' myself
i hope there's a chance some time to change it
you glanced at her beside you. she avoided your eyes, continuing to scroll on your phone, knees tucked up to her chest.
note: keys heavy for this song.
i've got this anxious feeling
but it goes away for a minute when I'm with you, being breathing
i can't fake it i can taste it, my heart's breakin', please don't say
that you know, when you know
you flipped to the page before it, with two new songs.
(??? no name)
note: shit ton of treble or i'll sound dumb
i don't believe it if i don't know you
i don't believe it if it's on the news or on the internet
i need a cigarette
i'm just telling what's true the truth
and you could play this at my funeral
tell ******, "don't cry and don't be sad
i'm in paradise with dad"
close my eyes and then cross my arms
put me in the dirt, let me be with the stars
you almost wanted to stop. it was too personal. you skipped to the third song.
knee socks
when the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
when you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked
when you walked around our your house wearin' my sky blue lacoste
and your knee socks
note: this part repeats like 4 times. we'll see. maybe would sound cool with reverb?
you and me could have been a team
each had a half of a king and queen seat
(lined up)
like the beginnin' of mean streets
you could be my baby
you cleared your throat.
"i'm done."
ellie nodded, lip in between her teeth. "almost done."
you waited for a few more minutes, trying to remember which three songs you wrote all those years ago, and imagined what she was thinking at that exact moment.
"ok, i'm done too," she gave you your phone, and you handed her the journal. there was a moment when neither of you dared to breathe too loud.
"so... what did you think?" she asked, not moving her head up from her lap.
"oh? thought you didn't want feedback?"
"only if it's good."
"well, then i couldn't say anything," you teased her, which drew out a chuckle.
"i'll only tell you good things, too."
you sighed. "ok. you first."
the two of you shifted on the couch to face each other. you propped your head on your hand, staring at her with anticipation.
it was a long moment before she spoke. "true blue is really good, and cool about it is... kind of tragic. why'd you only call me when you're high is a fucking mouthful of a title, but the lyrics aren't bad."
you smiled. "so, which one was your favorite? and why?"
"depends on my mood. if i'm...angry, i guess, or bitter is the better word. it's why'd you only call me when you're high. if i'm sad it's true blue. even more sad, it's cool about it. that's an evil song, man. like really. heartbreaking."
you shrugged. "i tend to have that effect on women."
"yeah, whatever," ellie rolled her eyes. "tell me about mine."
"it's kind of the same for you, actually. a sad-ish one, evil and heartbreaking, and a little angry."
"and your favorite?"
"definitely crybaby."
she groaned in disgust and covered her face with her hands.
"damn, i thought i ripped that page out. that one sucks."
"i thought it was great. it's honest. and relatable."
she scoffed and turned away from you. you had noticed it was a habit of hers to avoid the situation when she became defensive. and being rude usually never helped. "yeah, totally relatable—"
"i'm serious, ellie. you're a good writer. they're good lyrics. why haven't you performed it yet?"
"it's not really your business."
but it is, you wanted to say. you were part of this band too, now. but she didn't act like it, and it made you furious. you sighed. it wasn't worth it to start a fight now.
"ok, fine," you at least made it evident in your voice that you were disappointed. ellie had let you read her journal, but it wasn't enough. you wanted more. to learn everything about her. to figure out who she really was.
it was extremely difficult to accept the fact that it would most likely take a very long time.
in almost perfect timing, dina and jesse pushed through the door.
"guys, i am so sorry, traffic was a bitch and i had to pick something up for us."
you shook your head, "don't worry about it. come on, sit down," you moved to the left slightly so dina could take up the space in between you and ellie. jesse took the white box dina held into his own lap and sad on the floor near the couch.
"so? what's the big news?" you asked dina, who was beaming.
"this is huge for us, it could mean—jesse, don't open the box yet. i haven't told them."
jesse swiftly placed a cupcake back inside the box. "sorry, i'm hungry."
dina continued, "ok. drumroll, please."
everyone patted their thighs.
"we're going on tour with the fucking strokes! we'll open for three of their shows on the east coast in two months!"
"oh my god..." you breathed. "that's huge!"
ellie blinked. "you're serious?"
dina nodded fervently. "yeah, dude. we could get so much recognition for this. it's the opportunity of a lifetime."
you brought your hand to cover your mouth, and realized you were shaking. were you ready for this? would they find a better bassist to go on the tour? would you become famous? no... this was a part-time thing. just something on the side.
you swallowed, and spoke just barely loud enough for them to hear.
"would you want me to go...or....?"
the three turned to you, unsure of what to say. you had made it clear you were simply a temporary fix for the real bassist that would be joining the band. and you would leave, and be on with your life.
dina bit the inside of her cheek, eyebrows furrowed. "that's up to you. i... i'm not sure we could find a different bassist in the next month and a half that's like... you. y'know? don't feel pressured, though. we could make—"
"i want you in the band," jesse shared while licking the sprinkles off of a blue cupcake. "you're basically already in it, anyways. not much would change. think about it, we'd love for you to be apart of it officially. right, guys?"
ellie and dina shared a quick look. dina nodded, "of course."
"yeah," ellie added, giving a brief, small smile.
your heart raced. this would change everything. but you were willing to try.
"ok. i want to stay. i'll go on the tour with you."
dina pulled you into a hug.
"welcome to the fireflies, y/n. for real this time. now, let's get to work."
the next sixty days flew by before your eyes. you sat down with the band and allowed them to read one of your songs. you did a bit of revising, and they loved it.
you urged ellie to share knee socks with the others, telling her that it was the perfect "tour song", and that everyone would adore it. she didn't understand what you meant. she did it anyways.
it was two days before your departure to the first destination: seattle, washington. you had to take a few weeks of leave from work to go on tour. your boss was very understanding. with a laugh, you promised you would remember her when you were out and about as a famous rockstar signing tits.
ellie, dina, and jesse sat on the floor on their phones. you yawned and gripped the couch to help you stand up. as soon as you were upright, you fell back down again.
with your face pressed into the cushions, you mumbled, "g'night."
dina chuckled. "you want a ride home so you can sleep in your bed? that couch probably has rabies and it feels like a rock."
"don't care," you sighed, sinking into it.
after a few minutes, you had nearly drifted off to sleep. you suddenly felt a chilling leather material cover your upper body. you heard someone sit down.
"aw, you're so sweet, taking care of her," dina teased under her breath.
"shut up," ellie whispered back immediately.
"just saying."
"a—what's that supposed to mean?"
their voices became fuzzy as you drifted into sleep.
"whatever you make it mean."
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a/n: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ellie putting her leather jacket over reader when she's asleep oh i'm ill i need a doctor ASAP! hope u enjoyed !!!!!!!!!! so excited to write the next chapter i'll actually die. i do need to go to sleep rn tho it's 12:44am so, goodnight (❁´◡`❁) also,,,,, since reader's officially part of the band now should i change the pairing? since she's not a bartender anymore,, really,,,, i don't know.
taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @elliesinterlude
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their-little-writer · 10 days
could you do a oneshot of CG!Husk and NewbornRegresssor Angel🙏
yea ofc! I hope you enjoy! ^^
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“Need help, babydoll?” Cg!husk x Baby!regressor angel
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Things around the hotel were finally back to semi-normal after the extermination. The hotel got fixed and redone, Charlie and everyone was in there normal mood and it was semi-busy but nothing really overbearing.
Actually it was so free that husk didn’t have to work that day! Charlie decided that everyone should get a break at least once a week. So with all that being said all husk wanted to do today was be with his baby, angel.
Once husk got up from his bed he went to angels room to see if he was awake but when he opened the door he wasn’t there. Husk looked at the time on his watch. 10am, hm that’s weird. Usually angel would still be in bed by now but he wasn’t- with that husk started to look around the hotel until he saw a sigh that made me in awe. His sweet boy was sitting on the couch in front of the tv with fat nuggets while in his jammys and eating a bowl of lucky charms.
Husk smiled as he went over as to angel and went to sit beside him on the couch. “Morning papa” angel said as he felt husk wrap on of his arms around angel “hey there kiddo, how u doin?” “M goods and you?” “I’m alright “ husk said as he looked at the show you were watching. The episode ended and an episode of bluey called “Promises” showed up and the two watched it together, making sure to stay cuddled up.
While watching the episode husk felt very comforted by it, showing the end where the dad said he would always love his kids made him feel happy knowing he felt the same with his little one. When the episode ended officially husk got up slowly “Hey kiddo, can you do me a favor and go get ready?” He asked. “Why papa?” He asked as he looked up at him. “Cause we’re gonna go out” he said. Angel smiled as he got up and went to his room trying to find out what to wear.
15 minutes had passed an angel still not there. Husk got up from his seat and went to go to Angel, looking at him through the door seeing a struggling look on his face. “Need help babydoll?” Husk asked as angel nodded. {outfit in the pic is what he pics} as he grabbed the outfit and a pair of pastel pink thigh high socks and helped him get it on as well as his shoes. Angel smiled as he looked at the outfit loving it, “ready to go?” Husk asked as angel nodded and they went to the park.
When the arrived at the park it was nice and warm, and the park wasn’t to busy. The day was going great as Angel has played around at the park. Has pushed Angel on the swings, helped him on the monkey bars, and went down the side with him. However, soon things would get chaotic as poor angel got stuck on jungle play set and when he tried to get down, he slipped and fell and hurt his knee really bad. Poor angel was so scared, he started crying which immediately caught husks attention and ran over to him “hey hey… sweetheart what happened?” He asked in a soothing voice but angel couldn’t help but babble as he slowly slipped into his baby headspace. “ hey hey hey… calm down kiddo.. take a deep breath..” he said as he gently picked angel up and gently carried him over to the bench. Once he got angel to calm down a little he put angel on the bench “here buddy… let’s take a look..” he said softly as he looked at his knee, it was a pretty bad scrape but husk being the good cg he is pulled out his wallet which held some bandaids in the money part. He grabbed them and carefully put them on angels knee “there we go baby… all better…”he said but poor angel only sniffled “poor buddy… do you wanna go home sweetheart..?” He asked as he felt he already knew the answer. Angel nodded softly as he gently carried angel back to the hotel.
when they got to the hotel husk carried angel to his nursery and looked at him “do you wanna wear a onesie ?” He asked softly. angel gave a small nod and husk gently sat angel on the changing table and went over and got him his favorite onesie which is one that Charlie made for him. Husk put it on him as well as a diaper and looked at him “there u go baby… my sweet love…” he said softly. He picked angel up and carried him to the kitchen as he started to make angel a bottle. As he did angel started to get a little fussy, “hey hey there is no need for that… it’s almost done…” husk said softly as he finished the bottle and checked it to make sure it wasn’t to hot. He carried angel to his room and sat into the rocking chair as he covered angel with a blanket and feed him. As angel drank his eyes started to grow heavy as he soon fell asleep. Husk gently removed the bottle and stuck a Paci in his mouth as he went and gently put angel in his crib. Husk soon left after making sure everything was ok, waiting in the living room for when his baby boy would soon wake again.
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end notes; hey I am so sorry this took so long, I have recently posted an explanation on why it did but I appreciate the time. I hope you like it
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micallum · 1 year
normal day in the assy house in 20 years https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJHhDLCH/
Okay, I have calmed down and I come bearing gifts (cursed gifts but gifts nonetheless):
I will not go 20 years into the future but I think a little less is enough, so picture this with me (sorry for the short fanfic - something came over me):
You are making dinner in your cute modest home somewhere in Monaco, life has been good; you married your long-time boyfriend Arthur almost 7 years ago, had a dog, and provided shelter to all neighborhood cats. You have managed to have 2 kids during the past 5 years, with a third (and hopefully last) one on the way you believed the family was clearly complete.
You hear a lot of noises coming from the living room, as you do most days when Arthur is home. He is a good dad, in fact, it surprised you that he is so present even when he spends so much time away for races. The man makes a conscious effort to be reliable, which you thank him for since the Leclerc gene is an inescapable truth and your two boys have it.
What is the Leclerc gene? WELL, the Leclerc boys are full of energy, very focused, and very independent. If only they wouldn't try to do things on their own the entire time. You have been called to school more than once. The first time, little Oli had made a mess with a tube of white paint because he wanted to cover some crayon artwork his friend made on the wall... A more recent event was when your youngest started a food fight during naptime - somehow.
So you are used to the mess and the noise. It still worries you how the 5 and 2-year-old boys are going to deal with their newborn brother.
You rub your belly at the idea, at least Oli has the experience of when Marc was born, but Marc? Baby Macky? No, he is going to lose his mind in June.
With the table set you call out for the boys, hoping Arthur will help. A couple of minutes go by and nobody walks into the dining room. You poke your head out the hallway and call for Arthur this time.
"Tutuuuuur!" You tip-toe in your yoga socks.
Oh, and there they are. Every boy is on a different piece of furniture. Arthur balances his weight between the coffee table and the armrest of the loveseat as he giggles. Oli hugs a pillar with his arms and legs as he screams "Papa, je tombe!" Macky simply yells and covers his face with his hands as he waits for Arthur on the other end of the loveseat.
"What are we doing?" You ask the three of them in French, and everyone stares back. "It's dinnertime, come on!"
"How is she doing it?" Oli asks, climbing the pillar with the agility of a monkey.
"I told you!" Arthur turns his body and points a finger at you, "I married a witch!"
Macky gasps but reaches out to you, bright innocent eyes staring back. You roll your eyes but your feet move automatically toward your child, walking right past your husband. You grab the youngest boy and hold him on your hip, he rests his arm on your shoulder and plays with a strand of your hair in his other hand.
"Mama, are you a good witch?" He mumbles.
He is almost a copy of his father and his timid smile makes anyone's heart melt. His kindergarten teachers are proof of it, and you are not immune either.
"Am I a good witch?" You put a finger on your chin for a moment and watch Arthur get off the furniture and go pick up Oli, "Most days I am."
"I think that makes Daddy a wizard!" Oli chimes in.
Arthur laughs and blinks repeatedly. "I don't know about that..."
"Okay, you two..." Your eyes narrow at Arthur, "-you three need to go wash your hands."
"Can't you use magic to clean them?"
Arthur smiles at Oli and gives him a high five, though upon seeing your face, he puts him down and comes to grab Macky.
"We'll be right back," he whispers, taking a second to give you a quick peck on the cheek.
"Of course you will, food's getting cold and we're starving!"
You have picked up the habit of speaking about yourself in plural, a hand on your belly almost at all times now that the baby bump is bigger. Arthur always smiles and makes a little noise at the sight, tonight is no exception. He gives you a wink and runs off to the bathroom with a boy on each arm.
"Come on boys! Your brother's hungry!" You hear Arthur tell the kids.
"What brother?" Macky asks.
You turn on your heal, knowing that your husband's got it and will not say anything inappropriate to your children.
"I told you, Mama's a witch! She is making a baby in her belly!"
"WHAT?" Macky yells, "BUT I AM A BABY?!"
"ANOTHER ONE?!" Oli sounds less than thrilled, "We have this one!"
Arthur's laughter is loud across the house as he tries to calm the boys down.
"I promise you guys; this is the last one!" Arthur says, but you know he might not mean it.
The only reason you are pregnant again is that he convinced you to try for a baby girl, and you are sure he will try to talk you into it again in a couple of years... if you will give in is still uncertain, but you know there are few things you will deny him.
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 7. brb x oc
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a/n: You know I promised myself the sequel wouldn't be as fluffy and yet here we are
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, FLUFF MY GOD FLUFF I HAVE CAVITIES!!!!!!!!
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! OR REMOVED! i just kept you guys cause you wanted to be in GG so >- > IDK IM SORRY)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things
They arrived home early after spending the weekend with her uncle, aunt and cousins at Roberto’s brand new yacht and enjoying a lovely seafood dinner. It was sad to leave Palermo because even if they did do a lot of things, it still felt there was more to be done, more places to visit, more experiences to have. 
