#hope you enjoy my silly lore
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Notes on Witches:
Witches are humanoid species that reproduces asexually, living in hive-like schools and possessing dominion over magic. [In depth worldbuilding under the cut, shoutout to @hazellum for helping out with witch biology]
While witches were designed to resemble humans from the outside, their anatomy presents multiple changes for efficiency. Starting from skeleton level, witches possess a honeycomb ribcage with hard cartilage to fill the holes, making a witch's ribs both significantly difficult to crack and significantly harder to stab through. Witches also lack a hard cartilage in their noses, making it so their noses can be completely squished down, and they primarily act as an impact softener for the rest of their faces. A witch's thumb, index finger and middle finger posses a total of five joints for augmented dexterity. These are the only fingers a witch possesses at birth, and the other two fingers grow in later, having less joints- and continuing to grow back if cut throughout their entire life. Witch fingers happen to have magical properties, and as such are useful in a multitude of spells. A witch's spine connects more vertically to their hip bones, and their hip bones are separated in the middle. Together with their lack of collarbone, this allowes witches to squeeze through any space big enough for their head to fit, much like a cat. Witches have two digit feet that closely resemble those of Piglins, with the exception of the lack of a full keratin layer under their soles, requiring them to still wear shoes. Because of the way their ankles are constructed, it is almost impossible for a witch to sprain their ankle. A witch's gallbladder is where you would usually find a human heart, and their lungs are built in such a wrinkly way to maximize surface area. Not only that, but witches can also supplement their breathing through their skin. They have a decentralized circulatory system, with their heart doubling as a diaphragm. They have two stomachs, one basic and one acidic (which means witches have an almost non-existent gag reflex, since vomiting is significantly harmful for them), and two apendixs, which make them have a significantly stronger immune system. Witches do not have reproductive organs and are not born with any difference in gender- the entire concept is something they only understand because of other species projecting it onto them. They do, however, have optional "settings" their body has to be manually triggered to activate, and a small witch has the choice of which one of these mutually exclusive settings they'd rather have. The "femenine" setting makes a witch produce more raw magic, which is stored in the mana gland in their chests. Witches with this setting have a more offensive power and can cast spells for longer, but are also more succeptible to attacks. The "masculine" setting has a witch grow magic resistant muscle strands throughout their entire body- which interferes with the magic production of the mana gland, but allows witches with these settings to be more resistant to all sorts of magical effects, be it mental or physical.
Society and Culture:
Witch society is structured by schools. Kinda like a hive insect, a new school will be established by a Principal chosen from the Teacher’s rank if the population grows too large for a single school. Population control among witches is very tight however, so this only happens when there’s a mayor screw up in the process and as such there are only like, four or five witch schools around the world at all. 
Witches have different social classes entirely based on age and academic merit. They are as follows: 
Sparks are newborn witches, aged 0-5. They are fully functional a couple of hours after their brewing, and spend their time as sparks doing simple jobs around the school to learn its layout and rules. Sparks are often messengers and vigil holders. Detention will usually be watched over by a particularly obedient Spark while a responsible Teacher pops in and out to supervise. 
Sparks wear Pink
Elementaries are young witches, aged 5-10, and start learning the basics of magic. Elementaries spend all their time learning these basics, and are very scarcely provided with time to go and do their own things. 
Elementaries wear Magenta
Careers are witches aged 10-18. After learning the basics as Elementaries, they’re allowed to pick one of the three schools of magic to specialize in. While they continue their studies with only slightly less dedication than Elementaries, they’re expected to begin working within the school in a field related to their chosen career. Potion Careers will work in the kitchens and the farms, Enchantment Careers will work as secretaries, Inventory takers and have the option to start being trained as Defense Officers. Redstone Careers will begin helping to maintain the many mechanisms in the school. 
Being a Career is often the most stressful time for a Witch, given that their performance during this years, in direct comparison to their peers, will determine how the rest of their life will pan out. Teachers foster ambition in Careers, which leads to a cutthroat and competitive culture among them, filled with no small amount of violence- as long as no teacher sees, its fair game. 
Careers wear Purple.
Graduates are most witches older than 18. Having completed their education, they settle full time into one of the jobs they previously held as a Career. 
Graduates continue to wear purple. 
Majors are a subsection of Graduates that undergo extra training to fulfill specific tasks. Each Major requires a certain Career, and becoming a Major is seen as a high honor only students with high marks can achieve. The three Majors are as follows: 
Exploration Surveyor: 
Surveyors travel outside of the school to gather resources, information and wild animals. A Potions Career is required to become a Surveyor, and they are the most likely to come into contact with other sentient species. They carry potions and potion materials on them for their own protection. 
Defense Officer: 
Officers are the Witch equivalent to the Army. Expected to hold immense discipline and bravery, they’re the schools line of defense in case of an attack. They’re the only ones allowed to walk on school grounds with full armor and weapons, and when not needed for direct combat, are in charge of enforcing curfrews and make sure no student is late to class. They are also in charge of supervising Sparks. 
Redstone Engineer: 
Engineers work closely with regular Redstone Careers and Graduates, often clumped together as maintenance. However, Engineers are in charge of the research and development of new Redstone systems that can be used to strengthen the school. Engineers have a whole floor in the school to themselves, dedicated to experimenting and testing. 
All Majors Wear purple, but are distinguished from Graduates by a pointy Black hat and an Emerald ornament with a shape corresponding to their specific Major. 
Teachers are the highest operating rank in a school, and are respected as absolute authority figures. Only class Valedictorians can become teachers, unless an incident requires more teachers be called, in which case only the highest grade earners are still allowed to receive the title. Teachers are in charge of teaching Elementaries and Careers, as well as overseeing the work of all Graduates and Majors. They also make up the Jury for Trials. 
Teachers wear blue. 
The Principal: 
The Principal is the utmost authority in a Witch school. Each is picked from the Teacher pool by the previous principal and serves for life. Constant Regicide from Teachers hoping to ascend quicker is prevented by the fact that only the Principal has access to the recipe of witch creation, for which they are protected by the School with life and limb. Given that they’re the only one with access to the whole recipe, the principal’s job includes overseeing the brewing of a new class every year. They are also in charge of overseeing the Teacher’s work and coordinating between them. They also award Majors with their distinctive Emeralds at Graduation, and oversee Trials. 
The Principal wears green. 
Witches were created in the end, which they soon after fled to escape the endermen, taking the recipe for their own creation with them. They organized themselves in tight knit towns called Covens for the first era of their history. Baby witches were the responsiblity of everyone in the coven and the recipe was safeguarded by an elected Elder. Through time, they established trading hubs, and a prolific magic-based society. Then, because of some disputes around territory and trade, witches went to war with piglins. The war was brutal and bloody, and lasted many years. In the end, the witches developed an all encompassing curse: every piglin to step in the overworld would turn into a mindless zombie. They won the war. However, the war left strains on witch society. They had become centralized, and they demanded efficiency. They organized themselves in hive-like schools, and became obsessed with excellence, and over the years, the culture in the schools became increasingly competitive, every witch reaching to be the best, the strongest, and willing to kill to get ahead in the race. You don't get out of witch school without copious amounts of trauma.
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ashipiko · 5 months
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OVERBLOT ASHI??? ANYBODY??? the ANGST that this baby can store!!! SHEESH!!!!!!! <3 I only have one post dedicated to her and liar dance lyric analysis (the post is kinda outdated in gen) BUT…… I also have an overblot monologue as a treat 🫶 I wanted to better explain her angst and so!!! BABAM!!! enjoy
Sometimes I wonder why I ended up here.
A place named “Twisted Wonderland”, and at a school named “Night Raven College”.
At first, I figured that I was the odd one out— Y’know, the Ramshackle prefect and everything. The magicless girl at the magical all boys school? Nuts, ain’t it?
I’m known for a lot of things. Things that are different from the others. The fact that I stand out is part of the Ashi charm, something I’m known for.
But… Over time I found myself sorta feeling in place here.
Because as much as I try to believe it, I can’t safely say that I’m better than anyone else here.
I’m a fake. I make conversation and lots of friends, but for what? A backup in case something goes wrong? A sense of protection for my reputation? In what case are any of those friendships something I truly want? In what case are any of these strings more than just a tool instead of a thread made of my real feelings?
Behind this, I’m no different from any other student here. Even through my individuality, my cheerfulness, my endearing oddness… I’m still a horrible person. Using people to get what I want, toying with people and their feelings in order to gain power and gain a spot the top. All to become untouchable. It’s screwed. It’s not right.
