#hopefully I can get the next chapter out quicker
manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
I can promise 100% that part five of the more you give will be out tomorrow. Just need to edit the last bit.
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wandaspup · 4 months
Sinners Part Two
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Summary: In a small town, you try living up to your mother’s expectations while encountering Wanda Maximoff, a mysterious woman and a childhood friend of your mothers. It leaves you questioning her intentions and your beliefs.
Parings: Wanda x Fem R
Warnings: None besides Wanda testing the waters with you (will be added as I update! ♥️ Happy reading)
Author notes: You are 19 years old while Wanda is 36. Story will be updated every two weeks! Two more chapters left (: Thank you everyone for reading this.
Please read the first chapter if you come across this one first for new readers!
Wanda’s Masterlist
You sauntered downstairs, the clacks of pans getting louder as you descend further into the kitchen. Your mother focused on getting the food on the table. She pointed towards the counter. “Set the silverware and make sure they’re properly placed this time.” 
Today Wanda was coming over. After you got home from Church, she was all you can think about from yesterday. You can still remember the way her expressions shifted when she looked at you, as those eyes followed you around before or so you kept thinking. Even when you sleep, you can still feel her presence lingering in the corner of your room. You know she isn’t there, but glimpses of her face in your dreams felt so real. 
The first time you dream about her, the encounter of déjà vu washes over you. Maybe you were going insane and thinking of another woman around town. 
You placed the silverware carefully, aligning each one just as your mother taught you. Hopefully she won’t throw a tantrum over a spoon placed an inch to the left. She seemed too focused on what she was doing and you’ve never seen your mother this tense or excited. She never mentioned Wanda, but she never mentioned anything about her life back then. She told you It’s a waste of time to babble on about such things. 
The doorbell echoes and you pause, momentarily staring at the silverware in your hand before carefully placing them aside and making your way to the front. You breathe in and out one last time for a good measure and gripped the handle and twisted. The door swings open, your eyes widen in surprise, and it takes you a moment to register Wanda standing before you. She wears a flaxen dress, its fabric rippling in the light breeze and delicately skimming against the sides of her thighs. Her dress reached halfway, giving you a good glimpse at her sun-kissed legs, glistening. A yellow flower nestled in her hair on the left side. She beams and snaps her fingers.
You mentally berated yourself and offered a swift apology. 
Wanda chuckled, her laughter , crossing her arms in front of her. Her smirk widened, and she glanced past you, nodding towards the entrance. “Well, darling, are you planning to keep me waiting out here all day?”
As you stepped aside, she gave you that look, the exact same one back outside the church and suddenly your heart pounded quicker. An aromatic honey apple scent overwhelmed as she passed, your head suddenly heavy as you closed the door and led her to the kitchen. Food was set evenly in the middle of the table, your father already took a seat with your mother. 
“Wonderful to see you again my dear friend.” She gestured at the seat across, and you noticed the only chair left was right next to her’s. Debating on moving it to the other side of the table, you figured your mother would scold you for being rude.
“Well I appreciate you having me over. It’s been awhile since we last saw each other.” 
From there It was nothing but short stories and awkward laughters between all of them. You kept your eyes on your plate, shuffling your food inside your mouth praying this dinner will end soon and you can lock yourself in your room. Once in a while, you’d sneak a glance whenever you heard Wanda speak or laugh at something your father said. Unbeknownst, Wanda knew your cute tactics of being sneaky without batting an eyelash. You’d do it again when she took a sip of wine, her lipstick staining the glass. 
Wanda’s chair screeched unexpectedly, apologizing when her fork slipped out of her hand and clattered to the ground. When she reached for it, she used your thigh for support, her perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around with a light grasp, sending a shiver down your spine. "I think I need a new fork," she all but said, her hands still resting in the same place. "Apologies, darlin', hope you didn't mind me using you." Wanda grinned and motioned her hand back and forth before pulling away, leaving a lingering warmth on your thigh.
The weight of her hand was missed for some odd reason you were unable to comprehend. Usually, the gentle pats from an elderly woman at the bread store were just a friendly gesture, never thinking much of it. However, her touch stirred an entirely different sensation. 
One you were sure you’d be praying on your knees begging god forgiveness. You continued to eat, pretending everything was normal and Wanda was only an old friend of your mom’s coming to visit. Wanda went on to answer a few questions asked by your father, while you listened, waiting for Wanda to make her move on you. She seemed to always catch you by surprise. 
“No husband and no kids. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to have kids.”
“Surely the right man will come along in time hon. You’re a gorgeous woman and anyone would be lucky to have you.”
You rolled your eyes, glancing down at your plate. Wanda shrugged, tugging at her bottom lip before taking another bite. “Maybe, but I think I’ll manage just fine without one,” she said, lifting her glass for a sip and then turning her attention to you. 'What about you? Anyone catching your eye?
The question caught you by surprise but you responded casually, figuring she was trying to get to know you better. “No one at the moment, just focused on getting through college applications, ma’am.” You cleared your throat the second you finished, the last few words getting stuck. From the ugly expression your own mother gave you across the table, she scowled you for not speaking properly. 
Wanda squeezed your arm reassuringly, always ready to come to your rescue. “Oh, she's perfectly fine.” She winked and settled in for a few more bites from her own plate. “I do hope to see you all around town. I figured I’d be delighted to extend my stay.”
Your father nodded and gulped the little bit of wine he had left. “Well, Wanda, you're always welcome here. Perhaps you’d be able to help our daughter with her applications. We never have the time to assist her.
"I can manage just fine, father," you said confidently
Your mother cleared her throat and dabbed her mouth, nodding in agreement. "I don’t want you getting into some party college and wasting your life. God has a plan for you, and you'd better stick to it, girl. Wanda, what do you think?"
Wanda's nose scrunched up, her lips stretched, and a small twinkle settled in her green eyes. You pondered what thoughts were swirling in her head as she agreed. Despite the knot twisting a thousand times over, it seemed clear God did not intend for Wanda swooping in and destroying his plan.  
As you grappled with making sense of your emotions, the sensations from Wanda’s touch made you forget how to use your head. It wasn’t love but rather a twisted plan Wanda woven you into. 
“I should be going.” She scooched out as she stood up, extending her hand. She gazed over towards you. “Be a dear and walk me out.” 
With a brisk nod, you got up and waited for Wanda to gather herself before following her closely behind. You can hear your heart thumping, afraid she might even hear it. As soon as the front door opened, she turned around quicker than you could comprehend the situation. Her eyes floated down your body and back up to your face. “Sure do look beautiful honey.”
When you didn’t reply she grasped your chin between her fingers, one eyebrow raised. “What do we say when someone gives you a compliment?”
“Th—nk you ma’am.”
She hummed pleased. “I’ll be seeing you.”
Taglist is closed so the ones on the list will be added for the rest of the chapters until I figure out another way to do a taglist. I was thinking of the google survey thing I saw someone was doing.
if you didn't tag in this for some reason, I either typed in your user and tumblr couldn't find your account . (:
@ifthisaintmee @the-lakes89 @aru-son
@maximoff-jp @unicorniusfallapatorius @random-fag @natashaswife4125 @wndasdoll
@thursdayygrrrl @falloutboy-lover @obsessedwjill @ksandraxox @scarletnatsblog
@bbbyliv0202 @peyt-n @wandaswife13 @criticsstuff @kimlipimsingle @sam-h-69
@rowiebear @thalia-is-not-ok @immclovinmilfs
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
SUMMARY: Fed up with paying Astarion to pick all the locks, you force yourself to learn the hard way.
PAIRING: Astarion & Female Reader (reads as Gender Neutral but future chapters will be femme focused, just a heads up!)
WARNINGS: Short nightmare sequence, too much sexual tension, slight mentions of a handkink, inappropriate lock pick teaching.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know I'm posting these super early but day two of the Haunted Hoedown! This time the prompt is "finders keepers!" I honestly had so much fun with this one, so hopefully all the new Astarion fans that've followed me in the last day enjoy? Love you guys. :))))
Also I was originally going to make all of these challenge fics separate but I've since decided to make it more of a connected fic so... that's a thing now? I'll link the last chapter below!
“I wasn’t aware you were so proficient at lock picking.” 
You smirk at Astarion’s false praise, busying your hands against the lock’s mechanism. You’ve only been at it for five or six, maybe seven tops but you can already tell it’ll be a while. The lock itself is tough; covered in a layer of thick rust. Plus, being that it’s a chest and not a door, it’s a bit more advanced than you’re used to.
“Yes, well, not all of us are vampires that can woo their way through a padlock.” 
In response, Astarion laughs, throwing his head back so dramatically that from the corner of your eye, it looks as if he’s lost his head for a moment. “You do realize who you’re talking to, correct?”
You hum out a response and push the short hook further in, feeling the pressure of a loose pin hit the end. When that happens, you grin to yourself and slide closer to the chest, biting your bottom lip in excitement. 
Over the last few weeks, you and the rest of the group had come upon some interesting findings. A cave inside a well, a few hidden cellars around the surrounding the goblin camp, a hidden chest or two. At first, it was exciting, getting to experience the joys of a good treasure hunt but quickly such feelings fell once you discovered how difficult it was to break into said things without the help of Astarion and his seemingly magic hands.
“I know you’re excited to prove yourself, darling, but why don’t you let me finish things off, hm? It’ll go a lot quicker.” 
You shake your head and continue your ministrations, carefully pushing the hook further in, feeling that alleviated pressure of another pin. “I’m tired of relying on you and your bloody rogue tax.” 
After agreeing that Astarion would just pick every lock your party found for a price, it was evident he was more than willing to take more than he was owed. Saying things like I did all the work or you wouldn’t be here if not for me, it was obvious he was exploiting you. Using his roguish charms to earn himself a bigger cut despite doing next to nothing else. 
It was frustrating, to say the least. Another minor annoyance to add to his long list of negative personality traits, and lately you were determined to combat it. To learn the trade for yourself so that every piece of treasure found could remain solely yours. 
“I’m sure everyone is but that’s the price you pay for a professional.” 
You roll your eyes and continue to fiddle, feeling his gaze glued to the positioning of your hands —how your fingers tighten and twist around the metal instrument. 
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you at least a little bit nervous —having his eyes on you. Across your palms, you can feel the slick of sweat collecting with each new movement, while behind you, you can practically feel Astarion’s judgement throughout, silently picking apart all of your mistakes. 
“You’re doing—“
You shush him angrily before he can continue, knowing he’s trying to break your concentration. Knowing that he thinks that if he can prove to be enough of a distraction you’ll end up slipping up and giving in. 
“I was just going to tell you about the wonderful job you’re doing.” His tone is laced with sarcasm. Drenched in a thick layer of impatience that has you groaning under your breath. 
“Isn’t there someone else you can bother?”
You know there is. In the other room of the abandoned building you currently find yourselves in, at least four other people are rooting through the rubble. Most likely they’re stationed in their usual areas. Gale’s probably next to the stack of bookshelves with Karlach, telling her all about his collection back at the camp while Wyll and Shadowheart are searching through the cellar in hopes of more wine. 
“You sure?”
For a moment you debate telling him to go keep watch with Lae’zel just so that he’ll shut up but the thought dissipates once you feel him flop onto the floor beside you with a groan. 
“Everyone else is so dull,” he complains. His line of slight flickers between your face and hands, watching the way they remain almost too still as he speaks. “They’re all do this do that, and for what?”
You shrug your shoulders ever so slightly, unsure of what he means.
“They’re all living for other people, darling. Other causes. Everything they do serves a higher purpose and for that reason alone, they’re boring.”
Despite your previous determination your hands release themselves from the padlock before you find yourself readjusting —moving to plop down next to him. “You think everyone’s boring because they’re selfless?”
“Predictable,” he corrects, pointing a loose finger in your direction. “All of them talk too much about a future that may not even come considering we’re infected and have little idea on how to remedy the situation.” 
You’re not sure where this rant is coming from but you welcome it considering it’s been weeks since you’ve had a normal conversation that didn’t revolve around mapping or looting or combat. Weeks since you’ve taken a moment to learn about the people you find yourself in constant contact with. 
“Some people just don’t like looking back.” 
There’s a hint of surprise in his eyes when you respond as if he wasn’t expecting such an answer. Or really, maybe an answer at all. All at once his face seems to rise in thought, taking a moment to absorb the words before he hums in response, pursing his lips. “Yes, well, I suppose some people don’t have a past worth running from.”
What’s that supposed to mean?
The tadpole behind your eye wriggles for his attention before you can even think to suppress it. Working to pull him in as you stare at one another, narrowing your eyes at the sudden cerebral contact. At first, he’s reluctant. You can feel the pushing sensation suggesting that you stop. That you should stick to the confines of your own mind rather than pestering him, but quicker than you can move away to agree, it’s as if you’re sucked back in again. Pulled by the very thread of your own brain matter to see flashes of a life you assume to be his.
The first thing you see is candlelight. A flickering of warm hues that dance across wooden interiors. It’s almost dizzying the way the light shifts across your vision, forcing you to close your eyes. Next to you, you can hear Astarion breathing heavily. Deep inhales followed by even deeper exhales that you swiftly use as a metronome to carry your focus. To aid your tadpole’s connection. 
Swallowing hard, you listen to the beats of his breath, feeling them take over your chest as the vision in front of you grows to reveal bits of cobblestone. In the background, you can hear the faint sounds of scuttling feet. The dripping of water. A hungry growl followed by an even hungrier gnaw of flesh that squelches on your tongue. 
You can taste the iron —feel the fur and bones of an unknown animal brush against your lips and gums. All of it swirls around your mouth like a tornado of overstimulating sensations, forcing the vision to pass as you reach for your throat, coughing up nothing but your own spit despite how real it feels. 
It’s apparent then what Astarion means. That some people aren’t always blessed with the privilege of running away. That people like him don’t have the means of calling upon allies to aid them through the awful shit that is reality. 
Even with such little context, you can sense through his tadpole that he’s alone in this life. Alone before the Illithid —alone now. And more than likely, he’ll be alone after it’s all over, in death or otherwise. 
Rubbing your throat —trying your best to get rid of the tainted feeling of skin and bone from your mouth, you feel empathy rather than sympathy. An understanding of his words as you look toward him, noticing the far-off look in his eye before he blinks and travels back.
“I only showed you that to save the explanation,” he says, and whether or not it’s true you merely just nod, welcoming the silence. The tranquil hush of two people attempting to navigate the other. 
It doesn’t last long. In between, there are a few moments of background noise. The sound of echoing footsteps and muffled voices. You know it’s the others looting just as you should be, but neither of you moves to join until Astarion eventually clears his throat, signalling change. 
“Anyway, they’re all in their own worlds, coasting on the wings of optimism.” He flicks his hand around the air while rolling his eyes. “It’s disgusting and partly why I choose your company above theirs.” 
Letting yourself fall back into your usual, somewhat antagonistic rhythm, you give him a curious look. “Partly, huh?”
“Don’t get too excited,” he quips, the edge of his lip twitching into that usual grin of his. “The other part is the potential of your blood, darling.”
“Ah yes. And here I was assuming you were just following me around so that you could steal my treasure.”
Both of your eyes move back to the unbroken padlock. It’s the only thing in this room that seems to be worth either of your time and Astarion knows it. It’s why he’s been so keen on your failure. 
“You know, I could help you if you like. Show you a thing or two so that the next time this happens you don’t have to rely on me.”
It’s tempting, even if you know that you’ll be taxed to all hell. Whatever spoils you find will ultimately be cut in half and, more than likely, he’ll sweeten the deal for himself by claiming first pick. 
“What’s the price?”
He shoots you a look of offence, clutching his chest. “My dear, I’d never dare put a price on the education of thievery.”
You hold back a grin, pressing your lips together, watching the way he quickly springs into action, motioning for you to hand him your tools. When you do he begins to explain the process, showcasing all the tips and tricks against the air with careful precision. Which would be helpful if you weren’t so focused on his hands rather than his words. On the way they curl around the handles of your tools, tightening with every gesture performed. 
Astarion’s got nicer hands than most. Long and thin and surprisingly well-manicured for someone who spends most of his time in the forest or drinking the blood of unsuspecting animals. And guiltily enough staring at them so intently just reminds you of that night he drained your neck. 
You can still feel the pressure of his fingers against your head. The way they roughly cupped you like a goblet of wine. Despite the fear in that moment, you’re now able to look back at that memory almost fondly. A moment of potential weakness for you somehow became a moment of trust for him and as a result, here you were now, acting almost friendly amid a terrible situation. 
It makes you grin, prompting Astarion to stop his explanation and narrow his eyes. 
“Are you even listening?”
There’s a knowing glance that befalls his face then. A transition of clarity that has his mouth opening and closing before he hands you your tools. “Might be best if we take a more hands on approach.” 
You look at him confused, letting the hooks in your hand lazily rest in your palm as you watch him hop to his knees and begin to guide you. 
“I want you to do exactly what you were doing before, alright? Use the hook to push the pins.” 
Despite your continued confusion, you follow his position by kneeling in front of the chest and popping the hook into the hole, digging around the darkened space until you feel the shift of that first pin. 
“Got it?” You spare him a glance and a nod, watching him crawl towards you, positioning his chest firmly against your back before reaching out to hold your wrists. “Now, take that other hook of yours and situate it at the base of the barrel.”
Doing exactly that, you feel his fingers slowly slip over yours, navigating you through the trials of getting that second pin to shift as the barrel turns in your grasp. At first, it’s difficult. Mostly because all you can focus on is the breath that hits the side of your face. The heat of the air that travels down your spine in nervous waves you’re almost certain he can feel. But then you’re reminded that you’ve been here before; stuck within his heated grasp. 
“That’s it. Just like that.” 
You’re practically holding your breath as you find that third pin, feeling Astarion’s hand shift you in the right direction before you lose it at the last second. Ever so gently, his chest shifts upwards against your back so that he can rest his chin on your shoulder to get a better look. A newfound weight that makes you close your eyes and release a bit of air from your nose, realizing how intimate this is. 
Somehow it feels even more personal than letting him feed off of you. Perhaps because the bloodsucking was for his own benefit, knowing Astarion, moments like that where he’s able to take rather than give mean next to nothing to him. They’re just moments of manipulation. A series of tactical steps he takes to get whatever he wants whereas this is different. This is for you. 
You’re not sure how to describe it other than an offering of trust. Maybe it’s a token of appreciation for letting him consume. Maybe it’s nothing more than a game to make you squirm beneath his grasp. Either or, it’s an experience you know you’ll be thinking of for days to come, attempting to decipher its intent.
“Once you feel that final pin I want you to ease it in gently, alright? Be delicate.” 
You offer him no response as you listen to his words. If you did, you’re certain he’d make some offhand comment that would only further the lewdness of it all, grinning like the mischievous prick he is. 
“After that, you should feel a little shift and —voilà!” 
The chest clicks open. Your breath releases in a long, much-needed stream but Astarion makes no effort to move from your frame. Instead, he continues to cling to your hands, angling his chin so that when you eventually look at him you’re practically touching noses. 
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“It’s that easy?”
Slowly but surely he slips from your frame with a nod, his hands sliding across the expanse of your sleeves, coating your skin in a wave of goosebumps as he moves to stand. “Yes, but keep it hush, hush. Wouldn’t want the others to find out, would we?”
You shake your head, a small smile creeping across your lips as you then turn towards your reward, gripping both edges of the lid before pushing it up. Inside there are only a few items. A few spell scrolls and some fabric but it’s enough to get you excited regardless, realizing that it’s yours.
“Not bad for your first go.” Peeking over your shoulder, Astarion watches as you sift through everything carefully, unrolling each scroll to read the details before looking back up and raising a brow. 
“You sure there’s no tax?” you ask, but all he does is laugh and shake his head. 
“Finders keepers, darling. As I promised.” 
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cozycottagetarot · 8 months
The Next Chapter Of Your Life
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How To Pick A Pile:
Everyone has their own technique for choosing a 'pile'. My recommendation is to clear your mind and focus on each image for a few seconds. The image you find yourself coming back to even when you focus on the other images is the pile for you.
Quick notes on this reading:
It's a long one -- This reading is a lot longer (I think) than what I typically post. I'd appreciate any feedback on the length since it's something I'm experimenting with. The pile titles are colour-coded -- Hopefully, it helps make scrolling to the next section quicker.
Each pile references multiple scenarios -- some scenarios came through stronger than others, but I did my best to write what I was getting to be applied to situations not mentioned.
‼️ THIS READING IS MEANT FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY -- While this reading does contain a bit of advice and reflective questions, IT'S IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM MEANT TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF ANY KIND. Please use your discretion, think carefully before you act and only take what resonates be it a little, some or none at all. (The usual disclaimer is at the bottom).
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
PILE 1 (Scrapbook)
Who are you? Cards: The Poet, The Founder rev, The Queen of Roses
This pile may be the pile for you if any of the following resonates:
Wanting to connect or being very connected to your loving, nurturing and supportive side. You've been receiving messages or sensing that a new connection is on the horizon. Motherhood/parenthood or marriage. Seeking resolutions to a relationship. Leaving behind relationships that have been in your life forever. Giving too much to others. Ending toxic relationships. Finding or wanting freedom. Finding your voice. Finding you. Tapping into your creative side. A quest for happiness.
If none of these individual sentences resonate feel free to check out a different pile.
Who will you become throughout this next chapter? Cards: The Muse, The Gambler
You will begin to bloom. Maybe not fully, but you’ll be more open to taking the necessary steps (which may feel like risk) to flourish. The end result will be you tapping into your creativity and creator energy. But also putting in the work, and changing your approach. I pulled all the cards at once so being able to take in all the cards at once, it’s this sense of making you happen. Gone will be the sense of being who you think you should or are expected to be. You’ll be gaining a new sense of self that is brighter and more wild. The risk is non-existent. It’s more perceived. It seems like a risk to indulge in the aspects of yourself that may seem like they’re more whimsy, but by actually making those things happen, you will transform into someone who can inspire themself. You won’t have to look for inspiration elsewhere, you’ll have it there within you.
How will you find success? Cards: 3 of Keys (The Chess Game), The King rev
Through changing your tactic. This chapter won’t necessarily be easy. There will be conflict with those around or above you, especially if this relates to career or relationships, possibly even both. Detach from the situation and be objective. Waiting for your opening will be the key to your success. For some, it’s a situation where everyone is only looking out for themself and I’m picking up that it's creating a stalemate. With the king reversed, you know what’s best in the situation but someone with more authority than you or a level of seniority if this is a personal relationship thinks they know better but they don’t. It’s about being firm and holding your own as well as not letting your emotions, or the part of you that’s super connected to the situation, get the best of you and influence you to make rash decisions.
Challenges you may meet: Cards: The Astronomer, The Orator, Reflection rev.
I see the biggest challenge here for you being one of mastering yourself in this next chapter. There’s a battle between your emotions and your intuition. To navigate this you need to have a conversation with yourself and determine why you’re having such strong emotions. Where are these feelings stemming from? The astronomer card is here to remind you that whatever the situation is, it’s not really about the past-- it’s not going to help you navigate this chapter. Especially if you’ve been acting according to what’s expected of you when the current/upcoming situation(s) requires you to do what is true to you. I hope I'm not repeating myself too much here, but the challenge becomes exploring the why behind the emotions so you can better make decisions and listen to your intuition. BUT, keep in mind that it doesn’t mean not to listen to your emotions at all.
Another message here is that working with other people may also show up as a challenge. There's a reminder to listen to other people's perspectives but also know that choosing to hear someone’s POV doesn’t mean you have to absorb it as yours either.
Finally, even when it gets tough, don’t doubt yourself. Take your time. It may seem like you have to have it all figured out and know what to say and which decision to make, but not really. It’s easy to feel that way when it feels like everything is at stake, but again, if you feel that way, pause and ask yourself why? Once you have your why, you can take on the world.
Lessons To Be Learned: Cards: The Painter, 8 of keys (the master artisan)
This definitely feels like it relates to career or passion projects, but of course, just adjust to your individual situation. It may or may not mean anything, but your cards have lots of florals.
Your lessons in this next chapter of life relate to learning to connect with yourself, speaking up and putting yourself out there. Your energy is one that makes me feel like you have such an amazing talent you're hesitant to embrace. You have so much to learn and just as much to offer... this is the beginning of that journey. Don’t be shy. There are opportunities out there waiting, you just have to figure out the way to pursue them that is most authentic to you. Even if it’s simply an opportunity to give love and kindness. I know I focused a lot on career and creativty, but this goes for relationships too. There is a lot of heavy energy covering this beautiful light-hearted one that just wants to break free. If you are considering going into teaching or taking up a teaching opportunity (not necessarily even in a formal education system) or enrolling in a course of some kind, I feel like this is a nod to say go for it. Especially pottery or beadwork? Trade work as well, maybe even culinary school or food-related skills. (I could be projecting there on the culinary aspect though as that's what I did and the imagery on the card reminds me of it).
Advice to take with you in this next chapter: The hound and pear (loyalty) — This card is always a bittersweet card whenever I see it. The message here is one of loyalty and friendship. A new relationship (of any kind), one founded on friendship, is precious but also delicate. Don't make irrevocable decisions based on conclusions. It must be treated with care on both sides because it can be damaged easily.
The deer and oat (healing) — Rest and recharge. Moderation and mindfulness are also key for recovering from difficult or intense situations. Ask yourself, how you can rest and nurture yourself?
The snake and fern (starting over) — it’s time to finish breaking free from the past so you can become something new. So you can return to your true self. What has protected you and brought you to this point? Are you in a position to release it? Are there any parts of your past self that you can regrow from (like snipping off part of a plant that may be unhealthy and leaving the rest so it can re-catch itself, not sure why I picked that analogy) or must you grow anew? (Planting a new seed, from the old plant. The essence is still there but a completely new plant will grow)
If you made it this far I appreciate it. Feedback is welcomed and if there's a topic you'd like me to cover in a pac, feel free to let me know!
Pile 2 (Compass)
If you’re drawn to pile 1 feel free to check that out as well.
Who are you? Cards: The Oracle of Delphi, the Sentinel, the Forgotten
This pile may be the pile for you if any of the following resonates:
Intuitive. Connected to a higher power. Diety work. Past lives. Psychic powers. Perseverance. Fighting back. Confidence threatening to become arrogance. Dominance dancing on the lines of domineering. A force to be reckoned with. Someone who's sometimes brash. Amor fati (love of fate). An academic. Dreamlight Valley. Self-esteem issues (past or present). Someone who was looked past and from it learned not to try. Fear. Anxiety. A lost soul stumbling in the dark. Chaos. Morally grey. *You may be an avid reader or enjoy fantasy media as well.
My Overall Impression: You’re a force to be reckoned with and reckon you will. Your energy is just pure power and chaos. I low-key feel like you’re battling with life/the universe (call it what you prefer, that’s just how I prefer to call it). There’s this energy of "Try me" and the universe is like "I got one for you, watch and see". But there’s no malice. I just get fed-up vibes from you and the response from life is like "Okay 👀, but chill." Enemies to lovers with life itself.
Who will you become throughout this next chapter? Cards: The Ark of the Covenant, Beith — Birth, The Queen, The Assassin
The Queen and The Assassin flew out with such fury! You’re going to become someone worthy of wearing a crown. But it comes at a price, though it’s not one you can sit around and sulk about. The next chapter of your life reminds me of being forged in fire. Now you’re stepping into the role and identity of someone who can achieve your goals. It’s dark at times, but you’re gaining the skills to do what you want to do and I get the feeling this "thing" you're meant to do is one you may feel on a deep or soul level. (It is) fulfilling a higher calling or purpose. At the very least, you’re becoming someone who has decided that this is the last time they repeat a cycle.
You’re working towards something more and it feels like by the end of this chapter, you’ll be granted a brief reprieve. There’s still more work to be done though. You’re stepping into a new era where so much will grow from you. For some of you, a new romantic relationship is coming in and/or you're expanding your family-- that includes found family as well.
How will you find success?
Cards: 4 of Roses (views of the ego) the Witch. Rev
The first message that comes through is that your success lies in cutting someone off. Someone selfish and self-absorbed to be exact. It’s a relationship you’ve stayed in too long... they could have had some kind of hold over you, not necessarily in a controlling way, but they could have meant something on a deep level which could have been why you held on. You may have done a lot you’re not happy with because you’ve done it with this person in mind. Cutting ties with them grants you success as it allows you to focus on what’s truly important to you.
The other message with the witch reversed is the importance of remembering that while you’re forging your own path, it’s okay to look to others who have made it or 'gotten out'. Maybe they haven’t gone through the exact same thing, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t wisdom in the stories of others who’ve forged through and paved their own way as well. Pile one was about breaking away from the expected, but you’re being called to review what is expected and see if there’s anything worth considering. Kind of like shopping around for inspiration? You might come across someone else's story and it might spark an idea within you on how to navigate your own.
Challenges you may meet-- Cards: The Tailor Rev, The Scribe
Your challenges in this next chapter involve trying not to force your will upon the flow of your life and refining your focus. I know, I said forged in fire. There’s an imbalance of sorts... instead of firing and hoping you hit the target (your goal), you need to pause and take a good look at what’s working vs what isn’t. The 'wheel of life' worksheet/exercise comes to mind but I personally hate that exercise so much. I bring it up because it allows you to get a visual of what areas of your life you've been focusing on vs neglecting and pinpoint which areas of your life you’re lacking in. From there you can further assess and gain a better grasp on what you should be focusing on. After all, you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.
With the scribe, you may need to study or fine-tune your skills regarding a specific matter more. Here, there's something you need to learn to influence your life in the way you want, but you have to take the time to figure out what it is that you need to learn. It doesn’t have to be formal learning either. It could be something such watch a YouTube video, reading a book or article, or even taking a free online course or masterclass. Nothing is too big or too small here, as long as it's helping you to develop to get from point A to B.
Lessons To Be Learned:
Cards: 8 or scrolls (path unknown), the diviner, the puppeteer
The 8 of scrolls here reminds you that you’ve been travelling on a path where you know the outcomes, but to get to where you want to be sometimes requires walking down paths that may mean you don’t know what’s going to happen until it happens. At the same time, that’s how opportunities we didn’t know we needed arise. In the card imagery, there’s a basket next to the girl filled with scrolls, the same type of scrolls pictured in the scribe card. I think for you it’s learning the skill or information I mentioned that is going to help you feel more confident and assured on this path you’re following. You’ve got the energy of the queen archetype (regardless of gender), and though it may be a challenge, you’ve equipped yourself with the skills necessary to go after what you want. You’ll have what it takes 100% to move on to the next phase (after this one we're talking about).