 They both agreed they needed to go again in the near future, hopefully spend more time there too. They both thanked the Uber driver when he left them at their doorstep, the sun finally breaking on the horizon with the shades of purples turning into pinks and reds as the morning finally began. Beatrice inhaled deeply, closing her eyes with a smile “I loved Palermo, I’m not going to lie, but I’m glad to be back home.”
Rooster laughs in agreement, pulling the keys out of his back pocket to unlock the door “I know what you mean, I would’ve liked to stay but at the same time,” the door is pushed open and he steps back to let her walk in first “I missed our house.” Beatrice walks in and rolls her suitcase on the hallway, the sound of Michael's snoring from the guest room making her smile as she gestures to the second floor “I hear it.” He says with his eyes traveling upwards. That is until he looks around with confusion “Where’s Jojo? I thought she’d come rushing over.”
Beatrice hummed, looking around the living room in hopes to see her but she couldn’t “Well the backyards doors are closed, she’s not out there. Maybe she’s hidden in the laundry room.” She suggests, grabbing her suitcase handle “Let’s just take these upstairs, just for safety.” As in ‘let’s not leave it here or Michael is going to trip and fall because he doesn’t pay attention’.
She peeks at her snoring brother in the guest room for a quick second, seeing the covers are all over the floor and his face is hidden in the pillow. Beatrice just smiles, turning the light in their room only to hear a continuous thumping coming from the bed. Jolene was on the bed, something she never did before, with her eyes almost watering and body shaking with excitement “Oh my Gosh, hi baby!” She coos quietly, crouching to the ground and letting Jolene rush forward, almost making Beatrice lose her balance.
Jolene didn’t know who to go first, running between Rooster and Bea with a velocity that could break the sound barrier, soft whining breaking from her throat until she finally leapt on Rooster’s lap, letting the pilot scratch her ribs and tummy while she licked his face, “I missed you too, Jojo.” they both tried to keep their voices down so they wouldn’t wake Michael up, letting Jolene run about and bring her sock monkey to them with her tail wagging, “Yeah, we missed you a lot Jojo, we did.”
The pittie whined again, zooming inside the room before launching herself on their bed, “I think she missed us more than we thought.” Beatrice whispered, patting her dog’s head, “She never jumps on beds, she probably wanted our scent close by, poor baby.” 
Beatrice stood to her feet, groaning quietly as she stretched her arms, looking back at him, “That was really good wasn’t it?”
“It was great.” he agreed, “Do you want to surprise Michael by preparing breakfast and scaring him?”
Beatrice’s smile widened, “I like that idea.” she giggles, pulling her hair out of her ponytail to run her fingers through it, “I am a bit tired but we can nap later, right?” He agrees, stepping closer to her to kiss her forehead before they walk out again, Jolene following just as quietly, almost as if she knew they didn’t want to wake Michael up.
Beatrice surveyed the kitchen knowing very well her brother didn’t cook anything beyond instant ramen so she wasn’t surprised to see the kitchen looking absolutely pristine. She smiles, turning on the light to grab cups from the cabinet, hearing her brother’s snoring get even louder from above them. “You know,” she begins as she grabs the coffee maker, “I think our honeymoon was pretty fun.”
“It was pretty fun.” he says with a smile, opening the fridge to check inside “Your brother went grocery shopping for us.”
“Of course he did, he always does that. I might prepare him waffles since he was so nice like that.”
Rooster grins, grabbing the egg carton and milk, closing the door with his hip, “I can prepare something if you want.” he says, but Beatrice just gives him a small smile and kisses his cheek, reassuring him he doesn’t have to, “Fine, then I’ll just stay nearby in case you need hel
“I’d like that.” she giggles, turning the coffee maker on and grabbing a bowl to prepare her brother’s waffles. They stood in the kitchen chatting quietly with Jolene never leaving their side, in fact she was lying right next to them and always followed their steps when they walked away from her.
Bradley took his time to watch Beatrice from the corner of his eye, smiling to himself at how happy she looked. She looked a bit more tanned and he could see the bikini lines peeking from under the collar of her shirt, her freckles a bit more prominent because of the sunbathing in the Palermo sun and he couldn’t fall for her even more, “You look beautiful.” he says and this time she doesn’t seem that surprised, her cheeks flush up but she smiles up at him, “You really do.”
“You look really handsome too.” she whispers, scooting closer to him to kiss his jawline, “Hard to think you can be even more handsome than normal, but alas.” They laughed quietly, the honeymoon stage was still in full bloom and they were both enjoying it. He was going back to work tomorrow and he hoped it’d take a long time for him to get deployed again - he didn’t know if that was possible but he hoped so - so they could have more time together.
He recalled something her uncle told him when they were back at his house and out on the balcony but away from the others. Roberto looked at him deep in the eyes, placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, “You are good for her, ragazzo. You make our little tesoro very happy, never doubt that.”
He reassured her uncle that he didn’t doubt it, instead he never believed something so much because she made him happy too. Extremely happy. 
With their married life not ‘officially’ happening, he didn’t think it’d be that different from their dating life. They’ve lived together for a while now, therefore there isn’t much to change, right? That is unless you consider the kids aspect they talked about months ago and before returning to Cali.
“So, you know how we have that empty room close to ours?”
They were walking back to the hotel with gelatos in their hands - hazelnut chocolate for him and almond caramel for her - , licking the side of his hand when some of the cold treat slid down, “Yeah?”
Beatrice taps the side of her up with the colorful spoon, chewing her lower lip, “...there could be a baby room there…maybe? I mean it’s a thought…” he just watches her with his brow up “M-Maybe, hah, maybe We should have the baby first! Maybe I shouldn’t talk so much, maybe—“ she makes a noise in her throat, akin to desperation and awkwardness, before scooping a big spoonful of gelato and shoving it into her mouth, so much her cheeks stuffed and she avoided her husband's eyes. 
Bradley laughs quietly, stepping close to her so his hand was on her waist “I think it’s better to have it ready for the baby don’t you think?” Beatrice swallowed the gelato slowly and hissed when she undoubtedly had a brain freeze from shoving so much into her mouth “We’ve talked about children before Bea.”
“I know…” she mutters “But, I don’t know?? You know?” 
He did not know.
Beatrice sighs, rubbing a hand over her face “It’s just, I mean…I— I want it, of course I do but I don’t want to get over excited? Does that make sense?” She groans “Because, okay, I have to- okay.” She stops them in the middle of the sidewalk, staying close to a wall so the other people walking around could pass without being interrupted “I have something to tell you.” His eyes immediately widened “I-I’m not pregnant! But…um… how do I say this…”
He leans his shoulder against the wall and gets more of his gelato as she tries to explain “Okay, so…ugh…so before the wedding…do you remember how I visited my aunt?”
“I do.”
“Yes well,I…” she frowns, chewing her lower lip “I wanted to ask her more than her input on my cousins coming…you see I…” all she hoped was that he didn’t think she was absolutely batshit crazy. “There’s this thing in my family, apparently,that we— I mean the ones that give birth can hear…their future children,” he stops eating them, furrowing his eyebrows “…and I kind of…was…? Hearing it? A few months back?”
Bradley immediately stops and holds a hand up, clenching his eyes “Hold on, wait, you are saying that you…heard our future child even it not being here?”
Was that reaction expected? Yes but she didn’t know how to go from there so she chose the awkward quiet laughter “Oh, haha, yeah, c-crazy isn’t it? It’s crazy, it’s probably a joke! We should just go back-“
He holds her wrist when she tries to walk past him to the hotel, keeping her in place. Beatrice just looks up at him guiltily, then avoids his gaze in the same second “Gorgeous, look at me,” his eyebrows rise up to his hairline and he leans closer when Beatrice slowly looks back “Is that true?” He felt crazy for asking but he felt like he should do it, he felt like he had to know. Beatrice hesitated but nodded, still chewing her lower lip “…holy shit.”
“I-I know.”
“And you are sure you aren’t pregnant?”  Beatrice nods again, saying she was keeping track ever since she stopped the birth control shots “…okay. Okay. So…what does that mean exactly?”
“Well according to my aunt it means the baby wants to uh…say hi in a way. Kind of let us know it’s coming?” 
Bradley stares at her with his eyes blinking quickly, then let’s go of her wrist to rub his forehead. She felt so guilty, what if he thinks she’s just making it up to speed the process? Even if he said so it doesn’t mean he wants a baby now, they had to plan it and what if he thought it was an excuse of some sort? She shouldn’t have brought it up she really shouldn’t- “That is kinda crazy but…I…” he laughs softly “I mean, I don’t know it’s also really cool.”
She stares at him like he grew three heads “Wait, really?”
“Yeah, really. Knowing our future child is trying to…talk to us in some way is a bit exciting isn’t it?” He shrugs with a grin “Plus, I mean, what parents wouldn’t like to have that sort of news? I think it’s something to be cherished, don’t you?”
Beatrice only looked at him,gawking, not believing his words but also understanding that this was Rooster and Rooster was probably the most open minded person she had ever met. Beatrice could only gawk at him a bit more, then blink back the surprise and smile at him, “...Really?”
He chuckles, giving her an ‘are you serious?’ look, “Yeah, baby, it’s not…the usual thing but I’m not freaked out…well,maybe a little but not enough to consider this crazy.”
The repeated question made him smile even more, approaching her to wrap his arms around her waist, leaning down to kiss her forehead, ‘Yes, really, Bea. Maybe the little Bradshaw is just eager to show up.” and his eyes shone when he said Little Bradshaw. Honestly it was almost unreal to hear that, but her soft laugh only made him laugh with her, “So…who knows, huh? Did you aunt tell you when…?”
“Oh um…not really? She said soon.” she shrugs, “I-I don’t know when though,Roos. Are you sure you don’t find it creepy?” she had to make sure, “Because well,I–”
“I think it’s kinda awesome to be honest. I am a bit freaked out but in the good sense…and well, if that means there’s someone coming maybe…it means we should keep trying to make them come faster, huh?”
Beatrice’s cheeks heated up but she agreed while biting her lower lip, “I wouldn’t mind that.”
Steps coming from the staircase made the two of them look up from their coffee mugs to see a zombified Michael slowly making his way down wearing a white tank top and sleeping shorts with guitars on them - and fuzzy monster slippers - his hair a complete mess and he didn’t seem to understand why the lights were on, “Jojo…” he croaks and the pittie looks up from her bowl, “Did you turn on the lights?” he steps into the kitchen, not seeing his sister and brother in law seated on the table having their breakfast, “Do pitbulls do that? Are you that smart?”
“Hi Michael-”
“Jesus!” her brother tumbled back with his eyes widening immediately when he took notice of the two sipping their coffee, smiling at him, “What-who–wait, how did you two???” he looks at the clock on their wall, “I thought you guys were coming in the afternoon?”
“I told you we were coming earlier,Mike.” she says sweetly, furrowing her brows at her brother’s bags under his eyes, “Are you okay? You look really tired.” 
“Uh…no, no I’m fine.” he runs his hand through his hair, licking his lips trying to wake up the best he could only to remain confused, “Wait, today is monday?” a noise of agreement from both of them, “What the hell…”
Beatrice takes her brother’s confusion as because he slept late, probably watching a show he liked and didn't notice it until he was passed out on the couch. She stands up, picking a plate from the counter and holding it up to him, “I made you waffles.”
“Wha?” Michael’s bleary gaze slowly turned to the plate, holding it with both hands, his brain trying to understand what it was, not connecting the dots that his sister and brother in law were already back and made him breakfast. “...oh…thanks?”
“You are welcome.” she giggles, ‘You look really tired, was it a long week?”
Michael blinked hard, then let out a quiet chuckle, “Hah, uh, yeah you can say that.” he shifted his eyes to Jolene who just wagged her tail happily, “But glad you two are back, how was the honeymoon? Spare me the romantic details though.”
“It was great.” Bradley replied instead of Beatrice, tipping his mug to his lips and sipping the black coffee, “We visited a lot of places, ate a lot of food, had a yacht ride with your uncle.” Michael stopped pouring the syrup on top of his waffles to furrow his brows at the pilot, “Yeah, he got himself a yacht.”
He turns to his sister for confirmation, then blinks hard when she nods, “Dad is going to love to know about that.” he jokes, “But uh, anyway, thanks for the waffles lovebirds but I–” he turns to the clock again, “I’m going to be late so I’ll just shove this inside a container of some sort and change as fast as I can and then get out.” he proceeds to take the plate out of the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone in there, only to pop his head back in, “Glad to see you two back.” then disappears.
Beatrice just smiles, sighing happily into her mug as she turns to Rooster who leans back on his seat making space for her to sit on his lap, which she does immediately while balancing the coffee mug on her grasp, “He’ll be fine.” she says once she settles down, “He’s just going to wake up later.”
“Hah, fair enough.” his chin is propped on her shoulder so his eyes are directly focused on her profile, his cheeks flexing into a grin and Beatrice could feel the subtle movement, turning her head towards him as she sipped her coffee, “I think the baby will look like you.”
Beatrice’s cheeks turn red immediately, “...Yeah?”
“I think so, they’ll have your nose and your eyes.” he begins, “You know that green and blue eyes are dominant features, right?”
“I might’ve heard something about that.” she giggles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “I think the baby will look like you though. I think…they’ll have your eyes as well and your chin.” she gently rubs his chin for emphasis, then slides her hand to his cheek, cupping his cheekbone while brushing her thumb under his eyelid “...Or maybe, they’ll just be a mix of both.”
“That could happen.” he smiles, “I’ll love them either way, you know that.”
Beatrice’s chest swarmed with butterflies, so much that she inhaled deeply, her eyes shining as she took in his words, “I know, Roos.” she whispers, “...I have a confession to make.”
“Another one?”
Beatrice lets out another laugh, placing the mug down on the table - and then the two of them tossed a ‘bye!’ to Michael when he announced he was leaving - “You know,Eliza is an only child, she never had a sister.” she explains and Rooster stares at her for a little while longer, his eyebrows furrowing as to why she’d bring that up now.
Until he suddenly recalls that time they entered the shop and they bought the duck onesie. “Oh…ohhh…wait but then-”
“I was freaking out,” she confesses, clearly ashamed, “I…well,I- okay, so I was looking at this bridal store and then you came out and I got scared!! And I just blind guided you away and we…got to that shop and yeah…’ she wrings her hands together with a small smile, “Your wife is kinda weird.”
She tries putting herself down with humor, but he just looks at her with a small frown, “You aren’t weird.” she smiles a bit more, still embarrassed, “Baby, you have to stop calling yourself those names. You are anything but that.” God bless his patience, she thinks “Now…for the baby thing…well, I mean it’s surprising…but weirdly endearing too.”
He laughs quietly, shrugging, “Yeah, it was all a sign I guess. Considering one year later we’d be married.” he kisses her shoulder, “You worry too much sometimes.”
“I do Roos, I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t be.” he chuckles, kissing her shoulder again, “It can be really cute.”
Beatrice’s smile widens and her cheeks turn red, “...I still have it.” she whispers, earning a confused smile from her husband, “The onesie. I still have it.”
Silence follows and Bradley has to inhale deeply when she says it, “You kept it?” Beatrice nods, “Really?”
“I-It’s in my art room,” alongside the painting she still hadn’t finished and honestly she hopes she finishes it soon, “I just…well, I couldn’t really– I didn’t want to let it go if it makes sense?” maybe because she knew all along what would happen. Maybe it was a sixth sense situation that made her stop, “I mean, I guess…”
Rooster just smiled more, his eyes were so filled with adoration and love he didn’t know how else to react. “You are just incredible.” he whispers with a soft shake of his head, “You are just– God I love you.”he cups her cheeks with his hand and kisses her lips repeatedly, “You are too fucking cute, my God!” Beatrice laughs against his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck and adjusting herself on his lap, “Never fuckin’ change, Bea. I swear.”