My insides are ugly. The truth of me is something I want to keep tucked away deeply, because I don’t want people to see this part of me. A brash, annoying, selfish version of me, everything people hate to see. I don’t want this side of me to be seen because people will run away— people I don’t care much about, sures, but people I love, too. I don’t want to drive them away. So I keep quiet and give them a shallow show.
I give them a source of entertainment that’s controlled by the real me, every calculated movement translating into a marionette-like response. The only show I allow you to see is one that’s so carefully crafted by the chaotic clown backstage. The one that is shunned away from the light, the strings being the only hint of the puppet’s phony existence to the foolish audience.
But suddenly, I feel as if being here has started to let this side of me come crawling back into the spotlight.
It scares me.
It scares me to be vulnerable, let all of my faults lay out on the table like playing cards. To take the risk without the protection, to gamble everything I’ve built up away just like that. But you…
You make me feel safe. You make me feel as if I don’t need to hide anything. I can give you the key to my heart and you would have no malicious intent. You wouldn’t cut out the parts people don’t like. You would enjoy the performance in full, every bit of it.
You make me believe that I’m nothing special, and yet something so valuable at the same time.
It’s silly. You’re silly. And yet that’s something that’s helped me.
It’s helped me realize that that truly is just how people are.
We aren’t villains. We aren’t antagonists. We aren’t monsters.
We are nothing but people, with faults and feelings that should be valued.
I am more than just a jester, a sake of entertainment.
I’m a person who is entirely worthy of love. All of me.
It reminds me that I must’ve came here for a reason.
Because this is where I belong.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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THE ORDER OF PALMS An order of holy folk that serve The Helm, working to create powerful Aasimar Paladins for the purpose of protecting any who hire their help. [BACKSTORY UNDER CUT]
One day, Gjör and her peers were lead by their mentor Opheria, to a mission far from their home. On the peak of that mountain village, they saw upon the horizon, the castle of their home go up in flames. Horrified and scared, the apprentices sought to follow their mentors guidance, and followed her lead into a small barn. It was there, that Opheria proceeded to slaughter each and everyone of the apprentices. It seemed she somehow had a hand in this sudden attack on the Order of Palms. Gjör D'annevual survived a sword through the 'heart', on account of a rare condition, that places her heart on the other side of her chest. When she finally managed to bring herself back home, the Order was insulted by her survival. She had so many better peers, why couldn't any of them have survived? This runt was seriously the only thing that survived Opherias wrath? It was better to just wash their hands clean of this. Thus the Order decided to banish Gjör from their ranks. She now travels the land in search of a purpose.
#luckys original content#dungeons and dragons#MY OCSSSS MY WONDERFUL OCSSS ITS BEEN SO LONGGGG!!this is a fairly old character that i made foreeeever ago#i was trying to go full on into DND LORE ONLY instead of makin up my own stuff. so when i was lookin around i learned abt THE HELM#the god of protection or watever it was. i also like playing paladin bc i love to hit things w my sword. i also like aasimars bc theyrprett#im sure i ahd other Min Maxy reasons for her but i dont have her sheet n ive forgotten everything. never got a chance to play her but yknow#maybe someday. I LIKE HER ALOT TOO. big and strong and well meaning but a lil dumb. justa lil dense n stupid. but she tries!!#I LIKE CHARACTERS THAT HAVE JUST SMALL THINGS DIFERENT ABT THEM. i knew some1 who had that condition. where everythings just flipped#aint that fucked up? that ur organs can just be flipped? and inever see it in fiction. its so neat. imagine finding out like THIS too#she had blacked out from the sword through the heart. the last thing she heard from her mentor was;#'you were a great student. that is why you above all else must die. i hope you understand' spoken through a gentle voice and a gentle smile#the very same that had guided Gjör so far through her journey.A BETRAYAL LIKE NO OTHER! she awoke utop a pile of comrades#each bloodied and dead and cold. she used her own magic to heal herself. to catch herself from the precipice of bleeding out#when she stepped out of the barn she had found that the village was burned to the ground#she was shellshocked!! it took her weeks to limp all the way back down that mountain. all the way back to the place she called home#only to be spit on and kicked back out. being a Paladin of the Palms was her entire life. what was she to do now?#OH SO THE ART. I RLY LIKE HER DESIGN.heavily based off of THE BABY SITTER from HALO LEGENDS. i fuckin love halo so much guys.....#i just love that trope of Big Strong Person in Armor that we all thought wasa fullgrown MAN takes off the helmet to revel shesa PRETTY GIRL#my favorite in the WORLD!! i also like the silly frilly pretty dress sorta motif in gjors armor. it hides all the stuff i dont wanna draw#thats all the ramble i got in me for now. PLEASE ENJOY. and ask me abt my ocs
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sn0wbat · 8 months
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sparkle on, tiberius ✨
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candycryptids · 4 months
😇- What's their best trait?
👿- What's their worst trait?
for Tuesday and Chuu
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“Miss Chuu’s best trait? Mmm… You said this is an interview for your retelling of the Warriors of Light and their journey, right? I’d say it’s her unshakeable resolve. She decides she’s going to do something, and she doesn’t give up until it’s done. Ah… I’m not allowed to speak more on Miss Chuu without her presence, my apologies, mister Levraut.”
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“You broke into my house,”
“Your lovely wife let me in actually,”
“To wake me up from my nap and interrogate me on my assistant,”
“Interview, Mademoiselle, not interrogate. Though I am sorry for waking you, your eyes were open so I assumed-”
“Ah-ta-ta. You wanted to know Two’s best trait right? Adaptability. Any environment, any obstacle… he’s got brains enough to figure the way through most anything. And failing that? He knows a top notch engineer in Magitek to kit him with the right tools to overcome his few shortcomings. Hey wait did you fucking call me a mad gazelle, you lop-eared scab?!”
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“Thank you for your time, both of you. I have just one more question before I consider this interview complete and I let you both go back to your.. erm, busy schedules. What would you say is each others weakest trait?”
“I knew it! This IS an interrogation! Two, don’t-”
“Ah, that would be Miss Chuu’s paranoia, mister Levraut. Most of her other traits net positive gain,”
“Watch your mouth, Two.”
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“That is.. ah, her paranoid trait has served to pull her out of many situations she would have landed in had they not afforded her foresight and caution to approach most situations.”
“Two’s worst trait is how I just can’t seem to keep mad at him when he finds and exploits loopholes in whatever rules I’ve set for him. And last week I asked him to bring me lunch, and he was nowhere to be seen for nearly six bells.”
“… Miss Chuu, if I may, you were in Azys La, and you called me via Linkpearl to bring you specifically egg sandwiches from the Bismark, even utilizing the Aethernet it takes time… and when I arrived at your last marked location you were nowhere to be found.”
[Duo Oc Ask Meme !]
#I’ve been rotating this ALL day but I think this is relatively acceptable#id misunderstood the assignment right at first but my husband is v smart and cleared it up for me ahdbfcjdjcjddna#if I wrote non-dialogue with this it would take me a lot longer and way more words because I’d get caught up in the. all of it.#I have another one from this to chew on still but I’m trying to figure out the best pair up for the question cbdbfbdndns#And I also have a big lore question I’m still working on 🫣🫢 I took some screens for it today and I’m resisting doing a bunch of fiddly edits#because if I did I’d have to ask my friend to borrow one of the written alphabets he made up#and then I’d have to learn to write it and I just can’t make myself do that actually I’m just a wee frog#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Tuesday#ffxiv levraut#ffxiv Gears Duo#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv elezen#Levraut Manseauguel#Chuusday Gears#Tuesday Gears#please appreciate their faces in the last panel I was trying very hard to convey a particular vibe#and I only just realized I forgot to fix Chuu’s skirt#poor Lev is just trying to compile information for his novel about the adventure’s of the Warriors of Light and how they saved the world#as we know it like 15 times or something.#spawn speece#writing this was silly and fun ;v;’#ty for the ask 🫣💖 I hope I got this right in the end of it all#also sorry for the Christmas Colors my mental jury is out on if I enjoy it or not-#I gave Tuesday Blue finally in situations where it’s Chuu and Tue so it’s not green on green.#🤦 can you tell I played Mario Odyssey repeatedly#ask game
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andro-dino · 6 months
May I either hear more about the KyoHyoTsu madness, Sakyo’s dad and mom hcs, or mayhaps a little of the hopeless romantic DSS?? >>:3333
kyohyotsu. augh i missed them so bad. another comic idea that I’ve had for a while that I don’t think I’ll ever get around to drawing is the three of them going for a walk, and Hyoma gets cold, and immediately the other two wanna give him a jacket but they realize three very important things very immediately
1. Kyoya’s jackets are sleeveless
2. Tsubasa doesn’t even wear a jacket in the first place
3. Really, Hyoma’s dressed the warmest out of the three of them
and they scramble. both of them are so disappointed in themselves as partners. ultimately they just settle on the double arm around the shoulder. Hyoma is 100% okay with this solution.