The Diviner is about divine timing and evaluation. Here you’ve done all that you can with what is in your control. What’s left now is waiting for your desires outcomes to come to fruition. While you can’t rush or force things, you can make sure you set yourself up for success when you get it. So let's say you're waiting on receiving a sum of money, in the meantime you can learn/brush up on the skills to manage money etc.
Finally with the puppeteer, mending relationships could also be a lesson. Although I think it’s more about learning to interact with others better? But also remembering that sometimes apologies can mend relationships and other times they can’t. Going back to that relationship mentioned way before, it could be a matter of "are you willing to forgive the other person if they were to apologise and see the error of their ways?" (Though with the type of person mentioned that may be unlikely but, who knows).
Another possibility with the assassin card is that you may ruffle feathers at some point, so you may learn the power or limits of an apology in that sense as well.
Advice to take with you in this next chapter:
The Finch and Peach (romance) — romance is on its way to you. Things to ponder on could be: do you feel ready to welcome love into your life? What are some things that make you feel loved/how do you like to receive love?
The Marten and Foxglove (mischief) — this card asks you to stay open to opportunities that allow you to tap into your playful side, be spontaneous or travel. Ask yourself how can you make room for spontaneity? (It could be through trying new foods, reading a different genre, visiting a place you wouldn’t typically visit, changing up your daily routine etc). Also are you at a point where you can open yourself to new adventures, big or small?
The Boar and Pumpkin (confidence) — You’re not wrong to be confident in yourself, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments and think about what you’ve done that you’re proud of (doesn’t always have to be tangible, it can also be mindsets, situations you’ve walked from etc).
The Snake and Fern (starting over) — Again, if you were drawn to pile one, I suggest you check that out. Here this card nods to beginning a new and asks you to see if there are any parts of yourself you can return to, or if it’s time to completely start anew and discover yourself from scratch.
If you made it this far I appreciate it. Feedback is welcomed and if there's a topic you'd like me to cover in a pac, feel free to let me know!
Pile 3 (The Trunks/Suitcase)
Who are you? Cards: The Smith, The Twins, The Lookout, The Askashic Library, 3 of Forces (Bird’s Nest)
This pile may be the pile for you if any of the following resonates:
The overthinker. Having a twin or prominent Gemini placements. If you're considering something you’ve been wanting to do for a while but keep putting off. A relationship with someone in which you both started on the same path but they went in another direction. Holding onto resentment. Feel like everything is up in flames. Writing. Seeking self-awareness. Manifesting. Intuitive. *Read that book you’ve been meaning to read. Needing a backup plan. Expanding. Hopeful prospects.
*If this doesn't feel like your pile, and you were eyeing pile 4, definitely check it out. This pile was actually the last I pulled and the hardest to read for and it felt like many aspects of it related to other piles as well. I recommend checking out a secondary pile in general if you were drawn to one.
Who will you become throughout this next chapter? Cards: The Waker, The Runaway, The Warrior (Sorry, I forgot to write down some of the cards 🤦‍♀️, I believe it was 'Fated Meeting' and 'Queen of Scrolls')
You’re becoming someone who is becoming centred/aligned and more intuitive. Your internal world and external world are going to become more connected. Connected to your ‘higher self’ as well, it’s going to be you vs you (levelling up). You’re going to become someone who can face the things you’ve been running from head-on.
That thing you’ve been putting off, you’re going to be able to finally put into action. Coming into being filled with inspiration, clarity and direction. This is especially if you’re considering careers/education, or projects in the fields of writing, publishing, marketing, communication, counselling or teaching. If you’re seeking a mentor, this person could help guide you to becoming this way. It could also be someone in your life already that may help you who is in one of these fields.
For a select few of you, you’re becoming the version of you that was meant to meet your person. If it’s not a romantic partner, then you’re coming into contact with a soulmate (meant as someone you have a ‘soul bond’ with).
Where Will You Find Success? Cards: 4 of Keys (Clearing The Way), Reflection, The Cartographer rev, The Weaver
If you find yourself prone to many different avenues of ideas and project but never settling on one, you’re going to find your success through settling on one thing and focusing on it. It’s time for you stop buckle down and stick with one of those brilliant ideas of yours and make it happen.
Also while it may be time for you to focus on one thing professionally or creatively, when it comes to yourself, it’s time to embrace all the pieces of you that seem random. It reminds me of this post I saw a couple of days ago about how we don't have to force ourselves fit perfectly into an aesthetic... that it's okay to have and embrace parts of your personality that are completely left field of the other bits that go hand in hand. So for some of you, maybe it’s time to embrace all the pieces of you that don’t go together neatly. Maybe that’s why you have these ideas and start them and then ditch them, because you’re a multifaceted being and you’re not allowing yourself to be so and that is the way it manifests in your life? Maybe it’s time to learn how to let all the sides of you coexist without getting lost. Food for thought maybe?
Regardless, it’s time to remove distractions that are holding you back. Tap into your intuition. Become more aware of your emotions. There's a sense of self-mastery is needed here.
Challenges You May Meet? Cards: The Pathless, The Miser, 1 of Scrolls (On Track), Up In The Air, 6 of Forces (The Waterfall) rev
Your challenges kind of relate to the things that were mentioned already. Being in your head, overthinking things, being unable to settle, but also trying to avoid falling into a headspace where you’re being pessimistic and stubborn. Just because you stick to one thing doesn’t mean you can’t shift and adjust your approach. And if you find that you’re really stuck don’t be afraid to just take a step back. If this is all relating to something where other people are giving you their unsolicited advice, don’t be afraid to brush it off and say “Hey, I might have hit a block but trust that I know what I’m doing”. Another scenario is to not internalise any unsolicited advice or opinions because I feel like that could be a trigger for getting lost in your head for some of you.
For overthinking, it'll be about learning to accept that you won’t be able to know the exact outcome of certain things. If you’re working with someone else, then feeling like you are in control or that you have a say may be the challenge. For others, the challenge may simply be making the decision or committing. It could also be coming to terms with the fact that you waited so long to pursue this goal.
Lessons To Be Learned: Cards: The Brawler, The Forgotten, 2 of Roses (The Winged Messengers), Uriel and the Sphinx, the king of roses
With the Forgotten you’ll learn that you can’t be afraid of mistakes. Mistakes help you grow. You'll come to realise how much fear has been holding you back. There's also learning how to make something out of your anxiety. Learning not to run from conflict or maybe how to properly address it could also be another lesson. This could be regarding internal conflict or conflict with another person as I am getting multiple scenarios come up.
Again there's a message here that for some of a romantic suitor specifically coming in. Overall for everyone there’s an important relationship making its way into your life. The mentor shows up as a neutral energy throughout the reading (or balanced feminine and masculine). Their energy is thoughtful, nurturing/comforting and supportive.
Advice — The Goat and Willow (overdoing obstacle) — even though there are losses to suffer, you can overcome them with renewed energy and the right balance. When obstacles appear, prioritise realigning yourself with your goals. You can even get ahead of the game and brainstorm ways to handle potential obstacles before they arise. The Chipmunk and Laurel (success) — Your path to success will be a unique one, one you have to create on your own, but there will be adventures along the way. The Elk and Ash (strength) — Don’t be afraid to fight back when met with a challenge.
If you made it this far I appreciate it. Feedback is welcomed and if there's a topic you'd like me to cover in a pac, feel free to let me know!
Pile 4 (The plane around the world)
CW: Brief implication of strong language
Who are you? Cards: The storyteller, the mascareri, 1 of roses (commitment), 6 of roses (the war of roses)
This pile may be the pile for you if any of the following resonates:
Someone who struggles with the 'self'. You may hide your true self and struggle to accept others' true selves. For you, you could spend a lot of time crafting your persona. For some of you you maybe in positions where you delegate to others or are responsible for others' behaviour (managerial or boss positions). Some of you could work with kids or want to work with kids. Putting on a mask. Neurodivergence. You could enjoy writing or be a writer of some kind. The arts. Struggling with a partnership (romantic or business), trying to balance honouring yourself and their wishes? Conflicted about a relationship. Feeling like there's a battle between your head vs your heart.
Who will you become throughout this next chapter? Cards: 4 of Scrolls rev (The Karmic Trenches), The Patron rev, The poet You’re becoming someone with so much to offer and is still looking to grow. However, people may want to take advantage of that. Becoming someone who doesn’t hesitate and is in love with life. Embracing that life is imperfect. Becoming more vulnerable. Finding like-minded people. Embracing happiness. Tapping into your creative spirit. There could be an ending of some kind, though you didn’t want it, it brought a world full of new opportunities. You're finally breaking a pattern but also having the awareness to know when you’re tip-toeing along the lines of going back. Coming out of the dark. This sense of being healed on multiple levels and being able to finally experience joy.
Where will you find success? Cards: The Astronomer Rev, The Hound, 5 of forces (summer/winter), 7 of keys (The Ascent) You’re going to be finding success through setting long-term goals. If this is about a financial situation especially, then also finding a balance between focusing on what is necessary and not letting the 'wishlist' desires lead you astray. It can apply to any situation in general though. Focusing on what’s necessary and the things you would like to do coming afterwards.
There's also a matter of assessing where your loyalties or priorities lie and releasing habits, relationships, and ideas that are no longer serving you. Loyalty and staying true to your word might be something you value heavily and stand by, but I also see you finding success in this next chapter of your life by realising, you know what, sometimes you have to cut your ties, count any losses and move on because staying is only doing more harm than good. For some of you who have a relationship in mind or the relationship part resonated with you, this is especially true.
Taking action in general will bring success. This chapter could either close out or begin in the summer, or summer will mark an important time for you. With the 7 of keys, your success is guaranteed as long as you put in the work.
Challenges You May Meet: Cards: The Founder, The Shepard, 3 of Scrolls (Setting Your Course), Caught in The Ruins With The Founder, a challenge you might run into is needing to put yourself before someone else who is asking you for your help, although I'm also feeling it maybe asking you to put them first. You might struggle to determine whether or not you should offer them your help. The Shepard urges you to step up and take the lead when others need guidance. However, I think the best question to ask is what kind of person do you have to show up as in order to offer them your support? And also what type of person do you have to show up as to meet your goals? I’d say make a decision on how to proceed based on whether the two can successfully coincide or not.
A lot of different situations come up in this pile— relationships, career/finance, behaviours… but the common theme here seems to come down to mindset. Whatever the situation is that has you feeling trapped, you have to realise that it’s not definitive, even if it seems that way in your head. It seems like a lot of what is going on, and what you have to overcome, is self-sabotage and realising that just because you’ve always done something a certain way or a situation has always played out that way, doesn’t mean it will always be that way. You have the power to change; the challenge here simply lies in picking yourself up and dusting yourself off. There’s so much more out there for you than what you’re seeing right now. If relocating or travelling, especially where you have to cross the ocean, is something you’re hoping to do, then the end of this chapter we’re discussing in this reading might be the beginning of that next chapter in your life.
Lessons To Be Learned: Cards: 3 of Roses (Loving Elementals), 5 of Roses (The Garden)
The lessons here are about having a sense of child like wonder, and learning to find joy and exploration in life. Being able to laugh and play and find inspiration once more. If any of you have been thinking about starting a family (not necessarily right away) then it’s likely that this chapter will set you up for that. If not then I think a matter of legacy here. Being exposed to opportunities to nurture and grow the future you desire.
You’ll learn that sometimes you are the one who has to be the catalyst to change your life. I love this line from the guidebook of my Citadel Orcale cards regarding the catalyst. It says “ You are the bolt of lightning that topples the tower”. If you think about the Tower card in the traditional tarot deck, there’s lightning striking the tower and setting it on fire. Whenever it comes up it talks about upheaval and there’s often a sense of “oh great, something’s about to come **** up my life” but maybe [we] should consider that we’re not always the tower, but instead, we are the lightning. You have to make the decision to do or become something different, even if goes against what you've always known or what everyone tells you you should do.
What’s also important is not dwelling on past mistakes or regrets, it’s about learning from what happened and using it to make a better decision. Stop doubting yourself and overthink until your head hurts. Give yourself some grace and self-compassion. Take your time, changing isn’t going to happen overnight and often times we have to adjust to who we’re allowing ourselves to become.
Advice to take with you in this next chapter:
The Bee and Pomegranate (productivity) rev — If you find yourself struggling with procrastination, don’t be afraid to rest a while before giving whatever it is another go. Consider what makes you productive as well as what you can do to change why you’re not feeling productive towards another task.
The Racoon and Sycamore (curiosity) — The time is now to do some self-exploration. Explore new interests and hobbies as well as take time to think about how you’ve evolved and how you’d like to further evolve.
The Finch and Peach (romance) — Love is on its way to you. (I did kind of feel like it’s romantic love but it wasn't a prominent message in the reading.)
The Bear and Cedar (leadership) — You’re being guided towards leadership opportunities but remember to ‘rule’ with fairness and care. Ask yourself how can you be a better leader? Who can benefit from your knowledge and experience?
If you made it this far I appreciate it. Feedback is welcomed and if there's a topic you'd like me to cover in a pac, feel free to let me know!
*** Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I ask that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all.
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bbbrosremastered · 5 months
I wonder why pete is always pissed off because of bendy and boris,it just feels rude and childish to treat your employees that way >:^
Tumblr media
Tensions are rising…
Ch 1. Pt. 5
Boy! This Cusser Pete really has no chill. If only everyone could throw empty water bottles at him so we can hear a funny thud sound!
On another note…Man, it sure has been a while… you guys can blame college and a busy life for that. Sorry! Hopefully I can’t get posting to something more scheduled within the next couple months.
Also maybe keep your eye out for me opening a possible layout artist position :3 it won’t be payed and it would be volunteer work, but it would help get chapters out quicker.
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seraphinitegames · 6 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 15/March/2024
Internet has been atrocious again this week, so I’m giving this update to Nai via SD card for her to post up using her internet!
With the internet being so bad, I haven’t been able to do my usual social media days with asks on Tumblr, so Nai will be posting up some things on there so you guys have some fun posts to see until I can get online.
I have given her the Patreon scenarios and exclusive content though so that will go up as normal. Those posts I could write on Word and send to her on SD to schedule for me. I can’t wait for you to read the next scenario going up. It involves Adam/Ava and a plastic Dracula toy…it had me chuckling the whole time, hehe! :D
But not being able to do full social media days did mean I got back to writing quicker, and I was on a serious roll! I slammed a bunch of scenes out this week that I love, and it felt seriously good to tick off so many scenes from my list!
I really think breaking the plan down into scenes rather than chapters has helped immensely. I seriously recommend it to anyone who struggles to look at their chapter plans and gets overwhelmed!
It definitely helps the most when there’s so many variations to do of one scene. So far, apart from the very opening scene, all the scenes after have had to have completely different versions of them (so one scene written in three different ways, for example) or need variations in to account for choices (such as if you chose Rebecca or Adam/Ava to be your handler).
But, something I did forget in doing it all in scenes, is I still need to put in where the chapters are, lol!
So yeah, I need to go back through what I’ve done and decide where’s a good place to end Chapter One, as I’ll only be releasing that chapter in the first demo so need to focus on that chapter for that demo release (hopefully some time in later April!).
Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! 
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potatoplace · 19 days
You Can Have It - Chapter 2
Alpha!Feysand x Omega!Reader
chapter 1 | chapter 3 | series masterlist
Story Summary: You've been a baker for 75 years, and are finally moving on from the Winter Court to the City of Velaris to start your own bakery after your grandmother passes. After your grand opening, the High Lord and Lady of Night become daily visitors to your bakery for months, every day having your most popular pastry- one that increases fertility for a short time. All the while, the two alphas want nothing more than to call themselves yours.
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, mentions of sex toys, I really don't think there's anything else?
Words: ~7.8k
Author's Note: it's here! I struggled a lot to get writing with this chapter, I think it's because there's so much I want to happen! Things should start moving a bit quicker after this chapter, were done with most of the OC introductions (just lil friendos for reader to have outside of the inner circle~). Hopefully in the next chapter reader will meet Rhys and Feyre :)
18+ only pls
You had been reading for a couple of hours before Mor returned to the inn, busting into your room as soon as you opened the door at her frantic knocks.
“I brought dinner!” Mor squealed as she set a bag onto the table in the middle of the room. “I went to Sevenda’s and got my favorite of hers, it’s this delicious pesto chicken pasta with broccoli in it, I think you’ll love it! We just have to make sure to take the bowls back tomorrow, Sevenda made me promise and I’ve forgotten a couple of times already,” Mor said sheepishly, a grin on her face. She sat down and began pulling out the takeaway dishes along with napkins and utensils.
You sat down in the other chair, gladly taking your share of the heavenly smelling food and digging in. Mor followed suit, and the two of you ate happily in a comfortable silence for a moment.
“So, were you able to set up a meeting with Auric already?” You asked Mor before taking another bite- it tasted even more amazing than it smelled.
Mor nodded. “Yes, he agreed to tomorrow at two o’clock at this cute little café just a couple of blocks down from here. He mainly wants to know your plans for the land before finalizing the sale. Auric’s family has owned the land since Velaris was founded, and since he doesn’t have any children he just wants to make sure it’s a business with good intentions, I think.”
“That makes sense, I would probably do the same in his position.”
“Agreed. I think he’ll find a cozy bakery to be a perfect fit, he ran a custom paint and supply store once he took over, and I believe it was an apothecary before that.”
You smile softly at the knowledge that your bakery will be on land with such a long history, one that must have made so many people happy. “The apothecary part will be somewhat carried on with my bakery, I have a few different pastries with special herbs in them to give different effects to the person that eats it. I have one that was very popular in the Winter Court, it helps to boost fertility. We started having a greater amount of births around every major holiday, that’s when I would bake the most of them,” you gushed, always happy to talk about your baking.
“Really? Oh, that will be lovely! Since the war, everyone in Velaris has had their eyes turned to the future, and it seems almost everyone wants to have children nowadays. Once word gets around, you’d best be ready for constant business for that pastry alone.” Mor’s words instilled confidence in you, something that you needed every so often to be sure you’re making the right choices.
A half hour later, Mor stood from her chair and began packing up the dishes. Before she left, she pulled a small metal card from her pocket and handed it to you. “This is your bank card, you’ll need it to make any purchases within Velaris. Kallias and Viviane had me set up an account for you and deposit your farewell bonus. Ten thousand for every year you worked for them, a total of 700,000 gold marks.”
“700,000?!” You asked in a frantic tone. That was to much- far, far too much. “That- they must have made a mistake. That’s a ridiculous amount of gold!”
Mor only smiled at you as she answered, “No, they were very specific about the amount. They said if you were panicking to tell you that five thousand every year was for your grandmother, and five thousand was for you. And to tell you that there is no way to convince them to take any of it back, so don’t attempt.” Mor’s smile turned to a grin when you stayed silent, still processing the immense wealth that you now possess. “I’ll be here a bit before two tomorrow to show you to the café for your meeting,” she said as she left your room, bag full of empty dishes in her hand.
“Thank you, Mor. For everything you’ve done today.”
One more bright, sunshine filled smile. “You’re welcome, Y/N. It’s no problem, you’ve been lovely to get to know.”
You return her smile, and shut the door when she is out of sight. Standing alone in your hotel room, you suddenly feel the weight of your day crashing into your shoulders. You set your new bank card on the table, the weight of its wealth too heavy at the moment.
You made your way into the bathroom, carefully removing your dress from your body to not snag your wings on the fabric. Then you set to drawing the bath- luckily, it was fully enchanted with plumbing, allowing for hot water to fill the tub.
It was a bit smaller than you were used to, not quite the right size to fit a winged body, but it would do just fine until you could have your own custom tub made for your apartment.
As soon as the tub was filled, you sank into the warm water, keeping your wings out of the water for tonight- too much of a hassle to dry with how tired you are already.
You let the steam relax you, sinking into a soft, relaxed state of mind. It drifted to your grandmother- she had died today, but you weren’t devastated. She had been in pain the past thirty six years, caused by the curse Amarantha had put upon her. Your grandmother had accidentally served burned pastries to the revel, one making its way to Amarantha herself. As Nanna’s punishment, the evil queen had cursed her blood to burn away slowly until she eventually passed.
But she was in peace now- able to move on to the next life, hopefully one that’s happier, less filled with psychotic fae.
And here- here, you could believe that. You’d seen so many different kinds of fae today, more than you’d seen at once Under the Mountain. Every one of them got along, there was only minor haggling and bickering to disrupt the peace. Besides that, everyone had sounded happy, unburdened.
It was nice.
The Winter Court, even six years after Amarantha’s fall, was still struggling to find the same freeness that this city radiated.
Your grandmother would have loved it here, the two Palaces dedicated to food stuffs alone might have convinced her to move here.
You would love it twice as much, just for her. She had always wanted you to live a full life, one of joy, hopefully with an alpha and a family of any size. She had been an omega as well, understanding that need, that overwhelming desire to have a family, an alpha that loves you.
When you presented, your mother and father had already passed, taken by a brutal pneumonia that had overtaken most of your village. Your grandmother had been the only family left to teach you, and she had done all she could to prepare you for your secondary sex and all that came with it.
You had yet to take an alpha, ever. During your few heats before being trapped Under the Mountain, you had taken a beta as your lover, trusting him enough to help you through them.
And Under the Mountain… Well, you were lucky enough to have been relegated to the kitchens at all times besides during your grandmother’s punishment. No alphas had been allowed to work at kitchen staff, so you were kept relatively hidden during your heats, though they had been less frequent due to the stress, possibly even from the magic sucked from your body.
Now, though, they had returned in full force, three months apart and stronger than ever. Viviane had been kind enough to show you to the small shop dedicated to sex toys in the square of the capital city, some of them designed to mimic a knot.
The toy you had gotten that day had seen you through your last six years of heats, along with a special blend of herbs your grandmother had created that lessened the symptoms to a close to manageable level.
Now, though, in a new city? Maybe you could find an alpha for yourself, as well as follow your lifelong dream. You let yourself drift off and think about what your alpha might be like as you washed your body.
As soon as you were clean, you got out and dried yourself off. You wrapped yourself in the towel and padded into the bedroom once more, finally ready to unpack your things.
It went quickly enough, you hung up your dresses and put away your romance novels and cookbooks. One of them was your grandmother’s entire catalog of recipes, all of her tricks to making any recipe a bit easier. It was your most prized possession, your own catalog a close second.
Your bags were empty now, and you placed them at the bottom of the wardrobe, along with your pair of extra boots.
All alone. A new city.
You crawled into your bed after putting on your favorite nightgown, long sleeved and reaching your calves in a blue so light it’s nearly white, and a scooped back allowing for your wings to remind untouched by fabric.
The sheets on the bed are soft, and you bury your face in them for a moment, reveling in the feeling of them on your skin. A gentle huff leaves your mouth, and you turn your head to look out the window, to where it’s snowing.
You’ll be sad when the snow is gone, but you can’t deny that you’re excited to see the other seasons come and go as they do outside of Winter.
And your bakery- you wonder how that will change throughout the seasons. Different pastries, outdoor seating, seasonal themes- would you be able to make it snow inside during winter?
You drifted off to different imaginings of your new business, new home as well as you’ll be building an apartment above the bakery itself.
You awoke the next morning to the winter sun shining into your eyes. You stretched for a moment, then got up from your bed, and walked over to the doors leading to your balcony and stepped through them. Outside, the snow had stopped falling overnight, and now looked to be around five inches deep.
That wasn’t bad, not bad at all. This time in Winter there would be nights with a foot or more of snowfall. It looked to be about ten in the morning- that would be more than enough time to go and grab some breakfast, and maybe shop around a little bit.
You quickly pulled on a pair of thick grey wool tights after removing your nightgown, then slipped into your thickest winter dress, making sure to get all of the buttons into their holes to make the fabric wrap snugly around the base of your wings to protect the skin beneath. The dress, made of thick wool with a silvery fabric layered over the top, was one that you didn’t wear too often, as you didn’t tend to venture outside of the High Lord’s palace often when it snowed heavily. Your wings, even after living in Winter for the first twenty five years of your life and the past six, were still sensitive to the cold at times, so you preferred to stay inside during most of the heavy snow season.
This dress keeps the rest of you warm and cozy, and you want breakfast, so you’ll risk your wings feeling a bit chilled.
You pulled on your boots that nearly reach your knees and lace them up quickly, your stomach’s loud growl making your fingers move faster. Then you throw on your scarf, hat, and mittens, taking care to slip your bank card into your right mitten for safe keeping, and then you’re out the door, locking int behind you and bounding down the stairs.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Druana said from behind the counter as you breezed past her, making your way to the door.
“Good morning, Druana!” You replied enthusiastically. “I’ll see you in a little bit, I’m going to explore the city on my own for a while.”
“Have a good time, and be careful in the snow. It gets slippery on the stones beneath quickly,” Druana warned as you opened the door and slipped through it.
“Thank you!”
And then you were in the crisp winter breeze, breathing in deep lungfuls of the clean, snow scented air. You’ll definitely miss this once the season slips into spring, but you’re here now.
And it’s beautiful.
The snow has iced the roofs of the buildings around you perfectly, and everything looks like a little gingerbread town. You made your way through the streets slowly, following the delicious scent of cinnamon, sugar, and coffee that you picked up.
Soon, you were at an adorable café, decorated with soft pastels inside and out, primarily pink. And you could tell that inside there was a cinnamon coffee cake and coffee to go with it, one of your favorite breakfasts- just perfect for your first official morning in a new home.
You entered the building, spotting a slim high fae beta at the counter in the back.
“Good morning,” she chirped cheerily at you as you made your way to the counter.
“Good morning,” you responded, already looking over the display of baked goods she had out. “I’ll have a slice of that cinnamon coffee cake,” you said, pointing to the perfect looking coffee cake. You then looked behind the other fae, taking in the coffee brewing equipment. “And a coffee with a bit of cream in it, please.”
“Of course,” the other fae said, grabbing your order in a couple of minutes, sliding a plate and a mug over to you after you’d slid your mittens off. “That will be two gold marks,” she said, and you handed over your bank card, hoping that you weren’t doing this wrong. The fae opened up a ledger, and pressed your card against it. “Alright, here’s that back. You can take a seat wherever you like, and just bring the dishes up to the counter when you’re done,” she said softly as she handed you the card back.
“Thank you,” you said with a smile. You grabbed your items, and sat at the table right in front of a window looking out onto the street you’d just come in from.
Both the cake and the coffee were delicious, warming your insides nicely as you sat and watched people go by, the city slowly waking as you ate, a few customers walking in as you did. You returned the dishes to the front, smiling at the pretty fae running the café. “Thank you, it was absolutely delightful! Would you happen to know the way to a bookstore near here?” You asked a bit shyly.
“New to town?” The fae asked, and you nodded your head in confirmation. “If you go to the right and head down five buildings, take a left and then in two more buildings you’ll be at Gina’s bookstore- she’s very nice, and loves meeting new people.”
“Thank you so much, I’ll probably see you again soon. My name is Y/N, by the way,” you said.
“My name is Jayla, it’s nice to meet you Y/N. And it’s no problem, I’ll see you again!” The fae said cheerily.
You followed her instructions well, and within a few minutes you were shaking the snow off of your boots and dress and walking into the cozy bookstore. There were rows and rows of shelves extending into the back of the store greeting you, and when you looked to your left there was a counter with a green skinned fae behind it. Further down from the counter, there was a small sitting area in front of a fireplace- a roaring fire already blazing inside.
“Welcome in!” The fae said with a warm smile as she looked to you, standing just inside the now closed door. “My name is Gina, I’m happy to help you find anything, or you can browse around for a bit.”
You moved closer to her, taking off your mittens and tucking your bank card into the collar of your dress as you did so. “My name is Y/N, I was wondering if you had any romance novels?” You asked, feeling a bit shy at the request, especially once the alpha’s scent washed over you.
She probably thinks I’m some silly romance obsessed omega now, you thought to yourself.
“Ah! Another romance lover! Right this way, I’ll show you some of my favorites too, if that’s alright,” Gina exclaimed as she quickly made her way over to you and grabbed your hand, leading you through the rows of books to the middle of the store.
“Right in the heart of the store is where I keep my favorite genre,” Gina said as she pulled a book from one of the shelves. “And this is my favorite romance series! It’s called Healer of Time, it’s about this omega high fae from the Dawn Court. She has these really strong healing powers, and she somehow ends up traveling back and forth between current time and three hundred years ago, and has to choose between two fantastically hot alphas, one from each timeline. It’s just perfect, and I’ve helped make the series all the rage in Velaris!”
She handed the book over to you, which you eagerly accepted. That sounded like the best blend of romance and adventure to you. “How many books are there on the series?”
“Nine so far, but the author puts out a new one every year or so, thank the Mother!” Gina responded, pointing out the other eight books for you.
“Wow, that’s a pretty good turn around. I honestly think I’ll get the first four today! It sounds like a really good read.”
Gina grins widely at you, and her excitement is too contagious to not smile back. “I’ll take these up to the front for you, but if you have any more questions feel free to come up and ask me!” Gina took the book from your hand and pulled three more off of the shelf.
“Do you happen to have any cookbooks?”
“Of course, they’re near the front, off to the right in the row second closest to the wall Y/N.”
You make your way over to the area, and quickly spot the section dedicated to cooking and baking. One catches your eye, titled Night Court Favorites, with a beautiful illustration of a moonlit picnic on the front. On the back, it promised the recipes for the past three millennium of Night Court nobility’s favorite dishes. Probably as good a place as any to start your full cooking journey, now that most of your meals would not be prepared by the other kitchen staff of the High Lord’s palace.
You flipped through it quickly, eyes snagging on a recipe for Night Court traditional curry- it sounded absolutely delicious.
With the cookbook in hand, you ventured slowly back to the front counter where Gina stood talking to another fae excitedly, your books waiting on the counter for you.
“Ah, Nesta, I’d like you to meet Y/N, she’s the customer I was telling you about!”
The other fae turned around, her movements sending a small amount of her scent- a winter bonfire and very alpha- and you were struck by her beauty. Sharp angles and liquid steel eyes, and lovely golden brown hair twisted into an elegant braid crown on top of her head.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N, are you new in town?” The high fae’s voice was husky and holding a certain power to it, absolutely lovely.
“It’s nice to meet you, Nesta. And yes, I just moved to the city yesterday.”