Beatrice’s cheeks turn even redder as if it was possible and she presses her forehead to his once he lets her lips go, “I don’t plan to.” she giggles, “So um…well, I guess we can save that for a little while longer huh?”
“Absolutely.” he replies, “...want to try for babies now?”
“What? There’s only us here,” he turns to where Jolene is happily sleeping on the corner of the kitchen, “And Jojo and your brother isn’t coming back until much later so…maaaybe…” he trails his fingers up her thigh, right where her shorts began, gently playing with the seam but he immediately stops when he tries to hold back a yawn and fails miserably.
The domino effect hits Beatrice, who in turn yawns without trying to hold it back with tears beading on her eyes as she hums, “...maybe we should sleep first.” she murmurs, “I don’t think the coffee helped us at all.”
“No,” his mouth parts and the sleepy sound comes out without issues this time, “Fuck you are right, we better take a nap at least…and then worry about babies later.” She laughs sleepily, sliding out of his lap and taking their mugs and plates to the sink, returning to his side with her hand held out towards him so they could go up the stairs. He grabs her much smaller hand in his, kissing the back of it and leaving the kitchen.
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inkweaver22-blr · 1 year
Bunny Bros
When cornered and with no way to escape, Tang is forced to reveal something about himself to save his friends. He can only hope things will go well.
The van was destroyed. Luckily no one had been inside when Macaque had smashed it with his shadow mech, but that was perhaps the only upside to their predicament. Tang looked around desperately for any way they could possibly escape. To their right was a drop off into a deep ravine. To their back was a sheer cliff that they had no way of climbing. They couldn’t outrun the mech so the empty plains to their left wasn’t an option either.
The black furred demon couldn’t have picked a better place to corner them. They were completely trapped.
Tang winced at the loud roar Mei gave as she swung her sword again. She was doing her best to hold Macaque off, but with his mech continuously regenerating it would be only a matter of time before she wore herself out. With MK’s powers still not working and the Monkey King stuck in his meditative trance, it seemed there was no way out of the situation.
“This ain’t good,” Pigsy said, mirroring Tang’s thoughts. “We’ve got nowhere to go and Mei’s not going to last much longer.” The pig demon shook his head. “It’s hopeless!”
Tang froze at that. Hope… He reached up and clasped at the wooden talisman he never removed that rested beneath his robes. There was somewhere that they could go. Of course, the key had been meant only for him and this wasn’t how he had meant to reveal himself to the others. But it was an emergency! He’d simply have to ask for forgiveness later once they were all safe.
Determined to go through with it before his resolve wavered, Tang bent down and quickly began unlacing his boots.
“Uh, Tang? What are you doing?” Sandy asked, lightly repositioning the unresponsive Monkey King in his arms.
“Getting us out of here,” Tang replied, kicking off his boots and pulling off his socks as well.
“How is taking off your shoes going to help?” Pigsy said skeptically.
“You’ll see.” Tang straightened up and turned to look his friends in the eyes. “No matter what happens, I need you all to trust me.”
“What’s going to happen?” MK sounded a bit nervous. “Tang?”
“Please, just trust me.”
“I-” MK turned to look over at where Mei clashed with the shadow mech. He swallowed and looked back to Tang. “O-okay. I trust you.”
“I trust you, little buddy,” Sandy pitched in enthusiastically.
“You better know what you’re doing,” Pigsy grumbled, but made no further complaint.
“Thank you,” Tang sighed in relief. “Just… save your questions for later, alright?”
Tang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It had been some time since he had reverted to his birth form. It wasn’t strictly necessary to activate the key, but if he was to delay Macaque long enough for Mei to join them it would be. After all, his connection to the Earth and his magic was much stronger while in that form.
He focused and began to change. Fur sprouted all over his body. His feet shifted to where he stood primarily on his toes. His skull elongated into a snout. Claws grew from his fingers which shortened in length and developed paw pads. A short fluffy tail grew from the base of his spine and his ears lengthened quite significantly. Tang took a breath once the transformation finished and opened his eyes. His friends stared back in astonishment.
“Whoa…” Sandy said with his mouth open.
“You’re a rabbit?!” Pigsy exclaimed.
“You’re orange?” MK said, seeming more perplexed by his bright fur color than his sudden species change.
“I’ll explain later,” Tang promised as he turned towards the mech and flexed his paws. He grinned as he felt his magic flow through him. “Right now we need to get out of here.”
He took a stance and focused. Once he built up enough magic, he stepped forward and swung his fists down in a straightforward and sturdy motion. He then pulled back up. The earth around the shadow mech pulled up as well, encasing it in stone up to its neck.
“Holy shit!”
“Mei, get over here,” Tang shouted, somewhat out of breath. He was really out of practice. He reached under his robes and clasped the totem in his paw. “Everyone grab hold of me!”
Thankfully, Mei didn’t ask any questions as she dashed over and held onto Tang with the others. She did raise an eyebrow at him though.
“Later,” Tang said as he pulsed his magic into the totem. He grit his teeth as the shadow mech began to break free of the rock. He felt a wave of relief as the totem responded with its own magic and washed over him and his friends. “Here we go!”
Tang tapped his foot against the ground twice. The earth beneath the group opened up and they fell in. By the time Macaque freed himself the hole closed as if it had never been there to begin with.
MK’s screams soon turned into shouts of exhilaration as they slid down the tunnel Tang had summoned. He wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but this was better than any slide he had ever been on! Tang himself was actually running along the surfaces of the tunnels on all fours as the group descended. That was just so cool!
Before long the tunnel flattened out and deposited them into an undignified heap. MK laughed as pulled himself free.
“That was awesome!” He cheered along with Mei. He ignored Pigsy’s muttered cursing as he looked around.
“Whoa…” MK breathed as he took in their surroundings. “Where are we?”
They were in what appeared to be a giant underground cavern. Yet there seemed to be light coming from up above them somewhere. Every direction he looked he saw green, vibrant plant life. The air was fresh and pleasant and carried the scent of Spring. Even with his powers being on the fritz, MK could just feel the capital M Magic that filled this place. It reminded him quite a bit of Flower Fruit Mountain, actually.
“We’re somewhere safe,” Tang replied as he stood alert. MK blinked as he had to look up into Tang’s face. He had almost forgotten Tang was a rabbit. That apparently meant he was taller now. He had so many questions for the scholar.
“Somewhere safe?” Sandy said as he made sure Monkey King hadn’t suffered any damage during their wild ride.
“Yes. At least, I hope so…” Tang said as he continued to watch down the path the tunnel had deposited them on. “I, uh, don’t have the permission to bring strangers with me here. I’m just glad the key accepted you all and actually opened for us.”
“Wait, are you saying this might not have worked?!” Pigsy said, incredulous. “And what do you mean you don’t have permission to bring strangers here?”
“It means the owner of this place is going to be pretty ticked off at me,” Tang winced. “He’s not very sociable and doesn’t like his solitude to be interrupted. He’s also really grumpy, even on his best days. We’ve known each other for a long time though, so just let me do the talking and he shouldn’t kick us out. Hopefully.”
“We’re doomed,” Pigsy groaned.
MK was about to ask a question when he noticed Tang’s ears perk up. The rabbit held up a paw to motion for silence and took a step forward. He sniffed the air and turned towards a rock formation that MK realized was shaped like an egg. That was odd…
“I know you’re there,” Tang called out. “I know your manners tend to be lacking with how much you isolate yourself, but surely you know how to greet your guests properly?”
“Didn’t he just say this guy gets pretty grumpy?” Mei hissed in an urgent whisper. “Why is he antagonizing him?!”
“Hah! As if you’d know what proper manners are,” a voice with an Australian accent called back before MK could respond. Out from behind the rock a figure stepped.
MK blinked. It was another rabbit. This one, however, seemed to have a relatively normal fur color of blue-gray with a white undercoat. He… wasn’t wearing anything. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be anything to look at. It was hard to tell, but MK thought he might be taller than Tang as well.
“Still not wearing clothes, I see,” Tang taunted. “When will you grow tired of streaking through the countryside?”
“It ain’t streaking if there ain’t nothing there ta show,” the gray rabbit said heatedly as he stalked forward. “Clothes are impractical when we’ve got fur.”
“I’m not sure shapeshifting your bits away disqualifies you from being classified as naked and thus streaking,” Tang sniffed. “But at least you're modest when it comes to your nudism.”
“Like yer one to talk,” the gray rabbit stopped a few feet away and gestured at Tang. “I know for a fact ya only started wearing clothes when ya began pretending to be a hairless ape. What happened to that, eh? Too cold for ya?”
“What the hell is happening?” MK whispered to Mei, who only shook her head with her mouth hanging open.
“I’ll have you know being human can be quite comfortable,” Tang countered. “We just… ran into a bit of trouble that required me to need full access to my magic.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” the gray rabbit scowled. “Is that why ya brought all these strangers to my Warren unannounced and unauthorized?”
“Yes,” Tang said simply, staring intently at the gray rabbit.
“I see.” The gray rabbit stared back with an equal intensity.
There was a heavy silence for a few moments. As MK looked nervously between the two, he began to notice some similarities. Not just because they were rabbits. Their facial structures were alike. There were darker markings in their fur on their foreheads that seemed to form near matching symbols. Heck, even their eyes were the exact same shade of green.
Before he could theorize what that meant, both rabbits tensed. MK and the others all shifted to prepare for a fight. Tang and the gray rabbit moved-
-and began laughing uproariously as they hugged. Huh. MK had not been expecting that. He turned to look at the others but only received equally baffled expressions in return. MK turned back to find the rabbits’ laughter had died down and they were now pressing their foreheads together.
“Missed ya a lot, Tangerine,” the gray rabbit said softly.
“Missed you too, Euca,” Tang replied.
“Why don’t ya introduce me to yer friends and then we can talk about this trouble yer in.”
“Right,” Tang stepped out of the gray rabbit’s- Euca’s?- embrace and began to excitedly introduce them all.
“This is Pigsy. He’s my, uh, partner. I’m sorry I didn’t invite you but it was a courtroom wedding sooo…”
‘Euca’ simply raised an eyebrow before glaring at the pig demon.
“Gonna have to have a few words with ya later, mate.”
“Uhh…” Pigsy swallowed nervously.
“This is MK!” Tang hurriedly moved on. “He’s our son!”
MK felt the huge grin on his face as a warmth bloomed in his chest. He would never grow tired of being called that.
Euca’s eyebrows shot up at that and his mouth fell open.
“Adopted,” Tang gently corrected. 
“Ah,” Euca nodded sadly. He smiled at MK. “Good ta meet ya.”
“Nice to, uh, meet you too?”
“This is Mei,” Tang continued. “MK’s best friend and descendant of the Dragon of the West.”
“I thought that blade looked familiar,” Euca said. “Good on ya for earning the right to wield it. Ao Run can be a right prickly bastard when it comes to who he allows to use it.”
“Thanks?” Mei seemed torn between being confused and flattered.
“This is our friend Sandy,” Tang went on. “He’s an incredible pilot and engineer! Some of the stuff he makes gives me hope that mortals might reach the level of technology we’re used to in a few dozen centuries!”
Wait, what? MK’s mouth hung open at that. Had he said a few dozen centuries? He turned to an equally shocked Pigsy who seemed to be mouthing the word ‘mortals’ to himself.
“Really now?” Euca eyed the big blue demon up and down. “I’ll have to pick yer brain later and see how good ya are.”
“Uh, sure thing,” Sandy agreed. He shifted the Monkey King in his arms, drawing the gray rabbit’s attention. He froze as he spotted the meditating figure.
“Tangerine,” he said with very obvious forced calmness.
“Yes?” Tang said nervously.
“What the fuck is bloody Sun Wukong doing in my Warren?”
“Ah, well, he’s kinda MK’s mentor since he chose him to be his successor?” 
“Look, it all has to do with that trouble I mentioned. Plus he’s stuck in his meditation right now so he can’t cause any trouble like last time. Can we finish introductions first before you decide to kick us out?”
“Fine,” Euca pinched the bridge of his nose. “But if he wakes up and ruins the paint river again, I’m blaming you.”
MK’s mind was still swimming with everything that had been said so far and barely registered the ‘last time’ comment. What the hell was going on? Why had Tang hidden all this from them? What exactly was all this to begin with? He was really, really confused.
“Everyone,” Tang said, drawing MK’s attention. He had wrapped an arm around the taller rabbit’s shoulder. Euca rolled his eyes but smiled fondly at the orange rabbit anyway. Tang took a deep breath before he spoke again.
“Everyone, this is my older brother, Eucalyptus.”
MK’s mouth hung open once again.
“I told ya not to call me that in front of strangers,” the gray rabbit grumbled. He stood up straight. “E. Aster Bunnymund, at your service. Call me Bunny for now.” He smirked at the gobsmacked expressions of Tang’s friends. “But ya might know me better as the Easter Bunny.”
MK’s brain officially fizzled out and stopped processing.
This was just a fun little oneshot I thought up after finishing my latest chapter of Scattered Cicadas. I'm not sure if I'll continue it, but it was certainly amusing to write!
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alexturne · 2 years
My BigBang fic!
Here's a little snippet of the fic I'm working on for the Shadow Monkeys BigBang!✨ @shadowmonkeysbigbangbang
On their way into the back rooms Miles managed to find a flashlight in the electrical cabinet. 
Together, they walked through the dark hallway back through the staff kitchen and into the room with their lockers.
In his locker Miles found a spare set of joggers, some shorts, a t-shirt and a hoodie. Not much to split between two people, but at least there were two sets of underwear and socks.
He handed Alex the bundle with the hoodie and the shorts.
“Here, at least your top half’s gonna be warm.”
“But won’t you freeze in just a t-shirt?”
Alex held the bundle and sent Miles a worried glance.
Miles was infinitely warmed by the concern written so clearly in his dark eyes.
Miles smiled 
“Nah, I’ll be fine. I run pretty hot anyway,” Miles said, and he couldn't help but send him a dumb, flirty wink, one that had Alex shaking his head with an embarrassed chuckle. 
“If you’re sure,” Alex mumbled as he put the pile down on the bench in the middle and started undressing.
Miles did his best to turn his back and not accidentally catch a peek, but it was nearly impossible to resist.
He sighed, untying the apron around his waist, hanging it up to dry and dumped his soaked cap in his locker. He carefully peeled off his wet shirt and trousers. They were clinging uncomfortably to his skin and he was shivering by the time he got rid of them.
He put them up next to his apron. Down to just his boxers and socks, he couldn’t resist a quick glance over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of Alex’s naked back and shoulder in the process.
Miles quickly turned back around, feeling warmth rise in his cheeks in record time.
He cleared his throat.
“I hope it fits.”
“Hey, don’t start with me. I remember your comments about my size when I started here. I’m not that small,” Alex quipped from behind him.
Miles snorted.
“Sorry. No, you’re right, you’re really not that small. Completely not pocket-sized.” 
He couldn’t resist teasing him and it was just so easy.
He felt a soft smack at the back of his head and turned around to find Alex with the hoodie in hand and a smirk curling on his lips.
“You’re not that much bigger than me, we even wear the same size, you jerk,” he giggled and Miles couldn’t help but admire his shirtless form, just for a tiny moment.
He was every bit as gorgeously mouthwatering as Miles had suspected. The curves of his narrow hips and waist, his sculpted shoulders and surprisingly toned arms had Miles’ heart skipping a little beat.
He swallowed and tried to keep his eyes from wandering too far.
“But I’m taller.”
Alex rolled his eyes.
“It’s really all about size with you, isn’t it?” Alex said with a wink and Miles nearly dropped the shirt he was about to pull over his head.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
i saw that requests are open so how about lee ritsu / ler izumi or koga...
Tickletober day 29
Hehehe I'll gladly write for my knights babies anyday <3
Hope you like it :3
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Izumi x Ritsu (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Ritsu
Ler: Izumi
Warnings: Tickles! Foot tickles!