Also @ ur tags on my last post of them,,, we’ve already established that kyoya smells like dirt (/pos) to both Tsubasa and Hyoma. To Tsubasa, Hyoma mostly smells like fresh air and occasionally clean laundry. Kyoya thinks Tsubasa smells like lavender, but he can’t quite place what Hyoma’s scent reminds him of. It bothers him. He’s forced to bury his face into Hyoma’s shoulder occasionally to try and figure it out but he can never get it. This is also an arrangement Hyoma is 100% fine with
Bit of a hurt/comf one that is mostly kinda me projecting, but Hyoma very frequently gets waves of random sadness and a lot of the times when this gets bad, he gets really bad at communicating verbally, but also requires more attention. I think they have their own little way of going about it but usually this results in the other two cuddling and reassuring him when he needs it. It doesn’t make it go away completely but it helps and Hyoma appreciates it.
Tobio and dss,,,,, man I haven’t thought about them in ages either I miss them too!!!! Tobio is a character I love so dearly I love him so much. Him being a hopeless romantic is an idea I love so much but it’s even better when you pair it with his super cool guy persona. and I mean it’s barely even a persona bc he’s actually just kinda awesome and I love that for him. but like, he’s so flashy and charismatic and has this air of mystique to him all the time, and just imagine that contrasted with him being the biggest lover boy of all time. it’s great I truly do adore it. I can imagine it causing some hijinks as well because I like to think of both Tetsuya and ryutaro on the aroace spectrum and while they’re not completely without romantic attraction, it’s also not something that they’re entirely familiar with or know how to go about dealing with, so that paired with ultra romantic Tobio is just very silly. I imagine sometimes he gets a little overexcited when it comes to romance and tends to move a little too fast at times and has to physically hold himself back so as to not push the others too far. It’s not something he minds, just that he needs to adjust to properly. The others, for their part, I think both admire Tobio in their own ways. Ryutaro is very fond of him as a whole and appreciates having someone else who can share the braincell from time to time, and Tetsuya is totally enamored by how cool he is. Tetsuya and Tobio are definitely my fav individual duo between all of them (the movie definitely contributed to this) and I just think the idea of Tetsuya genuinely admiring Tobio and thinking he’s really cool but never fully expressing that is so sweet. Tetsuya tends to be very goofy a lot of the times but I think tobio’s presence inspires him to muster on his more genuine, affectionate feelings a lot more and I just really enjoy that dynamic. The three of them are all so silly and different but it’s in such a way that I really do think that they’re all just kind of perfect for each other and I really love that about them.
I don’t know how much I’ll go into about them because recently I mentioned in a server wanting to write a full kurayami family lore doc and honestly I think I might actually get to that soon but like god there’s so much.
I do feel a bit bad because of the two of them, I think I’ve developed Victoria a little less than Ryoma just bc most of the thoughts I’ve had about them center around the dragon clan specifically and the themes they present but ourghh. ourgh. I’ll save the angstier stuff for the lore doc I think.
The two of them met as young adults. Victoria was a prolific blader and adventurer, constantly in search of new horizons and stronger opponents, yk pretty typical blader stuff. She’s a very vibrant character and very friendly, though always preferred to travel on her own. She enjoys taking in a lot of different scenery and exploring and learning as much as she can about every new place she comes by. A lot of the connections she makes on her travels are temporary, and she’s okay with that. She journals a lot so she never forgets anywhere she’s been or anyone she’s met there.
Ryoma meanwhile was one of the very few living members of the dragon clan, and those guys have never been all too familial in the first place. I’ve been thinking about his specific relations to Ryuga and Ryuto recently, as of right now I’m settling on the three of them being cousins. He was never close with them, both with him being a fair bit older than them and all of them being very independent individuals. Ryoma I think more than most other dragon clan members tended to stay pretty close to home, not really having any certain path he wanted to follow besides the general ideas of being as strong as possible and taking down strong opponents that were generally upheld by the dragon clan.
Their first meeting was on a volcanic mountain top. Dragon clan members are naturally drawn to volcanic areas, so Ryoma was just wandering a little further from home than usual, mostly just trying to clear his head. Victoria was traveling Japan at the time, again just taking in the scenery, enjoying a little bit of danger, when their paths crossed. The way I’ve pictured it in my head, I’ve described as very similar to Sakyo and Shinobu’s first battle. They lock eyes and almost immediately recognize each other as bladers both understanding that they’re about to battle. The battle itself I still haven’t decided concretely on the results of but the important take away is that they’re evenly matched, and both of them leave it very fascinated with each other. Ryoma is still very gruff and closed off at the time, so rather than lingering for long, turns to walk away. Victoria asks if she’ll meet him again, and Ryoma assures that she will.
And lo and behold, she does. They meet and battle several more times after that. At first, Ryoma thinks that maybe this is the destiny he was meant to follow, that she is his ultimate rival that he was destined to defeat/surpass, but gradually, the more they battle, the more they learn about each other as well. And eventually, it’s Victoria who first suggests that the two just. Talk. Hang out a bit. And they do. And it’s foreign to Ryoma. He’s not used to casual dynamics. He’s not used to feeling comfortable with someone else. But Victoria’s been steadily chipping at his walls and he’s welcoming this. For Victoria’s part, this is the most attached she’s ever been to anyone she’s met while traveling, but something about Ryoma keeps drawing her back in.
Ryoma doesnt disclose much about himself or the clan specifically, but as they do start becoming closer, and eventually falling in love, he does let her in on a little bit about his family being overbearing and disapproving of their relationship. Victoria doesn’t fully understand the extent of this and gives the best advice she can, and eventually, Ryoma ends up gaining the confidence to fully run away with her. It’s the most free he’s ever felt and it’s the first major step into allowing himself to become more of a person.
Their domestic life together is very comfortable. It has its bumps, especially at the end, but for what there is, it’s the best thing either of them have had in their lives. Both of them work together to take care of themselves and each other more, which is what eventually leads up to them having Sakyo. Ryoma loves him more than anything in the world, and is so relieved that he can give his son a better upbringing he had without the same expectations of the dragon clan (dramatic irony and all that haha). Both him and Victoria are such loving, hardworking parents who truly wish nothing more than to give their son the world.
I’ve already said a lot and it’s hard to go further from here without getting angsty ahshshd. I will say, in the manga-compliant version, Victoria, still alive, is very proud of her son and heavily encourages him to pursue both ballet and beyblade. She sees a lot of her younger self in him and holds great faith that in letting him go off on his own (with takanosuke)(I’m very quickly making childhood friend hcs about manga takasakyo bc there’s nothing stopping me now), he’ll be able to build similar strong, important connections as well.
IM REALLY WRITING TOO MUCH AND I PROMISE IM GONNA WRAP IT UP SOON but the one other thing I wanted to mention is that I do have a slightly less angsty au for Victoria and Ryoma where they meet as teens instead of adults. In this version, I think Victoria is able to more quickly get Ryoma to open up and break away from the dragon clan before their toxic ideals get fully ingrained into him, and it gives him more of an opportunity to be a kid and be able to enjoy his life more and I just think it’s very sweet and comforting. here’s some doods I’ve made of them bc I love them <3
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homosexualcitron · 5 months
i know it's just how tumblr works but i will really post 1 sentence and write a whole essay in the tags
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corpsoir · 2 years
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hi. ever wondered how skagen got his scar over his eye. well i wrote a little silly story about it have funnnn if theres misspellings or weird grammar no theres not dont look at it <3
its about 1.4k words long!
cw for drowning!
He has dreamt about drowning. Read about it in books, seen it in movies too. All of that had failed to mention just how badly it would hurt and how exhausting it is. Every single gasp for air feels like knives in his chest, but then again, it’s not much air he’s breathing in after all. His lungs are filled with the salt of the sea around him, the loud crashing of the waves against the rocks fills his ears, making him feel dizzy. His arms and legs feel like they're made of lead, fighting the waves becomes increasingly impossible the more he moves.
How did he even end up here? Skagen’s mind feels foggy and blurry, and instead of focusing on trying to keep his head above the waves, his mind wanders. It’s easier than trying to fight the sea anyways, and oh he’s so tired… Oh, how easy it would be to just... Let go and relax, letting the sea cradle him and rock him until his eyelids feel like heavy leather, impossible to keep open. One wave sweeps him farther away from the rocks, and the next sends him hurtling against them. Somewhere in the distance he can feel the barnacles tearing his skin open.