“Well I hope you find the city to your liking. Gina was just telling me that you like romance novels?” You nodded your head. “I host a little book club here every second and fourth Wednesday at four in the afternoon, and we mainly read romance novels. I always like to extend an invitation to those Gina thinks would enjoy it,” Nesta offered.
“Oh…” you thought about it for a moment. “I’m in the process of getting my business up and running right now, but maybe in a couple of months when things have calmed down?” You asked hopefully.
Nesta nodded her head in agreement. “That’s fine, just talk to Gina when you’re ready to join, she’ll let you know what book we’re reading. Well, it was nice meeting you, but I’ve got to be going now now,” Nesta said, making her way over to the door.
“It was lovely meeting you as well, Nesta. I’ll see you in a couple of months.”
The alpha was out the door after waving goodbye, and you were left alone in the bookstore once more with Gina.
“Did you find everything you wanted, dear?” She asked, taking the cookbook from your hands.
“Yes, I did. Though I’m sure I’ll be back in a week for some extra reading, if I end up having the time.”
“You mentioned a business? What kind?”
Your books were bagged now, and you handed over your bank card after pulling it from your collar. “I’m going to be opening a bakery in the Rainbow, if all goes to plan.”
“Oh, that’s nice! We can always use more food stores, and bakeries especially! I’m a big fan of anything bread,” Gina said with a laugh, handing you back your bank card and sliding the book filled fabric bag over to you. “It came out to 11 gold marks and one silver mark, and if you absolutely hate the first book, I’ll let your return the rest and pick out something else, alright?”
You grin at her. “I don’t think that will be necessary, but it’s good to know! I’ll see you sometime soon, Gina. Thank you.”
“I look forward to hearing what you think of them! Walk safely, it can get slippery,” Gina warned as you stepped back into the snow and cold, door thunking shut behind you.
You followed your route back to the café you’d eaten at, simply names Jayla’s. You walking, taking the path that you think leads to the inn. You end up making a few extra turns, but you’re back in the warmth of the inn after you finally find the building. Druana is nowhere to be seen when you enter after kicking the snow off of your boots and dress, so you simply go up to your room.
Your bag lands on the table, and you immediately pulled out the cookbook, flicking through it again to find the curry recipe. You spy a notepad, quill, and ink pot which you grab and bring over to the table.
On the page, you write all of the ingredients you’ll need to make the curry- tonight, hopefully, if you can find everything you need in the two food centric Palaces. You’ll need chicken, a few different root vegetables, a good variety of spices, and coconut milk- you hoped that one of the various stalls you’d seen yesterday would have some prepared, you don’t quite feel like going through that hassle yet.
You check the small clock hanging on the wall, seeing that it’s only a quarter to noon still, that should be plenty of time to get the ingredients you need and be back here in time to meet Mor.
Next you look in the cupboards of the kitchenette, which hold a large frying pan, a pot with a lid, a cutting board, cooking utensils and small knife set. There’s also two sets of plates, bowls, cups and utensils. The frying pan and pot should work nice enough for the curry, there’s not much point to you buying your own cookware until your building is completed. And there’s a cold box, enchanted to keep dairy and meat fresh.
That would hopefully mean going to only one Palace today, or at least before the meeting. You let the ink of your list dry for a few more minutes, flipping open to the first page of your new book series, quickly reading the first chapter.
Just as you thought, it was going to be a good fit.
You folded your list in half once, then again, and tucked it into the collar of your dress alongside your bank card. You should probably get a purse of some sort soon. But that can wait.
You’re bounding down the stairs again in an instant, and Druana is back at her desk this time.
“Oh, I didn’t even hear you come in! I’ll see you again soon, Y/N.”
You smiled at her and said, “Yes, I should be back at or before 1:30, and Mor will be meeting me here, just so you know.”
“Thank you,” Druana replied with her own smile.
You were back in the winter air, sun shining down on you now. Your breath still made puffy clouds in the air, but you didn’t care. It’s winter, and it’s beautiful.
Slowly, you made your way across the nearest bridge that connected right to the Palace of Hoof and Leaf, your current destination. Upon entering the more tightly packed area, you gravitated towards a large stall, covered in so many different vegetables and large glass jars, only a few still filled to the brim with spices. There was a tall, dark skinned high fae standing behind the stall.
“Can I help you?” She asked in a low voice, and you instantly pinned her as an alpha.
You pulled out your grocery list. “Yes, I needed the vegetables and spices on this list, if you happen to have them,” you said, handing it over to the female when she gestures for you to give it to her.
“I just so happen to have almost all of these spices, and the ones I don’t I can point you to another sweet fae who has them, as well as the coconut milk and rice you need. And I have all of the vegetables you need. Making the traditional curry?” She asked as she began gathering the vegetables for you.
“Yes, I’m new to the city and want to learn some of the common dishes here, and this sounded like a wonderful start.”
“Well, I’ll say that it’s one of my personal favorites, so I hope you won’t be disappointed. My name is Petra, by the way, it’s always nice to see new faces in town.”
You smile at her, so happy that so far you’ve only had positive experiences with the people of Velaris. “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Now, would you like to buy small spice jars that you can bring back and refill, or just go with the amount you’ll need for the recipe?” Petra asked you, holding up a small glass bottle with a metal lid fitted to the top.
“I think I’ll buy the spice jars, please.”
She fills the three small bottles up quickly, putting them in a thin wooden container with a handle, with six slots perfectly fitting the spice jars.
“You can come back and have them filled up for a slight discount for any spice sellers in the two food oriented Palaces, but I’d prefer if you came back to my stall,” Petra said with a wink, placing the container into the tan fabric bag containing the vegetables. “That will be 7 gold marks, please.” You handed her your bank card, and she quickly passed it back after pressing it to her ledger. “Now, the other two spices and the coconut milk you need, you can find three stalls down on the right, and the male next to her has a good price on chicken, just to give a few suggestions,” Petra offered, pointing out the two fae she was speaking of.
“Thank you so much, I’ll be sure to come back when I need more vegetables,” you said before walking away, exchanging waves and warm smiles.
You made your way over to the other stalls, quickly buying the other two spices, coconut milk, and rice you need, as well as the chicken the recipe called for- one large chicken breast. You trekked back to the inn carefully, switching the bag between hands every so often.
“Grocery shopping, I see,” Druana greeted you as you breezed into the inn after kicking the snow off of your clothes.
“Yes, I thought it would be better than ordering in every night,” you chuckled as you made your way over to the stairs.
“Well, good luck with that. And don’t burn my inn down,” Druana added playfully as you began going up the flight of stairs.
“I’ll do my best!” You unlocked your room, immediately dropping the heavy bag next to the books you’d purchased earlier. Groceries sure are heavy when you have to lug them across town. No matter. You’ll get used to it soon enough, especially once you have to purchase for the bakery.
You put the chicken and coconut milk into the cold box, and the vegetables and spices onto the counter. Right after you had, there was a knock at your door. “Y/N? It’s me, Mor.”
You swung the door open, letting the bubbly blonde into your room. She was carrying a large yellow envelope under one arm, and decked in winter gear from head to toe, but still slightly shivering even in the warmth of the building. “Time to go?” You asked, still holding the door open.
“Yes, getting there a little early is wise with weather like this. Nothing quite like eating shit one to many times on your way to a meeting and ending up late,” Mor said, already moving back out of your bedroom door and into the hallway, and you followed her after making sure your bank card was still tucked safely in the collar of your shirt
The door snicked shut and you locked it quickly, following Mor down the stairs and outside once more. She led you through the streets cautiously, obviously afraid of falling down, but you made it to the café within ten minutes, and to your surprise it was Jayla’s café.
“Ah, welcome back Mor, Y/N,” Jayla said from behind the counter as she wiped it down with a cloth.
“Morrigan!” Exclaimed an older male’s voice, gravelly with age. “It’s wonderful to see you again, come, introduce me to your friend,” the elderly high fae said, beckoning the two of you closer to where he was seated at a table, three other chairs surrounding it.
“Auric, this is Y/N, the lovely young fae hoping to buy your property. Y/N, this is Auric, Velaris’s most experienced paint mixer, including magic imbued paints as well,” Mor said as the two of you sat in the unoccupied chairs.
“It’s wonderful to meet you Auric, I truly fell in love with your family’s property the moment I saw it,” you said right before Jayla came over to the three of you.
“Would the two of you like anything to drink?” She asked, and you noticed that Auric already had a mostly full cup of tea in front of him.
“I’ll take a tea, whatever you recommend please.”
“The same for me, please,” Mor said. “Thank you, Jayla.” Jayla nodded and walked away, going behind the counter to begin brewing your teas.
“So, you fell in love with the land? What did you like about it?” Auric asked you, eyes running over your face. It was then that you scented him- a male omega. It had been years since you’d met one yourself, before the mountain you believed.
“I loved the view looking towards the Sidra, you can see the mountains in the background as well as all of the other beautiful buildings in the city. The land itself is so lovely, it’s nice and flat, and I think it would look wonderful with a little extra landscaping, maybe a tree or two of that would be alright. And the location, on the outside edge of the Rainbow would be perfect for a bakery, close enough to a few residential areas, but also involved in the creativity that the area boasts,” you gushed, still picturing the view in your mind. Being able to bake and look out at such a beautiful river, beautiful city, truly, would be amazing.
Jayla returned, two cups of tea in hand that she placed in front of you and Mor. “A lovely raspberry tea for the both of you,” she said before walking back to the counter.
“A bakery, hmm?” Auric questioned, raising a brow at you as you took a sip of the tea- delicious. “Are enough sure you have the stamina to run it? It’s a hefty job.”
You nodded your head once, fully confident in your abilities. “Yes, I previously worked to bake for the entirety of the Hugh Lord of Winter’s residence, and over the course of… Well, being Under the Mountain, I was assistant to the head baker, my grandmother, for twenty years, and for thirty years after that I was head baker myself. I am confident that I can handle running a bakery on my own.”
The older fae’s eyes narrowed at your for a minute, before they crinkled as his lips spread into a smile. “I like you. I’m sorry that you had to go through that, but it’s good to see you’re stronger for it. Now, what type of baked goods will you be selling?”
You breathed a small sigh of relief before answering. “Well, I do have a few favorite pastries of the Winter Court that I’ll have, as well as loaves breads and cakes. Plus I have a number of recipes made with medicinal herbs or berries that have health boosting benefits. My most popular one by far has been a fertility boosting pastry made with a berry native to the Winter Court.”
Auric hummed as he considered everything you had said. “And what will you name it?”
“I… What?”
“What will you name your bakery? Surely you know what you want your business to be called, Y/N.”
“Of course I do, Auric. It will be called Sparaiya Bakery, after my grandmother. She might have left this plane, but she will always be with me, especially when I bake.”
Auric clapped his hands together once. “Very well, then. I’d like to sell you my land, Y/N. I think you have a good amount of experience, you have a vision for your bakery, and you seem like a strong, loyal person. I believe my ancestors would be proud to have your business on their land,” the older omega said sincerely. “I’ve set the price at 100,000 gold marks, are you willing to pay that much?”
The thought of that much money alone being spent made your stomach churn, but you reminded yourself of the massive amount of money that Kallias and Viviane had given you, and that this land was worth every single mark you were going to spend on it. “Yes, that’s perfectly fine with me.”
“Perfect!” Mor pulled the envelope from between her arm and chest, pulling a few documents out and summoning a quill and a pot of ink. “The two of you can go ahead and sign here, and Y/N, you’ll just need to press your bank card to the top right corner after you’ve both signed.” The two of you do as she says, standing and shaking hands afterwards.
“Thank you so much, Auric, for entrusting your family’s land to me. I hope that if you come by once it’s finished, you will be proud.”
Auric regarded you warmly, squeezing your hand an extra time before letting go. “I’m sure that I will be, Y/N. Let me know when you’re opening, and I’ll be sure to stop by.” He grabbed his copy of the sale documents
“I’ll make sure to. Have a wonderful rest of your day,” you said as he walked out of the café, leaving you with Mor. “I’m so happy he said yes! Oh, I should go tell Marcus that I have the plot of land now, and get everything moving in that direction. Thank you so much, Mor. You’ve been such a help in all of this,” you said, placing a kiss gently on the alpha’s cheek. “I’m going to head over to Marcus’s business now, if that’s alright.”
“Oh, of course!” The alpha responded, already donning all of her winter clothes again to bundle against the cold. “You walk safely over to there, Velaris gets slippery when it snows. Now, will I see you for lunch this Thursday?” Mor asked, and you mentally double checked the day of the week in your head- Monday.
“Yes, three days from now sounds perfect. Do you want to meet somewhere or at my hotel room?”
“I’ll meet you at your hotel room this time, alright?”
You nodded your head in agreement. “That sounds good, I’ll see you on Thursday Mor. You walk safely too!” You were already out of the door with your bill of sale in hand, beelining your way as well as you could to the Palace of Flame and Steel. When you arrived at Marcus’s shop, you swung the door open and stomped off the snow on your boots before entering. “Marcus!” You said excitedly as you met his eyes, waving the paper in your hands at him. “I have land now, will you be able to come assess it in the next few days?”
Marcis stood from his place behind the desk and made his way around it to you. “I can go right now, there it too much to do around here at the moment,” he said, already ushering you out of his shop, flipping the open sign on the door to say closed, and locking it behind him.
“If you’re sure…” you said before grabbing his hand and pulling him with you to the Rainbow as fast as the two of you could manage in the snow. “This is it!” You gesture to the dilapidated building excitedly.
“You are planning to tear it down, right?” Marcus asked, amusement in his voice.
“Of course I am, silly, I wanted the land. It has such a beautiful view of the Sidra and the mountains, come here.” You pulled him past the building, to where you had stood when you’d known that this was the land you wanted your dream to come to life on.
Marcus let out a heavy breath. “Okay, I get it now.” He looked around, taking in where they were situated. “And it’s in the perfect spot for a bakery, you really picked the best possible spot.”
“I know!” You squealed, jumping as high as you could without using your wings in your excitement. “So, what’s the procedure for tearing down the old building and starting the new construction?” You asked, ready to learn the necessary details.
Marcus pulled you back onto the street, and the two of you began to walk back to his business. “Well, we need to submit a request for a permit to demolish, and one for construction. But since I’ve done a good amount of work in the past six years, I doubt that there will be much more than two days of waiting time between submitting it and getting the permits. We can fill out all the forms once we get to my office, and I’ll get them sent up to the House of Wind as soon as I can.”
“Alright, that sounds doable enough,” you said as you threw a smile at him, happy that he’s kind about you not knowing much about the building process.
Soon enough the two of you are back at his office, and he swings the door open, letting you go inside first. He went through a filing cabinet behind his desk before pulling out a half inch thick stack of papers in total. Marcus turned back to you, placing them on the desk and gesturing for you to take a seat.
You do as he asks, and he sets two piles in front of you- both are identical. You give him a quizzical look, not understanding the purpose of having two.
“One pile is for your own personal records, and the other is for the permits and for our contract agreement, for payments and things like that. I suggest you read everything closely, and I can explain something to you if you’d like.”
You read through the stack of documents, finding everything to be fair, both in compensation for the company, and certain protections on promises made to you. You signed the contract documents first, letting Marcus take the pages as you finished to sign them himself. Then came the permit application, you needed to state why you wanted to tear the building down, then what you were going to replace it with.
That was easy, the current building would not suffice for a bakery, it might even burn down if you ride to light a fire in it. And building on top of the land, well, a bakery plus a second floor apartment with a small garden.
Once it was all filled out, Marcus went through every page to make sure that everything had been signed. “Alright, everything looks to be in order. I’ll write to you to let you know when it’s been approved, okay Y/N?”
You nodded your head, happy to be done with the paperwork portion of the day. “That sounds just fine, Marcus. I’ll see you in a few days, most likely,” you said before standing from your chair, stretching your muscles and wings slightly.
“I’ll see you then,” Marcus responded, asking you over to the door. By this point, the sun had begun to set over Velaris, but the city was more alive than it had been all throughout the morning.
“And thank you, Marcus. I look forward to working with you,” you added as you stepped outside and away from his shop.
“It’s no problem, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.”
And the you were off, your new property deed tucked under safely against your body. You were eager to make your way home, wanting nothing more at this point than a hot bath and a warm meal- you didn’t particularly care in which order. You were at the inn soon enough, kicking snow off of your boots and the hem of your dress for the last time of the day.
“Welcome back, Y/N,” Druana greeted from behind the counter, waving a bark skinned hand at you.
“Thank you, Druana. I’ll see you in the morning!” You said, already making your way up the stairs in your rush to finally get out of your winter gear.
The door to your room swung open and shut quickly, and you sat at the table in the center of the room, undoing the laces of your boots as fast as you were able. They came off, then followed by your dress after unbuttoning the back carefully. Now you were only standing in your underthings and tights, and very much feeling the chill that had set in from being outside in your bones. You stripped off the rest of your clothes before heading into the bathroom and starting the tub.
Gloriously hot water spilled out of the faucet, and you didn’t wait for it to fill up, merely settling yourself in as the water slowly came up to your neck. You allowed yourself to soak for a few minutes, letting the cold seep from your bones and warmth replace it. Once you felt warmed and comfortable, you washed yourself quickly after hearing your stomach growl loudly.
After toweling off, you went back into your bedroom and donned a soft set of white cotton underthings, as well as an oversized lilac sweater that you were able to wear like a dress, the back already having had the fabric carved out of it to fit your wings. It was so cozy and soft, you felt buried in it. Just how you wanted to feel after an eventful day.
You went to the kitchenette, pulling out the cutting board, pot, and pan. You grabbed the cookbook from the table and set it on the counter next to the cutting board, reading over the instructions once more. Next you pull out the chicken and grab a suitable enough knife, dicing the meat into bite sized chunks as the recipe called for. You set them in the pan, lighting the charcoal beneath the burner to get the heat started.
You washed the knife and cutting board and dried them off, then grabbed the root vegetables that you’d bought earlier. Similar to baking, you switched between washing and chopping the vegetables to making the meat around the pan easily, being careful not to burn anything while getting everything else you would need prepped.
Paying attention to the recipe, you measured out the right amount of each spice, mixing them Goethe’s with a bit of water to create a paste that smelled heavenly and spicy.
The chicken was done now, and you added the vegetables along with a bit of water and the coconut milk. Then all you had to do was wash and set the rice to cook, and wait. You rinsed the rice in one of the bowls, getting the water clear before carefully draining it out and placing the rice in to the now boiling water.
In another twenty minutes, you deemed the vegetables and rice to be cooked enough, and dished out a nice serving of rice, with lots of curry on top.
You cleared off the table, moving your new books over to the nightstand by your bed, then brought your dinner to the table. You sat facing the windows and stared out at Velaris as you ate, pleasantly surprised with how nicely the curry had turned out, with it being your first time cooking anything like it.
Soon enough you were full and getting sleepy, so you brought your dishes back to the sink. You plated the rest of the rice and curry into the other bowl that you hadn’t used, then washed all of the dishes you had used that night.
By the time you had finished, your bed was calling to you, and it was such a soft, sweet landing when you finally made your way under the covers, deciding to sleep in your massive sweater instead of changing into a nightgown.
It’s not like anyone will see me sleeping, anyways, you thought to yourself, right as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, filled with the view from your new property.
Series Taglist: @icey--stars @breadsticks2004
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fivestar-outlaw · 1 year
New Horizons (Park Seonghwa) (Ch. 4)
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Chapter 4: Dreaming [Final Chapter]
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Words: 16.5K+ (OOPS)
Warning(s): Discussion of insecurities, some swearing, Ateez is a menace (lovingly) to reader and Hwa.
SMUT (18+) WARNINGS: Multiple orgasms, oral (M/F receiving), a hint of cockwarming, condoms and birthcontrol are used (not sure if this is needed here, but i know some people enjoy reading characters hitting it raw), PiV penetration, cumshot??? (i dont know if thats the correct term for what happens LMAO). I think thats it here.
A/N: FINALLY CHAPTER 4 IS HERE. Life kept throwing curveballs but I came through!! I. Love. This. Chapter. SM. A lot went into it and its just fluffy, silly fun time with some spice. I originally was going to write a smut scene for the epilogue but it just works here. also apologies if it isnt good, im a lil rusty with smut writing. ANYWAYS enjoy! <3
Reader is implied to be living in the US bc uh TIMEZONES ARE FUCKY and i didnt realize how reliant i was on mine (PST) when looking up KST
Summary: Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.
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"Can you stop pacing?" Jongho sighed, watching Seonghwa going back and forth in the living space of the MinSanHwa dorm. Everyone in Ateez were currently residing there, waiting for your arrival in this somewhat warm afternoon.
He felt confident with you coming over. He was excited and ready to start laying down hints about his feelings and hopefully catch any signs from you. But the second they got the text from their manager and you that you'd been picked up from the airport, Seonghwa was up on his feet nervously spot cleaning and pacing. He felt confident at the start of the day, but now? He was on edge.
"What if she suddenly doesn't want to see me?" The eldest asked out loud, feeling anxiety creeping up his spine. "What if she'll not want to stay with me then?"
"Well, she'll still want to see me and stay with me then." Wooyoung teased. Seonghwa shot him a glare.
"Not helping, Woo." Mingi hissed to the younger male. "What happened to the confidence you had earlier?"
"I don't know why I am freaking out this bad." The eldest groaned and started pacing quicker.
"Hwa, you should sit down. Pacing isn't going to help your nerves." San suggested, getting up from his spot on the couch. He gently grasped Seonghwa's arms and pulled him over to take the spot he once inhabited. The younger male made him sit and gave him a reassuring squeeze to one of his arms.
"(Y/N) is just as excited and probably just as nervous to meet you too." Hongjoong attempt to reassure. The eldest nodded, taking a deep breath, as a smile grew on his face.
"Thank you, guys. I am feeling a little less stressed now."
"And if you two need San and I gone, just give us a heads up and we will bunk with the others." Mingi cheekily grinned. Wooyoung bursted out laughing, with San and Yuhno chuckling. Honjoong, Yeosang, and Jongho had a scandalized look before they too laughed along.
"Why would we- Oh my god." Seonghwa groaned loudly. Everyone smiled at flustered expression on their oldest friends face all while Mingi looked proud.
A series of rhythmic knocks had the room go silent.
All of Ateez looked at Seonghwa, who simply stared at the front door with wide eyes. No one moved a muscle. Wooyoung, who was sitting next the eldest male, practically pushed Seonghwa to his feet. He gulped and approached the door. Taking in a deep breath, he turned the several locks and opened the door.
There you were, with a half drank beverage in one hand and your phone in the other. Your suitcase rested just behind you and your carry on hung over your left shoulder. You wore clothes comfortable for travel yet still looked as good as ever. Neither of you spoke. You both just stared at each other.
"(Y/N)!" Hongjoong's voice snapped the two of you out of your trances. He walked through the threshold and grabbed your suitcase with a grin. "Come inside."
"Hey everyone!" You smiled walking into the dorm, waving. All of Ateez stood up from their spots with wide smiles. Wooyoung was bouncing in his spot; San, Mingi, and Yuhno excitedly waved; Yeosang and Jongho looked calm, though one could easily discern some nervousness in their glances; and Hongjoong went and set aside your luggage so it was out of the way for now.
"(Y/N)..." Seonghwa's soft voice stole your attention. Before you could speak he pulled you into a tight embrace. You easily melted into him, the smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body invading your senses. You immediately wrap your arms around him just as tight and you could hardly hear the faint awws from the others.
"It's good to see you in person, Hwa." You whisper.
"Likewise." He slowly moved away, though kept his hands resting on your shoulders.
"Stop hogging her, hyung!" Wooyoung was almost instantly right by your side with a pout on his face. He removed Seonghwa's hands from your shoulders like a child and once they were off you, a big grin broke out on Woo's face. "We are so happy you're here!" He placed his hands on your cheeks, squishing your face, before pulling you into a hug.
Soon enough, everyone was around you. Each member took turns greeting you and pulling you into a hug. Seonghwa couldn't help but smile at the friendliness between you and the others. Even Jongho gave you a very brief hug with a gummy grin on his face.
"It's almost surreal being here with you guys." You admitted, wide eyed, looking at each one. Although, your gaze lingered on Seonghwa's form more so than the others. "It feels like just yesterday I invited Hwa to sell turnips on my island."
"Yeah, and now he won't ever stop talking about you." Yeosang teased with an almost deadpan expression, which soon melted into a smile.
"You all live to embarrass me." Hwa rolled his eyes while fighting the urge to smile himself.
"Not to further embarrass you, or you (Y/N), but we should probably settle sleeping arrangements. I assume your staying in our dorm." San inquired.
"You can always stay with me." Wooyoung suggested, leaning against you.
"I figured I would be taking the couch." You shrug.
"No, you can have my bed. I'll stay on the couch." Seonghwa asserts.
"Hwa, it's your bed."
"(Y/N), your our guest." Hongjoong interjected. "You should sleep on the bed."
"He is the idol. He should be well rested and the best shape, especially if you guys are practicing and learning new choreography and he can't do that if he isn't able to sleep comfortably."
"Ah, well, you aren't wrong there."
"Joong." Hwa gave him an incredulous look.
"You guys could always take turns." Yuhno suggested with a quiet chuckle.
"You both could always just share the bed." Mingi interjects with a cheeky look on his face. That resulted in a light smack to the back of his head from Hongjoong. Mingi yelped and glared at Joong.
"Seonghwa and I can figure it out when we get there. I have a feeling we will be here all day." You say, feigning slight exasperation. "We talked briefly about ideas of what to do, but now that we are here..."
"Well, we would love to bring you to the dance studio while you stay." Yuhno smiled.
"And I asked my vocal coach, he said it was alright for you to listen in on a practice if you still want to." Jongho beamed.
"We can also take you places for sight-seeing and to grab food. We will have to be careful and go in small groups after practice but it should be fun. We have a photoshoot Thursday, which you're welcome to join us for." Hongjoong added. "There are limits as to what we can do outside the dorms and the KQ building, but overall we want to spend time with you."
"We all have Switch's too, so don't think about playing only Animal Crossing with him." Woo playfully glared at you and Seonghwa. This had the others wanting to already play games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros with you.
After a day of playing different party games, laughing at how competitive each of the guys were, and having delicious takeout from one of their favorite places, the nine of you were crowded around the tv in the MinSanHwa dorm. You decided on what movie to watch via rock, paper, scissors; the winner got to pick the movie and sat out from the rest of the game.
You won the first pick. You decided on a movie you enjoyed that you have been meaning to rewatch. San won next and he picked out a film no had seen before. Yeosang was after him and decided on a classic Korean film that you hadn't watched. Now Yuhno's choice was playing, which was Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.
You were practically forced to sit on the couch, right in between Seonghwa and San, while the others occupied desk chairs brought out from either San, Mingi, or Seonghwa's rooms or the floor. They insisted it was because you were the guest, but Ateez really wanted to make sure you and Seonghwa were seated next to each other for movie time.
After all, operation 'Hwa+Y/N' (Wooyoung's idea) was officially set in motion the second you knocked on the door. It was their way of helping you and Seonghwa to hopefully confessing to one another.
It was midway through the film when you started feeling like you were about to fall asleep. Lingering drowsiness had been present since Yeosang's movie but you were able to keep it at bay. Now, it felt like you were struggling hard to keep your eyes open. Travel exhaustion and your sleep schedule now being thrown off further must have finally caught up. You felt your breathing start to slow as you couldn't keep your eyes open any longer.
Seonghwa's eyes widened when felt weight on his shoulder. Craning his head, his face softened and his heart fluttered at the sight of your head resting on his shoulder. He couldn't help the large smile on his face as he stared, not paying any attention to the movie.
"Aww." Wooyoung cooed softly. He held up his phone and leaned away from you and Hwa to snap a few pictures. 
"Send me those." The eldest murmured. Wooyoung nodded and made sure to send them to Hwa. He also sent them to the group chat he created without you or the oldest male he lovingly named the ship name he and Yuhno coined for you and Hwa.
"Here, I'll pause it-" Yuhno lifted the remote to pause the movie but Seonghwa cut him off.
"Let her sleep through the rest of it." He kept his voice low as to not wake you.
"You just don't want her off you, hyung." Jongho teased. Hwa simply rolled his eyes and focused his eyes on the screen. He would be lying, though, if he were to say the rest of his attention was focused in on you. He wanted nothing more than to place a chaste kiss to your hairline and interlock his fingers with yours, and he almost would have if he wasn't keenly aware of his friends not-so-subtly watching him.
When the credits for the movie started playing the tv was shut off. Everyone awake except Seonghwa got up from their spots and stretched, a few yawned in tandem. San and Mingi started moving their desk chairs back into their rooms. Seonghwa blinked back the sleepiness creeping up on him as he ever-so-slightly shifted, reaching over with his free hand. He gently tapped and shook you as he called out your name.
"Hmmm?" You mumbled, your eyes slowly opening. You lazily raise your head from his shoulder but shift your body closer to his. If you weren't half-awake you would have caught how flushed his ears were becoming. "Damn. Did I sleep through the movie?"
"Just half way through."
"All the excitement and traveling must of finally caught up to me." You gingerly move away from Hwa, much to his disappointment, and lift your arms about your head. Your stretched them and your spine as a big yawn escaped your mouth. "We never did figure out sleeping arrangements."
"Seonghwa-hyung, you can have my bed and (Y/N), you can have his for the stay." San smiled as he came back into the living area. "I'll stay with one of the others."
"You guys can't argue against me on this." He held up his hand, effectively cutting you and Seonghwa off, and eyed the rest of the group. "Who am I bunking with first?"
"You can stay in my bed tonight, Sannie. I have some work to do anyways." Hongjoong offered. "Oh, by the way, we are going to be heading out early tomorrow for practice, (Y/N)."
"Sounds good. I can't wait. Thanks for," Your own yawn interrupted you, making the others faintly chuckle, "the heads up."
You slowly stand up from the couch alongside Hwa and start to make your way to your bags, but the more awake Seonghwa beat you to it. He lifted your carry-on over one of his shoulders and already started moving the suitcase towards his room. You simply roll your eyes and smile before bidding the others goodnight.
"As you know I got the smallest room but its still nice." Hwa said as he set your things down near the end of his bed. "All I ask is just make the bed each morning and be careful around those." He gestured to his display cases of his Lego figures, which he had lovingly showed you many times over video calls. "You seem like you're about to pass out. Do you need anything before you sleep?"