It was another normal day of idol practice for Knights... or something like that. Leo had ran out of the room claiming that inspiration had struck once more, with Tsukasa chasing after him. You could hear his 'Wahaha~☆' echoing off in the hallways. That only left Arashi, Izumi and Ritsu. The blonde was currently admiring herself on her compact mirror, while Ritsu layed comfortably to sleep with Izumi sitting next to him just scrolling through his phone. Suddenly, the silver haired man was disturbed by a pair of legs plopping down on his lap. With a face of annoyance, he looked over to the brunnette, who sent him a teasy smirk before closing his eyes. Izumi let out a groan, the audacity of that boy... He couldn't just let him get away with it, and that's when a mischevious idea struck in his pretty head.
As he expected, Ritsu was fast asleep, perfect time to strike. Izumi flicked a finger up Ritsu's socked sole, causing the brunnette to twitch in his sleep. A sinister smirk made it's way onto Izumi's face as he gently pinned down Ritsu's ankles with one hand, using his free one to playfully scribble all over the socked feet.
"Pfft-! Ahahaha...!" not even Ritsu could sleep through a tickle attack. His eyes opened back up as a soft smile adorned his features. "W-what ahare you dohohoing?!".
"Isn't it obvious? Teaching you a lesson~".
Ritsu squeaked in laughter as Izumi softly dug into his arches. The brunnette would try tugging at his feet but Izumi kept a firm grip on them. "Okahahay! I'm sahaharry!" he whined out all cutely, his cheeks softly growing red.
"Hmm... I don't know if I believe that" Izumi then wormed his fingers up to the vampire's toes, softly scribbling under them.
"Ahh!! Hahahahaha!" the brunnette clutched his tummy as his laughter slightly raised in octave. Looks like he was gonna have to beg if he wanted to get out of this. "P-plehehehease!" he whined out through his laughter as he covered his blushing face behind his sleeve.
"Ugh fine, but only 'cause you sound desperate" Izumi decided to show some mercy and let go of the brunnette, not before giving his sole a quick scribble. Ritsu squeaked as he instantly pulled his legs back, sitting back down properly. He let out a low grumble as he crossed his arms, a cute pout adorning his lips. Izumi replied by sticking his tongue out at him.
"That's it!" Ritsu yelled out as he suddenly tackled Izumi unto the floor.
"GAH! W-what are you doing you brahaHAT! STAHAHAP THAHAT!" Izumi cackled out as Ritsu squeezed his sides repeatedly. This perked up the blonde's attention.
"Oh? Are we having a tickle fight?! I wanna join~!".
"Narucchan wahahait! Ehehehe!" Ritsu giggled out and scrunched up his shoulders as Arashi gently scratched behind his ears, all while trying to tickle Izumi.
Shortly after, Tsukasa showed up with a pouty Leo behind him. "We're back- ...what's happening here??". Poor Tsukasa looked completely puzzled.
"Ohh? I wanna join the tickle fight! Wahaha~!☆" yelled out Leo as he tackled Tsukasa onto the ground, dragging him into the tickle fight by force. It's safe to say that everyone got their fair share of tickles that day, with practice long forgotten.
Idk why but I just had this idea. You know those kid leashes with the monkey backpack? Tsukasa needs to put one on Leo xD
Anyways you just KNOW that Knights would have constant tickle fights <3
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masterwords · 2 years
as the crow flies (part seven)
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Summary: After a journalist does the BAU dirty, Derek is forced to take the job at the New York Field Office. Hotch is forced to deal. (AU where Hotch and Haley have a daughter instead of a son. Based on this story.)
Warnings: explosion injury aftermath, post-op pain, food/eating, allusions to homophobia in children
Words: 2.8k
Notes: What's that? More post-Op fluff? Middle of the night eating adorable times.
There it was...the pain. It throbbed where his jaw hinged, just below his ear canal, and made his entire face burn. He'd known this was bound to happen, he'd just hoped it would be a little more subtle and slow moving. For a solid five minutes he just lay there like a statue, afraid to move for fear it would get worse. Holding still kept it at bay.
But he also had to pee. A liquid diet will do that to a man, especially at 1am. Clooney was at his feet, snoring away, stretched out right beneath the extended foot rest of the reclining chair. With some difficulty he managed to shoo Clooney out of the way so he could put the foot rest down, hoping it was quiet enough not to disturb Derek who he was surprised to see sleeping on the couch a few feet away.
Getting out of the chair was a struggle and a half. He was glad no one else could see him flailing around like a bug on his back, his equilibrium shot to shit temporarily. Hopefully temporarily, anyway. It didn't help that he was starving. Derek's apartment was sparsely decorated, not much to hold onto while he walked on unsteady legs, so he sort of shuffled, sliding his socked feet along the hardwood floor rather than lifting them and chancing tipping over. It was truly a sight.
First the bathroom, and then food. He couldn't exist on apple juice and water any longer.
The fridge light flooded the small open kitchen and he stared at the rainbow assortment of foods inside. Derek had never been your typical bachelor; his fridge was always full of brightly colored vegetables and lean cuts of meat. Low on convenience foods, high on quality. Hotch, on the other hand, would have an imbalance of condiments to actual food. On the rare occasions that Lucy spent the night, they would make a special trip to the store and buy all of her favorite foods. Sometimes she would have things in mind. “Daddy, did you know that capuchin monkeys like to eat figs? I've never had a fig daddy...could you buy figs?” Yeah, he would buy the damn figs that cost an arm and a leg, and she would eat one and pretend she was a capuchin monkey but also hate the fruit itself so he'd be stuck with a whole bowl of figs in his fridge and that would become his breakfast for the next few days. A piece of toast, some coffee and a fig. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but not very sustainable. He'd also discovered he didn't much care for them himself after a week of picking their tiny little seeds out of his teeth with his tongue on his drive to work.
Pushing past things he couldn't eat, he reached for the little cardboard cartons of protein shakes Derek kept stashed in the back of the fridge. They tasted vaguely like vanilla chai and coated his mouth with thick chalky paste. He would need to brush his teeth right after drinking it and he wasn't really sure how that even worked...his jaw was effectively locked shut with swelling and he wasn't supposed to do anything that would change the pressure in his ears for a few weeks. Derek would know. He read the instructions; Hotch had barely skimmed them. He meant to read them, he really did, but every time he started, he'd get this butterfly sensation in his chest and his fingers itched to call and cancel the whole thing. Not exactly the desired result, so he forwarded the information to Derek and asked him to please read it. Derek only thought it was funny and agreed. "You can meet with the Director of the CIA without flinching but reading through post-op care instructions brings you to your knees...you're really something, Hotchner."
He felt silly about it now, of course. Like many things in his life. Shaking the little container of semi-liquid sustenance, he let his mind wander away from here, away from the pain in his face and the explosion. He thought about Lucy, about how he couldn't really remember seeing her all day even though he knew she'd been there. Hoping that she'd been good for Derek, that the two of them were getting on well...this was a lot for him to lay at Derek's feet, he could see Haley's point a little clearer now that his mind wasn't so fully focused on the surgery itself. This was unfair of him, as much as Derek would never tell him so. Not in a situation like this.
He startled and jumped at the feeling of soft hands sliding over his hips from behind, muscles twitching and easing almost simultaneously. “I bet you're a hungry hungry hippo...” Derek whispered sleepy against the warmth of Hotch's neck. He nodded, melting into the embrace and sipping his pasty drink through the little straw. “You can have soft foods now. Sean made mashed potatoes while you were out cold...want me to heat some up?”
Hotch had never heard prettier words in his life. The smile that spread over his features lit up his whole face and Derek could almost feel its warmth.
“Said something about it being a family recipe...” Extra pepper and rendered bacon fat, the Hotchner family recipe passed down from generation to generation. Hotch didn't make it often, had a feeling that Derek would have a fit if he knew what was in them, but nothing sounded more appealing right then than filling his aching stomach as full as it could get with just about anything Sean made. “I bought you ice cream, too.” That was going to take more work, though. Mint chip...well the chips weren't on the approved list of foods for a few more days. When chewing was allowed again. In the meantime, he popped one of the little tupperwares of mashed potatoes into the microwave and got into the freezer for a tub of ice cream. While Hotch ate the potatoes, one of the many little single serve containers taking up space in the fridge, he'd do something he couldn't have fathomed doing for anyone ever.
If his mother saw him now, she'd assume a grandbaby was next on the agenda. He was really in it now, scooping out a pile of bright green ice cream and pulling chips out one by one with the prongs of his fork. As he amassed a small pile of frozen, crunchy chocolate he realized he had a bit of a sweet tooth himself right now. What else was he going to do with the stuff besides eat it? He couldn't save a little pile of crunchy chocolate.
Hotch smiled into his steaming bowl of potatoes and savored each and every bite. They were creamy and salty, better than he remembered his mom ever making...he'd known Sean was good at what he did, but sometimes it still caught him by surprise just how good. He was intuitive with ingredients in a way Hotch couldn't understand. There had been times he'd called Sean in a panic, trying to make some recipe for a work function or a party only to find he hadn't been prepared and was missing an ingredient. That was Sean's superpower, he could tell you without fail how to substitute just about anything. “Tell me what you do have,” he would say and he fully expected a long distance verbal tour of Hotch's entire kitchen. These days that was met with puffs of disapproval at how very little he kept on hand. “Do you hate yourself, is that it? You have Cream of Wheat but no bell peppers? No spices? Nothing interesting at all...” He was sort of joking, of course, he knew Hotch didn't keep a full kitchen because it was just him living there now, and he wasn't home very often. He understood but it was his duty to flip him shit anyway. Little brother tax.
It wasn't like Hotch didn't have plenty to get after him for.
Derek pushed the bowl of freshly crunch free ice cream into the freezer to let it re-solidify while Hotch finished his potatoes in silent reverie. They didn't dare talk, not wanting to break the silent middle of the night spell that held the apartment in carefully balanced peace. Clooney and Lucy, the resident noise makers, remained in the land of their dreams and Hotch, though awake, was in one of his own. That first bite of real food after a fast was always the best food you'd ever eaten, and he probably would have been thrilled with boxed potato flakes or jarred applesauce. This was otherworldly. Better than he could have hoped for.
The ice cream was an instant winner shortly after. It was already his favorite. Brand, flavor, all of it and while he missed the little crunchy bits of texture he could taste the love and care that went into making it so he could indulge now instead of waiting a few more days. In the meantime, Derek hadn't seemed to mind the extra work. He was rewarded for his labor with little bites of chocolate that made Hotch more than a little jealous. And when Derek kissed him a few minutes later, their cold minty lips meeting briefly before the washing up began, he could taste the chocolate there and he thought it probably tasted even better this way than it would have any other way. His hand moved up beneath Derek's thin t-shirt, something he was wearing only because Lucy was staying with them and it would have been wildly inappropriate for him to sleep in the buff on the couch. Warm skin against Hotch's cold fingers, electrified in the casual touch he hadn't realized he'd missed so much.
Talking was fine. Every day, texts and emails and phone calls. A goodnight call, sometimes video chats, it was fine. Fine. But it wasn't this, the way he could just reach out with no ulterior motive, just touch. Connection. Holding his hand there, his thumb teasing at Derek's hip bone, this was something he didn't allow himself to think about often. Losing this was devastating and he really hadn't even given himself time to consider that until right now.
“This is nice,” Hotch whispered absentmindedly, resting his head against Derek's shoulder. “Aside from the pain, anyway. I could do without that part.”
Derek's understanding was silent. There were things he thought he should say, things he should do, things he'd been thinking about that they would need to resolve but right then it was just them and lips that tasted like ice cream and he didn't want anything else. Derek realized, as he leaned in for another kiss, that he'd been avoiding this for a while. They'd argued about it not long before he moved, not long before the bomb. “I just don't want Lucy to feel weird seeing us kiss...” he'd said after he was asked why he'd pulled back on his affection when the three of them were together, and the way Hotch bristled at that had shocked him. Derek had no way of knowing that a few weeks prior, Haley mentioned in an off-hand sort of way that Lucy got into a scuffle with another little girl on the playground who said something about her dad kissing another dad. Kindergarten nonsense, Haley had said, and she'd already sorted it out with Lucy.
Sorted it out the way she felt was best, before even telling Hotch about it. Why trouble him? She took the kid out to ice cream and asked her how she felt about Hotch and Derek, not really expecting any real revelations. The kid was five, she wasn't going to blow Haley's mind, she was just going to say something that was somewhat relevant but a little off the wall and that would be it. That was the way Lucy was. And her response? “Derek makes daddy smile a lot.” How could Haley argue with that? It had been years since she'd made him smile the way Derek did so easily, and it really was that simple. The kid always amazed her, how like him she was. She simply accepted things about people. She didn't bother to ask why daddy suddenly kissed a man after kissing mommy for so long, that didn't seem to make any difference because Derek made daddy smile. But of course, Lucy had to get reprimanded for punching the girl in the nose, and Hotch did hear about that part as much as Haley would have liked to keep it from him. It seeped into the cracks, that Lucy was suddenly having to defend his choices on the playground, but really, she didn't see it that way. “That girl is rude,” she'd said adamantly. “She calls Marissa fatty, and she calls Ethan a wuss and she poured glitter on the floor and told Tanner that she was gonna put peanut butter in his shoes and he's allergic to peanut butter...” So really, she'd been waiting for her own opportunity to take care of it, maybe for everyone. Like a kindergarten superhero. Catching the bad guys like daddy, she said. She had to apologize, but Haley had a feeling it wouldn't stop Lucy from doing it again if a situation arose.
But, Derek didn't know most of that. He only knew that Lucy had some trouble at school, and through a few little blips of conversation here and there he sort of put the pieces together. Hotch seemed bothered by it, but maybe not for the reasons Derek thought he would be. "I don't care what kids say about us," he'd said the one time Derek tried to bring it up. "I'm just worried that she sees what I do, and how I get hurt a lot at work...and maybe she thinks that violence is the way to solve problems." Even still, that assurance wasn't enough to make Derek comfortable and he thought maybe if he stopped being so affectionate all the time, it might make things easier for Lucy. Perhaps misguided, he was starting to realize, because Lucy didn't seem to notice one way or the other and Hotch would never say how badly he'd missed it. So, kissing him now, it felt nice. It was like coming home. He'd tried to cool it in front of the kid, but it was the middle of the damn night and every inch of him missed every inch of Hotch and it was as simple as that.
“Back to bed,” he said finally, breaking the spell. “You need sleep.”
Hotch wanted to lay down, and almost pushed for it except the last thing he wanted to do right now was cause problems. He'd made himself a promise that no matter how difficult it was, he was going to be good. He was going to follow directions and listen and not put up a fight. Derek had been gracious and open enough to take him in, parent his child, and the least he could do was behave. So far that had been easy, but if he woke up in more pain than he was in right now he might find it difficult. That was a problem for the next day, though, right now he was only thinking about laying down.
But it was back to the chair for him. This time, though, with Derek there to guide his wobbly, unsure steps. His balance was really screwed up. Derek thought it was kind of cute because it was such a shock to his system. Hotch had to be one of the most graceful people he'd ever seen, the way he ran, the way he walked down the stairs from his office, so seeing him unsteady on his feet in a way that wasn't immediately life threatening or scary was more than a little endearing.
“You don't have to sleep on the couch,” he whispered once there was a pile of ice on his sore face and his eyes were closed because the room was dark and peaceful. They had the ice down to a science already, by the time his fifteen minutes were up the double ziplock bags would be filled with cold water instead of ice and if it fell off so be it.
“I'm good,” Derek replied, pushing down inside of his blankets and trying to make out the shape of Hotch in the dark. “I miss you. If I have to sleep on the couch to be with you...”
Hotch felt tears in his eyes, but he just hummed in agreement and let out a very soft sigh. By the time he was sleeping again, Clooney had resumed his spot beneath Hotch's propped up feet and Derek was snoring peacefully beside them, everyone returned to the exact positions they'd been in before the pain in his head woke him.