The salt in Skagen's eyes and lungs stings. The waves are whispering and roaring simultaneously, and he feels himself floating away to just this morning, lying safely in bed under his warm covers. The memory already feels a little bit blurry around the edges, like spilled water on an ink drawing. Was it really just this morning? It feels like it's been eons. Another gasp for air just fills his lungs with more water. He misses his blanket; this shit is cold and kind of sucks.
Skagen let’s himself get carried away by the sea, back to his warm bed under the covers, the morning sun casting golden stripes in his room, tickling his eyelashes. A hand brushes his hair from his cheek, and he can feel a tired smile forming on his face. The hand then grabs his shoulder and shakes him impatiently.
"Stooop, just five more minutes, come on..." he drawls.
Skagen is hit by a cold rush or air when the covers are lifted, and someone slinks in beside him. Oh, that's right. Solvei had stayed over for a sleepover, now he remembers... Or... Does he? The memory is getting really grainy, the ink on the paper losing its original shape becoming a pitch black, shapeless swirl in the water.
He's so warm and cosy here, his bed rocking him back to sleep. Just five more minutes. Arms still heavy as lead, wrapping them around Solvei proves to be a challenge. Is she slipping away from him already?
"What the hell Sol, come back, where are you going...?" he mumbles, or at least he tries to. All he can muster is a wet gurgle, and it burns. Oh, it burns and his entire face hurts. The covers suddenly feel sharp, like they’re digging into his skin, the pillow a sharp point straight through his eye.
"Skagen," he can hear Solvei saying somewhere far away, above him. "Open your eyes, you idiot."
He does.
He's greeted with the worst pain he's ever felt in his life. His face feels like it's being split in half, torn apart, and a rush of adrenaline surges through his body. Skagen tries to whip his head around to find the surface, but the pain is literally pulling on his face, and the water around him is red, thick with blood.
Wait, are there sharks on the west coast? The thought suddenly hits him out of nowhere, until he realises it’s a fucking stupid thought and he’s currently drowning. There are no blood-thirsty sharks in Sweden. There is water in his lungs though.
He can barely see anything. His hair, the seaweed, the blood, the sunshine breaking through the surface above, all rendering him completely unable to see.
Something yanks on him then, the pain in his face shooting through his entire body, and suddenly he breaks through the surface, yet again feeling his skin being torn apart by the barnacles on the rocks. He wants to scream, but instead of noise its water rushing out of his lungs.
While in the water, his arms and legs felt heavy and difficult to move, but now it's virtually impossible. He tries to sit up, tries to move his arms and get away from the waves lapping at his feet and legs, but no matter what he does he can’t force his muscles to move even an inch.
He can hear someone shouting, a man’s voice. Stop yelling, Skagen thinks. I’m trying to sleep here, can you shut up?
The last rush of adrenaline he felt has left him, and he's left a cold, bruised and bloody mess on the rocks.
Next thing he knows, he's in a hospital bed. Warm blankets remind him of this morning again. Oh, this feels nice actually, it's just what he needed! Warm, cosy, it feels like he's floating. He can hear his parents outside, but their conversation is muffled and sounds... Weird. It's as if someone pitched everything down and made every noise sound offbeat and out of tune. There's a pressure on his face and opening his eyes he realises his right eye has been covered with something. He tries to raise his hand to poke at whatever is covering his face.
Someone is holding his hand in place.
"If you would've died there, I would've killed you, Skagen."
Ah, it's Solvei.
Grinning, he turns to look at her. "What're you talking about... I’d be double dead…” he grumbles. God, his vocal cords feel like they’re made of sandpaper. Sound like it, too.
Solvei slaps the hand she's holding and doesn't return his smile. The slight upward twitch in the corners of her lips doesn't go unnoticed by Skagen though.
"You-... Shut up, you were drowning! Stop joking, you scared the shit out of me! They had to bring you here with a fucking helicopter! What if it had crashed!" She is genuinely upset with him, that much is clear. Skagen feels a sting of guilt. He shuffles onto his elbows and slowly sits up, even this little movement renders him out of breath. Ugh, breathing hurts.
"Are you saying I got to fly in a helicopter, and I don't even remember it?" he says, voice strained.
Another slap on his hand sends him into a hoarse laughing fit, and this time Solvei can't keep herself from smiling.
"Careful, before I go tell the nurse to bring me water to finish what the sea started, you idiot."
Skagen scrunches his nose, pokes his tongue out at her and lies down again. God, his body is tired, aching. Bones, muscles, lungs and everything. Especially his face.
About that.
Skagen raises his free hand to poke at the bandages. What the hell happened to him?
“I don’t think you should touch that; the doctor said it looked uh… Pretty bad. I didn’t get to see it though, he might be lying. I dunno.” Solvei lets go of his hand and runs her fingers through his bangs. Sectioning the hair off in even chunks, giving him a clumsy, five stranded braid.
Skagen pokes at his face anyways.
“I can’t really feel anything though, it’s probably not that bad. I think I just got hit with the boom when the boat gybed…” Skagen closes his eye and yawns.
Solvei snorts. Continues her messy braiding. “Uh, yeah no wonder you don’t feel anything, they’ve probably given you like, every painkiller ever. On the planet. And also,” she yanks the half-done braid playfully, “did you forget what I told you already? You nearly drowned. Some guy found you and helped you, said he was out fishing. Caught you on his hook.”
It takes a few seconds of Skagen processing what he’s hearing – no doubt the painkillers making his mind a little foggy – before he starts giggling uncontrollably.
“Would you still like me if I was a trout?” he wheezes.
The laughter erupting from Solvei is only making Skagen cackle more.
“No, you weirdo, I would turn you into fish fingers immediately!” Using the now finished braid she whips him over the nose with it. Gently, of course.
“I bet I would taste delicious.”
“I bet you would taste disgusting. Hey, your hair is still full of salt.”
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Truth to be told, I was not a huge fan of the SAGAU. I just thought it was a bit of a wasted potential, the themes just being played around in my opinion (everyone can like whatever) BUT then I came across your writing? Yes, I think I've grown rather fond toward it now. It was like finding gold in a mine... Words put together intricately, so beautifully, the symbolism subtle if not one squints to recognize, and just... *chef's kiss*
Very in love with your work ❤ have a great day/night, ty for bringing new light on the SAGAU for me!
thank you so much <33 i’m glad to know i’ve interested you in the genre, and though i can’t point you in any directions, i do reccomend you poke around a bit more online! there are a lot of great writers around, and i’m grateful you think i’m one of them!
enjoy your stay!
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Fae, Tricks, and Other Anomalies
Episode One: Cells cannot hold Destiny
“There he is!” 
Damnit. It was only a matter of time until they spotted me. I should’ve done more research before I tried robbing places willy-nilly. The woman who decided to make chase was in her late 30s and had a sword drawn. When I burst into the onslaught of people, she waved her arms to get their attention and shouted, “Thief! Don’t let him get away!”
Her statement was enough for the crowd. They dispersed alarmingly fast like I had been diagnosed with a plague. She pointed one of her accusing fingers at me. If we were playing with technicalities, I hadn’t stolen anything. I attempted to. There’s a whole different charge for that. And hopefully, that meant a little less jail time. 
I sneered, out of habit. “Need help from your friends to catch me?” 
That ticked her off plenty. “Son of a whore! You’ll be rotting in a cell!” As she talked ferociously, I took the moment to make my great escape. People yelped as I dashed forward, towards my pursuer, and proceeded to leap up a stall and reach the roof of a tavern. Markets were practically a jungle gym. As athletic as she looked, I sincerely doubted she could get to the top with as much ease. I glanced back, making a point to savor the enraged look on her face, and then ran along the rooftops. 
My name is Erasmus Daskalu. Let me tell you just how I got into that situation. 
After my village was destroyed at the age of 7, my life of crime began. And no, I was not going to go over every painstaking detail. I stole some stuff, assassinated some people (deserved), and did what I could to keep me and my twin sister alive. ‘Where is your twin?’ Great question. On my adventures, a priestess of Athlai (the god of Time) told me that my destiny would begin to unfold in Ulcair. I left my home country, Vastenlo, and my sister to pursue my future. 
I hoped Gladys didn’t miss me too much. 
I think that covered everything. Anyways, I was running along the rooftops to evade my gaggle of ‘fans’.  The city that I was sprinting through, Ostburg, was known for being mostly underground. The lighting was abysmal, even on the tops of buildings. If I didn’t stay aware, I’d go tumbling into the disgusting streets headfirst. Behind me, shouts and footsteps echoed off the stone walls. Hadn’t lost their trail just yet.
She really didn’t like me; going through the pain of dragging herself to the roof so we could ‘play chase’. I understood that thieves were annoying. Terrible, even. Wasting energy to chase me, though? Ridiculous, in my humble opinion. Say I was caught. They wouldn’t be able to keep me in jail for longer than a week. I’d escape. Always did, always will.
