#hopefully i did it justice
donutbroski · 8 months
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Here’s a panel redraw I did for @rottmnt-residuum drawathon!
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Here’s the sketch too because I was really prod of it :)
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fruitbythefoot7 · 1 year
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jay-avian · 1 year
Epilogue Writing Exercise
Prompt: Write an epilogue for another story
I chose Howl's Moving Castle, one of my favorite books by far! I had such a fun time writing this one :)
Note: we had 10 minutes prep and 40 minutes of writing time
Sophie never understood the fuss of a wedding. She supposed something so heartfelt did deserve some special attention. It was a miracle that Howl managed to find love after all. Though she still didn’t feel she deserved something big and grand like Howl was hoping for. He wanted them to wear the finest clothes and be wed in the most extravagant of places. Sophie, however, wanted something closer to her roots. Through some arduous bickering, they eventually agreed upon something quite fitting.
They’d be wed in the flower field among their friends and family. Martha talked with the Cesari to help make them a splendid chocolate cake. Fanny would help sew Sophie’s dress. (Howl insisted that he magic up his own, lest Sophie’s family line was just as bad with fixing clothes as her.) Michael sent invites to everyone they knew, including Howl’s family from Wales. They weren’t too thrilled with the idea of another world, but they were glad that he found someone who could tolerate him.
It was the day before the wedding and the hustle and bustle was upon them all. Decorations to be put up, food to be delivered, a priest to be found. Everyone was running hither and thither to complete the finishing touches. And while the hectic spree was going on outside, Fanny was helping Sophie get ready in the castle bathroom. Sophie sat on a stool in her long, ruffled, white dress staring into the mirror as Fanny brushed and braided her hair. Sophie could hardly believe who she was looking at. Not months before, she would’ve been looking at a misfortune girl, given up on making her own way. Now, she looks at the bold, beautiful young woman before her in reverence.
“Something the matter, dear?” Fanny pauses to ask. “You seem thoughtful.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Sophie replied. “Just.. uncertain, that’s all.”
“Oh don’t worry! Those feelings will pass once you see your husband-to-be. In fact, when I was to marry your father, I…” Sophie drowned her speech with her own thoughts of Howl. She still couldn’t quite believe how he had been able to see her for who she was. Especially since she couldn’t even see herself in such a way.
‘My fortune really did turn around,’ she thought to herself.
Much sooner than she thought, it was time for Sophie to walk down the isle. When she opened the door, all eyes were upon her. She was able to catch a glimpse of Howl talking quite proudly with Michael. She thought perhaps he was gloating about how he didn’t feel nervous at all. (What a lie that would’ve been.) But when he turned to look, his expression turned to awe. He stood still, taking in a beauty he had never quite seen before.
Fanny took the honors of walking Sophie down the carpeted path amongst the tulips. When Sophie reached the altar, she was just as captivated by Howl. Trying to hide her nervousness, and ease Howl’s, she decided to banter. “What, no questions about how your outfit looks? Or comments about your hair?”
Howl eases into a smile. “I’m sorry dear, you seemed to have cast some sort of spell to make me speechless.”
Calcifer clears his throat and begins speaking. “Dearest friends, we are gathered here today to witness a miracle. The miracle of love, and how Sophie managed to worm her way into Howl’s heart (quite forcefully, might I add)...”
“Oh, skip to the end, Calcifer,” Howl said, waving him off without so much a glance.
Calcifer sighed. “Do you, Howell Jenkins, accept Sophie to be your lawfully-wedded witch?”
“I do,” Howl sighed with stars in his eyes.
“And do you, Sophie Hatter, accept Howell to be your lawfully-wedded wizard?”
Sophie gazed at Howl. She notices not only the excitement in his eyes, but the soul that was returned to him. She sees the heart she helped to free, the passionate, loyal, and caring heart she learned to love after everything. “...I do.”
“Then, by the power invested in me (by Miss Sophie), I now pronounce you husband and wife! For those averse to intimacy, look away now.” Howl took Sophie in his arms, dipped her down, and kissed her as she held his head in her hands. The crowd cheered for the couple, though they could not hear it. Their attention was drawn to each other yet again, feeling each other’s smiles and hands.
The after party was excellent. Market Chipping was decorated with lights, the streets were filled with music and dancing. The cake turned out a marvel, too! Then the time came for Sophie to toss the bouquet. She sent it flying behind her, and a group of girls scrambled for it. In the end, it was Martha who caught it, who blushed deeply glancing at Michael (who also grew red). The night was filled with joy. Everyone went on their merry ways home, and Sophie and Howl went on back to the castle to live on their happily-ever-after.
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Quinnflag Snippet #6
A complete and total retcon of the "meanwhile Harley" scene with her and Luna.
Harley turns around to see the (second) most beautiful man she’s ever seen in her life (she’s committed to Rick but she’s not blind), and is so distracted that she almost misses him telling her how much he admires her. She fights the urge to burst out laughing when he says something about American oppression since, ya know, she’s ended up with a US soldier of all people despite being a convicted terrorist.