Time was funny like that.
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Pairing: Lumberjack!Buckyx Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: You’re Buckys favourite thing to come home to after a long day at work.
Warnings:  swearing, pet names, SMUT, size kink, daddy kink, fingering, praise kink, butt plug, choking, aftercare FILTH
Note**  based off the song knee socks by arctic monkeys! also Buck is 6′5 and solid muscle lol enjoy:))) 
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The timer went off, the beeping noise echoing throughout the kitchen as you scurried over to open the oven. Flour was scattered all across the kitchen counter, mixing bowls and spoons pilled in the sink. You had got the urge to make chocolate chip cookies, hoping to surprise Bucky before he came back from work with his favorite dessert.
 You always tried to give him little gifts every now and then, spoil him as he did to you.  As the sky turned from a dusty shade of pink to a dark shade of blue, the sun setting for the day and the moon arising to take its shift, you hummed along to Arctic Monkeys and combined ingredients. After the dough had sat, you had placed in it the oven, praying Bucky wouldn't be home until they were ready. 
Now here you were, taking the perfectly golden brown desserts out of the oven, just as the door slammed shut. Perfect timing indeed! You hummed in content, knowing your boyfriend was finally home after a long day at work. 
Bucky worked himself to death. You had constantly told him he worked too hard, he was always finding something to do or fix. 
It's to make your life better kitten he would always say, going back to whatever project he was working on for the house after he’d come home from logging wood all day. Hell, he had even built the cozy little cottage the two of you lived in now from scratch.
 It puzzled your mind if you thought about it too hard, wondering why exactly he did all of this for YOU. The least you could do was give him little gifts now and then, and make him happy by obeying him when he told or asked  you something. You couldn't make a whole cottage from scratch, but you sure as hell could make really really good cookies.
 A coat was placed on the rack, and you heard him take off his boats, placing them by the door that you had painted a dusty shade of red when he first built it. Footsteps echoed across the chestnut floor as you plated the cookies, setting the plate on the counter.
 Bucky's tall, bulky frame stepped into the kitchen,  rolling up his flannel sleeves. You giggled in content, happy to see your boy as you ran into his arms. He laughed as he picked you up in his strong arms, twirling you around in circles. Your laughter filled the room as he set you down, his sparkling baby blues looking down to meet yours.
 “Guess what!” you whispered, edging him on. '` What?!” his eyes widened in fake surprise, mocking you. 
“ I baked you cookies.” You grabbed his hand in yours leading him over to the counter. “ Oh kitten you shouldn’t have.” he chuckled, grabbing one and popping it in his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned as he chewed and you giggled. “ It tastes so good.” he grumbled, mouth full of cookie.
 You smiled, wrapping your arms around him like a koala. He grabbed your thighs and lifted you up, setting you on the kitchen island, running his fingers through your hair. 
“ I missed you so much daddy.” you giggled, reaching up to play with his dog tags that gleamed on his broad chest. “ Mmm missed me huh?” he leaned down, nipping and sucking along your neck as you tilted it back, giving him better access.  A hushed whimper escaped your throat, the sensations making wetness seep down between your thighs. 
It didn't go unnoticed by Bucky.
 Nothing ever got past him. 
“ Missed me so much you decided to wear my flannel and those pretty lil knee socks hmm?” he whispered in your ear, tugging on it as you mewled. “Y-yes daddy.” you reached up, running your fingers through his dark, long black locks that tickled your neck. Your breaths were coming in pants as he placed his hands on your thighs, slowly edging them open. 
He hummed in contempt as he saw your slick smeared across your inner thighs from clenching them so tightly together. “Ne-need-” you couldn't even form a coherent sentence as he began to trace his knuckles across your inner thighs back and forth, edging you from the spot you desperately needed his touch the most. 
“ Need what kitten? You gotta tell daddy what you want or else daddy can't make you feel good. Use your big girl words.” he cooed, and you nearly cried as he came so close to your center, then stroked his knuckles away yet again. 
“ Need you to play with me down- down there!” you moaned as he parted your legs even farther apart. 
“ Awh baby you want daddy to play with your lil button?” he mocked, running a finger up your slit and you arched your back, clinging onto him like a vice. “ So swollen and pretty baby. So needy for me.” he tsked, slipping his finger into your entrance and began to rub your sensitive nub with the pad of his thumb. 
A cheshire cat-like grin appeared on his face as your breaths came in shallow gasps and began to claw at his shoulders, clinging onto him for dear life.
 “ Shhhh I know I know honey.” he whispered sweetly, finger pumping into you, the wet sounds emitting from you turning you on even more. “ Daddy has to stretch out your little hole first before I can stuff you honey. You're doing so good for me.” he cooed, rubbing your clit faster in circles and you keened.
 “ Daddy please I need to cum!” you gasped, tugging his hair gently and he growled. His fingers pumped into you quicker and your thighs began to shake. “ Cum for daddy pretty.” he whispered and you gushed all over his fingers. He removed his finger gently, your juices coating it. 
He licked it clean, as you came down from your high, chanting his name, thighs shaking as you gripped onto him. “Mgmh Daddy it still tingles.” you croaked, voice hoarse from screaming his name.
 “ I know kitten. Daddys gonna make it feel all better pretty girl don't you worry.” he sang, unbuckling his jeans and freeing his throbbing cock. Your mouth watered at the sight as he began to stroke himself gently, pushing you back so you laid against the kitchen island on your back.
 Bucky began unbuttoning your flannel, and you shivered with anticipation against the cool marble counter top. “Such a naughty little kitty not wearing any panties and no bra.” he tsked, his large hands cupping your breasts, flicking each nipple. Goosebumps formed on your skin, and you arched your back into his touch as he leaned down to suck and nibble on each breast, leaving bite marks that would last for days.
 “ Wanted to be ready for you daddy, wanted to be your good little girl and be your little hole-” you were cut off with a growl and a thrust into you. A cry left your throat as he bottomed out into you slowly. You clawed at his back, looking up at him innocently. 
“ You're my little hole baby? Wanna be my little sex toy, my fuck hole yeah? Something I can abuse till you cry?” he asked, and you moaned at his words.
 “ Yes daddy. Please just want you to use me it tingles I need-” He pulled out slightly and snapped back into you and you screamed as he began to thrust into you, hard and fast.
 “ Then that's what you'll get, baby. God you're so tight and warm.” he growled, his hand wrapping around your throat.
 Your moans filled the room as he pounded into you with no mercy, the sound of skin slapping skin consuming your ears. Tears began to fall across your cheeks and he chuckled, his eyes filled with pure lust staring down at you. “ You’re so pretty when you cry kitty.” You wailed as he tightened his grip around your neck slightly. The pleasure was making you dizzy. It was beginning to get too much. Your eyes focused on his dog tags, snapping against his chest with each thrust. You reached your head up, tugging on them with your teeth and he moaned at the sight. 
“ You gonna cum baby?” he taunted and you nodded frantically, choked moans muffled from the metal in your mouth.
 “ Go on, pretty girl.”
 You snapped. White hot pleasure washed over you, your eyes rolling back. Your whole body began to shake from pleasure, stars filling your vision. Your juices coated his dick, spraying up and hitting his chest and he growled. 
“ Yeah that's it dolly milk my cock. Goin cum with ya.”
 He thrusts began to get sloppy, hips stuttering as his seed filled you up. Pants sounded the room as the two of you came down from your highs, your thighs still shaking uncontrollably. Your ears were ringing as he let go of your throat, stroking your tear stained cheeks gently as he pulled out slowly. Cum spilled down your thighs and onto the counter as Bucky fixed himself and buttoned his jeans back up, grabbing a towel from the closet to clean you up with.
 “ You with me my kitty?” he whispered, gently wiping the towel across your slit and you gasped, the sensation making you feel fuzzy. 
“ I know I know she’s sensitive baby I’m sorry I gotta clean her up.” he murmured, stroking your cunt softly. You mewled, and he set the towel to the side. “ Your pussy is so pretty baby. So so pretty and tight for me.”
 You reached your arms up towards him, like a kid begging for their mom to pick them up. He chuckled, picking you up gently, setting you in his lap as he sat on the couch. “ Was I good for you daddy?” you whispered as he stroked your hair softly.
 “ Such a good girl for me baby. I’m so proud of you.”
 You giggled as he kissed the top of your head, and you snuggled into his chest, embracing his warmth. His arms caged you in, protecting you from the world. “ Baby?”
 “Hmm?” you mumbled, sleep threatening to wash over you. 
“ I got you something today.” 
Your eyes widened and you sat up suddenly. Bucky smiled as he lifted you off him and onto the couch, standing up. He disappeared to the front hall, reaching into his work bag. He trotted back over to the couch, and your eyes widened. 
A plug. A little jewel adorned at the end of it, and it shimmered in the pale light.
 You met Bucky's loving gaze, and a smile broke out across his face as he patted his knee. You scrambled up, draping yourself across his lap with your ass in the air. You closed your eyes in anticipation as he began to rub and kneed your cheeks slowly, spreading them gently.
 “ Daddy is gonna put this in your little hole as a reward, okay princess? You’ve been so good for me.” 
You hummed softly, the sound of lube being applied to the toy. A gasp escaped your throat as his thumb circled your hole, then placed the toy in carefully. You moaned as it slid in, filling you up. “ So pretty.” he murmured, slapping your ass and you jolted at the feeling. You shook your ass teasingly, a deep chuckling leaving Bucky's lips. He stroked your cheeks, the occasional smack making you whimper.
 “ Don’t worry baby. Daddys gonna fill you up real soon.”
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maybankxw · 3 years
Hey, I love your content! For the headcanon I was wondering if you could do a JJ Maybank smut?
Thank you lovely 💐
hi! thank u <3 i hope you like it!!
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“Are you a naughty girl?” A whisper met your ear, strong hands wrapped around your torso from behind as a little giggle escaped your mouth, head turning to meet a pair of ocean blue eyes, “Oh?”
“Let’s skip classes.”
“We can’t.”
“Yes, we can, c’mon,” he pouted, nuzzling your neck, tugging at your wrist to follow him, “Don’t you wanna have some fun?”
You started college three months ago, it didn’t seem to be as bad as you thought it might turn out. Having JJ in the same building was the most exciting thing — stealing each others food at lunch, sneaking around to write dumb messages on blackboards, stealing kisses on breaks, chasing each other in the corridors, because of the last piece of chewing gum.
On top of that — sex in the restroom stalls, empty classrooms or PE changing room at least twice a week.
His fingers nibbled at your elbow, dragging you towards the wooden door, “Be a good girl,” his soft murmur wrapped around you, making you surrender.
The door shut, lock clattered, JJ’s deliberate steps made you bit the inside of your cheek, to prevent from smiling.
Your hands struck the smooth surface as he shoved you towards one of the desks, pushing a plaid skirt up you waist, groaning lowly, “I’m gonna enjoy this, babe.”
He knelt beside you, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your panties, pulling them down, over your white knee socks, “Beautiful,” his low whisper made you shiver with excitement, “So fucking sexy,” his lips met the back of your thighs, feathering the soft skin with kisses, hands grasping the ankles making you gasp.
“You know I love all of the filthy sounds that mouth makes,” he stood up and crooked your head back to rest on his shoulder, holding onto your chin, “But now you gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he gave you a quick peck and bent you over, you stomach flat against the plastic facet.
The metal clinked, the zipper came off, his cargo shorts lowered down, his huge palm caressing your bare ass as he stroked himself up and down, preparing.
“JJ—“ you bit your lip, trying to swallow a whimper as he pushed inside without any warning, rough fingertips digging into your hips, “Sorry, babe,” he chuckled quietly as he started moving back and forth, gaining the pace.
“I’m never gonna get tired of you,” he whispered under your ear, leaning in, palms resting on each side of your body as he kept thrusting, moves deep and controlled.
His lips met your neck, kissing the olive skin, biting it and licking the reddened marks afterwards, while you tried your best to keep yourself from moaning.
An arm snaked between the table and your body as he lifted you up, your back meeting his chest, his hand traveling down, thumb caressing the swollen bud, driving your arousal higher, “I’m close,” you breathed out, “Are you?”
“Almost there,” he grinned, his nose buried in your hair as he inhaled the scent of milk and honey. 
“Fuck,” you bit your fist as the wave of pleasure came crushing over your body, hips shaking uncontrollably, knees giving in completely, your nails scratching a line up his forearm.
JJ found his release right after you, thick warm liquid spilling inside you. “You’re perfect,” he groaned, spinning you around, with a firm grip on your lower back to keep you steady, his lips meeting yours in a sweet loving kiss, your face in his palms, eyes closed as you both smiled into each other’s mouths.
“Way much better, than your boring classes, don’t you think?”
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playlist: ・snap out of it by arctic monkeys ・freaks by surf curse; ・high school lover by cayucas; ・knee socks by arctic monkeys;
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just-a-dumb-gay · 3 years
Why Are Humans Like This - Lady Dimirescu X Reader - 1623 Words
5 Times you try to scare Alcina + the time she gets you back
Prompt from Anon-R: Reader tries to keep scaring Alcina and Alcina just plays along cause it’s so cute that her partner who is barely half her height tries to scare her after all she’s the one who scares others
Tags: Reader gender is not specified, it's just soft, Daniela shows up twice and twice is bored of you, but Alcina admires your effort
1 .
You're wandering the halls of the Castle Dimitrescu, bored out your mind. Alcina had some business to attend to in the village down the mountain but with it being the middle of winter you could not go with her because she was afraid you would be too cold. Her daughters are who knows where, so you don't have anyone around to keep you company.
You're down an almost hidden corridor near the front door, and get blasted with a cold draft indicating Alcina is finally home. You decide to try and make the day more interesting to break up the boredom. Peeking around a wall you see that it's definitely Alcina who opened the door, and lucky for you she's not looking in your direction.
As quietly as you can you tiptoe behind her as she is hanging her jacket up neatly. Once you're behind her you shout "Boo" as loud as you can. But she doesn't flinch, but she does start laughing and turns around to face you, her pail skin glowing with happiness.
"You knew I was there didn't you?" You ask, a little disappointed.
"My dear Y/N, your socks squeak ever so slightly on this floor," She continues laughing. "It was a good attempt though." She says leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
You sigh but can't help but smile whenever she's so gentle with you. You decide to make it your mission from then on to scare Alcina at least once.
2 .
Another day in the middle of winter and Alcina once again went into town without you to gather some food for you along with some extra supplies.
When she arrives home you take a few bags through to the kitchen and realize this might be the perfect opportunity to try and scare Alcina again.
You look around for a hiding spot but your thinking is cut short by her footsteps echoing nearer the kitchen. You dive into a cupboard that is currently empty, there's probably better places you could have hidden but this was the closest.
The door opens and her footsteps pause for a moment.
"Y/N? Where have you gotten yourself to?" It takes everything in you not to laugh.
She begins walking closer to your hiding spot, a second later you hear bags being placed on the counter above you.
You realize you didn't have a plan for how to scare her, but that doesn't matter because the cupboard door opens to reveal Alcina kneeling in front of it, smiling from ear to ear.
"Really?!" You say with a sigh.
"You were not exactly quiet when closing this," she says tapping the door before offering a hand to help you out,
You sigh again before accepting her help.
"If it's any comfort, Daniela would have fallen for that." She laughs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
A loud "Hey! I heard that!" comes from somewhere nearby, followed by many meaningless threats when you both burst out laughing.
3 .
Spring finally rolls around and Alcina celebrates by taking you out into the garden and woods behind the castle for a picnic. But as soon as you both get comfortable on the plaid blanket she brought out she notices she forgot the most important part of lunch. The wine. She asks you to stay put and rushes back inside.
You pick at the grass for a moment before deciding to try and scare Alcina again. And this time you're confident it will work.