"I think I am good for now, thank you Hwa." You smile. He gives you a soft smile and turns to leave but you stop him. "Wait, can I... can I have another hug before bed?"
"You don't have to ask, you know." Hwa gingerly wrapped his arms around you. One of his hands rested on your upper back while the other found purchase on the back of your head. You took a deep breath and held him close. It was a warm hug that lasted for a good moment. You both slowly pulled away.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He exited his room, closing the door.
You exhale and quickly got changed. You quickly exit the room to the bathroom to brush your teeth. When finished you promptly went back to Hwa's room and pulled back his covers, slipping into the soft bedding. The mattress was extremely comfortable and as you nuzzled your face into the pillow, you smiled and drifted off to sleep.
It has been a couple of days since you had arrived and its been a joy. You've gotten to try different foods and snacks with Ateez and got to have a tour of the KQ building. You even got to meet some of  BBTrippin briefly which was amazing.
You mostly were with Ateez when you went to the building, just like now. You were currently sitting on the floor of one of the dance rooms, sipping on a drink you and Wooyoung went to get in the canteen area. The boys were all dancing to older choreography before they started working on their newer songs.
You could feel the floor shake when they danced Hala Hala, which made you quietly giggle.
It was something else seeing them dance in person. Your eyes wandered to each person. You admired how each person moved and danced as if they were on stage performing for thousands. Your eyes stayed on Hwa's form the most. Everyone was extremely skilled in Ateez, but something about his presence while performing drew you in.
When Hala Hala finished, the boys decided to take a five minute break right as the choreographer walked in. Wooyoung and San decided to collapse by you while the others talked to their choreographer.
"What did you think?" Woo asked, practically draping his sweaty self over you.
You grimace, "I think your getting me all sweaty."
"You probably stink too." San teased, poking the younger males arm.
"I do not stink!" Woo gasped while pretending to be offended. His lips formed a pout as he laid down on the floor, resting his head on your lap, his face was towards your stomach. He glanced up to your face. "I don't stink, right (Y/N)?"
"No, you smell like your cologne." You patted his head and chuckled at his behavior. He shifted his head a bit so he could glance at San, letting out a small 'hmph' before returning to his previous position.
San moved himself closer to you and leaned in to talk to you both quietly. "How are you holding up with the whole crush thing?"
"Shh!" You hissed, glancing over to Seonghwa. He was still conversing with the choreographer. San had asked if you had a crush on Hwa when you both went and got snacks together during your first time at KQ. He knew the answer since that phone call Woo had in front of everyone but needed to set it up like he figured it out on his own. You tried to deny it but the knowing smile on his face told you he already knew the answer.
"Have you thought about confessing?" Wooyoung asked.
"I...I thought about doing it sometime over this stay but being in person has made it a bit more intimidating."
"How so?"
"I don't know. I think it makes it feel more real?" Your brows furrowed as you tried explaining the feeling you have been experiencing. "It felt real through our chats and video calls, but now that I am here in person... I feel like it'll hurt more if he-"
"Don't be negative." San gently reprimanded. "Just follow your heart, okay? The right moment will appear so don't ignore it."
"Okay, your right." You exhaled and were about to say more when Hongjoong and the choreographer called everyone to start practicing the new dance. Wooyoung got up with a groan but a big smile on his face. San followed suit and you gave them playful taps to their calves as they walked to the middle of the room.
You look to the mirror wall and you suddenly lock eyes with Seonghwa in the mirror. He gave you a sheepish smile, his ears and cheeks blushing faintly from being caught staring. You give him a reassuring smile and thumbs up, mouthing the word 'fighting'. He bowed his head with a bashful smile before returning eye contact with you, repeating that same word.
The choreographer began teaching them the next steps to Ateez. You watched intently, following the instructors moves and then looking at Ateez mimic him.  You noticed Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yuhno were quick in picking up the new dance. Though, you were aware of how much the choreographer was correcting Hwa today as well. You could see him deflate more and more which would cause him to make more mistakes. You could feel your heart clench when you saw his dejected look.
Two and a half hours of teaching passed. An extended break was called by the instructor for the guys to refill their energy. You got up from the floor and stretched, wincing at how numb and achy you butt and lower back felt. You were about to head out with the others who were going to get snacks and food, but stayed still when you saw Seonghwa wasn't joining. He seemed to be lost in thought as he stared at the hardwood floor.
You took tentative steps towards him. Your chest tightened as you got closer. You slowly reach out and place hand on his bicep. Your touched snapped him out of his stupor. His blinked rapidly before he glanced towards your face.
"Are you okay, Hwa?" You asked softly.
"Yeah... I am." His tone and a smile were anything but convincing. You didn't want to push him but you wanted to make sure he was alright.
"You don't have to tell me what's bugging you. And yes I can tell something is." You smile. "I just wanted to let you know I am here for you. Hwa."
"Thank you." His smile this time was genuine. Although, that smile quickly turned into a frown. "I am just angry with myself for how much I am messing up. I was doing fine yesterday and the day before but today... It's like I can't get the steps or the timing down like the others. I know I can do it but for some reason I am just not getting it."
"I see..." You took a moment to think when an idea came to mind. "Why do you teach me the new stuff yourself? Maybe speaking out loud will help the process and you can catch where you've been having trouble."
"Do you think that will really help?"
"Can't say for certain, Hwa, but it helps me when I get stuck writing essays or doing homework."
"Then lets try it."
You felt sweat drip down your face as you danced the first section of the new choreography with Seonghwa. Your advice did indeed help him. As he went over the steps with you, you saw how his eyebrows would raise on certain steps. His face would brighten each time he taught the counts and steps. He was patient with you, especially since Ateez dances were very intense. When he gave you the counts you noticed him catch an error he had been making beforehand and would proceed to explain it the right way.
Now, he smiled proudly at himself in the mirror at the end of the small practice session while you tried keeping your labored breathing to a minimum. The build up of sweat at your brow made you want to swipe it off with the back of your hand but you resisted. Though you did you feel your heart flutter when you saw how proud Hwa looked about himself.
Seonghwa looked at you and his eyes widened. "Let me get you some water and a towel." He hurriedly went to the edge of the studio and picked up a clean towel from the bench and then the half drank bottle of water he'd been drinking from. He made his way back to you, handing off the water. You expected him to give you the towel.
Instead, his free hand rested on your shoulder while the other gently dabbed your face. You tried your best to mask your shocked expression and hoped he couldn't discern the heat from your face was from his actions and not from the dancing. Seonghwa's touches were gentle as he cleaned your face. You felt your breath hitch when he dragged the towel around your neck.
You couldn't help but stare at him, his face concentrated on dabbing your skin. He eyes flickered to yours which caused his movements to halt. You swore you saw his attention briefly moved to your lips before they were back on your eyes. You both ever-so-slightly move closer to each other and again, his eyes wandered to your lips and neck.
He leaned in, eyes hooded, and you couldn't help but follow along-
"(Y/N)! Hwa!" Wooyoungs loud voice deeply cut through the moment. Instinctively you both moved away from each other and looked to see the younger male carrying in two paper bags. "We brought you guys lunch since you weren't there."
"(Y/N) was helping me out with the new dance. I think I got a good grasp on it now." Hwa quickly went to join his members while you followed along, your throat dry. Both of you missed the pointed glares Yuhno, San, and Jongho sent Wooyoung as they pulled out their phones.
'We told you to wait Woo. They were clearly having a moment!' Yuhno messaged their (Y/N)/Hwa-less group chat. Jongho and San quickly followed up his message with angry cat emotes.
It was the day of the photoshoot. Apparently, it was for a big magazine that would come out during promotions for the new album.
You were hustled into the building with the stylists while Ateez went in elsewhere. Tiredness lingered on you while you still adjusted to the time zone difference but you didn't let that stop the excitement. You hardly caught a glimpse of the boys when their manager had you sit in the back corner of the shooting room. He gave you a smiled, handing you a badge that shows your allowed to be there, and placed a chair next you for himself before going off to the dressing room.
You waited for a while until you heard the people working the photoshoot call for the boys. Your eyes widened when you saw them walk out of the room. Every single one of them almost too handsome to be human.
Your attention, though of course, stayed on Seonghwa. He wore a loose, knitted grey sweater that was purposely distressed in some areas. The sleeves were long and reached past his hands but the hem was short, exposing just enough of his stomach. If he were to raise his arms, more of his midriff would be shown. His hair was styled down and loose and his charcoal grey top was matched with a dark belt and blue jeans.
You couldn't stop staring. Seonghwa always looked handsome to you, but this look? It was as if the stylist wanted you to keel over. The whole look made your heart race as you scanned over his figure again. 'Is he aware how hot he looks right now?'
You didn't even realize Seonghwa was watching at you. Your face immediately heated up. You gave him a sheepish smile and look away, an embarrassed warmth spreading through your being at being caught obviously checking him out. You focused on one of the studio lights. 'What a neat brand...' You glance back at him in the corner of your eye and immediately looked back at the light when you saw he was still looking your way.
A small, shy smile grew on Seonghwa's face. There was a mix of feelings within him. He felt bashful his crush was eyeing and admiring him so openly, but he also a sense of pride. His heart beat fast against chest.
Seonghwa always brushed off any thought he had of you loving him back. He never could tell over video calls you were ever admiring him in the way he wanted you to, and despite the small glances he had caught you stealing, he tried not to over think it... which actually was him overthinking it. His past insecurities coming up to tell him he was wrong. That little voice in his head always downplayed it. A part of him believed you wanted to kiss him back in the dance studio. However his internal voice dismissed it.
But now? Now he feels almost certain. This had to be one of those signs the others were telling him. There was no denying the expression you wore... how your eyes trailed over his figure... the way your barely sucked in your bottom lip between your teeth... or the embarrassed look as you put your focus elsewhere when he caught you. His smile turned into a faint smirk.
"What's up with you, hyung?" Wooyoung asked with a raised brow.
"I apologize." Seonghwa said in a low voice, that small smirk still present.
"For what?"
"For always doubting you about (Y/N)'s feelings towards me."
"What finallygave it away?"
"She was checking me out." Seonghwa looked to his friend while crossing his arms over his chest, the bashfulness starting to kick in at what he was about to say. "We also may have almost kissed the other day-"
"What?!" Woo shouted, making a silence wash over the room. He sheepishly smiled and apologized. The two waited until the photoshoot crew was talking again as they got the final lights ready. The rest of Ateez huddled around them with curious gazes. Wooyoung made sure to fill them in quickly before signaling for the eldest to continue.
"Listen. I wasn't sure whathappened then. I just... moved on my own and she leaned in too before you guys came back in." Hwa raised a brow when both Yuhno and San smacked Woo. "But I just watched her blatantly check me out."
"You two havebeen affectionate with each other since she got here." Yeosang notes, soft hums of agreement were heard from the others. "Whether each of you recognize it or not."
Seonghwa nodded slowly to that. His mind recalling all the light touches between you both, the nightly hugs before bed,
"Haven't we been telling you she is into you for how long?" Mingi said while crossing his arms.
"I know. I feel foolish now. I know that feeling of doubt may come back up- and I hope it doesn't because I feel really happy right now- but I do feel sure about it now." The elder sighed.
"What will you do now?" Hongjoong asked
"I haven't thought that far." Seonghwa looked away from his friend.
"Leave it to me, hyung." Woo winked.
"Jung Wooyoung-" Hwa started to protest but the photographer called him up for a few solo shots. The eldest gave Wooyoung a pointed look before making his way to start the shoot. Woo grinned and immediately went over the wait by you. The others followed, both curious and excited to see things finally progressing forward.
You were watching Seonghwa get into position for the first picture they wanted when you saw in the corner of tour eye the rest of Ateez joining you. Wooyoung sat in the managers unoccupied chair and gently bumped you. The rest of the boys were able to grab chairs of their own to join you.
"Oh hey guys." You smile. "You all look great. Thanks for inviting me."
"We appreciate you coming." Jongho smiled.
"I caught you checking out Seonghwa~" Wooyoung said in a sing-song voice, cutting straight to the chase. You were unaware of the lie.
"Woo!" Your eyes widened and you looked to the others.
"(Y/N), you haven't been exactly subtle. Well, at least to us. Hwa is oblivious." Yuhno told you, slightly relieved you never figured out Wooyoung told them back in February.
"And don't take this as the rest of us teasing you like Wooyoung, okay? Because we aren't." San added.
"So not only Seonghwa saw me, but you all did too." You groaned and tilted your head back, closing your eyes as you felt the familiar feeling of embarrassment creep up in your system.
"If it makes you feel any better, he didn't seem to mind it." Woo shrugged. "Anyways that's not the only reason why I came here. I wanted to do a dinner party tonight."
"Dinner party?"
"Yes. After the shoot I want to cook everyone a meal, share some soju, and have fun. I plan on keeping my makeup on a dressing up, and I'll make sure the others will be dressed up as well. You should too."
"Sounds like it would be fun, as long as I get to help."
"You are our guest..." Yeosang tried to argue but it trailed off at the look you gave him.
"I want to help. I think it would be fun to learn from Wooyoung."
Your eyes wandered back to the shoot as the others discussed the dinner plans and who all would go shopping for ingredients.
Your eyes widened when you watched Seonghwa raise he hands up and place them behind his head. The hem of the grey sweater indeed raised up enough to show off more of his waist and stomach.
"Close your mouth, (Y/N)." Woo nudged you, but your eyes stayed on Hwa posing. "You'll catch flies."
"Wash the rice and vegetables, hyung." Wooyoung gestured to Hwa, his voice firm. However, he switched to an overly sweet tone when addressing you."(Y/N), my dear, can you start cutting up vegetables when he is done."
You laugh and grab the cutting board. You moved to stand next to Seonghwa so you could easily get ahold of what needs to be chopped. You eyed the overly cutesy apron Woo made him wear. You glanced down at your own, it was simple with a cute cat printed on it.  Seonghwa gently leaned over and bumped you with a smile before setting down a bell pepper for you start cutting.
Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Mingi were in the living area working on different things on their laptops while Jongho, Yuhno, and San say on the barstools at the kitchen island. Mingi also offered to help but Wooyoung said three people in the kitchen was enough.
The close proximity with Seonghwa in this moment had you recalling your stay with them thus far. Small moments of affection from Hwa were really becoming obvious to you.
Thinking back to when he got done with his solo shots, he practically pulled Woo out of the chair next to you and sat down, much to the younger male's and their manager's (who got the chair for himself) dismay. His arm stayed against yours until he had to get up again for the group pictures. When he came back from the dressing room after getting changed into a new outfit and hairstyle, he stood behind you and rested his hands on your shoulders until he was called again.
When you all left the photo studio and were crammed into the large van, Seonghwa had you both in the very backseats with San. You were sat in the middle, away from windows, but he kept himself close to you. He was showing different things on his phone all while leaning against you. This wasn't the first time either. Sitting next to each other while playing Animal Crossing, during a movie, or simply sitting next to each other for mundane things... he'd lean against you whether or not he was aware of it.
Then there were the times you'd be coming back to the dorms. You and Ateez would get back from KQ, he would rest his hand on your upper back whenever everyone loaded into the small elevator up to the dorm floor. He would keep himself close to you, which you assumed at first was due to limited space. However, even when it was just the two of you, he'd stay close with his hand between your your shoulder blades.
And then the dance studio moment. If the others hadn't of came in, you almost swore he would have kissed you and you would have definitely kissed him back. Your mind at first tried playing it off as your imagination but the more you thought about it, the more it seemed likely.
And you were ecstatic.
You had to keep yourself calm as you helped out in the kitchen but the blooming smile on your face gave you away.
"What has you all happy, hmm?" Woo asked quietly. You glance over your shoulder and saw Hwa was conversing with the others at the island.
"Just thinking how much I was a fool."
A smug look came over his face. "Explain."
"Woo..." You whined.
"You have to be specific because I don't know what you mean." He simply shrugged and focused on stirring one of the sauces.
"You were right, I think, about Hwa... I think he likes me."
"You think?" Woo gave you a deadpan look. You smacked his arm, which made him yelp and laugh.
"What's happening over there?" San laughed and grinned at the two of you. Seonghwa sent you both a curious look.
"Nothing, Wooyoung is just being Wooyoung." You sent the younger male a glare to signal he should keep quiet. Thankfully he didn't say anything further but he still held that smug look.
There came a point where Wooyoung didn't need any help further so he shooed you and Hwa out the kitchen. You decided to head back to Hwa's dorm to change into a nicer outfit and to freshen up your appearance. It didn't take you long and you went to the bathroom to go over your appearance in the mirror. You heard the front door close and heard Hwa's door close as well. You couldn't help but smile when you thought of him.
You felt your heart beat quicken as you thought about your feelings and confessing to Hwa. You were sure now he returned your feelings, but now taking that next step seemed daunting. You were also not fond of confessing in front of the others, if you had the courage to confess at all.
You smoothed out your clothes and left the bathroom, only to run right into Seonghwa, who had his hand up as if he were about to knock on the door.
"Oh sorry."
"My bad." You both laughed.
"Wooyoung sent me to get you and grab the soju we have here." Hwa lifted up the bottle of the yogurt flavored soju from the fridge. "You look good."
"You do too." You noticed he also changed his top. You gulped when you saw it was very similar to the grey top he wore at the photoshoot. It was black, not a knitted looking top with a purposely distressed look. The hem wasn't as short and the sleeves weren't as long as the photoshoot top, but it still looked good. His hair was worn down now and his face was bare, having took a quick shower when everyone got back from the photoshoot.
There was awkward silence as you both stared at each other. You felt your phone buzz, which you were sure was one of the guys telling you dinner was ready.
"We should probably get back." Hwa spoke in a soft voice, his eyes never leaving yours as a small smile appeared on his face.
"Y-yeah, we should." You nod. You both quickly left and re-entered Wooyoung, Hongjoong, and Jongho's dorm. You saw the others were already sitting at the table. It looked cramped but there was enough room for everyone and most of the food in the middle. There were two spots open next to one another.
You both took your spots, Yeosang was next to you while Hongjoong was by Seonghwa. Once you both joined, everyone started putting food onto their plates. You felt giddiness for some reason whenever Seonghwa would get food for you when he got his serving. The soju bottles started getting passed around for those that wanted to drink. You decided to partake, hoping it would calm your nerves.
Your very belated revelation had you feeling more at edge around Seonghwa than ever before.
You hadn't realized you were tapping your fingers against your thigh until you felt Hwa's hand clasped around yours. You tensed but relaxed when he gave your hand a light squeeze.
"Are you okay? You seem on edge." He asked as quietly as he could. Everyone else chatted and some were loud, but he wanted to make sure you had some privacy. You appreciated that.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really happy to be here." You smile and lean against him for a few moments. He unfortunately let go of your hand so you both could eat with ease, but he shifted in his seat so his thigh stayed pressed against yours.
It was getting later in the night now.
You stopped drinking alcohol when you felt a nice buzz. While drinking with your friends sounded fun, you also didn't want to potentially embarrass yourself in front of them. Besides those who weren't as drunk as Hongjoong, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung, who were all flushed in the face and neck, needed to keep an eye on them.
"Sannie isn't that strong of a drinker." Hwa chuckled next to you as you both watched him and Mingi sing loudly to some ballads.
"Hyung you have no room to talk." Yeosang rolled his eyes as he sat next to you. He crossed his arms and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Hwa's a lightweight?" You ask with a smirk, looking to the man in question.
"He gets as bad as Sannie." Yeosang wore a faux pout. "At least San doesn't scream in your face."
"Hey, we were playing a game. Don't make it sound worse to (Y/N)." The eldest grumbled and followed the younger in resting against you. You simply chuckled at their antics.
You nearly busted out laughing when Wooyoung and Hongjoong loudly joined San and Mingi's singing. Their voices were very loud and their singing was slightly slurred. You watched as Wooyoung climbed onto the wooden coffee table, singing his heart out to the room.
"Woo get down before you hurt yourself." Yuhno sighed, approaching the scene.
"Let him perform!" Mingi and San said at the same time.
"I don't want to hear it from the two that got us a jumping ban." Yuhno struggled to get Wooyoung off the coffee table but managed to do so despite the younger one's squirming.
"Ah, he is such a handful even when he is drunk." You heard Jongho say from behind you.
"Glad I stopped when I stopped drinking when I did." You chuckled. "I probably would have been up there with him."
"Oh that would be fun to see." Hwa acted like he was about to get up off the couch. "Should we get more to drink ?"
"I don't want to be yelled at." You scrunch your nose at him teasingly.
"I would never." He places his hand on his chest and faked offense.
"Although I wouldn't mind one more shot from that bottle with the purple cap. That stuff is delicious."
Yeosang decided to get off the couch and grabbed the bottle and three of the shot glasses. He poured you each a glass, the bottle now empty. You tilted back the small cup and down the smooth liquid easily.
Yeosang chose to sit back at the table, leaving just you and the eldest on the couch. You moved in your spot so you could rest your head on Seonghwa's shoulder now. You started to feel tired, likely from the alcohol in your system, but you felt at peace. Well, for the most part. When four men were loudly singing ballads right in front of you, it was hard to actually fall asleep.
"You should get some rest, (Y/N)." Jongho spoke softly. He was resting his arms on the back of the couch where Yeosang was once residing.
"I don't want leave you alone with dealing with the drunks though."
"Don't worry about us. We got this handled." Yuhno grinned. His arms were still around Wooyoung as they swayed to the song playing.
"Alright. I'm heading back over then." You pat Hwa's leg and got up from the couch. You stretch your limbs and start the head over to the door when you noticed Seonghwa got up and was following you.
"I'm tired too." He had a light blush on his cheeks.
You both told everyone goodnight as you went back to the MinSanHwa dorm. You didn't catch how the rest of sober Ateez gave Hwa a thumbs up before the door closed.
"Ugh, I don't want to take off my makeup." You groan as you both walk through the front door. Seonghwa chuckled from behind you as he closed the door.
"Why don't you sit on the couch. I'll be back out." You gave him a questioning look but he was already heading into his room. You sit down on the couch and take in a deep breath. You felt a little more buzzed now that your last shot had been in your system for a bit.
A few minutes pass when Seonghwa came back out from his room. He appeared to have changed into nightwear. In his hand was a bottle of makeup remover and two clean towels. He sat next to you on the couch, his legs crossed as he faced you.
"Hwa, what are you doing?" You ask with a slight chuckle.
"Turn and face me. I'll take off your makeup." You gave him a puzzled look but did as he asked.
"Why do you want to take off my makeup? I have two hands, you know?" Your tone was playful, but there was genuine curiosity there. "You're always taking care of me."
"Is it an issue?"
"No, it isn't."
He uncapped the makeup remover and dabbed it onto one of the face towels. He gestures for you to close your eyes and you do.
"I am about to touch you." He murmured and just a moment later you felt the expected cloth on your face. You felt him start to clean off your forehead first. His fingers of his free hand gently held your jaw as he moved your head when he needed to. His touch was electrifying. "Let me know if I am too rough."
You mumble a response. Both of you sat in silence as he slowly and carefully cleaned your face. Your mind was taken back to that day in the dance studio when he cleaned your face then. It made your heart flutter.
"I like taking care of you." His voice cut through the silence between you two. He carefully started removing your eye makeup. "That's why I wanted to take off your makeup right now."
"Oh." Was all you could say. Your mind swam with different thoughts and feelings, all clouded by your buzz. You gulped and took a deep breath. "Why?"
"You can open your eyes now." You did so and saw he was smiling at you. With his free hand, he tilted your head back, making sure to clean under your jaw and your neck for any left over makeup. His motions were careful, his free hand stayed at the base of your neck. "I like taking care of you because I carefor you. I like seeing you happy. Hongjoong told me it's my love language for those I am close with."
Seonghwa finished cleaning off every part of your face and neck. He set the towel down on the coffee table and placed both his hands on the sides of your head, guiding you to face him. His hands lingered for a second longer before he moved them to rest on his legs.
Hwa gave you a look full of fondness and sincerity. His smile was warm and you felt safe under his gaze. You smile back and scoot closer to him. You caught his dark brown eyes staring at your lips, and this time it was blatant. Your breath was caught in your throat and your face felt on fire. And yet, your mind, while racing, wasn't telling you to overthink. It wasn't downplaying the situation like it would do before. Everything in the moment, you and Hwa alone having a sweet moment, felt right.
This has to be the right moment, like San told you.
"May I?" His voice was almost a whisper but you heard him loud and clear.
"Yes, before someone interrupts again." Seonghwa let out an amused 'hmph' sound. He scooted himself closer to you, one of his legs now was angled off the couch. As if you were made of glass, Seonghwa gently placed both his hands on your jawline. His thumbs softly petted the skin of your cheeks while his eyes roamed over your face. Your hands found their spot on his waist and you smile.
He gave you a look, asking for permission again. And when you slowly nodded once his soft lips were pressed against yours. You smiled against him, your heart raced and beat rapidly against your ribcage. You could feel the corner of his lips curl up words. The kiss was almost fleeting, a quick moment between you two.
Seonghwa pulled away, only to rest his forehead against yours. He let out a shaky breath, his eyes were still closed.
"I've wanted to do that for a while now." He let out an airy laugh.
"Me too, Hwa." You chuckle, your voice trembling ever-so-slightly.
"Can I...?"
"You don't have to ask, you know." You repeated that phrase he told you your first night there.
Seonghwa kissed you again. This time it wasn't short. It didn't have a tentative feel to it. He kissed you passionately and you returned the feeling. He swiped his tongue against your bottom lip, making your lips part slightly. His tongue slowly slipped inside your mouth. You both move to be closer to one another.
You could feel him press himself more against you. Hwa briefly broke the kiss to place softer kisses from the corner of your mouth to your jawline. He pulled his face away from you, his warm smile still on his lips. You expected him to make out with you more, but you notice him glance back at the front door.
"I want to continue..." He started to speak.
"But the risk of a drunk San or Mingi coming in tonight is the issue?" You finish.
"Exactly." He laughed. He hugged draping himself over you with his face nuzzling into your neck. "I'm sorry. The risk of nosy roommates."
"Don't be." You hum, moving your hands. You rested one on his back and the other at the back of his head.
"How are you feeling?"
"Honestly? Tipsy and over the moon." You felt his chest rumble with his laugh. Seonghwa pulled his face from your neck and his hands were back to cupping your jaw. He stared at you for a few moments. He took in a deep breath, building up his confidence for what he was about to say.
"I figure the kiss would show you but let me tell you." He smiles. "I have feelings for you, (Y/N). I care immensely for you. I find you charming and so, so beautiful. I enjoy talking to you and being in your presence. I am glad to have taken that chance when we first met. You've become such an important person to me."
"Oh, Seonghwa." You felt stinging in your eyes and tears quickly filled then.
"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"
You lean in and place a soft kiss to his lips, effectively silencing him.
"I am just happy you feel the same as me. You know, I always pushed away my feelings for you. I was worried you only saw me as a friend. Which would have been fine by the way." You add with a slight nervous inflection. "I feel like an idiot though. When I look back at it now, everything seemed so obvious we both felt the same."
"I had the same revelation today when I saw how you were looking at me today at the shoot."
"Ugh, don't remind me of that." You groan and lean forward, resting your forehead in the crook of his neck.
"Don't be embarrassed." You felt him laugh and rest his hands on your back, one rubbing small circles. "You should of heard all the teasing the others did towards me.".
"Yeah, they teased the hell out of me too." You couldn't help but chuckle, now knowing the rest of Ateez knew about both yours and Seonghwa's feelings. "No wonder Wooyoung was so adamant you liked me back."
"It all makes too much sense now." Hwa almost scoffs, his shoulders shaking in a silent chuckle. There is a pause in the conversation. The silence didn't cause any discomfort between you two. Though, Seonghwa had a question he needs your answer to. "It may seem like a dumb question but..."
"But?" You prompt him to ask.
"Would... Does this mean you'd like to be in a relationship with me?"
You pull away from him, just enough to look at his face. You initially wanted to tease him, ask him sarcastically if it wasn't obvious you were head over heels for him... But you saw the vulnerable look in his expression. You knew he needs reassurance right now.
"Park Seonghwa." You gently take his face with both of your hands. You inhale and shakily exhale, a tender smile on your lips. "I love you, okay? I would absolutely love to be in a relationship with you."
"I love you too." He smiles brightly, almost making you melt on the spot. He wraps his arms around you, one snaking up so his hand could cradle the back of your head, before kissing you again. You slid your arms around his neck in the moment.
"How can you be so perfect?" He murmurs against your lips.
"I should be asking you that, Hwa." He chuckles softly in response to your words.
"How are you feeling now?" He asks again. "You did take that extra shot."
"I still feel a little on the tipsy side, but I am doing good, Hwa... And everything I said and every kiss I gave was of clear conscious too. I would do those things again, just less confidently."
He chuckles, "Well, we should probably get you some water and start getting you to wind down."
"Hwa, I don't think I can wind down after finding out my crush loves me back and now we are dating."
He tilted his head back and laughed in response, making your chest feel warm at the sound.
"Come on." He stands up from the couch and helps you to your feet. He hands you the bottle of makeup remover while he holds onto the dirty towels. "Get some comfier clothes on, do what you need to before bed, and I'll meet you in my room."
You gave him a curious looks but did so. You popped back into his room for some nighttime clothes and went into the bathroom to take a very quick shower. You didn't know you could get as clean you did that fast but you did. When you entered back into his room, you saw Hwa sitting in his desk chair scrolling on his phone. He looked up and smiled seeing you enter. He gestures to his bed, which already has the covers pulled back.
"I figure we could watch something before bed. If you would like to."
"I would love to, Hwa." You smiled and laid down on the side closest to the wall. Seonghwa followed suit in the spot next to you and pulled the covers over both of you.
He grabbed his tv remote and turned on the screen, putting on something you've both seen at a low volume. He kept his back propped up by the headboard while you had an arm wrapped around his midsection, curled up next to him with your head on his chest. He had an arm wrapped around your shoulders while his hand softly traced patterns into the skin of your arm.
It was quiet except for the tv playing, but two questions lingered in Seonghwa's mind.
"(Y/N?)" You glance up when you hear him softly call your name. "When did you realize you started having feelings for me?"
"When I had that shitty week at the end of last semester and your voice helped calm me down enough to sleep... why do you ask?" You felt a tinge of anxiety peaking through. "Is it because I was a fan-?"
"No, don't worry about that." He placed a soft, short peck to your hairline. "I could tell from the start you didn't have any negative intentions and I always appreciated you letting me initiate things."