I thought too soon.
One slippery roof tile caused me to skid to a halt. That gave the woman plenty of time to catch up to me. “Of course,” She bellowed. “Just another urchin from Vastenlo. When will you rats ever learn?” 
Not all Vastians were thieves and vagrants. A civil war going on didn’t help our case, though. I hopped to my feet, only to be met with her blade. “Don’tcha even think of grabbin’ those spears, you son of a whore.” I wasn’t sure why she kept calling me that, I didn’t have a mother to begin with. “Or I’ll slit your throat.”
Hm. Bad, lethal even. I put up my hands and played innocent. “I’m sorry, miss. I’ve never had all that money before and I just wanted—”
“Shuttup!” She thrust the blade to my neck. Why I didn’t throttle her right then and there, I’ll never remember. “You’ll be wasting away in a cell when I get through with you!” Ah, the aforementioned jail cell she was so excited about. How irritating. 
“No, don’t!” I cried, putting on my best frowny face. My sister always told me I had a flare for acting, but I was never really sure what I would do with that information. I hoped that it might come in handy during that moment. “I’m sorry, I really am!” (For the record, I absolutely was not). 
“‘Sorry’ my ass. Tell me your name so the watchmen can properly identify you in prison.” When I didn’t move my lips, she practically bristled. “Do it before I skin you!” 
She wasn’t going to skin me. Not on the roof, anyway. Too uneven to do the work precisely. “Erasmus.” That was true. 
“Last name?” 
I didn’t have one of those, but I doubted that she’d take that as an answer. So I made one up. “Dah-skah-loo. Daskalu.” 
“Erasmus Daskalu? Wastin’ a perfectly good first name on a delinquent,” She muttered, unapologetic.
Sometimes I was too quick-witted for my own good. That moment was one of those times. “Well, good thing I wasn’t born to please you,” I snapped, sneering at her once again. I got a welt to the face for that. 
“You stupid brat!” She screamed, lowering her sword to yell at me some more. “If you say one more thing out of line, I’ll—”
I pushed her. It was hard enough to knock her back, so I made a break for it instead of trying to harm her at all. With ease, I clambered down the side of the building. It turned out to be a stone brick tea shop, with flowers blooming in the windows. When I was younger, I loved to stop and try to see if I could name them all. I hadn’t done that in a long time. 
“There you are! Whaddya do to Gretchen, you piece of shit?!” A furious man demanded. Spit caught in his beard as he grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me against the wall. 
“She’s upstairs, Grandpa. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to leave—” 
He turned red as a tomato and shoved me. “You disgrace! Why, I’m close to knocking your teeth out!”    
The insult was funny looking back, but at the moment I was a little intimidated. Teeth were hard to take care of, and I was lucky enough to have nice ones, given the circumstances of my childhood. People in the area started to pay attention to the discourse that he and I were having—he was definitely one of the cronies of that psycho lady, no question—which was like first-class entertainment to them. Nothing was more appealing than watching someone get pummeled. 
He swung a punch, slower than a horse stuck in molasses. I grabbed his arm with ease and knocked him onto the pavement. Around me, there was a collective gasp. By the time I turned around, all I saw was the bright blue of a watchman’s uniform. 
I fell unconscious. 
The room was dark. That wasn’t surprising, given where I was. As my sight adjusted, I realized what kind of room I had gotten myself into. 
No surprise, it was a cell. 
I sat up on the cold, hard ground that I was tossed on. They didn’t even have the courtesy to throw me into one of the cots right in the corner of the room. Ridiculous. 
My gaze turned upwards, fixing on someone perched in the top bunk. She looked more bored than anything—her untamed brown eyes met mine, and a smile played across her face. “Roommate’s finally awake, huh?” Her voice was a little gruff but kinder than anyone else’s that I had heard. “What did you do?” 
“You only noticed me now?” I didn’t bother answering her question. “Were you asleep?”
“Nah, I saw you get tossed in here. I just didn’t feel like getting up.” To sell her act, she yawned. I made a face at her and struggled to my feet. 
“How kind of you.” The room was tight for two people, but liveable. A curtained-off area was sectioned off for a dinky-looking bathroom. There was one tiny window next to my roommate’s cot with rungs that would let mice, assorted bugs, and other nasties through. 
Good thing it was perfect for my escape plan. 
She tried talking to me again. “Did you get whacked in the face?” 
“Damn, that’s rough.” Finally, she moved from the head of the bunk, swinging her legs over to the side. “I’m Leocadia, by the way.”
Relinquishing my name would only make my life harder. So I didn’t lie. “Call me Erasmus. Erasmus Daskalu.” Adding my new, flashy last name couldn’t hurt. Why not commit to the bit?
“Well, since we’re roommates, I’ll have you know that I don’t snore.” That was pleasant to hear. My sister used to snore and it was always miserable getting to sleep after her. “On another note, I absolutely must get first dibs on the shower. I don’t care if I have to beat you into the ground—”
“Woah! You can get your shower.” I put my hands up. “I won’t fight you.”
“Good.” She crossed her arms and nodded her head like she just successfully fought off a wild dog. I didn’t blame her, I probably looked mangy enough to be one. “You failed to mention why you’re here, Erasmus,” She spoke fast. It made me roll my eyes.
“How about you go first?”
“Nice try, buddy,” Leocadia grumbled. “Seniority rules. Spit it out.” 
With a hint of reluctance, I retold the story of how I got arrested for ticking off an old bitch who had too much time and jewelry on her hands. She—Gretchen—owned a business that sold every classy trinket under the sun. When I made an attempt to swipe a bracelet, I had no idea that she’d pull a sword on me. Apparently, Ulcan shopkeepers were hawks when it came to their merchandise. 
“Thrilling,” She remarked. It was too hard to tell what she actually thought, so I didn’t pursue it further. After a moment of thought, Leocadia flopped down in her bed and dryly retold her story. “I got arrested under suspicion that I was a Redstone Giant. I used my Earth magic a little too freely after I crossed the border. I’m not one, but even if I was, it shouldn’t matter.” 
Redstone Giant. I knew the term from legend; Earth Elves turned into beasts, and eventually, all were killed by the Ulcan Empire starting 3,000 years ago (back when Ulcair was an empire—no one missed it). I doubted that all Redstone Giants were inherently evil monsters, though. That was like saying all Vastians stole and punched grandmas. 
“Are you going to tell them?” I was referring to the people who locked her up, the prison, the guard, the warden, someone. It would’ve been nicer than ‘rotting in a cell’ as Gretchen put it (I was feeling kind enough to not scream at Leocadia, calling her the ‘Daughter of a whore’ and chasing her through the streets of Ostburg). 
“Hell no! Those egotistical assholes won’t get a straight answer out of me, even if I have to waste away in this stupid cell. They already wiped out most of their population, why are they locking people up based on Earth magic? Sounds to me like they’re afraid of something.” She leaned forward, a smile creeping across her face. “And they deserve to be.” 
Her eyes, just a few shades lighter than her deep chestnut skin, practically glowed in the dark room. It was nice to talk to someone aware, passionate, and not ready to rip my guts out. Maybe she wouldn’t be a completely awful cellmate. 
Head count happened just before curfew. They identified each prisoner by name (and gave me a funny look when they read my surname) (It wasn’t Vastian at all). Leocadia stood tall, staring down the guard like she was about to wallop him. My guess was that she was 6’4”-6’5”, given she was about a head taller than me. When the guard looked at her, he couldn’t meet her eyes. I snickered. 
By the time I crawled into my bed my plan was already in motion. Yes, I had a plan. It had been circulating in my head ever since I got into that place. 
The first part wasn’t special. Waiting. Twirling my fingers, braiding my hair, and drawing with my finger on the wall. Memorizing the walking patterns of the guard was easy. Every 30 minutes they’d wander past, stealing a glance into the cell each time. 30 minutes? I could get out in 30 seconds. As dull as waiting was, the tantalizing idea of escape made my heart race. 
Phase two was in motion, which happened to be the actual escape. I had a lot more fun with that part. After the guard passed, I hid under the covers and casually just…changed form. 
To clarify: I didn’t know what I was. The closest thing I could associate my species with was if a faerie and a nymph had a baby. I could control nature and the wind and had some plantish features. My skin carried a hint of light green and paired with my wings, which resembled the veins of a leaf, there was no denying my planty heritage. Everyone in my village, including my sister, had those same defining features. 
I was also tiny. Window-sized, even. And for some reason the prison didn’t have glass, meaning it wasn’t faerie-proof. I could fit through the protective bars with ease. 