You make your way up a tree, all the practice you had as a kid exploring the forest around your home coming in handy. And there you wait.
She returns with two bottles of what looks to be some fancy and quite old wine, but stops once she sees you've disappeared. She places the wine on the blanket and begins looking around nearby for you.
After staying quiet for a few moments she finally walks under the tree you're in allowing you the perfect opportunity.
You jump down and land on her back with your arms around her neck.
"Should I start calling you a monkey from now on?" She teases.
You let yourself down from her back, confused as to how that didn't work. Alcina sits down and interrupts your thoughts by pulling you down into her lap and peppering you with kisses anywhere she can reach. Something that never fails to make you laugh.
“You will scare me one day, Y/N, I'm sure of it." She encourages, squeezing her arms gently around your waist.
4 .
A month or so passes with you struggling to find the chance to have another attempt at scaring Alcina. But finally on this fine morning another opportunity shows itself.
You wake up to Alcina having already left the bed and in the shower. Not seconds after having your idea you're sneaking through the corridors down to the kitchen. Once you have the required item, a bucket of cold water, you sneak back to your room and into the bathroom. You're relieved to see she left the squeaky door open, less chance for you to get caught.
Carefully balancing on the toilet, you attempt to pour the cold water over her. But you miss. Completely. She steps out the way of it the second you tip the bucket over.
"Seriously?!" You sigh, getting frustrated that nothing you try is working.
You step off the toilet as Alcina pulls back the shower curtain watching you with a fond smile.
"That was a good try, I'll give you that." She takes your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it, before yanking you into the shower with her. While you're still fully clothed.
You scream slightly at the sudden shock as Alcina has her arms around your waist keeping you trapped with her. Although you can't protest much, you will never get bored of hearing seeing her so full of joy.
5 .
It's a normal quiet night in the castle, raining is pouring outside making it the perfect time to curl up and watch a movie.
You're thinking over your past failed attempts at scaring Alcina when one final idea comes to mind, something an old friend you had used to do to you all the time.
You wait for a quiet bit in the movie and glance over to Alcina to make sure she's focused on the movie. You take a second to mentally prepare yourself, before screaming loudly.
Alcina jumps beside you and turns around with wide eyes worried you're hurt. But your scream quickly turns to laughter.
Not 10 seconds after you scream Daniela barges in the room expecting danger but is only met by you doubled over laughing and Alcina looking incredibly confused and still shocked.
You take a moment to compose yourself knowing they're both waiting on an explanation. But all you can get out is "Finally!". You throw your hands in the air in celebration and that's when it clicks for them both.
Daniela rolls her eyes and leaves while mumbling "Why are humans like this?", she's never exactly been a fan of your antics. Alcina on the other hand sits patiently waiting for you to calm down but no matter how hard you try you can't stop laughing.
"Y/N please remember that you need to breathe." Alcina says with a hint of concern. Upon hearing that you have to try extra hard to calm down.
It takes a few moments of deep breathing for you to finally stop laughing. But when you do you turn to Alcina with a victorious smile.
"I had faith you would manage one day, although I will admit that is not how I expected you do to it." She says, sounding genuinely proud of your success.
+1 .
It's a horrible day outside, heavy rain and thunder. You're in your room working on a sketch of the castle you started a few days prior when it was sunny out. Alcina had sat behind you in the courtyard with her head resting atop yours watching you draw.
You've never been a fan of thunder, so you have your headphones on up as loud as they'll go. You don't know exactly where Alcina is, you assume she's somewhere around the castle perhaps checking to make sure the rain isn't getting in anywhere.
You lean back in your chair to think for a moment, you can't figure out what but something is missing from your drawing. You wind up deep in thought trying to understand what's wrong or what's missing when a strong pair of hands grab your shoulders.
You get such a freight you fall off your chair and as soon as your headphones fall around your neck you're met with the magical sound of Alcina's laugh echoing through the room.
You mumble "Holy shit" as you're trying to get your breath back.
When Alcina hears your laboured breathing she worries she may have been a little too rough with you. She helps you off the ground and over to the much more comfortable bed.
"I hope that was not too harsh, my love." She says, worry flooding her voice. She gently rubs your back, waiting for you to say anything.
It takes a few minutes but once you're sure you can trust your voice all you say is "I definitely deserved that."
Alcina is relieved at your humor and begins laughing with you.
Daniela comes into the room again, but not as rushed as last time. She sees you both laughing and figures out her guess of there being no real danger was correct. Rolling her eyes once more she silently leaves you both to your painfully cute ways.
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
blossom | part 16
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blossom [part 16] || 'Hoseokie'
[‘cause all i need is to see you blossom out, blossom out, blossom out]
previous || masterlist || next
a/n : I cant tell if this is a hobi chapter or a yoongi chapter but i am very in love with them both thats for sure -- lmk what you think!
“Hobi, hi!” Y/n had practically slammed face first into the front door in her rush to answer it, and she’s a little breathless when she finally greets him. She’d honestly been expecting maybe a different, more confident Hoseok than the one she’d become familiar with to be standing there -- after all, he certainly looks the part today. But she’s pleasantly surprised to find that he’s still the same old Hoseok, rocking back and forth on his heels on her porch while he takes in the exterior of her home with bright, wide eyes.
He turns those eyes to her now, his smile boyishly charming as his red ears poke out cutely from beneath his winter hat.
“Y/n! Your house is so cute!” The compliment rolls off his tongue immediately, because frankly it’s all he could think about as he’d walked up the path to her door. It suits her perfectly, this lovely little home on the outskirts of town. He holds up a bag when she thanks him, shaking it lightly while he steps inside, following her into the entryway.
“I know you said no gifts, but I couldn’t show up with nothing!” He sets the bag into her waiting hands, pulling out four flower crowns -- they’re perfect, clearly crafted with care and delicacy that borders on professional. Each one is unique in size and style, somehow a set of matching winter crowns but created with individual intent. She can’t even bother to hide the look of endearment she shoots him.
“Hobi, you really didn’t have to do all of this.” He waves her off while he removes his hat, and she sets the bag down so she can take his coat while he explains.
“It’s nothing, seriously. I didn’t know what I could possibly buy you and your family because I don’t know what they like, so I thought I’d stick to something I know… I tried to make the one for your dad a bit more, uh -- manly? It was hard, though.” He laughs off his slight embarrassment, but Y/n’s mind is stalling on what he’d said. She turns to him with an awkward smile.
“Ah… I thought the big one might have been to fit Yoongi’s massive head… I think it still would fit him, to be honest.” When Hoseok blinks at her in confusion, she only offers an uncomfortable laugh. “My dad’s not around, actually… There’s only three of us.” Hoseok’s eyes go wide, and he finds himself swearing internally. He hadn’t even noticed that she’d never mentioned her dad before.
“Shoot, I’m sorry -- I didn’t even think about it--”
“No, you’re fine! It’s okay, it’s my fault for forgetting to mention it.” When he tries to apologize again, Y/n only sets the larger flower crown on his head to silence him. It hangs low on his forehead, making her smile. “Seriously, Hobi -- you’re sweet for even thinking of all of this.” He opens his mouth, still feeling unsure, but another voice cuts in before he can say anything.
“Yoonie’s here! Oh-- you’re not Yoonie…” Sliding into the doorway with small socked feet is a literal carbon copy of Y/n -- granted, she’s about a head shorter and very clearly a child, but the resemblance is uncanny. Hoseok blinks at the girl, and she only blinks back, hands on her hips in what can be described only as disappointment. Y/n rolls her eyes playfully.
“Hoseok, meet Hana, my 8-year-old sister. Hana, meet the boy that brought you a handmade flower crown -- so be nice.” Immediately, Hana’s arms are dropping in surprise, her eyes wide as she glances at Hoseok’s hands. He smiles kindly, picking out the crown with the smallest circumference and handing it to her. The girl’s eyes almost sparkle with excitement as she moves to take it from him, fingers delicate as she sets it on her hair.
“I had to guess at what size your head would be, but I hope you like it!” Y/n’s sister blinks up at him with an expectant gaze when he’s done talking, clearly waiting for an assessment.
“Do I look nice?” Hoseok warms immediately, finding the girl entirely endearing. He nods, handing Y/n her own crown while he responds. He has to stop himself from doing a double-take when she puts hers on.
So pretty…
“Yay! Thank you for the pretty crown!” Hoseok blinks, realizing he’d definitely just said that out loud. Luckily, the sisters had taken it as a response to Hana’s question, and he feels relief flood his body at the coincidence. He’s so busy thanking whatever higher power had just saved him from that awkward moment that he misses the sound of the front door opening behind him.
“Yoonie!” Coming back to reality, Hoseok barely has time to jump out of the way as the 8-year-old barrels past him, charging with purpose for the person entering the home.
“Monkey!” The voice that hits his ears is familiar, but it’s entirely unlike the person he knows it belongs to. Looking up, Hoseok can only stare lamely as Hana all but flies through the air, caught securely in the arms of one Min Yoongi. The Slytherin laughs loudly at the sudden attack, swinging the girl around in greeting before taking a good look at her.
“Jeez, do you ever stop growing? I’m getting nervous over here, kid.” Yoongi sees Y/n and Hoseok then, and he greets them with nothing more than a nod and a cool grin.
“Happy Christmas, nerds--” Somehow managing to hold onto Hana with one arm, he extends the other out to Y/n, passing her a large bag of gifts. “The one on top’s for you -- don’t even think about it, loser.” Y/n had peered curiously at the topmost gift when he’d said it was hers, eyeing it with excitement. She rolls her eyes now, letting the bag hang at her side as she waves Hoseok into the next room -- a living room, decked out in warm blankets and an even warmer fireplace. There’s a staircase on the far end of the room, the wooden steps uneven from years of use. The home is small but very clearly lived in, and Hoseok’s happy to think that he’s been allowed into Y/n’s childhood home.
There are a few picture frames on the fireplace mantel, and he can’t help but wander over to them while Y/n sets the gifts under the decorated tree in the corner. He looks over the photos with a smile, listening as Yoongi and Hana catch up behind him.
“What’s that on your head, Monkey? I like it.”
“A flower crown from Y/n’s boyfriend! He said it looks pretty on me.” Y/n chokes on her own saliva when she hears those words -- Y/n’s boyfriend -- and Hoseok finds himself overheating just slightly. He swears it’s from the crackling fire in front of him, and he tugs a few times at the front of his dress shirt in discomfort. Y/n glares at Yoongi, who’s barely managing to contain his laughter.
“Hoseok’s not my boyfriend, Hana--” The girl turns, maneuvering her way out of Yoongi’s arms and onto his back while she responds, clearly confused.
“But the last boy you brought home was Stinky Koo, and he was your boyfriend!” Hoseok’s immensely glad that he’s still facing the fireplace, because the name Stinky Koo is much more amusing to him than it should be. He turns to face them only when he’s got his face under control, but he almost cracks when he sees how proud Yoongi looks -- it must have been him that had nicknamed Jungkook for the young girl.
Desperate to change the subject, Hoseok gestures at the photo in the middle of the mantel -- a portrait of the sisters and their mother.
“Your mom’s beautiful, Y/n. Like a queen.” Y/n smiles shyly, Yoongi nodding appreciatively behind her. He's doing just fine, Yoongi thinks to himself, seeing how obviously nervous Hoseok is.
“Well, thank you, young man! Y/n, I like this boy.” The photograph in question is nothing compared to the woman that enters the room, and Hoseok swears the genetics in this house have seriously won the lottery. Y/n’s mother has the kindest eyes he’s ever seen, and he feels like all he wants right now is to see those eyes look at him with approval. It would mean the world, honestly.
She steps toward the group of kids, smiling sweetly at Hoseok before immediately turning to Yoongi with an evil glint in her eye. The boy never stood a chance, only having enough time to inhale sharply before her fingers are coming down on his cheeks, pinching with all her might. Y/n snorts when Yoongi lets out a pained wail.
“Release me, woman!” Hoseok’s shocked at the tone Yoongi takes with her, but Y/n’s beside him in an instant to do damage control.
“My mom’s favorite pastime is antagonizing him -- Yoongi’s been around long enough that formalities just… don’t exist… You get used to it.” Hoseok only nods as he watches her mom start in on the Slytherin.
“Never in my life have I seen a boy with so little meat on his body -- do you even eat, or is the sickly look in style these days?” The woman pinches at Yoongi’s torso for emphasis, and he starts to wriggle away from her, Hana barely managing to hang onto him for dear life.
“This is why I never come here -- the bullying is insufferable!” Yoongi hops around the living room with the 8-year-old glued to him, racing for the doorway into another room when he sees that Y/n’s mom isn’t giving up anytime soon. She almost follows the pair when they disappear, deciding instead to stay in the room with Y/n and Hoseok, an innocent grin on her face.
“You look much healthier than that bag of bones over there--” Hoseok realizes she’s addressing him and smiles, extending a hand to greet her and ignoring Yoongi when he lets out an enraged ‘hey!’ in the other room.
“You have such a lovely home, Ma’am-- Oh! I made you this!” He’d almost forgotten about his gift, but it’s hanging from the wrist he’s using to shake her hand, making him look both awkward and cute as he struggles to hand it to her with some semblance of elegance. “I hope you like it-- I can mend it if it’s too big! But… I left my bag at home, so I’ll have to run to get the scissors and twine-- Oh, it fits!” Y/n’s mom had watched him stumble over his words for a moment before decisively setting the crown on her head with a smile.
“I love it, Hoseok -- thank you.” He blinks, realizing that she knows his name although he had forgotten to introduce himself, and it clicks that Y/n’s talked about him to her mom before. The shy smile on the Gryffindor’s face only confirms his suspicions, filling him with joy. He smiles brightly, following Y/n’s mom when she waves him into the room where Yoongi had gone.
It’s a kitchen, small but comfortable, with a dining table positioned in the middle of the room. When they enter, they find Yoongi bent over the open oven door, lifting a large dish out of it and setting it on top of the stove. Hana’s clung tightly to his back, but the Sytherin moves around the kitchen with ease, dropping the oven mitts on the counter on his way to grab plates from one of the cabinets. It’s obvious not only that he’s very used to having Y/n’s sister stuck to him, but also that he’s comfortable in this home, fully aware of how the house functions.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing? Get out of my kitchen -- you’ll break something!” Y/n’s mom makes a beeline for Yoongi, swatting him away with an oven mitt scooped up from the counter. He complains loudly, grabbing at it and arguing with the woman.
“Will you please just sit down and let me do this?! You’re in my way -- go sit down, Mom!” It looks like a fight -- by all standards, it’s a mother and son arguing and nothing else. But Hoseok looks around the room, taking in the table full of homemade food, the sink full of dishes from the cooking. He sees the light sheen of sweat on the woman’s face, knowing just by looking that she’d been working tirelessly to make Christmas dinner for them. And when he looks to Yoongi, he sees that the boy knows this, too -- that he’s urging her to sit down and relax, that he’s just making it seem like he’s annoyed instead of openly caring for her. That, along with the fact that Hana is very clearly emotionally attached to the Slytherin, makes it obvious to Hoseok that Yoongi belongs here. That this Yoongi belongs here, not the promiscuous one that the entirety of Hogwarts knows. Hogwarts doesn’t know this Yoongi.
“You’re doing that thing again.” Hoseok jumps, realizing when he turns that Y/n’s watching him closely. He smiles, cocking his head to the side in confusion. The chaos of the room never stops, happening in the background while he and Y/n stand in the doorway.
“What thing?” She grins, pointing at his face.
“That observant badger thing. You’re just watching and taking mental notes.” He flushes slightly, not even realizing that he does this often enough to classify it as a ‘thing’. He gestures to her best friend, a question slipping out in the form of an observation, something he’s apparently good at.
“I didn’t realize Yoongi was good with kids.” Y/n snickers, shaking her head.