"Oh, I didn't realize you picked up in that. I just never wanted you to be uncomfortable."
"I pick up a lot, as untrue as that seems." He jokes, making you snort. "No. I was just curious. That night was when I realized I liked you more than a friend as well." There was a shared silence between you two for a moment, though it felt like minutes, until he spoke again. "If you liked me then, why did you agree to go on that date with that guyfrom your class?"
You blink and shift to sit up so you could look at his face. You scan over his features but didn't catch any sign of anger or any negative emotion. He was genuinely curious.
"Insecurity mostly." Your voice was quiet. Hwa nodded his head for you to continue and gently took hold of your hand. "It seems silly now, but I was just insecure about a lot of things, which made me so sure you never liked me more than as a friend. I saw it as a way to hopefully get over my crush."
"Oh, jagiya." He hums softly. "I got too wrapped up in my mind to think you'd want to pursue a relationship with me as well." He leans in and gently kisses you. "Looks like we really were fools... and Wooyoung is going to remind us whenever he gets the chance."
"Why don't we hold off on telling the rest of them as-"
"What?" He furrowed his brows, a look of confusion and a flash of hurt was on his face.
"Don't over think and let me finish" You gently 'tut' and move to hold his hands. He gave you a sheepish smile. "Since they knew about both our feelings, have gotten super invested in getting us together, Woo's going to gloat, and I know if we ever attempt to go on dates one of the others will try and tag along... let's just have a short time period of just us. Would that be fine?"
"Having one over the others? Not letting Wooyoung say he was right? A pinch of privacy?" He raised his brows, a smile growing on your face. "More than fine."
That made you laugh.
Yuhno sighed as he took Mingi's dorm keys from his drunk friends grasp. He would have just let him crash in his room since Jongho had his hands full with Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and San, but Mingi was insisting on sleeping in his own bed. Plus, you had left your cellphone behind. He just hopes neither of them will wake Seonghwa or you.
He got the door open and with Mingi's arm around his shoulder he walked through the dark apartment.
"YuYuuuu." Mingi mumbled.
"Shh..." Yuhno whispered, helping him to his room.
"I'm not drinking again after this."
"I'll help keep you to that, let's just get you to bed for now." Yuhno got the younger male to his room, turned around as he changed into his pajamas, and tucked him in.
"Thank you."
"Uh huh, go to sleep, princess." Yuhno snickered and patted his friend, leaving his room with a yawn. He fished your phone from his pocket and approached Seonghwa's room. When he saw the light was still on and heard the tv faintly playing, he figured you were still awake. He glanced back to Sannies door and saw it was dark there.
"That last shot must of done him in." He mused to himself with a small smile.
Yuhno did a quick knock and opened the door.
"(Y/N), you left your- Oh." Yuhno's eyes widened, not expecting to see you and Seonghwa mid kiss. You both were sitting up against the headboard, your hand on his neck while his hand was on your side. You and Seonghwa were frozen and heads slowly turned to the taller male. There was a big grin on Yuhno's face. "I was just, uh, dropping Mingi off and your phone."
"Yuhno sit down, please." Seonghwa sighed pulling away from you. His ears were bright red.
"No, no. Don't let me interrupt you both." He waved his hand, gently tossing your phone onto the foot of the bed, and went to leave.
"Yuhno." The eldest uses a serious tone, making the younger male sit.
"What is it?" He looked between you two, his voice soft.
"We wanted to keep this secret, just for a bit. You know how the others get, we just wanted to have this to ourselves for the rest of the trip."
"Plus," You add. "Wooyoung can't gloat and you get bragging rights of knowing first." You offer to him, making Yuhno laugh and Seonghwa roll his eyes with a chuckle.
"Your temporary secret is safe with me. The thought of telling everyone didn't even cross my mind. You guys decide when you want to tell everyone." Yuhno states sincerely. "But I am curious when this happened."
"Tonight, like 20 minutes ago."
"Ah, I'm happy for you both." Yuhno grins and gets up. "I'll leave you both alone now, I need to check on Jongho before going to bed. Goodnight and make sure to sleep."
"Goodnight, Yuhno. Thank you." Seonghwa smiled at the younger male, who simply smiled and shook his head before leaving the room. You both looked at each other and sighed.
"That went well. At least he knocked..."
"No privacy." Seonghwa rolled his eyes and moved enough to flop on his back.
"Hey, he is keeping it to himself. He was sweet about it."
"I don't care." Seonghwa turned on his side with a slight pout, wrapping his arms around you to pull you down to lay partially on top of him.
"Hwa!" You quietly yelp.
"I'm getting all the intimate affection I can in our alone time." He chuckled, and holds you tightly. "And we are locking my door every night until you leave."
Wooyoung and San practically cornered you the next day during a break in practice, asking if you two confessed. You were getting a drink from a nearby vending machine when you felt Wooyoung's arm wrap around your waist while San's was around your shoulders.
"So, (Y/N)... Did you two do anything last night?" Woo asked in a hush tone in your ear.
"No, Wooyoung. He practically passed out when we got to the dorm and I didn't have the confidence to talk to him about my feelings." You sigh, finally deciding on what drink you wanted. "I don't think I can confess at all this trip."
"Let me help you." Woo whined.
"No, it's fine. Maybe one day it'll happen... but not now." You shrug off their arms and squat down to get your drink.
"Don't worry about it. Just don't neglect your feelings." San patted your back as you stood back up. "We are going to get drinks for the others, would you mind helping us?"
"Sure!" You were grateful San took the attention off you. The older of the two tapped his card to the machine and the three of you started picking out drinks for the Ateez members and the BBTrippin crew. Once there were five drinks, San delegated Wooyoung to get them to the studio, which left you two alone.
"So how did you confess to him last night?" He asked while picking up a drink.
"I told you, nothing happened." You try and give him your best confused look. He kept a knowing smile on his face as you both stared each other. It felt like a minute and it was clear he wasn't relenting. You groaned, making him laugh. "How do you know?"
"You both just seem very happy today and I can tell there is something different. You both don't look at each other with hesitation. It's sweet to see." He pats your back again. "You didn't tell me how it happened... though you don't have to. I'm just curious."
"It was the right moment, like you said would happen."
"I'm glad it worked out. Like we all told you it should."
"Ugh this is why we are waiting to say anything." You whine, playfully smacking his arm which made him laugh. "Do you think anyone else knows?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven't heard anything from the others."
"Good." You huff with a laugh. You and San gather up the rest of the drinks and head back to the dance studio. "You're not allowed to say anything."
"Cross my heart."
Later in the day it was just Seonghwa and Hongjoong in his studio. The captain wanted his older friends inputs, both because he valued Hwa's opinion and because Mingi wanted to take some time freestyle dancing with Yuhno and Yeosang, on some of the final minor edits he made to the tracks. The others were still in the dance studio while you joined Jongho for one of his vocal lessons.
"I like the addition to the dance break for this one, though I think the end should be tighter." Seonghwa gestured to the screen.
"I was thinking the same." Hongjoong hums and focuses his attention on the small changes. Seonghwa felt his phone buzz on the table and he quickly unlocked it. A smile grew on his face at the cute selfie of you and Jongho sent to the group chat. He quickly saved the picture and couldn't help but stare at your face.
The call of his name had him looking back up.
"Yes, Joong? Is there something else you need help with?"
"You confessed to (Y/N), didn't you?" The younger male smiled.
"What? No. She passed right out once she got her makeup off." Seonghwa furrowed his brows and hoped he was convincing enough.
"Hwa, you are terrible at hiding your emotions and secrets. Your eyes always give it away." The captain laugh and playfully flicked the older males arm. "I can see it in the way you look at her and how you 'try' to act shy. Your eyes don't hold the same longing. They say something different now."
"Please don't tell the others." Hwa sighed and looked to his friend, silently pleading to him.
"I won't... but why keep it a secret?"
"We just want some privacy about it. Everyone is so integrated with one another. We do plan on telling everyone soon."
"I see." Hongjoong nods and then smiles, a hint of smugness there. "So we were right? You both overthought everything between you two and now everything fell perfectly into place."
"And that's also why we don't want to tell everyone yet."
"Ha! You're just prolonging the inevitable teasing." Hongjoong grinned. A curious glint was in his eyes now. "So how did it go?"
"The moment is ours alone so I won't share any details, but..." A fond smile grew on the eldest's face. "It was sweet... really, really sweet."
"I'm happy for you, truly, Seonghwa, even if I plan to tease you about it. You deserve this, especially with (Y/N)." Hongjoong reached over and gently grabbed Hwa's hand, giving it a firm, quick squeeze before slowly dropping it. Seonghwa couldn't help the bashful smile on his face. The two scooted close to each other, nudging each other as they got back to working on the finishing touches of the song.
It was late at night. You were laying in bed, watching Youtube on Seonghwa's tv before you fell asleep. You heard soft knocks on the door. Pausing the video, you get up and open the door, revealing Seonghwa. You let him in and make sure to lock the door. You felt him wrap his arms around your waist, his chest flush against your back.
"Mingi went to bed." He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to your temple. He removed himself from you and flopped onto his bed. "What were you up to?" 
You laughed and joined him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. "Just catching up on some Youtube. I can put something else on-"
"No, this is fine." You nodded and started the video over for him to watch. It was nice, curled up under the covers with him, feeling warm and comforted in his arms; and you were sure he felt the same when you rested your arm over his stomach. You didn't want to break the peacefulness but you knew he should know that another members knows.
"Hwa? Can I tell you something?" You pause the video again.
"Go ahead, you can tell me anything."
"Sannie knows about us." 
There was a brief pause before he chuckles.
"Hongjoong knows too. How did San figure it out?"
"He said he could see us acting different around each other. How did Hongjoong?"
"He told me my eyes gave it away." He then rolled his eyes for dramatic effect. "At least he said he won't tell the others."
"Sannie promised too. So that's a relief."
Another moment of silence.
"You're leaving soon." There was a sadness to his tone. Seonghwa briefly tightened his arms around you. 
"I know." You sigh, snuggling into his hold more. "But, there will be more visits again."
"But now that we are together... now that you're in my arms..." He shifts away from you. You felt his hands on your shoulders as he gently maneuvers you down the bed so he could guide you onto your back. Hwa then moves himself to hover over you. "I don't want to let you go."
"Hwa." You smile, placing a hand on his cheek. "No matter the distance, you have me, okay?"
Seonghwa smiled sweetly though you could see a hint of something else in his eyes, something lustful. 
Honjoong was right. His eyes do give away a lot.
 He lowered himself down, pressing himself against you and you could feel he wasn't putting his full weight on you. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips and trailed his lips along your jaw and down you neck with opened mouth kisses. You hummed pleasantly, giggling softly at how he focused on kissing your neck, his teeth grazing your flesh.
"Seonghwa, weren't you concerned about nosy members?"
"Front door and bedroom door are locked." His breath felt hot against your neck, making you pleasantly shiver. "Mingi sleeps like a log." You felt his teeth gently nip your skin, not hard enough to leave a mark, and then his tongue swiping over the area. You couldn't deny that there wasn't arousal slowly building inside you. He pulled his face away from your neck and stared down you. "I can stop if you want me to."
You stare into his eyes. You can see the love and adoration he holds for you. Your heart flutters in your chest.
"Keep going." You murmur, placing your hand on the back of his neck and pull him back down. His lips met yours in a feverish kiss. His tongue explores your mouth and brushes against yours, all while you feel him press himself against you. Your hand stayed on the back of his neck while the other was on his side, gripping the fabric of his shirt.
Seonghwa lifted himself from you again now straddling your hips. His fingertips grazed your stomach, barely moving underneath the hem of your shirt. He gave you a look as if he was asking for permission, in which you nodded slowly. You take in a sharp breath of air feeling his hands glide against your skin under your shirt.
His soft hands slowly cupped both your breasts and he starts to gently knead them. You take in a deep breath and smile up at him, enjoying the feeling. You see he was biting his bottom lip and suddenly you felt a small shiver run up your spine when his thumbs brushed over your nipples. You can see he was getting lost in moment. Slowly he removed his hands from your chest and you missed feeling his warm hands fondling your breasts.
Seonghwa helps sit you up and them assists pulling your shirt off your body. He stared at your bare torso with wide eyes, a blush creeping up on his cheeks and ears. 
"I'm feeling a bit under dressed here." You laugh, making him blink out of his dazed state. He chuckled, and took off his shirt as well. 
"You are gorgeous, jagiya." He speaks softly. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against him. He placed more wet kisses in the crook of your neck. He shifted himself so he could go lower, until he guided you on your back again. He trailed his kisses from your neck to your collar bones. His mouth moved lower and when he got to your breasts he started biting and sucking on your skin.
"Seonghwa, love..." You murmured, worried about the others seeing the hickeys.
"Don't worry. I won't leave any in visible places." He kissed where he bit. He left scattered little marks of your breasts and along your stomach, kissing each one when he was done while his hands caressing your body. When he was finished he took a moment admire all the little marks he left in his wake and you knew they would show up more prominently tomorrow. He smirked as he stared at your body.
You let out a soft gasp when you feel his mouth latch onto your left nipple. His hand went to your other breast and squeezed your flesh, his fingers played with your other nipple. His eyes looked to your face as he gently sucked and you feel his tongue swirl around the harden bud. He kept his mouth latched to you as if his life depended on it. You comb your fingers through his dark hair which caused him to make a noise similar to a hum. You made a soft moan at the sensation.
He released his mouth with a slight 'pop' noise, a string of saliva still attached to the pebbled skin and his lips. He moved over and repeated the process to your right tit. You let out a soft whine when you felt him gently bite around your nipple, making him chuckle and remove his mouth. He looked down at you with pride on his face, seeing how worked up by his actions you were.
"Too bad we have to be quiet, I would love to hear what noises you make." Seonghwa trailed his fingers down your stomach and shifted so they rested at the hem of your sleep shorts. 
He craved to taste you and further use his tongue on you.
You glance down to where he now sat on your thighs and saw a clear bulge in his pajama bottoms. You bit your bottom lip knowing you weren't fairing any better, you could feel how wet your panties were already. His other hand rested on your hip and he gave you another look. You nodded and appreciated his subtle way of asking for permission. He smiled and started pulling down your shorts and underwear. You raise your hips to help him and soon enough, you were completely bare.
A sense of heat flushed your face at the realization, shivering at the lack of covering over your core. You move to close your legs but Seonghwa's hands gripped your thighs and gently keeps them parted. You saw the tip of his tongue peak out of his mouth. 
"Don't be shy." He breathed, taking in everything. "I'll get fully undressed in a moment... Let me admire you first."
"Seonghwa!" You huffed. The embarrassment you felt was clear as day on your face, which made him smile more. His hands gently squeezed your thighs as he took in how wet you were. He never felt this turned on before, he could feel his cock throbbing against his underwear.
"Let me have a taste first." He murmurs, almost too quietly. He maneuvers himself to lay on his stomach, his arms wrapped around your thighs. His face was mere inches from your soaking cunt and you swear you could feel his breath against you. "May I, my love?"
Your face felt on fire at how seductive he looks right now with his head between your thighs. It was such a turn on to see how eager he was to eat you out and please you. You could feel a sensual heat pooling in your lower belly.
"Hwa, please touch-" You couldn't finish your sentence as you let out a low whimper; Seonghwa licked up your slit with his tongue. He delved in and his tongue flicked over your clit. He practically buried his face in your pussy as he worked your sensitive nub just right. You cover your mouth with your hand as you tried to suppress the noises threatening to escape from your lips.
Seonghwa groaned as he lapped your cunt and messed with your clit. His eyes stayed watching your face and he nearly smirked seeing you cover your mouth. Never had he tasted something sweeter. His arms around your thighs tightened, though he was so tempted to start using his fingers soon. He moved his mouth from your clit, nuzzling his nose against it, before he plunged his tongue into your wet hole. 
"Oh God, Hwa..." You moaned quietly, muffled by your hand. You glance down and see he was still staring at you with his face buried into your cunt. He was devouring you as if you were his last meal. The sounds coming from his mouth on your soaked pussy were downright sinful. The feeling of his warm tongue thrusting inside you with the tip of his nose brushing against your clit felt almost too good. Your other hand found purchase in his dark hair, gently gripping it with your fingers as you start to roll your hips against his face, making him hum. You could feel an orgasm inching closer and closer.
Seonghwa felt euphoric as your started losing yourself to the pleasures he was providing you. He loved the feeling of your hand in his hair and they way your hips moved. He let out a moan of his own as he kept going, paying no mind to the tiredness he felt in his tongue. His mind was only focused on getting you to come. 
Hwa moved one of his arms from holding your thigh, barely moving his mouth off your slit for just a moment, before he went back in with his tongue playing with your clit. You felt him slowly enter one finger, feeling around, before entering a second one given how he further turned you on from his ministrations. He curled his fingers just right inside you as he started thrusting them at steady, quick pace, causing you to nearly cry out. Your voice was strained to stay quiet whilst your hand over your mouth kept it even quieter.
He pulled his mouth away again. 
"That's it, jagiya..." His voice was low and smooth. He resumed his tongues motions on your clit, and the spring that was coiling tightly in your lower stomach finally came undone. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, tossing your head to the side as you whimpered as quietly as you could; you came hard. Seonghwa could feel you clenching around his fingers and he could hardly contain the moan of satisfaction. He slowed his fingers down, prolonging your orgasm, before slowly removing them and his mouth from you. He sat back up on his calves, your juices and his saliva coating his chin.
He slowly inserted the two fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean. Hwa's dark eyes never left your face as he slowly crawled over you. His mouth met yours in a sloppy kiss and you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue. You whimpered softly into the kiss. Your shaking hands gripped his shoulders and you pulled away to take in more air, recovering from your climax.
"How the fuck are you so good at that?" Your frazzled brain had you slip back into English for a moment. Seonghwa laughed and admired your face for a moment. You stared back, your breathing soon falling back into a stable rhythm. 
A thought popped into mind when you glanced down.
You shifted yourself downward ever-so-slightly and placed your hand at the hem of his sweatpants.
"Can I return the favor?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to." He smiled softly as he felt a pleasant shiver up his spine.
"I want to, Hwa." You smile when he then answered a soft 'yes.' You gradually dipped your hand into his sweatpants, your hand going over his underwear. You cup his hard cock, feeling a patch of wetness from precum, and give him a very gentle squeeze. You heard him take in a sharp breath which made you smile and bite your lips. You palm him for a few moments and capture his lips in a heated kiss. His hips rocked, rutting himself against your hand.
You remove your hand from him, leaving him softly whining for your touch again. You guide him to sit up and take your spot against the headboard, not before his sweats underwear joined your discarded clothes on the floor. You smile at his blushed cheeks and ears. You straddle his lap and press yourself against him.
Your hands gently cup his jaw and you lean into a passionate kiss. You could feel his hard erection brush against your pubic mound and lower belly, making him softly moan into your mouth. You repeated what he did to you earlier and started trailing kisses from his lips, all the way down to his collarbones. You had to move yourself continuously to go lower. You didn't dare leave any marks that would be visible, much to your disappointment.
Soon enough you found yourself on your stomach, face dangerously close to his dick. You kept your eyes on his length while you could feel his eyes watching you. In a teasing manner, your fingers gently messed with his velvet-y soft tip. Seonghwa moaned softly and he caressed the side of your head. You collected his precum onto your fingers, letting it coat your your hand, before wrapping your fingers around his shaft. You stroke him at a languid pace and you could feel his member twitch in your hand.
You lean in and place a tentative kiss to the crown of his cock. You glance up and see him watching you intensely while biting his bottom lip. You give him a few teasing licks before slowly engulfing him into your mouth. What you couldn't fit comfortably in your mouth you used your hand on as your slowly bobbed your head, hollowing your cheeks in the process.
Seonghwa let out a low moan and swallowed hard at the sensation around his cock. His hands could hardly stay still. He managed to keep one against the side of your head but his other hand caressed and gently squeezed your shoulder, his fingers brushing against your neck. Your tongue would swirl around the tip as you continued to move your head. You couldn't exactly look up at him from where you were but you could tell by just how hard he was breathing he was feeling good.
"You're so beautiful..." Hwa tilted his head back against his headboard and quietly moaned. His eyes peered down at the sight of you with your now swollen lips around his cock. He admired how your nude body looked right now and he wanted to reach down and give your ass a firm squeeze. You bobbed faster, taking him in a little deeper, and it nearly drove him crazy. Seonghwa's hand found itself on the back of your head. He gently guided your head but didn't push down harshly.
He carefully took hold of your head in both hands and lifted your head, stopping you from sucking him off.
"Something wrong?" You swallow and sit up.
"If you kept going I wouldn't have lasted." Hwa helped you sit up on your knees and pulled you into a tender kiss. "I wanted to go further, if you want to."
"I want to but," You murmur against his lips. "Well, this may be a bad time to ask but do you have condoms?" He chuckles and rests his head against your collarbones. He placed a soft kiss to your neck, moving away from you and getting off the bed. You watched him walk to his closet and reach inside on the upper shelf. He grabbed a box near the back and came back, sitting on the edge of the bed. In his hands was an unopen box of condoms.
"Before you think I was presumptuous with these, Mingi and Woo bought them for me before your visit." He snorts. "I think they are the right size... I'll be slightly concerned if they are."
"I'm on birth control if we just want to forget the condoms-"
"If they make you more comfortable, I will wear one for you." He gave you a reassuring smile and looked over the box. Hwa hummed softly as he opened the box, taking out a wrapped condom. He tore open the rapper and slid on the condom with ease. He then kissed you deeply, moving you back on your back. You didn't need words to know where things were going now.
Seonghwa placed one of his pillows under your lower back and helped maneuver you into position, his hands gripping the backs of your thighs. He teased you by dragging his tip up and down your slit. You whine softly and playfully tapped him with your foot, making him laugh.
"Alright, jagiya." He smirked and lined himself up at your entrance. Slowly he pushed himself inside, inch by inch, until he was fully buried inside. You moaned quietly as he deliciously filled you up while he groaned, feeling pleasant tightness and heat around his length. Your hands squeezed his shoulders briefly as you took a moment to adjust. He stayed motionless for a few moments and you both were enjoying the moment. "Feels good."
"Move, Hwa." You pleaded, desperate to chase a second orgasm. His hands found themselves holding your hips as he pulled almost all the way out and, languidly, he rolled his hips forward.
His thrusts were slow and sensual to start, slowly building up that arousal between you both again. His cock gently massaged your walls and it felt so good. You were having a hard time already keeping your noises at bay... you were worried you wouldn't be able to stay quiet if he went faster. Still, you crave more.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice slightly hoarse and strained.
"Feeling good... Feeling really good." You moaned. You wanted to feel more. You threw out those previous concerns. Your voice was a hushed whisper, but the needy tone was clear. "Faster, love."
"Of course." Hwa rasped. You feel him pull out, making you whine. He softly cooed and re-adjusted himself and yourself so his face was barely above yours. Your hips were at more of an angle now with your legs folded into your chest and your calves on his lower back. Your arms were loosely around his neck.
Seonghwa captured your lips in a bruising kiss, his tongue rolling against yours, as he entered you with one quick thrust. Your moan was muffled by his mouth or else it would have been loudered than you meant.  His set a quick rhythm as his hips snapped against you, the not-so-subtle sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the small room. His cock was hitting a new, deeper angle and it felt amazing.
You both broke from the kiss to breath. You bit your bottom lip in an attempt to control your whimpers and moans.
"Shh... you're doing so well." Hwa praised, his voice a hushed whisper by your ear. Though his own moans and groans indicated to you he was also struggling to stay quiet.
"Hwa-!" You cried softly. You feel his arm move and next thing you knew his hand was cradling the back of your head, pushing your face into the crook of his neck. He pressed his upper half against yours, further folding your body together, as he fucked you at a fast tempo. Your noises were muffled by his flesh and you could feel the vibrations of his strained moans against your face. You could feel heat slowly crawling up your legs and you knew a second orgasm was close.
"God, I'm close, love." You murmur, your lips brushing against his hot skin.
"Me too, jagiya... Me too." Seonghwa whispered. "Can... Can I come on you?"
As you were about to speak Hwa just barely shifted his hips, his cock hitting your g-spot just right.
"Y-yes!" Your moan was low. The build up had you feeling like your nerves were on fire. You felt your breathing quicken a numbness-like feeling crawl up your legs
You pushed your face further into Seonghwa as waves of pleasure washed over you. You choked out moans against him and without realizing, you bit on his flesh. Your body trembled and your walls clenched around his length as you came hard.
Seonghwa continued his thrusts, though you can tell he was just about to lose it too. You felt your muscles twitch and tremble with every stroke of his hips as he prolonged your orgasm. Hwa is chasing his own release and you could feel his thrusts getting sloppier and his moans were getting huskier.
Suddenly, he pulled out of you, your walls fluttering around nothing. He got the wet condom off of his length and he moved his upper half to hover over you. You watch, nearly breathless, as he strokes his cock at a fast pace. He lets your lower half drop against his thighs. His eyes stayed trained on your dazed face, biting his bottom lip.
Seonghwa's body went rigid and soft, whiney moans escaped his lips. You can see eyes roll slightly back as he came. Pearly white ropes of his cum lands on your stomach and chest, a little even lands on your neck. He slowed his hand down as he came, stopping once all of his seed was out.
You both were breathless, feeling hot and tired. Seonghwa moved and let your body lay straight down before he hovered over you again. His lips met yours in another kiss. It was soft and tender, full of love and adoration.
"How are you feeling, jagiya?" He asks softly, kissing your cheek and forehead. "Do you need something? A warm towel? Some water?"
"All of the above, love." You lazily smile, making him laugh.
"I like you using that English pet name for me."
"I thought was fitting with you using a Korean pet name." There was a pause in the conversation. "I think we need a shower actually."
"Agreed, I made a mess." He gave you a cheeky look, as if he was proud of himself, lifting himself up to sit on his calves. His eyes roamed your body with a small smirk tugging on his lips. "You look beautiful."
"I'm covered in sweat, cum, and probably look like a mess." You deadpanned.
"And you still look beautiful." He smiled and placed a chaste kiss to your lips. He got up off the bed and slowly helped you to your feet. He grabbed you some new clothes from your suitcase before grabbing clothes for himself. "Mingi should still be asleep, so we need to be quick."
"You... You want us to go out in the rest of the dorm and to the bathroom without any clothes on?" He simply nodded and you sighed but nodded. You didn't want clothes on right now until you were clean. 
Seonghwa peaked his head out of the room, noticing all the lights were still off. With haste, the two of you get to the bathroom with ease. Hwa started the shower and you both waited for it to warm up. Your fingers trace the small red mark you left right by his right collarbone.
"Hopefully that doesn't linger. I'm sorry, I tried not to leave any marks on you." You mused, not sounding all too apologetic.
"I don't care if it does linger. Idol image be damned." He joked. "Come, the water should be warm now."
The shower was quick but it was very much needed after an intense moment. Seonghwa took it upon himself to wash you off. His hands gently caressed your skin, his gaze on you was caring. You closed your eyes whilst savoring the moment. 
It was sweet and it made you two all the more closer. 
You groaned, covered in sweat, in the dance studio. Wooyoung insisted you join him, Yuhno, and Mingi for dance practice while the others were off doing lives or something else. You probably would be in better shape to dance if you weren't feeling the least bit sore from last nights activities with Seonghwa. They were teaching you the choreography to Wave in an easy manner, but the ache in your hips and legs made it difficult.
"What's the matter, (Y/N)?" Mingi chuckled, handing you a water bottle. He and the others were sweating, but they weren't
"I don't know how you guys dance like this all the time." You pant and take a sip of water.
"We are teaching it to you slowly though, you seem more tired." Wooyoung remarked. He approached you and placed both hands on your cheeks, his eyes scanning over your face.
"I'm fine, just a little tired is all." You move out of his hold and gave his shoulder a gentle pat. He gave you  a inquisitive look but dropped it. 
After a small pause, the dancing resumed. Yuhno stood by you as he taught you the next steps. The move had you moving your arms up in the air and you followed almost perfectly. Though, when you repeated the motions your hand caught the hem of your loose shirt, exposing some of your midriff. You hoped that no one in the room saw your blemished skin from a particularly big hickey Hwa left on you. However, hoping got you nothing.
"(Y/N), what the hell happened?" Woo gasped. "Why do you have a bruise on your hip?"
Your face flushed with warmth and you saw Yuhno in the mirror press his lips together as he tried not to laugh. Clearly, he immediately figured out were the mark came from. Mingi also looked at you in concern. You wanted to send a glare to Yuhno but kept your cool. 
"I needed to use the bathroom last night and bumped into the handle in the dark is all." You replied smoothly.
"Dummy." Woo laughed and so did Mingi.
"I didn't realize you were so clumsy, (Y/N)." Yuhno teased. You rolled your eyes and insisted they keep teaching you the choreography before you die from embarrassment. 
Seonghwa and Hongjoong finished up their live together. Hwa had fun though he wanted to help teach you a dance to one of their songs. He and Joong got up from the table in the small room and left with the staff member who was behind the camera. The two went off on their own to Hongjoongs little studio room.
"Something happened between you and (Y/N) last night, huh?" The younger male asked with a teasing tone. 
"What? No." Hwa replied, almost too quickly, as he took a seat in one of the chairs.
"I can tell by your eyes-"
"What can you tell now?" The eldest quirked his brow and gave his friend a glare, his ears and neck started to blush.
"Oh... did you two..." There was a mischievous look in Joong's eyes.
"Kim Hongjoong, do not finish that sentence." Hwa leaned back in the chair, not realizing the motion pulled his shirt in a way where the collar of his shirt exposed more of his skin.
"Well if that little mark right there didn't confirm it for me, your reaction did. Congratulations." Hongjoong teased. Seonghwa looked down and quickly readjusted his shirt more. His face felt on fire as he looked to his friend with a flustered glare. "Sorry, my teasing may have went a little far there. I'll buy you some ice cream as an apology."
"Two ice creams."
It was nearly time for you to head out to the airport. Ateez's manager texted everyone earlier he was on his way to the dorms to get you. Wooyoung practically clinged to you as you sat on the couch while Seonghwa's hand lingered on your knee. Everyone was already throwing out ideas and plans for when you could visit next. You felt sadness knowing you were going away after having an amazing week with them... you were going back to your job and your classes across the Pacific ocean. 
Another text came and their manager was outside the door. He told you in his message he will give you guys time to say goodbye. 
You stood up by the door and everyone practically lined up to see you off. First was Yuhno.