The blankets were a pain to maneuver out of, but eventually, I found a way to flutter to the top bunk and perch on the side. Leocadia hadn’t moved since the lights went off. Her short black coils sprawled over the flat, abysmal pillows they provided. She looked peaceful, which was not the word I would've used to describe her. I felt a little bad, leaving such a bright person behind without so much as a goodbye. Then again, I was pretty sure the priestess didn’t prophesy my destiny in Ulcair just to be locked in a cell forever. 
The window was so close. So close that I didn’t bother to look at Leocadia anymore while I flew over. When her hand flew out to grab me, I didn’t realize until it was too late. 
“I knew there was more to you,” she hissed, keeping me pinned to the bed (haha. You’re so funny, thinking about sex right now. Look at me laughing. Ha. ha.) (Shut up). “What are you? A faerie? A nymph? An unidentified nature spirit?” 
“Your guess is as good as mine. Though I think the third option is the most accurate?” I choked out an answer. Her grip on me never wavered, which wasn’t very hard. I was only a little bit bigger than her hand at the moment.
“You’re headed to the window?”   
“Good job for figuring that out.” I squirmed in her grip to no avail. “Now if you’d let me move, maybe I’d get there.” 
She chuckled. “Nuh-uh. You’re not going on your own.” She lifted me by my wings—a very inappropriate thing to do in all winged beings etiquette. “You’re going to let me out, cool?” 
“Fine,” I caved. “You suck.” 
“Mhm, fairy face. Get moving.” Leocadia released me, and I tumbled into the sheets. 
“Fairy face?! I told you my name for a reason!” I snapped. All she did was smile, a playful glint in her eyes. I sneered for the millionth time that day. 
When I got outside of the room, I was met with a soothing night breeze. It was really tempting to fly away, but I doubted my cellmate would take that very well. The last thing I wanted to do was get an Aashmatian Earth mage on my bad side. I wasn’t an idiot. So, begrudgingly, I turned around and worked my magic. Roots from surrounding foliage wrapped around the metal, pulling it apart. Leocadia helped too, using her brute strength. Her arms were an impressive sight, no question. 
When we were finished, I observed the damage, then I took a look at my partner. “You’re too big to fit through.”
“No shit,” She muttered, “Use your powers to move the rocks a little bit.”
I crossed my arms. “Why don’t you, your majesty? You’re the Earth magic expert.”
“That’s the problem, idiot. They know that. The room has protective spells against meddling, for my magic specifically. You’re going undetected.”
I had nothing to say, so I made a face at her for good measure, then proceeded with her instruction. The strangely shaped hole eventually got to the size where Leocadia could sneak through. A pile of discarded stone bricks lay beside me, and the landscaping was effectively ruined. I sat on the ground. 
Watching her army crawl through the hole was painful. I was so used to being small that I forgot how inconvenient being a big person was. 
“You’re staring.”
“Seeing you struggle is an absolute delight. I can’t help it.” My response was as dry as the Aashmatian desert. 
Leocadia pulled her leg through. “Do all nature spirits have your miserable attitude or is that just a you problem?” 
“Not a ‘me’ problem, a ‘me’ feature,” I corrected. 
At last, her entire body was out of the cell. And not a moment too soon—the guard would be back with their routine checks any second. She leaped to her feet and beckoned me over. I flew up to meet her. 
“Let’s grab our stuff,” She whispered, “Can you scout?” 
After nodding, I soared above the pathetic little building they called ‘jail’. There were three buildings in total. The mostly underground cell block, the warden’s office, and a weird-looking barn. There were no signs of animals on the grounds, so I drew the conclusion that was where they were keeping our things. 
I reported back to Leocadia. She didn’t say anything but nodded affirmatively. Behind her, where we had escaped from, the shocked voice of a guard cut through the silence. They were onto us, at last (took them long enough).
Another perk of being tiny was the free rides I got. While she made a break for the barn, I hitched onto her shoulder and rested my wings. One guard stood in front of the entrance, but she made quick work of him. I expected nothing less from the woman whose arms were about the size of tree trunks.
“I didn’t even have to do anything,” I remarked, changing into my big person form (which I was in for a majority of the time to not raise questions). 
“Well, you’re the one who got me out.” She was already peeling through disorganized piles of items. “The least I could do was take care of a guard all by myself.”
My spears glinted at the top of a pile of weaponry. I didn’t name inanimate objects, but if I did their names would be Izotz and Markos (characters from my favorite myth). The great thing about escaping capture the day of was all my junk was on the top of the pile. My belt, hilts, small bag, and waterskin were easy to spot amid all the miscellaneous stuff. Leocadia didn’t have as much luck.  
“Block the door with your magic! We can’t risk them getting in!” She bossed me around. Usually, I would not take orders from anyone but myself, but she did have a good point. Nothing would ruin a prison break more than going back to prison.
With the floor being dirt, my plant magic had a much easier time doing its thing on the pavement. Even so, doing all that manipulation and bending of nature made me even more tired than I already was. I wished that she’d hurry up. 
“Got it!” She cheered, quietly, and produced a wooden staff. It was taller than she was, with one end being a polished wooden ball. The classic Aashmatian weapon: blunt, brute strength.  Along the side, a dragon was carved into the wood. “Now let’s high tail out of here, fairy face.” 
It was like they had been waiting for her to say that. Behind us, the door rattled and shook, furious Ulcan voices backing up our fears: the guards were onto us. 
“The window!” I pointed to the tight squeeze that was over 20 feet in the air. “We can get out.” 
“You can. I cannot fly, nor am I only a few inches tall.” 
Come on Erasmus! You’ve taken on evil government officials. They had bodyguards! How is this different? My mind raced with ideas. The door groaned under the pressure. 
“Protective Earth magic spells? Do you think they enabled them all over the property?” I blurted.
She called a pebble to her hand with no interference. “Apparently not. What do you have in mind?” 
“When that door opens, you force them all back with your magic. I’ll take out as many as I can, then we’ll make a break for it.” 
“That’s insanity!” 
“Yes. What else are we going to do?” I knew she didn’t like my idea. I wasn’t a fan of it either, I was more a fan of sneaking around and backstabbing. But what else were we supposed to do? We couldn’t just run—and they’d figure out if we were breaking the walls to get out. 
My barrier cracked and gave way, letting seven guards rush through. They were met with a wave of rock and stone, thanks to Leocadia. She stayed back while I took my spears (Izotz and Markos, remember?) and charged forward. 
The art of combat was really an art. Fighting was a dance that I had spent the last 11 years perfecting. I dipped and leaped, swung and sliced, stabbed and ducked. My spears arced in the air and took down 1, 2, 3, guards. The ground shook, Leocadia shouted. Four more guards lunged forward, all trying to take me down. 
She appeared by my side, taking one of them down with her. “Make a break for it!” She ordered, pushing a guard with her staff. 
Didn’t need to tell me twice. I lunged forward and sprinted across the grounds, making it to the entrance in record time. By some miracle, Leocadia followed close behind. Together, we forced open the rusty gates and spilled off into the night, leaving the sounds of shouts behind us. 
We sat in a tavern. No one batted an eye at our sweaty faces and dirty weapons. The neighborhood was accustomed to such travelers. 
“Can I get you a drink?” Leocadia asked, jingling a bag of currency. I had a feeling that she picked it up at the barn, and it wasn’t actually hers. The kind of craftsmanship was unmistakably Ulcan. 
“Oh, no. I’m fine. I don’t drink.” 
“No? Why not?” 
I thought about my answer for a moment. “Well, I’ve got to be on my toes all the time. I never know when someone’s after me.”
“Hm,” She hummed and leaned back in her chair. “You’re an interesting guy, Erasmus.” 
“I could say the same for you.” 
Leocadia found that amusing. “What do you think about traveling together, fairy face?” She posed the question with a smile creeping across her face. 
“Can’t hurt,” I responded. What kind of journey would it be if I didn’t have at least one other person? I’d be bored out of my mind. “But you have got to stop calling me ‘fairy face’. It’s insufferable.”
She didn’t respond, but instead grabbed an empty cup and held it in front of her. “To new friends?”
I followed suit. “To new friends.” The future was bright and my hopes were high. The gods brought me to Ulcair, the gods brought me to Ostburg, and the gods brought me to Leocadia.
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bahrtofane · 7 months
husband Jude headcannons
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
jude just really really enjoys married life
Word count - 2.3K+
Watch it - i got carried away sorry guys, proposal lore?? insanely sappy, even by my standards
He's not a fan of you being known as his, rather he's your husband. Always correcting people during interviews and giving you the spotlight. Even when you shy away, not knowing where to look or what to say. He's always there, a gentle hand on your knee rubbing circles as he nods for you to continue. 