“He’s not, actually. One time, he tripped over a kid at the store because he hadn’t seen them walking past, and for the rest of the day he kept saying ‘children are the evil groundhogs of the world… waiting to pop their little heads out of the ground and scare you’. It was kinda dramatic.” Hoseok blinks, utterly dumbfounded by that story because it sounds exactly like something Yoongi say, but the Yoongi in the kitchen right now is not showing any of that malice.
“So… then how did this happen?” He gestures to the pair hopping around the dining table, Hana now clinging to Yoongi’s leg while the boy sets out utensils, all the while bickering with her mom. It’s not hard to imagine, seeing how the girl hangs off of him, why Yoongi calls her Monkey.
“Well -- Hana’s 8, which means Yoongi’s been in her life for… almost the entirety of it. And, although I doubt he’d say it, I know he feels some sense of responsibility for her since our dad’s not around. He’s just kind of always looked after her, so she definitely relies on him a lot.” Y/n looks at peace when she says it, and Hoseok gets the feeling that she appreciates Yoongi’s involvement with her family more than she’s letting on.
“They’re pretty cute… It’s nice to see.” Y/n smirks at Hoseok’s final assessment before beckoning him further into the kitchen, commenting in a low voice as she moves to the table.
“Don’t let Yoongi hear you say that -- his ego needs to be kept under control as it is.” Yoongi looks up when he hears his name, lifting an eyebrow but asking no questions as he examines Hoseok and Y/n. Letting it go, he glances down at the child sitting on his foot.
“Let’s wash our hands, Monkey. I dont need your dirty germs getting in my food.” Hana protests loudly but allows Yoongi to haul her off to the bathroom to wash up. He sets his phone on the table when he goes, and Hoseok can only imagine how much trust he has in Y/n to leave her with it -- especially because it keeps buzzing with notifications, and Hoseok can tell even from here that Yoongi has his message previews on.
When they return, Y/n passes the boy his phone, but not before it lights up again in her hand. Without meaning to, she glances down at it, and Hoseok’s not sure what she sees, but it has Yoongi looking at her with wide eyes once he’s gotten a chance to read it, too. He eyes her almost guiltily, but she only smiles knowingly and turns back to the table, taking the seat next to Hoseok.
“Let’s eat!”
Dinner passes surprisingly easily for Hoseok -- he’d been nervous all day, changing and re-changing his clothes until finally he’d just given up and left his apartment. But now, sitting here with Y/n and her family, he feels welcomed, included immediately in the chaos of the group dynamic while they eat. Her mother insists on piling his plate high with insanely delicious food, although it’s not nearly as much as she feeds Yoongi, who looks disgruntled at being called a walking skeleton but eats it all with vigor, anyway.
Just as they’re finishing dinner, Hoseok jumping to his feet to help clear the table, Hana rests her elbows on the wood, peering up at him curiously while he moves around the room. He has to purse his lips to stop himself from smiling when he spots her legs swinging back and forth from her chair, not yet able to reach the floor.
“Who’s that other flower crown for? Is it for you? It’s kinda big on you!” His eyes widen just a fraction, and he looks to Y/n for help as he hums. Y/n starts talking at the same time he does.
“Oh, it’s just an extra--
“He just accidentally made it too big--”
“It’s for me!” Yoongi cuts them both off with finality, sticking his hand out almost childishly for the crown hanging low on Hoseok’s head. Hoseok looks at him in shock, forgetting to mask his emotions for the young girl in front of him. But it’s fine because Hana’s only looking at Yoongi, something the Slytherin's clearly aware of when he waves his awaiting hand, dramatically impatient for her sake.
“But then why haven’t you been wearing it the whole time?” The girl’s questions are straight to the point, and Y/n’s mom starts to tell her not to pry, but Yoongi’s always ready for Hana’s inquiries.
“Obviously, Hoseok’s a little shy about giving me a Christmas gift -- he’s been waiting for the right time!” He sounds so sure of himself, like he actually believes it. But as Hoseok’s lifting the crown off of his head and setting it in Yoongi’s hand, he sees the look the boy gives him, and he knows that Yoongi’s aware of the assumption he’d made about Y/n’s father.
And of course Yoongi knows -- he’d made the exact same mistake the first time he’d visited the home at 11 years old, walking in with expensive gifts for both parents because his mom had always stressed that ‘you never go to someone else’s house empty handed’. Hana was much too young then, only a year old, and Yoongi’s not about to let the girl catch on now and risk souring the Christmas spirit. He knows how insecure she gets sometimes about not having a dad, so he saves Hoseok from the moment with practiced ease.
Looking away from the Hufflepuff and turning to Hana while he sets the crown on his head, he points up at it.
“How’s it look, Monkey?” The girl hums, squinting for a moment before nodding.
“It fits! Probably because you have a big head.” Y/n snorts loudly, even Hoseok coughing out a laugh while he sets dishes in the sink. Yoongi only nods, accepting that he’s just been blatantly insulted by an 8-year-old, made worse by Y/n’s mom running her hand over Hana’s hair in amused approval.
“That’s my girl -- you tell the skinny boy how it is.” Yoongi opens his mouth to protest, but the woman’s standing to retrieve something from the fridge, and immediately his complaints are replaced by an excited gasp.
“Is that--”
“Well, someone’s gotta feed you your favorites!” Hoseok only glances over his shoulder while he and Y/n clean up, seeing that the woman’s setting a pumpkin pie on the counter and reaching for a knife to cut it. Another glance tells him that Yoongi’s argumentative nature’s been won over by the dessert, and he’s standing to help her serve 5 plates of it, shy smile peeking through.
“Thanks, Mom…” The woman grins, bumping him with her hip but not saying anything about the embarrassment on his face. She turns, holding two plates and gesturing toward the fridge while she heads for the living room.
“Grab the whipped cream on your way, will you, Hoseokie?” Hoseok almost drops the dirty plate he’s setting in the sink, all the hair on the back of his neck standing on end when he hears the name Y/n’s mom calls him. Y/n notices that he stills suddenly beside her, but before she can mention it, he’s blinking, the moment gone as he moves to the fridge with a smile.
The group migrates to the living room, Y/n’s mom taking the armchair by the tree while Y/n and Hoseok share the couch. Yoongi’s sitting on the floor with his legs crisscrossed, Hana seated comfortably in his lap. The plates of pie sit on the table next to Yoongi’s head, and he keeps glancing anxiously at them, like he’s wondering if he can sneak a bite without anyone noticing. Y/n’s mom’s voice rings out, and he knows he’s been caught.
“Not a chance, Yoongi -- presents first!” Rolling his eyes but nodding anyway, he turns his attention back to the group, where Y/n is passing out presents to everyone. The biggest ones always go to Hana, who seems very excited but is somehow even more enthused about finally giving everyone her own gifts, small trinkets she’d picked out with immense care during her school’s holiday field trip. Y/n has to stop herself from snapping a photo of Yoongi’s face when he unwraps a snake plushie, watching with amusement when he cradles it close to his chest, eyes full of adoration as he mouths "I love her" to the Gryffindor. Hana doesn’t even notice how dramatically sentimental he is, her short attention span having her already turning to Hoseok with a large smile and a small gift.
“This one’s for you, Hoseokie!” Hoseok chokes on his saliva, paling slightly when he hears that name again. Y/n picks up on it for sure this time, but she doesn’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt his and Hana’s moment.
Hoseok takes the gift with shaking hands, masking whatever’s running through his mind with a shy smile.
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Hana -- thank you!” The girl watches with intense interest while he peels the wrapping paper off, revealing a pink ballpoint pen in the shape of a flower, explaining when he holds it up in the light.
“Y/n told me you liked flowers when I asked! Do you like it?” Hoseok smiles brightly, pressing down on the center of the flower with a quiet click and running the tip of the pen along the knuckle on his thumb to test the ink.
“I love it! I’ll use it every day!” Y/n smiles then, thinking how endearing he’ll look, using a pink ballpoint flower pen in a school that still standardizes quill and ink. But she knows he means it and won’t even think twice about using it. Hana beams up at him, but her eyes become curious almost immediately.
“But -- do you not like the name ‘Hoseokie’? You looked a little sad when I said it…” Y/n cringes, cursing the fact that her sister is both extremely observant and completely lacks a filter. She’s like the perfect mix of Hoseok and Yoongi, something that would be really funny if the situation hadn’t just gotten really uncomfortable.
Hoseok gapes at the girl, letting out a breath of laughter when she only tilts her head to the side curiously. It’s fine that he’d been caught -- it’s just a little embarrassing that it had happened here at Y/n’s family dinner, where he’d been trying to make a good impression and leave only good energy behind. With a slight sigh, he shakes his head to answer Hana’s question.
“I don’t not like ‘Hoseokie’ -- I actually really like it… it’s just--” He glances quickly at Y/n, feeling a bit awkward. “My little sister used to call me that…” Immediately, Y/n’s looking to Yoongi out of the corner of her eye, finding that he’s doing the same, the alarm in his eyes matching her own. Hoseok had never mentioned a sister.
“It’s a little… uncomfortable, so I feel bad…” Hoseok looks to Y/n’s mom then, watching carefully for her reaction when he continues. “My parents run an apiary -- they’re very big nature types, all about the ‘way of the natural world’ and stuff like that… that's why--" He cuts off, gesturing vaguely to the crown on the woman's head. That's why I know how to do this, he means. Clearing his throat, he continues. "So it didn’t really… go well… when I turned 11 and got the letter saying I was a wizard.” Y/n hears Yoongi inhale sharply from where he’s sitting, and she knows he’s putting the pieces together like she is.
When Hoseok sees that Y/n’s mom is watching him with a guarded expression, almost worried about where he’s going with him, he bites at the inside of his cheek nervously. Y/n had never explicitly said it, but he could tell the minute he walked into the house just a few hours ago that she’s also a muggleborn. Wizarding homes always show signs of magic -- dishes that wash themselves, hanging plants that can’t be found anywhere in the muggle world, that kind of thing. He hadn’t seen anything to give away a magical upbringing, almost shocked at how much Y/n’s home reminded him of his own childhood.
He can see now that the woman is glancing at her own daughter, and he knows what she’s thinking. Y/n and Hoseok are the same, but his world had been entirely different. He sees her making that connection, so he just decides to rip off the metaphorical band-aid and finish explaining.
“My parents didn’t want something ‘unnatural’ living in the house, influencing their innocent daughter, so they kicked me out. Agreed to help me pay for an apartment and bills as long as I promised to never reach out to them for anything else -- Dumbledore helped me out the first few summers, let me stay on the grounds since I wasn’t old enough to be on my own. I moved into a place not far from here when I turned 15.”
He’s got his eyes screwed shut now, terrified of the pity he’s going to find when he opens them again. It’s too quiet, and he feels his ears warming, knowing that it looks like he’s been thrown away, discarded. He doesn’t feel that way, having accepted his situation when he was still young -- having decided to accept his situation because it was better than being bitter. But he knows what people will see when they find out, so he’d gone to great lengths to hide it. Because he doesn’t need pity, he’s happy as he is.
While he’s thinking of how to ease everyone’s tension, he’s completely unprepared for the arms that wrap around his neck. Cracking his eyes open, he realizes these arms are quite small, that the person hugging him is quite small.
“Will you come back for family dinner every year?” Hana’s question is muffled in his neck, but the words have his heart stuttering because he really hadn’t been expecting this. Glancing quickly at Y/n, he finds that the pity he’d been preparing for isn’t there. She looks completely heartbroken, her eyes shining with unshed tears, but more than anything she looks mad.
She blinks it away when they make eye contact, and she nods while reaching for his hand. He’s not sure what she’s nodding at, and he gets the feeling she doesn’t know either, but he takes it as her understanding. Understanding that he doesn’t want to talk about it further, understanding what he’d meant in the forest that day about being happy alone.
Just past Y/n, Yoongi’s standing from his spot on the floor with a groan and a crack of his spine. He moves for Hana, who’s still clinging to Hoseok’s neck.
“Of course he’ll be back, Monkey. He’s not goin’ anywhere.” It’s said so simply, without any particular feeling to guide it, but Hoseok’s so immensely grateful for Min Yoongi in that moment. Not only because he hadn’t changed at all in the way he’d looked at Hoseok -- his eyes are still even and calm, if not laced with slightest bit of emotion when their gazes lock -- but because Hoseok had just received clear and direct approval from the one person in Y/n’s life that he’d been most nervous about.
It’s one thing to be nervous about family or the entirety of her friend group -- those things are normal. Min Yoongi is not normal, not to Y/n. He’s the only person that knows Y/n better than she knows herself, and Hoseok hadn’t even realized just how terrified he’d been that Yoongi wouldn’t accept him suddenly appearing in Y/n’s life the way he had. But he sees now, while Yoongi is slowly peeling Hana off of him and carrying her to the staircase, claiming that it’s ‘way past her bedtime’, that Yoongi’s just let him in. The girl waves goodnight to the rest of the group, almost immediately sleepy now that Yoongi's carrying her to bed.
When Hoseok looks to Y/n, eyes wide with surprise, he sees that she’s noticed Yoongi's behavior, too. Because she’s got her eyes closed, but she’s smiling fondly, like the telltale signs of Yoongi’s respect have finally revealed themselves, decidedly giving Hoseok his stamp of approval.
He’s so busy reveling in the fact that he’d just gotten all the reactions to his life story that he’d been expecting the least that he barely feels Y/n’s mom set a hand on his shoulder when she stands. He looks up now, taking in her kind eyes, and he thinks she’s going to say something sentimental, but--
“I like you a whole lot more than I liked Jungkook.” Hoseok’s jaw drops, and Y/n’s scoffing loudly beside him.
“Mom!” The woman smiles, leaving the two them there on the couch while she grabs the plates of pie, mumbling something about ‘needing to pack Noodle Arms a plate to go’ before heading into the kitchen. Hoseok can do nothing but laugh when he looks to Y/n, who’s still completely scandalized by her mom’s comment.
“I can’t tell if I should feel highly approved of, or just regularly approved of since Jungkook is apparently low on the Family Opinions list.” Y/n nudges him with her elbow playfully, and they sit there quietly together on the couch for a moment. He finds himself reaching out to brush his fingers across her knee insecurely.
“You know, you don’t have to feel bad for me. I really am okay -- I said it before, but I just… I’ve been okay not having anyone. It never really haunted me or hurt me or anything I’m sure you’d expect an abandoned child to feel. I just… took the bad with the good and decided to focus on the happy moments of my childhood because, believe it or not, I had a lot of them. It’s just easier to remember my parents as they were before, so that’s what I do.” Y/n nods slowly when he’s done, feeling a lot of things but wondering if maybe it’s not her place to say it. He sees it anyway, because he sees everything.
“You’re angry. That they left me.” Y/n glances at him quickly, wondering if he’s upset at all -- this is such a delicate subject, and she doesn’t know if she’s allowed to feel this mad for him. But he’s smiling, like he can tell she’d been trying to hide it and he’s finding her incredibly endearing for it. She purses her lips and nods shyly, confirming his suspicions.
“That they left you… yes. But I’m angry that they kept your sister from you.” It’d been obvious in the way Hoseok had talked about his parents that he’d become purposely detached from them, that he’d accepted the situation and doesn’t feel any certain way about them. But the name -- ‘Hoseokie’ -- it had set him on edge in a way she’d never seen in this carefree, sunny boy before. His sister’s a sore spot, probably the one thing that hurts most. His smile tells her everything she needs to know, because she’s never once seen him smile bitterly. And yet there it is, forcing his dimples to make an appearance in a way that isn’t as heartwarming as it usually is.
“The last time I saw her, she was Hana’s age… she probably looks so different now.” If a person could physically deflate into nothingness, Y/n would have successfully done it. Hoseok can’t help but snicker, the image of Y/n almost melting into the couch too endearing.
