#hopefully coffee will help
cambius · 10 months
GOOD MORNING. gonna try to get some more starters posted before my friend comes over today, maybe go through my askbox on my old blog and post the answers here.
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ohno-pleasure · 11 months
Starting to feel very Office Space "what exactly is it that you do here" wrt my brother. . . . . . .
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flygonscales · 16 hours
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2 weeks at uni and I’ve already reached peak procrastination. I found masking tape and somehow decided that the best use of my time was to make a tiny Belphemon-sleep.
#I actually can’t wait till student finance have processed my dsa#maybe next year or something I should look for an adhd diagnosis? if I’m having this much trouble focussing and a cup of coffee doesn’t work#anymore as a way for me to focus maybe I should see if meds would help?#(when I got my autism diagnosis i was also told its possible that I have adhd. I’d privately suspected adhd before I considered autism)#like. some days I can focus. it feels like I’m balancing on a knife-edge and it’s very stressful#and I can’t do it on command or anything#but sure#seeing one piece of fanart with Boy from tts#and my whole day goes down the drain because I can’t drag myself away from the series#and listening to video game soundtrack helps but then if I do that too much I start feeling lonely but I can’t listen to a podcast because#then I focus on that above the work I’m meant ti be doing#and even then I might look up other stuff about the video game I’m listening to#and the worst times are when I become self aware and that really breaks my focus but I know I’ve got to keep going#and then at the end of the day I feel awful because I’ve done about 1-2 hours actual work in 6 hours#time I could have spend doing other work or#heaven forbid#enjoying myself#that was more of a rant than I expected#I’m doing ok I think#I hope#i know I’m not meant to compare myself with others#but I’ve done more work than my flatmates#and that at least makes me feel a little better#I’m going to get myself a coffee now#hopefully that’ll help me today#my goal is at least 200 words#then I can stop#actually autistic#autism#personal rant
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
most fucked up thing about the body's response to not eating is when you're so hungry you feel like you're gonna throw up. this does not make it easier to eat food actually
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despairforme · 6 months
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Sunshine hits him and he feels a little better.
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
i am never beating the sleepy bitch allegations for i am, in fact, a sleepy bitch today
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werewolfbarista · 1 year
job 1 DONE . onto my shift at job 2 :').........
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 20 days
I have had a VERY busy week (positive but very very socially draining) and I am ABOUT to have a few days of work and then ANOTHER very busy week (work, 2 different appointments and a job interview) and I just wanna take a moment and remind myself that I may take longer to do things than average but im still DOING them and it's. Okay to still feel tired several days after making a phonecall
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caressthosecheekbones · 2 months
good morning.
you cannot make cold brew coffee with a little nut milk cloth filter.
I could read a fanfic through her.
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urbeastprime · 2 months
Mid/Late July Updoot
Hey, all.
Been halfway between nose to the grindstone, and resting haha. Haven't been able to do much writing this past week but I'm hoping to change that this weekend. It's been a bit of a struggle to keep my energy up… I was trying to quit coffee, but I think I need to just bite the bullet on that and accept that it's either no caffeine addiction, or no energy through the day. Between the two, I'll take coffee :/
Anyways. I'm pretty proud of what I've been doing with the warm up stories. It's been nice to tear into some of the story ideas I've had building up, and nice to flex my writing muscles again without the pressure of a bigger story. But, I'm also craving a bigger story at this point…
I AM getting near the end of my built-up queue of short stories. With a good week, I'd guess I could build up at least another half-dozen, which would be enough for a full week and a half of updates, so I'm crossing my fingers for that. That said, I might skip uploading next Monday (that is, the 22nd), just to maintain a bit of a lead.
Mm. I keep thinking I have other thoughts I want to share in these journals, but I never seem to be able to articulate them right. Oh well.
That's about it. Hope ya'll have been enjoying the new stuff as they come, even when they are a little too short to really indulge in the ideas present. Thanks for reading!
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knightelf · 2 months
have such a bad headache at work i feel nauseous oughf
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dreamcast-official · 4 months
maybe we should try coffe...
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kowaindar0u · 4 months
life stress just kinda went up considerably 💀 I doubt my activity will change all that much any time soon but ugh man. If it does I'm probably like. Spending some time screaming internally lol
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the-kipsabian · 6 months
im so drained but i promised to do something with people today, please send so much energy ;;
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figgyblossom · 7 months
when u wake up with that pre-migraine headfacefeeling is throb and throb and stabby and throb did someone punch me in the back of my head? if someone could come gently cradle my head in their lap while I put ice over my eyes that would be ~great~ 🔪☕️🩸👼🩸🧊🔪
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six-of-ravens · 11 months
to do today (a very short list bc I feel like crap, whether that's the covid/flu shots or the hike yesterday idk, probably the former bc my legs don't even hurt despite all the trudging uphill):
hopefully finish Hummingbird Salamander (I need to know what happens aaaahhhhh)
tidy up the apartment (not much to do since I've been out for the past 2 days, just dishes and maybe a load of laundry)
make acorn squash chicken pot pie for supper (need to use up the squash, and this'll make enough food for work lunches for this week and hopefully the next.)
gather all my work stuff and try to remember how to be an employee (mainly: what time do I have to leave to get the free parking)
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