"It was fun having you here. We should do dance video calls, you were fun to teach and dance with." He smiles and pats your head before hugging you. 
"Yeah we definitely should." You reach up and ruffle his hair making him laugh. Next up was Sannie.
"I'm going to miss you. Please, visit as soon as you can." He had a large grin, eyes full of unshed tears, as he pulls you into a tight hug.
"I will definitely try." You say softly in his ear, returning the tightness of his hug. Mingi approached you next.
"I'll definitely miss your presence in the dorms." Minig hugged you, his hands patting your back.
You pulled away and smiled. "It's going to be hard not having one of my favorite giants around anymore." That made him and Yuhno laugh. Hongjoong was up next.
"If you ever need something, (Y/N), don't hesitate to call me." He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. He then gave you a quick hug as well.
"You too, Joong. I'm all ears if you need something." 
Next in line was Yeosang.
"I'm glad we got to spend more time together." He spoke softly with a kind smile, hugging you. "Please visit us again, I liked having you around over those two." He pointed to Wooyoung and San, teasing them both as they looked fake offended.
"Of course, Yeosang." You laughed as he joined the others.
"Ah, it was nice having you with us, (Y/N)." Jongho smiled. He wasn't sure what to do with himself. "Hopefully I can call you when I am doing my vocal practices?"
"Of course you can... Would you like a hug goodbye?" You asked him and he nodded. You two hugged and you took a mental note of how nice his hugs were. It was brief but he gave you another smile and stood off to the side.
You nearly lost your balance when Wooyoung hugged you tightly, his cheek pressed against yours. You chuckled and held him tightly, neither of you said anything. You could feel his shoulders shake ever-so-slightly.
"Aww, Woo, don't cry. You'll make me cry." You cooed softly.
"I'm not crying." He mumbled and pulled away. He had tears in his eyes as he smiled. "We'll text everyday, right? Even if it's just a random meme or a simple hello?"
"Of course." You rubbed his back as he hugged you again. He reluctantly moved away and stood with the others.
Now it was just Seonghwa left.
He slowly approached you and those who didn't figure out what happened between you two watched in bated breaths.
"This isn't goodbye, you know?" You ask softly as you noticed his eyes were also close to leaking tears. You could feel the stinging sensation in your own eyes as you stared at his face.
"I know." He replied with a smile. He took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "Still, I will miss you."
"I'll miss you too, Hwa." You smiled and he stepped away. You glance over to the others and saw how disappointed Wooyoung, Mingi, Yeosang, and Jongho looked. You look back to Hwa with a slight smirk. "You want to tell them or show them?" You say quietly, making him laugh.
Seonghwa stepped forward again and immediately cupped your cheeks, brining you into a kiss. You heard Wooyoung and Mingi exclaim in surprise and you just knew Jongho and Yeosang looked shocked. The eldest pulled away and peppered light kisses to your face. 
"Alright, love. I think they get the idea." You giggle, your face feeling flush with warmth.
"What?" Wooyoung shouted. "How long- When did-." He was almost in shock. "And neither of you told me?!"
"I figured it out first." San said smuggled.
"No, I think I did." Hongjoong playfully crossed his arms. The two were about to start bickering but then a certain someone spoke up first.
"I actually did the night they got together finally." Yuhno said with a smug tone. "I walked in on them." That made even more chaos and loudness between everyone now.
"Yuhno!" You nearly shrieked from embarrassment, poor Seonghwa's face was pink. "You didn't need to word it like that."
"What? You said I had bragging rights for being the first to know." He teased. 
"He simply saw us kissing." Hwa tried to clear up.
Wooyoung started to scold you for keeping this from him but he expressed his happiness for the both of you. You felt bad for their manager, who was still outside the door and could probably hear all the commotion. 
"Can we say we told you both so, now?" Yeosang asked with a raised brow, making you and Seonghwa groan. Despite the teasing and the 'we told you so's' coming out, you and Hwa were happy. Hongjoong and San still argued between who out of the two of them figured it out first.
You held his hand and leaned against him as you both observed the rest of Ateez. Despite the embarrassment of their statements and jokes, you two felt satisfied at having one over on most of them. That lingering sadness was no more despite your soon departure. Never did you think you would have such a close knit friend group like this nor did you think you could find someone as lovely as Seonghwa to be your partner.
All thanks to some high turnip prices and a little squirrel in a video game.
Taglist: @stopeatread @hee0soo @tridkeys @pocketjoong-reads @seonghwaddict @lelaleleb @acciocriativity @h-nji
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ghost-in-the-hall · 4 months
An announcement for Sleep Token friends!!
To all of you eagerly awaiting the next chapter of Fall For Me, I am happy to report that the update is nearly finished, and I have also started outlining the next three chapters so hopefully I can get them out to you guys a little quicker! I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate everyone's patience between chapters and continued support for this story, hopefully I will have another update for you guys very soon ❤️❤️
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bearr02 · 8 months
Safe and Sound |Chapter eleven|
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Pairing: Hybrid!ot7 x f!reader
Chapter warnings: this chapter was written mostly like a month or 2 ago and I haven’t gone back to read it so it might be bad 🙃
Summary: You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut, non-idol au, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au
Word count: 2.5k
Member’s hybrid types: Namjoon: Bear, Yoongi: Bobcat, Hoseok: Ferret, Jin: Wolf, Jimin: Red panda, Jungkook: Bunny, Taehyung: Marble fox
A/n: sorry it took me so long, um.. I’ve been kinda off writing but I’m trying to go back and force myself to write and get stuff done (it’s kinda working) so hopefully I’ll update quicker next time
Last - Next - Masterlist
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Jungkook eyes the intimidating building in front of him, hand squeezing your own tightly. “You’ll be okay.” You give his hand a small shake. He only hums in response, pushing himself close to you. “I promise.” You all start to walk in the direction of the store and you offer Hoseok your hand. He takes it gently, smiling at you before looking ahead at the building.
Jungkook moves behind you slight as you approach the building, the sight of people walking in and out intimidating him more than he’d care to admit. “It’s okay.” You mumble, squeezing his hand reassuringly. Jungkook slowly nods, pressing himself close to you. “You guys ready?” You ask, squeezing their hands as you look at them.
They nod, Jungkook’s more hesitant than Hoseoks. “You’ll be okay, I promise.” You say, guiding them inside the building.
As soon as you enter, Jungkook’s ears move to shield his face with a small whimper. You frown, pulling him close. “It’s okay, I promise nothing will happen while we're here. I won’t let anything happen.” You say with a reassuring smile. Jungkook hesitantly nods, but doesn’t move his ears from his face.
“Hey Hobi, can I have my hand back? I don’t think Kook’s gonna give me this one and I wanted to grab a cart. Unless you wanna push it.” You ask, looking over to Hoseok. “Sure.” He says, letting go of your hand, moving close to you after doing so. You smile at him and grab a cart, grabbing his hand again before putting it on the cart handle, covering it with your own. “You guys ready?” You ask, glancing at both of them.
They both nod, Hoseok’s more relaxed than Jungkook’s, but still slightly stiff. You nod, pushing the cart further into the store, looking at all the aisles. “So, we’re gonna have to go to two different sections, correct? Since you’re a prey hybrid” You look at Jungkook, “and you’re a predator?” You ask. Hoseok nods, “Probably. Unless they do it differently here and consider ferrets prey hybrids, too.” He says with a shrug. You nod, heading toward the direction of the prey hybrid section.
“Bun?” You call softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He hums but doesn’t move. “We’re in the bunny hybrid section.” You say, trying to peek around his ears. Jungkook peaks at you before looking around the aisle, his ears slowly moving from his face. He reaches out to take a hoodie sleeve between his fingers, his eyes widening slightly at the soft material. You smile, placing your now unoccupied hand on the handle of the cart.
“Can I get this?” He asks tentatively, looking at you. You nod with a smile. He smiles back, shuffling through the sizes before pouting. “They don’t have my size.” He mumbles, his body sagging slightly. You walk over to him, “Is there a size bigger or anything? If we have to, we can shrink it in the wash.” You say, shuffling through the sizes.
“I’m good with a size bigger.” Jungkook mumbles, grabbing one of the hoodies off of the rack, putting it in the cart gently. You nod, moving back to stand by Hoseok. Jungkook walks further down the aisle, looking at all the clothing.
He picked out a few things before walking back up to you and slotting his fingers with yours. “You sure that’s all you wanna get?” You look at the cart which only holds a few clothing articles. “I can get more?” Jungkook asks, shocked as he turns to you. You nod, squeezing his hand reassuringly. “Of course. I don’t mind.” You say with a smile.
Jungkook searches your face for any sigh nod a lie before nodding, moving around the aisle again. “He’s not used to this. Neither of us are. We were lucky enough to get to pick a shirt.” Hoseok mumbles, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. “I think he’s happy to be choosing his own clothing for once.” Hoseok says, turning to face you, his smile still on his face.
You smile at him, turning back to watch Jungkook as he picks out his clothes with a wide smile on his face. “I’m sorry you guys had such a shit life.” You mumble with a slight frown. “Yeah but we have you now. It won’t be a shit life anymore.” Hoseok says with a grin, gently nudging your side. You smile.
Jungkook walks back with an arm full of clothing. “Sorry..I went a little wild.” He mumbles sheepishly. “I can put it back.” He says, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. You shake your head, gesturing for him to put it in the cart.
He hesitantly puts it in the cart, pushing it to the side slightly. “Okay, what else are you gonna need? I know toiletries are a must, but anything in specific?” You ask, looking at Jungkook. “Can I get a few blankets to nest with? It’s a bunny hybrid thing.” He mumbles nervously. You nod, “For sure. We’ll get some blankets after we get your toiletries. I’d assume there’s a nesting aisle?” You ask, pushing the cart in the direction of toiletries.
Jungkook nods, “I’m guessing yeah.” You nod, stopping at the end of the toiletries aisle. Jungkook looks at you confusedly. “Are you not gonna come down?” He asks nervously. “We can if you want us to.” You say, gently taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Can you?” He asks softly. You nod, pushing the cart down the aisle. Jungkook looks around curiously at all the products, seemingly in awe at the amount.
“Are all these for bunny hybrids?” He asks, turning to you. “I’m guessing.” You say, looking around as well. Jungkook smiles widely, walking over to a shelf, letting go of your hand to pick up something. You smile, leaning against the cart as you watch him, Hoseok moving to stand beside you, watching the bunny hybrid too.
“Are you gonna be able to afford this?” He asks worriedly, looking over at you. You nod, “Don’t worry.” You say, gently taking his hand and squeezing it reassuringly. He nods, watching Jungkook as he moves around. “I think he’s happy that he gets to choose his own stuff. He’s never had this luxury. Neither of us.” Hoseok mumbles, glancing at you before looking back at Jungkook.
You look at Hoseok with a small frown. “I’m sorry.” You mumble, squeezing his hand softly. He shrugs, “It’s not your fault.” He says, his eyes trained on Jungkook as he comes back, putting a few items in the cart. “You ready?” You ask, looking at Jungkook who nods. You nod, “Is there anything else you’ll need?” You ask.
Jungkook hesitantly shrugs, “I mean..I dunno if I need them but.” He mumbles, looking down at his feet. “Well let’s go get them.” You say, pushing the cart down the aisle. “What is it you want?” You ask, glancing to your side at Jungkook. “Blankets..for nesting.” He mumbles nervously. “Oh, right! I forgot you mentioned that earlier, I’m sorry.” You say, pursing your lips.
“‘S fine.” Jungkook mumble, plastering himself to your side as you all walk. “I wonder if they have an aisle for that.” You wonder aloud, looking at the aisle signs and what they hold. “Ah-ha!” You say, moving down an aisle. “Go nuts, Bun.” You say, gently ruffling his hair as you set the cart off to the side. Jungkook glances at you before moving to grab some blankets.
Hoseok smiles as he watches Jungkook pick out blankets with a wide smile. You lean against the cart, watching Jungkook fondly. Jungkook walks back with a few blankets in his arms, setting them in the cart with a wide smile. “Thank you, Y/n.” He says, hugging you tightly. You smile, “No problem, Bun.” You say softly.
He pulls away after another moment, looking at everything in the cart with a wide smile. “Hobi!” You say, turning to him, “You ready to get your things?” You ask. He nods, smiling at you. “Let’s go then.” You say, starting to head toward the predator hybrid section.
Hoseok is practically buzzing with excitement by the time you reach the section. “I can get whatever?” He asks, looking at you. You nod with a smile, “Of course.” Hoseok hesitantly starts to explore the aisle after your words, looking at all the clothing articles curiously. “Thank you.” Jungkook says from beside you. “For what, Bun?” You ask, turning to him. “Everything.” He mumbles, wrapping his good arm around your waist, laying his head on your shoulder.
You smile, wrapping your arms around him, laying your head on his as you watch Hoseok.
Hoseok returns to the cart with a few pieces of clothing in his arms, setting them in the cart. “Is that all you wanna get?” You ask, pulling away from Jungkook despite his protests. Hoseok nods, looking at you with a smile. You nod, moving down the next aisle.
Hoseok looks around the aisle as you walk down it. He reaches out to grab something, looking at you for approval as he moves to put it in the cart. You nod with a soft smile, “Get what you wanna get. I want you both to be comfortable.” You say softly. Hoseok slowly nods, hesitant, as he stares at you, slowly bringing the item closer to the cart.
When you don’t make a move to stop him, he puts it down into the cart. “Thank you.” He mumbles, hugging you. You smile, removing your hands from Jungkook to instead hug Hoseok. Jungkook huffs, trying to worm his way between you and Hoseok making the two of you laugh.
“Do you need anything else? Either of you?” You squeeze the two hybrids softly before pulling away to look at them. They both shake their heads, looking at the cart before back at you. “Are you sure? You don’t need anything for your animal form?” You check, looking between the two of them.
Hoseok hesitates before speaking, “Can I get a few toys?” He mumbles, pursing his lips as he stares at you. You nod with a smile, “Of course.” Hoseok’s eyes widen, “Really?” He mumbles as if he expected you to say no. You nod, heading in the direction of the toy aisle.
Hoseok and Jungkook follow close behind, looking around the store as they walk. When you all reach the aisle, Hoseok hesitantly starts to wander down it, looking at all the toys. “Is there anything else you wanna get?” You turn to Jungkook.
Jungkook shrugs, “I’m good with what’s in there right now.” He says softly, leaning into your side. “You sure?” You wrap your arm around his waist, squeezing him to you softly.
He nods, laying his head on your shoulder, “I’m sure.” He mumbles. You nod, watching Hoseok as he picks out a few toys before coming back to the cart. “You guys ready?” You ask softly, squeezing Jungkook gently before moving away from him. They both nod, Jungkook taking a hold of your hand. You make your way toward the front to check out.
Jungkook moves to hide behind your body when you reach the checkout, looking around nervously. “It’s okay.” You say softly, squeezing his hand gently before letting go to set everything on the conveyor.
Jungkook presses himself as close as he can to you. You take Jungkook’s hand back in your own, shuffling further down to pay.
Jungkook lays his head on your back, clinging to you as you pay. You gently squeeze his hand in reassurance, waiting for the cashier to finish bagging your items.
Even when she finishes and you start to put the bags into the cart, Jungkook doesn’t move, continuing to cling to your back. You gently squeeze his hand before starting to push the cart toward the exit.
Hoseok follows close behind, one hand holding onto the cart as the three of you walk. You do have some struggle with Jungkook clinging to you, but you make it work, hobbling over to the exit.
When you get outside, Jungkook pulls away slightly but not completely, looking around as the three of you walk toward your car.
When you reach your car, Jungkook finally pulls away, hesitant, but he pulls away. “Do you need help?” He gestures to the bags in the cart but you wave him off. “You two can get into the car, I'll load everything into the trunk.” You squeeze Jungkook’s hand lightly before starting to load all of the bags into your car.
Hoseok and Jungkook both get into the car after quadruple checking if you were sure you didn’t need help. They were both hesitant to get into the car and not help you, but they did in the end.
It didn’t take long for you to get everything into the car, but you wish it did. You feel like they didn’t get much even if they promise you they have everything they need.
You get into the car, buckling up before turning to them, “Are you both buckled up?” You receive nods from them and you nod back, starting the car.
As soon as you get home Hoseok and Jungkook both change into one of their new shirts and pants while you love on the cat. “I still don’t know what to call you, baby.” You gently scratch between the cats ears as you speak.
The cat's eyes close, a pur rumbling through his body.
“What do you think?” Jungkook calls out, modeling one of his outfits for you.
You smile, “It looks good. You have good style.” He blushes slightly and smiles shyly at your words, “Thanks Y/nie.” He walks over to you just as I Hoseok walks out of the hall wearing a new outfit of his own.
Hoseok poses for you, “What do you think?” He does a small twirl and Jungkook gasps softly, “I didn’t twirl! That’s not fair! You one-upped me!” He pouts, sulking.
Hoseok laughs, “I didn’t ’one-up’ you! I just thought of doing it and you didn’t.” You laugh, “Alright, alright, you both look equally as good.” You kiss Jungkook’s forehead.
His cheeks tint an even deeper shade of red at the action. “Someone’s blushing.” Hoseok teases, walking over to the two of you, plopping down beside you and laying his head in your lap. “Shut up!” Jungkook pushes his head with a pout.
Hoseok laughs, batting his hand away.
You smile, pulling Jungkook into your side and running your fingers through Hoseok’s hair. Jungkook nuzzles his head into your neck, wrapping his arm around your waist.
You lay your head on his with a content sigh, closing your eyes.
After a moment you feel something soft rub against your arm, and when you look, the cat is rubbing on your arm, looking at you expectantly. You smile, gently scratching his head. He crawls into Jungkook’s lap and curls up.
Jungkook smiles, gently petting him. “He’s cute.” He whispers, moving his head to your shoulder so he can look at the cat. “He is.” You confirm in a whisper, nodding your head.
As your eyes fall closed again, you can’t help but think of how lucky you are to have found them again.
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A/n: so yeah, um, sorry if it’s sucked, I’m trying to get back into my writing element.. idk if it’s doing well..
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itsagrimm · 1 year
He Who Comes from under the Water
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Chapter 11 - The Dive
Monster!König X she/her afab Reader
CN: Mentions of possible death and injury, fear of water, nearly drowning, mentions of possibly getting hurt, inappropriate use of an axe, depression and bad mental health, on character is passively suicidal, cannibalism, fear of being alone, fear of separation from a loved one, lack of self-confidence, kissing, making out, partial nudity
Notes for better understanding at the bottom!
Beta-read by the equally afflicted @queenquazar. Unhinged writing and editing sessions in the dead of night wouldn't be the same without you.
6.0k words
Hope you enjoyed your summer as I have but now as it's getting colder, darker and most importantly weather outside, I am fairly sure updates will roll quicker now.
also I need to do more trips with my camera, I am running out of decent looking header photos.
I made a playlist for this series. Enjoy.
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The fresh morning breeze caressed over your slowly warming up skin. Branches of trees danced a lazy rhythm and the late birds of summer sang their song. Ghost stood next to you, wrapped in his coat made of leaves and moss and sturdy solitude, as you both looked up to the window of your bedroom. König was in there, still asleep and out of your reach.
“Let’s try to wake up König one more time.”
Hope reared its head as you heard Ghost’s words.
But not too high.
“How?” You wondered out loud. “I am sorry that you feel stuck here with me, but König did not wake up last time you tried. Why should he now?”
“Maybe we need to try harder,” Ghost replied and grabbed Königs axe.
Your eyes widened.
“Hold on!” You tried to stop what was unfolding before you, only to witness Ghost grow in size, taller than the trees, taller than the house, and far away from your little human words.
“Enough, little brother,” Ghost groaned from high above you and you had to shield your ears from the loud thundering voice “It is time to wake up. I am tired of guarding your Bride in your stead.”
Birds took off, the earth shook and trees froze as in fear of the giant that was said to be their guardian.
Ghost straightened up and turned to the house.
Like an animal on the hunt that got caught, Ghost froze and turned back, staring down at you with an oddly blank expression.
“What are you up to, Ghost?” You called, trying to ignore the little voice in your mind telling you that shutting up and quivering in fear before the giant was a smarter strategy to survive.
“Why the axe?” You squeaked as you tried not to squeak.
Ghost blinked, confused by this little being that was his future sister in law. Such a flimsy thing of flesh and bone, shouting at him from her place in the dirt. Ghost glanced at the axe, shaking his head.
“Right. I am sorry. I am not used to explaining myself but you have every right to ask,” Ghost admitted, and fell back into a shape more approachable to you, like a shadow growing smaller by the change of light.
“You can do it.” Ghost said. “Hit König with the axe to wake him up.”
You blinked, it was your turn to stare confused.
“He is just the Vodyanoy napping in water. Swinging an axe against him is like hitting the surface of a lake, stirring up a few waves but nothing else. He will be fine. And hopefully he will wake up from it.” Ghost explained and passed you the heavy axe before growing in size again.
You looked down onto the massive wood axe in your hands, the wooden handle old and used.
“Are you sure that will work, Ghost?” Uncertainty creeping up in your mind and voice, worry and frustration manifesting about your fiance’s wellbeing and actions.
“Have you ever heard of running water getting cut?” Ghost answered. “I am not saying König will like it, but it won’t harm him. Trust me.”
You swallowed, feeling uneasy. Hitting a human with an axe in their sleep was murder. Plain and simple. But, König was as much a human as you were a fish. His skin shifted and shaped as he pleased. He ruled the waters and even summoned them in his dreams after not sleeping for who knows how long, destroying your room. And his eyes…
“I understand this might be a lot to ask,” Ghost paused. “You will have to trust me on this one, Vodyanitza.”
His words danced through your mind like willow branches in the wind. If Ghost would have wanted to and this was ill-intentioned, he could have harmed König without bothering to talk and convince you of this plan. Maybe there was a point in trusting Ghost even if the thought of König getting hurt made you grow colder inside than the cooler morning breeze ever could.
You looked up to the giant and nodded.
“Let’s do this.”
“Hold on tight,” He stated and grabbed you to place onto the window sill to your bedroom. Like a leaf he tumbled into the room after you, turning himself small again and landing in the splashing water on your bedroom floor.
You cried out, first in surprise than dreadful fear from all the water suddenly around you as the heavy axe slipped out of your fingers and landed in the water, sinking down with a shallow ‘clunk’ against the wooden planks. 
“Ghost. I-” you eyed the water splashing around the room like a lively river. Or a dark river, a deep river, deep enough to drown. “I am afraid of water. I can’t get down from here. I can’t do it.”
Ghost made a sound that could have been a grumbled curse whispered by a tree before being hit by lightning.
“A Vodyaniza who fears the water,” He stated. “Sounds right like the mess my brother would cause. Alright, I’ll do it then.”
“Wait,” You looked at König as you tried to calm your nerves as you took deep calming breaths. He was still deep asleep. A mess of tangled unhuman limbs and scales and hair and skin in the waters of your flooded room. Panic and fear surged from all the water, but you forced those emotions in you aside as you tried to commit his sight to your memory, just in case something was to go wrong.
“Okay,” You finally agreed and nodded to Ghost.
This was it.
Ghost picked up the axe from the water and raised it high before swinging it down onto König.
The impact of the axe connecting with Königs head sounded like thunder rolling over you.
Loud and painful and final. 
Suddenly, like a storm, the water rose and reached high before you, waves building and crashing at your feet as you held onto the window frame for dear life while trying to see through the room filled with fine droplets of water and foamy waves.
A groan rang through your ear.
Königs voice - strained and painfully familiar.
Another groan as you heard a second hit from the axe through the wild waters before you … like…
…like a yawn before having to leave bed, yet still feeling tired.
“König?” You hoped aloud, your voice being drowned out by the rushing water and Ghost’s deep voice.
“Wakey-wakey, brother! Stop making your Bride wait for you!”
A massive wave crashed right next to the wall with your window, breaking the glass and causing the house to shake from the impact.
“Get up, little brother.” You could not see through all the splashing water before you, only hearing the sound of Ghost’s deep voice. “Stop being dramatic and flooding your girl’s room. It’s rude.”
A third axe hit thundered through the little space before you. More water rose and a wave finally hit you. You wailed as you tried to fight against the dreadful flood, with desperate fingers you reached for safety. Catching the clammy window frame, the sill, and finally just the thin fabric of the curtains until the pull of the retreating water consumed you and took you in to the deep waters.
The silence of being underwater was more unbearable for your mind than the loud crashing of waves and shattering sounds of the hitting axe above.
For a moment fear froze your body and you could not help but stare as you floated impossibly downwards at the sight of König, coiled up like a serpent snake and shifting scales reflecting the light. His eyes were closed except for a sliver of that beautiful blue peeking into the world as if the king of everything under the water was about to wake up. Bubbles of air fought their way out of your lungs and you felt panic as you watched the axe hitting König from above.
Would he be fine?
No blood came out of the wound that broke as the axe connected with Königs sleeping shape. You watched König being unharmed and lazily stretching his long limbs and body as you floated downwards, taken by a strong current in the impossibly deep waters of your bedroom.
Wait, would you be fine?
König did not notice any of it. Instead, his eyes only slightly fluttered, as if merely being tickled awake - lazy, unfocused blinking of blue eyes before sharpening up. Still sleepy, he looked around as if confused if he was still dreaming or awake. Finally, König locked eyes with you and smiled. It was a beautiful smile, toothy and life-savingly-relieving to see him coming back to his senses.
You did not smile back. The air bubbles in your mouth were too precious a cargo to smile for König, opting instead for an unhappy grimace and some waving motions that hopefully spelled out: ‘I don’t want to be here and need your help to get out’.
For a moment, a very long moment as you struggled, König blinked before the realisation kicked in. He was far away, so far away from you in the waters that he had dreamed up. Yet, unbelievably quick the serpent body moved and changed as König headed for you. With hands, not scaled claws anymore,  König reached out as he fought his way through a whole ocean between you and him as a last air bubble left your mouth. 
Your head was spinning and you started to lose sight as you felt hands on you that lifted you up and out of the water.
You coughed, ungraciously spitted out water as König tried wiping out hair and tangled clothes out of your face.
“Bride! Are you okay?”
You vomited water at his feet and chest while he held you like a cat that got rescued from the floods, close to his body and patting you like a little animal.
“She looks fine.” Ghost’s gravelly voice sounded through the air as you still tried to blink and see. “You better worry about this flood you caused.”
“Oh. Right.” You felt König shift and then the sound of water draining away as if someone  had pulled a plug.
You coughed again for good measure, still feeling weak and miserably wet. The cold was starting to set in as the rush of fear and panic started to run out.
Shivering, you tried wiping away the water from your face and opened your eyes.
Your bedroom was a mess. But not in the way your mother would have disapproved of but in a way she would have questioned whether or not it was still habitable. The water was gone, but the signs of the flood were catastrophically clear with nothing being dry, in pieces or not where it ought to be. Your bed was a pile of torn fabrics and splintered wood. The chest with your clothing, tipped over and empty, looked like a sad hungry animal no one had bothered to feed. And your few personal possessions, kept toys from your childhood, gifts from friends, clothes lying around the floor. Ghost was standing before you on something that might have been pieces of your wedding dress, leaning on the axe with the same skull-covered expression as always, yet appearing somewhat amused under it.
And König - he was holding you up to his chest, his hands still patting you helplessly as if that could help you. He looked human. Mostly. The hair was as messy as the first day you saw him, covering most of his face except for blue eyes burning through with worry.
“I-” you rasped despite the storm of emotions waging through you. “I was so worried about you, König.”
Another cough.
“But I have never been as angry as this before. What did you do with my room? And my wedding dress. Also-”
You felt like there was still some water in places of your body where none was supposed to be, wheezing and shaking your head from the uncomfortable feeling.
“-put me down. You are so cold and I feel like I am freezing in your arms.”
Guiltily, König put you down, mumbling something that could have been an apology while Ghost choked on something that could have been a laugh.
You paid no attention to them, concentrating on your weak legs to hold you and carry you to the torn pieces of your wedding dress. Ghost stepped aside and watched you with open curiosity as you held your dress in disbelief of how quickly your work had turned into rags.  Holding back tears, you let the fabric fall back down with a wet squelching sound and turned to the door. If you were lucky the hinges still worked and you could walk out on your own and warm you up again downstairs, away from the left battlefield that used to be your sanctuary.
You stumbled, reaching for the handle and opening the door only to face another cruel adversary.
The stairs.
There was no way you were able to make it down the steps without breaking your neck with how wobbly your legs felt and how ridiculously shaky your hands twitched.
You turned around, the pleading frustration in your eyes too visible for König not to step closer and peaking at the obstacle in your way.
He nodded while trying to control whatever emotions attempted to govern his face.
“Allow me, Bride.” He asked and lifted you up again before carrying you downstairs and into the kitchen, setting you down before the warm oven.
Ghost followed and started preparing tea and a hot stone before leaving the room as König returned with dry clothes for you, magically found somewhere in a part of the house that hadn’t been flooded. You looked at the pieces offered in his hands, only to see that it was a mix of mostly your fathers and brothers clothes from the storage. You did not care. They were dry and the village would judge you no matter what you wore. Might as well just do the best for yourself.
Unceremoniously, you stripped out of your dripping clothes. König held and steadied you where you needed it and grabbed the discarded pile of fabrics to put it up on the laundry line outside once you were done.
You stayed where you were, leaning close to the oven in the hopes of warming up quickly, and refusing to do anything before feeling less miserable.
Ghost was still a guest. And König was your fiance. A good hostess and bride would have started serving them the food that you had previously prepared.
A good hostess and bride would not have been dipped into a pool of dreamed up water in their own bedroom either. You thought bitterly before adding a relieving Fuck it.
Someone knocked at the door and you called them in.
Ghost reappear from the outside with a blanket of moss and leaves, wrapping it around you and placing you in the nearest chair to the oven before passing you a cup of the freshly brewed tea.
“Thank you,” You rattled through cold lips.
König returned with more wood for the oven and added a large log to feed the fire. You had shown him how to care for a fire, never expecting he would ever find a need for it. Both brothers hustled and moved around your little kitchen, hardly speaking and only every once in a while giving you worried glances as they made sure all work of a proper household would be done while you rested and warmed yourself. You closed your eyes, letting the feeling of being safe and cared for, seep in.