“I -- I can’t even imagine… not knowing what Hana will look like in a few years.” It breaks her heart all over again, the way Hoseok nods, because he knows exactly what that feels like. But he refuses to dwell on it, clapping his hands down on his knees decisively and shaking Y/n from her stupor with the noise.
“Spend New Year’s Eve with me!” Y/n’s brain stalls, trying to process what he’d just said. He waits patiently, smiling while she switches mental gears and catches up to him.
“Huh? I mean -- sure? Yes? But, huh?” He laughs under his breath, finding her confusion almost obnoxiously cute.
“I’ve never had anyone to spend it with. Now that I do… I really want to spend it with you.” Y/n swallows hard, wondering where these butterflies in her stomach are coming from -- maybe it’s the way he’s watching her, eyes curious as he waits for her reaction. She only nods, suddenly very shy under his gaze.
“I’d love to, Hoseok…” He warms at how low her voice is, and now he’s the one feeling shy, pressing his palms into his thighs and staring down at his lap. They’re quiet for a moment, the soft crackling from the fireplace filling the silence, until--
“Oh, just kiss already!” They both turn quickly toward the voice, finding Yoongi standing at the bottom of the staircase, a look of disgust filling his face. He shakes his head when they gape at him, going so far as to wave his hand quickly, his palm passing through the air with intent. “Look, I even helped.” He’s looking at the space above their heads, and when she and Hoseok follow his eyes, they find a piece of mistletoe growing from the ceiling, hanging down between them.
Y/n groans in annoyance while Hoseok sits there, blushing brightly at Yoongi’s forwardness. As if to make things worse for him, Y/n’s mom enters the room again then, noticing the mistletoe right away as she’s handing the comically large stack of to-go containers over to Yoongi.
“Oh, cute! Did they kiss?” She looks at Yoongi when she asks, and he shakes his head in disappointment -- Hoseok gets the feeling they’re enjoying pretending he and Y/n aren’t right here when they start snickering in unison.
“Well, I gotta go--” Yoongi stops to glare at Y/n when she looks at him knowingly, eyebrows raised. Hoseok wonders if maybe this is about the messages she’d seen on the Slytherin’s phone earlier. “-- but I’ll catch you guys later. Happy Christmas, nerds!” With that he’s heading for the entryway, and Hoseok can hear him bickering with Y/n’s mom all the way to the door.
“Yes, I brought my coat--”
“You don’t have a hat! I’m sure they make hats for big-headed people, too--”
“That is so offensive on so many levels--”
“I’ll just have to make you one myself--”
“Mom! Stop working so hard, I promise I’ll go buy a damn hat!”
“Don’t you take that tone with me, Big-Head!”
“I got us takeout!” It’s the first thing she says when Hoseok opens the door to his apartment, emphasized by the large bag she’s shaking in his face with enthusiasm. He pokes his head around it, smiling brightly at her.
“I also got us takeout!” Lowering her bag in surprise, she follows Hoseok into the small studio when he beckons her in, slipping her shoes off at the door as she looks to the kitchenette, where an equally large bag of food sits. She only looks to Hoseok, dumbfounded, and she finds he’s giving her the same look.
“How are we gonna eat all this--”
“No idea.” Y/n snorts when he looks between their two bags, face deadpan as he reaches for hers and sets it on the table beside his. He looks at them for a moment longer, finally speaking.
“Did we get takeout from the same place?” Y/n hangs her head with a groan when she realizes the bags look exactly the same. When she looks up again, he’s heading for the cabinets to get plates, his shoulders shaking with laughter. It’s infectious, and soon she’s shaking her head, turning to look around the apartment while she laughs openly. Her breath is cut short almost immediately when she looks at the living area.
“Holy plants.” Hoseok glances over to where she’s looking, a nervous laugh leaving him.
“Too much?” To put it simply, they’re everywhere. Floor plants, hanging plants, windowsill plants -- everywhere. There’s even a massive plant overtaking the table next to his bed in the corner, not an inch of space for him to put anything else. She feels like she just walked into a jungle.
“Your air must be really clean…” Hoseok laughs loudly, not having expected that to be her one assessment of his plant collection.
“You’re lucky I haven’t covered the couch in plants, too -- where are we gonna sit to watch TV?” As if the universe has decided to test him at this very moment in time for absolutely no reason other than to make him suffer, the apartment goes dark with the booming sound of the entire room powering down.
Hoseok barely manages to hold in his groan when he hears Y/n turn in his direction in the dark.
“I wasn’t watching anything good on TV these days, anyway.”
“Come on, come on -- where are they--”
“Hoseok, it’s fine--”
“I swear I had candles--”
“Aha!” He pokes his head up from where he’s crouched by the closet, holding a stack of small candles triumphantly. Y/n’s sitting at the dining table, having cast lumos long ago and unpacked their copious amounts of food with nothing but the light of her wand. She’s smiling at him fondly now as he shows her the candles.
“Are you feeling better now?” Hoseok lowers his candles, sending her a sheepish smile as he rises to his feet and moves to join her at the table. He’d immediately started apologizing to her when the power had gone out, thrown into a panicked rush to fix things as he flitted around his apartment. She’d tried to reassure him that everything was okay, but he’d still felt really bad for messing up their night.
“I’m sorry, Y/n… I told my parents that I’m still in school until the spring, but I don’t think they heard that part when they said they were gonna stop helping me pay for stuff after graduation… I’ve been applying for jobs all year, but they just don’t really start accepting people until they see our NEWT results and transcripts and stuff, so--”
“Hobi.” He stops at the nickname, realizing when she levels him with a hard stare that he’s devolving into anxious rambling again. She reaches across the table, taking his hands in hers.
“Stop apologizing, Hobi. This isn’t your fault, and you haven’t ruined anything. I promise.” He’s slow to nod, but eventually he accepts her words, seeing how insistent she is.
“I do have one question, though.” He blinks, humming curiously when she continues and wondering what she’s going to say. “Do you… have spare blankets? Because it’s going to get very cold in here very fast.”
“I don’t think I want to eat anything ever again.”
“Mmm… Mmmm…”
“So you agree.”
“Mhm… Mmm…” Hoseok throws his head back against the couch, completely unable to form words after the meal they’d just had. Y/n snorts, nodding as she gets used to his various sounds of exhaustion.
“Me too, Hobi.” They sit there quietly for only a moment before Hoseok is lifting his head, urgent. Y/n looks at him, wondering what’s happening in his head when he turns to her, face deadpan yet again.
“I bought us ice cream on my way home with the food.” Immediately, she’s groaning, and he joins her in flopping around on his couch dramatically. Y/n takes a moment through her food-induced haze to appreciate their little setup.
The candles are set strategically on his coffee table and counters, clear of any plants because the last thing they need tonight is a fire. She’d been right in assuming it’d get cold, and they’d eventually stopped trying to manage with small blankets, dragging his comforter right off the bed and curling up together beneath it as they ate dinner. She can’t even recall what they’d talked about, the entire thing a confused fog from the food.
She knows they’d been giddy the whole time, on a weird high from the collection of ridiculous things that had happened in the first five minutes of her being here. That, along with the sheer amount of food and the wine Hoseok had pulled out for them, ended up creating nonstop laughter over the smallest things. She’s comfortable here, never having experienced a bubble of quiet happiness like this. She feels no pressure and she’s worried about nothing -- everything had fallen away when she’d walked in the door, the rest of the world blocked out from this safe space, here with Hoseok in his apartment.
“Oh! It’s almost midnight!” Hoseok’s squinting at his phone in the dark before showing her the screen -- 11:55pm. She glances at her own phone, sitting peacefully on the table in front of them, and she hates that the only thing she can think of is Jungkook. She’s scared that this period of silence between them will have done nothing, that as soon as the new year starts, he’s going to be back to badgering her constantly. She just wants everything to return to normal, and she’s scared that she only has five minutes left before that dream falls apart.
“Hey… Where’d you go just now?” Blinking, she sees that Hoseok’s peering at her, brow furrowed in concern. His phone toggles when he moves closer to her, a small pout set in his features, and the screen lights up again. 11:57pm. She hates that, after such a good night, it had taken only this to have them both frowning. She hates it.
“I just… I really just want all of this to be normal again. I want Jungkook to be normal again. I want the new year to be something good again, and I’m terrified it won’t be. I just want to forget everything bad from this year and start fresh.” She rolls her eyes at herself, hating that she’s ranting to Hoseok about her love life again, when they’d just wanted to have a nice New Year’s Eve together. But his mind is elsewhere, a thought crossing his mind suddenly. He checks his phone again. 11:59pm.
“Maybe I can help with that?” Y/n looks to him when he says it, confused.
“What do you mean?” He blinks, trying to decide if he’s really going to do this. The nervous feeling building in his stomach is somehow telling him this is a bad and good idea. He turns to her quickly.
“With that fresh start… forgetting the bad from this year… Maybe I can help…?” Y/n’s not sure what he means, but she doesn’t see why she would say no. Hoseok’s never done anything but help, even when he doesn’t realize it. If anyone’s going to help her forget, it’s him.
So she nods, waiting for him to explain. And then she’s gasping, because he’s leaning in, and she can see even in the dim lighting that he’s looking at her lips -- that he’s going to kiss her.
He pauses for a second to give her time to push him away. When she doesn’t, he’s glancing up and finding that she’s looking at him nervously, her gaze flicking back and forth between his eyes and his mouth. With a small inhale, he lets his eyes drift shut, closing the gap between them carefully.
Y/n’s not even sure she’s kissing him back -- she’s too focused on the feeling of his lips on her, how gentle he’s being as he applies just the slightest pressure to her mouth with his own. But she must be kissing him back, because he’s responding to something, his lips pressing harder when he feels her reciprocating.
It’s only one kiss, one that he pulls back from slowly after a moment, their breaths mingling warmly in the small space he’s created. Neither of them makes a move, eyes hooded and noses brushing in his dark apartment as they try to make sense of this haze long enough to figure out if this has really just happened. If Hoseok’s really just kissed her on New Year’s Eve.
And then her phone is lighting up on the table, celebratory texts from her friends pouring in, and they turn at the same time to glance at the screen. 12:00am.
Hoseok turns back to her then, eyes searching hers for something -- he’s not really sure what it is, but when a shy smile starts to dance at the edges of her lips, he knows he’s found it.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
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ofbardsandmonsters · 3 years
Fill for square I4 - “road trip” for the @stb-bingo. read it here on ao3
this was inspired from a prompt by my darling dear @crownofstardustandbone
At five years old, Peter is the embodiment of the phrase “monkey see, monkey do.” And his dad is the person he tends to mimic the most. So it’s really no surprise when he suddenly picks up Tony’s love of pistachios. They quickly become his favorite snack, and the little boy starts demanding them at all hours of the day. Tony typically has them stashed all over the penthouse and his workshop, and Mary starts stocking up for her weekends with Peter.
Most of the time, Tony keeps a bag of the shelled nuts on hand so he can tap a few out on the table in front of Peter, or onto the tray of his stroller, or on the floor of the workshop where he’s working on his own project in tandem. But Tony prefers them in the shell, and more often than not, Peter will crawl up next to wherever he’s sitting and hold out his hand for a few.
The boy’s little fingers struggle with the tough shells, so at least half of the pistachios end up back in his father’s hands to crack them open and return just the nut inside to his son. Eventually, when Peter snuggles close to share, Tony starts dropping already shelled nuts into his outstretched hand.
As he grows up, that becomes their routine. Wherever Tony is, as soon as he opens a bag of pistachios, Peter will appear and sit down next to him with his hand out. They’ll sit together for a while, Tony slowly cracking the nuts and eating one, then handing the next one to his son. It’s a routine that they both enjoy.
One day, when Peter’s ten and sitting next to his dad on the couch while they watch a movie and make their way through a big bag of their favorite snack, Tony drops a shelled pistachio into his hand and Peter says, “You know, I can probably crack the shells by myself now. Why are you still doing it for me?”
Next to him, Tony laughs and wraps his arms around Peter’s shoulder, then drops a kiss onto the top of Peter’s head. “I do it because I love you, kiddo. And someday, Peter Peter pumpkin eater, I hope you find someone who loves you a whole lot, even more than I do.”
Peter laughs, and holds his hand out again. “Enough to crack my pistachios for me?”
Tony drops a few more shelled pistachios into Peter’s hand, smiling. “Exactly.”
James Barnes comes into their lives when Peter’s thirteen. It takes three months and at least a dozen dates before Tony actually brings him home and introduces him to Peter, but the teenager knows instantly that he’s gonna be really good for his dad and that the two older men are already in love.
He can see it in the way James, or Bucky as he quickly becomes to both father and son, treats not only his dad but Peter too. At least a third of their date nights start becoming family affairs, and there are even times where Tony gets caught up at work so it becomes just the two of them. And then they start having weekly Bucky-and-Peter dates, which Peter spends all week looking forward to.
But it isn’t the dates or the home cooked meals or even the goofy look Peter sees on Bucky’s face whenever the older man is looking at his dad that tells Peter definitively that Bucky loves his dad.
What seals it for him is the day he comes home from school, excited because he knows Bucky will already be in the penthouse when he gets there, and finds the two men sitting on the couch in front of their ridiculously huge TV. His dad’s working on something complicated, bent over the coffee table with his glasses on. As Peter’s watching, Tony holds out his hand and Bucky drops something into his open palm. Even from far back, Peter knows what it is, knows that familiar cracking sound.
Bucky’s cracking pistachios for his dad.
Peter’s chest floods with warmth, and it feels like his heart’s going to beat straight out of his ribcage. Bucky loves his dad. He’s not sure he’s ever been so happy in his life. Because his dad is the best, and he deserves someone to love him and make him happy.
He takes a minute to swallow a few times, choking down the happy tears threatening to spill out. When he announces his presence, he’s relieved that his voice sounds normal.
“I’m home!”
The two men on the couch look up, and they both smile. Tony shoves his glasses up onto his head and waves Peter over. “Hey kiddo, how was school?”
Peter comes around the back of the couch and plops down next to Bucky, stealing the bowl of pistachios from the older man’s lap and cracking one straight into his mouth. “It was good. I think Ned and I have finally settled on our science fair project.” Tony goes back to whatever he’s working on as Bucky starts to ask questions about their topic, and Peter pretends like he’s not paying attention to the way Bucky goes right back to cracking the nuts and dropping them into Tony’s hand.
Bucky plans a week long family road trip upstate for the week before Peter’s seventeenth birthday. It’s one last trip before he starts his senior year of high school and a little birthday celebration rolled into one. But Peter, who’s been showing signs of being even more of a genius than his father for years, has a feeling that there’s one other reason they’re taking this trip. And it’s a really big reason, one he’s been hoping for for years.
Because even at sixteen, Peter's still a snoop. So he's seen the ring Bucky’s been hiding in his sock drawer. The ring that's probably hidden somewhere in Bucky’s bags right now. And he has a sneaking suspicion that at some point in the next day or two, the older man’s going to pull Peter aside to ask for his blessing. A blessing Bucky doesn’t need, because if he's honest with himself, Peter's been thinking of Bucky as his other dad in his head for a while.
So it feels perfectly natural to lean forward and stick his hand between the front seats where Bucky sits in the passenger seat cracking pistachios for Tony and say, "Hey dad, can I get a few?"
The two men freeze, then share a wide-eyed look. Peter waits patiently, and after a few beats of silence, Tony turns back to the road and Bucky glances at Peter over his shoulder. "Y-yeah. Sure thing, Pete." There's the sound of shells cracking for a minute, and then Bucky turns again and drops about a dozen shelled pistachios into Peter's outstretched hand. The teenager sits back, warmth spreading outward from his chest and a wide smile on his face. He can hear his dad's voice echoing back to him in his head from so many years ago.
Someday Pete, I hope you find someone who loves you a whole lot, enough to peel your pistachios for you.
It's been obvious almost from the start that Bucky loves his dad more than anything. But the little pile of nuts in Peter's hand tells him everything he needs to know: Bucky loves him just as much.
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