Every red carpet he wants to match, doesn’t care how big or small the event is. Gotta be a way you two look look a pair 
His fav is when you wear exactly the same thing so there’s no way to confuse anything for what it really is hehe 
Bouncing around while you get ready together, helping you get your shoes on while he tries his best to stand still while you fix his tie 
“Look okay?” he asks, head tilted 
You rub his arm, “you look great.” 
And he smiles wide, giving you pecks all over while you giggle, trying to shoo him away from you and closer to the door. your ride is waiting, but he doesn’t care. pouting for just one more kiss. please ? 
All his socials turn into your personal fan page, a big fat married in every bio, ring and all 
He has more posts about you then his actual job 
His teammates poke fun at it, “when are you gonna post us huh?”
He just rolls his eyes,”when I marry you i’ll think about it”
And that’s that
You're the first he runs to post a match, greeting you with the silly hand shake you perfected years ago. You think you could do it in your sleep at this rate. You came up with it ages ago when you kissed him after practice, playing with his fingers till he came up with the idea, and you with the actual hand shake. 
You're his biggest supporter, and him likewise. In every and anything you do, give him pompoms and he'd be your personal cheerleader at this point.
He just likes to have you at games. Waving obnoxiously while you tell him to pose. And he does, every time, sending hearts your way. He dedicates his goals your way. The kisses he would send the crowd in his youth now only go your way where you catch them like a teenager.
You see complications of it everywhere, he thinks it's endearing. He makes you watch them together on the living room tv while you grimace
“My face looks so weird there, oh my god.”
He flicks your arm, “you look great shush. Ha that was during el clasico, ah good times.” 
You roll your eyes but snuggle up against him anyway.
One of your favorite past times btw, nothing he loves better than a lazy morning in with you in his arms while he hits snooze on every alarm.
He tries to cook, with his stupid kiss the chef apron he got just for you. but he will need help, which you gladly give. You end up eating on the couch, covered in pillows watching cheesy shows. You've watched keeping up with the kardashians too many times to count and he still laughs out loud every time.
Jude is soft and sweet when he's not forced into a picture perfect smile and self 24/7. He's a silly guy, always trying to make you laugh. Teasing is his love language by the way.
But he's still sweet, leaving notes around your house for you to find when he has to leave for away games. Hearts and smiley faces littering every inch of the paper. Some frowny faces when he knows he'll miss you extra. 
He likes bringing you to family events and bragging about how cool you are, but everyone already loves you as is, he just likes to brag. Look at how cool the love of my life is everyone, I am sooo lucky you guys look look. 
Jobe has rolled his eyes far too many times, but he's happy to see his brother so happy. Plus you guys threw a fantastic wedding. A win is a win.
When you can't be there he facetimes you every second he possibly can. Blowing kisses when he has to go. 
“Judes been complaining all day I hope you know,” Aurélien pops his head into the screen. 
You snort, “ hello to you too Aurélien.”
He gives you a wave before ruffling the top of Judes hair as he pouts, fixing it just how he likes again, “they just don't get it,” he sighs dramatically.
You laugh, “sure baby, sure.”
You make sure to keep up with the match the best you can, texting him live reactions, even if you know he won't see them till later. He likes them all the same.
Your name on his phone is a simple "mine" with a bunch of heart emojis, the contact pic is one of the two of you together on vacation, smiling with your faces squished together while laying in the sand
It makes him smile every time. he thinks you’re the cutest
He's a big fan of nicknames, weather its a version of your first name, or just a good ole fashion baby. He rarely uses your actual name. He called you something so insane like pooki bear in public once and you have yet to let him live it down.
"in a restaurant was crazy," you squint at him.
He only giggles, "but it was soo funny baby come on."
Speaking of restaurants, this guy loves a good date night 
Gigdy as he comes down the hall in his pjs, grinning while showing you the new reservations, it’s your fav place ! 
Every anniversary he somehow finds a way to outdo himself, don't ask, because in truth he doesn't even know how he pulls it off, but anything for you. Anything. 
Even if it means hunting down the stuffed animal you had as a kid and couldn't find after you lost it in your couch cushions. He finds it, after months and months of searching, making Jobe help him look, it comes in the mail and he has to get creative to get you out of the house and away from the mail the day it's supposed to come.
It gets neatly wrapped and placed on your shared bed the morning of, surrounded by a collection of other gifts, your favorite flowers, and a cheesy note that you always end up crying at. 
The look on your face makes it all worth it, when you tackle him in a bone crushing hug, tumbling into the covers in a tangle of legs while you laugh in between sniffles, he loves you. Oh how he loves you 
It's been a tradition to end the night with the very place he proposed, his home, now yours. 
He doesnt think he could forget it even if he tried. It was a whirlwind of a day. Picture this: 
He's lost all his black socks, his (and your) favorite body wash just spilled all over the shower, his hair looks awful ( he got a haircut that morning), his cologne isn't where he left it, and the private chef he hired isnt replying. All while you're not even awake yet. 
He calls his mom because what else are you supposed to do when you're set to propose and everything is going wrong. 
She only chuckles softly over the phone, “calm down jude, just breathe. You'll find your things, just take a breather and come back to things with a clear head okay?”
So he does. Sitting on his bed, towel still on, frowning. He chooses to instead pat himself dry, get dressed, and give himself a pep talk in the floor length mirror at the corner of his room. 
Turns out his mom was right, things fix themself for the most part, his socks are stuck at the bottom of the dryer, his hair isn't as bad as he thought, he finds a better cologne in his collection, and a perfect body cream. It's gonna be a good day. 
He finishes the last of the day of prep, getting fancy candles, a lighter, and greeting the decorator. Yes he hired a decorator. 
It's nothing over the top, just little changes to make his home look a little softer, changing out the curtains, placing lace table cloth with details in your favorite color. The main event is his second living room that gets covered in an arch of your favorite flowers, gentle curling to just kiss the top of the new antique chandelier that will be holding the fancy candles too. He hopes you like it. He really really hopes you like it.
He's had this planned for ages, since the moment he first met you he thinks. 
When you greet him with a silly good morning text he only grows oh so fond of you, excited to see you. He told you it was a fancy dinner at his place. A change of pace from the resurates. Both of you prefer a much more intimate night in then cameras shoved into your face while a hundred people all yell a hundred things while you're trying to chew your food. 
So you get ready, dress up and make it for dinner. When you see the familiar face of the chef, Karlos, you give him a wave and get seated. Noticing the new table cloth but you don't say anything. You don't want to be wrong so early into the night. 
Jude comes in, nervous as a school boy as he takes your hand for a quick peek, running around like a maniac back and forth. He looks nice, in a signature all black suit, and smelling amazing per usual. 
Dinner is amazing, full of your favorite courses and Jude is jittery in his seat. 
“You okay?”
He nods, a little too fast, “oh yeah. I am. Don't worry.”
You raise a brow but dont push, thanking Karlos for the amazing meal as he cleans up and heads out for the night. 
Jude gets up, telling you to stay put while he'll be righttt back. Don't worry, remember! 
He comes back, unable to meet your eyes while he gives you his hand. You take it, sliding out of your seat and following him down the hall. There's flower petals on the floor now, you look at him, but he looks anywhere but at you, chewing his cheek.
He leads you to the second living room, where the furniture has been cleared out. Replaced by a walkway of flowers and candles, leading up to where an arch of your favorite flowers hugs the curtain, new ones.
Gently pulled back to reveal the floor to ceiling windows that give way to his yard. And the most gorgeous sunset you have ever seen. A chandelier hangs above you, decorated with more flowers, and the most ornate candles and bulbs you have ever seen.
Your eyes begin to water before he even gets down on one knee, his lip wobbles, holding your hand the whole time as he confesses every little moment and reason for his love.
He loves you, he adores you. You're- youre everything. Truly and fully. You're the sunlight that kisses his skin, the stars he wishes to touch, to know, he yearns for you. Years to know you in your entirety, till he knows nothing else but you. For your name to only fully know his lips, for only he will fully know you. He sees no other, he knows no other. He wants- no needs, to give himself as he is. 
You see him, see him as more than just Jude Belingham. You see what others can not, will not. You see him, you know him. You know him better than he knows himself most days. You've seen all there is to see, all that makes him who he is. You know his stupid sandwich order at the place you hate but keep going to because you know how much he loves it.
You sit in freezing weather for the full game just to make sure you don't miss a second of him. The first to congratulate him, the first to mourn with him, the first to sooth his aches and pains. You're the face he looks for in a crowd, you're the first person he calls when anything happens. 
 And you love him with such ferocity it amazes him. 
You're full crying at this point, fat tears rolling down your cheeks till you can barely see him, and he finally gets down on one knee, fishing out a small velvet box from his inner pocket, opening it with shaky hands.