She’s not immune to compliments though. Maybe this Luna guy has ulterior motives (hoping she’ll reveal some information, maybe?) but dammit, she’s gonna enjoy feeling like a princess for once! Rick certainly treats her like one, but it’s hard to feel that way when you’re surrounded by bars and prison guards 24/7.
It doesn’t hit her until much later exactly what those ulterior motives are when Luna asks her to sit down with him on the couch.
“You want me to what?” ​That can’t have been right.
“Marry me,” he says simply.
Oh. This is awkward. This is so awkward.
“I uh, I think there may’ve been some miscommunication. I’m sorta seein’ someone already.”
“Ah. I see. Nevermind then.”
There’s awkward silence for several long moments as she fiddles with the gun in her lap that she’d picked up to admire. She stands up and changes the subject with a gesture out the window. “So that’s Jotunheim, huh?”
He seems to appreciate the change in subject because he doesn’t hesitate to tell her the story behind the Nazis and the experiments they were conducting there. The more he talks the more she realizes that the birdies and the fancy lunches and the compliments were actually hiding a truly terrible person. One full of red flags.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she says as Luna looks down in disbelief at the bullet wound in his chest. As he collapses and continues to struggle on the floor, she continues, “Look, a year ago I woulda accepted your proposal no questions asked, and ignored all the red flags, but this is me bein’ responsible and shit. You’re pretty much a big walking red flag, I mean, killing kids? Definitely a red flag!”
She pauses to breathe as Luna finally stops struggling. “You were real pretty and all, but all in all, I think you’re prettier like this, with all those rotten thoughts emptied from your head.”
Then she holds the gun up and makes a face. “I can’t believe this thing had a bullet.”
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conquerthenight · 8 months
44. With the de Winters!
TW: Suicide attempt
He had slipped out of the house hours before dawn, wandering the grounds aimlessly. The sun was just on the horizon when he caught sight of two silhouttes standing near the window of Rebeca’s bedroom. For a moment, Maxim wondered if sleep deprivation had caused him to begin hallucinating. No one ever went in there, no one except Mrs. Danvers. He had refused to set foot anywhere near the west wing since that night. It brought back far too many memories.
The way she used to taunt him, laughing in his face about the men she had had. He had never satisfied her and she made sure that he knew it. He had been content to ignore her, live separate lives once it was apparent that she would never love him. Rebecca had chosen a different course. If he thought about hard enough, he could feel her nails digging into his skin. He had never thought of himself as the type to lay his hands on a woman, and he had never retaliated.
Never, until he lost all control and throttled her. He had lost his temper plenty of times in a verbal sense. Ileana, Bea, and even Frank could attest to having heard him yell, curse, and sometimes even threaten. It was something Maxim was not at all proud of, especially last night’s outburst, but he vowed never to go as far as physical violence ever again. No one would know that he was a murderer if he had any luck.
No one except Rebecca herself.
Maybe he really was hallucinating, for the only explanation for someone else to be in Rebecca’s room with Mrs. Danvers was if Rebecca herself had had enough of tormenting his mind and rose from the grave to haunt him in the flesh.
Then the window opened, and the two figures stepped towards the edge. As expected, Mrs. Danvers was standing there, staring out at the sea in the distance. Her hand seemed to be placed on Ileana’s shoulder.
Ileana. Not Rebecca. What was Ileana doing there? She had stepped away from Mrs. Danvers and was looking downward, standing so close to the edge. Far too close for comfort.
Was she about to jump?
Immediately, Maxim made a mad dash toward the house only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw his young wife plummeting toward the ground. He knew he was too far away to catch her, but still he shouted her name and ran to her like he never had before.
“God damn it, Ileana, please be alive” He repeated the phrase with desperation as soon as he reached her. She had landed on her back, and there was blood coming in from what Maxim could only assume was a head wound. He scooped her up and ran her inside, shouting barely coherent pleas for someone to call a doctor, for his wife to be ok.
Ileana began to stir after a few minutes. Her eyes opened very slowly. “Maxim, what happened?” She asked groggily, groaning in pain.
Maxim immediately sat down by her side and squeezed her hand. “Thank god you’re alive! What the bloody hell were you thinking jumping out the window like that?” His voice betrayed a sense of worry that he had never allowed anyone to hear before.
In a way he already knew the answer. No one would jump out a window unless they intended to end their own life.
“I…wanted to die” There it was. Ileana had confirmed the worst. “You’d be better off”
Last night. The ball. The dress. The way he got up in her face and screamed. He hadn’t even apologized for it. Had he driven her to try and kill herself? He must have.
“Don’t say that, please,” Maxim begged her. “I’m so fucking sorry, for everything. You weren’t to know about the dress last night and I was a bloody arsehole. I love you. You know that”
It was a lie, she didn’t know he loved her. This was the first time he had said it, and he hadn’t shown it very well at all since their arrival at Manderley nearly 5 months ago.