This day, even if it was slightly past midday, had punched all energy out of you while also confronting you with every possible emotion a human heart could feel. Waking up in the flood, alone and confused, next to your water serpent like fiance, meeting your future brother-in-law who thought you would die soon, nearly drowning once again while your fiance woke from the literally deepest nap possible in your now destroyed room. You sighed, not even bothering to bring order into your mind.
Instead, you gratefully thought how you finally weren’t alone even if it was scary at times to share your life with beings so different from you - König, Ghost, Farah, talking animals and murderous Rusalkis. Yes, this had been another moment where you could have been harmed. And mourning your room and things destroyed by the flood, was one of many things in the curled grey corners of your mind. There was still anger and confusion in you why it all had happened. But you weren’t alone anymore to face those things on your own. There were people around you now that noticed you and cared for your well-being. Clearly, not all of them to the same degree or out of the same motive. You understood that. But your lost room and wedding dress, your fears and secrets and longings felt more like a coherent song than a desperate cry for help when it wasn’t just your voice.
Someone touched you softly on the shoulder and you opened your eyes.
“Hey.” König stood before you with his blue watery eyes and wild hair.
Both brothers had paused their busy work and stood with their attention turned towards you.
“How are you feeling?” Ghost asked gravely from his far away spot at the door and reached for more tea for you with his long unhuman arms without moving.
You shivered, unsure if from the cold or from the odd reminder that neither of the men were human.
“Better,” You replied. “Thank you for giving me time to recover.”
Your eyes wandered to König, craving to hear his voice again and feel his warming eyes on you. He looked away, avoiding your gaze.
Your little heart dropped deeper than the waters in your room had been, fighting hard to soldier on.
You cleared your throat.
“Well,” you squeaked, your voice still feeling thin and fragily human as you addressed the giant men. “I am starving. This is not how a host normally does it in this house since all I did was sit and rest now. But how about we eat?”
The rabbit stew that you had made this morning smelled tempting and promising from its reheating spot in the oven and you heard your own stomach growl.
“Thank you for the invite, Vodyanitza,” Ghost declared, slightly bowing his head. “But we will have to do that another time.”
“Oh,” You huffed, slightly disappointed.
Ghost stilled, as if thinking before taking a deep breath.
“It has been lovely meeting you, my dear sister-in-law. It’s been a pleasure. Also- ” He paused. “I may have treated you rougher than necessary and I do apologise for that. If you ever need help, just send for me. I may not appear to be the most, let’s say, approachable. But I do hope that there is nothing but the best for you and I am looking forward to your wedding.”
“You are coming after all?” König finally spoke, surprise ringing in his voice as he turned to his brother.
Ghost nodded. “It’s not every day a brother of mine gets married. I need to make sure you don’t drown your own wedding guests.”
König forced a smile.
“Graves marries someone new every couple of years,” He interjected.
“Graves married and remarried so much, he hardly needs his elder brother to tell him how to plan a party. He knows what he is doing.”
Both brothers chuckled and you smiled at the sight, remembering your own brother.
“Before I go, dear sister, allow me to give you something.”
Ghost  reached into his coat. From the depths of his pockets he produced a huge leaf, rolled up into a package and bound together with a simple string.
“I suppose you have none yet, but a future queen should wear one. It would look good on your wedding day.”
You took the package from his hands and pressed it slightly, trying to guess what was inside.
“Thank you, Ghost. Why-“
“Open it.”
Obediently you opened the little knot holding the leaf together with slow, cold fingers and unrolling what was inside.
You gasped.
In your hands was a Kokoshnik, large and covered with fine embroidery and colourful stones of green and blue. It felt firm in your hands. And it wanted to be worn. Like a crown, proud and bright for a special day. At least one thing you would have for your wedding day.
You thought back a sob at the thought of your torn wedding dress, your fingers still holding the precious crown like an anchor.
“I am sure König will gladly help you put it on. But don’t lose it. I made it for you and there is no other like it. It will protect you when you walk in the forest.”
“I…”, you huffed, “…don’t know what to say. This is very beautiful. Thank you.”
Ghost just waved with his hand like it was nothing.
“Don’t say anything and just wear it to keep you safe. Do me that favour.”
You nodded, out of words.
“Well, I’ll be gone then. The forest calls me.” Ghost turned to the door and you started to get up to send him off. “Don’t you dare get up, sister. What’s the point of the Kokoshnik if you fall sick from the cold and exhaustion. No, stay right where you are.”
You fell back onto your spot, the moss blanket encasing you like a cocoon of earthly smell and warmth.
“Save travels then, Ghost.” You spoke. “Thank you again.”
“Don’t mention it.” He waved and stepped outside, followed by König.
You sat there, hearing them talk and laugh and wishing each other well without making much out of it.
Then, finally, Ghost was away.
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The rest of your day was spent alone with your own thoughts. König, aside from making sure you ate and rested, hardly spoke to you. His distance confused you. It gave a feeling of newfound loneliness when you stared at the unfamiliar ceiling with the wrong knots in the wood and the wrong bedding around you as you leaned against the oven. Ghost’s reassurances just a couple of hours ago now felt like a lie. You were no queen. And there was no way for you to live long enough to ever learn how to be one for König that was good enough. No standing on a box or life saving spells could change that. The finality of your fate was devastatingly simple. You would drown and König, your beloved König, would find himself a better queen. Why else did he withdraw himself like that?
The mauling insecurities inside of you stopped you from asking.
Instead you listened to König rummaging upstairs while you dozed under your moss blanket, practised drawing letters in the ashes of your oven or thought about how you could fix your wedding dress. It was pointless but you had little else to do and so you continued like you had always done.
König had brought the dress out together with the rest of your wet belongings, hanging it up to dry in the sun. The liberating concentration kept you from your dark thoughts: you had watched the dress through the window, mentally placing one piece of rag over the other in the hopes of possibly having a saving idea as the rags swayed gently in the breeze. It had worked until the light grew low and the trees around the house in the garden had started to spawn more unpleasant shadows than welcome distractions.
You got up from your cosy spot and started preparing dinner. Still feeling weak, your legs carried you with a slight tremor as your whole body was plagued by a deep tiredness. It came from all those times not resting. It felt like all those tears not shed. It was a tiredness that wasn’t fixed by sleeping longer one night because it was deeper than the soreness in your muscles and bones. It was the dark abyss of water calling for you. But you could lie to yourself. Opting to go to bed and calling it a day in the hopes that tomorrow would be better. Sometimes, giving up was actually a smart thing.
You huffed, once again forced to consider the reality of your situation.
Going to bed? Where? Your bedroom was destroyed. And the other rooms in your house had been packed up and sealed when your family died. Back then it was too much to bear seeing their things and looking at the places they used to rest. Even now, under no condition were you ready or willing to disturb those rooms. The easiest for you would probably be to sleep here in the kitchen.
But what about König? Would he need to sleep too? Flood the rest of the house and destroy every last bit of habitable space as he took you out in your sleep? Or would he leave you tonight and watch as the human-monsters and monsters-monsters finally had their feast with you. The thought nearly entertained you. Maybe that was better than drowning and at least some poor Tschort would enjoy a bit of your precious meat.
You chuckled at your own morbid thoughts.
But it was not night yet, and maybe there was a bit of queenly pride inside of you yet as you decided to brace yourself for an overdue conversation with König, leaning against the kitchen counter for support.
You opted to make some food. Since it might be your last chance to enjoy a meal before you became a meal, you took your time. There was not much to be done for dinner: heating the left-over stew, cutting some bread made of acorn flour, setting the table. After you finished, you steeled yourself for the hardest part.
“König?” You called upstairs. “Would you like to eat dinner with me?”
You held your breath and waited as the rumbling from upstairs stopped.
“It’s fine if you are busy, but I am hungry and would love your company,” You coaxed.
Heavy steps sounded through the wooden house, causing the old stairs to creak under the weight of the Vodyanoy.
König emerged into the kitchen, bowing down slightly under the marginally too low ceiling and looking at you sheepishly.
“Are you sure, Bride?” He asked. “I haven’t finished repairing your room.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, too stunned to speak before you swallowed down a good chunk of your raging insecurities. 
“So that’s what you have been doing up there,” You finally said. “I did not know.”
König looked to the ground like he had been caught stealing goodies from the pantry. It was a look that made your knees weaker than even a day facing terrors could.
“I wanted to repair it. I wanted to apologise with more than words. It’s what good kings ought to do.” He explained looking immensely guilty.
Your breath hitched.
He cared?
You looked down, still thinking of your room and your ruined wedding dress. It did hurt you.
But there was hope because he cared. You nearly hated yourself how desperate you were from the affection of someone who you could never have.
“It’s fine,” You said, after a few moments of heavy silence as you fought the storm inside of you. “It’s fine for now. We will make it work and repair it together. It’s, ah, fine.”
He looked relieved as you looked up from your hands.
“I also want to apologise,” You continued. The words in your mouth felt relieving to spit out like bitter medicine. “I thought about this. I was really cross at you. Not entirely sure how much nicer I could have been considering the moment. But I don’t strive to talk to others like that, especially not my fiance. I just felt hurt and alone.”
He turned his head like the Heron when hunting little fish in the water.
“You have every right to be angry, dear,” König stated
“I...” You tried before stopping and starting anew. “That does not mean I am proud or okay with my words. Especially after Ghost explained to me that you probably overworked yourself on my behalf. I am not sure how to feel about that yet but it does not make me feel good. I don’t want you to suffer because of me. I feel so guilty. And like a burden.”
König stared at you.
“Dear,” He said softly. “I know you want to be good and kind. I know you are. But please give me your bad as well.”
You blinked at him.
He raised his arms like a man at a loss of word, stumbling around the room until he turned back to you.
“Guess how I feel failing you over and over again when your reaction to me is kindness and surrender? I feel bad. The worst! Don’t do this to me. Be a burden. Be angry. Be the biggest inconvenient person wherever you go. Please be angry and demand better of me! I want all of you. Not just the nice parts.”
Your head was spinning. Was he…? Did he really…?
“I am not good enough!” König continued his tirade with a voice rising louder and louder like a tea kettle that had reached its boiling point. “I am who puts you in danger over and over again. I hardly protect you from the dangers of the world. I am a danger of the world. I am making a poor husband for you. But the reality is, I am not good enough to step away because I am selfish. So, how dare you make yourself feel any less than you are.”
His eyes gleamed with a madness you had never seen before in him as he lowered his voice with the last of his words. It was dangerous. A sign of warning that told you to step back and run as far away as you could like a good girl should.
But you were just invited to leave that behind you.
“I don't want you to leave either!” You hit back, squaring up to the challenge. “I just don’t want to feel like I am a constant problem. I am just a human! A peasant! And a bad one at that since I will likely starve next winter without help! I know nothing of how to be a queen! I nearly drown all the time! How can you not understand that I don’t feel like I am allowed to be a problem when my reality is that no one cares if I live or die!”
“Because you are wrong! I care.” König's eyes gleamed as he hissed his answer.
“Why?” You spit back, the fire in you burning and ready to torch any bridge behind without thinking.
“Because I love you.”
Königs words hung in the air, irretrievable and powerful enough to break whatever you two had.
You looked at him. His face was frozen in fear and panic. Like he had admitted to a crime he’d sworn to keep a secret.
He loved you. The thought raced through your mind, unsure where to be put and what to do with it now.
“I am sorry,” König said. “I understand. I will make sure you are okay as promised anyway and-”
“Please…” you managed to your own surprise.
“Please?” König asked with his eyes shining down at you.
You took a deep breath and all the courage in you that was left, “Please lean down so I can kiss you.”
König looked at you, too stunned maybe or unsure how to touch you without breaking this human body of yours, before finally kneeling down in one, not so smooth, motion. You stumbled forward, colliding into his chest and tangling in his arms before lifting your head and kissing him.
It was all teeth and desperation. König met your lips with a hunger matching yours, and an anger challenging your long hidden fury. He moaned and you wanted every bit of air you could get from him as you roamed his back and shoulders and arms and chest and neck, and at a certain point you got lost in him. You bit his lips and tasted blood. He snarled and pushed you back, catching your head before you could fall and hurt yourself. You stumbled and fell back anyway, taking him with you. The crash rumbled loudly as König caught himself on his arms, hovering above you before continuing where you had left off. His mouth was addicting, and willingly you answered his salty lips and tongue. A bit of revealed skin at his neck here, a tug at your shirt there. You scooted up feeling hot and needing that damn old shirt off your body because you were burning up with it. Instead of getting it off quickly you got yourself tangled in the large sleeves, nearly ready to just tear it off your body as you felt Königs hands pulling at the fabric and freeing you. The kiss of the cooling air on your skin made you still. For a moment you felt shy, making you cross your arms in instinct before your chest.
König looked at you from a position that was something between kneeling, sitting and lying before you, also half out of his clothes with his Rubacha hanging around his neck and head.
“Not sure why I feel like this is new, now.” You admitted. “You have seen me naked before.”
“That was a different nakedness,” König offered and finished getting the shirt off. “This is new.”
You nodded, understanding entirely what he meant, and continued to feel vulnerable. What were you supposed to do? You had no idea what you wanted now except being close to König.
“We don’t have to continue, my love.” Your fiance said.
You nodded again, reassured yet still utterly lost on what to do.
König scooted closer and slowly raised his hands, “Can I touch you? I just want to hold you.”
Instead of bothering with words or another creative and variety serving nod, you leaned into him. Königs warm hands caught you, pressed you closer to him and embraced you.
You hummed.
“Is this good?”
“Yeah, I am sorry-”
“No,” König shut down instantly. “No more ‘sorry’ for you tonight. Or ever. I really meant that.”
You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion.
“But what if I do something bad?” You countered as you enjoyed feeling close to König. “Shouldn’t I say sorry at some point?”
“To me? Always.” König grinned teasingly before growing serious. “The rest of the world, however, has a lot of apologising to do before you ever get back into a situation to be sorry for something, dear.”
“You just want me to be as bad as you are,” You teased back half-heartedly.
You stayed silent, not sure what to say or do except enjoying being safe and loved in Königs arms as you mindlessly explored his back and chest with your fingers, drawing little circles and charms into his wonderful skin.
“We should talk about the sleeping situation tonight.” You finally spoke, breaking the silent spell over you.
“Yeah.” König agreed. “I have an idea.”
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Cultural Context Notes:
The theme of the unkillable giants as beings connected to nature can be found in the Edda, but it’s not the only place this theme is explored. It’s just the most clear one I thought of, and can be put into words as a place to maybe start researching if your are interested in that. The idea of hitting König as something akin to a giant to wake him up, comes from the tale of Thor and Skrímnir.
Generally, the idea of paralleling gods/godlike beings, humans and giants, escalated into a bit of a philosophical excursion at the kitchen table when I mentioned how the story is unfolding, leading to the question what exactly the difference between godlings, giants and humans is and if there even is one. In plenty of pre-Christian European tales, there aren’t boundaries between godlike beings and humans. If a human stays with a godlike being, they kind of tag along and don’t die like they would have had when staying with their fellow humans. Sometimes there is an explanation for it (godly ancestry, nectar or Idun’s apples, magical blessings), sometimes there isn’t (Thialfi and Röskva as Thor’s entourage, general trope of humans in service of or in marriage with a non-human being). 
Warming stones or using ceramics is an old practice when hot water bottles weren’t available.
There are several legends and myths associating the water or waters generally with snakes. Naturally, there is the saga of the Midgard snake, encompassing the world in Norse mythology. The theme of a great water snake or mermaid-like half-fish, half-human body encompassing the world also comes up in Greek mythology in the figure of Oceanos as the great river god and father of river gods. Since we don’t have plenty of sources about old Slavic beliefs, I am taking the liberty and filling some gaps here from geographically closer regions where we do have more sources on mythology.
Acorn is edible and can be made into a fine flour from which it is possible to bake bread. However, do not just make flour from acorns. It’s a huge process to disinfect and debitter acorns before grinding them into flour. There is a reason why nowadays most cultures opt for utilising cultivated crops like grains and legumes instead of using low yield giving nuts and seeds. (Also, we really need those acorns as food for wild animals and for reforestation!) Cultivation of plants is a huge game changer for human life quality and communal living. It’s really cool. But it does require more cooperative systems of labour since harvesting and processing plants like grain requires sharing of work, space to do it, and natural weather & ground conditions to grow. Plus the grain in itself needs to be cultivated first. And these amazing food sources can be exploited by having control over places in which one can grow certain high yielding crops which can trigger war and oppression. Most noticeably in the Central and Eastern European region, which is obviously what I write about a lot, this is the case with Ukraine. This now independent country has good climate and ground conditions, yielding great harvests of wheat grain and sunflower, leading to the region being dubbed the Granary of Europe. Ukraine was fought over not just today but also occupied in historical moments like WW2 by the Nazis or under the Russian Empire precisely to have access to these high yielding conditions. So, food and where food comes from, is an important angle to understand plenty of conflicts, imperial oppression and cultures. I invite you to read more about the history of grain, why Ukraine has a flag literally depicting a grain filed under the blue sky or maybe learning how to make bread yourself. To return to my point:  Bride lives in an area which has seasons. However, the climate is cooler with lots of swamps and waters around. The forest takes most of the shore space in her immediate vicinity. She has a garden in which she (tries to) grow buckwheat, a very climate-resistant pseudo grain. And technically she owns fields, but has no way to work them on her own due to the lack of manpower, possible lack of seeds, as well as timing issues for the sowing. But common grains like wheat require a warm and steady dry climate which is not the case here. Other grains like rye are historically common in Central and Eastern Europe, however one needs to plant them first and after the harvest it still requires labour to dry and deshell the rye first, a luxury that Bride does not have because she has been on her own for most of the year. So, to finish this long excursion on grains and flours - she uses acorn flour for bread because she was isolated and on her own. Also, agriculture is really cool and maybe you will think about the amount of labour, logistics, politics and historical development when biting into something flour based.
Vodyanitza is just the female version of Vodynoy
Rubacha is the name of the traditional linen shirt worn by historically both men and women but nowadays mostly associated with male clothing traditions. This shirt is often loosely fitted and bound at the hip with a belt. Having embroidery, especially red embroidery on a Rubacha is very common as red natural dye was widely available in the region. The embroidery and introduction of other colours is dependent on the exact time and place a Rubacha comes from. Even nowadays the Rubacha is part of plenty of Eastern European traditional dresses.
Quick reminder: a Tschort is a type of evil spirit.
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wandafiction · 4 months
Mockingbird - Just Us Chapter 43
Warnings: Description of Blood, Death, Accident, Gore
Word Count: 3929
Series List | Chapter 42 | Chapter 44
November 8th 2019
I was woken by the high pitch wails of Evie, let me tell you she is the sweetest most innocent thing to ever exist but my God does she have a pair of lungs on her. I look to my right, the big red digits of the clock flashing 2.34am in my face, well at least she stayed quiet for an extra few minutes tonight. I feel Sarah stir next to me, a small disapproving grunt leaving her lips.
"It's okay baby, I've got her." Sarah lazily gives me a thumbs up and a small thank you as I climb out of the bed. "Love you."
"Love you too." Her voice riddled with sleep and muffled by the pillow, I give her a quick peck on the forehead before making my way to her side of the bed, where the bedside crib is. 
"Hello my little angel." I pick up her small body, holding her securely in one arm as my other searches for her toy elephant that Tony was adamant would be her favourite toy once she grew up. I mean she loves it now, but that's probably because the nose has a rattle in it and the ears make a funny crunching noise when you scrunch them in your hands. I hold it up in the air where she can see it and her eyes go wide, her crying turns to sniffles. I bring it down to boop her on the nose with it and she gives me a gummy smile as she coos up to it. She smacks her lips together, which is a tell tale sign she is hungry. 
"Mama's boobs are a little sensitive right now baby, but let's go and make you a bottle." I wrap her tiny body back up in a blanket so she doesn't get cold, the small elephant toy under my armpit so I don't have to struggle with the doors on the way around the house. I put a little hat on her and make sure her hands are also wrapped up in the blanket, it gets cold this time of year in Sokovia. Well I mean it's pretty much cold all year around, but November and December are definitely the worst times for it. 
I open the bedroom door, giving one last look to my sleeping wife before leaving her in peace as I coo down at Evie to try and keep her calm as we move through the cold hallways. I brought my phone with me, so tap a few buttons and hear the heating click on. The lights in the kitchen flicker on when I enter and my body shivers at the temperature in the room. Why is the kitchen always the coldest place in the house? I pull Evie more towards me to try and allow my body heat to radiate through the blanket a little while the heating does it's job. I fill up the kettle, turning it on so the water can boil while I grab some of the good ole breast milk out of the fridge. I pumped it today so it should still be nice and fresh, hopefully satisfying Evie's huge appetite. 
I pour the milk into one of her bottles and put it in the small bottle heater, because we all know that babies like their milk warm. It's weird to think about but it's not actually half bad, before you lot go crazy with your smirking faces imma stop you. No. We have to taste test the milk to make sure it's not too hot or too cold, get your heads out of the gutter your dirty minded people.
Anyway...where was I? Oh right, heating the baby milk. 
As the milk is heating up the kettle comes to a boil, with Evie still in my hand I grab a mug from the cupboard putting it down on the counter. I put in a tea bag and fill up the mug with hot water, the aroma of the green tea fills my nose and it makes me sigh in bliss. I would have a normal cup of tea, but it's now 2.46am if the clock in the kitchen is right, and the green tea normally helps me get back to sleep easier. I see Evie's bottom lip quiver, and know that she is getting more and more hungry. Come on stupid heater, heat it quicker my baby is about to wake up the whole street.
As if the heater heard me, it pings to let me know it's done. I carefully take the hot bottle out of its place, making sure it's not too hot for me to hold with my bare hand. Because my other arm is wrapped around Evie's body I bring the bottle up to my mouth letting a few drops of milk escape and land on my tongue. It doesn't taste the best, but it's not horrible and it's the perfect temperature for my little baby. I bounce her in my arms as I walk from the kitchen to the living room wanting to sit on the couch to feed her. Once I have settled on the edge of the couch, I bring the bottle up to Evie's mouth and her lips attach around the nipple of the bottle like we haven't fed her for days, when in reality it was a few hours ago. After a couple seconds I remove the bottle from her lips, so I can pace her and make sure she is just gulping down air. 
She smacks her lips together again, so I replace the nipple of the bottle back between her lips and she gently gulps down some more milk. After a few more gulps her eyes start to close, so I remove it and her lips stay parted. I get up from my seat, taking the bottle with me, heading into what will be her room in a few months, grab one of her baby towels and wipe at her face where she was dribbling. Her eyes flutter open for a second so I test out if she wants any more by placing the nipple back near her lips, but she simply turns her head closing her eyes again. I put the bottle on the nightstand, I will sort it out later, throw the towel over my shoulder and bring Evie's body up so I can burp her. Once I hear a not so graceful burp leave her lips, I check her face for any sick which thank god there isn't and start to make my way back to the kitchen, grabbing my tea before heading up to our room. 
As I slowly lower her into the crib she starts to fuss and wiggle around. I unwrap her arms from the blanket so she can move more freely, the heating is finally doing its job as the room starts to warm up. I place the mug on the bedside table, before looking down at my beautiful baby girl. Her curious eyes look up at me in the dark, as she continues to fuss. I let out a small sigh bending down, placing my hand in the crib and she grabs onto my index finger. I swing her arm about a little, her grip remains strong on my finger, her eyes still open searching the darkness. I start to rock the small crib trying to lull her to sleep, but when she continues to fuss I move to the last resort. I sing her what my mom used to sing to me.
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town
So hush little baby, don't you cry
Momma loves you and so do I!"
She finally let's sleep consume her, her grip on my finger relaxes so I slip it out of her hand and stand up making sure to still the crib so it isn't rocking her in her sleep because it usually wakes her up. I trudge back to my side of the bed, pulling the covers back so I can slip under. Sarah's body gravitated towards mine as she pushes her back against my front and I wrap my arm around her waist to bring her closer leaving a small kiss on the back of her neck. I hear her let out a content sigh so I know she is awake still.
"Honey, go back to sleep. It's nearly 3.30 and you need your rest." She turns her whole body so she is now facing me, stuffing her face against my neck. 
"Sing to me." I smile against her hairline, pecking her forehead a few times feeling her relax against me.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
I hear light snores leave my wife's lips and it makes me smile. I pull our bodies impossibly closer, taking in her vanilla scent before I continue singing, until I once again finish the song and let sleep take over me.
I wake to a cold bed, my arms no longer wrapped around my wife's body but instead the pillow that smells just like her. I lift my head up when I hear a small cry, searching for Evie's body in her crib but she is not there. The cry must have come from somewhere else inside the house. I turn to look at the bedside clock, the red digits flashing 7.58am at me. Why do I always have to wake up before the hour? I could use the extra 2 minutes to, well, sleep. I groan, wiping my hands over my face trying to rid it of sleep, sitting myself up and swinging my legs out from the covers digging my toes into the carpet. I stretch my hands above my head as I stand up, a loud yawn escaping me. I trudge downstairs where I can hear the soft cooing of my wife's voice as she talks to our daughter.
"Momma loves you so much. Are you excited for your first Christmas, because I am and mama has brought us to her Sokovia. Yes she did, she brought us here to see all the wonders as a family. Do you know I love you mama? I do, with every fibre of my being and I love you to the moon and back. I can't wait to grow as a family, maybe add another brother or sister." 
"Already thinking of more?" I enter the room pressing my front to her back as I wrap my arms around her waist, my chin resting atop her head as I look down to our daughter. I kiss the top of her head and she leans against me more.
"Mmm, I made coffee and breakfast." I kiss her head once more and unwrap myself from her so I can grab the waffles and coffee.
"How did you manage this with her in your hand?" 
"I have my ways" She just smirks at me and it makes me laugh.
"Thank you for letting me sleep in baby." I sat my bowl and mug at the table , taking a seat as she sits in the one next to me.
"No problem, you were up with her for a while so I thought it best to let you rest. What's the plan for today?" I look at her and our baby girl  as she bounces Evie in her arms to keep her quiet.
"Well the Christmas markets open today, so I thought we could go and have a look around, maybe get some decorations ready for the 1st of December then we can prepay for a tree from the local farmer who grows them. Then we can go out to that little café we have been to, then we can visit Carl and spend the day with him and the witches." 
"I love that, I will go get me and Evie ready for the day. I bring some extra blankets and the hand warmers just in case. Also why do they call themselves witches?"
"Because they own the coven café. Just makes sense."
"Sure. Anyway, eat up and we will go when you're ready." Sarah stands from her chair, placing a chaste kiss on my lips before disappearing upstairs.
I turn back to my waffles and smile at the whipped cream and cherry smiley face. My wife is such a child sometimes but I eat it and for some reason it tastes better than normal. Must have been the artwork that added to it. I finish off my coffee and waffles moving back to the kitchen to wash up. I hear my wife's footsteps coming down the stairs and smile at her as she is wrapped up like a burrito in her coat, hat, scarf and gloves. Evie is wrapped up warm too, and her extra blanket hangs over Sarah's shoulder. I give them both a kiss as I pass them on the stairs to go get myself ready.
When I come back downstairs I look out the window to see the two loves of my life waiting out in the car, the engine running and I can only assume the heating is being blasted. I grab my wallet, making sure I have my phone and lock up the house as I leave. When I get in the car, it felt like I was getting in a sauna, my face being blasted by hot air as Sarah holds her hands out in front of the vent. I laugh at the sight but put my seat belt on and pull out of the driveway. 
"Did you buy the car just so there was something on the drive?" Sarah looks at me amused.
"What if I did? I have the house here and might as well have a vehicle so I don't have to rent one each time." I shrug as I look both ways before pulling out onto the main road that leads straight to the center of the city. 
"Your own money or the joint account?" I furrow my brows slightly at the question but shake it off, Sarah has always been funny when it comes to me spending money on me. She prefers it to come out of my earnings from working then what we make through the company as CEOs.
"My account. The joint account we agreed was for a new house for the three of us and our future." She gives me a look. "It was one time and I didn't realise I had used the wrong card, it was an honest mistake." I defend lightly.
"Well when $182'000 leaves the joint account I thought it was fraud." 
"Was it or was it not worth the $182'000? And I put the money straight back."
"Well it was definitely worth it. I mean you did propose with the $182'000. Got a nice ring out of it too." She jokes as she shows off her engagement ring and wedding band.
"Exactly so, stop complaining."
"Mhmm, I love you."
"I love you too." 
I come to a set of traffic lights going right through them, as ours are green. Before I can even comprehend what is happening, the car is struck on the passenger side sending us flying to the left as the car flips too many times to count through the air. The car hits the road and skids along hard ground, but not before the bottom of the car is hit again sending us rolling once more. We come to a sudden stop and everything goes black. 
I come to when I hear people shouting and lots of blue flashing lights. I open my eyes, all I can see is red so I bring a shaky and sore hand to wipe my eyes. When I bring my hand away, opening my eyes slowly, I see my hand covered in blood yet I am not sure if it is mine or not. I look out to what used to be the windscreen but is now a mess of smashed glass and warped metal. The world is upside down, so that means I am upside down. I look to where my wife should be and see a mess of red and metal, her body no longer recognisable as her own. Her body lays still, her blood seeping out of a large gash on her neck...it's not stopping. I can see her chest rising up and down slowly, but it's not strong. She is so weak. She licks her lips slightly, her eyes fluttering as she tries to open them, but gives up when she can't. I hear a small breath escape her mouth.
"I….love….you….3000." I scream out in agony as her body gives up to her major injuries, I know the moment her heart stops beating and pushing blood around her body, because her neck is no longer bleeding the blood is just pooling around her now. 
I hear a cry from behind me and turn my head as much as I can to see my baby girl screaming her lungs out, but she has a nasty gash on her head. I bite my lip to stop me from screaming out again, the voices of all those around me not being heard as my ears start to ring. 
"Hey, hey hey. Evie baby everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be just fine." I know she can't understand me and I know everything is not fine but the moment she hears my voice she goes quiet, a small whimper leaving her mouth. 
Her big glossy eyes look up at me, I haven't seen her move at all but the gash on her head won't stop bleeding. I know she won't be rescued in time, she probably has internal hemorrhaging and a brain contusion. She isn't going to make it, but she doesn't need to know that. I just need to keep her calm while the rescuers do their work. So I do the only thing I can do at that moment.
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town
So hush little baby, don't you cry
Momma loves you and so do I!"