And he whispers, “will you marry me?”
You fall next to him, sobbing into his shoulder while you repeat yes over and over. He cries with you, till you're both laughing from pure joy. 
Who better to spend the rest of your life with then the man who loves you so?
Telling his family is the best part. You have them over for what was supposed to be a quick lunch, turned dinner, and you break the news at dessert, showing off your ring while they all gasp. 
They pile you into the biggest hug, smiles so wide they hurt and you laugh, you're going to get married! You think they just might be more excited than you are.
Wedding planning comes and goes both so fast and so slow. Youre so excited you can't wait, and yet every step of the way seems like it takes excruciatingly long.
Your wedding planner tries her best, bless her soul, but you want it to be completely and utterly perfect. Down to the types of chairs at the venue.
Jude lets you have your way for the most part, chiming in now and again, he trusts you fully. Knowing you're going to make it the best regardless. 
Leading up to the big day you think you just might pass out from stress and never be seen again, but the almost year of planning pays off, and you're married! 
The honeymoon is spent traveling all over while jude is wide-eyed, unable to believe he's married to you of all people. 
The press catches on soon after, even if your wedding was small and intimate. News comes out one way or another.
Jude only responds with a picture of you two slow dancing among your family and friends, captioned, “all you need to know.” and he pins it to every social media page. 
What a man huh?
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giantchasm · 1 year
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A while back I made a Kirby lore Powerpoint to try and explain the plot of the games to my friends. And now, finally, after all this time, I'm making it available to the public.
Have you ever wanted to get into the series but didn't know where to start? Well, you're in luck! I've surmised the entire franchise in release order, hidden lore and all.
Of course, I am just one person. Take everything I say with a grain of salt. Kirby lore is surprisingly complex. But if you're looking for a starting point, then this is it. I've tried my best to explain everything from a relatively neutral and objective position. When things are left ambiguous, I've tried my best to clarify that. Although if you have any corrections on anything, then I'm more than willing to listen.
I hope everyone enjoys and gets some use out of this silly little project.
You can find the entire, 200-page Google Slides here.
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moviecritc · 5 months
hiii, idk if you like to write about lewis, but what about lewis having a fav tattoo artist, he revealed her @ and now everyone wants to get a tattoo by her and then they can become closer? thankss
many tattoos ⋆ lewis hamilton smau
pairing: lewis hamilton x tattoo artist!reader
warnings: none
a/n: silly ass title bc i couldn't think of anything better, also i have no idea about lewis tattoos lore, or anything about tattooing, so sorry if there are inconcluences. i also added that apart from tattoing she also kinda draws¿ like, she works both tattoing and drawing. i hope you enjoyed it
remember that request are open <33
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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yourname.tattoos just posted!
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liked by yourbff, friend1 and 145 others
yourname.tattoos a single mother that works two jobs (+ some tattoos im really proud of)
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yourbff make me a baby
friend1 smoking hot
user1 price?
yourname.tattoos depends on the size and shape, you can ask for a session and we'll tell you in the shop <3
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lewishamilton just added to his story!
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[caption: tysm to @yourname.tattoos for making all of these tats all this years]
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yourname.tattoos just posted!
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liked by yourbff, lewishamilton and 1297 others
yourname.tattoos heyy, this weekend i'm going to be at the miami gp doing some temporary (and permanent) tats thanks to @mercedesamgf1 you can join the waitlist in the link on my bio <33
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youbff im so jealous like what??
user1 lewis in the likes omggg
user2 and what abt lewis hands in the second pictures????
lewishamilton Let's go 🤜🏿🤛🏿
user3 are lewis and y/n a couple or something?
user4 she's his tattoo artist! she made most of his tattoos and they're probably friends
user5 i can see a soft launch soon
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part 2
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minkiverse · 5 months
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Park Seonghwa - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
Next up we have the Captain himself!~ I feel like Joong is always written so interestingly because for one, he is part of the demon line but he is also a silly lil goof my shorty in blue 😩😩 Just so you know, I have not read many series for individual Ateez members (feel free to recommend any!!!), so most of these will be one-shots or drabbles. As always, I hope you enjoy and support these authors!!
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please review all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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Wanbelyn - @songmingisthighs ⛈️💗🍑 SMAU ✧ Dad!Hongjoong ✧ Doctor AU
expect to see this author on almost all the masterlists because their SMAU 🤌🤌🤌 like you couldn't pry my phone out of my hands when i'm reading these fics 😭😭 this one is the first i got to follow along with as they updated so i am emotionally attached to wanbelyn!joong, the mc, and kijoong MY BABY 😭😭
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This World - @hongism 🔥⛈️💗Outlaw AU ✧ Ateez Lore
The Captain's Favorite - @edenesth ⛈️💗 Pirate AU
Untitled - @sanspuppet 🔥
Ruin Me - @sxcret-garden 🔥
Untitled - @yourfatherlucifer 🔥
marigold - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥💗 College AU
Invisible Man Hongjoong - @justaaveragereader 🔥 Slasher AU
Morning Haze - @nateezfics 🔥
wetting your lips - @k-hotchoisan 🔥 Sugar Daddy AU
the shoe on the other foot - @bro-atz 🔥 Idol AU
tone - @puddingyun 🔥Idol AU
he's kinda hot - @ohmyamor 🔥⛈️💗 Demon AU
yours, mine, & everything in between - @sungbeam 💗
friends to lovers to strangers - @bro-atz 🔥⛈️ Composer AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 College AU
on me - @hongism ✨🔥
listen ok 😭😭 sub!joong is such a rare treat that i kinda lose it when i see it but this fic is just so well written and its sensual and intimate and how joong is written is just 😩😩😩
Pretty Pink - @nateezfics ✨🔥
the teasing 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the edging 🤤🤤 the overstim 😩😩😩 this is just really well written smut its so fucking hot you just need to read it!!!👏👏
a wild ride - @bombuni 🔥 College AU
13:00 - @kwanisms 🔥Idol AU
bla bla bla - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥⛈️ Idol AU
Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes - @last-words-ofashootingstar 🔥⛈️ Rockstar AU
I'm The One - @sorryimananti-romantic ⛈️💗 Royalty AU
you're my desire - @hongism 🔥
bonnie & clyde - @byuntrash101 🔥 Gang AU
duck curtains - @ichorai 💗 Roommate AU
Coachella Rut - @meltingmidas 🔥 Idol AU
Wings and Thorns - @k-hotchoisan 🔥Angels & Demons AU
deal - @hongism 🔥 Roommate AU
while you were sleeping - @seonghwaddict 💗 Producer AU
Mist - @hongthoven 🔥⛈️
boyfriend!texts - @lololololchips 🍑 Idol AU
Business Call - @nateezfics 🔥 CEO AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
féconder - @yeosgoa ✨🔥 Witch AU
listen okay there is few things hotter than sex potion/sex pollen/anything that makes them so fucking horny they can't think ok ok and this is just desperate joong fucking mc into oblivion its incredible 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
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roxibearz · 9 days
fnaf side au art dump woah
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FIRST UP, Chica X Monty because I think they're super cute !!! I also wanted to show that I've updated Chica's outfit!! I think it looks much better now :3
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me thinks the DJ deserves to be fluffy :] Vanessa gets to be silly too I like to think that DJ would use sign language to communicate and stuff and Vanessa over here has some lore :3 I'll,, ramble about that one day,,,
more art below!! doing this so it looks more clean and compacted-
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AWOOP JUMPSCARE- NOW IT'S A LITTLE ODD, I KNOW--- But uh--- This is the Blob- NOW NOW- UH- I'm cooking okay okay-- trust
a lot of my fnaf aus usually has each character be their own separate characters and stuff so yeah-- Blob gets his own body and stuff and he has adopted daughters based on the characters we see on the actual blob- so yeah uh idk hi jumpscare woah
The daughters has more of a plushie look- Barb ultimately is a plush baby but bigger lmao-
okay look, I just really like the idea of The Blob being a form of guardian- So he's a part of security :] LASJAKSJAL
yes i know turning the blob into this is very silly and idk i just think it's funny ------------
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outfits showcase +height chart because I think it's funny LMAOOO
hope you enjoyed my odd fnaf au art <33 okay byee
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soonysy · 6 months
For this 120th day of drawing, I would like to make my personal list of favourite arts, which I did through this every-day challenge!
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Thank you everybody for being here! I really enjoy creating something every day, even if it is just a little silly drawing of Grian or Scar. I hope that I'm making some progress with each day.
Also thank you for tags in reblogs. There are a lot of very sweet comments on my drawings, sometimes even lore. All of you are very nice, Tumblr people!!
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