He would remedy that and more, if only the powers that be would let her live.
Ileana stared at him with wide, exhausted eyes. It was painfully obvious that she hadn’t expected his declaration. However, the shock gave way to a smile as she closed her eyes once more. “I love you too”
She was about to drift out of consciousness again. Maxim couldn’t let that happen. “No. No, stay with me, darling. The doctor’s going to arrive any moment” He gently tapped her cheek in an attempt to keep her awake.
Ileana hummed. “I don’t know…how long I’ll last” She did not open her eyes, and there was an audible crack in her voice.
Maxim kissed her hand, then her forehead. He could not lose her. He would not lose her. Not here, not now. “You’re going to live, Ileana. I swear to god, you’ll live”
“You…really think so?” Ileana asked.
Maxim nodded, wanting to offer his poor wife some comfort, but finding himself struggling for words. “If you die I’m going to kill you” He blurted out impulsively after a short silence, realizing too late what he had said. For one thing it made no sense, and for another he had no intention of killing anyone, let alone Ileana.
He would never repeat what he had done to Rebecca.
“Wouldn’t that rather defeat the purpose, darling?” His wife had just repeated the exact same words he himself had used in response to that insipid Mrs. Van Hopper back in Monte Carlo. Maxim would have found it funny had those words come out of anyone else’s mouth, but Ileana said them with such sincerity that he couldn’t laugh.
He gave her a quick peck on the lips, stroking her cheek with his free hand.“Yes. Yes it would”
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brainmuncher · 22 days
So I had another idea come at me while making lunch (I'm starting to sense a pattern with myself, lmao)
What if when Jazz sends out letters to the colleges she wants to get into, she gets sent rejection letters from every single one... except the local community college. She's absolutely devastated about it. She thought that she did everything she could to be chosen. How could every single one reject her?
Danny, of course, hears about it and asks Tucker to check and see if something happened digitally. Surely, Technus or Vlad or someone messed with something to sabotage her. But when Tucker checks, there's absolutely nothing wrong. She still has her perfect grades and attendance record all set with no marks. Her community service hours are all there. It's only when he looks at the letters themselves that he finds the problem...
After looking online to see what the letters look like, he comes to a puzzling realization... the letters were fake. It's a good fake, but it's not the real thing. The signatures were off, and the writing had been changed.
This is what leads him down the rabbit hole.
He tries to ask about it online to ask others who've also been rejected. Except nobody is answering him.
Sam tries to call the numbers listed on the websites of the colleges... but the person who answers is strangely unknowledgeable about the college they represent.
The only college that seems normal about it was the nearby community college. And that somehow feels the least normal about everything.
It was only when he heard his mom complaining that they never heard from family anymore after they moved to Amity that he figured it out.
Containment. Nothing is leaving Amity. No emails, texts, letters, or posts online. Everything was being blocked.
Of course, this sends him on a mission as to why and how. He spends weeks on it. Sam and Danny actually began to become concerned for him. No, this isn't a pride thing, Sam. And yes, he is taking care of himself, Danny.
Technus is the one who gives him the answer. It was just a passing comment about how he needed to funnel through the GIW in order to infect the world. It didn't make sense to any of them because surely that's the last place you would want to do that. But then it dawned on Tucker. That's who has the power needed to do it! That's where he needed to look!
So he hacks into the GIW and is astonished by what he finds.
The anti ecto acts aren't real. There's no laws even acknowledging ghosts.
There's a file on Phantom, marked as 'candidate for X'.
And all he can find on the containment is a name he's seen described as the creator of the GIW and the main supplier of funds.
Amanda Waller.
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lil-vibes · 4 months
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these lovely designs are @dogiperson 's! thank you op for showing me the light that is narilamb yuri
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dibbs-n-scribbs · 3 months
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@jaspernotcasper had a post asking to draw Columbo and Dog like this, so I delivered what I could. I had a lot of fun making this!
(outlined version + reference photo of this under the cut!)
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cherrysodabear · 13 days
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🦊'Its me!!'🐻
✨️Michael and Jeremy designs belong to @chloesimaginationthings !!✨️
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oddballenvy · 23 days
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im trying to figure out my art style again, and in the process i drew my rendition of a blaze gijinka
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dailypav · 7 months
Drawing Pav every day until he's playable: Day 105
Pav in Visual Kei fashion
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inspired by this tweet:
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redbean-nom · 4 months
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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skialdi · 2 years
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Sometimes, you just need a hug (whether you realize it or not)
If you’ve seen Stargate Atlantis, you may recognize this scene. I just had to draw it with Quinlan and Obi-wan. It was too perfect.
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ginooknook · 11 months
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uh so i think im down BAD for this guy.. so i present you a redraw of world’s finest dick grayson (& the unmasked ver)
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maiaczy · 7 months
It isn't Mermay yet, but could you draw Mista as a merman? XD
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Mermista with his fish friends
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demigod-of-the-agni · 8 months
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kurunthokai, 168 — “what the hero said to his heart”
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