By the time I'm finished Evie has gone quiet, her eyes no longer holding their color. I scream as I turn to the front of the car, slamming my hands against what's left of the steering wheel. That's when I finally look over my body to assess my injuries and my eyes grow wide at the site of the piece of rebar sticking out just below my right ribcage. That's when I realise I can't feel my legs, and the angle at which the rebar has entered let's me know it has torn through my spine. I cough up blood, well shit. I feel someone tap my face so I turn to look up through the broken windscreen, and I'm met by the sight of a firefighter.
"Hey, we are doing our best to get you out of here. You just have to stay with me." He gives a few commands to his colleague but stays with me as they start taking the car apart.
"What's the point? They're dead. Why couldn't it be that easy for me?" I see him visibly gulp at the sight.
"I'm sorry for your loss, but you have to stay with me. You have to fight. For them.' His words make me angry, but I don't say anything, I just nod. I feel my eyes closed and don't fight the darkness as it consumes me. "We're losing her!" 
Present day 
I look around the hospital room, momentarily forgetting where I am because I got so lost in the story. I feel a body press against mine and freeze for a moment until the smell of strawberries wafts through my nose and it instantly calms me down and brings me back. I see that there is not a dry eye in the room and Christina hands around tissues. No one says anything. There is nothing to be said, but Christina is the first to break the silence. 
"So I heard some news Y/n. A little bird called Tony told me. Why didn't you tell me this at our last session?" Tony and his big mouth.
"Because there's some things that I need to process by myself." 
"But it caused a panic attack, and we made a deal to talk about them everytime."
"So what are we going to talk about it now?" I scoff but bow my head in apology.
"We are because then we can use it to help prove to yourself that you are not to blame." Wanda and Natasha sit up more ready to listen. "So tell me Y/n what's the news?"
"He is going down."
"Who's he?"
"The man that hit us with his truck." 
"What's he going down for?"
"Reckless driving, driving with intent to hurt, plotting murder. Murder in the 1st degree."
"And that's good."
"What about the other man?"
"What's with all the questions?"
"Because I am trying to prove to you that it's not your fault."
"But it is! If I hadn't saved that kid then we wouldn't be here would we? No!" I slam my hand against the railing of the bed and I see Natasha and Wanda jump at my aggression and I just want to wither away and disappear at that point. "Sorry."
"So you blame saving Carl for the death of your wife and child?" 
"Yes because if I didn't save him, there would be no reason to come after me!"
"And who was it Y/n. Who plotted your murder. What other person is going down now that they have the evidence?" 
"I…." I take a breath. "I don't blame the kid."
"I didn't say you did. I asked the name of the person who plotted your murder."
"Y/n we can't move on from this point unless you say it out loud. These two people here want to help you, but they don't know everything. So tell them. Tell them the name of the man who plotted your murder."
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koolades-world · 27 days
Spellbound Secrets
chapter five: flurry of memories
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synopsis: The House of Lamentation caught fire one night, and you were the only one they recovered from the wreckage. The brothers were in the house as well when you went to bed that night, but they were nowhere to be found. The pact marks are faded, and seem to be getting more and more indefinite by the day. You and Solomon get to investigating but oddly enough, nobody can seem to remember the missing brothers. It’s up to you, with the help of Solomon, to find your beloved demons, lest you never see them again.
navigation: playlist | prologue | chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five (you are here!) | chapter six (coming next saturday)
authors note: again, so sorry for the delay. next weeks chapter will be as scheduled, hopefully. and yes i am aware that i need to get more creative with ending chapters lol
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"What do you mean?" You were suddenly much more awake at his words.
"I remember everything." Solomon was wide-eyed, and looked more panicked than you'd ever seen him. It was really odd seeing him so freaked out.
"Everything?" You sat up with him.
"Everything." He clutched his chest.
"Take a deep breath and only speak once you're ready." You reached out for his hand, and he gripped back with a terrifying intensity.
"I actually don't think I was asleep that long. I couldn't fall asleep again, and I started thinking about what you told me before about the brothers." The fact that he was sharing his inner monologue spoke volumes to you. What Solomon thought about usually stayed private. "I was thinking hard about them, but I couldn't remember anything. Instead, I got a pounding headache. I felt almost dazed. After that, I actually fell asleep. I think I had a dream. but I can't remember any of it, than I woke up with my memory back." The words tumbled out of his mouth quicker than you could process them. He was missing that usual elegance about him.
"Alright. Wow." You sat and thought about his statement. "What do you want to do now?" You hadn't expected this to happen, so you weren't sure how to react.
"I'm not sure. I'm tired but my head still hurts." Solomon laid back down to put his head on the pillow. The room was dark, but you could see him massaging his temples.
"Let me get you some painkillers then. We can talk about this in the morning." You began to shuffle around in the bed, moving to get off the end so you could leave without disrupting Solomon.
"No. I can't make you do that. You're supposed to be taking it easy." He thrust a hand out abruptly in front of you to keep you from moving any further.
"It's just a quick walk downstairs. I'll be fine." You protested, but didn't move any further.
"I would feel bad." His voice was lower than it was before. You could taste the guilt behind it.
"If you really don't want me to get up, I'll just make use of what you taught me." You muttered a quick incantation under your breath and the bottle of painkillers flew into your hand. You tried to suppress the smug grin on your face as you handed it to him.
"I might as well take them. I must say, as your master, that was excellent work. I taught you well." You could hear a hint of a smile in his voice.
"That's just where learning from the best will take you." You squeezed his hand tighter before letting go so he could take the medication. He tossed a couple in his mouth before washing it down with some water.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"You've done more than enough for me. I'm just returning the favor." You laid back down. He silently followed suit. You stared up at the ceiling for a bit, before turning to look at Solomon to see if he'd fallen asleep yet. He too was just gazing into the far distance. You tapped his shoulder, and when he turned to face you, he looked surprised to still see you awake. Instead of speaking, you held open your arms again, inviting him in for a cuddle. Wordlessly, he accepted. He fell asleep beside you, and once you were sure that he finally was, you let yourself fall back asleep too.
The next morning, Solomon had vanished on you again, just like he had yesterday. However, the spot where he'd clearly slept was still warm. You swung your legs out from under the covers and over the edge of the bed. You let out a rattling yawn that attracted the attention of someone outside the closed door. They paused, then knocked.
"Hello?" You quickly made sure you looked semi-presentable.
"Good morning." Simeon softly greeted you, peaked into the room. "Breakfast is downstairs." He smiled at you as you combed through your hair and tried to seem like you'd been awake longer.
"Thank you." You said. Simeon shut the door behind him.
With a stretch, you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, just as you had the day before. The door was ajar, so you pushing it open without thinking about it. You came face to face with Solomon with a toothbrush stuck into his mouth. It was clear neither of you were expecting the interaction. Solomon held up a finger and spit the suds from his mouth in the sink.
"I wasn't expecting you to be awake this early." His words were a little slurred since some of the toothpaste bubbles stayed behind.
"Me either, honestly." You scooted him aside a little to make room for yourself beside him. He returned to brushing one he noticed you were going to be doing the same. The quiet glee that settled into Solomon's features was something you wouldn't trade for the world. You never would have guessed he was a man who adored domesticity, but here he was, reveling in it. You brushed your teeth together, side by side. He elbowed you in the side a few times, to which you flicked the end of his toothbrush in retaliation.
Once you were both finished, you began to speak again. "So, about yesterday." You began.
"This morning, you mean." Solomon quipped back.
"Glad to see you're feeling alright, old fart." You smiled to yourself despite the words leaving your mouth. You were glad he seemed better than he had earlier that day.
"Want to talk over breakfast? It's nice this morning, so we could chat outside. Luke made some cinnamon sugar muffins." Solomon offered.
"That's the most normal thing that he's made this week." You commented, turning the faucet back on.
"Barbatos reccomended it." He began tidying up the counter a little, putting back everything he'd used in it's proper place.
"Ah, so that's why. I'm glad Luke bonded with him." You held a finger under the running water.
"It's nice to see him getting along with a demon, especially after he swore he'd never befriend one." He held a hand up to his mouth, hiding a wicked grin and his snickers.
"We should probably stop talking about this, before he walks about and yells at us for patronizing him." You couldn't help but join in.
"Alright, alright. I'll get food for the both of us. Meet you in the garden?" He opened the door wider and looked back at you.
"You're not going to wash your face?" You gestured to the running water, confused.
"Already did." He walked off, and down the hall before you could answer. With a shrug to yourself, you began to wash your face while lost in thought. You weren't sure where things were going to go from here, now that Solomon had his memory back. From what he'd told you in a panicked state last night was that it came back to him after, or maybe, during a dream. Now that he had collected himself and his thoughts, your search for the brothers would be much easier. But, that raised the question. How was that possible?
When you went to splash some more water on your face, it was freezing. It jolted you out of your thoughts. You wondered if someone else in the house was showering. After you realized just how long you'd been standing over the sink, you dried your face off and applied moisturizer, then hurried downstairs. You hoped to pass by your other housemates on the way there, but they were nowhere to be seen. You made your way out to the garden where you found him seated at one of the tables. He'd picked the one tucked out of the way, in order to give the both of you a little more privacy.
"How did you have time to make us drinks?" You slid into the chair across from him. In front of the both of you was a cute plate with several mini golden brown muffins on them. Beside it, was a steaming mug of coffee, made just to your liking.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He had already begun eating one of his muffins.
"You could just say you used magic. It's kind of obvious." You told him. After gently blowing on the top of the liquid, you tentatively took a sip. It was perfect, but things made with magic had a slightly different taste about them. It was hard to place, but you could always tell something was slightly off. Besides that, you knew Solomon. He wasn't skilled enough to brew this on his own.
"You're no fun, Mc." He pouted.
"Cry me a river." You decided to try one of the muffins Solomon had brought for you before he decided to eat them himself. He was devouring his own at a pace so fast you were concerned he wasn't chewing them properly. "Wow, these are really good." You exclaimed after a bite. You knew nothing the little angel made could be bad, but these were likely some of the best he'd ever made.
"Right?" Somehow, Solomon was already finished.
"Now that you're done eating, talk to me." You had no clue where this conversation might be going.
He hesitated for a moment. He opened and closed his mouth a few times while trying to formulate his thoughts into words. "Well, I remember everything. One of the first things I thought of was the pact marks. What happened to them?" He put a finger on his chin.
"Do you remember helping me bandage my burns?" You asked. He nodded in agreement. "Well, my pact mark with Mammon is right here, and I got the impression nobody else could see it. What do you remember seeing?" You used your left hand to point to the spot on your right wrist where the pact mark was hidden beneath several layers.
"A blank circle." He only confirmed your suspicions.
"I can still see it, but it just looks faded." In order to avoid having to unwrap the bandages, you stuck out your leg from under the table to show him Beel's pact mark. It formed a ring around your mid-thigh. Just like the others, it was ominously dim.
"I'm not too sure what to make of that." He craned his neck to get a better look at it.
"Have you looked at your pact mark with Asmo yet? My guess is that yours would look like this too." You inquired. It would be nice to not be alone in this mess.
"I haven't since I got my memory back. I remember when I didn't remember the brothers, and I thought it was odd that I had an empty patch on my body. Now that I have the information that I do now, I understand that that is where Asmo's mark is. I can only assume that if I were to look at it right now, it would resemble yours, just like you predicted." He trailed off. "It really is eerie."
"Why not look now?" The two of you exchanged a knowing glance. "Oh. I get it. He got you in an awkward place too, didn't he?" The reddening of his face told you everything you needed to know. "Here, you don't have to tell me where it it. Mine is a tramp stamp. Is it better or worse than that?" You kept a straight face as best as you could.
"Worse." Solomon hid his face in his mug, and avoided eye contact.
"Since you're the color of a lobster, I'll leave you alone for now. What else do you want to talk about now that we're on the same page?" You turned the conversation back to where it had started.
"I have a couple more things on my mind, but there's one major one I think might lead us in the right direction." It felt like he was staring into your soul with how he was focused on you.
"Yes?" You prompted him after he sat in silence for a moment.
"I remember the night of the fire. I was there at the scene."
tags list: @bagofmice
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hey queen. i came across the original ATEOTR today. would you say ATEOTR (tragicallyuncreative’s version) is going to sway away from that or include some similar scenes? i thought the way that the track scene was updated was sooo cool. 
if it is going to sway though, could you give us a little wrap up from the original? like…is ponyboy okay after that infection…
What a great question! Sorry for the late response, but I'll answer the best I can.
I think it's safe to say that it will sway pretty drastically from the original. Mostly just because my style and detail of writing has improved so much (thankfully) that it's kind of hard not to. For example, we just finished chapter 3 and still have no diagnosis. With the way I have the plot mapped out so far, an official diagnosis won't come until the end of next chapter and there is so much to come before then before treatment is even started, just because I'm being realistic about the diagnostic process and all that takes place prior to beginning treatment. In the original story, everything moved much quicker because I didn't include the proper steps that would occur, such as the bone marrow biopsy, spinal tap, port placement, how difficult it can be to establish care with a pediatric oncologist, etc. I also wasn't big on side plots and doing what I like to do now, which I call "sitting in the scene"- not make it a story based on checkpoints of moving from one scene to the next but rather letting things unfold naturally- lots of descriptions, inner dialogue while in a scene, dialogue between characters- there is so much more than just the bare bones plot happening.
I much prefer it that way, and I hope everyone else does too. I just didn't have the knowledge medically or the maturity to offer insight into all characters and really explore their thoughts and emotions. I didn't feel the story if that makes sense, just wrote out things quickly trying to move to the next big scene. I love to just sit and think now- I have so many headcannons and little anecdotes about my characters that will never make it into my writing but are crucial to why my characters respond to things the way they do and make them real in my head, which helps the writing come naturally.
I will be including some of the same characters from my original story such as the main oncologist, Mrs. Dunthers, Daniel, and Nathan- all who have not yet made appearances. They will be much more fleshed out, not one dimensional characters who appeared for convenience/ plot sake and hopefully not so stereotypical as they were when younger me created them. I'm really excited to explore them more and get to know them as individuals- not just as a means to advancing Pony's story.
I think it's so sweet that you are still invested in the OG story and want to know what happens because in my mind it was so poorly written and unrealistic but I'm flattered. I can certainly share a little about what was going to happen. Pony was going to be just fine after the infection, but would be admitted for several days. His treatment course was going to be long, a traditional course (which for AML, which I believe he had in the OG, is not always the stereotypical 2 years of maintenance that is the golden standard for ALL, which is what is the diagnosis is for the current story). He was certainly going to grow closer with his brothers and gang throughout the process, though there wasn't as much mending to do with he and Darry's relationship in that universe as I plan for in this one. Growing up has given me such insight and love for the character of Darrel that I didn't have before and I am really invested in his journey this time around- he's not as adept at handling everything and doesn't respond to everything as perfectly as he did in the OG- he's human! I also intend to explore a lot with Soda- I have a lot more thoughts on Pony being a somewhat unreliable narrator in the novel and hero-worshipping Soda- in reality he's no saint and has flaws just like everyone else. He and Pony have such a deep bond that it will almost be harder on him than it is on Pony and he's not always going to have the best coping mechanisms. Also, therapy. Lots of therapy. Family and individual therapy is pretty much prescribed for every pediatric cancer family, even in the 60s, and just because the Curtis's aren't a traditionally family doesn't mean they'll escape that. Pony was always going to be okay in the long run, though, coming through his ordeal with new appreciation for his life and his brothers. Nathan was always going to die, I do remember young me was adamant about that. It was kind of going to be a wakeup call/ turning point for Pony realizing how serious his illness was and it was going to scare the shit out of him and send him into a long depression for awhile until he found a note from him (like Johnny left in the novel). It was all very melodramatic and corny but 13/ 14-year-old me thought it was peak 5-star writing lol.
That's enough rambling out of me. In short, hopefully there are enough parallels from the old story for you to enjoy, but this gives me the opportunity to actually show off what I hope is real writing skills/ talent as opposed to "little-kid" writing, as I call it. I really appreciate all the love and engagement and am always happy to answer questions. Feel free to send me asks about this story, Before The Fall (my other chapter story), The Domino Effect (my one shot), or ask me about headcannons- I have so many and would love to share them!
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Y/N felt her breath hitch when she caught sight of the five men behind Malvin. Instantly she recognised them all. Malvin walked her over to the band with a smile on his face as he did. Y/N took a moment before she put a faint grin on herself. 
“Boys I’d like you to meet the new tour assistant, Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, this is the band.” Malvin then went on to introduce everyone, pointing at the band members respectively as he said their names. “We have Phil Collen and Vivian Campbell the guitarists, Rick Allen the drummer, Rick Savage the bassist, although to save confusion we all refer to him as Sav, and last but definitely not least, We have Joe Elliott, our lead singer.”
Y/N swallowed as she leaned forward to give them all a handshake. Phil, Vivian, Rick and Sav all shook her hand with a smile. Saying their own short words of welcome. When she held her hand out to Joe, however, he looked at it, then at her face, before eventually shaking it. He didn’t say a word and dropped her hand quickly as she had burned him.
“It’s great to meet you all.” Y/N smiled, trying not to dwell on the fact that even after only just meeting him, Joe seemed not to like her. The sour look on Joe’s face only seemed to strengthen when Malvin told them that she would be joining them on their bus when they landed rather than staying with the rest of the crew. 
Joe briefly glanced towards her before looking back at his tour manager.
 “Why?” was the only thing he said. 
“Because she is going to look after you for the duration of the tour. Rather than coming to me like you have done in previous years, you can go to Y/N here and she will be able to assist you quicker.” Malvin answered him without a thought. Almost as if he was expecting push-back from the singer. Y/N tried to keep the smile on her face, but the more Joe was rejecting her presence, the harder it was. 
Despite Y/N’s beliefs that she was doing a good job at hiding her crestfallen look, Sav could notice the nerves creeping in on her features. He slung his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her. “Well I think it’s gonna be great” He told her as the group started making their way to prepare to board the plane. Y/N looked up at him and nodded her head. She was sure that she could hear Joe scoff but decided to ignore it for now. 
She knew that after she had time to get to know him, hopefully, that she could break that tension between the two and show him that she wasn’t a hindrance. 
Soon enough they were on the plane. Y/N being one of the first to board after Phil’s insistence, earning yet another noise of discontent from Joe. Initially, she went to sit on her own, but soon she found the seat next to her was soon occupied by someone. Looking to her left she saw Vivian. He gave her a warm smile and they buckled up their seatbelts. She turned slightly only to see the surrounding seats occupied by three other band members, the only one who wasn’t there was Joe. 
“So…” Vivian started from beside her. “Have you ever been on tour with a band before or is this your first time?” 
“My first time. I have been an assistant before but only in an office whilst I was at Uni.” Y/N told him, already feeling more comfortable around the other band members, knowing at least four of them liked her. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s quite busy but there is nothing like it even for the crew.” Y/N smiled at his attempts to calm her down. Throughout the rest of the flight, The five of them all talked, Sav, Rick, Phil and Viv, as he told her to call him, getting to know the woman that they would be spending the next year with.
Y/N couldn’t believe the kindness the four of them were showing her, the only downside was the fact that other than the brief interaction that she had with him, Joe hadn’t said a word to her or even so much as looked her way. Almost as if seeing her internal turmoil, Rick, who was sitting directly behind her, tapped her on the shoulder.
“Look, don’t worry about Joe, he’s…” Rick paused as he was looking for the right phrase to use, “not great with new people. He’ll talk to you eventually, just give him some time.” He smiled at Y/N and she returned the gesture before he patted her shoulder twice more and sat back down. Viv, who had heard what Rick said, just nodded at her. Leaving Y/N no choice but to believe the musicians defending their band mate. Afterall, they knew him better than her. Y/N looked out of the window for the rest of the flight, occasionally talking to Viv, and wondering why she cared so much that a man, who she had just met, was ignoring her. 
Without her realising it, Y/N had dropped off to sleep. Her only knowledge of doing so was her being gently shaken by Viv as he woke her up telling her they were landing. “You’re lucky I was sitting next to you really.” Viv told her. 
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Y/N asked, still slightly dazed from her slumber. 
“Well, They were going to draw on your face, like they did to me the first time I fell asleep near them. However, I told them that it was too early to scare you off. So you’re welcome.” Viv flashed you a toothy grin as he gestured to the oh-so-innocent men sitting behind them.
Y/N let out a small giggle at that as she turned to face Rick and Phil behind her. They just kept up their innocent facade and pretended to not know ‘what Vivian could possibly mean, as they would never do such a thing.’
It wasn’t long before they landed in LA and were off of the plane. After the luggage was collected they were escorted straight to a bus so that they could get to the hotel they were staying at. 
After getting to know him on the flight, Y/N stayed close to Vivian, Sav wasn’t far away either. As they climbed onto the bus, Y/N took note of the contents. There were seats facing each other in the front half of the bus, with little tables. As she looked back she could see an area covered by curtains, which she assumed to be the beds. Right near the back was a small room, with a washroom sign, hung on it. In between the sofas and the beds, was a small fridge and a small kitchenette. Nothing overly fancy but definitely suitable for six adults. 
Straightaway, the men all went to claim a bed. Despite not staying there tonight, Y/N knew that they would be staying on the bus a lot and assumed that the five of them already had designated beds from previous tours.
Once everyone had settled, Y/N made her way over and discovered that the final bed was on the bottom left, directly opposite Joe’s. Without making a sound, Y/N placed her handbag on the bed and turned to sit in the little space provided. She caught sight of Joe watching her before he turned away from her. 
‘At least he didn’t pull the curtain shut.’ Y/N thought to herself as she pulled out the schedule Malvin had given to her the other day. It had an itinerary of everything the band would be doing over the next few days. Malvin had told her that every few days she would be given an updated one rather than having the general one, so that she could give the band more details as to what they would be doing. 
She saw that tonight there was nothing to do once they got to the hotel but tomorrow morning after breakfast they would be at soundcheck before the show. Whilst they were at soundcheck, she made a mental note to go grocery shopping to stock up the tour bus. Another job she had. Malvin had given her a list of basic items that the band usually had but Y/N planned on asking them all for their own input. Whilst most meals would be eaten either in restaurants, or provided at venues, she wanted to make sure the boys had enough to eat during the long drives between locations. 
It wasn’t long before they got to the hotel. Y/N met up with Malvin in the hotel lobby, helping him to check in whilst the rest of the boys stood behind them. She could hear them all whispering but ignored them as she watched how Malvin handled check-in, knowing that soon enough that would be her responsibility. 
The receptionist gave her the keys to their rooms and Y/N walked over to the nad, giving them their room numbers and keys. Joe just nodded at her, taking off to his room before she could give him instructions on how to get there. Shrugging his behaviour off once again, she just focused on the rest of the band. She was in room 513, Sav 515, Rick 512, Viv in 514, Phil in 518 and Joe in 517. 
Making her way to her hotel room, Y/N made small talk with the rest of the band. Once they got to their rooms she bid them all goodnight. As soon as her door was shut, Y/N sighed and made her way over to the bed. Knowing better than to go to sleep earlier whilst jet lagged, Y/N started to organise herself with a to-do list of her tasks. 
It wasn’t long after she started that she heard a knock at the door.
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mxnsxngie · 1 year
Meant For Me (P.S): Chapter 4
Warnings: little bit of language but nothing bad
Word Count: 1617
Let Me Know What You Think!
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay in getting this out! Work got really busy for me, but here it is! Hopefully I can have the next out quicker for you all!
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You couldn’t help the small smile that took over your face as you read the last message Seonghwa sent you, butterflies swarming in your stomach as you did. You quickly shuffled over to the door, wrapped in your blanket, and opened it to see him giving you a gentle smile on the other side.
“Hey there” he says as he smiles at you as he walks through the door.
“Hey, thanks for coming over. Especially so quickly on such short notice” you say a little quietly as you shut the door and follow him to your kitchen.
“Like I said, anything for you. I meant that” he says as he sets the food on the counter and turns to you. Already knowing what you want, he takes you into his arms as you get closer, holding you and rubbing your back as you hug him.
“I really appreciate it. I’m not usually like this.” You whisper, blushing slightly at how close you are to him. You’re never this affectionate this quickly with anyone, but it’s still just something about him that makes you feel like you can.
“No I get it, it’s okay. Let’s go get comfy on the couch and we can talk about it before we put on a movie, yeah?” He asks, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as you pull back from him and nod.
“Yeah” you say as you take his hand without thinking and lead him to the couch. He sits down, pulling you to sit next to him as you both get comfortable.
“So what exactly happened?” He asks as you pull your blanket around you a little more, getting comfortable.
“I’m not really sure?” You sigh. “It doesn’t usually bother me when the girls are busy, and it’s not that I’m not happy for them. Like I said, I am. I’m so glad they found their person. But I guess it’s because things changed so suddenly you know? We went from all being a round a lot to them hardly being here all at once and it’s a lot. I think it’s that and a part of me does still wish that I had a soulmate. You know?” You ramble, fiddling with your blanket as you explain yourself to him.
“No, I totally get it. It’s been an adjustment for me too, though I don’t mind being on my own much, and I’m a little more used to it it seems” he says as you feel him take your hand that’s fiddling with the blanket and take it in his own, rubbing over your knuckles like he did the day you met at the coffee shop. The same warm feeling takes over you as he does.
“And I get it about the soulmate thing. Part of me still hopes. But as long as I can find someone and be happy, I suppose it’s not all bad” he says as he looks up at you.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. It would definitely help” you say with a slight blush as you look him in the eyes.
“I think we’ll both have that. I’m not sure what this is yet, but I’m happy with you” he whispers as he pulls you closer so he can hold you.
“I am too. And that’s all that matters to me” you say as you smile and nestle into his side, curling up against him.
“Me too” he smiles as he puts his arm around you and pulls you a little closer. “Now, what movie sounds good to make you feel better?” He asks as he plays with your hair.
“Okay don’t judge me, but can we watch one of the Star Wars movies? They’ve always made me feel better when I’m down. Kind of my comfort series” you say as you blush again, nervous about admitting this to him.
“Oh my god you really are perfect” he says from beside you, making you turn your head to look at him.
“What?!” You say as you laugh a little at his reaction.
“You, you’re literally perfect! I’m obsessed with Star Wars!” He says, excitement taking over his face.
“No way! Oh my god I love this!” You laugh as you smile at him.
“Me too” he says smiling at you. “You get it queued up, I’ll go get the snacks okay?” He says as he gets up, squeezing your hand before walking away.
“Okay” you say, smiling to yourself as you get it pulled up. How did you get so lucky to have someone in your life that gets you so well? Your thoughts are cut short as he comes back in with the food.
“Alright, ready?” He asks as sits down, setting the popcorn and drinks in front of you while pulling you back into his side with the other arm.
“Ready” you smile, starting the movie as you lean back into him, sighing.
Throughout the movie, you quietly talk about your favorite parts, the lore of the series, and crack jokes the whole time, all the while he’s playing with your hair or rubbing your shoulder with the hand that’s around you. You can’t remember the last time you felt this happy and stress free. Before you know it, the movie is wrapping up, and you’re a little sad it’s over so quickly.
“You want to watch the next one?” He asks quietly, looking over at you.
“How do you do that?” You ask in surprise.
“Do what?” He asks, confused at what you mean.
“I swear it’s like you can read my mind sometimes.” You chuckle. “I was literally just thinking that I was a little bummed it was over already” you say as you look at him.
“Well for starters, I will never say no to more Star Wars, so you have to know that. Second, again, I would do anything for you so if you want to watch more than I’m staying. And I could tell you got a little bummed. So, are we watching more and I’m staying?” He asks with a smile.
“Yeah, we can watch another” you say as you start the next one, blushing under his gaze.
You aren’t sure what makes you do it, but you take his hand in yours, squeezing it a little.
“Thank you again Hwa” you whisper as you squeeze his hand.
“For what?” He asks as he squeezes you hand lightly in return.
“For being here, for being you, for taking care of me, for everything” you say quietly.
“You don’t have to thank me for any of this, I told you, I would do anything for you. You mean the world to me. I don’t know how it happened, but you do” he says as he pulls away a little and turns to look directly at you.
“I’m just not used to being anyone’s priority this much I guess” you say as you look down.
“Well you are now, because you are to me” he says as he tilts your head back up by your chin to look him in the eye. You’re surprised because he’s moved closer to you since you looked down.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything. I like being around you, being with you. I-” he cuts himself off before he can finish.
“You what?” You ask as you look him in the eye.
“I want to be with you” he says as his hand cups your cheek, thumb rubbing across it as he does.
“I want to be with you too” you whisper as you lean in to him, both leaning in, eyes fluttering shut as you get closer. The same warmth you feel when you’re around him starts spreading, almost feeling like you’re burning up the closer he gets to you.
Only for there to be a knock at your door, interrupting you.
He lets out an annoyed groan, resting his forehead against yours as you sigh in disappointment at your moment being cut short.
“Next time” he whispers as he pulls back so he can get up to get the door for you.
“Next time” you whisper, left with the sounds of the movie in the background as the warmth in you recedes now that he’s pulled away.
“Hey man what’s up?!” You hear a familiar voice yell as the door opens.
“Woo? What the hell are you doing here?” Seonghwa asks in confusion.
“Woo? Wait, how do you even know where I live?” You ask as you turn to look at the two in confusion.
“Oh, Joong and Cassi told me. They wanted me out of the place, cause well, you know” he says as he wiggles his eyebrows before continuing. “They said Seonghwa was probably over here hanging out with you and told me where to go so here I am!” He says as he plops on the couch beside you.
“Of course they did” you sigh as you facepalm.
“It’s okay, I’ll kill him later for us” Hwa whispers in your ear as he sits down beside you again.
“That would be nice” you whisper back as you nod.
“Well, we’re watching Star Wars, so hope you like it” he tells Woo with a slightly annoyed tone.
“Aw come on, you can’t win over a girl by exposing her to your nerdy interests” Wooyoung teases him.
“Actually, I'm the one who picked it” you tell him as you look over at him while settling in against Seonghwa again.
“Well shit. Maybe you guys really are soulmates” Wooyoung says as he laughs and turns to watch the movie.
Maybe you were, maybe you weren’t. But there was definitely something between you two.
Tag List: @yxngbxkkie @channiechxn @imagine-a-life-like-this @maeleelee @l3visbby @kpop-in-new-albion @adoringsof @babyboyquokka @jisuperboard @zoe8stay @sugrlamb @seungbinbin @telesvng @i-love-ateez
Requests are open! If you want to be tagged in the future let me know! My chat and inbox are always open so feel free to come talk to me anytime!
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